Literary Studies 2013

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Not eworth y Toni Morrison

An Ethical Poetics Yvette Christiansë

“A rich, powerful, and refreshing contribution to the study of Toni Morrison’s oeuvre. This book engages the Nobel laureate’s work with uncommon clarity and command, while brilliantly situating language and its ethical dimensions at the center of its inquiry. Blending convincing and careful close readings with critical theory, Yvette Christiansë crafts a fine, durable interpretive lens through which we may more intelligently view the challenges and power of Morrison’s art.” —Stéphane Robolin, Rutgers University 320 Pages 978-0-8232-3916-0 Paper, $28.00, £20.99


Why It Is Necessary to Leave Traces Maurizio Ferraris, Translated by Richard Davies

“The most stimulating feature of the book is not so much that documents allow Ferraris to develop an ontology, but rather that his ontology allows him to understand and to help us to understand what documents are and what society is.”—Umberto Eco, author of The Name of the Rose 392 Pages 978-0-8232-4969-5 Paper, $32.00, £23.99 Commonalities

Loaded Words

Marjorie Garber

“A vigorous, revealing collection about the pleasures and revelations of close reading, whether it involves words, books, biographies, or ideas.”—Kirkus Reviews “Self-styled ‘peripatetic writer,’ Harvard Shakespearean, and culture critic Garber collects loosely connected but fascinating essays on a range of themes.”—Publishers Weekly “Essays on language—rich in surprises because they are not necessarily about the words you expect. As the author notes in the introduction, “Would you like to take a walk?” means different things if addressed to “(a) your dog, (b) a hothead in a bar, or (c) the person to whom you are about to propose marriage.”—Harvard Review 246 Pages 978-0-8232-4205-4 Paper, $26.00, £19.99

Death’s Following

Mediocrity, Dirtiness, Adulthood, Literature John Limon

“My pleasure in reading Death’s Following, my pleasure also in the painful truths it kept recalling, is the pleasure of reading something genuinely great. I can’t remember the last time a book haunted and changed my thinking so much.” —William Flesch, Brandeis University 208 Pages, 2 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4280-1 Paper, $24.00, £17.99

The Mother in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Psychoanalysis, Photography, Deconstruction Elissa Marder

“Marder’s writing is beautiful and compelling. She deftly moves between philosophy, literature, film, and popular culture to create novel interpretations of maternity, sex, and death.”—Kelly Oliver, Vanderbilt University 288 Pages 978-0-8232-4056-2 Paper, $27.00, £ 20.99 rd h am p re ss .co m


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Not eworth y Between Page and Screen

Remaking Literature Through Cinema and Cyberspace Edited by Kiene Brillenburg Wurth Contributors: Anthony Curtis Adler, Jan Baetens, Kiene Brillenburg Wurth, Matthijs Engelberts, Federica Frabetti, Lovorka Gruic, Gary Hall, N. Katherine Hayles, Asunción López-Varela Azcárate, Marie-Laure Ryan, Katalin Sándor, William Uricchio, Peter Verstraten, Samuel Weber, Joanna Zylinska

“A state of the art book. Understanding the effects of the rapid changes from a print culture to a digital culture is of major importance these days.”—J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine 352 Pages 978-0-8232-3906-1 Paper, $35.00, £25.99 Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics

Witnessing Witnessing

On the Reception of Holocaust Survivor Testimony Thomas Trezise

“Combining admirable lucidity in examining complex problems, a non-aggressive but effective mode of critique, and an impressive knowledge of the literature pertinent to the topics he treats, Trezise investigates an influential array of critical theorists and/or survivors, including Dori Laub, Cathy Caruth, Berel Lang, Theodor Adorno, Charlotte Delbo, Giorgio Agamben, Primo Levi, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jorge Semprun.”—Dominick LaCapra, Cornell University 336 Pages 978-0-8232-4449-2 Paper, $26.00, £19.99

Irony on Occasion

From Schlegel and Kierkegaard to Derrida and de Man Kevin Newmark

“Irony on Occasion is perhaps the best book on irony written since Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Irony in the early nineteenth century.”—J. Hillis Miller, University of California-Irvine 380 Pages 978-0-8232-4013-5 Paper, $30.00, £22.99

Fo r Co u r se s

A Fury in the Words

Love and Embarrassment in Shakespeare’s Venice Harry Berger, Jr.

