53 minute read


High power density requirements and long run times make hydrogen an attractive source to eliminate carbon production.

The drive toward zero emissions is a complex undertaking for the heavyduty truck and large earthmoving machine markets. It will require innovative product solutions backed by a stable infrastructure that is cost comparative to running existing diesel-powered machines.

During an April 29, 2021, press conference on driving a hydrogen future, Martin Daum, CEO, Daimler Truck, and Martin Lundstedt, CEO, Volvo Group, shared their visions of the future. “The road to zero emissions is like a multiplication problem,” Daum stated. “We need an attractive vehicle offering, we need a working infrastructure and we need cost parity. Those three factors are combined like multiplication. You know from high school in multiplication if one factor is zero, it doesn’t matter how big or how large the other factors are, the product is always zero.” All three factors need to be present in order for the solution to work.

Meeting regulatory requirements and fleet goals to de-carbonize large construction equipment and heavy Class 7 and 8 trucks is going to require customized solutions. While there has been a lot of progress on battery electric vehicle (BEV) technology in compact construction machinery and light automotive applications, the power densities required by large earthmoving machinery and Class 7 and 8 trucks coupled with long work shifts may favor other solutions.

If the goal is to simply reduce greenhouse gas emissions, renewable fuels can provide a cost-effective option. According to Alastair Hayfield, Interact Analysis, carbon neutral fuels such as biodiesel are a good choice because they’re achievable and don’t require a big investment. “They are definitely an option because, practically, it is going to be very difficult to electrify everything. There are certain applications where it makes no sense from a cost perspective or an operational perspective,” he points out.


Lately, hydrogen has reentered the discussion as a promising solution for heavy earthmoving and other applications that require extreme power densities over long periods of time.

In July 2020, JCB announced it had developed a hydrogenpowered excavator. The 20-tonne 220X excavator prototype is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and has been undergoing testing at the company’s quarry proving grounds. “JCB will continue to develop and refine this technology with advanced testing of our prototype machine, and we will continue to be at the forefront of technologies designed to build a zero-carbon future,” says Lord Bamford, JCB Chairman.

In March 2021, SANY shared that two hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles had rolled off its production line: a dump truck and a mixer truck. The company asserts that heat and water vapor are the only emissions from these hydrogen-powered vehicles. In addition, SANY says these new vehicles provide increased power due to the high-power fuel cell stacks utilized in conjunction with a large torque drive motor and AMT gearbox. Longer driving distances are possible, as well, using hydrogen cylinders with a combined capacity of 443.8 gal.(1,680 L), which ensures a driving range of over 310.7 mi. (500 km).

Hyundai Construction Equipment recently decided to join forces with Hyundai Motor Group to develop hydrogenpowered construction machinery. Hyundai Motors and Hyundai Mobis will design and manufacture hydrogen fuel cell systems, including power packs, while Hyundai Construction Equipment will design, manufacture and evaluate the performance of excavators and forklifts. The target date for mass production and distribution has been set to 2023.

Unlike conventional diesel engine-based equipment, hydrogen fuel cell-based electric construction equipment uses electricity produced through the chemical reactions between hydrogen and oxygen as its power source, meaning no emission of toxic gases into the air. Given the rapidly rising demand for eco-friendly equipment around the world in recent years, hydrogen-based construction equipment is expected to help Hyundai Construction Equipment compete in the global construction market moving forward.

Furthermore, compared to lithium batteries, which have been marred by structural issues limiting various attempts to increase battery capacity, hydrogen fuel cells are much easier to expand, making them a much more logical choice for large forklifts or excavators.

There are many different solutions for electrifying fleets,

Pictured is cellcentric’s twin fuel cell system for heavy-duty applications.

depending on machine size and application. “Hydrogen is an important part of the whole equation,” says Volvo Group’s Lundstedt. “It is a very important answer as energy storage where we cannot rely on electric generation where it happens in a green form, but also to be able to store it and complement the battery electric execution.”

Fuel cells are just a different way to power an electric vehicle vs. a battery. “Both of them will play a very important role, where fuel cell electric vehicles have clear advantages in certain areas and battery electric vehicles have clear advantages in other areas,” says Lundstedt.


There are two ways hydrogen can be utilized as a fuel source. It can be burned in a conventional internal combustion engine or it can be used to produce electricity through a fuel cell. The attraction of burning hydrogen is that it utilizes much of the existing diesel engine technology infrastructure. It simply requires that the internal combustion engine be modified to burn hydrogen instead of diesel.

Since the infrastructure for the internal combustion engine already exists, alternate fuels that use this technology can reduce initial investment. “It’s expensive to get an electrified product offering,” notes Hayfield.

“Just recently there have been a number of manufacturers reviving this concept of hydrogen internal combustion engines,” he continues. “It is not something new. It’s been around for a number of years. But it is getting a little traction now because certain applications within off-highway, in particular, are very difficult to decarbonize. Clearly, there will be pressure to do that somehow.

“Battery electric is not going to be suitable for a large excavator. You have to decarbonize, so what do you do? Obviously, a fuel cell is one option. Biofuels or carbon neutral synthetic diesel is another. A hydrogen internal combustion engine is another alternative,” Hayfield states.

Fuel storage design on the machines is one of the biggest challenges if the machine is going to burn hydrogen. “You have to add compressed storage tanks to the vehicle and that adds quite a bit of cost which you obviously wouldn’t have with a diesel-powered engine,” says Hayfield.

While burning hydrogen does eliminate carbon emissions, there are still emissions produced. “Primarily it’s water and nitrous oxide. From a greenhouse gas perspective, it is great,” says Hayfield. “Because of the high temperature, you do get nitrous oxides produced. Those are the particulate matters that cause respiratory problems for people. Those can be minimized. You can’t get rid of it completely. If legislators choose to focus on that as something that is going to be banned, that’s a problem.”

The cost/benefit ratio of burning hydrogen also remains a question. “It’s going to continue to be expensive to produce hydrogen, particularly if it is green hydrogen,” Hayfield comments. “I am not sure the best use is to burn it. The efficiency of a fuel cell is much higher so it would make more sense to use a fuel cell.”


Many companies have built prototypes that utilize hydrogen fuel cell technology. “The hydrogen fuel cell is gaining quite a bit of traction in very heavy applications,” says Hayfield. “I would expect to see fuel cells being quite an important part of the product mix for that area.”

The hydrogen fuel cell solution has the advantage in that it can be a true zero-emissions technology, depending upon how the hydrogen is produced. “We see hydrogen fuel cells and battery electric power as complimentary technologies in a portfolio of zero-emission powertrains,” says Jeremy Harsin, off-highway business director, Cummins Ltd. “There is no one-size-fits-all universal solution. Hydrogen makes sense for larger equipment with high utilization and energy demands due to the charging infrastructure limitations and the size of batteries needed.”

Battery charge times are a consideration when it comes to larger equipment. “The long recharging times required by larger equipment can be a deterrent,” says Harsin. “For heavier duty cycles, fuel cells would offer more flexibility and higher machine utilization. Battery electric power is more suited to compact, lighter duty machines, particularly in the rental sector.”

Large machines need to carry enough energy to complete their mission. “Onboard storage is a critical component of hydrogen power to store enough to meet duty cycle requirements of a machine,” says Harsin. “Cummins is investing in storage technology with joint venture NPROXX, a world leader in high-pressure hydrogen storage for stationary and mobile applications.”

