Online Exclusive: Can Quality & Service Win Out Over Low Bid on Construction Jobs?
Helping you optimize ROI on your construction equipment
ears H Y P UBLIS
Pg 12
TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN PICKUP TRUCKS Find the latest features and specs for 2016 & beyond
Tips to cut wheel loader cycle times & raise productivity Pg 32 #1 Website ET1115_01_Cover_BC.indd 1
with withthe thelatest latestfrom fromDoosan. Doosan.
11/4/15 3:15 PM
The all-new 2016 Ford F-650/F-750* present upfitters with a clean cab-to-axle design. There are no components to move, no rivets or bolts along the top of the frame rails to get in the way, helping to make upfitting easy and fast. It’s more proof that Ford means business.
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11/4/15 9:47 AM
DID YOU KNOW? You can order the new F-650/F-750 with fully integrated Ford Telematics™ powered by Telogis® to get historical and real-time status of vehicle health, location, driver activity and more. Experience how Ford Telematics can help save time and money for fleets of all sizes.
THE ALL-NEW F-650/F-750 *Aftermarket equipment shown. Available Fall 2015.
ET1115_02-05_TOC_BC.indd 3
11/4/15 9:47 AM
TECHNOLOGY DRIVEN Electronic technology in today’s pickups are yielding new features. Page 12
® Published by AC Business Media Inc.
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PRODUCTS 8 Equipment Introductions 19 Trucks & Transportation Find the latest options to move materials and equipment, as well as accessorize existing vehicles.
The Case for Quality and Service Over Low Bid on Construction Projects
New partnerships, in-house manufacturing and new component technologies have changed the shape of the market.
Eighty-nine percent of construction owners and developers surveyed said they would pay more for quality and service.
Contractor’s 5-Step Guide for Getting Started with BIM
Ensure drivers take defensive measures to keep it safe on the road.
34 Wheel Loaders 46 Technology Trends
WHEN EVEN SECONDS COUNT pg 32 Pay attention to jobsite logistics to improve wheel loader efficiency and move more material.
40 Profit Matters New Automated Grade
Controls Usher in More Efficient Excavators
Activate Safety on Site
50 Running the Business Conditions are Ripe for Equipment Purchases
TOOLS TO DEVELOP MOTOR GRADER TALENT pg 37 Training tools and technology help address the operator shortage.
4 EQU IPMENT T OD AY | November 2015 ET1115_02-05_TOC_BC.indd 4
Building information modeling implementation trainer offers contractors advice on easing your entire company into BIM before a project demands compliance.
Heavy Trucks Keep Monarch Cement in the Mix
6 Breaking Ground
43 Technology Trends Cameras and Radar
Monarch Cement Company keeps the concrete flowing with a fleet of Kenworth W900S mixer trucks.
Cleared for Landing
McCarthy Improvement Inc.’s 29-day runway turnaround at one of the world’s busiest airports calls for E-Z Drill concrete dowel drills. Digital Sales Manager MONIQUE TERRAZAS Digital Operations Manager NICK RAETHER Editor LARRY STEWART Managing Editor KIMBERLY HEGEMAN
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11/4/15 9:47 AM
Want to run strong equipment? Run Doosan. Request FREE product information: 1.877.745.7814 Doosan and the Doosan logo are registered trademarks of Doosan Corp. in the United States and various other countries around the world. ©2015 Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment America. All rights reserved. | 164-0
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11/4/15 9:47 AM
B R E AKI N G G R O U N D By Becky Schultz
Prep Now for the Next Worker Shortage
Becky Schultz /
THE COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCtion sector in various parts of the U.S. is starting to wrap things up as temperatures plummet. With the winter months comes some needed breathing room to take stock of what worked and what didn’t over the past several months. I suspect one topic of discussion will be the recent skilled worker shortages
experienced across the country. If you found your business being caught short, you certainly weren’t alone. It’s no secret the construction industry has struggled to attract and retain qualified workers. For some, it hindered the ability to bid on and/or complete certain jobs. The question is how to prevent such issues from happening again once
American Made American Strong
Fastest, most reliable dowel drills on the market.
ET1115_06-07_Editorial_CB.indd 6
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construction starts to ramp up come next spring. A reasonable starting point is to evaluate your existing workforce. Are the employees currently on staff sufficiently qualified for their roles, and are they living up to their full potential? If you know or suspect certain folks are working at less than full capacity or, on the flip side, have more to give and are being under utilized, now is the time to take action. Implement measures during the slower months to encourage those who are under performing to step up their game. This can be as simple as a conversation to find out what makes them tick, or as formal as a disciplinary plan designed to wake them up to their lack of performance. For personnel who may be under utilized, look into training opportunities to help them build the necessary skills to take on added responsibility and become even more valuable to your organization. This can include classroom training; cross training on other types of equipment; a mentorship program with more experienced field workers; a trade apprenticeship, etc. Consult with the worker to determine his or her interests, then explore ways to help them grow their value to your company. Of course, your current workforce can only realistically do so much. But before bringing in additional staff, consider whether there are other ways to get the job done. Can certain tasks/functions be mechanized to reduce the number of people required and/or free up valuable employees for other tasks? For example, rather than tying up multiple workers to dig a trench in a backyard, could a single operator and a compact excavator (purchased or rented) do the same job — and likely do it faster? Could adding a sweeper attachment to your inventory allow a skid steer to perform site cleanup in place of workers with brooms or a dedicated sweeper and another operator? Another alternative is to subcontract out certain aspects of a project to allow your own personnel to focus on more critical or specialized tasks. There are numerous subcontractors out there who are willing to do almost anything to stay busy. Having a stable of reliable subs rather than more folks on the payroll could get the “grunt work” done, while reducing overall costs once you factor in health care and other benefits you may be required to provide to hired workers. Have other suggestions for addressing the skilled worker shortage? Send them our way. I’d be happy to share them in this column. ET
11/3/15 12:53 PM
CASE F SERIES WHEEL LOADERS have what it takes to get more done with less. Powerful engines with SCR technology deliver maximum performance while maintaining lower temperatures and improving fuel economy by as much as 20%. See how our efficiency helps your operation at ©2015 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. CASE is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.
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11/3/15 12:53 PM
Following is a sampling of new products featured at last month’s International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE). For more information on these products, fill out the reader service card following page 14 or visit the Buyers Guide at Doosan LSV6 and LSV8
Small-body Light Towers The 99.1-in.-long by 49-in.-wide LSV6 and LSV8 have a vertical mast that manually extends to 25 ft. 6 in. and four 1,000-watt metal halide lamps. A hydraulic-actuated tower is an upgrade option. The LSV6 is powered by a Kubota D1005BG Tier 4 Final-compliant diesel engine with a 6-kW Mecc Alte alternator, and the LSV8 has a Kubota D1105 Tier 4 Final engine and 8-kW Mecc Alte alternator. The voltage in both units allows the receptacle power function to be used to simultaneously power tools or heaters while providing optimal illumination. The 42.5-gal. fuel tank offers a minimum runtime of 82 hours. Options include drip containment, 100% containment, a combination hitch, electric fuel pump, lockable battery disconnect, block heater, block/battery heaters and 1,000-CCA battery.
ECR145E and ECR235E Crawler Excavators The ECR145E and ECR235E feature a Tier 4 Final engine, auto idle function and improved ECO mode, enabling up to a 10% fuel economy improvement. The 119-hp ECR145E weighs from 31,770 to 36,790 lbs., delivers 18,100 to 19,200 lbf. (boost) of breakout force and has an 18-ft. 2-in. maximum digging depth. The 172-hp ECR235E weighs from 52,250 to 61,440 lbs. and provides 28,100 to 29,710 lbf. (boost) of breakout force and a 32-ft 5-in. maximum digging depth. Inside the spacious, ROPS-equipped cab, the units have integrated working modes that can be matched to the application. The keypad on the 8-in. LCD monitor allows operators to navigate through different settings and activate machine functions. An optimized hydraulic system is combined with the fully electronic control system to improve controllability and response time.
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Vermeer D24x40 S3 Horizontal Directional Drill The D24x40 S3 provides 28,000 lbs. of thrust and pullback and 4,200 ft.-lbs. of rotational torque, plus improved ground speed, carriage speed, rotational speed and rod breakout efficiency. It has a 104-dBA guaranteed sound power level and an 82.9-dBA operator ear rating. A 240-fpm carriage speed and 253-rpm rotational speed help to install more linear feet per day. The unit is powered by a 125-hp John Deere 4045 4.5L, liquid-cooled, turbocharged, Tier 4 diesel engine. The redesigned excavatorstyle, climate-controlled cab allows operators better visibility, more legroom and greater comfort in unfavorable climate conditions. A DigiTrak Aurora interactive, fullcolor touch-screen display delivers real-time, easy to view location information, bore plans and more. The InSite Fleet remote monitoring system comes standard.
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9A Series Compact Excavators
Valley Tool Brush Hound
FX36 Defender Mulcher The FX36 Defender Mulcher can be used for property maintenance and to clear right-of-ways, open up a view or create a defensible space in areas where wildfires are a threat. The 1,300-lb. fixed-tooth cutter requires 20-gpm hydraulic flow and is designed to operate on the standard thumb circuit on excavators from 16,000 to 30,000 lbs. Its one-piece steel alloy Quadco cutter knives have four positions and will process trees up to 8 in. in diameter as well as vines, grasses and other material. The electronically balanced, 12.75-in. cutter drum incorporates serviceable hubs to ensure straight shafts that run smooth for reliable, vibration-free operation. Hydraulic direct drive increases efficiency, power and torque and reduces maintenance. The Extra-Strength Thumb Saddle has a serrated edge that works with the excavator thumb to grab and remove debris or obstacles.
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8 EQUIPMENT T ODAY | November 2015 ET1115_08-11_EquipIntros_CB.indd 8
The 1.7- to 8.2-metric-ton R17Z-9A, R25Z-9A, R35Z-9A, R559A and R60CR-9A mini models and R80CR-9A midi model feature environmentally friendly Kubota and Yanmar engines. The spacious, ergonomically designed cabs include an adjustable suspension seat, tilting left-side console and left and right control levers located for convenient access. The advanced LCD cluster on the R55-9A, R60CR-9A and R80CR-9A allows the operator to select other machine preferences, as well as displays engine rpm, oil and water temperature and information for all onboard electronic devices. Button selections are provided for auto idle mode, max power mode and travel speed. The R55-9A, R60CR-9A and R80CR-9A include a redesigned hydraulic system with super-fine touch and improved controllability. An arm flow summation system provides energy savings, reduced cavitation and increased speed.
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11/4/15 1:54 PM
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what it takes to be a Western Star. Incredible durability, comfort and style, all crafted with an attention to detail that makes each one an excellent value for years to come. And there’s only one way to experience it – behind the wheel. It’s time to GET YOUR TOUGH BACK. Find a dealer at
Western Star - A Daimler Group Brand WS/MC-A-536 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Western Star Truck Sales, Inc. is registered to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004. Copyright © 2015 Daimler Trucks North America LLC. All rights reserved. Western Star Truck Sales, Inc. is a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, a Daimler company.
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HydroBurst 100XT Pipe Bursting System Equipped with a tethered remote control, the 3,200-lb. HydroBurst 100XT static pipe bursting system supplies 99 tons of pulling force for replacement of pipe up to 16 in. in diameter, yet is compact enough (39 in. high by 30 in. wide) for pipe as small as 4 in. The water-cooled PP4500 hydraulic powerpack and 72.7-hp Kubota engine pump hydraulic fluid at up to 43.5 gpm and 4,500 psi. In the 50-ton mode, all hydraulic fluid is directed to just two of the cylinders, enabling the system to move twice as fast as in 100-ton mode. The automated rod spinning assembly and unique design of the hydraulic cylinders allow the lightweight, 2.5in. API-threaded pull rods to be paid out quickly. The spinner assembly is rated to 250 ft.-lbs. and allows rod to be fed from behind.
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Elliott E190 E-Line Aerial Device
The E190 E-Line from Elliott Equipment and Utility One Source offers a 190-ft. reach on a fully powered boom or a 202-ft. working height with fiberglass jib extension. It has a 30,000-lb. material-handling capacity and includes an isolating jib, isolating platform yoke and 1,200-lb.-capacity, 36” x 72” hydraulic dampening yoke platform. All functions are monitored by a work envelope management system that senses lift cylinder pressures, boom length and boom angle with a hydraulic lockout safety feature. A work area definition system lets the operator set jobsite parameters around obstacles or hazards. EZ-Crib outriggers provide 30-in. additional penetration, reducing cribbing and setup time. A hydraulic tool circuit with 10,000-psi intensifier increases usable work platform capacity.
RT14 Rubber Track Crawler Carrier
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Equipped with a 280-hp Cummins QSC 8.3 engine and Eaton pumps, the RT14 boasts a 28,000-lb. maximum carrying capacity and travel speeds up to 6 mph. Its rubber tracks allow for a fully loaded ground pressure of 7.5 psi. Open- and closed-cab options come with standard ROPS/FOPS, a wide access door, windows on all sides and a large mirror for increased visibility. The Parker IQAN-MD4 master display control system offers full graphical, diagnostic and controller area network gateway capability, plus accommodates up to four cameras. An upgraded multi-function joystick includes dump controls. Standard units are available with a flat bed or rock dump bed. Easy front and rear bolt-on attachments enable the mounting of cranes, drills, generators and other specialized equipment.
DD4050 Horizontal Directional Drill The DD4050 features 5,000 ft.-lbs. of rotary torque, which can aid in the boring process through tough terrain, including hard rock drilling applications. The operator can control and monitor all functions of the drill head from the integrated LCD display. The unit also features re-styled guarding around the stake-down area, enabling improved overall visibility from the operator’s station for a better vantage point to the pipe entry area. A software upgrade to the Toro Drill Operating System (TDOS 1) provides streamlined drill controls for increased load/unload cycle speed. This functionality is coupled with improved navigation and the ability to monitor drill idle time and total engine hours. An optional enclosed, climate-controlled operator’s cab is also available.
Thunder Creek
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10 EQU IPMENT T OD AY | November 2015 ET1115_08-11_EquipIntros_CB.indd 10
Multi-tank Trailers (MTT) The MTT fuel and service trailers are designed to legally transport bulk diesel on the road without requiring drivers to maintain a CDL or HAZMAT endorsement (local regulations may apply). The trailers come in 460-, 690- and 920-gal. capacities and include bulk diesel exhaust fluid storage and dispensing solutions that ensure fluid purity. Diesel fuel is isolated in four, six or eight separate 115-gal., DOT-compliant non-bulk tanks joined by a manifold to a common pump, creating complete isolation during transport and controlled dispensing on site. Built with 10-gauge steel, the low-profile units are configured to provide optimal balance and a smooth ride at highway speeds and in most rugged off-highway conditions. A 25-gpm pump, 10-micron fuel filter and 35-ft. auto-retracting hose reel are standard.
11/4/15 1:54 PM
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T R U CKS & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N By Curt Bennink
The Latest Pickups Are
Electronic technology yields new features.
Technology Driven
Pickup technology continues to evolve at a staggering pace, with electronic technologies offering features we couldn’t have dreamed of a few years ago. We’ve compiled a list of available pickups and specs to fill your company’s needs along with a list of some of the latest innovations.
2.5-liter I4 gasoline 200 @ 6,300 rpm 191 lb.-ft. @ 4,400 rpm 3.6-liter V6 gasoline 305 @ 6,800 rpm 269 lb.-ft. @ 4,000 rpm 2.8-liter turbo-diesel 181 @ 3,400 rpm 369 lb.-ft. @ 2,000 rpm
Extended Cab Crew Cab
6 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 2 in./6 ft. 2 in.
TRANSMISSION Eaton N8D 6-speed manual/ Hydra-Matic 6L50 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 6L50 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 6L50 6-speed automatic
7,700 lbs. (2WD, Crew Cab, 2.8-liter diesel)
1,620 lbs.
EcoTec 4.3-liter V6 FlexFuel Gasoline: 285 @ 5,300 rpm 305 lb.-ft. @ 3,900 rpm E85: 297 @ 5,300 rpm 330 lb.-ft. @ 3,900 rpm EcoTec 5.3-liter V8 FlexFuel Gasoline: 355 @ 5,600 rpm 383 lb.-ft. @ 4,100 rpm E85: 380 @ 5,600 rpm 416 lb.-ft. @ 4,100 rpm EcoTec 6.2-liter V8 gasoline 420 @ 5,600 rpm 460 lb.-ft. @ 4,100 rpm
Regular Cab Double Cab Crew Cab
6 ft. 6 in./8 ft. 6 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 8 in./6 ft. 6 in.
