WINTER 2020-21 / No. 8 Erika Jackson Model episode oneepisode one VENUES DIRECTORYTROUGHOUT DIRECTORYTROUGHOUT VENUES photo at KanawhaValleyResort DavidEriksen photographer Hairstylist Nora Raynor

“MomentswiththeBride” new You never know what to expect. LINK DIRECTLYFROM WWW. FOOTHILLSTIMES.COM with host GraceTipping

filmed at Anina Brooke Model 3

BakingWeddingCakesisafamilyaffairforBeverlyHarrell. FromthetimeshewasasmallchildinJonesvilleNC sheremembersspendinglotsoftimeinthekitchenwithhermomandgrandmalearningtobake. WhenBeverly’s grandmotherpassedaway,sheinheritedallhercakepansandrecipes,thesearethepanssheusedtobakeofher daughter’weddingcakes. Beverlytakescomfortknowinghowpleasedhergrandmawouldbetoseethecakesshe makes. byAllison Golden
Whenbakingweddingcakes,youmusthavealotofpatienceandplentyoftimetodoit. Youcannotrushandyou mustkeepyourairturnedlowinyourhouseorthecakesmelt.
Ashort14monthslater,Beverly’daughterHeatherwasgettingmarried,thistimeBeverlywasmoreconfidentinher bakingabilitiesbutbeforeshecouldmakeHeatherscake,shefoundherselfhavingtoovercomesomehealthissues.
Beverlylearnedquicklywhenshewasaskedtobake herfirstweddingcakeforherdaughterKayla’swedding.“Lotsofprayerswentuptograndmaforthatcake“Butonce Igotstarted,itallfellintoplaceandeveryonelovedthesunflowersthatcoveredonesideandittasteddelicious.
or press & view
Despitehavingbreastcancer15yearsago,shewasnowbeingdiagnosedwithlungCancer.Thisyearshewent th ththroughchemofromJanuarytillMarch,andonApril30 ,thedaybeforeBeverly’s57 birthday,sheunderwent surgerytoremovethecancer. Shespentthenext5daysaloneinthehospitalduetotheCoronavirus,butBeverly said“Imadeit.IknewIhadto;Ihadaweddingcaketomake.”
BakingWeddingcakesisahobbyforBeverlythatsheissothankfultostillbeabletodo. Theamountofloveand timesheputsintoeachofhercakesisapparent. Whenyou’rebaking,youneedtorealizethatsometimesit’snot goingtoworkoutlikeyouwantedandyouwillhavetostartover. Thebiggestlessonshelearnedthatshecouldshare withotherbeginnersistoslowdown,giveyourselfplentyofextratimetogetitdone. Beverlyhasalreadyhad requestsfromothersforhertomaketheirWeddingcakes. Shehopestocontinuebakingthemforalongtime.

ULTIMATE 13 FOOTHILLSTIMES & WEDDING INSPIRATIONS PO BOX 1038, KING, NC 27021 Somefactsthatwillhelpanybusinessgrow,andthatincludesWeddingInspirations. Facebookisthemostpopularsocialnetworkforallagegroups.Even56percentofallinternet usersover65areontheplatform.Thenumbersriseconsiderableforages18-29toover87%. Yourlikingandfollowingus,willbringthismagazinetoBRIDESallover. Halfoffacebookusershaveover200friends,Over27%ofusers18-29haveover500friends Anyoneopted-into“follow”yourprofileorpagemeansthattheywillreceiveyourupdatesin theirtimeline.Ifyouareavendorintheweddingindustry,followingusoradvertisingwithus willbringresults. What are Facebook Followers? Getting Married? Be a Superstar on our NEW show! 10WEDDING TRENDS 22 by Becky J. Beall Thank you for follow Wedding Inspirations. We have reached 1,200 Followers Our goal is 10,000 by 2022 ERIKAJACKSON at Kanawha Valley Resort or press & view

