fall 2012
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eBooks & eInitiatives
table of contents
Digital editions of Fordham University Press titles are available through:
ACADEMIC TRA D E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
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HISTORY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 PHILOS OPHY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22 R EL IGION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 M EDIEVA L STUD IES _ _ _ _ _ _ 30 L IT ER ARY STUD IES _ _ _ _ _ _ 31 LAW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 M EDIA STUD IES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES _ _ 3 6 JOU R NA LS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37 BAC KL I ST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38 IN DEX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39
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Sergei Eisenstein editing “Oktyabr” / Courtesy of the Musei Kino, Moscow.
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general interest
The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side A Retrospective and Contemporary View, 2nd Edition Ger ar d R. Wolfe photographs by Jo Re n e e Fine and No r man B orde n
It has often been said that nowhere in the United States can one find a greater collection of magnificent and historic synagogues than on New York’s Lower East Side. As the ultimate destination for millions of immigrant eastern European Jews during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it became the new homeland and hoped-for goldene medinah (promised land) for immigrants fleeing persecution, poverty, and oppression, while struggling to live a new and productive life. Yet to many visitors and students today these synagogues are shrouded in mystery, as documentary information on them tends to be dispersed and difficult to find. With The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side, Gerard R. Wolfe fills that void, giving readers unparalleled access to the story of how the Jewish community took root on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Using archival photographs taken by Jo Renee Fine and contemporary shots taken by Norman Borden alongside his text, Wolfe focuses on the synagogues built or acquired by eastern European Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants during the great era of mass immigration, painting vivid portraits of the individual congregations and the new and vital culture that was emerging. For many, the Lower East Side became the portal to America and the stepping-stone to a new and better life. Today, the synagogues in which these immigrants worshiped remain as a poignant visual reminder of what had become the largest Jewish community in the world. Originally published in 1978, The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side became the authoritative study of the subject. Now completely revised and updated with new text, photographs, and maps, along with an invaluable glossary, Wolfe’s book is an essential and accessible source for those who want to understand the varied and rich history of New York’s Lower East Side and its Jewish population. Its readable and illuminating view into the diversity of synagogues—large and small, past and present—and their people makes this book ideal for teachers, students, museum educators, and general readers alike. G e rard R. Wolfe , Ph.D., is an architectural historian and former professor and administrator at New York University and the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. He was the first to offer historical/architectural walking tours of the Lower East Side, beginning in the early 1970s. J o R enee Fine, Ph. D. , is Director of Training and Content Development at
Harris, Rothenberg International. She is a trainer and educator with more than 30 years of program development and management experience in both the private and nonprofit sectors. Norman Borde n
is a contemporary photographer.
128 pages • 100 b/w illustrations • 9 × 8 978-0-8232-5000-4 • Cloth • $29.95, £21.99 (02) Empire State Editions Nov em ber History / New York / Jewish Studies
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general interest
“Will be of great interest . . . Waldman’s lively anecdotal text is well documented by citations to old maps, documents, and historic photographs.” —L ibrary Journ a l (on the first edition)
“New York Harbor’s vast network of moving or placid, fresh, brackish, and saltwater still holds a startling variety of marine life whose past, present, and future Waldman surveys in this exemplary and compact work of popular ecology.” — Publ is h ers W eek ly (on the first edition)
“Heartbeats in the Muck gives the reader a sense of lost New York, of the incredibly rich and biologically diverse ecosystem that once was the lower Hudson River estuary. A great book on an very important subject.” —T ed Stein b erg, Case Western Reserve University
Heartbeats in the Muck The History, Sea Life, and Environment of New York Harbor, Revised Edition J o hn Waldman
192 pages • 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4985-5 • Paper • $18.00, £13.99 (01) ebook available Empire State Editions Octo ber Environmental Studies / New York
Heartbeats in the Muck traces the incredible arc of New York Harbor’s environmental history. Once a pristine estuary bristling with oysters and striped bass and visited by sharks, porpoises, and seals, the harbor has been marked by centuries of rampant industrialization and degradation of its natural environment. Garbage dumping, oil spills, sewage sludge, pesticides, heavy metals, poisonous PCBs, landfills, and dredging greatly diminished life in the harbor, in some places to nil. Now, forty years after the Clean Water Act began to resurrect New York Harbor, John Waldman delivers a new edition of his New York Society Library Award–winning book. Heartbeats in the Muck is a lively, accessible narrative of the animals, water quality, and habitats of the harbor. It includes captivating personal accounts of the author’s explorations of its farthest and most noteworthy reaches, treating readers to an intimate environmental tour of a shad camp near the George Washington Bridge, the Arthur Kill (home of the resurgent heron colonies), the Hackensack Meadowlands, the darkness under a giant Manhattan pier, and the famously polluted Gowanus Canal. A new epilogue details some of the remarkable changes that have come upon New York Harbor in recent years. Waldman’s prognosis is a good one: Ultimately, environmental awareness and action has allowed the harbor to begin cleaning itself. Although it will never regain its native biological glory, the return of oysters, herons, and a host of other creatures is an indication of New York Harbor’s rebirth. This excellent, engaging introduction to the ecological issues surrounding New York Harbor will appeal to students and general readers alike. Heartbeats in the Muck is a must-read for anyone who likes probing the wilds, whether country or city, and natural history books such as Beautiful Swimmers and Mannahatta. is Professor of Biology at Queens College, City University of New York. He is recipient of the New York Society Library Award in Natural History and the Norcross Wildlife Conservation Award and is an occasional contributor to the New York Times and other periodicals.
J ohn Waldman
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general interest
“Still the Same Hawk is an eclectic mix of writing ranging from solid academic prose to highly personalized writing with tones ranging from folksy to almost urban contemporary.” — Ma rk L. Botto n , Fordham University
Still the Same Hawk Reflections on Nature and New York edited by John Waldman
A groundbreaking new book, Still the Same Hawk: Reflections on Nature and New York brings into conversation diverse and intriguing perspectives on the relationship between nature and America’s most prominent city. The volume’s title derives from a telling observation in Robert Sullivan’s contribution that considers how a hawk in the city is perceived so much differently from a hawk in the countryside. Yet it’s still the same hawk. How can a hawk nesting above Fifth Avenue become a citywide phenomenon? Or a sudden butterfly migration at Coney Island energize the community? Why does the presence of a community garden or an empty lot ripple so differently through the surrounding neighborhood? Is the city an oasis or a desert for biodiversity? Why does nature even matter to New Yorkers, who choose to live in the concrete jungle? Still the Same Hawk examines these questions with a rich mix of creative nonfiction that ranges from analytical to anecdotal and humorous. John Waldman’s sharp, well-crafted introduction presenting dualism as the defining quality of urban nature is followed by compelling contributions from Besty McCully, Christopher Meier, Tony Hiss, Kelly McMasters, Dara Ross, William Kornblum, Phillip Lopate, David Rosane, Robert Sullivan, Anne Matthews, Devin Zuber, and Frederick Buell. Together these pieces capture a wide range of viewpoints, including the myriad and shifting ways New Yorkers experience and consider the outdoors, the historical role of nature in shaping New York’s development, what natural attributes contribute to New York’s regional identity, the many environmental tradeoffs made by urbanization, and even nature’s dark side where “urban legends” flourish. Still the Same Hawk intermingles elements of natural history, urban ecology, and environmental politics, providing fresh insights into nature and the urban environment on one of the world’s great stages for the clash of these seemingly disparate realms—New York City. is Professor of Biology at Queens College, City University of New York. He is recipient of the New York Society Library Award in Natural History and the Norcross Wildlife Conservation Award and is an occasional contributor to the New York Times and other periodicals.
J ohn Waldman 160 pages • 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4989-3 • Paper • $18.00, £13.99 (01) ebook available Empire State Editions Octob er Environmental Studies / New York
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academic trade
“A novel, intriguing, and fruitful angle from which to approach the recent financial crisis.” —G a ry Mo n giovi, St. John’s University “An important contribution to the discussions about the origins and character of the financial crisis.” — Jaco b Da h l Ren dto rff, Roskilde University
The Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis edited by R o g e r B e rkowi tz and Taun N. Toay 224 pages • 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4961-9 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4960-2 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) ebook available S ep tem ber Philosophy / Economics / Political Theory
Commentary on the financial crisis has offered technical analysis, political finger pointing, and myriad economic and political solutions. But rarely do these investigations reach beyond the economic and political causes of the crisis to explore their underlying intellectual grounds. The essays in this volume delve deeper into the cultural and intellectual foundations, philosophical ideas, political traditions, and economic movements that underlie the greatest financial crisis in nearly a century. Moving beyond traditional economic and political science approaches, these essays engage thinkers from Hannah Arendt to Max Weber and Adam Smith to Michel Foucault. With Arendt as a catalyst, the authors probe the philosophical as well as the cultural origins of the great recession. Orienting the volume is Arendt’s argument that past financial crises and also totalitarianism are rooted, at least in part, in the tendency for capital to expand its reach globally without regard to political and moral borders or limits. That politics is made subservient to economics names a cultural transformation that, in the spirit of Arendt, guides these essays in making sense of our present world. Including articles, interviews, and commentary from leading scholars and business executives, this volume offers views that are as diverse as they are timely. By reaching beyond “how” the crisis happened to “why” the crisis happened, the authors re-imagine the recent financial crisis and thus provide fresh thinking about how to respond. Contri b u tors: Raymond Baker, Miguel de Beistegui, Roger Berkowitz, Rebecca Berlow, Jack Blum, Sophia V. Burress, David Callahan, Drucilla Cornell, Olivia Custer, Raymundo Magliano Fihlo, Liah Greenfeld, Antonia Grunenberg, Zachary Karabel, Jerry Kohn, Paul Levy, Hunter Lewis, Vincent Mai, Robyn Marasco, David B. Matias, Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Sanjay Reddy, Tom Scanlon, Tracy Strong, Taun N. Toay Ro ge r Be rkowitz is Director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, where he is also Associate Professor of Human Rights and Political Studies. He has written and edited several books, including The Gift of Science: Leibniz and the Modern Legal Tradition and Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics (Fordham). He co-edits the Fordham book series Just Ideas. Tau n N. Toay is a Research Analyst at the Levy Economics Institute and a Visiting Lecturer in economics at Bard College. He has written and co-written articles on subjects ranging from direct job creation in Greece and South Africa to the destabilizing impacts of euro-adoption. 