The performance of the hydrogen fuel cell vs. the conventional diesel engine it replaces will be determined by the efficiency of the system design. “The interaction between fuel cells, batteries, powertrain and fuel storage will determine this,” says Harsin.

He adds, “Understanding and adapting the overall powertrain system will be crucial going forward. The battery size and fuel The cellcentric joint venture is working intensively to prepare series production of fuel cells.

Cummins is focusing its hydrogen development efforts in three areas, including electrolyzer technology for the production of hydrogen.

JCB is testing its hydrogen-powered 20-tonne excavator at its quarry proving grounds.

For heavier duty cycles, fuel cells offer more flexibility and higher machine utilization.


Overall efficiency of the machine design plays into the emissions and energy required. Off-road machines are typically hydraulically intensive. “Hydraulics, historically, have been quite inefficient,” says Alastair Hayfield, Interact Analysis. “There’s a big push at the moment to really improve the efficiency of those hydraulic systems.”

There are a few emerging technologies such as digital hydraulics and hydraulic replacement with electrified components. “They can bring out some pretty impressive efficiency and emissions reductions,” says Hayfield.

So, there is a transition on the powertrain, and that is probably fuel cells, but then there are a lot of technologies that could be applied to the machine to improve overall efficiency quite substantially.

“Hydraulics is one area that gets overlook, particularly for off-highway,” says Hayfield. “There are some really neat things that Danfoss and Bosch are doing. We have done a couple of projects with the universities where they are working on the next-generation hydraulics. They are seeing very impressive gains in system efficiency.” cell depend on the duty cycle of the machine. The integration effort is very important to specify the right solution. This encompasses every component that converts the power source into movement and is an area where Cummins has deep experience and understanding.”


Europe is leading the charge when it comes to driving a hydrogen economy, with European policymakers, the scientific community and manufacturers committing significant resources. The Volvo Group and Daimler Truck formed a 50:50 joint venture, cellcentric, to become a global manufacturer of fuel cells. cellcentric has been tasked with the development, production and commercialization of fuel cells in heavy-duty trucks and other areas. The joint venture has been up and running since March 2021.

“We have been talking about hydrogen and the potential of hydrogen for quite some time,” says Lundstedt. “I have been in this industry 30 years and we have always said it is about 10 years away. But now we are really getting here. We see a clear roadmap for execution both when it comes to technology and commercialization. It’s very promising.”

Electrification is the way forward. “To put it into perspective, we are talking a lot about electric vehicles — batteries, fuel cells, etc.,” says Lundstedt. “It’s important to put into context that all of those are electric vehicles, with the outcome of electric vehicles that we want to achieve with fossil-free executions, with much lower noise, with reduction of NOx and particulate matter.”

Battery electric technology is better suited for shorter distances and lower payloads. “There is an overlap obviously, but when we talk about longer distances and more heavyweight applications, fuel cell electric vehicles will be very well suited, and in particular for demanding long haul applications with a high level of flexibility, long range, forced refueling and high payload,” Lundstedt states.

That’s why Volvo Group joined forces with Daimler Truck to create cellcentric. “It will build upon the strengths, to scale faster, to show a clear direction moving forward and make sure we are investing here and now to hand over a planet for coming generations,” says Lundstedt. “Fuel cells and cellcentric will play a key role and we are excited to have this opportunity.” cellcentric is focused on heavy truck and other heavy commercial applications to produce the power output, durability and modularity the industry demands. “We are reducing the cost step by step in a very concrete roadmap,” says Lundstedt.

There are several advantages to hydrogen fuel cells, which Daum outlined during the April 2021 presentation: “Trucks are often used very flexibly. There are non-predictable routes, surprise transportation tasks where you can’t plan ahead and you need an energy source that gives you reach and dependability and, if you need, immediate recharge like what we have today with diesel.” Hydrogen provides this flexibility.

Then there are infrastructure considerations. “It’s always easy for the first 1,000 trucks to run on electric and use an electric power grid, but we are looking to a future where 100,000s, if not millions, of trucks need the electric power grid at the same time when 10 million or more cars also need the same power grid,” Daum pointed out. “So, in this sense, we need a second source for energy. That energy is hydrogen. Hydrogen has one big advantage — it scales nicely. The more people that use it, the cheaper it gets.”


Hydrogen is currently not necessarily a clean power source. It really depends on how it is produced.

“One of the biggest challenges that you have is that most of the hydrogen produced today is called brown hydrogen,” says Hayfield. “It is made from the by-products of the petroleum industry, so it’s not clean. There are carbon emissions associated with it.” So, you are not really decarbonizing if you utilize it as a fuel source. “You are just moving the problem somewhere else down the supply chain.”

But hydrogen does have potential. “To provide a truly zero-emissions solution, hydrogen production needs to be green, i.e., produced without direct emissions of air pollutants or greenhouse gases,” says

Harsin. “Without being green, it cannot be a meaningful part of the solution for a zero-emissions future.”

He adds, “Cummins is involved in Electrolyzer production, which is used to generate green hydrogen with renewable energy. A recent project is producing up to 8.2 tons per day of low-carbon hydrogen in Bécancour, Québec.”

You need to start somewhere. “There are more realistic plans now to move to things like blue hydrogen or green hydrogen,” says Hayfield. “That potentially brings around the ability to use this as a fuel and it doesn’t have any carbon emissions. It’s much more sustainable. One of the key things here is going to be that ramp up of blue hydrogen or green hydrogen and we’re still a number of years away from that.”

You need to look at the entire energy chain. “The hydrogen that we sell needs to be green hydrogen as any energy going into a battery electric vehicle needs to be green energy. Otherwise, burning diesel would still be better for the environment than burning coal someplace and then feeding that either as electricity or hydrogen into a vehicle,” says Daum.

“Clearly, using hydrogen has potential, but it is only going to fulfill its biggest potential if it can all be green hydrogen, and we’re a long way off of doing that now,” says Hayfield. “You have to start somewhere, but you cannot fix everything at once.”


Like most alternative energy solutions, hydrogen also faces an infrastructure challenge. Hydrogen generation, storage and infrastructure are some of the key challenges facing the market.

“Even with many projects in place to increase hydrogen refueling, that will take time and resources to develop,” says Harsin. “Adoption of hydrogen will likely begin in markets where fueling can be done centrally, such as at home base operations or close to large hydrogen hubs where there is access to affordable renewable power.”

The hydrogen infrastructure is the key challenge holding back mass adoption. During Daum’s presentation last April, he explained, “If we would have a working infrastructure, it would be extremely easy to sell 100,000 fuel cell trucks and we would have 100,000 fuel cell trucks on the road. Unfortunately, we will never have 100,000 trucks out on the road without infrastructure.” This will require support from energy companies and politicians to secure the initial investment.

Component cost will continue to be an important factor, as well. “We just did a piece of research looking specifically at pricing for electrified components for offhighway applications,” says Hayfield. “One of the biggest challenges is low volumes. You cannot get the same pricing for batteries that GM or Tesla does. If you go to the manufacturer and say you need 1,000, the price ends up being three or four times what it is in automotive. That’s another challenge this industry has to face. It is another thing that is going to make electrification or decarbonization very difficult in this space. How many engineering dollars do you want to invest if you are selling a couple thousand units a year?”