It’s a pleasure to bring the Wedding Inspiration magazine to you with that country flare. As we head into 2021, we bring ideas to you the BRIDE. In the future issues, we will visit places that may interest you for your wedding. In addition to VENUES in multiple states on the east coast, destination weddings are on the upward trend. It has been interesting to see how many new venues are opening for smaller wedding. As the editor of Ultimate Wedding Inspirations, I look forward to highlighting these areas in future issues. If you would be interested in writing, modeling or selling advertising for our online magazine, please send me an email. JessicaJones AssistantEditor Rene'VictoriaLofland AdvertisingSalesManager SocialMediaDirector DavidEriksen Publisher/EditorInChief GraceTipping HostoftheDreamDressShow Publisher/EditorInChief DavidEriksen AssistantEditor JessicaJones AdvertisingSalesManager SocialMediaDirector ReneVictoriaLofland ContributingPhotographers EdHolland,BreannaStowe ContributingWriters BeckyJ.Beall,HelenCastevens KeelyJordan,VickieSmitherman ElizabethSetliff,AllisonGolden WeddingPlanningEditor AllisonGolden WeddingGownModels AmyMoore,BreannaStowe, JessicaJones,MorganMarie, ErikaJackson, GabbyOrner,GraceJernigan, GraceTipping,MorganMarie, LakinKnight,LexiGoodson, StormAkers,TaylorBowles BridalGownsConsultants ChandlerBoltz&ChristyBoltz HairStylistManager NoraRaynor FoothillsTimesMagazine POBox1038King,NC27021 336.480.4519 5 AllisonGolden WeddingPlanningEditor NoraRaynor HairStylistManager ChandlerBoltz GownsConsultant

BeverlyHarrell 7visit

Wedding Venues near Mt. Airy, NC VENUES VENUES FEATURED VENUES WITH VIDEO Capacity:150 Capacity: 200 Event Hall / Farm KanawhaValleyArenaResort istheperfectlocationtohave yourBlueRidgeMountain Wedding,sinceweofferallthe amenitiesneededtohostallof yourWeddingEvents VIDEOKanawawa Valley Resort 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd Dugspur,VA 540.789.208424325 Capacity: 250 Maple Chase Country Club 5475 Germanton Rd Winston Salem, NC 336.767.2941 Country Club / Ballroom Whetheryouarehostinga businessmeeting,wedding reception,holidaycelebrationor birthdayparty,MapleChaseGolf andCountryClubhasthe expertisetoassistyouwithyour specialevent. VIDEO at Moores Spring Manor Capacity: The 2174ShilohRamey Creek Rd Lowgap, NC 27024 VIDEO Barn/Farm LocatedinLowgap,NCand nestledinthefoothillsofthe BlueRidgeMountains,The Shilohistheperfectplaceto escapeandsurroundyourself withnature,whilestill holdingyoureventina modern,uniquespace.Capacity:150 230 W. Morehead Street Reidsville, 336.349.1099NC Old Mansion VIDEO OntheNationalRegisterof HistoricPlaces,thePenn Houseisamagnificent12,500square-foothomelocatedon threebeautifullylandscaped acres.Theoriginalhomewas builtbyCharlesandStella Pennaround1908. ThePennHouse Capacity:150 Rachel’s Place is a beautiful multi-event, family owned venue located at the foot of the blue ridge mountains. We welcome small weddings, showers,parties ,andreunions,more! VIDEORACHEL’S PLACE VENUE 289 Jones Chapel Rd. Mt.Airy 336.710.8816NC Barn/Farm Capacity: 300 MooresSpringsManor 1229 Hall Road Westfield, 336.420.3664NC Mansion / Event Hall Weareanexclusiveweddingandevent venuenearHangingRockStateParkat thefootoftheSauratownMountains. Ourlocationaffordsusviewsthatare unmatchedandpicturesqueinourarea ofNorthCarolina. Weareashortdrive fromWinston-Salem,Greensboro,and HighPoint. 3200 Round Hill Rd Boonville, 336.677.1700NC SandersRidgeVineyard&Winery inyard / Winery SandersRidgeisa179-year-old familyfarmintheheartofTheYadkin Valley,locatedjust25-minutesWest ofWinston-Salem,NC. Our150-acre century-designatedfarmisopenfor tastings,pairingdinners,livemusic, cabinrental,venueforweddingsand privateevents. PORTRAITS Specializing in the Bride with her Gown for Reception & Keepsake s Bridal Shop 825RockfordStreet,Mt.Airy,NC by appointment only 336.480.4519 contact: Capacity: 200 White Sulphur Springs 230 White Sulphur Springs Rd. Mt.Airy, 336.786.6769NC Banquet / Event Hall VIDEO Needtheperfectlocationforanevent? Callustoreserveourourbrandnew EventCenter Thisfantasticspacefeatures acateringset-upspace(withsink,stagingspaces,andcooler)aswellalargearea perfectforhostinganeventanywhere from10-200people. Advertising made possible with “Ultimate Wedding Inspirations” magazine and Foothills Times magazine. Details of advertising options can be found at or calling Rene Lofland at 336.354.2681