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academic trade
“A rich ideological analysis of black megachurches from within comparative theological frames that include social gospel, liberation, and prophetic and prosperity gospel in relation to ‘calling’ and ‘corner.’” —V icto r An derso n , Vanderbilt University
Live Long and Prosper How Black Megachurches Address HIV/AIDS and Poverty in the Age of Prosperity Theology S a nd r a L. B arne s 256 pages 978-0-8232-4957-2 • Paper • $25.00, £18.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4956-5 • Cloth • $90.00, £68.00 (06) ebook available Nov em b er Religion / African American Studies
This pioneering new study of the Black megachurch phenomenon brings nuance and depth to the question, Are Black megachurches more focused on prosperity than on people? Black megachurches and their pastors are often accused of failing to use their considerable resources to help the poor; focusing on prosperity theology rather than on social justice; requiring excessive monetary and time commitments of members; and pilfering church coffers for the their personal use. The debate rages on about whether these congregations are doing all they can to address specific challenges facing African American communities. Live Long and Prosper is a refreshing, innovative study that reaches beyond superficial understandings of the Black megachurch phenomenon in a piercing interrogation of how powerful megachurches address (or fail to address) two social crises in the Black community: HIV/AIDS and poverty. Live Long and Prosper offers an intriguing examination of sixteen representative Black megachurches and explores some of their motivations and subsequent programmatic efforts in light of prosperity or “health and wealth” theology. Professor Barnes makes the case that the Black megachurch is a complex, contemporary model of the historic Black church in response to globalism, consumerism, secularism, religious syncretism, and the realities of race. She contends that many of these megachurches hold unique characteristics of adaptability and innovation that position them well to tackle difficult social issues. Prosperity theology emphasizes two characteristics—physical health and economic wealth—as examples of godly living and faith. This book considers whether and how efforts to address HIV/AIDS (a “health” issue) and poverty (a “wealth” issue) are influenced by church and clergy profiles; theology, in general; and prosperity theology, in particular. Frame analysis informs this mixed-methodological study to compare and contrast experiences, theological beliefs, pastoral profiles, and programs. Live Long and Prosper is a must-read for general readers, academics, and students alike—indeed, anyone interested in the contemporary Black megachurch’s response to social problems and the link between theology and social action. It is at once a fascinating, readable narrative and a rich piece of scholarship complete with extensively documented endnotes, statistics, informative charts and tables, and an exhaustive bibliography. Sandra L. Barnes is Professor in the Department of Human and Organizational Development and the School of Divinity at Vanderbilt University. Her numerous books include Black Megachurch Culture: Models for Education and Empowerment, The Cost of Being Poor: A Comparative Study of Life in Poor Urban Neighborhoods in Gary, Indiana, and the co-edited Black Sexualities: Probing Passions, Problems, and Policies (Rutgers University). f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
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academic trade
“Yanay’s work on gender, violence, and relationality is critical and probing. The Ideology of Hatred contains discussions that are simply excellent: singular, disorienting, and original.” — J udi th P. Butl er, University of California, Berkeley
“Yanay’s reading of theoretical texts, coupled with her intimate understanding of political conflict, is startlingly new.” — N o e ll e McAf ee, Emory University
The Ideology of Hatred The Psychic Power of Discourse N iza Yanay 176 pages 978-0-8232-5005-9 • Paper • $22.00, £16.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5004-2 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) Octo ber Philosophy / Political Theory / Psychoanalysis
The 21st century might well be called the age of hatred. This is not because there is more violence in the world but because hatred has been transformed from a concept perceived to be a by-product of personal or collective violence into a discursive field. But what if longstanding antagonisms, especially those between social groups, turned out to involve desire rather than revulsion? The Ideology of Hatred develops a psychosocial framework for understanding this new phenomenon by interrogating unconscious mechanisms within national discourse. It opens new and timely venues for thinking about the paradoxes of love and hate while raising questions about social attachment and otherness. Is it possible that hatred operates by maintaining a safe closeness, enhancing the illusion of separateness as well as a sense of proximity at one and the same time? Could it be that love actually survives through the discourse of hatred as an invisible relation of attachment, necessary but unthinkable? A key term in the book is the “political unconscious,” a concept signifying the transformation of the unthinkable into a language that disavows the desire of and for the Other. Invoking this and other psychoanalytic concepts, the book proposes that at the heart of all national conflicts lies a riddle: the enigma of desire. The discourse of hatred works today as both a defense mechanism and as a political fantasy whose dream is to annihilate the Other of desire, that familial and different, threatening and intimate Other. Yet because love-in-hatred is denied but not erased, love can therefore also be reimagined. This suggests that untying and recognizing relations of intimacy and dependency can, under certain circumstances, change the discourse of hatred into relations of peace and even friendship. In addition to its strong theoretical component, the book is also based on extensive empirical research, especially into hate relations among Jews and between Jews and Palestinians in Israel. Niza Yanay is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at BenGurion University of the Negev.
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academic trade
“An extraordinary volume of essays. Collectively, they address problems including the conditions of possibility and impossibility of peace and justice in contemporary Palestine/Israel; the politics of forgiveness; Derrida’s Jewishness; the politics of partition and the “living together” of Indians and Pakistanis today.” — Le c ia Rosen tha l, author of Mourning Modernism: Literature, Catastrophe, and the Politics of Consolation
Living Together Jacques Derrida’s Communities of Violence and Peace edited by E li sabeth We be r 368 pages • 7 1 /8 × 9 1 /4 978-0-8232-4993-0 • Paper • $32.00, £23.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4992-3 • Cloth • $125.00, £94.00 (06) Nov em b er Philosophy / Political Theory / Literature
For Jacques Derrida, the notions and experiences of “community,” “living,” and “together” never ceased to harbor radical, in fact infinite interrogations. The oftenanguished question of how to “live together” moved Derrida throughout his oeuvre, animating his sustained reflections on hospitality, friendship, responsibility, justice, forgiveness, and mourning, as well as his interventions as an outspoken critic of South Africa’s apartheid, the Israel/Palestine conflict, the bloody civil war in his native Algeria, human rights abuses, French immigration laws, the death penalty, and the “war on terror.” “Live together,” Derrida wrote, “one must . . . one cannot not ‘live together,’ even if one does not know how or with whom.” In this volume, the paradoxes, impossibilities, and singular chances that haunt the necessity of “living together” are evoked in Derrida’s essay “Avowing—The Impossible: ‘Returns,’ Repentance, and Reconciliation,” around which the collection is gathered. Written by scholars in literary criticism, philosophy, legal studies, religious studies, Middle Eastern studies, and sociology working in North America, Europe, and the Middle East, the essays in this volume tackle issues such as the responsibilities and fragility of democracy; the pitfalls of decreed reconciliation; the re-legitimization of torture in the “war on terror”; the connections between Orientalism, Semitism, and anti-Semitism; the delocalizing dynamics of globalization; crimes against humanity; nationalism; and politics as the art not of the possible but of the impossible. The volume includes analyses of current controversies and struggles. Here, Derrida is here read in and with regard to areas of intense political conflict—in particular, those that oppose Israelis and Palestinians, Hindus and Muslims, victims and perpetrators of South African apartheid, Turks and Armenians. The necessity of an infinitely patient reflection goes hand in hand with the obligation of justice as that which must not wait. It is in the spirit of such urgency, of a responsibility that cannot be postponed, that the essays in this volume engage with Derrida’s thinking on “living together.” Contri b u tors: Jacques Derrida, Gil Anidjar, Ellen Armour, Michal Ben-Naftali, Richard Falk, Michal Govrin, Kevin Hart, Dana Hollander, Priya Kumar, Joseph Massad, Marc Nichanian, William Robert, Sherene Seikaly, Elisabeth Weber, Raef Zreik E lisa b eth We b e r is Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is the author of numerous texts on contemporary French thought and the co-editor, with Julie A. Carlson, of Speaking about Torture (Fordham).   f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
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academic trade
“The Perils of Uglytown is a distillation of Harry Berger, Jr.’s intensive study of The Republic and other Platonic dialogues over several decades and makes an important contribution to understanding these texts and to the literary interpretation of the dialogues generally. Its highly original, provocative, and stimulating close reading of well-chosen passages is grounded in Berger’s understanding of the textuality of the Platonic dialogues.” — Se t h L. S chein , University of California, Davis
“Somewhere in his innermost closet Harry Berger, Jr., must harbor the secret of perennial freshness. For decades now his vitally important work has conferred the power to see with new eyes familiar works of literature, philosophy, and art, as if their innermost meanings were being glimpsed for the first time.” — D r. Stephen Green b latt, Harvard University
The Perils of Uglytown Studies in Structural Misanthropology from Plato to Rembrandt H a r ry Ber g e r, Jr.
In The Perils of Uglytown, Harry Berger, Jr., considers a variety of texts and images ranging from those of Thucydides and Plato to those of Shakespeare and Rembrandt. The Introduction explains the key concept of the study, structural misanthropology, a variant on Claude Lévi-Strauss’s idea of structural anthropology. Part I explores its activity in several Platonic dialogues: Lysis, Crito, Phaedo, The Republic, and Timaeus. Part II turns to the Renaissance in Italy, England, and the Netherlands. Structural misanthropology is discussed first in the work of several Italian humanists (Alberti, Leonardo, Castiglione, and Vasari), then in English drama (Gorbuduc and several plays by Shakespeare), and finally in group portraits by Hals and Rembrandt. The Perils of Uglytown applies and brings up to date the methods of interpretation Berger has developed during the past half-century in his many studies of literature, drama, philosophy, social and cultural studies, and the visual arts. Harry Ber ge r, J r. , is Professor Emeritus of Literature and Art History at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His most recent books include Fictions of the Pose: Rembrandt Against the Italian Renaissance; Situated Utterances: Texts, Bodies, and Cultural Representations; Manhood, Marriage, and Mischief: Rembrandt’s “Night Watch” and Other Dutch Group Portraits; and Caterpillage: Reflections on Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still Life Painting (the last three from Fordham).
272 pages • 9 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4517-8 • Paper • $28.00, £20.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4516-1 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) Nov em ber Philosophy / Art / Anthropology
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academic trade
“A fruitful cross-pollination of theory and popular fiction, this is at once a careful genre study and a wide-ranging disquisition on narratology.” — R o b Latha m , University of California, Riverside
“An ambitious, synthetic book. Wittenberg’s brilliance lies in the comprehensive clarity with which he maps different discursive territories, and grasps how he can use time travel fiction to invent and practice, simultaneously, ‘a popular philosophy of narrative.’” — Paul A. Ha rris, Loyola Marymount University
Time Travel The Popular Philosophy of Narrative David W itte nbe rg 288 pages • 16 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4997-8 • Paper • $27.00, £19.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4996-1 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) Nov ember Philosophy / Literature / Media Studies
This book argues that time travel fiction is a narrative “laboratory,” a setting for thought experiments in which essential theoretical questions about storytelling— and, by extension, about the philosophy of temporality, history, and subjectivity—are represented in the form of literal devices and plots. Drawing on physics, philosophy, narrative theory, psychoanalysis, and film theory, the book links innovations in time travel fiction to specific shifts in the popularization of science, from evolutionary biology in the late 1800s, through relativity and quantum physics in the mid–20th century, to more recent “multiverse” cosmologies. Wittenberg shows how increasing awareness of new scientific models leads to surprising innovations in the literary “time machine,” which evolves from a “vehicle” used chiefly for sociopolitical commentary into a psychological and narratological device capable of exploring with great sophistication the temporal structure and significance of subjects, viewpoints, and historical events. The book covers work by well-known time travel writers such as H. G. Wells, Edward Bellamy, Robert Heinlein, Samuel Delany, and Harlan Ellison, as well as pulp fiction writers of the 1920s through the 1940s, popular and avant-garde postwar science fiction, television shows such as “The Twilight Zone” and “Star Trek,” and current cinema. Literature, film, and TV are read alongside theoretical work ranging from Einstein, Schrödinger, and Stephen Hawking to Gérard Genette, David Lewis, and Gilles Deleuze. Wittenberg argues that even the most mainstream audiences of popular time travel fiction and cinema are vigorously engaged with many of the same questions about temporality, identity, and history that concern literary theorists, media and film scholars, and philosophers. David Witte n ber g is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Iowa. He is the author of Philosophy, Revision, Critique: Rereading Practices in Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Emerson.
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academic trade
“Captures the thought of cyber security leaders from government, industry, and academia who have practical and hands-on experience in various aspect of cyberspace ecosystems.” — Si m o n Y. Li u, Editor-in-Chief of IT Professional magazine
Advances in Cyber Security Technology, Operation, and Experiences
edited by D. F ran k H su and Do r ot hy M ari nucc i 224 pages 978-0-8232-4457-7 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4456-0 • Cloth • $95.00, £71.00 (06)
ebook available S ep tem ber Information Technology / cyber security
As you read this, your computer is in jeopardy of being hacked and your identity being stolen. Read this book to protect yourselves from this threat. The world’s foremost cyber security experts, from Ruby Lee, Ph.D., the Forrest G. Hamrick professor of engineering and Director of the Princeton Architecture Laboratory for Multimedia and Security (PALMS) at Princeton University; to Nick Mankovich, Chief Information Security Officer of Royal Philips Electronics; to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III; to Special Assistant to the President Howard A. Schmidt, share critical practical knowledge on how the cyberspace ecosystem is structured, how it functions, and what we can do to protect it and ourselves from attack and exploitation. The proliferation of social networking and advancement of information technology provide endless benefits in our living and working environments. However, these benefits also bring horrors in various forms of cyber threats and exploitations. Advances in Cyber Security collects the wisdom of cyber security professionals and practitioners from government, academia, and industry across national and international boundaries to provide ways and means to secure and sustain the cyberspace ecosystem. Readers are given a first-hand look at critical intelligence on cybercrime and security—including details of real-life operations. The vast, useful knowledge and experience shared in this essential new volume enables cyber citizens and cyber professionals alike to conceive novel ideas and construct feasible and practical solutions for defending against all kinds of adversaries and attacks. Among the many important topics covered in this collection are building a secure cyberspace ecosystem; public–private partnership to secure cyberspace; operation and law enforcement to protect our cyber citizens and to safeguard our cyber infrastructure; and strategy and policy issues to secure and sustain our cyber ecosystem. Contri b u tors: Hira Agrawal, Preet Bharara, Tom Bowen, Dyann Bradbury, Vincent Buskens, D. Frank Hsu, Kuan-Tsae Huang, Kevin Kelly, Kathleen Kiernan, Ruby Lee, Andrew Lewman, Nick Mankovich, Dorothy Marinucci, Eileen Monsma, Robert Mueller III, Sanjai Narain, Paul Niewbeerta, Adam Palmer, Howard Schmidt, Melvin Soudijn, Edward Stroz, Akio Sugeno, Paul Syverson, Kazuo Takaragi, KwaiJan Wu D. Frank Hsu, Ph. D. , is the Clavius Distinguished Professor of Science and Director of Fordham Laboratory of Informatics and Data Mining, Department of Computer and Information Science, Fordham University. Dorothy M arinu cc i holds a B.A. and M.A. in international political economy and development from Fordham University. She is the Executive Assistant to the President, Fordham University. 
