OAC-MKE Ballet

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M I C H A E L’ S C O R N E R A new beginning… Last year during a family series performance by the Milwaukee Ballet II Company, an interesting thing happened…we had to hold the start of the performance because we had a line of people out the door to buy tickets. We had hoped for a good turnout but the event exceeded our expectations. That good fortune was exceeded only by the fact that members of the artistic and administrative staff of the Milwaukee Ballet Company, along with a few members of the MBC Board of Directors were in the audience. A new partnership was born. A few days after the performance, I received a call from MBC artistic director, Michael Pink and the conversations began. Within a month, Robin Krakauer, our marketing manager, Rebecca Seymour, a member of our marketing committee and I were in Milwaukee at MBC offices meeting with their entire administrative and artistic team. The result…a new partnership with the Milwaukee Ballet and the Oconomowoc Arts Center was born. We are excited to have this nationally renowned ballet company join the family of artistic partnerships already working with the OAC…Bel Canto/Milwaukee Symphony, Wisconsin Philharmonic and First Stage Children’s Theater. This is an extraordinary opportunity for lake country audiences to see and hear some of the most memorable and talented artists in the upper mid-west in their own back yard. Thank you for your support of our mission and we will honor that support by continuing to bring the best in the arts, literature, visual arts and film to the OAC. Stay informed. Get on our email newsletter list or check out the web site at www.theoac.net Michael Duncan, Director Oconomowoc Arts Center

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O C O N O M OWO C A R T S C E N T E R S TA F F Arts Center Manager......................................................................................... Michael Duncan Marketing/Public Relations Manager...........................................................Robin Krakauer Box Office/Website Manager............................................................Cynthia Acosta Luksich Box Office Staff...............................................................................Ginni Hicks, Sharon Milway, Connie Rizzo, Nancy Schwabe House Managers........................................................................... Lisa Abbott, Robert Abbott, Lynne Carlstein, Mark Carlstein, Deborah Duncan, Lindsay Duncan, Cheryl Fillmore, Jack Fillmore, Jan Gibeau, Angie Harrison, David Harrison, Davey Harrison, Ginni Hicks, Dan Holzmiller, Adrianna Nowak, Connie Rizzo OAC Technicians.......................................................................... Marisa Abbott, Sean Floeter, Brandon Gariss, John Kyle, Michael Nicolai, Brooke Olson, Dustin Strobush, Andrew Zietlow Usher /House Manager Coordinator............... Cynthia Acosta Luksich,Sharon Milway Ushers......................................... Pauline Barnes, Carol Barwick , Ron Barwick, Liz Bednar, Jeff Boetcher, Penny Boetcher, Chuck Cerny, Sharon Collins, Nancy Connell, Jacqueline Day, Sarah Day, Mark Dorney, Deb Duncan, Lindsay Duncan, Annette Elftman, Chuck Eltman, Hellen Felland, Scott Felland, Barb Figi, Nina Gaydos-Fedak, Kia Gogin, John Gogin, Bonnie Grunke, Kevin Grunke , Anjuli Grunke, Kathy Haggith, Susan Hesslink, Ginni Hicks, Barb Hirsch, Deb Jelacic, Barb Jordan, Russ Jordan, Sandy Karkossa, Bob Knollenberg , Jane Knollenberg, John Koehn, Ruth Koehn, Mark Kszycki, Kathy Loehr, Arleen Lynch, June Mather, Ruth McClou, Lucy Mercado, Mary Murphy, Caryl Niebler, Mary Peterson, Judy Raether, Marge Ramstack, John Rauch Tricia Rauch, Connie Rizzo, Betsy Sander, Jeff Sander, Jim Schaefer, Sharon Schaefer, Lee Schmeckpeper, Linda Schmeckpeper, Jennifer Starke White, Kolina Sully, Nancy Teas, Lill Theil, Bill Theil, Bill Tweeden, Jan Tweeden, Chris Wehrenberg, Richard Wentland, Kathy Wentland, Maurine Willey, Terry Williams, Terri Wonn, Cheryl Woppert, Arlene Ziety, Tom Ziety

M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The Oconomowoc Arts Center mission is to provide patrons and artists of all ages, a professional, cultural and educational experience with the highest quality programming opportunities possible.

C O M M I T T E E S / PA R T N E R S H I P S Oconomowoc Area School District Dr. Patricia E. Neudecker, Superintendent of Schools Board Of Education Mr. Donald Wiemer, President Mrs. Susan Kay, Vice President Mr. Mike Bickler, Secretary Mrs. Sandra Schick Mr. John Griswold Ms. Elizabeth Thelen Ms. Lisa Arenas

2 Oconomowoc Arts Center

Programming Committee Marisa Abbott Lisa Boudin Michael Duncan Tom Halloran Marilyn Largent Emily Mariano Betty Reul Kim Schultz Peter Schwabe

C O M M I T T E E S / PA R T N E R S H I P S ( c o n t .) Marketing Committee McKenna Bryant Michael Duncan Wendy Halloran Robin Krakauer Rebecca Seymour Barb Simpson Jennifer Starke-White Visual Arts Committee Michael Duncan Terry Peterson Paul Schultz Jason Van Roo

Film/Media Committee Michael Duncan Terry Kaldhusdal Michael Krill James Scheuer Special Events/ Hospitality Committee Julie Falk Ginni Hicks Kathy Kaempf Sandy Karkossa John Koehn June Mather Adrianna Nowak

Artistic Partnerships First Stage Children’s Theater Academy, Milwaukee • Milwaukee Ballet Company Bel Canto/Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Literary Partnerships Books & Company, Oconomowoc (Visiting Author’s) Visual Arts Partnerships Waukesha Creative Arts League Pewaukee Area Arts Council (PAAC) - Ekphrastic Event • Milwaukee Youth Art Fair Residence and Event Partnership Hilton Garden Inn/Staybridge Suites - official residence of visiting artists and events

Proud Supporter of the Oconomowoc Arts Center


SUPPORT With Gratitude, the Oconomowoc Area School District acknowledges these local organizations, businesses and private patrons for their outstanding support of the Oconomowoc Arts Center. Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts, Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council, Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation, Plunkett Raysich Architects, Oconomowoc Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, Paul Phelps and Oakbrook Esser Studios, Mr. and Mrs. Narendra Patel – “Cuculidae” (Bird of Songs) Sculpture, Ace Hardware of Oconomowoc, Arc-Central of Oconomowoc, Books & Company, Footlights /Marcus Promotions, Inc., Jerry Foust, Neumann Company, Fox Bothers Piggly Wiggly Stores, The Pub – Irish Tavern & Restaurant, Sherpers, Hilton Garden Inn/Staybridge Suites Pedal’s Inn Bed & Breakfast Oconomowoc Sign Company Thanks to the UW Extension and the Southeast Wisconsin Master Gardeners for their assistance with the OAC gardens and their support of its educational value. Thanks to the Oconomowoc High school Landscape Class for their assistance with the OAC gardens.