Capacity: 125 The Meadows at Walnut Cove 2040 Dodgetown Rd WalnutCove, 336.543.5731NC Theperfectvenueforyourwedding orspecialevent. Tuckedawayjust southofHangingRockNCState Park,you'resurroundedbyhundreds ofacresofivatelyownedland. Pavilion / Farm Capacity: Morgan Ridge Vineyards 486JohnMorganRoad GoldHill,NC28071 704.639.0911 Vineyard / Event Room VENUES VENUES 9 Capacity: 100 The Stanley Farm 276.728.3880 1121 Steele Rd. Sandy Ridge, NC Barn / Farm The Pavilion is the MainArea of the Stanley Farm with its 75X42 feet of Space, Full Kitchen which features a Bar Area, Commercial Refrigerator, Microwave, and Large Capacity Ice Maker Capacity: Carolina Getaway Cabins Dobson, NC 844.628.2229 Carolina Getaway Cabins is a private group offering high-end, luxurious log cabins for rent to individuals seeking retreat and relaxation up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Cabins VIDEO Capacity: Legacy Stables & Events 4151336.293.7159Thomasville Rd Winston Salem, NC Nestled conveniently in the heart of theTriad, Legacy Stables and Events is perfectly suited to host anywedding.dream Farm / Barn VIDEO Capacity: LunasTrails 1155 Wilson Farm Rd Westfield, NC 27053 336.351.2052 Farm / Event Ctr VIDEO Specializing in creating memorable events of all kinds.There are 2 spacious centers,The Luna'sTrail Venue andThe Big Creek Lodge, which are located on opposite sides of the property from each other LIGHTHOUSE LIGHTHOUSE Wedding Planning 336.648.3494 AlissonGolden 336.354.2681 ADVERTISEWITHUS ReneLofland 336.789.5068 BRIDAL 336.710.4450 Wedding&PartyRentals Capacity: 550 Coley Hall atThe Liberty 222 E Main Street Elkin, 336.835.0103NC Event Center Coley Hall atThe Liberty's rich history is felt throughout the space. It has a rustic industrial feel with century old exposed beams overhead, weathered wood and distressed brick. Capacity: 500 Cody Creek 112 Old Depot Ln Dobson, 336.386.8222NC Farm / Event Ctr Built on 40 acres of rolling farm and pastureland, Cody Creek offers you rustic, beautifully handcrafted Southern charm – with just the right touch of elegance. Capacity: 400 Allison oaks vineyards 221 E Main Street Yadkinville, NC Vinyard This outdoor venue can host grand and rustic events with breathtaking mountain views.The adaptable outdoor spaces can accommodate a range of wedding sizes and can be personalized to your wedding’saesthetic.

