fall 2013
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c ov e r u llust r at i o n :
Juan Genovés, “Sequences 64 (Homage to the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).” Acrylic on canvas, 232 x 200 cm. VEGAP / Art Resource, NY
general interest
“Red Apple is a gem. Deery is a fine writer and a sensitive, balanced historian.” — Ellen Wo lf Schreck er, Yeshiva University
“In presenting six well-researched, detailed case studies of individuals deeply affected by the Red Scare of the 1950s, Phillip Deery has contributed greatly to our understanding of the nature of political repression and reminded us once again of this troubling moment in American history.” — Ro b ert Gen t er, Nassau Community College
Red Apple
Communism and McCarthyism in Cold War New York Ph i l l ip D eery
2 40 pag es • 6 b/w i llustrations 978-0-8232-5368-5 • Cloth • $34.95 • £26.99 (01) Simultaneous electronic edition available Empire State Editions
From the late 1940s through the 1950s, McCarthyism disfigured the American political landscape. Under the altar of anticommunism, domestic Cold War crusaders undermined civil liberties, curtailed equality before the law, and tarnished the ideals of American democracy. In order to preserve freedom, they jettisoned some of its tenets. Congressional committees worked in tandem, although not necessarily in collusion, with the FBI, law firms, university administrations, publishing houses, television networks, movie studios, and a legion of government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels to target “subversive” individuals. Exploring the human consequences of the widespread paranoia that gripped a nation, Red Apple presents the international and domestic context for the experiences of these individuals: the House Un-American Activities Committee, hearings of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, resulting in the incarceration of its chairman, Dr. Edward Barsky, and its executive board; the academic freedom cases of two New York University professors, Lyman Bradley and Edwin Burgum, culminating in their dismissal from the university; the blacklisting of the communist writer Howard Fast and his defection from American communism; the visit of an anguished Dimitri Shostakovich to New York in the spring of 1949; and the attempts by O. John Rogge, the Committee’s lawyer, to find a “third way” in the quest for peace, which led detractors to question which side he was on. Examining real-life experiences at the “ground level,” Deery explores how these six individuals experienced, responded to, and suffered from one of the most savage assaults on civil liberties in American history. Their collective stories illuminate the personal costs of holding dissident political beliefs in the face of intolerance and moral panic that is as relevant today as it was seventy years ago. Phillip Dee ry is Professor of History at Victoria University, Melbourne, where he teaches American and Cold War history.
January New York | Biography | Political Theory | History
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
general interest
“This is an extraordinary and magisterial book, the product of years of diligent research on a topic that has been almost completely ignored, but one central to the understanding of the evolution of New York City in the twentieth century.” — P et er Eise n sta dt
The Routes Not Taken
A Trip Through New York City’s Unbuilt Subway System Jo seph B. Raski n
256 pag es • 100 b/w illustrations • 7 × 10 978-0-8232-5369-2 • Cloth • $34.95 • £26.99 (01) Simultaneous electronic edition available Empire State Editions Novem ber New York | Transportation | History
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
Robert A. Van Wyck, mayor of the greater city of New York, broke ground for the first subway line by City Hall on March 24, 1900. It took four years, six months, and twenty-three days to build the line from City Hall to West 145th Street in Harlem. Things rarely went that quickly ever again. The Routes Not Taken explores the often dramatic stories behind the unbuilt or unfinished subway lines, shedding light on a significant part of New York City’s history that has been almost completely ignored until now. Home to one of the world’s largest subway systems, New York City made constant efforts to expand its underground labyrinth, efforts that were often met with unexpected obstacles: financial shortfalls, clashing agendas of mayors and borough presidents, battles with local community groups, and much more. After discovering a copy of the 1929 subway expansion map, author Joseph Raskin began his own investigation into the city’s underbelly. Using research from libraries, historical societies, and transit agencies throughout the New York metropolitan area, Raskin provides a fascinating history of the Big Apple’s unfinished business that until now has been only tantalizing stories retold by public-transit experts. The Routes Not Taken sheds light on the tunnels and stations that were completed for lines that were never fulfilled: the efforts to expand the Hudson tubes into a fullfledged subway; the Flushing line, and why it never made it past Flushing; a platform underneath Brooklyn’s Nevins Street station that has remained unused for more than a century; and the 2nd Avenue line—long the symbol of dashed dreams—deferred countless times since the original plans were presented in 1929. Raskin also reveals the figures and personalities involved, including why Fiorello LaGuardia could not grasp the importance of subway lines and why Robert Moses found them to be old and boring. By focusing on the unbuilt lines, Raskin illustrates how the existing subway system is actually a Herculean feat of countless political compromises. Filled with illustrations of the extravagant expansion plans, The Routes Not Taken provides an enduring contribution to the transportation history of New York City. is an independent scholar. He is widely regarded as an authority on unbuilt subway systems, on which he has been interviewed by the New York Times. He is Assistant Director of Government and Community Relations for MTA New York City Transit. J oseph B. Raskin
general interest
4 1. (Left to right) Brooklyn Borough President John Cashmore, Mayor William O’Dwyer, and Board of Transportation Chairman William Reid at ceremonies marking the opening of the Euclid Avenue station on the Fulton Street line on November 28, 1948. (Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn Collection) 2. Looking north on Main Street towards Amity Street (Roosevelt Avenue) in 1923.
Looking north at the tracks of the Franklin Avenue line from Eastern Parkway in 2011.
The Fulton Street Extension as planned in 1938.
Looking east on Roosevelt Avenue towards Junction Boulevard today (was a cornfield in 1913).
5 f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
general interest
“This is a terrific and much-needed book. Cynthia Meyers tells the compelling story of one of the most productive yet hidden cultural forces of the twentieth century.” — Michele Hilmes, University of Wisconsin, Madison
A Word from Our Sponsor Admen, Advertising, and the Golden Age of Radio C y n t hia B. Meye rs 2 88 pag es • 25 b/w i llustrations 978-0-8232-5371-5 • Paper • $32.00 • £24.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5370-8 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Novem ber Media Studies & Communication | Sociology
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
During the “golden age” of radio, from roughly the late 1920s until the late 1940s, advertising agencies were arguably the most important sources of radio entertainment. Most nationally broadcast programs on network radio were created, produced, written, and/or managed by advertising agencies: for example, J. Walter Thompson produced “Kraft Music Hall” for Kraft; Benton & Bowles oversaw “Show Boat” for Maxwell House Coffee; and Young & Rubicam managed “Town Hall Tonight” with comedian Fred Allen for Bristol-Myers. Yet this fact has disappeared from popular memory and receives little attention from media scholars and historians. By repositioning the advertising industry as a central agent in the development of broadcasting, author Cynthia B. Meyers challenges conventional views about the role of advertising in culture, the integration of media industries, and the role of commercialism in broadcasting history. Based largely on archival materials, A Word from Our Sponsor mines agency records from the J. Walter Thompson papers at Duke University, which include staff meeting transcriptions, memos, and account histories; agency records of BBDO, Benton & Bowles, Young & Rubicam, and N. W. Ayer; contemporaneous trade publications; and the voluminous correspondence between NBC and agency executives in the NBC Records at the Wisconsin Historical Society. Mediating between audiences’ desire for entertainment and advertisers’ desire for sales, admen combined “showmanship” with “salesmanship” to produce a uniquely American form of commercial culture. In recounting the history of this form, Meyers enriches and corrects our understanding not only of broadcasting history but also of advertising history, business history, and American cultural history from the 1920s to the 1940s. Cy nthia B. Mey ers is an Associate Professor of Communication at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in New York City. She received her Ph.D. in RadioTelevision-Film from the University of Texas at Austin. 
academic trade
“The scholarship of the book is a treat, as is the care with which Berger attends to distinctions or crafts a sentence.” — E. S. Burt, University of California, Irvine
The Queer Turn in Feminism Identities, Sexualities, and the Theater of Gender
A n n e Em ma nue lle B e rge r, translated by Cat he ri ne P orte r 25 6 pag es 978-0-8232-5386-9 • Paper • $29.00 • £21.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5385-2 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Commonalities D ecember
More than any other area of late-twentieth-century thinking, gender theory and its avatars have been to a large extent a Franco-American invention. In this book, a leading Franco-American scholar traces differences and intersections in the development of gender and queer theories on both sides of the Atlantic. Looking at these theories through lenses that are both “American” and “French,” thus simultaneously retrospective and anticipatory, she tries to account for their alleged exhaustion and currency on the two sides of the Atlantic. The book is divided into four parts. In the first, the author examines two specifically “American” features of gender theories since their earliest formulations: on the one hand, an emphasis on the theatricality of gender (from John Money’s early characterization of gender as “role playing” to Judith Butler’s appropriation of Esther Newton’s work on drag queens); on the other, the early adoption of a “queer” perspective on gender issues. In the second part, the author reflects on a shift in the rhetoric concerning sexual minorities and politics that is prevalent today. Noting a shift from efforts by oppressed or marginalized segments of the population to make themselves “heard” to an emphasis on rendering themselves “visible,” she demonstrates the formative role of the American civil rights movement in this new drive to visibility. The third part deals with the travels back and forth across the Atlantic of “sexual difference,” ever since its elevation to the status of quasi-concept by psychoanalysis. Tracing the “queering” of sexual difference, the author reflects on both the modalities and the effects of this development. The last section addresses the vexing relationship between Western feminism and capitalism. Without trying either to commend or to decry this relationship, the author shows its long-lasting political and cultural effects on current feminist and postfeminist struggles and discourses. To that end, she focuses on one of the intense debates within feminist and postfeminist circles, the controversy over prostitution. is currently professor of French Literature and Gender Studies at the Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, where she heads the Centre d’études féminines et d’études de genre. She is also director of a new national Institute for Gender Studies (Institut du Genre), backed by the CNRS and 32 French institutions for higher education. Her most recent publications include Demenageries: Thinking (of) Animals After Derrida. Anne Emmanu e lle Berg e r
is Professor Emerita, SUNY College at Cortland; a former president of the Modern Language Association; and a renowned translator of French philosophy and theory.
