Fall 2011

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fall 2011

Fordham University Press

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Announcing Fordham Scholarship Online (FSO) Fordham University Press is excited to partner with Oxford University Press to host its monographic content within the groundbreaking online platform University Press Scholarship Online. Fordham is the first press within the hugely anticipated University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) platform, launching later in 2011. Fordham Scholarship Online (FSO) is a cross-searchable library that offers quick and easy access to the full text of more than 130 Fordham books in history, philosophy and religion. It will be the premier online research tool for scholars, teachers, and students and an essential tool for all academic libraries.

Table of Contents General Int e r e st_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Academ ic Tr a d e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 H istory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 Rel igion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16

B e n e f i ts o f Fo rdham S cholarship Online for scholars and li braries:

Philos o phy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 3

• First time that Fordham University Press content will be made available in a fully enabled XML environment

Literary Stu d i e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 7

• Aids cross-disciplinary research with three subject modules at launch in history, philosophy, and religion

M edi cine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0

• Helps save research time with over 130 fully cross-referenced and cross-searchable titles, with clickable citations from bibliographies and footnotes, including OpenURL and DOI-linking support, and more

journals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 1

• Allows users to streamline research through a single online platform

Index_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 9

• Consistent and timely updates keep the pace with physical book publishing and provide a reliable schedule for new content

Order Form _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 0

• Enables libraries to reduce subscriptions to multiple smaller websites

sales information _ _ _ inside back cover

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• Can be easily integrated into library systems and updated frequently with new content • Offers full customer support services as well as flexibility and choice in institutional purchasing models For a free institutional trial, visit www.fordhamscholarship.com. Visit www.aboutupso.com for information about University Press Scholarship Online.

C over Art:

Sunset–Brooklyn Bridge, 2008 Artist: Antonio Masi

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ge n e r a l i n t e r e s t

"A fascinating and riveting story of how a boy grew into manhood despite family alienation and the perils of institutional life." —William Seraile, Professor Emeritus, Lehman College, City University of New York in


e dw a rd ro h s w a s l e f t b y h i s u nwe d p a re nt s at t h e a n ge l

g u a r d i a n h o m e t o b e r a i s e d b y t h e s i s t e r s o f m e r c y.

Raised by the Church

Growing up in New York City's Catholic Orphanages E dward R ohs and J udith Estrin e 176 pages • 12 b/w illustrations • 5 1 /2 × 8 1 /2 978-0-8232-4022-7 • Cloth • $19.95 (02) ebook available Nov em be r

Biography | History | New York

The Sisters hoped that the parents would one day return for him. In time they married and had other children, but Ed’s parents never came back for him. And they never signed the legal papers so he could be adopted by another family. Raised by the Church chronicles the extraordinary life of Ed Rohs, a bright, mischievous boy who was raised in five institutions of the Catholic orphanage system in postwar Brooklyn, New York, from infancy in 1946 until he was discharged as an adult in 1965. Rohs was one of thousands of children taken in by Catholic institutions during the tumultuous post-WWII years: out-of-wedlock infants, children whose fathers had been killed in the war, and children of parents in crisis. Ed gives a brief history of each institution before describing that world—the Sisters and Brothers who raised him, the food, his companions, and the Catholic community that provided social and emotional support. When Ed finally leaves the institution after nineteen years he has a difficult time adjusting. He slowly assimilates into “normal” life and determinedly rises above his origins, achieving an advanced degree and career success, working for years in child welfare and as volunteer strength coach for the Fordham University basketball team. He hides his upbringing out of shame and fear of others’ pity. But as he begins to reflect on his own story and to talk to the people who raised him, Ed begins to see a larger story intertwined with his own. With original research based on interviews with clergymen and nuns, archival data from the New York Archdiocese, and government records, Raised by the Church tells the social history of an era when hundreds of thousands of baby boomers passed through the orphanage system. Through the story of one man, this book gives us a much-needed historical perspective on an American society that understood and acknowledged the community's need for a safe haven. Edward R ohs coordinates mental health service for the New York City Field Office of the New York State Office of Mental Health. He is a former psychotherapist and social worker for abused and abandoned children and their families. Ed’s skill at interacting with people of all ages across cultures, combined with his irreverent sense of humor, has made him a much-loved role model and mentor to generations of children and their families. Judith Estrin e

is a writer. She lives in New York City.

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ge n e r a l i n t e r e s t

“A meditation on ethnography, on the nitty-gritty, idiosyncratic, contingent nature of ethnography and the ways that anthropologists are personally implicated in the research and writing that they do.” —Ayala Fader, author of Mitzvah Girls: Bringing Up the Next Generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn

“Boyarin brilliantly articulates a Jewish ethnographic voice that moves beyond salvage ethnography, providing a richly detailed portrait of an enduring institution and a complex neighborhood through the lens of his own experience.” —Natha n iel Deutsc h, author of The Jewish Dark Continent: Life and Death in the Russian Pale of Settlement i n t h e s e p a ge s j o n at h a n b oy a r i n i nv i t e s u s t o s h a re t h e i nt i m at e

life of the stanton street shul, one of the last remaining jewish

c o n g r e g a t i o n s o n n e w y o r k ’s h i s t o r i c l o w e r e a s t s i d e .

Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul

A Summer on the Lower East Side J onathan B oyarin 208 pages • 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3900-9 • Cloth • $24.95 (02) ebook available Nov e m ber Jewish Studies | Anthropology


This narrow building, wedged into a lot designed for an old-law tenement, is full of clamorous voices—the generations of the dead, who somehow contrive to make their presence known, and the newer generation, keeping the building and its memories alive and making themselves Jews in the process. Through the eyes of Boyarin, at once a member of the congregation and a bemused anthropologist, the book follows this congregation of “year-round Jews” through the course of a summer when its future must once again be decided. The Lower East Side, famous as the jumping-off point for millions of Jewish and other immigrants to America, has recently become the hip playground of twentysomething “immigrants” to the city from elsewhere in America and from overseas. Few imagine that Jewish life there has stubbornly continued through this history of decline and regeneration. Coming inside with Boyarin, we see the congregation’s life as a combination of quiet heroism, ironic humor, disputes for the sake of Heaven and perhaps otherwise, and—above all—the ongoing search for ways to connect with Jewish ancestors while remaining true to oneself in the present. Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul illustrates in poignant and humorous ways the changes in a historic neighborhood facing the challenges of gentrification. It offers readers with no prior knowledge of Judaism and synagogue life a portrait that is at once intimate and intelligible. Most important, perhaps, it shows the congregation’s members to be anything but a monochromatic set of uniform “believers” but rather a gathering of vibrant, imperfect, indisputably down-to-earth individuals coming together to make a community. is Leonard and Tobee Kaplan Professor of Modern Jewish Thought at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His most recent books are Powers of Diaspora (with Daniel Boyarin), Jewishness and the Human Dimension (Fordham), and Time and Human Language Now (with Martin Land).

Jonathan Boyarin

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ge n e r a l i n t e r e s t

i n n e w y o r k’ s g o l d e n a g e o f b r i d g e s , a r t i s t antonio masi teams up with writer and new york city historian joan marans dim to offer a

New York’s Golden Age of Bridges Paintings by Antonio M asi Essays by Joan Marans D im 112 pages • 56 color illustrations • 12 × 9 978-0-8232-4065-4 • Cloth • $34.95 (02) Nove m b er Art | History | New York

m u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l e x p l o r a t i o n of New York City’s nine major bridges, their artistic and cultural underpinnings, and their impact worldwide. The tale of New York City’s bridges begins in 1883, when the Brooklyn Bridge rose majestically over the East River, signaling the start of America’s “Golden Age” of bridge building. The Williamsburg followed in 1903, the Queensboro (renamed the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge) and the Manhattan in 1909, the George Washington in 1931, the Triborough (renamed the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge) in 1936, the Bronx-Whitestone in 1939, the Throgs Neck in 1961, and the Verrazano-Narrows in 1964. Each of these classic bridges has its own story, and the book’s paintings show the majesty and artistry, while the essays fill in the fascinating details of its social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental history. America’s great bridges, built almost entirely by immigrant engineers, architects, and laborers, have come to symbolize not only labor and ingenuity but also bravery and sacrifice. The building of each bridge took a human toll. The Brooklyn Bridge’s designer and chief engineer, John A. Roebling, himself died in the service of bridge building. But beyond those stories is another narrative—one that encompasses the dreams and ambitions of a city, and eventually a nation. At this moment in Asia and Europe many modern large-scale, long-span suspension bridges are being built. They are the progeny of New York City’s Golden Age bridges. This book comes along at the perfect moment to place these great public projects into their historical and artistic contexts, to inform and delight artists, engineers, historians, architects, and city planners. No other book has focused specifically on these iconic spans or explained their historical importance. New York’s Golden Age of Bridges will encourage the understanding and appreciation of the art and history of bridges, explore the inestimable connections that bridges foster, and reveal the extraordinary impact of the nine Golden Age bridges on the city, the nation, and the world.

fascinated by bridges since childhood, began painting them a decade ago. He is drawn particularly to the 59th Street (the recently renamed Ed Koch Queensboro) Bridge, which his grandfather Francesco Masi helped build. Masi has won national and global acclaim for his paintings of New York City bridges.

A ntonio Masi,

Joan Marans Dim is the co-author of The Miracle on Washington Square: New York University. She lives in New York City.