As the new year approaches and the previous unfolds, autumn hits with bold, rich new colors of fall; rich copper, burgundy, and red and yellow combinations are sure to be a hit this Winterfall.Wonderland themes with soft blues, whites, and silver can accommodate a cozy, small gathering for a an evening full of Dressromance.yourhall like you would for Christmas! Exaggerate everything. Bursts of color, chandelier events, and weddings planned outside are on the rise. With the world changing and adaptations being made to accommodate mass gatherings such as social distancing, mask wearing, and smaller gatherings, we now have an opportunity to become more creative. Technology can assist in helping those who cannot attend events, like live streaming or using a Zoom call. Items such as personalized hand sanitizers, masks, and online programs add a special touch that is also thoughtful and safer. Outdoor weddings are becoming more popular. Options include using tents and being at the beach or in the mountains. It’s a great time to be creative with an outdoor Creatingvenue. your own fairytale with the help of wedding planners, internet searches, and especially the Wedding Inspirations site, can ease anxiety around planning a wedding. Include your family and friends in the ideas portion of planning, especially with modifying your original ideas in order to make them safer.There are new rules and regulations at venues, restaurants, bars, and catering companies, so it is important to take the time to really look into what is possible for your special day.
Model Potter Galloway & Photographer Breanna Stowe Hair by Nora Raynor
very Wedding brings its own taste, color, and theme to its bride, groom, and of course it’s guests and / or Zoom audience!

Model Grace Jernigan Hair by Nora atPhotographerRaynorDavidEriksenRachelsPlace 15 1

ModelGraceTipping ModelShannonWolffModelBrookeBright ModelErika photographerJacksonGraceTipping Cinderella Carriage RENTALS Giveusacall,wewouldlovetobethere. CallforDetailsWhat a beautiful entry 704.400.5689 12

VENUES Getting Married? Be a Superstar on our NEW show! We want to film your dress shopping experience. Right here at NOA’S BRIDALshop. BRIDAL FILMED ON LOCATION AIRED ON YouTube CallChristienBoltzat336.710.4450 Go Watch our Videos Now801RockfordSt.MountAiry,NC 27030 “Myloveforyouisliketheragingsea, Sopowerfulanddeepitwillforeverbe. Throughstorm,wind,andheavyrain, Itwillwithstandeverypain. Ourheartsaresopureandlovesosweet. Iloveyoumorewitheveryheartbeat!” LIGHTHOUSE EventPlanning LIGHTHOUSE EventPlanning ◦Weddings ◦Consulting ◦Scheduling ◦CorporateEvents336.648.3494 Allison Golden Free Consultation 13 Capacity: 100 Chateau Vie 1208 N. Main Street WalnutCove, NC 27052 (336) 988-0593 t is modeled after old world European style formal Gardens. At one end, you can get married in front of the 75 year old MagnoliaTree, on the other end, a large formal White Pergola as backdrop.the Garden Wedding Capacity: 200 Donnaha Valley Farm 6925 Martin Ferry Rd Tobaccoville, 336.407.3538NC Donnaha Valley Farm's barn overlooks the naturally beautiful Yadkin River Valley at the edge of Forsyth County in North Carolina. Let us show you what makes this area of NC such a wonderful place to host your special day Farm / Pavilion Capacity: 175 Bella Collina Mansion 9500 Mt Carmel Rd Stokesdale, NC 27357 336.644.6713 Castle /Resort Avenue with gorgeous backdrops, affording you the option to capture those timeless images!

Kanawha ValleyArena Resort provides a unique wedding venue, making it possible for you, your family and friends to enjoy a truly personal and memorable Blue Ridge Mountain Wedding. We offer all of the amenities needed to host all of your Wedding Events in one convenient location. • Wedding Planner • Venues for Wedding Ceremony • Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding Reception • LargeTent for Outdoor Weddings • Tables, Chairs and Linens • Dishes, Silverware and Glasses • Catered Rehearsal Dinner • Catered Wedding Reception • Wedding Cake • Minister • Pianist • Professional DJ • Professional Wedding Band • Bartender Services • Floral Decorations • Photographer • Videographer email: 121 Kanawha Ridge Lane Dugspur, VA24325 Brooke’s 704.400.5689Cell: KanawhaValleyArenaResortistheperfectlocation tohaveyourBlueRidgeMountainWedding