Catherine Porte r
Philosophy | Literature | Gender Studies
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academic trade
“Nahum Chandler is one of the very few truly indispensable thinkers at work in the study of the African diaspora, which is, as he so brilliantly shows, the study of the modern world.” — Fred Mot en , Duke University
“X presents us with a new reading of Du Bois, who has been viewed too simply as a historian and sociologist rather than as a thinker in the rich sense that Chandler gives to that word. Chandler’s arguments will prove indispensable to any future directions for the study of race, colonialism, or globality.” — David Lloyd, University of California, Davis
The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought
Na h um D im it ri Chan dle r 2 88 pag es 978-0-8232-5407-1 • Paper • $28.00 • £21.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5406-4 • Cloth • $85.00 • £66.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available
American Philosophy Novem ber Philosophy | African American Studies
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
X: The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought offers an original account of matters African American, and by implication the African diaspora in general, as an object of discourse and knowledge. It likewise challenges the conception of analogous objects of study across dominant ethnological disciplines (e.g., anthropology, history, and sociology) and the various forms of cultural, ethnic, and postcolonial studies. With special reference to the work of W. E. B. Du Bois, Chandler shows how a concern with the Negro is central to the social and historical problematization that underwrote twentieth-century explorations of what it means to exist as an historical entity—referring to their antecedents in eighteenth-century thought and forward into their ongoing itinerary in the twenty-first century. For Du Bois, “the problem of the color line” coincided with the inception of a supposedly modern horizon. The very idea of the human and its avatars—the idea of race and the idea of culture—emerged together with the violent, hierarchical inscription of the so-called African or Negro into a horizon of commonness beyond all natal premises, a horizon that we can still situate with the term global. In ongoing struggles with the idea of historical sovereignty, we can see the working out of thennew concatenations of social and historical forms of difference, as both projects of categorical differentiation and the irruption of originary revisions of ways of being. In a word, the world is no longer—and has never been—one. The world, if there is such—from the inception of something like “the Negro as a problem for thought”— could never be, only, one. The problem of the Negro in “America” is thus an exemplary instance of modern historicity in its most fundamental sense. It renders legible for critical practice the radical order of an ineluctable and irreversible complication at the heart of being—its appearance as both life and history—as the very mark of our epoch. Nahu m Dimitri Chandler serves on the faculties of African American Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine.
academic trade
“Chandler’s collection makes available, for the first time, a systematic, chronological tour of Du Bois’s evolving vision of the global color line, as that vision was developed in the crucial opening years of his publishing life. Students . . . can follow here the trajectory of this influential intellectual project, step by step. This volume provides a revelatory point of entry into the early thought of Du Bois and a valuable resource for all those interested in African American intellectual history and the sociology of race.” — Set h Mo glen , Lehigh University
The Problem of the Color Line at the Turn of the Twentieth Century The Essential Early Essays
W. E . B . D u B o is edited by Nahum Dimitri Chandler 4 00 pag es • 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5455-2 • Paper • $28.00 • £21.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5454-5 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available American Philosophy Decem ber
This volume assembles essential essays—some published only posthumously, others obscure, another only recently translated—by W. E. B. Du Bois from 1894 to early 1906. They show the first formulations of some of his most famous ideas, namely, “the veil,” “double-consciousness,” and the “problem of the color line.” Moreover, the deep historical sense of the formation of the modern world that informs Du Bois’s thought and gave rise to his understanding of “the problem of the color line” is on display here. Indeed, the essays constitute an essential companion to Du Bois’s masterpiece published in 1903 as The Souls of Black Folk. The collection is based on two editorial principles: presenting the essays in their entirety and in strict chronological order. Copious annotation affords both student and mature scholar an unprecedented grasp of the range and depth of Du Bois’s everyday intellectual and scholarly reference. These essays commence at the moment of Du Bois’s return to the United States from two years of graduate-level study in Europe at the University of Berlin. At their center is the moment of Du Bois’s first full, self-reflexive formulation of a sense of vocation: as a student and scholar in the pursuit of the human sciences (in their still-nascent disciplinary organization—that is, the institutionalization of a generalized “sociology” or general “ethnology”), as they could be brought to bear on the study of the situation of the so-called Negro question in the United States in all of its multiply refracting dimensions. They close with Du Bois’s realization that the commitments orienting his work and intellectual practice demanded that he move beyond the institutional frames for the practice of the human sciences. The ideas developed in these early essays remained the fundamental matrix for the ongoing development of Du Bois’s thought. The essays gathered here will therefore serve as the essential reference for those seeking to understand the most profound registers of this major American thinker. W. E. B. Du Bois (1868–1963) was a leading scholar, writer, and political activist. For twenty-three years he was the editor of The Crisis: A Record of the Darker Races. Apart from hundreds of essays and diverse short works, he published more than twenty book-length texts during his lifetime, among the most well-known of which are The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study, and The Souls of Black Folk: Essays and Sketches. Nahu m Dimitri Chandler serves on the faculties of African American Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine. 
African American Studies | Philosophy | Sociology
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academic trade
“Lessons in Secular Criticism is a timely and polemical manifestation of parrhesia. It offers compelling evidence that ‘postsecularism’ neither comes ‘after’ the secular nor does it understand the ‘secular.’ Moving effortlessly between literary theory, philosophy, and politics, Gourgouris offers a profoundly democratic defense of criticism without transcendent principles and a critical defense of democracy without neoliberal capitalism. Lessons in Secular Criticism brilliantly diagnoses the key antagonism of our times as that between various heteronomies (theology, capital, transcendence) and autonomy, the power (kratos) of the demos to become otherwise. Read it.” — Costas Do uzin as, Birkbeck College, University of London
Lessons in Secular Criticism Stat his Go ur gou ris 2 16 pag es 978-0-8232-5379-1 • Paper • $24.00 • £18.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5378-4 • Cloth • $65.00 • £50.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Thinking Out Loud: The Sydney Lectures in Philosophy and Society Sep t em be r Religion | Philosophy | Literature | Political Theory
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
Secular criticism is a term invented by Edward Said to denote not a theory but a practice that counters the tendency of much modern thinking to reach for a transcendentalist comfort zone, the very space philosophy wrested away from religion in the name of modernity. Using this notion as a compass, this book reconfigures recent secularism debates on an entirely different basis, by showing (1) how the secular imagination is closely linked to society’s radical poiesis, its capacity to imagine and create unprecedented forms of worldly existence; and (2) how the space of the secular animates the desire for a radical democratic politics that overturns inherited modes of subjugation, whether religious or secularist. Gourgouris’s point is to disrupt the co-dependent relation between the religious and the secular—hence, his rejection of fashionable languages of postsecularism—in order to engage in a double critique of heteronomous politics of all kinds. For him, secular criticism is a form of political being: critical, antifoundational, disobedient, anarchic, yet not negative for negation’s sake but creative of new forms of collective reflection, interrogation, and action that alter not only the current terrain of dominant politics but also the very self-conceptualization of what it means to be human. Written in a free and combative style and given both to close readings of texts and to gazing off into the broad horizon, these essays cover a range of issues—historical and philosophical, archaic and contemporary, literary and political—that ultimately converge in the significance of contemporary radical politics: the assembly movements we have seen in various parts of the world in recent years. The secular imagination demands a radical pedagogy and unlearning a great many established thought patterns. Its most important dimension is not battling religion per se but dismantling theological politics of sovereignty in favor of radical conditions for social autonomy. Stathis Gourg ou ris is Professor of Classics, English, and Comparative Literature and Director of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University. He is the author of Dream Nation: Enlightenment, Colonization and the Institution of Modern Greece and Does Literature Think? Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era and editor of Freud and Fundamentalism (Fordham). 
academic trade
“This is a wonderful contribution to the field of philosophy and theology by one of the most important thinkers writing in English. His command of the material is masterly and his argument persuasive. It is outstanding and a real intellectual tour de force.” —Aa ro n W. Hug hes , University of Rochester
Giving Beyond the Gift Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania E l l i ot R. Wo lfs on
4 8 0 pag es 978-0-8232-5571-9 • Paper • $35.00 • £26.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5570-2 • Cloth • $125.00 • £97.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available F ebrua ry Religion | Philosophy | Jewish Studies
This book explores the co-dependency of monotheism and idolatry by examining the thought of several prominent twentieth-century Jewish philosophers—Cohen, Buber, Rosenzweig, and Levinas. While all of these thinkers were keenly aware of the pitfalls of scriptural theism, to differing degrees they each succumbed to the temptation to personify transcendence, even as they tried either to circumvent or to restrain it by apophatically purging kataphatic descriptions of the deity. Derrida and Wyschogrod, by contrast, carried the project of denegation one step further, embarking on a path that culminated in the aporetic suspension of belief and the consequent removal of all images from God, a move that seriously compromises the viability of devotional piety. The inquiry into apophasis, transcendence, and immanence in these Jewish thinkers is symptomatic of a larger question. Recent attempts to harness the apophatic tradition to construct a viable postmodern negative theology, a religion without religion, are not radical enough. Not only are these philosophies of transcendence guilty of a turn to theology that defies the phenomenological presupposition of an immanent phenomenality, but they fall short on their own terms, inasmuch as they persist in employing metaphorical language that personalizes transcendence and thereby runs the risk of undermining the irreducible alterity and invisibility attributed to the transcendent other. The logic of apophasis, if permitted to run its course fully, would surpass the need to posit some form of transcendence that is not ultimately a facet of immanence. Apophatic theologies, accordingly, must be supplanted by a more far-reaching apophasis that surpasses the theolatrous impulse lying coiled at the crux of theism, an apophasis of apophasis, based on accepting an absolute nothingness—to be distinguished from the nothingness of an absolute—that does not signify the unknowable One but rather the manifold that is the pleromatic abyss at being’s core. Here, the much-celebrated metaphor of the gift must give way to the more neutral and less theologically charged notion of an unconditional givenness in which the distinction between giver and given collapses. To think givenness in its most elemental, phenomenological sense is to allow the apparent to appear as given without presuming a causal agency that would turn that given into a gift. Elliot R. Wolfson is the Judge Abraham Lieberman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University. Among Wolfson’s many books, Fordham has published Language, Eros, Being: Kabbalistic Hermeneutics and Poetic Imagination, winner of the 2005 National Jewish Book Award for Scholarship. Wolfson had earlier won this award in 1995, as well as the American Academy of Religion Award for the Best Book in category of Historical Studies, for his Through a Speculum That Shines: Vision and Imagination in Medieval Jewish Mysticism. Wolfson’s A Dream Interpreted Within a Dream: Oneiropoiesis and the Prism of Imagination won the 2012 American Academy of Religion Award for Constructive and Reflective Studies.  f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
academic trade
“Among the vast body of scholarship that explores the Kantian theory of space, none does so with greater urgency, concision, and wit than Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials. It is especially innovative not only in its examination of the theme of extraterritoriality but also in its staging of the confrontation between Kant and Schmitt over the origin and fate of so-called outer space.” — P et er Fen ves , Northwestern University
Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials Cosmopolitical Philosofictions Peter Szendy translated by W ill B i shop 2 0 8 pag es • 25 b/w i llustrations 978-0-8232-5550-4 • Paper • $25.00 • £18.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5549-8 • Cloth • $70.00 • £54.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Sep t em be r Literature | Philosophy
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
“Yes, Kant did indeed speak of extraterrestrials.” This phrase could provide the opening for this brief treatise of philosofiction (as one speaks of science fiction). What is revealed in the aliens of which Kant speaks—and he no doubt took them more seriously than anyone else in the history of philosophy—are the limits of globalization, or what Kant called cosmopolitanism. Before engaging Kantian considerations of the inhabitants of other worlds, before comprehending his reasoned alienology, this book works its way through an analysis of the star wars raging above our heads in the guise of international treaties regulating the law of space, including the cosmopirates that Carl Schmitt sometimes mentions in his late writings. Turning to track the comings and goings of extraterrestrials in Kant’s work, Szendy reveals that they are the necessary condition for an unattainable definition of humanity. Impossible to represent, escaping any possible experience, they are nonetheless inscribed both at the heart of the sensible and as an Archimedean point from whose perspective the interweavings of the sensible can be viewed. Reading Kant in dialogue with science fiction films (films he seems already to have seen) involves making him speak of questions now pressing in upon us: our endangered planet, ecology, a war of the worlds. But it also means attempting to think, with or beyond Kant, what a point of view might be. Pe ter Sze ndy is Professor of Aesthetics in the Philosophy Department of the University of Nanterre. The most recent of his books are Hits: Philosophy in the Jukebox and Prophecies of Leviathan: Reading (Past) Melville (both Fordham). Will Bishop received his doctorate in French Literature from the University of California, Berkeley. He lives in Paris, where he teaches and translates. 