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academic trade

“A state-of-the-art book. Understanding the effects of the rapid changes from a print culture to a digital culture is of major importance these days.” — J. Hilli s M iller, University of California, Irvine

“A strong collection that is carefully organized around a clearly defined set of themes and interests. The volume poses questions of the always dynamic, transitional and ‘feedback-looped’ relationship between, on the one hand, paper and print-based forms, histories and archives; and, on the other, electronic media and textualities.” —Simo n M orga n Wortham, University of Portsmouth s i n c e t h e e a r l i e r t w e n t i e t h c e n t u r y, l i t e r a r y g e n r e s h a v e

Between Page and Screen

Remaking Literature Through Cinema and Cyberspace Edited by K i ene Brille nburg Wurth 352 pages • 5 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3906-1 • Paper • $35.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3905-4 • Cloth • $90.00 (06) ebook available Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics

t rave l e d a c ro s s m a g n e t i c, w i re l e s s , a n d e l e c t ro n i c p l a n e s . Literature may now be anything from acoustic poetry and oral performance to verbal– visual constellations in print and on screen, cinematic narratives, or electronic textualities that range from hypertext to Flash. New technologies have left their imprint on literature as a paper-based medium, and vice versa. This volume explores the interactions between literature and screenbased media over the past three decades. How has literature turned to screen, how have screens undone the tyranny of the page as a medium of literature, and how have screens affected the page in literary writing? This volume answers these questions by uniquely integrating perspectives from digital literary studies, on the one hand, and film and literature studies, on the other. “Page” and “screen” are familiar catchwords in both digital literary studies and film and literature studies. The contributors reassess literary practice at the edges of paper, electronic media, and film. They show how the emergence of a new medium in fact reinvigorates the book and the page as literary media, rather than signaling their impending death. While previous studies in this field have been restricted to the digitization of literature alone, this volume shows the continuing relevance of film as a cultural medium for contemporary literature. Its integrative approach allows readers to situate current shifts within the literary field in a wider, long-term perspective.

Contrib utors: Anthony Adler, Jan Baetens, Kiene Brillenburg Wurth, Martijn Engelberts, Federica Frabetti, Lovorka Gruic, Gary Hall, N. Katherine Hayles, MarieLaure Ryan, Asunción López-Varela Azcaráte, Katalin Sandor, Peter Verstraten, Samuel Weber, Joanna Zylinska Kie ne Brill e nburg Wurth is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Utrecht. Her most recent publications include Controlled Accidents (with Sander van Maas) and Musically Sublime: Indeterminacy, Infinity, Irresolvability (Fordham).

Fe b rua ry

Literary Studies | Media Studies


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toni morrison: an ethical poetics situates toni morrison as a

w r i t e r w h o w r i t e s a b o u t w r i t i n g as much as about racialized, engendered, and sexualized African American, and therefore American, experience. In foregrounding the ethics of fiction writing, the book resists any triumphalist reading of Morrison’s achievement in order to allow the meditative, unsettled, and unsettling questions that arise throughout her long labor at the nexus of language and politics, where her fiction interrogates representation itself. Moving between close reading and critical theory, Toni Morrison: An Ethical Poetics reveals the ways in which Morrison’s primary engagement with language has been a search for how and what language is made to communicate, and for how and what speaks in and from generation to generation. There is no easy escape from such legacy, no escape into a pure language free of the burdens of racialized agendas. Rather, there is the example of Morrison’s commitment to writerly, which is to say readerly, wakefulness. At a time when sustained study devoted to single authors has become rare, this book will be an invaluable resource for readers, scholars, and teachers of Morrison’s work.

is Associate Professor of English at Fordham University and Visiting Associate Professor of English and Africana Studies at Barnard College. She is the author of two books of poetry. Her debut novel Unconfessed (Other Press, 2007) was a finalist for the Hemingway/PEN Prize for first fiction and a recipient of a 2007 ForeWord Magazine BEA Award. In addition, it was shortlisted for the University of Johannesburg Prize and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award in 2008. 

Yvette Christainsë

Toni Morrison An Ethical Poetics

Yvett e Christiansë 224 pages 978-0-8232-3916-0 • Paper • $23.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3915-3 • Cloth • $75.00 (06) ebook available Fe b rua ry

Literary Studies | African American Studies

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academic trade

“Malabou draws upon the most current neurological research and contemporary psychoanalytic works and applies them to a careful, penetrating, and convincing reading of Freud’s primary texts in order to fashion her original interpretation.” —Clayton Cro ckett, University of Central Arkansas this book employs a philosophical approach to the

( brain

The New Wounded

From Neurosis to Brain Damage Cath e rine M alab ou Translated by Steve n M ill er



l e s i o n p at i e nt s ) t o s t a ge a c o n f ro nt at i o n b e twe e n

p s y c h o a n a l y s i s a n d c o n t e m p o r a r y n e u r o b i o l o g y , focused on the issue of trauma and psychic wounds. It thereby reevaluates the brain as an organ that is not separated from psychic life but rather at its center. The “new wounded” suffer from psychic wounds that traditional psychoanalysis, with its emphasis on the psyche’s need to integrate events into its own history, cannot understand or cure. They are victims of various cerebral lesions or attacks, including degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Changes caused by cerebral lesions frequently manifest themselves as an unprecedented metamorphosis in the patient’s identity. A person with Alzheimer’s disease, for example, is not—or not only—someone who has “changed” or been “modified” but rather a subject who has become someone else. The behavior of subjects who are victims of “sociopolitical traumas,” such as abuse, war, terrorist attacks, or sexual assaults, displays striking resemblances to that of subjects who have suffered brain damage. Thus today the border separating organic trauma and sociopolitical trauma is increasingly porous. Effacing the limits that separate “neurobiology” from “sociopathy,” brain damage tends also to blur the boundaries between history and nature. At the same time, it reveals that political oppression today assumes the guise of a traumatic blow stripped of all justification. We are thus dealing with a strange mixture of nature and politics, in which politics takes on the appearance of nature, and nature disappears in order to assume the mask of politics.

Catherin e Mala bou , holder of Visiting Chairs in numerous North American

universities, currently teaches philosophy at the CRMEP (Center for Research in Modern European Philosophy) at Kingston University (UK) . The most recent of her books are, with Judith Butler, You Will Be My Body for Me (forthcoming in English), and Changing Difference: The Feminine in Philosophy.

288 pages 978-0-8232-3968-9 • Paper • $29.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3967-2 • Cloth • $80.00 (06) Forms of Living F e b rua ry

Philosophy | Psychoanalysis | Science


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academic trade

“Marder’s writing is beautiful and compelling. She deftly moves between philosophy, literature, film, and popular culture to create novel interpretations of maternity, sex, and death.” — Kelly O liver, Vanderbilt University this book grows out of a longstanding fascination with

t h e u n c a n n y s t a t u s o f t h e m o t h e r i n l i t e r a t u r e , p h i l o s o p h y,

p s y c h o a n a l y s i s , f i l m , a n d p h o t o g r a p h y.

The Mother in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Psychoanalysis, Photography, Deconstruction

The mother haunts Freud’s writings on art and literature, emerges as an obscure stumbling block in his metapsychological accounts of the psyche, and ultimately undermines his patriarchal accounts of the Oedipal complex as a foundation for human culture. The figure of the mother becomes associated with some of psychoanalysis’s most unruly and enigmatic concepts (the uncanny, anxiety, the primal scene, the crypt, and magical thinking). Read in relation to deconstructive approaches to the work of mourning, this book shows how the maternal function challenges traditional psychoanalytic models of the subject, troubles existing systems of representation, and provides a fertile source for nonmimetic, nonlinear conceptions of time and space. The readings in this book examine the uncanny properties of the maternal function in psychoanalysis, technology, and literature in order to show that the event of birth is radically unthinkable and often becomes expressed through uncontrollable repetitions that exceed the bounds of any subject. The maternal body often serves as an unacknowledged reference point for modern media technologies such as photography and the telephone, which attempt to mimic its reproductive properties. To the extent that these technologies aim to usurp the maternal function, they are often deployed as a means of regulating or warding off anxieties that are provoked by the experience of loss that real separation from the mother invariably demands. As the incarnation of our first relation to the strange exile of language, the mother is inherently a literary figure, whose primal presence in literary texts opens us up to the unspeakable relation to our own birth and, in so doing, helps us give birth to new and fantasmatic images of futures that might otherwise have remained unimaginable. Elissa Mard er is Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Emory University and Distinguished International Faculty Fellow at the London Graduate School. Her most recent book is Dead Time: Temporal Disorders in the Wake of Modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert).

E lissa M arde r 288 pages 978-0-8232-4056-2 • Paper • $27.00 (01) 978-0-8232-4055-5 • Cloth • $80.00 (06) ebook available Dece m ber

Literature | Philosophy | Psychoanalysis f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m

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academic trade

“Timely, provocative, carefully reasoned and argued, and unique in its scope.” — Elizabeth R otte n berg, DePau l U n iver sity what is it about irony—as an object of serious philosophical

reflection and a literary technique of considerable elasticity—

Irony on Occasion

t h a t m a k e s i t a n o c c a s i o n f o r e n d l e s s c r i t i c a l d e b a t e ? This book responds to this question by focusing on several key moments in German Romanticism and its afterlife in twentieth-century French thought and writing. It includes chapters on Friedrich Schlegel, Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Mann, Jean Paulhan, Jacques Derrida, and Paul de Man. A coda traces the way unresolved tensions inherited from Romanticism may resurface in the works of a novelist like J. M. Coetzee. But this book is neither a historical nor a thematic study of irony. To the degree that irony names a deflection of meaning, it also entails a divergence from historical and thematic models of understanding. The book therefore aims to respect irony’s digressive force by allowing it to emerge from questions that sometimes have little or nothing to do with the ostensible topic of irony. For if irony is the possibility that whatever is being said does not coincide fully with whatever is being meant, then there is no guarantee that the most legitimate approach to the problem would proceed directly to those places where “irony” is described or talked about. Rather than providing a history of irony, then, this book examines particular occasions of ironic disruption. It thus offers an alternative model for conceiving of historical occurrences and their potential for acquiring meaning.

Ke vin Ne wm ark teaches literature and literary theory at Boston College. He is the author of Beyond Symbolism: Textual History and the Future of Reading.