Click and Episodeview5 of Model Spotlight at Kanawha Valley Resort 17

photographer David Eriksen Hair by Nora Raynor


133 White Sulphur Springs Rd, MountAiry, NC 27030 Your special day should be full of fun memories. Our allinclusive facilities can be the perfect spot for your gorgeous wedding. With on-site housing and a professional staff, we are fully equipped to make your special day magical. 336.786.6769 336.793.7576 Over 18 years experience located at 1214 Reynolda Rd. Winston-Salem

121 Kanawha Ridge Lane Dugspur, VA24325 For reservations Email: Hillsville Dugspur FancyGap Woodlawn LauralFork MeadowsofDan CanaLambsburg Ararat VKanawhaalleyArenaResortUnion Willis PipersGap Claudville 773 614 679 799 620 787 100 100 DUGSPURROAD 638 638 Directions: CarriageHouse Ideal for Wedding Receptions 540.789.2084 Kanawha Valley Arena is nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains only 15 minutes from I-77 and Hwy 52. And only 5 minutes off of Hwy 221 S or 58 E. The Arena is privately owned and operated by Brooke Bright and formedintheinterestofEquestrianEnthusiasts.Thisisa placetogospendtimewithfriendsandhaveagoodtime. FullCommercialKitchen,DineOutPatio, CarriageHousePublicRestrooms(handicapaccessible) CarriageHouseSaloon,Callorstopbytodayandletus showyouagoodtime. Wedding ChapelWedding Chapel Dugspur, Virginia 21 VIDEOS OF CLASSIC DRESSES Aswevisitidealvenuestohaveyour wedding,ourmodelswillshowoff weddinggownsprovidedbylocal BRIDALSHOPS.Twoofthe“MODEL SPOTLIGHTS”arejustaclickaway. presentedby,-80.5535335/@36.7793027,-80.545193,13.5z?hl=en-US MAP PRESS

Hamilton Place is the stunning indoor wedding facility with a 3,500-square-foot ballroom, 20-foot-tall palladium windows, gorgeous hardwood floors and aged-bronze chandeliers. An ques and original artwork are strewn about the facility adding charisma galore. Outdoor venue op ons include well-manicured gardens, courtyards, large ceremonial lawn beside a picturesque lake with beau ful live oaks and all the magic needed to create a truly memorable Southern wedding. Of course, guests will feel welcome with on-property accommoda ons as enchan ng as the wedding venue itself. Choices range from spacious co ages to a rac ve, tradi onally designed guestrooms in the three-story inn where cra smanship is rivaled only by the views. Dining is located at the inn and includes an upscale restaurant as well as a pub-style y with heirloom pieces spliced amidst booth and table ng. Both venues serve awesome culinary crea ons as ell as cra y cocktails.
es na on weddings are gaining in popularity with couples choosing smaller, more in mate venues that offer stellar se ngs as well as lodging space for all the special people involved. The South seems to have a plethora of these ideal se ngs and a lovely selec on sits on 3,200 acres of rolling hills and fer le planta on land in Sylacauga, Alabama, less than an hour from Birmingham and only two hours from Atlanta.
by Becky J. Beall
Bridal par es have personal space for dressing and res ng at historic Hamilton Home—a restored Greek Revivalstyle, antebellum co age in walking distance of the Spring House Spa. Be sure and book spa needs ahead of me to ensure availability.
Pursell Farms is oozing with charm from the me you arrive. Guests adore the new estate-style inn along with other ameni es like a bou que spa, delicious restaurants, world-class golf, ORVIS® Shoo ng Grounds, a beau ful pool and a new 22-acre wedding venue. Situated next to the lake, Pursell Farms offers both indoor and outdoor poten al for the perfect nup al swapping event.