academic trade
“Heinz von Foerster spent most of his career seeking to understand cognition based on neurophysiology, mathematics, and philosophy. He came to a new understanding of knowledge which led to a new epistemology. What this book reveals is that after retiring from the University of Illinois, von Foerster reinterpreted his earlier professional training in physics and the sciences generally from the new perspective. The conversational structure and style of the book brilliantly gives von Foerster the opportunity to retell the story of creation by referring to all of the various branches of natural science, but with the additional insight of the new epistemology. This is a remarkable achievement that will delight any serious student of the natural sciences or of scientific writing. The scholarship that went into the conversation that the book records, both the questions and the answers, is impressive. The ideas here will be of particular interest to ambitious younger scientists looking for new lines of research.” — St ua rt U mpleby, George Washington University
The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name
Seven Days with Second-Order Cybernetics H e i n z vo n Fo e rste r edited by Albert Mü lle r and Ka rl H. Mülle r translated by Elinor Rooks and M i c h ael Ka se n bache r
Heinz von Foerster was the inventor of second-order cybernetics, which recognizes the investigator as part of the system he is investigating. The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name provides an accessible, nonmathematical, and comprehensive overview of von Foerster’s cybernetic ideas and of the philosophy latent within them. It distills concepts scattered across the lifework of this scientific polymath and influential interdisciplinarian. At the same time, as a book-length interview, it does justice to von Foerster’s élan as a speaker and improviser, his skill as a raconteur. Developed from a week-long conversation between the editors and von Foerster near the end of his life, this work playfully engages von Foerster in developing the difference his notion of second-order cybernetics makes for topics ranging from emergence, life, order, and thermodynamics to observation, recursion, cognition, perception, memory, and communication. The book gives an English-speaking audience a new ease of access to the rich thought and generous spirit of this remarkable and protean thinker. He inz von Foe rste r is one of the most consequential thinkers in the history of cybernetics. Von Foerster wrote nearly two hundred professional papers, gaining renown in fields from computer science and artificial intelligence to epistemology and family therapy.
is Professor of History in the Institut für Zeitgeschichte at the University of Vienna and the general secretary of the Heinz von Foerster Society.
Albert Mü lle r
978-0-8232-5561-0 • Paper • $24.00 • £18.99 (01)
Karl H. Mülle r is Head of the Vienna Institute for Social Scientific Documentation and Methodology (WISDOM) and the president of the Heinz von Foerster Society.
978-0-8232-5560-3 • Cloth • $85.00 • £66.00 (06)
Elinor Rooks
2 40 pag es
Simultaneous electronic edition available Meaning Systems
is a doctoral student at the University of Leeds.
Michael Kase nbacher
is a social scientist and translator.
December Science | Media Studies & Communication
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h i sto ry
“Clear and engaging . . . Gettysburg Religion offers a local lens to see some of the surprising diversity of American religion and some of the interesting ways that religion interacts with the broader culture.” — Rut h Alden Doa n , Hollins University
“Longenecker has done an impressive job of research, bringing to light much that has previously been absent from works on the Battle of Gettysburg or on religion in the Civil War. His book is a welcome addition to both areas of study, worthy of reading by scholars of the Civil War, American religion, and Pennsylvania history.” — St eve Wo o dwo rt h, Texas Christian University
Gettysburg Religion
Refinement, Diversity, and Race in the Antebellum and Civil War Border North St eve Lo ng ene cke r 2 0 8 pag es 978-0-8232-5519-1 • Cloth • $35.00 • £26.99 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available The North’s Civil War January
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
In the borderland between freedom and slavery, Gettysburg remains among the most legendary Civil War landmarks. A century and a half after the great battle, Cemetery Hill, the Seminary and its ridge, and the Peach Orchard remain powerful memories for their embodiment of the small-town North and their ability to touch themes vital to nineteenth-century religion. During this period, three patterns became particularly prominent: refinement, diversity, and war. In Gettysburg Religion, author Steve Longenecker explores the religious history of antebellum and Civil War–era Gettysburg, shedding light on the remarkable diversity of American religion and the intricate ways it interacted with the broader culture. Longenecker argues that Gettysburg religion revealed much about larger American society and about how trends in the Border North mirrored national developments. In many ways, Gettysburg and its surrounding Border North religion belonged to the future and signaled a coming pattern for modern America. Steve Long enecker
Bridgewater, Virginia.
is Professor of History at Bridgewater College in
h i sto ry
african american studies
new york
Civil Rights in New York City new in
From World War II to the Giuliani Era edited by C l a r ence Taylor
“Several monographs on [this subject] have been written, but none rival this one in terms of breadth or depth.” — P et er B. Levy, York College “ . . . a monumental contribution to the history of civil rights, African-American history, urban history, Latino history, and—most of all—the history of New York City.” — G e r a ld H o rn e, author of Mau Mau in Harlem? The U.S. and the Liberation of Kenya
“Attempts to provide some balance through ten academic essays that cast light on struggles between blacks and organized labor, civil rights and the cold war, discrimination that extended even to garbage collection, and the competing visions of Mayors David N. Dinkins and Rudolph W. Giuliani.” —The N ew York Times 176 pages • 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5554-2 • Paper • $18.00 • £13.99 (01) Simultaneous electronic edition available {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-3289-5} S ep t em ber
Contr i butor s : Martha Biondi, Peter Eisentadt, Johanna Fernandez, Daniel Perlstein, Jerald Podair, Brian Purnell, Barbara Ransby, Wilbur C. Rich, and Clarence Taylor Clar ence Taylor is Professor of History and Black and Hispanic Studies at Baruch College and Professor of History at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He is the author of The Black Churches of Brooklyn and Black Religious Intellectuals.

g e n d e r st u d ies
What’s Queer about Europe? Productive Encounters and Re-enchanting Paradigms
edited by M i r eille Ro sello and Su deep Das gu p ta
What’s Queer about Europe? examines how queer theory helps us initiate disorienting conjunctions and counterintuitive encounters for imagining historical and contemporary Europe. This book queers Europe and Europeanizes queer, forcing a reconsideration of both. Its contributors study Europe relationally, asking not so much what Europe is but what we do when we attempt to define it. The topics discussed include: gay marriage in Renaissance Rome, Russian anarchism and gender politics in early-twentieth-century Switzerland, colonialism and sexuality in Italy, queer masculinities in European popular culture, queer national identities in French cinema, and gender theories and activism. What these apparently disparate topics have in common is the urgency of the political, legal, and cultural issues they tackle. Asking what is queer about Europe means probing the blind spots that continue to structure the long and discrepant process of Europeanization. 240 pages 978-0-8232-5536-8 • Paper • $27.00 • £20.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5535-1 • Cloth • $85.00 • £66.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available F ebruary
Contr i butor s : Paul Bowman, Lucille Cairns, Sudeep Dasgupta, Gary Ferguson, Dominique Grisard, Nacira Guénif, Laure Murat, Sandra Ponzanesi, Mireille Rosello, Carl Stychin, Emma Wilson M i r ei lle Ros ello
Cultural Analysis.
teaches at the University of Amsterdam in the Amsterdam School for
Sudeep Das gupta is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Culture at the University of Amsterdam. f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
l i t e r at u r e
p s y c h o a n a ly s i s
The Right to Narcissism A Case for an Im-possible Self-love P l e sh ette DeArmit t
This book aims to wrest the concept of narcissism from its common and pejorative meanings— egoism and vanity—by revealing its complexity and importance. DeArmitt undertakes the work of rehabilitating “narcissism” by patiently reexamining the terms and figures that have been associated with it, especially in the writings of Rousseau, Kristeva, and Derrida. These thinkers are known for incisively exposing a certain (traditional) narcissism that has been operative in Western thought and culture and for revealing the violence it has wrought— from the dangers of amour-propre and the pathology of a collective “one’s own” to the phantasm of the sovereign One. Nonetheless, each of these thinkers denounces the naïve denunciation of “narcissism,” as the dangers of a non-negotiation with narcissism are more perilous. By rethinking “narcissism” as a complex structure of self-relation through the Other, the book reveals the necessity of an im-possible self-love. 208 pages 978-0-8232-5444-6 • Paper • $24.00 • £18.99 (01)
Ples hette D eArmitt is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Memphis. She is co-editor of Sarah Kofman’s Corpus.
978-0-8232-5443-9 • Cloth • $75.00 • £58.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Octo ber

p s y c h o a n a ly s i s
l i t e r at u r e
Freud and the Scene of Trauma J o h n F l etch er
This book argues that Freud’s mapping of trauma as a scene is central to both his clinical interpretation of his patients’ symptoms and his construction of successive theoretical models and concepts to explain the power of such scenes in his patients’ lives. This attention to the scenic form of trauma and its power in determining symptoms leads to Freud’s break from the neurological model of trauma he inherited from Charcot. It also helps to explain the affinity that Freud and many since him have felt between psychoanalysis and literature (and artistic production more generally), and the privileged role of literature at certain turning points in the development of his thought. It is Freud’s scenography of trauma and fantasy that speaks to the student of literature and painting. Overall, the book develops the thesis of Jean Laplanche that in Freud’s shift from a traumatic to a developmental model, along with the undoubted gains embodied in the theory of infantile sexuality, there were crucial losses: specifically, the recognition of the role of the adult other and the traumatic encounter with adult sexuality that is entailed in the ordinary nurture and formation of the infantile subject. 336 pages • 8 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5460-6 • Paper • $32.00 • £24.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5459-0 • Cloth • $100.00 • £77.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available D ecember
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick.