TRANSMISSION Hydra-Matic 6L80 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 8L90 8-speed automatic/ Hydra-Matic 6L80 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 8L90 8-speed automatic/ Hydra-Matic 6L80 6-speed automatic
TRIM LEVELS Base, SLE, Elevation Edition, SLT, All Terrain, Denali
12,000 lbs. (Double Cab, Crew Cab, Max Trailer Package)
2,260 lbs. (Double Cab, Max Trailer Package, 5.3-liter engine)
Vortec 6.0L V8 gasoline 360 @ 5,400 rpm CNG: 301 @ 5,000 rpm Duramax 6.6L V8 turbo-diesel 397 @ 3,000 rpm
380 lb.-ft. @ 4,200 rpm 333 lb.-ft. @ 4,200 rpm 765 lb.-ft. @ 1,600 rpm
Hydra-Matic 6L90 6-speed automatic
Allison 1000 6-speed automatic New for 2016, the GMC Canyon offers a 2.8-liter Duramax turbo-diesel engine that provides a CAB CONFIGURATION PICKUP BOX LENGTH maximum trailering rating of 7,700 lbs. The standard engine remains a 2.5-liter four-cylinder rated at Regular Cab 8 ft. up to 27 mpg on the highway. An available 3.6-liter V6 offers up to 1,590 lbs. of payload and up to a Double Cab 6 ft. 6 in./8 ft. Crew Cab 6 ft. 6 in./8 ft. 7,000-lb. maximum trailering rating. TRIM LEVELS Phone integration technology is also new for 2016. Designed to enhance Base, SLE, SLT, Denali connectivity and promote safer driving, smartphone users can use the tech2500 HD nology to connect with applications such as navigation, hands-free text MAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL TOWING MAXIMUM TOWING MAXIMUM PAYLOAD messaging, entertainment and news via the Canyon’s next-generation 14,500 lbs. 18,000 lbs. (fifth wheel or gooseneck) 4,043 lbs. (Regular Cab, 2WD, Dual Rear Wheels) IntelliLink system display screen. 3500 HD The full-size Sierra 1500 rolls into 2016 with a fresh appearance. MAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL TOWING MAXIMUM TOWING MAXIMUM PAYLOAD 20,000 lbs. (Dual Wheel Drive) 23,200 lbs. (fifth wheel or gooseneck) 7,153 lbs. (Regular Cab, 2WD, Dual Rear Wheels) Advanced engineering is manifested in next-generation technologies such as Lane Keep Assist, which helps keep the truck in its lane with subtle steering enhancements, and IntelliBeam headlamp control, which automatically adjusts the high beams for oncoming traffic. Both are added to the Driver Alert Package available on SLT and Sierra Denali models. New power-articulating assist steps, designed to make entry and egress easier, are also available on the Sierra Denali. The Active Steering Assist power steering on some GMC Sierra HD double cab and crew cab models (it’s not available on WT or Regular Cab models) helps make hauling and trailering easier and more confident. Electronic controls enhance road holding and stability on the highway regardless of whether the truck is loaded. This feature also offers greater responsiveness and an improved steering feel. A new Gooseneck/5th Wheel Trailering Prep Package makes Sierra HD models ready to tow larger trailers straight from the factory. Available in first-quarter 2016 for Duramaxequipped models, it features a frame-mounted hitch platform and tray that accommodate a gooseneck ball hitch or fifth-wheel hitch mounting brackets, and includes a cargo bed-mounted trailer harness. A Gooseneck Completion Kit will also be available from GMC dealers, featuring a 2 5/16-in. ball hitch and two chain tie-downs.
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12 EQU IPMENT T ODAY | November 2015 ET1115_12-15_PickupBuyersGuide_CB.indd 12
11/4/15 2:06 PM
3.5-liter V6 gasoline 2.7-liter EcoBoost V6 gasoline 5.0-liter V8 Gasoline 3.5-liter EcoBoost V6 gasoline
282 @ 6,250 rpm 325 @ 5,750 rpm 385 @ 5,750 rpm 365 @ 5,000 rpm
253 lb.-ft. @ 4,250 rpm 375 lb.-ft. @ 3,000 rpm 387 lb.-ft. @ 3,850 rpm 420 lb.-ft. @ 2,500 rpm
Automatic six-speed Select Shift six-speed automatic Select Shift six-speed automatic Select Shift six-speed automatic
Regular Cab SuperCab Crew Cab
6.5 ft./8 ft. 6.5 ft./8 ft. 5.5 ft./6.5 ft.
TRIM LEVELS XL, XLT, Lariat, King Ranch, Platinum, Limited
12,200 lbs.
3,300 lbs. (Regular Cab 4x2 with 5.0L V8, Heavy Duty Payload Pkg.) The big news from Ford is the 2017 F-Series Super Duty pickup truck with a military grade, alumiSUPER DUTY num alloy body, which Ford claims is more ding and dent resistant than steel. The combination of alloys AVAILABLE ENGINES HORSEPOWER TORQUE TRANSMISSION helps reduce weight by up to 350 lbs. 6.2L V8 gasoline 385 @ 5,500 rpm 405 lb.-ft. @ 4,500 rpm Six-speed SelectShift Automatic A fully boxed frame is comprised of more than 95% high-strength steel that is up to 24 times stiffer 6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel 440 @ 2,800 rpm 860 lb.-ft. @ 1,600 rpm Six-speed SelectShift Automatic CAB CONFIGURATION PICKUP BOX LENGTH than the previous frame, enabling the most towing and hauling capability ever delivered by a Super Duty. Regular Cab 6.5 ft./8 ft. The new trucks feature heavier duty four-wheel-drive components, driveline, axles and towing hardware. SuperCab 6.5 ft./8 ft. Crew Cab 5.5 ft./6.5 ft. Up to seven cameras help customers see more angles and monitor TRIM LEVELS conditions surrounding the vehicle. Advanced coaching and camera techXL, XLT, Lariat, King Ranch, Platinum, Limited nology makes conventional and gooseneck/fifth-wheel towing easier and F-250 more efficient. A center high-mounted stop lamp camera provides visMAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL TOWING MAXIMUM TOWING MAXIMUM PAYLOAD ibility into the cargo box for hook-up of gooseneck/fifth-wheel trailers. A 14,000 lbs. (SuperCab, CrewCab, Power Stroke Diesel) 16,600 lbs. 4,040 lbs. (Regular Cab, 2WD) 360° camera system uses four digital, high-definition cameras to provide a F-350 bird’s-eye view surrounding the Super Duty. Trailer reverse guidance proMAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL TOWING MAXIMUM TOWING MAXIMUM PAYLOAD vides visual cues and tips to help ease backing of a trailer. In addition, 19,000 lbs. (Crew Cab Dual Wheel Drive) 26,500 lbs. 7,050 lbs. (Dual Rear Wheel, Regular Cab, 2WD) a factory available trailer camera can be attached to improve visibility F-450 when backing. MAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL TOWING MAXIMUM TOWING MAXIMUM PAYLOAD 19,000 lbs. (Dual Wheel Drive, 4WD, Power Stroke Diesel) 31,200 lbs. 5,300 lbs. Adaptive steering reduces the amount of steering input needed to change direction at low speed, while reducing sensitivity to steering input at higher speeds. Ford’s 2016 F-150 features new technology, as well, with an all-new Pro Trailer Backup Assist that makes it easier for drivers of all skill levels to back a trailer. Customers steer a trailer instinctively by turning a knob on the dashboard in the direction they want the trailer to go. The driver indicates direction; the truck controls steering and limits vehicle speed. The F-150 with 5.0-liter V8 engine will offer a gaseous-fuel prep option — unique in the light-duty pickup market — that will enable the truck to run natural gas or propane.
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Ram Engineering and Cummins have developed a new fuel delivery and turbo-boost calibration for the 6.7-liter diesel used in 2016 2500 and 3500 heavy-duty pickups that delivers 383 hp and 900 lbs.-ft. of torque. A new 16-bolt rear-axle ring gear with the 11.8-in. axle boosts the 3500’s towing capacity more than 1,200 lbs. to 31,210 lbs. And the 3500 with 6.4-liter engine carries a 7,390-lb. payload. In addition, the 2016 Ram 2500 maintains 17,980 lbs. of towing capacity. It includes a five-link coil suspension that provides better articulation over obstacles than a leaf spring system. The 2500 also offers a rear air suspension system. An air bag replaces the coil spring. The Ram 3500 continues to utilize the rear Hotchkiss leaf spring system, but now offers a supplemental air suspension system on single rear-wheel (SRW) and dual rear-wheel (DRW) applications. The addition of supplemental air bags in the rear suspension softens the leaf springs, allowing for more unladed suspension movement. When a high load capacity condition exists, the air suspension automatically fills the rear air bags to level the truck to improve stability and ride quality. The 2016 model year brings a new Ram Laramie Limited design offering. It features premium materials such as all-black, full-leather seating, real wood interior components and unique badges. The Limited’s grille is the most prominent change of the exterior. The new billet port grille breaks from the long tradition of crosshair styling with “RAM” lettering. A new front park assist system, mounted in the bumper, gives audible warning of nearby objects. The Ram 1500 continues to move forward with two mid-year 2015 offerings that carry into the 2016 model year — the 1500 Rebel and 1500 Laramie Limited. The 1500 Rebel brings an off-road design to the full-size truck segment. It drops right into a core segment of the truck market. The Rebel features a new grille with a prominent billet silver “RAM” letter badge. The blacked-out grille tops a new black off-road front bumper design with a powder-coated surface. It also incorporates a powdercoated, billet silver skid plate, front tow hooks and a new 17-in. aluminum wheel. Inside, the Rebel features high-durability technical grain vinyl seats finished in radar red and black with Sedoso fabric inserts embossed with the Toyo tire tread pattern, matching the Rebel’s actual footprint.
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3.6-liter Pentastar V6 gasoline 305 @ 6,400 rpm 269 lb.-ft. @ 4,175 rpm 3.0-liter EcoDiesel V6 240 @ 3,600 rpm 420 lb.-ft. @ 2,000 rpm 5.7-liter Hemi V8 gasoline 395 @ 5,600 rpm 410 lb.-ft. @ 3,950 rpm
Regular Cab Quad Cab Crew Cab
6 ft. 4 in./8 ft. 6 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 7 in./6 ft. 4 in.
TRANSMISSION Torqueflite 845RE 8-speed automatic ZF Torqueflite 8HP70 8-speed automatic 65RFE 6-speed automatic/ ZF Torqueflite 8HP70 8-speed automatic
TRIM LEVELS Tradesman, Express, Big Horn, Outdoorsman, Rebel, Sport, Express EcoDiesel HFE, Laramie, Laramie Longhorn, Limited, Tradesman EcoDiesel HFE
10,390 lbs. (Quad Cab, 5.7-liter Hemi V8, 2WD)
1,890 lbs. (2WD, Quad Cab, 3.6-liter engine)
5.7-liter Hemi V8 gasoline 6.4-liter Hemi V8 gasoline 6.7-liter Cummins turbo-diesel 3500 Only
383 @ 5,600 rpm 410 @ 5,600 rpm 350 @ 2,800 rpm 370 @ 2,800 rpm 385 @ 2,800 rpm
400 lb.-ft. @ 4,000 rpm 429 lb.-ft. @ 4,000 rpm 660 lb.-ft. @ 1,400 rpm 800 lb.-ft. @ 1,600 rpm 900 lb.-ft. @ 1,700 rpm
66RFE 6-speed automatic 66RFE 6-speed automatic G56 manual 6-speed overdrive 68RFE automatic AS69RC 6-speed automatic
Regular Cab Crew Cab Mega Cab
6 ft. 4 in./8 ft. 6 ft. 4 in./8 ft. 6 ft. 4 in.
TRIM LEVELS Tradesman, Tradesman Power Wagon, SLT, Big Horn/Lone Star, Outdoorsman, Power Wagon, Laramie Crew/Mega, Laramie Power Wagon, Laramie Longhorn, Laramie Limited
17,980 lbs. (6.7L Cummins Diesel, 2WD, Regular Cab)
3,990 lbs. (6.4L Hemi, 2WD, Regular Cab)
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31,210 lbs. (Dual Rear Wheel, Regular Cab, 2WD, 6.7L Cummins)
7,390 lbs. (Dual Rear Wheel, Regular Cab, 6.4L Hemi)
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2.5-liter I4 gasoline 200 @ 6,300 rpm 191 lb.-ft. @ 4,400 rpm 3.6-liter V6 gasoline 305 @ 6,800 rpm 269 lb.-ft. @ 4,000 rpm 2.8-liter turbo-diesel 181 @ 3,400 rpm 369 lb.-ft. @ 2,000 rpm
Extended Cab Crew Cab
6 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 2 in./6 ft. 2 in.
TRANSMISSION Eaton N8D 6-speed manual/ Hydra-Matic 6L50 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 6L50 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 6L50 6-speed automatic
7,700 lbs. (2WD, Crew Cab, 2.8-liter diesel)
1,590 lbs.
EcoTec 4.3-liter V6 FlexFuel Gasoline: 285 @ 5,300 rpm 305 lb.-ft. @ 3,900 rpm E85: 297 @ 5,300 rpm 330 lb.-ft. @ 3,900 rpm EcoTec 5.3-liter V8 FlexFuel Gasoline: 355 @ 5,600 rpm 383 lb.-ft. @ 4,100 rpm E85: 380 @ 5,600 rpm 416 lb.-ft. @ 4,100 rpm EcoTec 6.2-liter V8 gasoline 420 @ 5,600 rpm 460 lb.-ft. @ 4,100 rpm
Regular Cab Double Cab Crew Cab
6 ft. 6 in./8 ft. 6 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 8 in./6 ft. 6 in.
TRANSMISSION Hydra-Matic 6L80 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 8L90 8-speed automatic/ Hydra-Matic 6L80 6-speed automatic Hydra-Matic 8L90 8-speed automatic/ Hydra-Matic 6L80 6-speed automatic
TRIM LEVELS Work Truck (WT), LS, Custom, LT, LT Z71, LTZ Z71, High Country
12,000 lbs. (Double Cab, Crew Cab, Max Trailer Package)
2,260 lbs. (Double Cab, Max Trailer Package, 5.3-liter engine)
Vortec 6.0Lr V8 gasoline Duramax 6.6L V8 turbo-diesel
360 @ 5,400 rpm CNG: 301 @ 5,000 rpm 397 @ 3,000 rpm
380 lb.-ft. @ 4,200 rpm 333 lb.-ft. @ 4,200 rpm 765 lb.-ft. @ 1,600 rpm
Hydra-Matic 6L90 6-speed automatic Allison 1000 6-speed automatic
Regular Cab Double Cab Crew Cab
8 ft. 6 ft. 6 in./8 ft. 6 ft. 6 in./8 ft.
14,500 lbs.
18,000 lbs. (fifth wheel or gooseneck) 4,043 lbs. (Regular Cab, 2WD, Dual Rear Wheels)
TRIM LEVELS Work Truck (WT), LT, LTZ, High Country
20,000 lbs. (Dual Wheel Drive)
23,200 lbs. (fifth wheel or gooseneck) 7,153 lbs. (Regular Cab, 2WD, Dual Rear Wheels)
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Chevrolet made good on its promise to offer a diesel in the midsized Colorado pickup truck by offering the option for a 2.8L Duramax turbo-diesel in the 2016 LT and Z71 Crew Cab models with 2WD or 4WD. Rated at 181 hp and 369 lbs.-ft. of torque, the 2.8-liter Duramax lifts the Colorado’s maximum trailering capacity to 7,700 lbs. on 2WD models and 7,200 lbs. on 4WD models. The Colorado’s 2.8-liter Duramax is built on an iron block and aluminum DOHC cylinder head. The compression ratio is 16.5:1, and employs a common rail direct injection fuel system. A broad torque band makes it powerful at low rpm, while a variable geometry turbocharger helps deliver smooth horsepower on demand. Features provided with or exclusive to Colorado diesel models include: ˜˜ Driver-selectable, smart diesel exhaust brake system that enhances vehicle control and reduces brake wear ˜˜ Standard Z82 trailering package with a hitch receiver and seven-pin connector ˜˜ Standard integrated trailer brake controller exclusive to diesel models ˜˜ Standard G80 automatic locking rear differential ˜˜ Standard 3.42 rear-axle ratio ˜˜ New electronically controlled, two-speed transfer case included on 4WD models ˜˜ Maximum trailering rating of 7,700 lbs. for 2WD models and 7,600 lbs. for 4WD ˜˜ GVWRs of 6,000 lbs. for 2WD and 6,200 lbs. for 4WD For 2016, the full-size Silverado 1500 gets a new transmission option. Pickups with the 6.2-liter V8 engine will get an eight-speed automatic transmission. The transmission will also be standard on LTZ, LTZ/Z71 and High Country Silverados with the 5.3-liter V8. The GM-developed HydraMatic 8L90 eight-speed is approximately the same size and weight as the Hydra-Matic 6L80 six-speed automatic. Its 7.0 overall gear ratio spread is wider than GM’s six-speed automatic, providing a numerically higher first gear ratio to help drivers start off more confidently with a heavy load or when trailering. The 8L90 also enables numerically lower rear axle ratios, which reduces engine rpm on the highway. Some 2016 Chevrolet Silverado HD Crew Cab and Double Cab trucks feature new Digital Steering Assist power steering, which helps make hauling and trailering easier and more confident. Electronic controls enhance road holding and stability on the highway, particularly on crowned roads, regardless of whether the truck is loaded. Digital Steering Assist also offers greater responsiveness and an improved steering feel. It is not available on Work Truck or Regular Cab models. A new Gooseneck/5th Wheel Trailering Prep Package with a spray-in bedliner makes Silverado HD models ready to tow larger trailers right from the factory. It will be available in the first quarter of 2016 for gas and diesel models, and features a frame-mounted hitch platform and tray that accommodate a gooseneck ball hitch or fifth-wheel hitch mounting brackets, as well as a cargo bed-mounted trailer harness. A Gooseneck Completion Kit will also be available from Chevrolet dealers, featuring a 2 5/16-in. ball hitch and two chain tie-downs.
