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Theory at Yale
“A thoroughly researched and compassionate look at the remarkable life of Robert Lax. Those who know him only as a close friend of Thomas Merton will be delighted with the person they find in these pages: an influential poet, a voice for peace, a wanderer and seeker after truth. Many sought Lax out at his Patmos home; McGregor has made his wisdom available to all.”—Kathleen Norris, bestselling author of The Cloister Walk and Dakota: A Spiritual Geography
“This is the most informative and accurate book I have read, or ever expect to read, on the ‘Yale Critics’ phenomenon. It’s completely free of both the bad faith and the idolatry that plague any and all other accounts.”—Paul Fry, Yale University “The first book-length history of the Yale school of literary criticism, which included figures like Harold Bloom and Paul de Man, examines the process through which European theory entered the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.” —Publishers Weekly
The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax MICHAEL N. McGREGOR
The Strange Case of Deconstruction in America MARC REDFIELD
472 PAGES, 14 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6801-6 CLOTH, $34.95, £23.99 Catholic Practice in North America SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
272 PAGES, 8 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6867-2 PAPER, $29.95, £20.99 978-0-8232-6866-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 Lit Z SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Chasing Ghosts
A Memoir of a Father, Gone to War LOUISE DESALVO
Who Can Afford to Improvise? James Baldwin and Black Music, the Lyric and the Listeners ED PAVLIĆ
“Both a beautifully detailed examination of wartime life and a searingly honest depiction of a fraught father-daughter relationship, Louise DeSalvo’s Chasing Ghosts is a unique and valuable contribution to the literature of World War II.”—Philip Klay, author of Redeployment, winner of the 2014 National Book Award for Fiction “Tracks a literary biographer and memoirist DeSalvo’s journey to learn why the father whom she both adored and reviled because of his mistreatment of her came home from WWII a changed man.”—Publishers Weekly
“Pavlić offers the most extensive engagement to date with Baldwin’s life-long love affair with black music; but he also provides the most sustained and compelling account of how Baldwin’s work speaks (or sings) to our present global condition.”—Emily Lordi, author of Black Resonance: Iconic Women Singers and African American Literature “Who Can Afford to Improvise is a tour de force from one of our premier Baldwin scholars. Ed Pavlić’s brilliantly insightful meditation on black music and culture and Baldwin’s centrality to that tradition is a must-read.”—Peniel E. Joseph, author of Dark Days, Bright Nights “Pavlić proves himself an expert on Baldwin’s corpus.” —Library Journal
288 PAGES 978-0-8232-6884-9 PAPER, $24.95, £16.99 World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Winner, French Voices Grand Prize
When Are We Ever at Home? BARBARA CASSIN Translated by Pascale-Anne Brault Foreword by Souleymane Bachir Diagne
“[La Nostalgie is] an erudite work in which [Cassin] incites us to make good use of this ambiguous, delightful and sometimes dangerous feeling.”—L’Express “This is a rich and moving account of home and homelessness by one of the most important and distinctively original French thinkers of our time. Cassin allows us to reinhabit the concept of nostalgia in a way at once utterly compelling and strange. She performs what it means to think not just in language, but in languages.”—Simon Critchley, The New School for Social Research 120 PAGES 978-0-8232-6951-8 PAPER, $19.00, £12.99 978-0-8232-6950-1 CLOTH, $75.00, £52.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am p re ss .co m
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Commons Democracy
Science, Cinema, and the Mastery of the Invisible RICHARD BAXSTROM AND TODD MEYERS
Reading the Politics of Participation in the Early United States DANA D. NELSON
“Realizing the Witch is a highly original, exciting, and important book. With this work, Richard Baxstrom and Todd Meyers establish themselves as pioneering scholars in the emerging field between media studies and the history of science.”—Henning Schmidgen, Professor of Media Studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
“Commons Democracy is an exhilarating and compelling account of early U.S. forms of participatory democracy that have largely disappeared from critical view behind the shadow of the dominant account of the Founders’ creation of formal electoral democracy.”—Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, Northeastern University “Nelson focuses in this book on a dynamic aspect of U.S. history, one that is already quite relevant in our own time and that promises to be increasingly so in the future.”—John Ernest, University of Delaware “An important contribution, at a vital moment, to renewing appreciation of democracy as the awkward practice of sharing power to shape common existence.”—Wendy Brown, University of California, Berkeley