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academic trade
“The combination of excellent illustrations, thorough research, clearly presented information and ideas (with explanations to guide the nonspecialist), and introductory essays to provide context makes the collection admirably accessible.” — S usa n Matheso n , Yale University Art Gallery
Ancient Mediterranean Art The William D. and Jane Walsh Collection at Fordham University edited by Bar bara Cavalie re and Jennifer U de ll
360 pages • 338 color & 14 b/w illustrations • 9 1 /2 × 11 1 /4
Ancient Mediterranean Art: The William D. and Jane Walsh Collection at Fordham University is the catalogue of Fordham University’s remarkable collection of Classical antiquities, comprising objects dating from the fourth millennium B.C.E. to the 4th century C.E., originating from Greece, Italy, Turkey, the Near East, and Egypt. It is one of the largest collections of antiquities held by an academic institution in the New York area and includes many important works of ancient Mediterranean art that are published here for the first time. This lavishly illustrated book features 104 of the most significant objects in the William D. and Jane Walsh Collection. All the major art forms from the Greek, Etruscan, and Roman worlds are represented, including pottery, sculpture, glass, architectural decoration, and coins. Each object entry is accompanied by one or more color photographs, some with detailed profile drawings, along with explanatory text examining the individual artistic significance of the pieces; their domestic, religious, civic, or funerary function; and their relationship to objects of similar type published elsewhere and in other museum collections. Interspersed throughout are enlightening thematic essays—for example, on Italic votives and on Etruscan roofs and their decoration—that provide valuable context for the individual objects. An appendix provides a comprehensive list of the works in the collection with brief descriptions and photographs of those not given fuller scholarly attention. The extensive bibliography and notes further augment the value of this catalogue as an educational resource and a notable contribution to the corpus of scholarship about the art, history, and culture of the ancient Mediterranean world. Contri bu tors: Amanda Anderson, Sarah E. Cox, Richard Daniel DePuma, Jason Earle, Sarah Graff, Anne C. Hrychuk Kontakosta, Patricial Lulof, Anthony Mangieri, Maya B. Muratov, Lisa Pieraccini, Amy Sowder, Rosemarie Trentinella, Jennifer Udell Bar b ara Cavaliere is a freelance editor and writer who has edited publications for The Metropolitan Museum of Art for thirty years in many areas of art history, including Greek and Roman art. J e nnifer Udell
is Curator of University Art at Fordham University’s Walsh
978-0-8232-4452-2 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) s e p tember Art / Classics
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academic trade
“Taking in an impressive historical and geographical sweep, the book contains fascinating chapters on thinking about machines, thinking through machines, and thinking machines. The authors embrace a broad definition of technology that allows them to explore clocks and computers, cybernetics and science fiction, the medical technologies of genetics and organ transplants, electronic media technologies from the telegraph to the Internet, and a variety of religious technologies, including Japanese Buddhist rituals for empowering objects, the Ghanaian Pentecostal electronic touch machine, and the Spiritualist magnetic cord for communicating with the dead.” — David Chide ster, author of Authentic Fakes: Religion and American Popular Culture
“An interesting and important contribution to current discourse regarding religion and technology as it widens the field of inquiry beyond the current focus that often revolves only around religion and media technologies.” — H eidi Ca mpb e ll , Texas A&M University
Deus in Machina Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between
edited by Jeremy Stolow 336 pages • 9 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4981-7 • Paper • $28.00, £20.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4980-0 • Cloth • $95.00, £71.00 (06)
ebook available Octo ber Religion / Media Studies
The essays in this volume explore how two domains of human experience and action—religion and technology—are implicated in each other. Contrary to commonsense understandings of both religion (as an “otherworldly” orientation) and technology (as the name for tools, techniques, and expert knowledges oriented to “this” world), the contributors to this volume challenge the grounds on which this division has been erected in the first place. What sorts of things come to light when one allows religion and technology to mingle freely? In an effort to answer that question, Deus in Machina embarks upon an interdisciplinary voyage across diverse traditions and contexts where religion and technology meet: from the design of clocks in medieval Christian Europe, to the healing power of prayer in premodern Buddhist Japan, to 19th-century Spiritualist devices for communicating with the dead, to Islamic debates about kidney dialysis in contemporary Egypt, to the work of disability activists using documentary film to reimagine Jewish kinship, to the representation of Haitian Vodou on the Internet, among other case studies. Combining rich historical and ethnographic detail with extended theoretical reflection, Deus in Machina outlines new directions for the study of religion and/as technology that will resonate across the human sciences, including religious studies, science and technology studies, communication studies, history, anthropology, and philosophy. Contri b u tors: Maria José A. de Abreu, Alexandra Boutros, Wolfgang Ernst, Faye Ginsburg, Sherine F. Hamdy, Jason Ananda Josephson, John Lardas Modern, Peter Pels, John Durham Peters, Jeremy Stolow, Marleen de Witte
is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University. He is the author of Orthodox by Design: Judaism, Print Politics, and the ArtScroll Revolution and the essay “Salvation by Electricity,” in Religion: Beyond a Concept, ed. Hent de Vries (Fordham).
J e remy Stolow
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academic trade
“Combining admirable lucidity in examining complex problems, a nonaggressive but effective mode of critique, and an impressive knowledge of the literature pertinent to the topics he treats, Trezise investigates an influential array of critical theorists and/or survivors including Dori Laub, Cathy Caruth, Berel Lang, Theodor Adorno, Charlotte Delbo, Giorgio Agamben, Primo Levi, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jorge Semprun.” —D om in i ck LaCa pra , Cornell University
Witnessing Witnessing On the Reception of Holocaust Survivor Testimony T ho m as Tre zise
Witnessing Witnessing focuses critical attention on those who receive the testimony of Holocaust survivors. Questioning the notion that traumatic experience is intrinsically unspeakable and that the Holocaust thus lies in a quasi-sacred realm beyond history, the book asks whether much current theory does not have the effect of silencing the voices of real historical victims. It thereby challenges widely accepted theoretical views about the representation of trauma in general and the Holocaust in particular as set forth by Giorgio Agamben, Cathy Caruth, Berel Lang, and Dori Laub. It also reconsiders, in the work of Theodor Adorno and Emmanuel Levinas, reflections on ethics and aesthetics after Auschwitz as these pertain to the reception of testimony. Referring at length to videotaped testimony and to texts by Charlotte Delbo, Primo Levi, and Jorge Semprun, the book aims to make these voices heard. In doing so, it clarifies the problems that anyone receiving testimony may encounter and emphasizes the degree to which listening to survivors depends on listening to ourselves and to one another. Witnessing Witnessing seeks to show how, in the situation of address in which Holocaust survivors call upon us, we discover our own tacit assumptions about the nature of community and the very manner in which we practice it. is Professor of French at Princeton University, where he teaches modern French literature, literary theory, continental philosophy, and Holocaust Studies. His previous publications include Into the Breach: Samuel Beckett and the Ends of Literature, the French translation of Paul de Man’s Allegories of Reading, the American edition and co-translation of Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe’s The Subject of Philosophy, and an edited collection entitled Encounters with Levinas. Thomas T rezise
336 pages 978-0-8232-4449-2 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4448-5 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) Nov em b er Philosophy / Jewish Studies / Psychoanalysis
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academic trade
The goal of this book is to shed psychoanalytic light on a concept—informed consent— that has transformed the delivery of health care in the United States. Examining the concept of informed consent in the context of psychoanalysis, the book first summarizes the law and literature on this topic. Is informed consent required as a matter of positive law? Apart from statutes and cases, what do the professional organizations say about this? Second, the book looks at informed consent as a theoretical matter. It addresses such questions as: What would be the elements of a robust informed consent in psychoanalysis? Is informed consent even possible here? Can patients really understand, say, transference or regression before they experience them, and is it too late once they have? Is informed consent therapeutic or countertherapeutic? Can a “process view” of informed consent make sense here? Third, the book reviews data on the topic. A lengthy questionnaire answered by sixty-two analysts reveals their practices in this regard. Do they obtain a statement of informed consent from their patients? What do they disclose? Why do they disclose it? Do they think it is possible to obtain informed consent in psychoanalysis at all? Do they think the practice is therapeutic or countertherapeutic, and in what ways? Do they think there should or should not be an informed consent requirement for psychoanalysis? The book should appeal above all to therapists interested in the ethical dimensions of their practice.
Informed Consent to Psychoanalysis The Law, the Theory, and the Data E lyn R . S aks and Sha hr o k h Golshan
Ely n R . Saks is Orrin B. Evans Professor of Law, Psychology, and Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law; Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine; on the faculty of the New Center for Psychoanalysis; and Director of the Saks Institute for Mental Health Law, Policy, and Ethics. She is author of The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness and a MacArthur Fellow. Shahrokh G olshan is a Project Scientist in the University of California, San Diego, Department of Psychiatry and Director of the Methodology, Biostatistics and Data Management Unit for the Advanced Center for Innovation in Services and Intervention Research. 
128 pages 978-0-8232-4977-0 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4976-3 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) ebook available Psychoanalytic Interventions Nov em ber Psychoanalysis
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academic trade
“As always with Delaporte, the scholarship is impressive, innovative, and impeccable, and the analyses acute.” — Ca m ill e Li m o ge s , Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST-UQAM), Montreal
“Lucid, focused, and rigorous . . . an outstanding book that makes important contributions to intellectual history, the history of medicine, and their methodologies.” — J o n at ha n Strauss, Miami University
Figures of Medicine Blood, Face Transplants, Parasites F r a nç o is D e lap orte translated by Ni ls F. Sc hott foreword by Christopher Lawr ence
What does the infamous face transplant in France in 2005 share with the examination of “swollen faces” in Latin America in the 1930s? What does blood transfusion in Europe during the 17th century have in common with the discovery of mosquitoes as parasitic vectors in China at the close of the 19th century? And, last, how does the reconstruction of noses using skin flaps in Bologna in the 16th century relate to the opening of a forehead cyst in Guatemala in 1916? The six essays that form Figures of Medicine present a wealth of symmetries. François Delaporte shows that each epistemological concern demands its own mode of engagement; problems reside not only in their objects but also in the historical situations in which they emerge. Focusing on efforts to resolve medical problems that are particular and nonetheless exemplary, Delaporte unpacks these separate cases to show how multiple actors—over long periods of time and across different geographies—must be taken into account to remove epistemological blockages that stand in the way of understanding. A remarkable contribution to the history of science and medicine, this book shows the value of historical epistemology from philosophical, historical, and anthropological perspectives. F rançois De la porte is Professor Emeritus of the University of Picardia Jules Verne. Several of his books have been translated into English, including Disease and Civilization: The Cholera in Paris, 1832; The History of Yellow Fever; Anatomy of the Passions; and Nature’s Second Kingdom. He also edited A Vital Rationalist: Selected Writings of Georges Canguilhem. Nils F. Schott , most recently James M. Motley Fellow in the Humanities at The Johns Hopkins University, is the author of The Conversion of Knowledge and the translator of numerous books and articles, including Lambert Wiesing’s Artificial Presence and Henri Atlan’s Fraud.
224 pages • 35 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4445-4 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4444-7 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) Forms of Living Jan ua ry Medicine / Philosophy
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academic trade
“Massive, varied, and timely. The essays in this collection address the writings of each of these philosophers [and] address the writings of Paul himself and the history of scholarship—biblical, theological, political—surrounding Paulinism.” — Da le Ma rtin , Yale University
Paul and the Philosophers edited by Ward Blanton and Hent de Vri e s 608 pages • 7 1 /8 × 9 1 /4 978-0-8232-4965-7 • Paper • $40.00, £29.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4964-0 • Cloth • $125.00, £94.00 (06) Octo ber Philosophy / Religion
The apostle Paul has reemerged as a force on the contemporary philosophical scene. Some of the most powerful recent affirmations of nonrepresentational, materialist, and event-oriented philosophies repeat topics and tropes of the ancient apostle. Other thinkers find in Paul and his numerous cultural “afterlives” the ideal figure to contest both identity politics and the postmodern political fetish of endless openness and the deferral of presence. Paul is appropriated both for and against Kantian cosmopolitanism, psychoanalytic models of subjectivity and power, Schmittian political theologies, Derridean messianism, political universalism, and an ongoing refashioning of identity politics within postsecular contexts. This book provides the most comprehensive constellation to date of current thinking about Paul and his cultural or philosophical “afterlives” in ancient, modern, and contemporary contexts. It is a groundbreaking international and multidisciplinary exploration of the vexed political history of Paulinisms in philosophy and of philosophies in Paulinism. From his very first utterances, Paul’s pronouncements as the self-proclaimed apostle of Jesus were curiously intertwined with philosophical discourse, with Paul presenting himself as both philosopher and anti-philosopher. Early Christian receptions of Paul then carefully managed his legacy in relation to the philosophical schools, presenting him alternately as an exemplary Platonist, a purveyor of Stoic spiritual exercises, and someone whose authority outstrips philosophy altogether. In the modern period, various types of Paulinism were imagined serially as possible escapes of philosophical thought from the domination of inherited metaphysics or ontotheology. The contributors to this volume bring unprecedented multidisciplinary expertise to both the historical reception and the contemporary relevance of a thinker who may come to be seen as the defining figure of our political and intellectual moment. Contri b u tors: Gil Anidjar, Ian Balfour, Itzhak Benyamini, Ward Blanton, Roland Boer, Hans Conzelmann, Simon Critchley, Clayton Crockett, Gilles Deleuze, Troels Engberg-Pedersen, Stathis Gourgouris, Paul Holloway, Eleanor Kaufman, Julia Reinhard Lupton, Kenneth Reinhard, Paul Ricoeur, Nils F. Schott, Stanley Stowers, Antónia Szabari, Shmuel Trigano, Hent de Vries, Emma Wasserman, L. L. Welborn, Marc de Wilde, Slavoj Žižek Ward Blanton is Senior Lecturer in the School of Critical Studies at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of Displacing Christian Origins: Philosophy, Secularity, and the New Testament. He nt de V rie s holds the Russ Family Chair in the Humanities and is Professor of Philosophy at The Johns Hopkins University, where he is also Director of the Humanities Center. He is Directeur de Programme at the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris.
