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If you’re not ready

Attention Men! Written by bLou Note Guys, if you’re not ready, leave that woman alone!

ATTENTION MEN: Let me get this off of my chest real quick. ALL women are not the type of women who are out here looking for you to take care of them! ALL women are not gold diggers, or clout chasers, or even whorish, for that matter! There are A LOT of women (including me) who aren’t interested in you taking care of them even if you’re in a position to. Whether that feeling comes from being too independent or as a result of some type of prior trauma/incident/ mindset that’s been instilled in their lives, we may never know! The fact of the matter is that there are a wide variety of women who are truly simply interested in receiving love, companionship and joy in a trustworthy relationship. I say all this to say that if you know you’re not in a position to NOT deduct from a woman’s life, please leave that woman alone until you get your shit together! It’s not about having something to give her, but by God, PLEASE don’t take from her! And I’m not just talking about material


possessions! Hell, I ain’t even just talking about her Hello Kitty, cause believe it or not, there’s plenty of us that are perfectly fine with just getting some of what you’ve got & moving on with our lives, too! But PLEASE do not deduct from that woman! Not her sanity! Not her peace! Not her ability to look herself in the mirror without being disgusted with what she’s put up with! Not her well being! Not her ability to properly parent her children because she’s too busy dealing with your bullshit! Not her faith! Not her dignity! Not her self respect! I can guarantee you that there are far more women out here than you might suspect who are fully able to deal with the truth of a matter from the start. Unfortunately, there are far too many men out here who make the decision to play games from the onset, or enter in to a situation with falsehoods in their bags, or come in to the so-called ‘relationship’ not being completely honest about their intent in a woman’s life.

“ If you can’t pour in to me, please do not siphon the little bit I’m just barely able to hold onto!”

And the whole “I didn’t how that might affect want to hurt you” line the life of the woman is played out. And I do who they’ve inserted mean played ALL THEE themselves upon care

WAY OUT!!! Be real lessly. Get it together! with yourself! If you’re It’s truly played out! not in a position to be It’s exasperating! It’s a husband, don’t be! If unattractive! It’s unyou’re not in a position healthy! It causes disto be faithful, leave that tress! It causes disdain! woman alone! If you’re It causes feelings that not in a position to prothe majority of women vide, stop fronting like (by nature) truly do not you can or even truly want to have about anyintend to! If you’re not one they actually care in a position to keep a about, much less love woman from having to or are/have been poswalk the streets with sibly in-love with! It’s her name in people’s a change that can be mouths, having been made! I promise you! labeled as “stupid” or And if the cycle contin

“naive” or “dumb”, leave ues, it can’t be so conthat woman alone! It fusing to a man that is truly not inherent there are SO MANY upon us as females to women who have just live in desperation of checked out & declared a man. Do the majority the ‘F’ It’ stage with reof human beings seek gard to intimacy, relacompanionship? Yes! tionship & love! I’m just

But are we all just out sayin! Yes, this is spohere willing to find it radic! Yes, it’s a bit of a at the cost of our menvent! And to be clear... tal, emotional, physical, I’m stating all of this for financial, or even spira friend & unabashedly itual health! Hell No!!! FOR ME!!! Go ‘head on

And please do not get it with the bullshit, now! twisted... I’m fully conAin’t nobody got time!!! vinced that women can It’s unattractive! It’s also have some nasty time out for the dumb ass ways about them, or shit! If you can’t pour even bring some things in to me, please do not upon themselves! Let’s siphon the little bit I’m be clear... that’s not just barely able to hold what I’m talking about onto! It ain’t fair! It here! I’m talking about ain’t cute! It’s truly not men who know better, a good look! P.S. I said or are at least grown what I said!!! enough to know better, that make reckless Written by decisions without propbLue Note erly taking in to account

