December 2017
Invests in Technology to Boost RAP/RAS Production | 36
SPECIAL REPORT Asphalt Contractor’s State of the Road Building Industry for 2018 | 24
Not Just for the Mainline Anymore | 54
How Work Zones Could be Safer with
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Heatec has been designing and building tank farms for over 40 years and each project has been unique in some way. That’s because each customer is unique. You have your own business model that may be slightly different or dramatically different from the other guys’. That’s why at Heatec we take a comprehensive approach to designing your tank farm. That means we look at the materials you will be using, all the equipment that needs heat, the piping, and even future plans for expansion. Then we design a system that works for you. And we make it efficient and simple to operate. Heatec is unmatched when it comes to designing heating and storage systems for your asphalt plant. To find out more about our approach, visit us at www. or give us a call at 423-821-5200.
H E AT E C , I N C .
an Astec Industries Company
5200 WILSON RD • CHATTANOOGA, TN 37410 USA 800.235.5200 • FAX 423.821.7673 • Search: 10073245
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COVER STORY Scotty’s Asphalt Invests in Technology to Boost RAP/RAS Production Vine Grove plant is latest addition to the Kentucky company’s asphalt production evolution | 36 TECHNOLOGY MATTERS
18 New Radio Wave Technology Assesses Asphalt Integrity
44 Cliff’s Notes
60 Jobsite Products Pavers, rollers, MTVs & more.
Natural Gas Burner Tuning.
68 Preservation Products Milling machines, reclaimers, infrared equipment & more.
50 Production Products Plants, baghouses, mixers, dryers, automation systems & more.
64 SMA Pavements Eliminate Fiber, Eliminate Drainage
24 What can the road building industry expect for 2018? Industry experts lend their insight
54 Remix Pavers Not Just for the Mainline Quest for higher mat quality expands contractor applications for these versatile machines.
Warm mix Stone Matrix Asphalt is put to the test by the Maryland Department of Transportation on a major interstate connection.
Editor’s Perspective
10 New Products 74 The Last Exit: Work Zones Could be Safer with Use of Smartphone Alerts
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Voters Demonstrate Overwhelming Support for Transportation Investment
NAPA Releases Silica Exposure Control Plans For Road Construction Activities
Voters in 20 states approved more than 80 percent of 215 transportation investment ballot measures Nov. 7, mostly at the local level, according to analysis conducted by ARTBA’s Transportation Investment Advocacy Center.
OSHA emphasizes the need to review an employer’s written exposure control plan (ECP). To assist the road construction industry, NAPA has released a Special Report: Written Silica Exposure Control Plans for Road Construction Activities. Search: 20981719
Search: 20982203
Mission Accomplished in Resurfacing of Air Force Base Runway $8.1 million project included a brief, 96-hour window for milling the 9,421-ft.-long runway.
West Virginia DOT Unveils Fallen Worker Memorial Nearly 50 names of former DOT employees who died in the line of duty were read during the unveiling ceremony. Search: 20980645
December 2017 Vol. 31, No. 10
Published by AC Business Media Inc.
201 N. Main Street Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 (800) 538-5544 •
Published and copyrighted 2017 by AC Business Media Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. Asphalt Contractor (ISSN 1055-9205, USPS 0020-688): is published ten times per year: January, February, March/April, May, June/July, August, September, October, November, December, with an additional Buyer’s Guide issue published in August by AC Business Media Inc., 201 N. Main Street, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53538. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to ASPHALT CONTRACTOR, PO Box 3605, Northbrook, Illinois 60065-3605. Printed in the U.S.A. Canada Post PM40612608. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Asphalt Contractor, PO Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2. SUBSCRIPTION POLICY: Individual subscriptions are available without charge only in the USA. The Publisher reserves the right to reject nonqualifying subscribers. One-year subscription to nonqualifying individuals: U.S. $45.00, Canada & Mexico $65.00, and $95.00 all other countries (payable in U.S. funds, drawn on U.S. bank). Single copies available (prepaid only) $10.00 each (U.S., Canada & Mexico), $15.00 each (International).
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DECEMBER 2017 • Vol. 31, No. 10
Jessica Stoikes, Editor
CONTRACTOR 920.542.1247
Published by AC Business Media Inc.
Will 2018 Be the Year for Infrastructure?
year ago, the road building industry was buzzing with hope as we were awaiting the inauguration of a new president who promised a $1 trillion plan for infrastructure. The proposal, once billed as a 100-day priority for Trump, has been placed on the backburner while the GOP tackles other issues. At press time, House Republicans had unveiled their tax plan which the administration says will help Americans keep more of their hard-earned money. But Republicans have a long way to go to get that passed. In October, news reports said President Trump told members of the Senate Finance Committee that they can find funds to pay for a major infrastructure investment program out of a tax overhaul, and could perhaps combine those measures. However, Republicans have essentially shut the door on the idea of using the tax-reform bill to set aside money for infrastructure. Trump told lawmakers he is still pushing for an infrastructure plan while aides said they continue to develop an administration proposal, raising the issue of infrastrucure at a time when some observers felt a project funding program might be pushed well into 2018. However, Congress is still burdened with a number of major legislative goals and requirements that will most likely push ahead of infrastructure, including ongoing healthcare proposals, negotiating a broad fiscal 2018 government spending plan and avoiding a potential government shutdown when current government funding expires this month. With all that pressure on Congress, many are realizing infrastructure will be put off until 2018.
FUNDING POSSIBILITIES While the primary focus of both chambers is currently to reduce tax rates and simplify the code, many groups, including the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), still believe tax reform remains the most appropriate legislative vehicle for permanently addressing the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) shortfall. All trust fund revenue enhancements over the last 30 years have come as part of a broad tax or budget measure. Separately, The Hill reported that that the White House intends to back a 7-cent gas tax increase to pay for bridges and highways, though it’s unclear if the proposal would be included in initial legislation or if the administration will have it added later. Trump signaled some openness to raising the federal gas tax earlier this year, telling Bloomberg News that it’s something he would “certainly consider.” But the idea quickly ran into fierce opposition from GOP lawmakers and influential conservatives. Given the ongoing interest in Congress and President Trump’s push to upgrade the nation’s infrastructure network, ARTBA says the pressure is on all of us to keep the heat on lawmakers. Their message is simple: enact a stable, growing, user-based and permanent HTF revenue stream to support surface transportation improvements. See more insight from ARTBA, NAPA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on what they think 2018 holds for the road building industry on page 24 and let’s hope 2018 is finally the year of infrastructure. AC
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he new Cat PM820, PM822, and PM825 Cold Planers are designed to be highly productive, highly maneuverable, half-lane milling machines capable of controlled fulldepth removal of asphalt and concrete pavements in a single pass. • Operating weights for the new models range from 79,630 to 82,650 lb. and cutting widths from 79 to 98.6 in. • All three new machines use the Cat C18 ACERT engine, rated at 755 hp, meeting EPA Tier 4-Final emission standards and iso-mounted to reduce vibration
• The high-horsepower C18, with an advanced turbo-charging and air-toair after-cooling system, responds quickly to operating demands, while keeping exhaust temperatures low and maintaining needed airflow for optimum efficiency and reduced emissions • Four-mode steering is standard, with an electronic control module that processes inputs from sensors on the front and rear tracks, along with input from steering-selector controls • The system provides precise, simultaneous track movement in the crab- and coordinated-steering modes, while automatically realigning
the rear tracks to center when the front-tracks-only steering mode is selected • The rotor is equipped with durable, three-piece, quick-release tool holders and carbide-tipped cutting bits arranged in a chevron pattern for maximum breakout force • Optional rotor systems are available, as are Cat Diamond Bits for enhanced cutting performance in specific applications Search: 20980992
Eager Beaver 50 GSL-PT Paver Trailer The 50 GSL-PT has a 100,000-lb. load capacity and 122,700-lb. GVWR and is suited for loading rollers, pavers and milling machines. • Tapered four-beam, 16-in.-deep cambered I-beam mainframe and side rails • 10-in.-deep crossmembers pierced through the mainframe • 25,000-lb. axles with all-wheel ABS (4S3M) with spring brakes on all axles • Cush air ride suspension with 75,000-lb.-apacity, air lift third axle Search: 20979451
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PA S S :
PA S S :
Volvo Compact Assist — Intelligent Compaction with Density Direct Volvo has changed the game with the ability to provide operators with real-time density values in terms that are easy to understand and directly tied to job quality. Eliminate guesswork, improve mat quality and win the bonus with Volvo. Learn more at
Push Boundaries. Search: 10656717
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NEW PRODUCTS MOBA PAVE-TM Layer Thickness Measurement System The PAVE-TM automatically provides non-contact measurement of layer thickness during asphalt paving. • MPC-120 controller works in conjunction with Sonic-Ski PLUS and its four high-precision ultrasound sensors to calculate layer thickness in real-time • GDC-320 display on the paver's outer control panel continuously shows current thickness of the surface course, base course or binder course • Dynapac SD series pavers are PAVE-TM ready from the factory, eliminating the need for the optional GDC-320 display • Available for retrofit on other paver models Search: 20976154
PHCo All-In-One Asphalt Tank Heater Kit The All-In-One Heater Kit is a complete system that can provide direct heat to the asphalt tank, while also supplying hot oil for the plant. • The primary feature of the system is the drywell-style electric heating elements that provide and maintain heat to keep liquid asphalt cement at the desired temperature • At the same time, the system circulates oil through scavenger coils and thermostat-controlled electric booster heating elements to provide hot oil to heat jacketed lines, pumps and valves, drags, silo cones and other plant components • Each All-In-One Heater Kit is a complete system that includes a high-temperature centrifugal pump that provides flow up to 85 gpm at 140 ft. total head • The system includes a UL-listed industrial control panel in a weatherproof enclosure, with standards that include a programmable time clock for early morning startup, main indicating controls and over-temperature controls • Standard models come in 60, 100 or 125 kW total rating; custom sizes are available Search: 20972683
Trimble FMCSAcompliant FieldMaster Logs ELD Solution The FieldMaster Logs application has been registered with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) as a self-certified electronic logging device (ELD) solution. • Adds Hours of Service (HOS) and Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) functionality as part of the Fleet Management portfolio • Tracks driver activity, provides clear communication to the driver about hours remaining and offers reports to managers to measure driver activity and availability • DVIR features ensure drivers perform safety inspections of vehicle and that vehicle issues are captured and communicated to the maintenance team • Captures vehicle positions and communicates with vehicle to obtain diagnostics Search: 20977781
KM International T-2 Asphalt Recycler KM T-2 Asphalt Recycler enables contractors to have access to hot mix asphalt all year. • Produces 4 tons of HMA an hour • Recycles millings, chunks and RAP into plant quality HMA Search: 20978624
CWMF Dust-Eater Baghouse The Dust-Eater baghouse is offered in a portable or stationary configuration, ranging in size from 10,000 CFM to over 100,000 CFM • 3/16-in. shell construction • 7-ft. x 10-ft. x 12-ft. inlet knockout box is equipped with a series of deflectors and louvers minimizes the amount of larger fines (+200 mesh) from entering the bag chamber Search: 20976920
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ASTEC Parts. We’re Here. Always. Combine the world’s largest inventory of in stock parts for asphalt plants, the ability to build and machine custom parts and a fully staffed department of salesmen, technicians and engineers and you have ASTEC parts. • Over 100,000 parts in stock • OEM for ASTEC, DILLMAN, Barber-Green, EssTee & McCarter • In-house parts techs and engineers available 24/7 • Over 600 combined years of experience ready to help you
800.251.6042 • Search: 10072061
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NEW PRODUCTS Caterpillar S41 Rugged Smartphone
Asphalt Distributors
The Cat S41 offers Battery Share functionality that allows it to serve as a power bank to charge other devices and accessories through an included USB Battery Share connector. • 5000mAh battery provides up to 38 hours 3G talk time and up to 44 days standby • Waterproof up to a 6.5-ft. depth for up to one hour, able to withstand thermal shocks and built to survive drops up to 5 ft. 9 in. • 5-in. full HD display with scratch-resistant Corning Gorilla Glass 5 • 3-GB RAM, 32-GB ROM. Expandable storage (microSD up to 2 TB) • 13MP rear camera with LED flash, autofocus with PDAF and 8MP front camera Search: 20980354
KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens Release Drop-In Carbides for VSI
Asphalt Transports Rotochopper RotoLink 2nd Generation Remote Monitoring System
Live Bottom Trailers
Heavy Duty Trailers
E. D. Etnyre & Co. 800-995-2116 email:
RotoLink 2nd generation remote monitoring system features live connection to the grinder controller so contractors can work in real-time with Rotochopper Customer Support to view machine settings and troubleshoot issues. • Using RotoLink, multiple users can work together through live connection on smartphones or computers to monitor and adjust critical machine settings from anywhere in the world • Monitoring capabilities include maintenance life, vibration and bearing temperatures, engine and production data • When granted access, factory service techs have a direct connection to the display and with permission can change machine settings • Operators set up email and/or text message alarms to alert multiple users immediately when a fault alarm occurs. Alarms can be customized by user depending on roles • Easily connect RotoLink and your grinder through cell modem, ethernet or WiFi • Data logged during operation and diagnostics is available to machine owners for the life of the machine
The new drop-in carbide wear parts will significantly decrease downtime required for service and maintenance and are now available for all models of vertical shaft impactors (VSI) from Kolberg-Pioneer, Inc. (KPI). • The new carbides cut replacement time to around 20% of what it is with other solutions • The drop-in carbides can be retrofitted into existing VSI crushers from KPI Search: 20979393
Search: 20979398
Search: 10072816
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All Hy-Way heaters deliver the highest efficiency by way of their unique turbocoil design. In fact, it’s the most energy efficient heater in the market with lower stack temperatures than competitive units. Which means your profit isn’t being wasted up the stack. With over five decades of unrivaled experience in efficient heat transfer, General Combustion helps you make more black. No other system saves you more. 5201 N. Orange Blossom Trail ∙ Orlando, FL 32810 ∙ 407.290.6000 ∙ Search: 10073093
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Dependable Performance CONSISTENT MIX
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When it was time to buy two new plants, a Dillman UNIDRUMÂŽ plant was the best fit for us. We like the Unidrum because of its very consistent, homogenous mix and very low maintenance. The Unidrum plants provide more uptime with less routine maintenance.
