Philosophy & Religion 2013-2014

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“A timely and polemical manifestation of how post-secularism does not understand the secular. Moving effortlessly between literary theory, philosophy, and politics, Gourgouris offers a profoundly democratic defense of criticism without transcendent principles and a critical defense of democracy without neoliberal capitalism. . . Read it.” —Costas Douzinas, Birkbeck College, University of London 216 PAGES 978-0-8232-5379-1 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-5378-4 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

Thinking Out Loud

Is Critique Secular?

Blasphemy, Injury, and Free Speech TALAL ASAD, WENDY BROWN, JUDITH BUTLER, AND SABA MAHMOOD With a New Preface by the Authors

“This original and provocative book is an invitation to go beyond political niceties and engage issues of religious difference with candor. Both scholarly and engaging, the book uplifts the level of public debate on the entanglement of religious and secular reasoning in the making of modern publics.” —Veena Das, Johns Hopkins University “I can’t imagine a set of more rigorous, humane and insightful interlocutors on this vital aspect of the public sphere.”— Jonathan Boyarin, Cornell University 176 PAGES 978-0-8232-5169-8 PAPER, $18.00, £11.99 978-0-8232-5168-1 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00

Paul and the Philosophers

Edited by Ward Blanton and Hent de Vries Contributors: Gil Anidjar, Ian Balfour, Itzhak Benyamini, Ward Blanton, Roland Boer, Elizabeth A. Castelli, Hans Conzelmann, Simon Critchley, Clayton Crockett, Gilles Deleuze, Troels Engberg-Pedersen, Stathis Gourgouris, Paul A. Holloway, Eleanor Kaufman, Julia Reinhard Lupton, Kenneth Reinhard, Paul Ricoeur, Nils F. Schott, Stanley Stowers, Antónia Szabari, Shmuel Trigano, Hent de Vries, Emma Wasserman, L. L. Welborn, Marc de Wilde, Slavoj Žižek

Islam and the Challenge of Civilization ABDELWAHAB MEDDEB Translated by Jane Kuntz

“It is more urgent than ever to allow a voice such as Meddeb’s to be heard, the voice of an Arab intellectual familiar with both Muslim civilization and Western culture. In this—and thanks to his immense knowledge and open-mindedness—he is a precious translator capable of seeing both sides at the same time.”—Marcel Henaff, University of California, San Diego “The philosophy of the future will draw upon all of humanity’s collective accomplishments. In Islam and the Challenge of Civilization, Abdelwahab Meddeb proposes a scriptural hermeneutics that combines Spinoza and Ibn ‘Arabi, an architectural style that blends Brunelleschi and Sinan, an ethos of competition expressed by the Qur’an and Claude Lévi-Strauss, and many other hybrids. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to glimpse the cosmopolitan civilization on the horizon.”—Nicholas Tampio, Fordham University 192 PAGES 978-0-8232-5123-0 CLOTH, $35.00, £23.99

Technologies of Life and Death From Cloning to Capital Punishment KELLY OLIVER

“In this creative, fascinating, witty, and remarkably fearless book, Oliver takes on the most important questions of human existence (including the meaning of birth and death and the limits of the human) and reframes them for us in thoughtprovoking ways.”—Elissa Marder, Emory University “In Technologies of Life and Death, Kelly Oliver addresses some of the most intractable ethical issues of our day. The relevance of continental philosophy in general and of Derridean deconstruction in particular has rarely been demonstrated with such lucidity.”—Robert Bernasconi, Pennsylvania State University 272 PAGES 978-0-8232-5109-4 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5108-7 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

“Massive, varied, and timely.”—Dale Martin, Yale University “A critical contribution to thinking between the religious and the secular.”—Tyler Roberts, Grinnell College 608 PAGES 978-0-8232-4965-7 PAPER, $40.00, £26.99 978-0-8232-4964-0 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00



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Living Together

“Kyoo Lee presents a timely reengagement with Descartes, exploring the allegorical and spectral edges of his thought with insights that sparkle and startle. Illuminating links with recent thinkers from Bachelard to Badiou show incisively that Descartes’s preoccupations with dreams, madness, and matter are still ours today, however differently we may appear to inflect them.”—Ed Casey, Stony Brook University “Here is a book that rocks the legacy of our Cartesian base with exceptional intelligence, rigor, and humor. A breath of fresh philosophical air!”—Avital Ronell, New York University

Contributors: Jacques Derrida, Gil Anidjar, Ellen Armour, Michal Ben-Naftali, Richard Falk, Michal Govrin, Kevin Hart, Dana Hollander, Priya Kumar, Joseph Massad, Marc Nichanian, William Robert, Sherene Seikaly, Elisabeth Weber, Raef Zreik

Blind, Mad, Dreamy, and Bad KYOO LEE

240 PAGES 978-0-8232-4485-0 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-4484-3 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00

The Right to Narcissism

A Case for an Im-possible Self-Love PLESHETTE DEARMITT

“Deftly working at the intersection of philosophy, psychoanalysis, and literature, DeArmitt makes a fascinating case for self-love, or narcissism. With subtle and incisive readings of Rousseau, Kristeva and Derrida, DeArmitt shows the necessity for rethinking narcissism as an ethics of otherness.”—Kelly Oliver, Vanderbilt University 208 PAGES 978-0-8232-5444-6 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-5443-9 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

The Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis

Edited by Roger Berkowitz and Taun N. Toay Contributors: Raymond Baker, Miguel de Beistegui, Roger Berkowitz, Rebecca Berlow, Jack Blum, Sophia V. Burress, David Callahan, Drucilla Cornell, Olivia Custer, Raymundo Magliano Fihlo, Liah Greenfeld, Antonia Grunenberg, Zachary Karabel, Jerry Kohn, Paul Levy, Hunter Lewis, Vincent Mai, Robyn Marasco, David B. Matias, Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Sanjay Reddy, Tom Scanlon, Tracy Strong, Taun Toay

Jacques Derrida’s Communities of Violence and Peace Edited by Elisabeth Weber

“An astounding and timely volume. It is unparalleled in the scope and depth with which it explores Derrida’s relevance to the political. The focus on forgiveness, reconciliation, and the excruciating challenges of living together well has utmost urgency in light of the intensification of current lethal combat zones.”—Gabriele Schwab, University of California, Irvine 384 PAGES 978-0-8232-4993-0 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-4992-3 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00

Speaking about Torture

Edited by Julie A. Carlson and Elisabeth Weber Contributors: Sinan Antoon, Julie A. Carlson, Hamid Dabashi, Colin Dayan, Susan Derwin, Stephen F. Eisenman, Richard Falk, Reinhold Gorling, Christian Gruny, Lisa Hajjar, Alfred W. McCoy, John Nava, Darieck Scott, Abigail Solomon-Godrea, Viola Shafik, Peter Szendy, Elisabeth Weber

“Given ongoing attempts to legitimate and normalize torture, this rich and varied collection opens new perspectives of engagement. Its contributors disrupt smug euphemisms and bear witness to the horrifying damage torture inflicts, annihilating flesh, intimacy, trust, and memory. With readings ranging from the memoirs of Holocaust survivors to the photographs of Abu Ghraib and beyond, scholars of the law, media, literature, history, philosophy, music, and the visual arts show how critical work in the arts and humanities can, and must, take part in the struggle against torture’s banalization.”—Page DuBois, University of San Diego 384 PAGES, 28 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4225-2 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-4224-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

Commentary on the financial crisis has offered technical analysis, political finger pointing, and myriad economic and political solutions. But rarely do these investigations reach beyond the economic and political causes of the crisis to explore their underlying intellectual grounds. Moving beyond traditional approaches, these essays engage thinkers from Hannah Arendt to Max Weber and Adam Smith to Michel Foucault. 232 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4961-9 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-4960-2 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania ELLIOT R. WOLFSON

“This book, at once meticulous and daring, makes an important contribution to theology—one that may end up, uncomfortably, moving the discourse beyond itself.”—Karmen MacKendrick, Le Moyne College “We are used to apophatic theology in the service of Christianity. Here, though, Elliot Wolfson brings his deep knowledge of Kabbalah and modern Jewish thought to a rich consideration of apophaticism in Judaism. . . . This is a book that all students of modern Jewish thought and its interactions with European philosophy will want to read.”—Kevin Hart, University of Virginia 480 PAGES 978-0-8232-5571-9 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5570-2 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00

Divine Enticement: Theological Seductions KARMEN MACKENDRICK

“Once again, MacKendrick’s contemplative writing draws us, calls us, into a bottomlessly alluring enigma. Much too enticing, this text, for theology or philosophy proper—and yet students at the liveliest reaches of either must irresistibly respond. For with its gentle brilliance, it plumbs the deep unknowing from which any knowledge worth thinking emanates.”—Catherine Keller, Drew University “MacKendrick mines a Platonically inflected Christian tradition to reimagine for today how to ask the question of God in an intertwining of memory, desire, and words that are both excessive and inadequate. . . . Divine Enticement elicits theology’s seductive potential in seductively elegant prose.”—Patricia Cox Miller, Syracuse University 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4290-0 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-4289-4 CLOTH, $80.00, £54.00


JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by Philip Armstrong

“What is it about drawing that might attract a philosopher’s eye? Many things, no doubt, but not least there is the (literally) unthinkable movement by which something begins to take shape. Jean-Luc Nancy’s approach in The Pleasure in Drawing moves beyond art historical categories and conceptual schemas to touch on precisely that: he considers the ‘formative force’ of drawing, not in terms of its formal achievement but in terms of the pleasures afforded by its constant beginning—pleasures of attraction, sense, permanent interruption, tension, and intensity. A book full of dazzling insights, imaginative curves, and provocative renewals.”—Sarah Clift, University of King’s College 128 PAGES 978-0-8232-5094-3 PAPER, $18.00, £11.99 978-0-8232-5093-6 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00