John Fletcher
h i sto ry
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
“This is a thoughtful and absorbing reflection on the subtle modalities of memory—cultural, psychological, political—in the modern period. At a time when we are all experiencing a surfeit of memory, Sarah Clift injects a new rigor and lucidity into the discussion.” — Re b ecca Co may, University of Toronto
“Through the originality of her questions, her deft combination of close reading and conceptual generalization, the patience and lucidity of her analyses, and the remarkable surefootedness of her argumentation, Sarah Clift has succeeded in reinvigorating the interpretation of important works by Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, John Locke, G. W. F. Hegel, and Maurice Blanchot. Her book will be of vital interest to political theorists, philosophers, literary critics, and intellectual historians and may help to transform the discussion of fundamental issues they confront, most notably the relation between history and memory.” —Tho mas Trezise , Princeton University
Committing the Future to Memory History, Experience, Trauma S a ra h C lift 2 72 pag es 978-0-8232-5421-7 • Paper • $26.00 • £19.99 978-0-8232-5420-0 • Cloth • $75.00 • £58.00
Whereas historical determinacy conceives the past as a complex and unstable network of causalities, this book asks how history can be related to a more radical future. To pose that question, it does not reject determinacy outright but rather seeks to explore how it works. In examining what it means to be “determined” by history, it also asks what kind of openings there might be in our encounters with history for interruptions, re-readings, and re-writings. Engaging texts spanning multiple genres and several centuries—from John Locke to Maurice Blanchot, from Hegel to Benjamin—Clift looks at experiences of time that exceed the historical narration of experiences said to have occurred in time. She focuses on the co-existence of multiple temporalities and opens up the quintessentially modern notion of historical succession to other possibilities. The alternatives she draws out include the mediations of language and narration, temporal leaps, oscillations and blockages, and the role played by contingency in representation. She argues that such alternatives compel us to reassess the ways we understand history and identity in a traumatic, or indeed in a post-traumatic, age. Sarah Clift is Assistant Professor of Contemporary Studies at the University of King’s College, Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is the translator of God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues by Jean-Luc Nancy (Fordham) and Aleida Assmann’s The Long Shadow of the Past (forthcoming, Fordham), and co-translator (with Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas) of Jean-Luc Nancy’s Noli me Tangere: On the Raising of the Body (Fordham). 
Simultaneous electronic edition available S ep t ember
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
Ambiguity and the Absolute Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty on the Question of Truth F r a nk C h o uraqu i
304 pages 978-0-8232-5411-8 • Cloth • $55.00 • £43.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Perspectives in Continental Philosophy December
Friedrich Nietzsche and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Chouraqui argues, are linked by how they conceive the question of truth. Although both thinkers criticize the traditional concept of truth as objectivity, they both find that rejecting it does not solve the problem. What is it in our natural existence that gave rise to the notion of truth? The answer to that question is threefold. First, Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty both propose a genealogy of “truth” in which to exist means to make implicit truth claims. Second, both seek to recover the preobjective ground from which truth as an erroneous concept arose. Finally, this attempt at recovery leads both thinkers to ontological considerations, regarding how we must conceive of a being whose structure allows for the existence of the belief in truth. In conclusion, Chouraqui suggests that both thinkers’ investigations of the question of truth lead them to conceive of being as the process of self-falsification by which indeterminate being presents itself as determinate. Frank Chouraqui is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Koç University, Istanbul. He is the author of several articles and chapters on Nietzsche and on phenomenological ontology. He is the translator and editor of Louis-Auguste Blanqui’s Eternity Through the Stars. 
Event and Time
C l au d e R o m ano translated by St ephen E. Lewis
Contemporary philosophy, from Kant through Bergson and Husserl to Heidegger, has assumed that time must be conceived as a fundamental determination of the subject: Time is not first in things but arises from actions, attitudes, or comportments through which a subject temporalizes time, expecting or remembering, anticipating the future or making a decision. Event and Time traces the genesis of this thesis through detailed, rigorous analyses of the philosophy of time in Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine, ultimately showing that, in the development of metaphysics, the understanding of the temporal phenomenon as an inner-temporal phenomenon has made possible time’s subjectivization. The book goes on to argue that time is in fact not thinkable according to metaphysical subjectivity. Instead, the guiding thread for the analysis of time must shift to the eventual hermeneutics of the human being, first developed in Event and World, and now deepened and completed in Event and Time. Romano’s diptych makes a compelling, rigorous, and original philosophical contribution to the thinking of the event. 304 pages 978-0-8232-5534-4 • Paper • $32.00 • £24.99 (01)
Claude Roma no
978-0-8232-5533-7 • Cloth • $125.00 • £97.00 (06)
Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

Octo ber
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
is Associate Professor at the University of Paris–Sorbonne.
Stephen E. Lewis
is Associate Professor of English at the Franciscan University of
Material Spirit
Religion and Literature Intranscendent
edited by G r e g o ry C. Stallings, Manu el Asensi, and Carl Good
240 pages • 2 b/w illustrations
The essays in this collection examine philosophical, religious, and literary or artistic texts using methodologies and insights that have grown out of reflection on literature and art. In them, the phrase “material spirit” becomes a point of departure for considering the continuing spectral effects of religious texts and concerns in ways that do not simply call for, or assume, new or renewed forms of religiosity. The writers in this collection seek to examine religion beyond traditional notions of transcendence: Their topics range from early Christian religious practices to global climate change. Some of the essays explore religious themes or tones in literary texts, for example, works by Wordsworth, Hopkins, Proust, Woolf, and Teresa of Avila. Others approach—in a literarycritical mood—philosophical or para-philosophical writers such as Bataille, Husserl, Derrida, and Benjamin. Still others treat writers of a more explicitly religious orientation, such as Augustine, Rosenzweig, or Bernard of Clairvaux.
978-0-8232-5540-5 • Cloth • $85.00 • £66.00 (06)
Contr i butor s : Manuel Asensi, Virginia Burrus, Tom Cohen, Carl Good, Kevin Hart, Richard Kearney, Karmen MacKendrick, J. Hillis Miller, Burcht Pranger, Kate Rigby, Gregory C. Stallings
Simultaneous electronic edition available
Gr egory C . Stalling s
978-0-8232-5541-2 • Paper • $26.00 • £19.99 (01)
Perspectives in Continental Philosophy December

M anuel As ens i Ca r l Good
is Associate Professor of Spanish at Brigham Young University.
is Professor of Literary Theory at the University of Valencia.
is a translator and serves as co-editor of Discourse.
e n v i r o n m e n ta l st u d i e s
The Logos of the Living World Merleau-Ponty, Animals, and Language Lo u i se W e stling
176 pages 978-0-8232-5566-5 • Paper • $24.00 • £18.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5565-8 • Cloth • $75.00 • £58.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available
Today we urgently need to reevaluate the human place in the world in relation to other animals. This book puts Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy into dialogue with literature, evolutionary biology, and animal studies. In a radical departure from most critical animal studies, it argues for evolutionary continuity between human cultural and linguistic behaviors and the semiotic activities of other animals. In his late work, Derrida complained of philosophers who denied that animals possessed such faculties, but he never investigated the wealth of scientific studies of actual animal behavior. Most animal studies theorists still fail to do this. Yet more than fifty years ago, Merleau-Ponty carefully examined the philosophical consequences of scientific animal studies, with profound implications for human language and culture. For him, “animality is the logos of the sensible world: an incorporated meaning.” Human being is inseparable from animality. This book differs from other studies of Merleau-Ponty by emphasizing his lifelong attention to science. It shows how his attention to evolutionary biology and ethology anticipated recent studies of animal cognition, culture, and communication. Loui s e W estli ng
is Professor of English and Environmental Studies at the University of
Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology Octo ber
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
e n v i r o n m e n ta l st u d i e s
Interpreting Nature
The Emerging Field of Environmental Hermeneutics
edited by Fo r rest Clingerman, Brian Treanor, M a rti n D r ent hen, and Dav id Utsler
Modern environmentalism has come to realize that many of its key concerns—“wilderness” and “nature” among them—are contested territory, viewed differently by different people. Understanding nature requires science and ecology, to be sure, but it also requires a sensitivity to history, culture, and narrative. Thus, understanding nature is a fundamentally hermeneutic task. Contr i butor s: Nathan Bell, John van Buren, W. S. K. Cameron, Forrest Clingerman, Janet Donohoe, Martin Drenthen, Christina M. Gschwandtner, Sean McGrath, Robert Mugerauer, Mick Smith, Paulien Snellen, Paul Van Tongeren, Brian Treanor, Dylan Trigg, David Utsler, David Wood For r est C li ng erman
University. 352 pages 978-0-8232-5426-2 • Paper • $28.00 £21.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5425-5 • Cloth • $85.00 £66.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology Octo ber
is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Ohio Northern
B r i an Tr ea nor is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of Environmental Studies at Loyola Marymount University. M ar ti n D r enthe n
(The Netherlands).
is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen
Dav i d Uts ler is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies at the University of North Texas. 
e n v i r o n m e n ta l st u d i e s
Environmental Aesthetics Crossing Divides and Breaking Ground
edited by M a rt in Drent hen and Joz ef Keu lartz
Environmental aesthetics crosses several commonly recognized divides: between analytic and continental philosophy, Eastern and Western traditions, universalizing and historicizing approaches, and theoretical and practical concerns. This volume sets out to show how these perspectives can be brought into conversation with one another. The first part surveys the development of the field and discusses some important future directions. The second part explains how widening the scope of environmental aesthetics demands a continual rethinking of the relationship between aesthetics and other fields. How does environmental aesthetics relate to ethics? Does aesthetic appreciation of the environment entail an attitude of respect? What is the relationship between the theory and practice? The third part is devoted to the relationship between the aesthetics of nature and the aesthetics of art. Can art help “save the Earth”? The final part illustrates the emergence of practical applications from theoretical studies by focusing on concrete case studies. 240 pages • 5 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5450-7 • Paper • $24.00 • £18.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5449-1 • Cloth • $85.00 • £66.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology Februa ry
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
Contr i butor s: Arnold Berleant, Emily Brady, Allen Carlson, Martin Drenthen, Denis Dumas, Tyson-Lord Gray, Jozef Keulartz, Irene Klaver, Jonathan Maskit, Yuriko Saito, Yrjö Sepänmaa, Jason Simus, Steven Vogel, David Wood M ar ti n D r enthe n
is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen.
is Emeritus Professor of Environmental Philosophy, working at Wageningen University & Research Centre and at the Radboud University Nijmegen.
Joz ef Keular tz
e n v i r o n m e n ta l st u d i e s
The Noetics of Nature
Environmental Philosophy and the Holy Beauty of the Visible B ruc e V. Fo ltz
288 pages 978-0-8232-5465-1 • Paper • $28.00 • £21.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5464-4 • Cloth • $85.00 • £66.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology Octo ber

Contemplative or “noetic” knowledge has traditionally been seen as the highest mode of understanding, a view that persists both in many non-Western cultures and in Eastern Christianity, where “theoria physike,” or the illumined understanding of creation that follows the purification of the heart, is seen to provide deeper insights into nature than the discursive rationality modernity has used to dominate and conquer it. Working from texts in Eastern Orthodox philosophy and theology not widely known in the West, as well as a variety of sources including mystics such as the Sufi Ibn ‘Arabi, poets such as Basho, Traherne, Blake, Hölderlin, and Hopkins, and nature writers such as Muir, Thoreau, and Dillard, The Noetics of Nature challenges both the primacy of the natural sciences in environmental thought and the conventional view, first advanced by Lynn White, Jr., that Christian theology is somehow responsible for the environmental crisis. Instead, Foltz concludes that the ancient Christian view of creation as iconic—its “holy beauty” manifesting the divine energies and constituting a primal mode of divine revelation—offers the best prospect for the radical reversal that is needed in our relation to the natural environment. B r uce V. Foltz , Professor of Philosophy at Eckerd College and Founding President of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy, is the co-editor of Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration: Orthodox Christian Perspectives on Environment, Nature, and Creation (Fordham).