The Oconomowoc Arts Center gratefully acknlowdges grants from the Oconomowoc Area Foundation’s Scheriffus Fund, Richard R. and Karen Bertrand Charitable Fund, and The Debbink Family Foundation. Direct gifts have been made to the OAC by: Donald J. and Constance M. Moore Jan Gibeau Direct gifts in memory have been made to the OAC by the following supporters: Mr. and Mrs. David Reul in memory of Ralph Trepte Dr. and Mrs. Victor Soderstrom in memory of Wally Wiese Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weimer in memory of Wally Wiese Rae Kinn in memory of Mary Von Bereghy

THE VIC DONORS The VIC is the rehearsal area named in celebration of excellence in education in the Oconomowoc Area School District and in honor of Vic Passante, OHS theater director, teacher and mentor from 1974 to 2007. Major Donors The Debbink Family Foundation Craig and Mary Schiefelbein Thomas X. Herro Foundation Oconomowoc Area Foundation Orbis Corporation Paragon Development Systems, Inc. Pat and Mary Sue McNamee And to the students, community members, and businesses who contributed to the 2007 celebration honoring Vic Passante’s dedication to the arts and to learning. 4 Oconomowoc Arts Center

PAC E D O N O R S PACEsetter Pabst Farms Platinum Dirk & Terry Debbink Oconomowoc Area Foundation Gold J. H. Findorff & Son Inc. Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Jennifer Bukosky, Courtney Bella & Sophia Bukosky + Silver Dick & Karen Bertrand Jerry & Jeanie Burchardt Debbink Family Foundation Bronze Dr. Gerard & Carol Adler American Assn. of University WomenOconomowoc David & Sue Breckenfelder Kent & Karen Brooks First Bank Financial Centre Chris & Lisa Gall Chuck & Pat Herro Mike & Kim Herro Family Thomas X. Herro + Geoffrey & Sandra Hogan Grace Merten Dick & Bobbie Protzmann Dave & Betty Reul Ronald & Donna Schlender Bill & Jane Wierdsma Modern Woodmen of America $1000 Donors James Kevin Barry + Dick Bertrand Karen Bertrand Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Frank & Mary Ann Brazelton Emme Burchardt Hannah Burchardt Jeff Burchardt Lisa Burchardt Bette Durnford + Matthew & Rebecca Eash Family Gerald Foust Family Reimar Frank + Betsy, Pip, Emma, & Becca Freeman

Henszey Family Kenneth Herro Andrea Keck David Keck Kris Keck John & Ruth Koehn Mike & Jodi Koehn Family Bill & Carol Lamm Terry & Marilyn Largent Helen Magnusson Lynne Marris Tom & Nancy Massnick Curt & Pat Neudecker Mary Jo Newburg * Kathy Pence + Kathy Pence + Oconomowoc High School Staff-2009 Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council OHS Class of 1961 Orthopaedic Associates of WI John & Pat Rodell Family Joseph & Dorothy St. Thomas Mike & Sandy Schick Craig Schiefelbein Mary Schiefelbein Greta Schiefelbein Hans Schiefelbein Klaus Schiefelbein Michael & Donna Scholl Andrew Schultz Conner Schultz Karly Schultz Kim Schultz Tim Schultz John P. Snyder, Jr. Family * Dean +, Ellen, Linda, Cheryl Strommen John Sutte + Dorothy “Grandma Dot� Thompson + Ray & Collette Warell Robb & Cheryl Wierdsma $750 Donors Maribeth Bush Hilton & Jean Neal Emalou Sandsmark * Dorothy M. Verhein $500 Donors Art, the Window Washer + Steve Baker * Beyond Boundries 5

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PAC E D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Ernest & Sharon Biel Family Carroll College Performing Arts Helena, MT * Cheney Family * John & Judy Cooley Family Malcom A. & Susan M. Dorn Maureen, Beth, & Michael Geraghty Howard F. Greene + Charlotte M. Hall Shirley Hamilton-Nehring Beth Hansing * John Hansing * Joe Haas Media Dr. & Mrs. Ron Karzel Otho Kile, Jr. + Del & Joan Krueger David J. Magedanz * Patrick & Amy C. Middleton Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s Club Dr. & Mrs. William Paton Jeff Sander Dave & Lucy Shanks Tom & Anne Simonis Family Sarah, Diane, & Phil Slaughter * Chad Vande Zande Family Frances Way Benjamin, Elisa, Emily, & Brice Welch Tom Woods, OPEF Board Member* $250 Donors Books and Company Curtis & Anne Brewer Mike & Bridget Bruno Family Benjamin Byczek Olivia Byczek Ginger Carney * Mary Casucci + Bill & Joyce Chapman Bob & Eileen Daly Family Drama Mamas and Papas Michael Duncan Family Steve & Carol Frankwick Daniel & Kathleen Giesen Greenland School Drama Clubs Jack & Gay Grothaus Russell & Elizabeth Halkerston Robert E. Hasselkus + Jay & Heidi Huenink Darrell & Elaine Hurdle Amy Jappinen * Alyssa Jappinen Tessa Jappinen

Jesse & Cameron Johanning Lydia Johnson + Ron & Kim Koehn Alan & Mary Koepke Paul Ludy, Jr. + Andrew J. Mount Catherine Narloch * Mike & Betty Nivens OHS Class of 1965 OHS Class of 1975 Robb Family Ed Rohloff + Genevieve Rohrer Todd & Leah Scheid Family Jodi Schlender Paul & Holly Schmidtke Don & Mary Schmitt Dr. B. J. Schumacher * David & Carol Steger * Emma & Jack Watermolen $100 Donors Issac Ama Cria Ama Alice Anderson + Alice Anderson + Alice Anderson + Joyce Antonneau * Norbert Antonneau + Bev Babinec + Eva Balistrieri Kurt & Carrie Begalke Jennifer Betances Dwayne & Joyce Block Roger Bottoni Family Jeffrey, Jason, & Kaitlin Brandl Bruce & Jo Brown David & Joan Brussat Jim Bush Lydia Ann Bush * Rob & Katie Bush Beau Butschke Fund + Gladys Christenson + Michael, Angela, Callahan & Delaney Cowles Richard C. Craemer Family Sierra M. Dakouras * Jim & Michele Doherty Dance Buddies* Kayla, Jeff, & Holly Daniels Lonnie Dykstra + Craig Finkelmeyer + Beyond Boundries 7

