Foothills Times NO. 71 FULL VERSION

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Jan/Feb Edition No. 71

SINCE 2007



iver side


Page 80 PAGE 73 Photographer Debora Montgomery

JAN/FEB 2022 Vol. 13 No. 71 Editor In Chief

Professional Photographers Debora Montgomery / Wildlife & Beach Jennifer Hadley / Wildlife Ed Holland / Wildlife & Airplane Views Carolyn Choate

Writers • Photographers • Contributors

Photo Contributors Jeri Fletcher, Jessica Lynch, Meagon Cromer, Darlynn Hairens Ardos Pam Crigger, Robbie Curle, Nora Raynor Terri Shelton, Todd Jorgensen Conrad Easter, Michelle Brook Webb

Writers and Assignments Senior Writer - Vickie Smitherman Wall Assistant Editor - Brook Boone For the Love of Coffee - Khristie Petree Book Review - Maria Love Go Visit - Jaqueline Malagon J. Baugess Classic Autos - Shannon Bauguess Old News - David Eriksen MyDog - Jennifer Minton Picture Search - Guy Dorsinville True Grit- Meagon Lawson Wedding Inspirations - Bobbie Davis Food for Thought - Stacey Davis Food for Thought - Sharon Cole Wingo Denmark - Fie Cecillie Anderson Freestyle - Tracy Shepherd Wedding Inspirations - Jessica Jones Wedding Inspirations & Garden - Grace Tipping

Artists with a Canvas Rebekah Bailey Smith, Gail R. Peterson Gray Rutledge, Sharon Brooks, Rick Fulcher

Music & Musicians Anna Mertson George, Brittanie Phipps, Johnnie Dee, Tracy Shepherd, Dori Staehle, Ralph McGee, Punk Floyd Project

PLEASE READ / DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES Jan 19th. Hello Writers, Photographers & Contributors! I want to thank you for joining our Foothills Times Team. Being part of the team The resilience of our magazine has been great since 2007. Now as we turn a new page team, new challenges as we face them together. I want to let you know I appreciate your response for assisting me, with great rewards in the future. As with any venture, are goal is to constantly improve on our online magazine Bi-Monthly Foothills Times (online only). Here are three categories you will see with your name by one of them. If your name is in RED it means you haven't joined the group on our private group through Facebook. Please fix as soon as you can by joining. If the assignment is incorrect, send me an email at

Writers: Please send any stories or articles tome at All articles should be no more then 300 words or less. Poetry obviously will be a lot less. If you have photos to go with the articles just attach them in your email. If you want, you can send up to 6 stories and you will be set for the year. Send all articles in a WORD document so I may edit them. Please no stories directly from the internet, for your name will be attached as the writer. Photographers & Photo Contributors: All your work you allow us to use will be credited to you. Whether it is animals, barns, flowers, mountains, rivers, cars, vacations etc. As a photo contributor, you are agreeing to allowing me to take photos or videos from your facebook page and put them in the magazine. You may of course send me photos directly to my email. Descriptions of photos are always great when you provide them. Please limit phone calls and texts. Musicians: We have appreciated having musicians in our magazine, allowing our readers to know all about you. So now, we will feature a small bio on each of you in every issue for free. In addition video links will be featured in the magazine linked to your YouTube video. So with one click from our magazine it goes to YOUR video. Along with these features, we want to have a post with your scheduled performances. Anyone interested in coordinating performance dates please let me know. All photos should be high quality and sent to me at & Editor In Chief


WRITERS NEEDED A writer is a person who uses written words in different styles and techniques to communicate ideas.

Someone who loves to write, but not sure who would publish there work free?

David K. Eriksen Editor-in-Chief

Introducing The Foothills Times Contributing Writers and Photographers This magazine would not be possible without the team effort of many Volunteers.

JAN/FEB 2022 / Vol. 12 No. 71 David Eriksen


MYDOG page 16


Jenn Minton


page 22


Vickie Smitherman Wall SENIOR WRITER

Betty White

pages 48-49 & 80-81

A Walk In The Woods, Keeps One Grounded. page 56 Shannon Bauguess



with Maria Love

Maria Love


ANNE of GREEN GABLES page 56 written by L.M. Montgomery

The Giving Soup Stacey Davis

page 61


page 72

Brook Boone writer

“The Road Ahead” Gail Ruth Peterson writer

page 31

Danielle Hairston writer

page 60

Epic Beef Nachos Supreme Sharon Cole Wingo Food for Thought

Meagan Lawson


Food for Thought 5

Appalachian Pone Bread Homemade Pizza PAGE 65


The Journey Wildlife photographer

photographers Jennifer Hadley



Wild Life Photographer PAGE 30-33 Debora Montgomery photographer

page 26

Ed Holland


Aerial & Panoramic Photographer page 39

Snow fall photos from Germanton, North Carolina photographer

page 59 He got me on page 25

A walk in the woods photos. Carlotta Carla Smith photographer

Paul Harding



page 54

Maple Burbon Salmon (336) 983-3641 Dine-In / Take Out Available Call us about your rehearsal dinner, we will be happy to plan it for you.

627 S. Main Street King, NC 27021 This version of Town & Country was opened in July of 1987. The restaurant originally had its beginnings 18 years prior to that. There have been five expansions of existing building. With the help of family and great employees we have provided King with a high quality dining experience.

singing the classic songs of Frank Sinatra,

Entertainer, Jazz singer, scientifically inclined, modeler, animator, Graphic designer, Voice-Over. “My Way” Video

SEE PAGES 85 & 86 (click here to go to these pages)



8 9

SINCE 2007

“Buy Dirt” by Jordan Davis and Luke Bryan (a Khriste Petree favorite) “Carolina in my mind” by James Taylor (a Lisa Stiffler favorite) “Cecilia” by Simon & Garfunkel (a Grace Tipping favorite) “Cherish the Day” by Sade (a David Eriksen favorite) “Drift Away” by Dobie Gray (a Bobbie Wilson favorite) “Happy” Pharrell Williams (a Maria Love favorite) “Heart of the matter” by Don Henley (a Todd Jorgensen favorite) “Hotel California” by The Eagles (a Lisa Still Watts favorite) “The Only Name (Yours Will Be)” by Daddy Weave (a Jeri Fletcher favorite) “Islands in the Stream” by Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton (a Barbara McMillian favorite) “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mack (a Brook Boone favorite) "Love Song" by Tesla (a Johnnie Hunter favorite) "No one".by Alicia Keys (a Carlotta Carla Smith favorite) “Nothing Ese Matters” by Matallica (a Amy Moore favorite) “Only God Knows Why” by Kid Rock (a Natalie Marisa favorite) “Pretty Women” by Orbison (a Robin Jorgensen) “Strawberry wine” by Deanna carter (a Ashley Elkins favorite) “Summer wind” by Frank Sinatra (a Johnny Dee favorite) “Sun Don’t Shine” by Klang Karussell (a Zinna Thompson favorite) “Sweet Dreams” by Annie Lennox (a Nora Raynor favorite) “The Devil Went Down To Georgia” by Charlie Daniels (a Sharon Wingo favorite) “The man with the child in his eyes” by Kate Bush (a Tracy Shepherd favorite) “Turn the page” by Bob Seger (a Cindy Knight favorite) “I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” ― Billy Joel “Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer


11 12



I love all the seasons! You have to admit though, snow in the Winter is peaceful! Here is a bit of peace on Earth! 14

Sabika Jewelry By Khriste Petree

(336) 592-9078

Khriste Petree

By women, for women. Heirloom quality jewelry that is handcrafted with love and sold through Independent Sabika Consultants.



1214 Reynolda Road, Winston Salem, NC 27021


LIGHTHOUSE Event Planning

CATERING Full Service Catering And Drop Off


We Are Ready!!

◦ Weddings ◦ Consulting ◦ Scheduling ◦ Corporate Events

Weddings, Family Reunions, Parties and more...


Allison Golden

4732 North Carolina Hwy 66 S King, NC 27021 15





Lars and I Together we ride A wintery, mix A glimpse of this Years’ twists A multitude, mounts smiles a fortune. Set by hills, covered eyes. In blanketed, snow-capped valleys awaited

Gleeful play, upon the Duo set Outlining snow, Upon our voyages we ride, Love-shaped, avenues is a new and long awaited You and I, Forever best by my side Upon snow-covered hills, valleys, and peaks a wintery-treat at it’s best is the gifts and the thrills of the adventures you seek.

Owner Terr

i Brackens

photos by Terri Brackens

Retracing Our set eyes hold its truth’ Behold, a beauty set is forever best with you. My new friend LARS.

Lars was adopted at 7 months old. At times, it is often thought of and wondered by those of us who we have met and adopted, who rescued who. It has been said that many smiles of joy this dog has brought into her new found home. In fact, all of those who have had the pleasure of meeting her is both a reminder and genuine experience. We all can greatly appreciate and acknowledge, we need her as much as she needed us. Welcome Lars- our newfound snow-covered, dog we Love! 16



photos by Terri Brackens




send your dog photos to:






bu dy g 18


Dr a

am MELVIN Send your DOGGY or KITTY pictures to: “I’m suspicious of people who don’t like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn’t like a person.” Bill Murray


send your dog photos to:


uring the height of the pandemic, like many others, I found myself with extra free time and in need of a friend. Majority of my days were spent hiking, exploring, sightseeing...and the only thing that was missing was a companion to experience it all with. I met a woman who owned a farm in the small town of Seagrove, NC and had nine little "whoopsies" she called them. Nine Belgian Malinois puppies mixed with Great Pyrenees. thought to myself "how fun would it be to explore this town and bring home a friend in the process".

Jenn Minton

I writer

Now keep in mind I have zero experience with either breed..but when I saw their photos something inside me said "this is the one". Fast forward to her handing me the puppy and saying " This is a different kind of dog" with a smile on her face. Little did know what I was in for...but anyone who knows me well knows I am up for a challenge. This puppy, although Monti mixed with Great Pyrenees, was all Belgian Malinois. He had the size of the Pyrenees and the mind of the Malinois..what a combination! The Belgian Malinois is one of the top breeds chosen by police departments around the country, they work with Navy Seals, are incredibly intelligent, and packed with energy. There is a reason why the military and police chose this's not for the faint of heart. I brought home this puppy that loved to learn, it seemed he understood everything I said. At 8 weeks he could sit, paw, stay, wait, down. I was so impressed with his ability to learn. I am no professional trainer by any means and I studied and studied this breed, asked advice from K9 officers I met along the way, and everyday was a training day for both my puppy and myself. I put 100% into this puppy and I will be honest, there were days I felt I was in over my head. He was pushy, bitey, and strong as an Ox. He tested my every limit. Some days I had to stop and take a deep breath and regroup my emotions and my patience. Many people will tell you this breed should not be raised as a pet..and they are right for the most part. I had to be one step ahead of him, analyzing his next move..using a bit of psychology to redirect his t thought process at times. I gave him a lot of love and a lot of patience, I never gave up on him. Monti will celebrate his two year birthday this coming June, and I could not be more proud of him and myself as well. He has molded into the most loving, sweet, loyal dog a person could ask for. He now has a new best friend to play with, a six month old Shiloh Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix named Molly and they are inseparable. This breed is not for everyone, it takes a lot of dedication, a lot of work and a lot of space for exercise..but if you check all these boxes, you will end up with the most loyal companion and best friend you could ask for.



“Mommy spent all week with me, and then decides today it’s time for work. I’m not having it. We need to have a serious talk about being a stay at home mom.”




By Tracy Shepherd

I do not remember how long I've been here It could be a month it May be a year I'm fed and I'm petted and walked every day but it's home with your smile that I long for each day... Humans come and they go and some of us find homes I patiently wait knowing my turn must come soon I'm grateful and loyal and full of joy Just obediently waiting for love and new toys... Claiming a rescue is a wonderful thing It will make me so proud to feel your heart sing I'll love you forever and with just a few treats I'll sleep very soundly right there at your feet... A constant companion I'm really no horror I'll guard you and our house and bark loud if there's bother... So please do consider me I'm great company at home or outside I'm right by your side You will not regret it if you will just please... Take me home. These photos are of animals that may have been adapted already.

We are a small, rural shelter full of wonderful, adoptable pets. Please stop by and adopt your new best friend! 1999 Sizemore Rd (Quaker Gap Community) Germanton, NC 27019 23


SINCE 2007


“Oh, you’re just looking? Well Christopher Columbus was “just looking” and look what he found.” “This is a fun magazine, I’ll come out of the tree if you become a member?”