Slavic Mokienko,
General Manager, R. E. Pierson Materials Corp. Operating Four UNIDRUM Plants
Search: 10072736
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Assesses Asphalt Integrity
Real time information on asphalt density and uniformity is a boon to construction quality efforts
roperly compacted asphalt is a major factor in the lifespan of roads, since inadequately compacted asphalt deteriorates at a more rapid rate than properly compacted material. With the billions spent on road construction and repairs each year, it has become a matter of urgency to find new technologies that can ensure the integrity of asphalt on newly paved roads. New radio wave technology is now available to nondestructively determine asphalt density during application. ASPHALT INSTALLATION AND COMPACTION BASICS The air void content within asphalt varies based on the amount of compaction during asphalt placement and variations in the asphalt mix composition. Asphalt with too many air voids (often considered to be more than 8 percent) deteriorates at a more rapid rate. Too few air voids (less than 3 percent) results from over-compacted asphalt, which is also undesirable. In
Radio wave technology helps determine asphalt density during paving in a non-destructive way.
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either case, the asphalt is subject to early failure and the road’s lifetime is less than asphalt that contains the optimal air void content. Construction engineers are looking for that “sweet spot” where the compaction of the asphalt when it is laid down is optimal. They typically assess asphalt by measuring density variations, which can be used to calculate the air void content. To ensure optimal compaction, asphalt should be kept at a specific temperature range as it is being laid down. If the paving machine and transfer vehicles do not do a good job keeping the material uniformly hot, there can be “cold patch” areas. When the roller rolls over areas not within the optimal temperature range, it cannot properly compact the material. For example, such cold patches may occur if the asphalt paver is refilled from end-dump trucks, which cool the asphalt more near the metal sides and end of the truck than in the middle. Some poorly-paved roads have regularly spaced defects associated with end-dump truck refills. One may not be able to notice these areas at first, but they may become obvious later. In fact, there are many roads where one can observe a cold patch every several hundred feet that is starting to deteriorate – turning into a raveled section in the road. If the work crew does not catch the problem during paving, the road may need to be repaved far sooner than if the material was properly applied. Another compaction issue occurs when the established “rolling pattern” is not properly followed. The rolling
pattern refers to the number of times, speed and lap pattern rollers should employ when rolling new asphalt to achieve the optimum compaction. If the paving crew misses a section and does not compact the material with the proper number of rolls, they can create areas where compaction is faulty. Discovering and correcting any rolling pattern issues during the first few days of a paving job benefits both the owner and contractor, since contract specifications may include requirements on how asphalt is laid down in terms of acceptable void content. Contracts may also include a bonus for getting to the specific asphalt void content range – or a penalty if the crew goes outside the specified void content range. OPTIONS FOR MEASURING ASPHALT DENSITY AND VOID CONTENT There are several available methods that can be used to measure asphalt density variations, which are then used to calculate void content variation. One non-destructive testing (NDT) method is the nuclear density gauge, which consists of a radiation source that emits a cloud of particles and a sensor that counts the received particles that are scattered back by the test material. By calculating the percentage of particles that return to the sensor, the gauge can be calibrated to measure the density and inner structure of the test material. [1] While quite accurate, the nuclear gauge has several disadvantages. The gauge is placed on asphalt and measurements are taken over a specific period of time, usually a few minutes or less.
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Unlike a nuclear or non-nuclear density gauge that only takes a few measurements per 100-ft, a radio wave denisty gauge obtains real time measurements over a large area in short periods of time. These radio wave reflections can be used to directly calculate void content.
The method requires contact, with the device required to remain stationary at the measurement point. Due to the length of time required for the measurement, nuclear gauge measurements are taken sparsely, on the order of a few measurements per 100 lane feet. Collection of only these “spot” measurements does not adequately capture all
the asphalt’s variability. Also, because it uses radioactive material, the nuclear gauge requires user training and secure storage. There are also special transportation requirements. Re-licensing, maintenance, and recalibration fees run about $2,000 per year. Similar to a nuclear gauge, the nonnuclear density gauge measures electrical
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TECHNOLOGY MATTERS impedance; a calibration procedure is then performed to correlate it to density [2] . Like the nuclear density gauge, the method is quite limited, because it samples only very small portions of the asphalt. Because the nuclear and nonnuclear density gauges may collect only one value over a large area, they are unable to catch all the variations in void content that may be important to ensuring a quality paving job. Another NDT option is the use of radio waves, which can be used to obtain real time measurements over a large swath of pavement in short periods of time. Radio wave reflections from the asphalt can be used to directly calculate the asphalt dielectric values, which are then correlated with the new pavement’s void content, a relative indication of density. One other method that should be mentioned is “coring,” a destructive method in which one physically extracts a core from the asphalt and measures its properties. Coring is used as a primary asphalt compaction evaluation method and is always used to “ground truth” measurements from other methods. Coring is done on a very limited basis, so it often under-represents the true variability in asphalt void content. NEW RADIO WAVE TECHNOLOGY USED TO HELP IMPROVE MIX QUALITY The initial relationship between void content and road condition has been known for a long time. In the late 1990s, researchers at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) discovered the relationship between the dielectric calculated by ground penetrating radar (GPR), an application-specific use of radio waves, and void content. Researchers later developed a working methodology for use of infrared and radio wave technologies for improving the assessment of asphalt mixture and compaction quality. They then looked for a way to commercialize it so it could
be easily used by state departments of transportation. Previously, use of the GPR technique required specialized equipment, a great deal of data interpretation, and a number of manual steps. In 2013, TTI began working with GSSI to package the device components into a streamlined and operator-friendly device that would provide real time profiling of asphalt mixture uniformity. The work was done as part of the Federal Highway Administration’s Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2). [3] Over the next few years, GSSI developed the technology into the PaveScan RDM, which TTI used in several pilot studies. The non-contact PaveScan technology uses a sensor that typically outputs a measurement each half-foot along the lane traveled, so a mile’s worth of data includes roughly 10,000 measurements for each sensor used. TTI found that the new PaveScan system overcomes hardware, data processing, and staff expertise hurdles that existed in the past. According to TTI, “The utility of GPR was realized on all pilot projects, where the radar results provided quantitative assessment of density and uniformity.”[3] GSSI later developed a threechannel system that can be vehiclemounted to obtain moving void content measurements in one pass, covering both wheel paths and between the wheel paths. One sensor is located in one wheel path, one in the middle and one in the other wheel path – so three measurements are output for each halffoot along the lane traveled. In this way, a mile’s worth of data includes roughly 30,000 measurements – all collected in a mere 20 minutes. The PaveScan RDM system has a number of benefits. First of all, it is a way of ensuring asphalt integrity of newly paved roads. Now, when a contractor lays down a new road, the asphalt void content over the entire area paved is accurately calculated, so both contractors and the owner of the road are satisfied. Secondly, the system
is easy to use, bringing down the level of expertise needed to a manageable level. Third, it is a very rapid method, adaptable to being put on a vehicle. The safety benefits of not having someone standing in a lane next to moving traffic are huge. Previously, the prototype PaveScan unit developed by GSSI was used in the evaluations done as part of the SHRP 2 project. This year, GSSI delivered a production 3-channel unit to TTI, which is being used to further its research. Additional production units have been purchased with SHRP 2 funding by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Maine Department of Transportation, and the Nebraska Department of Transportation. AC Roger Roberts, Ph.D., is a Senior Software Engineer for Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (GSSI). Roger’s specialty is using ground penetrating radar for transportation infrastructure applications.
References: [1] Nuclear density gauge, https:// gauge#cite_ref-Radioisotope_Gauges_for_ Industrial_1-0, retrieved 4/26/16. [2] Non-Nuclear Methods for HMA Density Measurements, MBTC 2075 Final Report, Williams, Stacey, G., 2008, 2075.pdf [3] Pre-Implementation of Infrared and Ground-Penetrating Radar Technologies for Improving Asphalt Mixture Quality, Strategic Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Stephen Sebesta and Tom Scullion, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, © 2014 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
For more information on achieving optimal density during compaction, visit ForConstructionPros. com/12188306.
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Asphalt Contractor's
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What can the road building industry expect for the year ahead? Industry experts lend their insight
ere we are almost a year in to the new presidency and we are still waiting for the Trump Administration to unveil their $1T infrastructure investment that was initially slated as a 100-day campaign priority. While we’re patiently awaiting the plan and the details as to how it will be funded, we’ve gathered industry experts together to offer their insight on what 2018 might have in store for the road building industry.
FUNDING: Q: Trump has promised a $1 trillion infrastructure plan, but we’ve seen that fall to the wayside. Do you think we will see a plan shake out in 2018? How will this be funded? Where should the money be allocated? A: Mike Acott, president, National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA): This continues to be a priority for NAPA, and we are working our industry partners to encourage the Trump administration and Congress to come together around bipartisan legislation that substantially boosts investment in the nation’s bridges, roads and highways. The president’s budget proposed $200 billion in direct federal incentives to encourage states to raise their revenue locally and to attract private sector investment, along with greater investment in rural areas, but it is up to Congress to put it all together. There are many issues on Congress’s plate, and the infrastructure plan is taking a little longer to mature in Washington than we’d hoped, but with strong grassroots efforts and coordinated messaging in Washington from all transportation stakeholders, NAPA is confident we will see legislation enacted before the midterm elections in 2018. A: Anirban Basu, chairman & CEO of Sage Policy Group Inc., an economic and policy consulting firm in Baltimore, MD: The proposed infrastructure plan represents our greatest and most commonsensical
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Mike Acott, president, National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA)
Anirban Basu, chairman & CEO of Sage Policy Group Inc.
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Alison Premo Black, senior vice president & chief economist, Deputy Director Contractors Division, American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
Edward L. Mortimer, executive director, transportation & infrastructure, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Darren Coughlin, 2017 Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association’s (ARRA) president
opportunity to accelerate U.S. economic growth. The plan would be largely financed by public-private partnerships designed to attract significant amounts of private capital, including U.S. multinational capital presently sitting abroad. Much of that offshore money cannot get back to America because it would have to pass through the filter of a 35 percent U.S. corporate tax rate and then also may be subject to state corporate taxes. The solution is to offer significant tax advantages to multinationals reshoring financial capital by investing in public-private partnerships targeting infrastructure. These investment opportunities are likely to prove attractive because in many cases this infrastructure represents a monopoly. For instance, municipal water systems are effectively monopolies. The same can be said for many wastewater treatment plants, toll roads and airports. These are regional monopolies and therefore can command rates that are sufficiently high to generate rates of return attractive to private investors. Of course, there is a limit to this since the interests of ratepayers much also be considered. There are public policy considerations and some need to thread the needle. However, ratepayers are better off driving on safe bridges and drinking clean water than not. Government in many instances simply lacks the resources to fund the infrastructure needed to allow America to remain its preeminent position among global economies. There is, therefore, an opportunity to rebuild much of America’s infrastructure without layering on additional federal, state and local government debt. Unfortunately, no real progress has been made in 2017 on this and 2018 prospects appear dubious given the growing imminence of midterm elections. A. Alison Premo Black, PhD, senior vice president & chief economist, deputy director contractors division at the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA): There are still many details to
be worked out about any type of infrastructure plan. Because of the timing, it is unlikely that a plan would have a large market impact in 2018. However, there are a number of regulatory reforms that either have been implemented (or are in the process) through executive orders, the Congressional Review Act and changes in rules and regulations. The easing of these regulations will help contractors. A. Edward L. Mortimer, executive director, transportation & infrastructure, U.S. Chamber of Commerce: We believe there is strong support for the administration and Congress to address the nation’s infrastructure deficit after tax reform legislation is completed. The administration has stated their infrastructure package will include $200 billion in new investment and can be leveraged to provide up to a $1 trillion over 10 years. Details on how this will be allocated aren’t yet clear, but the Chamber believes any new investment should be based on projects that can provide the greatest economic return. A. Darren Coughlin, 2017 Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association's (ARRA) president: I am optimistic about the infrastructure plan for 2018. I believe it will be funded by various sources including; gas tax, user fees and private public partnerships. Funds should be allocated to rehabilitation needs of roads and structures that have a failing grade.
