Whitefish Bay High School presents
Music by Richard Rodgers Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse
Suggested by “The Trapp Family Singers� by Maria Augusta Trapp The Sound of Music is presented through special arrangement with R&H Theatricals: www.rnh.com
March 1, 2, 8, & 9 @ 7:30 PM March 3 matinee @ 2:00 PM The Sound of Music
musical synopsis
Scene 1: The Nonnberg Abbey Preludium.......................................................................................The Nuns of the Nonnberg Abbey Scene 2: A Mountainside Near the Abbey The Sound of Music.............................................................................................................................Maria Scene 3: The Office of the Mother Abbess, the next morning Maria....................................................... Sisters Berthe, Sophia, Margaretta the Mother Abbess My Favorite Things.......................................................................................Maria and Mother Abbess Scene 4: A Corridor in the Abbey I Have Confidence................................................................................................................................Maria Scene 5: The Living Room of the Trapp Villa, that afternoon Do-Re-Mi........................................................................................ Maria and the von Trapp Children Scene 6: Outside the Villa, that evening Sixteen Going On Seventeen..............................................................................................Rolf and Liesl Scene 7: Maria’s Bedroom, later that evening My Favorite Things............................................................................................ Maria and the Children Scene 8: A Hallway in the Villa Reprise: My Favorite Things.............................................................................................................. Gretl Scene 9: The Terrace of the Villa, six weeks later How Can Love Survive?.......................................................................Max, Elsa and Capt. von Trapp Reprise: The Sound of Music.................................................... The Children and Capt. von Trapp Scene 10: The Living Room of the Villa The Lonely Goatherd........................................................................................ Maria and the Children INTERMISSION Scene 11: A Hallway in the Villa, one week later Scene 12: The Living Room, the same evening So Long, Farewell...................................................................................................................The Children Scene 13: A Corridor in the Abbey Morning Hymn............................................................................................................................. The Nuns Scene 14: The Office of the Mother Abbess, three days later Climb Ev’ry Mountain..........................................................................Mother Abbess and the Nuns
Scene 1: The Terrace, the same day Reprise: My Favorite Things..........................................................................The Children and Maria No Way to Stop It..................................................................................Elsa, Max and Capt. von Trapp Something Good.........................................................................................Maria and Capt. von Trapp Scene 2: The Office of the Mother Abbess, immediately following Gadeamus Domino..................................................................................................................... The Nuns Scene 3: A Cloister Overlooking the Chapel Reprise: Maria.............................................................................................................................. The Nuns Confitemini Domino................................................................................................................... The Nuns Scene 4: The Living Room, one month later Scene 5: The Concert Hall Stage, three days later Reprise: Do-Re-Mi...........................................................Maria, Capt. von Trapp and the Children Edelweiss............................................................................Capt. von Trapp, Maria and the Children Reprise: So Long, Farewell.............................................Maria, the Children and Capt. von Trapp Scene 6: The Garden of the Abbey, that night Finale Ultimo........................................................................................................................ The Company Lyrics for “I Have Confidence” and “Something Good” by Richard Rodgers 2
Whitefish Bay High School
d i r e c to r ’ s n o t e I want to tell you how honored I am to direct this year’s musical, The Sound of Music. This musical has a very special place in my heart as it was my first high school musical as a freshman. My older siblings, Heather and Josh, participated in and loved their high school musical experiences, so when I entered high school, I wanted to get involved. Nervous and excited, I auditioned and entered the magical world of high school theatre. I can still remember the songs, the costumes, the marionettes, and the memories formed from this very special first exposure to high school theatre. This musical also means a great deal to me because, in my junior year of college, I was fortunate enough to travel abroad to London, England. At the end of the study abroad experience, all program members took a three week tour of Europe. On this tour, we visited Vienna and Salzburg, Austria. While there, I went on a Sound of Music tour. As I visited the famous spots from the movie: the Von Trapp villa, the gazebo from Sixteen Going on Seventeen, the church used in the wedding scene, etc. nostalgia washed over me as I remembered my freshman year experience as well as all the wonderful memories I formed while watching this movie throughout my childhood. My hope is that we