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academic trade
“A clear, fast-paced, truly exciting book.” — J ea n - Mi c he l R a b até, University of Pennsylvania
“Documentality re-energizes the traditional philosophical debate on realism by contextualizing this problematic within the field of new media and positioning it in the wake of the momentous philosophical contributions of Derrida and Foucault.” —Alessia Ri ccia rdi, Northwestern University
M aur izio F e rrari s translated by Richard Davie s
This books ushers in a new way of talking about social phenomena. It develops an ontology of social objects on the basis of the claim that registration or inscription— the leaving of a trace to be called up later—is what is most fundamental to them. In doing so, it systematically organizes concepts and theories that Ferraris’s predecessors—most notably Derrida, in his project of a positive grammatology—left in an impressionistic state. Ferraris begins by redefining ontology as a way of cataloguing the world. Before any epistemology can discuss the validity of scientific or nonscientific judgments, one faces a collection of objects, be they natural, ideal, or social. Among these, Ferraris focuses on social objects, elaborating a theory of experience in the social world that leads him to define social objects as “inscribed acts.” He then uses this notion to interpret social phenomena, also in light of a systematic discussion of the concept of performatives, from Austin to Derrida and Searle. Moving into considerations of the present technological revolution, Ferraris develops a “symptomatology of the document” that leads to a consideration of legal systems, finding in them original applications for his theory that an object equals a written act. Written in an easy, often witty style, Documentality revises Foucault’s late concept of the “ontology of actuality” into the project of an “ontological laboratory,” thereby reinventing philosophy as a pragmatic activity that is directly applicable to our everyday life.
400 pages
Mau rizio F erraris is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Turin. He is the co-author, with Jacques Derrida, of A Taste for the Secret.
Documentality Why It Is Necessary to Leave Traces
978-0-8232-4969-5 • Paper • $32.00, £23.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4968-8 • Cloth • $125.00, £94.00 (06) Commonalities S ep tem ber
R i c hard Davie s teaches Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bergamo. His research interests are in logic and the history of philosophy. 
Philosophy / Media Studies / Literary Studies
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h i sto ry
“. . . offering an engaging and well-documented account of two Italian women’s associations, the UDI and the CIF. Pojmann offers both new and original material and develops a critical understanding of an important and generally overlooked stage in women’s organizations.” — H el en LaV ill e, University of Birmingham
“The history of two important Italian women’s organizations, the Unione Donne Italiane (UDI) and the Catholic Centro Italiano Femminile (CIF), set in the context of the Cold War era, 1945–68, is a valuable contribution to the scholarship of women’s organizations and national and international politics.“ — Ka ren Ga rn er, SUNY Empire State College
Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944–1968 W endy P ojmann 224 pages 978-0-8232-4560-4 • Cloth • $35.00, £25.99 (06) Ja n ua ry History / Women’s Studies / Cultural Studies
The women of the Socialist/Communist Unione Donne Italiane (UDI) and the lay Catholic Centro Italiano Femminile (CIF) are the protagonists in this keen study of the relationship between national Italian women’s associations and international women’s movements from 1944, when the associations became active, to 1968, when another generation of activists led women’s movements in a new direction. By considering the reach and impact of these organizations in relation to Italian bipolarism (the nearly equal division of the Italian people into two camps, one pro-Communist and the other pro-Western) and world events, Dr. Wendy Pojmann demonstrates that women played a much larger role than Cold War histories tend to relate. Not just voters, women were active political participants during the tumultuous decades of the Cold War. Italian Women in International Cold War Politics, 1944–1968 pays particular attention to the UDI’s work with the largest international postwar women’s organization, the pro-Soviet Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF), and the CIF’s relationship with the global Catholic organization the World Movement of Mothers (WMM), to better understand the ways in which the Cold War affected both national and international agendas for women’s rights. The Italian case is particularly significant in placing women’s movements in a broader context because it exemplifies many of the political and ideological dichotomies that characterized this period. With the Christian Democrats at the helm of the Italian government and the powerful opposition of the Communists, the Italian women’s associations developed and used creative negotiation strategies to advance their visions of womanhood in a new era. They applied similar practices in their international work. This engaging, well-documented book draws on new and original material from archival collections and oral histories to develop a critical understanding of the important but often overlooked period in women’s activism between the 1940s and 1970s. Wendy Pojmann is Associate Professor of modern European history at Siena College in Loudonville, New York. She is the author of Immigrant Women and Feminism in Italy and editor of Migration and Activism in Europe since 1945.
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h i sto ry
“An original work. A good account of an intellectual and political journey from Italian and French socialism and communism through Vichy collaboration and back to an anti-communist moderate left.” — R oy Do m en i co, University of Scranton
A Pact with Vichy Angelo Tasca from Italian Socialism to French Collaboration E m anuel R ota 256 pages 978-0-8232-4564-2 • Cloth • $45.00, £34.00 (06) World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension
Angelo Tasca, a pivotal figure in 20th-century Italian political history, and indeed European history, is frequently overshadowed by his Fascist opponent Mussolini or his Socialist and Communist colleagues (Gramsci and Togliatti). Yet, as Emanuel Rota reveals in this captivating biography, Tasca—also known as Serra, A. Rossi, André Leroux, and XX—was in fact a key political player in the first half of the 20th century and an ill-fated representative of the age of political extremes he helped to create. In A Pact with Vichy, readers meet the Italian intellect and politician with fresh eyes as the author demystifies Tasca’s seemingly bizarre trajectory from revolutionary Socialist to Communist to supporter of the Vichy regime. Rota demonstrates how Tasca, an indefatigable cultural operator and Socialist militant, tried all his life to maintain his commitment to scientific analysis in the face of the rise of Fascism and Stalinism, but his struggle ended in a personal and political defeat that seemed to contradict all his life when he lent his support to the Vichy government. Through Tasca’s complex life, A Pact with Vichy vividly reconstructs and elucidates the even more complex networks and debates that animated the Italian and French Left in the first half of the 20th century. After his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party as a result of his refusal to conform to Stalinism, Tasca reinvented his life in Paris, where he participated in the intense political debates of the 1930s. Rota explores how Tasca’s political choices were motivated by the desperate attempt to find an alternative between Nazism and Stalinism, even when this alternative had the ambiguous borders of Vichy’s collaborationist regime. A Pact with Vichy uncovers how Tasca’s betrayal of his own ideal was tragically the result of his commitment to political realism in the brief age of triumphant Fascism. This riveting, perceptive biography offers readers a privileged window into one of the 20th century’s most intriguing yet elusive characters. It is a must-read for history buffs, students, and scholars alike. is Assistant Professor of Italian, History, and Jewish Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
Emanue l R ota
Jan ua ry
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h i sto ry
Union Combined Operations in the Civil War edited by C ra ig L. Symo nds
new in
“Scholarly thinking on different aspects of a topic of little-considered but lasting interest, this seacoast-oriented work has great virtue . . . Recommended.” — C h oi c e “Pulls together information from a diverse set of scholars to discuss an oft-overlooked aspect of Civil War history.” — R o b ert M. B rown in g, Historian, U.S. Coast Guard “A most important work. It will appeal to historians in a variety of fields, including specialists in the Civil War and naval and military history.” — Ja m es C. Bra d fo rd, Texas A&M University
“. . . the authors have treated this frequently overlooked topic in a stimulating manner. This book is a starting place for further discussion on this important subject.” 240 pages • 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3287-1 • Paper • $25.00, £18.99 (01) {cloth available: 978-0-8232-3286-4} The North’s Civil War S ep tember
— Nava l His tory
Francis J. Du Coin, John Fisher, Chris E. Fonvielle Jr., Howard J. Fuller, David E. Long, Robert Sheridan, David C. Skaggs, Mark A. Snell, Craig L. Symonds, Edward H. Wiser. Contr i butors:
is Professor Emeritus at the U.S. Naval Academy and the author of ten previous books, including Lincoln and His Admirals, which won the 2009 Lincoln Prize.
C ra i g L. Sy monds
h i sto ry
The Diary of Prisoner 17326 A Boy’s Life in a Japanese Labor Camp
J o h n K . St u t t erheim, foreword by Mark Parillo
“The story of a young man and his truly triumphant surmounting of a long and terrible trauma.” — M a rk R . P eattie, Stanford University
new in
“The brutal, racist Japanese treatment of Dutch civilians in World War II is told here through the eyes of a young boy who somehow survived captivity but found he couldn’t go home again. This should be required reading for anyone who studies the Pacific War.” — Li n da Go e tz Holm es, author of 4000 Bowls of Rice and Unjust Enrichment
“A personal perspective of World War II not often heard and a chapter of history underrepresented, John Stutterheim’s book uses his story to give quite the history of the time and the struggles of the imprisoned under Japan at its most ruthless.” — Li b rary Book wa tch
John K . Stutte rhe im, M.D. , born in the Dutch East Indies, survived Japanese prison camps 228 pages • 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3151-5 • Paper • $25.00, £18.99 (01)
as a boy, moved to the Netherlands, and became a family physician in the United States. He is now retired.
{cloth available: 978-0-8232-3150-8} ebook available World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension Sep tember
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h i sto ry
“An informative and thought-provoking series of essays that plow through new ground, unearth a wealth of new stories garnered by extensive primary source research, and plant new seeds of historical questions into the minds of the reader.” — B ria n Cra ig Mi ll er, Emporia State University
“Anyone interested in the Civil War era should savor this book. This Distracted and Anarchical People breaks a lot of new historiographic ground.” — Mi c ha e l Green , Community College of Southern Nevada
This Distracted and Anarchical People New Answers for Old Questions about the Civil War–Era North
edited by Andrew L . Slap and Micha el Thomas S mi th
While most of the fighting took place in the South, the Civil War profoundly affected the North. As farm boys became soldiers and marched off to battle, social, economic, and political changes transformed northern society. In the generations following the conflict, historians tried to understand and explain the North’s Civil War experience. Many historical explanations became taken for granted, such as that the Union Army was ideologically Republican, northern Democrats were disloyal, and German Americans were lousy soldiers. Now in this eye-opening collection of eleven stimulating essays, new and important information is unearthed that solidly challenges the old historical arguments. The essays in This Distracted and Anarchical People range widely throughout the history of the Civil War North, using new methods and sources to reexamine old theories and discover new aspects of the nation’s greatest conflict. Many of these issues are just as important today as they were a century and a half ago. What were the extent and limits of wartime dissent in the North? How could a president most effectively present himself to the public? Can the savagery of war ever be tamed? How did African Americans create and maintain their families? This Distracted and Anarchical People highlights the newest scholarship on a diverse array of topics, bringing fresh insight to bear on some of the most important topics in history today—such as the democratic press in the antebellum North, peace movements, the Union Army and the elections of 1864, Liberia and the U.S. Civil War, and African American veterans and marriage practices after Emancipation. Michael J. Bennett, Barbara A. Gannon, Michael F. Holt, Harold Holzer, Matthew Isham, Christian B. Keller, Timothy J. Orr, Robert M. Sandow, Andrew L. Slap, Michael T. Smith, Matthew Warshauer, Matthew Warshauer, Karen Fisher Younger
Contri butors:
is Associate Professor of History at East Tennessee State University. He is the author of The Doom of Reconstruction: The Liberal Republicans in the Civil War Era (Fordham).