In other words, don’t expect an overnight switch to hydrogen fuel cell technology. “The adoption of fuel cells will be gradual over the next five to 10 years as they become not just environmentally but operationally and economically viable for OEMs and operators,” predicts Harsin. ET


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Wacker Neuson ET145 Excavator

The 32,886-lb. ET145 features a 73.8hp, Tier 4 Final turbocharged engine and optimized powertrain that utilizes a constant power concept to deliver maximum horsepower and torque regardless of load.

•127° boom swing •Provides a breakout force of nearly 20,500 lbs. and digging depth of 18 ft. •High-performance hydraulics enable spontaneous actuation of the hydraulic functions and maximum working speed •Spacious, ergonomic cab design with intuitive, easy to reach controls, 7-in. high-resolution color display and backup camera •Comes with a solid cast dozer blade and offers steel, rubber or hybrid tracks www.forconstructionpros.com/12126979

Takeuchi TB2150 Hydraulic Excavator

The 34,646-lb. TB2150 offers a maximum digging depth of 18 ft. and maximum bucket breakout force of 22,190 lbs.

•Deutz TCD 3.6-liter, turbocharged, Tier 4 Final-compliant diesel engine offers 114 hp and 339.3 ft.-lbs. of torque •Engine utilizes a DOC+SCR aftertreatment system that requires the use of diesel exhaust fluid but does not need a DPF •Operator station includes an operatorfriendly, automotive-style interior, heated deluxe high-back air suspension seat and 7-in. color multi-information display •Standard Takeuchi Fleet Management telematics system www.forconstructionpros.com/12273563

SANY SY215C Excavator

The SY215C excavator is powered by a Cummins Tier 4 Final engine and features two circuits of auxiliary lines down the arm for ready to use hydraulic power.

•Side frame rails standard •Optimized cabin for visibility and operator comfort •SANYLive telematics GPS system keeps track of engine hours, fuel usage, location history, alerts and events www.forconstructionpros.com/12293819

Kubota U48-5 Compact Excavator

The U48-5 tight tailswing compact excavator has an 11,057-lb. operating weight, 40.4 gross hp and a maximum digging depth of 10 ft. 8 in.

•Bucket breakout force of 9,304 lbs. •Offers a full-digital, full-color, 7-in. LCD screen with intuitive jog dial for single glance access to various functions •Optional keyless start available •Features a larger, redesigned cab with improved visibility and reduced noise •Comes in a canopy or cab model www.forconstructionpros.com/21427885

Mecalac MCR Series Excavators

The updated 6MCR, 8MCR and 10MCR crawler skid excavators provide the swiftness of a skid steer with the rotation of an excavator for versatility and enhanced travel speeds.

•Combine a three-part arm and rotating ability to deliver 360° capability •Arm can be tucked in even with a full bucket for a true zero turn radius •Feature a hydrostatic transmission and drive motors with a dedicated pump to drive the motor •Capable of travel speeds up to 6.2 mph •CONNECT quick-coupler system allows operators to quickly transition between attachments without leaving the cab www.forconstructionpros.com/21136452

John Deere SmartGrade 470G LC Excavator

The 470G LC is now offered with factory-installed grade management solutions, including SmartGrade, SmartGrade-Ready with 2D, 3D Grade Guidance and 2D Grade Guidance.

•Cab includes a refined monitor with turn-and-tap rotary control, premium high-back, thermal heat and actively cooled, three-way adjustable leather seat, single-pedal hydraulic propel system and standard multi-language LCD monitor •Powerwise Plus hydraulic management system delivers on-demand hydraulic power and offers precise pump control •Precision technologies include Virtual Front, Over-dig Protect, Virtual Ceiling, Virtual Floor, Virtual Swing and Virtual Wall www.forconstructionpros.com/21940210

Caterpillar 304 and 305 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavators

The 4-tonne 304 reduced radius mini excavator has a 45-hp Cat C1.1 Turbo diesel engine while the 5-tonne 305 CR compact radius model has a 45-hp C1.7 Turbo Tier 4 Final/Stage V diesel engine.

•Standard dig depths of 126.4 and 134.6 in. and long stick dig depths of 138.2 and 144.5 in., respectively •305 CR offers hydraulic system improvements that enable breakout forces of 11,061 lbf. bucket, 6,362 lbf. standard stick and 5,665 lbf. long stick •Include the Stick Steer System, two travel speed ranges, standard cruise control, standard auxiliary system and sealed and pressurized cab enclosure •Large display with advanced touchscreen option www.forconstructionpros.com/21940147

Case CX350D LR Long Reach Excavator

The 88,200-lb. CX350D LR has an elongated boom and arm and additional counterweight for increased capabilities in deep or long-distance digging tasks.

•268-hp Tier 4 Final diesel engine with lowmaintenance selective catalytic reduction (SCR) •Maximum dig depth of 46 ft. 3 in. and bucket digging force of 24,500 ft.-lbs. •Includes an electronically controlled pump, larger control valve and multiple advanced sensors •CASE Intelligent Hydraulic System with four integrated control systems •Speed Priority, Heavy and Automatic working modes www.forconstructionpros.com/21105160

Kobelco SK140SRLC-7 SR Series Excavator

The 32,800-lb. SK140SRLC-7 with short rear swing capabilities delivers a 19-ft. 7-in. digging depth and digging force of 24,800 lbf.

•Tier 4 Final diesel engine produces 105 net hp at 2,200 rpm •Attachment selection system with adjustable flow-rate presets for bucket, breaker, nibbler and thumb •Independent travel to move, lift and swing simultaneously without loss of power •Includes a built-in rear, left- and rightside safety camera system with splitscreen display, 10-in. color monitor and jog dial integrating multiple functions www.forconstructionpros.com/21134030

JCB 35Z-I Zero Tailswing Compact Excavator

The 3.5-metric ton 35Z-I has a 24.7-hp Perkins Tier 4/Stage V diesel engine that meets emissions requirements with no need for electronic control, DPF or EGR.

•Max digging depth of 10 ft. 5 in. and nearly 7,200 lbs. of bucket tearout force •Programmable auto-idle and four different engine modes reduce fuel consumption •Bosch-Rexroth variable displacement, load-sensing, electro-proportional hydraulic pump •High-flow, electro-proportional, doubleacting auxiliary hydraulics deliver 18.5-gpm flow •Electro-proportional joystick controls www.forconstructionpros.com/21940198

The 38,376-lb. E165 conventional tailswing excavator features a 131-hp (gross) engine and four selectable power modes to adapt performance to the application.

•Provides a 20-ft. dig depth and 25,794-lbf. bucket digging force •Smart Power Control matches load to engine rpm, hydraulic pump torque and engine response •Variable Speed Control automatically reduces engine rpm during low workload requirements •Low-noise, pressurized cab with air suspension seat, premium heat and air conditioning system, 7-in. LCD display panel and standard rear view and side view cameras www.forconstructionpros.com/21138267

Hyundai HX160AL Excavator

The HX160AL mid-sized excavator has a 152-net-hp Cummins-B4.5 Stage V-compliant diesel engine with a new emissions system equipped with a DPF that incorporates passive regeneration.