Why be a member: Published since 2007 Family oriented Professional Photographers Creative Writers Games & Puzzles Cute Stuff Recipes New Artists Community Support Local events awareness Monthly prizes Cool prizes Video Content You are a listed member 6 issues with updates

Wedding Inspirations added in the back


“In the still of the morning on Christmas Day, 2020, this bull elk was enjoying the serenity of the wood line in Cherokee. I was hoping I would see some elk in the fresh untouched snow. I said a little prayer, and it was answered. This beautiful young elk stepped out to explore the majesty of the new snow fall. The snowflakes on the tree limbs seemed to amaze him as much as his majestic beauty amazed me.”

Vickie Smitherman Wall


These are words from Deborah Montgomery who not only had the privilege of viewing the powerful bull elk, but also took these photos to share her experience with us as much as possible. I know that as you view this mighty animal, you will agree that a picture really is worth a thousand words because there are no adjectives that could paint this great beauty! Breathtaking in stature, the adult male “bull” elk stands nearly 5 feet-tall and can measure up to 8 feet from nose to tail. Bulls weigh between 700 to 1100 pounds and have antlers that may span an amazing 4 feet. Just the thought of such an amazing creature brings a sense of awe and wonder! Elk have not always been plentiful in the eastern Carolina mountains. According to the North Carolina Wildlife Organization, the eastern elk (formally. Cervus elaphus Canadensis) once roamed freely throughout the eastern United States, including North Carolina, until the arrival of European settlers. Debora Montgomery photographer


European settlers. In those days, hunting was unregulated and the elk was fair game. It wasn’t long until this hunting, and the loss of natural habitat, caused the elk population to decrease dramatically through the 1700’s. “By the year 1800, the Eastern Elk was extirpated from North Carolina and by the mid-1800s, Eastern Elk had almost disappeared throughout their range entirely. The last known wild Eastern Elk was killed in in Pennsylvania in 1877.”

These are words from Deborah Montgomery who not only had the privilege of viewing the powerful bull elk, but also took these photos to share her experience with us as much as possible. I know that as you view this mighty animal, you will agree that a picture really is worth a thousand words because there are no adjectives that could paint this great beauty! Breathtaking in stature, the adult male “bull” elk stands nearly 5 feet-tall and can measure up to 8 feet from nose to tail. Bulls weigh between 700 to 1100 pounds and have antlers that may span an amazing 4 feet. Just the thought of such an amazing creature brings a sense of awe and wonder! Elk have not always been plentiful in the eastern Carolina mountains. According to the North Carolina Wildlife Organization, the eastern elk (formally. Cervus elaphus Canadensis) once roamed freely throughout the eastern United States, including North Carolina, until the arrival of European settlers. In those days, hunting was unregulated and the elk was fair game. It wasn’t long until this hunting, and the loss of natural habitat, caused the elk population to decrease dramatically through the 1700’s. “By the year 1800, the Eastern Elk was extirpated from North Carolina and by the mid-1800s, Eastern Elk had almost disappeared throughout their range entirely. The last known wild Eastern Elk was killed in in Pennsylvania in 1877.” ( 27

It is interesting how animals have a very comforting effect on most of us. Myself personally have enjoyed several different types of house pets.

Scientists have also observed that interacting with animals increases levels of the hormone oxytocin. ... It slows a person's heart rate and breathing, reduces blood pressure, and inhibits the production of stress hormones. All of these changes help create a sense of calm and comfort.

Researchers at the University of London have discovered that dogs respond in a unique way to crying humans. Not only do many dogs approach crying people as if to comfort them, they also display submissive behaviors in response to crying, which is consistent with empathy.

An interesting trait my cat has, is moving his bowl around and clanking it against other bowls. That is indicating, he wants soft food. Well that little habit could be heard at least twice a day if I gave in to it. Exactly who has who trained?

But dogs are certainly not the only type of animal that effects us as humans. Other common house pets are cats. They certainly know how to cuddle up, sometimes looking for food or treats. And, they to are looking for association with their owner. 28

A little girl asked her mother, "How did the human race appear?" The mother answered, "God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so was all mankind made.." Two days later the girl asked her father the same question.. The confused girl returned to her mother and said, "Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?” The mother answered, "Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his."

I'm still waiting for the day my parents will say, "It's all fake. We're millionaires. This was just to teach you to be humble. "Wrong"

What is the word that everybody always says wrong?

A boy is in a prison cell with no windows and no doors: there are no holes in the ceiling or trapdoors in the floor, yet in the morning the jailers find him gone. How did he get out?

Through the doorway! (There were no doors, remember? A man rode into town on Tuesday. Two days later he rode home on Tuesday. How is this possible?

His horse's name is Tuesday.

An automobile.

Because they have two left feet!

What has ten letters and starts with gas?

A man is pushing his car along the road when he comes to a hotel. He shouts, "I'm bankrupt!" Why?

He was playing Monopoly.

Why aren’t dogs good dancers?

My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.

“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” Miles Kington


DO YOU REMEMBER any of these games? Or how you would play them? Ask a friend to help you?

Send us a picture of an old game you have.


“We travel in the direction of what we focus on.”

“The Road Ahead” I was thinking this morning about something a wise woman told me many years ago. It went something like this: “We travel in the direction of what we focus on.” It’s easy to see what this means when we think about driving a car or riding a bike. Suddenly, if something distracts us, the vehicle or bicycle is headed toward where we are looking. If you try this when you’re walking (don’t try it while driving!), you’ll find this to be true as well. AND it’s true of everything in life. I encouraged my daughter this morning as she starts her first day of the last semester of nursing school to focus on all you have accomplished to get to today because you have what it takes to pass and finish nursing school with flying colors!! (Don’t focus on the possibility of failing!) AND this little fact about focus and direction is true for you too!! If you keep looking at past failures, you keep failing. And God knows, it’s impossible to go back to the road behind us, so why keep walking in circles on that path when there is a perfectly good path ahead for you? 31

Gray Rutledge and Sharon Brooks Gray Rutledge and Sharon Brooks first began to pursue their interest in art roughly two years ago. After studying many videos of various artists with different techniques, they began painting. It grew over time into what has now become the Weathered Owl Art Studio. They use either oil or acrylic paints on stretched canvas. So far they have completed approximately 40-50 paintings. Currently, they are each working on two commissioned pieces. They have been fortunate enough to have some of their art reproduced into signed and numbered prints through the time and help of the Tim Bruce Art Gallery. Gray is a native of Stokes county and a graduate of South Stokes HS. Sharon is originally from Forsyth County and a graduate of Parkland HS. She moved to Stokes county 20+ years ago. Both attended Surry Community college and are self taught. Most of their paintings are done in the Ala Prima style also known as the wet on wet method.