can share some of that magic, that nostalgia with you tonight. The Sound of Music is one a musical that warms your heart, makes you think, and truly moves you. Enjoy. At this time, I would like to take a moment to recognize the incredible students who have contributed to this production. I want to first thank the actors for the MANY hours they have put into creating such a meaningful show, the energy they provided night after night to bring our story to life, and most importantly the kindness and humor that made this entire experience amazing. Also, I humbly thank the crew for the time, effort, passion, and talent they’ve given to this production. Without their efforts, we would all be sitting in the dark, our actors naked with no props to use or backdrops to create the world of our musical. Finally, I would like to thank the pit for the countless hours spent creating such beautiful “sounds” and “music.” A special note to seniors from cast, crew, and pit: I cannot express how much I will miss all of you when you graduate because of the incredible talent you’ve selflessly given to our theatre family throughout your time here. Your hard work, dedication, and love of the theatre inspire us all. Thank you… Thank you… Thank you!!! I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation to my colleagues for their incredible contributions to this production. We could have never put on this show without the amazing technical, musical, and dance gurus who shared so much of their time, talent and passion with us all… I feel humbled and honored to work with each of you. I also must thank Mary and Joe Kirklweski as well as Pat Fox Schindler for their generosity, time, and efforts made to bring special parts of my first high school musical experience to our audience tonight. Finally, I would like to thank my husband and family for their love and support throughout this musical process and each theatrical endeavor I embrace mind, body, and soul! Now, please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
The Sound of Music
cast Maria Ranier, a Postulant at Nonnberg Abbey....................................................... Michelle Desien* The Mother Abbess..........................................................................................................Laura Mesrobian Sister Berthe, Mistress of Novices............................................................................... Bridgid McBride* Sister Margaretta, Mistress of Postulants................................................................... Meredith Head* Sister Sophia........................................................................................................................Coretta LeMaitre Captain Georg von Trapp.................................................................................................... Braden Bjella* Franz, the butler........................................................................................................................ Zach Tazalla* Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper........................................................................................Dana Jankins* Liesl, age 16..........................................................................................................................Kiaran Hartnett* Friedrich, age 14...................................................................................................................Sandon Agnew Louisa, age 13............................................................................................................................ Erin Bentley* Kurt, age 11.........................................................................................................................Stefan Schallack* Brigitta, age 10............................................................................................................Sydney Wasserman* Marta, age 9................................................................................................................................... Jaya Larsen Gretl, the youngest.................................................................................................................... Josie Trettin Rolf Gruber, age 17 ........................................................................................................ Thaddeus Bruno* Elsa Schrader................................................................................................................ Robinson Creighton Max Detweiler...........................................................................................................................Zev Woskoff* Herr Zeller..........................................................................................................................Matthew Felland* Baron Elberfeld.............................................................................................................................. Ross Nevin Admiral von Schreiber......................................................................................................Jonathan Dean* Ursula.............................................................................................................................................Molly Collins Frau Zeller..................................................................................................................................... Fiona Sands Baroness Elberfeld...................................................................................................................Madaline Eck Fraulein Schweiger.................................................................................................................. Emily Nelson A New Postulant..................................................................................................................... Marissa Lovell Neighbors of Captain von Trapp, nuns, novices, postulants, and contestants at the Festival Concert Grace Armstrong* Emma Rommell Sarah Sapiro* Redding Tews Gwennie O’Connell Hannah Thompson Sian Whitney Caitlin Wolf Ari Beightol Taylor Godden Ali Leinbach Brenna Quade* Katie Schulz Emma Wallace Lucas Ellinas Oleg Frandle Harrison Gabel Elijah Gimbel* Jack McFarlin Dan Pettay David Schmidt Molly Collins Madaline Eck John Thomure Marissa Lovell Emily Nelson Fiona Sands Jonathan Dean Ross Nevin *Member International Thespian Society
