P E R S P E CTI V E S I N CO NTI NE NTAL P H I LO S O P H Y Phenomenologies of the Stranger
R E L I G I O N 2 0 1 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 0 1 2
BETWEEN HOSTILITY AND HOSPITALITY Edited by Richard Kearney and Kascha Semonovitch Contributors: Jeffrey Bloechl, John D. Caputo, Edward S. Casey, Simon Critchley, Jean Greisch, Richard Kearney, John Manoussakis, Karmen MacKendrick, Kelly Oliver, William J. Richardson, Vanessa Rumble, Kascha Semonovitch, Kalpana Rahita Seshadri, William H. Smith, Anthony J. Steinbock, Brian Treanor, David Wood, Christopher Yates
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A welcome and timely contribution at a time when the question of how to relate to the different and other is up front politically, ethically, and philosophically.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Jim Olthuis, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3462-2 PAPER, $26.00
AN ESSAY ON BIRTH AND RESURRECTION EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by George Hughes This book reads the dogma of the resurrection of the body in the context of contemporary philosophy, notably Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. It shows how a phenomenology of the body born â&#x20AC;&#x153;from belowâ&#x20AC;? can be seen as a paradigm for a theology of spiritual rebirth, and for rebirth of the body from â&#x20AC;&#x153;on high.â&#x20AC;?
University Box L Bronx, NY 10458
224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3921-4 PAPER, $28.00
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The God Who Deconstructs Himself
20% or more off all titles
P H I L O S O P H Y & R E L I G I O N
Fordham University Press
The Metamorphosis of Finitude
SOVEREIGNTY AND SUBJECTIVITY BETWEEN FREUD, BATAILLE, AND DERRIDA NICK MANSFIELD â&#x20AC;&#x153;A rich and provocative reading, the focus of which contributes a new perspective to the literature on Derrida and deconstruction.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Veronique Foti, Pennsylvania State University 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3242-0 PAPER, $27.00 978-0-8232-3241-3 CLOTH, $65.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
A Passion for the Possible
Secrets of Becoming
THINKING WITH PAUL RICOEUR Edited by Brian Treanor and Henry Isaac Venema
NEGOTIATING WHITEHEAD, DELEUZE, AND BUTLER Edited by Roland Faber and Andrea M. Stephenson
Contributors: Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Boyd Blundell, GaĂŤlle Fiasse, Jean Greisch, Ellen Herda, David M. Kaplan, Richard Kearney, David Pellauer, David Rasmussen, Paul Ricoeur, Brian Treanor, Henry Isaac Venema
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many scholars from a variety of disciplines will find this an interesting and enlightening text. It not only broadens our understanding of Ricoeurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work but also builds on it, following his exemplary model on how to do philosophy.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Christina Gschwandtner, Scranton University 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3293-2 PAPER, $24.00
Contributors: Jeff Bell, Roland Faber, Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, Michael Halewood, Luke Higgins, Catherine Keller, Isabella Palin, Keith Robinson, Steven Shaviro, Andrea Stephenson, Alan R. Van Wyk
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This collection of essays brings together three very different thinkers around their shared immanentism and antisubstantialism, attending to the differing ways that events, bodies, and gods become in the absence of a transcendent order of being.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mary Jane Rubenstein, Wesleyan University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3209-3 PAPER, $28.00
PHILOSOPHY The Interval: RELATION AND BECOMING IN IRIGARAY, ARISTOTLE, AND BERGSON REBECCA HILL â&#x20AC;&#x153;The interval is a force of dispersal or difference that is constitutive of identity: it is the necessity of relations between terms. Rebecca Hill has provided a powerful, original analysis of the interval in thinking sexual difference and its implications for our thinking about space, time, and identity.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers, The State Univeresity of New Jersey 208 PAGES 978-0-8232-3724-1 CLOTH, $55.00
Thinking about Thinking WHAT KIND OF CONVERSATION IS PHILOSOPHY? ADRIAAN THEODOOR PEPERZAK â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thinking about Thinking comprises a set of meditations about the dialogical nature of philosophy and the philosophical life. The fruit of twenty-five years of teaching by a gifted and spirit-filled philosopher, these ten meditations gather around the themes of trust and faith in its several forms, including religious faith and Hegelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;faith in reason.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Thomas R. Flynn, Emory University 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-4018-0 PAPER, $26.00
Through Narcissusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Glass Darkly THE MODERN RELIGION OF CONSCIENCE DAVID S. PACINI â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paciniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book . . . illuminates an idea whose inner workings call for a rare ability to think theologically in the context of a modern philosophical narrative. The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;religionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in a religion of conscience defies the usual distinctions between religion and science, faith and reason, autonomy and dependence. Pacini deftly illuminates the depths of that brave new religion.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;James Wetzel, Villanova University
Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean FRANCO CASSANO Edited and Translated by Norma Bouchard and Valerio Ferme â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cassanoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book furnishes a theoretical and sociohistorical map whereby marginality, silence, difference, and other forms of cultural suppression can finally articulate a discourse aimed not solely at deconstructing Northern European modernity, but at shaping a new understanding of the complex relation between peoples, cultures, and the environment. These perspectives have long been locked up in the Souths of the world, and in the Mediterranean in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Peter Carravetta, Stony Brook University 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3365-6 PAPER, $26.00
The Ethics of Authorship COMMUNICATION, SEDUCTION, AND DEATH IN HEGEL AND KIERKEGAARD DANIEL BERTHOLD â&#x20AC;&#x153;An original and stimulating account of both Kierkegaard and Hegel that succeeds by focusing on the philosophy of language espoused by each thinker. Berthold brings a rich tapestry of thinkers into play and provides unexpected entry into the lives of both writers.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David MacGregor, University of Western Ontario
Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups
Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Importance for Philosophy
The Politics of Survival
Edited by Rick Anthony Furtak, Jonathan Ellsworth, and James D. Reid
Edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish
Contributors: Douglas R. Anderson, Stanley Bates, Philip J. Cafaro, Jonathan Ellsworth, Paul Friedrich, Rick Anthony Furtak, Russell B. Goodman, Robert Kuhn McGregor, Edward F. Mooney, James D. Reid, Alfred I. Tauber, Laura Dassow Walls
PEIRCE, AFFECTIVITY, AND SOCIAL CRITICISM LARA TROUT â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lucid, compelling, and exceptionally accessible account of the relevance of Peirce and pragmatism to contemporary discussions of social justice. Trout demonstrates how Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s philosophy rises above his personal prejudices to provide a unique set of tools for analyzing and criticizing the nonconscious biases of those who believe that they are free from prejudice. The Politics of Survival is unmatched in the manner in which it makes Peirce and pragmatism relevant to recent literature on racism and sexism.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mitchell Aboulafia, The Juilliard School
Contributors: RenĂŠ Arcilla, Gordon C. F. Bearn, Stanley Cavell, Vincent Colapietro, Russell Goodman, Steve Odin, Hilary W. Putnam, Naoko Saito, Paul Standish
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stanley Cavell grasps the joys and despairs of philosophy as the art of living, just as he knows the intricate mental beauties and confusions of philosophy as theory. At the very heart of his philosophizing resides the question of education: of who and what we are as beings juxtaposed with who and what we might wish to become. This splendid collection of essays, adroitly edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, is the very first scholarly text to take seriously Cavellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion for questions of teaching and learning. It is a welcome addition to the philosophy and the practice of education.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David T. Hansen, Professor and Director, Program in Philosophy and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University 268 PAGES 978-0-8232-3474-5 PAPER, $28.00
Faith in Life JOHN DEWEYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EARLY PHILOSOPHY DONALD J. MORSE â&#x20AC;&#x153;A fascinating study. This work is a genuinely creative and novel reinterpretation of Dewey.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3470-7 CLOTH, $55.00
Conversations on Peirce
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This volume is important in that Thoreau was a complex individual whose studies were cross-disciplinary. He was not a writer who merely touched on science; he was a natural philosopher. He was not a writer who merely studied social reform; he was a political activist. And he was not a writer who added a slight philosophical touch to his writings; he was a philosopher. As a book in philosophy, this collection of essays is unique.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Daniel Dombrowsk, Seattle University 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3930-6 CLOTH, $55.00
304 PAGES 978-0-8232-3295-6 CLOTH, $55.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Pragmatism in the Americas
Edited by Gregory Fernando Pappas â&#x20AC;&#x153;This book holds real promise for awakening North American philosophers to the enormous breadth of Spanishlanguage Pragmatist philosophy. This is one of the best contributions to the advancement of American philosophy in a long time.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hara, Augustana College
Edited by Gyula Klima, Fordham University
288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3368-7 PAPER, $29.00
The Practical Anarchist WRITINGS OF JOSIAH WARREN Edited with an Introduction by Crispin Sartwell â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sartwell does an outstanding job situating Warrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work within the history of anarchist thought and within the history of American anarchism in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-3370-0 CLOTH, $55.00
REALS AND IDEALS DOUGLAS R. ANDERSON AND CARL R. HAUSMAN â&#x20AC;&#x153;An excellent collection of essays on Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s metaphysics and his theory of inquiry, conceived in the spirit of a conversation between fellow travellers. This book will appeal to the budding Peirce scholar as well as to the seasoned specialist.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Cornelis de Waal, Indiana Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Purdue University at Indianapolis
JOHN R. SHOOK AND JAMES A. GOOD â&#x20AC;&#x153;With their significant new interpretation of the role of Hegel in the formation of Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thought, Shook and Good have transformed the landscape of Dewey scholarship.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Larry Hickman, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
320 PAGES 978-0-8232-3468-4 PAPER, $30.00
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3139-3 PAPER, $25.00
John Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Philosophy of Spirit, with the 1897 Lecture on Hegel
The Logic of the Trinity AUGUSTINE TO OCKHAM PAUL THOM â&#x20AC;&#x153;Provides a ground-breaking account of the logic of the Trinity in ten important late-antique and medieval theologians: Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, Gilbert of Poiters, Peter Lombard, Bonaventure, Albert, Aquinas, Scotus, and Ockham.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3476-9 CLOTH, $65.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-3395-3 PAPER, $24.00
200 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-2965-9 PAPER, $24.00
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10/10/11 10:59 AM
P E R S P E CTI V E S I N CO NTI NE NTAL P H I LO S O P H Y Phenomenologies of the Stranger
R E L I G I O N 2 0 1 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 0 1 2
BETWEEN HOSTILITY AND HOSPITALITY Edited by Richard Kearney and Kascha Semonovitch Contributors: Jeffrey Bloechl, John D. Caputo, Edward S. Casey, Simon Critchley, Jean Greisch, Richard Kearney, John Manoussakis, Karmen MacKendrick, Kelly Oliver, William J. Richardson, Vanessa Rumble, Kascha Semonovitch, Kalpana Rahita Seshadri, William H. Smith, Anthony J. Steinbock, Brian Treanor, David Wood, Christopher Yates
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A welcome and timely contribution at a time when the question of how to relate to the different and other is up front politically, ethically, and philosophically.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Jim Olthuis, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3462-2 PAPER, $26.00
AN ESSAY ON BIRTH AND RESURRECTION EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by George Hughes This book reads the dogma of the resurrection of the body in the context of contemporary philosophy, notably Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. It shows how a phenomenology of the body born â&#x20AC;&#x153;from belowâ&#x20AC;? can be seen as a paradigm for a theology of spiritual rebirth, and for rebirth of the body from â&#x20AC;&#x153;on high.â&#x20AC;?