“The energy, penetration, and inventiveness of Berger’s thought in this book are astonishing. Embarrassment has rarely seemed so dangerous a thing. By myriad directions and indirections he leads the reader back into the surprise and the strangeness of the Venetian plays, and of Shakespeare’s mind at large. A masterwork.”—Kenneth Gross, author of Shylock Is Shakespeare and Puppet: An Essay on Uncanny Life 240 Pages 978-0-8232-4195-8 Paper, $24.00, £17.99 rd h am p re ss .co m


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Lit erary Studies New i n pap er

Succeeding King Lear

Literature, Exposure, and the Possibility of Politics Emily Sun

“Provides a thoughtful reading of King Lear through a political lens.” —A. Castaldo, Choice 176 Pages, 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3281-9 Paper, $20.00, £14.99

The Pain of Reformation

Spenser, Vulnerability, and the Ethics of Masculinity Joseph Campana

“A brilliant, bold, generous, and moving book. Campana makes powerful contributions in ethics, gender and sexuality, and the narrative imagination in Spenser’s Reformation culture.”—Theresa Krier, Macalester College 296 Pages, 8 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3910-8 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00

A Local Habitation and a Name

Imagining Histories in the Italian Renaissance Albert Russell Ascoli

“An important book by an important scholar, this volume should be in collections supporting study of Italian and early modern literature and history. . . . Highly Recommended.”—Choice “A rich feast . . . in which all students of Italian Renaissance literature will find substantial food for thought.”—Renaissance Quarterly 384 Pages 978-0-8232-3429-5 Paper, $35.00, £25.99

Genealogies of Fiction

Women Warriors and the Dynastic Imagination in the ‘Orlando furioso’ Eleonora Stoppino

“A groundbreaking study of Ariosto’s medieval sources that benefits from a vision that brings together gender criticism and source criticism in heretofore unseen ways.”—Dennis Looney, University of Pittsburgh 280 Pages, 5 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4037-1 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00

Howard R. Marraro Prize

Art Without an Author

Vasari’s Lives and Michelangelo’s Death Marco Ruffini

“. . . A readable, succinct account of current thinking about Vasari’s place in the transition to an academic culture of art criticism. . . Recommended.”—Choice 276 Pages, 46 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3456-1 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 rd h am p re ss .co m


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Lit erary Studi e s The Dream Life of Citizens

Late Victorian Novels and the Fantasy of the State Zarena Aslami

“The Dream Life of Citizens will be a must-read not only for scholars of late Victorian literature and culture, but also for anyone interested in concepts of the state and state power in relation to liberalism, empire, gender, and personhood.”—Ivan Kreilkamp, Indiana University 195 Pages 978-0-8232-4199-6 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00

Bestial Traces

Race, Sexuality, Animality Christopher Peterson

“Masterfully researched, creatively argued, and beautifully written.”—Akria Mizuta Lippit, University of Southern California 208 Pages 978-0-8232-4521-5 Paper, $24.00, £17.99

New i n pap er

Musically Sublime

Indeterminacy, Infinity, Irresolvability Kiene Brillenburg Wurth

“Wurth does better than merely document the history of the sublime in music. By engaging with the term in its various incarnations, she offers the reader a full sense of the complexities of the term, the scope of various theories, and finally, offers a strong theory of the postmodern sublime.”—Benjamin Downs, Music Research Forum 234 Pages 978-0-8232-3064-8 Paper, $24.00, £17.99

The Stelliferous Fold

Toward a Virtual Law of Literature’s Self-Formation Rodolphe Gasché

“An important intellectual event . . . Gasché develops a distinctive theory of literature or way to read literary works.”—J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine 406 Pages 978-0-8232-3435-6 Paper, $35.00, £25.99