SINCE 2007


Sharon Brooks 33

ARTIST The new and upcoming artist, “ReBaSm”, is backed by the Tim Bruce Gallery located at 106 E. Dalton Rd, in historic Downtown King, NC, where many of her originals and professional, limited edition prints are for sale. 34

Rebekah Smith, soon to be Rebekah Wanner, graduates from Lander University with a Bachelor’s of Fine Art in May of 2022. With an emphasis in 2D materials, she is classically trained in painting, drawing, portraiture, and photography. Adding to her degree a focus in wheel-thrown and hand-built ceramics, Rebekah enjoys the process of working in as many artistic ways as possible. A true craftsman at heart, all of her work is created by hand and made with love. While she has shared her work in many juried, group, and individual public exhibitions, she claims that her favorite gallery space will always be a commissioner’s home.



"Old Friends"

I’m sure you'll probably recognize the barn in this painting. I think you may have photographed it yourself. It's located here in King near LTD Farm Store on Meadowbrook. I've photographed it MANY times over the years, through all seasons and absolutely love it. This painting is titled "Old Friends" reflecting the many years the Old Barn and Beautiful Oak have been aging together. It is painted as I remember it way back when I first saw it, without most of the scars of time it shows today.

Paintings available at Tim Bruce Art Gallery in King, NC

106 E Dalton Rd. King NC 27021 336.830.2803



“I Hope each of you are well. As most photographers know, it takes much skill, technique, patience, and persistence to capture good images. The camera will not do it alone; that is for sure! That means practice makes perfect! Good thing I love learning, because I have a lot to learn yet! Growing up in western NC was wonderful! “


Great Horned Owlet photographer

SINCE 2007

Today was super weather for a stroll in the woods! It was a great day to have a great day! Here is a Great Horned Owlet! She is adorable, showing off her feather coat way, way up high! The sun was beaming through brightly against the blue sky! Thank you God for everything! This was in Greensboro, NC. Debora Montgomery



Special Announcement: More pages of Wedding Inspirations Magazine can be read in the online version.

Betty C. Harrell Travel Planner

“Where Vacation Wishes Come True”

276.251.1318 “Get your free no obligation quote for your Bachelor or Bachelorette Vacation, Honeymoon or Family Vacation.” 40

Thanks for reading....


SINCE 2007 41

photos Ed Holland

Ed Holland



“I finally got the rest of the New River Gorge photos processed and was right pleased. That was a super fun trip and I can't wait to go back and spend some more time!!” - Ed Holland The New River Gorge Bridge is a steel arch bridge 3,030 feet long over the New River Gorge near Fayetteville, West Virginia, in the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States. With an arch 1,700 feet (518 m) long, the New River Gorge Bridge was the world's longest singlespan arch bridge for 26 years; it is now the fifth longest. Part of US Route 19. An average of 16,200 motor vehicles cross the bridge each day.nConstruction began on the bridge in June 1974, and was completed on October 22, 1977.


photo by Charleston Gazette

photos Ed Holland

Jennifer Hadley photographer

The Journey


Jennifer Hadley in South Africa Birdie Photobomb! I didn't even realize that this Burchells Glossy Starling wanted to be part of the picture with mom and baby elephant until I got my pictures downloaded. The baby elephant looked pretty surprised to have a bird flying in his face.

Elephant bath time!


“flat cat”

The Journey Although I’ve seen lots of animals and birds, this was definitely a lion heavy safari which is just fine by me. My new favorite line is “flat cat” to refer to lions laying around in the heat of the day. I went flat cat myself and took a snooze in the bush vehicle. For the last few days I’ve been the only guest at the lodge which comes with some benefits like the other guides bringing breakfast and lunch out to the bush for us so my guide and I are able to stay out in the field for extended time, the last two days being 15 hours each day. It’s been an intense trip with long days and minimal sleep but I love the immersion I’ve had and some epic experiences.

Jennifer Hadley in South Africa


Jennifer Hadley photographer

The Journey “One day daddy, I’ll be big and tough like you.”


Betty White

White worked longer in the television industry than anyone else and earned herself a Guinness World Record in 2013, having it renewed in 2018.

January 17, 1922 - December 31, 2021

Betty Marion White Ludden was an American actress and comedian. A pioneer of early television, with a career spanning eight decades, White was noted for her vast work in the entertainment industry and being one of the first women to work both in front of and behind the camera. SOME MOVIES: 1945 Time to Killm 1951 The Daring Miss Jones 1962 Advise & Consent 1986 Big City Comedy 1996 The Story of Santa Claus 1998 Hard Rain 1998 Dennis the Menace Strikes Again 1998 Holy Man 1999 Lake Placid 1999 The Story of Us 2000 Whispers: An Elephant's Tale 2000 Tom Sawyer 2009 The Retrievers 2910 You Again 2012 The Lorax 2021 The Wild Thornberrys: The Origin of Donnie

TV: Life with Elizabeth What's My Line? To Tell the Truth The Carol Burnett Show The Tonight Show with Jack Paar The Betty White Show Match Game The Love Boat The $25,000 Pyramid Mama's Family Ladies Man Golden Girls Boston Legal plus many other roles.

photo by Variety at age 99

Golden Girls photo courtesy Good Housekeeping

The Golden Girls is an American sitcom on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992, with a total of 180 half-hour episodes, spanning seven seasons. With an ensemble cast starring Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty. Betty White

Eddi-Rue McClanahan

Estelle Gettleman

photo provided by Snooper-Scope


Beatrice Arthur

180 Episodes

Betty White, Queen of Comedy By Vickie Smitherman Wall

Betty Marion White was born January 17, 1922. She died December 31, 2021, just 17 days short of her 100th birthday. Her name, is a household word. Betty was the only child of Christine Tess, and Horace Logan White. While born in Illinois, Betty grew up in Los Angeles after the family moved to California when she was only a toddler... After graduating High School (where she played the lead role in her graduation play) Betty began modeling and worked at the Bliss Hayden Little Theatre. Betty actually began her show business career as a child. In 1930 when she was 8 years old, playing the part of a crippled orphan on the radio show Empire Builders. In the episode, the child befriends an older gentleman while in the hospital and a happy ending takes place as Christmas approaches. In another episode, young Betty plays a crying baby abandoned on a train. These episodes appear to be the only broadcasts for Betty as a child, and are available for listening on the following website link: h ps:// cle/29760/listen-8-year-old-be y-white-playcrippled-orphan-


Legendary actor Sidney Poitier died in January 2022 at the age of 94 Poitier was a staple in Hollywood for 71 years, appearing in iconic films including “A Raisin in the Sun” and “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.” He won the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in “Lilies of the Field” in 1963, and was later given an Honorary Academy Award in 2001.