University Box L Bronx, NY 10458
224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3921-4 PAPER, $28.00
PhilosophyReligionBroc.indd 1
visit our blog at www.FordhamImPRESSions.com
The God Who Deconstructs Himself
20% or more off all titles
P H I L O S O P H Y & R E L I G I O N
Fordham University Press
The Metamorphosis of Finitude
SOVEREIGNTY AND SUBJECTIVITY BETWEEN FREUD, BATAILLE, AND DERRIDA NICK MANSFIELD â&#x20AC;&#x153;A rich and provocative reading, the focus of which contributes a new perspective to the literature on Derrida and deconstruction.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Veronique Foti, Pennsylvania State University 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3242-0 PAPER, $27.00 978-0-8232-3241-3 CLOTH, $65.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
A Passion for the Possible
Secrets of Becoming
THINKING WITH PAUL RICOEUR Edited by Brian Treanor and Henry Isaac Venema
NEGOTIATING WHITEHEAD, DELEUZE, AND BUTLER Edited by Roland Faber and Andrea M. Stephenson
Contributors: Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Boyd Blundell, GaĂŤlle Fiasse, Jean Greisch, Ellen Herda, David M. Kaplan, Richard Kearney, David Pellauer, David Rasmussen, Paul Ricoeur, Brian Treanor, Henry Isaac Venema
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many scholars from a variety of disciplines will find this an interesting and enlightening text. It not only broadens our understanding of Ricoeurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work but also builds on it, following his exemplary model on how to do philosophy.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Christina Gschwandtner, Scranton University 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3293-2 PAPER, $24.00
Contributors: Jeff Bell, Roland Faber, Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, Michael Halewood, Luke Higgins, Catherine Keller, Isabella Palin, Keith Robinson, Steven Shaviro, Andrea Stephenson, Alan R. Van Wyk
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This collection of essays brings together three very different thinkers around their shared immanentism and antisubstantialism, attending to the differing ways that events, bodies, and gods become in the absence of a transcendent order of being.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mary Jane Rubenstein, Wesleyan University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3209-3 PAPER, $28.00
PHILOSOPHY The Interval: RELATION AND BECOMING IN IRIGARAY, ARISTOTLE, AND BERGSON REBECCA HILL â&#x20AC;&#x153;The interval is a force of dispersal or difference that is constitutive of identity: it is the necessity of relations between terms. Rebecca Hill has provided a powerful, original analysis of the interval in thinking sexual difference and its implications for our thinking about space, time, and identity.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers, The State Univeresity of New Jersey 208 PAGES 978-0-8232-3724-1 CLOTH, $55.00
Thinking about Thinking WHAT KIND OF CONVERSATION IS PHILOSOPHY? ADRIAAN THEODOOR PEPERZAK â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thinking about Thinking comprises a set of meditations about the dialogical nature of philosophy and the philosophical life. The fruit of twenty-five years of teaching by a gifted and spirit-filled philosopher, these ten meditations gather around the themes of trust and faith in its several forms, including religious faith and Hegelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;faith in reason.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Thomas R. Flynn, Emory University 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-4018-0 PAPER, $26.00
Through Narcissusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Glass Darkly THE MODERN RELIGION OF CONSCIENCE DAVID S. PACINI â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paciniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book . . . illuminates an idea whose inner workings call for a rare ability to think theologically in the context of a modern philosophical narrative. The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;religionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in a religion of conscience defies the usual distinctions between religion and science, faith and reason, autonomy and dependence. Pacini deftly illuminates the depths of that brave new religion.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;James Wetzel, Villanova University
Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean FRANCO CASSANO Edited and Translated by Norma Bouchard and Valerio Ferme â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cassanoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book furnishes a theoretical and sociohistorical map whereby marginality, silence, difference, and other forms of cultural suppression can finally articulate a discourse aimed not solely at deconstructing Northern European modernity, but at shaping a new understanding of the complex relation between peoples, cultures, and the environment. These perspectives have long been locked up in the Souths of the world, and in the Mediterranean in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Peter Carravetta, Stony Brook University 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3365-6 PAPER, $26.00
The Ethics of Authorship COMMUNICATION, SEDUCTION, AND DEATH IN HEGEL AND KIERKEGAARD DANIEL BERTHOLD â&#x20AC;&#x153;An original and stimulating account of both Kierkegaard and Hegel that succeeds by focusing on the philosophy of language espoused by each thinker. Berthold brings a rich tapestry of thinkers into play and provides unexpected entry into the lives of both writers.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David MacGregor, University of Western Ontario
Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups
Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Importance for Philosophy
The Politics of Survival
Edited by Rick Anthony Furtak, Jonathan Ellsworth, and James D. Reid
Edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish
Contributors: Douglas R. Anderson, Stanley Bates, Philip J. Cafaro, Jonathan Ellsworth, Paul Friedrich, Rick Anthony Furtak, Russell B. Goodman, Robert Kuhn McGregor, Edward F. Mooney, James D. Reid, Alfred I. Tauber, Laura Dassow Walls
PEIRCE, AFFECTIVITY, AND SOCIAL CRITICISM LARA TROUT â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lucid, compelling, and exceptionally accessible account of the relevance of Peirce and pragmatism to contemporary discussions of social justice. Trout demonstrates how Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s philosophy rises above his personal prejudices to provide a unique set of tools for analyzing and criticizing the nonconscious biases of those who believe that they are free from prejudice. The Politics of Survival is unmatched in the manner in which it makes Peirce and pragmatism relevant to recent literature on racism and sexism.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mitchell Aboulafia, The Juilliard School
Contributors: RenĂŠ Arcilla, Gordon C. F. Bearn, Stanley Cavell, Vincent Colapietro, Russell Goodman, Steve Odin, Hilary W. Putnam, Naoko Saito, Paul Standish
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stanley Cavell grasps the joys and despairs of philosophy as the art of living, just as he knows the intricate mental beauties and confusions of philosophy as theory. At the very heart of his philosophizing resides the question of education: of who and what we are as beings juxtaposed with who and what we might wish to become. This splendid collection of essays, adroitly edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, is the very first scholarly text to take seriously Cavellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion for questions of teaching and learning. It is a welcome addition to the philosophy and the practice of education.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David T. Hansen, Professor and Director, Program in Philosophy and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University 268 PAGES 978-0-8232-3474-5 PAPER, $28.00
Faith in Life JOHN DEWEYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EARLY PHILOSOPHY DONALD J. MORSE â&#x20AC;&#x153;A fascinating study. This work is a genuinely creative and novel reinterpretation of Dewey.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3470-7 CLOTH, $55.00
Conversations on Peirce
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This volume is important in that Thoreau was a complex individual whose studies were cross-disciplinary. He was not a writer who merely touched on science; he was a natural philosopher. He was not a writer who merely studied social reform; he was a political activist. And he was not a writer who added a slight philosophical touch to his writings; he was a philosopher. As a book in philosophy, this collection of essays is unique.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Daniel Dombrowsk, Seattle University 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3930-6 CLOTH, $55.00
304 PAGES 978-0-8232-3295-6 CLOTH, $55.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Pragmatism in the Americas
Edited by Gregory Fernando Pappas â&#x20AC;&#x153;This book holds real promise for awakening North American philosophers to the enormous breadth of Spanishlanguage Pragmatist philosophy. This is one of the best contributions to the advancement of American philosophy in a long time.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hara, Augustana College
Edited by Gyula Klima, Fordham University
288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3368-7 PAPER, $29.00
The Practical Anarchist WRITINGS OF JOSIAH WARREN Edited with an Introduction by Crispin Sartwell â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sartwell does an outstanding job situating Warrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work within the history of anarchist thought and within the history of American anarchism in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-3370-0 CLOTH, $55.00
REALS AND IDEALS DOUGLAS R. ANDERSON AND CARL R. HAUSMAN â&#x20AC;&#x153;An excellent collection of essays on Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s metaphysics and his theory of inquiry, conceived in the spirit of a conversation between fellow travellers. This book will appeal to the budding Peirce scholar as well as to the seasoned specialist.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Cornelis de Waal, Indiana Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Purdue University at Indianapolis
JOHN R. SHOOK AND JAMES A. GOOD â&#x20AC;&#x153;With their significant new interpretation of the role of Hegel in the formation of Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thought, Shook and Good have transformed the landscape of Dewey scholarship.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Larry Hickman, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
320 PAGES 978-0-8232-3468-4 PAPER, $30.00
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3139-3 PAPER, $25.00
John Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Philosophy of Spirit, with the 1897 Lecture on Hegel
The Logic of the Trinity AUGUSTINE TO OCKHAM PAUL THOM â&#x20AC;&#x153;Provides a ground-breaking account of the logic of the Trinity in ten important late-antique and medieval theologians: Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, Gilbert of Poiters, Peter Lombard, Bonaventure, Albert, Aquinas, Scotus, and Ockham.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3476-9 CLOTH, $65.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-3395-3 PAPER, $24.00
200 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-2965-9 PAPER, $24.00
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10/10/11 10:59 AM
P E R S P E CTI V E S I N CO NTI NE NTAL P H I LO S O P H Y Phenomenologies of the Stranger
R E L I G I O N 2 0 1 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 0 1 2
BETWEEN HOSTILITY AND HOSPITALITY Edited by Richard Kearney and Kascha Semonovitch Contributors: Jeffrey Bloechl, John D. Caputo, Edward S. Casey, Simon Critchley, Jean Greisch, Richard Kearney, John Manoussakis, Karmen MacKendrick, Kelly Oliver, William J. Richardson, Vanessa Rumble, Kascha Semonovitch, Kalpana Rahita Seshadri, William H. Smith, Anthony J. Steinbock, Brian Treanor, David Wood, Christopher Yates
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A welcome and timely contribution at a time when the question of how to relate to the different and other is up front politically, ethically, and philosophically.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Jim Olthuis, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3462-2 PAPER, $26.00
AN ESSAY ON BIRTH AND RESURRECTION EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by George Hughes This book reads the dogma of the resurrection of the body in the context of contemporary philosophy, notably Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. It shows how a phenomenology of the body born â&#x20AC;&#x153;from belowâ&#x20AC;? can be seen as a paradigm for a theology of spiritual rebirth, and for rebirth of the body from â&#x20AC;&#x153;on high.â&#x20AC;?