Q: How will the delay of the FAST Act increase impact 2018? What has been the impact on the asphalt road building industry under this highway bill so far? What have been the challenges with funding in 2017? A. Basu: The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, signed into law in December 2015, represents a major disappointment. The thinking was that this long-term federal highway
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Lack of Skilled Labor a Challenge Q: How does the lack of skilled workers affect any construction boon that may take place? A. Acott: We are hearing from members that recruiting new workers for the industry is a challenge. The demand for equipment operators is up 50 percent and the need for certain types of engineers is up about 40 percent, according to the Department of Labor. As project lettings increase and asphalt contractors scale up their operations to take advantage of the work, finding that new talent, and training and retaining them, will be increasingly important. A. Sage: The lack of skilled workers is apparent throughout the U.S. economy, whether in construction, trucking, healthcare, hospitality, cyber-security, or in a host of other industry segments. With respect to construction, the impact is to raise the cost of delivering construction services and to stretch out timetables. That makes it less likely that construction projects can move forward because this serves to reduce the predicted rate of return. A. Mortimer: We can’t talk about infrastructure without considering the jobs needed to build it. The debate over today’s workforce often centers on high-tech and STEM careers, but it’s also important to consider the role of vocational education and its value to the workforce. The construction industry needs workers from across the spectrum of training and educational experience. Q: What can the industry due to combat the skilled labor challenge it faces? A. Acott: The lack of skilled workers is a challenge, but also an opportunity. Companies should look to reach out to local high schools and community colleges, participate in career day events and job fairs, to help people learn about the good opportunities that exist in the industry. A. Sage: The industry can only combat this by aggressively engaging educators and policymakers. Too few students are aware of income opportunities in construction. The mantra has been college preparedness, particularly fouryear college preparedness. That has deflected much talent away from construction – talent that often finds itself underutilized upon graduation. Construction industry leaders must insist on more experiential learning in schools and more field trips. They must also offer more internships and better support apprenticeship programs. A. Mortimer: The Chamber strongly supports employerled apprenticeship programs, which we believe can be a key component of closing our nation’s skills gap.
bill would unleash more state and local government projects that depend upon predictable federal spending authorizations. That hasn’t happened because in too many instances what has been authorized has not been appropriated. A number of states have in many instances handled these challenges by investing more of their own resources into roads, but this does not offset ongoing frustrations traceable to the federal government and the lack of money flowing from federal agencies to communities. Moreover, state resources are stretched by other priorities, including education, public safety, Medicaid and shoring up underfunded pensions. A. Acott: NAPA is not expecting any delays in highway lettings due to the short-term continuing resolution for the Fiscal Year 2018 transportation appropriations bill. Congress has routinely missed its budget deadlines, but has remained fully committed to the FAST Act funding levels. In general, the asphalt pavement industry has benefitted from states’ willingness to move projects forward thanks to the five years of certainty provided by the FAST Act. We have seen a steady increase in asphalt pavement tons nationally each year since the enactment of MAP-21. States are certainly not waiting for Congress to boost highway investments. Since 2012, 31 states have approved gas tax increases or other plans to raise additional transportation revenue. More importantly, in states were legislators approved gas tax increases, nearly all the legislators who’ve faced voters after passing an increase won re-election. A. Premo Black: It is always a challenge when states only receive part of their federal surface transportation funding. Some states may choose to delay projects until later in the year when they have access to their full annual funding levels. The challenge with the FAST Act is that it provides funding levels that are just slightly above projected increases in inflation and project costs. While it provides stability, it is not significantly growing the market with increased investment. Therefore the funding dynamics at the state and local level become very important – states that have the ability to raise revenues, through legislative action, one time funding measures or variable rates, will be better off in the long run. Some states are still facing overall budget challenges and this often translates into less spending, fewer projects and even borrowing transportationrelated revenues for general purposes. A. Mortimer: We see minimal impact of Congress delaying the FAST Act funding increase in 2018. We are hopeful Congress will come to agreement on a fullyear appropriations agreement by the current deadline. A. Coughlin: Delaying FAST Act Increase could
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SPECIAL REPORT cause businesses to rethink or delay their capital expenditures moving forward. Our industry has seen positive growth since the FAST ACT has been implemented. States have adapted well to the FAST Act. For the most part states have complied with the requirements and are able to get the Federal Funding need to complete projects.
Q. Gas prices are at their lowest levels in years, is now the time to raise the federal gas tax to ensure long-term stability of the Highway Trust Fund? What has been the hesitation and why does Congress continue to “kick the can” down the road?
represent a $3 billion annual market for the asphalt pavement industry, and it is important for Congress to reauthorize this program in a timely fashion in 2018. A. Basu: It has been time to raise gas prices for a long time. The most advantageous moment may have been in February 2016 when oil prices hit just $26/barrel. Oil is presently trading around $50/ barrel, but that it still low from a longer term perspective. With unemployment low and with the national debt now at $20 trillion, it is time to raise the gas tax, invest in America’s roads, create high quality jobs in the process and set the stage for a prosperous 21st century.
Q. While we have a longterm federal highway bill, what have been the challenges with state funding this year? How have states been handling these challenges? Mortimer: States are looking for strong federal investment from a major infrastructure bill. We continue to see state and local government success in raising revenue for needed transportation investment. In the November 7, 2017 election, all eight ballot measures in five states were overwhelmingly approved. We also
A. Mortimer: We believe it is long past time to adjust the federal gasoline tax. Since the last time it was raised in 1993, it has lost over 40 percent of its purchasing power. During the same time period, 26 states have increased their gasoline user fee. The longer we wait to adjust the gasoline tax, the more the American taxpayer will end up paying, and our ability to compete in the global marketplace will diminish. A. Coughlin: The Gas Tax is going to have to be part of the funding solution for long term stability of the HTF. Any hike is not popular so Congress continues to campaign and not govern. A. Acott: Now is the time for Congress to fix the structural deficit in the Highway Trust Fund. The Highway Trust Fund is expected to fall short of revenue in 2020. Congress needs to find a sustainable revenue source that increases investment for highways, roads, and bridges. A tax-reform bill is moving through Congress this fall, and NAPA’s top priority is to urge Congress to use that opportunity to fix the Highway Trust Fund funding problem. It is a once-in-a-generation chance that we cannot afford to let slip by. Congress also needs to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration programs. Airfield pavements
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work to ensure all transportation programs receive full funding in the annual appropriations process. We also hope to address the upcoming shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund before the FAST Act expires in 2020.
Q: What are some other ways we should be investigating to pay for our roads? A. Premo Black: Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) are a viable method to finance transportation projects, but are not a way to fund transportation investment. States need a stable and
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growing source of revenue at the federal, state and loal level to make needed transportation investments. P3s are a great tool for certain projects that have a revenue stream, but are not a way to deliver a core program. A. Acott: NAPA agrees that private sector capital and public–private partnerships can and should play an important role in any infrastructure plan. That role, however, must complement direct federal investment. While the private sector certainly has the ability to help advance projects — particularly those capable of generating a revenue stream — there is a difference between project financing and public
funding. We must also acknowledge the private capital is not a viable option in many states, particularly those with large land areas and sparse populations. The trucking industry like many stakeholder groups, such as the American Highway Users Alliance, understand that the bottlenecks and congestion freight traffic experiences has a negative impact on our country’s competitiveness. The FAST Act, for the first time, established and funded a freight program that directs funding specifically toward addressing this problem. While a good first start, Congress needs to provide more
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SPECIAL REPORT investment in developing and improving the freight highway network. In and of itself, the program does not provide the funding necessary to build out the FastLane corridors; however, it does serve a vital national interest and is one important reason why Congress should raise user fees. Interestingly, truckers support increasing diesel fuel taxes, if the revenue is directed to addressing freight congestion. A. Mortimer: We believe P3s can be an important tool for project sponsors as they look to fund and finance infrastructure projects. Encouraging increased use of P3s can free up limited federal, state and local dollars for other infrastructure projects where a P3 does not make sense. Also, increased use of P3s are no replacement for increased federal investment.
2018 OUTLOOK: Q: Generally speaking, what will 2018 look life for asphalt highway contractors and producers? A. Premo Black: The outlook for asphalt highway contractors and producers will continue to depend on the region or state where individual companies are operating. Based on recent trends in contract awards, we expect the market to stay fairly flat at the national level. However, we should start to see increase spending in states that have recently passed initiatives to increase revenues for transportation. A. Acott: Right now, the economy is growing at a steady pace, which is helping the residential and commercial markets. We expect to see that trend continue into 2018 and, if Congress enacts tax reform legislation by the end of the year, it could accelerate. On the highway side, the FAST Act continues to ensure investment in the federal-aid highway program, and many states have approved user fee increases to support roadway construction and maintenance. In 2017 alone, seven states — California, Indiana, Montana, South Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee and
West Virginia — have passed legislation to increase revenue from fuel sales. Contractors will see the benefit from these initiatives in 2018. A. Couglin: In 2018, pavement preservation contractors will be focused on getting the word out on preserving and maintaining the assets that have already been bought and paid for. Through a combination of preservation and recycling disciplines. Through Everyday Counts (EDC4) the FHWA is focused on another two-year (2017-2018) initiative that centers on pavement preservation. Preserving assets and keeping them in good condition can save and stretch funds in the future. A. Basu: Asphalt contracts in various parts of the country will have a fine year. Indeed, certain communities that have not been dynamic economically have been at the forefront of investing in roads and other forms of infrastructure in an attempt to accelerate economic growth and usher forth more broadly shared prosperity. However, the realities of funding remain ever-present. In general, America continues to under-invest in infrastructure and 2018 will be no different. This represents the industry’s greatest challenge. Policymaking remains erratic, with policymakers frequently making the claim that America must invest more in infrastructure, and then underfunding infrastructure projects in their budgets. With the national debt now at $20 trillion and with Medicare set to become insolvent over the next decade, there will be many challenges going forward absent leaders who can unify us and get us to focus on what matters. A. Mortimer: We believe that if the administration and Congress can come together on tax reform and an infrastructure bill, the economy can experience over 3.5 percent GDP growth. Along with continued regulatory relief, we believe 2018 could be the beginning of several years of sustained economic growth.
Q: What do you see as the greatest challenge impacting the road building industry as we move into 2018? A. Mortimer: The greatest challenge to the road building industry is potential lack of certainty on tax and infrastructure policy. Without federal action on those two issues, states may delay major projects waiting to see if the federal government can provide some long-term certainty. A. Premo Black: The biggest challenge to the industry, over the next 24 months, is the ability of Congress to find the political will and address the Highway Trust Fund. Federal investment accounts for about half of all state Department of Transportation highway and bridge capital outlays, including construction, right of way purchases and planning and design work. A. Acott: Most contractors will tell you that recruiting and retaining top talent is an ongoing challenge. The retirement of Baby Boomers, competition from other industries, and adoption of new technologies have led to a shortage of workers in the construction industry. A focused effort by the industry will be necessary to meet this challenge. Equally important is the issue of fixing the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. Highway funding will be impacted by 2020 if Congress does not make moves to shore up the Highway Trust Fund. A. Coughlin: While 2018 will be strong with many opportunities for growth, the industry needs to combat the skilled labor challenge with more vocational education or the cost of those skilled workers will increase. AC
For the latest updates on what’s happening in the asphalt industry, visit Asphalt.
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Invests in Technology to Boost RAP/RAS Production Vine Grove plant is latest addition to the Kentucky company's asphalt production evolution
f you’re driving through the central part of Kentucky, chances are Scotty’s Contracting and Stone LLC built the road. Since 1972 when James Scott acquired a paving business, this asphalt contractor has been meticulously building not only solid projects, but also a solid reputation as an industry leader. Scotty’s has asphalt production facilities located throughout Central Kentucky, and its latest plant addition in Vine Grove represents the company’s ongoing quest to invest in the latest technology offered in a high-production drum plant facility. All facilities are operated by computer controlled mixing and loadout controls to ensure consistent and reliable product to supply its own demanding project
specifications, as well as the high expectations of independent paving contractors who buy their mix at one of Scotty’s production facilities. Whether Scotty’s 11 paving crews are paving 92 continuous interstate miles, a grand-prix style racetrack, an airport runway or a residential driveway, using high-quality asphalt mix produced by the most up-to-date equipment and technology, and backed by over 45-years of experience, has served this asphalt contractor well in delivering a quality project day-in and day-out. Scotty’s 430 associates and $70 million of equipment are put to the test each day, with “Quality Paves the Way” serving as the driving mantra to inspire all to do their best work.