Thinking Through the Imagination Aesthetics in Human Cognition J o h n Ka ag
Use your imagination! The demand is as important as it is confusing. What is the imagination? What is its value? Where does it come from? And where is it going in a time when even the obscene seems overdone and passé? This book takes up these questions and argues for the centrality of imagination in human cognition. It traces the development of the imagination in Kant’s critical philosophy (particularly the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment) and claims that the insights of Kantian aesthetic theory, especially concerning the nature of creativity, common sense, and genius, influenced the development of nineteenth-century American philosophy. The book identifies the central role of the imagination in the philosophy of Peirce, a role often overlooked in analytic treatments of his thought. The final chapters pursue the observation made by Kant and Peirce that imaginative genius is a type of natural gift (ingenium) and must in some way be continuous with the creative force of nature. It makes this final turn by way of contemporary studies of metaphor, embodied cognition, and cognitive neuroscience. 272 pages 978-0-8232-5493-4 • Cloth • $45.00 • £35.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available
is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. His most recent book is Idealism, Pragmatism, and Feminism: The Philosophy of Ella Lyman Cabot.
John Kaag
American Philosophy Februa ry
 f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
The Relevance of Royce edited by K e l ly A. Parker and Jas on Bell
This collection represents the rediscovery of Josiah Royce’s rich legacy that has occurred over the past decade. The first part presents a series of historical explorations. The second takes up practical extensions of Royce’s work, bringing his ideas and methods to bear on contemporary philosophical matters. Among the topics addressed are the paradoxes of individualism; loyalty, democracy, and community; Royce’s efforts to respond to historical American racism; his contributions to engaged inter-faith religious discourse; the promise of his theory of error for a feminist account of knowledge; and his ethics of loyalty as a component in medical ethics. Contr i butor s: Dawn Aberg, Douglas R. Anderson, Randall E. Auxier, Kara Barnette, Jason Bell, Mathew A. Foust, Judith M. Green, John J. Kaag, Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Mary B. Mahowald, John J. McDermott, Richard P. Mullin, Frank M. Oppenheim, S.J., Kelly A. Parker, Scott L. Pratt, Melissa Shew, Dwayne Tunstall
978-0-8232-5528-3 • Cloth • $55.00 • £43.00 (06)
Kelly A. Par ke r is Professor of Philosophy, Environmental Studies, and Liberal Studies at Grand Valley State University.
Simultaneous electronic edition available
Jas on B ell
304 pages • 1 b/w illustration
American Philosophy February
is a Fulbright Scholar, Onderzoeksfonds Research Fellow at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and adjunct professor at Mount Allison University. 
Paul and the Philosophers edited by Wa rd Blanto n and Hent de Vries
The apostle Paul has reemerged as a force on the contemporary philosophical scene. Some of the most powerful recent affirmations of nonrepresentational, materialist, and event-oriented philosophies repeat topics and tropes of the ancient apostle. Paul is appropriated both for and against Kantian cosmopolitanism, psychoanalytic models of subjectivity and power, Schmittian political theologies, Derridean messianism, political universalism, and an ongoing refashioning of identity politics within postsecular contexts. This book provides the most comprehensive constellation to date of current thinking about Paul and his cultural or philosophical “afterlives” in ancient, modern, and contemporary contexts. Contr i butor s: Gil Anidjar, Ian Balfour, Itzhak Benyamini, Ward Blanton, Roland Boer, Hans Conzelmann, Simon Critchley, Clayton Crockett, Gilles Deleuze, Troels Engberg-Pedersen, Stathis Gourgouris, Paul Holloway, Eleanor Kaufman, Julia Reinhard Lupton, Kenneth Reinhard, Paul Ricoeur, Nils Schott, Stanley Stowers, Antónia Szabari, Shmuel Trigano, Hent de Vries, Emma Wasserman, L. L. Welborn, Marc de Wilde, Slavoj Žižek
608 pages • 7 1 /8 × 9 1 /4 978-0-8232-4965-7 • Paper • $40.00 • £31.00 (01) 978-0-8232-4964-0 • Cloth • $125.00 • £97.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available D ecem ber
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
Wa r d B la nton is Senior Lecturer in the School of Critical Studies at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of Displacing Christian Origins: Philosophy, Secularity, and the New Testament. Hent de Vr i es holds the Russ Family Chair in the Humanities and is Professor of Philosophy at The Johns Hopkins University, where he is also Director of the Humanities Center. He is Directeur de Programme at the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris.
c at h o l i c s t u d i e s
e d u c at i o n
Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World
Justice in Jesuit Higher Education edited by Mary B eth CoMB s and Pat r iCia ruggi ano s ChMidt 352 Pages 978-0-8232-5430-9 • Cloth • $65.00 • £50.00 (06)
Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World is an insightful collection that articulates how Jesuit colleges and universities create an educational community energized to transform the lives of its students, faculty, and administrators and to equip them to transform a broken world. The essays are rooted in Pedro Arrupe’s ideal of forming men and women for others and inspired by Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s October 2000 address at Santa Clara in which he identified three areas where the promotion of justice may be manifested in our institutions: formation and learning, research and teaching, and our way of proceeding. Using the three areas laid out in Fr. Kolvenbach’s address as its organizing structure, this stimulating volume addresses the following challenges: How do we promote student life experiences and service? How does interdisciplinary collaborative research promote teaching and reflection? How do our institutions exemplify justice in their daily practices? Introductory pieces by internationally acclaimed authors such as Rev. Dean Brackley, S.J.; David J. O’Brien; Lisa Sowle Cahill; and Rev. Stephen A. Privett, S.J., pave the way for a range of smart and highly creative essays that illustrate and honor the scholarship, teaching, and service that have developed out of a commitment to the ideals of Jesuit higher education. The topics covered span disciplines and fields from the arts to engineering, from nursing to political science and law. The essays offer numerous examples of engaged pedagogy, which as Rev. Brackley points out fits squarely with Jesuit pedagogy: insertion programs, community-based learning, study abroad, internships, clinical placements, and other forms of interacting with the poor and with cultures other than our own. This book not only illustrates the dynamic growth of Jesuit education but critically identifies key challenges for educators, such as: How can we better address issues of race in our teaching and learning? Are we educating in nonviolence? How can we make the college or university “greener”? How can we evoke a desire for the faith that does justice? Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World is an indispensable volume that has the potential to act as an academic facilitator for the promotion of justice within not only Jesuit schools but all schools of higher education. Mary Be th CoMBs is an Associate Professor of Economics at Fordham University, where she specializes in economic history. Her research on nineteenthcentury married women’s property rights has been published in a number of journals, including The Journal of Economic History, Continuity and Change, and Feminist Economics. Patri Ci a ru g g iano sChMidt is a Professor of Education at Le Moyne College. Her recent publications include Practicing What We Teach: How Culturally Responsive Literacy Classrooms Make a Difference.
simultaneous electronic edition available se P te MB e r
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
c at h o l i c s t u d i e s
“Empowering the People of God gives a nuanced, complicated, insightful portrait of Catholic Action as a spectrum rather than a monolith. The volume is timely, not just for historians of American Catholicism but also for those seeking to understand the deeper backstory to the contesting definitions of authority in the Church in the present moment.” —A my L. Ko eh lin ger, Florida State University
The early 1960s were a heady time for Catholic laypeople. Pope Pius XII’s assurance “You do not belong to the Church. You are the Church” emboldened the laity to challenge Church authority in ways previously considered unthinkable. Empowering the People of God offers a fresh look at the Catholic laity and its relationship with the hierarchy in the period immediately preceding the Second Vatican Council and in the turbulent era that followed. This collection of essays explores a diverse assortment of manifestations of Catholic action, ranging from genteel reform to radical activism, and an equally wide variety of locales, apostolates, and movements. Contri b utors: Jeremy Bonner, Mary Elizabeth, Jeffrey M. Burns, Christopher D. Denny, Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello, Mary Beth Fraser Connolly, Katharine E. Harmon, Patrick J. Hayes, Mary J. Henold, Bill Issel, Andrew S. Moore, Samuel J. Thomas J e remy Bonne r
Empowering the People of God Catholic Action Before and After Vatican II
edited by Jer em y B on ne r, Ma ry Bet h Fr ase r Con nolly, and C h r isto phe r D. De nn y 32 0 pag es 978-0-8232-5400-2 • Cloth • $45.00 • £35.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available
Catholic Practice in North America Novem ber
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
is an independent scholar in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mary Beth Frase r Connolly is the Assistant Director of the Lilly Fellows Program and Assistant Adjunct in History at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana. Her research interests include the history of American women and religion, with a particular interest in American Catholic women religious. Christopher D. De nny is an associate professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at St. John’s University in New York City.
Women of Faith The Chicago Sisters of Mercy and the Evolution of a Religious Community M a ry Bet h Fr ase r Con nolly 3 3 6 pag es 978-0-8232-5473-6 • Cloth • $55.00 • £43.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available F ebruary
h i sto ry
When the Sisters of Mercy lost their foundress Sister Catherine McAuley in 1841, stories of Mother Catherine passed from one generation of sisters to the next. McAuley’s Rule and Constitutions along with her spiritual writings and correspondence communicated the Mercys’ founding charism. Each generation of Sisters of Mercy who succeeded her took these words and her spirit with them as they established new communities or foundations across the United States and around the world. In Women of Faith, Mary Beth Fraser Connolly traces the paths of the women who dedicated their lives to the Sisters of Mercy Chicago Regional Community, the first Congregation of Catholic Sisters in Chicago. More than the story of the institutions that defined the territory and ministries of the women of this Midwestern region, Women of Faith presents a history of the women who made this regional community, whether as foundresses of individual communities in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries or as the teachers, nurses, and pastoral ministers who cared for and educated generations of Midwestern American Catholics. Though they had no immediate connection with McAuley, these women inherited her spirit and vision for religious life. Focusing on how the Chicago Mercys formed a community, lived their spiritual lives, and served within the institutional Catholic Church, this three-part perspective addresses community, spirituality, and ministry, providing a means by which we can trace the evolution of these women of faith as the world around them changed. The first part of this study focuses on the origins of the Sisters of Mercy in the Midwest from the founding of the Chicago South Side community in 1846 through the amalgamation and creation of the Chicago Province in 1929. The second part examines how the Mercys came together as one province through the changes of Vatican II from 1929 to the 1980s. Part III examines life after the dramatic changes of Vatican II in the 1990s and 2000s. Presenting rich examples of how faith cannot be separated from identity, Women of Faith provides an important new contribution to the scholarship that is shaping our collective understanding of women religious. is the Assistant Director of the Lilly Fellows Program and Assistant Adjunct in History at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana. Her research interests include the history of American women and religion, with a particular interest in American Catholic women religious. 