University Box L Bronx, NY 10458
224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3921-4 PAPER, $28.00
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The God Who Deconstructs Himself
20% or more off all titles
P H I L O S O P H Y & R E L I G I O N
Fordham University Press
The Metamorphosis of Finitude
SOVEREIGNTY AND SUBJECTIVITY BETWEEN FREUD, BATAILLE, AND DERRIDA NICK MANSFIELD â&#x20AC;&#x153;A rich and provocative reading, the focus of which contributes a new perspective to the literature on Derrida and deconstruction.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Veronique Foti, Pennsylvania State University 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3242-0 PAPER, $27.00 978-0-8232-3241-3 CLOTH, $65.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
A Passion for the Possible
Secrets of Becoming
THINKING WITH PAUL RICOEUR Edited by Brian Treanor and Henry Isaac Venema
NEGOTIATING WHITEHEAD, DELEUZE, AND BUTLER Edited by Roland Faber and Andrea M. Stephenson
Contributors: Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Boyd Blundell, GaĂŤlle Fiasse, Jean Greisch, Ellen Herda, David M. Kaplan, Richard Kearney, David Pellauer, David Rasmussen, Paul Ricoeur, Brian Treanor, Henry Isaac Venema
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many scholars from a variety of disciplines will find this an interesting and enlightening text. It not only broadens our understanding of Ricoeurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work but also builds on it, following his exemplary model on how to do philosophy.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Christina Gschwandtner, Scranton University 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3293-2 PAPER, $24.00
Contributors: Jeff Bell, Roland Faber, Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, Michael Halewood, Luke Higgins, Catherine Keller, Isabella Palin, Keith Robinson, Steven Shaviro, Andrea Stephenson, Alan R. Van Wyk
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This collection of essays brings together three very different thinkers around their shared immanentism and antisubstantialism, attending to the differing ways that events, bodies, and gods become in the absence of a transcendent order of being.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mary Jane Rubenstein, Wesleyan University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3209-3 PAPER, $28.00
PHILOSOPHY The Interval: RELATION AND BECOMING IN IRIGARAY, ARISTOTLE, AND BERGSON REBECCA HILL â&#x20AC;&#x153;The interval is a force of dispersal or difference that is constitutive of identity: it is the necessity of relations between terms. Rebecca Hill has provided a powerful, original analysis of the interval in thinking sexual difference and its implications for our thinking about space, time, and identity.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers, The State Univeresity of New Jersey 208 PAGES 978-0-8232-3724-1 CLOTH, $55.00
Thinking about Thinking WHAT KIND OF CONVERSATION IS PHILOSOPHY? ADRIAAN THEODOOR PEPERZAK â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thinking about Thinking comprises a set of meditations about the dialogical nature of philosophy and the philosophical life. The fruit of twenty-five years of teaching by a gifted and spirit-filled philosopher, these ten meditations gather around the themes of trust and faith in its several forms, including religious faith and Hegelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;faith in reason.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Thomas R. Flynn, Emory University 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-4018-0 PAPER, $26.00
Through Narcissusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Glass Darkly THE MODERN RELIGION OF CONSCIENCE DAVID S. PACINI â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paciniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book . . . illuminates an idea whose inner workings call for a rare ability to think theologically in the context of a modern philosophical narrative. The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;religionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in a religion of conscience defies the usual distinctions between religion and science, faith and reason, autonomy and dependence. Pacini deftly illuminates the depths of that brave new religion.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;James Wetzel, Villanova University
Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean FRANCO CASSANO Edited and Translated by Norma Bouchard and Valerio Ferme â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cassanoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book furnishes a theoretical and sociohistorical map whereby marginality, silence, difference, and other forms of cultural suppression can finally articulate a discourse aimed not solely at deconstructing Northern European modernity, but at shaping a new understanding of the complex relation between peoples, cultures, and the environment. These perspectives have long been locked up in the Souths of the world, and in the Mediterranean in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Peter Carravetta, Stony Brook University 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3365-6 PAPER, $26.00
The Ethics of Authorship COMMUNICATION, SEDUCTION, AND DEATH IN HEGEL AND KIERKEGAARD DANIEL BERTHOLD â&#x20AC;&#x153;An original and stimulating account of both Kierkegaard and Hegel that succeeds by focusing on the philosophy of language espoused by each thinker. Berthold brings a rich tapestry of thinkers into play and provides unexpected entry into the lives of both writers.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David MacGregor, University of Western Ontario
Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups
Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Importance for Philosophy
The Politics of Survival
Edited by Rick Anthony Furtak, Jonathan Ellsworth, and James D. Reid
Edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish
Contributors: Douglas R. Anderson, Stanley Bates, Philip J. Cafaro, Jonathan Ellsworth, Paul Friedrich, Rick Anthony Furtak, Russell B. Goodman, Robert Kuhn McGregor, Edward F. Mooney, James D. Reid, Alfred I. Tauber, Laura Dassow Walls
PEIRCE, AFFECTIVITY, AND SOCIAL CRITICISM LARA TROUT â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lucid, compelling, and exceptionally accessible account of the relevance of Peirce and pragmatism to contemporary discussions of social justice. Trout demonstrates how Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s philosophy rises above his personal prejudices to provide a unique set of tools for analyzing and criticizing the nonconscious biases of those who believe that they are free from prejudice. The Politics of Survival is unmatched in the manner in which it makes Peirce and pragmatism relevant to recent literature on racism and sexism.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mitchell Aboulafia, The Juilliard School
Contributors: RenĂŠ Arcilla, Gordon C. F. Bearn, Stanley Cavell, Vincent Colapietro, Russell Goodman, Steve Odin, Hilary W. Putnam, Naoko Saito, Paul Standish
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stanley Cavell grasps the joys and despairs of philosophy as the art of living, just as he knows the intricate mental beauties and confusions of philosophy as theory. At the very heart of his philosophizing resides the question of education: of who and what we are as beings juxtaposed with who and what we might wish to become. This splendid collection of essays, adroitly edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, is the very first scholarly text to take seriously Cavellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion for questions of teaching and learning. It is a welcome addition to the philosophy and the practice of education.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David T. Hansen, Professor and Director, Program in Philosophy and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University 268 PAGES 978-0-8232-3474-5 PAPER, $28.00
Faith in Life JOHN DEWEYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EARLY PHILOSOPHY DONALD J. MORSE â&#x20AC;&#x153;A fascinating study. This work is a genuinely creative and novel reinterpretation of Dewey.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3470-7 CLOTH, $55.00
Conversations on Peirce
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This volume is important in that Thoreau was a complex individual whose studies were cross-disciplinary. He was not a writer who merely touched on science; he was a natural philosopher. He was not a writer who merely studied social reform; he was a political activist. And he was not a writer who added a slight philosophical touch to his writings; he was a philosopher. As a book in philosophy, this collection of essays is unique.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Daniel Dombrowsk, Seattle University 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3930-6 CLOTH, $55.00
304 PAGES 978-0-8232-3295-6 CLOTH, $55.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Pragmatism in the Americas
Edited by Gregory Fernando Pappas â&#x20AC;&#x153;This book holds real promise for awakening North American philosophers to the enormous breadth of Spanishlanguage Pragmatist philosophy. This is one of the best contributions to the advancement of American philosophy in a long time.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hara, Augustana College
Edited by Gyula Klima, Fordham University
288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3368-7 PAPER, $29.00
The Practical Anarchist WRITINGS OF JOSIAH WARREN Edited with an Introduction by Crispin Sartwell â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sartwell does an outstanding job situating Warrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work within the history of anarchist thought and within the history of American anarchism in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-3370-0 CLOTH, $55.00
REALS AND IDEALS DOUGLAS R. ANDERSON AND CARL R. HAUSMAN â&#x20AC;&#x153;An excellent collection of essays on Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s metaphysics and his theory of inquiry, conceived in the spirit of a conversation between fellow travellers. This book will appeal to the budding Peirce scholar as well as to the seasoned specialist.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Cornelis de Waal, Indiana Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Purdue University at Indianapolis
JOHN R. SHOOK AND JAMES A. GOOD â&#x20AC;&#x153;With their significant new interpretation of the role of Hegel in the formation of Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thought, Shook and Good have transformed the landscape of Dewey scholarship.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Larry Hickman, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
320 PAGES 978-0-8232-3468-4 PAPER, $30.00
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3139-3 PAPER, $25.00
John Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Philosophy of Spirit, with the 1897 Lecture on Hegel
The Logic of the Trinity AUGUSTINE TO OCKHAM PAUL THOM â&#x20AC;&#x153;Provides a ground-breaking account of the logic of the Trinity in ten important late-antique and medieval theologians: Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, Gilbert of Poiters, Peter Lombard, Bonaventure, Albert, Aquinas, Scotus, and Ockham.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3476-9 CLOTH, $65.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-3395-3 PAPER, $24.00
200 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-2965-9 PAPER, $24.00
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P E R S P E CTI V E S I N CO NTI NE NTAL P H I LO S O P H Y Phenomenologies of the Stranger
R E L I G I O N 2 0 1 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 0 1 2
BETWEEN HOSTILITY AND HOSPITALITY Edited by Richard Kearney and Kascha Semonovitch Contributors: Jeffrey Bloechl, John D. Caputo, Edward S. Casey, Simon Critchley, Jean Greisch, Richard Kearney, John Manoussakis, Karmen MacKendrick, Kelly Oliver, William J. Richardson, Vanessa Rumble, Kascha Semonovitch, Kalpana Rahita Seshadri, William H. Smith, Anthony J. Steinbock, Brian Treanor, David Wood, Christopher Yates
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A welcome and timely contribution at a time when the question of how to relate to the different and other is up front politically, ethically, and philosophically.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Jim Olthuis, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3462-2 PAPER, $26.00
AN ESSAY ON BIRTH AND RESURRECTION EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by George Hughes This book reads the dogma of the resurrection of the body in the context of contemporary philosophy, notably Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. It shows how a phenomenology of the body born â&#x20AC;&#x153;from belowâ&#x20AC;? can be seen as a paradigm for a theology of spiritual rebirth, and for rebirth of the body from â&#x20AC;&#x153;on high.â&#x20AC;?
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224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3921-4 PAPER, $28.00
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Fordham University Press
The Metamorphosis of Finitude
SOVEREIGNTY AND SUBJECTIVITY BETWEEN FREUD, BATAILLE, AND DERRIDA NICK MANSFIELD â&#x20AC;&#x153;A rich and provocative reading, the focus of which contributes a new perspective to the literature on Derrida and deconstruction.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Veronique Foti, Pennsylvania State University 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3242-0 PAPER, $27.00 978-0-8232-3241-3 CLOTH, $65.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
A Passion for the Possible
Secrets of Becoming
THINKING WITH PAUL RICOEUR Edited by Brian Treanor and Henry Isaac Venema
NEGOTIATING WHITEHEAD, DELEUZE, AND BUTLER Edited by Roland Faber and Andrea M. Stephenson
Contributors: Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Boyd Blundell, GaĂŤlle Fiasse, Jean Greisch, Ellen Herda, David M. Kaplan, Richard Kearney, David Pellauer, David Rasmussen, Paul Ricoeur, Brian Treanor, Henry Isaac Venema
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many scholars from a variety of disciplines will find this an interesting and enlightening text. It not only broadens our understanding of Ricoeurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work but also builds on it, following his exemplary model on how to do philosophy.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Christina Gschwandtner, Scranton University 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3293-2 PAPER, $24.00
Contributors: Jeff Bell, Roland Faber, Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, Michael Halewood, Luke Higgins, Catherine Keller, Isabella Palin, Keith Robinson, Steven Shaviro, Andrea Stephenson, Alan R. Van Wyk
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This collection of essays brings together three very different thinkers around their shared immanentism and antisubstantialism, attending to the differing ways that events, bodies, and gods become in the absence of a transcendent order of being.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mary Jane Rubenstein, Wesleyan University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3209-3 PAPER, $28.00
PHILOSOPHY The Interval: RELATION AND BECOMING IN IRIGARAY, ARISTOTLE, AND BERGSON REBECCA HILL â&#x20AC;&#x153;The interval is a force of dispersal or difference that is constitutive of identity: it is the necessity of relations between terms. Rebecca Hill has provided a powerful, original analysis of the interval in thinking sexual difference and its implications for our thinking about space, time, and identity.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers, The State Univeresity of New Jersey 208 PAGES 978-0-8232-3724-1 CLOTH, $55.00
Thinking about Thinking WHAT KIND OF CONVERSATION IS PHILOSOPHY? ADRIAAN THEODOOR PEPERZAK â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thinking about Thinking comprises a set of meditations about the dialogical nature of philosophy and the philosophical life. The fruit of twenty-five years of teaching by a gifted and spirit-filled philosopher, these ten meditations gather around the themes of trust and faith in its several forms, including religious faith and Hegelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;faith in reason.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Thomas R. Flynn, Emory University 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-4018-0 PAPER, $26.00