PAC E D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Connie Frank * Kyle Fritz * Janet Gibeau * Dr. & Mrs. W. G. Gill Carl Glaum Mark & Karen Gould Bob Grimm + Scott Haley + Mark & Dani Herro Brittany Hoffman ’09 Sr. Director * Jim Holahan + Matt & Lindsay Holsen ’09 ‘14 Grace Huenink Robert C. James + Sarah Grace Kleist * Jane R. Koning John W. Koning, Jr. Linda J. Krause Mike & Margie Krauski Michael Krill * Marilyn Largent * Harvey Larson Virginia Lawinger Audrey Karen Lemcke* Patrick Leslie Susan Lucht Family Lois L. Luebke Jim & Pat Mack Patricia Matt Donald McCollum Margaret McCollum Kathryn McCollum Freeland Lynne McCollum Staley Sean McCollum Franziska Merkle ‘07-08 Exchange Student Dan Miller Family Dr. & Mrs. G. Daniel Miller Mol Family Shannon Moore David Newburg Samantha Newburg David Nicolai Kari Nicolai Michael Nicolai Tod Ninmann Family OHS Class of 1942 OHS Class of 1950

8 Oconomowoc Arts Center

OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1966 OHS Class of 1971 OHS Class of 1974 Kathy Pence + David A. Perrigo Sherri Perrigo Dave & Kate Perry Roger & Barbara Puterbaugh Dan Reep Dood Reep Dorothy Revnew Richard & Susanne Rumpf Steve, Andrea, Matthew, & Haley St. Thomas James + & Marilyn Schaller Herbert Schick Hollie Schick Dan & Jan Schlender * Dan & Jan Schlender Stephen Schmiedlin Truman & Barbara Schultz Richard & Mary Sharp Sterling, Cassidy, & Drake Shepherd Judge Patrick & Luly Snyder Bill & Sue Snyder Charles & Lynne Staley Dean +& Ellen Strommen * Maury Sullivan William & Lillian Thiel Family Bob & Jan Thostenson Gary & Tina Timmel Family Arlene Tinus Grma. Dot Thompson + Chuck Thorsen * Christopher M. Todd * Steve A. Wagner Family ’73, ’75, ’05, ‘08 Bridgette Well ’09 Sr. Director * Dick Whalen Florence Whalen Lisa Hansing Young * Tom & Arlene Ziety *Gifts dedicated to name listed + Gifts in member

Main Stage Series Saturday, May 19 7:30 pm

Artistic Director Michael Pink Board Chair Keith Kolb

Executive Director Dennis Buehler Music Director Andrews Sill

Ballet Mistress Nadia Thompson

Ballet Master Denis Malinkine

Leading Artists Yuki Clark, David Hovhannisyan, Patrick Howell, Ryan Martin, Marc Petrocci, Luz San Miguel Artists Florent Bouyat, Kara Bruzina, Mengjun Chen, Alexandre Ferreira, Matthew Frain, Brandon Funk, Susan Gartell, Justin Genna, Deonte Hansel, Valerie Harmon, Annia Hidalgo, Courtney Kramer, Rachel Malehorn, Janel Meindersee, Barry Molina, Isaac Sharratt, Nicole Teague, Raven Wales, Petr Zahradnícek

The Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program Director—Rolando Yanes Michael Agudelo, Rie Aoki, Parker Brasser-Vos, Vanessa Caldas-Vieira, Bea Castañeda, Thom Dancy, Connor Frain, Kevin Hamilton, Alaina Keller, Alexandra Lake, Nicole Larson, Remi Lartigue, Moka Maihara, Sam Neale, Emily Reed, Asami Takahashi, Lauren Treat, Chiharu Yamamoto Milwaukee Ballet Company dancers are represented by the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA). Milwaukee Ballet 504 W. National Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53204 (414) 643-7677 www.milwaukeeballet.org Beyond Boundries 9

PROGR A M The Last Glass (excerpt) Choreography: Matthew Neenan Music: Beirut Valerie Harmon, Rachel Malehorn, Janel Meindersee, Kara Bruzina, Courtney Kramer David Hovhannisyan, Petr Zahradnicek, Isaac Sharratt, Brandon Funk, Marc Petrocci Swan Lake Spanish Dance Choreography: Michael Pink

Celts (Mens Dance) Choreography: Lila York Music: Traditional Irish music Costumes: Atlanta Ballet Matthew Frain, Barry Molina, Deonte Hansel, Mengjun Chen, Issac Sharratt, Brandon Funk Intermission Something I Had in Mind Choreography: Mauro de Candia Music: Nicoló Paganini by Nicoló Paganini

Luz San Miguel and Ryan Martin Extremely Close Choreography: Alejandro Cerrudo Music: Philip Glass and Dustin O’Halloran Costumes: Hubbard Street Dance Rachel Malehorn, Raven Wales, Susan Gartell Opus Choreography: Steven McMahan Music: Opus #35; Dustin O’Halloran Kara Bruzina La Sylphide Choreography: August Bournonville Composer: Herman Severin Løvenskiold Nicole Teague, and David Hovhannisyan Swan Lake Neopolitan Dance Choreography: Michael Pink Annia Hidalgo and Marc Petrocci

Emily Reed, Bea Castañeda, Alexandra Lake, Lauren Treat, Michael Agudelo, Parker Brasser-Vos, Thom Dancy, Sam Neale Corsaire pas de deux Choreography: Marius Petipa Music: Adolphe Adam Courtney Kramer and Alexandre Ferreira Tarantella Choreography: Nadia Thompson Music: Louis Moreau Gottschalk Raven Wales, Valerie Harmon, Janel Meindersee, Nicole Teague, Rachel Malehorn, Susan Gartell, Flourent Bouyat, Mengjun Chen, Barry Molina, Brandon Funk, Justin Genna, Deonte Hansel Lighting by Rick Tatum Special thanks to Milwaukee Ballet’s Costume Shop

BIOGR APHIES Michael Pink Artistic Director Sponsored by Joan and Jack* Stein Michael Pink began his tenure as Artistic Director of Milwaukee Ballet Company in December of 2002. Since that time he has established himself as a prominent member of the Milwaukee arts community, demonstrating his commitment to the future of dance through new work, education and collaboration. This commitment was 10 Oconomowoc Arts Center

demonstrated in his recent collaboration on Cabaret and Next to Normal with Mark Clements, newly appointed Artistic Director of Milwaukee Repertory Theater. His artistic vision for Milwaukee Ballet is both exciting and challenging. His long awaited production of Peter Pan signified a major landmark in the Company’s history. Mr. Pink’s theatrical productions of Dracula, The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Giselle 1943, The Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Romeo & Juliet have been hailed as ‘Classical Ballet for the 21st Century’. Romeo and Juliet was filmed by Milwaukee Public Television in 2007.