The Other Jewish Question

Identifying the Jew and Making Sense of Modernity Jay Geller

“Much anticipated, this book formulates cutting-edge directions for the study of both canonical figures and the broader cultural milieu in which German speakers self-identified, and were identified, as Jews.”—German Studies Review 448 Pages, 9 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3362-5 Paper, $35.00, £25.99 rd h am p re ss .co m


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Lit erary Studies

Marginal Modernity

The Aesthetics of Dependency from Kierkegaard to Joyce Leonardo F. Lisi

“A superb work, extraordinarily learned, original, well-written, and of great importance.”—J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine 336 Pages 978-0-8232-4532-1 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00

Verbal Arts: st ud i e s i n p o e ti c s A Common Strangeness

Contemporary Poetry, Cross-Cultural Encounter, Comparative Literature Jacob Edmond

“This bold triangulation of six Chinese, Russian, and American poets advances lively current debates about global literature by exploring encounters that challenge the old binarisms and chart possibilities of literary singularities for a future poetics. Edmond’s shrewd account of literary crossings in post–Cold War history helps us imagine how we can experience the challenge of new literary configurations.”—Jonathan Culler, Cornell University 284 Pages, 19 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4260-3 Paper, $26.00, £19.99

Cinepoetry: Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry Christophe Wall-Romana

“Wall-Romana uncovers a not previously recognized genre in French literature: cinepoetry, a modernist poem that responds to challenges the cinema posed to writing. This book traces the new genre from Mallarme’s Une Coup de Dés to contemporary work, revealing how poets have found inspiration in cinema’s visuality, control of movement, and projected light—and in the process discovered new forms for poetry.”—Tom Gunning, University of Chicago 432 Pages, 6 color and 51 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4548-2 Cloth, $55.00

Enlightened Sentiments

Judgment and Autonomy in the Age of Sensibility Hina Nazar

“This remarkable book enriches our knowledge of Enlightenment thought and its significance for understanding of a major strand of prose fiction written during the long eighteenth century.”—Harry Shaw, Cornell University 192 Pages 978-0-8232-4007-4 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00

A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year

Responses to Modernity: Essays in the Politics of Culture

Joseph Frank award winner

“Joseph Frank has long enjoyed the status of an icon within literary study—first, through his epic five-volume study of Dostoevsky and, second, through his role as a public intellectual. The distinguished and often provocative essays in Responses to Modernity give ample testimony to this second role, in which, writing with his customary clarity and grace, he takes up such topics as the nature of literary realism and the temptation of Fascism for some famous intellectuals.”—Herbert Lindenberger, Stanford University 246 Pages 978-0-8232-3925-2 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00 rd h am p re ss .co m


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Lit erary Studi e s award winner

Named an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice

Standing by the Ruins

Elegiac Humanism in Wartime and Postwar Lebanon Ken Seigneurie

“In this prolonged meditation on violence and its traces, Seigneiurie surveys Lebanese cultural production and provides brief biographical sketches of writers and filmmakers at work. . . . Plot summaries of fiction and film not readily available in the U.S.A. make this book an especially valuable contribution to the growing body of scholarship on modern Arab culture. Highly recommended.”—Choice 256 Pages, 10 color and 11 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3483-7 Paper, $26.00, £19.99

Empire’s Wake: Postcolonial Irish Writing and the Politics of Modern Literary Form Mark Quigley “A cogent, compelling, and significant intervention into the field of modern Irish literary studies, on the one hand, and an intriguing account of the politics of so-called global or transnational modernism, on the other. It’s a seasoned and sure-handed piece of scholarly work; Quigley writes with force and precision, never skirting issues that require patient excavation and consideration.”—Jed Esty, University of Pennsylvania 256 Pages 978-0-8232-4544-4 Cloth, $45.00, £34.99

Untouchable Fictions

Literary Realism and the Crisis of Caste Toral Jatin Gajarawala

“Dalit writing has posed extremely serious and challenging questions to literary studies in India. This book presents a sustained, insightful, and original engagement with these questions as it maps the project of modern Dalit (primarily Hindi) fiction.”—Simona Sawhney, University of Minnesota 256 Pages 978-0-8232-4525-3 Paper, $24.00, £17.99


