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4 4 Steps to Greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace

How do organizations implement diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives?

There are several factors contributing to the current labor shortage. COVID-19, a worldwide pandemic affecting literally everyone. The great resignation. A skills gap where not enough skilled workers are available to fill job openings. A generational gap with more Baby Boomers leaving the workforce. Many organizations are struggling to fill positions because of the labor shortage. In fact, hiring and retaining employees has become the largest HR challenge organizations face today.

Statistics show that one of the reasons employees stay at their jobs is because they are recognized and appreciated. Happy employees report they are actively engaged, feel connected and have a voice.

What makes employees happy? How can your organization work to become an employer of choice? How do you retain employees, especially after you have worked so hard to hire them?

Organizations who incorporate values of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace position themselves for successful recruitment and retention. So, what is DEI, and why is it important? DEI is simply understanding that all people deserve to work in a safe environment, are offered the same opportunities and are recognized for their contributions. That’s simple, right?

I will be the first to say, introducing DEI initiatives is not a once-and-done “project.” DEI is not simply a belief that you profess without acting on it. It is quite the contrary. DEI principles take root in the organization’s culture and span through every layer of the organization. Therefore, DEI is a commitment that is ongoing and evolving.

Think about it this way. Have you ever worked with a problematic coworker or a mean boss? What effect did that experience have on you? Did you feel accepted or valued? Did you like your job? Probably not. This is an example of a situation in need of some culture shaping!

How do organizations implement diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives? The following are some ways to get started: Start the conversation with key members of your organization.

Envision the advantages or outcomes of building a DEI culture. You may wish to revise or revamp your values and mission statement to incorporate your DEI goals. Conduct management and employee training on the company’s equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination policies. (In some states, annual training is required.) Identify the different perspectives and ideas individuals bring to the organization. In other words, talk to your employees. Hold regular meetings and invite employees to present or contribute. Create focus groups or committees dedicated to company projects or initiatives.

Conduct employee surveys, communicate the results, and take appropriate actions. This is the most important step.

Follow up and evaluate to ensure goals are being met. Based on your findings, assess and redirect your plan or start on a new path altogether. Do not be afraid to change things for the better, especially when it is the right thing to do.

Consider acting on one or two of the suggestions above, and then build on it. You may also want to discover the greatest need and focus on that first. Talk with an HR professional or use outside resources for further ideas and assistance. ■

For more information visit https://asph.link/nvq38x

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