Through Narcissusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Glass Darkly THE MODERN RELIGION OF CONSCIENCE DAVID S. PACINI â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paciniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book . . . illuminates an idea whose inner workings call for a rare ability to think theologically in the context of a modern philosophical narrative. The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;religionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in a religion of conscience defies the usual distinctions between religion and science, faith and reason, autonomy and dependence. Pacini deftly illuminates the depths of that brave new religion.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;James Wetzel, Villanova University
Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean FRANCO CASSANO Edited and Translated by Norma Bouchard and Valerio Ferme â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cassanoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book furnishes a theoretical and sociohistorical map whereby marginality, silence, difference, and other forms of cultural suppression can finally articulate a discourse aimed not solely at deconstructing Northern European modernity, but at shaping a new understanding of the complex relation between peoples, cultures, and the environment. These perspectives have long been locked up in the Souths of the world, and in the Mediterranean in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Peter Carravetta, Stony Brook University 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3365-6 PAPER, $26.00
The Ethics of Authorship COMMUNICATION, SEDUCTION, AND DEATH IN HEGEL AND KIERKEGAARD DANIEL BERTHOLD â&#x20AC;&#x153;An original and stimulating account of both Kierkegaard and Hegel that succeeds by focusing on the philosophy of language espoused by each thinker. Berthold brings a rich tapestry of thinkers into play and provides unexpected entry into the lives of both writers.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David MacGregor, University of Western Ontario
Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups
Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Importance for Philosophy
The Politics of Survival
Edited by Rick Anthony Furtak, Jonathan Ellsworth, and James D. Reid
Edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish
Contributors: Douglas R. Anderson, Stanley Bates, Philip J. Cafaro, Jonathan Ellsworth, Paul Friedrich, Rick Anthony Furtak, Russell B. Goodman, Robert Kuhn McGregor, Edward F. Mooney, James D. Reid, Alfred I. Tauber, Laura Dassow Walls
PEIRCE, AFFECTIVITY, AND SOCIAL CRITICISM LARA TROUT â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lucid, compelling, and exceptionally accessible account of the relevance of Peirce and pragmatism to contemporary discussions of social justice. Trout demonstrates how Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s philosophy rises above his personal prejudices to provide a unique set of tools for analyzing and criticizing the nonconscious biases of those who believe that they are free from prejudice. The Politics of Survival is unmatched in the manner in which it makes Peirce and pragmatism relevant to recent literature on racism and sexism.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mitchell Aboulafia, The Juilliard School
Contributors: RenĂŠ Arcilla, Gordon C. F. Bearn, Stanley Cavell, Vincent Colapietro, Russell Goodman, Steve Odin, Hilary W. Putnam, Naoko Saito, Paul Standish
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stanley Cavell grasps the joys and despairs of philosophy as the art of living, just as he knows the intricate mental beauties and confusions of philosophy as theory. At the very heart of his philosophizing resides the question of education: of who and what we are as beings juxtaposed with who and what we might wish to become. This splendid collection of essays, adroitly edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Standish, is the very first scholarly text to take seriously Cavellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion for questions of teaching and learning. It is a welcome addition to the philosophy and the practice of education.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David T. Hansen, Professor and Director, Program in Philosophy and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University 268 PAGES 978-0-8232-3474-5 PAPER, $28.00
Faith in Life JOHN DEWEYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EARLY PHILOSOPHY DONALD J. MORSE â&#x20AC;&#x153;A fascinating study. This work is a genuinely creative and novel reinterpretation of Dewey.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3470-7 CLOTH, $55.00
Conversations on Peirce
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This volume is important in that Thoreau was a complex individual whose studies were cross-disciplinary. He was not a writer who merely touched on science; he was a natural philosopher. He was not a writer who merely studied social reform; he was a political activist. And he was not a writer who added a slight philosophical touch to his writings; he was a philosopher. As a book in philosophy, this collection of essays is unique.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Daniel Dombrowsk, Seattle University 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3930-6 CLOTH, $55.00
304 PAGES 978-0-8232-3295-6 CLOTH, $55.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Pragmatism in the Americas
Edited by Gregory Fernando Pappas â&#x20AC;&#x153;This book holds real promise for awakening North American philosophers to the enormous breadth of Spanishlanguage Pragmatist philosophy. This is one of the best contributions to the advancement of American philosophy in a long time.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hara, Augustana College
Edited by Gyula Klima, Fordham University
288 PAGES 978-0-8232-3368-7 PAPER, $29.00
The Practical Anarchist WRITINGS OF JOSIAH WARREN Edited with an Introduction by Crispin Sartwell â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sartwell does an outstanding job situating Warrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work within the history of anarchist thought and within the history of American anarchism in particular.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-3370-0 CLOTH, $55.00
REALS AND IDEALS DOUGLAS R. ANDERSON AND CARL R. HAUSMAN â&#x20AC;&#x153;An excellent collection of essays on Peirceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s metaphysics and his theory of inquiry, conceived in the spirit of a conversation between fellow travellers. This book will appeal to the budding Peirce scholar as well as to the seasoned specialist.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Cornelis de Waal, Indiana Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Purdue University at Indianapolis
JOHN R. SHOOK AND JAMES A. GOOD â&#x20AC;&#x153;With their significant new interpretation of the role of Hegel in the formation of Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thought, Shook and Good have transformed the landscape of Dewey scholarship.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Larry Hickman, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
320 PAGES 978-0-8232-3468-4 PAPER, $30.00
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3139-3 PAPER, $25.00
John Deweyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Philosophy of Spirit, with the 1897 Lecture on Hegel
The Logic of the Trinity AUGUSTINE TO OCKHAM PAUL THOM â&#x20AC;&#x153;Provides a ground-breaking account of the logic of the Trinity in ten important late-antique and medieval theologians: Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, Gilbert of Poiters, Peter Lombard, Bonaventure, Albert, Aquinas, Scotus, and Ockham.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3476-9 CLOTH, $65.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-3395-3 PAPER, $24.00
200 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-2965-9 PAPER, $24.00
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Decolonizing Epistemologies
Freedom and Law A JEWISH-CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS RANDI RASHKOVER “Freedom and Law offers a prophetic and timely intervention in interreligious dialogue, combining a compelling analysis of law and sovereignty with extensive forays into critical theory and political philosophy as well. Rashkover’s insightful and generous yet provocative reading will prove to be a noteworthy touchstone in this field for years to come.”—Willie Young, Endicott College 336 PAGES 978-0-8232-3453-0 PAPER, $28.00
The Other Jewish Question IDENTIFYING THE JEW AND MAKING SENSE OF MODERNITY JAY GELLER “In this elegantly crafted and stunningly erudite exposition, Jay Geller explores the ‘persistence’ of the Jew as marked by difference, at least in the imagination of others, is to be understood as an index of the tortured emergence of Western modernity.”—Paul Mendes-Flohr, The University of Chicago, Divinity School 448 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3362-5 PAPER, $35.00
LATINA/O THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY Edited by Ada María IsasiDíaz and Eduardo Mendieta Contributors: Walter Mignolo, Ada María Isasi-Díaz, María Lugones, Otto Maduro, Linda Martín Alcoff, Hjamil MartínezVázquez, Michelle GonzálezMaldonado, Paula M. L. Moya, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Mayra Rivera, Christopher Tirres, Eduardo Mendieta
“This book is the definitive collection of philosophical and theological voices grounded in the most significant yet overlooked sources in American life—Latino/a doings and sufferings. We owe Eduardo Mendieta and Ada María Isasi-Díaz a deep debt for unleashing these profound and powerful essays into the world!”—Dr. Cornel West 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4136-1 PAPER, $28.00
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“Timely and valuable . . . an amazing collection of essays which dazzles with new insights and reflections, and . . . an attractive addition to the ever-growing literature on postcolonial theology. Aside from its erudition, this book is for those who care about love, compassion, justice, and tolerance in an increasingly conflict-ridden world.”—R. S. Sugirtharajah, author of The Bible and Empire 480 PAGES 978-0-8232-3326-7 PAPER, $35.00
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uBuntu and the Law AFRICAN IDEALS AND POSTAPARTHEID JURISPRUDENCE Edited by Drucilla Cornell and Nyoko Muvangua “This volume brings to light both the crucial cases and documents that are not easily accessible, and it also offers a set of fascinating and critical writings by some of the most important legal scholars in South Africa.”—Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University
Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God Edited by Donna Bowman and Clayton Crockett Contributors: Whitney Bauman, Donna Bowman, Clayton Crockett, T. Wilson Dickinson, Luke B. Higgins, Catherine Keller, Oz Lorentzen, Jay McDaniel, Jeffrey W. Robbins, Mary-Jane Rubenstein
448 PAGES 978-0-8232-3382-3 CLOTH, $95.00
“This bold set of essays finally puts theology into the 21st century precisely because it confronts the core truth of our very existence—that energy is the omnipresent force shotthrough all things.”—Creston Davis, Rollins College
Sanctuary and Crime in the Middle Ages, 400–1500
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3896-5 PAPER, $24.00
KARL SHOEMAKER “Shoemaker’s excellent study elucidates the origins and successive transformations of sanctuary as a central institution of premodern criminal justice. A work of great sweep and acuity, Sanctuary and Crime effectively bridges the history of values, ideas and practices—legal, political, religious, and social.”—Thomas A. Green, University of Michigan 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3268-0 CLOTH, $65.00
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176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3251-2 PAPER, $24.00
BORDERING RELIGIONS: Concepts, Conflicts, and Conversations Edited by Kathryn Kueny, Fordham University Karen Pechilis, Drew University James T. Robinson, The University of Chicago Divinity School FOR COU R SES
Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: COMMEMORATION, RELIGION, AND RESPONSIBILITY AFTER HIROSHIMA YUKI MIYAMOTO “This imaginative and deeply thoughtful book explores a rarely asked question: how does being victimized challenge individuals ethically? Miyamoto explores the ethical and religious resources that Japanese atomic-bomb victims (hibakusha) have deployed to make sense of their experience and guide their efforts to live good lives after surviving such a shattering event.”—Laura Hein, Northwestern University
Seducing Augustine
Neighbors and Missionaries
BODIES, DESIRES, CONFESSIONS VIRGINIA BURRUS, MARK D. JORDAN, AND KARMEN MACKENDRICK “This book will work its charms on those on intimate terms with Augustine and those who (accidentally or deliberately) have kept their distance. The writing is beautiful, sharp, astute. The authorial trinity brings together some of the most accomplished voices in their respective disciplines in powerful counterpoint.“—Yvonne Sherwood, University of Glasgow
A HISTORY OF THE SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE MARGARET M. MCGUINNESS “Illuminates our understanding of the history of American women religious by examining the unique apostolate of a particular community that blended concern for the spiritual and material well-being of the Catholic poor.”—M. Christine Anderson, Xavier University
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3194-2 PAPER, $25.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
The Reinvention of Religious Music A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability HUMAN BEING AS MUTUALITY AND RESPONSE MOLLY C. HASLAM “Haslam’s work persuasively demonstrates the bias in society—and theology—in favor of intellectual ability, and reveals the dangerous consequences such bias carries. Her reflections are valuable not only as they highlight the existential value of people with profound intellectual disabilities and those who share life with them, but also as she magnificently complicates notions of what it is for any of us to be human or to be made in the image of God.”—Debbie Creamer, Iliff School of Theology
OLIVIER MESSIAEN’S BREAKTHROUGH TOWARD THE BEYOND SANDER VAN MAAS “If the idea that religious music is a thing of the past helps you sleep better, Sander van Maas’s provocative book should wake you up. Did you ever think that an ear could be circumcised? From the Bible to Messiaen and Derrida, he radically rethinks the relationships between ear and flesh.”—Peter Szendy, Université de Paris X Nanterre “Recommended!”—Choice 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3058-7 PAPER, $24.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Hidden Intercourse EROS AND SEXUALITY IN THE HISTORY OF WESTERN ESOTERICISM WOUTER J. HANEGRAAFF AND JEFFREY J. KRIPAL “Hidden Intercourse is a book that turns people’s heads around, so that they can never think of sex the same way again.”—Joscelyn Godwin, Colgate University “A collection of essays addressing a doubly fascinating topic, namely, the intersection of the erotic and the esoteric in Western culture from ancient Greece to contemporary California—where ‘west’ meets ‘east,’ as the American counterculture supplements its already eclectic garb with the mantle of a refashioned Asian Tantra.”—Virginia Burrus, Drew University 544 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3341-0 PAPER, $37.00
PhilosophyReligionBroc.indd 2
Faith, Resistance, and the Future DANIEL BERRIGAN’S CHALLENGE TO CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT Edited by James L. Marsh and Anna J. Brown “Explores a fundamental tension concerning the role of the political within Catholic social thought, and considers Berrigan’s work within the broader discussion of social justice.”—Carol Joy Gordon, Fairfield University
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Series Co-Editors: Angela O’Donnell, Associate Director of the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University John C. Seitz, Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Fordham University This series aims to contribute to the growing field of Catholic Studies through the publication of books devoted to the historical and cultural study of Catholic practice in North America from the colonial period to the present. The series springs from a pressing need in the study of American Catholicism for empirical investigations and creative explorations and analyses of the contours of the Catholic experience.
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Textbook examination copies are available for adoption to qualified instructors. Fordham University Press is pleased to provide qualified instructors with examination copies to review for course adoption consideration. If the book is available in both cloth and paper bindings, you will receive the paperback copy for review.