•Integrated Intelligent Power Control (IPC) mode and improved RCV levers enable finer, more precise control and reduce operator fatigue •Lift mode simultaneously controls power/speed and maintains it throughout the lift cycle •Auto safety lock prevents unintended hydraulic operation •Optional All Around View Monitoring system can be coupled with Intelligent Moving Objects Detection www.forconstructionpros.com/21784627

LBX Link-Belt 245 X4 Spin Ace

The 56,900-lb. Link-Belt 245 X4 Spin Ace has a max dig depth of 21 ft. 10 in. and bucket digging force of 34,600 lbf.

•160-net-hp Isuzu Tier 4 Final diesel engine delivers up to 5% improved fuel efficiency and doesn’t require a DPF •Redesigned hydraulic system reduces cycle times by up to 10% •Speed Priority, Heavy and Applied Power modes •Includes structural improvements to the boom and arm and a robust undercarriage with larger track rollers and thicker plating •Quiet, pressurized, ergonomic cab with 7-in. high-definition LC monitor, RemoteCARE telematics and full-time rear view camera www.forconstructionpros.com/21013531

Liebherr R 928 G8 Excavator

The R 928 G8 crawler excavator has a total weight of less than 30 tonnes in various configurations and features high drawbar pull, enhanced load bearing capacity and a large bucket.

•Optimized weight for easier transport •Develops higher tearout and breakout forces, plus the torque of the superstructure has been increased •Features include an optimized load curve and improved inertia in the rotary drive •Robust X-form undercarriage •Includes a spacious, air conditioned cab with fully retractable front window, pneumatic seat and high-resolution touchscreen www.forconstructionpros.com/21391973

Yanmar SV40 Compact Excavator

The 9,206-lb. SV40 ultra-tight tailswing compact excavator provides the flexibility, stability and performance of a 5-ton unit without the need for a CDL.

•39-hp Yanmar electronically controlled, Tier 4 Final diesel engine •VIO progressive three-pump hydraulic system (VIPPS) •Delivers a digging depth of 11 ft. 3 in. •Standard SMARTASSIST remote communication system, ECO Mode, Auto-Decel Mode, backfill blade levercontrolled with float position, two-speed operation and LCD monitor •Available in cab or canopy and with optional second PTO function, four- or six-way blade and added counterweight www.forconstructionpros.com/21131888

Doosan DX42-5K and DX50-5K Compact Excavators

The 10,114-lb. DX42-5K and 11,486-lb. DX50-5K offer maximum dig depths of 10 ft. 5 in. and 11 ft. 5 in. and are powered by fuel-efficient 42.6- and 49.7hp Doosan three-cylinder diesel engines.

•Dual-flange track roller system and enhanced counterweight enable better over the side digging and lifting abilities •Integrated lift eye •Dozer blade top edge has a more durable design and a blade and frame designed with angled top and rounded edges •Easy to reach auxiliary hydraulic couplers •Standard air conditioned cab with wider seats, responsive joystick controls and buttons and 5-in. display panel www.forconstructionpros.com/21159585

Komatsu PC78US-11 Compact Excavator

The 17,747-lb., 67.7-hp PC78US-11 tight tailswing excavator has high-flow auxiliary hydraulics and proportional joysticks for precise attachment control.

•Faster boom up/swing speed and responsive quick arm speed ensure efficient excavating and leveling •Six working modes tailor machine to required tasks •Standard grading blade with new moldboard profile improves backfilling and light grading efficiency •Quiet, climate-controlled cab with air suspension seat, Bluetooth radio and high-resolution monitor with rear view camera www.forconstructionpros.com/21710544

Kato 50V5 Compact Excavator

The 50V5 has a 12-ft. 7-in. dig depth, 9,100 lbs. of breakout force at the bucket and weighs in at an easily towable 10,830 lbs.

•Kubota V2403-CR-E5B diesel engine rated at 43.5 hp at 2,400 rpm •43-gpm total hydraulic system flow and 16-gpm maximum auxiliary hydraulic flow •Features an offset boom, stable track frame and 6-ft. 6-in. dozer blade •Operating environment comes in open canopy or cab configurations with highly responsive pilot controls and easy to read instrument panels •Wide-opening access panels and large compartments ensure ease of service www.forconstructionpros.com/21366114

Volvo EC530E and EC550E Excavators

The 50-ton class EC530E and EC550E offer 456 gross hp and 1,623 lbs.-ft. of max engine torque at 1,300 rpm.

•Maximum digging depths of 25 ft. 8 in. and 25 ft. 3 in. and a standard breakout force of 56,450 lbs. •Super-rigid reinforced undercarriage •Electrohydraulic system contributes to a 25% improvement in fuel efficiency due to Independent Metering Valve Technology with intelligent electronic control •Feature a creep mode, selectable boom/swing and boom/travel priority, adjustable boom-down speed and boomand-arm bounce reduction technology •Optional Comfort Drive Control and Dig Assist www.forconstructionpros.com/21563138

Hitachi ZX210-6 and ZX210LC-6 Utility Class Excavators

The ZX210-6 and ZX210LC-6 feature a 160-net-hp Isuzu 4HKI Tier 4 Final diesel engine that meets rigid emission standards without a DPF.

•Offer 45,836- to 48,238-lb. operating weights and maximum digging depths of 20 ft. 3 in. and 21 ft. 11 in. •31,698-lb. bucket digging force (SAE) •HIOS III hydraulic system •Includes High Productivity (HP), Power (P) and Economy (E) work modes, plus programmable attachment modes •Cab includes a multifunction LCD monitor with rotary control, ergonomically placed, low-effort joysticks, fully adjustable highback sculpted seat, high-efficiency HVAC system and more www.forconstructionpros.com/21603149

Brunner & Lay Demolition Tools

Brunner & Lay manufactures a wide range of demolition tools for use with most types of heavy-duty, boommounted breakers.

•Manufactured from high-quality heattreated steel •Provide the hardness, impact strength and durability required to face arduous conditions in quarrying, mining and other applications •Include points, chisels, blunts and other specialized working ends and in special lengths www.forconstructionpros.com/10077444

Bobcat Nitrogen Breakers

Six nitrogen breaker models are available to fit Bobcat compact track loaders, skid-steer loaders, mini track loaders and compact excavators.

•Offer impact energy ratings from 81 to 996 ft.-lbs. •Long piston stroke with relatively minimal recoil •Feature minimal internal parts, a single lower bushing and easily accessible grease ports •Valve design lessens hydraulic pressure fluctuation, reducing stress on the carrier’s hydraulic pumps •Loader X-Change mounting frame www.forconstructionpros.com/21045626

Case Hydraulic Hammers

These hydraulic hammers feature just two moving parts, low recoil and accumulator-free technology.

•Specifically made for Case heavy and compact excavators, loader-backhoes, compact track loaders and skid steers •Come in easy to install kits with fully configured and preassembled hoses with service tools included •Every blow isolated from the carrier and operator in the cushion chamber and energy recycled and used for the next blow •Long-stroke piston for efficient energy transfer and recoil reduction www.forconstructionpros.com/21113318

REMU CR 1100 Crushing Bucket

The CR 1100 crushing bucket is designed to decrease the volume of most common materials from demolition sites including tile, concrete, drywall and asphalt.

•Slow rotating crushing drum powered by two direct drive motors ensure high torque •Maximum cutting force of 38,500 ft.-lbs. •Operated with a 25- to 40-ton excavator •Total processing capacity of 40 cu. meters per hour www.forconstructionpros.com/21129707

Stanley LaBounty Multi-Jaw and Mobile Rotation Pulverizer

The LaBounty Multi-Jaw Demolition Tool (MRX) has 360˚ rotation and can be used for primary and secondary demolition and off-site concrete processing, while the Mobile Rotation Pulverizer (MRP) has a dedicated concrete pulverizer jaw.