The Essential Writings JEAN-LUC MARION Edited by Kevin Hart

“The Essential Writings will help a new generation of English-speaking readers to share the pleasure venerable French scholars, and less venerable Anglo-Saxon scholars, have had for years. A superb, erudite, and lucid introduction by Kevin Hart makes Marion even more readable while providing the audience with a general introduction to phenomenology. An astonishingly useful volume.”—Jean-Yves Lacoste, Australian Catholic University “Hart’s introductions are introductions in the best sense of that term: They prepare the reader, awake interest, provide context, clarify difficulties, raise questions, and especially invite the reader into the texts themselves.”—Christina M. Gschwandtner, Fordham University 564 PAGES 978-0-8232-5106-3 PAPER, $45.00, £30.00 978-0-8232-5105-6 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00



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Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials Cosmopolitical Philosofictions PETER SZENDY Translated by Will Bishop

“Yes, Kant did indeed speak of extraterrestrials.” Revealed in the aliens of which Kant speaks are the limits of globalization, or what Kant called cosmopolitanism. Read in dialogue with science fiction films he seems already to have seen, Szendy’s Kant addresses our endangered planet and forces us to think what a point of view might be. “Among the vast body of scholarship that explores the Kantian theory of space, none does so with greater urgency, concision, and wit than Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials.” —Peter Fenves, Northwestern University “Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials charts an original and compelling path from Schmitt to Kant, science fiction, and Derrida, bringing to light the fantastical yet persistently unsettling role played by fictions of extraterritoriality in the philosophical elaboration of modern cosmopolitanism.”— Daniel Heller-Roazen, Princeton University 192 PAGES, 25 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5550-4 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5549-8 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00

Into Disaster: Chronicles of Intellectual Life, 1941 MAURICE BLANCHOT Translated by Michael Holland

“What did Blanchot do, as a writer, during World War II? If this was a time of ‘withdrawal,’ as is often said, it was not a time of silence. The critical reflections and book reviews collected here reveal a writer in crisis who found it imperative to call on the public to read, and to think.”—Jeff Fort, University of California, Davis “Maurice Blanchot has remained our essential contemporary, and the best literary educator ever, because he is always thinking ‘absolutely’ while addressing the most burning issues of war-time France, like terror, fascism, and the degradation of humanity.”—Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania 160 PAGES 978-0-8232-5097-4 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-5096-7 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

Desperate Clarity: Chronicles of Intellectual Life, 1942 MAURICE BLANCHOT Translated by Michael Holland

“This invaluable collection of articles and reviews, translated into English for the first time, provides a fascinating portrait of a critic operating under duress. . . . Throughout this bleak year of 1942, with imperious insight, subtle eloquence, and coded indirection, Blanchot continued to write, responding to the madness of the day, but searching too beyond the horizon of the day. “—Leslie Hill, University of Warwick “Michael Holland has translated . . . beautifully, and his Introduction is superb.”—Kevin Hart, University of Virginia 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-5100-1 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5099-8 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

Last Steps: Maurice Blanchot’s Exilic Writing CHRISTOPHER FYNSK

“Offers a strikingly original and subtly captivating account of some of Maurice Blanchot’s most challenging work and demonstrates with acute sympathy and incisive intelligence its far-reaching significance for philosophy and literature today.”—Leslie Hill, University of Warwick “In the course of this brilliant and compelling reading, Christopher Fynsk demonstrates that Blanchot’s political engagement is central . . . to everything from his views on freedom, justice, and messianic hope to his practices of reading, critical vigilance, and fragmentary writing. . . . This is a remarkable work of criticism about one of the twentieth century’s most remarkable writers.”—Michael Naas, DePaul University 312 PAGES 978-0-8232-5103-2 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5102-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

A Weak Messianic Power: Figures of a Time to Come in Benjamin, Derrida, and Celan MICHAEL G. LEVINE

“The readings in A Weak Messianic Power are subtle and full of unexpected turns, and many are tour de force acts of deconstruction. Levine reads over, almost over the shoulder of great critical readers—Derrida, Celan, Benjamin—exposing in their writing a wealth of images not apparent to the naked eye. The method is almost astronomical: It brings near the distant contours of a strange temporal figure—a nonhomogeneous, surprising time. The book offers a strong notion of messianism outside theology, the messianism of the small alteration.”—Paul North, Yale University 192 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5511-5 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5510-8 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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How Are We to Confront Death?

Writings on Sexuality JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by Anne O’Byrne

In this outstanding new collection, philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy takes up his perennial themes—community, embodiment, being with, literature, politics, sense, and meaning—as part of a deep and mature appreciation of the fact that we are richly, joyfully, and thoroughly sexual beings. “A collection of dense and beautifully written and composed essays. . . . Rich, powerful, and stunningly original.”—François Raffoul, Louisiana State University 160 PAGES 978-0-8232-4003-6 PAPER, $22.00, £14.99 978-0-8232-4002-9 CLOTH, $70.00, £47.00


The Deconstruction of Christianity II JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by John McKeane

This second volume in Nancy’s The Deconstruction of Christianity explores the stance or bearing that would be appropriate for us now, in the wake of the dis-enclosure of religion and the retreat of God: that of adoration. A major contribution to the contemporary philosophy of religion, Adoration clarifies and builds upon not only DisEnclosure, the first volume in this project, but also Nancy’s other previous writings on sense, the world, and the singular plurality of being. 136 PAGES 978-0-8232-4295-5 PAPER, $18.00, £11.99 978-0-8232-4294-8 CLOTH, $70.00, £47.00

An Introduction to Philosophy FRANÇOISE DASTUR Translated by Robert Vallier Foreword by David Farrell Krell

“There is no question that Françoise Dastur is one of the most important interpreters of the phenomenological tradition. She is, however, a real philosopher in her own right. . . . How Are We to Confront Death? reminds us of what modern, technological life has made us forget: that the feeling of anxiety in the confrontation with death is deeply connected to the laughter that liberates us from our everyday worries.” —Leonard Lawlor, Pennsylvania State University “An extraordinary little book on a subject of interest quite literally to us all.”—Michael Naas, DePaul University 88 PAGES 978-0-8232-4240-5 PAPER, $18.00, £11.99 978-0-8232-4239-9 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

Speculative Grace

Bruno Latour and Object-Oriented Theology ADAM S. MILLER Foreword by Levi R. Bryant

“Adam Miller’s book can rightly be described as both a daring experiment in theology and a lucid exposition of the thought of the French sociologist of science Bruno Latour. But in being both of these things at once, Speculative Grace is something more: a profound meditation on the cosmos and the multitude of beings that inhabit it. This is a book that stimulates thought and renews our sense of wonder at what William James called the ‘buzzing, blooming confusion’ of the world.”—Steven Shaviro, Wayne State University 160 PAGES 978-0-8232-5151-3 PAPER, $18.00, £11.99 978-0-8232-5150-6 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00



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Theopoetic Folds

“This second volume of Claude Romano’s major work on the nature of the event is a triumph of philosophical construction and analysis. Here we find a fascinating elaboration of ‘l’advenant’, a presubjective mode of selfhood, interlaced with rich discussions of the differences between the metaphysics and phenomenology of time. Of particular importance is Romano’s investigation into the phenomenon of birth. Crystalline in its structure and rich with possibilities for aiding studies in life writing and narrative, as well as for thinking about responsibility and witness, Event and Time is itself an event of the first order.”—Kevin Hart, University of Virginia

Contributors: John D. Caputo, Vincent Colapietro, Roland Faber, Jeremy Fackenthal, Paul Fiddes, Michael Halewood, Luke Higgins, Callid Keefe-Perry, Catherine Keller, Sam Laurent, Mathew S. LoPresti, Bob Mesle, Hollis Phelps, Laurel Schneider, John Thatamanil

CLAUDE ROMANO Translated by Stephen E. Lewis

Philosophizing Multifariousness Edited by Roland Faber and Jeremy Fackenthal

296 PAGES 978-0-8232-5534-4 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-5533-7 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00

320 PAGES 978-0-8232-5156-8 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5155-1 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00


Martin Heidegger at the Limits of Poetics DAVID NOWELL SMITH

The Conditions of Hospitality Ethics, Politics, and Aesthetics on the Threshold of the Possible Edited by Thomas Claviez

Contributors: Pheng Cheah, Thomas Claviez, Anne Dufourmantelle, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Ulrik Pam Gad, Bonnie Honig, Luce Irigaray, Nikos Papastergiadis, Mireille Rosello, Paola Zaccaria

“Globalization has brought us instant forms of communication and diverse networks of connectivity. But has it made us better neighbours to each other? . . . These essays raise questions fundamental to our political condition. But they do more than that. They make a compelling case for an aesthetic and ethical enhancement of our sense of political rights and responsibilities.”—Homi K. Bhabha, Harvard University 232 PAGES 978-0-8232-5148-3 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5147-6 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

“Theopoetic Folds is a great contribution and indication that the most creative work in theology is taking place where process and postmodern ideas intersect.”—Clayton Crockett, University of Central Arkansas

“The best book on Heidegger and poetry that I have ever read, Nowell Smith’s Sounding/Silence takes both Heidegger and poetry very seriously, presuming that the most worthwhile goal is to do justice to both in an attempt to advance our understanding of poetics.”—Jonathan Culler, Cornell University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-5153-7 CLOTH, $55.00, £37.00

Ambiguity and the Absolute

Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty on the Question of Truth FRANK CHOURAQUI

