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The late R uDolph J. v ecoli was Director of the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota. F Rancesco D uRante is a journalist as well as Professor of Literature at the University of Suor Orsola Benincasa as part of the Program in Modern Languages and Culture.
Oh Capitano!
talian aDventuReR anD sea captain celso cesaRe MoReno tRaveleD the woRlD lying, scheming, and building an extensive patron/client network to establish his reputation as a middle-man and person of significance. Through his machinations, Moreno became a critical player in the expansion of Western trade and imperialism in Asia, the trafficking of migrant workers and children in the Atlantic, the conflicts of Americans and Native Hawaiians over the fate of Hawai‘i, and the imperial competitions of French, British, Italian, and American governments during a crucially important era of sovereign expansion during the nineteenth century. Oh Capitano! teases out Moreno’s enormous peculiarities and fascination as well as his significance. With its focus on Moreno, Oh Capitano! illustrates some of the most puzzling cultural traits of emigrant Italian elites. Called a “carpet beggar,” “land pirate,” and “extinct volcano,” among many other derogatory monikers, Celso emerges in this fascinating biography as a multifaceted, chameleon-like personality not reducible to a single epithet.
Vecoli and Durante
“Whether understood as a fake, a scoundrel, a chameleon, an adventurer, a speculator, a renegade, or simply a nut job (and Moreno was, in his lifetime, slapped with all these labels) or instead accepted as a ‘dreamer’ (Moreno’s preferred description of himself, especially when comparing himself grandiosely to Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus), Moreno the man jumps from the pages of this book. The power of biography to illustrate and to illuminate the past and the individual life in its social context should never be underestimated.”—D onna R. G abaccia , from the Introduction
e lizabeth o. v enDitto formerly managed the Immigrant Stories Project at the Immigrant Research Center, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities. New York
Cover image: Portrait of Celso Moreno, Rudolph J. Vecoli Papers, Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota. Portrait of Rudolph J. Vecoli, Rudolph J. Vecoli Papers, Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota. Cover design by Ann-Christine Racette
F ordham U niversity P res s
Celso Cesare Moreno— Adventurer, Cheater, and Scoundrel on Four Continents
Oh Capitano!
Rudolph J. Vecoli and Francesco Durante Translated by Elizabeth O. Venditto
A Shot Story
From Juvie to Ph.D. DAVID BORKOWSKI “A riveting account of how a working-class boy turns himself into a middle-class academic. Borkowski’s route is the not the standard route followed by many who took the same path. He is not the ‘Scholarship Boy’ identified early on by teachers as both gifted and talented and destined to succeed. Rather, he lives out the narrative of disaffected, dangerous kids who prefer life on the streets to life in classrooms. Against all odds, however, Borkowski turns himself into a ‘Teacher Man’–a professor who finds his calling and his voice in the college classroom.”—Sondra Perl, CUNY Graduate Center “An important contribution to the understanding of working-class life in the late twentieth century in the United States.”—Ray Mazurek, Penn State University 224 PAGES, 25 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823278749, PAPERBACK, $22.95, £18.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
Fighting Authoritarianism
American Youth Activism in the 1930s BRITT HAAS “From the cloisters of Columbia University to the coalfields of Kentucky, from racism in the South to the civil war in Spain, American youth in the 1930s mobilized against social and political injustice. This engaging study of progressive youth organizations charts their origins, their quest to fashion an America true to its ideals, and their demise. One of the strengths of Fighting Authoritarianism is that we hear the voices of young people; voices that speak, most often, with optimism and hope. By giving youth agency, Haas eschews the Cold War paradigm of earlier studies that emphasized communist control, and confirms that youth activism can be a source of inspiration in dark times.”—Phillip Deery, Victoria University, Melbourne 344 PAGES, 5 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823277995, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £28.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
When Ivory Towers Were Black
A Story about Race in America’s Cities and Universities SHARON EGRETTA SUTTON Foreword by James Stewart Polshek “Sutton tells a story that has yet to be told: a time, an era, a passion, a hope, a tale recounted with the skill and energy of a mystery novel. She tells of young people who believed that the injustices they found on their college campuses also believed that they could be righted, that racism could be battled and defeated. When Ivory Towers Were Black encourages us to reflect on the dreams, hopes, battles and defeats as a way of measuring how far we have come—and how far there is yet to go.”—Diane Ghirardo, University of Southern California 312 PAGES, 25 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823276127, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £28.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
Reading Publics