296 PAGES, 64 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6825-2 PAPER, $29.95, £20.99 978-0-8232-6824-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 Forms of Living SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Walking with the Disappeared TRINH T. MINH-HA
“Lovecidal: Walking with the Disappeared is filled with provocation and guided by evocation. Encompassing various forms (poetry, treatise, memoir, and historiography) and capaciously conceived, Trinh T. Minh-ha’s contemplation of war, state-authorized violence, state-sanctioned ‘security,’ and international amnesia is skillfully tempered by observations of beauty, humanity, and resistance. To say that this is an important book is in many ways an understatement; rather, Lovecidal is transformative.”—Cathy Schlund-Vials, author of War, Genocide, and Justice: Cambodian American Memory Work “A searing trek through our bellicose and warring times, Lovecidal makes an impressive, laser-like and passionate plea to explore what is possible now for humans as living, feeling, and thinking beings.”—Renée Green, author of Other Planes of There
232 PAGES 978-0-8232-6839-9 PAPER, $24.95, £16.99 978-0-8232-6838-2 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
A Hospitalization Diary HERVÉ GUIBERT Introduction by David Caron, Afterword by Todd Meyers, Translated by Clara Orban
“Like Roland Barthes’s Mourning Diary, Hervé Guibert’s hospitalization diary speaks with moonlit clarity about the threshold between life and death; with this heartbreaking and exemplary book Guibert has earned literary immortality.”—Wayne Koestenbaum, Distinguished Professor of English, CUNY “To read Guibert’s journal of faltering vision is to teeter at the portal to many worlds. He stands, like Saramago, between light and darkness, right and wrong, life and death. What he sees and hears there—what he learns—is timeless. This book is a gift.”—David France, Director of How to Survive a Plague
256 PAGES, 17 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7110-8 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-7109-2 CLOTH, $100.00, £69.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
The Ethnography of Rhythm Orality and Its Technologies HAUN SAUSSY
96 PAGES 978-0-8232-6857-3 PAPER, $19.95, £13.99 978-0-8232-6856-6 CLOTH, $75.00, £52.00 Forms of Living SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
“Only Haun Saussy—with his historical range, theoretical breadth, and fine close-reading—could have pulled off this brilliant comparative history of ‘the perturbation caused by the idea of oral literature.’ The disciplinary range of this dazzling scholarly performance takes us from linguistics and philology to ethnography and religious studies, from physiology and psychiatry to the history of graphic and sound technologies. Be prepared to marvel—and learn.”—Linda Hutcheon, University Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature, University of Toronto 264 PAGES, 13 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7047-7 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-7046-0 CLOTH, $100.00, £69.00 Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am pre ss .com
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EUROPEAN THOUGHT Aesthetics of Negativity
The Entrapments of Form
“Shrewdly mobilizing the tropes of negativity and autonomy that both Blanchot and Adorno develop in ways that differ from the more familiar models offered by Hegel and Heidegger (yet are inevitably indebted to them), Allen’s book convincingly demonstrates how the logic of negativity allows Blanchot and Adorno to circumvent a relationship to the negative that is merely nihilistic. In terms of its style, argumentative rigor, conceptual precision, narrative patience, scholarly circumspection, and overall achievement, the book is truly outstanding.”—Gerhard Richter, Brown University
“This is a bracing book, a powerful argument on a topic of real import, written with unusual elegance and panache.”— Amanda Claybaugh, Harvard University “This is a book of outstanding intellectual distinction. It combines close readings of a wide range of carefully-chosen and appropriate literary texts with philosophical speculation of the highest theoretical order.”—Thomas Docherty, University of Warwick
Blanchot, Adorno, and Autonomy WILLIAM S. ALLEN
Cruelty and Modern Literature CATHERINE TOAL
168 PAGES 978-0-8232-6935-8 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-6934-1 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
312 PAGES 978-0-8232-6928-0 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Commiserating with Devastated Things
Shadows of Trauma
Milan Kundera and the Entitlements of Thinking JASON M. WIRTH
Memory and the Politics of Postwar Identity ALEIDA ASSMANN Translated by Sarah Clift