Jesuit and Feminist Education
ORTHODOX STUDIES On Earth as in Heaven ECOLOGICAL VISION AND INITIATIVES OF ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW Edited by John Chryssavgis Foreword by His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh “The Ecumenical Patriarch reminds us of a simple and profound moral truth: our imperative to live in harmony with our natural surroundings. While His All Holiness’s leadership is rooted in his own spiritual calling, his message resonates with all who work in and study the world of public affairs, politics, and diplomacy.”—Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution 384 PAGES 978-0-8232-3885-9 CLOTH, $32.00
INTERSECTIONS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Edited by Jocelyn M. Boryczka and Elizabeth A. Petrino Introduction by Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J. Epilogue by Charles L. Currie, S.J. “This very original collection celebrates the interplay of the Ignatian and feminist spirits, while naming and confronting frustrations and pitfalls. The book will be an unparalleled springboard for discussions about Jesuit identity, Catholic identity, Catholic higher education, and the Catholic future of feminism. Above all, it reaffirms the hopeful, engaged, transformational mission of Jesuit colleges and universities.”—Lisa Sowle Cahill, Boston College
To request additional examination copies, please visit: www.oup.com/US
276 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3332-8 PAPER, $24.00
Black Robes and Buckskin A SELECTION FROM THE JESUIT RELATIONS CATHARINE RANDALL “Catharine Randall’s modern translation of selections from the Jesuit Relations brings to life an exciting chapter of the French exploration and settlement of North America. In their letters home, the intrepid Jesuits write of their relationships with Native peoples, whose traditional beliefs the missionaries struggle to translate into their own Catholic terms. Their letters also illuminate the lives of the courageous nuns who founded hospitals and created schools for the girls of early Quebec, both Native and white.”—Mary Jean Green, Dartmouth College
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The Catholic Studies Reader Edited by James T. Fisher and Margaret M. McGuinness Contributors: Una M. Cadegan; Debra Campbell; Kathleen Sprows Cummings; Thomas J. Ferraro; James T. Fisher; Jeannine Hill Fletcher; Diana Hayes; Linh Hoang, O.F.M.; Richard M. Liddy; Margaret M. McGuinness; Kristy Nabhan-Warren; David O’Brien; Maureen H. O’Connell; Angela O’Donnell; Mary Ellen O’Donnell; Catherine Osborne; Ann Taves; Sandra Yocum
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350 PAGES 978-0-8232-3411-0 PAPER, $30.00
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“A helpful and necessary step in establishing a set of scholarship to further the discussion which also displays the lack of consensus among scholars and disciplines about what constitutes ‘Catholic Studies.’ ”—Paula M. Kane, University of Pittsburgh “The Catholic Studies Reader is a provocative introduction to a diverse and growing field of study, and an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the future of Catholic education in America.”—Ryan Stellabotte, Fordham University
224 PAGES, 25 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3262-8 CLOTH, $35.00
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144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3941-2 PAPER, $24.00
176 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3987-0 CLOTH, $40.00
Philosophy and Religion books ideal for course adoption
352 PAGES 978-0-8232-3982-5 CLOTH, $60.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-4051-7 PAPER, $26.00
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CA, NC, WA, and WI residents please add sales tax. ** Domestic shipping: $5.50, $1.50 for each additional book Prices subject to change without notice. SEND ORDERS TO: Oxford University Press Order Dept. 2001 Evans Road Cary, North Carolina 27513 Phone: 800.451.7556 Fax: 919.677.1303 www.fordhampress.com
For more information, visit www.fordhampress.com 10/10/11 10:59 AM
Decolonizing Epistemologies
Freedom and Law A JEWISH-CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS RANDI RASHKOVER “Freedom and Law offers a prophetic and timely intervention in interreligious dialogue, combining a compelling analysis of law and sovereignty with extensive forays into critical theory and political philosophy as well. Rashkover’s insightful and generous yet provocative reading will prove to be a noteworthy touchstone in this field for years to come.”—Willie Young, Endicott College 336 PAGES 978-0-8232-3453-0 PAPER, $28.00
The Other Jewish Question IDENTIFYING THE JEW AND MAKING SENSE OF MODERNITY JAY GELLER “In this elegantly crafted and stunningly erudite exposition, Jay Geller explores the ‘persistence’ of the Jew as marked by difference, at least in the imagination of others, is to be understood as an index of the tortured emergence of Western modernity.”—Paul Mendes-Flohr, The University of Chicago, Divinity School 448 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3362-5 PAPER, $35.00
LATINA/O THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY Edited by Ada María IsasiDíaz and Eduardo Mendieta Contributors: Walter Mignolo, Ada María Isasi-Díaz, María Lugones, Otto Maduro, Linda Martín Alcoff, Hjamil MartínezVázquez, Michelle GonzálezMaldonado, Paula M. L. Moya, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Mayra Rivera, Christopher Tirres, Eduardo Mendieta
“This book is the definitive collection of philosophical and theological voices grounded in the most significant yet overlooked sources in American life—Latino/a doings and sufferings. We owe Eduardo Mendieta and Ada María Isasi-Díaz a deep debt for unleashing these profound and powerful essays into the world!”—Dr. Cornel West 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4136-1 PAPER, $28.00
Planetary Loves SPIVAK, POSTCOLONIALITY, AND THEOLOGY Edited by Stephen D. Moore and Mayra Rivera Contributors: Susan Abraham, Ellen T. Armour, Sharon V. Betcher, Anne Joh, Serene Jones, Namsoon Kang, Catherine Keller, Kwok Pui-lan, Tat-siong Benny Liew, Dhawn B. Martin, Stephen D. Moore, Mayra Rivera, Erin Runions, Laurel C. Schneider, John J. Thatamanil, Jenna Tiitsman, and Lydia York, as well as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
“Timely and valuable . . . an amazing collection of essays which dazzles with new insights and reflections, and . . . an attractive addition to the ever-growing literature on postcolonial theology. Aside from its erudition, this book is for those who care about love, compassion, justice, and tolerance in an increasingly conflict-ridden world.”—R. S. Sugirtharajah, author of The Bible and Empire 480 PAGES 978-0-8232-3326-7 PAPER, $35.00
The Creolizing Subject RACE, REASON, AND THE POLITICS OF PURITY MICHAEL J. MONAHAN “Compellingly argues for an understanding of whiteness as a dynamic racial category of becoming, rather than a static category of being, and convincingly challenges the politics of purity in both traditional and antiracist understandings of race and racism.”—Shannon Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3450-9 PAPER, $26.00
Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity CULTURAL AND RACIAL RECONFIGURATIONS OF CRITICAL THEORY DRUCILLA CORNELL AND KENNETH MICHAEL PANFILIO “This is one of the rarest books. It belongs to the new genre of radical philosophical archeology: it resurrects the work of Ernst Cassirer, one of the great German idealists, and puts it to the task of developing a contemporary critical theory which confronts imperialism and neo-colonialism. At this point of retreat of the left, Cornell and Panfilio open new directions for critical thinking and offer a call to radical action.”—Costas Douzinas, University of London
uBuntu and the Law AFRICAN IDEALS AND POSTAPARTHEID JURISPRUDENCE Edited by Drucilla Cornell and Nyoko Muvangua “This volume brings to light both the crucial cases and documents that are not easily accessible, and it also offers a set of fascinating and critical writings by some of the most important legal scholars in South Africa.”—Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University
Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God Edited by Donna Bowman and Clayton Crockett Contributors: Whitney Bauman, Donna Bowman, Clayton Crockett, T. Wilson Dickinson, Luke B. Higgins, Catherine Keller, Oz Lorentzen, Jay McDaniel, Jeffrey W. Robbins, Mary-Jane Rubenstein
448 PAGES 978-0-8232-3382-3 CLOTH, $95.00
“This bold set of essays finally puts theology into the 21st century precisely because it confronts the core truth of our very existence—that energy is the omnipresent force shotthrough all things.”—Creston Davis, Rollins College
Sanctuary and Crime in the Middle Ages, 400–1500
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3896-5 PAPER, $24.00
KARL SHOEMAKER “Shoemaker’s excellent study elucidates the origins and successive transformations of sanctuary as a central institution of premodern criminal justice. A work of great sweep and acuity, Sanctuary and Crime effectively bridges the history of values, ideas and practices—legal, political, religious, and social.”—Thomas A. Green, University of Michigan 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3268-0 CLOTH, $65.00
The Gift of Science LEIBNIZ AND THE MODERN LEGAL TRADITION ROGER BERKOWITZ “Provides a radical critique of legal positivism from the perspective of intellectual history. Focusing on little-known work by Liebniz, Berkowitz traces the complex history and the multiple meanings of science and positivity.”—Peter Goodrich, Cardozo School of Law 234 PAGES 978-0-8232-3191-1 PAPER, $25.00
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3251-2 PAPER, $24.00
BORDERING RELIGIONS: Concepts, Conflicts, and Conversations Edited by Kathryn Kueny, Fordham University Karen Pechilis, Drew University James T. Robinson, The University of Chicago Divinity School FOR COU R SES
Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: COMMEMORATION, RELIGION, AND RESPONSIBILITY AFTER HIROSHIMA YUKI MIYAMOTO “This imaginative and deeply thoughtful book explores a rarely asked question: how does being victimized challenge individuals ethically? Miyamoto explores the ethical and religious resources that Japanese atomic-bomb victims (hibakusha) have deployed to make sense of their experience and guide their efforts to live good lives after surviving such a shattering event.”—Laura Hein, Northwestern University
Seducing Augustine
Neighbors and Missionaries
BODIES, DESIRES, CONFESSIONS VIRGINIA BURRUS, MARK D. JORDAN, AND KARMEN MACKENDRICK “This book will work its charms on those on intimate terms with Augustine and those who (accidentally or deliberately) have kept their distance. The writing is beautiful, sharp, astute. The authorial trinity brings together some of the most accomplished voices in their respective disciplines in powerful counterpoint.“—Yvonne Sherwood, University of Glasgow
A HISTORY OF THE SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE MARGARET M. MCGUINNESS “Illuminates our understanding of the history of American women religious by examining the unique apostolate of a particular community that blended concern for the spiritual and material well-being of the Catholic poor.”—M. Christine Anderson, Xavier University
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3194-2 PAPER, $25.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
The Reinvention of Religious Music A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability HUMAN BEING AS MUTUALITY AND RESPONSE MOLLY C. HASLAM “Haslam’s work persuasively demonstrates the bias in society—and theology—in favor of intellectual ability, and reveals the dangerous consequences such bias carries. Her reflections are valuable not only as they highlight the existential value of people with profound intellectual disabilities and those who share life with them, but also as she magnificently complicates notions of what it is for any of us to be human or to be made in the image of God.”—Debbie Creamer, Iliff School of Theology
OLIVIER MESSIAEN’S BREAKTHROUGH TOWARD THE BEYOND SANDER VAN MAAS “If the idea that religious music is a thing of the past helps you sleep better, Sander van Maas’s provocative book should wake you up. Did you ever think that an ear could be circumcised? From the Bible to Messiaen and Derrida, he radically rethinks the relationships between ear and flesh.”—Peter Szendy, Université de Paris X Nanterre “Recommended!”—Choice 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3058-7 PAPER, $24.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Hidden Intercourse EROS AND SEXUALITY IN THE HISTORY OF WESTERN ESOTERICISM WOUTER J. HANEGRAAFF AND JEFFREY J. KRIPAL “Hidden Intercourse is a book that turns people’s heads around, so that they can never think of sex the same way again.”—Joscelyn Godwin, Colgate University “A collection of essays addressing a doubly fascinating topic, namely, the intersection of the erotic and the esoteric in Western culture from ancient Greece to contemporary California—where ‘west’ meets ‘east,’ as the American counterculture supplements its already eclectic garb with the mantle of a refashioned Asian Tantra.”—Virginia Burrus, Drew University 544 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3341-0 PAPER, $37.00
PhilosophyReligionBroc.indd 2
Faith, Resistance, and the Future DANIEL BERRIGAN’S CHALLENGE TO CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT Edited by James L. Marsh and Anna J. Brown “Explores a fundamental tension concerning the role of the political within Catholic social thought, and considers Berrigan’s work within the broader discussion of social justice.”—Carol Joy Gordon, Fairfield University
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Series Co-Editors: Angela O’Donnell, Associate Director of the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University John C. Seitz, Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Fordham University This series aims to contribute to the growing field of Catholic Studies through the publication of books devoted to the historical and cultural study of Catholic practice in North America from the colonial period to the present. The series springs from a pressing need in the study of American Catholicism for empirical investigations and creative explorations and analyses of the contours of the Catholic experience.
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Textbook examination copies are available for adoption to qualified instructors. Fordham University Press is pleased to provide qualified instructors with examination copies to review for course adoption consideration. If the book is available in both cloth and paper bindings, you will receive the paperback copy for review.