Getty Images

Legendary Movie: The Defiant Ones Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis are two inmates in a Southern prison who learn to unshackle themselves from hatred. -By Robert Hatch


Michael "Mike" Dean Anderson March 30, 1965 ~ January 12, 2022 (age 56)

We don't have them, to tell them by David Eriksen

We don't have them, to tell them. Nobody knows a friend, till he is gone.

We can always step back and say many good times were had with Mike Anderson. He was a one of a kind man, one who had your interests covered. Opportunities pass us all, time to reflect and appreciate having someone who has your back. Never really to be understood or valued until we don't have them to ask you, “are you ok?”. There are those of us that can sing with incredible feeling. To reach our heart the way music is delivered and meant to be. Our friend Mike was a true musician, with all the extras. My friend loved his family, he told me so on several occasions. His daughter was so special to him, he wanted her to be part of a new project I was working on. She will always be welcome to be part of it. My daughter got to sing at several events we had at Foothills Jamz. Mike often told me “She sings so good”. It was those kind of compliments that many people received, not just me. He had other people’s interests in front of his own, never a doubt on that.

Photos by David Eriksen

My friend, I don’t want to hear goodbye. The strength in the words he sang, the entertaining he did for us will never be forgotten. What an awesome Brook Boonehas turned into, I think it will return relentlessly to entertain and pay tribute to our friend Mike Anderson.


Shot to the head photography

by Nora Raynor In this time where we have all lost someone special, we cherish the memories that were shared with each of us. Let me tell you Mike Anderson was my buddy. He was my client that kept me on my toes, he was the laugh you needed on that bad day. A bouncy ball of sunshine, that lifted you up every visit. Then I finally got to meet the better half. Kim what a women. I told her it was so good to finally meet her, it was such a pleasure. Mike & Kim made a great team, he certainly copied her mannerisms. You will be missed my dear friend. Nora


Punk Floyd Project-- Another Brick In The Wall

Mar 19, 2012

Kim & Mike

The Punk Floyd Project


“There are those of us that can sing with incredible feeling. To reach our heart the way music is delivered and meant to be. Our friend Mike was a true musician, with all the extras.” D Eriksen

2016 Foothills Jamz with Punk Floyd Project


photo Loudwire


Shannon Bauguess


Photo by Carlotta Carla Smith


Photo by Brook Boone

A walk in the woods uplifts the mind and soul. Shannon Bauguess

walk through through the woods takes me back to my childhood. I spent most of my time playing in the woods growing my imagination. I would climb trees, swing on vines and build home made houses and use green moss as my carpet. Nature was my playground. I continue to have great joy walking through the woods as an adult. Nature frees my mind and enlightens my soul, there’s so many things to take in. I love seeing the beauty of the sunrays shining through the trees, the budding wild flowers and the beautiful butterflies of course. The sounds of the woods are peaceful such as the birds singing, a light breeze blowing the leaves on the tree tops and watching the squirrels scurry around. As I look above the trees I witness birds flying and clouds sailing through the sky. Just breathing and taking it all in refreshes my entire being and makes my heart smile. Take a break from devices and life’s pressures and wander into the woods to become enlightened by natures beauty and peace. You won’t regret it. Shannon

photo by Carlotta Carla

Photo by Carlotta Carla Smith



with Maria Love

SINCE 2007

ANNE of GREEN GABLES written by L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables is the first book in a series that follows the story of a young orphan girl named Anne Shirely. Anne, spelled with an “e” she would say. Anne is a deligh ul, if not o en eccentric, young girl. Life hasn't always been easy for Anne, but it certainly didn't impede her ability to dream. As I read the story of Anne and her new found family and friends set in the lovely home of Green Gables in Prince Edward Island, I found myself teleported to another me. L.M. Montgomery describes the se ngs with intricate detail leaving me feeling as if I were there with the characters myself. I was whisked along with Anne as she dreams every dream her boundless imagina on can dream up. Some of which come true, and some that are le unfullfiled as of yet.


Each character in the novel has his or her own dis nct personality that jumps off the page beau fully. Some of which are easy to love and some you love to hate. With each chapter I find myself laughing, even gaining a new perspec ve on things in my own life. Anne approaches life with such enthusiasm. Like anyone, she isn't perfect, but she sees each mistake or setback as a learning opportunity and growing experience. She's the friend you'd like to have, and learn from as well. The home and family she finds herself in, paint the beau ful story of Anne of Green Gables in this first book of the series. I look forward to going along on the journey with Anne through the rest. With ups and downs, twists and turns, highs and lows, this book is definitely one I will excitedly pick up to read again knowing it will be like visi ng with old friends.

58 “When we want chocolate there is only one choice. Prudence McCabe Confections. It's hard to pick just one favorite.” -Lisa Mon, Tues & Thurs 10-5 Fri & Sat 10-7, Sun 12-5 Closed Wednesday


192 N Main St., Mt Airy, NC 27030




I know you know what is best for me. I am reques ng that we con nue to work at it together. I tend to waiver and ignore my requests. I choose to overcome all doubts and fears. I thank you for allowing me to grow into the person I am today, mentally and physically. I refuse to accept the nega vity that has been implanted in me since birth. I accept the du es of a righteous being. I con nue to be a miracle so that I may receive the miracles that are des ned for me in this life. You know every concern of mine and you know the way for me to overcome, Let It Be!

