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H i sto ry 2 0 1 3
Wo r l d War II: The Global, Human, H ar ry and Be rEthical ge r , J r Dimension .
Th e No r th ’ s Ci v il War New in pape rback
For Courses
A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865
Union Combined Operations in the Civil War Edited by Craig L. Symonds
Contributors: Francis J. Du Coin, John Fisher, Chris E. Fonvielle Jr., Howard J. Fuller, David E. Long, Robert Sheridan, David C. Skaggs, Mark A. Snell, Craig L. Symonds, Edward H. Wiser.
“A compelling collection of essays that clearly illustrate the importance of combined operation during the Civil War. Focusing on Union operations along the rebel coast that helped determine the outcome of the war, the authors reveal that success depended not only on technology, arms, and operational plans, but also on the personalities and the people involved.”—Gene Allen Smith, author of Thomas ap Catesby Jones: Commodore of Manifest Destiny 240 Pages, 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3287-1 Paper, $25.00, £18.99
Fordham University Press
2546 Belmont Avenue University Box L Bronx, NY 10458
For Courses
This Distracted and Anarchical People
New Answers for Old Questions about the Civil War–Era North Edited by Andrew L. Slap and Michael Thomas Smith Contributors: Michael J. Bennett, Barbara A. Gannon, Michael F. Holt, Harold Holzer, Matthew Isham, Christian B. Keller, Timothy J. Orr, Robert M. Sandow, Andrew L. Slap, Michael T. Smith, Matthew Warshauer, Matthew Warshauer, Karen Fisher Younger
“This compelling set of essays underscores the vibrancy of the field of Civil War studies. Wide-ranging in their approach to political, social, and military aspects of the conflict, they challenge a number of prevailing interpretive conventions and suggest numerous avenues for further investigation. I have no doubt that they will inspire some readers and upset others—a sure indication that they have achieved a major success.”—Gary Gallagher, author of The Union War 296 Pages 978-0-8232-4569-7 Paper, $30.00, £22.99
f or courses
Lincoln and Leadership
Military, Political, and Religious Decision Making Edited by Randall M. Miller Afterword by Allen C. Guelzo Contributors: Allen C. Guelzo, Randall M. Miller, Matthew Pinsker, Harry S. Stout, Gregory J. W. Urwin
“Lincoln and Leadership brings readers closer to our 16th president. . . . Brimming with insight and lucidly argued, the essays collected here, along with Randall Miller’s shrewd assessment of Lincoln literature, will help readers become more familiar with this Lincoln.”—Michael Birkner, Gettysburg College 164 Pages, 29 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4345-7 Paper, $18.00, £13.99
For books in the Reconstructing America series, visit our website: www.fordhampress.com www.ford hamp ress .com
George Washington Williams Introduction by John David Smith The new edition of this important text includes an introductory essay by the award-winning historian John David Smith. In his essay, Smith narrates and evaluates the book’s contents, analyzes its reception by contemporary critics, and evaluates Williams’s work within the context of its day and its place in current historiography. 294 Pages 978-0-8232-3385-4 Paper, $28.00, £20.99 eBook available
Angelo Tasca from Italian Socialism to French Collaboration Emanuel Rota “Rota’s biography of Angelo Tasca—a critically-important figure in 20thcentury Italian political history—is clear, balanced, and engaging. Rota traces Tasca’s tormented trajectory from communism to Vichy with judicious restraint and empathy . . . insightful and provocative.”—Stanislao G. Pugliese, Hofstra University 232 Pages 978-0-8232-4564-2 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00 eBook available
New in pa pe rback
The Diary of Prisoner 17326
For Courses
Constitutionalism in the Approach and Aftermath of the Civil War
Edited by Paul D. Moreno and Johnathan O’Neill Contributors: Herman Belz, Michael Les Benedict, Christian Esh, Joseph R. Fornieri, Paul Moreno, Jeffry H. Morrison, Johnathan O’Neill, Ronald J. Pestritto, Jonathan W. White
“This important book doesn’t consider the Civil War in isolation but links up the war with the great constitutional questions of the Revolution and the Progressive Era. It is a valuable and original contribution to the field of legal history and American history more broadly.”—Daniel W. Hamilton, University of Illinois College of Law 256 Pages, 9 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5194-0 Cloth, $40.00, £29.99 July 2013
New Bedford’s Civil War
Earl F. Mulderink, III “Imaginative and exhaustive research grounds New Bedford’s story in the rich details of people’s lives, whether these involve day-to-day business in New Bedford or life and death on the battlefield . . . the book illuminates a city whose history speaks usefully to the Civil War in general and to the Civil War in the North more specifically.”—Michael Frisch, University at Buffalo, SUNY 318 Pages 978-0-8232-4334-1 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00
On the Edge of Freedom:
The Fugitive Slave Issue in South Central Pennsylvania, 1820-1870 David G. Smith “The most nuanced, detailed and sophisticated study of the Underground Railroad in rural Pennsylvania that I have ever read. Based on a wide variety of primary sources, this study offers a series of fresh insights about how the fugitive crisis along the Mason-Dixon Line directly impacted the wider national struggle over slavery and union.”—Matthew Pinsker, Dickinson College 344 Pages 978-0-8232-4032-6 Cloth, $70.00, £53.00 hi sto ry
A Pact with Vichy
201 3
A Boy’s Life in a Japanese Labor Camp John K. Stutterheim Foreword by Mark Parillo “The brutal, racist Japanese treatment of Dutch civilians in World War II is told here through the eyes of a young boy who somehow survived captivity, but found he couldn’t go home again. . . . Required reading for anyone who studies the Pacific War.”—Linda Goetz Holmes, author of 4000 Bowls of Rice and Unjust Enrichment 228 Pages, 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3151-5 Paper, $25.00, £18.99 eBook available
Süssen Is Now Free of Jews: World
War II, The Holocaust, and Rural Judaism Gilya Gerda Schmidt “A close look at the legacy of a few Jewish families from this region, their long family histories, their engagements in commerce, industry and civic life before 1933, their fate under the Nazis, and their scattered stories after the Holocaust.”—Laura Levitt, Temple University 236 Pages, 40 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4329-7 Cloth, $70.00, £53.00
Inte r nati o nal H i sto ry Lost Unicorns of the Velvet Revolutions
Heterotopias of the Seminar Miglena Nikolchina “Each chapter is beautifully written, thoughtful, ironic, trenchant, and simply interesting.”—Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley 184 Pages 978-0-8232-4300-6 Paper, $22.00, £16.99
Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944-1968
Wendy Pojmann “Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944-1968 identifies a real gap in scholarship on international women’s movements on the period between World War Two and the Second Wave feminist movement of the 1970s This book address that gap offering an engaging and well documented account of two Italian women’s associations, the Unione Donne Italiane (UDI) and the Catholic Centro Italiano Femminile (CIF). Pojmann offers both new and original material, and develops critical understanding of an important and generally overlooked stage in women’s organizations.”—Helen LaVille, University of Birmingham 248 Pages 978-0-8232-4560-4 Cloth, $35.00, £25.99
In the Name of Italy
Nation, Family, and Patriotism in a Fascist Court Maura Hametz Examines justice, nationalism, gender, and patriotism in Fascist Italy through the lens of a 1931 Administrative Court case related to surname italianization in Italy’s Adriatic borderlands. 288 Pages 978-0-8232-4339-6 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00
New in pa pe rback
The United States and the Second World War New Perspectives on Diplomacy, War, and the Home Front Edited by G. Kurt Piehler and Sidney Pash
Contributors: Reiko Asai, Scott H. Bennett, J. Garry Clifford, Justin Hart, Nicholas Molnar, Sidney Pash, Anne Pfau, G. Kurt Piehler, Mark Snell, Barbara Tomblin, and Yutaka Sasaki.