“Frank Chouraqui must be congratulated. No one, until Chouraqui, has attempted to bring Merleau-Ponty and Nietzsche together. Chouraqui investigates each thinker in his own terms and context, without succumbing to anecdotal or linguistic similarities. Intentionality, and therefore phenomenology, is the hinge between the two thinkers. By placing intentionality at the center of their thinking, Chouraqui allows us to see philosophically significant connections between Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty, but also connections between each of these thinkers and other figures. Chouraqui’s argumentation and interpretations are compelling and profound. Ambiguity and the Absolute is a great book.” —Leonard Lawlor, Pennsylvania State University 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-5411-8 CLOTH, $55.00, £37.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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Religion and Literature Intranscendent Edited by Gregory C. Stallings, Manuel Asensi, and Carl Good Contributors: Manuel Asensi, Virginia Burrus, Tom Cohen, Carl Good, Kevin Hart, Richard Kearney, Karmen Mackendrick, J. Hillis Miller, Burcht Pranger, Kate Rigby, Gregory Stallings

“The contributions to Material Spirit are original, compelling, and beautifully interwoven. Together, they carve out a space that is neither religious nor not-religious, avoiding the dangers of unreconstructed immanence on the one hand and escapist transcendence on the other.”—Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Wesleyan University 240 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5541-2 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5540-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

On Becoming God

Late Medieval Mysticism and the Modern Western Self BEN MORGAN

“Stands on its own as a new and essential contribution both to the interpretation of the significance of medieval mysticism and to questions of identity-formation.”—Niklaus Largier, University of California, Berkeley “This is a very exciting book that does not merely critique the modern Western individual, does not seek a ‘return’ to God, but rather offers a critical though sensitive engagement with continental philosophy on the question of identity.” —Book News Inc 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-3992-4 CLOTH, $55.00, £37.00

Postmodern Apologetics?

Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy CHRISTINA M. GSCHWANDTNER

“This book brings together in one place the thought of several philosophers of religion who are not well known in the English-speaking world, but who have much to say that is relevant to contemporary discussions of religion, whether those discussions occur in philosophy or theology.”—James Faulconer, Brigham Young University 384 PAGES 978-0-8232-4275-7 PAPER, $27.00, £17.99 978-0-8232-4274-0 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00

The Metamorphosis of Finitude An Essay on Birth and Resurrection EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by George Hughes

“Emmanuel Falque is an important new voice in continental philosophy of religion. His study of human finitude and corporeality in light of questions of birth and resurrection represents one of the finest examples of the vigorous contemporary conversation between continental philosophy and theology.”—Christina M. Gschwandtner, Fordham University 214 PAGES 978-0-8232-3921-4 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-3920-7 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

The Early Heidegger’s Philosophy of Life Facticity, Being, and Language SCOTT M. CAMPBELL

“This is a marvelous, painstaking work. Its analyses of Heidegger’s lecture courses over a crucial six-year period are meticulous and insightful, and a real contribution to Heidegger scholarship.”—Anne O’Byrne, Stony Brook University “Scott Campbell’s book is an impressive piece of scholarship concerning a neglected topic and contains insights that will prove to be of great benefit to the existing Heidegger literature.”—Marc Lucht, Alvernia University 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-4220-7 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-4219-1 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00



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G RO UN DWORKS: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology The Logos of the Living World

Merleau-Ponty, Animals, and Language LOUISE WESTLING

“A luminous and wide-ranging inquiry into biosemiotic expression as the distinguishing mark of cross-species affinity, informed by a searching interpretation of the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty as a model for conceiving that affinity. At both levels, The Logos of the Living World delivers significant fresh insights potentially of great significance for the future of ecocritcism.”—Lawrence Buell, Harvard University “For the first time, I believe, this book supplies the proper larger context of interdisciplinary work where MerleauPonty’s insights take on their full meaning.”—Glen Mazis, Pennsylvania State University 208 PAGES 978-0-8232-5566-5 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-5565-8 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00

The Noetics of Nature

Environmental Philosophy and the Holy Beauty of the Visible BRUCE V. FOLTZ

“A tour de force, an intellectual and cultural history of nature in the West. Its original and in-depth scholarship re-centers environmental philosophy on the marginalized but crucial intersection of Hebrew and Greek thought in the West, viewed with continuity through the patristic and Byzantine eras and beyond into modern Russian philosophy, as an alternative to modern Western materialism.”—Alfred Siewers, Bucknell University “The Noetics of Nature is an impressive achievement and a much-needed new voice in current conversations on the healing of earth.”—Norman Wirzba, Duke Divinity School 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-5465-1 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5464-4 CLOTH, $100.00, £67.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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Interpreting Nature

The Emerging Field of Environmental Hermeneutics Edited by Forrest Clingerman, Brian Treanor, Martin Drenthen, and David Utsler Contributors: Nathan Bell, John van Buren, W. S. K. Cameron, Forrest Clingerman, Janet Donohoe, Martin Drenthen, Christina M. Gschwandtner, Sean McGrath, Robert Mugerauer, Mick Smith, Paulien Snellen, Paul Van Tongeren, Brian Treanor, Dylan Trigg, David Utsler, David Wood

“This is a superb book, written with clarity, precision, and deep feeling for a better understanding of differing approaches to interpreting the wider natural world.”—Mark Wallace, Swarthmore College 400 PAGES 978-0-8232-5426-2 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5425-5 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00

Environmental Aesthetics

Crossing Divides and Breaking Ground Edited by Martin Drenthen and Jozef Keulartz Contributors: Arnold Berleant, Emily Brady, Allen Carlson, Martin Drenthen, Denis Dumas, Tyson-Lord Gray, Jozef Keulartz, Irene Klaver, Jonathan Maskit, Yuriko Saito, Yrjö Sepänmaa, Jason Simus, Steven Vogel, David Wood

“This excellent contribution to the burgeoning field of research and reflection on environmental aesthetics is particularly valuable in the range of perspectives that it brings together, bridging the analytic and continental European philosophical traditions, Eastern and Western cultural frameworks, and cognitive and affective understandings of aesthetic experience. “—Kate Rigby, Professor of Environmental Humanities. Monash University 240 PAGES, 5 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5450-7 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5449-1 CLOTH, $100.00, £67.00





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COMMONA LIT IE S Terms of the Political


“Against philosophies of history and for history as thought— this is the break from which Esposito’s work wagers an enterprise of deconstruction (of all conceptions of the political up to now) in the name of a new understanding of freedom: between community and immunity, beyond liberalism, beyond the rational animal. He calls it an affirmation of biopolitics, affirmative biopolitics—not for a new inception of the social, but for a redistribution of the energy of thought at the service of another practice of life.”—Alberto Moreias, Texas A&M University

“The most stimulating feature of the book is not so much that documents allow Ferraris to develop an ontology, but rather that his ontology allows him to understand and to help us to understand what documents are and what society is.”—Umberto Eco “A clear, fast-paced, truly exciting book.”—Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania “Documentality re-energizes the traditional philosophical debate on realism by contextualizing this problematic within the field of new media and positioning it in the wake of the momentous philosophical contributions of Derrida and Foucault.”—Alessia Ricciardi, Northwestern University

Community, Immunity, Biopolitics ROBERTO ESPOSITO Translated by Rhiannon Noel Welch with an Introduction by Vanessa Lemm

176 PAGES 978-0-8232-4265-8 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-4264-1 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00

The Queer Turn in Feminism

Identities, Sexualities, and the Theater of Gender ANNE EMMANUELLE BERGER Translated by Catherine Porter

“Anne Berger offers a fascinating romp through the vicissitudes of feminist and post-feminist ideas, performance studies, and identity politics on both sides of the Atlantic, shrewdly articulating the differences as she explores the translatability of progressive ideas.”—Jonathan Culler, Cornell University “By staging the numerous critical encounters between “French theory” and “American theory” that continue into the present, by offering readings that are as theoretically nuanced as they are rhetorically engaging, Anne Berger reinvigorates old debates in order to open up crucial questions still to be addressed.”—Elizabeth Weed, Brown University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-5386-9 PAPER, $29.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5385-2 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00

Why It Is Necessary to Leave Traces MAURIZIO FERRARIS Translated by Richard Davies

392 PAGES 978-0-8232-4969-5 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-4968-8 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00

Common Things

Romance and the Aesthetics of Belonging in Atlantic Modernity JAMES D. LILLEY

What are the relationships between the books we read and the communities we share? Common Things explores how transatlantic romance revivals of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries influenced—and were influenced by— emerging modern systems of community. “Scrupulously researched with keen interpretive insight, James Lilley’s Common Things is a gripping analysis of the transatlantic traditions of Gothic, sentimental, and historical romance. In offering a new way of understanding citizenship, it reconfigures the aesthetics of modernity. A wonderfully rich interdisciplinary study.”—Colin Dayan 256 PAGES, 8 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5515-3 CLOTH, $45.00, £30.00

American Literatures Initiative



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CO MMONALIT IES Sovereignty and Its Other

Toward the Dejustification of Violence DIMITRIS VARDOULAKIS

“This is a brilliant manuscript. . . . An original book on sovereign power and nothing short of a ground-breaking theory of democratic resistance.”—Peg Birmingham, DePaul University “Against the logic of sovereignty and its justification of violence, Vardoulakis puts forward an original formulation of agonistic democracy and political judgment built on . . . a brilliant interpretation of Spinoza’s political thought. This book will do much to keep alive the revolutionary embers in the spirit of Arendt and Derrida.”—Miguel Vatter, School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia 272 PAGES 978-0-8232-5136-0 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5135-3 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00

Private Lives, Public Deaths

Antigone and the Invention of Individuality JONATHAN STRAUSS

Jonathan Strauss shows how Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone crystallized the political, intellectual, and aesthetic forces of an entire historical moment—fifth-century Athens—into one idea: the value of a single living person. That idea existed, however, only as a powerful but unconscious desire. “Strauss’s monograph stands as a unique contribution that will be impossible to ignore for many years to come. . . . In addition, Strauss constructs Antigone as a figure or a concept that is essential today in order to comprehend our individuality as well as the political.”—Dimitris Vardoulakis, University of Western Sidney 232 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5133-9 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-5132-2 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00