“A unique, groundbreaking work that crosses the disciplinary lines between philosophy and literature to advance a highly creative thesis regarding the nature of thinking itself.”—Leah Kalmanson, Drake University “Writing with a Zen sense of Czech irony and from a comparative East–West perspective, Wirth situates Kundera’s opus at the borders of philosophy and literature. Commiserating with Devastated Things draws Kundera’s characters and ideas into dialogue with the intellectual history from Plato to Nietzsche to Musil and Kafka to Deleuze and Dōgen.”—Martin Matuštík, Arizona State University
“For readers of German, Shadows of Trauma is a classic in the field of memory studies. We are fortunate now to benefit from Aleida Assmann’s elegant elucidation of key theoretical concepts and analysis of important debates animating the memory of the Second World War and the Holocaust in contemporary Germany. At the same time, Assmann’s own original and often surprising conceptualizations of the workings of individual, social, political, and collective memory are as definitive as they are provocative and productive.”—Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-6728-6 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-6727-9 CLOTH, $110.00, £76.00
256 PAGES 978-0-8232-6820-7 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
A World in Ruins
Transplanting the Metaphysical Organ
Chronicles of Intellectual Life, 1943 MAURICE BLANCHOT Translated by Michael Holland
German Romanticism between Leibniz and Marx LEIF WEATHERBY
“Transplanting the Metaphysical Organ is a truly impressive work of scholarship. The author has a breathtaking command of the German philosophical tradition, including major figures, such as Kant, Fichte, Hegel, and Schelling, as well as those who are less well-known outside the field of German studies. He has taken a single, somewhat innocuous concept—the ‘organ’—and revealed it to be at the crux of a rapidly changing philosophical landscape whose terrain encompasses metaphysics, subject philosophy, the history of science, literature, and aesthetics. Accordingly, it should be of interest to anyone working in these fields.”—Jocelyn Holland, University of California, Santa Barbara
“How did Maurice Blanchot transform himself from journeyman reviewer to the theorist of narrative whose work transformed the intellectual landscape of the postwar era? This collection of reviews from a single, harrowing year, 1943, provides answers. Expertly introduced, annotated, and translated by leading Blanchot scholar Michael Holland, A World in Ruins provides a unique entry into making of literature under Nazi occupation.”—Alice Kaplan, Yale University 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-6726-2 PAPER, $39.00, £26.99 978-0-8232-6725-5 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00
416 PAGES, 448 COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6941-9 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-6940-2 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00 Forms of Living Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am p re ss .co m
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Toward a Poetics of Precarious Community THOMAS CLAVIEZ Foreword by Jean-Luc Nancy
Media Culture and the Phenomenology of Gadget Commodity Life ANTHONY CURTIS ADLER
Contributors: Homi K. Bhabha, Thomas Claviez, Nancy Fraser, Paul Gilroy, Djelal Kadir, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Ranciere, Dietmar Wetzel, Robert J.C. Young
“In Celebricities, Anthony Curtis Adler gives us Heidegger watching TV, Marx playing with his cell phone, and Althusser contemplating celebrity. Thinking the popular with the philosophical gives us new and dynamic understandings of the commodity form, ontology, and ideology as well as aphorisms for some of the most pressing political questions of our age.”—Christopher Breu
“Revolt does not discourse, it growls. What does “growl” mean? It’s almost an onomatopoeia. It means to bawl, bellow, and roar. It means to shout together, to murmur, mumble, grouse, become indignant, protest, become enraged together. One tends to grumble alone but people growl in common. The common growl is a subterranean torrent: it passes underneath, making everything tremble.”—from Jean-Luc Nancy’s Foreword
256 PAGES 978-0-8232-7080-4 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-7079-8 CLOTH, $100.00, £69.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-7092-7 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-7091-0 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Receptive Spirit
German Idealism and the Dynamics of Cultural Transmission MÁRTON DORNBACH
Europe and Empire
On the Political Forms of Globalization MASSIMO CACCIARI, Edited by Alessandro Carrera, Translated by Massimo Verdicchio
“Receptive Spirit is a finely argued and erudite rereading of what is arguably the most important period in modern philosophy, the early reception of Kant’s critical philosophy, when the timeless now of Kantian cognition met a great challenge in the historical mind that came onto the scene.”— Paul North, Yale University