B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Michael Pink is an international choreographer and teacher. He trained as a classical dancer at the Royal Ballet, joining English National Ballet in 1975. During his ten years with the Company, he danced many leading roles, most notably his partnership with Natalia Makarova in John Cranko’s Onegin. From 1986 to 1998 he worked alongside Christopher Gable as founding director of Ballet Central and Associate Artistic Director of the Northern Ballet Theatre. Throughout his career he has worked with such luminaries as Dame Ninette de Valois, Sir Frederick Ashton, Rudolf Nureyev, Leonide Massine, Nicholas Beriosoff and Glen Tetley. His early choreographic work won him first place in the Ursula Moreton Choreographic Competition and the Royal Society of Arts Competition. He has worked as repetiteur for Rudolf Nureyev at the Paris Opera and La Scala Milan. His first professional work, 1914, was nominated for a West End Theatre Award.

A long standing friendship with composer Philip Feeney has produced over twenty original works. His other works include Don Quixote, Strange Meeting, Esmeralda, Solstice, Don’t Touch, Aubade, as well as works for theatre and television. Mr. Pink was recognized by the Wisconsin Dance Council with the Choreography/Performance Award. *Deceased Dennis Buehler Executive Director Dennis Buehler, now in his fifth season with Milwaukee Ballet after being named Executive Director in the fall of 2007, continues to lead the organization with great pride. Mr. Buehler previously led the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts for nearly six years where he was credited with successfully guiding one of the region’s fastest growing arts organizations through its initial strategic, artistic and organizational development phases. In 2005, The Business Journal of Greater Milwaukee named him one of its Forty

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B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) under Forty awardees, followed up in 2009 by honoring his work with Milwaukee Ballet in its inaugural Power Book edition of top Milwaukee area business executives. Currently, he is forging the Ballet’s partnership with the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee’s Peck School of the Arts and the Medical College of Wisconsin to develop a new transformative arts, education and wellness center in the heart of Milwaukee’s Performing Arts District. Otherwise known as The Harmony Initiative, this bold approach proposes a new collaborative operating model that provides greater visibility, accessibility and long range sustainability for some of Milwaukee’s most important artistic and teaching institutions.

arts venues on behalf of the national arts advocacy group Americans for the Arts and plays an active role in DanceUSA.

He has been an active member of the Creative Alliance of Greater Milwaukee, the Creative Coalition for Greater Milwaukee, served as a local advocacy captain for Arts Wisconsin and an initial planning committee member for the Milwaukee 7 project. Mr. Buehler has served on the Milwaukee Public Television strategic planning committee and participated in the Milwaukee Mosaic Partnership Program. He has also spoken on the regional impact of collaborative

Artistic Staff

Early in his career, Mr. Buehler held various producing roles with a number of theatre groups in both Florida and Wisconsin, including the Skylight Opera Theatre in Milwaukee from 1998 - 2002. He graduated from the Professional Theatre Training Program at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee in 1992 and left the university with a high honors in 1993. Mr. Buehler currently lives in Mequon with his wife Treena, an independent artist, and their two daughters. Mr. Buehler dedicates his work this season to his grandfather Harold.

Nadia Thompson Ballet Mistress Nadia Thompson was trained in Australia by her mother Frances Davis Thompson, and graduated from the Royal Ballet School after winning the bronze medal at the

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B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Adeline Genee Awards. Before moving to the United States and to Boston Ballet, she worked with Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet, Northern Ballet Theatre and London City Ballet, performing for such dignitaries as HRH Princess Diana, Princess Margaret, the Duchess of York, and Her Majesty the Queen at the Royal Command Performance. Ms. Thompson has danced principal roles in Swan Lake, Giselle, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Coppelia, Don Quixote and Abdallah. A vast Balanchine repertoire includes Russian and Elegy in Serenade, Principal Lady in Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto #2, Divertimento #15, Tchaikovsky Pas De Deux, Mozartiana, Rubies and Choleric in The Four Temperaments. Ms. Thompson has worked as a guest teacher with Trey McIntyre Project, White Oak, Colorado Ballet, Boston Ballet, Queensland Ballet, Harvard University, Wellesley College and West Australian Ballet.

Denis Malinkine Ballet Master Sponsored by The Heil Family Foundation A native Russian, Denis Malinkine graduated from the esteemed Bolshoi Ballet Academy. He soon joined the Moscow Classical Ballet in 1985 and participated in many of the Company’s tours, including: the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan, among othesrs. In 1990 he joined the National Ballet of Portugal. In 1993, Mr. Malinkine was invited by Christopher Gable to join England’s Northern Ballet Theatre. As a principal he created the title role in the landmark production of Dracula by Michael Pink and Christopher Gable, and the roles of Captain Phoebus in Pink’s Hunchback of Notre Dame and Albrecht in Northern Ballet Theatre’s Giselle. He expanded this experience in the genre of Dance Drama in productions of Romeo & Juliet, Christmas Carol, Cinderella, Swan Lake, The Brontes and Carmen. Mr. Malinkine has worked with Atlanta Ballet since 1999 where he created the


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B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) role of Romeo in Michael Pink’s Romeo & Juliet. During his career he has appeared in classical ballet performances, and in productions by George Balanchine, Kenneth MacMillan, Lila York and many others. Mr. Malinkine has acted as guest artist and assistant to Mr. Pink in performing and remounting these works for Atlanta Ballet, Boston Ballet, Colorado Ballet, Ballet Internationale and the Norwegian National Ballet. He also assisted John McFall in his work for Peter Pan with Ballet Internationale. Leading Artists Yuki Clark Sponsored by Nita Soref Yuki Clark was born in Japan and received her training from Kubota Ballet in Mie, Japan, as well as the esteemed Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia. She has danced as a company member with Mie City Ballet touring throughout Japan, Atlantic Contemporary Ballet Theatre, Columbia City Ballet and New Jersey Ballet in the United States. Ms. Clark has performed many solo and principal roles such as Odette/ Odile in Swan Lake, Princess Aurora and the Enchanted Princess from The Sleeping Beauty, Kitri in Don Quixote, the principal role in Paquita, and Phrygia in Spartacus Pas De Deux. She has also performed as guest artist for Rika Yu and Fabrice Herrault in New York City and for Lexington Ballet in Kentucky. At Milwaukee Ballet, Ms. Clark has been featured as the Marie/Sugarplum Fairy and Snow Queen in The Nutcracker, Bluebird in The Sleeping Beauty, as well as The Dawn in Coppélia. This is her fifth season with Milwaukee Ballet and her first season as a leading artist. David Hovhannisyan Sponsored by the Peck Family Foundation, Milwaukee LTD Born in Armenia, David Hovhannisyan began dancing at the age of six. At the age of 10 he was accepted into the National Ballet School of Armenia on full scholarship. At the age of 16 he began his professional career with the Armenian National Ballet Company. After arriving in the United