RECYCLING IN VINE GROVE When it came time to replace an existing plant at Scotty’s Vine Grove location, recycling was a major consideration and adding a reclaimed asphalt shingle (RAS) feed bin to the facility would make it only the second plant in Scotty’s production operation capable of incorporating RAS into its RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) mix designs. At the heart of the plant is an Astec 500 TPH 9 ft. by 47 ft. Double Barrel Drum Mixer fired by a Phoenix Talon 125 MBTU/hr. natural gas/#2 fuel oil burner. The mixer is equipped with Green Pac System used to foam both hot and warm mix designs. The production is fed by eight 10 ft. by 14 ft. cold feed bins and three RAP bins,
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Engineered Innovation. 11/27/17 2:59 PM
Improved Efficiency INCREASED PRODUCTION V-Flights Shower Material Along the Edge of the Notch as Well as the Tip
V-flights Allow for a More Even Veil of Material
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S TA C K T E M P E R AT U R E C O N T R O L S Y S T E M V-Pac U.S. Patent No. 8,863,404 B1
To meet market demand, we change mix design often. The frequent changes push our plants to the limit. ASTEC suggested we add the V-Pac stack temperature control system. We started using the V-Pac system and, without a doubt, it has improved efficiency and increased our production capability.
Clarke DeHart,
Production Manager, CR Jackson Inc. Operating the V-Pac Stack Temperature Control System since 2011
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Three RAP feed bins, one for handling RAS, provide plenty of recycled material.
with one having steeper walls to accommodate better flow of the sticky asphalt shingle material. Mix is transferred via a 30 in. by 80 ft. inclined conveyor to a 1,200-ton New Generation Storage System comprised of four 300-ton silos. A 11-ft. by 80-ft. low-profile truck scale monitors loading weight. A 90,569 CFM Pulse Jet Baghouse filters dust from the mixing process and transfers excess dust (more than is allowed to be put in mixes as filler) to a 650-gal. dry additive storage tank for later disposal. The baghouse system includes a variable frequency drive (VFD) exhaust fan to control airflow and reduce electrical costs. The entire plant is operated from an 11 ft. 6 in. by 35 ft. 4 in. Command Control Center with a Total Control 2,000 HMA PLC Control System. “When we decided to replace the existing plant at this location, we wanted to increase our production capabilities to better serve the needs of projects in this area,” explains Ronnie Bryant, who’s been managing Scotty’s asphalt production for the past 40 years. As Bryant notes, RAP production was another primary consideration
The operation is managed by a Total Control 2000 HMA PLC Control System.
when working with Astec in the initial design of the plant and subsequent modifications. “We have one other plant that can accommodate asphalt shingles, so we thought it just made sense to add that capability to this plant,” Bryant says. Currently, Scotty’s production facilities can add 20-25 percent RAP to mixes without changing the grade of the asphalt cement binder required for the mix design. With that RAP percentage,
approximately 5 percent can come from shingle material. “If we increase RAP beyond 20-25 percent, we have to use a softer liquid binder to achieve the same type of flowable characteristics of a virgin mix design,” Bryant states. “I think the oxidation of the recycled material makes the overall mix stiffer, so we tend to maintain our current RAP percentage.” That approach seems to work well, considering approximately 95 percent of the company’s asphalt production is used to support its own paving crews, and 80 percent of the projects the crews are working on are state and federal roads. With most of those agency projects being Perpetual Pavements, where only the top surface course is replaced, often the millings from the project are used in the new mat placed.
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PRODUCTION NOTES “We incorporate RAP based on what government specifications allow and if we were to increase RAP content for a private project, then we would change the binder to compensate for the stiffer mix,” Bryant says. According to survey data collected by the National Asphalt Pavement Association and the Federal Highway Administration, during the 2014 construction season more than 71.9 million tons of RAP and nearly 2 million tons of RAS were put to use in new pavements in the United States. When RAP and RAS are reprocessed into new pavement mixtures, the liquid asphalt binder in the recycled material is reactivated, reducing the demand for virgin asphalt binder. RAP usage also lowers the demand for virgin aggregate and reduces landfill waste.
Some of the other modifications Scotty’s had to make for its new plant had to be done to accommodate the site layout. Additional conveyor systems were needed to facilitate where the plant could be located. “We had to set the plant up on a different location so it was closer to our rock supply that was being delivered by a rail line,” Bryant says. The plant layout also better accommodates trucks moving through the facility. Scotty’s has 100 dump trucks in its own fleet and regularly hires additional independent truckers to keep its projects supplied. “This new plant not only increases our production capabilities compared to the 1986 model it replaced, but it also gives us more options on the different mix designs we can produce on any
given day (based on the increase in material feed bins),” Bryant says. “And it’s really going to support the upcoming 10-mile I-65 resurfacing project we have to complete this year.” AC
For more information on managing RAP/RAS at your plant, visit ForConstructionPros. com/12266542.
Recyling was a major consideration in the new plant design and adding a reclaimed asphalt shingle feed bin to the facility was a primary element.
“We wanted to increase our production to better serve the needs of projects.” —Ronnie Bryant, asphalt production manager, Scotty’s Contracting
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Natural Gas Burner
s I’ve said before, the Burner tuning procedure is complex and exacting, but the results are well worth the effort. In addition to reducing emissions you can expect improved fuel efficiency over a poorly tuned burner. Kinda like blowing $100 bills out the stack. Not to mention polluting the air for our kids to breathe. By necessity I will have to repeat some of the things I talked about in previous articles. Last month I discussed the how to set-up and tune your burner for Recycled Fuel Oil. This month I want to talk about tuning for Natural Gas. I apologize that this gets repetitive considering that I have covered large parts of this in earlier installments dealing with Diesel and RFO. But I don’t want my readers to have to take the time to go chase down an earlier issue
of the Asphalt Contractor Magazine to re-read that information. So at the risk of boring some readers, I will repeat the instructions here. As I said in previous issues, I’m the Authorized Honeywell Representative for Hauck Asphalt products in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, most of the Northwest including Alaska and all of Canada west of Manitoba so I will be concentrating on Hauck products. Just remember, with very few changes, the exact same procedures apply to any make and model burner. Best advice I can give is to always read and follow the instructions that came with your burner when you got it. Now again, as I mentioned in earlier installments, I am hoping you took my advice and bought a Portable Gas Analyzer (PGA). With any luck you have
Cliff ’s Notes
read and understood the method of sampling your stack gas. We will need a port to check the exhaust air. We drill our test port just above the fan right below the damper so the exhaust air will actually be pressurized a little bit. This makes it a lot easier for our PCA to pull in the air to be analyzed. Again, for calibration reasons I recommend that you turn on your PGA well away from The Hauck any exhaust gasses NovaStar burner from the stack, from Honeywell hot-oil heater, Thermal Solutions exhaust from your has met the most vehicle, etc.. Once stringent air quality your analyzer regulations for is warmed up combustion-related and ready, it emissions on hot is time to take mix asphalt plant. some readings.
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With your asphalt plant running and stabilized insert the PGA probe in the hole you drilled, then press “Run” on the meter. Allow your meter to run for about 5 minutes or until all the readings are stabilized. There is a “Save” button on your PGA. I usually save 5 or 6 runs about 5 minutes apart. Then press “Hold” on your meter and put it aside where it can cool off. DO NOT shut the meter off until it is thoroughly cooled off and completely away from any source of combustion gasses. This is important. If the PGA is not cooled out and in clear air it is possible to damage the NOx, O2 and CO2 sensors. This is a lesson I had to learn the hard way. I will tell you that them little dudes be expensive. If you bought the Bacharach PCA-3 235 I recommended you can download the combustion data
directly to a laptop computer. You can compare all your readings side by side to average them. When you have the data it is time to make adjustments. The following instructions are out of the Star-Jet setup manual published by Hauck/Honeywell and shared with their permission. This data and adjustments apply to any burner. Please see the chart for interpretation of Gas Readings. This chart is Courtesy of “Honeywell Thermal Solutions” formerly “Hauck Burners”. NOTE: Typically some CO and combustibles will always be present. I try to target less than 125 for the CO2. How you adjust your burner depends on which one it is and what type of burner control you have. The Star-Jet or Eco-Star by Hauck uses a single positional actuator which follows your commands to take the burner from
idle to full fire. The Mega-Star and Nova-Star use either dual positional actuators, one for the air, one for the fuel. Or they use a variable speed motor drive to control the air flow and a positional actuator for the fuel. With this style of burner the adjustments are all controlled by the brner control’s settings. Reading the manual explains this action in great detail, so I won’t go into that set-up. If the burner is wildly out of tune, say 5,000 CO2 and the combustibles are also way high, say 5% or 6% then I always go back to basics and set the burner up from the start. The chart below shows an interpretation of gas readings and actions of how to adjust the burner.
Chart courtesy of Honeywell Thermal Solutions.
Figure 1. Recognize, Repair Excessive Process Gasses Exhaust Gas
Standard Units
Gas Indicates
Target Range
Possible Action
Oxygen (O2)
Excess air
Excess air level 25 to 50% air is typical; 8% O2 is about 50% excess air
11% to 14%
Reduce plant leakage, verify that exhaust damper is operational, adjust burner air
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Product of combustion
As CO2 increases, theoretical maximum 12%
6% to 10%
Add or take fuel away from burner and see how CO2 content reacts
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Incomplete combustion
Parts per million (ppm), pounds per million BTU
Flame has more fuel than it can burn, or excess combustion air “strips” fuel from flame, resulting in “air quenching” material falling through flame
Depending on location, CO may need to be as low as 50 ppm at 3% oxygen. Acceptable range 200 to 300 ppm at 7% oxygen
First, reduce fuel pressure and see how CO reacts. If it drops, continue to reduce fuel
Nitrogen Oxygen Compounds (NOx)
Reaction of oxygen & nitrogen at high temperatures in the combustion air, heavy fuels also contribute
Usually in ppm or pounds per million BTU
Conventional burners create NO2, as flame temperature goes up, NO2 generally will also. Burner design can drastically reduce NO2
Some stringent air quality areas require NO2 levels that are 35 ppm or less at 3% oxygen. Obtain the lowest concentration possible without sacrificing CO emissions
On conventional burners, running excess air or excess fuel to reduce flame temperature can slightly reduce NO2
Hydrocarbons (CxHx)
Incomplete combustion
Burner is firing off ratio, similar to CO, plant problems may also exist; inadequate combustion zone & poor combustion zone flighting, overheated AC
In most instances, no hydrocarbons are acceptable when tuning a burner, very low volume may exist
Similar to CO, reduce fuel input first and see how the CxHx content reacts
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Heavy or waste fuels, coal process materials
Sulfur in fuel or material being processed
Minimize content to local regulations
Blend light fuel into heavy fuel. Fire light fuel, gas or LP
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PRODUCTION NOTES For the single actuator control, the air and the fuel are controlled by a single arm which has a piece of adjustable linkage to the air butterfly and another adjustable piece of linkage to the fuel modulating valve. Last month I talked about adjusting your burner for RFO. This month let’s talk about setting up your burner for natural gas (NG). NATURAL GAS The very first thing I do is check and be sure that the gas pressure is set to the factory specifications listed in your burner manual. Generally this is 3 to 4# of gas pressure. I usually start out on the NG burner the same as I do a diesel burner, by establishing stroke. This means the amount of travel in the linkage. Some burner controls allow you to run the burner up and down without the burner firing or any motors running. If yours will not, you will need to take the cover off your EA-57 actuator and look in the top at the round terminal strip. Terminals X, 2 & 3 are what we will use to run the burner up and down. Remove the wires off terminals 2 & 3. Make sure they do not ground out. They are not voltage but it is best to insulate them and remember where they go. With NG we need a bit more air at idle. So with the air stroke I want the linkage to start just about “.5” (about 1/2-in.) then as we increase the actuator to 100% I want the air to be fully open. You will need to use a short jumper wire and momentarily jump “X” to “2”. The burner should begin to stroke upward. Go ahead and run it to its maximum travel, then look at the air butterfly pointer on the burner housing. It should be exactly on 100%. If it is way past 100% you will need to shorten the travel of the linkage. This is done by moving the linkage pivot on the arm of the EA-57 closer to the center of the pivot. Obviously if it doesn’t quite go all the way to 100% you will need to INCREASE the travel by moving it further away from the center shaft of the EA-57. Small changes are recommended.