Jesuit and Feminist Education
ORTHODOX STUDIES On Earth as in Heaven ECOLOGICAL VISION AND INITIATIVES OF ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW Edited by John Chryssavgis Foreword by His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh “The Ecumenical Patriarch reminds us of a simple and profound moral truth: our imperative to live in harmony with our natural surroundings. While His All Holiness’s leadership is rooted in his own spiritual calling, his message resonates with all who work in and study the world of public affairs, politics, and diplomacy.”—Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution 384 PAGES 978-0-8232-3885-9 CLOTH, $32.00
INTERSECTIONS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Edited by Jocelyn M. Boryczka and Elizabeth A. Petrino Introduction by Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J. Epilogue by Charles L. Currie, S.J. “This very original collection celebrates the interplay of the Ignatian and feminist spirits, while naming and confronting frustrations and pitfalls. The book will be an unparalleled springboard for discussions about Jesuit identity, Catholic identity, Catholic higher education, and the Catholic future of feminism. Above all, it reaffirms the hopeful, engaged, transformational mission of Jesuit colleges and universities.”—Lisa Sowle Cahill, Boston College
To request additional examination copies, please visit: www.oup.com/US
276 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3332-8 PAPER, $24.00
Black Robes and Buckskin A SELECTION FROM THE JESUIT RELATIONS CATHARINE RANDALL “Catharine Randall’s modern translation of selections from the Jesuit Relations brings to life an exciting chapter of the French exploration and settlement of North America. In their letters home, the intrepid Jesuits write of their relationships with Native peoples, whose traditional beliefs the missionaries struggle to translate into their own Catholic terms. Their letters also illuminate the lives of the courageous nuns who founded hospitals and created schools for the girls of early Quebec, both Native and white.”—Mary Jean Green, Dartmouth College
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The Catholic Studies Reader Edited by James T. Fisher and Margaret M. McGuinness Contributors: Una M. Cadegan; Debra Campbell; Kathleen Sprows Cummings; Thomas J. Ferraro; James T. Fisher; Jeannine Hill Fletcher; Diana Hayes; Linh Hoang, O.F.M.; Richard M. Liddy; Margaret M. McGuinness; Kristy Nabhan-Warren; David O’Brien; Maureen H. O’Connell; Angela O’Donnell; Mary Ellen O’Donnell; Catherine Osborne; Ann Taves; Sandra Yocum
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350 PAGES 978-0-8232-3411-0 PAPER, $30.00
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“A helpful and necessary step in establishing a set of scholarship to further the discussion which also displays the lack of consensus among scholars and disciplines about what constitutes ‘Catholic Studies.’ ”—Paula M. Kane, University of Pittsburgh “The Catholic Studies Reader is a provocative introduction to a diverse and growing field of study, and an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the future of Catholic education in America.”—Ryan Stellabotte, Fordham University
224 PAGES, 25 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3262-8 CLOTH, $35.00
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144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3941-2 PAPER, $24.00
176 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3987-0 CLOTH, $40.00
Philosophy and Religion books ideal for course adoption
352 PAGES 978-0-8232-3982-5 CLOTH, $60.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-4051-7 PAPER, $26.00
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CA, NC, WA, and WI residents please add sales tax. ** Domestic shipping: $5.50, $1.50 for each additional book Prices subject to change without notice. SEND ORDERS TO: Oxford University Press Order Dept. 2001 Evans Road Cary, North Carolina 27513 Phone: 800.451.7556 Fax: 919.677.1303 www.fordhampress.com
For more information, visit www.fordhampress.com 10/10/11 10:59 AM
Decolonizing Epistemologies
Freedom and Law A JEWISH-CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS RANDI RASHKOVER “Freedom and Law offers a prophetic and timely intervention in interreligious dialogue, combining a compelling analysis of law and sovereignty with extensive forays into critical theory and political philosophy as well. Rashkover’s insightful and generous yet provocative reading will prove to be a noteworthy touchstone in this field for years to come.”—Willie Young, Endicott College 336 PAGES 978-0-8232-3453-0 PAPER, $28.00
The Other Jewish Question IDENTIFYING THE JEW AND MAKING SENSE OF MODERNITY JAY GELLER “In this elegantly crafted and stunningly erudite exposition, Jay Geller explores the ‘persistence’ of the Jew as marked by difference, at least in the imagination of others, is to be understood as an index of the tortured emergence of Western modernity.”—Paul Mendes-Flohr, The University of Chicago, Divinity School 448 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3362-5 PAPER, $35.00
LATINA/O THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY Edited by Ada María IsasiDíaz and Eduardo Mendieta Contributors: Walter Mignolo, Ada María Isasi-Díaz, María Lugones, Otto Maduro, Linda Martín Alcoff, Hjamil MartínezVázquez, Michelle GonzálezMaldonado, Paula M. L. Moya, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Mayra Rivera, Christopher Tirres, Eduardo Mendieta
“This book is the definitive collection of philosophical and theological voices grounded in the most significant yet overlooked sources in American life—Latino/a doings and sufferings. We owe Eduardo Mendieta and Ada María Isasi-Díaz a deep debt for unleashing these profound and powerful essays into the world!”—Dr. Cornel West 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4136-1 PAPER, $28.00
Planetary Loves SPIVAK, POSTCOLONIALITY, AND THEOLOGY Edited by Stephen D. Moore and Mayra Rivera Contributors: Susan Abraham, Ellen T. Armour, Sharon V. Betcher, Anne Joh, Serene Jones, Namsoon Kang, Catherine Keller, Kwok Pui-lan, Tat-siong Benny Liew, Dhawn B. Martin, Stephen D. Moore, Mayra Rivera, Erin Runions, Laurel C. Schneider, John J. Thatamanil, Jenna Tiitsman, and Lydia York, as well as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
“Timely and valuable . . . an amazing collection of essays which dazzles with new insights and reflections, and . . . an attractive addition to the ever-growing literature on postcolonial theology. Aside from its erudition, this book is for those who care about love, compassion, justice, and tolerance in an increasingly conflict-ridden world.”—R. S. Sugirtharajah, author of The Bible and Empire 480 PAGES 978-0-8232-3326-7 PAPER, $35.00
The Creolizing Subject RACE, REASON, AND THE POLITICS OF PURITY MICHAEL J. MONAHAN “Compellingly argues for an understanding of whiteness as a dynamic racial category of becoming, rather than a static category of being, and convincingly challenges the politics of purity in both traditional and antiracist understandings of race and racism.”—Shannon Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3450-9 PAPER, $26.00
Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity CULTURAL AND RACIAL RECONFIGURATIONS OF CRITICAL THEORY DRUCILLA CORNELL AND KENNETH MICHAEL PANFILIO “This is one of the rarest books. It belongs to the new genre of radical philosophical archeology: it resurrects the work of Ernst Cassirer, one of the great German idealists, and puts it to the task of developing a contemporary critical theory which confronts imperialism and neo-colonialism. At this point of retreat of the left, Cornell and Panfilio open new directions for critical thinking and offer a call to radical action.”—Costas Douzinas, University of London
uBuntu and the Law AFRICAN IDEALS AND POSTAPARTHEID JURISPRUDENCE Edited by Drucilla Cornell and Nyoko Muvangua “This volume brings to light both the crucial cases and documents that are not easily accessible, and it also offers a set of fascinating and critical writings by some of the most important legal scholars in South Africa.”—Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University
Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God Edited by Donna Bowman and Clayton Crockett Contributors: Whitney Bauman, Donna Bowman, Clayton Crockett, T. Wilson Dickinson, Luke B. Higgins, Catherine Keller, Oz Lorentzen, Jay McDaniel, Jeffrey W. Robbins, Mary-Jane Rubenstein
448 PAGES 978-0-8232-3382-3 CLOTH, $95.00
“This bold set of essays finally puts theology into the 21st century precisely because it confronts the core truth of our very existence—that energy is the omnipresent force shotthrough all things.”—Creston Davis, Rollins College
Sanctuary and Crime in the Middle Ages, 400–1500
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3896-5 PAPER, $24.00
KARL SHOEMAKER “Shoemaker’s excellent study elucidates the origins and successive transformations of sanctuary as a central institution of premodern criminal justice. A work of great sweep and acuity, Sanctuary and Crime effectively bridges the history of values, ideas and practices—legal, political, religious, and social.”—Thomas A. Green, University of Michigan 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3268-0 CLOTH, $65.00
The Gift of Science LEIBNIZ AND THE MODERN LEGAL TRADITION ROGER BERKOWITZ “Provides a radical critique of legal positivism from the perspective of intellectual history. Focusing on little-known work by Liebniz, Berkowitz traces the complex history and the multiple meanings of science and positivity.”—Peter Goodrich, Cardozo School of Law 234 PAGES 978-0-8232-3191-1 PAPER, $25.00
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3251-2 PAPER, $24.00
BORDERING RELIGIONS: Concepts, Conflicts, and Conversations Edited by Kathryn Kueny, Fordham University Karen Pechilis, Drew University James T. Robinson, The University of Chicago Divinity School FOR COU R SES
Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: COMMEMORATION, RELIGION, AND RESPONSIBILITY AFTER HIROSHIMA YUKI MIYAMOTO “This imaginative and deeply thoughtful book explores a rarely asked question: how does being victimized challenge individuals ethically? Miyamoto explores the ethical and religious resources that Japanese atomic-bomb victims (hibakusha) have deployed to make sense of their experience and guide their efforts to live good lives after surviving such a shattering event.”—Laura Hein, Northwestern University
Seducing Augustine
Neighbors and Missionaries
BODIES, DESIRES, CONFESSIONS VIRGINIA BURRUS, MARK D. JORDAN, AND KARMEN MACKENDRICK “This book will work its charms on those on intimate terms with Augustine and those who (accidentally or deliberately) have kept their distance. The writing is beautiful, sharp, astute. The authorial trinity brings together some of the most accomplished voices in their respective disciplines in powerful counterpoint.“—Yvonne Sherwood, University of Glasgow
A HISTORY OF THE SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE MARGARET M. MCGUINNESS “Illuminates our understanding of the history of American women religious by examining the unique apostolate of a particular community that blended concern for the spiritual and material well-being of the Catholic poor.”—M. Christine Anderson, Xavier University
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3194-2 PAPER, $25.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
The Reinvention of Religious Music A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability HUMAN BEING AS MUTUALITY AND RESPONSE MOLLY C. HASLAM “Haslam’s work persuasively demonstrates the bias in society—and theology—in favor of intellectual ability, and reveals the dangerous consequences such bias carries. Her reflections are valuable not only as they highlight the existential value of people with profound intellectual disabilities and those who share life with them, but also as she magnificently complicates notions of what it is for any of us to be human or to be made in the image of God.”—Debbie Creamer, Iliff School of Theology
OLIVIER MESSIAEN’S BREAKTHROUGH TOWARD THE BEYOND SANDER VAN MAAS “If the idea that religious music is a thing of the past helps you sleep better, Sander van Maas’s provocative book should wake you up. Did you ever think that an ear could be circumcised? From the Bible to Messiaen and Derrida, he radically rethinks the relationships between ear and flesh.”—Peter Szendy, Université de Paris X Nanterre “Recommended!”—Choice 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3058-7 PAPER, $24.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Hidden Intercourse EROS AND SEXUALITY IN THE HISTORY OF WESTERN ESOTERICISM WOUTER J. HANEGRAAFF AND JEFFREY J. KRIPAL “Hidden Intercourse is a book that turns people’s heads around, so that they can never think of sex the same way again.”—Joscelyn Godwin, Colgate University “A collection of essays addressing a doubly fascinating topic, namely, the intersection of the erotic and the esoteric in Western culture from ancient Greece to contemporary California—where ‘west’ meets ‘east,’ as the American counterculture supplements its already eclectic garb with the mantle of a refashioned Asian Tantra.”—Virginia Burrus, Drew University 544 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3341-0 PAPER, $37.00
PhilosophyReligionBroc.indd 2
Faith, Resistance, and the Future DANIEL BERRIGAN’S CHALLENGE TO CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT Edited by James L. Marsh and Anna J. Brown “Explores a fundamental tension concerning the role of the political within Catholic social thought, and considers Berrigan’s work within the broader discussion of social justice.”—Carol Joy Gordon, Fairfield University
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Series Co-Editors: Angela O’Donnell, Associate Director of the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University John C. Seitz, Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Fordham University This series aims to contribute to the growing field of Catholic Studies through the publication of books devoted to the historical and cultural study of Catholic practice in North America from the colonial period to the present. The series springs from a pressing need in the study of American Catholicism for empirical investigations and creative explorations and analyses of the contours of the Catholic experience.