States he received critical acclaim dancing with numerous companies throughout the country. Mr. Hovhannisyan joined Milwaukee Ballet in 2004. This will be his eighth season with the Company. He has enjoyed dancing many principal roles such as Romeo in Romeo & Juliet, Basilio in Don Quixote, the title role in Dracula, Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Captain Hook/ Mr. Darling in Peter Pan, Prince Solor in La Bayadere, Tamino in The Magic Flute, Captain Phoebus in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake, Moon Prince in Scheherazade, Franz in Coppélia, and leads in The Nutcracker, as well as numerous leads in contemporary ballets. Mr. Hovhannisyan has enjoyed working with choreographers such as Michael Pink, Stephen Mills, Bruce Wells, Trey McIntyre, Margo Sappington, Kathryn Posin and Mark Godden, among others. Patrick Howell* Sponsored by Shirley and Stan Kritzik William Patrick Howell was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He started his dance training at age 15 at the Giacobbe Academy of Dance. At age 18, he was offered a full scholarship to train at the Rock School of the Pennsylvania Ballet. After two years he trained at the School of American Ballet in New York City on full scholarship, where he also appeared in the feature film “Center Stage”. Mr. Howell started his professional career at BalletMet in Columbus, Ohio, where he danced many leading roles including Laertes in Hamlet, Benvolio in Romeo & Juliet, Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Jonathan Harker and Renfield in Dracula, among others. From 2004-2007 Mr. Howell has danced as a soloist with the United Kingdom’s Northern Ballet Theatre, where he performed roles including the title role in Peter Pan, Gypsy pas de deux in La Traviata, and the final role before his departure, D’Artagnan in the critically acclaimed Three Musketeers, a role that Artistic Director David Nixon created on him. While dancing in England, Mr. Howell was named dancer of the month in Dancing Times magazine. He also traveled throughout Germany and France dancing Don Quixote, and served as a staff member to the Blue Lakes Fine Arts Camp. Favorite roles at Milwaukee Ballet include Stepsister in Michael Pink’s Cinderella and Captain Hook in Peter Pan, which Michael Pink created on him. *On leave for the season Beyond Boundries 15

B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Ryan Martin Sponsored by Sue and Allan “Bud” Selig Born in Oakland, California, Ryan Martin received his training with Virginia’s ODU Ballet, the National Ballet School in Toronto, Canada and on a scholarship at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia. Before joining Milwaukee Ballet, he danced with Ballet Met, Charleston Ballet Theater, Tulsa Ballet, Dresdner Ballet and Leonid Jakobson’s Choreographic Miniatures. Mr. Martin has performed as a guest artist in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Japan, and several United States cities. He has danced principal roles in ballets such as The Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote, Voluntaries, Swan Lake, Giselle, Romeo & Juliet and Taming of the Shrew. Mr. Martin has also performed leading roles in works by George Balanchine, Leonid Jacobson, Uwe Scholz, John Neumeier, Stanton Welch, Nacho Duato, Paul Taylor, Lila York, Liev Vainonien and Marius Petipa. Marc Petrocci Sponsored by Mary and Dean Klinger Marc Petrocci is proud to enter his ninth season with Milwaukee Ballet. He received his formal ballet training under the direction of David Moroni at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. Before graduating in 2002, Mr. Petrocci was awarded the prestigious Prince Edward Award, honoring his excellence and dedication to the balletic art form. Mr. Petrocci’s favorite roles have included James in La Sylphide, Bugle Boy in Company B, Mercutio in Michael Pink’s Romeo & Juliet and Puck in Bruce Wells’ A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Mr. Petrocci was privileged to have the role of Peter Pan created on him by Michael Pink for his world premiere in 2010, and Mr. Petrocci eagerly awaits the return of the production this coming May. He has also performed in works by Lila York, John Utans, Mark Godden and Trey McIntyre. In 2005 Mr. Petrocci had the privilege of dancing with the Trey McIntyre Project’s inaugural season, performing at the Vail International Dance Festival, the Aspen Dance Festival and Jacob’s Pillow, and was featured in the world premiere of Trey McIntyre’s ballet Hymn at the 13th annual Fire Island Dance Festival in 2007. 16 Oconomowoc Arts Center

Mr. Petroccci is thrilled to be back on stage with the company and to see friendly faces old and new in the audience this season. Luz San Miguel Sponsored by Jane and Jim Bell Born in Madrid, Spain, Luz San Miguel received her training at Carmina Ocana Ballet School, and on a scholarship at the Municipal Institute of Ballet in Antwerp, Belgium. Prior to joining Milwaukee Ballet, she has danced with BalletMet, Charleston Ballet Theater, Tulsa Ballet, Dresdner Ballet and Leipziger Ballet in Germany. She also performed as a guest artist in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and several cities in the United States. Ms. San Miguel has performed leading roles in ballets by John Cranko, George Balanchine, John Neumeier, Nacho Duato, Anthony Tudor, Stanton Welch, Uwe Scholz, Glen Tetley, Paul Taylor, Lila York and Jerome Robbins among others. During her time with Milwaukee Ballet, she has performed roles such as Lucy in Dracula, Clara and Marie in The Nutcracker, Odile in Swan Lake, Kitri and Matador Lady in Don Quixote, Tinker Bell in Peter Pan, the title roles in Cinderella and Esmeralda, and Juliet in Romeo & Juliet. Artists Florent Bouyat Sponsored by Richard and Ann Teerlink Florent Bouyat was born in La Rochelle, France. He started his training in his hometown and moved to train at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon where he was offered a full scholarship. He started his dance career with the Northern Ballet Theater (UK) where he had the opportunity to dance soloist roles including Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet, Goro in Madame Butterfly, M1 in Requiem. He then went on to join the Royal Swedish Ballet where he continued dancing soloist roles in La Bayadère, Kazimir’s Colours, The Nutcracker, Por vos muero. He has since danced with Singapore Dance Theater, Ballett von Theater und Philharmonie Thüringen (Germany), the English National Ballet and Tulsa Ballet.