New York City’s Public Libraries, 1754-1911 TOM GLYNN “A deeply researched, well-written, and solid contribution to library history literature that will interest not only members of the library profession but also scholars and students of intellectual, cultural, social, urban, and print culture history whose own research has been heavily influenced by the rich collections Glynn discusses.”—Wayne Wiegand, Professor of Library and Information Studies Emeritus, Florida State University “For anyone studying the history of public libraries this will be an essential work of reference, but it is also full of interest for anyone wishing to know more of the social and cultural history of New York generally.”—Ian McGowan, Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues 460 PAGES, 27 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823276813, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £20.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
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E M P I R E S TAT E E D I T I O N S A Worldly Affair
New York, the United Nations, and the Story Behind Their Unlikely Bond PAMELA HANLON “A Worldly Affair is a jaunty account of a marriage between the United Nations and its host city, New York, that not even the estimated $3.7 billion the UN community annually provides the city has kept from being rocky. The story involves every mayor going back to LaGuardia; swaggering real estate moguls, including Donald Trump; a tabloid caper of a Soviet spy and his American girlfriend; repeated abuses by the striped pants set of parking laws and diplomatic immunity; periodic threats to send the UN packing to places as diverse as Bonn and New Rochelle, and an enduring struggle over a small plot of asphalt by the East River that only New Yorkers would have the chutzpah to call a playground.”—Warren Hoge, former New York Times United Nations Correspondent 248 PAGES, 16 COLOR AND 35 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823277957, HARDBACK, $29.95, £24.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
Counter Institution
Activist Estates of the Lower East Side NANDINI BAGCHEE Counter Institution is a history of three re-purposed buildings in the Lower East Side— Peace Pentagon, ABC No Rio, and El Bohio—that have been used by activists as their headquarters to launch various actions over the past forty years. The author shows that these collectively organized spaces provide a venue for political participation and are a vital part of the civic infrastructure of the city. At a time where many such self-organized “activist” buildings are imperiled by the finance-driven real-estate market that is New York City, Bagchee takes stock and provides visibility to these under-recognized citizens’ initiatives. 240 PAGES, 7 X 9, 100 ILLUSTRATIONS, COLOR 9780823279265, PAPERBACK, $29.95, £24.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
May 2018
Neighborhood Success Stories
Creating and Sustaining Affordable Housing in New York
Carol Lamberg
This book illustrates examples of successful community development on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and in the Bronx, using seven different methods of finance, only one of which is still available today. The buildings were developed between 1975 and 1997. Part one of the book is the “West Bronx Story,” which tells about the eighteen buildings that comprise New Settlement Apartments in the Bronx. The “Story” illustrates the dramatic transformation of a devastated neighborhood into a thriving community. Part two of the book, “A Tale of Two Bridges,” illustrates a different path to success. The redevelopment of this area in the Lower East Side of Manhattan involved six different Federal housing programs, and all the buildings remain in great shape today, forty years later. 208 PAGES, 15 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823279203, PAPERBACK, $24.95, £20.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
May 2018
Left Bank of the Hudson
Jersey City and the Artists of 111 1st Street DAVID J. GOODWIN Foreword by DW Gibson “Through one-on-one interviews and careful research, David Goodwin transports us to the former arts capital of Jersey City: a sprawling warehouse that pulsed with the energy of hundreds of painters, sculptors, filmmakers and writers before they were evicted, and the building was demolished. You may think you’ve heard the story before—artists flock to a run-down neighborhood, they breathe in new life, they get pushed out—but in recounting the little-told saga of 111 1st Street, Goodwin proves the relationship between gentrification and the creative class is far less cut-and-dried, and far more compelling.”— Rebecca Sheir, Placemakers 176 PAGES, 8 COLOR AND 24 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823278039, PAPERBACK, $24.95, £20.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
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Shades of Green
Irish Regiments, American Soldiers, and Local Communities in the Civil War Era RYAN W. KEATING Drawing on records of about 5,500 soldiers and veterans, Shades of Green traces the organization of Irish regiments from the perspective of local communities in Connecticut, Illinois, and Wisconsin and the relationships between soldiers and the home front. Shades of Green is sure to “shake up” several fields of study that rely on ethnicity as a useful category for analysis; its impressive research provides a significant contribution to scholarship. 320 PAGES, 9780823276608, PAPERBACK, $40.00, £33.00 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
Contested Loyalty
Debates over Patriotism in the Civil War North Robert M. Sandow, Editor Foreword by Gary W. Gallagher Situational and wartime constructions of “Patriotism” and “Loyalty” shaped American discourse and actions throughout the Civil War. While most of the scholarly work on Civil War Era nationalism has focused on southern identity and Confederate nationhood, the essays in this volume examine the variable, fluid constructions of these concepts in the Civil War Era North. 360 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS, 9780823279753, HARDBACK, $65.00, £54.00 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
June 2018
Our Country