“This volume . . . provides a good balance between the coming of war, the waging of war, and the conflict’s aftermath. Little-known sources and original vantage points ensure that anyone interested in this seismic conflict will find something new to ponder.”—Peter Schrijvers, author of Liberators: The Allies and Belgian Society 356 Pages 978-0-8232-5203-9 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 April 2013 www.fo rd ha mp ress .co m
For Courses
Chagas Disease
History of a Continent’s Scourge François Delaporte Translated by Arthur Goldhammer Foreword by Todd Meyers “Delaporte’s brilliant historical exploration of Chagas’ disease covers the decisive period of 1909-1935. The strength of the study is the exhaustive discussion of the scientific literature, the subtle examination of fundamental shifts in conceptual frameworks, and the unrelenting interrogation of the crucial role that chance and error play in scientific research. What Delaporte has written is a comédie humaine of post-colonial science.”—Carlo Caduff, King’s College, London 208 Pages 978-0-8232-4250-4 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 Forms of Living hi sto ry
201 3
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H i sto ry 2 0 1 3
Wo r l d War II: The Global, Human, H ar ry and Be rEthical ge r , J r Dimension .
Th e No r th ’ s Ci v il War New in pape rback
For Courses
A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865
Union Combined Operations in the Civil War Edited by Craig L. Symonds
Contributors: Francis J. Du Coin, John Fisher, Chris E. Fonvielle Jr., Howard J. Fuller, David E. Long, Robert Sheridan, David C. Skaggs, Mark A. Snell, Craig L. Symonds, Edward H. Wiser.
“A compelling collection of essays that clearly illustrate the importance of combined operation during the Civil War. Focusing on Union operations along the rebel coast that helped determine the outcome of the war, the authors reveal that success depended not only on technology, arms, and operational plans, but also on the personalities and the people involved.”—Gene Allen Smith, author of Thomas ap Catesby Jones: Commodore of Manifest Destiny 240 Pages, 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3287-1 Paper, $25.00, £18.99
Fordham University Press
2546 Belmont Avenue University Box L Bronx, NY 10458
For Courses
This Distracted and Anarchical People
New Answers for Old Questions about the Civil War–Era North Edited by Andrew L. Slap and Michael Thomas Smith Contributors: Michael J. Bennett, Barbara A. Gannon, Michael F. Holt, Harold Holzer, Matthew Isham, Christian B. Keller, Timothy J. Orr, Robert M. Sandow, Andrew L. Slap, Michael T. Smith, Matthew Warshauer, Matthew Warshauer, Karen Fisher Younger
“This compelling set of essays underscores the vibrancy of the field of Civil War studies. Wide-ranging in their approach to political, social, and military aspects of the conflict, they challenge a number of prevailing interpretive conventions and suggest numerous avenues for further investigation. I have no doubt that they will inspire some readers and upset others—a sure indication that they have achieved a major success.”—Gary Gallagher, author of The Union War 296 Pages 978-0-8232-4569-7 Paper, $30.00, £22.99
f or courses
Lincoln and Leadership
Military, Political, and Religious Decision Making Edited by Randall M. Miller Afterword by Allen C. Guelzo Contributors: Allen C. Guelzo, Randall M. Miller, Matthew Pinsker, Harry S. Stout, Gregory J. W. Urwin
“Lincoln and Leadership brings readers closer to our 16th president. . . . Brimming with insight and lucidly argued, the essays collected here, along with Randall Miller’s shrewd assessment of Lincoln literature, will help readers become more familiar with this Lincoln.”—Michael Birkner, Gettysburg College 164 Pages, 29 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4345-7 Paper, $18.00, £13.99
For books in the Reconstructing America series, visit our website: www.fordhampress.com www.ford hamp ress .com
George Washington Williams Introduction by John David Smith The new edition of this important text includes an introductory essay by the award-winning historian John David Smith. In his essay, Smith narrates and evaluates the book’s contents, analyzes its reception by contemporary critics, and evaluates Williams’s work within the context of its day and its place in current historiography. 294 Pages 978-0-8232-3385-4 Paper, $28.00, £20.99 eBook available
Angelo Tasca from Italian Socialism to French Collaboration Emanuel Rota “Rota’s biography of Angelo Tasca—a critically-important figure in 20thcentury Italian political history—is clear, balanced, and engaging. Rota traces Tasca’s tormented trajectory from communism to Vichy with judicious restraint and empathy . . . insightful and provocative.”—Stanislao G. Pugliese, Hofstra University 232 Pages 978-0-8232-4564-2 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00 eBook available
New in pa pe rback
The Diary of Prisoner 17326
For Courses
Constitutionalism in the Approach and Aftermath of the Civil War
Edited by Paul D. Moreno and Johnathan O’Neill Contributors: Herman Belz, Michael Les Benedict, Christian Esh, Joseph R. Fornieri, Paul Moreno, Jeffry H. Morrison, Johnathan O’Neill, Ronald J. Pestritto, Jonathan W. White
“This important book doesn’t consider the Civil War in isolation but links up the war with the great constitutional questions of the Revolution and the Progressive Era. It is a valuable and original contribution to the field of legal history and American history more broadly.”—Daniel W. Hamilton, University of Illinois College of Law 256 Pages, 9 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5194-0 Cloth, $40.00, £29.99 July 2013
New Bedford’s Civil War
Earl F. Mulderink, III “Imaginative and exhaustive research grounds New Bedford’s story in the rich details of people’s lives, whether these involve day-to-day business in New Bedford or life and death on the battlefield . . . the book illuminates a city whose history speaks usefully to the Civil War in general and to the Civil War in the North more specifically.”—Michael Frisch, University at Buffalo, SUNY 318 Pages 978-0-8232-4334-1 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00
On the Edge of Freedom:
The Fugitive Slave Issue in South Central Pennsylvania, 1820-1870 David G. Smith “The most nuanced, detailed and sophisticated study of the Underground Railroad in rural Pennsylvania that I have ever read. Based on a wide variety of primary sources, this study offers a series of fresh insights about how the fugitive crisis along the Mason-Dixon Line directly impacted the wider national struggle over slavery and union.”—Matthew Pinsker, Dickinson College 344 Pages 978-0-8232-4032-6 Cloth, $70.00, £53.00 hi sto ry
A Pact with Vichy
201 3
A Boy’s Life in a Japanese Labor Camp John K. Stutterheim Foreword by Mark Parillo “The brutal, racist Japanese treatment of Dutch civilians in World War II is told here through the eyes of a young boy who somehow survived captivity, but found he couldn’t go home again. . . . Required reading for anyone who studies the Pacific War.”—Linda Goetz Holmes, author of 4000 Bowls of Rice and Unjust Enrichment 228 Pages, 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3151-5 Paper, $25.00, £18.99 eBook available
Süssen Is Now Free of Jews: World
War II, The Holocaust, and Rural Judaism Gilya Gerda Schmidt “A close look at the legacy of a few Jewish families from this region, their long family histories, their engagements in commerce, industry and civic life before 1933, their fate under the Nazis, and their scattered stories after the Holocaust.”—Laura Levitt, Temple University 236 Pages, 40 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4329-7 Cloth, $70.00, £53.00
Inte r nati o nal H i sto ry Lost Unicorns of the Velvet Revolutions
Heterotopias of the Seminar Miglena Nikolchina “Each chapter is beautifully written, thoughtful, ironic, trenchant, and simply interesting.”—Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley 184 Pages 978-0-8232-4300-6 Paper, $22.00, £16.99
Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944-1968
Wendy Pojmann “Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944-1968 identifies a real gap in scholarship on international women’s movements on the period between World War Two and the Second Wave feminist movement of the 1970s This book address that gap offering an engaging and well documented account of two Italian women’s associations, the Unione Donne Italiane (UDI) and the Catholic Centro Italiano Femminile (CIF). Pojmann offers both new and original material, and develops critical understanding of an important and generally overlooked stage in women’s organizations.”—Helen LaVille, University of Birmingham 248 Pages 978-0-8232-4560-4 Cloth, $35.00, £25.99
In the Name of Italy
Nation, Family, and Patriotism in a Fascist Court Maura Hametz Examines justice, nationalism, gender, and patriotism in Fascist Italy through the lens of a 1931 Administrative Court case related to surname italianization in Italy’s Adriatic borderlands. 288 Pages 978-0-8232-4339-6 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00
New in pa pe rback
The United States and the Second World War New Perspectives on Diplomacy, War, and the Home Front Edited by G. Kurt Piehler and Sidney Pash
Contributors: Reiko Asai, Scott H. Bennett, J. Garry Clifford, Justin Hart, Nicholas Molnar, Sidney Pash, Anne Pfau, G. Kurt Piehler, Mark Snell, Barbara Tomblin, and Yutaka Sasaki.