The Ideology of Hatred

The Psychic Power of Discourse NIZA YANAY

“As well as giving us important insight into the structure of hatred (and the desire for proximity that seems to constitute one of its ambivalent poles), Yanay’s work does nothing less than retheorize the relation between the unconscious and discourse.”—Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley 168 PAGES 978-0-8232-5005-9 PAPER, $22.00, £14.99 978-0-8232-5004-2 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00

Second Nature

Rethinking the Natural Through Politics Edited by Crina Archer, Laura Ephraim, and Lida Maxwell Contributors: Crina Archer, Jane Bennett, Ashley Biser, Christopher Buck, Laura Ephraim, Ayten Gundodu, Bonnie Honig, Thomas Laqueur, Lida Maxwell, Yves Winter

“Archer, Ephraim, and Maxwell have compiled a fascinating array of analyses of what Nietzsche termed ‘second nature’: the agonistic, original attempt to create and recreate the human self. . . . The book leaves us aware of the struggles with the world in which beings of all sorts engage, over the materiality of life, over the situatedness of being, and over the inevitability of death.”—Kennan Ferguson, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-5142-1 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5141-4 CLOTH, $80.00, £54.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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AESTH E T IC S Speaking of Music: Addressing the Sonorous Edited by Keith Chapin and Andrew H. Clark

Contributors: Per Aage Brandt, Kiene Brillenburg Wurth, Keith Chapin, Andrew H. Clark, Matthew Gelbart, John T. Hamilton, Lawrence Kramer, Jairo Moreno, Jean-Luc Nancy, Laura Odello, Tracy B. Strong, Peter Szendy, Sander van Maas, Lawrence M. Zbikowski

People chat about music every day, but they also treat it as a limit, as the boundary of what is sayable. This volume offers a unique snapshot of today’s scholarship on speech about music. “A rare, useful, and rich book, destined to attract musicologists, philosophers, theorists of all sorts, and philosophers of language.”—Pierre Saint-Amand, Brown University 344 PAGES, 11 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5139-1 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-5138-4 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00


A Fundamental Concept of Aesthetic Anthropology CHRISTOPH MENKE Translated by Gerrit Jackson

This book reconceives modern aesthetics by reconstructing its genesis in the eighteenth century, between Baumgarten’s Aesthetics and Kant’s Critique of Judgment. “Force is an outstanding study of the philosophical, ethical and political underpinnings of modern aesthetics and an important and original contribution to contemporary debates about the fate of modernity, philosophy, and the arts.”—Paola Marrati, The Johns Hopkins University “Menke forcefully makes the point that with the emergence of aesthetics in the eighteenth century, philosophy, and its understanding of itself, underwent a radical change.”—Rodolphe Gasché, University of Buffalo, SUNY 160 PAGES 978-0-8232-4973-2 PAPER, $22.00, £14.99 978-0-8232-4972-5 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00

Art’s Undoing

In the Wake of a Radical Aestheticism FOREST PYLE

“Art’s Undoing: In the Wake of a Radical Aestheticism proposes a stunning alternative to our habit of thinking of the work of art as an occasion for heightened vision or temporary respite. . . . Pyle unthreads Shelley, Keats, Dickinson, Hopkins, Rossetti, and Wilde into figures, reflections, traces, and lines that, unlike the Medusa’s face, will never resolve themselves into a single, readable, and hence pierce-able image.”—Anne-Lise Francois, University of California, Berkeley “One of the most powerful and subtle books I’ve read on nineteenth-century literature in decades.”—Ian Balfour, York University 336 PAGES 978-0-8232-5112-4 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5111-7 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

Life Drawing

A Deleuzean Aesthetics of Existence GORDON C. F. BEARN

“With Life Drawing we finally have the book on aesthetics that Gilles Deleuze, notwithstanding his frequent engagements with the arts, never wrote himself. The first sustained attempt not only to systematically explain Deleuze’s views on aesthetics but also to put them into action, Bearn’s book will surely become a major addition to the ever-growing scholarly library on Deleuze’s seminal philosophy. “—Marco Abel, University of Nebraska 352 PAGES, 21 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4481-2 PAPER, $30.00, £19.99 978-0-8232-4480-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00


Wittgenstein’s House

Language, Space, and Architecture NANA LAST

“A strikingly brilliant and lucid piece of work. Last shows how Wittgenstein’s entanglements of philosophy and architecture become the necessary prologue to his accomplishment in the Investigations.”—Bruce Clarke, Texas Tech University “Brings forward the virtues of applied abstraction through keen and historical treatment of both the writings and the Stonborough project.”—Tom Conley, Harvard University 220 PAGES, 16 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-2881-2 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-2880-5 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00



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Confucius, Rawls, and the Sense of Justice ERIN M. CLINE

“A truly outstanding work. The author undertakes a highly original and tremendously exciting comparative analysis of Confucius and John Rawls on the issue of justice. The book is beautifully and carefully argued.”—Michael Puett, Harvard University “Erin Cline’s comparative study is nuanced, philosophically informed, sinologically sound, and illuminating.”—Bryan W. Van Norden, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 368 PAGES 978-0-8232-4508-6 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

What’s Queer about Europe?

Productive Encounters and Re-enchanting Paradigms Edited by Mireille Rosello and Sudeep Dasgupta Contributors: Paul Bowman, Lucille Cairns, Sudeep Dasgupta, Gary Ferguson, Dominique Grisard, Nacira Guénif, Laure Murat, Sandra Ponzanesi, Mireille Rosello, Carl Stychin, Emma Wilson

What’s Queer about Europe? examines how queer theory helps us initiate disorienting conjunctions and counterintuitive encounters for imagining historical and contemporary Europe. This book queers Europe and Europeanizes queer, forcing a reconsideration of both. Its contributors study Europe relationally, asking not so much what Europe is but what we do when we attempt to define it.

Time Travel

240 PAGES 978-0-8232-5536-8 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5535-1 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

This book argues that time travel fiction is a narrative “laboratory,” a setting for thought experiments in which essential theoretical questions about storytelling—and, by extension, about the philosophy of temporality, history, and subjectivity—are represented in the form of literal devices and plots. “A fruitful cross-pollination of theory and popular fiction, this is at once a careful genre study and a wide-ranging disquisition on narratology.”—Rob Latham, University of California, Riverside

Lost Unicorns of the Velvet Revolutions

The Popular Philosophy of Narrative DAVID WITTENBERG

320 PAGES, 16 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4997-8 PAPER, $27.00, £17.99 978-0-8232-4996-1 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

Bestial Traces

Race, Sexuality, Animality CHRISTOPHER PETERSON

“Bestial Traces is a brave book! Arguing that our sentiments on animals are unavoidably implicated in politically contentious notions of race and sexuality, Peterson examines this entangled relation in Poe, Wright, Roth, and Coetzee.” —Russell Samolsky, University of California, Santa Barbara “Masterfully researched, creatively argued, and beautifully written.”—Akria Mizuta Lippit, University of Southern California

Heterotopias of the Seminar MIGLENA NIKOLCHINA

“Nikolchina provides a challenging account both of the internal dynamics of Eastern European culture just before the collapse of Communist regimes and of the perhaps inevitable clash between dissident thinkers from Eastern Europe and Western post-structuralist academics in this period and beyond. Her highly personal and engaging narrative concludes with a courageous and ambitious attempt to bring about a much needed dialogue between Eastern and Western European modes of thinking.”—Andrew Wachtel, President, American University of Central Asia “Each chapter is beautifully written, thoughtful, ironic, trenchant, and simply interesting.”—Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley 184 PAGES 978-0-8232-4300-6 PAPER, $22.00, £14.99 978-0-8232-4299-3 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

208 PAGES 978-0-8232-4521-5 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-4520-8 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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“Most books about animals and people or animal welfare present the ethical issues of animal management in the extreme, which is neither accurate nor useful. Erin McKenna understands science and the welfare issues but develops a novel approach for all to appreciate the role animals play in many of life’s activities, including their use as food, and involved with sports, entertainment, medical research, and being a companion pet. The book . . . does an excellent job to help all to better understand our ethical relationship with all animals.”—Alan M. Beck, Purdue University 264 PAGES, 15 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5115-5 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5114-8 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

The Human Eros

Eco-ontology and the Aesthetics of Existence THOMAS M. ALEXANDER

“This is a masterful piece of writing. The author’s wide range of knowledge is matched by a dexterity in writing—both of which are enviable.” —John Kaag, University of Massachusetts-Lowell “Wide both in scope and in scholarship, it will be a welcome addition to any philosopher, especially in the American tradition.”—William T. Myers, Birmingham-Southern College 456 PAGES 978-0-8232-5121-6 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5120-9 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00

The Things in Heaven and Earth An Essay in Pragmatic Naturalism JOHN RYDER

“This is a work of profound scholarship and original philosophy.”—Richard E. Hart, Bloomfield College “In this well-crafted volume John Ryder makes a strong and elegant case for a version of philosophical naturalism that avoids reductive materialism and builds on the best ideas of both modernism and postmodernism. Expanding on the insights of John Dewey, John Herman Randall, Jr., and Justus Buchler, among others, he constructs a muscular naturalism that is fully capable of producing salutary and enduring effects in the areas of religion, the arts, and political life.”— Larry A. Hickman, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale


John Dewey Between Pragmatism and Constructivism

Edited by Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert, and Kersten Reich Contributors: Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert, Kersten Reich, Kenneth W. Stikkers, and Jim Garrison