Whitefish Bay High School
orchestr a Flute Michelle Shin
Horn Caitlin Balliet
Oboe Sarah Friedland
Trumpet Stan Luth James Colton
Clarinet Megan Huckenpahler Amara Durawa Paul Corrao Saxophone Nina Singleton Sam Broadnax Quinn Siebers
Trombone Jake Swanson Noah Shor Nick Castonguay Percussion Patrick O’Malley Anna Linton
Violin Maryclare Warren Mia Ogorchock Viola Genevieve Kohn Tricia Davies Cello Sam Lee Evan Howell Joe Aiello Bass Mike Felland*
construction crew Monica Kramer*, Jacob Sevart* , Audrey Head, Nick Fetting*, Patrick Collins, Ana MartinezOrtiz*, Daniel Stanik, Emily Oates, Brandon Haughey, Andrew Fallone*, Katie Anderson*, Sari Inoue, Elijah Gimbel*, Jonathan Downs, Bobby Pondel, Jacob Selby, Laurel Adam production crew Director...................................................................................................................Ms. Amber Kind-Keppel Musical Director and Conductor.......................................................................Mr. Jeffrey Shoemaker Choreographer....................................................................................................Ms. Jennifer Grossmayer Technical Director.......................................................................................................... Mr. John Coleman Costumes.............................................................................................................................. Ms. Terri Jelinske Props.................................................................................................................................Ms. Christine Drake Scenic Painting............................................................................................................Ms. Chris Armstrong Volunteer Coordinator..................................................................................................... Ms. Jackie Turkal Sound...................................................................................................................................Mr. Robert Radke Director’s Assistant............................................................................................................Monica Kramer* Stage Manager.........................................................................................................................Jacob Sevart* Lights............................................................................................................................................ Nick Fetting* Props............................................................................................ Ana Martinez-Ortiz*, Katie Anderson* Grips..........................................................................................Audrey Head, Sari Inoue, Laurel Adams, Patrick Collins, Andrew Fallone*, Brandon Haughey Costumes........................................................................................................................................Emily Oates Rails................................................................................................................Dan Stanik, Jonathan Downs Spotlights.........................................................................................................Bobby Pondel, Jacob Selby
The Sound of Music
pat r o n s o f t h e m u s i c a l NOVICES Ogorchock Family McFarlin Family The Trettin Family Shauna Leinbach Jon & Ruth Wallace The Wolf Family POSTULANTS Jim and Jane Pondel Bill Davies NUNS Linda and Dave Schulz Dan and Muffy O’Connell Brad and Nikki Quade The Thomure Family Jankins Family The Hunter-Kramer Family
MOTHER SUPERIORS The Ellinas Family Nick and Chris Armstrong Mary Ann Gilligan The Desien Family The Bentley Family The Hartnett Family The Dean Family Jay and Beth Mesrobian Scott Woskoff & Sara Shutkin The Lovell Family Rick and Korine Schallack Doug and Melanie Agnew Deb & Larry Schmidt Andrew & Hetal Larsen Desiree & Scott Beightol The McBride Family The Creighton Family Del Rosso
Break a Leg O!
Felland Family Alisa, David, & Hayden Wasserman Patrick, Michelle, & Ramona Cloud The Frandle Family Beth and Brian Thompson SPECIAL THANKS Mary and Joe Kirklweski Pat Fox Schindler Grafton High School The Faculty and Staff of Whitefish Bay High School WFB Buildings and Grounds BOA and Drama Club South Shore Cyclery
Best of luck
to the cast, crew & pit orchestra!
Love, Mom, Dad, & Kolia Braden B, Braden B Singing Songs in the Morning. Happy Times, Funny Rhymes You are Fun without Warning. Where-ever you go may you improv and go To Z Movies forever. Braden B, Braden B We’re so proud you’re our son! Mom and Dad (and Anders too!) 6
Whitefish Bay High School
Stefan, WFBHS is alive with the sound of High”G”! Great job as Kurt. Love, Mom and Dad
cast Biogr aphies Jonathan Dean (Admiral von Schreiber) ’13 is jumping for joy participating in his 4th HS musical. Jonathan has been involved in several shows, both as an actor and on crew. Next year, he plans to attend UW-Milwaukee’s Technical Theatre program. He would like to thank the wonderful cast and crew, his fabulous directors, and Mr. Coleman for making theater such a great experience. Jonathan also wants to thank his parents for always being supportive and urging him to excel. Thank you and huzzah! Erin Bentley (Louisa Von Trapp) ’15 is simply delighted to be a part of the magnificent experience that is Sound of Music. When not performing, Erin loves to run, sleep, and procrastinate. Much love to Tally McGiggles, Durpy, Cutesie, Sassy, Dorky, and Tiny for the wonderful second family.