224 PAGES 978-0-8232-6717-0, PAPER, $30.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-6716-3, CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00
Thou Shalt Not Kill
240 PAGES 978-0-8232-6829-0 CLOTH, $55.00, £38.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
A Political and Theological Dialogue ADRIANA CAVARERO AND ANGELO SCOLA Translated by Margaret Adams Groesbeck & Adam Sitze 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-6735-4, PAPER, $20.00, £13.99 978-0-8232-6734-7, CLOTH, $75.00, £52.00
JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by Philip Armstrong
Sensible Life: A Micro-ontology of the Image
EMANUELE COCCIA, Translated by Scott Alan Stuart, Introduction by Kevin Attell
“Read Nancy’s wonderfully exhilarating Intoxication and you’ll understand why it is urgent to be, like Rimbaud’s boat, ivre. Make no mistake: French ivresse has little to do with intoxication’s dull thud of medical measure. Leave intoxication for breathalyzers; ivresse is pure elation, sublimated elevation, an ecstatic Bacchic frenzy soaring to poetic rapture, a rapture that, as Hegel stated, achieves the dizzy dissolution of all absolutes.”—Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania
144 PAGES 978-0-8232-6742-2, PAPER, $24.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-6741-5, CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00
Two: The Machine of Political Theology
and the Place of Thought ROBERTO ESPOSITO, Translated by Zakiya Hanafi 248 PAGES 978-0-8232-6762-0, PAPER, $30.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-6761-3, CLOTH, $105.00, £73.00
64 PAGES 978-0-8232-6773-6 PAPER, $15.95, £10.99 978-0-8232-6772-9 CLOTH, $65.00, £45.00 Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Redemptive Hope
From the Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Obama AKIBA J. LERNER 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-6792-7, PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-6791-0, CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00
Simultaneous electronic editions available for all titles rd h am pre ss .com
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This Distracted Globe
Worldmaking in Early Modern Literature Edited by Marcie Frank, Jonathan Goldberg, and Karen Newman
Dante and the Dynamics of Textual Exchange
Authorship, Manuscript Culture, and the Making of the ‘Vita Nova’ JELENA TODOROVIĆ
Contributors: Laura Bovilsky, Brent Dawson, Meredith Evans, Daniel Juan Gil, David Glimp, Aaron Kunin, James Kuzner, Robert Matz, Lynn Maxwell, Madhavi Menon
Dante and the Dynamics of Textual Exchange is the first book-length study to explore the question of poetry and genre in the earliest author’s book in Italian by investigating, through an analysis of both textual and manuscript evidence, the ways in which in the Vita Nova (ca. 1292-1294), Dante redefines the medieval theory of authorship as defined by medieval scholars..
“From Spenser’s toxic slime to Persian story theater, with way-stations that include Marlovian foot-stools, Horatian friendship, and Paracelsian ecology, this sparkling and timely collection of essays visits a dazzling range of world-making aspirations in Renaissance and early modern literature.”— Julia Reinhard Lupton, The University of California, Irvine 240 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7029-3 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-7028-6 CLOTH, $110.00, £76.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
248 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7023-1 CLOTH, $55.00, £38.00 Dante’s World: Historicizing Literary Cultures of the Due and Trecento Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Shakespeare as a Way of Life
Skeptical Practice and the Politics of Weakness JAMES KUZNER
“Shakespeare as a Way of Life is a thoughtful, meditative, beautifully written book that will interest readers of all critical stripes, whether their bent is toward history, theory, or close reading. Kuzner gives us poised and nuanced readings of his key Shakespearean works. Most of all, he makes a brilliant, original case for Shakespeare’s carving out a new kind of skepticism, one that is his own and not classifiable as purely Pyrrhonian or Montaignean or proto-Cartesian.”— Katherine Eggert, University of Colorado, Boulder
Practicing the City
Early Modern London on Stage NINA LEVINE
“Practicing the City makes a substantial, original contribution to the expansion of our understanding of the interrelation of London and early modern drama in the light of the unprecedented urbanization that occurred in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.”—James R. Siemon, Boston University
208 PAGES 978-0-8232-6994-5 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-6993-8 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
224 PAGES, 4 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6787-3 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-6786-6 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Renaissance Posthumanism