“A substantial contribution to the theoretical literature on constructivism and Dewey’s pragmatism—a highly readable and lively debate that should provoke stimulating discussion among philosophers.”—Nel Noddings, Stanford University “This volume grew out of the remarkably successful collaboration of American and German scholars. The contributors demonstrate the international scope and intense contemporary relevance of Dewey’s thought. They achieve impressive clarity in their account of the relations of pragmatism to constructivism as it developed in the twentieth century.” —John Lachs, Vanderbilt University 296 PAGES 978-0-8232-5182-7 PAPER, $22.00, £14.99 978-0-8232-3018-1 CLOTH, $70.00, £47.00

Doing Philosophy Personally

Thinking about Metaphysics, Theism, and Antiblack Racism DWAYNE A. TUNSTALL

“In this remarkable book, Tunstall presents his reader with an insightful work of scholarship that integrates three distinct components: an extremely lucid account of Marcelian phenomenological metaphysics, an existentialist account of antiblack racism, and a powerful description of religious experience as seen through the lens of Africana philosophy and theology. The result is a uniquely insightful work that offers a clear illumination of Marcel’s work as well as its relevance for ongoing existentialist discourses on antiblack racism.” —Terrance MacMullan, Eastern Washington University “Well researched, carefully written, and cogently argued.” —Michael L. Raposa, Lehigh University 176 PAGES 978-0-8232-5160-5 CLOTH, $45.00, £30.00

344 PAGES 978-0-8232-4469-0 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-4468-3 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00



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AMERICAN PH ILOSOPHY Pragmatic Pluralism and the Problem of God SAMI PIHLSTRÖM

The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought

“Sami Pihlstrom develops here a pragmatic philosophy of religion enriched by Immanuel Kant’s insight that belief or faith in God is motivated chiefly by ethical considerations. He illumines important connections between Kant’s writing on religion and that of William James and John Dewey, and shows how attention to both can provide resources for a conception and analysis of religion that is pluralistic and takes normativity seriously. Pihlstrom has been a leading interpreter of the pragmatists, and it is good to have this important constructive contribution to the philosophy of religion.”—Wayne Proudfoot, Columbia University

“Nahum Chandler is one of the very few truly indispensable thinkers at work in the study of the African diaspora, which is, as he so brilliantly shows, the study of the modern world.”—Fred Moten, Duke University “X presents us with a new reading of Du Bois, who has been viewed too simply as a historian and sociologist rather than as a thinker in the rich sense that Chandler gives to that word. Chandler’s arguments will prove indispensable to any future directions for the study of race, colonialism, or globality.”—David Lloyd, University of California, Davis

264 PAGES 978-0-8232-5158-2 CLOTH, $55.00, £37.00


288 PAGES 978-0-8232-5407-1 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5406-4 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

American Literatures Initiative


The Politics of Survival

The Problem of the Color Line at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Peirce, Affectivity, and Social Criticism LARA TROUT

“Provides a lucid, compelling, and exceptionally accessible account of the relevance of Peirce and pragmatism to contemporary discussions of social justice. Trout demonstrates how Peirce’s philosophy rises above his personal prejudices to provide a unique set of tools for analyzing and criticizing the nonconscious biases of those who believe that they are free from prejudice. The Politics of Survival is unmatched in the manner in which it makes Peirce and pragmatism relevant to recent literature on racism and sexism.”—Mitchell Aboulafia, The Juilliard School 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-3296-3 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-3295-6 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00


The Essential Early Essays W. E. B. DU BOIS Edited by Nahum Dimitri Chandler

“This definitive collection of W. E. B. Du Bois’s early essays, some having never appeared in print before, is not just another anthology among the hundreds. It is a seminal contribution to the history of modern thought. Compiled and edited by the world’s preeminent scholar of early Du Boisian thought, these texts represent his most generative period, when Du Bois engaged every discipline, helped construct modern social science, employed critical inquiry as a weapon of antiracism and political liberation, and always set his sights on the entire world.”—Robin D. G. Kelley, author of Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination 400 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5455-2 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5454-5 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00

Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead MICHAEL EPPERSON

“A must read for students of Whitehead’s philosophy.” —Frank Hattich, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-5012-7 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-2319-0 CLOTH, $70.00, £47.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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AMERICAN PH ILOSOPHY Thinking Through the Imagination Aesthetics in Human Cognition JOHN KAAG

“This important book deserves a wide audience, and should be of interest to scholars working on a variety of topics. Kaag effectively exposes the Kantian roots of pragmatism, especially the link between Kant and Peirce. Against that background he articulates a pragmatic theory of the imagination that underscores its character both as fully embodied and as vitally central to human cognition and inquiry.”—Michael L. Raposa, Lehigh University “This is a splendid contribution, not to be ignored by cognitive scientists, scholars of American philosophy, and philosophers and critics interested in imagination.”—Robert Neville, Boston University 272 PAGES 978-0-8232-5493-4 CLOTH, $45.00, £30.00

The Relevance of Royce

Edited by Kelly A. Parker and Jason Bell Contributors: Dawn Aberg, Douglas R. Anderson, Randall E. Auxier, Kara Barnette, Jason Bell, Mathew A. Foust, Judith M. Green, John J. Kaag, Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Mary B. Mahowald, John J. McDermott, Richard P. Mullin, Frank M. Oppenheim, S.J., Kelly A. Parker, Scott L. Pratt, Melissa Shew, Dwayne Tunstall

“This is a thoughtful, balanced collection of new essays on Royce that demonstrates his ongoing value to contemporary philosophers.”—Shannon Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University

The Normative Thought of Charles S. Peirce

Edited by Cornelis de Waal and Krysztof Piotr Skowroski Contributors: Vincent Colapietro, Kelly Parker, James Liszka, Cornelis de Waal, Rosa Maria Mayorga, Mats Bergman, Helmut Pape, Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Mateusz W. Oleksy, Ignacio Redondo, Sami Pihlström

“This is an outstanding work of scholarship. . . . The intellectual range of the book is truly impressive, and yet the attention to Peirce’s realism throughout supplies an important thread of continuity.”—Michael L. Raposa, Lehigh University 344 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4244-3 CLOTH, $45.00, £30.00

Loyalty to Loyalty

Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life MATHEW A. FOUST

“Foust offers not only a major contribution to Royce scholarship but also an important, original, and timely contribution to ethics generally.”—Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University “This book makes significant contributions to the ongoing scholarship on the work of Josiah Royce.”—Jacqueline Kegley, California State University, Bakersfield “American philosophy’s contributions to philosophical ethics rarely receive such an enthusiastic expositor as Foust, who has done an exemplary job with Harvard’s Josiah Royce.”—Choice 236 PAGES 978-0-8232-4269-6 CLOTH, $50.00, £34.00

304 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5528-3 CLOTH, $55.00, £37.00

Reconstructing Individualism

A Pragmatic Tradition from Emerson to Ellison JAMES M. ALBRECHT

“What emerges from these discussions of an Emersoninflected pragmatism is a convincing narrative of the development of a democratic theory that maintains a standard of public responsibility and accountability while preserving the vital role of individual moral reasoning and moral choice in that process. I consider this a very important contribution to the history of American ethical and political thought.” —David M. Robinson, Oregon State University, author of Emerson and the Conduct of Life 368 PAGES 978-0-8232-4209-2 CLOTH, $60.00, £40.00

American Literatures Initiative



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JU ST ID E AS Kantian Courage: Advancing the Enlightenment

Drawing the Line

“A bold and exciting book, born out of the conviction that we need a new Enlightenment for the twenty-first century.”— Paul Patton, University of New South Wales “A wonderfully clear, appropriately comprehensive, and original work of scholarship. Kantian Courage labors to discover in Kant’s thought intellectual resources for reconstituting an Enlightenment ethos in contemporary political theory and, presumably, in the late modern cultural landscape to the extent that political theory today could exercise such an influence.”—Morton Schoolman, University of Albany, SUNY

“What makes Clarkson’s project truly dialogical . . . is that she both reads South African culture in terms of theory but also examines and indeed displays what South African culture might also offer theory.”—Russell Samolsky, University of California, Santa Barbara “One rarely comes across work of such intelligence and imagination. This book is beautifully written and one finds oneself forever being caught out by wonderful and unpredicted connections, turns of phrase, the ease and acuity with which insights from disparate fields are brought together and developed.”—Emilios Christodoulidis, University of Glasgow

in Contemporary Political Theory NICHOLAS TAMPIO

256 PAGES 978-0-8232-4501-7 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-4500-0 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

Creolizing Political Theory

Reading Rousseau Through Fanon JANE ANNA GORDON

“Creolizing Political Theory is a brilliant and innovative exercise in political theory. Through its creolized and highly nuanced reading of Rousseau—through Fanon—on the challenges confronting the practice of politics in the modern age, this work succeeds in taking both political theory and creole theory in new and enlightening directions. Further, it demonstrates ever so clearly the valuable contributions that Africana political theory can make to core concerns of Western political theory. A must read for scholars in the fields of political theory, Africana thought, and creole theory.”—Paget Henry, Brown University 304 PAGES 978-0-8232-5482-8 PAPER, $30.00, £19.99 978-0-8232-5481-1 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00

The Dignity Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa

Cases and Materials, Volumes I & II Edited by Drucilla Cornell, Stu Woolman, Sam Fuller, Jason Brickhill, Michael Bishop, and Diana Dunbar

Toward an Aesthetics of Transitional Justice CARROL CLARKSON

224 PAGES, 10 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5416-3 PAPER, $24.00, £15.99 978-0-8232-5415-6 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00

Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity

Cultural and Racial Reconfigurations of Critical Theory DRUCILLA CORNELL AND KENNETH MICHAEL PANFILIO