Mary Be th Frase r Connolly
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
l i t e r at u r e
Religious Language Matters
edited by E r nst van den Hemel and Asja Sz afraniec
It is said that words are like people: One can encounter them daily yet never come to know their true selves. This volume examines what words are—how they exist—in religious phenomena. Going beyond the common idea that language merely describes states of mind, beliefs, and intentions, the book looks at words in their performative and material specificity. The contributions in the volume develop the insight that our implicit assumptions about what language does guide the way we understand and experience religious phenomena. They also explore the possibility that insights about the particular status of religious utterances may in turn influence the way we think about words in our language.
464 pages • 7 b/w illustrations • 7 1 /8 × 9 1 /4 978-0-8232-5556-6 • Paper • $35.00 • £26.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5555-9 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available The Future of the Religious Past February
Contr i butor s: Talal Asad, Jan Assmann, Christoph Auffarth, Loriliai Biernacki, Jacqueline Borsje, Daniel Boyarin, Peter Burke, Markus Altena Davidsen, Tarek Dika, Sergey Dolgopolski, Roger Friedland, Ernst van den Hemel, Laurens ten Kate, Michael Lambek, Karmen Mackendrick, Jean-Luc Marion, Arie L. Molendijk, Kenneth B. Moss, Jean-Luc Nancy, Pieter Nanninga, Nils F. Schott, Asja Szafraniec, Elliot R. Wolfson Er nst va n den He mel
University Utrecht.
As ja Sz a franiec
is a research fellow at the Centre for the Humanities,
teaches in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam.
media studies
c o m m u n i c at i o n
Trance Mediums and New Media Spirit Possession in the Age of Technical Reproduction
edited by Heike Behrend, Anja Dreschke, and Martin Zillinger
Ongoing debates about the “return of religion” have paid little attention to the orgiastic and enthusiastic qualities of religiosity, despite a significant increase in the use of techniques of trance and possession around the globe. Likewise, research on religion and media has neglected the fact that historically the rise of mediumship and spirit possession was closely linked to the development of new media of communication. This innovative volume brings together a wide range of ethnographic studies on local spiritual and media practices. Recognizing that processes of globalization are shaped by mass mediation, the volume raises questions such as: How are media like photography, cinema, video, the telephone, or television integrated in séances and healing rituals? How do spirit mediums connect with these media? Why are certain technical media shunned in these contexts?
352 pages • 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5381-4 • Paper • $30.00 • £22.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5380-7 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available February
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Contr i butor s: Heike Behrend, Claudia Böhme, Anja Dreschke, Lidia Guzy, Ute Holl, Getrud Hüwelmeier, Laurel Kendall, Rosalind C. Morris, Christopher Pinney, Dorothea Schulz, Erhard Schüttpelz, Emilio Spadola, Martin Zillinger Hei k e B ehr end was Professor of Anthropology at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Cologne. Anja D r es chke
is Research Associate at the University of Siegen.
M a r ti n Zi lli nge r
is Lecturer in media anthropology at the University of Siegen.
urban studies
disability studies
Spirit and the Obligation of Social Flesh A Secular Theology for the Global City S h a r o n V. B etch er
304 pages 978-0-8232-5391-3 • Paper • $28.00 • £21.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5390-6 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Octo ber
Drawing on philosophical reflection, spiritual and religious values, and somatic practice, Spirit and the Obligation of Social Flesh offers guidance for moving amidst the affective dynamics that animate the streets of the global cities now amassing around our planet. Here theology turns decidedly secular. In urban medieval Europe, seculars were uncloistered persons who carried their spiritual passion and sense of an obligated life into daily circumambulations of the city. Seculars lived in the city, on behalf of the city, but—contrary to the new profit economy of the time—with a different locus of value: spirit. Betcher argues that for seculars today the possibility of a devoted life, the practice of felicity in history, still remains. Spirit now names a necessary “prosthesis,” a locus for regenerating the elemental commons of our interdependent flesh and thus for cultivating spacious and fearless empathy, forbearance, and generosity. Her theological poetics, though based in Christianity, are frequently in conversation with other religions resident in our postcolonial cities. Shar on V. B etche r, now an independent scholar, was Professor of Theology at the Vancouver School of Theology.
Divine Multiplicity
Trinities, Diversities, and the Nature of Relation
edited by C h r is B oesel and S. W esley Ariarajah
The essays in this volume ask if and how trinitarian and pluralist discourses can enter into fruitful conversation with one another. Can trinitarian conceptions of divine multiplicity open the Christian tradition to more creative and affirming visions of creaturely identities, difference, and relationality—including the specific difference of religious plurality? Where might the triadic patterning evident in the Christian theological tradition have always exceeded the boundaries of Christian thought and experience? Can this help us to inhabit other religious traditions’ conceptions of divine and/or creaturely reality? The volume also interrogates the possibilities of various discourses on pluralism by putting them in a concrete pluralist context and asking to what extent pluralist discourse can collect within itself a convergent diversity of orthodox, heterodox, postcolonial, process, poststructuralist, liberationist, and feminist sensibilities while avoiding irruptions of conflict, competition, or the logic of mutual exclusion. 360 pages 978-0-8232-5396-8 • Paper • $32.00 • £24.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5395-1 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia Octo ber
Contr i butor s : S. Wesley Ariarajah, Loriliai Biernacki, Chris Boesel, Philip Clayton, Jacob J. Erickson, Roland Faber, Mark Heim, Holly Hillgardner, John F. Hoffmeyer, Catherine Keller, Samuel Laurent, Cynthia L. Rigby, Sara Rosenau, Kathryn Tanner, Eric Trozzo Chris Boesel
is Associate Professor of Christian Theology at Drew University School of Theology.
S. W es ley Ar i arajah
is Professor of Ecumenical Theology at Drew University School of
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Spirit, Qi, and the Multitude
A Comparative Theology for the Democracy of Creation H yo - Do ng Lee 36 8 pag es 978-0-8232-5502-3 • Paper • $35.00 • £26.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5501-6 • Cloth • $100.00 • £77.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions Octo ber
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
asian studies
We live in an increasingly global, interconnected, and interdependent world, in which various forms of systemic imbalance in power have given birth to a growing demand for genuine pluralism and democracy. As befits a world so interconnected, this book presents a comparative theological and philosophical attempt to construct new underpinnings for the idea of democracy by bringing the Western concept of spirit into dialogue with the East Asian nondualistic and nonhierarchical notion of qi. The book follows the historical adventures of the idea of qi through some of its Confucian and Daoist textual histories in East Asia, mainly Laozi, Zhu Xi, Toegye, Nongmun, and Su-un, and compares them with analogous conceptualizations of the ultimate creative and spiritual power found in the intellectual constellations of Western and/or Christian thought—namely, Whitehead’s Creativity, Hegel’s Geist, Deleuze’s chaosmos, and Catherine Keller’s Tehom. The book adds to the growing body of pneumatocentric (Spirit-centered), panentheistic Christian theologies that emphasize God’s liberating, equalizing, and pluralizing immanence in the cosmos. Furthermore, it injects into the theological and philosophical dialogue between the West and Confucian and Daoist East Asia, which has heretofore been dominated by the American pragmatist and process traditions, a fresh voice shaped by Hegelian, postmodern, and postcolonial thought. This enriches the ways in which the pluralistic and democratic implications of the notion of qi may be articulated. In addition, by offering a valuable introduction to some representative Korean thinkers who are largely unknown to Western scholars, the book advances the study of East Asia and Neo-Confucianism in particular. Last but not least, the book provides a model of Asian contextual theology that draws on the religious and philosophical resources of East Asia to offer a vision of pluralism and democracy. A reader interested in the conversation between the East and West in light of the global reality of political oppression, economic exploitation, and cultural marginalization will find this book informative, engaging, and enlightening. Hyo-Dong Lee is Assistant Professor of Comparative Theology at Drew University School of Theology.
l i t e r at u r e
jewish studies
A Weak Messianic Power
Figures of a Time to Come in Benjamin, Derrida, and Celan M i c h a e l G. Lev ine
In his famous theses on the philosophy of history, Benjamin writes: “We have been endowed with a weak messianic power to which the past has a claim.” This claim addresses us not just from the past but from what will have belonged to it only as a missed possibility and unrealized potential. For Benajmin, as for Celan and Derrida, what has never been actualized remains with us, not as a lingering echo but as a secretly insistent appeal. Because such appeals do not pass through normal channels of communication, they require a special attunement, perhaps even a mode of unconscious receptivity. Levine examines the ways in which this attunement is cultivated in Benjamin’s philosophical, autobiographical, and photohistorical writings; Celan’s poetry and poetological addresses; and Derrida’s writings on Celan. M i cha el G. Lev ine is Professor of German and Comparative Literature at Rutgers University. He is the author of Belated Witness: Literature, Testimony, and the Question of Holocaust Survival. 224 pages • 2 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5511-5 • Paper • $24.00 • £18.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5510-8 • Cloth • $85.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Octo ber
jewish studies
Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul
new york
A Summer on the Lower East Side J o nath a n B oyarin
new in
226 pages • 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5404-0 • Paper • $18.00 • £13.99 (01) Simultaneous electronic edition available {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-3900-9}
“This beautiful new book confirms Jonathan Boyarin’s status as one of the most innovative scholars in Jewish Studies. Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul is a field journal and monument to religious endurance. But, first and foremost, it is a celebration of the pleasures of Jewish life.” — M at t i Bun zl, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign “In a journal that is always humane, and often humorous, Jonathan Boyarin lovingly details one summer in the life of the Stanton Street synagogue. Boyarin is the perfect tour guide to take us inside the ever-changing Jewish world on the Lower East Side—a place ‘where hip meets hip replacement.’” — Mo rt Zacht er, author of Dough: A Memoir “Boyarin brilliantly articulates a Jewish ethnographic voice that moves beyond salvage ethnography, providing a richly detailed portrait of an enduring institution and a complex neighborhood through the lens of his own experience.” — Nat ha n ia l Deutsch, author of The Jewish Dark Continent: Life and Death in the Russian Pale of Settlement
is Leonard and Tobee Kaplan Professor of Modern Jewish Thought at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Jonathan B oyarin
S ep t ember
 f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
l i t e r at u r e
jewish studies
Modernist Form and the Myth of Jewification N e i l L evi
240 pages 978-0-8232-5506-1 • Cloth • $55.00 • £43.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available November
Why were modernist works of art, literature, and music that were neither by nor about Jews nevertheless interpreted as Jewish? In this book, Neil Levi explores how the antisemitic fantasy of a mobile, dangerous, contagious Jewish spirit unfolds in the antimodernist polemics of Richard Wagner, Max Nordau, Wyndham Lewis, and Louis-Ferdinand Céline, reaching its apotheosis in the notorious 1937 Nazi exhibition “Degenerate Art.” Levi then turns to James Joyce, Theodor W. Adorno, and Samuel Beckett, offering radical new interpretations of these modernist authors to show how each presents his own poetics as a self-conscious departure from the modern antisemitic imaginary. Levi claims that, just as antisemites once feared their own contamination by a mobile, polluting Jewish spirit, so too much of postwar thought remains governed by the fear that it might be contaminated by the spirit of antisemitism. Thus he argues for the need to confront and work through our own fantasies and projections—not only about the figure of the Jew but also about that of the antisemite. Nei l Lev i
is Associate Professor of English at Drew University.