Edited by Joseph Campana and Scott Maisano Contributors: Lara Bovilsky, Joseph Campana, Stephen J. Campbell, Holly Dugan, Erica Fudge, Kenneth Gouwens, Vin Nardizzi, Judith Roof, Diane Wolfthal, Julian Yates
“Fiery flint and weeping marble, hairy mandrakes and ardent monkeys, flayed skins and inky parchments, chimp-like sheep and one-eyed cows: these are among the quirky and vibrant actors assembled in this exciting and timely new volume. In search of Renaissance posthumanism, the authors examine unfamiliar archives in response to current environmental and technological urgencies, and their inventive and thoughtful readings will spur new lines of inquiry.”—Julia Reinhard Lupton, University of California, Irvine 320 PAGES, 35 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6956-3 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-6955-6 CLOTH, $125.00, £87.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am p re ss .co m
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Modernity’s Mist
The Death of the Book
“In Modernity’s Mist Emily Rohrbach has written a counterhistory to Nietzsche’s account of modernity as the story of the present indebting itself to the future by making a promise to it. She has given us a non-apocalyptic framework for understanding Romanticism’s secular engagement with a future whose inscrutability makes it neither necessarily redemptive nor destructive. Remarkable here is not just the elegance with which Rohrbach renders the readerly experience of being beset by the shadows of things that elude direct experience or narrative totalization, but the absence of bitterness with which she handles a subject that might well occasion it, given the disproportion between the ‘plenty’ of multiple if unrealized, competing possibilities and the relative ‘little’ of actual historical outcomes.”— Anne-Lise Francois, University of California, Berkeley
An examination of the ways major novels by Marcel Proust, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf draw attention to their embodiment in the object of the book, The Death of the Book considers how bookish format plays a role in some of the twentieth century’s most famous literary experiments. Tracking the passing of time in which reading unfolds, these novels position the book’s so-called “death” in terms that refer as much to a simple description of its future vis-à-vis other media forms as to the sense of finitude these books share with and transmit to their readers.
British Romanticism and the Poetics of Anticipation EMILY ROHRBACH
Modernist Novels and the Time of Reading JOHN LURZ
224 PAGES 978-0-8232-7098-9 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-7097-2 CLOTH, $90.00, £62.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
200 PAGES 978-0-8232-6797-2 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-6796-5 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 Lit Z SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Think, Pig!
Beckett at the Limit of the Human JEAN-MICHEL RABATÉ
“Very few critics have all the qualities and competencies required to engage fully with the entirety Beckett’s work in all genres: a detailed familiarity with Beckett’s texts in both English and French; a sensitivity to his linguistic, stylistic and thematic manoeuvres; an encyclopaedic knowledge of his intellectual context; an awareness of the range and detail of Beckett studies; and an ability to write with refinement and wit. It is clear from this remarkable book that Jean-Michel Rabaté is one of those few.”—Derek Attridge, University of York
NINETEENTH CENTURY Constellations of a Contemporary Romanticism Edited by Jacques Khalip and Forest Pyle
Contributors: Ian Balfour, David Clark, Peter de Bolla, Lee Edelman, Joel Faflak, William Galperin, Mike Goode, Sara Guyer, Mary Jacobus, Simon Jarvis, Jacques Khalip, Robert Mitchell, Forest Pyle, Marc Redfield, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Orrin Wang
264 PAGES 978-0-8232-7086-6 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-7085-9 CLOTH, $95.00, £66.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
“This volume invokes Walter Benjamin’s notion of a constellation, in which past and present meet or pass along a two-way street, to describe the different articulated conjunctions or passing through between contemporary cultural media (art, literature, film) and romanticism that occur in these fifteen essays. The constellation that editors Jacques Khalip and Forest Pyle identify is propelled by a Benjaminian understanding of what the editors here call “strange adjacencies” rather than alignments of cause with effect, between romanticism and now, adjacencies that recall those that Benjamin identified in the way an image (or a constellation) might pulse with an arresting temporality. The essays themselves offer a superlative, often commanding account of how we might read romanticism now, and further, how we might recast the then and now axis that we use to do so, in our own time. The array of scholarly voices and arguments in this collection is arresting. The critical differences that emerge across the volume as each scholar takes up the invitation to write about a contemporary romanticism make clear how many constellations this volume creates for thinking about where romanticism and the contemporary might be said to occupy a shared space of writing.”—Theresa Kelley, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Work of Difference: Modernism, Romanticism, and the Production of Literary Form AUDREY WASSER