“This is one of the rarest books. . . . It resurrects the work of Ernst Cassirer . . . and puts it to the task of developing a contemporary critical theory which confronts imperialism and neo-colonialism. . . . As Cornell and Panfilio compellingly argue, the impossible has already started happening in the South African struggles against racialized capitalism. . . . At this point of retreat of the left, Cornell and Panfilio open new directions for critical thinking and offer a call to radical action.”—Costas Douzinas, Birkbeck College, University of London “An exciting and path-breaking work of philosophy.”—Paget Henry, Brown University 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-3251-2 PAPER, $30.00, £19.99 978-0-8232-3250-5 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

“It is a major contribution to knowledge to make available in English to a wider world the path-breaking leading cases of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, and to organize these cases, as this book does, around the Kantian moral concept of dignity that plays such an important role both in the text of the South African Constitution and in the interpretive jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.”—David A. J. Richards, New York University 1184 PAGES 978-0-8232-5008-0 CLOTH, $195.00, £131.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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FORMS OF LIV IN G Figures of Medicine

Blood, Face Transplants, Parasites FRANÇOIS DELAPORTE Translated by Nils F. Schott, Foreword by Christopher Lawrence

Focusing on efforts to resolve medical problems in six cases that are particular and nonetheless exemplary, Delaporte shows how multiple actors—over long periods of time and across different geographies—must be taken into account to remove epistemological blockages that stand in the way of understanding. “As always with Delaporte the scholarship is impressive, innovative, and impeccable, and the analyses acute.”—Camille Limoges “Lucid, focused, and rigorous. . . . An outstanding book that makes important contributions to intellectual history, the history of medicine, and their methodologies.”—Jonathan Strauss, Miami University 220 PAGES, 35 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4445-4 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-4444-7 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

Chagas Disease

History of a Continent’s Scourge FRANÇOIS DELAPORTE Translated by Arthur Goldhammer Foreword by Todd Meyers

“Delaporte’s brilliant historical exploration of Chagas disease covers the decisive period of 1909 to 1935. The strength of the study is the exhaustive discussion of the scientific literature, the subtle examination of fundamental shifts in conceptual frameworks, and the unrelenting interrogation of the crucial role that chance and error play in scientific research. What Delaporte has written is a comédie humaine of postcolonial science.”—Carlo Caduff, King’s College, London “If Delaporte is correct, then Chagas . . . did not discover the disease. So why is he so revered? Delaporte thinks that this is because Chagas was an expert at reformulating the past by rewriting history.”—Parasitology 208 PAGES 978-0-8232-4250-4 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-4249-8 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00



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On Time, Being, and Hunger

Challenging the Traditional Way of Thinking Life JUAN MANUEL GARRIDO

“Juan Manuel Garrido renews in an impressive way the question concerning ‘life.’ By the term ‘life’ we usually mean a sort of immediacy, a self-presence through auto-affection and transmission through self-perpetuation. Garrido, however, opens life—simply, if I may say so—to the infinity of a ‘being-toward’ and a ‘hunger’: this infinity is not the indefinition of a life that simply ‘continues,’ but the elevation of life—or its hollowing out, which is the same thing—to being-out-of-itself. This is, in a word, a philosophical revolution.”—Jean-Luc Nancy “A new and compelling voice in philosophy.”—Alejandro Vallega, University of Oregon 146 PAGES 978-0-8232-3936-8 PAPER, $22.00, £14.99 978-0-8232-3935-1 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

The New Wounded

From Neurosis to Brain Damage CATHERINE MALABOU Translated by Steven Miller

This book addresses the issue of trauma and psychic wounds to stage a confrontation between psychoanalysis and contemporary neurobiology. In so doing, it reevaluates the brain as an organ that is not separated from psychic life but rather appears as its very locus. “Friends and foes of Freud’s science will be riveted by Malabou’s intelligent argument.”—Joan Copjec, University at Buffalo, SUNY “What has happened when subjectivity is utterly changed by brain damage? What are the links between war, trauma, and loss of affect? In The New Wounded Catherine Malabou brilliantly shows how ‘destructive plasticity’ is the key concept for understanding our ‘new economy of pain.’ Highly recommended for everyone in the fields she so deftly examines: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and neurology.”—John Protevi, Louisiana State University 268 PAGES 978-0-8232-3968-9 PAPER, $32.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-3967-2 CLOTH, $100.00, £67.00 rdham m

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MEA N I NG SYSTEMS The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name

Seven Days with Second-Order Cybernetics HEINZ VON FOERSTER Edited by Albert Müller and Karl H. Müller, Translated by Elinor Rooks and Michael Kasenbacher

Heinz von Foerster was the inventor of second-order cybernetics, which recognizes the investigator as part of the system he is investigating. The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name provides an accessible, nonmathematical, and comprehensive overview of von Foerster’s cybernetic ideas and of the philosophy latent within them. “I know of no other such broad and coherent statement of Foerster’s essential thinking.”—Ranulph Glanville, Professor Emeritus of Architecture and Cybernetics, The Bartlett, University College London “This is a remarkable achievement which will delight any serious student of the natural sciences or of scientific writing.”—Stuart Umpleby, George Washington University 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-5561-0 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5560-3 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00


M E D IE VA L PHILOSOPHY Later Medieval Metaphysics

Ontology, Language, and Logic Edited by Charles Bolyard and Rondo Keele Contributors: E. J. Ashworth, Charles Bolyard, Susan BrowerToland, Brian Francis Conolly, Rondo Keele, Gyula Klima, Terence Parsons, Martin Tweedale, Rega Wood, Jack Zupko.

“Represents the highest standards and the most recent scholarship on this topic, one which was vital to all medieval thought, in particular, theological doctrinal controversies, and has close connections with contemporary metaphysical issues.”—Stephen Read, University of St. Andrews 328 PAGES 978-0-8232-4473-7 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-4472-0 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel

A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era DANIEL D. NOVOTNÝ

“The book is a splendid combination of systemic acuity and historical scholarship and provides a much-needed correction to some of the historical injustices of our time. It will be a welcome corrective to current neglect of Baroque philosophy.”—Nicholas Rescher, University of Pittsburgh 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4476-8 CLOTH, $70.00, £47.00

The Singularity of Being

Lacan and the Immortal Within MARI RUTI

“In this passionate, innovative book, Mari Ruti brings Lacanian psychoanalysis into the twenty-first century. She argues brilliantly for the creativity and fragility of singular beings who are in constant transformation while also changing the social orders in which they are embedded from the inside. Erudite and enjoyable, this book is a must read for all those interested in the future of psychoanalysis as well as in cultural and critical theory.”—Verena Andermatt Conley, Harvard University “There are many books on Lacan. Few offer as rich an experience as The Singularity of Being.”—Mitchell Wilson, San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis 272 PAGES 978-0-8232-4315-0 PAPER, $27.00, £17.99 978-0-8232-4314-3 CLOTH, $80.00, £54.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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RELIGION On Religion and Memory

Edited by Babette Hellemans, Willemien Otten, and Burcht Pranger Contributors: Mette Bruun, Peter Cramer, Brian Cummings, Rokus de Groot, Charles Hallisey, Babette Hellemans, Ernst van den Hemel, Sander van Maas, Willemien Otten, Burcht Pranger, Asja Szafraniec, James Wetzel

“At once precise and polyphonic, On Religion and Memory takes both terms in a wonderfully wide range of senses.”— Karmen MacKendrick, Le Moyne College “This creatively eclectic volume launches a bold experiment in exploring what it might mean to take Augustine’s aporetic and nonlinear understanding of time and eternity seriously.”—Virginia Burrus, Drew University 288 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5163-6 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5162-9 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

Deus in Machina

Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between Edited by Jeremy Stolow Contributors: Maria José A. de Abreu, Alexandra Boutros, Wolfgang Ernst, Faye Ginsburg, Sherine F. Hamdy, Jasonnanda Josephson, John Lardas Modern, Peter Pels, John Durham Peters, Jeremy Stolow, Marleen de Witte

“Together, the essays, including Jeremy Stolow’s masterly introduction, evocatively theorize the ways in which the religious and the technical are always linked, overlapping, and entangled. In the process, Deus in Machina reconfigures both categories and enables us to re-script the drama of modernity.”—Susan Harding, University of California, Santa Cruz 368 PAGES, 9 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4981-7 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-4980-0 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00



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Trance Mediums and New Media

Spirit Possession in the Age of Technical Reproduction Edited by Heike Behrend, Anja Dreschke, and Martin Zillinger Contributors: Heike Behrend, Claudia Böhme, Anja Dreschke, Lidia Guzy, Ute Holl, Getrud Hüwelmeier, Laurel Kendall, Rosalind C. Morris, Christopher Pinney, Dorothea Schulz, Erhard Schüttpelz, Emilio Spadola, Martin Zillinger

“The main theoretical issues—what is becoming of trance and trance mediums in the media saturated societies of today? . . . What is becoming of ‘the religious’ and ‘the mediatic’?—are challenging ones, and merit the in-depth exploration that this volume has on offer.”—Mattijs van de Port, University of Amsterdam 352 PAGES, 24 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5381-4 PAPER, $30.00, £19.99 978-0-8232-5380-7 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00

Radical Egalitarianism

Local Realities, Global Relations Edited by Felicity Aulino, Miriam Goheen, and Stanley J. Tambiah, with an Afterword by Michael M. J. Fischer Contributors: Felicity Aulino, Miriam Goheen, Stanley J. Tambiah, James Taylor, Ingrid Jordt, Irving Chan Johnson, Michael Puett, Prista Ratanapruck, James Ferguson, Victor Manfredi, Mariza Peirano, Michael Herzfeld, Marshall Sahlins, Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good, Byron Good, Liisa Malkki, Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney, and Michael M. J. Fischer