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The 2016 Tacoma will feature a new 3.5-liter Atkinson cycle V6 equipped with Toyota’s D-4S technology, featuring both direct and port fuel injection. A 2.7-liter engine is also available Both engines will be paired to a new six-speed automatic transmission with electronic shift. The V6 can also be mated to a new six-speed manual transmission. The new powertrain makes the Tacoma more powerful and fuel efficient. The frame has been redesigned with high-strength steel to enhance rigidity and overall strength. Ultra-high-strength steel was integrated into the body shell using a hot stamping process that reduces weight. The suspension was fine tuned to help deliver a smoother on-road ride, while making it even more capable off road. A TRD Off-road package adds to that capability. A Multi-Terrain Select system allows the driver to choose between different types of terrain such as loose rock, mud and sand. Each input regulates wheel spin by adjusting throttle and brake pressure to provide maximum traction on almost any terrain. Additional off-road technology includes Automatic Limited Slip and Locking Rear Differential, Hill Start Assist Control (HAC), Clutch Start Cancel (manual transmission only), Active Traction Control and Crawl Control. Engaging Crawl Control allows the driver to select a speed of 1 to 5 mph. The Crawl Control system takes over the acceleration and braking, allowing the driver to focus solely on steering. For 2016, Toyota upgraded the Entune Multimedia units to 2.5 version status in all Tundra models. The base SR grade gets a standard Entune Audio system. The SR5 grade steps up to Entune Audio Plus with Connected Navigation App (Scout GPS Link App), which uses the customer’s smartphone to provide navigation functionality through the head unit. The Limited and TRD Pro come with Entune Premium Audio with In-Vehicle Navigation and App Suite, while the Platinum and 1794 Edition feature standard Entune Premium JBL Audio with In-Vehicle Navigation and App Suite. The premium multimedia units offer 85% faster functionality thanks to new dual core processors, and iPhone users can now charge their phone using the USB port while simultaneously using the Entune App Suite.
Indicate 118 on inquiry card
2.7L inline 4-cylinder gasoline 159 @ 5,200 rpm 3.5L V6 gasoline 278 @ 6,000 rpm
180 lb.-ft. @ 3,800 rpm 265 lb.-ft. @ 4,600 rpm
5-speed manual, 6-speed automatic 6-speed automatic
Access Cab Double Cab
73.7 in. 60.5 in./73.7 in.
TRIM LEVELS SR, SR5, TRD Sport, TRD Off Road, Limited
6,800 lbs. (V6 with tow prep, 2WD, Access Cab)
1,620 lbs. (2WD, Access Cab, 2.7-liter engine)
4.6L V8 gasoline 5.7L V8 gasoline
310 @ 5,600 rpm 381 @ 5,600 rpm
327 lb.-ft. @ 3,400 rpm 401 lb.-ft. @ 3,600 rpm
6-speed automatic overdrive 6-speed automatic overdrive
Regular Cab Double Cab CrewMax
78.7 in./97.6 in. 78.7 in./97.6 in. 66.7 in.
TRIM LEVELS SR, SR5, TRD Pro, Limited, Platinum, 1794 Edition
10,500 lbs. (2WD, Regular Cab)
2,060 lbs. (2WD, Regular Cab)
Nissan expects to blur the line between light-duty and heavyduty pickups with its 2016 Titan XD crew cab by offering it with a Cummins 5.0-liter V8 turbo-diesel rated at 310 hp and 555 ft.-lbs. of torque. The goal is to combine the capability of a heavy-duty hauler with the driveability and affordability of a light-duty pickup. Nissan states the maximum towing capacity should be more than 12,000 lbs., and maximum payload is expected to be more than 2,000 lbs. The Cummins diesel — designed specifically for light-duty use — is the heart of the Titan XD. A compacted graphite iron (CGI) engine block, aluminum heads and composite valve covers reduce weight. It’s the first commercial application of Cummins’ new M2 two-stage turbo system. Nissan chose to mate the engine to a heavyduty six-speed Aisin automatic transmission. An electronic locking rear differential is available. To take advantage of the XD powertrain, Nissan offers a frame-integrated gooseneck hitch in the bed in addition to the rear tow hitch. The XD’s 151.6-in. wheelbase is about 20 in. longer than non-XD Titans. Radiator cooling capacity has been increased more than 25% compared to the previous Titan model. Titan gives away nothing to the competition in terms of available towing and driver aid technology. It includes an integrated trailer brake controller, Trailer Sway Control (TSC), tow/haul mode with downhill speed control and a trailer light-check system that allows one-person hookup operation, including checking turn signals, brake lights and running/clearance lights. The Titan also includes a RearView Monitor with Trailer Guides, while the Around View Monitor (AVM) provides a “bird’s-eye” view of the surrounding area from front, rear and side cameras to help with parking and navigating tight spaces. The system also includes Moving Object Detection (MOD), which helps the driver to detect vehicles or other large objects when backing out via an on-screen notification and warning chime. The Titan XD Crew Cab is the first of three cab configurations, two frame sizes, three powertrain offerings and five grade levels to eventually be available in the Titan lineup.
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4.0-liter V6 gasoline 261 @ 5,600 rpm 281 lb.-ft. @ 4,000 rpm 2.5-liter I4 152 @ 5,200 rpm 171 lb.-ft. @ 4,400 rpm
King Cab Crew Cab
73.3 in. 59.9 in./73.3 in
6,500 lbs.
1,469 lbs.
TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual, 5-speed automatic 5-speed manual, 6-speed manual 5-speed automatic
Cummins 5.0-liter turbo-diesel 310 @ 3,200 rpm V6 Gasoline TBA V8 Gasoline TBA
Regular Cab Double Cab Crew Cab
TBA TBA 6.5 ft.
555 lb.-ft. @ 1,600 rpm TBA TBA
Heavy-duty 6-speed Aisin automatic TBA TBA
More than 12,000 lbs. (fifth wheel or gooseneck)
More than 2,000 lbs.
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T R U CKS & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N By Curt Bennink
Truck OEMs
Among the most significant changes to the medium-duty/heavy-duty truck market for 2016, General Motors is going to re-enter the medium-duty market with a partnership with Navistar, while Ford brings production of its F-650/750 in-house. GM exited medium-duty truck marketing in 2009 amid the recession and bankruptcy proceedings. In 2015, GM and Navistar reached a long-term agreement to develop and assemble medium-duty, conventional cab, Class 4/5 commercial vehicles, allowing GM to return medium-duty trucks to its Chevrolet commercial truck portfolio. New Chevy medium-duty trucks will be jointly developed using Navistar rolling chassis configurations and manufacturing capabilities and GM commercial components and engines. The vehicles are slated for production in 2018 and will be manufactured at Navistar’s facility in Springfield, OH.
New partnerships, in-house MOVES F-650/F-750 manufacturing FORD TO U.S. PRODUCTION and new component technologies have changed the shape of the market.
On August 12, Ford F-650/F-750 medium-duty trucks rolled off the line for the first time in the U.S. Previously built in Mexico, production of the trucks is now located at the Ohio Assembly Plant. Offered in Regular Cab, SuperCab and CrewCab body styles and in straight-frame, dock-height and an all-new dedicated tractor model for heavy towing applications, the 2016 F-650/F-750 line features a completely Ford designed and built engine and transmission combination. Along with its 6.7-liter Power Stroke V8 diesel engine option, Ford offers a gasoline-powered engine in the medium-duty truck segment. The 6.8-liter V10 with 320 hp and 460 lbs.-ft. of torque will be available for both F-650 and F-750 models with the heavy-duty TorqShift six-speed automatic transmission. The 6.8liter can also be factory-prepped for converting to compressed natural gas or liquid propane gas. Ford claims its 2016 F-650/F-750, when powered by the 6.7-liter Power Stroke V8
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The 2016 F-650/F-750 line features a completely Ford designed and built engine and transmission combination. The vehicles are offered in Regular Cab, SuperCab and CrewCab body styles and in straight-frame, dock-height and a new tractor model for heavy towing applications. diesel engine, is 25% quieter inside the cabin at 60 mph than the previous model. At idle, the new Power Stroke diesel is as much as 45% quieter inside the cab and 35% quieter outside in front of the grille. The 6.7-liter diesel will be offered in three power levels: 270 hp and 675 lbs.-ft. torque, 300 hp and 700 lbs.-ft. torque and 330 hp and 725 lbs.ft. torque. INDICATE 105 ON INQUIRY CARD
Caterpillar launched its first vocational truck, the CT660, in North America in 2011. The CT680 and CT681 have since been added to the lineup. To date, Caterpillar has worked with Navistar for the products’ design and build, and the trucks have been manufactured in Escobedo, Mexico. The move to the Texas plant will give Caterpillar more flexibility to respond to customer demand and allow better integration of existing Caterpillar technologies, such as the Product
The long-nose CT680 is the third vocational truck in Caterpillar’s on-road truck line. It measures 124 in. from bumper to back of cab for improved ride and maximum bridge formula advantage.
CATERPILLAR BRINGS PRODUCTION IN-HOUSE Caterpillar Inc. announced the end of its truck building arrangement with Navistar and will begin independently designing and manufacturing Cat vocational trucks at its Victoria, TX plant. The plant, which opened in 2012, currently produces hydraulic excavators.
Link telematics solution. “We have developed a firm base with the relationship that we had with Navistar that got us off to a good start. But as we look forward, we have an opportunity to more directly influence the design and the velocity of the speed of response,” says Ron Schultz, sales & product support manager, Caterpillar.
For the foreseeable future, Caterpillar will source the Catbranded engines that Navistar was building. “The CT13 engine that you see in the Caterpillar truck right now will continue to be available in the truck,” says David Schmitz, product manager, Caterpillar. A 15-liter engine is also in development. That 15-liter engine is key to future growth. “We know there is a gap there that we soon will be filling,” says Schultz. The 15-liter engine will allow expanded applications such as heavy-haul and is popular in some dump truck markets. Earlier this year, Caterpillar also introduced the third vocational model in its on-road truck line, the long-nose CT680, which measures 124 in. from bumper to back of cab (BBC) for improved ride and maximum bridge-formula advantage. The CT680 comes in truck or tractor configurations, with set-forward axle and standard parabolic taper leaf suspension. The 13-liter Cat CT Series vocational truck engine comes in three power ratings from 410 to 475 hp, and peak torque ratings from 1,450 to 1,700 lbs.-ft. There is a choice of a six-speed Cat CX31 automatic transmission (specified on more than half of CT660 and CT681 trucks already in production), a variety of manual transmissions or Eaton’s UltraShift Plus vocational transmission. Ninety-two percent of CT680 components are common with the CT660. INDICATE 106 ON INQUIRY CARD
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NAVISTAR TO LAUNCH NEW LINE Navistar Inc. plans to launch a new line of premium vocational trucks for the severe service segment beginning in early 2016, leveraging shared technology and intellectual property from its venture with Caterpillar, which will end by December 31. Navistar has been supplying trucks to Caterpillar since 2011. Both companies will have the opportunity to leverage certain joint intellectual property, collaborate with suppliers and utilize licensing agreements moving forward. “Navistar and Caterpillar have had a strong, collaborative working relationship through a number of projects and partnerships for many, many years,” says Bill Kozek, president, Navistar Truck and Parts. “This next phase provides Navistar with an exciting opportunity to introduce new technologies and product features into our new line of premium vocational trucks that we’ll launch in 2016.” INDICATE 107 ON INQUIRY CARD
MACK BUILDS ITS OWN VOCATIONAL AMT Earlier this year, Mack Trucks unveiled a heavy-duty version of its mDRIVE automated manual transmission (AMT). Available as standard equipment on the Granite and Titan truck models, the transmission offers improved performance for demanding onand off-road applications. The mDRIVE HD is designed and engineered to work exclusively with Mack MP7 and Mack MP8 engines. The 12-speed mDRIVE HD has an automated clutch, so no clutch pedal is required. Operation is controlled through a dash-mounted shift pad by selecting drive, neutral or reverse. For more demanding maneuvers, the premium shift pad can be operated manually to hold a gear, downshift or upshift. Available in overdrive and direct drive, the mDRIVE HD continuously monitors changes in grade (both up and down), vehicle speed, throttle position,
acceleration, torque demand and gross vehicle weight. It automatically chooses the best gear for the road condition, allowing drivers to focus on the terrain rather than shifting gears, increasing safety on work sites. The mDRIVE HD includes unique software packages specific to the customer application. The “Enhanced Construction” package provides optimal on/off-road capability and gives the driver full control over any terrain. “EZ Shift” delivers smoother shifts for sensitive payloads. A Rock Free feature allows the driver to rock the truck back and forth simply by pumping the accelerator should the vehicle become stuck. And a Grade Gripper feature works with the truck’s ABS system to momentarily hold a hill, giving drivers time to move their foot from the brake to the accelerator pedal without rolling backward. INDICATE 108 ON INQUIRY CAR
Earlier this year, Mack Trucks unveiled a heavy-duty version of its mDRIVE automated manual transmission, which will be available as standard equipment on the Granite and Titan models. Kenworth’s updated mediumduty offerings include heavier front axles for its T370 Class 7 model.
KENWORTH ANNOUNCES THREE NEW VOCATIONAL TRUCK OPTIONS Allison’s 4700 RDS 7-speed automatic transmission, with optional second “deep reverse”, can be ordered on Kenworth’s T800, T880, W900 and C500. The Allison 4700 RDS offers a lower reverse ratio and a lower first gear ratio for maneuverability. The new transmission also features no power interrupts, which gives full power shifts and
allows full use of the engine’s horsepower. For those operating the T880, the company is now offering a “box bumper” in steel or aluminum. The bumper’s tapered design allows for hood pivot clearance and more protection for the grille and headlight area. For those running the W900S with the PACCAR PX-9 engine in a set-forward front axle configuration, a fixed grille option is available. Kenworth also updated its medium-duty offerings, including heavier front axles for its T370 Class 7 model. The 18,000- and 20,000-lb. front axles allow customers to put more weight on the front ends in fuel hauling, dump, mixer, utility and crane applications. This also allows more payload in a shorter BBC truck package. In addition, the 10-speed Eaton UltraShift PLUS VAS transmission is now offered for the T370, T440 and T470 equipped with the 8.9-liter PACCAR PX-9 engine. The UltraShift PLUS has a maximum torque rating to handle all medium-duty engine ratings. It features Hill Start Aid, creep modes, auto neutral and engine and clutch overspeed protection. INDICATE 109 ON INQUIRY CARD
VOLVO TRUCKS ADDS SEVERE-DUTY AMT Volvo Trucks’ biggest product introduction and enhancement is the recent introduction of the I-Shift automated manual transmission for severe-duty applications. With the incorporation of the I-Shift into vocational models, Volvo has addressed the demand to provide an AMT in vocational applications. The I-Shift for severe duty features a dash-mounted shifter offering additional space for the driver. To withstand hard use and wear, reinforced gears and hardware improvements are specifically designed for heavy-duty application and frequent shifting. Higher viscosity oil allows for higher ambient temperature operation. A new transmission cooler is also mounted to the transmission to provide more consistent temperature control. The I-Shift for severe duty
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also offers improved transmission serviceability with no need to drain oil to remove or service the transmission. INDICATE 110 ON INQUIRY CARD
New options for the Freightliner 122SD are best suited for severe terrain and off-road applications.