B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Kara Bruzina Sponsored by Dr. Suzanne Martens Kara Bruzina began her ballet training in her hometown of Lexington, Kentucky. She continued her studies through summer sessions at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School and abroad before earning her BFA at the University of Cincinnati– CCM. She has danced with Ballet Memphis, Kentucky Ballet Theater, Dayton Ballet and Collage Dance Collective among others, performing such classical roles as Odette in Septime Weber’s Swan Lake as well as more contemporary pieces by such choreographers as Julia Adam, Thaddeus Davis, Mark Godden and Adam Hougland. She joined Milwaukee Ballet partway through last season, first appearing in Mauro de Candia’s piece, Something I Had in Mind. Mengjun Chen Mengjun Chen was born in Wenzhou, China. He began is ballet training at the Beijing Dance Academy. After graduating from the Academy in 2010, Chen attended the Joffrey Academy of Dance Trainee Program on a full scholarship. While in the program, he performed with the Joffrey Ballet Company on tour and in Chicago in The Nutcracker and The Merry Widow. In 2011, Chen joined The Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program where he performed in Grand Pas Classique, Flower Festival and the roles of “Wolf” and “Undead” in Michael Pink’s Dracula. This is Mengjun Chen’s first year as an Artist with Milwaukee Ballet. Alexandre Ferreira Sponsored by Katie Heil Alexandre Ferreira is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He began his ballet training at the age of 11 with Escola de Dança Alice Arja. When he was 15 he performed the lead roles of Le Corsaire and Sleeping Beauty. He joined the Cia de Ballet Rio de Janeiro at the age of 16, where he performed principal parts in Giselle and Don Quixote. The following year he received a full scholarship to the Miami City Ballet School. In his final year with the school, working as a student apprentice

with the Miami City Ballet, he performed Phlegmatic in George Balanchine’s Four Temperaments and Swan Lake’s Black Swan pas de deux. After catching the director’s attention, Mr. Ferreira joined the Miami City Ballet as a company member at the age of 19. Working with Miami City Ballet he performed roles such as Mercutio in John Cranko’s Romeo and Juliet, The Harlequin in George Balanchine’s La Sonnambula, Tea in George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker, Three Smokers in Edward Villella’s The Neighborhood Ballroom, and Trumpet in Jerome Robbins’ Fanfare. In his dance career Mr. Ferreira has performed and studied works by both Paul Taylor and Twyla Tharp and additionally Jerome Robbins, including Promethean Fire, Nine Sinatra Songs, Baker’s Dozen, Golden Section, Fanfare and Company B. He has received Gold Medals from the Danza America competition, in categories ranging from classical to contemporary variations and pas de deuxs. Matthew Frain Sponsored by Jane Will Matthew Frain began his ballet training in Naperville, Illinois at the age of 11 with Ricardo and Regina Moyano. While training, he performed soloist and principal roles in The Nutcracker and original works by Ricardo Moyano. At the age of 16, Mr. Frain received a full scholarship to the Chicago Academy for the Arts under the direction of Anna Paskevska and Randy Duncan. While at the Academy, he performed Don Quixote Pas de Deux, Diana and Acteon Pas de Deux, Peasant Pas de Deux from Giselle and Prince Desire in Aurora’s Wedding. Mr. Frain also performed in original works by Randy Duncan, Paul Sanasardo and Eduardo Vilaro among others. In August 2006, Mr. Frain became an apprentice with Joffrey Ballet where he performed in Robert Joffrey’s The Nutcracker, Giselle, Antony Tudor’s Offenbach in the Underworld and Twyla Tharp’s Waterbaby Bagatelles. While at Milwaukee Ballet, Mr. Frain has appeared as Jack in Michael Pink’s Cinderella, as well as Michael Pink’s Peter Pan, Timothy O’Donnell’s Boléro: Let There Be Light and Val Caniparoli’s Blades of Grass. This is his third season with Milwaukee Ballet.

Beyond Boundries 17

B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Brandon Funk Sponsored by Jeff and Sandy Schlinsog Brandon Funk began his ballet training at Metropolitan Ballet Theatre under the direction of Maniya Barredo at the age of 17. Since then he has gone on to train at the Georgia Ballet and Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education. Mr. Funk then danced with Atlanta Ballet as a Fellowship Dancer, where he performed in productions such as Romeo & Juliet, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote and John McFall’s The Nutcracker. This is his first season with Milwaukee Ballet. Susan Gartell Sponsored by Nancy and Stephen Einhorn Susan Gartell began her dance career in Chandler, Arizona where she studied under Nadja Lagenhorst and Sharon Meko as part of Ballet Etudes. She continued her training at the University of Arizona on a scholarship as a dance and political science major. Ms. Gartell then spent two years with the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program before joining the Company. Since dancing with the Company, she has had the pleasure of performing roles choreographed by Mark Godden, Kathryn Posin, Lila York, Trey McIntyre, Maurice Causey and George Balanchine among others. She has also been featured in roles created for her by Margo Sappington, Nelly Von Bommel, Adam Hougland and Michael Pink. She danced the role of Ophelia in Steven Mill’s production of Hamlet, and performed the pas de trois in Act II of La Bayadere, Raymonda variations, the Miettes Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty and Prayer in Coppélia. She was also honored to dance the role of Wendy in Michael Pink’s Peter Pan. Ms. Gartell thanks her friends and family for their constant inspiration. Justin Genna Originally from Madison, Wisconsin, Justin Genna trained at Monona Academy of Dance under the direction of Jojean Retrum and Jason Cisler. As a senior company member there, he performed such roles as Cavalier and Spanish in The Nutcracker and the Cheshire 18 Oconomowoc Arts Center

Cat in Alice in Wonderland. Mr. Genna spent summers studying with Virginia School of the Arts, Houston Ballet and Milwaukee Ballet. During the summer of 2006, he performed for the International Ballet Competition in Jacksonville, Mississippi, representing the Midwestern states for Regional Dance America. While in the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program, Mr. Genna was a guest for Allegro Dance in Wausau, Wisconsin. In the past three seasons as an Apprentice with Milwaukee Ballet he has done the roles of Jacks, the Rat King, Drosselmeyer and Arabian in The Nutcracker, and worked with such choreographers as Val Caniparoli (Gustav’s Rooster, Blades of Grass - world premiere), Maurice Causey (city of the shining jewel - world premiere) and was Gentleman Starkey in the world premiere of Michael Pink’s Peter Pan. This is his fourth season as an Artist with Milwaukee Ballet. Deonte Hansel Sponsored by Anthony and Andrea Bryant Deonte Hansel was born in Detroit, Michigan. He began his training at the age of 16 with Gwinnett Ballet Theater with Lisa Sheppard and Kelly Spa. He continued his training on scholarship at The Rock School and Houston Ballet. After graduating from The South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities, he joined Louisville Ballet Company for a season, also dancing with Orlando Ballet and Atlanta Ballet. His performance credits include George Balanchine’s Who Cares, Twyla Tharp’s Golden Section, Mark Morris’ Moulin Rouge, Helen Pickett’s Petal and Val Caniparoli Lambarena and Le Corsaire. Mr. Hansel enjoys spending quality time with friends and family, and thanks God for his talent to dance. Valerie Harmon Sponsored by Mary Vandenberg and Keith Mardak Valerie Harmon was born in Lompoc, California, where she received the majority of her dance training from Denise Donlon at the Lompoc School of Dance. She spent summers training with Long Beach Ballet Arts Center, American Ballet Theatre, Boston Ballet and Milwaukee Ballet. From there she went on to dance with the school of State Street Ballet of Santa Barbara, where she was