Danielle Hairston writer



The Giving Soup by Stacey Davis hile the winter solstice begins the official date for the cold North Carolina months there is no marker like the second harvest of freezer and canned vegetables that are still lingering from the remnants of prior steamy summer days. As a North Carolina native, I am certain we have all heard a loved one Stacey Davis writer who announces they are “fixin to make some” soup. My dear reader, the thing to remember here is this is not the kind of gourmet or processed recipe you can get from “a” can. This recipe includes “many” cans, “several” forms of cans in the sense of “able” or a “borrowed” can or two. All – in - all, anyone can make this soup and do it without a formal recipe. Yet, once offered in a container it will be a favorite of the recipient and always feel like a custom gift pieced together with a little from the garden, a little from the store, and a little from your neighbor’s or parent’s pantry or freezer. “Hey ya’ll, the soup is on!” - Is a guarantee someone somewhere needed a little pick – me -up and wherever you are from, or say what you will, from the mountains to the North Carolina Coast the Giving Soup is all about comfort, healing, and preparation of the cold and miserable days ahead. Make no mistake, one common trend about this Southern concoction is it is good for the soul, spirit, and body. Rarely, is there a mishap in recipe. A recipe made from love and community simply is not a recipe that can be mommicked but perfected in taste for each generation the soup recipe passes to. The Giving Soup recipe is like the old school game, “Pass it On.” The recipe is never the same from the first person who passes it on. The magical twist to the Giving Soup is it has continued to be ever changing as passed on. Seasoned with a little of this and a – lot - of that The Giving Soup has been known to treat the worse colds or flu, broken hearts, and has solely brought entire congregations and families or friends together. With all the Carolina vegetable staples, from Pinto Beans, Green Beans, Lima Beans to Green Peas, Corn, Celery, Okra, Potatoes, Tomatoes or Ta’ma’tos, Onions, and “some” – kind – of – beef? - All we can hope for is that Aunt Mae or Gigi to not be feeling too salty or Uncle Ray or Papa not to weigh in too heavy on the pepper. Regardless, The Giving Soup remains a North Carolina classic and whether you are looking to clean out your freezer or pantry or a second - hand container finds its way to you, or you find your way to a big ole’ steamy pot of Giving Soup, it’s a tradition that very few households in North Carolina can or will do without. Tell us what is in your favorite Giving Soup 62

Share your rescipes with us. Simple send them to Your actual photos sHould be in an attachment.


Ingredients: Taco Seasoning 1 pound ground beef 1/2 yellow onion diced Full Recipe:

Epic Beef Nachos Supreme 1. Start by preheating oven to 400º 2. In the meantime, get the ground beef browned and dice your onions in a skillet over medium heat until they are thoroughly cooked. 3. Return your beef to your pan and top it with some taco seasoning. 4. Stir everything in a 3/4 cup of water, bring it to a simmer, then reduce to a low heat and continue to cook until the liquid has evaporated chiefly about 5 mins. 5. While your beef is getting cooked, spread a thick layer of chips on a two sheet pans. 6. Half of the refried beans should be placed on each pan. These are thick, but we recommend spooning them on top of the chips. Then follow with half of ground beef to each pan. 7.Get your shredded cheese sprinkled on the top. 8. Bake it for 15 mins. at 400º 9. Please remove it from your oven and top it with green onions and diced tomatoes. You are ready to serve.

Share your rescipes with us. Simple send them to Your actual photos sHould be in an attachment. 64

Sharon Cole Wingo Food for Thought

65 52

Would you like to share your cooking skills with our Foothills Times readers?

Can you type out your recipe? Take a couple photos of your yummy creation? Then send it to our email?

Here you go... 66

Among adults who reported consuming fast food, did the percentage vary by meal type for 2013–2016? Among adults who consumed fast food, the most commonly reported eating occasions were lunch (43.7%) and dinner (42.0%), followed by breakfast (22.7%) and snacks (22.6%) (Figure 4). A higher percentage of men (48.3%) than women (39.1%) consumed fast food during lunch, while a higher percentage of women (25.7%) than men (19.5%) consumed fast food from snacks. 67

We seem to be loosing the moment because our time with preparation for that one shot takes up the real beauty. Danielle Hairston writer

s a Mother of a sixteen year old I've become naturally observant to today's trends. The many apps available to entertain the young mind can be useful for social interaction, especially now that we are a year into this “pandemic”. There are many great qualities for one to engage with the people from all across the globe. Video games allow you to communicate, while competing with someone no matter the time zone. The one concern I have is the non-stop picture taking of oneself just to communicate or to receive a response from others that will allow one to feel uplifted and glorified. I can say I observe my sixteen year old snapping a photo of their face at least 10 times in one day, let alone the times I'm not looking. I'm told this their way of saying hello to one another. But is it? Then we have the wonderful term “selfie”. Don't get me wrong, I play the selfie game myself, but I believe it's become a matter of not being in the moment but rather making preparations for the moment. I personally like being in the moment, you know maybe going for a walk with my dog, the sun is shining, the trees are swaying, the weather is perfect, then pose for a quick shot for the world to see. Yes I'm guilty! But these days more and more I see more and more make-up, dress up, and wigs that take away from one's natural self. We seem to be loosing the moment because our time with preparation for that one shot takes up the real beauty. The beauty within and what surrounds us truly. When a person smiles you can see their soul through their eyes. I know that sounds crazy, but even while wearing a mask you can see when someone is smiling at you when the corner of their eyes squint. To many I'm still young, considering I was born in the 70's, but I do believe I have a place to speak as I continue to observe the generations to come. This falsehood and cover-up concerns me with what our future holds when it comes to natural beauty. I tell my kid that it all starts from within. Your soul matters. How you treat others matter. How you care for yourself matters. The falsehood of what someone is wearing (labels), the eyelashes glued to their eyelids (not know what chemicals are getting into your eyes), the caked on make-up; which then causes you to buy face cleansers with chemicals that are getting into your body, and the hair extensions clipped, sewed, or glued in. All of this to make a person seek outside approval from someone else because they fail to recognize their true natural beauty within.



Coffee Mugs • T-Shirts • Sweatshirts • Socks Stationary • Bath Mats • Tumblers • Blankets Shower • Curtains • Clocks • Totes • Stickers • Phone Holders • Gifts • Pictures in Frames Posters • Buttons • Duffle Bags brought to you by


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SINCE 2007


Featuring: Local Writers, Artists, Photographers, Businesses, Venues, Musicians & Events

Foothills Jamz 2022 • Wedding Inspirations Bridal Show • Events at Riverside Farm Venue

SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESS Foothills Times had 72 printed issues since 2007. What If it was brought back with all its features; Flashbck to old issues of Foothills Times, Gotcha pages, Old News, Wedding Inspirations, Your Pet, Word Search, Classic Cars, Day Trips, My Town? With the Popularity of the internet, paper shortages and COVID, we are going to publish an online Foothills Times Monthly only? Would you be willing to support this as a yearly subscriber? I would definitely read it, share your magazine and like it, advertise to support it, write in it or send photos as I did in the past? Which of the above are you interested in? Thank you for your comments & Support. Sincerely,