FREIGHTLINER ADDS OPTIONS Freightliner Trucks announced new option packages that are now available to order for its Class 6/7 M2 106. They include: ˜˜ Allison’s FuelSense technology: This set of software packages includes features that automatically adapt to shift cycles and torque, maximizing transmission efficiency based on load, grade and duty cycle. When ordered in the Efficiency Package, FuelSense is paired with a Cummins ISB6.7 engine with 220 hp and 600 lbs.-ft. of torque. ˜˜ Driver Retention Package: This package for the M2 106 has premium interior features that include a roof console with storage; premium insulation; wood grain instrument panel; additional in-dash power outlets; Bluetooth-enabled SiriusXM radio; high-back air suspension heated driver seat; dual driver seat armrests; power windows and door locks; and adjustable tilt and telescoping steering column. ˜˜ Professional Image Package: This package has a variety of chrome and bright finish options for the M2 106. New options for the 122SD are best suited for severe terrain and off-road applications. They include oil pan skid plates, 12-in. frame rails, threaded front suspension spring pins and bushing and heavy-duty bolted crossmembers. Front bumper mud flaps and fog lights with rock guards are also available as factory-installed options. In addition, the 122SD can now be spec’d with Allison 4700 Rugged Duty Series (RDS) and Oil Field Series (OFS) automatic transmissions. The combination of the 122SD with Allison’s vocational transmissions is ideal for tough off-road and oil field
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The Peterbilt Model 567 SFFA helps customers maximize payloads while meeting state and federal bridge law requirements. applications. Better performance comes from such features as 2nd Reverse, which offers a second “deep reverse” in addition to the standard reverse; automatic shifts, which automatically and smoothly make the right shift at the right time; and greater startability, which uses less torque to launch and go. Both transmissions are available with Detroit DD13, DD15 and DD16 and Cummins ISX heavy-duty engines. In addition to the new transmission options, under the passenger seat battery mounting is available for all 122SD day and sleeper cab configurations. It provides additional space for body builders by freeing up valuable rail space. INDICATE 111 ON INQUIRY CARD
PETERBILT ROLLS OUT NEW MODEL 567 CONFIGURATION The Model 567 SFFA (setforward axle) helps customers maximize payloads while meeting state and federal bridge law requirements. Like the set-back front axle configuration, the Model 567 SFFA is available in 115- and 121-in. BBC lengths. The 115in. BBC has a bumper to front axle distance of 29 in. and the 121-in. BBC has a bumper to front axle distance of 31 in. Both the set-forward and setback front axle configurations of the Model 567 come standard with the PACCAR MX-13 engine with up to 500 hp and 1,850 lbs.-ft. of torque. Both are also available as a day cab or with
Peterbilt’s complete lineup of detachable sleepers, including the new 58-in. sleeper. On the medium-duty side, this year Peterbilt introduced compressed natural gas (CNG) configurations of the Model 337 and Model 348. The Model 337 is available in Class 6 and 7 configurations, and the Model 348 is available with a GVWR up to 66,000 lbs. and features a more robust vocational spec. Both CNG models can be ordered as a truck or tractor and are optimized with a 110-in. BBC and a 2.5in. lower cab height. The vehicles are powered by the Cummins Westport ISL-G with 320 hp and 1,000 lbs.-ft. of torque. PACCAR also recently introduced the PACCAR MX-11 engine. This 10.8-liter engine will be available for Peterbilt’s aerodynamic Model 579 and vocational Model 567. It goes
into production in January and has an output of up to 430 hp and 1,550 lbs.-ft. of torque. INDICATE 112 ON INQUIRY CARD
Western Star has enhanced the offerings on its 4700 truck.
WESTERN STAR ENHANCES PRODUCT LINE Western Star Trucks continued to enhance its current product line. Highlights include: ˜˜ “In Track” floor wiring system provides a dedicated path inside the 4700’s cab for body wiring harnesses
˜˜ Dash gauge updates improve
driver visibility and vehicle serviceability ˜˜ Ergonomic enhancements benefit driver comfort and reduce fatigue ˜˜ Hood-mounted, heated mirrors for the 4700 ˜˜ Re-locatable DEF tank options mount fuel tanks forward and increase frame space availability ˜˜ Fabco prep kit for the FAT-30 3-speed auxiliary transmission for high-torque applications ˜˜ Neway ADZ suspension system ˜˜ Rock grille guards now standard for the 4700 to protect radiators from damage ˜˜ New safety grip grab handles improve driver access INDICATE 113 ON INQUIRY CARD
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11/4/15 2:07 PM
IMT Dominator III Mechanics Body
Thieman Toplifter Series The Toplifter Series liftgate incorporates a completely enclosed lifting mechanism for protection from the elements. • 1,600- and 2,000-lb. lift capacity • 80- or 86-in.-wide platform • Dual cylinders for added stability • Designed for reduced maintenance
Indicate 60 on inquiry card
Knapheide EC-Series Steel Service Bodies The EC-Series steel service bodies are specifically designed and tailored for General Motors’ midsize and 1/2-ton pickups with bed delete options. • Aluminum shelf and shelf-clip design • Floor plate constructed of 14-gauge galvanneal steel • Understructure and front end rail enhanced for torsional support • 25% lighter than standard steel bodies
Indicate 70 on inquiry card
DuraClass HPT “Tub” Body Line Crysteel Custom Select Dump Bodies Select custom dump bodies allow customers to essentially design their own dump body without incurring the extra cost and time normally associated with custom-designed products. • Traditional square body styles or elliptical bodies in sizes ranging from 5- to 20-cu.yd. capacities • Further options available for tailgate design, side height, floor material and understructure design • Wide range of accessories available
The improved HPT “Tub” Body Line has been redesigned to meet all heavy-duty dump body needs. • HPT-B1 features a closed fender design, comes in 14- to 18-ft. lengths in carbon steel or stainless steel and offers capacity ranges from 10 to 20 yds. • HPT-B2 features an open fender design, comes in 10- and 11-ft. lengths in 3/16in. AR400 carbon steel and 14- to 18-ft. lengths in 3/16-in. hi-tensile carbon steel and provides a stainless steel option
Indicate 63 on inquiry card
The design of the Dominator III accommodates the IMT model 12000 telescopic crane without a front stabilizer for users who do not require 100% lift capacity in all load zones. • Available in 11- and 14-ft. lengths • Front vertical compartments with single doors • Side pack configurations include a right front raised with the left side all raised and an all raised version • Energy-absorbing boom stow protects the top of body compartments from damage if too much pressure is exerted from stowing the crane • Includes high-intensity LED compartment lighting and a multiplex electrical system with programmable logic
Indicate 74 on inquiry card
Landoll NGL 400 Series Traveling Axle Trailer The “Next Generation Landoll” 400 Series trailers feature the 20-gpm HOSS hydraulic operating system, which offers increased operational speed of all functions. • Axle travel and winch line speed increased by as much as 65% • Grote lighting package includes micro-nova LED high-intensity lights with a 160° projection, Clear White lens and chrome surround • 48-, 50- and 53-ft. lengths in tandem- or triple-axle versions with a 6.6° load angle • 53-ft. model includes 22 side marker lights
Indicate 66 on inquiry card
Rogers 35/40-ton-capacity NoFoot Detachable Gooseneck Trailer The 35/40-ton-capacity NoFoot detachable gooseneck trailer features a lowered cross beam in the rear frame and at the rear of the deck for improved loading of equipment. • 40-ton capacity with use of removable/flip third axle • Rated at 35 tons as a tandem • 24-ft. platform deck designed for a 2/3 deck length concentrated load • Loaded deck height of 20 in.
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Rugby Titan Series Dump Body Line The Titan Series dump body line offers a sleek yet strong body design available in 4- to 5-, 5- to 7- and 6- to 8-yd. capacities. • Feature dirt-shedding top rails, 10° sloped tailgates and radius front corner posts • 10-gauge steel (50 grade) on side construction and 8-gauge steel floor • 7-in. structural channel long sills and 4-in. I-beam cross sills on 12-in. centers provide added strength • Can be matched to a Rugby LR Series hoist for a complete package
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HORSEPOWER MEETS MANPOWER. With two rows of bench seating, the Hauler ® 4X4 Crew takes big-time hauling g bey beyond ond nd the cargo bed. A 22-hp diesel engine and user-selectable 4WD deliver enough po power wer err to move four workers and a full bed of gear and supplies. Meanwhile, power steeri ring ng g and a generous ground clearance give you the confidence to take on the most pun nish ishing ing ng terrain. Visit to see it in action. ©2015 Textron Specialized Vehicles. All rights reserved.
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November 2015 | EQ U I P MEN T TO D AY
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T R U CKS & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N Products Buyers Products XD Series Tool Boxes The XD Series heavy-duty underbody aluminum tool boxes feature an extruded door frame for more durability when storing heavy construction tools and equipment. • Two-door barn-style design constructed of 1/8-in.-thick aluminum with an extruded aluminum front frame for durability • Automotive bulb seal gasket provides weather resistance • Heavy-duty bolt-on stainless steel hinges with 1/4-in. pins provide long-lasting service • Die-cast three-point latch system with a built-in compression roller for smooth activation
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RAM Mounting Systems IntelliSkin
Highway Products Work Truck Bed Organizer
The IntelliSkin protective device case with Global Docking System (GDS) technology charging dock simplifies the frequent docking and undocking of Samsung smartphones and tablets. • Charging contacts prevent damage to devices in rugged environments • Integrated power connector compatible with any GDS charging dock • Allows access to keyboards, monitors, speakers, hard drives and other USB devices by plugging in a connectivity hub to the back of the dock
The improved Pickup Pack is custom built to provide quick and easy access, lockup security and maximum storage space for tools and cargo in pickup truck beds. • Includes two full-length lockable low side boxes, a flat or dome center hatch, headache rack and removable ladder rack • Closed hatch locks the tailgate, making the bed area secure and weather resistant • Comes with a 4,000-lb.-capacity Roller Coaster cargo tray that installs in the bed and slides cargo out in seconds • Built using rugged marine-grade aluminum
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Ox Bodies Trail Ox Series End Dump Trailers The Trail Ox Series of end dump trailers adds on-the-job versatility for a range of hauling applications, including sand to large aggregates, riprap and asphalt. • Heavy-duty full frame version hauls large loads in demanding applications, while the lighter weight quarter frame version is suited for mid-range haul distances • Feature a width of 96 in., side heights of 36 to 60 in., lengths of 22 to 36 ft. and capacities up to 51.2 cu. yds. • Continuous seam-welded design reduces debris collection and water-related body and chassis corrosion • Product-enhancing upgrades available
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Hiniker Torsion-trip V-plow The 9200 series torsion-trip V-plow features double-acting hydraulic cylinders to hold the wings securely in position, even while backdragging. • Simple, reliable torsion-trip edges provide independent protection to each plow wing • Moldboards feature a low-friction, high-density polyethylene surface that is corrosion-free and dent-resistant • Wrap-around curb guards with chromealloy wear bars provide protection from premature wear and damage • Available in 8.5- and 9.5-ft. widths • Can be customized with optional skid shoes, cutting edges and snow deflectors
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Cushman Hauler 4x4 Utility Vehicle The two-passenger Hauler 4x4 utility vehicle is driven by a 720cc, 28-hp Subaru EFI gasoline engine, providing the power and capacity to tackle tough jobs while maximizing fuel economy via electronic fuel injection technology. • Features an 800-lb. cargo capacity and provides up to 1,200 lbs. of total vehicle payload • User-selectable four-wheel drive • Fully independent suspension • 25-mph maximum speed with a range of more than 100 miles • Safety features include three-point seat belts, ROPS and full-load braking
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AN E.P.I.C. GENERATION > 17 Models > .78–13.5 cu.yd. > 45 HP–720 HP
2140 Barrett Park Drive • Suite 101 Kennesaw, Georgia 30144 770-499-7000
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Competitive financing available through Daimler Truck Financial. For the Freightliner Trucks dealer nearest you, call 1-800-FTL-HELP. FTL /MC-A-1409. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2015 Daimler Trucks North America LLC. All rights reserved. Freightliner Trucks is a division of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, a Daimler company.
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T R U CKS & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N Products Talbert Air Ramp/Air Tilt Series
Stellar Redesigned Slider50 Hooklift
The 20-ton-capacity AC-20-ART and 25-ton-capacity AC3-25-ART Air Ramp/Air Tilt Series models feature a 7° load angle for easy loading of lowclearance equipment, such as soil and asphalt rollers. • Low 8-in. headboard and 33-in. deck height offer an optimal view of the equipment and surroundings • Air-powered 38-in.-wide, high-density Apitong wood-filled ramps • Air brake system and hutch spring suspension provide maximum load control • Safety chains with hooks that latch to tie-down rings on top of the outside beams
The redesigned Slider50 Hooklift has a capacity of 50,000 lbs. and can accommodate bodies in lengths ranging from 16 to 22 ft., and up to 24 ft. with special bumper configurations. • Dump mode provides a maximum dump angle of 51° on a 45-in.-high truck frame • Available in a fixed 54-in. hook height, a 61.75-in. hook height and a hydraulic adjustable jib that will travel from 54 to 61.75 in. with an in-cab control lever • Weight reduced to allow for an additional 950 lbs. of available payload • Regenerative valve technology reduces the cycle time by 20% • Features a heavy-duty hexagonal jib design, in-cab controls and slide-through rear latches
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Rock Line Airtow MS10-55 Mini Skid Steer Trailer The 2,200-lb., ultra-compact MS1055 allows for ground-level loading and transport of mini skid steers and attachments. • Non-tilting deck raises and lowers hydraulically in less than 20 seconds • Removable front platform and attachment mounts • 120” x 57” deck and 5,500-lb. load capacity • Features eight heavy-duty D-rings, a 2 5/16-in. ball coupler, adjustable safety chains, lockable storage compartment, hydraulic motor/pump, 12-volt deep cycle battery, tow vehicle charging and LED flush rubber-mounted lights
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Tried and true? You bet. With unmatched durability and performance, you can count on your IMT® equipment to have your back everyday. That’s commitment.
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Minimizer Slick Plate Made of poly plastic, the Slick Plate removes the need for grease and prolongs the life of the fifth wheel. • Less friction makes for easier handling and maneuverability • Comes with all necessary hardware so no welding is required to secure it to the fifth wheel • Comes with a five-year warranty
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IMT, the IMT logo and NOTHING SAYS COMMITMENT LIKE THE DIAMOND are registered trademarks of Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc., Garner, IA, USA. © 2015 Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Our Volvo E-Series excavator has allowed us to do things that are just plain amazing.
That’s our Ex Factor. – Jim Whitaker, fleet manager, Whitaker Construction
Whitaker Construction has more than 60 years’ experience in underground construction. As one of the largest utility contractors in their region, they have to operate with a cutting edge. Jim says the EC380E gives them that edge — working up to a 480 class size, while fitting in tighter spaces — allowing them to tackle challenging jobs with more efficiency. Find tips to get the most from your excavator at
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T R U CKS & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N Products XL Specialized Trailers XL 80 Slider
A.R.E. HD Series Truck Cap
The XL 80 Slider is a twoaxle trailer with a sliding axle assembly that is rated at 80,000 lbs. overall and 50,000 lbs. in 10 ft. concentrated. • Choice of 48-ft. length with 17° dump angle, 51-ft. length with 16° dump angle or 53-ft. length with 15° dump angle • 50- and 60-in. axle spacing options • Suitable for equipment requiring a low load angle of 6.5° • GAR-MAX filament wound composite rollers slide smoothly without the need for grease • Heavy-duty 20,000-lb. hydraulic winch • Four-beam design comprised of 4-in. junior I-beams and 3-in. I-beams on 8-in. centers
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The HD Series truck cap features a heavy-duty, functional design available for all current model trucks. • Interior aluminum support framework reinforces the fiberglass cap construction by routing all roof rack and toolbox weight to the bedrail of the pickup truck • 550-lb. capacity on the roof rack and 200 lbs. in each toolbox • Optional heavy-duty side doors provide access to two steel toolbox inserts • Side and rear doors can be upgraded with aluminum inserts with foldable T-handles featuring BOLT one-key lock technology • Optional HD Series Roof Rack, T-Nut kits, CargoGlide, Pickup Vault two-drawer bed storage systems and interior lighting and carpeting
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Experience the Progress.