l i t e r at u r e
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
Mourning Philology
Art and Religion at the Margins of the Ottoman Empire
M a r c N i c h anian, translated by G. M. Go shgarian and Jeff Fort
“Pagan life seduces me a little more with each passing day. If it were possible today, I would change my religion and would joyfully embrace poetic paganism,” wrote the Armenian poet Daniel Varuzhan in 1908. During the seven years that remained in his life, he wrote largely in this “pagan” vein. If it was an artistic endeavour, why then should art be defined in reference to religion? And which religion precisely? Was Varuzhan echoing Schelling’s Philosophy of Art? Mourning Philology draws on Varuzhan and his work to present a history of the national ima gination, which is also a history of national philology, as a reaction to the two main philological inventions of the nineteenth century: mythological religion and the native. In its first part, the book thus gives an account of the successive stages of the orientalist philology. The last episode in this story of national emergence took place in 1914 in Constantinople, when the literary journal Mehyan gathered around Varuzhan the great names to come of Armenian literature in the diaspora. 384 pages 978-0-8232-5524-5 • Cloth • $65.00 • £51.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available February
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
M ar c Ni cha ni an was Professor of Armenian Languages and Culture in the Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Literatures at Columbia University. He is the author of Writers of Disaster: Armenian Literature in the Twentieth Century (Gomidas Institute, 2002).
is Assistant Professor of French at the University of California, Davis. He has translated a number of books by authors including Maurice Blanchot, Jean Genet, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, and Jacques Roubaud.
Jeff For t
l i t e r at u r e
i n t e r n at i o n a l s t u d i e s
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
The Underside of Politics Global Fictions in the Fog of the Cold War S o r i n R a d u Cucu
This book argues that during the Cold War modern political imagination was held captive by the split between two visions of universality—freedom in the West versus social justice in the East—and by a culture of secrecy that tied national identity to national security. Examining post1945 American and Eastern European interpretive novels in dialogue with each other and with postfoundational democratic theory, The Underside of Politics brings to light the ideas, forces, and circumstances that shattered modernity’s promises (such as secularization, autonomy, and rights) on both sides of the Iron Curtain. In this context, literary fictions by Kundera and Roth, Popescu and Coover, Kiš and DeLillo become global as they reveal the trials of popular sovereignty in the “fog of the Cold War” and trace the elements around which its world discourse or global picture is constructed: the atom bomb, Stalinist show trials, anticommunist propaganda, totalitarian terror, secret military operations, and political targeting. 272 pages 978-0-8232-5434-7 • Cloth • $55.00 • £43.00 (06)
Sor i n Radu C ucu is Assistant Professor in the English Department at LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York.
Simultaneous electronic edition available American Literatures Initiative November
l i t e r at u r e
h i sto ry
The Architecture of Concepts The Historical Formation of Human Rights P ete r d e B olla
336 pages • 30 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5439-2 • Paper • $32.00 • £24.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5438-5 • Cloth • $100.00 • £77.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available D ecember
The Architecture of Concepts proposes a radically new way of understanding the history of ideas. Taking as its example human rights, it develops a distinctive kind of conceptual analysis that enables us to see with precision how the concept of human rights was formed in the eighteenth century. The first chapter outlines an innovative account of concepts as cultural entities. The second develops an original methodology for recovering the historical formation of the concept of human rights based on data extracted from digital archives. This enables us to track the construction of conceptual architectures over time. Having established the architecture of the concept of human rights, the book then examines two key moments in its historical formation: the First Continental Congress in 1775 and the publication of Tom Paine’s Rights of Man in 1792. Arguing that we have yet to fully understand or appreciate the consequences of the eighteenth-century invention of the concept “rights of man,” the final chapter addresses our problematic contemporary attempts to leverage human rights as the most efficacious way of achieving universal equality. Peter de B olla is Professor of Cultural History and Aesthetics at the University of Cambridge. His most recent books are The Fourth of July and the Founding of America and Aesthetics and the Work of Art, co-edited with Stefan Uhlig.
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
l i t e r at u r e
The Imperative to Write
Destitutions of the Sublime in Kafka, Blanchot, and Beckett J e f f Fo rt
496 pages 978-0-8232-5469-9 • Cloth • $55.00 • £43.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Februa ry
Is writing haunted by a categorical imperative? Does the Kantian sublime continue to shape the writer’s vocation, even for twentieth-century authors? What precise shape, form, or figure does this residue of sublimity take in the fictions that follow from it—and that leave it in ruins? This book explores these questions through readings of three authors who bear witness to an ambiguous exigency: writing as a demanding and exclusive task, at odds with life, but also a mere compulsion, a drive without end or reason, even a kind of torture. If Kafka, Blanchot, and Beckett mimic a sublime vocation in their extreme devotion to writing, they do so in full awareness that the trajectory it dictates leads not to metaphysical redemption but rather downward, into the uncanny element of fiction. As this book argues, the sublime has always been a deeply melancholy affair, even in its classical Kantian form, but it is in the attenuated speech of narrative voices progressively stripped of their resources and rewards that the true nature of this melancholy is revealed. is Assistant Professor of French at the University of California, Davis. He has translated a number of books, by authors including Maurice Blanchot, Jean Genet, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, and Jacques Roubaud.
Jeff For t
l i t e r at u r e
h i sto ry
Realizing Capital
Financial and Psychic Economies in Victorian Form
A nna Ko r nblu h
224 pages 978-0-8232-5497-2 • Cloth • $45.00 • £35.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Novem be r
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
During a tumultuous period when financial speculation began rapidly to outpace industrial production and consumption, Victorian financial journalists commonly explained the instability of finance by criticizing its inherent artifice—drawing persistent attention to what they called “fictitious capital.” In a shift that naturalized this artifice, this critique of fictitious capital virtually disappeared by the 1860s, being replaced by notions of fickle investor psychology and mental equilibrium encapsulated in the fascinating metaphor of “psychic economy.” In close rhetorical readings of financial journalism, political economy, and the works of Dickens, Eliot, and Trollope, Kornbluh examines the psychological framing of economics, one of the nineteenth century’s most enduring legacies, reminding us that the current dominant paradigm for understanding financial crisis has a history of its own. She shows how novels illuminate this displacement and ironize ideological metaphors linking psychology and economics, thus demonstrating literature’s unique facility for evaluating ideas in process. Inheritors of this novelistic project, Marx and Freud each advance a critique of psychic economy that refuses to naturalize capitalism. is Assistant Professor of Victorian Literature and Critical Theory at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
Anna Kor nblu h
l i t e r at u r e
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
l aw
Drawing the Line
Toward an Aesthetics of Transnational Justice Ca r r o l C l a r ks o n
Drawing the Line examines the ways in which cultural, political, and legal lines are imagined, drawn, crossed, erased, and redrawn in post-apartheid South Africa—through literary texts, artworks, and other forms of cultural production. Under the rubric of a philosophy of the limit, and with reference to a range of signifying acts and events, this book asks what it takes to recalibrate a sociopolitical scene, shifting perceptions of what counts and what matters, of what can be seen and heard, of what can be valued or regarded as meaningful. The book thus argues for an aesthetics of transitional justice and makes an appeal for a postapartheid aesthetic inquiry, as opposed to simply a political or a legal one. Each chapter brings a South African artwork, text, speech, building, or social encounter into conversation with debates in critical theory and continental philosophy, asking: What challenge do these South African acts of signification and resignification pose to current literary-philosophical debates? 208 pages • 11 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5416-3 • Paper • $24.00 • £18.99 (01)
Ca r r ol Clar kson is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Cape Town.
978-0-8232-5415-6 • Cloth • $75.00 • £58.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Just Ideas Octo ber
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
african american studies
Creolizing Political Theory Reading Rousseau through Fanon Ja ne A nna Go rdon
304 pages 978-0-8232-5482-8 • Paper • $29.00 • £21.99 (01) 978-0-8232-5481-1 • Cloth • $95.00 • £74.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Just Ideas
Might creolization offer political theory an approach that would better reflect the heterogeneity of political life? After all, it describes mixtures that were not supposed to have emerged in the plantation societies of the Caribbean but did so through their capacity to exemplify living culture, thought, and political practice. Similar processes continue today, when people who once were strangers find themselves unequal co-occupants of new political locations they both seek to call “home.” Unlike multiculturalism, in which different cultures are thought to co-exist relatively separately, creolization describes how people reinterpret themselves through interaction with one another. While indebted to comparative political theory, Gordon offers a critique of comparison by demonstrating the generative capacity of creolizing methodologies. She does so by bringing together the eighteenth-century revolutionary Swiss thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the twentieth-century Martinican-born Algerian liberationist Frantz Fanon. While both provocatively challenged whether we can study the world in ways that do not duplicate the prejudices that sustain its inequalities, Fanon, she argues, outlined a vision of how to bring into being the democratically legitimate alternatives that Rousseau mainly imagined. teaches Political Science and African-American Studies at the University of Connecticut at Storrs.
