Grant Park Music Festival 2021 - Book 6

Page 20

arr. Leslie Hewlett Paddy McGinty’s Goat Mister Patrick McGinty, an Irishman of note, came into a fortune so bought himself a goat. Said he, “sure of goat’s milk, I mean to have me fill” but when he brought the Nanny home he found it was a Bill. And now all the ladies who live in Killaloo are all wearing bustles like their mothers used to do. They each wore a bolster beneath their petticoat and leave the rest in providence and Paddy McGinty’s goat. Nora McCarthy the knot was going to tie; she washed all her bloomers and hung them out to dry. Then up came the goat and he saw the bits of white; he chewed up all her patterns and on her wedding night, she said, “Turn out the lights, quick!” And shouted out to Pat, “Although I’m your bride, sure, I’m not worth lookin’ at. I’d got two of ev’rything I told you when I wrote, but now I’ve one of nothing left thro’ Paddy McGinty’s goat.” Off the west coast of Ireland one morning there was seen as plain as any pipes on a German submarine, The coast guard Mahoney fell over in a fit and now, says Paddy McGinty’s goat, “It’s time to do me bit.” He jumped in the water as frisky as a whale,



swam ‘round the U-boat waggin’ his little tail. He upped with his horns and he stuck them in the boat and sent the Hun to Heligoland did Paddy McGinty’s Goat. Mickey Riley went to the races t’other day, won a twenty pound note and shouted, “Hip Hooray!” He held up the note yellin’, “Look at what I got!” The goat came up and grabbed it and swallowed all the lot. “He’s eaten up me bank note,” said Mickey with a jump. They ran for the doctor, he brought a stomach pump. They pumped and they pumped for that twenty pound note, but all they got was sixpence out of Paddy McGinty’s goat. Now old Paddy’s goat had a monstrous appetite, and one day for breakfast he ate some dynamite. A whole box of matches he swallowed all serene, and then he went and gobbled up a quart of kerosene. He sat by the fireside, he didn’t give a hang, swallowed a spark and exploded with a bang! So if you go to heaven you can bet your bottom note that the angel with the whiskers on is Paddy McGinty’s goat!

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