Henke Postless Wing Design This Postless wing features parallel linkage lift that doesn’t bind up like traditional wings, meaning less maintenance with no need to grease multiple times per shift • “True Float” non-trailing design reduces wing chatter and increases effectiveness in cutting through packed snow and ice • Available in 8-, 9-, 10-, 11- and 12-ft. lengths with front or mid-mount locations • Pushbeams can be single for frontlifted moldboards or dual for rear-lifted models, with extra-long pushbeams also available • Non-trip, full moldboard trip or trip edge options
Liebherr L 524 - L 542 wheel loaders. Liebherr Power Efficiency (LPE) – Optimizes machine power and reduces fuel consumption by up to 25 % Higher handling capacity with less operating weight due to the optimal distribution of weight and positioning of the Liebherr diesel engine Reduced cost of ownership – high fuel efficiency, low wear on brakes and tires as well as drive components. Easy service access to further reduce machine downtime Safety and comfort – excellent all-round visibility due to a higher proportion of glass used in the cab
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Pride Bodies Aluminum Service Bodies Pride Bodies aluminum service bodies can carry a full complement of accessories such as service cranes, air compressors and welders along with a full payload of products. • 200-lb. weight reduction by using aluminum in lieu of steel for the mechanics bumper • Aluminum construction enables reduced weight and fuel costs and withstands salt and liquid calcium chloride • Can be built to an exact customer specification with available solutions to meet specific customer needs • Turn-key packages assure timely delivery, reliability and fleet support Liebherr Construction Equipment Co. 4100 Chestnut Avenue Newport News, VA 23607 Phone: +1 757 245 5251 E-mail:
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Indicate 14 on inquiry card The Group
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Masters of every trade. RAM 1500: BEST-IN-CLASS FUEL ECONOMY–29 MPG HWY 1
RAM commercial trucks ®
RAM 3500 tradesman : BEST-IN-CLASS 31,210 LB TOWING–900 LB-FT TORQUE 2 ®
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1 Standard pickup class. EPA estimated MPG with 3.0L EcoDiesel engine and eight-speed automatic transmission, 4x2 HFE model. Actual results may vary. 2 350/3500 pickups. Available Cummins® Diesel when properly equipped. 3 Based on 3–5 pickup-based conventional cab chassis over 10,000 GCWR. 4 Based on Small Commercial Van segment. 5 Based on Class 2 Cargo Van (single rear-wheel axle). 6 Includes $500 On The Job (OTJ) Upfit Bonus Allowance on most 2015 and 2016 Ram Commercial vehicles (excludes 2500 and 3500 pickups). Must take delivery by 1/4/16. See participating dealer for OTJ incentive details and eligibility requirements. ©2015 FCA US LLC. All Rights Reserved. Ram is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC. Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc.
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S AFE T Y & C O M P LI A N C E By John Meola, CSP, ARM
Ensure drivers take defensive measures to keep it safe on ˜˜ the road. ˜˜˜˜
riving a rig is a full-time job demanding attention, not cell phone chatter. We’ll give you credit for having already covered the “basics,” such as the three-point stance. If your guy is having issues just getting in and out of the rig at this point, you have bigger problems than this article can address. Defensive driving takes many forms. A lot of it is highly situational and depends on your drivers’ ability to negotiate lots of different factors, including: Distracted drivers ˜˜ Visibility (four wheelers) ˜˜ Clearances Pedestrians, bikes, scooters ˜˜ Loading/unloading (dumping) Terrain ˜˜ Trailering/towing ˜˜ Paved/unpaved surfaces ˜˜ Backing ˜˜ Weather Some of what follows may sound extreme, but the moral of the story is that you should be doing everything possible to prevent an accident because no one else is going to do it. This means your driver has to understand your uncompromising commitment to safe driving.
PUT A DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM IN PLACE There are enough electronics available today to measure driver performance, so the old excuse that “I can’t sit in the cab beside them” is no longer acceptable. Now, you can figuratively sit in the cab, and you should. The thought process behind this is not to be “Big Brother”, but to protect your interests. Your name is on that door. You need an established body of rules and performance metrics you can point to that prove your company is a responsible one. If you have independent contractors (owner/operators) working for you, you do not get a pass. You need to include them in your safety program, or at least make an effort. Depending upon which state you are working in, their negligent driving could come back to bite you. Here are some starting points for your safety program: ˜˜ ANSI has what’s called a Fleet Safety Management Standard. If you have nothing on the books already, start here, or ask your insurance agent or carrier for some help. ANSI charges to download their standards, but a Google search will
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find most of the same information. The ANSI Standard number is Z-15. ˜˜ Use a GPS, paperless logs, electronics, etc. to get a readout of your drivers’ performance in the rig. Set standards based on good, fair and unacceptable performance. Hard brake events should be examined closely. They are indicators of near-miss incidents or poor driving habits. ˜˜ Driver safety is such a common problem that even Verizon is selling a fleet management program ( And who should know better than they do about all things fleet safety? ˜˜ Vehicle makers are continually improving their hardware. Take advantage of the newest safety features. In other words, upgrade vehicle hardware whenever you can. Use older units for parts or as backup. It’s tax deductible. ˜˜ Ask yourself if your driver has ever received any information that contained the words “defensive driving.” Push the information out. Safety meetings are preferred, but even “read & sign” will work. Get signatures. ˜˜ The DOT is still obsessive about inspections and, yes, these are important. But let’s face it, the reliability of new rigs will rival a BMW. You still have to do the obligatory walkaround, but better yet, have a mechanic give it a once over at the end of the shift to identify any problems and fix them overnight so the rig is ready to roll in the a.m. ˜˜ Just because your drivers passed their DOT physical does not instill confidence; that exam is basically to be sure the guy has a pulse. Some insurance companies are requiring a version of a Functional Capacity Exam (FCE) to accompany the DOT physical. The DOT is also implementing the Neck Size rule, which is aimed at the dangerous “morbid obesity” range, when sleep apnea causes fatigue, etc. In other words, start looking for physically fit drivers or get a wellness program going at work.
Establish a set of rules and performance metrics that apply to all drivers working for your company, including independent contractors.
11/4/15 10:11 AM
Weighs less. Carries more. Mack’s new mDRIVE™ HD heavy-duty automated manual transmission won’t weigh you down. This lightweight transmission is designed to withstand the wear and tear of your most demanding jobs. And it’s fully integrated to work seamlessly with the rest of your powertrain for improved efficiency, increased uptime and lower cost. With Mack, it takes less to get more done.
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˜˜ Keep in mind that OSHA basically does not have Word One on
safe driving practices. That’s because the topic is nominally under the auspices of the DOT. For example, when is the last time you heard from the DOT that intersections of all types are the highest crash frequency environments? Or how to approach and take a turn safely? Actually, the information is there, but it’s buried so deep in their voluminous rubric, you’ll never find it. ˜˜ Here’s a tip: Most state Department of Motor Vehicles handbooks at least make an effort to teach good driving practices. They are online and free. Google the CDL handbook for your state. You can also access US DOT safety information at ˜˜ The days are gone when you could say, “I hired the guy as an experienced driver. He’s supposed to know all this stuff.” Wrong. You need to show that you have educated your drivers. One of the leading deficiency findings on DOT audits is failure to hold a safety meeting within so many months. Your reply that “They all start and stop at different times; they’re never together at one time” is no excuse. Figure out a plan and round them up. Here’s another under-the-radar tip: Push your insurance company for safety information. Most of the good ones will have something to share. Tell them to send out a safety person for a look around. Get on their mailing list.
COMMON DRIVING HAZARDS » » BLIND SPOTS: Use cameras; they also protect against frivolous claims. » » OUT OF ADJUSTMENT MIRRORS » » ERRATIC FOUR WHEELERS: Learn to live with them. They are probably texting and driving, or at the least, gabbing on their phone. » » YOUR DRIVER ON A CELL PHONE: How often is the driver on it? Personal phone or company phone? Your new hire paperwork should have a signed release that says you can access their personal phone records if there is a crash, and you will hold them personally liable if they are talking or texting, etc., while driving. » » DRUGS: Make it a policy to drug test following ANY incident, in excess of the DOT requirements. Avoid making or accepting the standard fabricated excuses for not testing. » » INTERSECTIONS OF ALL TYPES: Slow down before the intersection. » » OLDER ROADS: These roads do not have optimal design and safety features. Avoid them and use newer roads when possible. » » HEAVY LOADS: The heavier the load, the slower you go. For oversize loads, use a pilot car.
John J. Meola, CSP, ARM is the safety director for Pillar Engineers in Richmond VA. He works with clients all over the U.S. to improve their safety programs and practices. He can be contacted at
Think what an accident will cost vs. the cost of making your run early in the morning or late at night — not during rush hour, or when school is getting out. If your driver sees a pedestrian, bicyclist or motorcyclist anywhere near them, they need to move into a defensive posture. Make sure your drivers understand the difference between running fast and running reckless. There is minimal difference in arrival time when your guy is pushing it vs. taking it slow and steady. There is, however, an exponential increase in the risk of having an accident, in which case, you will probably pay through the nose for a long time in insurance premiums. Ask yourself: Would you want that cowboy running the rig if your family was driving alongside him? We have only touched on some of the intermediate safety factors here. More details on defending your company and driver will be in the next article. ET
Extremely heavy or oversize loads can increase safety risks. Take it slow and take extra precautions as needed, such as using a pilot car.
Raising Performance to New Levels Full line of liftgate models, plus special applications Railgates, Stowaways, Conventionals,Side Loaders, & Pickup/ Service Body Models Sales and Service Available from a Nationwide Distributor Network
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800.524.5210 Indicate 19 on inquiry card
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...YOU SEE SKID STEERS IN A WHOLE NEW WAY. Our instinct to engineer a smarter skid steer delivers greater productivity and confidence on the job. Exclusive side door entry and unique single boom design allows JCB to deliver unprecedented visibility and safety. Discover the tradition of revolutionary thinking built into every one of our skid steer loaders today. Never Climb Over an Attachment Side Door Allows For Easy Entry / Exit Indicate 20 on inquiry card
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WHE E L LO A D E R S By Kim Berndtson
When Even Seconds Count Pay attention to jobsite logistics to improve wheel loader efficiency and move more material.
hen you want to move material quickly, the loader bucket to accomplish, depending on the amount of acreage you have to work capacity certainly plays a role in how fast you can fill a haul with. But shorter distances between materials will naturally create truck, as does the truck box volume. But equipment size faster cycle times.” isn’t the only thing that matters. How you set up and main“Being able to shorten the distance from load to discharge points tain a jobsite can also influence productivity and efficiency. will ensure optimum operations. So will reducing obstacles between “Jobsite layout plays a very important role in a wheel loader’s these points and providing a safe and smooth work area for the loadproductivity and cycle times,” says Dick Mars, product applicaer/operator,” says Rogers. tion specialist, Caterpillar. “From the stockpile to a crusher, or from If materials such as gravel, pipe or even attachments need to be the loading zone to a dump target, distance, height, ground condimoved onto a jobsite, establish a designated area for them and maintions and required payload all have a part to play in tain that achieving the highest productivity.” location. Performing a jobsite study based on production “Don’t drop needs is one of the first steps in managing equipment off supplies operations, says Nick Rogers, product specialist/inside in random sales coordinator, Liebherr Construction Equipment places,” Co. “Having a full understanding of output requiresays Stark. ments, utilization rates of the equipment and necessary “Many wheel cycle times all play a pivotal role in the layout of the loaders have jobsite and the machine efficiency,” he adds. backup camCreating an ideal jobsite layout helps achieve the eras. But if The Intellidig System on Kawasaki-KCM wheel loaders allows optimum industry standard cycle time of no more operators are operators to balance rimpull and hydraulic power for than 30 seconds from bucket fill to bucket dump. constantoptimum loading efficiency without touching a single button. “Using a wheel loader with a buckly worrying et capacity of 2.5 cu. yds. with a about obsta10-cu.-yd. truck means you could fill cles behind that truck in two minutes,” notes Michael Stark, wheel them, they will move more slowly around a jobsite, thereby reducing loader product specialist, Doosan. “Excluding any wait productivity.” time, you should be able to move 30 trucks per hour. The composition and storing or stockpiling of materials being “If that cycle time creeps up even a seemingly small moved will also impact fuel consumption. “Avoid long travel distanc15 seconds, it will take three minutes to load that same es and severe stockpile angles, which increase cycle times and decrease truck, dropping the loads per hour to 20,” he points productivity,” Mars advises. “Maintain smooth loading zones, and out. “Now you’ve lost 10 truckloads per hour. In an clean floors and loader paths.” eight-hour day, that equates to 80 trucks. That’s a lot Keeping a jobsite neat and orderly also reduces potential work of dirt you aren’t moving. As the numbers show, it’s hazards that could damage the loader and/or cause operator fatigue. essential to create an optimum jobsite layout.” “This is a safety concern that can affect operators and other individuals on the jobsite,” says Rogers. A jobsite study EVALUATE THE PILE Safety on the jobsite includes ensuring there are no crossing traffic A good place to start is to evaluate material patterns. “In addition, having well-lit, well-marked traffic indicators based on production placement. is essential to a safe and productive site,” says Shelton. “Limit nonneeds will enable you to “Positioning materials throughout a jobsite has to essential vehicles on the jobsite, especially maintenance vehicles, etc. identify the shortest distance be done strategically in order to keep costs down,” — anything that might be in the site line or traffic pattern.” from load to discharge points, says Sam Shelton, marketing administrator, KCMA Keeping the jobsite level is important, as well. “Slopes and grades maximizing operating efficiency. Corporation. “In some cases, this is a very difficult feat affect not only the wheel loader cycle time, but truck traffic,” Shelton
Caterpillar recommends positioning the loader and bucket as square as possible to the face of the truck bed before dumping into the truck.
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comments. “I have seen sites where trucks are in a circle pattern and the loader takes the brunt of the slope by traveling down to get material, then backing up the slope in reverse to get in position to load the truck. On top of that, the site had a trailer for check-in at the top of the area used for the loader to turn around. This jobsite layout was not only inefficient and taxed the wheel loader, but it was not a safe traffic pattern either, since drivers were crossing the path of a wheel loader backing up a slope!”
EQUIPMENT LOCATION Once material piles have been strategically located, attention should turn to wheel loader and truck positioning. “Loading and discharge is the job of a wheel loader,” says Rogers. “Being able to set up a jobsite that allows the operator to do this in the most efficient way will positively affect jobsite productivity.” According to Shelton, trucks should always be positioned vertically to the material pile and lined up parallel to each other, with 3 yds. between each vehicle. “This will increase the operator’s truck loading due to less travel distance, because the wheel loader must travel horizontally toward the side of the truck,” she explains. Mars recommends positioning trucks at a 30° to 45° angle to the material being loaded. “The loader should load the bucket from the material as square as possible to the face and dump into the truck, also as square as possible in a V-pattern,” he states. The loader should be moving no further than 1.5 to 2 tire revolutions between directional shifts. Stark advocates locating trucks at a 45° to 60° angle to a pile. “How you position the truck is probably more critical than anything else,” he says. “You want a minimal angle so operators aren’t spending a lot of time turning around. Seconds do count.” It’s important to maintain an optimal working distance between the truck and wheel loader. While closer is better, there is a point where they can be too close. “When that happens, operators have to wait for the loader arm to raise up high enough to dump,” says Stark. “That can add as much as 10 to 15 seconds of time to a cycle because they have to stop and start again. “It only takes about 6 to 7 seconds to raise the boom,” he continues. “Wheel loader operators should position themselves at that distance from the truck so they can raise the boom as they are moving forward, all without stopping.”