Since 2007


Foothills Times Magazine


Editor In Chief



David Eriksen 336.480.4519

iversid e Wedding Venue

ADVERTISING rates: ONE TIME INSERTION / FULL YEAR for 6 NEW issues 2 Full Pages $598.00 / $2,688.00 ($448.00 per issue) Full Page $398.00 / $1,788.00 ($298.00 per issue) Half Page $298.00 / $1,338.00 ($223.00 per issue) Quarter Page $198.00 / $894.00 ($149.00 per issue) Coupon Page $128.00 / $576.00 ($96.00 per issue) All ads linked to your website or facebook page All ads include 1 printed issue Nov/Dec 2022* * Printed issue ads for yearly contracts (One printed copy November/December 2022) All ads are found on online issue via



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by: Brook Boone

Brook Boone writer

Alone and afraid, stuck between these four walls, the only thing I know to do is pray, so to my knees I fall. I have so many questions, but I am scared to ask. What do you see in me to complete such a task? All my life I have been so timid and quiet, have you called me here to surrender or have you called me here to fight? One thing is for certain, no man can take from me, because in you I am and will always be free. So behind these bars with grace I will stand and not break. I will finish what you started in me until I complete this race. I will find the courage to do great things, because in you is where i get my strength and most importantly, my faith. Yes, it's part of my story, but it is you God that gets all the Glory!



watch two vintage videos on the next page 73

Episode 5: 5 MODELS Dugspur, Virginia

Episode 5: Alex Burchette


Erika photographer Jackson

Would you like to be a Wedding Inspirations model? You will be modeling a wedding dress. We will send you to try out a dress locally. We will do your hair day of shoot. In exchange you will be provided your digital shots from our professional photographer Erika S. Jackson. You will be featured in our on-line magazine & a video production; “Model Spotlight #6 or #7.

Simply send us your contact information and photo.


Gabrielle Orner

Amy Moore

Jessica Jones

Grace Tipping

Erika Jackson

Breanna Stowe

Alex Burchette

Tiffany Ashton

Maria Love

Lexi Goodson

Storm Akers

Lakin Knight

Brooke Bright

Brooke Boone

Grace Jernigan

Chyanne Fresch

Anna Cooper

Taylor Bowles



“Imagine your dance floor filled with the people that you love and everyone is dancing, singing and having a wonderful time. I work very hard to make sure your event whether it's a Wedding, Sweet 16, Anniversary, or a Birthday or a Corporate Party is exactly as you had hoped it'd be like.” -Tim Wilson / DJ


Tim Wilson Free 336.244.9309 Quote 76

“We partner with designers from all around the world to bring you a variety of styles for all shapes and sizes. No matter what you are looking for we can help you find you the perfect fit for your special day or event.”


Heather Mae Photography

2729 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd Clemmons, NC 27012 77

1466 Rierson Road, Tobaccoville, North Carolina 78

Wedding & Special Event Flowers ~ Let us help you plan the flowers and on-site decorating for a beautiful wedding, corporate function, holiday party, or any special event - large or small.



Monday through Saturday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Closed Sunday.




336.719.2333 1220 S Main St, Mount Airy, NC 27030 79


Betty married Allen Ludden who was an American television actor. You may remember him from the TV show, “Password.”

As a young adult in the mid 1940's, a twentysomething Betty went from one audition to another in order to begin a real career in radio. Producer Fran Van Hartesveldt opened the door for her, when he took a chance and gave her a spot on a commercial saying simply one word. That word was “Parkay.” In order to have this job Betty had to pay a union membership which cost her $37.50. This large fee was more than the job paid. However, it was well worth it and despite her fear of saying “parfait” instead of “Parkay,” the commercial was a success and Betty's career was launched. Beginning with bit parts in The Great Gildersleeve, Family Theater Radio, and Blondie, Betty also became the voice of some of the FBI's most wanted in episodes of This Is Your FBI. Endorsed by J. Edgar Hoover, this show dramatized actual cases from FBI files. In 1949, television began to rise and Betty was hired as a “girl Friday” to Al Jarvis, a radio disc jockey who created a TV show called Hollywood on Television. At the generous salary of $50.00 a week, Betty actually ended up being on the show every day. The show was over five hours long per day, which gave Betty and Jarvis a lot of space to fill. This was an opportunity for Betty to ad-lib and sing, which helped her future career. In 1952, Betty took over the lead on that show and became the first woman to host a daytime talk show. She and the program's pianist George Tibbles incorporated more sketches into the show, including the comedy Elizabeth and Alvin which featured a married couple squabbling. “This turned into a new sitcom venture (called) Life With Elizabeth, a program that led to her first Emmy.” (h ps:// cle/29760).

On June 14, 1963, after two “nightmare” divorces, Betty married again to Allen Ludden who was an American television actor. You may remember him from the TV show, “Password.” Betty and Alan were happily married for 18 years until Alan died June 9, 1981, from stomach cancer. He was the “love of her life” and the last words from her lips before she died last year, was his name. 80

In September, 1985, Betty stepped into the role of Rose Nyland on The Golden Girls This is perhaps her most well-known role, and certainly a favorite for many, many viewers, including myself. The show ended in 1992 but continues to air on many TV stations as well as online television membership plans and free online TV. Blanche, Rose, Dorothy and Sophia are well known characters that especially appeal to us more “mature” ladies who can relate to females of a certain age. I have long envied the lifestyle and living conditions (beautiful house) of The Golden Girls. I have wanted to BE a Golden Girl. Betty White brought a flavor of innocence and curiosity to the show. She was a true “Golden Girl” on and off stage. Betty was, and remains, The Queen of Comedy.

“There’s no formula. Keep busy with your life. Replay the good times. Be grateful for the years you had.” -Betty White BETTY WHITE QUOTES: “I have no regrets at all. None. I consider myself to be the luckiest old broad on two feet.” “I'm a teenager trapped in an old body.” “People say, 'But Betty, Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends.' Well, at my age, if I want to connect with old friends I need a Ouija board.” “Don't try to be young. Just open your mind. Stay interested in stuff. There are so many things I won't live long enough to find out about, but I'm still curious about them.” “I know it sounds corny, but I try to see the funny side and the upside, not the downside. I get bored with people who complain about this or that. It's such a waste of time." “I just make it my business to get along with people so I can have fun. It's that simple." “You don't luck into integrity. You work at it.” “I know unless I'm true to myself I couldn't be happy. Too much emphasis is placed today on externals and too little on character.” The bottom line is, I'm blessed with good health. On top of that, I don't go around thinking 'Oh, I'm 90, I better do this or I better do that.' I'm just Betty. I'm the same Betty that I've always been. Take it or leave it. "So you may not be as fast on your feet, and the image in your mirror may be a little disappointing, but if you are still functioning and not in pain, gratitude should be the name of the game," she wrote in her book, If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won't).