Friedrich Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin in the Now-Time of History James McFarland

“Not only does McFarland evince himself as an original and compelling interpreter of Nietzsche and Benjamin, he strings key passages together in such a way that his exegetical performance fans out toward both authors, configuring them in an inexorable interface of shared interpretation and critique.”—Henry Sussman, Yale University 352 Pages 978-0-8232-4536-9 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00

Malicious Objects, Anger Management, and the Question of Modern Literature Jörg Kreienbrock

“Kreienbrock’s study moves with ease between literary theory, anthropology, epistemology, and psychology while never leaving the main thrust of his investigation from sight: the singular status of literature in articulating the pathos of the modern subject as seemingly overwhelmed and overcome by the world of things.”—Paul Fleming, Cornell University 320 Pages 978-0-8232-4529-1 Paper, $26.00, £19.99 rd h am p re ss .co m


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Lit erary Studies award winner

Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and Literature

Beyond the Mother Tongue

The Postmonolingual Condition Yasemin Yildiz

“A bold, ambitious, and timely evaluation of philosophical and literary imagination of language.”—B. Venkat Mani, author of Cosmopolitical Claims: TurkishGerman Literatures from Nadolny to Pamuk 304 Pages 978-0-8232-4130-9 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00

The Sense of Semblance

Philosophical Analyses of Holocaust Art Henry W. Pickford

“Successfully blending insights from continental and Anglophone philosophy, Pickford’s Sense of Semblance establishes a new methodology in the field of philosophical inquiry into Holocaust representation. Indeed, this wholly original study positions itself as nothing less than a systemic analysis of the first principles of aesthetic representation of catastrophic phenomena, and as such seems certain to make an enduring contribution to the field.”—R. Clifton Spargo, author of The Ethics of Mourning and Vigilant Memory: Emmanuel Levinas, the Holocaust, and the Unjust Death 288 Pages, 41 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4540-6 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00

Apocalyptic Futures

Marked Bodies and the Violence of the Text in Kafka, Conrad, and Coetzee Russell Samolsky

“A major contribution to the literature on its topic, strikingly original and persuasive. Samolsky writes with verve and remarkable clarity about difficult concepts and makes readings of great subtlety and penetration.”—J. Hillis Miller, University of California, Irvine 248 Pages 978-0-8232-3480-6 Paper, $24.00, £17.99

New i n pap er

The Other Night

Dreaming, Writing, and Restlessness in Twentieth-Century Literature Herschel Farbman

“This book about restlessness generates a restlessness of its own, a ferment of ideas, hints, and possibilities.”—Postmodern Culture 162 Pages 978-0-8232-2866-9 Paper, $20.00, £14.99

Time Travel

The Popular Philosophy of Narrative David Wittenberg

“An ambitious, synthetic book. Wittenberg’s brilliance lies in the comprehensive clarity with which he maps different discursive territories and grasps how he can use time travel fiction to invent and practice, simultaneously, ‘a popular philosophy of narrative.’ ”—Paul A. Harris, Loyola Marymount University 288 Pages, 16 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4997-8 Paper, $27.00, £19.99 rd h am p re ss .co m


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Lit erary Studi e s Better Off Dead

The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human Edited by Deborah Christie and Sarah Juliet Lauro Contributors: Elson Bond, Kevin Boon, Deborah Christie, Margo Collins, Franck Degoul, Peter Dendle, Sorcha Ní Fhlainn, Richard Hand, Chera Kee, Sarah Juliet Lauro, Kevin Meaux, Nick Muntean, Bernice Murphy, Lynn Pifer, Steven Zani

“Original and provocative essays that contribute significantly to the field of zombie studies.”—Aviva Briefel, Bowdoin College 304 Pages 978-0-8232-3447-9 Paper, $26.00, £19.99