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B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) later invited to join the Company. While with State Street Ballet, Ms. Harmon performed in many new works by Artistic Director Rodney Gustafson, as well as Robert Sund’s Beauty and the Beast, and William Soleau’s Carmen. In 2006, she was privileged to join Milwaukee Ballet for its production of Swan Lake. After completing the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II program, Ms. Harmon accepted a position with Milwaukee Ballet for its 2008-09 season. During her time with the Company, she has enjoyed performing the roles of Candide Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty, the Spirit of the Glass Slippers in Cinderella, Prayer in Coppélia, Wendy in Michael Pink’s Peter Pan and Mina in Michael Pink’s Dracula. She has also danced in new works by Cameron McMillan, Mark Godden, Tim O’Donnell, Mauro de Candia, Petr Zahradnícek, Darrell Grand Moultrie and Val Caniparoli. During the summer of 2011, Ms. Harmon was privileged to dance with Dance Grand Moultrie at Summerstage in New York City. In addition, she was featured as Giselle and Odette per the inaugural season of DManagement’s Performing Arts in Chicago. Headshot courtesy of Rick Brodzeller. Annia Hidalgo Annia Hidalgo began her ballet training in the city of Holguín, Cuba, and continued it at the National Ballet School in Havana under the guidance of Professor Ramona de Saa. In 2004 she was awarded the Gold Medal in the International Ballet Competition held in the Cuban capital. That same year she joined the Ballet Nacional de Cuba as a soloist, under the technical and artistic direction of Alicia Alonso. Her repertoire includes soloist roles in important works of the romantic-classical grand tradition, among them: La Fille Mal Gardée, Coppélia, Giselle, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Paquita, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, La Bayadére, Scheherazade and Prince Igor. Hidalgo has also performed works of contemporary creators, including: Ballo della Regina, Violin Concerto, and Theme and Variations by George Balanchine, A Concert in Black and White by Jose Pares, Muñecos by Alberto Méndez and Dionaea by Gustavo Herrera. Hidalgo performed as a principal with Media City Ballet through 2010, and comes to Milwaukee Ballet directly from Los Angeles Ballet, where she performed as a soloist. 20 Oconomowoc Arts Center

Courtney Kramer Sponsored by Kathleen and Frank Thometz Courtney Kramer is originally from Crystal Lake, Illinois, where she received her formal training with Judith Svalander. In 2003 she graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance. After completing the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program, Ms. Kramer joined the Company in 2005. She was honored to have performed the world premiere of Michael Pink’s Little Dancer Aged Fourteen at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Ms. Kramer has enjoyed performing featured roles in Jerome Robbins’ Fancy Free, George Balanchine’s Agon, Marius Petipa’s La Bayadere, Spring Fairy in Cinderella, Dawn variation in Coppélia, and the roles of Clara and The Snow Queen in Michael Pink’s The Nutcracker. She was honored to have performed the role of Tiger Lily in the world premiere of Michael Pink’s Peter Pan. She has also danced many classical and contemporary roles choreographed by Michael Pink, Maurice Causey, Trey McIntyre, Nelly Van Bommel, Lila York, Val Caniparoli, Tim O’Donnell, Mauro de Candia and many others. Rachel Malehorn Sponsored by Wanetta and Jason Fricke Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Rachel Malehorn received her formal training at the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School and continued on to graduate from the prestigious Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program. Since joining the Company, Ms. Malehorn has enjoyed performing works created by Val Caniparoli, Petr Zahradnícek, Mark Godden, Darrell Grand Moultrie and Jerry Opdenaker. She has also performed as a semi-finalist in Palm Desert for the Dancing Beneath the Stars Competition and participated in the Northwest Professional Dance Project. This is Ms. Malehorn’s sixth season with the Company.

B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Janel Meindersee Sponsored by Joan Brengel Growing up in Vancouver, Washington, Janel Meindersee received her formal training at The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre under the direction of Damara Bennett. After training in the school for five years, she went on to dance as an Apprentice with Oregon Ballet Theatre for one season before joining Nevada Ballet Theatre in 2009. Under the direction of James Canfield, Ms. Meindersee danced as a Company Artist for two seasons performing in such ballets as Canfield’s Jungle, Degas Impressions and Equinox. Other highlights include performing in George Balanchine’s Rubies and Donizetti Variations, Matthew Neenan’s At the Border and Thaddeus Davis’s world premiere of An Incandescent Start. This is Ms. Meindersee’s first season with Milwaukee Ballet. Barry Molina Sponsored by Alyson Chavez and Lori Flanigan Barry Molina is originally from Bloomington, Minnesota. He trained at the School of American Ballet, studied with Peter Martins and Jack Soto and spent multiple summers at the American Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive Program. For the last two years, Barry has been in the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program, where he performed both classical and contemporary repertoire and premiered the title character in Billy’s Dancing Dairy Farm with the Ballet’s community outreach programs. He has danced with the Company in Michael Pink’s The Nutcracker as a Jack, in the world premiere of Peter Pan as the Shadow and most recently in the Mazurka in Coppélia. This is his first season as an artist with Milwaukee Ballet. Isaac Sharratt Sponsored by Colette and William Goldammer Isaac Sharratt was born in Tucson, Arizona where he trained at the Ballet Arts Academy before joining Ballet Tuscon as an apprentice. He joined the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program in the 2008-09 season, and