You are like
other! Congratulations, Jaya.
We are so proud of you! Break a leg!
Coretta Lemaitre (Sister Sophia) ’13 is thrilled to be able to take part in Whitefish Bay High School’s fabulous theatre program as part of the fantastic menagerie of nuns. She has long been looking forward to taking part in a production, and the experience has been even better than expected. It has been great working with such a talented, classy cast and crew! Coretta would also like to thank the directors and the many devoted student organizers for the energy they have invested daily to make this show unforgettable. Stefan Schallack (Kurt) ’15 is indubitably jubilant to be in The Sound of Music. You may have seen him in Thoroughly Modern Millie, Harvey, or Marvin’s Room. He would like to thank Mr. Shoemaker, Ms. Grossmayer, and Ms. Kind-Keppel for being such fountains of wisdom. Thanks to Mr. Coleman for putting the show together
Yodel On, WFBay! Proud of you all. The Fellands
Congratulations Seniors!
••• We are proud of you, Marissa!
Love, Mom and Dad The Sound of Music
cast Biogr aphies
Go Brig! L o ve ,
Dan Patrick, Maggie, Caitlin, Mom and Dad!
To Max Detweiler –impresario extraordinaire –
to the awesome cast, crew and directors!
c o n t.
(literally). Lastly, thanks to his family for supporting him and always being there for him on this fantastic trip that is The Sound of Music. Marissa Lovell (Chorus) ’13 is elated to be in this year’s production of The Sound of Music. This is her second production at Bay, and she has greatly enjoyed the experience. Marissa would like to thank her directors, family, and friends for their support. Ana Martinez-Ortiz (Props Mistress) ’13 is absolutely delighted to be a part of Sound of Music. Ana first joined stage crew for the musical her freshman year. This will be her 13th show with the high school. Ana has no idea what she’s going to do next year, but she hopes you enjoy the show. Finally, Ana would like to thank Coleman, K2, and her sister, Gabriela. Fiona Sands (Frau Zeller) ’13 is elated to be a part of her second musical at WFB. You might have seen her in this year’s one-act play, Hamlette, or the chorus of last year’s musical. She would like to thank Ms. KindKeppel, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Shoemaker, and Ms. Grossmayer for their wise leadership as well as Pepa and Spin for their inspiration. Keep it on. Zev Woskoff (Maximilian Detweiler) ’15, is finely chopped, lightly seasoned, and
Congratulations on a great show from
So long. Farewell. The last Dean in a Musical. Thanks, Jonathan, teachers, and staff.
Whitefish Bay High School
The Dean Family
cast Biogr aphies
c o n t.
then half-baked for 27 minutes on high at the thought of being wrapped up as an odd (but charming) impresario in the marvelous world of the Von Trapps. In his past year as a thespian, Zev has performed in Thoroughly Modern Millie, Harvey, and the school’s award-winning one-act, Hamlette. He wishes to thank the directors for the fantastic experience and his friends, family, and voice teacher for helping him on his path to fame. Ave!!! Dana Jankins (Frau Schmidt) ’13 couldn’t be more excited to participate in her last musical at Whitefish Bay HS. Drama Club and theatre are some of her favorite experiences of high school. You may have recognized her as the wonderful and abrasive Lee in Marvin’s Room, the sassy math prodigy in Arcadia, or Gloria, the wise Priscilla Girl in last year’s production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Dana would finally like to thank the directors, “This theatre is home and I love everyone involved in the production.” Katie Anderson (Props Mistress) ’13 is ecstatic to be a part of one of her favorite musicals. Katie has been a part of stage crew since her sophomore year and has loved every minute of it. Next year she plans to study Nutrition and Wellness at Concordia. She’d like to thank her parents and Coleman for giving her this opportunity. Enjoy the show!