Ja ne Anna Gordon
F ebrua ry

f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
l i t e r at u r e
american studies
Quiet Testimony
A Theory of Witnessing from Nineteenth-Century American Literature S h a r i G o l dberg
224 pages 978-0-8232-5477-4 • Cloth • $45.00 • £35.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available
The nineteenth century was a time of extraordinary attunement to the unspoken, the elusively present, and the subtly haunting. Quiet Testimony finds in such attunement a valuable rethinking of what it means to encounter the truth. It argues that four key writers—Emerson, Douglass, Melville, and Henry James—open up the domain of the witness by articulating quietude’s claim on the clamoring world. The premise of quiet testimony responds to urgent questions in critical theory and human rights. Emerson is brought into conversation with Levinas, and Douglass is considered alongside Agamben. Yet the book is steeped in the intellectual climate of the nineteenth century, in which speech and meaning might exceed the bounds of the recognized human subject. In this context, Melville’s characters could read the weather, and James’s could spend an evening with dead companions. By following the path by which ostensibly unremarkable entities come to voice, Quiet Testimony suggests new configurations for ethics, politics, and the literary. Shar i Goldb erg
is Assistant Professor of Literary Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Sep t em be r
l i t e r at u r e
e n v i r o n m e n ta l st u d i e s
Inventing the Language to Tell It Robinson Jeffers and the Biology of Consciousness G e o r g e H a rt
192 pages 978-0-8232-5489-7 • Cloth • $35.00 • £26.99 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available sep t ember
f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
From 1920 until his death in 1962, consciousness and its effect on the natural world was Robinson Jeffers’s obsession. Understanding and explaining the biological basis of mind is one of the towering challenges of modern science to this day, and Jeffers’s poetic experiment is an important contribution to American literary history—no other twentieth-century poet attempted such a thorough engagement with a crucial scientific problem. Jeffers invented a sacramental poetics that accommodates a modern scientific account of consciousness, thereby integrating an essentially religious sensibility with science in order to discover the sacramentality of natural process and reveal a divine cosmos. There is no other study of Jeffers or sacramental nature poetry like this one. It proposes that Jeffers’s sacramentalism emerged out of his scientifically informed understanding of material nature. Drawing on ecocriticism, religious studies, and neuroscience, Inventing the Language to Tell It shows how Jeffers produced the most compelling sacramental nature poetry of the twentieth century. Geor ge Har t is Professor of English at California State University, Long Beach. He edited, with Scott Slovic, Exploring Social Issues Through Literature: Literature and the Environment.
l i t e r at u r e
Romance and the Aesthetics of Belonging in Atlantic Modernity
james d. lilley
240 pages • 8 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5515-3 • Cloth • $45.00 • £35.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Commonalities
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
american studies
Common Things
Romance and the Aesthetics of Belonging in Atlantic Modernity Ja m e s D. L i lley
What are the relationships between the books we read and the communities we share? Common Things explores how transatlantic romance revivals of the eighteenth and nineteenth century influenced—and were influenced by—emerging modern systems of community. Drawing on the work of Washington Irving, Henry Mackenzie, Thomas Jefferson, James Fenimore Cooper, Robert Montgomery Bird, and Charles Brockden Brown, the book shows how romance promotes a distinctive aesthetics of belonging—a mode of being in common tied to new qualities of the singular. Each chapter focuses on one of these common things—the stain of race, the “property” of personhood, ruined feelings, the genre of a text, and the event of history—and examines how these peculiar qualities work to sustain the coherence of our modern common places. In the work of Horace Walpole and Edgar Allan Poe, the book further uncovers an important— and never more timely—alternative aesthetic practice that reimagines community as an open and fugitive process rather than as a collection of common things. is Assistant Professor of English at the University at Albany, SUNY. He is editor of Cormac McCarthy: New Directions.
Ja mes D. Li lley
Octo ber
Matthew Stratton
l i t e r at u r e
p o l i t i ca l t h e o ry
The Politics of Irony in American Modernism M atth ew St rat to n
This book shows how American literary culture in the first half of the twentieth century saw “irony” emerge as a term to describe intersections between aesthetic and political practices. Against conventional associations of irony with political withdrawal, Stratton shows how the term circulated widely in literary and popular culture to describe politically engaged forms of writing. It is a critical commonplace to acknowledge the difficulty of defining irony before stipulating a particular definition as a stable point of departure for literary, cultural, and political analysis. This book, by contrast, is the first to derive definitions of “irony” inductively, showing how writers employed it as a keyword both before and in opposition to the institutionalization of New Criticism. It focuses on writers who not only composed ironic texts but talked about irony and satire to situate their work politically: Randolph Bourne, Benjamin De Casseres, Ellen Glasgow, John Dos Passos, Ralph Ellison, and many others. M atthew Stratton
is Assistant Professor of English at the University of California, Davis.
304 pages • 2 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5545-0 • Cloth • $55.00 • £43.00 (06) Simultaneous electronic edition available Novem ber
 f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m
l i t e r at u r e
Beyond the Mother Tongue The Postmonolingual Condition Yasemin Yildiz
Beyond the Mother Tongue
The Postmonolingual Condition Ya se m i n Y i ldiz
Winner of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and Literatures “A bold, ambitious, and timely evaluation of philosophical and literary imagination of language.” — B . Ven kat Ma n i, author of Cosmopolitical Claims: Turkish-German Literatures from
new in
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index A
Accidental Playground, The 36 Alexander, Thomas M. 36 Ambiguity and the Absolute 16 Ancient Mediterranean Art 36 Angels of Mercy 38 Architecture of Concepts, The 29 Ariarajah, S. Wesley 25 Armstrong, Philip 37 Art’s Undoing 38 Art Without an Author 38 Asad, Talal 36 Asensi, Manuel 17
Barnes, Sandra L. 36 Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch 36 Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name, The 11 Behrend, Heike 24 Bell, Jason 20 Berger, Anne Emmanuelle 5 Berger, Joseph 38 Berkowitz, Roger 36 Betcher, Sharon V. 25 Beyond Broadband Access 38 Beyond the Mother Tongue 34 Bishop, Will 10 Blanchot, Maurice 36 Blanton, Ward 20 Boesel, Chris 25 Bonner, Jeremy 22 Borden, Norman 38 Boyarin, Jonathan 27 Brown, Wendy 36 Bryant, Levi R. 37 Butler, Judith 36
Cahill, Kevin M., M.D. 34, 36 Campo, Daniel 36 Carroll, Amy Sara 36 Cavaliere, Barbara 36 Chandler, Nahum Dimitri 6, 7 Chouraqui, Frank 16 Chryssavgis, John 36 Civil Rights in New York City 13 Clarkson, Carrol 31 Claviez, Thomas 36 Clift, Sarah 15 Clingerman, Forrest 18 Combs, Mary Beth 21 Committing the Future to Memory 15 Common Strangeness, A 37 Common Things 33 Conditions of Hospitality, The 36 Connolly, Mary Beth Fraser 22, 23
Constitutionalism in the Approach and Aftermath of the Civil War 37 Corpus II 37 Creolizing Political Theory 31 Cucu, Sorin Radu 29
Dante Studies 2012 35 Dasgupta, Sudeep 13 DeArmitt, Pleshette 14 de Bolla, Peter 29 Deery, Phillip 1 Demacopoulos, George E. 36 Denny, Christopher D. 22 Desperate Clarity 36 Divine Multiplicity 25 Drawing the Line 31 Drenthen, Martin 18 Dreschke, Anja 24 Du Bois, W. E. B. 7
Edmond, Jacob 37 Empowering the People of God 22 Environmental Aesthetics 18 Essential Writings, The 37 Event and Time 16
Faber, Roland 37 Fackenthal, Jeremy 37 Fannie + Freddie 36 Fine, Jo Renée 38 Fletcher, John 14 Foerster, Heinz von 11 Foltz, Bruce V. 19, 36 Fort, Jeff 28, 30 Frank, Joseph 37 Freud and the Scene of Trauma 14 Fynsk, Christopher 37
Gettysburg Religion 12 Giving Beyond the Gift 9 Gold, Moshe 35 Goldberg, Shari 32 Good, Carl 17 Gordon, Jane Anna 31 Goshgarian, G. M. 28 Gourgouris, Stathis 8
Hart, George 32 Hart, Kevin 37 Heartbeats in the Muck 38 Hemel, Ernst van den 24 Hill Fletcher, Jeannine 37 History and Hope 36 Holland, Michael 36 Human Eros, The 36
Hundley, Nicolas 37
Imperative to Write, The 30 Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis, The 36 Interpreting Nature 18 Into Disaster 36 Inventing the Language to Tell It 32 Is Critique Secular? 36 Islam and the Challenge of Civilization 37 Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944–1968 38
Joyce Studies Annual 2013 35
Kaag, John 19 Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials 10 Kasenbacher, Michael 11 Keulartz, Jozef 18 Kornbluh, Anna 30 Kuntz, Jane 37
Lansing, Richard 35 Last Steps 37 Lee, Hyo-Dong 26 Lessons in Secular Criticism 8 Levi, Neil 28 Levine, Michael G. 27 Lewis, Stephen E. 16 Lienhard, Reverend Joseph T., S.J. 35 Lilley, James D. 33 Live Long and Prosper 36 Logos of the Living World, The 17 Longenecker, Steve 12
Mahmood, Saba 36 Marion, Jean-Luc 37 Material Spirit 17 McKenna, Erin 37 McKibben, Bill 36 Meddeb, Abdelwahab 37 Meyers, Cynthia B. 4 Miller, Adam S. 37 Modernist Form and the Myth of Jewification 28 Moreno, Paul D. 37 Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul 27 Motherhood as Metaphor 37 Mourning Philology 28 Müller, Albert 11 Müller, Karl H. 11
Nancy, Jean-Luc 37 Nichanian, Marc 28 Noetics of Nature, The 19 Nowell Smith, David 37
O’Byrne, Anne 37 Oliver, Kelly 37 O'Neill, Johnathan 37 Orthodox Constructions of the West 36
Spirit and the Obligation of Social Flesh 25 Spirit, Qi, and the Multitude 26 Stallings, Gregory C. 17 Still the Same Hawk 38 Stratton, Matthew 33 Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side, The 38 Szafraniec, Asja 24 Szendy, Peter 10
Pact with Vichy, A 38 Papanikolaou, Aristotle 36 Parker, Kelly A. 20 Pash, Sidney 38 Paul and the Philosophers 20 Pets, People, and Pragmatism 37 Piehler, G. Kurt 38 Pleasure in Drawing, The 37 Pojmann, Wendy 38 Politics of Irony in American Modernism, The 33 Porter, Catherine 5 Problem of the Color Line at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, The 7 Pyle, Forest 38
Taylor, Clarence 13 Taylor, Richard D. 38 Technologies of Life and Death 37 Theopoetic Folds 37 Thinking Through the Imagination 19 This Distracted and Anarchical People 38 Toay, Taun N. 36 To Bear Witness 34 Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration 36 Traditio 2013 35 Trance Mediums and New Media 24 Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World 21 Treanor, Brian 18
Queer Turn in Feminism, The 5 Quiet Testimony 32
Rankine, Claudia 36 Raskin, Joseph B. 2 Realizing Capital 30 Red Apple 1 Relevance of Royce, The 20 Responses to Modernity 37 Revolver in the Hive, The 37 Right to Narcissism, The 14 Romano, Claude 16 Rooks, Elinor 11 Rosello, Mireille 13 Rota, Emanuel 38 Routes Not Taken, The 2 Ruffini, Marco 38
Sabine, Maureen 38 Schejter, Amit M. 38 Schmidt, Patricia Ruggiano 21 Seraile, William 38 Sicker, Philip 35 Slap, Andrew L. 38 Smith, Michael Thomas 38 Sounding/Silence 37 Speculative Grace 37
Udell, Jennifer 36 Underside of Politics, The 29 United States and the Second World War, The 38 Utsler, David 18
Veiled Desires 38 Vries, Hent de 20
Waldman, John 38 Weak Messianic Power, A 27 Westling, Louise 17 What’s Queer about Europe? 13 Wolfe, Gerard R. 38 Wolfson, Elliot R. 9 Women of Faith 23 Word from Our Sponsor, A 4 Words 24
Yildiz, Yasemin 34
Zillinger, Martin 24
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