From Schlegel and Kierkegaard to Derrida and de Man Kevin Newmark 320 pages 978-0-8232-4013-5 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-4012-8 • Cloth • $85.00 (06) ebook available jan ua ry

Literary Studies | Philosophy


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academic trade

“This book is overflowing with insights and broad perspectives at the same time that it offers an authoritative summation, overview, and progress report on Jacques Derrida’s considerable work on religion and its impact on the contemporary world.” — Hen ry Sussma n, Yale University

“ r e a d e r ’s g u i d e ” t o j a c q u e s 1 9 9 4 – 9 5 e s s a y “ f a i t h a n d k n o w l e d g e ,” his most important work on the nature of religion in general and on the unprecedented forms it is taking today through science and the media. It provides essential background for understanding Derrida’s essay, commentary on its unique style and its central figures (e.g., Kant, Hegel, Bergson, and Heidegger), and assessment of its principal philosophical claims about the fundamental duplicity of religion and the ineluctably autoimmune relationship among religion, science, and the media. Along the way it offers in-depth analysis of Derrida’s treatment of everything from the nature of religious revelation, faith, prayer, sacrifice, testimony, messianicity, fundamentalism, and secularism to the way religion is today being transformed by globalization, technoscience, and worldwide telecommunications networks. But Miracle and Machine is much more than a commentary on a single Derrida text. Through references to scores of other works by Derrida, both early and late, it also provides a unique introduction to Derrida’s work in general. It demonstrates that one of the very best ways to understand the terms, themes, claims, strategies, and motivations of Derridean deconstruction from the early 1960s through 2004 is to read critically and patiently, in its spirit and in its letter, an exemplary text such as “Faith and Knowledge.” Finally, Miracle and Machine attempts to put Derrida’s ideas about religion to the test by reading alongside “Faith and Knowledge” an alreadyclassic work of American fiction that is more or less contemporaneous with it, Don DeLillo’s 1997 Underworld, a novel that explores the same relationship between faith and knowledge, religion and science, religious revelation and the World Wide Web, messianicity, and weapons of mass destruction—in a word, in two words, miracles and machines. miracle and machine is a sort of d e r r i d a ’s

Miracle and Machine

Jacques Derrida and the Two Sources of Religion, Science, and the Media M ic ha el Naas

Micha e l Naas is Professor of Philosophy at DePaul University. His most recent books include Taking on the Tradition: Jacques Derrida and the Legacies of Deconstruction and Derrida from Now On (Fordham).

432 pages 978-0-8232-3998-6 • Paper • $30.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3997-9 • Cloth • $125.00 (06) ebook available Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Nove m b er

Philosophy | Religion | Media Studies

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academic trade

this volume addresses the relation between religion and things. That relation has long been conceived in antagonistic terms, privileging spirit above matter, belief above ritual and objects, meaning above form, and “inward” contemplation above “outward” action. After all, wasn’t the opposition between spirituality and materiality the defining characteristic of religion, understood as geared to a transcendental beyond that was immaterial by definition? Grounded in the rise of religion as a modern category, with Protestantism as its main exponent, this conceptualization devalues religious things as lacking serious empirical, let alone theoretical, interest. The resurgence of public religion in our time has exposed the limitations of this attitude. Taking materiality seriously, this volume uses as a starting point the insight that religion necessarily requires some kind of incarnation, through which the beyond to which it refers becomes accessible. Conjoining rather than separating spirit and matter, incarnation (whether understood as “the world becoming flesh” or in a broader sense) places at center stage the question of how the realm of the transcendental, spiritual, or invisible is rendered tangible in the world. How do things matter in religious discourse and practice? How are we to account for the value or devaluation, the appraisal or contestation, of things within particular religious perspectives? How are we to rematerialize our scholarly approaches to religion? These are the key questions addressed by this multidisciplinary volume. Focusing on different kinds of things that matter for religion, including sacred artifacts, images, bodily fluids, sites, and electronic media, it offers a wide-ranging set of multidisciplinary studies that combine detailed analysis and critical reflection.


Religion and the Question of Materiality Edited by D ick Houtman and B irgit Meye r 352 pages • 20 b/w illustrations • 7

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978-0-8232-3946-7 • Paper • $35.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3945-0 • Cloth • $90.00 (06) ebook available The Future of the Religious Past Nov em be r Religion | Anthropology



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Dick Hout man is Professor of Cultural Sociology at the Centre for Rotterdam Cultural Sociology (CROCUS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His principal research interests are the spiritualization of religion and the culturalization of politics in the contemporary Western world. His two most recent books are Religions of Modernity: Relocating the Sacred to the Self and the Digital (edited with Stef Aupers) and Farewell to the Leftist Working Class (with Peter Achterberg and Anton Derks). He is a member of the editorial boards of Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Politics and Religion, Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, and Sociologie. Birgit M e y er is professor of Religious Studies at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She has conducted research on missions and local appropriations of Christianity, Pentecostalism, popular culture, and video-films in Ghana. Her publications include Translating the Devil: Religion and Modernity Among the Ewe in Ghana; Globalization and Identity: Dialectics of Flow and Closure (edited with Peter Geschiere); Magic and Modernity: Interfaces of Revelation and Concealment (edited with Peter Pels); Religion, Media, and the Public Sphere (edited with Annelies Moors); and Aesthetic Formations: Media, Religion, and the Senses. She is vicechair of the International African Institute (London), a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, and one of the editors of Material Religion.

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academic trade

“. . . Marazzi’s anthology bristles with serial gangster fiction, breathless flapper romances, and impassioned tales of triumph over poverty, all of which make for a sharp contrast with his erudite elucidation of their historical context. The result is a glimpse of a largely forgotten literary heritage and of the life of what one epigraph calls ‘the Italian immigrant in the land of America who, enduring danger and derision, built a nation that never became a homeland.’” — T he New Yo rke r

“Marazzi offers a critical anthology of the so-called great migration decades (1880–1920) along with observations on journalism (the first Italian newspaper in the United States, L’Eco, was founded in New York in 1849), the relations of Italians and blacks, and the indifference of the Italian intelligentsia to the concerns of the emigrants. . . . Essential.” — Ch oic e voices of italian america presents a top-rate authoritative study a n d a nt h o l o g y o f t h e i t a l i a n - l a n g u a ge l i t e ratu re

Voices of Italian America A History of Early Italian American Literature with a Critical Anthology M artino M arazzi Translated by Ann Goldst ein 348 pages 978-0-8232-3973-3 • Paper • $25.00 (01) Octo ber History | Cultural Studies

written and published in the United States from the heydays of the Great Migration (1880–1920) to the almost definitive demise of the cultural world of the first generation soon before and after World War II. The volume resurrects the neglected and even forgotten territory of a nationwide “Little Italy” where people wrote, talked, read, and consumed the various forms of entertainment mostly in their native Italian language, in a complex interplay with native dialects and surrounding American English. The anthological sections include excerpts from the ethnically tinged thrillers by Tuscan-born first-comer Bernardino Ciambelli, as well as the first short stories by Italian American women, set in the Gilded Age. The fiction of political activists such as Carlo Tresca coexists with the hardboiled autobiography of Italian American cop Mike Fiaschetti, fighting against the Mafia. Voices of Italian America presents new material by English-speaking classics such as Pietro di Donato and John Fante, and a selection of poetry by a great bilingual voice, the champion of the “masses” and Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) poet Arturo Giovannitti, and by a lesserknown, self-taught, satirical versifier, Riccardo Cordiferro/Ironheart. Controversial documents on the difficult interracial relations between Italian Americans and African Americans live side by side with the first poignant chronicles from Ellis Island. This study sheds light on the “fabrication” of a new culture of immigrant origins— pliable, dynamic, constantly shifting and transforming itself—while focusing on stories, genres, rhythms, the “human touch” contributed by literature in its wider sense. Ultimately, through a rich sample of significant texts covering various aspects of the immigrant experience, Voices of Italian America offers the reader a literary history of Italian American culture. Martino Marazzi is Assistant Professor of Italian Literature at the Università degli Studi, Milan, Italy, and has been a Fellow of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies at Columbia University. His most recent book is A occhi aperti. Letteratura dell’emigrazione e mito Americano. He is also the author of La fine del Purgatorio and Filogenesi.

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| african

american studies

A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861–1865 Ge o r g e Washington Williams, Introduction by John David Smith

a history of the negro troops in the war of the rebellion ,

377 pages

1 8 6 1 – 1 8 6 5 (originally published in 1887) by pioneer African American historian George Washington Williams remains a classic text in African American literature and Civil War history. In this powerful narrative, Williams, who served in the U.S. Colored Troops, tells the battle experiences of the almost 200,000 black men who fought for the Union cause. Determined to document the contributions of his fellow black soldiers, and to underscore the valor and manhood of his race, Williams gathered his material from the official records of U.S. and foreign governments, and from the orderly books and personal recollections of officers commanding Negro troops during the American Civil War. The new edition of this important text includes an introductory essay by the award-winning historian John David Smith. In his essay, Smith narrates and evaluates the book’s contents, analyzes its reception by contemporary critics, and evaluates Williams’s work within the context of its day and its place in current historiography.

978-0-8232-3385-4 • paper • $25.00 (01)

George Washington Williams

ebook available The North’s Civil War Feb rua ry

(1849–1891) was a Pennsylvania-born soldier, legislator, and historian whose History of the Negro Race in America, 1619–1880 (1882) became the first work of serious scholarship by an African American.