Come early or tack a day onto the end of your stay and enjoy sport clay shoo ng at ORVIS® Shoo ng Grounds, a UTV experience, golf or pool lounging. Pursell Farms is also your go-to for a perfectly relaxed bachelor or bachelore e party with all of the outdoor fun and frolic.
If you are entertaining ideas for the most perfect wedding day bliss, Pursell Farms does not disappoint. Check out wedding packages and request pricing online at WEDDING PACKAGES
Becky J. Beall is a freelance travel writer based in Alabama. Find more of her shenanigans at h ps://
The new estate-style inn has ameni es like a bou que spa, delicious restaurants, world-class golf, ORVIS® Shoo ng Grounds, a beau ful pool and a new 22-acre wedding venue.
386Talladega Springs Rd, Sylacauga,AL35151

486JohnMorganRoad,GoldHill,NC28071 704.639.0911

APARTOF FOOTHILLSTIMES MAGAZINE BridalModels 2021 MODELS♥MODELS♥MODELS♥MODELS Brooke Bright Jessica Jones Gabriella Orner Lexi Goodson Erika Jackson Grace Jernigan Breanna Stowe Lakin Knight StormAkers Amy Moore TiffanyAshton Grace Tipping 25

a private gated
Wedding Inspirations Hair Stylist Creates at Paradise Mountain Estates PROMO CODE: SPRINGISHERE $500 OFF YOUR STAY! BEARY COZY COTTAGE Accommodates: 22 192NMainSt.,MtAiry,NC27030 336.648.8160 Mon,Tues&Thurs10-5 Fri&Sat10-7,Sun12-5 ClosedWednesday Cake Pops, Cheescakes, Chocolates, Chocolate Bark, Dipped Items, Fudge,Truffles, GourmetApples
Carolina Getaway Cabins is a private group offering high-end, luxurious log cabins for rent to individuals seeking retreat and relaxation up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Carolina Getaway Cabins prides itself on offering the highest quality vacation experience, providing the finest amenities in each home all while being a simple drive away from the most exciting activities and fun North Carolina has to offer. It is the mission of Carolina Getaway Cabins to ensure that each person leaves home with a little taste of “Paradise”.
844.628.2229 ELK'S HIDDEN PASSAGE VICTORIA’S HIDEAWAY Per$950FromNight Accommodates: 22 Accommodates: 22Per$800FromNight Per$950FromNight
Carolina Getaway Cabins in Dobson, North Carolina offers large located in Paradise Mountain Estates, community with breathtaking views of the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains.
luxurious log cabins surrounded by activities for everyone.The cabins are

ModelErika HairphotographerJacksonGraceTippingbyNoraRaynor 27

Amore traditional-like wedding may include a veil; and a more modern-day wedding may not. Just like each woman and bride’s wedding can be expected to hold its own special thoughts, moments, themes and ideas so may each dress, Veil or no Veil / headpiece.
Ultimately, it is the bride’s choice.Amore traditional wedding may include a veil, and a more modern wedding may not. Just like each bride, the wedding holds its own special thoughts, moments, themes, and ideas that also manifest through the choice of dress and headpiece.
It’s your wedding, your special day, do and wear what makes you happy!
Happy JessicaWedding,Jones VeilorNoVeil?
While wearing a veil is not required, traditionally this accessory dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times.At that time, brides would ne wrapped from head to toe, representing the delivery of a modes maiden.The wrapping was said to hide or disguise brides so that evil spirits could not find them and steal their happiness!
Lexi photographerGoodsonDavid Eriksen

Rachel’s Place is a beautiful multi-event, family owned venue located at the foot of the Blue Rdge Mountains. We welcome small weddings, showers,parties , reunions, and more! 336.710.8816 RACHEL’S PLACE VENUE 289 Jones Chapel Road, Mt.Airy NC 5475 Germanton Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27105 336.767.2941 Maple Chase Ballroom Capacity:150 Barn/Farm CLICK HERE 29

, YOU and it does to me also.” - Ben Cooke

WATCHTHIS SAMPLE OF OUR WORK. Simply email your quality pictures to our Make & Send a check to Foothills Times PO Box 1038 King, NC 27021.The cost is only $1.00 per photo. Provide the following in the email: Name of Bride and Groom, Date they were married, Location they were married and at what time. Photo viewed for 5 sec, each. Video will be sent in an email to you. (Royalty-free Music will be added to your collection. Please specify Classical, R&B, Jazz or Pop) 31

