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Best Marketing Video

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Earth Road Inc. Asphalt Dairy Farm Paving Project wins Best Marketing Award

The company pays homage to local farmers through brief marketing video while showcasing their paving work

With ties to the agriculture industry, Earth Road Inc. Asphalt created a feel-good video combining paving and dairy farming released October 2021. The resulting marketing video was voted Pavement’s Best Marketing Video for 2022 by 51% of all online voters.

“The idea came from Jamisan Spano, daughter of the owners Peggy and Jim Spano,” said Ailie Ham, designer and owner of Ailie Inc., a marketing agency utilized by Earth Road Inc. Asphalt. “Peggy and I often work in tandem to create marketing assets for the company. This was a special project for me personally as I have family who are dairy farmers.”

The 30-second video opens with, “we support our local dairy farmers” on a black background. As the music starts to ramp up, the company logo is showcased front and center. Then comes the images of the project complete with their paver, roller and dump truck. As the video continues, the music reaches its height and the photos continue to flow in, creating an exciting experience. There is a pause in the music where the phrase “without American farmers, we would not have food” fades in and out, creating a dramatic effect. In the final seconds, the company logo reappears along with the American flag, “made in America” and the company contact information.

“This particular project was really fun for us because our whole family was involved,” said Peggy Spano, sole owner of Earth Road Inc. Asphalt. “It was also neat to see how the cows reacted as well, they would follow every move the equipment was making.”

Keeping in mind the heavy farm equipment that would be traveling on the asphalt, Spano specified seven inches in two lifts to be laid around the stall barn.

“During the project, we had seven to ten crew members completing the paving and compaction,” said Jim Spano, project manager at Earth Road Inc. Asphalt. “It was a pretty standard job that took a few days to complete.”

This was not the first video produced and the company has a collection of on-the-job videos, clips and photos showcased on their website and YouTube channel. Earth Road Inc. Asphalt also uses social media platforms to show their work, including TikTok.

“We just started TikTok,” said Ham. “We are seeing a large amount of reliable traffic from the platform. It is fun and if you put up some good stuff, people will follow you.”

The company plans on debuting the award-winning video across their social platforms and their website. ■

View the full video here:https://youtu.be/nzNEifCaYsI


Royal Pavement Solutions LLC, Islip, NY Swan Company, Neshanic Station, NJ



PAVEMENT 2022 Top Contractor Survey

Welcome to the Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction survey of paving & pavement maintenance contractors. Our hope with this survey is to develop verifiable Top Contractor listings in each of five industry segments: Paving, Sealcoating, Striping, Sweeping and Pavement Repair. To do that we need to know: • Gross Sales Volume for your fiscal year 2021 (regardless of the date that fiscal year ended) • A breakdown by percentage of the type of work that generated those 2021 sales • Third-party verification of that sales total (see additional explanation at the end of the survey)

To determine whether a company qualifies for one (or more) of our five lists we will multiply your total 2021 sales dollars by the percentage of work done in each industry segment. For example, if a contractor reports $1 million in 2021 sales and generated 40% of those sales from striping, the number used to determine qualification for the Striping Top Contractor List would be $400,000 ($1 million x 40%).

Note: No sales figures will be reported or published; sales figures will be used only internally for determining each list. Also, no contractor will be eligible for the list without third-party verification of your Fiscal Year 2021 Gross Sales Volume.

There are 3 ways to complete and submit this form:

• Online at www.surveymonkey. com/r/2022TopContractorSurvey • Complete a hard copy and fax (920-5421133) or mail it to: Pavement Maintenance &

Reconstruction, Top Contractor Survey, 201 N. Main Street, Ste. 5, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538; Attn. Dormie Roberts. • Complete a hard copy, scan and e-mail to droberts@ACBusinessMedia.com

Thanks very much for your participation.

We do appreciate it. DEADLINE: April 22

Name & Title of Person Completing This Form

*First _____________________________ Last _______________________________________ E-mail ____________________________ Phone ____________________________________

*Company Information

Company Name (as you would like it to appear on the magazine)

_________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code ___________________________________________________________ Phone Number with Area Code ______________________________________________ Website _______________________________________________________________________ Years in Business _____________________________________________________________

Please indicate your number of employees at peak season

(If employees fulfill more than one function please include them in the category they perform most often): _______ Management _______ Office Staff _______ Field Supervisors _______ Sales Laborers

May we contact Your Company by e-mail? ___Yes ___No

1.* What is your company’s Total Gross Sales for your Fiscal Year 2021?

(This figure used internally for listing purposes only; it will not be published.) Please round to

whole dollar amounts. (Example: 1,548,222; note: when entering online please omit commas.)

2. * What percentage of your fiscal 2021 Total Gross Sales is represented by each of the following areas (must total 100%):

3. * What percentage of your fiscal 2021 Total Gross Sales is generated from work done on each of the following (must total 100%):

______ Paving ______ Sealcoating ______ Striping ______ Sweeping _____________________ Other (explain) ______ Pavement Repair ______ Concrete ______ Surface Treatments (Micro, Slurry, Chip, Fog, etc.) ______ Hot mix asphalt plant operation

_______ Highways _______ Streets/roads _______ Parking lots _______ Driveways _______ Other (explain) _________________

4. * What percentage of your fiscal 2021 Total Gross Sales is generated from each of the following types of customers (answers must total 100%).

Commercial/Industrial _______ Municipal (state/local agency) _______ Multi-family residential (apartments/condos/HOAs) _______ Single-family residential _______ Other (explain) _______________________________________________

5. * What percentage of your fiscal year 2021 Total Gross Sales is generated by working as a subcontractor for other contractors?

6. * Do you self-perform more than 50% of your work? ___ Yes ___

7. What was your overall company-wide profit margin in FY 2021? (Not for publication; results will be presented for the industry as a whole.)

Less than 3% _______ 3%-5% 5%-10% _______ 10%-15% More than 15%

8. How many different customers did you work for in FY 2021?

Fewer than 100 _______ 101-150 151-200 _______ 201-300 301-400 _______ More than 400

9. How many different jobs did your company complete in FY 2021?

Fewer than 100 _______ 101-150 151-200 _______ 201-300 301-400 _______ More than 400

10. What is the estimated replacement value of your equipment fleet (including trucks)?

_______ Less than $250,000 _______ $250,000 - $500,000 _______ $500,000 - $1 million $1 million - $2 million _______ More than $2 million

Signature _____________________________________________________________________ Title (please print) ____________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________________________


To qualify to have your Top Contractor application considered, third-party verification of your FY 2021 Total Gross Sales is required from your company’s CPA, an independent CPA or your accounting firm, or a copy of the appropriate page from your tax return. Verification must be on the CPA or accounting firm letterhead (no photocopies) and must include a statement to the effect that “I have reviewed the company’s Top

Contractor application, and the FY 2021 gross sales response to question

Number 1 is accurate to the best of my knowledge.” The letter must be signed and dated and include the person’s name, title and telephone number. No financial information will be revealed; it will be used only internally to determine qualification for each listing. Send verification to:

droberts@ACBusinessMedia.com or Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction 2022 Top Contractor Application 201 N. Main Street, Ste. 5, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 Attn. Dormie Roberts

Questions? Dormie Roberts, Associate Editor; Phone: 800-538-5544 ext 1299; droberts@ACBusinessMedia.com

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