“This volume . . . provides a good balance between the coming of war, the waging of war, and the conflict’s aftermath. Little-known sources and original vantage points ensure that anyone interested in this seismic conflict will find something new to ponder.”—Peter Schrijvers, author of Liberators: The Allies and Belgian Society 356 Pages 978-0-8232-5203-9 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 April 2013 www.fo rd ha mp ress .co m
For Courses
Chagas Disease
History of a Continent’s Scourge François Delaporte Translated by Arthur Goldhammer Foreword by Todd Meyers “Delaporte’s brilliant historical exploration of Chagas’ disease covers the decisive period of 1909-1935. The strength of the study is the exhaustive discussion of the scientific literature, the subtle examination of fundamental shifts in conceptual frameworks, and the unrelenting interrogation of the crucial role that chance and error play in scientific research. What Delaporte has written is a comédie humaine of post-colonial science.”—Carlo Caduff, King’s College, London 208 Pages 978-0-8232-4250-4 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 Forms of Living hi sto ry
201 3
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visit our blog at www.FordhamImpressions.com
H i sto ry 2 0 1 3
Wo r l d War II: The Global, Human, H ar ry and Be rEthical ge r , J r Dimension .
Th e No r th ’ s Ci v il War New in pape rback
For Courses
A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865
Union Combined Operations in the Civil War Edited by Craig L. Symonds
Contributors: Francis J. Du Coin, John Fisher, Chris E. Fonvielle Jr., Howard J. Fuller, David E. Long, Robert Sheridan, David C. Skaggs, Mark A. Snell, Craig L. Symonds, Edward H. Wiser.
“A compelling collection of essays that clearly illustrate the importance of combined operation during the Civil War. Focusing on Union operations along the rebel coast that helped determine the outcome of the war, the authors reveal that success depended not only on technology, arms, and operational plans, but also on the personalities and the people involved.”—Gene Allen Smith, author of Thomas ap Catesby Jones: Commodore of Manifest Destiny 240 Pages, 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3287-1 Paper, $25.00, £18.99
Fordham University Press
2546 Belmont Avenue University Box L Bronx, NY 10458
For Courses
This Distracted and Anarchical People
New Answers for Old Questions about the Civil War–Era North Edited by Andrew L. Slap and Michael Thomas Smith Contributors: Michael J. Bennett, Barbara A. Gannon, Michael F. Holt, Harold Holzer, Matthew Isham, Christian B. Keller, Timothy J. Orr, Robert M. Sandow, Andrew L. Slap, Michael T. Smith, Matthew Warshauer, Matthew Warshauer, Karen Fisher Younger
“This compelling set of essays underscores the vibrancy of the field of Civil War studies. Wide-ranging in their approach to political, social, and military aspects of the conflict, they challenge a number of prevailing interpretive conventions and suggest numerous avenues for further investigation. I have no doubt that they will inspire some readers and upset others—a sure indication that they have achieved a major success.”—Gary Gallagher, author of The Union War 296 Pages 978-0-8232-4569-7 Paper, $30.00, £22.99
f or courses
Lincoln and Leadership
Military, Political, and Religious Decision Making Edited by Randall M. Miller Afterword by Allen C. Guelzo Contributors: Allen C. Guelzo, Randall M. Miller, Matthew Pinsker, Harry S. Stout, Gregory J. W. Urwin
“Lincoln and Leadership brings readers closer to our 16th president. . . . Brimming with insight and lucidly argued, the essays collected here, along with Randall Miller’s shrewd assessment of Lincoln literature, will help readers become more familiar with this Lincoln.”—Michael Birkner, Gettysburg College 164 Pages, 29 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4345-7 Paper, $18.00, £13.99
For books in the Reconstructing America series, visit our website: www.fordhampress.com www.ford hamp ress .com
George Washington Williams Introduction by John David Smith The new edition of this important text includes an introductory essay by the award-winning historian John David Smith. In his essay, Smith narrates and evaluates the book’s contents, analyzes its reception by contemporary critics, and evaluates Williams’s work within the context of its day and its place in current historiography. 294 Pages 978-0-8232-3385-4 Paper, $28.00, £20.99 eBook available
Angelo Tasca from Italian Socialism to French Collaboration Emanuel Rota “Rota’s biography of Angelo Tasca—a critically-important figure in 20thcentury Italian political history—is clear, balanced, and engaging. Rota traces Tasca’s tormented trajectory from communism to Vichy with judicious restraint and empathy . . . insightful and provocative.”—Stanislao G. Pugliese, Hofstra University 232 Pages 978-0-8232-4564-2 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00 eBook available
New in pa pe rback
The Diary of Prisoner 17326
For Courses
Constitutionalism in the Approach and Aftermath of the Civil War
Edited by Paul D. Moreno and Johnathan O’Neill Contributors: Herman Belz, Michael Les Benedict, Christian Esh, Joseph R. Fornieri, Paul Moreno, Jeffry H. Morrison, Johnathan O’Neill, Ronald J. Pestritto, Jonathan W. White
“This important book doesn’t consider the Civil War in isolation but links up the war with the great constitutional questions of the Revolution and the Progressive Era. It is a valuable and original contribution to the field of legal history and American history more broadly.”—Daniel W. Hamilton, University of Illinois College of Law 256 Pages, 9 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5194-0 Cloth, $40.00, £29.99 July 2013
New Bedford’s Civil War
Earl F. Mulderink, III “Imaginative and exhaustive research grounds New Bedford’s story in the rich details of people’s lives, whether these involve day-to-day business in New Bedford or life and death on the battlefield . . . the book illuminates a city whose history speaks usefully to the Civil War in general and to the Civil War in the North more specifically.”—Michael Frisch, University at Buffalo, SUNY 318 Pages 978-0-8232-4334-1 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00
On the Edge of Freedom:
The Fugitive Slave Issue in South Central Pennsylvania, 1820-1870 David G. Smith “The most nuanced, detailed and sophisticated study of the Underground Railroad in rural Pennsylvania that I have ever read. Based on a wide variety of primary sources, this study offers a series of fresh insights about how the fugitive crisis along the Mason-Dixon Line directly impacted the wider national struggle over slavery and union.”—Matthew Pinsker, Dickinson College 344 Pages 978-0-8232-4032-6 Cloth, $70.00, £53.00 hi sto ry
A Pact with Vichy
201 3
A Boy’s Life in a Japanese Labor Camp John K. Stutterheim Foreword by Mark Parillo “The brutal, racist Japanese treatment of Dutch civilians in World War II is told here through the eyes of a young boy who somehow survived captivity, but found he couldn’t go home again. . . . Required reading for anyone who studies the Pacific War.”—Linda Goetz Holmes, author of 4000 Bowls of Rice and Unjust Enrichment 228 Pages, 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3151-5 Paper, $25.00, £18.99 eBook available
Süssen Is Now Free of Jews: World
War II, The Holocaust, and Rural Judaism Gilya Gerda Schmidt “A close look at the legacy of a few Jewish families from this region, their long family histories, their engagements in commerce, industry and civic life before 1933, their fate under the Nazis, and their scattered stories after the Holocaust.”—Laura Levitt, Temple University 236 Pages, 40 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4329-7 Cloth, $70.00, £53.00
Inte r nati o nal H i sto ry Lost Unicorns of the Velvet Revolutions
Heterotopias of the Seminar Miglena Nikolchina “Each chapter is beautifully written, thoughtful, ironic, trenchant, and simply interesting.”—Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley 184 Pages 978-0-8232-4300-6 Paper, $22.00, £16.99
Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944-1968
Wendy Pojmann “Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944-1968 identifies a real gap in scholarship on international women’s movements on the period between World War Two and the Second Wave feminist movement of the 1970s This book address that gap offering an engaging and well documented account of two Italian women’s associations, the Unione Donne Italiane (UDI) and the Catholic Centro Italiano Femminile (CIF). Pojmann offers both new and original material, and develops critical understanding of an important and generally overlooked stage in women’s organizations.”—Helen LaVille, University of Birmingham 248 Pages 978-0-8232-4560-4 Cloth, $35.00, £25.99
In the Name of Italy
Nation, Family, and Patriotism in a Fascist Court Maura Hametz Examines justice, nationalism, gender, and patriotism in Fascist Italy through the lens of a 1931 Administrative Court case related to surname italianization in Italy’s Adriatic borderlands. 288 Pages 978-0-8232-4339-6 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00
New in pa pe rback
The United States and the Second World War New Perspectives on Diplomacy, War, and the Home Front Edited by G. Kurt Piehler and Sidney Pash
Contributors: Reiko Asai, Scott H. Bennett, J. Garry Clifford, Justin Hart, Nicholas Molnar, Sidney Pash, Anne Pfau, G. Kurt Piehler, Mark Snell, Barbara Tomblin, and Yutaka Sasaki.
“This volume . . . provides a good balance between the coming of war, the waging of war, and the conflict’s aftermath. Little-known sources and original vantage points ensure that anyone interested in this seismic conflict will find something new to ponder.”—Peter Schrijvers, author of Liberators: The Allies and Belgian Society 356 Pages 978-0-8232-5203-9 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 April 2013 www.fo rd ha mp ress .co m
For Courses
Chagas Disease
History of a Continent’s Scourge François Delaporte Translated by Arthur Goldhammer Foreword by Todd Meyers “Delaporte’s brilliant historical exploration of Chagas’ disease covers the decisive period of 1909-1935. The strength of the study is the exhaustive discussion of the scientific literature, the subtle examination of fundamental shifts in conceptual frameworks, and the unrelenting interrogation of the crucial role that chance and error play in scientific research. What Delaporte has written is a comédie humaine of post-colonial science.”—Carlo Caduff, King’s College, London 208 Pages 978-0-8232-4250-4 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 Forms of Living hi sto ry
201 3
Empire State Ed it ion s
www.empirestateeditions.com N e w in pape rback
Angels of Mercy The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side
A Retrospective and Contemporary View 2nd Edition Gerard R. Wolfe Photographs by Jo Renee Fine and Norman Borden, Foreword by Joseph Berger “This book bears vital testimony to the central place of religion in immigrant social ties, to the architectural legacy constituted by grand and modest synagogue structures, and to the presence of the past in perhaps the most fascinating corner of a fascinating city.”—Jonathan Boyarin, author of Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul 232 Pages, 100 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5000-4 Cloth, $29.95, £21.99
For Courses
Heartbeats in the Muck
The History, Sea Life, and Environment of New York Harbor Revised Edition John Waldman “Nowadays it seems as if every hipster is celebrating the revival of New York’s once tortured waterfront. But it was John Waldman, a kind of cardiologist of the depths, who first plumbed the bottom of the harbor with his formidable intellectual stethoscope and pronounced the patient not quite dead. Full of humor and a picaresque joy in the almost absurd persistence of Gotham’s underwater ecosystems, Heartbeats should be read by every urbanite who dreams of a better relationship with nature.”—Paul Greenberg, author of Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food 160 Pages, 38 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4985-5 Paper, $18.00, £13.99 eBook available
Ne w in pa pe r b ac k
Fifth Avenue Famous
The Extraordinary Story of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Salvatore Basile Foreword by Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York “The story of the music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral has now been told in a new and richly detailed book.”—Catholic New York 366 Pages, 36 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3188-1 Paper, $20.00, £14.99 eBook available
All Around the Town: Amazing
Manhattan Facts and Curiosities Second Edition Patrick Bunyan “Travelers can be kept plenty busy investigating Manhattan’s rich and fascinating history, and this information-packed guide will authoritatively steer all interested visitors to all kinds of historic sites whether they are places where significant people were born or died or where seminal political and cultural events occurred. All of the sites listed are significant to the Big Apple’s development.”—Booklist 432 Pages, 154 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3174-4 Paper, $24.95, £18.99
Raised by the Church: Growing up in
New York City’s Catholic Orphanages Edward Rohs and Judith Estrine “Rohs describes how institutionalized life defined him. . . [His] tale is also that of New York City in his growing up years. He describes life in shifting city neighborhoods, as street gangs terrorized the orphan boys in what is now highly gentrified Brooklyn, and the wonders of life on the beach in Rockaway, Queens.”—National Catholic Reporter 244 Pages, 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4022-7 Cloth, $22.95, £16.99 eBook available
For Courses
Still the Same Hawk
Reflections on Nature and New York Edited by John Waldman “John has gathered some of the best thinkers and most interesting voices in the city for this eclectic volume of essays on the underappreciated New York City environment. Recommended for ecohipsters in Brooklyn, nature lovers in the Bronx, bird watchers in Manhattan, conservationists in Queens, gardeners in Staten Island and everyone else who loves New York and wants to see it last.”—Eric Sanderson, Wildlife Conservation Society 160 Pages, 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4989-3 Paper, $18.00, £13.99 eBook available
As Bad as They Say?: Three Decades
of Teaching in the Bronx Janet Grossbach Mayer “Janet Mayer’s book is a page-turner about real life in urban classrooms today.”—Diane Ravitch, New York University, author of The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education “A timely and important book. Janet Mayer’s critical take on No Child Left Behind and the testing mania it’s brought into our schools is right on target and is badly needed. But it’s the stories of her students in the Bronx, whose gifts and talents were suppressed under the rigidity of the federal law—and the ways in which she tried to bring those gifts to life amidst the tough conditions almost all those children faced—that make this book so moving and so powerful.”—Jonathan Kozol, author of Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools 194 Pages 978-0-8232-3417-2 Paper, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
White Women and the History of New York’s Colored Orphan Asylum William Seraile “While Angels of Mercy documents the history of the Colored Orphan Asylum, it is also documenting the history of social services, child welfare, race relations, and social policy in New York City. Professor Seraile does a thorough job in tracing the history of the only child welfare agency founded specifically for African American children in New York City. Angels of Mercy will be an excellent addition to college courses concerned with historical perspectives in social work, urban studies, black studies, social policy, children and family studies, and sociology. As a stand alone book it is fascinating and filled with little known facts.”— Carl Mazza, Lehman College of the City University of New York 220 Pages, 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5195-7 Paper, $19.00, £13.99 eBook available March 2013