Located at Noa’s Bridal Shop 825 Rockford Street, Mt.Airy, NC BRIDAL 336.480.4519 336.409.0869 or call us at... PORTRAITS OF THE BRIDE Specializing in the Bride with her Gown for Reception & Keepsake $199.00 GIVES YOU: 10 edited pictures to use as you like saved on a flashdrive by David Eriksen & Grace Tipping by appointment only 302 S Main St, King, NC 27021 336.983.0319 ElectricCompanyCommercial&Residential Harry’s 336.983.0319 Since 1981 Electrical Contractor Harry Nieberle 35Years General Repair and Electrical Installations. What are some SAFE ways to spend our Honeymoon? Withthepandemicstilllingering,alterations mayhavetobemadetothehoneymoon.One ideatohelpcouplesstaysafeistotravelby carinsteadofbyplane.Aroadtripmaybea funwaytobond!Consideroutdooractivities, likecamping,hiking,goingtothebeach, watchingsunsets,andotheroutdoor Tadventures.ravelingcarandstoppingatprivate-like locationswherelesspeoplemayventurecould set-uparomanticlikestageandgetawayfor youandyournewspouse! RememberthethreeWs:Wearamask,Wash yourhands,andWait6feetapart. Theopen-road,outdooractivities;camping, hiking,beautifulsunsets,beaches,maybe expectedtobethisyears’highchosenprize fornewlywedsandtheirHoneymoon ventures. Jessica Jones

336.710.4450 825 Rockford Street, Mt.Airy, NC 27020 Over 400 gowns in stock!!! 20%Off 825 Rockford Street, Mt.Airy, NC 33

photo by Ed Holland34

By Jessica Jones Across the Ouryourunderneathhorizon,thesky.Isitwithyou,handwithinmine.heartsmimictheoceans'watersreectedwithintime.Iamgratefulyouaremine. 35

Find our magazine online by visiting... 336.480.4519 Model Gabriella Orner Photographer David Eriksen

Special thanks to the World Records
loves ballroom dancing and I loved to shoot clay targets," Ralph said. "I joined her with ballroom dancing and she joined me with trap shooting."
Dorothy proved quite good at trap shooting too. She became the NationalTrap Shooting Champion in 1952. 86 years, 290 days
Loveisgrantedfortwoastimestops andlivescometogether. Neverthinkingitcouldlastandgoon, butourhandsholdtowhatwecherish.
627 S. Main Street King, NC 27021 (336) 983-3641
"If we had anything, a real problem, I agreed to it. That's the best way to get out of that," Ralph says. Neither of them have ever drank alcohol or smoked, and they spent a lifetime loving the passions of the "Dorothyother.
Call us about your rehearsal dinner, we will be happy to plan it for you.
Myheartrememberseachpassingday asifthingsshouldstaythesame, OnlytorealizetheoneIhaveloved foryears,isnolongerbymyside. Thankyoumylove.
Take OutAvailable
This version of Town & Country was opened in July of 1987. The restaurant originally had its beginnings 18 years prior to that. There have been five expansions of the existing building.Theowners have been George Moutos and John Vlasis since 1987. With the help of family and great employees we have provided King with a high quality dining experience. Dine-In / Maple Burbon Salmon
The Guinness World Record for longest living American couple belongs to North Carolinians Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher.They were married for 86 years, 290 days as of February 27, 2011 when Herbert died at the age of 105. Note what Ralph said about his wife. “The key to our longevity is our healthy living and agreeable nature.”
My Heart Remembers

