Why Squace?
So You got a mobile phone and love internet? Do You want: Simple Web Access! Do You want to: Find & Share Do You want to be: Secure & Synchronized
The Universal Mobile Interface Company
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
Ok, so You have a bunch of cool sites with lots of nice stuff you go to on a daily basis.
Now let´s say You want access to those nice web sites on Your mobile phone…
You have two choices: The Old Slow Way!
The New Fast Way!
1. You start tapping, tapping and tapping the url...
1. You start Squace!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
The Old Slow Way! http://www.wor...
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
oll! Scroll!
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
! oll Scr
oll! Scroll!
! oll Scr
! oll Scr
Ta p! Tap! ! Tap
Lorem ipsum
oll! Click!
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
1. Start the old wap browser. 2. Now start tapping, tapping and tapping in a normal url ”http://www...” on your mobile... 3. Then You wait and wait...
6. Aprox 10-15 clicks 5. When You eventually 4. Then You scroll, scroll, later you maybe find find the link to the scroll & maybe scroll right what You searched for... next page... past what You was looking …You click and then for without noticing it… again you wait and wait for the page to show up, when it does You start to scroll, scroll & scroll…
In short: Web pages are not really designed to be viewed on your tiny screen and your keyboard is not really made for writing...
7. …by then You hate your mobile!
The New Fast Way! 1. You start Squace! CLICK!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
The New Fast Way! Scr
k! A
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum
1. You sign in to Squace All your weblinks is sorted and presented in a innovative and easy way!
2. You scroll fast in a grid. A few secs & 1-3 clicks later you have the mobile web page You searched for! All optimized for your mobile!
In short: Squace is build from the ground up with focus on easy web access!
3. Now start enjoy having the web in Your hand anywhere anytime!
The Old Slow Way! 1. You start tapping, tapping and tapping the url... CLICK!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
Ok, so You´re on the run and know there is some good stuff on the web. Now you want to find it on your mobile...
...and than You want to share these goodies with Your mobile friends.
You have two choices:
The Old Messy Way!
The New Clever Way!
1. You start your almost never used old wap app...
1. You start Squace!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
The Old Messy Way! Scr
oll! Click!
oll! Click!
o Scr
oll! Click!
o Scr
o Scr
Ta p! Scrol l! ! Tap
Send as SMS Send as MMS Send as E-Mail
oll! Click!
2-3-4-5. You try understand how to search for the good stuf, after a loooong while you get a result, a messy result... Phuuu... Eventually you find yourself on the good stuff page with the content you want to bookmark.
oll! Click!
1. You try to find your old wap browser (you know... the thing on your phone you hardly ever used).
oll! Click!
6-7. You just bookmark it among a bunch of your old other messy bookmarks... After a while you want to share the stuff you know you have somewhere on your phone... ...with a lot of Your friends...
In short: The normal software on Your mobile phone was never built for web in the first place.
8. ‌this will take a loooong while to accomplish! Phuuu... End result: You probably never ever more try to do normal web stuf - such as search, save and share on your mobile phone...
The New Clever Way! 1. You start Squace! CLICK!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
The New Clever Way! runner, winner SEARCH
Menu My stuff Add stuff Go t0 Share Search Exit Squace
Running Champion Share Add to Remove Edit A
1. You sign in to Squace You go to search.
Hi, nice pics of the Champ!
To: Group: Friends SEND
2. You find relevant goodies in a sec. You add, tag and get organized in a blink.
3. In a snap you share the good stuff (links, collections, pics etc) with all your friends and feel like a hero!
You feel inspired! And after a while you want to share the goodies with all your friends.
In short: Squace is built from the ground up for doing ordinary web stuff on your mobile phone. Like making it easy to find and share stuff on the web.
The Old Messy Way! 1. You start tapping, tapping and tapping the url... CLICK!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
Ok, so you´re carry around your addressbook, calendar, bookmarks, links, pics, notes etc. Simply all the information you care about on your mobile. Right?! Bookmarks
Address Book
Notes etc
Now, your phone get stolen... Normaly that is bad. What do you do?
You have two choices: The Old Hell Way!
The New Smart Way!
1. You lost everything - and disaster is waiting for You
1. You start Squace!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
The Old Hell Way! A Tap ma
ses! res dd
rk kma
Boo p Ta Tap Notes! Supernew! Tap A ddreses !
2. You buy the same solid and 1. You try to get a grip of the full scale of good model once again. the disaster waiting for you... - You have no backup of your addresses You start the heavy and hard way back. - You have no backup of your appointments Tapping in all that lost and missing info - You have no backup of ... ok, You got it! again, calling down curses on your lost With other words - hell is waiting for you... phone and your lost pics, messages etc.
In short:
dre d A Tap
Ta pA
Tap Note s!
s! ese
Tap B
ps ooh
3. A while later your new phone drops and flush down the toilet... This time you buy a new shining mobile. Big developments since your last model. Everything is different on the new one. Nothing is the same and once again you call down curses on your new damned phone... change to a new brand and start the old tapping in, tapping in...
Normaly your mobile life is a walk in a minefield... Becuase your phone doesn´t support seamless and secure access to the information you care about.
The New Smart Way! 1. You start Squace! CLICK!
Why Squace?
Simple Web Access!
Find & Share
Secure & Synchronized
The New Smart Way!
Address Book
Pictures A
Notes etc
1. You´re a Squace user. 2. With the new mobile in Your hand You smile. You log in to your Squace account. At last you can finally buy whatever new shining mobile you want.
In short:
3. Everything is still there! You´re up n running.
With Squace you are always in sync and have access to the information you care about - wherever you happen to be – on whatever mobile internet device you have.
4. Still smiling You buy a second phone - the splashproof one you have looked out for. Before you leave the store, you´ve logged in and is running two phones with all the content you care about in sync. Smart and secure!
The Old Hell Way! 1. You lost everything - and disaster is waiting for You CLICK!