A ndre w L. Slap 288 pages 978-0-8232-4569-7 • Paper • $30.00, £22.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4568-0 • Cloth • $100.00, £75.00 (06) The North’s Civil War Jan ua ry
M i chael T homas S mith is Assistant Professor of History at McNeese State University in Louisiana. He is the author of The Enemy Within: Fears of Corruption in the Civil War North.
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Confucius, Rawls, and the Sense of Justice E r i n M. Cline
400 pages 978-0-8232-4508-6 • Cloth • $65.00, £49.00 (06)
This book compares the role of a sense of justice in the ethical and political thought of Confucius and John Rawls. Erin Cline demonstrates that the Analects (the most influential record of Confucius’ thought) and Rawls’s work intersect in an emphasis on the importance of developing a sense of justice. Despite deep and important differences between the two accounts, this intersection is a source of significant philosophical agreement. The study does not simply compare and contrast two views by examining their similarities and differences; it also offers a larger argument concerning the reasons why comparative work is worthwhile, the distinctive challenges comparative studies face, and how comparative work can accomplish distinctive and significant ends. Not only can a comparative study of the capacity for a sense of justice in Confucius and Rawls help us better understand each of their views, but it also can help us to see new ways in which to apply their insights, especially with respect to the contemporary relevance of their accounts. Er i n M . Cline
is Assistant Professor of Theology at Georgetown University.
D ecem ber
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
Kantian Courage
Advancing the Enlightenment in Contemporary Political Theory N i c h olas Tampio
256 pages 978-0-8232-4501-7 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4500-0 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) Just Ideas
How may progressive political theorists advance the Enlightenment after Darwin shifted the conversation about human nature in the 19th century, the Holocaust displayed barbarity at the historical center of the Enlightenment, and 9/11 showed the need to modify the ideals and strategies of the Enlightenment? Kantian Courage considers how several figures in contemporary political theory—including John Rawls, Gilles Deleuze, and Tariq Ramadan—do just this as they continue Immanuel Kant’s legacy. Rather than advocate specific Kantian ideas, the book contends that political progressives should embody Kantian courage—a critical and creative disposition to invent new political theories to address the problems of the age. It illuminates Kant’s legacy in contemporary intellectual debates; constructs a dialogue among Anglo-American, Continental, and Islamic political theorists; and shows how progressives may forge alliances across political and religious differences by inventing concepts such as the overlapping consensus, the rhizome, and the space of testimony. The book will interest students of the Enlightenment, contemporary political theorists and philosophers, and a general audience concerned about the future of the relationship between Islam and the West. Ni cholas Tam pio
is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Fordham University.
S ep tem ber
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l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
Reading Descartes Otherwise Blind, Mad, Dreamy, and Bad Kyo o Le e
208 pages 978-0-8232-4485-0 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4484-3 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) S e p temb er
Focusing on the first four images of the Other mobilized in Descartes’ Meditations—namely, the blind, the mad, the dreamy, and the bad—Reading Descartes Otherwise casts light on what have heretofore been the phenomenological shadows of “Cartesian rationality.” In doing so, it discovers dynamic signs of spectral alterity lodged both at the core and on the edges of modern Cartesian subjectivity. Calling for a Copernican reorientation of the very notion “Cartesianism,” the book’s series of close, creatively critical readings of Descartes’ signature images brings the dramatic forces, moments, and scenes of the cogito into our own contemporary moment. The author patiently unravels the knotted skeins of ambiguity that have been spun within philosophical modernity out of such clichés as “Descartes, the abstract modern subject” and “Descartes, the father of modern philosophy”—a figure who is at once everywhere and nowhere. In the process, she revitalizes and reframes the legacy of Cartesian modernity, in a way more mindful of its proto-phenomenological traces. Kyoo Lee is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY. She also teaches comparative literature and feminist theory at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
The Things in Heaven and Earth An Essay in Pragmatic Naturalism J o h n Ryder
The Things in Heaven and Earth develops and applies the American philosophical naturalist tradition of the mid–20th century, specifically the work of three of the most prominent figures of what is called Columbia Naturalism: John Dewey, John Herman Randall Jr., and Justus Buchler. The book argues for the philosophical value and usefulness of this underappreciated tradition for a number of contemporary theoretical and practical issues, such as the modernist/postmodernist divide and debates over philosophical constructivism. Pragmatic naturalism offers a distinctive ontology of constitutive relations. Relying on Buchler’s ordinal ontology and on the relationality implicit in Dewey’s instrumentalism, the book gives a detailed account of this approach in chapters that deal with issues in systematic ontology, epistemology, constructivism and objectivity, philosophical theology, art, democratic theory, foreign policy, education, humanism, and cosmopolitanism.
304 pages 978-0-8232-4469-0 • Paper • $28.00, £20.99 (01)
John Ryder is currently professor and president (rector) of Khazar University in Baku, Azerbaijan. He is the author of Interpreting America: Russian and Soviet Studies of the History of American Thought and co-editor of The Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy.
978-0-8232-4468-3 • Cloth • $95.00, £71.00 (06) American Philosophy Jan ua ry
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23 4/23/12 9:51 AM
Who or What Might Support Us? A d r i a an T. P eperz ak
This phenomenological study begins by presenting trust as a characteristic form of interpersonal and communal relationship. In the second chapter, the scope is narrowed to someone’s reliance on one or more trustworthy individuals. Chapters 3 to 5 explore specific aspects of trust, insofar as we confide in social structures or movements, the impersonal regularities and events of nature, or our own particular talents, motivations, and possibilities. In a world that is ravaged by the omnipresence of suffering and the most outrageous manifestations of evil, no philosopher can avoid the question of what kind of trust may be profound and strong enough to overcome the ultimate anxiety or despair that threatens all human existence. In the Western tradition of belief, thinking, faith, and searching for the first and ultimate, that question is approached here through reflection upon the radical difference between trust (or faith) in the universe (the totality) and faith (or trust) in God. 192 pages 978-0-8232-4489-8 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4488-1 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) Ja n ua ry
holds the Arthur J. Schmitt Chair of Philosophy at Loyola University, Chicago. Among his books are Platonic Transformations: With and After Hegel, Heidegger, and Levinas; Beyond: The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas; Modern Freedom; The Quest for Meaning: Friends of Wisdom from Plato to Levinas (Fordham); and Thinking: From Solitude to Dialogue and Contemplation (Fordham). Ad r i aan T. Pep e rzak
Futurity in Phenomenology Promise and Method in Husserl, Levinas, and Derrida N e a l DeRoo
224 pages 978-0-8232-4464-5 • Cloth • $55.00, £41.00 (06) Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Feb rua ry
From Husserl’s account of protention to the recent turn to eschatology in “theological” phenomenology, the future has always been a key aspect of phenomenological theories of time. This book offers the first sustained reflection on the significance of futurity for the phenomenological method itself. In tracing the development of this theme, the author shows that only a proper understanding of the two-fold nature of the future (as constitution and as openness) can clarify the way in which phenomenology brings the subject and the world together. Futurity therefore points us to the centrality of the promise for phenomenology, recasting phenomenology as a promissory discipline. Clearly written and carefully argued, this book provides fresh insight into the phenomenological provenance of the “theological” turn and the phenomenological conclusions of Husserl, Levinas, and Derrida. Closely examining the themes of protention, eschatology, and the messianic, it will be essential reading for anyone interested in phenomenology, philosophy of religion, deconstruction, or philosophical theology. Neal D eRoo is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Dordt College. He is the co-editor of several works in phenomenology and the philosophy of religion, including Phenomenology and Eschatology: Not Yet in the Now and Cross and Khora: Deconstruction and Christianity in the Work of John D. Caputo.
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A Fundamental Concept of Aesthetic Anthropology
C h r i sto ph M enke, translated by Gerrit Jacks o n
160 pages 978-0-8232-4973-2 • Paper • $22.00, £16.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4972-5 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) S e p tem b er
This book reconceives modern aesthetics by reconstructing its genesis in the 18th century, between Baumgarten’s Aesthetics and Kant’s Critique of Judgment. Force demonstrates that aesthetics, and hence modern philosophy, began twice. On the one hand, Baumgarten’s Aesthetics is organized around the new concept of the “subject”: as a totality of faculties; an agent defined by capabilities; one who is able. Yet an aesthetics in the Baumgartian manner, as the theory of the sensible faculties of the subject, at once faces a different aesthetics: the aesthetics of force. The latter conceives the aesthetic not as sensible cognition but as a play of expression— propelled by a force that, rather than being exercised like a faculty, does not recognize or represent anything because it is obscure and unconscious: the force of what in humanity is distinct from the subject. The aesthetics of force is thus a thinking of the nature of man: of aesthetic nature as distinct from the culture acquired by practice. It founds an anthropology of difference: between force and faculty, human and subject. Chr i sto ph M enke is Professor of Philosophy at the Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main. Among his previous appointments has been a stint at the New School.
studied literature, philosophy, and art history in Berlin and New York. He is a translator and lives in Berlin.
Ger r i t Jackson
women's studies
Coming to Life
Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering
edited by S arah La Chance Adams and Caro line R. Lu n dquist
Coming to Life does what too few scholarly works have dared to attempt: It takes seriously the philosophical significance of women’s lived experience. Every woman, regardless of her own reproductive story, is touched by the beliefs and norms governing discourses about pregnancy, childbirth, and mothering. The volume’s contributors engage in sustained reflection on women’s experiences and on the beliefs, customs, and political institutions by which they are informed. They think beyond the traditional pro-choice/pro-life dichotomy, speak to the manifold nature of mothering by considering the experiences of adoptive mothers and birthmothers, and upend the belief that childrearing practices must be uniform, despite psychosexual differences in children. Many chapters reveal the radical shortcomings of conventional philosophical wisdom by placing trenchant assumptions about subjectivity, gender, power and virtue in dialogue with women’s experience. 384 pages 978-0-8232-4461-4 • Paper • $35.00, £25.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4460-7 • Cloth • $125.00, £94.00 (06) Perspectives in Continental Philosophy S ep tem ber
Contr i butors: Sarah LaChance Adams, Melissa Burchard, Sonya Charles, Cynthia Coe, Frances Gray, Lisa Guenther, Eva Kittay, Candace Johnson, Caroline R. Lundquist, Bertha Alvarez Manninen, Kelly Oliver, Dorothy Rogers, Rebecca Tuvel, Kayley Varnallis, Florentien Verhage, Gail Weiss, Talia Welsh Sa rah LaChance Adams is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin–Superior. Caroline R . Lu ndqu ist is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at the University of Oregon. f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
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The Politics of Survival Peirce, Affectivity, and Social Criticism L a r a Trou t
“This is a brave book balancing strong scholarship, clear organization, and a provocative reading of Peirce.” — R oger Wa rd, Georgetown College
new in
304 pages 978-0-8232-3296-3 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (01)
“Examines what is termed a neglected element of embodiment in the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce.” — T h e C h ron icle of High er Ed ucat ion
“In this important addition to the literatures of pragmatism, social epistemology, and intergroup justice, Trout extends C. S. Peirce’s pragmatist analysis of cognition and inquiry to people’s belief-habits concerning racism and other discriminatory attitudes. . . . Recommended.” — C h oic e
La ra T rou t
is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Portland.