D r. John David Smith is Charles H. Stone Distinguished Professor of American History at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He edited Black Soldiers in Blue: African American Troops in the Civil War Era (2002).


| biography

Victor Herbert A Theatrical Life Nei l Gould

new in


“A great trinity of towering masters, a direct line from 1894 to the present. . . . Victor Herbert, Jerome Kern and Richard Rodgers.” — G e rald B ordma n, author of American Musical Theater: A Chronicle

“Not only much needed, but a joy to read and a fascinating journey into the life of a remarkable man. Thorough, accurate, and readable, it is a must for anyone interested in the rich history of the American musical theater.” —T h omas S. H i schak, co-author of The Oxford Companion to the American Theatre

“An impressive achievement. The first biography of the composer in more than fifty years, Neil Gould’s book makes skillful use of interviews, archives and unpublished memoirs to trace Herbert’s life from his birth in Dublin, through his early years in Germany, to a major career in the United States.” 512 pages • 16 b/w illustrations • 6 1 /8 × 9 1 /4 978-0-8232-2872-0 • Paper • $24.00 (01) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-2871-3} ebook available Sep t e m ber


— J oan Pe ys er, author of Bernstein: A Biography

Neil Gould is Artistic Director of the Victor Herbert Festival, held each year at Saratoga Springs, New York, and has directed Victor Herbert productions in San Diego, Chicago, Baltimore, and New York City. Currently editing new editions of Herbert’s major piano-vocal scores, he lives in Poughkeepsie, New York.

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Scraping the Barrel

The Military Use of Substandard Manpower, 1860–1960 Edited by Sand e rs Marbl e 336 pages 978-0-8232-3978-8 • Paper • $35.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3977-1 • Cloth • $95.00 (06) ebook available

i t i s a t r u i s m t h a t h i s t o r y i s w r i t t e n b y t h e v i c t o r s , and perhaps this is doubly so of military history, where the tendency is to relate the biggest battles, the most victorious and heroic deeds, the very best (or worst) of men. This book stands as a corrective to this belief. Scraping the Barrel covers ten cases of armies’ using substandard manpower in wars from 1860 to the 1960s. Dennis Showalter and André Lambelet look at the changing standards in Germany and France leading up to World War I, while Peter Simkins chronicles what happened with the “Bantams,” special units of short men used by Britain in the Great War. Often the use of substandard men was to answer the sheer need for manpower in brutal, lasting conflicts, as Paul A. Cimbala writes of the U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps in the Civil War, or to keep war-damaged men active; sometimes this ethos was used to include men who wanted to fight but who otherwise would have been excluded, as Steven W. Short writes of the U.S. “colored troops” in World War I. In the second World War it was to answer more dire exigencies, as David Glantz relates how the USSR, having suffered enormous losses, threw away many pre-war standards, reaching for women, ethnic/national minorities, and political prisoners alike to fill units. Likewise, Nazi Germany, facing many fronts and a finite manpower pool, was compelled to relax both physical and racial standards, and Walter Dunn and Valdis Lumans look at these changing policies as well as the battlefield performance of these men. In relating the stories of the substandard (for the military), Scraping the Barrel is also a humanist history of the military, of the more average men who have served their countries and how they were put to use. It throws light on how militaries’ ideas of fitness reflect the underlying views of their societies. The idea of “disability” has been constructed based on a variety of physical, yes, but also social standards: as a value judgment on groups viewed as lesser—the aged, the lower classes, and those of different races and ethnic identities. From the American Civil War, through World Wars I and II, through the U.S. Project 100,000 in the Cold War, substandard men have been mobilized, have served, and have fought for their countries. These men are the inverse of the elites who get the lion’s share of our attention. This is their untold history.

Contributors: Paul A. Cimbala, Walter Dunn, David Glantz, André José Lambelet, Valdis O. Lumans, Sanders Marble, Steven Short, Dennis Showalter, Peter Simkins, Tom Sticht Sande rs Marb le is a historian for the U.S. Army Medical Command. He has written a variety of works about World War I and military medicine.

Jan ua ry

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i n o n t h e e d g e o f f re e d o m , d av i d g . s m i t h b re a k s n ew g ro u n d b y

On the Edge of Freedom

The Fugitive Slave Issue in South Central Pennsylvania, 1820–1870 David G. Smith 260 pages 978-0-8232-4032-6 • Cloth • $45.00 (06) ebook available The North’s Civil War

i l l u m i n a t i n g t h e u n i q u e d e v e l o p m e n t o f a n t i s l a v e r y s e n t i m e n t in south central Pennsylvania—a border region of a border state with a complicated history of slavery, antislavery activism, and unequal freedom. During the antebellum decades every single fugitive slave escaping by land east of the Appalachian Mountains had to pass through the region, where they faced both significant opportunities and substantial risks. While the hundreds of fugitives traveling through south central Pennsylvania (defined as Adams, Franklin, and Cumberland counties) during this period were aided by an effective Underground Railroad, they also faced slave catchers and informers. “Underground” work such as helping fugitive slaves appealed to border antislavery activists who shied away from agitating for immediate abolition in a region with social, economic, and kinship ties to the South. And, as early antislavery protests met fierce resistance, area activists adopted a less confrontational approach, employing the more traditional political tools of the petition and legal action. Smith traces the victories of antislavery activists in south central Pennsylvania, including the achievement of a strong personal liberty law and the aggressive prosecution of kidnappers who seized innocent African Americans as fugitives. He also documents how their success provoked Southern retaliation and the passage of a strengthened Fugitive Slave Law in 1850. The Civil War then intensified the debate over fugitive slaves, as hundreds of escaping slaves, called “contrabands,” sought safety in the area, and scores were recaptured by the Confederate army during the Gettysburg campaign. On the Edge of Freedom explores in captivating detail the fugitive slave issue through fifty years of sectional conflict, war, and reconstruction in south central Pennsylvania and provocatively questions what was gained by the activists’ pragmatic approach of emphasizing fugitive slaves over immediate abolition and full equality. Smith argues that after the war, social and demographic changes in southern Pennsylvania worked against African Americans’ achieving equal opportunity, and although local literature portrayed this area as a vanguard of the Underground Railroad, African Americans still lived “on the edge of freedom.” By the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan was rallying near the Gettysburg battlefield, and south central Pennsylvania became, in some ways, as segregated as the Jim Crow South. The fugitive slave issue, by reinforcing images of dependency, may have actually worked against the achievement of lasting social change.

David G. Smith received his Ph.D. in American History from Penn State University in 2006.

Decem ber


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| e d u c a t i o n | l aw

i n t h i s e n ga g i n g , e r u d i t e n ew b o o k , rob e r t j. k a c z o row s k i ,

d i r e c t o r o f t h e c o n d o n i n s t i t u t e o f l e g a l h i s t o r y, i m m e r s e s

Fordham University School of Law A History

R ob ert J. Kaczorowski 336 pages • 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3955-9 • Cloth • $35.00 (01)

r e a d e r s i n t h e s t o r y o f f o r d h a m l a w s c h o o l from the day it opened its doors in 1905 in the midst of massive changes in the United States, in the legal profession, and in legal education. Kaczorowski explores why so many immigrants and their children needed the founding of Catholic law schools in order to enter the legal profession in the first half of the twentieth century. He documents how, in the 1920s and 1930s, when the legal profession’s elites were actively trying to raise barriers that would exclude immigrants, Dean Wilkinson and the law faculty at Fordham were implementing higher standards while simultaneously striving to make Fordham the best avenue into the legal profession for New York City’s immigrants. Tracing Fordham Law School’s history in the context of developments in legal education over the course of the twentieth century, this book pinpoints those factors that produce greatness in a law school and those that contribute to its decline. Fordham University School of Law: A History shows and explains why, prior to World War II, Fordham was one of the leading law schools in America and, along with Columbia's, one of the top two law schools in New York City. As one of those leading schools, Fordham was in the vanguard of legal education reform, and its faculty made important contributions to legal scholarship. Fordham University School of Law: A History also reveals that, after World War II, the Law School suffered a decline, primarily because of inadequate funding resulting from the university’s fiscal policies. These policies brought the university’s administration into direct conflict with the American Bar Association (ABA) and the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), which consistently observed that the Law School was being starved for funds compared with its peer schools, with the result that peer law schools were improving their quality while Fordham was in decline. The conflict, which did not approach resolution at Fordham until the last quarter of the century, was replicated throughout legal education, especially in Catholic universities—yet this is the first scholarly work to document and explain it. Kaczorowski’s wonderfully contextualized, meticulously documented history of Fordham Law School brings readers right up to the present day and traces how the Law School, with the unprecedented financial support and active involvement of its alumni, is resuming its prior position as one of the nation’s leading law schools.

R obe rt J. Kaczorowski is Professor of Law and Legal and Constitutional History and Director of the Condon Institute of Legal History at Fordham University School of Law.

ebook available Jan ua ry

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over the past two decades, the world has witnessed alarming

On Earth as in Heaven

Ecological Vision and Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew E c u me n ical Patriarch B a rtholom ew Edited by John Chryssavgis 348 pages 978-0-8232-3885-9 • Cloth • $32.00 (01) ebook available Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought Octo ber

e n v i r o n m e n t a l d e g r a d a t i o n —climate change, the loss of biodiversity, and the pollution of natural resources—together with a failure to implement environmental policies and an ever-widening gap between rich and poor. As this new volume of his writings reveals, Patriarch Bartholomew has continually proclaimed the primacy of spiritual values in determining environmental ethics and action. For him, the predicament we face is not primarily ecological but in fact spiritual: The ultimate aim is to see all things in God, and God in all things. On Earth as in Heaven demonstrates just why His All Holiness has been dubbed the “Green Patriarch” by former Vice President Al Gore (recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his environmental activism) and the media. This third and final volume of the spiritual leader’s selected writings showcases his statements on environmental degradation, global warming, and climate change. It contains numerous speeches and interviews in various circumstances, including ecological symposia, academic seminars, and regional and international events, over the first twenty years of his ministry. This volume also encompasses a selection of pastoral letters and exhortations—ecclesiastical, ecumenical, and academic—by His All Holiness for occasions such as Easter and Christmas, honorary doctorates, and academic awards. On Earth as in Heaven is a rich collection, essential for religious scholars, those looking for a deeper understanding of Orthodox Christianity, and anyone concerned with the environmental and social issues we face today. His All Holiness Ecumenica l Pat riarch B artho lom e w , spiritual leader of the world’s 300 million Orthodox Christians, is the 270th successor of St. Andrew the Apostle, who founded the 2,000-year-old Church of Constantinople. The Rev. Dr. Joh n Ch ryssavgis , an ordained deacon of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, currently serves as theological advisor to the Ecumenical Patriarch on environmental issues.