New York’s Golden Age of Bridges
Paintings by Antonio Masi, Essays by Joan Marans Dim, Foreword by Harold Holzer “This book pays artistic tribute to the existence of great bridges—a wonderful achievement.”— Gay Talese, author of A Writer’s Life 140 Pages, 56 color illustrations 978-0-8232-4065-4 Cloth, $34.95, £25.99 eBook available
For Courses
The Accidental Playground
Brooklyn Waterfront Narratives of the Undesigned and Unplanned Daniel Campo “With its vivid, detailed descriptions, The Accidental Playground portrays the many varied activities that citizens pursue, with great ingenuity and determination, in undesigned urban spaces. Campo’s stories make painfully clear what is lost when such spaces are redeveloped. The book makes an invaluable contribution to the growing literature on the value of the unplanned.”—Karen Franck, New Jersey Institute of Technology 272 Pages, 16 color and 50 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5186-5 Paper, $32.00, £23.99 eBook available August 2013
The Rat That Got Away: A Bronx Memoir
Allen Jones, with Mark Naison “Allen Jones’ journey from Patterson Projects to the upper tiers of European banking is unforgettable and this book is a shot from way beyond the three point line that comes up nothing but net.”—William Jelani Cobb, To the Break of Dawn: A Freestylve on the Hip Hop Aesthetic
224 Pages, 11 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3103-4 Paper, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
R e l at e d R e g i o nal B o o ks
Al s o o f Int e r e st
Now Available as an eBoo k!
From Slave Ship to Harvard
Brooklyn Is
Southeast of the Island: Travel Notes James Agee Preface by Jonathan Lethem “Agee’s prose poem captures the textural variety of Brooklyn in language that bears reading aloud for its lilt, melody, and pleasingly pungent vocabulary. . .”—Booklist 64 Pages 978-0-8232-2492-0 Cloth, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
Hidden: Reflections on Gay Life, AIDS, and Spiritual Desire Richard Giannone “[Giannone] emphasizes otherwise indiscernible patterns of grace, thereby sieving the essence of Catholicism from the dogma to redeem the gay community’s place in the Church.”—Publishers Weekly 198 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4184-2 Cloth, $27.95, £20.99 eBook available
Fordham Series in Medieval Studies Isaac On Jewish and Christian Altars
Polemic and Exegesis in Rashi and the Glossa Ordinaria Devorah Schoenfeld “A rich and careful study of a vital period in medieval Jewish-Christian relations. By focusing on interpretations of the near-sacrifice of Isaac, Schoenfeld illustrates the complex exegetical methods in Rashi’s commentary and the Glossa Ordinaria. She untangles their diverse sources and offers us a clear view of the ways these texts transformed earlier traditions. This work is not just exegetical, but historical as well. . . . A valuable contribution to our understanding of the period.” —Adam Gregerman, Institute for Christian & Jewish Studies 240 Pages 978-0-8232-4349-5 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00
Medieval Poetics and Social Practice Responding to the Work of Penn R. Szittya Edited by Seeta Chaganti
This collection responds to the critical legacy of Penn R. Szittya, the recently retired former chair of Georgetown University’s English Department. Inspired by Georgetown’s Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice and its statement that poetry “traverses the fields of aesthetic, social, political, and religious thought,” this work investigates how medieval poetic language reflects and also shapes social, political, and religious worlds. Contributors: Jo Ann Moran Cruz, Kara Doyle, Richard K. Emmerson, Moira Fitzgibbons, Nick Havely, John C. Hirsh, J. Patrick Hornbeck, Mark McMorris, Anne Middleton, John T. Sebastian. 256 Pages, 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4324-2 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00
Yarrow Mamout and the History of an African American Family James H. Johnston “Part historical narrative, part genealogical detective work, this book will appeal to a range of academic and general readers, especially those interested in race relations in early America.”—Library Journal 310 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3950-4 Cloth, $29.95, £21.99 eBook available
For Courses
Scraping the Barrel
The Military Use of Substandard Manpower, 1860-1960 Edited by Sanders Marble Contributors: Paul A. Cimbala, Walter Dunn, David Glantz, André José Lambelet, Valdis O. Lumans, Sanders Marble, Steven Short, Dennis Showalter, Peter Simkins, Tom Sticht
“The first holistic examination of the use of ‘sub-standard’ personnel in military organizations. The book makes an excellent contribution to the scholarship on the staffing and composition of military forces in both peace and war.”—Peter Mansoor, The Ohio State University 372 Pages 978-0-8232-3978-8 Paper, $35.00, £25.99
Fordham University School of Law
A History Robert J. Kaczorowski “One of the best books ever written on American legal education. Besides documenting the history of Fordham Law, Kaczorowski makes three major contributions to the knowledge of legal education’s history.”—William Nelson, New York University 336 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3955-9 Cloth, $35.00, £25.99
The Twenty-Fifth Amendment
Its Complete History and Applications Third Edition John D. Feerick “Superbly analyzes the practical and constitutional problems.”—Library Journal 274 Pages 978-0-8232-5201-5 Paper, $28.00, £20.99
New in pape rback Victor Herbert: A Theatrical Life Neil Gould “Delves into the life of the Irish composer and his tremendous impact on the American musical theater.”—Publishers Weekly 512 Pages, 16 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-2872-0 Paper, $24.00, £17.99 eBook available April 2013 www.ford hamp ress .com
O r de r New in pa pe rback
History books ideal for course adoption
Bob Drinan
The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. “[Schroth] has produced a nuanced, engaging portrait of a man who worked prodigiously at bettering the world but who also had personal and political flaws.”—America 432 Pages, 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3305-2 Paper, $24.95, £18.99 eBook available
Order up to 3 examination copies.
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Neighbors and Missionaries
A History of the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine Margaret M. McGuinness “A magisterial account of the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine who instilled Catholic values among poor immigrants in New York City, promoted ecumenism in the American South, and remained steadfast to the core values of their mission. . . . An important and timely contribution to the history of American Catholicism.”—James T. Carroll, Iona College 242 Pages, 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3987-0 Cloth, $40.00, £29.99
Orthodox Constructions of the West Edited by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou
Contributors: Radu Bordeianu, Sarah Coakley, George E. Demacopoulos, Effie Fokas, Paul Gavrilyuk, Pantelis Kalaitzidis, Tia Kolbaba, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Basilio Petra, Marcus Plested, Elizabeth Prodromou, Norman Russell, Vera Shevzov, Robert F. Taft, SJ, Lucian Turcescu
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Anticipated enrollment:
1 Course name: Term:
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Textbook examination copies are available for adoption to qualified instructors. Fordham University Press is pleased to provide qualified instructors with examination copies to review for course adoption consideration. If the book is available in both cloth and paper bindings, you will receive the paperback copy for review.