{cloth available: 978-0-8232-3295-6} American Philosophy Jun e
new in
Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead M ic h ael E ppers on
“The book is highly recommended to everybody working on or seriously interested in the ontology of quantum physics.” — F ra n k H attich, author of Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
256 pages • 6 1 /4 × 9 1 /4 978-0-8232-5012-7 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (01) {CLOTH available: 978-0-8232-2319-0} Sep tem ber
In Process and Reality and other works, Alfred North Whitehead struggled to come to terms with the impact the new science of quantum mechanics would have on metaphysics. This ambitious book is the first extended analysis of the intricate relationships between relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and Whitehead’s cosmology. Michael Epperson illuminates the intersection of science and philosophy in Whitehead’s work-and details Whitehead’s attempts to fashion an ontology coherent with quantum anomalies. Including a nonspecialist introduction to quantum mechanics, Epperson adds an essential new dimension to our understanding of Whitehead-and of the constantly enriching encounter between science and philosophy in our century. Mi chael Epp e rson
teaches in the Department of Philosophy at California State University
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Life Drawing
A Deleuzean Aesthetics of Existence G o r d o n C. F. Bearn
Deleuze’s publications have attracted enormous attention, but scant attention has been paid to the existential relevance of Deleuze’s writings. In the lineage of Nietzsche, Life Drawing develops a fully affirmative Deleuzean aesthetics of existence. For Foucault and Nehamas, the challenge of an aesthetics of existence is to make your life, in one way or another, a work of art. In contrast, Bearn argues that art is too narrow a concept to guide this kind of existential project. He turns instead to the more generous notion of beauty, but he argues that the philosophical tradition has mostly misconceived beauty in terms of perfection. Heraclitus and Kant are well-known exceptions to this mistake, and Bearn suggests that because Heraclitean becoming is beyond conceptual characterization, it promises a sensualized experience akin to what Kant called free beauty. In this new aesthetics of existence, the challenge is to become beautiful by releasing a Deleuzean becoming: becoming becoming. 320 pages • 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4481-2 • Paper • $28.00, £20.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4480-5 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) f ebrua ry
Bearn’s readings of philosophical texts—by Wittgenstein, Derrida, Plato, and others—will be of interest in their own right. Gor d on C. F. Be arn is Professor of Philosophy at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where he was the Founding Director of the Humanities Center. He is the author of a book on Nietzsche and Wittgenstein, Waking to Wonder: Wittgenstein’s Existential Investigations.
l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
Bestial Traces Race, Sexuality, Animality
C h r i sto pher P et ers o n
208 pages 978-0-8232-4521-5 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4520-8 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) Nov em ber
In contemporary race and sexuality studies, the topic of animality emerges almost exclusively in order to index the dehumanization that makes discrimination possible. Bestial Traces argues that a more fundamental disavowal of human animality conditions the bestialization of racial and sexual minorities. Hence, when conservative politicians equate homosexuality with bestiality, they betray an anxious effort to deny the animality inherent in all sexuality. Focusing on literary texts by Edgar Allan Poe, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Wright, Philip Roth, and J. M. Coetzee, together with philosophical texts by Derrida, Heidegger, Agamben, Freud, and Nietzsche, Peterson maintains that the representation of social and political others as animals can be mitigated but never finally abolished. All forms of belonging inevitably exclude some others as “beasts.” Though one might argue that absolute political equality and inclusion remain desirable, even if ultimately unattainable, ideals, Bestial Traces shows that, by maintaining such principles, we exacerbate rather than ameliorate violence because we fail to confront how discrimination and exclusion condition all social relations. C hr i sto pher Pe terson is Senior Lecturer in the School of Humanities and Communication Arts at the University of Western Sydney. He is the author of Kindred Specters: Death, Mourning, and American Affinity.
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jewish studies
The Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought W i l l i Goets c h el
272 pages 978-0-8232-4496-6 • Cloth • $65.00, £49.00 (06) Octo ber
Exploring the subject of Jewish philosophy as a controversial construction site of the project of modernity, this book examines the implications of the different and often conflicting notions that drive the debate on the question of what Jewish philosophy is or could be. The idea of Jewish philosophy begs the question of philosophy as such. But “Jewish philosophy” does not just reflect what “philosophy” lacks. Rather, it challenges the project of philosophy itself. Examining the thought of Spinoza, Moses Mendelssohn, Heinrich Heine, Hermann Cohen Franz Rosenzweig, Martin Buber, Margarete Susman, Hermann Levin Goldschmidt, and others, the book highlights how the most philosophic moments of their works are those in which specific concerns of their “Jewish questions” inform the rethinking of philosophy’s disciplinarity in principal terms. The long overdue recognition of the modernity that informs the critical trajectories of Jewish philosophers from Spinoza and Mendelssohn to the present emancipates not just “Jewish philosophy” from an infelicitous pigeonhole these philosophers so pointedly sought to reject but, more important, emancipates philosophy from its false claims to universalism. W i lli Go ets chel
is Professor of German and Philosophy at the University of Toronto.
The Open Past
Subjectivity and Remembering in the Talmud S e r g ey D olg op olski
The Open Past challenges a view of time that has dominated philosophical thought for the past two centuries. In that view, time originates from a relationship to the future, and the past can be only a fictitious beginning, the necessary phantom of a starting point, a chronological period of “before.” This view of the past has permeated the study of the Talmud as well, resulting in the application of modern philosophical categories such as the “thinking subject,” subjectivity, and temporality to the thinking displayed in the texts of the Talmud. The book seeks to reclaim the originary power and authority the past exerts in the Talmud. Central to the task of reclaiming a radical role for the past are medieval notions of the virtual and their contrasting modern appropriations, the thinking subject among them. These serve as both a bridging point and a demarcation between the practices of thinking and remembering displayed in the conversations held by the characters in the Talmud by contrast to other rhetorical or philosophical schools and disciplines of thought. 352 pages 978-0-8232-4492-8 • Cloth • $65.00, £49.00 (06)
Ser g ey Dolgop olski is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Jewish Thought at the University at Buffalo SUNY.
Octob er
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The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyola’s “Autobiography” J o h n M. Mc Manamo n, S. J.
256 pages 978-0-8232-4505-5 • Paper • $25.00, £18.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4504-8 • Cloth • $80.00, £60.00 (06) Jan ua ry
This refreshing re-evaluation of the so-called autobiography of Ignatius Loyola (c. 1491–1556) situates Ignatius’s Acts against the backgrounds of the spiritual geography of Luke’s New Testament writings and the culture of Renaissance humanism. Ignatius Loyola’s So-Called Autobiography builds upon recent scholarly consensus, examines the language of the text that Ignatius Loyola dictated as his legacy to fellow Jesuits late in life, and discusses relevant elements of the social, historical, and religious contexts in which the text came to birth. Recent monographs by Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle and John W. O’Malley have characterized Ignatius’s Acts as a mirror of vainglory and of apostolic religious life, respectively. In this study, John M. McManamon, S.J., persuasively argues that an appreciation of the two Lukan New Testament writings likewise helps interpret the theological perspectives of Ignatius. The geography of Luke’s two writings and the theology that undergirds Luke’s redactional innovation assisted Ignatius in remembering and understanding the crucial acts of God in his own life. This eloquent, lucidly written new book is essential reading for anyone interested in Ignatius, the early Jesuits, sixteenth-century religious life, and the history of early modern Europe. John M . M cManamon, S.J. , is Professor of Italian Renaissance History and Medieval
Nautical Archaeology at Loyola University Chicago.
new in
h i sto ry
Bob Drinan
The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress R ay m ond A . Sc hrot h , S. J.
“[Schroth] has produced a nuanced, engaging portrait of a man who worked prodigiously at bettering the world but who also had personal and political flaws.” —Am eri c a Magaz i ne “Schroth knows Jesuit life well and skillfully connects Drinan's career as law professor, dean, politician, and public intellectual to his Jesuit formation.” —C o mm on wea l “. . . This intriguing portrait in courage provides an intimate glimpse into the heart and soul of a deeply textured spiritual and political groundbreaker.” — Book lis t “A Jesuit priest elected to Congress as a radical anti-war Democrat: a figure hard to imagine today. But Father Drinan is brought to blazing life in Raymond Schroth’s biography, as is the whole era of the fight against the Vietnam War. One can imagine Richard Nixon saying, like Henry II, ‘Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?’” —A ntho n y Lewi s, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist 432 pages • 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3305-2 • Paper • $24.95, £18.99 (03) {cloth available: 978-0-8232-3304-5} S ep temb er

Raym ond A. Schroth, S.J. is the literary editor of America magazine. He was a columnist for the National Catholic Reporter and a regular online columnist for the Newark Star Ledger. During the 1970s, while teaching journalism at Fordham, Schroth was book editor of Commonweal, as well. He is the author of The American Jesuits: A History, Fordham: A History and Memoir, and The American Journey of Eric Sevareid.
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m e d i e va l s t u d i e s
Later Medieval Metaphysics Ontology, Language, and Logic
edited by C h a rl e s B olya rd and Ro ndo Keele
This book begins with standard ontological topics—such as the nature of existence—and of metaphysics generally, such as the status of universals, form, and accidents. What is the proper subject matter of metaphysical speculation? Are essence and existence really distinct in bodies? Does the body lose its unifying form at death? Can an accident of a substance exist in separation from that substance? Are universals real, and, if so, are they anything more than general concepts? Among the figures it examines are Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Walter Chatton, John Buridan, Dietrich of Freiburg, Robert Holcot, Walter Burley, and the 11th-century Islamic philosopher Ibn-Sina (Avicenna). There is also an emphasis on metaphysics broadly conceived. Thus, additional discussions of connected topics in medieval logic, epistemology, and language provide a fuller account of the range of ideas included in the later medieval worldview. 304 pages 978-0-8232-4473-7 • Paper • $35.00, £25.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4472-0 • Cloth • $95.00, £71.00 (06) Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies Februa ry
Contr i b u tors: E. J. Ashworth, Charles Bolyard, Susan Brower-Toland, Brian Francis Conolly, Rondo Keele, Gyula Klima, Terence Parsons, Martin Tweedale, Rega Wood, Jack Zupko. C ha r les Bolyard is Associate Professor of Philosophy at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Rond o Kee le is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Louisiana Scholars’ College in Natchitoches, Louisiana.
m e d i e va l s t u d i e s
Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era Da ni e l D. Novot ný
288 pages 978-0-8232-4476-8 • Cloth • $70.00, £53.00 (06) Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies
The influence of the Spanish Jesuit Francisco Suárez (1548–1617) on 17th-century philosophy, theology, and law can hardly be underestimated. In this groundbreaking book, Daniel D. Novotný explores one of the most controversial topics of Suárez’s philosophy: “beings of reason.” Beings of reason are impossible intentional objects, such as blindness and square-circle. The first part of this book is structured around a close reading of Suárez’s main text on the subject, namely Disputation 54. The second part centers on texts on this topic by other outstanding philosophers of the time, such as the Spanish Jesuit Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza (1578–1641), the Italian Franciscan Bartolomeo Mastri (1602–73), and the Spanish-Bohemian-Luxembourgian polymath Juan Caramuel de Lobkowitz (1606–82). The book should be of interest not just to those concerned with beings of reason but also for all those with a broader interest in the history of the period. It is written in a clear style that will make it appealing both to historians of philosophy and to anyone interested in applying analytical tools to the history of philosophy. Dani el D. Novotný is Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Bohemia, Ceské Budejovice (Czech Republic).
Februa ry
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l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
irish studies
Empire’s Wake
Postcolonial Irish Writing and the Politics of Modern Literary Form M a r k Qu i g ley
256 pages 978-0-8232-4544-4 • Cloth • $45.00, £34.00 (06) ebook available Nov em ber
Shedding new light on the rich intellectual and political milieux shaping the divergent legacies of Joyce and Yeats, Empire’s Wake traces how a distinct postcolonial modernism emerged within Irish literature in the late 1920s to contest and extend key aspects of modernist thought and aesthetic innovation at the very moment that the high modernist literary canon was consolidating its influence and prestige. By framing its explorations of postcolonial narrative form against the backdrop of distinct historical moments from the Irish Free State to the Celtic Tiger era, the book charts the different phases of 20th-century postcoloniality in ways that clarify how the comparatively early emergence of the postcolonial in Ireland illuminates the formal shifts accompanying the transition from an age of empire to one of globalization. Bringing together new perspectives on Beckett and Joyce with analyses of the critically neglected works of Sean O’Faoláin, Frank McCourt, and the Blasket autobiographers, Empire’s Wake challenges the notion of a singular “global modernism” and argues for the importance of critically integrating the local and the international dimensions of modernist aesthetics. Mar k Q u ig ley
is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Oregon.
l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
c u lt u r a l st u d i e s
Untouchable Fictions Literary Realism and the Crisis of Caste To r a l Jat in Gajarawala
William Riley Parker Prize for an outstanding article published in PMLA “Some Time between Revisionist and Revolutionary: Unreading History in Dalit Literature” May 2011 issue of PMLA
256 pages 978-0-8232-4525-3 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4524-6 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) ebook available S ep tember
Untouchable Fictions considers the crisis of literary realism—progressive, rural, regionalist, experimental—in order to derive a literary genealogy for the recent explosion of Dalit (“untouchable caste”) fiction. Drawing on a wide array of writings from Premchand and Renu in Hindi to Mulk Raj Anand and V. S. Naipaul in English, Gajarawala illuminates the dark side of realist complicity: a hidden aesthetics and politics of caste. How does caste color the novel? What are its formal tendencies? What generic constraints does it produce? Untouchable Fictions juxtaposes the Dalit text and its radical critique with a history of progressive literary movements in South Asia. Gajarawala reads Dalit writing dialectically, doing justice to its unique and groundbreaking literary interventions while also demanding that it be read as an integral moment in the literary genealogy of the 20th and 21st centuries. This book, grounded in the fields of postcolonial theory, South Asian literatures, and cultural studies, makes a crucial intervention into studies of literary realism and will be important for all readers interested in the problematic relations between aesthetics and politics and between social movements and cultural production. Tora l Jatin G ajarawala
New York University.