Special three-volume anniversary collection packed in an attractive slip case! In the World, Yet Not of the World: Social and Global Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 978-0-8232-3171-3, Cloth, $32.00 (01)

Speaking the Truth in Love: Theological and Spiritual Exhortations of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 978-0-8232-3337-3, Cloth, $35.00 (01)

On Earth as in Heaven: Ecological Vision and Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 978-0-8232-3885-9, Cloth $32.00 (01) Three-volume slip case 978-0-8232-4129-3 Cloth, $99.00 (06) Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought October


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| history

the sisters of our lady of christian doctrine community was

1 9 1 0 b y m a r i o n g u r n e y , who adopted the religious name Mother Marianne of Jesus. A graduate of Wellesley College and a convert to Catholicism, Gurney had served as head resident at St. Rose’s Settlement, the first Catholic settlement house in New York City. She founded the Sisters of Christian Doctrine when other communities of women religious appeared uninterested in a ministry of settlement work combined with religious education programs for children attending public schools. The community established two settlement houses in New York City—Madonna House on the Lower East Side in 1910, followed by Ave Maria House in the Bronx in 1930. Alongside their classes in religious education and preparing children and adults to receive the sacraments, the Sisters distributed food and clothing, operated a bread line, and helped their neighbors in emergencies. In 1940 Mother Marianne and the Sisters began their first major mission outside New York when they adapted the model of the urban Catholic social settlement to rural South Carolina. They also served at a number of parishes, including several in South Carolina and Florida, where they ministered to both black and white Catholics. In Neighbors and Missionaries, Margaret M. McGuinness, who was given full access to the archives of the Sisters of Christian Doctrine, traces in fascinating detail the history of the congregation, from the inspiring story of its founder and the community’s mission to provide material and spiritual support to their Catholic neighbors, to the changes and challenges of the latter half of the twentieth century. By 1960, settlement houses had been replaced by other forms of social welfare, and the lives and work of American women religious were undergoing a dramatic change. McGuinness explores how the Sisters of Christian Doctrine were affected and how they adapted their own lives and work to reflect the transformations taking place in the Church and society. Neighbors and Missionaries examines a distinctive community of women religious whose primary focus was neither teaching nor nursing/hospital administration. The choice of the Sisters of Christian Doctrine to live among the poor and to serve where other communities were either unwilling or unable demonstrates that women religious in the United States served in many different capacities as they contributed to the life and work of the American Catholic Church. founded in

Neighbors and Missionaries

A History of the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine M argar et M. McG uinn e ss 176 pages • 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3987-0 • Cloth • $40.00 (06)

Margar e t M. McG uinness is Professor of Religion at La Salle University, Philadelphia, and co-editor of The Catholic Studies Reader (Fordham), as well as the Journal of American Catholic Studies.

ebook available Decem ber

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“. . . He not only had the reputation of being a great theologian, but he could present his arguments and his deepest thoughts with an extraordinary clarity and forcefulness.” —Cardi n al T heodore E. Mc Carric k, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, D.C., from his Foreword in his nearly


career teaching philosophy and theology

at f o rd h a m a n d o t h e r d i s t i n g u i s h e d u n i ve r s i t i e s , c a rd i n a l ave r y

The Legacy of Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. His Words and His Witness

Edited by A nn e -M arie Kirms e, O.P., and M ichae l M. Canaris Foreword by Cardinal The odor e E. Mc Carrick 96 pages • 4 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3960-3 • Cloth • $45.00 (06) ebook available Sep te m ber


d u l l e s wrote and traveled extensively, writing 25 books and more than 800 articles, book reviews, forewords, introductions, and letters to the editor, translated into at least 14 languages and distributed worldwide. This work serves as a companion to the previous volume of McGinley Lectures, published as Church and Society (Fordham, 2008), and also provides an independent research guide for scholars, theologians, and anyone interested in American Catholicism in the decades immediately before and following the Second Vatican Council. From his poems and reflections composed in prep school where he first crossed paths with John Fitzgerald Kennedy (with whom he would graduate from Harvard in 1940) to a private meeting in his last days arranged at Pope Benedict XVI’s personal request, the book explores a theological topography that includes truly monumental figures and events of the modern era. As the product of perhaps the most influential American Catholic theologian in history, Dulles’s writings continue to inspire and shape the way theology has been studied and practiced in academic institutions throughout the United States and the world. Having worked closely with Cardinal Dulles, the editors have compiled an exhaustive bibliography of his works and have included a series of essays that shed light on the twilight of his life, one that intersects with ecclesiastical, theological, philosophical, and political leaders of every stripe and worldview. Contributions include Dulles’s farewell lecture as McGinley Professor of Religion and Society with a stirring response by Robert Imbelli; a reflection on the Cardinal’s last days by longtime research assistant Anne-Marie Kirmse, O.P.; and the moving homily given at his funeral by Edward Cardinal Egan. The book also chronicles Cardinal Dulles’s relationship with Fordham University, where he began his academic career as a Jesuit regent, teaching philosophy (1951– 53), and where, for the last twenty years of his life, he held an endowed chair named in honor of a former president of Fordham, Laurence J. McGinley, S.J. This text will serve as a liminal passageway into the splendid mansion of Dulles’s thought for theologians, scholars, believers, and all thinking men and women of goodwill.

Ann e-Mari e Kirmse , O.P., Ph.D., served as Avery Dulles’s Research Associate and

Executive Assistant for his twenty years at Fordham University. Since the Cardinal’s death in 2008, she continues at Fordham as Research Associate for the McGinley Chair and as Associate Professor of Theology in the College of Liberal Studies. Micha el M. Canaris works as an administrator at Fairfield University’s Center for Faith and Public Life and teaches on the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut.

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| political


t h i s b o o k p r e s e n t s d a n i e l b e r r i g a n ’s c o n t r i b u t i o n a n d c h a l l e n g e

Faith, Resistance, and the Future Daniel Berrigan’s Challenge to Catholic Social Thought

Edited by Jam e s L . Marsh and Anna J. Brown 352 pages 978-0-8232-3982-5 • Cloth • $60.00 (01) ebook available Decem ber

t o c a t h o l i c s o c i a l t h o u g h t . His contribution lies in his consistent, comprehensive, theoretical, and practical approach to issues of social justice and peace over the past fifty years. His challenge lies in his critique of capitalism, imperialism, and militarism, inviting Catholic activists and thinkers to undertake not just a reformist but a radical critique of and alternative to these realities. The aim of this book is, for the first time, to make Berrigan’s thought and life available to the academic Catholic community, so that a fruitful interaction takes place. How does this work enlighten and challenge such a community? To these ends, the editors have recruited scholars and thinker-activists already familiar with and sympathetic to Berrigan’s work and those who are less so identified. The result is a rich, engaging, and critical treatment of the meaning and impact of his work. What kind of challenge does he present to academic-business-as-usual in Catholic universities? How can the life and work of individual Catholic academics be transformed if such persons took Berrigan’s work seriously—theoretically and practically? Do Catholic universities need Berrigan’s vision to fulfill more integrally and completely their own missions? Does the self-knowing subject and theorist need to become a radical subject and theorist? Even though the appeal of academics is important and perhaps primary, because of the range and depth of Berrigan’s work and thought and the power of his writing there is a larger appeal to the Catholic community and to activists working for social justice and peace. This book has, therefore, not only a theoretical and academic appeal but also a popular and grassroots appeal. Given the current and ongoing U.S. military interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, Berrigan’s work invites us to think about the justice of such interventions or, given the destructiveness of modern weapons, whether the notion of just war makes any sense. Given the recent crisis on Wall Street, does it make sense any longer to talk about the possibility of a just capitalism? Given the most recent revelations about Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, and Bagram, is it not imperative to think about how torture, preventative detention, and extraordinary rendition serve the ends of empire? In light of all of this, doesn’t Berrigan’s call for a pacific, prophetic community of justice rooted in the Good News of the Gospel make compelling sense?

Jame s L. Marsh

is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Fordham University.

is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Social Justice Program at Saint Peter’s College.

A nna J. Brown

The Trial of the Catonsville Nine Dani e l Be rrigan, Preface and Afterword by R obin And e rs on Second Afterword by Jam e s L. Marsh 142 pages 978-0-8232-2331-2, Paper, $20.00 (01)

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literary studies

Beyond the Mushroom Cloud Commemoration, Religion, and Responsibility after Hiroshima Y u k i M iyamoto

160 pages 978-0-8232-4051-7 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-4050-0 • Cloth • $75.00 (06) ebook available

h o w s h o u l d t h e h o r r o r o f t h e a t o m b o m b b e r e m e m b e r e d ? In what ways might we remember so that the terrible experience of its use might be transformed into hope for a universal community of peace? In a fascinating case study in comparative religion, this book traces the struggle of the hibakusha, the survivors of the 1945 bombings, to make sense of their experiences through an ethic of “not retaliation but reconciliation.” The predominant religious group in Hiroshima was True Pure Land Buddhism. From this sect emerged an account of the bombings in terms of karma, the misdeeds of humans—in the city, the nation, and the world—bound up in a wheel of suffering to which they themselves contribute. For its part, the Roman Catholic population of Nagasaki sought to view the tragedy through a lens of sin and sacrifice. The secular commemoration by the city of Hiroshima has drawn on both interpretations in public memorials that seek to establish a responsibility we all share in forming a universal community of memory. This inspiring account should be of interest to all who reflect seriously on the experience and the threat of nuclear catastrophe.