•Short center of gravity •Interchangeable jaw with options for a concrete pulverizer, concrete cracker or shear •Open lower jaw improves penetration and rapidly downsizes material •Dual rotation motors with optimal holding power and durability •Replaceable wear areas www.forconstructionpros.com/21111022

Kinshofer DXS Mobile Shears

The DXS mobile shear has been engineered to deliver a scrap shear with maximum force, enhanced speed and low weight.

•Can be used for a variety of tasks including demolition, scrap processing and tire recycling •Equipped with DemaPower 2.0 hydraulic cylinder technology that delivers 25% more power and faster cycle times www.forconstructionpros.com/20988130

UB Equipment 300 Series Breakers

The 300 Series includes 13 breaker models ranging from 350- to 10,000-ft.-lb. impact energy ratings.

•Available for skid steers, mini-excavators, backhoes and excavators •Feature a cradle-style bracket, meaning there are no bracket bolts to break •Nitrogen gas-assisted design •Control valves concealed inside of smaller units for added protection •Accumulator located on the side of larger models to protect the hydraulic system •Replaceable tool bushing www.forconstructionpros.com/10085399

Alpine G40 High Performance Geared RockWheel

The G40 is suited for excavators from 20 to 50 tons and generates a maximum cutting force of 30,300 lbs.

•Cutting drum speed of 45 to 75 rpm •Max cutting head torque of 34,100 ft.-lbs. •Cutting width of 33 in. with demo drums •190-hp input power (continuous) with a max operating pressure of 5,800 psi and required flow rate of 50 to 110 gpm www.forconstructionpros.com/21940356

Epiroc ES Hydraulic Breakers

The ES hydraulic breaker attachments include the ES 60, ES 70 and ES 80 models for carriers from 2,800 to 26,500 lbs.

•Slim, compact design provides easy handling, good visibility and high maneuverability •Solid block of special casted material eliminates need for a separate guiding system, tie-rods or stud bolts •Removable piston liner increases serviceability •Integrated control valve optimizes efficiency while the EnergyRecovery system increases operating efficiency and lowers vibrations www.forconstructionpros.com/21201287

Rockwater CB Hydraulic Breakers

CB breakers are available for excavators, backhoes and skid steers ranging from .8 to 55 tons.

•Compact, lightweight range for compact excavators and skid steers includes a unique valve system and plumbing design that provide power and efficiency while requiring less oil flow •Medium range for backhoes and excavators offers power and versatility for working with a wide range of operating pressures and oil flows •Heavy-duty range for excavators beyond 20 tons are fully box framed with damping materials to reduce noise and recoils to the carrier, and come pre-installed with an auto grease system www.forconstructionpros.com/21070427

Rotobec RCB Construction Breakers

Eight monoblock breakers are available for excavators ranging from .08 to 15 tons and five tie-rod models are offered for excavators from 17 to 72 tons.

•Monoblock design includes a polyurethane jacket to reduce impact vibrations to the machine and lower noise levels •Diaphragm accumulators used for consistent performance with no recharging required •Tie-rod design incorporates a heavy-duty tie-rod assembly and internal components that are easy to access and maintain www.forconstructionpros.com/10962632

Genesis GCG Cyclone Rock and Concrete Grinder

The GCG Cyclone rock and concrete grinder features optimized pick patterns for smooth and powerful operation with lower vibrations.

•Available for 1,400- to 250,000-lb. excavators •Comes with a chain, gear or direct drive motor based on model size •Two-hose hydraulic system eliminates need for a case drain line and simplifies installation •Soft start system and protective valving protect motor from overpressure, overheating and misuse www.forconstructionpros.com/21004044

Allied Rammer Small Range Breakers

The 555, 777 and 999 Rammer small range breakers are designed without tie-rods and incorporate the

Constant Blow Energy (CBE) plus operating system. •For carriers between 7,500 and 27,600 lbs. •Integrated one-piece tool bushing design requires fewer parts and is easily field replaceable •Box-type housing with dampening material reduces noise and vibration and fully protects the power cell •Dual accumulator (High Pressure and Low Pressure) design provides maximum power with less pulsation in hydraulic lines www.forconstructionpros.com/12138533

Montabert V7000 Hydraulic Breaker

The V7000 breaker fits in the 20,000-ft.-lb. impact energy class and is suited for 70- to 120-ton carriers.

•Variable energy technology automatically adapts breaker energy according to the rock/material hardness •Automatic pressure regulator ensures optimal performance regardless of oil temperature or hydraulic conditions •Energy recovery valve captures recoil and converts it back into additional energy •Suspension system reduces vibration and wear •Includes blank fire protection, an automatic lubrication system and optional air pressurization kit for underwater applications www.forconstructionpros.com/21131861

Okada TSWB Series Primary Crusher

The TSWB concrete crushers include eight models weighing from 1,940 to 26,460 lbs. and are suited for carriers from 13 to 330 tons.

•Crushing force at tip ranges from 40 tons for the 620V to 242 tons for the 2400V •Seamless casting components and a custom tooth design enable faster material fracturing •Feature a large jaw opening, 360° hydraulic rotation, standard speed valve for shorter cycle times, built-in pressure relief valve and flat-mount design •High-pressure twin cylinders with cylinder rod covers (except TSWB 2200V) www.forconstructionpros.com/21131869

Antraquip Rockwheel Attachments

Carbide rockwheels and diamond saw attachments are available for excavators of all sizes and various applications.

•Carbide rockwheels offer a cutting solution for soft to medium hard rock and concrete cutting applications with a minimum width of roughly 2 in. •Diamond saw rock wheels (AQD Series) cut the hardest rock including granite, basalt, etc., as well as reinforced concrete www.forconstructionpros.com/21045623

ALLU Demolition and Quarry Crushers

The crusher series includes three models for excavators in the 10- to 33-ton range.

•Reversible crushing reduces potential for jamming, blockages or obstruction with rebar while delivering greater levels of production •Feed plate design built into jaw ensures the feeding function in a fully loaded chamber delivers high rates of production with minimal risk of bridging •Simple mechanical pin adjustment for output size regulation with quick adjustment for various output specifications •Clam-like crusher opening allows for easy, quick replacement of wear parts www.forconstructionpros.com/21121513

Brokk Drum Cutters

These drum cutter attachments are suited for detailed excavation applications such as contouring and trenching.

•BDC 40 and RT 15-40 offer 15.2- and 4.7-in. cutting widths and are suited for the Brokk 70 demolition machine •BDC 50 pairs with the Brokk 110, 120DII and 170 to provide a cutting depth of up to 1.2 in. at a width of 18.9 in. •BDC 100 for the company’s larger demolition machines (200, 300, 500, 520D and 900R) is 24 in. wide with a cutting depth of up to 2.6 in. •BDC 250 pairs with the Brokk 500, 520D and 900, is 26.8 in. wide and offers up to a 3.1-in. cutting depth www.forconstructionpros.com/21927841

Breaker Technology CX Series Hydraulic Breakers

The CX Series small-size hydraulic breakers are suited for continuous duty in harsh environments including concrete breaking, secondary breaking in mining or quarry applications, demolition and trenching.