bucket angle so the operator can quickly grab another load. “Wheel loader operators in high-production applications make a lot of repetitive motions,” says Stark. “Both of these features save a lot of effort for them. They also take out a lot of the guesswork associated with raising and lowering the boom, which ultimately saves time.” Ride control features are also becoming common. “Our Load Isolation System acts as a shock absorber on the boom cylinders to smooth out the ride, so if an operator goes over a bump, the bucket doesn’t move,” says Stark. “It’s a great feature for all loading and movement situations, especially if an operator has to travel a long distance. Plus, it helps reduce spillage.” Ride control is standard on all production-size Kawasaki-KCM wheel loaders. “Without it, fuel consumption could be affected because the operator may comDoosan offers automatic boom kick-out and a return-to-dig feature on pensate with lower travel speeds its loaders. These features help take the guesswork out of raising and to prevent spillage, resulting in longer cycle times, which could lowering the boom, which ultimately saves time. lead to trucks stacking up,” says Shelton. “A constant raising and lowering of the engine rpms will also increase fuel consumption because of the stop-and-go effect.” Many manufacturers offer payload management/load weighing systems that can improve both loader and operator productivity. A payload management system provides an accurate measurement of material before it is loaded into the truck. “This can mean fewer wasted loading cycles, lower fuel consumption, precise material inventory and accurate invoicing to the customer,” says Shelton. A scale system also takes the guesswork out of the loading cycle for the operator and directly impacts operator efficiency, says Mars. “For example, consistent bucket loads improve overall operator accuracy and reduce fuel consumption as fewer incorrect bucket cycles are performed,” he notes. “This keeps waste to a minimum and allows more trucks to be loaded faster and more accurately, increasing overall truck volumes, which impacts the bottom line.” ET
WHEEL LOADER FEATURES To complement efficiencies gained with an optimal jobsite layout, manufacturers offer features on their wheel loaders that can make it easier to maintain short cycle times. For example, KCMA Corporation offers the Intellidig System on its Kawasaki-KCM wheel loaders. This feature allows operators to balance rimpull and hydraulic power for optimum loading efficiency without touching a single button, says Shelton. In addition, lockup clutch/torque converters have been incorporated into the company’s high-production loaders to provide direct drive to boost fuel economy, trim cycle times and reduce heat, particularly for load-and-carry applications. “Each of these options increases the wheel loader’s ability to fill the bucket faster, while reducing wear and tear on tires, and improves fuel economy,” Shelton notes. Doosan offers automatic boom kickout that allows operators to set boom height based on truck box height; at the touch of a button, the boom will automatically stop to this predetermined height. A return-to-dig feature automatically stops the boom and adjusts the
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November 2015 | EQ U I P MEN T TO D AY
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WHEEL LOADERS >> Products Gehl Compact Articulated Loaders
JCB 457 Tier 4 Final Wheel Loader
The model 140, 340 and 540 compact articulated loaders feature tipping loads from 1,900 to over 5,100 lbs. (when not articulated) and rated operating capacities from 950 to 2,550+ lbs. • Bucket breakout forces from 2,433 to 10,749 lbf. • Can run most universal-type attachments • Compact sizes as narrow as 41 in. • Articulated steering allows for turns up to 45° • 23- to 47-hp Yanmar Tier 4 Interim-certified diesel engines
The 457 features a 258-hp MTU 7.7-litre diesel engine that meets Tier 4 Final without a diesel particulate filter. • Fine tuning of engine, torque converter and transmission enable fuel efficiency gains of up to 16% • Standard four-speed or optional five-speed transmission • CommandPlus cab, engine, hydraulically driven on-demand cooling fan and repositioned air conditioning system contribute to a reduction in internal noise levels to 68 dB(A) • Cab features a larger interior, panoramic front windscreen, Command Driving Position, revised pedals, adjustable steering column, seat-mounted hydraulic controls and two fullcolor LCD screens
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SDLG LG948L Wheel Loader The 3.0-cu.-yd. LG948L is powered by a 173-hp Deutz Tier 4 Interim engine and delivers a 30,200-lb. operating weight and 27,100-lbf. maximum breakout force. • ZF 4WG158 powershift transmission with twist grip control and kickdown function • Engine compartment provides easy access for cleaning and maintenance • High-visibility, operator-friendly cab offers modern fit and finish, air conditioning, AM/FM radio and USB interface • Standard Z-bar loader linkage, reversible cooling fan, dry disc brakes and hydraulic quick coupler with third-function hydraulics
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Liebherr L 538 Wheel Loader The 154-hp L 538 combines hydrostatic drive with Liebherr Power Efficiency (LPE), which optimizes the interaction between drive components and provides up to 25% additional fuel savings. • Z-bar linkage or parallel linkage • Engine serves as natural counterweight, positioning the center of gravity of driveline components behind the rear axle • Cab trim left and right of the steering column has been lowered and replaced by glass • All maintenance points can be easily and safely reached from ground level by opening one hood • Likufix hydraulic quick-change system works directly from the cab
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Kawasaki 67Z7 Wheel Loader
Caterpillar M-Series Small Wheel Loaders
The redesigned 67Z7 incorporates many features aimed at improving fuel efficiency and optimizing performance. • 152-net-hp Isuzu 4HK1 Tier 4 Interim diesel engine • Hydrostatic transmission with two electrically controlled, variable-displacement, axial piston-type hydraulic motors • Creep function allows precise control of first gear speed even at full engine speed • Axles with limited-slip differentials, internal planetaries and dual circuit wet brakes • Features two power modes, Z-linkage, an automatic reversing cooling fan, standard auto idle shutdown and IntelliDig system
The 926M, 930M and 938M offer operating weights from 28,770 to 36,216 lbs. and are powered by 148- to 182-net-hp Cat C7.1 ACERT Tier 4 Final engines. • Fit-for-life diesel particulate filter features passive regeneration at a low temperature • Step-less, four-range, electronically controlled, intelligent hydrostatic drive system includes operator-selected powertrain modes • Generation II Optimized Z-bar loader linkage • Perfect Parallelism provides level lift with +/- 2° accuracy • Includes electrohydraulic controls and independent, dedicated, load-sensing, variable-displacement pumps
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John Deere 444K, 524K and 544K Wheel Loaders The 124-hp 444K, 141-hp 524K and 163-hp 544K feature PowerTech Tier 4 Final diesel engines that deliver enhanced torque to help maintain good boom and bucket speed in and out of the pile. • Excavator-style hydraulics sense the load and deliver the flow needed for smooth combined functions and fast work cycles • PowerShift torque-converter transmission employs Smart-Shift technology to continuously evaluate speed and load conditions • 544K comes with a standard fivespeed transmission with lockup torque converter in gears 2–5 • Includes keyless start and effortless pushbutton operation of various functions • Quad-Cool cooling system
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TIER 4 FINAL HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR • New higher performance 177 HP engine* • More efficient through lower fuel costs* • Larger LCD color monitor panel* • Wide access service doors
Compact Giant V452T to V6004T Series Compact Wheel Loaders The Giant compact loaders are built by Tobroco Machines and fitted with 45and 60-hp Kubota engines and Bosch hydraulics. • Lift capacities from 4,000 to 6,400 lbs. • Service weights range from 6,100 to 7,300 lbs. • Driving speeds up to 17.5 mph • Articulated steering • Fully customizable with cab/no cab options, hydraulic functions, tires, lighting and more • 360° field of view with high operator comfort and safety
MICHAEL THOMAS / WELDER / CHATTANOOGA, TN “Komatsu excavators come with the latest in technology. I’m proud to be part of the production team that builds them to hold up to years of daily punishment. I make sure they’re as rugged as Komatsu’s quality reputation, because it’s not just Komatsu’s reputation on the line–it’s mine and all my friends too. And that’s why I AM KOMATSU.”
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*Compared to previous Komatsu model. Copyright ©2015 Komatsu America Corp. All Rights Reserved
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WHE E L LOA D E R S Products Wacker Neuson 80 Series Compact Loaders
Doosan DL250-5 and DL250TC-5 Wheel Loaders
Case Tier 4 Final 621F and 721F Wheel Loaders
The 30,115-lb. DL250-5 features a Z-bar loader linkage, while the 31,592-lb. DL250TC-5 has a parallel lift arm design that helps keep items level while the loader is moving. • 172-net-hp DL06 Tier 4-compliant diesel engine with three selectable power modes • Offer breakout force of 23,830 (DL2505) and 22,931 lbs. (DL250TC-5) and bucket capacities of 3.3 cu. yds. • Feature a limited-slip differential, Autoshutdown system and enhanced cab • Optional high-lift configuration (DL2505) provides a 10-ft. 8 in. dump height • Optional hydraulic locking front and conventional rear differential, hydraulic load isolation system, fingertip three-lever controls, rearview camera and more
The 162-hp 621F and 179-hp 721F feature Tier 4 Final 6.7-liter engines using selective catalytic reduction, which lowers exhaust temperatures and fuel consumption, improves throttle response and improves fuel efficiency up to 20%. • Four programmable power modes • Heavy-duty axles with auto-locking front and open rear differentials • Cabs feature full climate control, floorto-ceiling windows and a joystick steering option • Electronically controlled power-tilt hood • Available XT (tool carrier) or XR (extended reach) linkage and specialty configurations
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Komatsu WA380-8 Wheel Loader The WA380-8 has a 191-hp Komatsu SAA6D107E-3 6.69-liter Tier 4 Finalcertified engine, variable geometry turbocharger and auto idle shutdown to enable up to 6% less fuel consumption. • SmartLoader Logic software and lockup torque converter provide optimal engine torque for improved acceleration, hill climbing, top speed and fuel savings • Advanced electronic control system manages air-flow rate, fuel injection, combustion parameters and aftertreatment functions • Features an air suspension, high-back, heated seat, seat-mounted electronic pilot control levers, a 7-in. full-color, high-resolution monitor with ecology guidance and a standard dedicated, full-color, 7-in. rear-view monitor
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The 10,472-lb. 8085 and 12,236-lb. 8085T with telescoping boom have a 12.4-mph standard travel speed with 19-gpm auxiliary hydraulics or an optional Ecospeed high-speed/ high-flow version for travel up to 25 mph and 30-gpm high-flow auxiliary hydraulics. • Two-wheel drive, all-wheel drive and crab steering modes with automatic synchronizing to the selected mode • 74-hp Deutz 2.9L, Tier 4 Final diesel engine with maintenance-free DOC aftertreatment • 8085 offers an 8,047-lb. tipping load and 10-ft. 10-in. reach height and the 8085T has a 6,435-lb. tipping load and 15-ft. 5-in. extended reach • Standard deluxe cab with extra space and storage, air-ride seats, premium HVAC and a panoramic view
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Terex Tier 4 Final Compact Wheel Loaders The 50-hp TL65, 60-hp TL80, 74-hp TL100 and 101-hp TL120 feature Deutz Tier 4 Final engines, closed-circuit hydrostatic drive systems and the Terex Smart Control operating system. • Articulated steering provides up to a 40° turning angle, while the oscillating rear axle design provides a 12° swing angle • Up to 90% of the maximum torque available at startup • Features include a variable-flow hydraulic system, automatic power shift, permanent all-wheel drive and automatic limited-slip differential in the front and rear axles • Parallel Kinematics enable quick, precise lifting of loads to height without constant readjustment of the load angle
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Hyundai HL900 Series Loader The HL940, HL955, HL960, HL970 and HL980 are powered by Cummins and Scania engines that achieve Tier 4 Final by combining selective catalytic reduction and diesel oxidation catalyst systems using diesel exhaust fluid. • Up to 10% greater fuel efficiency via an Eco Pedal, programmable auto-engine shutdown (available with smart key option), fingertip controls, Eco Gauge and five-speed direct drive lock-up clutch • Up to 10% larger cab with improved visibility, a 7-in. interactive touch-screen monitor, fully adjustable, heated air-ride seat, centralized control switches and enhanced climate control system • Include ZF transmissions and axles, a vertically stacked cooling design, cushioned stops on boom and bucket cylinders and centralized lubrication
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The L110H and L120H improve fuel efficiency by up to 18% via an OptiShift transmission that combines a Reverse-ByBraking (RBB) function with a lock-up torque converter to create a direct drive between the engine and transmission. • 8-liter Tier 4 Final-certified Volvo D8J engines with fully automatic regeneration • Load-sensing hydraulics • RBB function automatically reduces engine rpm and applies the service brakes when machine direction is changed • Eco pedal with mechanical push-back force encourages the operator to ease off the throttle when engine rpm is about to exceed optimum operating range • Torque Parallel linkage
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Volvo L110H and L120H Loaders
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Tools to Develop MOTOR GRADER TALENT Training tools and technology help address operator shortage.
s older, experienced motor grader operators retire, you need to make sure there is someone qualified to fill the vacancy. “The most critical tool is seat time and experience,” says Mike Ackerman, product marketing manager, motor graders, John Deere Construction & Forestry. Operators who have worked on the jobsite and understand grade, cut/fill, etc., are key. There is no substitute for experience when it comes to these machines. However, manufacturers are trying to address the critical shortage of qualified operators by offering enhanced features to simplify grader operation, as well as various training aides such as simulators. In the past, it was an “art’” to learn traditional motor grader controls. But now there are options. “I would suggest choosing a machine/control platform that is simple and intuitive,” says Wade Porter, motor grader product application specialist, Caterpillar. “The conventional controls of the past weren’t simple to learn and intimidated new operators. Caterpillar’s M Series joystick controls are simple and intuitive, whether starting from scratch as a new operator or switching over as an experienced blade hand.” Electrohydraulics enable simplified controls. “Motor graders have evolved from traditional lever-operated controls to joystick-controlled machine platforms,” says Ryan
Kunisch, director of marketing, Trimble Civil Engineering and Construction. These electrohydraulic systems allow a computer interface between grade control systems and the machine platform. “Tying the machine control system into the platform allows for an improved ergonomic experience for the operator, increased grading performance and improved accuracy,” says Kunisch. “With Trimble machine control technology, we’re able to increase the performance of the machine because we are directly tied into its computer. Many manufacturers are providing direct connections to these modern machine platforms for machine control.”
EASIER, MORE COMFORTABLE OPERATION New ergonomic controls and better visibility allow an operator to be more productive. An example is John Deere’s Grade Pro offering, which features armrest controls that keep the operator more static in a comfortable position. Coupled with return to straight, lever steer, auto diff lock, enhanced moldboard visibility and antistall, this keeps the operator comfortable in the cab to maintain high levels of performance during 10- to 12-hour days. Caterpillar offers Standard and Advanced electrohydraulic joystick controls. The Standard joystick controls reduce arm and hand movement by almost
80% and increase multi-function capability. The Advanced Control Joystick option allows operators to control either Cat Grade Control/AccuGrade or to run auxiliary functions (such as a snow wing, front plow, ripper, etc.) without removing their hands from the joysticks. But simplified controls are only one of the latest innovations that can reduce the learning curve and simplify what has traditionally been a complex task. “Overall, motor graders have evolved, making them easier to operate,” says Ackerman. “Deere is listening to our customers and understands the pain points an operator used to deal with.” A prime example is shifting. “In older machines, operators would have to ride the inching pedal (or clutch) to make a smooth shift,” Ackerman notes. “With Deere’s Event Based Shifting (EBS), riding the inching pedal is a thing of the past, allowing the operator to make smooth as silk gear and direction changes.” Automatic differential lock is another great example. “Differential lock is a must in a motor grader,” says Ackerman. “Deere’s automatic differential lock allows the operator to turn this critical feature on and go to work. If the operator turns greater than 10°, the differential lock disengages and then re-engages when returning to straight.” A toggle switch-activated auto-diff override allows
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aggressive steering with heavy loads in low-traction conditions. Automated blade control is perhaps one of the most used tools. John Deere offers cross slope and an open architecture approach to grade control as standard equipment on Grade Pro models. Cross slope makes it possible for an operator to adjust to a grade and maintain that grade with one hand. The open architecture allows customers to easily add their preferred grade control system. “Both of these can help an operator increase their proficiency by offering consistency — help them keep a correct slope and help manage material,” says Ackerman. Caterpillar also offers several performance-enhancing technologies, including articulation return-to-center, Auto Articulation, Stable Grade, Cat Grade Control cross slope with preset slope target software, Cat AccuGrade, Economy (ECO) Mode, electronic throttle control, variable horsepower strategy, selectable blade lift modes, automatic differential lock/unlock and WAVS (Work Area Vision System) Camera. Some features may be more useful for lesser experienced operators. “It’s the combination of our Advanced Control Joysticks, Stable Grade and Cat Grade Control/AccuGrade technologies that improves proficiency the most,” says Porter. “The operator control interface and any
LEFT: Deere’s automatic differential lock allows the operator to turn it on and go to work. If the operator turns greater than 10°, the differential lock disengages and then re-engages when returning to straight. MIDDLE: Cross slope and an open architecture approach to grade control systems are two useful tools that John Deere offers as standard equipment on its Grade Pro models. RIGHT: Even with the availability of automated grade control, operators should still understand how to grade with conventional stakes in case the grade control system goes down on site.