Northern Evangelicals and the Union during the Civil War Era GRANT BRODRECHT Our Country explores northern evangelical thought and sentiment regarding the concept of Union during the Civil War and Reconstruction. A primary aim of the book is to shift focus back toward the Union’s importance in relation to northern understanding during the Civil War-era. By examining Civil War-era evangelicalism in terms of Union, the book not only adds to our understanding of northern motivation during the Civil War, it also enables us to understand better the eventual “failure” of Reconstruction to provide a secure basis for African Americans’ equal inclusion in American society. 288 PAGES, 9780823279913, PAPERBACK, $40.00, £33.00 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
June 2018
Reconstruction in a Globalizing World David Prior, Editor
“This volume of original, well-researched essays seeks to honor the immense accomplishments in writing about the 1865-1877 period, and to prompt historians to reevaluate the ways in which Reconstruction took shape from and gave shape to international connections and contexts.”—Robert E. Bronner, Dartmouth College 232 PAGES, 9780823278312, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £24.95 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
War Pictures
Cinema, Violence, and Style in Britain, 1939-1945 KENT PUCKETT “Seemingly as quirky in focus as are the eccentricities of British character ‘strategically’ enshrined in the three wartime classics under scrutiny, Puckett’s cultural inquiry is carried deep into what war can picture back to a society in crisis about its values and compromises. Across and beyond genres, with the apparatus of ‘projection’ (every sense) explored as one armature of resistance, Puckett takes us to places in the viewing experience rarely probed by screen analysis....War Pictures is a winning achievement.”—Garrett Steward, author of Closed Circuits: Screening Narrative Surveillance 288 PAGES, 60 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS, 9780823276509, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £28.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
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The French of Outremer
Communities and Communications in the Crusading Mediterranean Edited by Laura Morreale and Nicholas L. Paul “An excellent and timely collection that makes an important intervention in the fields of Medieval Studies and Mediterranean Studies, highlighting the role of transnational French in the ‘sea of languages’ located at the meeting point of the three known continents of Asia, Europe, and Africa.”—Suzanne Conklin Akbari, University of Toronto 320 PAGES, 26 B/W & COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS, 9780823278169, HARDBACK, $60.00, £50.00 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
February 2018
Cruising the Library
Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge MELISSA ADLER “An original study on an old institution—the U.S. Library of Congress. Adler’s reading of crucial and cultural theory are accurate and insightful. She presents a practical example of the philosophical power of library documentation as a tool of metaphysics and political economy.”—Ronald E. Day, author of Indexing It All: The Subject in the Age of Documentation, Information, and Data “Tailor-made for the critlib movement, this demonstration that the Library of Congress is not a neutral space begs one critical question: where should it be shelved?”—Kirkus Reviews 248 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS, 9780823276363, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £22.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
Education at War
The Fight for Students of Color in America’s Public Schools Arshad Imtiaz Ali and Tracy Lachica Buenavista, Editors Education at War seeks to shape educational research and practice to more explicitly consider the relationship between education, capitalism and war, and more specifically, its impact on students of color. The editors and contributors to this volume, as a whole, contend that the contemporary specter of war has become a central way that racism and materialism become manifested and practiced within public education systems, and it is students of color who are most adversely affected by this nexus. Education at War addresses the absence of youth-centered discussions regarding education within the political context of neoliberalism and war, and provides important perspectives on which to ground critical discussions about these issues among students and their families, education scholars and teachers, administrators, and policymakers. 288 PAGES, 9780823279098, PAPERBACK, $27.95, £22.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
March 2018
The Last Professors
The Corporate University and the Fate of the Humanities FRANK DONOGHUE
“People sometimes believe that they were born too late or too early. After reading Donoghue’s book, I feel that I have timed it just right, for it seems that I have had a career that would not have been available to me had I entered the world 50 years later. Just lucky, I guess.”—Stanley Fish, New York Times 224 PAGES, 9780823279135, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £20.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
April 2018
Undocumented and in College
Students and Institutions in a Climate of National Hostility “Based on careful and critical research, Undocumented and in College sheds light on the undocumented college students; a much needed resource that makes significant contributions to literature on education, immigration, and inequality.”—Ujju Aggarwal, The Graduate Center, CUNY 192 PAGES, 10 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS, 9780823276172, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £22.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
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s Director of the Immigrahe University of Minnesota.