•Three models (CX4, CX6 and CX8) fit in the 400- to 800-ft.-lb. energy class and weigh from 396 to 734 lbs. with top bracket •Dual blow ratings (long and short stroke) ranging from 350 to 1,100 bpm •Recommended for carriers from 4,400 to 17,700 lbs. •Standard silenced box with optional side plate mounting and skid-steer bracket www.forconstructionpros.com/21118012

Komatsu V-Series Hydraulic Breakers

The 100% hydraulic-fired V-series breakers modulate their impact force and frequency with up to 16 working positions to match most applications.

•Compatible with the PC210 up to the PC490 excavators •Energy-saving recovery valve recuperates energy to drive efficiency •Automatically select best piston stroke length and speed based on material hardness •Shock-dampening upper and lower suspensions help reduce risk of cracking excavator booms and breaker housings •Completely enclosed sound-dampening housings www.forconstructionpros.com/21940345

Gensco Clamshell and Crusher Buckets

Clamshell buckets are designed for earthmoving applications while the CBF Crusher Bucket Series is suited for extreme working conditions like quarries and pits.

•Clamshell buckets can be supplied with or without teeth and equipped with hydraulic rotator and include blades made of wear-resistant steel HB400/500 •Pins and bushings of clamshell buckets made of special steel with heat treatment for hardening •RC Series buckets available in different designs and sizes and are best suited for small or medium-sized worksites www.forconstructionpros.com/21115066

Danuser Stump Auger

This standard 2-in. hex auger attachment planes away stumps without requiring large, specialized equipment.

•10-in. diameter can run on auger units with 1,700 ft.-lbs. or more of torque and 16-in. diameter can run on auger units with 3,000 ft.-lbs. or more of torque •Hardened steel threaded pilot digs into stump and large, reversible/indexable, hardened steel cutting blades shave stump away •Weigh 50 and 70 lbs. with a 27-in. overall length for both sizes www.forconstructionpros.com/21940335

Bobcat Heavy-duty Buckets

Large excavator attachments include a trenching bucket and grading bucket paired specifically with the E145 and E165 large excavators.

•Heavy-duty trenching bucket for the E145 makes light work out of the heaviest digging and comes in 24-, 25- and 42-in. sizing options •Heavy-duty grading bucket can be pinned on, quick coupled or utilized with a thumb and is especially suited for operators looking to easily finish, grade, backfill or clean ditches www.forconstructionpros.com/21204861

EDGE Dirt/Construction Bucket

Dirt/construction buckets are offered as standard/extended or heavy duty (with or without flush-mounted teeth) and as standard, high or low heel.

•Feature a .75-in. cutting edge thickness and 34.6-in. bucket depth •Heaped capacities range from 11.4 to 23 cu. ft. •Deliver enhanced cutting edge visibility and high breakout force •Compatible with various Gehl and Mustang skid-steer and compact track loaders www.forconstructionpros.com/21205035

May-Wes Poly Cutting Edge

These Poly Cutting Edges protect pavement from plow damage and reduce shock to equipment in uneven surface conditions.

•Manufactured with durable non-stick UHMW poly •Available beveled on both sides for horizontal applications such as pay loaders and skid steers •Also offered unbeveled for vertical applications such as truck and ATV plows •Custom hole and counter-bored hole drilling and hardware kits available www.forconstructionpros.com/21614911

Leading Edge Multi-DigNRip V-Raptor Bucket

The Multi-DigNRip V-Raptor Bucket (MDNRVRB) features a ripper/ bucket combination for excavators and backhoes.

•Can be used to rip rock, coral or frozen ground, pry out and carry stumps and cradle boulders •Rip a clean narrow V trench for utilities •Scoop and load material •Manufactured with high-strength Swedish Hardox 400 alloy steel •Available for any backhoe, mini-excavator or excavator weighing over 6,000 lbs. www.forconstructionpros.com/21106160

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MB Crusher MB-HDS523 Shafts Screener Bucket

The MB-HDS523 is compatible with excavators ranging from 30- to 45-ton operating weights and features five shafts positioned to ensure a greater production rate and processing speed.

•“V Shaft System”’ design creates a simultaneous dual screening effect •Concealed comb allows material to enter and flow through rotors without jamming •Powered by two motors for consistent and quick performance •Shafts can be easily switched out and replaced on site in minutes •Rotors can be easily extracted and repositioned www.forconstructionpros.com/21497140

Level Best Precision Grader Blade

The GB108 Precision Grader Blade has a 108-in.-wide rugged blade that adjusts in four directions and works with all makes of 2D and 3D guidance systems, including GPS and robotic total station (RTS) systems, as well as manually.

•Designed to fit all popular makes of compact track loaders •Enables high-precision grading of subsurfaces to within 0.1 in. of spec •Features eight-way blade adjustment, a reversible cutting edge and oscillating front axle to stabilize operation •Includes foam-filled tires, a powder-coated finish, convex mirrors for visibility to material, proportional hydraulic valve and hoses with flat-face couplers www.forconstructionpros.com/21124713

K-Tec 1228ADT Scraper

The 1228ADT scraper is designed to move a heaped capacity of 28 cu. yds. with a 25- to 30-ton articulated dump truck.

•Available with telematics system for real-time earthmoving jobsite performance information linked to the office via cloud software dashboard •Three-piece blade with a 12-ft. cutting width •Automatic cushion ride or optional ride control •Includes responsive joystick control functionality and a digital display screen inside the truck cab •Can self load or be push loaded or top loaded www.forconstructionpros.com/12157424

Case Precision Grader Blade

This Precision Grader Blade for large-frame compact track loaders (CTL) is compatible with the use of laser receivers (single or dual), sonic tracers (single or dual), GNSS/ GPS (single or dual) and total stations.

•“Plug and play” attachment design with auxiliary hydraulics and 14-pin electrical connection of a large-frame CTL •108-in. moldboard capable of jointly changing elevation and slope through dual lift cylinders and achieving 60° of combined blade rotation and 26 in. of combined blade side shift •Motion and action controlled through the existing joysticks of the CTL with no additional controls required •Provides 97 in. of grading width even at full rotation www.forconstructionpros.com/21710565


Marlboro Mountain Construction (MMC) is an all-purpose excavating company in upstate New York that loves a challenge. So, when owner Steve Bianco was approached about building a 12-ft. retaining wall along a cliff overlooking Dead Man Falls as part of a cliff walk trail, he jumped at the opportunity.

Bianco has been doing varied construction projects for as long as he can remember. “I grew up on a backhoe, but this company has been in existence since 2000,” he states. “We try to get unusual kinds of jobs, interesting and challenging jobs.”

For this particular project, two excavators were used. One was used to pass the Rosetta Outcropping pieces to the other, which then traveled and set them. Bianco and his team had to drill into bedrock and add rebar and concrete behind the block to anchor and add mass to the gravity retaining wall.

The project required creativity, patience, the expertise gained from a lifetime of experience and the correct, often specialized tools — an Engcon Tiltrotator and a Werk-Brau Power Grip Bucket.

Learn more at www.ForConstructionPros.com/21520841.

Kubota BB30 Grading Box Blade Series

The BB30 Grading Box Blade Series includes the BB3072, BB3084 and BB3096, each providing the option of rough or precision grading finishes.