“The scholarship embodied in the collection is consistently high quality and the contributions combine theoretical rigor with rich empirical detail. The volume both reflects and extends Stanley J. Tambiah’s contributions to anthropology.”—Elizabeth Traube, Wesleyan University 336 PAGES, 5 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4190-3 PAPER, $27.00, £17.99 978-0-8232-4189-7 CLOTH, $75.00, £50.00 rdham m

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Spirit and the Obligation of Social Flesh A Secular Theology for the Global City SHARON V. BETCHER

“A powerful, poignant witness from an author who lives with and works through the lens of disability, . . . this rich, poetic text pleading for ‘corporeal generosity’ is profoundly within the Christian incarnational tradition while commending a radical practice of obligation stemming from Spirit as ‘prosthesis,’ as an aid to neighbor love. I recommend this book as an outstanding example of constructive theology to move us from merely global to planetary citizens.”—Sallie McFague, Vancouver School of Theology “Sharon Betcher’s cosmopolis of ‘corporeal generosity’ emits an eerie beauty.”—Catherine Keller, Drew University 312 PAGES 978-0-8232-5391-3 PAPER, $28.00, £18.99 978-0-8232-5390-6 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00

B O RDERING RELIGIONS Motherhood as Metaphor

Engendering Interreligious Dialogue JEANNINE HILL FLETCHER

“Jeannine Hill Fletcher’s research in this work is ingenious and original. She discovered examples of distinctively women’s experience, brought extensive theological knowledge and penetrating reflection to bear on it, and generated new insight into our understanding of human existence and Christian mission. This well-written book documents unique contributions to interreligious dialogue on the part of women. Outstanding.”—Roger Haight, Union Theological Seminary “A major contribution to an evolving field.”—S. Mark Heim, Andover Newton Theological School 280 PAGES 978-0-8232-5118-6 PAPER, $26.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-5117-9 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

COM PA R AT IV E T HE OLOGY Spirit, Qi, and the Multitude A Comparative Theology for the Democracy of Creation HYO-DONG LEE

“Rippling between East and West, between the energizing depths of mysticism and the democracy of the restless multitude, this text foments an unprecedented coalescence of political and comparative theology.”—Catherine Keller, Drew University “This is a highly creative, original, powerfully expressed, and deeply researched book.”—Robert Neville, Boston University “This is a very original and substantive contribution to Whiteheadian process theology, comparative theology, NeoConfucian studies, and Asian theology.”—Anselm K. Min, Claremont Graduate University 376 PAGES 978-0-8232-5502-3 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5501-6 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00


Trinities, Diversities, and the Nature of Relation Edited by Chris Boesel and S. Wesley Ariarajah Contributors: S. Wesley Ariarajah, Loriliai Biernacki, Chris Boesel, Philip Clayton, Jacob J. Erickson, Roland Faber, Mark Heim, Holly Hillgardner, John F. Hoffmeyer, Catherine Keller, Samuel Laurent, Cynthia L. Rigby, Sara Rosenau, Kathryn Tanner, Eric Trozzo

“This book is groundbreaking in that it pushes the boundary . . . of religious studies, theologies of religion, systematic and constructive theology, philosophy of religion, and comparative theology.”—Marion Grau, School of the Pacific, Graduate Theological Union 364 PAGES 978-0-8232-5396-8 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5395-1 CLOTH, $110.00, £74.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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Orthodox Constructions of the West

Contributors: Maria José A. de Abreu, Stef Aupers, Elizabeth A. Castelli, Sanne Derks, Matthew Engelke, Galit Hasan-Rokem, Ernst van den Hemel, Dick Houtman, Willy Jansen, Miranda Klaver, Michiel Leezenberg, Donald S. Lopez, Jr., Birgit Meyer, W. J. T. Mitchell, Annelies Moors, David Morgan, Ineke Noomen, Peter Pels, Freddie Rokem, Irene Stengs, José C. M. van Santen, Dorien Zandbergen

Contributors: Radu Bordeianu, Sarah Coakley, George E. Demacopoulos, Effie Fokas, Paul Gavrilyuk, Pantelis Kalaitzidis, Tia Kolbaba, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Basilio Petra, Marcus Plested, Elizabeth Prodromou, Norman Russell, Vera Shevzov, Robert F. Taft, S.J., Lucian Turcescu

Religion and the Question of Materiality Edited by Dick Houtman and Birgit Meyer

“A highly spirited and robust materialization of a significant trend in the study of religion.”—Michael Lambek, University of Toronto “Things is an essential archive for the study of religious materiality and the material study of religion.”—David Chidester, University of Cape Town

Edited by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou

“This book represents a significant step in the direction of self-reflection and self-criticism that has almost completely eluded Orthodox identity narratives colored by centuries of political oppression and demographic challenges. . . . Fascinating, accessible, and at points highly challenging. It will inspire heated debate and will surely become a staging point for future work.”—Peter C. Bouteneff, St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary

504 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3946-7 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-3945-0 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00

380 PAGES 978-0-8232-5193-3 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5192-6 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00


Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration

Religious Language Matters Edited by Ernst van den Hemel and Asja Szafraniec Contributors: Talal Asad, Jan Assmann, Christoph Auffarth, Loriliai Biernacki, Jacqueline Borsje, Daniel Boyarin, Peter Burke, Markus Altena Davidsen, Tarek Dika, Sergey Dolgopolski, Roger Friedland, Ernst van den Hemel, Laurens ten Kate, Michael Lambek, Karmen Mackendrick, Jean-Luc Marion, Arie L. Molendijk, Kenneth B. Moss, Jean-Luc Nancy, Pieter Nanninga, Nils F. Schott, Asja Szafraniec

“The conversation about the modern, the religious, and the secular is not over, and this volume will push the dialogue in fruitful new directions.”—S. Brent Plate, Hamilton College 464 PAGES, 7 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5556-6 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5555-9 CLOTH, $95.00, £64.00

Orthodox Christian Perspectives on Environment, Nature, and Creation Edited by John Chryssavgis and Bruce V. Foltz, Prefatory Letter from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Foreword by Bill McKibben Contributors: Savas Agouridis, David Bradshaw, Scott Cairns, James Carey, Costa Carras, John Chryssavgis, H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., Bruce V. Foltz, Christina M. Gschwandtner, Perry T. Hamalis, Michael Harrington, Juretta Heckscher, Metropolitan John [Zizioulas] of Pergamon, Metropolitan Jonah [Paffhausen], Metropolitan Kallistos [Ware] of Diokleia, Anestis Keselopoulos, Chrysostomos Koutloumousianos, Andrew Louth, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, John Anthony McGuckin, Nikos Nissiotis, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Eric Perl, Donald Sheehan, Philip Sherrard, Alfred K. Siewers, Elizabeth and George Theokritoff, Archimandrite Vasileios of Iveron, Gayle Woloschak, Christos Yannaras

“A monumental contribution to the literature on religion and ecology. The abundant contributions of the Orthodox tradition to seeing into the sacred depths of nature are evident in this rich collection of essays. It will stand as a classic in the field for years to come and help reshape reflections on our shared planetary future.”—Mary Evelyn Tucker, Forum on Religion at Ecology at Yale 508 PAGES 978-0-8232-5145-2 PAPER, $35.00, £23.99 978-0-8232-5144-5 CLOTH, $125.00, £84.00



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The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyola’s “Autobiography” JOHN M. MCMANAMON, S.J.

“John McManamon reads Ignatius of Loyola’s autobiography with wonderful precision and insight. His finely crafted interpretation illumines the life of the founder of the Jesuits, teases out the meanings that Ignatius himself found in his encounters and experiences, and helps to explain the creation and rise of the Jesuit order.”—Anthony Grafton, Princeton University 248 PAGES 978-0-8232-4505-5 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-4504-8 CLOTH, $80.00, £54.00

Angels of Mercy

White Women and the History of New York’s Colored Orphan Asylum WILLIAM SERAILE

“The first work that examines the Colored Orphan Asylum and the women who were responsible for its existence. . . . Seraile’s examination of this group of white elite women broadens our understanding of the freedom struggle in New York.”—Clarence Taylor, Baruch College

Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World

Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Edited by Mary Beth Combs and Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt Contributors: Mary Beth Combs, Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt, Father Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J., Anna J. Brown, Jeannine Hill Fletcher, Lisa Sowle Cahill, Rev. David O’Brien, S.J., Chris Pramuk, Mary Zampini, John Freie, Susan M Behuniak, Dean Brackley, S.J., Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, Philip Greiner, Sheila Grossman, T. David Henry, Le Xuan Hy, Charles F. Jackels, Susan C. Jackels, Carol E. Kelly, Tom Kelly, Sr. Joan Kerley, S.J., David C. Koelsch, Kent Koth, Alison Kris, Madeline Lovell, Michael Marsolek, David McMenamin, Laurence Miners, Molly B. Pepper, Gary K. Perry, Rev. Stephen A. Privett, S.J., Raymond F. Reyes, Joyce Shea, Jennifer Tilghman-Havens, Linda Tredennick, Carlos Vallejos

Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World is an insightful collection that articulates how Jesuit colleges and universities create an educational community energized to transform the lives of its students, faculty, and administrators and to equip them to transform a broken world. 352 PAGES 978-0-8232-5430-9 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

220 PAGES, 12 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5195-7 PAPER, $19.00, £12.99 978-0-8232-3419-6 CLOTH, $65.00, £54.00

Empowering the People of God

Gettysburg Religion

Contributors: Jeremy Bonner, Mary Elizabeth Brown, Jeffrey M. Burns, Christopher D. Denny, Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello, Mary Beth Fraser Connolly, Katharine E. Harmon, Patrick J. Hayes, Mary J. Henold, Bill Issel, Andrew S. Moore, Samuel J. Thomas

“Clear and engaging. . . . Gettysburg Religion offers a local lens to see some of the surprising diversity of American religion and some of the interesting ways that religion interacts with the broader culture.”—Ruth Alden Doan, Hollins University “Longenecker has done an impressive job of research, bringing to light much that has previously been absent from works on the Battle of Gettysburg or on religion in the Civil War.”—Steve Woodworth, Texas Christian University