Now, when you make this change, the “closed” position will be off. Jump “X” to “3” and the burner will drive shut. Check the position of the butterfly indicator. It should be adjusted to be about 1/2-in. above “0”. If you look at the pivot that you moved earlier it has a rod with a set screw. Loosen this set screw and set the closed air where you want it. Now run the burner up again. If the air is not at 100%, repeat the adjustments until it is at 100% at high and where you want it at low. Don’t be in a hurry. Sometimes it will take five or six evolutions to get the linkage where it needs to be. Patience is you friend. Once you have the air set correctly it is time to focus on the fuel. The stroke of the fuel modulation valve is very dependent on altitude. I will talk about adjusting it for Sea-Level, than at the end offer some advice for higher altitudes. The process for adjusting the fuel stroke is essentially the same as adjusting the air. For NG I want the fuel modulation valve to start just barely above “1.5” (about 1-in.) then as we increase the actuator to 100% I want the fuel valve to go up to around 9.5 on the position plate. As you did before you will need to use a short jumper wire and momentarily jump “X” to “2”. The burner should begin to stroke upward. Go ahead and run it to its maximum travel, then look at the fuel modulation valve pointer. It should be on 9.5 or so. If it is either short of that or past that you will need to change the travel of the linkage. Again, this is done by moving the linkage pivot on the arm of the EA-57 closer to the center of the pivot or further away depending on if you want it to travel more (farther out) or less (closer in). As before, small changes are recommended. Now, when you make this change, the “0” position will be off. Jump “X” to “3” and the burner will drive shut. Check the position of the mod valve position indicator. It should be adjusted to be about 1/2in. above “0”. If you look at the pivot that you moved earlier it has a rod with a set screw. Loosen this set screw and set the closed fuel where you
want it. Now run the burner up again. If the fuel is not where you want it, repeat the adjustments until it is where you want it both low position and the high position. Don’t be in a hurry. Sometimes it will take several evolutions to get the linkage where it needs to be. The only changes I make in relation to altitude is that I restrict the maximum fuel modulation valve stroke to around 7.5 rather than higher because there is less oxygen at higher altitudes. The last thing to do now is to make sure that the burner fuel pressure is at the factory recommended pressure. Once you have done this it is time to fire the burner and put it to work. Your best representative results will be when you are running at you normal pace, about 30 minutes or more after you start up. Follow the earlier instruction to get your reading in the range you want. Like I said, I target 125 CO and around 12.5 O2 readings. Don’t forget that adjusting the fuel pressure will also adjust the CO & O2 readings. As always, if you are having problems feel free to call and I will do my best to help. Next up, I will talk about burning Liquid Propane. Stay tuned… AC Cliff Mansfield operates C.M. Consulting, an asphalt repairing, upgrading and operational training company. He has 40 years of experience in the industry. Visit for more information.
For Cliff’s Notes on Proper Burner Tuning for Recycled Fuel Oil, visit ForConstructionPros. com/20970945.
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When you’re ready to take control of your asphalt production, we have you covered. ADM’s full line of asphalt plants, ranging from 60 – 425 tph, give you the power to lower production costs, increase profitability and grow your business. When you own the plant, you call the shots.
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Asphalt Drum Mixers
Search: 10072036
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PRODUCTION NOTES Stansteel Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Stansteel's complete heavy-duty high-production hot mix asphalt plants include both counterflow drum mixer and batch plants. • Batch plants up to 16,000-pound batch size • Complete counterflow drum mixers up to 850 tph • Heavy-duty design and construction Search:10084926
Superior Industries Anthem Inclined Screen
Maxam Raptor Entry System Maxam's Raptor recycle entry system runs up to 50% RAP without superheating or blue smoke. • Standard on all Maxam drums; retrofits to any counterflow drums or batch plant dryers • RAP is heated in the drum by the direct heat of the flame • Moisture in the RAP is vaporized in the drum and exhausted through the baghouse Search:10083936
Superior Industries offers the Anthem Inclined Screen, engineered with a single- or double-shaft drive depending on the specific application needs of the bulk processing customer. • Patent pending bottle jack lifting points simplify and speed spring replacement and improve safety • Unique segmented belt guard requires only one person to remove and return the guards during maintenance • Screens can be custom designed to fit a customer’s existing structure • Double, triple, and quad deck configurations for 5×16, 6×16, 6×20, 7×20, 8×20, and 8×24 models
Heatec Calibration Tank Heatec calibration tanks for HMA drum mix plants are used used to calibrate the liquid asphalt metering system. • Mounted on load cells and has a LED readout • Jacketed asphalt lines on the tank are heated by hot oil • Available in vertical, horizontal and portable configurations with a capacity of either 500 or 1,000 gal. • Can also be an integral part of a portable asphalt tank or as part of a heater skid Search:10776782
ADM Milemaker with Warm Mix Capability Asphalt Drum Mixers, Inc. (ADM) has added a warm-mix asphalt system to its Milemaker Series asphalt plants. • Produces 160 to 425 tons per hour • Capability to introduce water or chemicals into liquid asphalt entering plant, appropriately lowering temperature to warmmix specifications • Plants boast to be the most fuel-efficient, mix-design flexible and productive plants in its class • Dual-drum plants available in portable, relocatable or stationary versions • Counter flow technology uses separate drying and mixing zones to achieve the maximum level of heat transfer and fuel efficiency Search:10088123
Astec Phoenix Talon II Burner The ASTEC Phoenix Talon II utilizes the latest burner technology to deliver very low emissions combined with energy efficiency. • Precisely and completely mixes the air and gaseous fuel to achieve an advanced low NOx and CO method called lean burn premix • Variable speed main combustion blower drive helps provide precise firing rate control and uses significantly less electrical energy and eliminates the need for an air damper and for drive motor adjustments and maintenance Search:12231117
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KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens GT104
Dillman UniDrum The Dillman unified drum is a high quality counterflow design that is offered in both portable and stationary arrangements. • Offered as part of complete new plants and also for retrofit applications • Long drum can produce a consisten, high-quality mix with up to 50% RAP content • Range of production capacities from 200 to 700 tph • Optional warm mix system • Optional V-Pack Stack temperature system Search:10739886
KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens has launched its new GT104 track-mounted screening plant designed for entry-level contractors seeking a compact, highlyproductive, easy-to-use mobile screen. • For overburden or scalping behind a primary crusher • Capable of screening a wide array of material, from aggregates to recycled materials to organics Search:12188090
Kleemann Mobicone MCO 9i EVO and MCO 9i S EVO Kleemann's Mobicone MCO 9i EVO and MCO 9i S EVO mobile cone crushers offer aggregate producers secondary or tertiary crushing in a fuelefficient, Tier 4 Final emissions-compliant machine. • Cone crusher diameter permits a raw feed capacity of 287 tph, with a feed size maximum of 8.25 in. • Diesel-electrical drive provides low fuel consumption in a compact design • Power plant generates 332 hp at 1,500 rpm Search:12228931
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PRODUCTION NOTES Astec V-Pack Stack Temperature Control Astec’s V-Pack Stack Temperature Control System extends the range of mixes that can be produced without requiring the flights be adjusted. • “V-flights,” unique drum flights with a deep V-shape, and its use of variable frequency drives (VFDs), which provide control of the drum rotational speed, are keys to the control system managing an asphalt plant’s exhaust gas temperature and increasing overall efficiency • Automatically controls exhaust gas temperature across a range of mix types and operating conditions by making drum speed changes • Keeps baghouse temperature relatively stable as mix temperature changes and even as mix types change from hot mix to warm mix, from virgin to high RAP, and from dense graded to open graded mixes Search:12058427
CWMF Cold Feed Bins CWMF’s cold feed systems are designed to withstand the harsh elements of an HMA facility in portable, stationary and skid-mounted systems. • Unique feeder belt mount design allows for belt removal/replacement without requiring you to remove the feeder • 1/4-in. bin wall construction • 10-ft. x 14-ft. & 10-ft. x 16-ft. are standard sizes • 60° sloped walls minimize build-up • Adjustable slide gates to allow accurate metering • Self-relieving throats allow for proper flow of material Search:20976919
“Hot Mix Asphalt, Paving the Highway to the Future”
Systems ADP-GUI Drum Mix Process System The ADP-GUI Drum Mix Process System (ADP-100 with optional Windows-based Graphics User Interface) is designed to proportion aggregates and additives according to prescribed mix design formulas and measures and controls liquid asphalt mass flow rate so blends are accurately interlocked to the measured aggregate flow. • Integral belt scale totalizers • Direct interface to all brands of asphalt pump skids and metering devices • Asphalt tank inventory and selection monitor • Feeders capable of being controlled and metered include: aggregates, dust, anti-strip, latex, crumb rubber, water, slurries and mineral filter Search:12129248
We are the Sales & Service Center for Hauck Burners for most of the Southwest & Western US including Alaska. In Canada we offer Hauck Sales & Service from Manitoba west. We are the We newPlant ADM Counter-Flow ADMsell Asphalt Dealer for the WesternDrum US & Plants and Parallel Flow drum plants, Mr. Doug Bleackley Canada. Asor usual we will offer Plant Consulting, portable skidded. Any configuration you might need. We have plants for CD Road S &mix. S Operator training, Burner Solutions, Parts and plant high RAP applications, configured for trouble Hot mix, Warm mix Equipment and Cold 313 Cowie Crescent shooting. Please call withneeds. anything we can help you on. Call to discuss your Swift Current, SK S9H 4W1 Our Canadian is in partnership withand Mr. Doug Bleackley. I have beenDivision in paving since 1972 directly associated with asphalt plants
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Get fast, relevant product information in the Buyers Guide at
B&S Light Digi-Batcher
ADM SPL Asphalt Plants Asphalt Drum Mixers (ADM) offers its line of SPL hot-mix asphalt plants as an affordable option for contractors with low production requirements. • Includes all necessary components for drum-mixing asphalt production yet fits on a single trailer frame • Available in 60-, 100- and 160-tph production rates and come standard with a drying/mixing drum, wet wash, cold feed bin and surge system • Portable or stationary configurations with the option of automated or manual operation • Customized components include cold feed bins, hot oil asphalt cement tanks (both horizontal and vertical), directfired horizontal cement tanks, portable and stationary bag houses, mineral filler systems, RAP systems, self-erect and stationary silos, weigh and drag conveyors, weigh batchers and fuel oil tanks Search:12315127
CMI Hot Mix Storage Starting with the popular HMS140, CMI silos are also available in 200, 260 and 320 ton sizes. • Designed with features to economically store hot mix asphalt for extended periods of time, CMI’s silos are also designed with special features to reduce segregation • Rugged slug feeders designed to reduce segregation, fitted with AR steel liner plates as are the steel cones and conveyor sides • Also featured are CMI’s dual discharge gates of 48-in. x 12-in. wide with elastomer seals configured perpendicular to the driveway to reduce material segregation Search:12320531
The Digi-Batcher can automatically deliver operator selected quantities of up to 99 mix designs directly into a truck and/or automatically configure the plant to deliver any quantity of any mix design to any of up to 3 silos. • Can print formula raw materials information on a delivery ticket for each batch produced into truck or silo • Silos can be easily selected to be filled in any order, with the appropriate mix design and quantity and be temporarily paused at any time to load trucks directly Search:20976928
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Remix Pavers Not Just for the
Quest for higher mat quality expands contractor applications for these versatile machines
he asphalt industry is inventive and dynamic, ever changing to meet project owner needs, higher road life-cycle demands and budget constraints. Perpetual pavement construction, mill-and-fill overlays, hot-in-place recycling, cold-in-place recycling, and chip seal practices, to name a few, are at the asphalt paving contractor’s disposal to satisfy virtually every customer need. Asphalt mix designs have also evolved over the years. From containing high recycled material content to additives for meeting a market’s special needs, asphalt mixes are growing in complexity to produce as well as pave. “In our market, we see mix with high percentages of RAP, winter additives that melt snow, recycled tire and shingle additives, and non-local hard rock aggregate,” comments Andrew Fahey, vice president of Grandview (Kansas City), Mo.-based J. M. Fahey Construction Company.
Fahey Construction uses its auger paver for commercial projects because of the machine’s versatility and reblending capabilities to deliver high mat quality over a variety of applications.
These changes in asphalt mix designs can make it more difficult for the paving contractor to meet material and/or thermal segregation specifications. Even if no formal segregation spec exists on a project, segregated aggregate and inconsistent temperatures throughout the mat pose a challenge for the contractor. “Cool spots in the mat make it difficult for the rollers to achieve density specifications,” comments Bill Rieken, paver applications specialist for BOMAG Americas, Inc. For years, paving equipment that offers asphalt reblending capabilities at the project site were thought by many contractors to be reserved for highprofile road projects, airports or mainline paving, where stringent specifications demanded the use of this “specialized”
equipment. Remix pavers and material transfer vehicles offered mix consistency and the ability to pave non-stop to deliver a mat that stood up to heavy wheel loads and high traffic counts. Some contractors, like Fahey Construction and Towanda, Kan.-based Dustrol, Inc., have bucked this tradition and expanded the use of this “specialized” paving equipment for many years. Fahey Construction feeds its CR662RM a steady diet of commercial projects, while Dustrol uses its Remix machines for a hot-in-place recycle process. “We expect to deliver high mat quality in whatever application we encounter, and the CR662RM has given us the ability to provide a superior product in any case,” says Fahey. COMMERCIAL SUCCESS For more than a decade, Fahey Construction has used a Remix auger paver on its commercial paving projects. Keeping its utility, concrete and asphalt paving work within a 75-mi (121-km) radius of the Kansas City metro area, the company’s workload consists of 90 percent public municipal work and 10 percent private projects. Fahey Construction’s two asphalt crews pave everything from parking lots to mill overlays in urban neighborhoods to main thoroughfares and D.O.T. mainline projects. For its smaller projects, the contractor uses the 8-ft (2.4-m) Cedarapids CR362L rubber track commercial paver. Offering paving widths from 8
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INE to 20 ft (2.4 to 6.1 m), it handles everything from small parking lots and urban development roads to shoulder paving on interstates. “We look for versatility in our pavers,” says Fahey. Versatility was one primary consideration for purchasing the CR662RM RoadMix machine, as it offers the ability to work as a paver, which is how Fahey Construction uses the machine, as well as a material transfer vehicle. “It takes about four hours to switch between the screed and conveyor assemblies, so it’s possible for the CR662RM to be paving in the morning and transferring material in the afternoon,” comments Henry Polk, manager of paving, milling and reclaimers/stabilizers for BOMAG. Fahey Construction reserves this machine for the high profile, main thoroughfare and occasional interstate
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asphalt paving projects. The vast majority of the work seen by the CR662RM is mill-and-fill overlay on urban roads as well as county highways. The main reason for using this paver for high profile projects, as Fahey explains, is the reblending capabilities offered by the machine. “As much as versatility,” he says, “we are looking to deliver high mat quality in whatever application we encounter, no matter the customer. The CR662RM’s ability to remix the asphalt in-hopper gives us mat consistency with no segregation, and we can tell the difference in the mat between the Remix paver and a conventional paver.” The hopper design of the CR662RM replaces the traditional slat conveyor that delivers material to the spreading augers with two sets of two augers. Whereas
The additional reblending a re-mix paver offers helps to prevent asphalt shadowing, segregation and stripping that can be present with conventional slat pavers.
the slat conveyor pulls material from the front to the rear of the hopper, the Remix system’s counter rotating augers uniformly draw down and reblend material from all areas of the hopper. “Any asphalt that has cooled during transport is remixed with the rest of the mix at temperature to eliminate cold spots behind the screed,” says Rieken. Fahey adds, “The Cedarapids paver provides a superior product that we haven’t seen with conventional pavers.” TEMPS BELOW WARM MIX Whereas Fahey Construction sticks to within 75 mi (121 km) of Kansas
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Since the low mix temperatures that Dustrol encounters make the mix difficult to work with, the contractor switched most of the pavers in its HIR trains to CR662RM auger pavers.