Yuki Miyam oto

is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at DePaul University.

Bordering Religions Nov e m ber



disability studies

A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability Human Being as Mutuality and Response M o l ly C. Haslam

this book asks, on behalf of individuals with profound intellectual


176 pages 978-0-8232-3941-2 • Paper • $24.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3940-5 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) ebook available Nov em b e r


what it means to be human. That question has traditionally been answered with an emphasis on an intellectual capacity—the ability to employ concepts or to make moral choices— and has ignored the value of individuals who lack such intellectual capacities. The author suggests, rather, that human beings be understood in terms of participation in relationships of mutual responsiveness, which includes but is not limited to intellectual forms of communicating. She supports her argument by developing a phenomenology of how an individual with a profound intellectual disability relates, drawn from her clinical experience as a physical therapist. She thereby demonstrates that these individuals participate in relationships of mutual responsiveness, though in nonsymbolic, bodily ways. To be human, to image God, she argues, is to respond to the world around us in any number of ways, bodily or symbolically. Such an understanding does not exclude people with intellectual disabilities but rather includes them among those who participate in the image of God. Molly C. H aslam is a physical therapist with twenty years of experience working with individuals with a variety of disabilities, including those with profound intellectual disabilities. Her doctoral work in theology at Vanderbilt University has culminated in the publication of this book, an integration of disabilities studies and theology.

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The Metamorphosis of Finitude An Essay on Birth and Resurrection

E m m a n uel Falqu e, Translated by George Hugh es

224 pages 978-0-8232-3921-4 • Paper • $28.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3920-7 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Jan ua ry

n o b o d y c a n b e i n t h e w o r l d u n l e s s h e o r s h e i s b o r n i n t o t h e w o r l d . Yet, as Nicodemus asked, “How can anyone be born after having grown old? Can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be born?” The modern Christian needs to find some way of understanding resurrection, and the dogma of the resurrection of the body is vacuous unless we can relate it philosophically to our own world of experience. This book performs that act of relating by reading resurrection in the context of contemporary philosophy, notably Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. It shows how a phenomenology of the body born “from below” can be seen as a paradigm for a theology of spiritual rebirth, and for rebirth of the body from “on high.” The Resurrection changes everything in Christianity—but our own bodies must also be transformed in resurrection, as Christ is transfigured. And the way in which one hopes to be resurrected bodily in God, in the future, depends upon the way in which one lives bodily today.

Emm anu el Falqu e is Dean of the Department of Philosophy at the The Catholic Institute of Paris. His recent publications include Saint Bonaventure et l’entrée de Dieu en théologie; Dieu, la chair et l’autre: D’Irénée à Duns Scot; and the trilogy in which the present volume appeared in French: Le passseur de Gethsémani, Métamorphose de la finitude, and Les Noces de l’Agneau. George Hugh es



taught at the University of Tokyo. His most recent publication is Reading Novels.




Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God

Edited by Donna B owman and Clayton Cro c k ett t h i s b o o k b r i n g s t o ge t h e r p ro c e s s a n d p o s t m o de r n t h e o l o g i a n s t o re f l e c t o n

t h e c r u c i a l t o p i c o f e n e r g y , asking: What are some of the connections between energy and theology? How do ideas about humanity and divinity interrelate with how we live our lives? Its contributors address energy in at least three distinct ways. First, in terms of physics, the discovery of dark energy in 1998 uncovered a mysterious force that seems to be driving the expansion of the universe. Here cosmology converges with theological reflection about the nature and origin of the universe. Second, the social and ecological contexts of energy use and the current energy crisis have theological implications insofar as they are caught up with ultimate human meanings and values. Finally, in more traditional theological terms of divine spiritual energy, we can ask how human conceptions of energy relate to divine energy in terms of creative power.

192 pages 978-0-8232-3896-5 • Paper • $24.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3895-8 • Cloth • $75.00 (06) ebook available Novem b er

Donna Bow man is Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the Honors College at the University of Central Arkansas. She is the author of The Divine Decision: A Process Doctrine of Election and co-editor (with Jay McDaniel) of Handbook of Process Theology. Clayton Crocke tt is Associate Professor and Director of Religious Studies at the University of Central Arkansas. He is the author of Interstices of the Sublime (Fordham) and Radical Political Theology: Religion and Politics After Liberalism.

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literary studies

decolonizing epistemologies builds upon the contributions of

l i b e r a t i o n a n d p o s t c o l o n i a l t h e o r i e s in both philosophy and theology. Gathering the work of three generations of Latina/o theologians and philosophers who have taken up the task of transforming their respective disciplines, it seeks to facilitate the emergence of new knowledge by reflecting on the Latina/o reality in the United States as an epistemic locus: a place from which to start as well as the source of what is known and how it is known. The task of elaborating a liberation and decolonial epistemology emerges from the questions and concerns of Latina/os as a minoritized and marginalized group. Refusing to be rendered invisible by the dominant discourse, the contributors to this volume show the unexpected and original ways in which U.S. Latina/o social and historical loci are generative places for the creation of new matrices of knowledge. Because the Latina/o reality is intrinsically connected with that of other oppressed groups, the volume articulates a new point of departure for the selfunderstanding not only of Latina/os but also possibly for other marginalized and oppressed groups, and for all those seeking to engage in the move beyond coloniality as it is present in this age of globalization.

Contrib utors: Walter Mignolo, Ada María Isasi-Díaz, María Lugones, Otto Maduro, Linda Martín Alcoff, Hjamil Martínez-Vázquez, Michelle GonzálezMaldonado, Paula M.L. Moya, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Mayra River Rivera, Christopher Tirres, Eduardo Mendieta

Decolonizing Epistemologies

is Professor of Ethics and Theology (Emerita) at the Theological School of Drew University.

Ada María Isasi- Díaz Eduardo Mendi e ta

is Professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University.

Latina/o Theology and Philosophy

Edited by A da María Isasi- Díaz and Eduardo Me ndi eta 256 pages 978-0-8232-4136-1 • Paper • $24.00 (01) 978-0-8232-4135-4 • Cloth • $70.00 (06) ebook available Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia Nov e m ber


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| science


“Juan Manuel Garrido renews in an impressive way the question concerning ‘life.’ By the term ‘life’ we usually mean a sort of immediacy, a self-presence through auto-affection and transmission through self-perpetuation. Garrido, however, opens life—simply, if I may say so—to the infinity of a ‘being-towards’ and a ‘hunger’: this infinity is not the indefinition of a life that simply ‘continues,’ but the elevation of life—or its hollowing out, which is the same thing—to being-outof-itself. This is, in one word, a philosophical revolution.” —Jea n- Luc Na ncy

“Garrido makes a real and highly significant intervention in the ways we commonly think about the phenomenon of life.” —Rodol phe G asc hé, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

“A new and compelling voice in philosophy. Garrido develops a profoundly interesting and compelling investigation of the senses of being and temporality. In doing so, he moves beyond philosophies that emphasize traditional ontology and their correlative concept of time.” —A leja ndro Vallega, University of Oregon the traditional way of understanding life, as a self-

appropriating and self-organizing process

On Time, Being, and Hunger

Challenging the Traditional Way of Thinking Life J uan Manu el Garrido

of not ceasing to exist, of taking care of one’s own hunger, is challenged by today’s unprecedented proliferation of discourses and techniques concerning the living being. This challenge entails questioning the fundamental concepts of metaphysical thinking—namely, time, finality, and, above all, being. Garrido argues that today we are in a position to repeat Nietzsche’s assertion that there is no other representation of “being” than that of “living.” But in order to carry out this deconstruction of ontology, we need to find new ways of asking: What is life? In this study, Garrido establishes the basic elements of the question concerning life through readings of Aristotle, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida; through the discussion of scientific breakthroughs in thermodynamics and evolutionary and developmental biology; and through the reexamination of the notion of hunger in both its metaphysical and its political implications. teaches philosophy at the Universidad Diego Portales in Chile. He earned his degree under Jean-Luc Nancy at the Marc Bloch Université, Strasbourg. He is the author of La formation des formes and Chances de la pensée—à partir de Jean-Luc Nancy.

Juan Manu e l Garrido

144 pages 978-0-8232-3936-8 • Paper • $22.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3935-1 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) ebook available Forms of Living Fe b rua ry

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Thinking about Thinking What Kind of Conversation Is Philosophy? A d r i a an T heodoor Pe pe rzak

thinking about thinking examines philosophy from a variety of perspectives

192 pages 978-0-8232-4018-0 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-4017-3 • Cloth • $75.00 (06) ebook available Octo be r

as a practice realized by persons who communicate with one another while reflecting about the meaning of human life and thought. Without forgetting the logical and methodological conditions of systematic thought, the author insists on the intimate connections that tie all philosophical texts and conversations to the lives from which they emerge. As product of an individual thinker, who, thanks to individual teachers, has been familiarized with particular traditions of a particular culture, each philosophy is unique. If it is a good one, it is also revealing for many—perhaps even for all—other philosophers. At the same time, all thinking is addressed to individual interlocutors, each of whom responds to it by transforming it into a different philosophy. This fact invites us to explore the dialogical dimension of thinking, which, in turn, refers us to the communitarian and historical contexts from which solitude, as well as solidarity, competition, alliances, and friendships in thought, emerge. holds the Arthur J. Schmitt Chair of Philosophy at Loyola University, Chicago. Among his books are Platonic Transformations, with and after Heath; Heidegger and Levinas; Beyond: The Philosophy of Emanuel Levinas; The Quest for Meaning: Friends of Wisdom from Plato to Levinas (Fordham); and Thinking: From Solitude to Dialogue and Contemplation (Fordham). Adriaan Theodoor P eperza k




Through Narcissus' Glass Darkly The Modern Religion of Conscience Dav i d S. Pac ini

“. . . This is a remarkable piece of scholarship. . . . Highly recommended.” —C hoi c e

new in


“Pacini’s book is, at one level, a critique of modernity, and it deserves an honored place among some of the best recent critiques. More fundamentally, his book illuminates an idea whose inner workings call for a rare ability to think theologically in the context of a modern philosophical narrative. The ‘religion’ in a religion of conscience defies the usual distinctions between religion and science, faith and reason, autonomy and dependence. Pacini deftly illuminates the depths of that brave new religion.” — Ja mes Wetzel, Villanova University

“An historico-critical tour de force . . . Pacini is a master of ‘close-readings.’ ” — C a rl R aschke, University of Denver

200 pages • 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-2965-9 • Paper • $24.00 (01) 978-0-8232-2964-2 • Cloth • $55.00 (06) fe b rua ry

“Pacini’s book provides a very original, lively, and well-informed account of difficulties in the modern notion of conscience, which came to dominate philosophical perspectives on Christianity in the period from Hobbes through Rousseau and Kant. The volume is an excellent general study of a key topic in the development of modernity, and it provides insightful criticisms of Kant’s philosophy of religion in particular.” — Ka rl Ameriks, University of Notre Dame

David S. Pacini


is Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Emory University.