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technology that ‘automates’ the performance of the machine and/or moldboard will increase proficiency the most.” Stable Grade detects machine bounce through an accelerometer and will automatically reduce engine speed as needed to stabilize the grader. “Once the motor grader has stabilized, Stable Grade will modulate increased speed back to the desired set level,” says Porter. In today’s environment, “bounce” is managed in a reactive way — the machine bounces, surface damage occurs and the operator reacts by reducing throttle, Porter points out. “While Stable Grade is technically reactive, it works so quickly that it provides a ‘proactive’ feel to the operator and prevents surface damage,” he adds. Cat Grade Control Cross Slope is an optional, fully integrated, factoryinstalled system designed to help the operator improve grading efficiency and more easily maintain accurate slopes. “The system automatically controls one side of the blade, reducing manual operator inputs by as much as 50%,” says Porter. “Experienced operators can maintain peak efficiency levels throughout more of the work day, while less experienced operators can be more productive faster.” The system is scalable for the future with AccuGrade upgrade kits that provide additional 2D and/or 3D control.
the workforce they already have,” says safety, maintenance and operation (SMO) customers and hands-on demonstration Jonathon Goodney, manager, learning videos available for purchase that get into and learning.” technology, John Deere Construction & the safety, daily service checks and operaForestry. “Understanding the skill sets tion tips, which help in identifying all of SIMULATORS IMPROVE PERFORMANCE among your current employees, then the controls in the cab and an explanaSimulators allow operators to learn the identifying individuals with aptitude for tion of how to use them.” controls and techniques without burning motor grader operation is key to longPeer advice from successful operators fuel and risking valuable equipment. term workforce planning. Simulators can is a real plus. “In addition to the SMO John Deere’s motor grader simulator help identify those capabilities, as well as videos, we have Operator Tips from the helps to enhance the hand/eye coordinatrain on the complexities of motor grader Pros videos that are an excellent source tion for operating motor graders. “The operation in a safe environment.” for new operators to learn about how to simulator walks you through the basics Cat Equipment Training Solutions move dirt,” says Goodney. “Real pros give with learning the controls and grading a can help improve productivity and safety suggestions on how to place your blade parking lot. Then it branches into buildthrough the delivery of heavy equipment and improve your grading experience.” ing a road, cutting a V-ditch, crowning a operator training and application trainOperator training can take many road, spreading the base stone and ends ing services. forms. “We offer both simulation and with a grading a cul-de-sac lesson,” says Training offered Goodney. “In the cul-de-sac includes E-Learning lesson, you have to use a combiOperator Training and nation of all functions to be able Caterpillar University to do the exercise. It is really a Online. This traingreat learning tool. Couple up ing has been created the motor grader simulator with for entry-level operaour optional motion platform tors looking for basic and you are ready for an immerknowledge on heavy sive experience.” equipment safety, preCaterpillar also offers access to operation maintenance simulators for operator training. and basic operating A variety of training exercises procedures. Caterpillar designed to address each of the also offers instructor-led skills associated with operating operator training coursactual machines are represented es that provide much in different work environments more than the customsuch as construction and mining. Caterpillar’s Advanced Control Joystick option allows operators to ary orientation training Operators can get realistic control Cat Grade Control/AccuGrade or to run auxiliary hydraulic shared at the time of seat time in a controlled envifunctions, such as a snow wing, front plow, ripper, etc., without machine delivery. ronment. By uniting simulated removing their hands from the joysticks. TRAINING FOR THE FUTURE John Deere prowork site applications and conStart training your most promising invides different types of ditions with realistic controls, house talent. motor grader training offerings, as well. training solutions to provide education Cat Simulators provide hands-on learning “We have talked to numerous cus“On YouTube, you can find John Deere specific to our technology,” says Kunisch. in a safe and economical way to enhance tomers and a good step in finding skilled Safety tips for operating motor graders,” “Our motor grader simulator familiariztraditional operator training programs. motor grader operators is understanding says Goodney. “In DVD format, we have es the operator with key features and the Experienced operators can also benefit operation of the Trimble machine control from simulator training by refining skills box software. Our global SITECH dealer to increase production levels. Performance-enhancing technologies on Caterpillar motor graders include articulation network provides regular training classreturn-to-center, Auto Articulation, Stable Grade, Cat Grade Control cross slope, Cat es for contractors who use our products, GRADE CONTROL CAN HELP AccuGrade, Economy Mode, electronic throttle control, variable horsepower strategy, as well as open house sessions for new A grade control system can help offset
selectable blade lift modes, automatic differential lock/unlock and WAVS Camera.
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productivity losses from less experienced operators. “The most useful tool to an operator is the accessibility of a control box in the cab of the machine which indicates where the operator needs to grade on the project,” Kunisch asserts. “By referencing a 3D design model, an operator can accurately see where and how much material they need to place or remove to millimeter accuracy. Operators leveraging our machine control technology on motor graders and a 3D design model can see their productivity increase by 30% to 50%.” Grade control allows the operator to focus on running the machine. “Motor graders are difficult machines to operate, even for the most experienced operator,” says Kunisch. “Trimble machine control solutions automate the lift and tilt of the blade of the motor grader, as well as automatic side shift of the blade.” This automation simplifies machine operation, regardless of skill level. “The complex adjustments are taken care of by the technology, allowing the operator to focus on blade rotation and blade pitch as required for the particular grading task and steering the machine,” Kunisch notes. “With machine control technology automating more of the blade operation tasks, operator fatigue is minimized and operator turnover is reduced.” Precision and productivity are also increased. “An operator can be more precise and more productive at the same time,” says Kunisch. “With the aid of automatic blade control and utilizing either positioning from a robotic total station or laser-augmented GPS and grading to a 3D design model, operators can maintain precise grading accuracy. Our technology allows the operator to achieve the relevant accuracy, depending upon the application, from rough grading to finish grading applications.” Today’s motor graders are designed to deliver better performance with automated grade control systems. “With the introduction of electrohydraulics on motor graders, machines have been built to more seamlessly accept grade control systems,” says Ackerman. “On our Grade Pro offerings, buttons that control the grade control system have been integrated into the fingertip armrest-mounted controls. There is no longer a need to add multiple controls (levers, switches, etc.) to support/activate these grade control systems.” “All Cat blade control systems, whether Cat Grade Control or AccuGrade, feature in-cab guidance. [This] helps operators work more confidently and achieve targeted grade or slope faster, in fewer passes, using
less material, improving productivity and accuracy over conventional methods,” says Porter. For example, the AccuGrade Dual GPS system features a separate display that can be loaded with a site plan, allowing the operator to select reference points (e.g., centerline of the road) and which side of the blade will follow that reference point. The operator can then simply steer the motor grader, tracing
the reference line on the screen, while elevation, grade and slope are controlled automatically. “However, motor grader operators still need to know how and where to move the dirt,” says Porter. “In addition, if the technology breaks down or fails, productivity can be reduced if the operator lacks the ‘manual’ skills required to do the job without technology.” Of course, operators should still
understand how to grade with conventional stakes as backup. “The concern here is that the grade control system might go down,” Ackerman comments. “In that scenario, it helps to have that less experienced operator to have had some experience with grade stakes, cut/ fill, etc. Having that experience will allow the operator to be productive until the grade control system is back up and running.” ET
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P R OFI T M AT T E R S By Larry Stewart
New Automated Grade Controls Usher in More Efficient Excavators Automation option helps excavators reach target grades 30% faster than unaided machines. automates parts of the digging process to prevent over-excavating — reduces construction time as much as 63%. Caterpillar recently introduced its own automation option – Grade with Assist, initially available on the 323F excavator – that should deliver productivity advantages similar to Komatsu’s PC210LCi-10. The earthmover manufacturers are motivated by early adopting contractors’ appetite for digital grade control assistance, and their technologies are motivating other contractors to deploy these technologies. This dynamic creates a short-lived opportunity to get ahead of the technology shift before your competitors do.
The operator enters on the monitor the desired excavation depth, and the system will indicate how close to desired grade the bucket cutting edge is as the excavator digs.
cott Hagemann, Caterpillar application specialist for machine control & guidance, believes contractors should no more use excavators without GPS grade control on a site where dozers or graders are getting computer guidance than live in a house where one of the bathrooms doesn’t have running water. Even if you don’t agree that excavators need a computerized grade reference as much as bathrooms need plumbing, now is a good time to check out grade control options for excavators, as an increasing number of contractors are bidding work using digital grading aids. Caterpillar demonstrated that its grade indicate technology can improve a competent excavator operator’s productivity as much as 35%, and Komatsu claims its PC210 intelligent excavator — with grade control technology that actually
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RACE TO EXCAVATOR AUTOMATION Why is excavator GPS use increasing now? Hagemann cites two reasons. “First, if you’re using excavators on jobs where your tractors and motor graders use GPS grade control, you’re wasting a lot of time and money
pounding grade stakes just for the excavators,” he says. “Second, we are starting to develop our systems specifically for excavator functionality to give customers more bang for their buck,” he states. “Before, we used to put a generic grade control system on the excavator. It had all the functionality of the motor grader and tractor systems designed into it, and we made it work for excavators. Now we’re actually designing software with functionality specifically for excavators.” For example, a dozer/motor grader system allows the operator to build a single-point design right in the cab. Place the machine’s blade on a desired grade, hit a button and the system guides you to grade flat in all directions from that point. It’s decent functionality for excavators that dig a lot of basements and footings, but you don’t need a $60,000 grade control system to get help digging a flat plane with an excavator. A $200 laser receiver magnetically
By using Grade with Assist, Caterpillar estimates that operators of all experience levels will be able to reach target grade up to 45% faster than unaided excavation.
mounted to the stick can do that job. Caterpillar has been refining excavator-specific functionality in its AccuGrade Dual GNSS system. This 3D grade technology relies on GPS signals to fix the excavator’s latitude, longitude and elevation on site, and combines input from an inertial measurement unit on the excavator and position sensors in the boom, stick and bucket cylinders to locate the bucket cutting edge to within a few millimeters. “The excavator operator can put his bucket tooth in three or four different locations to measure and mirror a slope and actually design a canal or ditch or trench right there on the monitor in his machine,” says Hagemann. Until 2015, excavator grade control adoption lagged dozer and grader use because the 3D systems cost as much as dozer automation, but only indicated where the excavator’s bucket cutting edge was relative to the desired grade. As the bucket cutting edge approaches the designed depth of the excavation, the indicate system alerts the operator with lights on the monitor in the cab and sounds that change as the machine gets closer to target. Caterpillar estimates its indicate-only AccuGrade Dual GNSS system can help an excavator operator hit grade targets 22% faster than machines without digital help. But excavations are only as accurate as the operator’s ability to follow the guidance.
EXCAVATING BECOMES AUTOMATIC “Contractors are looking for not just qualified help, but
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CATERPILLAR ESTIMATES ITS ACCUGRADE DUAL GNSS SYSTEM CAN HELP AN EXCAVATOR OPERATOR HIT GRADE TARGETS 22% FASTER THAN MACHINES WITHOUT DIGITAL ASSIST. people who are willing to learn — to get qualified,” says Jack Louvar, operator trainer and technology specialist at Caterpillar dealer, Altorfer Cat. “Grade technology helps bridge that gap.” Caterpillar estimates that excavator operators of all experience levels will be able to reach target grade using Grade with Assist up to 45% faster than unaided excavation, and up to 30% faster than using indicateonly grade systems.
Holdrege, Nebraska since 1938 | (800) 562-1373
Assist technology helps the operator when the cutting edge gets within 4 in. of target depth by locking onto grade and automatically adjusting the boom up and down and bucket in and out to stay within three-quarters of an inch of the grade target. The operator simply controls stick speed using a single joystick. Assist can also automate bucket movements to maintain a constant bucket angle, which the operator can adjust for optimum cutting approach in the digging conditions. Operator inputs on the joystick override automatic control, but the preset bucket angle can be automatically recalled after each dump cycle. Grade Protect is a feature that prevents the cutting edge from penetrating below a preset grade, eliminating over cutting and rework. Ceiling and Floor Protect prevent any part of the boom, stick or bucket from going above or below a set elevation. The machine can excavate more safely in areas with low ceiling heights, such as indoors and under overpasses, and near overhead or underground utilities.
INTIMIDATED BY THE COST Past pricing suggests AccuGrade Dual GNSS adds about $60,000 to an excavator; Grade with Assist might up the ante another $8,000 to $10,000. These are big numbers. Yet, reaching grade 22% (with indicateonly system) or 45% faster (with automated Assist) should give you an idea of the technologies’ potential ROI. Next, reduce the fuel and labor costs by the percentage appropriate to the technology you’re considering. Reduce the number of machine hours for those jobs by the same percentage. Eliminate the cost for grade stakes, grade checkers, and rework. Reduce the volume of bedding or other imported material by the amount these systems improve grade accuracy. According to Hagemann, many contractors recoup their outlay for AccuGrade systems in the duration
of one big job. Many more earn back their initial investment in the first year. Contractors concerned that their volume of grade-sensitive excavating won’t generate return quickly enough can choose a lower-cost, indicateonly option that does some of what AccuGrade does. The 2D Cat Depth and Slope costs in the $14,000 to $18,000 range depending on machine size. It works with a rotating laser to provide much the same grade indication as AccuGrade — audible and visual alerts on the standard excavator monitor as the bucket cutting edge approaches the design depth. Depth and Slope adds a laser receiver and position sensors to the boom, stick and bucket cylinders. The sensors allow the excavator’s electronics to calculate the exact position of the bucket cutting edge relative to the excavator tracks. And it displays this on the standard excavator display. Using Depth and Slope requires a hub or stake with known elevation. The operator starts by touching the bucket to this benchmark, which calibrates the elevation of the laser reference. Now the operator can move the machine around the site, working with the laser beam as the fixed reference. The operator enters on the monitor the desired excavation depth, and the system indicates how close the bucket cutting edge is to grade as the excavator digs. While Depth and Slope won’t allow the operator to design sloped work from the cab, it can be configured to dig single slopes parallel to the boom and stick. Altorfer’s Louvar has seen it change contractors’ cost expectations. “I have one customer that got Depth and Slope built into a 329,” he says. “I told them it was going to free up time, and they were just really going to see a benefit. So they took me up on it and put a new operator on that machine. He had just 30 to 40 hours of experience operating equipment.” Louvar trained the operator in less than two hours, and the next day the contractor turned the new guy loose digging about 300 ft. of pipe runs. “He dug all that trench by himself with perfect slope,” Louvar says, noting they came back afterward and confirmed the grades with a GPS rover. The job would have taken twice as many personnel hours without the technology. “You would need somebody in the trench checking grade, or the operator would have to check the trench. And when you start getting in and out of the machine, now you run the risk of falling,” Louvar comments. “Plus, the excavator’s idling, burning fuel. “The foreman told me that the system not only made the operator more productive, but it made him (the foreman) more productive because he didn’t have to babysit anyone,” Louvar adds. ET
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Cameras and Radar
Active safety systems combine technologies to help operators better understand a machine’s surroundings.
afety continues to be an important element in equipment design, particularly for larger machines in which operator visibility is hindered due to the size of the vehicle. While mirrors and cameras aid in improving visibility, they can only do so much. Peter Evans, vice president of sales and marketing, Preco Electronics Inc., notes these components are passive because they only work if operators are looking at their mirrors or the camera monitor. “That’s why you need the active technology of radar,” he says. Preco’s PreView Plus, for example, utilizes pulsed radar for proximity detection of objects around a vehicle along with a camera. “It’s a system that can actively give what we call a ‘gentle tap on the shoulder,’” says Evans. “We proactively engage the driver with audible and visual alerts. The audible is coming from the radar detection and the visual is coming from the camera monitor.” Radar is typically the technology of choice for systems used in heavier duty applications due to its ability to withstand
the rugged environmental conditions in which these types of machines work. According to Dale Hessing, Preco’s vice president and chief technical officer, radar provides better performance for both on- and off-road applications, as well as in darker environments and inclement weather. While ultrasonic or laser detection technologies have their place, he says they are better suited for short range or clean environment applications. In July, Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas introduced an active safety system called All Around View Monitoring (AAVM), for its new HX Series hydraulic excavators. Four cameras placed on each side of the vehicle — a traditional backup camera, two side cameras and
a front-mounted camera — are within that 360° radius, the used to provide a 360° view operator hears an alarm and around the vehicle. The operasees an indication on the monitor sees a virtual, composite view tor that there’s an object in that that shows the range,” explains machine in Corey Rogers, the center and marketing actual images manager at from the four Hyundai. cameras. Developed In addiby parent comtion, the pany Hyundai system includes Heavy Hyundai’s Industries Intelligent (HHI), AAVM Within the cab, Hyundai’s AAVM Moving Object is an improvesystem provides operators with a Detection ment upon virtual, composite view that shows the company’s (IMOD), which is the machine in the center and actual previous syscapable of tem, which images from the four cameras. detecting used two side objects that enter into a 16 1/2cameras and a backup camera ft. radius of the machine. “If an to provide three angles of view object were to come in anywhere around a machine.
Radar is typically the technology of choice for safety systems used in heavy-duty applications, such as Preco’s PreView Plus, due to its ability to withstand rugged environmental conditions.
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“There’s definitely a trend toward improved safety on construction equipment,” says Rogers. “The ultimate goal is to provide the safest working environment for the operator and crew around the machine.”
A MORE INFORMATIVE SYSTEM Pairing radar technology with that of a camera into a single system enables it to better understand a machine’s surroundings. Fred Andersky, director of Customer Solutions - Controls, Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC, explains that using the two technologies in tandem allows the system to gain more insight by combining visual information from the camera with object detection provided by the radar. “Now we can do more things more robustly than we were able to do with just the radar alone,” he comments. Stationary vehicle braking is one capability now available through the combination of camera and radar technology in Bendix’s Wingman Fusion safety system. If the system detects a stationary vehicle in a truck’s path, it will first alert the operator. If no action is taken, the system will automatically engage the brakes to help prevent a collision, or at least attempt to reduce the severity if one occurs. “When we had the radar by itself we would provide an alert,” says Andersky.
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This simulation demonstrates Bendix Wingman Fusion’s stationary vehicle alert, which notifies operators when the system detects a stationary vehicle in the truck’s path.
The Wingman Fusion from Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems combines advanced safety technologies including radar, camera, brakes and SafetyDirect into a single driver assistance system.