City, Dustrol’s five HIR crews travel a 16-state market, spanning the central part of the country from Idaho and Montana to Texas and Louisiana. Since forming in 1973, the company’s restoration efforts have evolved from heater scarification surface recycling to its current MARS (Mobile Asphalt Recycling System) hot-in-place recycling (HIR) process, which allows for recycling depths reaching 3 in (76.2 mm). “Most of our projects are in the 2-in (50.8mm) depth range or less, but we have recycled as much as 2.5 to 3 in (63.5 to 76.2 mm),” says Brian Hansen, president of Dustrol. Repairing surface deformations such as rutting and cracking, the customengineered MARS recycling train includes a series of road preheaters, milling heaters and tunnel heaters. Each combination of milling and tunnel heaters will recycle a depth reaching 0.5 in (12.7 mm), so the deeper the project, the more milling and tunnel heater units added to the recycling train. The last component in the train is a milling heater with an oiler that injects a predetermined percentage of water-based emulsion as a rejuvenating agent for the oxidized recycled asphalt.
The recycled asphalt is laid in a windrow for the paving train to pick up and pave. While heated by the recycling train, the material in the windrow isn’t nearly as hot as asphalt designs produced by a plant and trucked to the jobsite. “We are working with asphalt in the 200° to 250° F range, which is just a little cooler than warm mix asphalt,” explains Hansen. The low temperatures can make the mix difficult for the paver to work with. A second challenge for the paving train is the type of asphalt roads being recycled. Dustrol’s workers often face chip-sealed, microsurfaced and heavily patched surface layers. These state, federal and county roads are typically hot mix asphalt surfaces that have been subject to some sort of restorative effort. “This makes it extremely difficult for
a conventional slat paver to deliver the high quality finished product we want,” Hansen says. When encountering an untouched hot mix asphalt road surface, Hansen says that conventional pavers work well. However, when recycling a previously repaired road, he says they would see shadowing in the mat and centerline segregation under the spread auger gearbox. “Most of the roads we recycle will also receive a thin asphalt, Nova Chip, or chip-seal overlay, but we still want to deliver the highest quality mat possible,” he says. A few years ago, when recycling a stretch of Kansas highway that received two chip seal treatments, Dustrol’s crew was having a particularly difficult time achieving the end result they wanted with The hopper design replaces the traditional slat conveyor with two sets of augers that uniformly draw down and reblend material from all areas of the hopper
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JOBSITE INNOVATIONS the slat paver. Mat shadowing and centerline segregation weren’t the only issues. “Chip seal sets up fast and doesn’t flow well, and the aggregate showed some signs of stripping,” Hansen says. Dustrol experimented by replacing its slat paver with the CR662RM. “In addition to its counter-rotating augers inside the hopper, the RoadMix also features outboard spreading auger drive to eliminate the center gearbox and centerline segregation issues,” Rieken says. The combination of in-hopper augers and outboard spread auger drive eliminated the segregation and shadowing issues experienced on that Kansas recycling project, and it resolved aggregate stripping. “Our MARS equipment gives the asphalt some reblending at the last heater mill, but the CR662RM’s hopper acts like a pugmill to give the windrow additional reblending and coating of the aggregate,” says Hansen. “Remix gives us a better product, and it’s all about delivering a good quality product for the taxpayer.” Since that first project using the Remix auger paver, Dustrol has added a CR662RM machine to four out of its five HIR trains. The train using the lone conventional slat paver is relegated to applications of conventional hot mix asphalt road recycling, and current plans include an auger paver replacing the slat paver when it is ready for replacement. SIMILAR OPERATING COSTS Hansen and Fahey report the operating costs of their rubber track CR662RM RoadMix machines are very close to that
Changes in asphalt mixes make them more difficult for contractors to pave and compact, so some contractors are expanding the use of “specialized” equipment like Remix pavers.
of a conventional slat paver. “Since we’ve been running the CR662RM so long, it’s hard for us to tell cost differences, but if there were higher costs, they would be more than offset by reduced call-backs on a project,” says Fahey. Hansen echoes Fahey’s sentiment, “The benefits of quality far outweigh any additional cost we may incur.” Randy Meisch, shop foreman for Dustrol, has intimate working knowledge of both auger and slat pavers and confirms the cost assessment made by Hansen. Every offseason, the shop crew plus some of the equipment operators spend time maintaining the fleet. Meisch has found some areas where the Remix system takes less time to repair than the slat delivery system. At the end of each season, workers remove both material delivery systems. “It takes about three hours to get the Remix augers on the ground, whereas it takes about eight hours to remove the slats,” he explains. “The auger pavers go through the shop a lot faster than the slat pavers.” Dustrol also gets significantly more service life out of a set of Remix augers. “In our application, we get two seasons from our slat delivery system – one
season per side,” he says. “With the Remix system, we have run five seasons without repair or replacement of the screw augers, and we have put 2 million tons of material through the paver.” The key to achieving this longevity, according to Meisch, is proper maintenance. He uses the paver operators to hard surface the augers and for other projects that don’t require technical training, so the company doesn’t have to lay them off during the winter season. He reports it takes about 40 hours to hard surface the auger sets. Longevity, versatility and superior end product quality, the Remix auger pavers have offered significant business advantages for both Fahey Construction and Dustrol in nontraditional applications. “We have run Remix pavers for 15-plus years, and they have been a method to mitigate segregation, no matter the application we encounter,” summarizes Fahey. AC Rick Zettler is a freelance writer based in Cedar Rapids, IA. Reach him at
For more on Remix Pavers, visit ForConstructionPros. com/12036796.
Both Dustrol and Fahey Construction report operating costs of the auger paver to be very close to that of conventional slat pavers
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Retrofit Controls
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The control system: it’s the heart of your plant, reaching every aspect of your operation. ASTEC Retrofit Controls expand and improve your capabilities with an all new control system customized to fit your needs. It’s like a heart
Pictured from left to right Roy Bryant, Plant Foreman Ricky Pendergrass, General Superintendent Bailey Watkins, Asphalt Plant Manager
When our outdated controls started to give us problems, we knew it was time to upgrade. We chose Astec because of the service. Astec has the absolute best service.
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electrical switch gear.
— Bailey Watkins Asphalt Plant Manager, Fred Smith Company
an Astec Industries Company 4101 JEROME AVENUE • CHATTANOOGA, TN 37407 USA • 423.867.4210 • FAX 423.867.4636 • Search: 10072061
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JOBSITE INNOVATIONS Ditch Runner DR-659 Asphalt Paver The Ditch Runner DR-659 tilt hopper asphalt paver will pave 9- to 14-ft. widths. • Direct-drive track system with automatic track adjustment • 6-ton, heavy-duty, steel-reinforced asphalt receiving hopper • 44-hp Kubota turbo diesel engine • Vibratory exhaust-heated screed with continuous screed extensions • Dual-lever hopper control • 9-in. augers mounted on asphalt cutoff doors
Topcon P-32 Asphalt Paving Systen The P-32 asphalt paving system now includes the ST-3 sonic tracker, antivibration slope sensor and a firmware update to the full-color, graphical display GC-35 control box.
Search: 10080409
Roadtec BF 400 Road Widener
MOBA PAVE-IR Scan System MOBA PAVE-IR scan system provides a non-destructive method for detecting thermal segregation in asphalt pavement in real time. • Intelligent temperature scanner measures asphalt temperature over the entire paving width of up to 8 meters • Temperature profile displayed in real time on a full-color TFT touch screen display • All files stored for additional analysis in the office and for quality proof • Documents complete job with GPS coordinates and a temperature scale Search: 10083559
The BF 400 can be used for road widening, shoulder work, maintenance and repairs of roads. • Soil, gravel, asphalt and lean concrete can also be placed • Conveyor belt is made with a special structure that is heat resistant up to 356° F • Surface of the road functions as
• ST-3 sonic tracker enhances position indication on string lines, give a wider range of linear detection and work better in tight areas • Slope sensor designed to increase accuracy in challenging conditions • Firmware upgrade to the GC-35 fullcolor, graphical display control box provides enhanced slope accuracy data Search: 11322813
a reference guide for the material placement • Screed slope, material height and width can by adjusted hydraulically Search: 12185782
Weiler E550A Windrow Elevator Hamm DV+ 70i VO-S Tandem Roller The DV+ 70i with an operating weight of 7.7 tons is the first in a new series of rollers Hamm is introducing in North America. The line is expected to be available in three versions: as a double vibration roller, an oscillation roller, and a combi roller with vibratory drum front and pneumatic tires at rear. • Intelligent drive control and pivot steering with four steering modes • Easy Drive operating concept includes ergonomically optimized operator platform • ROPS canopy or fully tinted ROPS cab • 75-hp engine satisfies Tier 4/Stage IIIB emissions requirements
Weiler's E550A windrow elevator is designed for high-production, mainline paving. • 60-in. wide throat • Slats are 58 in. wide and 7 in. deep to provide easy entry from the windrow • Wing width can be extended from 102 to 124 in. • Optional remixing attachment • Three-point suspension system helps overcome inconsistencies on the existing surface • 114-hp turbocharged Cat C4.4 engine Search: 10983834
Search: 12304964
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Wacker Neuson RD 27 Series The redesigned RD 27 2.5-ton double drum vibratory roller incorporates a multi-functional lever that contains buttons for all vibration options, water on/off and even a horn. • Features a tapered front frame for optimal visibility to the front drum and ergonomically designed operator’s station with easy-to-read dashboard and control panel • 5,470-lb. RD 27-100 comes with a 39.4-in. drum width and and produces a low/high total centrifugal force of 15,589/16,860 lbs. • 5,950-lb. RD 27-120 has a 47.2-in. drum width and produces 15,285/20,232 lbs. of low/high centrifugal force • Single or dual drum vibration • 37.5-hp Kubota diesel engine Search:10085573
Carlson Joint Density Attachment Through use of a higher angle of attack and an electrically heated element, the 4-n. bolt-on Jpint Density Attachment forces increased material into the side cut, greatly reducing voids and yielding higher density numbers at the joint. This enables contractors to hit specific job requirements by increasing the overall density of joints creating longer lasting and more dense joints while maintaining consistent heat with the main screed and extensions. • The electronically heated element maintains consistent heat of the element, allowing greater extrusion of material while preventing cold spots • While increasing the angle of attack, the 4-in. bolt-on does not lift the screed giving operators ease of mind while paving. • Easily adjustable through use of a wrench on the exterior of the screed attachment, enabling operators to maximize joint density • Universal attachment can be fitted on the right or left hand side • Combined with Carlson’s new side load attachment, contractors are able to increase joint density and profit while decreasing operational downtime Search: 12041568
Dynapac F1700C Asphalt Paver Dynapac's F1700C asphalt paver offers a laying capacity of 350 tph. • 10-in. maximum placement thickness • 10.1-ton hopper capacity • 105-fpm paving speed • 71-hp Deutz engine • Two independent conveyors with infinitely variable proportional control Search: 12034670
Search: 10074819
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11/27/17 3:04 PM
JOBSITE INNOVATIONS Volvo P7110B and P7170B Tier 4 Final Pavers
Vögele Super 20003i Tracked Paver The tracked Super 2000-3i highway-class paver features a basic width of 10 ft. and a maximum paving width of 28 ft., with a top placement rate of 1,540 tph. • 250-hp Cummins QSB6.7-C250 sixcylinder, Tier 4 Final-compliant engine includes a 100-gal. fuel tank • Fuel-saving ECO mode provides a full 234 hp and generates less noise running at just 1,700 rpm • High-traction crawler tracks efficiently convert drive power into forward motion • ErgoPlus 3 operating system can be shifted easily between the right and left sides of the operator’s stand • Can be combined with the VF 600, VR 600 and AB 600 TV extending screeds Search: 12186908
BOMAG BW 211 DH-5 Single Drum Roller The BOMAG BW 211 DH-5 single drum vibratory boasts a dual pump drive system, allowing the roller to climb grades as steep as 60%. • For high-production compaction of mixed soils, gravel and rock fill at depths reaching 27.6 in. • Setting the drum to 1,800 vpm with amplitude of 0.075 in. efficiently compacts high lift thickness • 128-hp Deutz TCD diesel engine meets Tier 4 Final standards Search: 12312006
The P7110B tracked and P7170B wheeled pavers offer 360° visibility, improved fuel efficiency with 12+ hours of continuous runtime without refueling and options to enhance productivity and mat quality. • Volvo D8J, 8-liter, Tier 4 Final engine uses continuous passive regeneration and boasts a more than 5% improvement in fuel efficiency • Press of a button extends the two-stage, 42-in. hydraulic tunnels, allowing head of material control without bolt-on extensions • Include a range of screed options and a four-sensor material flow system • Choice of two control consoles for operation from the left or right sides • Side air vents and a slightly higher seat improve operator comfort Search: 12185798
Case DV209CD and DV210CD Combination Vibratory Rollers Case Construction Equipment introduces two combination vibratory rollers — the DV209CD and DV210CD. • Front drum with rear pneumatic tires • Standard with automatic vibration control, crab steering, an oscillating articulated roller joint and a pressurized triple-filtration water system • High-frequency allows for frequencies up to 4,020 vpm • Operating weights of 20,753 and 22,440 lbs. • 100-hp Deutz engine that is Tier 4 Final certified Search: 20862767
GSSI UtilityScan Pro The UtilityScan Pro advanced GPR system with SIR 4000 control unit delivers the configurability and flexibility to efficiently identify and mark the location and depth of subsurface utilities, including gas, sewer and communication lines. • Real-time data collection with backup cursor and cross-hair cursor allow user to accurately locate targets • Integrates with GPS and has the ability to store and replay data easily • Configurable to the needs of nondestructive testing and environmental applications including bridge deck assessment and concrete scanning Search: 12309819
LeeBoy 5300 Asphalt Paver The 5300 Asphalt Paver is designed for trench, utility, patch, path and mill and fill work. • 64.4 hp Kubota Tier 4 Final engine. • Paving width: 3-ft. 10-in. to 7-ft. • Legend Heavy Duty Mini Electric Screed • Large capacity hopper • Single sliding control console is adjustable from right to left Search: 12313104
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11/27/17 3:04 PM
REGISTER February 7-10 Cleveland, OH TODAY National Pavement Expo brings vendors and contractors together who make their living from asphalt and concrete paving, sealcoating, striping, sweeping, crack repair, pavement repair, and snow removal to network with other paving professionals, attend industry workshops, and learn new ideas at our leadership boot camp.