The Work of Difference addresses a fundamental ontological question: What is literature? And at the heart of this question, it argues, is the problem of the new. How is it that new works or new forms are possible within the rule-governed orders of history, language use, or the social? How are new works in turn recognizable to already-existing institutions? Tracing the relationship between literature and the problem of newness back to a set of concerns first articulated in early German romanticism, this book goes on to mount a critique of romantic tendencies in contemporary criticism in order, ultimately, to develop an original theory of literary production. Along the way, it offers new readings of major modernist novels by Samuel Beckett, Marcel Proust, and Gertrude Stein. 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-7006-4 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-7005-7 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 Modern Language Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
344 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7104-7 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-7103-0 CLOTH, $110.00, £76.00 Lit Z SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am pre ss .com
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Witnessing Colonial Trauma in Modern and Anglophone Literature NICOLE RIZZUTO
Winner of the 2014 Harry Levin Prize NE W I N PA P E R
“Insurgent Testimonies is a tremendously engaging, exciting, and innovative book. It is a timely intervention into postcolonial, trauma, and modernist literary studies that brings them together in unprecedented ways, while never glossing over the disciplinary and epistemological tensions between them. Rizzuto’s dazzling readings of Conrad, West, de Lisser, Reid, and Ngugi are exemplary.”—Ben Baer, Princeton University
Hating Empire Properly
The Two Indies and the Limits of Enlightenment Anticolonialism SUNIL M. AGNANI
“Hating Empire Properly will be praised by political philosophers as well as literary critics for its brilliant ‘solution’ of the Edmund Burke ‘problem’: how could a ‘liberal’ on America and India also be a‘conservative’ on France? How can we grasp Denis Diderot’s defense of colonial commerce alongside his denunciations of empire? Neither apologia nor jeremiad, Agnani’s compelling study of the Enlightenment shows subtle consistencies where previous critics could only see contradiction.”—Srinivas Aravamudan, author of Enlightenment Orientalism: Resisting the Rise of the Novel “Agnani offers wonderfully nuanced readings of two profound and vexing 18th-century thinkers–Diderot and Burke. Agnani refuses, just as Diderot and Burke did, to be defined and constrained by shallow distinctions that have so often marked our view of the Enlightenment, its critics and their relationship to European imperialism. This is a work of sustained subtlety and intelligence.”—Uday S. Mehta, City University of New York
288 PAGES 978-0-8232-6782-8 PAPER, $30.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-6781-1 CLOTH, $110.00, £76.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
The Alchemy of Empire
Abject Materials and the Technologies of Colonialism RAJANI SUDAN
“An intriguing book that brings together an array of literary and non-literary texts dealing with eighteenth-century British response to South Asian techne. Sudan is a significant voice in global eighteenth-century studies as well as a leading critic of Anglo-Indian Relations.”—Robert Markley, University of Illinois 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-7068-2 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-7067-5 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
320 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6739-2 PAPER, $27.00, £18.99 CLOTH AVAILABLE: 978-0-8232-5180-3 American Literatures Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am p re ss .co m
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LITERARY STUDIES AMERICAN Redeemer Nation in the Interregnum
The Body of Property
An Untimely Meditation on the American Vocation WILLIAM V. SPANOS Foreword by Donald E. Pease
Antebellum American Fiction and the Phenomenology of Possession CHAD LUCK
Redeemer Nation in the Interregnum interrogates the polyvalent role that American exceptionalism continues to play after 9/11. Whereas American exceptionalism is often construed as a discredited Cold War–era belief structure, Spanos persuasively demonstrates how it operationalizes an apparatus of biopolitical capture that saturates the American body politic down to its capillaries.