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american studies

Conversations on Peirce Reals and Ideals

D o ug l a s R. And ers on and Carl R. Hausman

320 pages 978-0-8232-3468-4 • Paper • $30.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3467-7 • Cloth • $80.00 (06) ebook available American Philosophy Se p te m be r

t h e e s s a y s i n t h i s b o o k h av e g r o w n o u t o f c o nv e r s a t i o n s b e t w e e n t h e a u t h o r s — and their colleagues and students—over the past decade and a half. Their germinal question concerned the ways in which Charles Sanders Peirce was and was not both an idealist and a realist. The dialogue began as an exploration of Peirce’s explicit uses of these ideas and then turned to consider the way in which answers to the initial question shed light on other dimensions of Peirce’s architectonic. The essays explore the nature of semiotic interpretation, perception, and inquiry. Moreover, considering the roles of idealism and realism in Peirce’s thought led to considerations of Peirce’s place in the historical development of pragmatism. The authors find his realism turning sharply against the nominalistic conceptions of science endorsed both explicitly and implicitly by his nonpragmatist contemporaries. And they find his version of pragmatism holding a middle ground between the thought of John Dewey and that of Josiah Royce. The essays aims to invite others to consider the import of these central themes of Peircean thought.

Douglas R . A nderson is Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. His recent books include Creativity and the Philosophy of C. S. Peirce. Carl R. Hausman , who was Doug Anderson’s teacher, taught at Pennsylvania State University

until his retirement. He is the author of Charles S. Peirce’s Evolutionary Philosophy, Metaphor and Art, and A Discourse on Novelty and Creation. philosophy


american studies


literary studies

Thoreau’s Importance for Philosophy Edited by R ic k Anthony Furtak , J o nat h an Ellsworth, and Jame s D. Reid

although h e n r y d av i d t h o re a u ’s b e st - k n ow n b o o k , w a l d e n , i s a d m i re d a s a c l a s s i c

work of American literature, it has not yet been widely recognized as an important philosophical text. In fact, many academic philosophers would be reluctant to classify Thoreau as a philosopher at all. The purpose of this volume is to remedy this neglect, to explain Thoreau’s philosophical significance, and to argue that we can still learn from his polemical conception of philosophy. Thoreau sought to establish philosophy as a way of life and to root our philosophical, conceptual affairs in more practical or existential concerns. His work provides us with a sustained meditation on the importance of leading our lives with integrity, avoiding what he calls “quiet desperation.” The contributors to this volume approach Thoreau’s writings from different angles. They explore his aesthetic views, his naturalism, his theory of self, his ethical principles, and his political stances. Most important, they show how Thoreau returns philosophy to its roots as the love of wisdom.

288 pages 978-0-8232-3930-6 • Cloth • $55.00 (01) ebook available American Philosophy Feb rua ry

Contri b utors: Doug Anderson, Stanley Bates, Philip J. Cafaro, Jonathan Ellsworth, Paul Friedrich, Rick Anthony Furtak, Russell B. Goodman, Robert Kuhn McGregor, Edward F. Mooney, James D. Reid, Alfred I. Tauber , Laura Dassow Walls R ick Anthony Furta k

is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Colorado College.

Jonathan Ellsworth

is an independent scholar in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Jame s D. Re id

teaches philosophy at the United States Air Force Academy. f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m

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The Reinvention of Religious Music Olivier Messiaen’s Breakthrough Toward the Beyond

new in


S a n d er van Maas

“In this eloquent and detailed study, van Maas discusses the theological meaning of Messiaen’s music and the ways in which this unique sound world seeks to configure and even evangelize Messiaen’s Christian thought. Maas presents an absorbing and provocative insight into Messiaen’s faith in music that will enhance appreciation of this often misunderstood composer and his work.” —An dre w She n to n, Boston University “A penetrating and thought-provoking exploration of what might be entailed by Messiaen’s musical ‘breakthrough toward the beyond.’ The Reinvention of Religious Music provides us with a wealth of fresh and original perspectives on this complex, endlessly fascinating musician.” —Jerem y Begbie, Duke University

224 pages 978-0-8232-3058-7 • Paper • $24.00 (01) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-3057-0} ebook available F e b rua ry

“If the idea that religious music is a thing of the past helps you sleep better, Sander van Maas’s provocative book should wake you up. Did you ever think that an ear could be circumcised? From the Bible to Messiaen and Derrida, he radically rethinks the relationships between ear and flesh.” —Peter Sze ndy, Université de Paris X Nanterre “Recommended . . .” — C h oi ce Sand er van Maas



is Professor of Musicology at the University of Utrecht.




Musically Sublime new in


Indeterminacy, Infinity, Irresolvability K i e ne B rille nburg W urth

“Analyzing critical and philosophical writing from the mid-eighteenth century on, Wurth moves from Burke through Kant and Schopenhauer to Lyotard to posit a complex, multifaceted notion of the sublime, citing music as its crucial source.” —Ann ette Ri chards, Cornell University

“Contemporary philosophy is badly in need of a new philosophical vocabulary enabling it to shed new light on old problems. This book proves clear that no notion will be more successful here than that of the sublime. And that the sublime is best exemplified by the experience of music. Kiene Brillenburg Wurth wrote a superior book on a fascinating theme. Her book will be landmark in contemporary philosophy.” —Fra n k Anker smit, University of Groningen “Recommended…” — Ch oi ce

240 pages 978-0-8232-3064-8 • Paper • $24.00 (01) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-3063-1} ebook available F e b rua ry


“Wurth does better than merely document the history of the sublime in music. By engaging with the term in its various incarnations, she offers the reader a full sense of the complexities of the term, the scope of various theories, and finally, offers a strong theory of the postmodern sublime.” —B enjami n Downs , Music Research Forum Ki ene Brill e nburg Wurth is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Utrecht. Her most recent publication includes Controlled Accidents (with Sander van Maas).

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literary studies


american studies

Poetics of Emptiness

Transformations of Asian Thought in American Poetry J o nat h an Stalling

new in


288 pages 978-0-8232-3145-4 • Paper • $18.00 (01) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-3144-7} American Literatures Initiative Jan ua ry

“A beautifully, coherently argued, and well researched book. Stalling goes beyond merely recovering the missing pieces in literary history; he has instead presented a brand new reading of Fenollosa, making him a key figure in the poetic and philosophical tradition that Stalling has shrewdly described as the ‘poetics of emptiness.’” —Y un te Huan g, University of California, Santa Barbara

“In a splendidly focused and original study, Stalling makes the quest for a ‘poetics of emptiness’ resonate with the metamorphosis in a range of American modern figures, early and late—Fenollosa, Snyder, Wai-lim Yip, and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha—to imagine, translate, and enact in their poetics and life work an alternative to East/West power-dynamics as marred by legacies of imperialism and orientalism. Contexts and texts are thus made to resonate in multi-sonic elaborations, as ‘emptiness’ becomes charged with history, situation, authority, theo-poetic implication, and exchange. Far reaching yet exacting, Stalling’s study elegantly expands and complicates existing American formations of East Asia and the Pacific Rim as tied to a geopoetic internationalism that, early and late, helped transform the region.” — R ob Wil so n, University of California, Santa Cruz is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Oklahoma. He is a co-editor of The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition (Fordham).

Jonathan Stalling

literary studies

Beyond the Mother Tongue

The Postmonolingual Condition Ya se m i n Y ildiz

208 pages 978-0-8232-4130-9 • Cloth • $45.00 (01) ebook available Decem be r

m o n o l i n g u a l i s m — t h e i d e a t h a t h a v i n g j u s t o n e l a n g u a g e i s t h e n o r m —is only a recent invention, dating to late-eighteenth-century Europe. Yet it has become a dominant, if overlooked, structuring principle of modernity. According to this monolingual paradigm, individuals are imagined to be able to think and feel properly only in one language, while multiple languages are seen as a threat to the cohesion of individuals and communities, institutions and disciplines. As a result of this view, writing in anything but one’s “mother tongue” has come to be seen as an aberration. Beyond the Mother Tongue demonstrates the impact of this monolingual paradigm on literature and culture and charts incipient moves beyond it. Because newer multilingual forms and practices exist in tension with the paradigm, which alternately obscures, pathologizes, or exoticizes them, this book argues that they can best be understood as “postmonolingual”. Focused on canonical and minority writers working in German in the twentieth century, Beyond the Mother Tongue examines distinct forms of multilingualism, such as writing in one socially unsanctioned “mother tongue” about another language (Franz Kafka); mobilizing words of foreign derivation as part of a multilingual constellation within one language (Theodor W. Adorno); producing an oeuvre in two separate languages simultaneously (Yoko Tawada); and mixing different languages, codes, and registers within one text (Feridun Zaimoglu). Through these analyses, Beyond the Mother Tongue suggests that the dimensions of gender, kinship, and affect encoded in the “mother tongue” are crucial to the persistence of monolingualism and the challenge of multilingualism.