“Gives a nuanced, complicated, insightful portrait of Catholic Action as a spectrum rather than a monolith.”—Amy L. Koehlinger, Oregon State University “A major contribution to the “lived history” of Vatican II for the American Catholics.”—David O’Brien, College of the Holy Cross

Empire State Editions

Refinement, Diversity, and Race in the Antebellum and Civil War Border North STEVE LONGENECKER

208 PAGES 978-0-8232-5519-1 CLOTH, $45.00, £30.00

Catholic Action before and after Vatican II Edited by Jeremy Bonner, Christopher D. Denny, and Mary Beth Fraser Connolly

408 PAGES 978-0-8232-5400-2 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

Catholic Practice in North America

The North’s Civil War rd h am p re ss .co m

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Women of Faith

Veiled Desires

“A timely and probing analysis of the Chicago Sisters of Mercy and how they met the unremitting challenges of both growth and restructuring over their one-hundred-fifty-year history. The particular strength of . . . Connolly’s book . . . derives from its in-depth examination of the events and decisions arising from Vatican II. The process of change and adaptation was demanding, offering no easy answers. This research contributes much to our understanding of Catholic women’s identities, feminisms and leadership.”—Carmen M. Mangion, Birkbeck College, University of London

“Veiled Desires is a provocative, fascinating, and occasionally lyrical study of the narratives and imagery of Catholic women religious on the big screen. The book is impressively ambitious in scope, bringing together social theory, psychoanalysis, Catholic history, and media studies to interpret forty years of film.”—Amy L. Koehlinger, Florida State University “Maureen Sabine masterfully recovers the Eros of a religious vocation. In so doing, she challenges the way that popular culture defines women’s desire and erotic selfhood, and reveals the complex dynamic between our spiritual and sexual lives.”—Rebecca Sullivan, The University of Calgary

The Chicago Sisters of Mercy and the Evolution of a Religious Community MARY BETH FRASER CONNOLLY

336 PAGES 978-0-8232-5473-6 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

Live Long and Prosper

How Black Megachurches Address HIV/AIDS and Poverty in the Age of Prosperity Theology SANDRA L. BARNES

“A rich ideological analysis of black megachurches from within comparative theological frames that include social gospel, liberation, prophetic, and prosperity gospel in relation to ‘calling’ and ‘corner.’”—Victor Anderson, Vanderbilt University “A pioneering work! Dr. Barnes offers us a vitally important contribution, not only for black church scholarship, but for sociology of culture, sociology of religion, with implications in social movement theory, urban sociology, and American studies.”—Shayne Lee, University of Houston 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-4957-2 PAPER, $25.00, £16.99 978-0-8232-4956-5 CLOTH, $90.00, £60.00

Bob Drinan

The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress RAYMOND A. SCHROTH, S.J.

Intimate Portrayals of Nuns in Postwar Anglo-American Film MAUREEN SABINE

352 PAGES, 19 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5166-7 PAPER, $30.00, £19.99 978-0-8232-5165-0 CLOTH, $85.00, £57.00

Fifth Avenue Famous

The Extraordinary Story of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral SALVATORE BASILE Foreword by Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York

“Basile’s writing style and effortless wit projects New York City’s civic, musical and ecclesiastical spirit as only a New Yorker would view it.”—Stephen Rapp, Director of Music, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Stamford, CT “Salvatore Basile offers a well-written, engaging history of one of the most important churches in New York City, entwining its narrative with a greater one that encompasses elements of the history of media, culture, and religion on a national scale.”—Denise Gallo, Library of Congress 366 PAGES, 36 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3188-1 PAPER, $22.00, £14.99 978-0-8232-3187-4 CLOTH, $70.00, £47.00

Empire State Editions

“An absorbing biography of one of the twentieth century’s most fascinating religious and political figures.”—Frank Herrmann, Boston College Law School “When asked why he wore his clerical collar in Congress, Bob Drinan would quip ‘It’s the only suit I own.’ Raymond Schroth, in this meticulously researched and highly readable biography, illuminates the man and the quip. . . . Drinan’s life displays the complexity of the modern priesthood.”—Dennis O’Brien, President Emeritus, University of Rochester 432 PAGES, 24 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-3305-2 PAPER, $24.95, £16.99 978-0-8232-3304-5 CLOTH, $80.00, £54.00



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10/11/13 4:34 PM

Christian Lives Given to the Study of Islam Edited by Christian W. Troll and C. T. R. Hewer

Contributors: Patrick J. Ryan, S.J., C. T. R. Hewer, Christian W. Troll, Kenneth Cragg, Maurice Borrmans, Sigvard von Sicard, Lucie Pruvost, Jan Slomp, David Burrell, Etienne Renaud, Rev. Michael Fitzgerald, Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Paul Jackson, Christian van Nispen, Andreas D’Souza, Michel Lagarde, Christopher Lamb, Thomas Michel, Fr. Sebastiano D’Ambra, Giuseppe Scattolin, Emilio Platti, Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Francesco Zannini, Daniel Madigan, Felix Korner, David Marshall, Arij Roest Crollius, S.J.

“Gathers the accumulated wisdom of three generations of Christian scholars of Islam, how their research, teaching, ministry, friendship with Muslims, and experiences in dialogue and relations have deeply affected their lives and greatly influenced their work.”—John Borelli, Georgetown University 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-4319-8 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

JEWISH STUDIES The Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought WILLI GOETSCHEL

“In this stunningly erudite and imaginative study, Willi Goetschel argues that it is precisely because the very notion of a Jewish philosophy is contested that one may discern its overarching significance. While dilating on the “particularistic” concerns of their community from the perspective of universal reason, Jewish philosophers in effect challenge philosophy to revise its conception of the unity of truth and to embrace difference and alterity as defining constituents of the universal.”—Paul Mendes-Flohr, Divinity School, University of Chicago “A much-needed contribution to the postcolonial critique of philosophy.”—Tyler Roberts, Grinnell College 280 PAGES 978-0-8232-4496-6 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00

The Open Past

Subjectivity and Remembering in the Talmud SERGEY DOLGOPOLSKI

“Sergei Dolgopolski’s project here should not be underestimated: It is nothing else than ‘undo[ing] the erasure of the thought processes in the Talmud from the intellectual map of the West,’ and Dolgopolsky is up to the task. . . . The book is a stunning illustration of what can be done once the assumption of the ‘thinking subject’ in the Talmud is set aside in favor of the ‘very complex dance of thinking.’ ”—Jonathan Boyarin, Cornell University 392 PAGES 978-0-8232-4492-8 CLOTH, $65.00, £44.00


Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul A Summer on the Lower East Side JONATHAN BOYARIN

“Boyarin brilliantly articulates a Jewish ethnographic voice that moves beyond salvage ethnography, providing a richly detailed portrait of an enduring institution and a complex neighborhood through the lens of his own experience.” —Nathanial Deutsch, University of California, Santa Cruz “This beautiful new book confirms Jonathan Boyarin’s status as one of the most innovative scholars in Jewish Studies. Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul is a field journal and monument to religious endurance. But, first and foremost, it is a celebration of the pleasures of Jewish life.”—Matti Bunzl, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 226 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5404-0 PAPER, $18.00, £11.99 978-0-8232-3900-9 CLOTH, $80.00, £54.00

Modernist Form and the Myth of Jewification NEIL LEVI

“Modernist Form and the Myth of Jewification is an essential contribution to the recent attempt to analyze the phantasms and ideological formations that configured the Jew as a dirty or polluting influence that supposedly permeated modern culture and played a distinctive role in its aesthetic productions. Levi is addressing issues that go beyond the aesthetic while nonetheless playing an important role in it. His analysis is fine-tuned and convincing both as literary criticism and as ideology critique.”—Dominick LaCapra, Cornell University 272 PAGES, 8 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-5506-1 CLOTH, $55.00, £37.00 rd h am p re ss .co m

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Süssen Is Now Free of Jews

World War II, The Holocaust, and Rural Judaism GILYA GERDA SCHMIDT

“Features an enormous amount of original research and illustrates the inherent importance of talking about Landjudentum (village Jewry) to an English reading audience. Schmidt’s ability to combine archival material, memoir literature, interviews, and personal recollections is both impressive and moving.”—Alan T. Levenson, University of Oklahoma “Through its rich documentation of both institutions and persons, this book will be a useful resource for scholars and can serve as a useful general introduction to the rural German Jewish experience.”—Choice 236 PAGES, 40 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-4329-7 CLOTH, $70.00, £47.00

World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension

FOR D HA M SE R IE S IN M E D IE VA L ST U D IE S Isaac on Jewish and Christian Altars

Polemic and Exegesis in Rashi and the Glossa Ordinaria DEVORAH SCHOENFELD

“Schoenfeld’s book is at the forefront of new thinking about peshat / literal sense in both Jewish and Christian contexts, and she opens up new territory for exploration and comparison.”—Deeana Klepper, Boston University “This is a rich and careful study of a vital period in medieval Jewish-Christian relations. By focusing on interpretations of the near-sacrifice of Isaac, Schoenfeld illustrates the complex exegetical methods in Rashi’s commentary and the Glossa Ordinaria.”—Adam Gregerman, Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-4349-5 CLOTH, $55.00, £37.00

Medieval Poetics and Social Practice

Responding to the Work of Penn R. Szittya Edited by Seeta Chaganti Contributors: Jo Ann Moran Cruz, Kara Doyle, Richard K. Emmerson, Moira Fitzgibbons, Nick Havely, John C. Hirsh, J. Patrick Hornbeck, Mark McMorris, Anne Middleton, John T. Sebastian.

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