81 80

1466 Rierson Road, Tobaccoville, North Carolina

s t n e v E & s g n i W edd



Photographer David Eriksen

Weddings & Events


FREE TOURS Call 336.480.4519 Riverside Farm Venue is a NEW event venue nestled against the Sauratown Mountains along side of the Little Yadkin River on 40 acres. Offering an array of INCLUSIVE bridal packages with optional upgrades for every budget giving each bride a ONE-OF-A-KIND wedding. Specializing in HOT .AIR BALLOON & RIVERBED WEDDINGS.

NOW AVAILABLE FOR BOOKINGS Riveride Farm Venue 1466 Rierson Road, Tobaccoville, North Carolina 336.480.4519

CONTACT us at 336 480 4519 or


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Model Grace Tipping

1466 Rierson Road, Tobaccoville, North Carolina

up to 200 Guests +5% Gratuity for support staff

iver side



Mon-Thurs ($3,995) Fri./Sun($4,995)

Saturday($5,995) up to 200 Guests

• Use of property 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM (15 hours) on wedding day • (1) 30 X 30 Outside Tents • 125 White Chairs

• 1 Riverside Event Director • Brides Changing House & Grooms Room • 1953 White Chevy Truck,1835 Doctors Buggy & Road Wagon • (2) 3’ x 8’ Rectangle Tables for Cake / Beverage Table • Free consultations / Venue access as needed

$1,500 Deposit • Use of property 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM (15 hours) on wedding day • (2) 30 X 30 Outside Tents • 200 White Chairs


Mon-Thurs ($6,995) Fri./Sun($7,995)

Saturday($8,995) up to 300 Guests

$1,500 Deposit

RIVERSIDE EXTRAVAGANSA Mon-Thurs ($9,995) Fri./Sun($10,995)

Saturday($11,995) up to 300 Guests

$1,500 Deposit

336.480.4519 for Tours & Bookings Beer and Wine provided by wedding party $500.00 Service Charge / Tap Room & Bartender included

• 2 Riverside Event Directors • Brides Changing House & Grooms Room • Use property for engagement/Bridal photos on a date TBD (2 hours) • 1953 White Chevy Truck,1835 Doctors Buggy & Road Wagon • Walk through Bridal Entrance • (12) 3’ x 8’ Rectangle Tables • (6) Rectangle Tables Buffet /gift / DJ/ MISC • Red Carpet runner • $200.00 Flower Voucher Creative Designs • (1) 1/2 round 48” Sweetheart Table • Outside Stage * Riverbed to be used for photos or weddinhg • Free consultations / Venue access as needed • Use of property 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM (15 hours) on wedding day • (2) 30 X 30 Outside Tents • 300 White Chairs

• 2 Riverside Event Directors • Brides Changing House & Grooms Room • 1953 White Chevy Truck,1835 Doctors Buggy & Road Wagon • Use property for engagement/Bridal photos on a date TBD (2 hours)

• Includes Hot Air Balloon • Walk through Bridal Entrance • (12) 3’ x 8’ Rectangle Tables • (6) Rectangle Tables Buffet /gift / DJ/ MISC • (1) 1/2 round 48” Sweetheart Table • Outside Stage • Red Carpet runner • $200.00 Flower Voucher Creative Designs • Free consultations / Venue access as needed

visit WWW.RIVERSIDEFARMVENUE.COM for more amenities. Examples: Engagement Parties • Dance Floors • Royal Entrance • Doctors Buggy • 1953 Chevy Truck • Ultimate Sinatra • Disco Lights

Entertainer, Jazz singer, scientifically inclined, modeler, animator, Graphic designer, Voice-Over.

“My Way” Video

by David Eriksen

In early 2017, Johnny Dee began his professional career performing for small venues in North Carolina, crooning his way into the hearts of his audiences singing classic songs of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Billie Holiday. Since then, he has performed from coast-to-coast and everywhere in between. He has recorded several albums with Progressive Edge Records while he continues to perform in Reno Nevada and Northern California. Johnny Dee performed in Las Vegas for small continuing to hone his craft in hopes of one day playing in Las Vegas on a regular basis. Some of his signature songs include Blue Moon, That’s Life and The Lady is a Tramp. Recently Johnny Dee has moved back to Greensboro, North Carolina It is my pleasure to have become aquatinted with Johnny Dee, and look forward to several projects we are working together. One of the exciting things is that my partnership with Riverside Farm Venue (located in Tobaccoville, North Carolina), will allow Brides to have Frank Sinatra sing at their wedding. More to come about Johnny soon and future projects we are working on together. Listen to some of his sound tracks, it sounds as if Frank is back.

Jan/Feb Edition No. 71

Audio Track 85

Booking information 336.954.8670

“What a wonderful voice you been blessed with!” - Brenda Z.

“I Love it!” - April L.

“You could sing the alphabet and it would be Great to listen live.” -Lorraine B.

At "The Point" Nightclub - Reno - the hottest nightclub in the entire state of Nevada. Johnny Dee with Paul R Jones and Richard Ballerini in Reno, Nevada.

Booking information 336.954.8670

Audio Track www. 86

Kanawha Valley Arena Resort is the perfect location to have your Blue Ridge Mountain Wedding email:

Kanawha Valley Arena Resort provides a unique wedding venue, making it possible for you, your family and friends to enjoy a truly personal and memorable Blue Ridge Mountain Wedding. We offer all of the amenities needed to host all of your Wedding Events in one convenient location.

Brooke’s Cell: 704.400.5689

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121 Kanawha Ridge Lane Dugspur, VA 24325 87

“INCREDIBLE people with equally incredible customer service. They’ve been good to me as long as Ι have been alive, and have been just incredible to my new husband and Ι through our engagement and wedding”-M.M.

Monday-Friday: 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM Sunday: CLOSED

336.983.4923 KING - Lowes Food Shopping Center 614 S Main St, # C King, NC 27021



Weddings Anniversaries Birthdays Music Events Car Shows Company Picnics Art & Craft Shows



Mon-Thurs ($3,995) Fri./Sun($4,995)

Saturday($5,995) up to 200 Guests • Use of property 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM (15 hours) on wedding day • (1) 30 X 30 Outside Tents • 125 White Chairs

• 1 Riverside Event Director • Brides Changing House & Grooms Room • 1953 White Chevy Truck,1835 Doctors Buggy & Road Wagon • (2) 3’ x 8’ Rectangle Tables for Cake / Beverage Table • Free consultations / Venue access as needed 1466 Rierson Road, Tobaccoville, North Carolina

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