D uRante is a journalist as well as e at the University of Suor Orsola as part of the Program in Modern Languages and Culture.
Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, Editor Afterword by Viet Thanh Nguyen
“Flashpoints for Asian American Studies offers an ambitious, bracing, and wide-ranging critique of Asian American studies by practitioners within the field. It calls for a wholesale reconsideration of how Asian American studies operates inside and outside universities; how it theorizes, selects, and defines its subjects and constituencies; and how it functions as an academic and political project. This volume presents a highly original reassessment from the inside of Asian American studies that is unparalleled in terms of its breadth and sustainment.”—Daryl Maeda, University of Colorado, Boulder 328 PAGES 9780823278619, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £28.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
Bestiarium Judaicum
Unnatural Histories of the Jews JAY GELLER “Jay Geller’s Bestiarium Judaicum: Unnatural Histories of the Jews is a remarkable monograph that has no parallel in scholarly literature. The author offers a sophisticated conceptual and historical account of how the longstanding discourse about the animality of the Jew is accompanied by an iconography of an unnatural Jewish bestiary. The racial anti-Semitism that fueled the horrors of the Holocaust is contextualized in a new and thought-provoking way.”—Elliot R. Wolfson, University of California, Santa Barbara Given the vast inventory of verbal and visual images of nonhuman animals—pigs, dogs, vermin, rodents, apes disseminated for millennia to debase, dehumanize, and justify the persecution of Jews, Bestiarium Judaicum asks: What is at play when Jewish-identified writers tell animal stories? 408 PAGES, 20 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823275595, HARDBACK, $75.00, £62.00 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
v enDitto formerly managed the Project at the Immigrant Research versity of Minnesota–Twin Cities.
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Oh Capitano!
Oh Capitano!
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Flashpoints for Asian American Studies
Vecoli and Durante
leon, an adventurer, a specula, in his lifetime, slapped with Moreno’s preferred description of sely to Marco Polo or Christopher of this book. The power of biogindividual life in its social context baccia , from the Introduction
Celso Cesare Moreno— Adventurer, Cheater, and Scoundrel on Four Continents
Oh Capitano!