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Textbook examination copies are available for adoption to qualified instructors. Fordham University Press is pleased to provide qualified instructors with examination copies to review for course adoption consideration. If the book is available in both cloth and paper bindings, you will receive the paperback copy for review.
Jesuit and Feminist Education
ORTHODOX STUDIES On Earth as in Heaven ECOLOGICAL VISION AND INITIATIVES OF ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW Edited by John Chryssavgis Foreword by His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh “The Ecumenical Patriarch reminds us of a simple and profound moral truth: our imperative to live in harmony with our natural surroundings. While His All Holiness’s leadership is rooted in his own spiritual calling, his message resonates with all who work in and study the world of public affairs, politics, and diplomacy.”—Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution 384 PAGES 978-0-8232-3885-9 CLOTH, $32.00
INTERSECTIONS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Edited by Jocelyn M. Boryczka and Elizabeth A. Petrino Introduction by Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J. Epilogue by Charles L. Currie, S.J. “This very original collection celebrates the interplay of the Ignatian and feminist spirits, while naming and confronting frustrations and pitfalls. The book will be an unparalleled springboard for discussions about Jesuit identity, Catholic identity, Catholic higher education, and the Catholic future of feminism. Above all, it reaffirms the hopeful, engaged, transformational mission of Jesuit colleges and universities.”—Lisa Sowle Cahill, Boston College
To request additional examination copies, please visit: www.oup.com/US
276 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3332-8 PAPER, $24.00
Black Robes and Buckskin A SELECTION FROM THE JESUIT RELATIONS CATHARINE RANDALL “Catharine Randall’s modern translation of selections from the Jesuit Relations brings to life an exciting chapter of the French exploration and settlement of North America. In their letters home, the intrepid Jesuits write of their relationships with Native peoples, whose traditional beliefs the missionaries struggle to translate into their own Catholic terms. Their letters also illuminate the lives of the courageous nuns who founded hospitals and created schools for the girls of early Quebec, both Native and white.”—Mary Jean Green, Dartmouth College
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The Catholic Studies Reader Edited by James T. Fisher and Margaret M. McGuinness Contributors: Una M. Cadegan; Debra Campbell; Kathleen Sprows Cummings; Thomas J. Ferraro; James T. Fisher; Jeannine Hill Fletcher; Diana Hayes; Linh Hoang, O.F.M.; Richard M. Liddy; Margaret M. McGuinness; Kristy Nabhan-Warren; David O’Brien; Maureen H. O’Connell; Angela O’Donnell; Mary Ellen O’Donnell; Catherine Osborne; Ann Taves; Sandra Yocum
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350 PAGES 978-0-8232-3411-0 PAPER, $30.00
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“A helpful and necessary step in establishing a set of scholarship to further the discussion which also displays the lack of consensus among scholars and disciplines about what constitutes ‘Catholic Studies.’ ”—Paula M. Kane, University of Pittsburgh “The Catholic Studies Reader is a provocative introduction to a diverse and growing field of study, and an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the future of Catholic education in America.”—Ryan Stellabotte, Fordham University
224 PAGES, 25 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3262-8 CLOTH, $35.00
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144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3941-2 PAPER, $24.00
176 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3987-0 CLOTH, $40.00
Philosophy and Religion books ideal for course adoption
352 PAGES 978-0-8232-3982-5 CLOTH, $60.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-4051-7 PAPER, $26.00
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CA, NC, WA, and WI residents please add sales tax. ** Domestic shipping: $5.50, $1.50 for each additional book Prices subject to change without notice. SEND ORDERS TO: Oxford University Press Order Dept. 2001 Evans Road Cary, North Carolina 27513 Phone: 800.451.7556 Fax: 919.677.1303 www.fordhampress.com
For more information, visit www.fordhampress.com 10/10/11 10:59 AM
Decolonizing Epistemologies
Freedom and Law A JEWISH-CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS RANDI RASHKOVER “Freedom and Law offers a prophetic and timely intervention in interreligious dialogue, combining a compelling analysis of law and sovereignty with extensive forays into critical theory and political philosophy as well. Rashkover’s insightful and generous yet provocative reading will prove to be a noteworthy touchstone in this field for years to come.”—Willie Young, Endicott College 336 PAGES 978-0-8232-3453-0 PAPER, $28.00
The Other Jewish Question IDENTIFYING THE JEW AND MAKING SENSE OF MODERNITY JAY GELLER “In this elegantly crafted and stunningly erudite exposition, Jay Geller explores the ‘persistence’ of the Jew as marked by difference, at least in the imagination of others, is to be understood as an index of the tortured emergence of Western modernity.”—Paul Mendes-Flohr, The University of Chicago, Divinity School 448 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3362-5 PAPER, $35.00
LATINA/O THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY Edited by Ada María IsasiDíaz and Eduardo Mendieta Contributors: Walter Mignolo, Ada María Isasi-Díaz, María Lugones, Otto Maduro, Linda Martín Alcoff, Hjamil MartínezVázquez, Michelle GonzálezMaldonado, Paula M. L. Moya, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Mayra Rivera, Christopher Tirres, Eduardo Mendieta
“This book is the definitive collection of philosophical and theological voices grounded in the most significant yet overlooked sources in American life—Latino/a doings and sufferings. We owe Eduardo Mendieta and Ada María Isasi-Díaz a deep debt for unleashing these profound and powerful essays into the world!”—Dr. Cornel West 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4136-1 PAPER, $28.00
Planetary Loves SPIVAK, POSTCOLONIALITY, AND THEOLOGY Edited by Stephen D. Moore and Mayra Rivera Contributors: Susan Abraham, Ellen T. Armour, Sharon V. Betcher, Anne Joh, Serene Jones, Namsoon Kang, Catherine Keller, Kwok Pui-lan, Tat-siong Benny Liew, Dhawn B. Martin, Stephen D. Moore, Mayra Rivera, Erin Runions, Laurel C. Schneider, John J. Thatamanil, Jenna Tiitsman, and Lydia York, as well as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
“Timely and valuable . . . an amazing collection of essays which dazzles with new insights and reflections, and . . . an attractive addition to the ever-growing literature on postcolonial theology. Aside from its erudition, this book is for those who care about love, compassion, justice, and tolerance in an increasingly conflict-ridden world.”—R. S. Sugirtharajah, author of The Bible and Empire 480 PAGES 978-0-8232-3326-7 PAPER, $35.00
The Creolizing Subject RACE, REASON, AND THE POLITICS OF PURITY MICHAEL J. MONAHAN “Compellingly argues for an understanding of whiteness as a dynamic racial category of becoming, rather than a static category of being, and convincingly challenges the politics of purity in both traditional and antiracist understandings of race and racism.”—Shannon Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3450-9 PAPER, $26.00
Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity CULTURAL AND RACIAL RECONFIGURATIONS OF CRITICAL THEORY DRUCILLA CORNELL AND KENNETH MICHAEL PANFILIO “This is one of the rarest books. It belongs to the new genre of radical philosophical archeology: it resurrects the work of Ernst Cassirer, one of the great German idealists, and puts it to the task of developing a contemporary critical theory which confronts imperialism and neo-colonialism. At this point of retreat of the left, Cornell and Panfilio open new directions for critical thinking and offer a call to radical action.”—Costas Douzinas, University of London
uBuntu and the Law AFRICAN IDEALS AND POSTAPARTHEID JURISPRUDENCE Edited by Drucilla Cornell and Nyoko Muvangua “This volume brings to light both the crucial cases and documents that are not easily accessible, and it also offers a set of fascinating and critical writings by some of the most important legal scholars in South Africa.”—Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University
Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God Edited by Donna Bowman and Clayton Crockett Contributors: Whitney Bauman, Donna Bowman, Clayton Crockett, T. Wilson Dickinson, Luke B. Higgins, Catherine Keller, Oz Lorentzen, Jay McDaniel, Jeffrey W. Robbins, Mary-Jane Rubenstein
448 PAGES 978-0-8232-3382-3 CLOTH, $95.00
“This bold set of essays finally puts theology into the 21st century precisely because it confronts the core truth of our very existence—that energy is the omnipresent force shotthrough all things.”—Creston Davis, Rollins College
Sanctuary and Crime in the Middle Ages, 400–1500
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3896-5 PAPER, $24.00
KARL SHOEMAKER “Shoemaker’s excellent study elucidates the origins and successive transformations of sanctuary as a central institution of premodern criminal justice. A work of great sweep and acuity, Sanctuary and Crime effectively bridges the history of values, ideas and practices—legal, political, religious, and social.”—Thomas A. Green, University of Michigan 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3268-0 CLOTH, $65.00
The Gift of Science LEIBNIZ AND THE MODERN LEGAL TRADITION ROGER BERKOWITZ “Provides a radical critique of legal positivism from the perspective of intellectual history. Focusing on little-known work by Liebniz, Berkowitz traces the complex history and the multiple meanings of science and positivity.”—Peter Goodrich, Cardozo School of Law 234 PAGES 978-0-8232-3191-1 PAPER, $25.00
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3251-2 PAPER, $24.00
BORDERING RELIGIONS: Concepts, Conflicts, and Conversations Edited by Kathryn Kueny, Fordham University Karen Pechilis, Drew University James T. Robinson, The University of Chicago Divinity School FOR COU R SES
Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: COMMEMORATION, RELIGION, AND RESPONSIBILITY AFTER HIROSHIMA YUKI MIYAMOTO “This imaginative and deeply thoughtful book explores a rarely asked question: how does being victimized challenge individuals ethically? Miyamoto explores the ethical and religious resources that Japanese atomic-bomb victims (hibakusha) have deployed to make sense of their experience and guide their efforts to live good lives after surviving such a shattering event.”—Laura Hein, Northwestern University
Seducing Augustine
Neighbors and Missionaries
BODIES, DESIRES, CONFESSIONS VIRGINIA BURRUS, MARK D. JORDAN, AND KARMEN MACKENDRICK “This book will work its charms on those on intimate terms with Augustine and those who (accidentally or deliberately) have kept their distance. The writing is beautiful, sharp, astute. The authorial trinity brings together some of the most accomplished voices in their respective disciplines in powerful counterpoint.“—Yvonne Sherwood, University of Glasgow
A HISTORY OF THE SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE MARGARET M. MCGUINNESS “Illuminates our understanding of the history of American women religious by examining the unique apostolate of a particular community that blended concern for the spiritual and material well-being of the Catholic poor.”—M. Christine Anderson, Xavier University
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3194-2 PAPER, $25.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
The Reinvention of Religious Music A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability HUMAN BEING AS MUTUALITY AND RESPONSE MOLLY C. HASLAM “Haslam’s work persuasively demonstrates the bias in society—and theology—in favor of intellectual ability, and reveals the dangerous consequences such bias carries. Her reflections are valuable not only as they highlight the existential value of people with profound intellectual disabilities and those who share life with them, but also as she magnificently complicates notions of what it is for any of us to be human or to be made in the image of God.”—Debbie Creamer, Iliff School of Theology
OLIVIER MESSIAEN’S BREAKTHROUGH TOWARD THE BEYOND SANDER VAN MAAS “If the idea that religious music is a thing of the past helps you sleep better, Sander van Maas’s provocative book should wake you up. Did you ever think that an ear could be circumcised? From the Bible to Messiaen and Derrida, he radically rethinks the relationships between ear and flesh.”—Peter Szendy, Université de Paris X Nanterre “Recommended!”—Choice 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3058-7 PAPER, $24.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
Hidden Intercourse EROS AND SEXUALITY IN THE HISTORY OF WESTERN ESOTERICISM WOUTER J. HANEGRAAFF AND JEFFREY J. KRIPAL “Hidden Intercourse is a book that turns people’s heads around, so that they can never think of sex the same way again.”—Joscelyn Godwin, Colgate University “A collection of essays addressing a doubly fascinating topic, namely, the intersection of the erotic and the esoteric in Western culture from ancient Greece to contemporary California—where ‘west’ meets ‘east,’ as the American counterculture supplements its already eclectic garb with the mantle of a refashioned Asian Tantra.”—Virginia Burrus, Drew University 544 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3341-0 PAPER, $37.00
PhilosophyReligionBroc.indd 2
Faith, Resistance, and the Future DANIEL BERRIGAN’S CHALLENGE TO CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT Edited by James L. Marsh and Anna J. Brown “Explores a fundamental tension concerning the role of the political within Catholic social thought, and considers Berrigan’s work within the broader discussion of social justice.”—Carol Joy Gordon, Fairfield University
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Series Co-Editors: Angela O’Donnell, Associate Director of the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University John C. Seitz, Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Fordham University This series aims to contribute to the growing field of Catholic Studies through the publication of books devoted to the historical and cultural study of Catholic practice in North America from the colonial period to the present. The series springs from a pressing need in the study of American Catholicism for empirical investigations and creative explorations and analyses of the contours of the Catholic experience.