National Pavement Expo will be held at the Huntington Convention Center in Cleveland. For more information and to register for this year’s event, please visit our website: Search: XXXXXXXX ACON1217_60-63_JobsiteProducts_J.indd 63
11/27/17 3:04 PM
SMA Pavements Eliminate Fiber, Eliminate Drainage
Warm mix Stone Matrix Asphalt is put to the test by the Maryland Department of Transportation on a major interstate connection project
ngevity continues to participate in numerous projects demonstrating how warm mix Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) produced with Evotherm can eliminate the need for fibers. But what if you’re a contractor or agency trying to use Evotherm for the first time? What does the process look like? What are some of the challenges in making this change? The state of Maryland has some answers.
In late May 2017, Maryland Paving wanted to use Evotherm on a SMA project on Interstate 195 (I-195) in Baltimore. I-195 is the main connection between terminals at the Baltimore/ Washington Thurgood Marshall International Airport and highways like I-95, I-97 and Maryland 295 that lead to the cities of Baltimore, Annapolis and Washington, D.C. Prior to this project,
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e Although the Maryland DOT (MDOT) was a pioneer in the use of SMA across the United States, they were still new to the capabilities of warm mix additives in SMA. For Maryland Paving the challenge was if they used Evotherm in the SMA mix to remove the expense and hassle of fibers, the mix would require less liquid AC. But the state was requiring SMA mixtures be at least 6.5 percent liquid AC. Maryland Paving worked with the DOT to demonstrate how warm mix was a more costeffective alternative for SMA mixtures, which would require changes to the specification. Compared to a standard SMA mix requiring 6.5 percent binder and 3/10ths fiber (by content volume), the warm SMA allowed complete binder coverage with only 6.2 percent AC.
Maryland Paving had tried a small portion of fiberless SMA with Ingevity’s Evotherm in 2016. Maryland Paving has been supplying hot mix asphalt services since 1964. The company operates six asphalt plants across Maryland, plants that continue to be recognized by the National Asphalt Pavement Association with the “Diamond Achievement Commendation.”
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SMA + WMA PROVIDES COST SAVINGS & OPTIMAL DENSITY NUMBERS According to Jeff Graf, general manager and vice president of Maryland Paving, the MDOT SMA project was a 6,000 ton informational pilot program to determine how well the warm mix would stand up to a heavily traveled interstate artery serving the Baltimore/Washington D.C. area. “The existing section of roadway was in good shape and we approached this particular project as a lane improvement
Adding Evotherm allowed Maryland Paving to eliminate the use of fibers and decrease the amount of AC needed, allowing for immediate cost savings.
project by applying a two-inch overlay to 2-1/2 lane miles and shoulder,” Graf explains. “We did an original investigation of warm SMA for MDOT on I-83 shoulder back in 2012-2013. We experimented with temperatures ranging from 310 to 270° F on mix designs using PG 76-22 and PG 64E-22. Typically, a hot mix design would leave the plant at a 325° to 335° F range. A standard warm design can leave the plant at 275° F.” The reason a warm mix SMA design does not require a fiber component is because the asphalt cement binder remains at a cooler temperature. Fiber is not used to help fill the voids of the mix, but rather to hold the binder in place. “It was a challenge to provide a costeffective SMA mix before Evotherm,” explains Graf. “Adding Evotherm allowed us to eliminate the use of fibers and decrease the amount of AC needed. That’s a cost savings right there. Plus, we were able to reduce paving temperatures by using warm mix. Then our conversation with the DOT became less about not meeting the specification, and more about why changing the specification to enable the use of an
11/27/17 3:05 PM
Evotherm eliminates the need for fiber in SMA mix SMA mixtures rely on larger aggregate with high angularity and a high percentage of stone-on-stone contact (as well as lower dust content). This provides the structural stability but the gap-graded type mix also has a lot of air voids. A polymer binder with high film thickness takes up some of the voids, small amounts of dust take up some voids and fiber takes up a small part of the void structure. The main reason fiber is needed in an SMA really pertains to the high asphalt content of the mix. Typically, the mixes have a higher asphalt content (6 percent and up) and low dust content. The high temperatures needed to make this mix workable leads to draindown of the asphalt. The fibers (normally cellulose) are quite absorbant and soak up the asphalt, keeping it as part of the VMA/effective asphalt instead of flowing off the aggregate and pooling (either in truck or on road as flushing). With Evotherm warm mix, temperatures are significantly lower which greatly limits draindown...relying on thermodynamics instead of fibers to keep the asphalt as part of the mix. Since the asphalt will not flow off the aggregate, the need for a fiber filler is negated.
additive like Evotherm could be better overall.” “We were able to produce a fiberless SMA mix with Evotherm at temperatures as low as 270° F,” reports Mike Harris, quality control manager at Maryland Paving. “The mix ran great while at the plant.” “The gauge technician was skeptical that the mix would compact at lower temperatures,” explains Pete Truncale with the field applications engineering team at Ingevity. “Even as temperatures of the mat decreased, compaction numbers on the gauge rose. Maryland Paving saw densities of at least 96 percent.” “An SMA mix design is very gap graded design with very little fines used,”
Graf notes. “On a standard SMA mix you would have to keep the rollers tight to the paver to achieve compaction on a polymer modified 76 binder. We had ample time to achieve density with the warm SMA design. We were able to achieve compaction at 250 to 260° F, when a standard mix would only allow final compaction at 275° F.” With the Evotherm liquid additive blended at the refinery with the AC binder used on the project, the Maryland Paving crew achieved 95 percent optimum density on the project. Graf is not surprised about MDOT’s pursuit of a warm SMA mix, considering the fact that the state agency has been a pioneer in specifying the mix since the 1990s. It’s unfortunate it was not a larger project for test results, but Graf estimates an energy savings of 10-12 percent in going from a hot to warm SMA mix design. “We also saved on the cost of not having to assign another person to maintain the fiber supply at the plant during production,” Graf says. I know as MDOT has an opportunity to fully evaluate the project after it has been exposed to traffic for a period of time, they’ll want to pursue larger projects.” AC
Maryland Paving was able to achieve compaction at 250 to 260° F, when a standard mix would only allow final compaction at 275° F. They were also seeing optimal densities of at least 95 percent on the project.
For more information on the benefits of warm mix asphalt, visit ForConstructionPros. com/20859629.
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11/27/17 3:05 PM
PRESERVATION UPDATE Cimline DuraPatcher DuraPatcher Road Repair Machine puts out an emulsion and rock combination for permanent repairs in any weather condition. • Operator friendly • Repairs streets and highways • Injection-type repair Search: 10078147
Rayner Raynmaker II VSS Macropaver Expandable Microsurfacing Box
Trimble PCS900 Paving Control System for Milling Machines Version 2.1 of the PCS900 3D paving control system for milling machines helps contractors mill a smoother and higher quality surface, reduce machine stoppage and minimize rework. • Hot swap functionality in the SPS930 universal total station maintains continuity and accuracy of milling operations without stopping the machine • Can be used on multiple machines and jobsites • Communicates directly with factoryinstalled 2D systems from most milling machine manufacturers • Allows the operator to control 2D and 3D sensor configurations from a single display • Requires only one on-machine radio Search: 10083522
The VSS Macropaver Expandable Microsurfacing Box is infinitely adjustable between 9 and 14 ft. • Allows a slurry seal/microsurfacing crew to apply a wide range of microsurfacings with consistency while simultaneously expanding and contracting to the desired designated width
• Unit features four 9-in. diameter augers, two per side, to enhance mixing and distribution • Extra long side strike-off plates/ skids ensure optimum leveling of microsurfacing material and urethane squeegees control material thickness Search: 10081332
The RaynMaker from Rayner Equipment Systems offers a wide range of options to meet your exact needs. • New engine choices, single or dual pump systems, pressure sensitive spray bars, GPS material control system, digital Smart-Ops computer with wireless remote control • Available with tanks to 6,000 gal. or more Search: 10081264
Dynapac PL 500 Planers These 20-in. compact cold planers are available as three- or four-wheeled units with maximum cutting depths of 6.3 (PL500T) and 7.9 in. (PL500TD). • 110- and 130-hp Cummins QSB 4.5 C110/C130 diesel engines • Hydraulically-operated front sealing of cutter housing minimizes accumulation of milled material • Optional parallelogram front axle for increased traction, reduced wear and improved wheel control in case of a height difference for the front wheels • Optional 39.5-in. conveyor for loading a loader bucket or 18-ft. conveyor for loading trucks Search: 10085884
Sandvik Double TriSpec Tools Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology introduces its Double TriSpec tool for use in extremely abrasive asphalt milling conditions. • Strategically placed dual carbide rings prevents body wear, maximizing carbide tip use • Carbide rings also add greater block protection if tip is lost • Full sleeve retainer and washer maintain maximum block bore and seat protection • Improved thicker washer increases protection and wear life Search: 12321184
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11/27/17 3:15 PM
PRESERVATION UPDATE Roadtec RX-700e/ex Cold Planer The Roadtec RX-700e/ex half-lane cold planer features a 755-hp Caterpillar engine. • Available with either three-track or four-track assemblies • Cuts up to 14 in. deep with standard widths of 6’7”, 7’2”, 8’2” and 10’6” • 60° front load-out conveyor swing • Guardian remote telematics and diagnostics system
BOMAG BM 600-15 Milling Machine
Search: 10913568
Wirtgen W 250i Cold Milling Machine
Caterpillar Grade and Slope for Cold Planers The Cat Grade and Slope for cold planers is a 2D grade and slope solution featuring easy use, robust components, high accuracy and exceptional reliability. • Designed for interfacing with sonic sensors, contact sensors, wire rope sensors and slope sensors; a combination of sensors can be used or a single sensor • User-friendly operator’s display features a large backlit screen and intuitive operation • Employs a “virtual bail” rather than a wire bail found on other systems; this allows the system to monitor its own accuracy without the risk of damaging the bail on an obstruction • Highly accurate over a 10-in. width range
Search: 10616679
Roadtec SX-8e/ ex Soil StabilizerReclaimer
Optipave is an eco-friendly surface sealer for roads. • For pavement preservation • Beautify, protect and extend the service life of roads • Ideal coating to protect chip seal applications
The SX-8e/ex is capable of cutting up to 20 in. deep and 100 in. wide and is designed for road rehabilitation, cold recycling, or soil stabilization. • Operating weight of 82,000 lbs. evenly distributed between it two axles, which results in power being applied more efficiently • Rotor is designed for milling and mixing the most resistant soils completely and homogeneously • Variable geometry cutter housing enables the unit to achieve material gradation with each pass • Equipped with a 755-hp Caterpillar C18 Tier 4i engine, while the SX-8ex comes with a 700-hp Caterpillar C18 Tier 3 engine
Search: 20980144
Search: 20973546
Search: 10983759
SealMaster Optipave
The W 250i includes an extra-large milling drum unit that enables up to a 12-ft. 6-in. working width and a 14-in. milling depth. • Features the intelligent WIDRIVE machine management system, a Dual Engine Concept, PTS (Parallel To Surface) system and intelligent speed control (ISC)
The BM 600-15 milling machine features a rotor geometry that efficiently reduces vibration, increases service life and allows for easy drum replacement. • 125-hp Deutz diesel engine • 23.6-in. standard rotor cutting width • Suited for municipal repair work, removal of asphalt strips, fine milling work, utility trench work, joint cutting or for milling up-close to manhole covers and curb lines • Vibration-isolated components ensure operator comfort • Optimal visibility from a seated position
• Three selectable milling drum speeds of 1,600, 1,800 and 2,00 rpm • FCS Light quick-change system allows various milling operations to be carried out using different drums • Multifunctional control display and LEVEL PRO control panel Search: 11272726
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11/27/17 3:15 PM
Bergkamps MA30 Frictional Mastic Surface Treatment Applicator The MA30 Frictional Mastic Surface Treatment Applicator allows contractors and government agencies to apply Frictional Mastic Surface Treatment over highways, roads, parking lots and airport runways to protect the surface and extend the life of the pavement.