Keep Your Negativity To Yourself

There are some really miserable people out here in this world! I mean, I get if you need a hug!! Hell, you might need something else! All I know is, why E’RYBODY gotta be miserable with you??? Ain’t nobody got time for that!!! They did you wrong? Okay, other people have been wronged, too! Nobody will give you a chance??? Okay!!! Go out there & make something happen for yourself!!! They always talking about you & yours??? Okay!!! Bump ‘em, then!!! But why... WHYYYYYY do you allow yourself to be miserable??? Actually, F’ That!!! WHYYYYY do you want everyone else to be miserable with you??? Get it together!!! I promise you I have a million and one reasons to be upset/afraid/angry/ hurt/disappointed/mad/aggravated/etc. I’m not spreading the love when it comes to hurt!!! If I’m not spreading actual love, I’m just not gon’ spread!!! Why do I be to myself all of the time, you ask? Cause half of the time, I ain’t in the mood & I refuse to spread negativity!!! GET IT TOGETHER!!! Everybody does NOT have to know how mad you are!!! Everybody does NOT have to know how horrible your people are, or how f’d up your family is, or how f’d up your job is, or how f’d up your relationship is, or how f’d up the food was yesterday, dammit. GET IT TOGETHER!!! If you’re not reaching out to make a change or reach a resolution or receive guidance for elevation, STOP SPREADING NEGATIVITY!!! Look in the mirror!! Is it you??? And if it ain’t you & it’s them, free yourself!!! Mentally! Emotionally! Spiritually! Physically! Free yourself!! But understand THIS... you have to be conscious of what it is that you put out in to the universe! You have to be aware of what part you play in ANY situation! Cause I can guarantee you THIS... EVERYTHING can’t ALWAYS be on someone else!!! Sometimes... SOMETIMES... it’s you, Mofongo!!! Get it together, Dammit!!! And if you can’t, stop choking me out with your angry ass!!! You’re messing up my energy with all of that negativity! If you need a hug, a word, a prayer or a lift, it’s all good!! But if you just wanna be mad, PLEASE go do so by yourself!! AIN’T. NOBODY. GOT. TIME. FOR. THAT. #DAMN

Fordentmag on the scene Dyamond Doll EP Release Party

Dyamond Doll EP release party was a whole vibe. Upon entry to the private location, you were greeted by a professional set up, which let you know that you were in for something major. After signing in, you were immediately welcomed by Balt Vodka, a Black independently owned liquor company and offered a sample of their drink. First a shot so you could experience how smooth and tasty the drink truly was. I then I requested a chaser be added which came with a strawberry that I instantly popped in my mouth. The party continued upstairs. It was a whole mood with the lighting, the seating, the amazing aroma of the food as well as the giant screen playing music videos. Joe B, CEO of Dark Boys Records, introduced each track on the EP with so much pride that it made you instantly want to f*ck with it. And each record played lived up to the hype, in quality, in sound, and hit factor. Especially PIMP and RIGHT NOW, and every single-track featuring fellow label artist Legaxy who has a voice that could really melt hearts. The music, the ambiance, even the added details like the custom drinks served by Duke & Dame. I was partial to the Dyamond Doll drink although the Legaxy mix became my favorite by the end of the night. Oh, and did I mention the food? Barbecue chicken, ribs, shrimp macaroni to die for, rice and cabbage. A huge thank you to Dark Boys Record for the invite. It was so amazing seeing so many familiar industry faces back in one place, can’t wait til the next one. Photo Credit: Shotbyretro6

Event attendees: @djressiecups @djdundada @truradio1804 @arty_bronx @crwitit @djka5 @djbedo @itsdjgarrett @crossfirellc @leo_brooks @tregilliam @flicksbyedd @rarriant @vana305 @torated @officialdjmemo @djfinesco @shortydoowop @gmanonair @iam.aracelis @djchris @trapbachi @djreadyrob @djjuice305 @fordentmag @shoefeature @itsdjzilla @djluxxmiami @iamsonet @youcantstopjazdizzle_ @musicfsm_207 @traphousesundays @shotbyketro6 @djbjlive @djkauze @majorflicks @sflinfluencers @freepartymiami @djvybz305 @allthingsfresh @rapcomeup @its.mikelawrey @radiojamez @itsmikebanger @drewcorrea @maiyamilangitryte @prettyhustlaz @chanelkissa @megumi_bowles @nu_ray_louis @__yaepapi @ri_ley_ @baltvodka @_tonymc @nikkimontana @youngreligion @dyamonddoll

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