Rudolph J. Vecoli and Francesco Durante Translated by Elizabeth O. Venditto
Celso Cesare Moreno—Adventurer, Cheater, and Scoundrel on Four Continents RUDOLPH J. VECOLI AND FRANCESCO DURANTE Translated by Elizabeth O. Venditto; Edited by Donna Gabaccia O Capitano! is the story of Celso Cesare Moreno, one of the most famous of the emigrant Italian elites or “prominenti.” Moreno traveled the world lying, scheming, and building an extensive patron/client network to to establish his reputation as a middleman and person of significance. Through his machinations, Moreno became a critical player in the expansion of western trade and imperialism in Asia, the trafficking of migrant workers and children in the Atlantic, and the conflicts of Americans and natives over the fate of Hawaii, and imperial competitions of French, British, Italian and American governments during a critically important era of imperial expansion. 272 PAGES 9780823279876, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £24.95
June 2018
Delirious Naples
A Cultural History of the City of the Sun Pellegrino D’Acierno and Stanislao G. Pugliese, Editors Difficult to understand, Naples is an enigma to outsiders, and also to the Neapolitans themselves. Its very impenetrableness is what makes it so deliriously and irresistibly attractive. A stellar cast of Neapolitan and American scholars, intellectuals, and artists/writers wrestle with and illuminate the paradoxes through which Naples presents itself. The essays attempt to give some hints to the answer of the enigma, without parsing it into neat scholastic formulas. In doing this, the book will be an important means of opening Naples to students, scholars and members of the community at large who are engaged in “identity-work.” A primary goal has been to establish a dialogue with leading Neapolitan intellectuals and artists, and, ultimately, ensure that the “deliriously Neapolitan” dance continues. 288 PAGES, 30 COLOR AND 28 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823279999, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £28.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
July 2018 w w w. f o r d h a m p r e s s . c o m
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Paul Hanly Furfey
Priest, Scientist, Social Reformer NICHOLAS K. RADEMACHER “A participant observer of the first order, Father Paul Hanly Furfey strove for the salvation of souls even while he perfected the craft of social analysis and group dynamics. The legacy of this apostolic academic is marked by intellectual vitality and a passion for enacting the Catholic social justice tradition through the development of careful methodologies and whole-hearted commitment. In his work there was no separation between scientific inquiry and growth in holiness. Trenchant in its argument and balanced in its detail, Professor Rademacher’s study is more than an intellectual biography. It is a snapshot of mid-twentieth century Catholic life and thought centering on one of the nation’s leading social reformers.”—Patrick Hayes, Archivist for the Baltimore Province of the Redemptorists 352 PAGES 9780823276776, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £28.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
The Bread of the Strong
Lacouturisme and the Folly of the Cross, 1910-1985 JACK LEE DOWNEY “The Bread of the Strong is a thrilling spiritual adventure story. Jack Downey brilliantly tracks the origins and flourishing of the controversial, mysterious, and extremely influential retreat movement most prominently associated with Dorothy Day and the Catholic Workers. ‘The retreat’ blended passionately mystical Québécois spirituality with the hard-nosed militancy of Catholic labor movement advocacy of Industrial Era Pittsburgh. The result was a paradoxical—and most potent—form of Catholic spiritual radicalism that fulfilled Dorothy Day’s lifelong search for authentic communion with Jesus and her fellows.”—Jim Fisher, author of On the Irish Waterfront: The Crusader, the Movie, and the Soul of the Port of New York 280 PAGES, 10 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823278732, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £20.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
God, Hierarchy, and Power
Orthodox Theologies of Authority from Byzantium ASHLEY M. PURPURA “How can we understand and work with the concept of hierarchy in an era of democratic values, concerns about abuse of power by those with authority, and empowerment for those who lack it? Purpura asks serious questions with skill, economy, clarity, and penetrating insight. A powerful new voice that will matter to theologians and historians alike, this is a rich, masterful entry into major Orthodox currents of thought, past and present.”—Susan Harvey, Brown University In the current age where democratic and egalitarian ideals have preeminence, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, among other hierarchically organized religious traditions, faces the challenging questions: “Why is hierarchy maintained as the model of organizing the church, and what are the theological justifications for its persistence?” 240 PAGES 9780823278374, HARDBACK, $65.00, £54.00 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
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The Trial of the Catonsville Nine
DANIEL BERRIGAN Preface by Robin Andersen, Afterword by James L. Marsh “A wonderfully moving testament to nine consciences.”—The New York Times On May 17, 1968, at the height of the Vietnam War, nine men and women entered a Selective Service office outside Baltimore. They removed military draft records, took them outside, and set them afire with napalm. The Catholic activists involved in this protest against the war included Daniel and Philip Berrigan; all were found guilty of destroying government property and sentenced to three years in jail. Drawing on court transcripts, Berrigan wrote a dramatic account of the trial and the issues it so vividly embodied. 142 PAGES, 9780823223312, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £22.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