To request additional examination copies, please visit: www.oup.com/US
Order today and save up to 20%. Hurry! Offer expires August 31, 2013
“These essays critique the predominant practice among many leading Orthodox thinkers of defining Orthodoxy as ‘that which Western Christianity is not.’ . . . The volume shakes this dominant paradigm and demonstrates how much more complex—and problematic—Orthodox constructions of ‘the West’ are.”—Perry Hamalis, North Central College 352 Pages 978-0-8232-5193-3 Paper, $35.00, £25.99 Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought eBook available June 2013
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Voices of Italian America
Total: $
A History of Early Italian American Literature with a Critical Anthology Martino Marazzi Foreword by Ann Goldstein “A glimpse of a largely forgotten literary heritage and of the life of what one epigraph calls ‘the Italian immigrant in the land of America who, enduring danger and derision, built a nation that never became a homeland.’ ”—The New Yorker, from the first edition 343 Pages 978-0-8232-3973-3 Paper, $25.00, £18.99 eBook available hi sto ry
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For more information, visit www.fordhampress.com
Empire State Ed it ion s
www.empirestateeditions.com N e w in pape rback
Angels of Mercy The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side
A Retrospective and Contemporary View 2nd Edition Gerard R. Wolfe Photographs by Jo Renee Fine and Norman Borden, Foreword by Joseph Berger “This book bears vital testimony to the central place of religion in immigrant social ties, to the architectural legacy constituted by grand and modest synagogue structures, and to the presence of the past in perhaps the most fascinating corner of a fascinating city.”—Jonathan Boyarin, author of Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul 232 Pages, 100 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5000-4 Cloth, $29.95, £21.99
For Courses
Heartbeats in the Muck
The History, Sea Life, and Environment of New York Harbor Revised Edition John Waldman “Nowadays it seems as if every hipster is celebrating the revival of New York’s once tortured waterfront. But it was John Waldman, a kind of cardiologist of the depths, who first plumbed the bottom of the harbor with his formidable intellectual stethoscope and pronounced the patient not quite dead. Full of humor and a picaresque joy in the almost absurd persistence of Gotham’s underwater ecosystems, Heartbeats should be read by every urbanite who dreams of a better relationship with nature.”—Paul Greenberg, author of Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food 160 Pages, 38 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4985-5 Paper, $18.00, £13.99 eBook available
Ne w in pa pe r b ac k
Fifth Avenue Famous
The Extraordinary Story of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Salvatore Basile Foreword by Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York “The story of the music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral has now been told in a new and richly detailed book.”—Catholic New York 366 Pages, 36 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3188-1 Paper, $20.00, £14.99 eBook available
All Around the Town: Amazing
Manhattan Facts and Curiosities Second Edition Patrick Bunyan “Travelers can be kept plenty busy investigating Manhattan’s rich and fascinating history, and this information-packed guide will authoritatively steer all interested visitors to all kinds of historic sites whether they are places where significant people were born or died or where seminal political and cultural events occurred. All of the sites listed are significant to the Big Apple’s development.”—Booklist 432 Pages, 154 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3174-4 Paper, $24.95, £18.99
Raised by the Church: Growing up in
New York City’s Catholic Orphanages Edward Rohs and Judith Estrine “Rohs describes how institutionalized life defined him. . . [His] tale is also that of New York City in his growing up years. He describes life in shifting city neighborhoods, as street gangs terrorized the orphan boys in what is now highly gentrified Brooklyn, and the wonders of life on the beach in Rockaway, Queens.”—National Catholic Reporter 244 Pages, 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4022-7 Cloth, $22.95, £16.99 eBook available
For Courses
Still the Same Hawk
Reflections on Nature and New York Edited by John Waldman “John has gathered some of the best thinkers and most interesting voices in the city for this eclectic volume of essays on the underappreciated New York City environment. Recommended for ecohipsters in Brooklyn, nature lovers in the Bronx, bird watchers in Manhattan, conservationists in Queens, gardeners in Staten Island and everyone else who loves New York and wants to see it last.”—Eric Sanderson, Wildlife Conservation Society 160 Pages, 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4989-3 Paper, $18.00, £13.99 eBook available
As Bad as They Say?: Three Decades
of Teaching in the Bronx Janet Grossbach Mayer “Janet Mayer’s book is a page-turner about real life in urban classrooms today.”—Diane Ravitch, New York University, author of The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education “A timely and important book. Janet Mayer’s critical take on No Child Left Behind and the testing mania it’s brought into our schools is right on target and is badly needed. But it’s the stories of her students in the Bronx, whose gifts and talents were suppressed under the rigidity of the federal law—and the ways in which she tried to bring those gifts to life amidst the tough conditions almost all those children faced—that make this book so moving and so powerful.”—Jonathan Kozol, author of Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools 194 Pages 978-0-8232-3417-2 Paper, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
White Women and the History of New York’s Colored Orphan Asylum William Seraile “While Angels of Mercy documents the history of the Colored Orphan Asylum, it is also documenting the history of social services, child welfare, race relations, and social policy in New York City. Professor Seraile does a thorough job in tracing the history of the only child welfare agency founded specifically for African American children in New York City. Angels of Mercy will be an excellent addition to college courses concerned with historical perspectives in social work, urban studies, black studies, social policy, children and family studies, and sociology. As a stand alone book it is fascinating and filled with little known facts.”— Carl Mazza, Lehman College of the City University of New York 220 Pages, 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5195-7 Paper, $19.00, £13.99 eBook available March 2013
New York’s Golden Age of Bridges
Paintings by Antonio Masi, Essays by Joan Marans Dim, Foreword by Harold Holzer “This book pays artistic tribute to the existence of great bridges—a wonderful achievement.”— Gay Talese, author of A Writer’s Life 140 Pages, 56 color illustrations 978-0-8232-4065-4 Cloth, $34.95, £25.99 eBook available
For Courses
The Accidental Playground
Brooklyn Waterfront Narratives of the Undesigned and Unplanned Daniel Campo “With its vivid, detailed descriptions, The Accidental Playground portrays the many varied activities that citizens pursue, with great ingenuity and determination, in undesigned urban spaces. Campo’s stories make painfully clear what is lost when such spaces are redeveloped. The book makes an invaluable contribution to the growing literature on the value of the unplanned.”—Karen Franck, New Jersey Institute of Technology 272 Pages, 16 color and 50 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5186-5 Paper, $32.00, £23.99 eBook available August 2013
The Rat That Got Away: A Bronx Memoir
Allen Jones, with Mark Naison “Allen Jones’ journey from Patterson Projects to the upper tiers of European banking is unforgettable and this book is a shot from way beyond the three point line that comes up nothing but net.”—William Jelani Cobb, To the Break of Dawn: A Freestylve on the Hip Hop Aesthetic
224 Pages, 11 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3103-4 Paper, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
R e l at e d R e g i o nal B o o ks
Al s o o f Int e r e st
Now Available as an eBoo k!