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Textbook examination copies are available for adoption to qualified instructors. Fordham University Press is pleased to provide qualified instructors with examination copies to review for course adoption consideration. If the book is available in both cloth and paper bindings, you will receive the paperback copy for review.
Jesuit and Feminist Education
ORTHODOX STUDIES On Earth as in Heaven ECOLOGICAL VISION AND INITIATIVES OF ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW Edited by John Chryssavgis Foreword by His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh “The Ecumenical Patriarch reminds us of a simple and profound moral truth: our imperative to live in harmony with our natural surroundings. While His All Holiness’s leadership is rooted in his own spiritual calling, his message resonates with all who work in and study the world of public affairs, politics, and diplomacy.”—Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution 384 PAGES 978-0-8232-3885-9 CLOTH, $32.00
INTERSECTIONS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Edited by Jocelyn M. Boryczka and Elizabeth A. Petrino Introduction by Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J. Epilogue by Charles L. Currie, S.J. “This very original collection celebrates the interplay of the Ignatian and feminist spirits, while naming and confronting frustrations and pitfalls. The book will be an unparalleled springboard for discussions about Jesuit identity, Catholic identity, Catholic higher education, and the Catholic future of feminism. Above all, it reaffirms the hopeful, engaged, transformational mission of Jesuit colleges and universities.”—Lisa Sowle Cahill, Boston College
To request additional examination copies, please visit: www.oup.com/US
276 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3332-8 PAPER, $24.00
Black Robes and Buckskin A SELECTION FROM THE JESUIT RELATIONS CATHARINE RANDALL “Catharine Randall’s modern translation of selections from the Jesuit Relations brings to life an exciting chapter of the French exploration and settlement of North America. In their letters home, the intrepid Jesuits write of their relationships with Native peoples, whose traditional beliefs the missionaries struggle to translate into their own Catholic terms. Their letters also illuminate the lives of the courageous nuns who founded hospitals and created schools for the girls of early Quebec, both Native and white.”—Mary Jean Green, Dartmouth College
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The Catholic Studies Reader Edited by James T. Fisher and Margaret M. McGuinness Contributors: Una M. Cadegan; Debra Campbell; Kathleen Sprows Cummings; Thomas J. Ferraro; James T. Fisher; Jeannine Hill Fletcher; Diana Hayes; Linh Hoang, O.F.M.; Richard M. Liddy; Margaret M. McGuinness; Kristy Nabhan-Warren; David O’Brien; Maureen H. O’Connell; Angela O’Donnell; Mary Ellen O’Donnell; Catherine Osborne; Ann Taves; Sandra Yocum
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350 PAGES 978-0-8232-3411-0 PAPER, $30.00
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“A helpful and necessary step in establishing a set of scholarship to further the discussion which also displays the lack of consensus among scholars and disciplines about what constitutes ‘Catholic Studies.’ ”—Paula M. Kane, University of Pittsburgh “The Catholic Studies Reader is a provocative introduction to a diverse and growing field of study, and an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the future of Catholic education in America.”—Ryan Stellabotte, Fordham University
224 PAGES, 25 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3262-8 CLOTH, $35.00
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144 PAGES 978-0-8232-3941-2 PAPER, $24.00
176 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3987-0 CLOTH, $40.00
Philosophy and Religion books ideal for course adoption
352 PAGES 978-0-8232-3982-5 CLOTH, $60.00
160 PAGES 978-0-8232-4051-7 PAPER, $26.00
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CA, NC, WA, and WI residents please add sales tax. ** Domestic shipping: $5.50, $1.50 for each additional book Prices subject to change without notice. SEND ORDERS TO: Oxford University Press Order Dept. 2001 Evans Road Cary, North Carolina 27513 Phone: 800.451.7556 Fax: 919.677.1303 www.fordhampress.com
For more information, visit www.fordhampress.com 10/10/11 10:59 AM
Decolonizing Epistemologies
Freedom and Law A JEWISH-CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS RANDI RASHKOVER “Freedom and Law offers a prophetic and timely intervention in interreligious dialogue, combining a compelling analysis of law and sovereignty with extensive forays into critical theory and political philosophy as well. Rashkover’s insightful and generous yet provocative reading will prove to be a noteworthy touchstone in this field for years to come.”—Willie Young, Endicott College 336 PAGES 978-0-8232-3453-0 PAPER, $28.00
The Other Jewish Question IDENTIFYING THE JEW AND MAKING SENSE OF MODERNITY JAY GELLER “In this elegantly crafted and stunningly erudite exposition, Jay Geller explores the ‘persistence’ of the Jew as marked by difference, at least in the imagination of others, is to be understood as an index of the tortured emergence of Western modernity.”—Paul Mendes-Flohr, The University of Chicago, Divinity School 448 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3362-5 PAPER, $35.00
LATINA/O THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY Edited by Ada María IsasiDíaz and Eduardo Mendieta Contributors: Walter Mignolo, Ada María Isasi-Díaz, María Lugones, Otto Maduro, Linda Martín Alcoff, Hjamil MartínezVázquez, Michelle GonzálezMaldonado, Paula M. L. Moya, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Mayra Rivera, Christopher Tirres, Eduardo Mendieta
“This book is the definitive collection of philosophical and theological voices grounded in the most significant yet overlooked sources in American life—Latino/a doings and sufferings. We owe Eduardo Mendieta and Ada María Isasi-Díaz a deep debt for unleashing these profound and powerful essays into the world!”—Dr. Cornel West 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4136-1 PAPER, $28.00
Planetary Loves SPIVAK, POSTCOLONIALITY, AND THEOLOGY Edited by Stephen D. Moore and Mayra Rivera Contributors: Susan Abraham, Ellen T. Armour, Sharon V. Betcher, Anne Joh, Serene Jones, Namsoon Kang, Catherine Keller, Kwok Pui-lan, Tat-siong Benny Liew, Dhawn B. Martin, Stephen D. Moore, Mayra Rivera, Erin Runions, Laurel C. Schneider, John J. Thatamanil, Jenna Tiitsman, and Lydia York, as well as Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
“Timely and valuable . . . an amazing collection of essays which dazzles with new insights and reflections, and . . . an attractive addition to the ever-growing literature on postcolonial theology. Aside from its erudition, this book is for those who care about love, compassion, justice, and tolerance in an increasingly conflict-ridden world.”—R. S. Sugirtharajah, author of The Bible and Empire 480 PAGES 978-0-8232-3326-7 PAPER, $35.00
The Creolizing Subject RACE, REASON, AND THE POLITICS OF PURITY MICHAEL J. MONAHAN “Compellingly argues for an understanding of whiteness as a dynamic racial category of becoming, rather than a static category of being, and convincingly challenges the politics of purity in both traditional and antiracist understandings of race and racism.”—Shannon Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-3450-9 PAPER, $26.00
Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity CULTURAL AND RACIAL RECONFIGURATIONS OF CRITICAL THEORY DRUCILLA CORNELL AND KENNETH MICHAEL PANFILIO “This is one of the rarest books. It belongs to the new genre of radical philosophical archeology: it resurrects the work of Ernst Cassirer, one of the great German idealists, and puts it to the task of developing a contemporary critical theory which confronts imperialism and neo-colonialism. At this point of retreat of the left, Cornell and Panfilio open new directions for critical thinking and offer a call to radical action.”—Costas Douzinas, University of London
uBuntu and the Law AFRICAN IDEALS AND POSTAPARTHEID JURISPRUDENCE Edited by Drucilla Cornell and Nyoko Muvangua “This volume brings to light both the crucial cases and documents that are not easily accessible, and it also offers a set of fascinating and critical writings by some of the most important legal scholars in South Africa.”—Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University
Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God Edited by Donna Bowman and Clayton Crockett Contributors: Whitney Bauman, Donna Bowman, Clayton Crockett, T. Wilson Dickinson, Luke B. Higgins, Catherine Keller, Oz Lorentzen, Jay McDaniel, Jeffrey W. Robbins, Mary-Jane Rubenstein
448 PAGES 978-0-8232-3382-3 CLOTH, $95.00
“This bold set of essays finally puts theology into the 21st century precisely because it confronts the core truth of our very existence—that energy is the omnipresent force shotthrough all things.”—Creston Davis, Rollins College
Sanctuary and Crime in the Middle Ages, 400–1500
192 PAGES 978-0-8232-3896-5 PAPER, $24.00
KARL SHOEMAKER “Shoemaker’s excellent study elucidates the origins and successive transformations of sanctuary as a central institution of premodern criminal justice. A work of great sweep and acuity, Sanctuary and Crime effectively bridges the history of values, ideas and practices—legal, political, religious, and social.”—Thomas A. Green, University of Michigan 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3268-0 CLOTH, $65.00
The Gift of Science LEIBNIZ AND THE MODERN LEGAL TRADITION ROGER BERKOWITZ “Provides a radical critique of legal positivism from the perspective of intellectual history. Focusing on little-known work by Liebniz, Berkowitz traces the complex history and the multiple meanings of science and positivity.”—Peter Goodrich, Cardozo School of Law 234 PAGES 978-0-8232-3191-1 PAPER, $25.00
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3251-2 PAPER, $24.00
BORDERING RELIGIONS: Concepts, Conflicts, and Conversations Edited by Kathryn Kueny, Fordham University Karen Pechilis, Drew University James T. Robinson, The University of Chicago Divinity School FOR COU R SES
Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: COMMEMORATION, RELIGION, AND RESPONSIBILITY AFTER HIROSHIMA YUKI MIYAMOTO “This imaginative and deeply thoughtful book explores a rarely asked question: how does being victimized challenge individuals ethically? Miyamoto explores the ethical and religious resources that Japanese atomic-bomb victims (hibakusha) have deployed to make sense of their experience and guide their efforts to live good lives after surviving such a shattering event.”—Laura Hein, Northwestern University
Seducing Augustine
Neighbors and Missionaries
BODIES, DESIRES, CONFESSIONS VIRGINIA BURRUS, MARK D. JORDAN, AND KARMEN MACKENDRICK “This book will work its charms on those on intimate terms with Augustine and those who (accidentally or deliberately) have kept their distance. The writing is beautiful, sharp, astute. The authorial trinity brings together some of the most accomplished voices in their respective disciplines in powerful counterpoint.“—Yvonne Sherwood, University of Glasgow
A HISTORY OF THE SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE MARGARET M. MCGUINNESS “Illuminates our understanding of the history of American women religious by examining the unique apostolate of a particular community that blended concern for the spiritual and material well-being of the Catholic poor.”—M. Christine Anderson, Xavier University
176 PAGES 978-0-8232-3194-2 PAPER, $25.00 EBOOK AVAILABLE
The Reinvention of Religious Music A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability HUMAN BEING AS MUTUALITY AND RESPONSE MOLLY C. HASLAM “Haslam’s work persuasively demonstrates the bias in society—and theology—in favor of intellectual ability, and reveals the dangerous consequences such bias carries. Her reflections are valuable not only as they highlight the existential value of people with profound intellectual disabilities and those who share life with them, but also as she magnificently complicates notions of what it is for any of us to be human or to be made in the image of God.”—Debbie Creamer, Iliff School of Theology
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