Laura, Congratulations to our favorite Mother Abbess. Continue to climb every mountain! JDV! Love, Mom and Dad
Jacob Sevart (Stage Manager) ’13 is proud to be the voice of Mission Control. He’s grateful for the joy of a headset on his ear, a heavily annotated script beneath his fingers, and the chance to work with a talented crew, and pit orchestra to make a thousand moving pieces into a performance. He thanks his mentors for teaching him his craft, the directors for their leadership, and his family and friends for their love, support, and good company. He will attend the University of Chicago this fall. Brigid McBride (Sister Bertha) ’13 is absolutely thrilled to be performing in her last musical at Whitefish Bay High School. You may recognize her as Hamlette from Hamlette; the parody of one of Shakespeare’s works. Thanks to the cast and crew for these amazing four years in theatre, especially Coleman, Miss Grossmayer and Mr. Shoemaker. She’d like to give a special shout-out to Ms. Kind-Keppel, who took the chance on an awkward freshman four years ago. “You are the best human. Thank you for everything.” Ali Leinbach (Chorus) ’13 is delighted to be involved in this year’s production of Sound of Music. You may have seen her as one of Muzzy’s Girls in Thoroughly Modern Millie last year. This is her second year being involved in the theater program and what a wonderful two years it has been!
Wishing the entire cast and crew a wonderful,
successful performance The Sound of Music
cast Biogr aphies
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She would like to thank the cast, pit, and crew for sharing this experience with her. Special thanks go out to Ms. Kind-Keppel, Mr. Shoemaker, and Mr. Coleman for essentially being perfect. Oleg Frandle (Chorus) ‘13 is very excited to participate in his first high school musical. In middle school, he starred as an orphan boy in Oliver, Fyedka in the production of Fiddler on the Roof, and sang a solo of “We Beseech Thee” in Godspell. He is eager to make his debut on the high school stage before he graduates. He would like to thank all his directors and everyone else who has put so much time and effort into making this show possible. Josie Trettin (Gretl) ‘16 is overjoyed to be stepping into the small, adorable shoes of Gretl Von Trapp. Josie has performed both on stage and in front of the camera.
Congrats cast & crew!
So proud of you, Erin. Love, Mom, Dad, Sarah, Cate
You saw her as Belle last year in Beauty and The Beast Jr. at WFBMS or in her latest performance with First Stage: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Look for her in an upcoming Ice Age Trail video for the Wisconsin DNR! Josie loves Sound of Music, and she would like to thank her directors, voice teacher, loving family, and her sweet dog Scout! Robinson Creighton (Elsa Schroeder) ‘15 is thrilled to be in WFB’s production of The Sound of Music as Elsa, a challenging, yet amusing role she has embraced and developed throughout the rehearsals. She played Rosie in Bye Bye Birdie and the genie in Aladdin, while at WFBMS. She wishes to thank her mother who encouraged her to pursue her passions, singing and acting. Robinson enjoyed working with the fabulous directors and hopes she will have more opportunities to work with them in the future.
Congratulations to you and the entire cast. What a show! We are so proud of all of you!
Hearing you sing is our favorite thing! Bravo ALL! Mom, Dad, and Hayden 10
Whitefish Bay High School
Well done cast, crew and all the directors.
cast Biogr aphies
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Jaya Larsen (Marta Von Trapp) ’16 is simply overjoyed to be making her high school debut as Marta in The Sound of Music. Though she is a newcomer to the intensity of high school theatre, she has appeared as Belle in Beauty and the Beast and Jasmine in Aladdin Jr. Jaya would like to thank her family and friends for their love and support and also Ms. Kind-Keppel, Ms. Grossmayer and Mr. Shoemaker for this wonderful opportunity and their belief in her! Madeline Eck (Baroness Elberhardt) ’13 is tickled pink to play a baroness in The Sound of Music! You’ve likely seen her playing original songs in the variety show and as a suave jazz singer in Thoroughly Modern Millie. She would like to thank the ever lovely Squared and Coleman for EVERYTHING, as well as the members of the Eck Clan, Mosey, the Bat mobile, Billy Joel and Boston Market mac n’ cheese. Good Work. Sydney Wasserman (Briggita) ’15 is absolutely enchanted to be a part of this lovely production of The Sound of Music. Sydney quite enjoys golf, skiing, ice cream and above all singing. Too Tally, McGiggles, Durpy, Curly, Cutsie, Dorky, and Tiny you have made this experience so fun and filled with memories, we are truly brothers and sisters. Many thanks to all of the beautiful individuals who have supported her and helped her along the way.