From Slave Ship to Harvard
Brooklyn Is
Southeast of the Island: Travel Notes James Agee Preface by Jonathan Lethem “Agee’s prose poem captures the textural variety of Brooklyn in language that bears reading aloud for its lilt, melody, and pleasingly pungent vocabulary. . .”—Booklist 64 Pages 978-0-8232-2492-0 Cloth, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
Hidden: Reflections on Gay Life, AIDS, and Spiritual Desire Richard Giannone “[Giannone] emphasizes otherwise indiscernible patterns of grace, thereby sieving the essence of Catholicism from the dogma to redeem the gay community’s place in the Church.”—Publishers Weekly 198 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4184-2 Cloth, $27.95, £20.99 eBook available
Fordham Series in Medieval Studies Isaac On Jewish and Christian Altars
Polemic and Exegesis in Rashi and the Glossa Ordinaria Devorah Schoenfeld “A rich and careful study of a vital period in medieval Jewish-Christian relations. By focusing on interpretations of the near-sacrifice of Isaac, Schoenfeld illustrates the complex exegetical methods in Rashi’s commentary and the Glossa Ordinaria. She untangles their diverse sources and offers us a clear view of the ways these texts transformed earlier traditions. This work is not just exegetical, but historical as well. . . . A valuable contribution to our understanding of the period.” —Adam Gregerman, Institute for Christian & Jewish Studies 240 Pages 978-0-8232-4349-5 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00
Medieval Poetics and Social Practice Responding to the Work of Penn R. Szittya Edited by Seeta Chaganti
This collection responds to the critical legacy of Penn R. Szittya, the recently retired former chair of Georgetown University’s English Department. Inspired by Georgetown’s Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice and its statement that poetry “traverses the fields of aesthetic, social, political, and religious thought,” this work investigates how medieval poetic language reflects and also shapes social, political, and religious worlds. Contributors: Jo Ann Moran Cruz, Kara Doyle, Richard K. Emmerson, Moira Fitzgibbons, Nick Havely, John C. Hirsh, J. Patrick Hornbeck, Mark McMorris, Anne Middleton, John T. Sebastian. 256 Pages, 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4324-2 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00
Yarrow Mamout and the History of an African American Family James H. Johnston “Part historical narrative, part genealogical detective work, this book will appeal to a range of academic and general readers, especially those interested in race relations in early America.”—Library Journal 310 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3950-4 Cloth, $29.95, £21.99 eBook available
For Courses
Scraping the Barrel
The Military Use of Substandard Manpower, 1860-1960 Edited by Sanders Marble Contributors: Paul A. Cimbala, Walter Dunn, David Glantz, André José Lambelet, Valdis O. Lumans, Sanders Marble, Steven Short, Dennis Showalter, Peter Simkins, Tom Sticht
“The first holistic examination of the use of ‘sub-standard’ personnel in military organizations. The book makes an excellent contribution to the scholarship on the staffing and composition of military forces in both peace and war.”—Peter Mansoor, The Ohio State University 372 Pages 978-0-8232-3978-8 Paper, $35.00, £25.99
Fordham University School of Law
A History Robert J. Kaczorowski “One of the best books ever written on American legal education. Besides documenting the history of Fordham Law, Kaczorowski makes three major contributions to the knowledge of legal education’s history.”—William Nelson, New York University 336 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3955-9 Cloth, $35.00, £25.99
The Twenty-Fifth Amendment
Its Complete History and Applications Third Edition John D. Feerick “Superbly analyzes the practical and constitutional problems.”—Library Journal 274 Pages 978-0-8232-5201-5 Paper, $28.00, £20.99
New in pape rback Victor Herbert: A Theatrical Life Neil Gould “Delves into the life of the Irish composer and his tremendous impact on the American musical theater.”—Publishers Weekly 512 Pages, 16 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-2872-0 Paper, $24.00, £17.99 eBook available April 2013 www.ford hamp ress .com
O r de r New in pa pe rback
History books ideal for course adoption
Bob Drinan
The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. “[Schroth] has produced a nuanced, engaging portrait of a man who worked prodigiously at bettering the world but who also had personal and political flaws.”—America 432 Pages, 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3305-2 Paper, $24.95, £18.99 eBook available
Order up to 3 examination copies.
QTY Title ISBN 1 Course name: Term:
Neighbors and Missionaries
A History of the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine Margaret M. McGuinness “A magisterial account of the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine who instilled Catholic values among poor immigrants in New York City, promoted ecumenism in the American South, and remained steadfast to the core values of their mission. . . . An important and timely contribution to the history of American Catholicism.”—James T. Carroll, Iona College 242 Pages, 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3987-0 Cloth, $40.00, £29.99
Orthodox Constructions of the West Edited by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou
Contributors: Radu Bordeianu, Sarah Coakley, George E. Demacopoulos, Effie Fokas, Paul Gavrilyuk, Pantelis Kalaitzidis, Tia Kolbaba, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Basilio Petra, Marcus Plested, Elizabeth Prodromou, Norman Russell, Vera Shevzov, Robert F. Taft, SJ, Lucian Turcescu
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1 Course name: Term:
Anticipated enrollment:
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Textbook examination copies are available for adoption to qualified instructors. Fordham University Press is pleased to provide qualified instructors with examination copies to review for course adoption consideration. If the book is available in both cloth and paper bindings, you will receive the paperback copy for review.
To request additional examination copies, please visit: www.oup.com/US
Order today and save up to 20%. Hurry! Offer expires August 31, 2013
“These essays critique the predominant practice among many leading Orthodox thinkers of defining Orthodoxy as ‘that which Western Christianity is not.’ . . . The volume shakes this dominant paradigm and demonstrates how much more complex—and problematic—Orthodox constructions of ‘the West’ are.”—Perry Hamalis, North Central College 352 Pages 978-0-8232-5193-3 Paper, $35.00, £25.99 Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought eBook available June 2013
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Voices of Italian America
Total: $
A History of Early Italian American Literature with a Critical Anthology Martino Marazzi Foreword by Ann Goldstein “A glimpse of a largely forgotten literary heritage and of the life of what one epigraph calls ‘the Italian immigrant in the land of America who, enduring danger and derision, built a nation that never became a homeland.’ ”—The New Yorker, from the first edition 343 Pages 978-0-8232-3973-3 Paper, $25.00, £18.99 eBook available hi sto ry
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* CA, NC, WA, and WI residents please add sales tax. ** Domestic shipping: $5.50, $1.50 for each additional book Prices subject to change without notice. Send orders to: Oxford University Press Order Dept. 2001 Evans Road Cary, North Carolina 27513 Phone: 800.451.7556 Fax: 919.677.1303 www.fordhampress.com
For more information, visit www.fordhampress.com
Empire State Ed it ion s
www.empirestateeditions.com N e w in pape rback
Angels of Mercy The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side
A Retrospective and Contemporary View 2nd Edition Gerard R. Wolfe Photographs by Jo Renee Fine and Norman Borden, Foreword by Joseph Berger “This book bears vital testimony to the central place of religion in immigrant social ties, to the architectural legacy constituted by grand and modest synagogue structures, and to the presence of the past in perhaps the most fascinating corner of a fascinating city.”—Jonathan Boyarin, author of Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul 232 Pages, 100 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5000-4 Cloth, $29.95, £21.99
For Courses
Heartbeats in the Muck
The History, Sea Life, and Environment of New York Harbor Revised Edition John Waldman “Nowadays it seems as if every hipster is celebrating the revival of New York’s once tortured waterfront. But it was John Waldman, a kind of cardiologist of the depths, who first plumbed the bottom of the harbor with his formidable intellectual stethoscope and pronounced the patient not quite dead. Full of humor and a picaresque joy in the almost absurd persistence of Gotham’s underwater ecosystems, Heartbeats should be read by every urbanite who dreams of a better relationship with nature.”—Paul Greenberg, author of Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food 160 Pages, 38 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4985-5 Paper, $18.00, £13.99 eBook available
Ne w in pa pe r b ac k