Structures of Appearing

Allegory and the Work of Literature Brenda Machosky

“Structures of Appearing may just be the most considerable book on literary allegory of the past decade and more, and should be very influential. Besides being one of those rare works that can rework a field, it is well-written, well-organized and, even for so hard-minded an argument, a real pleasure to read.”—Timothy J. Reiss, New York University 256 Pages 978-0-8232-4284-9 Cloth, $55.00, 41.00

American Literatures Initiative Ghost-Watching American Modernity Haunting, Landscape, and the Hemispheric Imagination María del Pilar Blanco

“This is a smart, well-researched, and comprehensive critique of the benefits of ‘ghost talk’ or ‘ghost watching’ in the American grain.”—Peter Hitchcock, CUNY Graduate Center 234 Pages 978-0-8232-4214-6 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00

American Metempsychosis

Emerson, Whitman, and the New Poetry John Michael Corrigan

“The breadth of understanding is remarkable, the scholarship authoritative, and the imaginative implications for new work (by Corrigan and Corrigan’s readers) is another Emersonian blessing.”—Tony Brinkley, University of Maine 254 Pages 978-0-8232-4234-4 Cloth, $55.00, £34.00

Reconstructing Individualism

A Pragmatic Tradition from Emerson to Ellison James M. Albrecht

“What emerges from these discussions of an Emerson-inflected pragmatism is a convincing narrative of the development of a democratic theory that maintains a standard of public responsibility and accountability while preserving the vital role of individual moral reasoning and moral choice in that process. . . . This book will have an immediate impact on Emerson studies.”—David M. Robinson, Oregon State University, author of Emerson and the Conduct of Life 368 Pages 978-0-8232-4209-2 Cloth, $55.00, £41.00 American Philosophy rd h am p re ss .co m


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Lit erary Studies

The Sentimental Touch

The Language of Feeling in the Age of Managerialism Aaron Ritzenberg

“A very humane book. Concentrating on the image of touch, Ritzenberg traces how American authors have represented human feeling. Delving into works from the 1850s to the 1930s, he shows how Americans responded to a major consequence of industrialization—the social organization of society through management—and how managerial principles eroded fundamental human connections.”—Gregg Camfield, University of California, Merced 224 Pages 978-0-8232-4552-9 Cloth, $35.00, £25.99

The Naked Communist

Cold War Modernism and the Politics of Popular Culture Roland Végso Based on a discursive analysis of American anti-Communist politics, this book presents parallel readings of modernism and popular fiction from the 1950s (nuclear holocaust novels, spy novels, and popular political novels) in order to show that, despite the radical separation of the two cultural fields, they both participated in a common ideological program. 256 Pages, 1 b/w illustration 978-0-8232-4557-4 Paper, $24.00, £17.99

Fo r Co u r se s new in paper

Poetics of Emptiness

Transformations of Asian Thought in American Poetry Jonathan Stalling

“Poetics of Emptiness brings the bubbling transpacific conversation we hear all around us to a boil. Through brilliant readings of Ernest Fenollosa, Gary Snyder, Wai-lim Yip, and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Jonathan Stalling traces out the varieties of Buddhist and Daoist thought that contribute to ‘a poetics of emptiness’ in Asian and American poetry. An authoritative, inventive, necessary book.”— Stephen Fredman, author of Contextual Practice: Assemblage and the Erotic in Postwar Poetry and Art 288 Pages 978-0-8232-3145-4 Paper, $18.00, £13.99

Fordham Series in Medieval Studies Medieval Poetics and Social Practice

Responding to the Work of Penn R. Szittya Edited by Seeta Chaganti Contributors: Jo Ann Moran Cruz, Kara Doyle, Richard K. Emmerson, Moira Fitzgibbons, Nick Havely, John C. Hirsh, J. Patrick Hornbeck, Mark McMorris, Anne Middleton, John T. Sebastian.

“I am certain that I will be referring to several of these essays in my own work in the near future, and I am confident that others will find them as useful as I have.”—Robert Adams, Sam Houston State University 256 Pages, 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-4324-2 Cloth, $45.00, £34.00 rd h am p re ss .co m


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