Yas em in Yildiz

is Assistant Professor of German at the University of Illinois. f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m

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literary studies



Enlightened Sentiments

Judgment and Autonomy in the Age of Sensibility H i na Nazar

e n l i g h t e n e d s e n t i m e n t s r e a s s e s s e s t h e e n l i g h t e n m e n t ’s l i b e r a l l e g a c i e s b y

revisiting the wide-ranging development of eighteenth-century letters known as “sentimentalism.” Nazar argues that the recent retrieval of sentimentalism as a predominantly affective culture of sensibility elides its critical motif of moral and aesthetic judgment and underrates its contributions to the key Enlightenment norm of autonomy. Drawing upon novelists from Samuel Richardson to Jane Austen, and theorists of judgment from David Hume to Hannah Arendt, the author contends that sentimental judgment complicates received understandings of liberal ethics as grounded in the opposition of reason and feeling, and autonomy and sociability and, as such, implies a powerful counter-challenge to postmodernist critiques of modernity as the harbinger principally of instrumentalist reason and disciplinary power.

600 pages

H ina Nazar is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.

978-0-8232-4007-4 • Cloth • $45.00 (01) ebook available fe b rua ry

literary studies



Responses to Modernity Essays in the Politics of Culture J o se p h Frank

this book consists of essays and reviews that address social, political, and

which arose in connection with literature broadly conceived in the wake of the First World War, and extending throughout the twentieth century. The first portion of the volume concerns France, with both essays on individual writers—such as Paul Valéry, Jacques Maritain, Albert Camus, André Malraux, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Yves Bonnefoy—and a piece on French intellectuals between the wars. The second part concerns Germany and Romania, with essays on Ernst Juenger, Gottfried Benn, Erich Kahler, E. M. Cioran, and others. The volume concludes with essays on problems of literary criticism, in dialogue with such critics as Gary Saul Morson, Ian Watt, T. S. Eliot, and R. P. Blackmur. These essays also discuss the history of the novel and the question of “realism.” cultural issues

is Professor Emeritus of the Comparative Literature Department at Princeton University and of the Slavic and comp. Lit. Dept. of Stanford University. He has published five volumes on the life and works of Dostoevsky, recently condensed into one with the title: Dostoevsky, A Writer in His Time.

Joseph Frank 192 pages 978-0-8232-3925-2 • Cloth • $45.00 (01) Decem be r


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literary studies


ge n d e r s t u d i e s

The Pain of Reformation Spenser, Vulnerability, and the Ethics of Masculinity

J o s ep h Campana

t h e p a i n o f r e f o r m a t i o n a r g u e s t h a t s p e n s e r ’s

1590 faerie queene represents of physical, social, and affective vulnerability in Renaissance England. Histories of violence, trauma, and injury have dominated literary studies, often obscuring vulnerability, or an openness to sensation, affect, and aesthetics that includes a wide range of pleasures and pains. This book approaches early modern sensations through the rubric of the vulnerable body, explores the emergence of notions of shared vulnerability, and illuminates a larger constellation of masculinity and ethics in post-Reformation England. The underside of representations of violence in Spenser’s poetry was a contemplation of the precarious lives of subjects in post-Reformation England. The Faerie Queene is a heroic poem that militates against forms of violence and war that threatened to engulf Europe and devastate an England eager to militarize in response to perceived threats from within and without. In pursuing an analysis, disarmament, and redefinition of masculinity in response to a sense of shared vulnerability, Spenser’s poem provides a vital archive of the way gender, violence, pleasure, and pain were understood.

an extended meditation on emerging notions

the pain of reformation Spenser, Vulnerability, and the Ethics of Masculinity

— joseph c a mpa na —

240 pages • 8 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3910-8 • Cloth • $55.00 (01) ebook available Decem ber

is Assistant Professor of English at Rice University. He is a well-published poet as well as a scholar; his poems have been collected in The Book of Faces.

Jos eph Campana

literary studies


ge n d e r s t u d i e s

Genealogies of Fiction

Women Warriors and the Dynastic Imagination in the ‘Orlando furioso’ E l e o nora Stoppino

g e n e a l o g i e s o f f i c t i o n i s a s t u d y o f g e n d e r, d y n a s t i c p o l i t i c s , a n d

i n t e r t e x t u a l i t y i n m e d i e v a l a n d r e n a i s s a n c e c h i v a l r i c e p i c , focused on Ludovico Ariosto’s “Orlando furioso.” Relying on the direct study of manuscripts and incunabula, this project challenges the fixed distinction between medieval and early modern texts and reclaims medieval popular epic as a key source for the furioso. Tracing the formation of the character of the warrior woman, from the amazon to Bradamante, the book analyzes the process of gender construction in early modern Italy. By reading the tension between the representations of women as fighters, lovers, and mothers, this study shows how the warrior woman is a symbolic center for the construction of legitimacy in the complex web of fears and expectations of the Northern Italian Renaissance court.

Eleonora Stoppino

is Assistant Professor of Italian at the University of Illinois.

208 pages 978-0-8232-4037-1 • Cloth • $55.00 (01) ebook available Decem ber

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“Diplomats who must deal with the after-effects of man-made and natural disasters are well aware that epidemic diseases flourish as societies collapse, and that more people usually die in such circumstances from preventable illnesses than from armed conflicts. This is an essential book for those who seek to restore peace and stability in war-torn and disaster areas. It considers the critical interrelationships of medicine and statesmanship, and it is one of the reasons why I have asked the author to serve as my Chief Adviser on Humanitarian and Public Health issues.” — H .E. Nassir A l Nasser, President of the United Nations General Assembly, Sixty-sixth session

“This revised and expanded edition of Tropical Medicine: A Clinical Text reflects the personal experience of the author over many years of direct and intimate contact with countries in the Third World ranging from those in Africa to those in South America. It has been the standard textbook used by many generations of both medical students and postgraduate physicians studying tropical medicine at The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and in other academic centers around the world. It is a practical and very readable textbook.” — H erbert Gille s, M. D., C. M.G. Professor Emeritus, The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; Past President, The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene the history of tropical medicine is as dramatic as the story of

Tropical Medicine

A Clinical Text, Jubilee Edition Edited by

Kevin M. Cahill, M .D.

290 pages • 42 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4061-6 • Paper • $32.00 (01) 978-0-8232-4060-9 • cloth • $95.00 (06) ebook available International Humanitarian Affairs Sep te m be r

m a n k i n d —with its own myths and legends, with tales of epidemics destroying

whole civilizations; and, still today, with silent stealth, these diseases claim more lives than all the current wars combined. Having had the privilege of working throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as in the great medical centers of Europe and the United States, the author presents the essential details for understanding pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, therapy, and prevention of the major tropical diseases. The text, now in its seventh edition, has been used for a half-century by medical students, practicing physicians, and public health workers around the world. This fascinating book should also be of interest to a broad, nonmedical readership interested in world affairs. Kevin M. Cahill, M.D., is University Professor and Director of Fordham University Institute for International Humanitarian Affairs and President of The Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation in New York City. He has also served as Chief Adviser for Humanitarian and Public Health issues for successive Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly.

All royalties from the sale of this book go to the training of humanitarian workers.


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Dante Studies 2010 Edited by Ric h a r d La n s i ng 0070-2862, Paper, $45.00 ann ua l

Joyce Studies Annual 2011

Edited by Philip T. Sic ker and M o sh e Gold

Traditio 2010

Edited by Rev. Jos eph T. Lie nhard, S.J. 0362-1529, Paper, $67.00


1049-0809, Cloth, $60.00 a n n ual




Keeping the Faith at Harvard

A Memoir

S i st er M ary Clar e V incent keeping the faith at harvard is a personal meditation on the coming of

f a t h e r l e o n a r d f e e n e y t o s t . b e n e d i c t c e n t e r and his messianic mission of salvation, and the resultant fallout of that mission. Sr. Mary Clare Vincent reinterprets the story of the St. Benedict Center at Harvard Univeristy.

S ist er Mary Clar e V in cent is today a cloistered Benedictine nun. Born into the Episcopalian faith, she abandoned all religion while at Radcliffe College. She converted to Catholicism shortly after graduation from Radcliffe at 19, and while studying at the Harvard Graduate School of Education she became a permanent part of St. Benedict Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, until its disintegration. In 1980 she studied at Weston Jesuit College and Harvard Divinity School, receiving a Master of Theological Studies from Weston Jesuit College in 1985.

258 pages 978-1-879007-49-9 • Paper • $20.00 (01) Ava i l a b le St. B e d e 's P ublicati o ns

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recently announced


select backlist

Castoriadis's Ontology

The Animal Side

Su z i A da m s

Je an- Christoph e Bailly translated by Cath erin e P ort er

Being and Creation

112 pages • 4 b/w illustrations • 5

224 pages


1/ 2

1/ 2

978-0-8232-3444-8 • Paper • $18.00 (01)

978-0-8232-3459-2 • Paper • $25.00 (01) ebook available


Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

Speaking the Truth in Love

Re-treating Religion

Theological and Spiritual Exhortations of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc Nancy

edited by Ale na A l exa n drova, Ig na a s Dev i s c h , L au re ns t e n Kat e, and Au kje va n R ood en preamble by Je a n-Luc Na nc y

E cum eni cal Patriar ch B artholom ew edited by Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis foreword by D r. Rowan W illiams, A rchbishop o f Cant e rbury

320 pages

464 pages 978-0-8232-3337-3 • Cloth • $35.00 (01)

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Reading the Allegorical Intertext



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128 pages • 5

Su z a n n e B o st

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