the Company the following year. During his time in Milwaukee Ballet II he performed in Cancun, Mexico as a representative of the program. As a member of the Company Mr. Sharratt was pleased to be a part of the world premiere of Michael Pink’s Peter Pan, playing the role of Noodles the pirate. He has also had the priviledge of working with various choreographers including Darrell Grand Moultrie, Val Caniparoli, Tim O’Donnell and Lucas Jervies. Mr. Sharratt is excited for his third season with the Company. Nicole Teague Sponsored by Robert Dohmen Nicole Teague is originally from San Diego, California. She started dancing at age eight, when her parents opened their own ballet school, Ballet Arte. Teague was an apprentice with Colorado Ballet for two seasons before joining the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II program in 2006. In the summer of 2007 she attended Northwest Professional Dance Project where she worked with esteemed directors and choreographers including Alonzo King, Lucas Crandall and Cayetono Soto. This is her fourth season with Milwaukee Ballet, where she has had the opportunity to perform the Autumn Fairy in Michael Pink’s Cinderella, Clara and Marie in The Nutcracker, world premieres by Timothy O’Donnell, Mauro de Candia and Val Caniparoli, a Muse in Petr Zahradnícek’s Concourse, Michael Darling in Michael Pink’s Peter Pan, Flying Cloud in Diane Coburn Bruning’s Ramblin’ Suite and most recently as Lucy in Michael Pink’s Dracula. Headshot courtesy of Rick Brodzeller. Raven Wales Sponsored by Margaret and William Raasch Raven Wales, a Wisconsin native, began her dance training and performance experience as a student with Milwaukee Ballet School. She was granted a full scholarship to study with the Houston Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet and the School of American Ballet in New York. Upon returning to Wisconsin, Ms. Wales joined the Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program, the Ballet’s pre-professional program, and progressed into an apprentice dancer and soon after as an Artist with the Company. Throughout her professional dance career, Ms. Wales has been Beyond Boundries 21

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B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) invited to perform as a guest artist for the Ohio Dance Theatre, Ballet Entre-Nous based in northern Chicago and the Dance Company in Green Bay, Wisconsin. She has enjoyed performing classical and contemporary roles created by choreographers such as George Balanchine, Trey McIntyre, Lila York, Jessica Lang and Michael Pink, including appearing as Gertrude in Stephen Mills’ Hamlet. Ms. Wales performed leading roles in Val Caniparoli’s Gustav’s Rooster, Mark Godden’s Wonder Wild and in Michael Pink’s Cinderella as the Stepmother. She was also featured in The Games We Play by Timothy O’Donnell, winner of Milwaukee Ballet’s Genesis: International Choreographer’s Competition 2009. Petr Zahradnícek Sponsored by Betty Quadracci Petr Zahradnícek is a native of the Czech Republic. After graduating from the Brno Dance Conservatoire, he joined the National Theater in Prague. In 1996 Zahradnícek moved to Germany where he danced with Theater Vorpommern, Salzburg Ballet and Stadttheater Wurzburg. In 2001 he decided to move to the United States where he danced with Colorado Ballet before joining Milwaukee Ballet. Since joining Milwaukee Ballet in 2003, Zahradnícek has created many pieces for Milwaukee Ballet, Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program and Milwaukee Ballet School & Academy. He has also choreographed three pieces for Ballet Memphis in Tennessee. In 2007, Petr Zahradnícek received a grant from the New York Choreographic Institute, an affiliate of New York City Ballet. In November 2010, his piece There for You from Concourse was performed as a finalist at the McCullum Theater Choreography Festival in California, where he will compete again this year with 1 Run 2. Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program

at the Professional School of the Arts and the Vocational School of Ballet in Santa Clara, Cuba. While in Cuba, Mr. Yanes was a principal dancer with Joven Guardias Centro ProDanza under the direction of Lauren Alonso and Ballet de Camaguey. In 1995, he was awarded the Silver Medal at the prestigious International Ballet Competition in Brasilia, Brazil. Mr. Yanes came to the United States in 1996 as a principal dancer with Milwaukee Ballet Company. As a principal dancer with Milwaukee Ballet, Mr. Yanes expanded his diverse classical and contemporary repertoire dancing leading roles in such ballets as Romeo & Juliet, Swan Lake, Coppelia, The Nutcracker, and Giselle. His powerful technique and unparalleled partnering skills led to principal roles in La Esmeralda, Spartacus, Troy Game, Who Cares?, Diana and Acteon, and Le Corsaire, as well as major works from leading choreographers like George Balanchine, Choo-San Goh, Robert Joffrey, and Kathryn Posin, among others. Mr. Yanes is in great demand as a guest artist. He has performed with numerous companies including performances of La Fille Mal Gardee with Ballet Taller de San Juan (Puerto Rico) and The International Ballet Festivals in Havana, Cuba and Maracaibo, Venezuela. Mr. Yanes has also performed with the Rockford Ballet, Pamiro Opera (Green Bay), the Florentine Opera, and on international tours to Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Jamaica. This marks Mr. Yanes’ eleventh year as the director of Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II, the official pre-professional program of the Milwaukee Ballet. In addition to performing with Milwaukee Ballet Company, young dancers will continue their development as they perform classical and original choreography in performances and community outreach events in and around Southeast Wisconsin. Since 2004, Mr. Yanes has been directing Milwaukee Ballet School & Academy. His original choreography has been performed by Milwaukee Ballet School’s pre-professional summer program students and Milwaukee Ballet II.

Rolando Yanes Director of Milwaukee Ballet School & Academy & Milwaukee Ballet II Sponsored by Suzanne and Michael Hupy Rolando Yanes is a native of Villa Clara, Cuba. He received training Beyond Boundries 23

Barres, Windows and Ladder: Connor Frain, Bea Castañeda, Rémi Lartigue**, Parker Brasser-Vos, Sam Neale. Standing: Lauren Treat, Michael Agudelo, Asami Takahashi, Ellis Endsley, Kevin Hamilton, Alaina Keller. Benches and Floor: Mengjun Chen, Nicole Larson, Vanessa Caldas-Vieira, Alexandra Lake, Moka Maihara, Chiharu Yamamoto, Thom Dancy*, Emily Reed. Not pictured: Rie Aoki. *Sponsored by Bruce and Candy Pindyck. **Sponsored by Linda Sell Mengjun Chen is now a member of Milwaukee Ballet Company.

T H E N A N C Y E I N H O R N M I LWAU K E E B A L L E T I I P R O G R A M Mission The Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II Program, established in 1978, nurtures and develops dancers’ technical skills and artistry required for a professional career in dance. The Nancy Einhorn Milwaukee Ballet II curriculum is based on the artistic vision of Milwaukee Ballet and gives dancers the training needed to bridge the gap between student and professional through performing opportunities with the Milwaukee Ballet Company, as well as performances created specifically for Milwaukee Ballet II. These dancers are a vital part of the Department of Education’s mission to reach and educate the community. Their participation in outreach programs through teaching and performing fully enhances their education.

24 Oconomowoc Arts Center

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