WINTERSALE • Steel 3,000-gallon material tank, which contains a hydraulically driven, full-sweep ribbon mixer with counterflow mixing technology that keeps the aggregates in suspension • In-cab controls allow the driver to operate all systems, including the mixer start/stop/ reverse and spray bar start/stop, height and width, side-shift and individual nozzle controls • Easy-access mastic strainers protect the pump and spray nozzles from clogging and potential damage by aggregates and solid material Search: 12055510
Take advantage of major price drops on pump rebuild kits from Heatec. And for or a limited time we are offering an additional 10% off. Also take 10% off Fireye® burner management upgrade kits. Offer is valid through March 31. Call 423-821-5200 for more info and to order. *Fireye® is a trademark of UTC Fire and Security Company
Neal Manufacturing AutoTrim Sealcoating Attachment The hydraulic Auto Trim sealcoating baffle attachment automatically cuts-in sealcoat materials on the go while keeping curbs and edges free of material. • Attaches to front of Neal Mfg. DA 350 Dual Applicator • Can be retrofitted to any truck-powered sealcoating unit • Features a spray nozzle, hose and baffle that bolts on to the front of the machine and connects directly to the applicator’s sealcoat reservoir for a seamless operation Search: 20980185 Search: 10073245
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Contact Denise Singsime Print and Digital Advertising
PUMP PACKING Stop your pumps from leaking!
Pre-cut packing sets proven within the Asphalt Industry. Viking®, Roper, Rotan, etc. Call Scott at 1-800-231-4209
ASPHALT PLANTS · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Astec 400 tph duo drum mix plant ADM 225 TPH Portable c-flow drum plant 300 tph counterflow drum and baghouse ADM 110 tph portable ADM 110 tph stationary drum plant w/ silos and recycle Astec 10,000# Batch plant 10,000# H&B Asphalt Batch Plant with silos Astec 75-100 Ton Self-erect silos Standard Havens 200 ton silo/slat Astec 150 ton silo/slat 80,000 CFM Baghouse Portable 20,000 gallon asphalt tank CMI 51,000 CFM Baghouse Portable 46,000 CFM Baghouse
· · · · · · · ·
13 cold feed bin system Almix 250 tph slat conveyor Astec 500 TPH Double Barrel only Two bin rap system Almix 120 tph drum & baghouse 7’X30’ portable drum mixer ADM 750 barrel self-erect lime silo Wylie 3140 40 tph asphalt plant
Please Call For Complete Inventory
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1 CR Co. Cut Plant Electrical by 1/3. Investment Payback 1 year including lower maintenance costs. 2 CR Co. develops 4” tall, continuous weigh scale attaching below vane feeder 3 CR Co. develops Cold Feed Bin Weigh Scale to correct volumetric tach reading for variable density materials like Recycled Shingles. Scale-Controller requires nohardware/software changes to Plant. 4 CR Co. Plant Workshop (Feb 19-20) joins CAPA and Rocky Mountain Conference and Equipment Show - Denver (Feb 2123) and offers Free Web-Based training to Denver Classroom Workshop Participants.
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PORTABLE COLD MIX ASPHALT PLANTS Stationary and Skid Mounted Plants also available
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ACON1217_70-73_Classifieds.indd 70
11/27/17 3:16 PM
Just as your vehicles need proper alignment, so does your dryer. Nearly all external dryer problems are caused by trunnion and frame misalignment. Long-term mis-alignment causes damage resulting in downtime and costly repairs. Even units that seemingly float properly can in reality be drastically out of alignment.
✔ Metal flakes from tires or trunnions ✔ Trunnion mis-location and trunnion bearing failure ✔ Poor wear/contact on tires and trunnions ✔ High drive motor amperage ✔ Excessive vibration ✔ Thrust roller and bearing damage ✔ Tire pad and keeper wear ✔ Lack of proper floatation Evans & Daniels uses precision laser and sighting techniques to restore your unit to proper alignment settings.
Evans & Daniels uses highly specialized grinding equipment that can fit into the tightest of spaces. We resurface tires, trunnions, thrust rollers and tire thrust faces. We don’t require cranes, lifting assistance, or steel framework. In most cases, we can grind during regular production conditions.
COMMON WEAR PATTERNS ✔ Tapers ✔ Washboard ✔ Concave / Convex ✔ Shoulders ✔ Lumps / Divots / Cracks ✔ Rollover
ACON1217_70-73_Classifieds.indd 71
11/27/17 3:16 PM
CLASSIFIEDS RAP-14936 Astec Portable 8’ Double Barrel Plant • 1994 Astec Portable Double Barrel Plant • 2006 Portable8’ Astec Double Barrel Drum Mixer • Shaggy Dog Quad Axle Whisper Jet Burner • 2001 Portable 5 Bin Cold Feed Ssytem Nominal 10x14 • Portable Aggregate Scalping Screen and Scale Conveyor • Nominal 48k CFM Portable Astec Baghouse w/ New bags
• PVM 2500. Nominal 400tph. • Model year 1988 • Portable PF drum w/ recycle collar,
SJ580 burner (oil only), saddle chain driven, quad axle, slinger inlet
• Complete batch tower • Batch screen • Virgin Bucket elevator
• Additional misc. components available.
• Horizontal Cyclone • 2006 Portable 3-Bin Astec Green Recycle System • Portable Recycle Screen and Scale Conveyor • 75 Ton SEB with Gooseneck Mounted Control House w/ PM2 Controls • Portable 25k Gallon Heatec AC Tank gooseneck mounted Heatec HOH & Metering pump • Stationary 20K RFO Tank
• Astec 10’ X 40’ Counter Flow Dryer • Gravity Feed Inlet
• (2) stationary horizontal AC tanks • 20,000 gallon capacity
• Trunnion Drive • Hauck SJ750 Burner
• 94,849 cfm @ 5.1:1 • 18,598.23 sq ft cloth • 20 sections • 4 rows of 16 bags
• 1280 bags total • 4 – 5/8” x 10’ • Dismantled and Ready to Load
• SmartBob capacity gauge • Coiled for hot oil heat
• Gencor Hammermill Crusher • 75hp Motor On Crusher
• 8x15 Bin Opening • Grizzly • 15hp Motor • 36in Feeder
• 7’ x 43’ Shell W/ 8’ Expanded Ends • Trunnion Driven (4) 20 HP Motors
• RAP Collar
• 400tph - 102’ Overall with Chrome Floor • 98’-6” Shaft to Shaft • 32” Inside Box Width • 100hp Motor with • Model Year 1988 Rex III Drive • Hot Oil Heat on Floor • Single Strand Chain
ACON1217_70-73_Classifieds.indd 72
11/27/17 3:16 PM
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V isit WWW . Clearspan . Com or call 1.866.643.1010 to find out how we can help with your structure needs
Index Advertiser Index
Advertiser Index
23, outsert
Asphalt Drum Mixers
48 – 49
Systems Equipment Corp.
7, 27
Astec Inc.
13, 38-39, 59
Tarmac International
Carlson Paving Products Inc.
Transtech Systems Inc.
Clarence Richard
Volvo Construction Equipment
ClearSpan Fabric Structure
C. M Consulting
Willow Designs & Fabrication, LLC
16 – 17
Wirtgen America Inc.
5, 35
Eager Beaver Trailers
World of Asphalt 2018
E. D. Etnyre & Co.
E. T. Clancy Company
Evans & Daniels Inc.
FastMeasure By KTP Enterprises
Gencor Industries Inc.
General Combustion
Heatec Inc.
2, 69
Johnston North America
KPI-JCI Astec Companies
Lee Boy
Libra Systems Corporation
National Pavement Expo
Pugmill Systems Inc.
Reliable Asphalt Products
Roadtec an Astec Industries Co.
30 – 31, 76
ACON1217_70-73_Classifieds.indd 73
Get fast, relevant product information in the Buyers Guide at DECEMBER 2017 ASPHALT CONTRACTOR
11/27/17 3:16 PM
Work Zones Could be Safer with Use of Smartphone Alerts
The MnDOT study hoped in-vehicle messages via a smartphone would make drivers more aware of a work zone event and drive appropriately.
ork zones present an increased risk to road construction crews and the traveling public. In the last year alone, 44% of contractors reported that a vehicle had crashed into their work zone. To mitigate these risks, a new study by the Minnesota DOT (MnDOT) investigated the potential effects of in-vehicle messages to communicate work zone events to the driver. The hope of this study was that drivers would be more aware of any risky work zone events and drive appropriately due to the immediacy of an in-vehicle messaging system. However, the researchers worried that a potential downside of these alerts would be the risk of driver distraction, as numerous cellphone studies have demonstrated the hazards of having communication technology in the automobile. And so the researchers began by conducting literature reviews on risks imposed by work zones, along with design guidelines for any in-vehicle messaging system. They then conducted a work zone safety survey to illustrate driver attitudes in Minnesota toward work zones, along with smartphone use and in-vehicle messages through smartphones. The survey found that a significant number of drivers make use of smartphones in the automobile,
and they placed these smartphones in various locations throughout the vehicle. The research also uncovered that some drivers were skeptical of the validity of the warnings on roadside signs for work zones and were receptive to using electronic messaging systems that may be more reliable. PUTTING RESEARCH TO WORK Researchers at the HumanFIRST laboratory followed the survey with the design of the in-vehicle messages and the design of the simulated driving study to test the efficacy of the messaging system on driving safety. The simulated driving study tested drivers in two different types of work zones, a shoulder work route and a lane closure route. Participants drove through these work zones three times, each with different work zone events and messaging interfaces to communicate the hazardous events to the driver. These message interfaces included a roadside, portable changeable message sign (PCMS), a smartphone presenting only auditory messages and a smartphone presenting audio-visual messages. Events in the work zone were typical, including slowed traffic, lane closure, heavy machinery, workers ahead, among others. The in-vehicle messaging smartphone was either mounted on the
dashboard or placed in the passenger seat. During the drives, researchers recorded objective measures of driving performance subjective or reported variables such as event recall, mental workload, user-friendliness and eyetracking metrics. The data analysis of the driving simulation study found that there was better driving performance on key metrics including speed deviation and lane deviation for both in-vehicle message conditions relative to the roadside signs. Furthermore, drivers reported significantly less mental workload, better usability and greater work zone event recall for both in-vehicle conditions relative to the roadside sign condition. For eye-tracking, drivers took their gaze off the road less often for the in-vehicle messaging conditions, as drivers had to look over to read the roadside signs to understand the messages. Finally, the positive effects of in-vehicle messaging appeared to be elevated for the more difficult lane closure route in the driving performance data, suggesting that in-vehicle messages were helpful for more challenging roadway conditions. Researchers on the study said the conclusions of the study were twofold. First, if the in-vehicle messages are delivered in a controlled and driving relevant manner, there appeared to be no effect of distraction and driving performance was improved. Second, placement of the smartphone did not appear to be a significant factor for driving performance when there was an auditory component for the messages. The researchers recommend field testing in-vehicle message systems and exploring possible avenues of broad implementation. AC
To read the full report, visit ForConstructionPros. com/20979708.
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