“But now, because we’re able to do more confirmation and cross checking of what it is the radar and camera see, we have a higher level of confidence that the object in front of us is a vehicle and we do want to apply brakes to help mitigate a potential collision.” Including a camera also helps with other features of the system, such as lane departure warning and traffic sign recognition for over-speed alerts. Using the camera, the system can read speed limit signs and give an alert if drivers are going 5 miles over the speed limit. At 10 miles over, the system will alert the driver, as well as momentarily cut the throttle to get the driver’s attention. Alert prioritization is another key component, helping to avoid distractions that may be caused by having two alerts going off at the same time. “In the past, you could have a collision mitigation system by Bendix and you
might have a lane departure warning system by somebody else,” says Andersky. “Now it’s all integrated together. So if the driver is in a situation where you could have both a collision warning and a lane departure warning at the same time, the system prioritizes the most important alert and provides that to the driver.” When developing these types of systems, Hessing says Preco not only spends a lot of time ensuring their ruggedness but also understanding the types of applications in which they’ll be used. The company has to take the time to understand the types of objects that are important to detect and zones of view for the vehicle type in order to write the appropriate algorithms for the system. “[We work] with some of the OEMs to pick out certain objects or ignore other smaller objects that may not be of interest to the operator,” he notes. “There’s a lot of customization we spend time doing.” Ensuring the reliability of the system and that all of its components work together properly is also key to development, says Andersky. For example, because the Bendix Wingman Fusion system has the capability to automatically engage the brakes when necessary, it’s crucial that the system judge the threat of
collision as accurately as possible. Otherwise, engaging the brakes for no reason would not only be irritating for the driver but also a potential safety hazard. “We have to make sure systems now have as minimal false alerts, false interventions, as possible, because now that we’re intervening on more things, it can create more issues,” says Andersky.
GROWING MARKET ACCEPTANCE Evans says there is a definite trend within the heavy equipment industry toward active safety systems. Though more widely accepted outside the U.S., the systems are gaining ground in the States. Education on the benefits of the technology has been aiding market acceptance, along with the marketing efforts of the auto industry. “Think of someone who gets in their car to get to the work site. Their car has [an active] system in it, then they get into their heavy piece of equipment and it has nothing,” says Evans. “And so really the market is demanding the product. It’s just the acceptance of the OEMs and some of the aftermarket people to put that budget together and make that commitment to safety.” Hessing adds that OEMs and fleets alike want to be safe, but need to be convinced of the return on investment, such as the potential for reduced insurance risks and thus costs. “We spend a lot of time helping them understand the safety equation.”
According to Evans, the transition to active systems is generally a three-phase approach beginning with discussions and investigations into potential safety systems to use. The intermediary phase is adding a camera and monitor for that extra visibility around the vehicle. “What they quickly find, with a camera/monitor by itself, is it becomes irrelevant very quickly because of the dirt, dust, sunlight. It’s not robust, and as a passive technology, they quickly move over to the active radar technology,” Evans says. “It’s really a step that should be bypassed, but it’s a learning curve.” Eventually, he says, they come to the realization that object detection is also a necessary aspect of the safety system. The lower cost of camera and radar technology has benefited market acceptance, as well. According to Andersky, systems using both technologies weren’t feasible 15 years ago because they were cost prohibitive. However, now they have become more affordable and provide improved processing power, which is particularly important given these systems need to make millions of decisions at a time in micro milliseconds. “There’s a lot more processing power available to us in a more compact package than there was before,” Andersky indicates. “We not only have the ECU on the vehicle, but can also have small ECUs in the radar and camera that can also process information.”
THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT DETECTION Earlier this year, ifm efector inc. introduced its 3D Smart Sensor technology, known as O3M, which uses time of flight technology in an array of 1,024 smart pixels to analyze a wide field of view in three dimensions. The sensor is capable of measuring a range up to 35 meters and uses the field of view data it collects to provide obstacle detection, collision avoidance, line guidance and edge/swath detection, as well as height and distance monitoring. Full 3D imaging is delivered to operators within the vehicle cab when 03M detects an object in its field of view. Kevin Vanderslice, ifm mobile sales manager, and Garrett Place, ifm product manager for Vision Sensors, explain that CAN or Ethernet messaging can be used to provide any type of alarm to alert the operator when an object is detected. An alert can even be sent to stop the machine. In the past, mobile guidance was mostly composed of single point and single plane line scan detectors to detect objects in front of a vehicle or machine. Not detecting the full field of view can present problems, as potential obstacles can fall above or below these detection points, Vanderslice and Place point out. They claim O3M addresses these weaknesses by sensing in full 3D, and truly “seeing” everything in front of it. Unlike previous technologies, lighting conditions are not as much of an issue for O3M. It is designed to be able to work under almost any lighting condition, and is robust enough to withstand the shock, vibration, temperature fluctuations and dirt typically found in heavy-duty equipment applications.
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SMARTER SYSTEMS YET TO COME As market acceptance of these technologies continues to grow, so will their capabilities. Hessing says a combination of technologies will most likely be the winner in the long run. In addition to radar and cameras, the incorporation of WiFi location, dispatch and logistics will help create a safer jobsite. He also notes the customization aspect of technologies, including radar, will need to continue to become more intelligent about what they’re detecting and not detecting. “There are algorithms we’re working on now to help ignore things [operators are] not worried about, as well as better algorithms for what they’re viewing,” says Hessing. “The base technology is evolving. We are getting better at recognizing objects in terms of more granularity, more refinement, so that you can better manage your zone of interest. “Where it’s going to go is you will have more capability in the base sensor technology, so you can define those areas better and have better algorithm development to be sure you’re detecting what really matters and ignoring what doesn’t,” he adds. Andersky believes more sensors, such as ultrasonic or shorter range radar, will be implemented as camera and radar systems progress. Moving toward one safety system that includes various safety features, such as lane departure warning or collision mitigation, as opposed to multiple systems will also be the way of the future. These will all aid the further move toward
intelligent transportation systems, or vehicle to vehicle communications, and eventually play a role in autonomous vehicle operation. “Additional information coming into the system is going to be important,” he adds. Bringing in the additional information could allow system designers to begin automating corrective actions
should the system detect a problem, similar to Wingman Fusion’s stationary vehicle capability. “Right now, we warn the driver when he’s going out of the lane,” says Andersky. “If we add some steering control in the future, we would be able to maintain the lane for the driver until he’s ready to make whatever maneuver he wants.
“When we look at the pathway to getting to autonomous vehicles in the future, camera and radar technology are important components,” he continues. “An autonomous vehicle has to be able to see what’s going on around it, and the radar and camera provide different approaches on vision.” ET
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ifm efector inc.’s O3M technology provides 3D imaging of people and objects around a vehicle and is capable of using various types of alarms to alert operators.
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November 2015 | EQ U I P MEN T TO D AY
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TECHNOLOGY TRENDS >> Products Topcon Siteview Technology
DPL Telematics MultiTrack Tracking System
Siteview technology is available as an additional module to the Sitelink3D Enterprise jobsite management solution. • Designed to allow user to visualize what is happening real-time on jobsites from an office setting • Real-time 3D vantage point supplies a machine operator’s perspective, providing the opportunity to solve problems before they slow down progress
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The MultiTrack portable, battery-powered GPS tracking system wirelessly monitors and remotely tracks powered or unpowered assets. • Notifies on demand or if the asset begins moving and alerts if there is unauthorized activity during preset curfews • Quick, unwired attachment to any asset with “slap and track” type installation • Can be hidden inside or under certain assets with little or no sky view required • Remote monitoring from an Internet-based software package or mobile app • Features a rugged SAE J1455-compliant waterproof design, up to 16 weeks of internal battery life and an optional wiring harness
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Doosan Telematics System Doosan Telematics allows remote tracking and monitoring of the company’s heavy equipment, including excavators, wheel loaders and articulated dump trucks. • Standard on all models except DX63-3 and DX85R-3 compact excavators • Monitor equipment location, operation, health and utilization remotely from an Internet-enabled device and upgraded CoreTMS website • Connects directly to the electronic power optimizing system (EPOS) via CAN bus communication • Q-Pro wireless data modem and wireless service sends data collected from sensors on the machine to a website via a cellular signal
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John Deere GoPush App Everything starts at World of Concrete. It’s the industry’s only annual international event dedicated to the commercial concrete and masonry industries. And, it jumpstarts each new year by supplying you with the latest innovations, expert know-how and best new products to finish your work faster, better and more profitably. From the start of each job to its successful completion—we’ve got you covered.
START NOW. A selected participant in the International Buyer Program
The GoPush mobile app acts as an operator’s quick reference guide, allowing contractors instant access to information about their 1050K crawler dozer. • Includes daily service information, recommendations based on extreme site conditions (such as operating on slopes), a maintenance checklist and machine setup information • Icon glossary easily and conveniently familiarizes operators with the instrument panel • Available for iPhone and Android devices as a free download in the iTunes Store and Google Play
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Case SiteSolutions
Cat Inspect Mobile App
Case SiteSolutions brings together the company’s precision construction services, including all telematics and machine control technologies, under one name. • Select equipment available as factory ready for machine control solutions with all three primary machine control brands • Number of machine parameters transmitted via the SiteWatch telematics system increased from 12 to 40 • AM53 modem includes 3G connectivity to improve the modem’s communication speed, coverage and backup battery • Added satellite connectivity for telematics services in areas without cellular network coverage
Cat Inspect is a free mobile app that allows users to download machine-specific inspection forms and capture actionable information during walkarounds. • Inspection types include Technical Analysis (TA1) inspection forms and serial number-specific Preventive Maintenance (PM) checklists • Allows typed or dictated notes, off-line inspections, forwarding to the Cat dealer and PDF distribution • Important alerts sent to VisionLink • Available for Android and Apple devices and Windows 8.1 tablets
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Trimble SNM451 Connected Site Gateway with PressurePro The SNM451 Connected Site Gateway ruggedized telematics device now includes PressurePro’s tire pressure monitoring system capabilities. • Lets user track and manage site assets, light equipment and haul vehicles in the Web-based VisionLink fleet, asset and site productivity management solution • Updates asset location, runtime, cycle time and load count information via cellular connection as often as once a minute • PressurePro Tire Management provides a range of tire performance data including real-time tire pressure and temperature readings • 3G or 4G cellular data communications allow worldwide use
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Danfoss Telematics Solutions This robust “plug-and-perform” telematics platform is available for new mobile off-highway equipment and existing fleet retrofits. • Combines machine-integrated technology, satellite and cellular network connectivity • Capabilities include data analysis, remote diagnostics, remote change of system parameters, remote software updates, machine location and tracking, geofencing, automated report generation, machine efficiency monitoring and analysis and frequency and duration use logging • Customizable, intuitive, Web-based user interface accessible via mobile devices
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Call 800 237-0022 or visit to learn how on-board weighing can benefit your specific application.
Vulcan manfactures on-board weighing systems for all types of aggregate applications including concrete mixers, dump trucks, dump trailers, end dumps, and mining vehicles.
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ADVERTISER........................ PAGE Allmand................................................. 42 American Eagle...................................... 18 Bobcat.................................................... 18 Case Construction................................... 7 Caterpillar Inc............................. 41, Insert Cushman................................................ 19 Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment America...................... Cover, 5 Eager Beaver Trailers.............................. 48 Ford Trucks........................................... 2-3 Freightliner...................................... 21, 52 Hytorc.................................................... 25 Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas Inc........................ 11 Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc.................... 22 JCB........................................................ 31 KCM...................................................... 20 Kenco Corporation................................ 47 Komatsu America Corp.......................... 35 Liebherr Construction Equipment Co..... 24 Mack...................................................... 29 Minimizer.............................................. 30 Minnich................................................... 6 National Pavement Expo........................ 34 Ram Commercial Trucks................... 26-27 Remu USA Inc....................................... 33 Rogers Brothers Corporation................. 20 Rubbermaid Commercial Products........ 51 RWF Industries...................................... 49 Schweiss Doors...................................... 49 SDLG.................................................... 36 Thieman Tailgates Inc............................ 30 Trimble.................................................. 45 Volvo Construction Equipment............. 23 Vulcan On-Board Scales......................... 49 Western Star............................................. 9 Worksaver Inc........................................ 50 World of Asphalt.................................... 39 World of Concrete................................. 46 This index is provided as a service. The publisher does not assume liability for errors or omissions.
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7/23/15 1:00 PM November 2015 | EQ U I P MEN T TO D AY 49
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11/3/15 1:47 PM
R U N N I N G T H E BUS I N E S S By Garry Bartecki
for Equipment Purchases If you’re considering adding to your fleet, now is the time to make your move.
an you say “Buyers’ Market”? Well, it is if you are interested in shoring up your owned fleet to make ready for 2016. With this buyers’ market, I am referring to all types of construction equipment, both new and used. These units will be available from dealers, rental companies, other contractors, auctions and maybe even banks that have had to take control of units because of defaulted loans. Prices for both new and used equipment are falling for any number of reasons. Rouse reports that August auction sales were 7.2% lower than the previous month. That alone would not scare me, but when their reports also show that this is the fifth consecutive month of declining values, that gets my attention. Various other reports I review consistently support the price declines on both the retail and OEM sides. With the energy markets creating an excess of rental equipment, that excess is causing a reduction in rental time and dollar utilization, thus resulting in lower anticipated rental fleet purJob matched attachments chases from Worksaver increase in 2016. your bottom line! These negative rental trends cause an increase in used equipment available for sale, as well as lower OEM production schedules, which in turn have an impact that lowers both new and used prices. These are perfect conditions for you if you are in the market for some specialClose-up ized equipment for your owned fleet. of optional
WE SEEM TO HAVE COME ACROSS A UNIQUE SITUATION WHERE THE ENERGY MARKET RECESSION IS CAUSING AN ALLOCATING COSTS months further back, EXCESS OF AVAILABLE CONSTRUCTION we Aalsofewdiscussed ways to cost out the use of your equipment EQUIPMENT THAT HAS TO BE SOLD OFF for either bidding or costing a (“Bidding for EquipmentIN ORDER TO MAINTAIN PROPER ROI. job intensive Contractors”,
end plate, sold in pairs
Skid Steer Grader Blade
Engineered, Designed and Manufactured in the USA
A couple of months ago, we discussed the financing markets (“Credit Conditions Ease for Equipment Buyers”, and passed along contact information to help you finance a purchase. At these interest rates, I suggest you take advantage if you can. In addition, using a lease to finance the equipment allows you to save on capital and protect your balance sheet. I keep hearing that 50% bonus depreciation is going to be on the table for 2015-16. To use the bonus for this year, the equipment has to be new and delivered to you by December 31, 2015; otherwise, the bonus should apply again in 2016. There was also talk about extending the Section 179 rules, which can be applied when used equipment is purchased. After 2016, I suspect these tax benefits will no longer be available.
Worksaver’s patented SSGB-8A Grader is designed to be used by asphalt, landscaping, and concrete flatwork contractors. A 8’, six-way hydraulically controlled moldboard with in-cab remote provides a smooth finished grade. When matched with a laser system the grader maintains a precise finish grade within a ¼ - inch. Worksaver, Inc., P.O. Box 100, Litchfield, IL 62056-0100 Phone: 217-324-5973 • Fax: 217-324-3356 • E-mail:
Designed. Engineered. Remarkable Value.
FINANCIAL INCENTIVES TO PURCHASE Before we get too carried away, let me say that I am only a fan of owning equipment that is specialized and not available in a rental fleet, or units that are used daily and thus subject to missed opportunities if you were to try to rent these units on a consistent basis. In short, if you really need it, then now is a time to explore the new and used equipment markets. If you decide you do need additional equipment, there are other reasons to make a move now. Specifically, we are talking about financing availability and tax benefits to go along with attractive pricing.
ForConstructionPros. com/11573808). If you need a shortcut to allocate costs, you can use external rental rates as a guide. If your jobs are mostly weekly in nature, then use weekly rental rates. If they normally run three to four weeks, use the monthly rental rate. You can prorate those rates for any extra day or two you add to or delete from the job timeframe. But keep in mind that rental company rates are probably conservative in terms of your actual cost to own and operate the equipment. You may want to kick them up a bit. Even though equipment values are falling, the outlook for construction in 2016 and beyond is good, and if that comes to fruition, I expect equipment prices to again firm up. We seem to have come across a unique situation where the energy market recession is causing an excess of available construction equipment that has Garry Bartecki is the managing to be sold off in order to maintain member of GB Financial Services LLP and proper ROI. a consultant to the Associated Equipment So if you really need some Distributors. He can be reached at (708) equipment — and can justify 347-9109 or owning it — now is the time. ET To access previous Running the Business columns, as well as additional business management information, visit
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The Freightliner Trucks 122SD is the rig for BIG. It offers up to 600 horsepower, a torque rating up to 2,050 lb-ft and a GCWR up to 160,000 lbs. It’s rugged on the outside, yet comfortable on the inside. And with a wheel cut up to 50-degrees, you can deliver BIG right where you want it. To learn more, visit
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Competitive financing available through Daimler Truck Financial. For the Freightliner Trucks dealer nearest you, call 1-800-FTL-HELP. FTL/MC-A-1215. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2013. Daimler Trucks North America LLC. All rights reserved. Freightliner Trucks is a division of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, a Daimler company.
11/4/15 10:05 AM