•Basic grading work can be done in applications requiring a rough grade such as landscaping and initial surface prep •Precision grading can be accomplished with the addition of a laser system •Dual-plane grader tilts and angles to float over the ground for precision grading •Performance matched with Kubota’s SSV and SVL Series www.forconstructionpros.com/21113977


The crusher buckets for skid steers and backhoe loaders. When installed on your machine, the unit crushes any type of inert material.


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Yanmar Stowable Utility Hook

The Stowable Utility Hook option provides a dedicated, engineered lifting point built into the machine linkage, providing a stronger position from which to lift heavy objects.

•Multi-directional design allows it to swing in each direction, as well as 360° swivel movement for optimal positioning of lift and load •Stows out of the way with an easy to operate lock pin when not in use •Single recessed zerk fitting for ease of maintenance •Can be retrofitted onto Yanmar compact excavator models from the ViO25 up to the SV100 in as little as 20 minutes www.forconstructionpros.com/21940390

Toro Grapple Bucket Mecalac Hydraulic Thumb

The hydraulic thumb option is available on 6MCR skid excavator and 7MWR wheeled excavator models with two-piece boom with offset and can be added to existing models with this boom.

•Constant pressure exerted throughout cylinder’s stroke for precise load control •Composed of four teeth and is compatible with the company’s CONNECT hydraulic quick coupler •Permanently mounts to the bucket linkage where it is powered by the boom’s hydraulic cylinder •Can remain attached during digging work or other tasks www.forconstructionpros.com/21415756

Western Pile Driver Steel-edge Pusher Plows

The 12-, 14- and 16-ft. pusher plows feature a two-piece steel trip-edge design that delivers a cleaner scrape for hardpacked snow and ice while protecting operators and the equipment when encountering hidden bumps and obstacles.

•Interchangeable to enable quick and easy attachment to various pieces of equipment, including tractors, backhoes and wheel loaders •Floating attachment plates smooth out bumps and allow side-to-side movement to keep the pusher in contact with the surface at all times www.forconstructionpros.com/21808884

Caldwell Multi-Grapple Lifting System

The multi-grapple lifting system is suited to use in any environment where handling of irregular-shaped or inconsistent loads is required.

•Come in 3,000- to 12,000-lb. standard capacities with custom models available •Three arms provide a stable lift of irregularly shaped heavy debris including rock/stone, steel scrap (including metal shavings), wooden blocks and more •Center-mounted actuator automatically locks open the grappler arms with automatic latching •Can work with a crane hook but is more commonly used with equipment such as excavators and backhoes www.forconstructionpros.com/21067900

This grapple bucket is designed for simplified handling of a variety of materials including boulders, timber, concrete and other debris.

•Constructed of high-strength steel and available in a standard 34-in. width •Weighs approximately 238 lbs. •Available for the Dingo 320-D, 323, TX 427, TX 525 and TX 1000 and e-Dingo compact utility loaders www.forconstructionpros.com/21205074

Vacuworx PHD Portable Vacuum System

The PHD vacuum lifting system weighs just 25 lbs. yet makes easy work of handling materials up to 2,500 lbs.

•Connect PHD and Below-the-Hook Basket attachment to a boom, bucket or crane using a clevis hook •Lifts concrete, marble, granite, stone, metal, steel, iron and more •Mounting assemblies allow use on mini skid steers, compact excavators, forklifts, small cranes and demolition robots •Smart features include a remote control, lithium battery and dual pump design •12V 30-amp/hour rechargeable LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery •Two dual-stage vacuum pumps build vacuum faster and release it more efficiently www.forconstructionpros.com/21113999

Loegering ST Series Stabilizing and Milling Attachments

The 24-in.-wide ST600 and 39-in.-wide ST1000 feature a unique drum design that allows both milling and stabilizing.

•ST600 suited for use on smaller, lower flow-rate loaders while the ST1000 requires a more powerful carrier •Accurate milling to a depth of 9 in. •Independent level control on both sides of the attachment enable it to follow the contour of the pavement independent of the loader •Large mixing chamber provides optimal mixing of binders into cut pavement •Joystick controls allow full operator control at the touch of four buttons www.forconstructionpros.com/21174076

Kenco Slab Crab with Serrated Teeth

The Slab Crab pavement removal bucket now incorporates serrated teeth to prevent slabs from sliding or shifting during the removal process.

•Smooth lower jaw allows operator to release slab in the desired location •Models available in bucket widths from 36 to 54 in. •Standard models manufactured to process slabs from 4 to 12 in. thick and to fit 40,000- to 150,000-lb. excavators •Sizes available to fit backhoe-loaders and custom versions can be fabricated to accept larger slab thicknesses •Offered as a direct pin-on or attach with the WedgeBolt Coupler System www.forconstructionpros.com/21110190

Road Widener Shouldering and Side Paver Attachment

The FH-R material placement attachment can precisely dispense topsoil, gravel, asphalt and more for trench backfilling applications.

•Connects to most skid steers, compact track loaders, road graders and wheel loaders and operates off the carrier’s engine and hydraulics •Available in left, right or dual dispensing configurations •Material poured into hopper and dispensed via remote control in adjustable laydown widths from 1 to 6 ft. •Dispenses up to 20 tons of material in under 10 minutes without the need for additional scraping or sweeping www.forconstructionpros.com/10080713

Dragon Screed Skid-steer Attachment

This concrete and gravel leveling equipment is suited for small flatwork crews that pour big jobs.

•Can be used for leveling subgrade and screeding concrete on pours from 6 to 22 ft. wide •Can be configured to work on the sides or in front of a loader, in forward or reverse •Wireless remote control •Wide floats, each with a vibrator attached, drag smoothly behind the screed bar www.forconstructionpros.com/21043528

Caterpillar HM3013 and HM5515 Mulchers

The HM3013 and HM5515 mulchers can be used on front-reach machines from 11 to 36 tons and long-reach front machines from 40 to 52 tons.

•HM3013 offers a dedicated bite limiter drum and the HM5515 has a standard drum •Variable torque hydraulic piston motor shifts between high speed, low torque and low speed, high torque to deliver speed and power when it’s needed •Hardened counter blades mounted inside housing help break down finished material •Ability to adjust hydraulic mulching door allows operator to control material throw for increased operating safety •Bolt-on replaceable skids www.forconstructionpros.com/21940329

Worksaver Power Landscape Rakes

Power Landscape Rakes remove debris or sod to prepare seedbed surfaces for a new lawn or renovate an existing lawn, pulverize soil or set grade on new construction sites.

•Models available for compact/mini skid steers, skid steers and three-point PTO-driven tractors •Feature flip-up end plates, flip-up gauge wheels, choice of carbide teeth or Sabre teeth and material control bar •Replaceable bearing housings and triple seal bearings provide durability and serviceability www.forconstructionpros.com/21035699

Manitou EDGE Power Rake

The EDGE power rake features a bidirectional drum that works the soil in both directions for quick seedbed preparation.

•Direct drive motor reduces downtime •Floating design keeps the rake level for a smooth, even finish •Hydraulic angle of 25° in either direction •Includes carbide tip teeth, standard removable end plates and solid urethane-filled tires www.forconstructionpros.com/10077658

Loftness H Series Battle Ax Mulching Attachment

The H Series Battle Ax mulching attachment is designed for high-flow skid steers and compact track loaders with 33 to 62.9 gpm and 50 to 150 hydraulic hp.