is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
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l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
Friedrich Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin in the Now-Time of History Ja m e s McFarland
304 pages 978-0-8232-4536-9 • Cloth • $45.00, £34.00 (06) ebook available Sep tem ber
Constellation is the first extended exploration of the relationship between Walter Benjamin, the Weimar-era revolutionary cultural critic, and the radical philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The affinity between these noncontemporaneous thinkers serves as a limit case manifesting the precariousness and potentials of cultural transmission in a disillusioned present. In five chapters, Constellation presents the changing figure of Nietzsche as Benjamin encountered him: an inspiration to his student activism, an authority for his skeptical philology, a manifestation of his philosophical nihilism, a companion in his political exile, and ultimately a subversive collaborator in his efforts to think beyond the hopeless temporality—new and always the same—of the present moment in history. By excavating this neglected relationship philologically and elaborating its philosophical implications in the surviving texts of both men, Constellation produces new and compelling readings of their works and through them triangulates a theoretical limit in the present, a fractured “now-time” suspended between madness and suicide, from which the collective future regains a measure of consequential and transformative vitality. Jam es McFarland
is Assistant Professor of German Studies at Vanderbilt University.
l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
The Sense of Semblance Philosophical Analyses of Holocaust Art H e nry W. P i c kford
288 pages, 41 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4540-6 • Cloth • $45.00, £34.00 (06) ebook available Sep tember
Holocaust artworks intuitively must fulfill at least two criteria: artistic (lest they be merely historical documents) and historical (lest they distort the Holocaust or become merely artworks). The Sense of Semblance locates this problematic within philosophical aesthetics, as a version of the conflict between aesthetic autonomy and heteronomy, and argues that Adorno’s dialectic of aesthetic semblance describes the normative demand that artworks maintain a dynamic tension between the two. The Sense of Semblance aims to move beyond familiar debates surrounding postmodernism by demonstrating the usefulness of contemporary theories of meaning and understanding, including those from the analytic tradition. Pickford shows how the causal theory of names, the philosophy of tacit knowledge, the analytic philosophy of quotation, Sartre’s theory of the imaginary, the epistemology of testimony, and Walter Benjamin’s dialectical image can help explicate how individual artworks fulfill artistic and historical desiderata. In close readings of Celan’s poetry, Holocaust memorials in Berlin, the quotational artist Heimrad Bäcker, Claude Lanzmann’s film Shoah, and Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Maus, Pickford offers interpretations that, in their precision, specificity, and clarity, inaugurate a dialogue between contemporary analytic philosophy and contemporary art. The Sense of Semblance is the first book to incorporate contemporary analytic philosophy in interpretations of art and architecture, literature, and film about the Holocaust. H enry w. Pickford is Assistant Professor of German at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is the editor and translator of Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords by Theodor W. Adorno.
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l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
Marginal Modernity
The Aesthetics of Dependency from Kierkegaard to Joyce L e o na rdo F. L isi
336 pages 978-0-8232-4532-1 • Cloth • $45.00, £34.00 (06) ebook available Octo ber
Two ways of understanding the aesthetic organization of literary works have come down to us from the late 18th century and dominate discussions of European modernism today: the aesthetics of autonomy, associated with the self-sufficient work of art, and the aesthetics of fragmentation, practiced by the avant-gardes. In this revisionary study, Leonardo Lisi argues that these models rest on assumptions about the nature of truth and existence that cannot be treated as exhaustive of modern experience. Lisi traces an alternative aesthetics of dependency that provides a different formal structure, philosophical foundation, and historical condition for modernist texts. Taking Europe’s Scandinavian periphery as his point of departure, Lisi examines how Kierkegaard and Ibsen imagined a response to the changing conditions of modernity different from those at the European core, one that subsequently influenced James, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, and Joyce. Combining close readings with a broader revision of the nature and genealogy of modernism, Marginal Modernity challenges what we understand by modernist aesthetics, their origins, and their implications for how we conceive our relation to the modern world. Leonar do F. Lisi
is Assistant Professor in the Humanities Center at The Johns Hopkins
l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
Malicious Objects, Anger Management, and the Question of Modern Literature J ö r g K reien b ro ck
320 pages 978-0-8232-4529-1 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (01)
Why do humans get angry with objects? Why is it that a malfunctioning computer, a broken tool, or a fallen glass causes an outbreak of fury? How is it possible to speak of an inanimate object’s recalcitrance, obstinacy, or even malice? When things assume a will of their own and seem to act out against human desires and wishes rather than disappear into automatic, unconscious functionality, the breakdown is experienced not as something neutral but affectively—as rage or as outbursts of laughter. Such emotions are always psychosocial: public, rhetorically performed, and therefore irreducible to a “private” feeling. By investigating the minutest details of life among dysfunctional household items through the discourses of philosophy and science, as well as in literary works by Laurence Sterne, Jean Paul, Friedrich Theodor Vischer, and Heimito von Doderer, Kreienbrock reconsiders the modern bourgeois poetics that render things the way we know and suffer them. Jör g K r eien bro ck
is Assistant Professor of German at Northwestern University.
978-0-8232-4528-4 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) ebook available S e p temb er
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l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
p o et ry
media studies
Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry C h r i stoph e Wall- Romana
432 pages • 50 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4548-2 • Cloth • $55.00, £41.00 (06) ebook available Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics
Cinepoetry analyzes how French poets have remapped poetry through the lens of cinema for more than a century. In showing how poets have drawn on mass culture, technology, and material images to incorporate the idea, technique, and experience of cinema into writing, Wall-Romana documents the long history of cross-media concepts and practices often thought to emerge with the digital. In showing the cinematic consciousness of Mallarmé and Breton and calling for a reappraisal of the influential poetry theory of the early filmmaker Jean Epstein, Cinepoetry reevaluates the bases of literary modernism. The book also explores the crucial link between trauma and trans-medium experiments in the wake of two world wars and highlights the marginal identity of cinepoets who were often Jewish, gay, foreign-born, or on the margins. What results is a broad rethinking of the relationship between film and literature. The episteme of cinema, the book demonstates, reached the very core of its supposedly highbrow rival, while at the same time modern poetry cultivated the technocultural savvy that is found today in slams, e-poetry, and poetic-digital hybrids. C hr i sto phe Wall- R omana
is Associate Professor of French at the University of Minnesota.
Nov em ber
l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
Succeeding King Lear
Literature, Exposure, and the Possibility of Politics E m i ly Su n
“ . . . Provides a thoughtful reading of King Lear through a political lens.” —A . Castal do, C h oi ce
new in
176 pages • 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3281-9 • Paper • $20.00, £14.99 (01) {cloth available: 978-0-8232-3280-2}
“An excellent work of theoretical synthesis applied to thoughtful, continuously challenging readings of texts that at once form an intuitive unity and at the same time consistently resist and correct preconception through Sun’s circumspect, nimble critical strategies. ”— Paul Fry, Yale University
“Emily Sun has written an ambitious study that is a delight to read on how literary works foster a truly active rather than passive spectatorship as well as a ‘plural speech’ necessary to avoid tyrannous political theologies. Drawing in on major contemporary theorists, her patient and clarifying style, with its ability to zoom from large questions to telling textual detail, compels us to think anew about this task. All of us, her moving book insists, literary consumers or creators, must ‘succeed’ great works of art in the sense of accepting and bringing to completion their demanding legacy.” — G e o ffrey H a rtma n , Sterling Professor Emeritus, Yale University
Em i ly Su n is Visiting Assistant Professor of English at the College of the Holy Cross and taught previously in the English Department at Colgate University. She is co-editor, with Ulrich Baer and Eyal Peretz, of The Claims of Literature: A Shoshana Felman Reader (Fordham).
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l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
The Naked Communist
Cold War Modernism and the Politics of Popular Culture R o l a nd Vé gs ő
256 pages • 1 b/w illustration 978-0-8232-4557-4 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4556-7 • Cloth • $85.00, £64.00 (06) ebook available American Literatures Initiative
The Naked Communist argues that the political ideologies of modernity were fundamentally determined by four basic figures: the world, the enemy, the secret, and the catastrophe. While the “world” names the totality that functioned as the ultimate horizon of modern political imagination, the three other figures define the necessary limits of this totality by reflecting on the limits of representation. The book highlights the enduring presence of these figures in the modern imagination through detailed analysis of a concrete historical example: American anti-Communist politics of the 1950s. Its primary objective is to describe the internal mechanisms of what we could call an antiCommunist “aesthetic ideology.” The book thus traces the way anti-Communist popular culture emerged in the discourse of Cold War liberalism as a political symptom of modernism. Based on a discursive analysis of American anti-Communist politics, the book presents parallel readings of modernism and popular fiction from the 1950s (nuclear holocaust novels, spy novels, and popular political novels) in order to show that, despite the radical separation of the two cultural fields, they both participated in a common ideological program. Roland Vé gső is Assistant Professor of Literary and Critical Theory in the Department of English at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Octo ber
l i t e r a ry st u d i e s
american studies
The Sentimental Touch
The Language of Feeling in the Age of Managerialism A a r o n R itz en b er g
224 pages
Between 1850 and 1940, with the rise of managerial capitalism in the United States, the most powerful businesses ceased to be family owned, instead becoming sprawling organizations controlled by complex bureaucracies. Sentimental literature—work written specifically to convey and inspire deep feeling—does not seem to fit with a swiftly bureaucratizing society. Surprisingly, though, sentimental language persisted in American literature, even as a culture of managed systems threatened to obscure the power of individual affect. The Sentimental Touch explores the strange, enduring power of sentimental language in the face of a rapidly changing culture. Analyzing novels by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mark Twain, Sherwood Anderson, and Nathanael West, the book demonstrates that sentimental language changes but remains powerful, even in works by authors who self-consciously write against the sentimental tradition. Sentimental language has an afterlife, enduring in American literature long after authors and critics declared it dead, insisting that human feeling can resist a mechanizing culture and embodying, paradoxically, the way that literary conventions themselves become mechanical and systematic.
978-0-8232-4552-9 • Cloth • $35.00, £25.99 (06)
Aar on Ritze nb e rg
is Associate Director of First-Year Writing at Columbia University.
ebook available American Literatures Initiative Nov emb er
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l aw
The Dignity Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa Cases and Materials, Volumes I & II
edited by Drucilla Cornell, St u Woo lman, S am F u ll e r, Ja s o n Bri ckhill, M ichael Bish o p, and Diana Du nbar Since the Second World War, dignity has increasingly been recognized as an important moral and legal value. Although important examples of dignity-based arguments can be found in western European and North American case law and legal theory, the dignity jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South African is widely considered to be the most sweeping in the world. This book brings together the first sixteen years of constitutional jurisprudence addressing the meaning, role, and reach of dignity in the law of South Africa as a multiracial democracy.
1,184 pages 978-0-8232-5008-0 • Cloth • $195.00, £146.00 (06) Just Ideas Ja n ua ry
Dr u c i lla Cornell is Professor in Political Science, Women’s Studies and Comparative Literature at Rutgers University, a professor extraordinaire at the University of Pretoria, and a visiting lecturer at Bikbeck College, University of London. Stu Woolman is Professor & Elizabeth Bradley Chair of Ethics, Governance & Sustainable Development University of the Witwatersrand; Academic Director, South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights & International Law, Editor-in-Chief, Constitutional Law of South Africa. Sa m Fuller is a lawyer practicing in Cape Town. Jason Bri ckhill is Member of the Johannesburg Bar; Counsel, Constitution Litigation Unit, Legal Resourses Centre. M i c h ae l B i s hop is Advocate of the High Court of South Africa; Managing Editor-in-Chief, Constitutional Law of South Africa. Diana Du n bar is an independent editor in South Africa.
media studies
Rethinking Media Pluralism Ka r i Karppinen
288 pages 978-0-8232-4513-0 • Paper • $30.00, £22.99 (01) 978-0-8232-4512-3 • Cloth • $90.00, £68.00 (06) ebook available Donald McGannon Communication Research Center’s Everett C. Parker Book Series Nov emb er
Access to a broad range of different political views and cultural expressions is often regarded as a self-evident value in both theoretical and political debates on media and democracy. Pluralism is commonly accepted as a guiding principle of media policy in addressing media concentration, the role of public service media, or more recently such questions as how to respond to search engines, social networking sites, and citizen media. However, opinions on the meaning and nature of media pluralism as a concept vary widely, and definitions of it can easily be adjusted to suit different political purposes. Rethinking Media Pluralism contends that the notions of media pluralism and diversity have been reduced to empty catchphrases or conflated with consumer choice and market competition. In this narrow logic, key questions about social and political values, democracy, and citizenship are left unexamined. In this provocative new book, Kari Karppinen argues that media pluralism needs to be rescued from its depoliticized uses and reimagined more broadly as a normative value that refers to the distribution of communicative power in the public sphere. Instead of something that could simply be measured through the number of media outlets available, media pluralism should be understood in terms of its ability to challenge inequalities and create a more democratic public sphere. Ka r i Karpp inen
Helsinki, Finland.
is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Social Research, University of
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i n t e r n at i o n a l s t u d i e s
More with Less
f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e i n e b o o k f o r m — a g r e at w r i t e r ’ s c l a s s i c c e l e b r at i o n o f t h e e s s e n c e o f b r o o k ly n !