Fifth Avenue Famous
The Extraordinary Story of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Salvatore Basile Foreword by Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York “The story of the music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral has now been told in a new and richly detailed book.”—Catholic New York 366 Pages, 36 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3188-1 Paper, $20.00, £14.99 eBook available
All Around the Town: Amazing
Manhattan Facts and Curiosities Second Edition Patrick Bunyan “Travelers can be kept plenty busy investigating Manhattan’s rich and fascinating history, and this information-packed guide will authoritatively steer all interested visitors to all kinds of historic sites whether they are places where significant people were born or died or where seminal political and cultural events occurred. All of the sites listed are significant to the Big Apple’s development.”—Booklist 432 Pages, 154 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3174-4 Paper, $24.95, £18.99
Raised by the Church: Growing up in
New York City’s Catholic Orphanages Edward Rohs and Judith Estrine “Rohs describes how institutionalized life defined him. . . [His] tale is also that of New York City in his growing up years. He describes life in shifting city neighborhoods, as street gangs terrorized the orphan boys in what is now highly gentrified Brooklyn, and the wonders of life on the beach in Rockaway, Queens.”—National Catholic Reporter 244 Pages, 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4022-7 Cloth, $22.95, £16.99 eBook available
For Courses
Still the Same Hawk
Reflections on Nature and New York Edited by John Waldman “John has gathered some of the best thinkers and most interesting voices in the city for this eclectic volume of essays on the underappreciated New York City environment. Recommended for ecohipsters in Brooklyn, nature lovers in the Bronx, bird watchers in Manhattan, conservationists in Queens, gardeners in Staten Island and everyone else who loves New York and wants to see it last.”—Eric Sanderson, Wildlife Conservation Society 160 Pages, 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4989-3 Paper, $18.00, £13.99 eBook available
As Bad as They Say?: Three Decades
of Teaching in the Bronx Janet Grossbach Mayer “Janet Mayer’s book is a page-turner about real life in urban classrooms today.”—Diane Ravitch, New York University, author of The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education “A timely and important book. Janet Mayer’s critical take on No Child Left Behind and the testing mania it’s brought into our schools is right on target and is badly needed. But it’s the stories of her students in the Bronx, whose gifts and talents were suppressed under the rigidity of the federal law—and the ways in which she tried to bring those gifts to life amidst the tough conditions almost all those children faced—that make this book so moving and so powerful.”—Jonathan Kozol, author of Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools 194 Pages 978-0-8232-3417-2 Paper, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
White Women and the History of New York’s Colored Orphan Asylum William Seraile “While Angels of Mercy documents the history of the Colored Orphan Asylum, it is also documenting the history of social services, child welfare, race relations, and social policy in New York City. Professor Seraile does a thorough job in tracing the history of the only child welfare agency founded specifically for African American children in New York City. Angels of Mercy will be an excellent addition to college courses concerned with historical perspectives in social work, urban studies, black studies, social policy, children and family studies, and sociology. As a stand alone book it is fascinating and filled with little known facts.”— Carl Mazza, Lehman College of the City University of New York 220 Pages, 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5195-7 Paper, $19.00, £13.99 eBook available March 2013
New York’s Golden Age of Bridges
Paintings by Antonio Masi, Essays by Joan Marans Dim, Foreword by Harold Holzer “This book pays artistic tribute to the existence of great bridges—a wonderful achievement.”— Gay Talese, author of A Writer’s Life 140 Pages, 56 color illustrations 978-0-8232-4065-4 Cloth, $34.95, £25.99 eBook available
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The Rat That Got Away: A Bronx Memoir
Allen Jones, with Mark Naison “Allen Jones’ journey from Patterson Projects to the upper tiers of European banking is unforgettable and this book is a shot from way beyond the three point line that comes up nothing but net.”—William Jelani Cobb, To the Break of Dawn: A Freestylve on the Hip Hop Aesthetic
224 Pages, 11 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3103-4 Paper, $16.95, £12.99 eBook available
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Hidden: Reflections on Gay Life, AIDS, and Spiritual Desire Richard Giannone “[Giannone] emphasizes otherwise indiscernible patterns of grace, thereby sieving the essence of Catholicism from the dogma to redeem the gay community’s place in the Church.”—Publishers Weekly 198 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4184-2 Cloth, $27.95, £20.99 eBook available
Fordham Series in Medieval Studies Isaac On Jewish and Christian Altars
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White Women and the History of New York’s Colored Orphan Asylum William Seraile “While Angels of Mercy documents the history of the Colored Orphan Asylum, it is also documenting the history of social services, child welfare, race relations, and social policy in New York City. Professor Seraile does a thorough job in tracing the history of the only child welfare agency founded specifically for African American children in New York City. Angels of Mercy will be an excellent addition to college courses concerned with historical perspectives in social work, urban studies, black studies, social policy, children and family studies, and sociology. As a stand alone book it is fascinating and filled with little known facts.”— Carl Mazza, Lehman College of the City University of New York 220 Pages, 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-5195-7 Paper, $19.00, £13.99 eBook available March 2013
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The Accidental Playground
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The Rat That Got Away: A Bronx Memoir
Allen Jones, with Mark Naison “Allen Jones’ journey from Patterson Projects to the upper tiers of European banking is unforgettable and this book is a shot from way beyond the three point line that comes up nothing but net.”—William Jelani Cobb, To the Break of Dawn: A Freestylve on the Hip Hop Aesthetic
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Hidden: Reflections on Gay Life, AIDS, and Spiritual Desire Richard Giannone “[Giannone] emphasizes otherwise indiscernible patterns of grace, thereby sieving the essence of Catholicism from the dogma to redeem the gay community’s place in the Church.”—Publishers Weekly 198 Pages, 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4184-2 Cloth, $27.95, £20.99 eBook available
Fordham Series in Medieval Studies Isaac On Jewish and Christian Altars
Polemic and Exegesis in Rashi and the Glossa Ordinaria Devorah Schoenfeld “A rich and careful study of a vital period in medieval Jewish-Christian relations. By focusing on interpretations of the near-sacrifice of Isaac, Schoenfeld illustrates the complex exegetical methods in Rashi’s commentary and the Glossa Ordinaria. She untangles their diverse sources and offers us a clear view of the ways these texts transformed earlier traditions. This work is not just exegetical, but historical as well. . . . A valuable contribution to our understanding of the period.” —Adam Gregerman, Institute for Christian & Jewish Studies 240 Pages 978-0-8232-4349-5 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00
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Scraping the Barrel
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A History of the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine Margaret M. McGuinness “A magisterial account of the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine who instilled Catholic values among poor immigrants in New York City, promoted ecumenism in the American South, and remained steadfast to the core values of their mission. . . . An important and timely contribution to the history of American Catholicism.”—James T. Carroll, Iona College 242 Pages, 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3987-0 Cloth, $40.00, £29.99
Orthodox Constructions of the West Edited by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou
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A History of Early Italian American Literature with a Critical Anthology Martino Marazzi Foreword by Ann Goldstein “A glimpse of a largely forgotten literary heritage and of the life of what one epigraph calls ‘the Italian immigrant in the land of America who, enduring danger and derision, built a nation that never became a homeland.’ ”—The New Yorker, from the first edition 343 Pages 978-0-8232-3973-3 Paper, $25.00, £18.99 eBook available hi sto ry
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