The Global South Atlantic
Kerry Bystrom and Joseph R. Slaughter, Editors “A critically important contribution to current debates and discussions toward remapping the cultural and political geographies of global literary and media production.”— Barbara Harlow, University of Texas at Austin Contributors: Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra, Kerry Bystrom, Christina E. Civantos, Jason Frydman, Jaime Hanneken, Waïl S. Hassan, Oscar Hemer, Isabel Hofmeyr, Maja Horn, Luís Madureira, Anne Garland Mahler, Lanie Millar, Joseph R. Slaughter 336 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS, 9780823277889, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £28.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
The Forgiveness to Come: The Holocaust and the Hyper-Ethical
“An extremely well-written, subtle, and moving meditation on the impasses of forgiveness in the face of the Holocaust and other unforgivable crimes, challenging our notions of what it means to be a person and whether there is a universal order of human beings that might allow perpetrator and victim to recognize in each other a shared humanity.” —Rochelle Tobias, Johns Hopkins University 208 PAGES, 9780823278657, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £22.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E Just Ideas, Modern Language Initiative
Antebellum Posthuman
Race and Materiality in the Mid-Nineteenth Century CRISTIN ELLIS From the eighteenth-century abolitionist motto “Am I Not a Man and a Brother?” to the Civil Rights-era declaration “I AM a Man,” antiracism has engaged in a struggle for the recognition of black humanity. It has done so, however, even as the very definition of the human has been called into question by the biological sciences. Antebellum Posthuman argues that this conflict between liberal humanism and biological materialism first emerged as a key question in the antebellum era. Engaging the works of Douglass, Thoreau, Whitman, and Dickinson, and turning to contemporary debates now unfolding between posthumanist and critical race theorists, Ellis demonstrates how this antebellum posthumanism highlights the difficulty of reconciling materialist ontologies of the human with the project of social justice. 300 PAGES, 9780823278459, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £24.95 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E
The Hawthorn Archive
Letters from the Utopian Margins AVERY F. GORDON The Hawthorn Archive, named after the richly fabled tree, has long welcomed the participants in the various Euro-American social struggles against slavery, racial capitalism, imperialism, and authoritarian forms of order. Housed by the Archive are autonomous radicals, runaways, abolitionists, commoners, and dreamers who no longer live as obedient or merely resistant subjects. In this innovative, genre- and format-bending publication, Avery F. Gordon, the “keeper” of the Archive, presents a selection of its documents—original and compelling essays, letters, cultural analyses, images, photographs, conversations, friendship exchanges, and collaborations with various artists. 472 PAGES, 85 COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS, 9780823276325, PAPERBACK, $39.95, £33.00 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO NI C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E w w w. f o r d h a m p r e s s . c o m
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The Watchdog Still Barks
How Accountability Reporting Evolved for the Digital Age BETH KNOBEL Perhaps no other function of a free press is as important as the watchdog role—its ability to monitor the work of the government. It is easier for politicians to get away with abusing power, wasting public funds, and making poor decisions if the press is not shining its light with what is termed “accountability reporting.” This book presents a study of how this most important form of journalism came of age in the digital era at American newspapers. Based on the first content analysis to focus specifically on accountability journalism nationally, The Watchdog Still Barks examines the front pages of nine newspapers, located across the United States, for clues on how papers addressed the watchdog role as the Internet transformed journalism. 160 PAGES 9780823279340, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £20.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E Donald McGannon Communication Research Center’s Everett C. Parker Book Series
March 2018
Google Me: One-Click Democracy BARBARA CASSIN Translated by Michael Syrotinski
“A readable and entertaining, yet serious indictment of informational culture. Cassin’s reflections give us a critical space to consider the cost of our acquiescence to the quantification of culture that lies at the heart of today’s information-driven capitalism.”—Mark B. N. Hansen, Duke University In this witty and polemical critique, the philosopher Barbara Cassin takes aim at Google and our culture of big data. While impressed by the search engine’s brilliance, Cassin enlists her formidable knowledge of the rhetorical tradition to challenge the Google myth of a “good” tech company and its “democracy of clicks,” laying bare the philosophical poverty and political naïveté that underwrites its founding slogans: “Organize the world’s information” and “Don’t be evil.” 176 PAGES, 5 1/2 X 8 ½, 2 ILLUSTRATIONS, BLACK AND WHITE 9780823278077, PAPERBACK, $22.95, £18.99 SI MULTANEO US ELECTRO N I C E D I T I O N AVA I L A BL E Meaning Systems
Napoli/New York/Hollywood
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