“Written with force and grace, The Body of Property shows how antebellum literature stepped in to address questions that legal thought largely evaded: how do we come to own a thing? Why does property require bodies? Offering us a ‘phenomenology of possession’ in authors ranging from Brown to Stoddard, from J. P. Kennedy to George Lippard, Chad Luck provides a genuinely new account of the cultural work undertaken by antebellum fiction, as it thinks through embodiment and possession in a range of social locations: frontier, parlor, plantation, cityscape. This is a terrific book, well-researched, theoretically nimble, and full of interpretive insight.”—Jonathan Elmer, Indiana University
208 PAGES 978-0-8232-6816-0 PAPER, $30.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-6815-3 CLOTH, $85.00, £59.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Scare Tactics
312 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-6746-0 PAPER, $27.00, £18.99 CLOTH AVAILABLE: 978-0-8232-6300-4 American Literatures Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Supernatural Fiction by American Women JEFFREY ANDREW WEINSTOCK With a new preface
“Scare Tactics is that rare academic work that’s accessible rather than purposefully opaque, and it has much to offer readers interested in American literature, gothic fiction, or uppity women.”—Bitch Magazine “Scare Tactics provides a fascinating study of Gothic fiction published by women in the 19th and early 20th century. Weinstock makes a persuasive argument for the subversive nature of the works, showing how tropes of the supernatural provide a vehicle for expressing veiled and often heartbreaking accounts of patriarchal oppression. Weinstock has written an informative and insightful account of this important and overlooked literary phenomenon.”—Katherine A. Fowkes, High Point University
Tricksters and Cosmopolitans
Cross-Cultural Collaborations in Asian American Literary Production REI MAGOSAKI
“A timely and groundbreaking study of Asian American literary production in the age of globalization. Through the double lenses of textual analysis and publication history, it sheds new light on what Magosaki calls ‘trickster cosmopolitanism,’ an interesting term she develops from ‘Signifying’ as defined in Afro-American literary history and applies to her study of the work of four Asian American women writers, namely, Sui Sin Far, Jessica Hagedorn, Karen Tei Yamashita, and Monique Truong. Tricksters and Cosmopolitans is a unique book that makes important contribution to Asian American literature and global and feminist studies.”—Yunte Huang, University of California, Santa Barbara
200 PAGES 978-0-8232-7188-7 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 CLOTH AVAILABLE: 978-0-8232-2985-7 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
168 PAGES 978-0-8232-7131-3 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-7130-6 CLOTH, $90.00, £62.00 American Literatures Initiative SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE rd h am pre ss .com
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POETS OUT LOUD A Provisional Map of the Lost Continent
DANEEN WARDROP Foreword by Kimiko Hahn
Poems GREGORY MAHRER Foreword by John Yau
“This long poem, pitched in so many American voices, is a powerful summoning-back of our civil war: it is drawn from a vast range of suffering, from John Brown, General Grant, a nurse, a ‘public woman,’ to a child who says, ‘Here’s parcel paper! We wrap ourselves, post to Papa.’ Cyclorama keeps our dead with us, alongside the living souls we carry in our unfinished civil war. Daneen Wardrop is a rare poet of conscience.”—Jean Valentine
“With high-wire imagination and hybrid language, A Provisional Map of the Lost Continent surveys a world postcatastrophic, elasticized, semi-mythic yet founded in the real. Scribbling clerks, horse carts, and confectioners coincide with glass towers, climate-caused sea rise, and species extinction. In this book, makings and fracturings become part of one gesture. Gregory Mahrer’s continually burning city consumes, it seems, all futures, all lives, and the ember at the center of virtually every sentence is an irreversible, prophetic, and utterly accurate grief.”—Jane Hirshfield
82 PAGES 978-0-8232-6576-3 PAPER, $19.00, £12.99 978-0-8232-6575-6 CLOTH, $45.00, £31.00 Poets Out Loud
64 PAGES, 3 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7115-3 PAPER, $18.00, £11.99 Poets Out Loud
On Generation & Corruption Poems TERRENCE CHIUSANO
The Whole by Contemplation of a Single Bone Poems NANCY K. PEARSON
“Ten years ago I wrote of Mr. Chiusano that he is ‘almost frighteningly good,’ and here, in his first full-length book, the fear factor has only flowered. His is a world of familiar shapes rendered strange by unspeakable events offstage, a country where the intimate processes of nature and gender turn raw in late afternoon sun. Had he written only the luscious, Edward Goreyesque ‘Abecedary,’ his name would live forever in poetic history. And yet there is much more to On Generation & Corruption than its set-pieces. A compelling volume, rich with chills and fever.”—Kevin Killian
“Nancy Pearson’s The Whole by Contemplation of a Single Bone is so wondrous and happily strange that I had to take breaks in my reading of it to make sure that everything I thought I knew was still the way I remembered it. In language completely of her own making, Pearson looks deeply into the natural world, the animal world and the worlds of literature and popular culture in new and unsettling ways. This is, in the best way, a book about what it means to be surprised.”—Michael Klein
108 PAGES 978-0-8232-6578-7 PAPER, $24.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-6577-0 CLOTH, $45.00, £31.00 Poets Out Loud
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