Meredith: Congratulations!
Meredith Head (Sister Margareta) ’13 is simply over the moon to be involved in the Sound of Music. Though it may be hard to tell through the habit, you may recognize her from her many promiscuous dancing roles or the absurdly wonderful Hamlette. She extends her warmest thanks to Whitefish Bay High School’s theatre department, her three magnificent directors, her lovely family and Salt-n-Pepa. Laura Mesoribian (Mother Abbess) ’14 is delighted to return to the Whitefish Bay stage as the Mother Abbess. You may have seen Laura in last year’s production of Thoroughly Modern Millie and Miss Dorothy, or around town in various shows. She would like to thank her family, friends, and teachers for their support. Thad Bruno (Rolf ) ’13 is delighted as a yodeler on a crisp Austrian morning to be in The Sound of Music. Some of his BAY highlights have been: Moonface Martin in Anything Goes, Harry the Horse in Guys and Dolls, the Borachio in Much Ado about Nothing and Ed Hardy in You Can’t Take It With You. He was in the Rep’s A Christmas Carol, Chamber Theater’s Medea, First Stage’s Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse and 12 Days: A Milwaukee Christmas. Thad looks forward to college and thanks his supportive family.
Congratulations, Kiaran! We are so proud of you. Break a leg! Love, Mom, Liam & Bryn The Sound of Music
cast Biogr aphies
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Braden Bjella (Captain Von Trapp) ’13 has spent the past 15 minutes debating what adjective to use to describe the Sound of Music and finally settled on “merry.” Braden has been in many other WFB Shows, playing parts ranging from the Queen (and the King’s puppeteer) in Hamlette to Jimmy Smith in Thoroughly Modern Millie. Braden would like to thank the amazing cast and crew and well as his friends and the NHSI’s Cherubs Theatre Arts Program. Remember, “they don’t think it be like it is, but it do.”
Michelle Desien (Maria) ’13 is stoked to be part of this fantastic production. She would like to warn the audience, “These songs will be stuck in your head for weeks!” In addition to her interest in theatre, Michelle enjoys learning the Spanish languagethanks to her fantastic teachers-and will continue both of her interests at George Washington University next year. She’d like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting WFBHS’s spectacular Drama Club. Enjoy the show!
Kiaran Hartnett (Liesel) ’14 is ecstatic to be a part of The Sound of Music. She is an active member of First Stage and has been in many productions with them. On the Whitefish Bay Stage you may have seen her has Ruth Kelly in Harvey, Amelia Smith in Why did God make the Sparrows or as a dancer in the past two musicals. She would like to thank the cast and crew for being beautiful and she hopes you enjoy the show as much as she does.
Molly Collins (Ursula) ’13 is thrilled to be part of The Sound of Music. She’d like to thank everyone involved for helping make the show a great experience. Enjoy!
Mark Your Calendars for Drama Club’s Spring Play,
Marriage by Nikolai Gogol
A sparkling version of Gogol’s classic farce, premiered with great success by the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, and then presented by the Yale Repertory Company, in New Haven. A bitingly satirical study of social foibles in 19th century Russia, the play is equally pertinent—and funny—in application to present-day American society. “…an extraordinary piece of theatre.” —Minneapolis Tribune. “…we are helpless not to laugh.” — Minneapolis Star. “In a word, MARRIAGE is a delight.” —New Haven Register.
May 2, 3, 4 @ 7:30 12
Whitefish Bay High School