MemorieslighttheSky AnotherdayapproachesasIlaystaringattheceiling,turningtothewindowthetreesgentlyswayfromthewind.Thecalmingoftheearlydayhelpsrelaxmywearysoul,makingsenseofrootedfeelingsthatlingerdeep.Theysayafoolkeepsthinkingback,butifthat'swhatIam,Icantseethat.Astimeslipsandmorningfadestodarkness,thememoryofyoursmilewilllightupthemorningonceagain.Ourworldscollidedforsomeunknownreason,thestrengthgiventhroughourtrialsisatruerewardtome.MemorieslighttheSky,ohyestheydo.Whereveryouareandwhoeverenjoysyourtime,IhopetheyfeeltherewardsasIdo.Theysayafoolkeepsthinkingback,butifthat'swhatIam,Icantseethat.MemorieslighttheSky,ohyestheydo.byDKE

by GraceTipping Model Erika Jackson Venue Kanawha ValleyDugspurResort,VA 39

LIGHTHOUSE EventPlanning LIGHTHOUSE EventPlanning 336.648.3494 Allison Golden Free Consultation 336.648.3494 ◦Weddings ◦Consulting ◦Scheduling ◦CorporateEvents ◦Announcements ◦Directing ◦Cleanup Designing your day, your way! exclusive partnership with...exclusive partnership with... Why do you need a Wedding Planner? You've dreamed of this day since you were a li le girl. You want it to be perfect, you want to enjoy it without all the decision making and management . Your Wedding day is a day you'll always remember. Lighthouse will make your dream day a reality Ÿ DesignIdeas Ÿ BudgetPlanning Ÿ Vendor LighthouseManagementEventPlanning 336.480.4519 Venue Rachels Place JerniganGraceModel/EriksenDavidbyPhoto Lighthouse Wedding Planning
“Allison was very knowledgeable and crea ve in the se ng up the venue for the wedding. She not only assisted in the set up of the wedding, she also assisted the vendors on loca on making sure they were set up and ready as scheduled. She assisted in cleaning up a erwards and directed the wedding for the bride.. Having her there was such a big help and made the day so much more manageable for me and the bride. She's very easy to work with , I would highly recommend Allison to anyone looking for a planner/director for their big day.”
Allison kept everything on me and ran smooth, she coordinated not only my wedding but also pictures a er the ceremony and managed the recep on. My day wouldn't have been as perfect without her hard work and support….Kelly J “On the day of my wedding she was there to meet and greet the band and caterers she made sure I didn't have to worry about anything going on outside of ge ng ready.” -Marsha C “Allison is the best!! I strongly recommend her to any bride needing some help and guidance to take the stress off them.” -Tammy C
- Amy Sawyers, owner of Rachels Place
Guiding the way to your perfect day!
Star ng Lighthouse with my daughter Sarah has been such an adventure. Direc ng Weddings has been a hobby of mine for years and she has always tagged along right there with me. I'm so excited for this opportunity that we've been given.

AshtoniffanyTKnight,LakinJones,JessicaPaul,Heatheripping,GraceJackson,ErikaBrooks,AninaModels/EriksenDavidbyPhotosT Nora Raynor 336.793.7576 Hair Majestics Free Consultation Licensed Hair Stylist VIDEOS can be found at Specializing in Wedding updo’s Iwillgiveyouallthebenefitsofmy experienceandgiveyouastyleatthelevelour “Wedding Inspirations” modelsdependon. I'mveryexcitedaboutthisnewexperience. With all the diversity in our team of highly trained professionals, your experience with us willbe NoraSincerelyRADICALLYELEGANT!,Raynor Pleasant,Professional,& Perfectionist TEAMWORKMAKES THEDREAMWORK! Color, Cuts of all kinds, Body Waves, Facial Waxing, Eye Brow Tinting

True Grit: Southern Cooking & Canning Appalachian Pone Bread Meagan Lawson Homemade Pizza! Canned Peaches Your Go-To Source We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. True Grit: Southern Cooking and Canning serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on. Like a large bescuit. with Meagan Lawson

43 with Meagan Lawson

ADVERTISING WORKS! A proven track record with local businesses since 2007. Advertise with a magazine that cares aboutYOU. 336.480.4519 Foothills ModelAmy Moore Photographer David Eriksen MORE PAGES online magazine ADVERTISING WORKS!