Brooklyn Is
Disasters in an Era of Diminishing Resources
Southeast of the Island: Travel Notes James Ag ee preface by J onat han Lethem
edited by K evi n M . Cahill, M . D. foreword by H .E . Na ss ir Abd u l a zi z Al - Na s ser Natural and human-made disasters are increasing around the world. Hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, and resultant famine, floods, and armed conflicts are constant reminders of the frailty of our human race. Global warming may cause whole island states to be submerged as the oceans rise. In the past these acute and recurring crises have been met by the international community responding to UN and media appeals. The economic collapse of nations is now a reality; some of those most affected had been traditional, generous donors to disaster relief operations. It is unlikely—probably impossible—that they will be able to continue to contribute overseas when their own domestic needs are unmet. A recent New York Times front page report suggested that one of the few domestic issues to have bipartisan support was to cut the foreign aid budget. This book analyzes the global economic forecast and the United Nations pattern of philanthropy, provides a case study of how one nation with a tradition of giving will cope in the face of a marked reduction in flexible funds and then provides thoughtful chapters on new approaches to disaster preparedness and disaster response. Ke v i n M . Ca h i l l, M .D. , is University Professor and Director of
Fordham University’s Institute for International Humanitarian Affairs and Clinical Professor of Tropical Medicine and Molecular Parasitology at New York University.
“Agee’s prose poem captures the textural variety of Brooklyn in language that bears reading aloud for its lilt, melody, and pleasingly pungent vocabulary. . . .” —Book lis t
“. . . a dizzying if pointless Whitmanesque catalogue . . .” — Leo n a rd Lo pate, The N ati o n
“Agee is a wonderfully poetic writer, and he weaves a beautiful portrait of the borough, covering the people and places in every corner of Brooklyn’s seventy-one miles.” — Park Sl ope Read er
One of the great prose stylists of the past century, Jame s Ag e e won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction for A Death in the Family, and he also wrote the classic account of poor Southern farmers, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. With John Huston, he wrote the Oscar-nominated screenplay for The African Queen, and he was an influential film and theater critic for Time and The Nation. J ONATHAN LETHEM ’s novels include Fortress of Solitude and
Motherless Brooklyn, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award
64 pages • 5 × 7 {cloth available: 978-0-8232-2492-0 • $16.95, £12.99 (02)} eBook available Octob er
180 pages 978-0-8232-5018-9 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5017-2 • Cloth • $70.00, £53.00 (06) International Humanitarian Affairs S e p tem b er
Traditio 2012 edited by
R ev e re n d Joseph T. L ienhar d, S.J.
Dante Studies 2012 edited by R ic h ard L ansing
0362-1529 • Paper • $72.00 Annual
0070-2862 • Paper • $45.00 Annual
Joyce Studies Annual 2012 edited by
P h il ip T. S i ck e r
and Mo s he G o l d
1049-0809 • Cloth • $60.00 Annual
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37 4/23/12 9:51 AM
r e c e n t ly a n n o u n c e d
A Fury in the Words
Love and Embarrassment in Shakespeare's Venice Harry Be r g e r, Jr .
240 pages 978-0-8232-4195-8 • Paper • $24.00, £17.99 (01)
Speaking about Torture edited by Julie A. Car l s on and Elis ab eth Web er
384 pages • 28 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4225-2 • Paper • $32.00, £23.99 (01) ebook available
select backlist
Loaded Words
Ma r j orie Ga r b e r 304 pages 978-0-8232-4205-4 • Paper, $26.00, £19.99 (01) ebook available
From Slave Ship to Harvard
Yarrow Mamout and the History of an African American Family Jam e s H . J o h nsto n
288 pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3950-4 • Cloth • $29.95, £21.99 (02) ebook available
Ri c ha rd Gianno ne
Reflections on Gay Life, AIDS, and Spiritual Desire 224 pages • 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4184-2 • Cloth • $27.95, £20.99 (02) ebook available
In the Name of Italy
Nation, Family, and Patriotism in a Fascist Court
The Deconstruction of Christianity II
J e an- Luc Nancy, Translated by J o h n McKe ane
New Bedford's Civil War E arl F. M u l d er i n k , III
320 pages 978-0-8232-4334-1 • Cloth • $55.00, £41.00 (06) The North's Civil War
War in Worcester
Youth and the Apartheid State Pam e l a R ey no l d s
272 pages • 22 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4310-5 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (06) Forms of Living
128 pages 978-0-8232-4295-5 • Paper • $18.00, £13.99 (01) Perspectives in Continental Philosophy ebook available
Maura Ha metz
288 pages 978-0-8232-4339-6 • Cloth • $45.00, £34.00 (01)
back in print
Studies in Structure Ro be rt J. An dr eac h
178 pages 978-0-8232-0630-8 • Cloth, $50.00, £38.00 (01)
The Legends of the Saints translated by Donald Attwat er and Hip p oly te D e lehaye
276 pages 978-0-8232-0440-3 • Cloth, $40.00, £29.99 (01)
Dewey's Metaphysics
Form and Being in the Philosophy of John Dewey Ray mon d B oisvert
227 pages 978-0-8232-1196-8 • Paper, $25.00, £18.99 (01)
After Nine Hundred Years The Background of the Schism Between the Eastern and Western Churches Yves Conga r
150 pages 978-0-8232-1857-8 • Paper • $30.00, £22.99 (01)
Conservative Millenarians
The Romantic Experience in Bavaria Paul Got t fr ie d
180 pages 978-0-8232-0982-8 • Cloth • $55.00, £41.00 (06)
Rhetoric I: A Commentary Rhetoric II: A Commentary
Wil l ia m M. A . G rim al d i 362 pages VOL. 1: 978-0-8232-1048-0 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06) 377 pages VOL. 2: 978-0-8232-1049-7 • Cloth • $75.00, £56.00 (06)
Wittgenstein's Definition of Meaning As Use
The Secret of World History
222 pages 978-0-8232-0750-3, Cloth • $55.00, £41.00 (06)
L e o p o ld Vo n Ra n k e e dited, with translations by R o ge r Wi n es
G art h H al l et t, S. J.
The Spanish Elizabethans
Selected Writings on the Art and Science of History
A l b e rt J. Lo o m ie
276 pages 978-0-8232-1050-3 • Paper • $30.00, £22.99 (01)
280 pages 978-0-8232-0560-8 • Cloth • $37.00, £27.99 (06)
Evil and a Good God
The Intellectual Conquest of Peru The Jesuit College of San Pablo Lu is M art in
194 pages 978-0-8232-0785-5 • Paper • $30.00, £22.99 (06)
Daniel O'Connell
Nationalism Without Violence
Bruce Rei chen b ach
198 pages 978-0-8232-1081-7 • Paper • $26.00, £19.99 (06)
Thomas More and Erasmus E . E . R ey no l d s
272 pages 978-0-8232-0670-4 • Cloth • $50.00, £38.00 (06)
Danie l M o l ey
246 pages 978-0-8232-0977-4 • Cloth • $50.00, £38.00 (06)
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4/23/12 9:51 AM
Adoration 38 Advances in Cyber Security 10 After Nine Hundred Years 38 Agee, James 37 Al-Nasser, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz 37 Ancient Mediterranean Art 11 Andreach, Robert J. 38 Aristotle 38 Attwater, Donald 38
Dewey's Metaphysics 38 Diary of Prisoner 17326 20 Dignity Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, The 36 Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought, The 28 Documentality 17 Dolgopolski, Sergey 28 Dunbar, Diana 36
Barnes, Sandra L. 5 Bearn, Gordon C.F. 27 Berger, Harry Jr. 8, 38 Berkowitz, Roger 4 Bestial Traces 27 Bishop, Michael 36 Blanton, Ward 16 Bob Drinan 29 Boisvert, Raymond 38 Bolyard, Charles 30 Borden, Norman 1 Brickhill, Jason 36 Brooklyn Is 37
Cahill, Kevin M. 37 Carlson, Julie A. 38 Cavaliere, Barbara 11 Cinepoetry 34 Cline, Erin M. 22 Coming to Life 25 Confucius, Rawls, and the Sense of Justice 22 Congar, Yves 38 Conservative Millenarians 38 Constellation 32 Cornell, Drucilla 36
Daniel O'Connell 38 Dante Studies 2012 37 Davies, Richard 17 Delaporte, François 15 Delehaye, Hippolyte 38 DeRoo, Neal 24 Deus in Machina 12
Empire’s Wake 31 Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel 30 Epperson, Michael 26 Evil and a Good God 38
Ferraris, Maurizio 17 Figures of Medicine 15 Fine, Jo Renee 1 Force 25 From Slave Ship to Harvard 38 Fuller, Sam 36 Fury in the Words, A 38 Futurity in Phenomenology 24
Gajarawala, Toral Jatin 31 Garber, Marjorie 38 Giannone, Richard 38 Goetschel, Willi 28 Gold, Moshe 37 Golshan, Shahrokh 14 Gottfried, Paul 38 Grimaldi, William M.A. 38
Hallett, Garth 38 Hametz, Maura 38 Heartbeats in the Muck 2 Hidden 38 Hsu, D. Frank 10
Ideology of Hatred, The 6 Informed Consent to Psychoanalysis 14 Intellectual Conquest of Peru 38 Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis, The 4
In the Name of Italy 38 Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944–1968 18
Jackson, Gerrit 25 Johnston, James H. 38 Joyce Studies Annual 2012 37
Kantian Courage 22 Karppinen, Kari 36 Keele, Rondo 30 Kreienbrock, Jörg 33
LaChance Adams, Sarah 25 Lansing, Richard 37 Later Medieval Metaphysics 30 Lawrence, Christopher 15 Lee, Kyoo 23 Legends of the Saints 38 Lethem, Jonathan 37 Lienhard, Reverend Joseph T. 37 Life Drawing 27 Lisi, Leonardo F. 33 Live Long and Prosper 5 Living Together 7 Loaded Words 38 Loomie, Albert J. 38 Lundquist, Caroline R. 25
Malicious Objects, Anger Management, and the Question of Modern Literature 33 Marginal Modernity 33 Marinucci, Dorothy 10 Martin, Luis 38 McFarland, James 32 McKeane, John 38 McManamon, John M. 29 Menke, Christoph 25 Moley, Daniel 38 More with Less 37 Mulderink, Earl F. 38
Naked Communist, The 35 Nancy, Jean-Luc 38 New Bedford's Civil War 38 Novotný, Daniel D. 30
Open Past 28
Pact with Vichy, A 19 Parillo, Mark 20 Paul and the Philosophers 16 Peperzak, Adriaan T. 24 Perils of Uglytown, The 8 Peterson, Christopher 27 Pickford, Henry W. 32 Pojmann, Wendy 18 Politics of Survival, The 26
Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead 26 Quigley, Mark 31
Ranke, Leopold Von 38 Reading Descartes Otherwise 23 Reichenbach, Bruce 38 Rethinking Media Pluralism 36 Reynolds, E. E. 38 Reynolds, Pamela 38 Ritzenberg, Aaron 35 Rota, Emanuel 19 Ryder, John 23
Saks, Elyn R. 14 Schott, Nils F. 15 Schroth, Raymond A. 29 Secret of World History 38 Sense of Semblance, The 32 Sentimental Touch 35 Sicker, Philip T. 37 Slap, Andrew L. 21 Smith, Michael Thomas 21 Spanish Elizabethans 38 Speaking about Torture 38 Still the Same Hawk 3 Stolow, Jeremy 12 Studies in Structure 38 Stutterheim, John K. 20 Succeeding King Lear 34 Sun, Emily 34 Symonds, Craig L. 20 Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side, The 1
Tampio, Nicholas 22 Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyola’s “Autobiography”, The 29 Things in Heaven and Earth 23 This Distracted and Anarchical People 21 Thomas More and Erasmus 38 Time Travel 9 Toay, Taun N. 4 Traditio 2012 37 Trezise, Thomas 13 Trout, Lara 26 Trust 24
Udell, Jennifer 11 Union Combined Operations in the Civil War 20 Untouchable Fictions 31
Végső, Roland 35 Vries, Hent de 16
Waldman, John 2, 3 Wall-Romana, Christophe 34 War in Worcester 38 Weber, Elisabeth 7, 38 Wines, Roger 38 Witnessing Witnessing 13 Wittenberg, David 9 Wittgenstein's Definition of Meaning as Use 38 Wolfe, Gerard R. 1 Woolman, Stu 36
Yanay, Niza 6
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