•V-Drive variable-displacement piston motor automatically shifts rotor rpm from highest speed to a lower range for increased torque as needed •Unique rotor with built-in depth gauges that function similar to raker teeth on chain saws to prevent attachment from engaging too much material at one time •Two-stage cutting chamber design •Can be used with reversible planer knives, hardsurfaced planer knives or double carbide teeth www.forconstructionpros.com/21940353

Diamond Mowers Skid-steer Drum Mulcher Attachment

The Skid-steer Drum Mulcher for heavy mulching and brush clearing applications features a two-speed variable-displacement piston motor, 41 hardened steel teeth and total attachment depth comparable to a loader bucket.

•72-in. cutting width •Mulches up to 9-in.-diameter trees or brush continuously •Depth control ring allows better control for depth of cut •Proprietary helical tooth pattern modeled after a vacuum brush to feed material efficiently toward the center of the drum •Replaceable liner increases shell lifespan www.forconstructionpros.com/21049597





Maximize productivity by not biting off too much, or too little, material at one time. The new Battle Ax rotor has unique depth gauges that optimize the material feed rate for top efficiency.


Thoroughly process material with the exclusive two-stage cutting chamber featuring an adjustable primary shear bar.

Mulching Heads Flail Mowers Mechanical Trimmer LOFTNESS.COM

Mastodon Model M60-S and M60-C Mulcher Attachments

The M60-S and M60-C have a 60-in. cut width and are powered by a 160cc variable piston hydraulic motor controlled by E-TECH Smartdrive.

•ECU-controlled power management system adapts and controls motor displacement to produce instant torque •Can be tuned to any machine in seconds using Bluetooth and a smartphone app or with the in-cab monitor •Head on the M60-S produces up 780 ft.-lbs. of torque with a maximum rotor speed of 2,500 rpm •M60-C includes a hydraulically controlled dual-mode cutting chamber that offers fingertip control of mulch size and degree of broadcasting desired www.forconstructionpros.com/21283137

Fecon RK6015 Standard-flow Mulcher Head

The RK6015 standard-flow mulcher head is suited for use with most skid-steer loaders and other carriers up to 75 hp that are able to provide 17 to 27 gpm of hydraulic flow.

•Bite-limiting split ring rotor holds 26 knife or carbide-type cutting tools and has a 60-in. working width •Operates at 2,400 rpm and can easily shred brush and small trees up to 5 in. in diameter •Variable-displacement, 45cc hydraulic motor standard •Includes an adjustable bolt-on push bar with serrated ears for directing material •Weighs just 1,490 lbs. with mounting plate and push bar www.forconstructionpros.com/21771856

E-Z Drill 210 Series Concrete Drill Attachments

This equipment-mounted, pneumatic concrete drill attachment series includes the three-gang Model 210-3 EQ MT, four-gang Model 210-4 EQ MT and fivegang Model 210-5 EQ MT.

•Compatible with most models of backhoes and excavators •Capable of drilling 5/8- to 2 1/2-in.diameter holes at a depth of 18 in. •Each drill motor requires a minimum of 100 cfm for operation •Minimum of 300 cfm required to power the Model 210-3 EQ MT •User-friendly, easily accessible control panel mounted on drill www.forconstructionpros.com/10278334

ASV Attachment Line

This line of branded attachments includes a full range of buckets, pallet forks, grapples and brush mowers as well as receiver hitch plates, with each attachment type available for every machine in the company’s lineup.

•Tested for use with ASV machines to allow plug-and-play application •Include standard buckets with bolton cutting edges, tooth buckets, tooth bars, light material buckets and 4-in-1 multipurpose buckets •Pallet forks available in up to a 6,200-lb. capacity •Grapple rakes and grapple buckets available www.forconstructionpros.com/21940318


Improper use of demolition tools is a common cause of failure. Operators are more likely to choose the correct tool for the job if the carrier is equipped with an automatic quick coupler.

“We do see the trend where the demolition contractor goes with a fully automatic quick coupler because it makes more sense in their day to day to be changing from a shear, pulverizer, grapple and then back to the bucket,” says Christian Yanes, vice president, region Americas at Steelwrist Inc.

The demand for automatic quick couplers in the demolition environment is due to the nature of the attachments. “Safety definitely becomes a bigger issue when it comes to demolition tools because the tools are bigger, the pressures that the machines or the hydraulic tools are working with are higher,” says Yanes. “More things can go wrong.”

With the automatic quick coupler, the operator can stay in the cab and no one is required to be on the ground to perform the switch.

Learn more at www.ForConstructionPros.com/21615255.

Oriel Attachment Product Line

Oriel Attachments designs and manufactures quality attachments for the construction, earthmoving and forestry industries.

•Quick coupler with a “Triple Lock” design that has only three moving parts and features a “Dead Lock” for added safety •Hydraulic thumbs, digging and ditching/ angle tilt buckets, tilting couplers, demolition rippers, grapples and a tree shear built to suit machine sizes from 6,000 to 100,000 lbs. •Pallet forks and rakes also available www.forconstructionpros.com/21244749

Caterpillar Tiltrotators (TRS)

The TRS10, TRS14, TRS18 and TRS23 models for tracked excavators seamlessly integrate to the machine and contribute up to 13% more productivity.

•Available for machines from 11 to 30 metric tons (24,250 to 66,140 lbs.) •360° bidirectional rotation and 40° left and right tilt allow work from many different angles with less machine repositioning •Machine controls allow for simultaneous tilt, rotation and machine movement •Pin-on or S-type coupler top interfaces or S-type coupler bottom interfaces •Optional grapple module www.forconstructionpros.com/21927767

Kubota Stand-on Track Loader Attachments

A line of attachments is available for the SCL1000 stand-on track loader.

•Six buckets in standard and high-capacity options ranging from 36 to 48 in. •Pallet forks offer 36- and 42-in. fork lengths with a 1,200-lb. capacity •Power rake has a 48-in. working width, center pivot and adjustable hydraulic angling •Trencher comes in 30-, 36- and 48-in. depths with 4- to 10-in. chain widths •Skid auger has a pendulum mount and a reversible gearbox with a 2-in. hex output shaft to attach to a variety of augers •Compact mount performance matched for the BR360 and BR460 breakers www.forconstructionpros.com/21509511

Ditch Witch MT26 Microtrencher

The MT26 microtrencher attachment, along with the RT80 ride-on trencher and HX75 vacuum excavator, enable operators to create a clean, deep, narrow trench in one easy pass.

•Easily installs cable deep enough to meet most requirements with minimal disruption to the surrounding infrastructure •Can cut a clean trench from 1.5 up to 3 in. wide and down to 26 in. deep •Designed with a standard hydraulic plunge to provide variable depth control •Can be equipped with a variety of blades, including the standard carbidetipped blades and the PDC blades with diamond-embedded carbide www.forconstructionpros.com/21439945

Minnich A3/A6 Dowel Pin Drills

The A3/A6 pneumatically powered, machine-mounted drills can be mounted to an excavator, backhoe or skid-steer loader to form a self-contained and highly mobile drilling solution for fulldepth repair.

•Feature up to six drills •Carrier used to transport the drill, eliminating operator fatigue and improving safety •Available side-shift functionality enables operators to drill a second set of holes without having to reposition the carrier •Optional dust collection system available www.forconstructionpros.com/20861565

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