Philosophy & Religion 2017

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Intercarnations: Exercises in Theological Possibility

The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax MICHAEL N. McGREGOR

“Keller at her scholarly best. Intercarnations deals with theological bodies be they female, carnal, animal, vegetal, mineral, cosmological. She generates new and exciting outcomes and possibilities, speaking across disciplines with grace and ease.”—Lisa Isherwood, University of Winchester “Keller’s scholarship is vast and detailed. The essays in this volume move seamlessly between the history of Eastern and Western thought, as well as process theology, political theology, ecology, feminism, and recent Continental philosophy. Whatever one makes of her controversial claims, Intercarnations is an important contribution to current debates in Continental philosophy of religion.”—Brian Gregor, California State University, Dominguez Hills


Pure Act

“A fond biography of an unworldly man…vivid and engaging.”—The New York Times Book Review “To read McGregor’s book is to learn that Lax was a searcher and a mystic, a poet with a profound love of life and almost instinctive ability to find God in all things . . . I never had the chance to visit Robert Lax on the island of Patmos, but somehow, in reading this book, I feel as if I have . . . There is joy in Lax’s life and joy in Lax’s work—and that same joy pervades Pure Act.”—America Magazine “A monkish naïve character dedicated to God and writing, Lax maintained his gnomic humour throughout. This was a man of more Beatitude than Beat. Invited by Billie Holiday to go to her apartment to smoke dope and listen to jazz records, McGregor tells us, he declined.”—Times Literary Supplement 472 PAGES, 14 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7682-0 PAPER, $24.95, £20.99 CLOTH AVAILABLE: 978-0-8232-6801-6 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Catholic Practice in North America M AR C H 201 7

Blackpentecostal Breath The Aesthetics of Possibility ASHON T. CRAWLEY

“Blackpentecostal Breath is a work of utter originality anchored by daring synthesis, acrobatic leaps of imagination, and laced throughout with passages of jolting beauty.”—Ann Pellegrini, coauthor of Love the Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance “A one-of-a-kind intervention into performance, religious, black and cultural studies.”—Roderick A. Ferguson, author of Aberrations in Black: Toward a Queer of Color Critique 320 PAGES, 20 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7455-0 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7454-3 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Commonalities American Literatures Initiative

Out of the Ordinary

A Life of Gender and Spiritual Transitions MICHAEL DILLON/LOBZANG JIVAKA Edited by Jacob Lau and Cameron Partridge, Foreword by Susan Stryker

“In his gripping autobiography, Dillon finds new answers to enduring questions about gender. At the same time, he never manages to solve the puzzle of his own identity and dies in the pursuit of transcendence. His memoir deserves a place alongside the great spiritual narratives, from Augustine to Merton.”—Pagan Kennedy, author of The First Man-Made Man “The importance of this work to the history of sexuality— and especially to the history of transsexuality—cannot be overstated.”—Jose Ignacio Cabezon, University of California, Santa Barbara

256 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7646-2 PAPER, $30.00, £24.99 978-0-8232-7645-5 CLOTH, $105.00, £87.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE JU NE 2 01 7

Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics

The Heidelberg Conference JACQUES DERRIDA, HANS-GEORG GADAMER, AND PHILIPPE LACOUE-LABARTHE Edited by Mireille Calle-Gruber, Translated by Jeff Fort, Foreword by Jean-Luc Nancy

In February 1988, philosophers Jacques Derrida, HansGeorg Gadamer, and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe came together in Heidelberg before a large audience to discuss the philosophical and political implications of Martin Heidegger’s thought. This event took place in the very amphitheater in which, more than fifty years earlier, Heidegger, as rector of the University of Freiburg and a member of the Nazi Party, had given a speech entitled “The University in the New Reich.” Heidegger’s involvement in Nazism has always been, and will remain, an indelible scandal, but what is its real relation to his work and thought? 116 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7367-6 PAPER, $23.95, £19.99 978-0-8232-7366-9 CLOTH, $85.00, £70.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Teaching Bodies

Moral Formation in the Summa of Thomas Aquinas MARK D. JORDAN

“This book is beautifully written. It has a lyrical quality. The text is personal and interpersonal, which suits its purpose well.”—Diana Fritz Cates, The University of Iowa “Integrity, proportion, clarity—the qualities that have always informed Jordan’s writing about Thomas—are beautifully present in Teaching Bodies. The work is a significant contribution to the reading and interpretation of the medieval theologian.”—Robert Miner, Baylor University 256 PAGES 978-0-8232-7379-9 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7378-2 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE DE C E MB E R 2 01 6




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“A fast-paced tour de force. Honig explores the role of public things in democratic politics, especially against the background of neoliberal privatization.”—John Seery, George Irving Thompson Memorial Professor of Government and Professor of Politics, Pomona College 144 PAGES 978-0-8232-7641-7 PAPER, $19.95, £15.99 978-0-8232-7640-0 CLOTH, $70.00, £58.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Thinking Out Loud M AR C H 201 7

Citizen Subject

Foundations for Philosophical Anthropology ÉTIENNE BALIBAR Translated by Steven Miller, Foreword by Emily Apter

“The appearance of this book in France was something of a historic event. . . . One of the strongest, most ambitious, and most pertinent rewritings of the history of philosophy that readers are likely to encounter in their lifetimes.”—Bruce Robbins, Columbia University

Believing in Order to See

On the Rationality of Revelation and the Irrationality of Some Believers JEAN-LUC MARION Translated by Christina M. Gschwandtner

Faith and reason, at least as regards Christian or more specifically Roman Catholic thought, are in less contradiction today than ever, but even the very question of their supposed conflict makes no sense. Maybe one can lose faith, but surely not because one gains in reason. It is possible that one loses faith when one imagines reason incapable of understanding some of what life makes us experience. Very quickly, we realize: Reason does not understand everything. The separation between faith and reason, too quickly taken to be self-evident and even natural, is first of all born from a lack of rationality, of an easy capitulation of reason before the supposedly unthinkable. But one does not lose faith through excessive practice of rationality. To the contrary, it is possible that one often loses rationality because one excludes faith too quickly from the realm that it claims to open (namely that of Revelation). We lose reason by losing faith.

416 PAGES 978-0-8232-7361-4 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7360-7 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Commonalities

192 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7585-4 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7584-7 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Perspectives in Continental Philosophy AP RIL 2 01 7

The Possibility of a World

The Rigor of Things

Conversations with Pierre-Philippe Jandin JEAN-LUC NANCY AND PIERRE-PHILIPPE JANDIN Translated by Travis Holloway and Flor Méchain

“The Possibility of a World presents Jean-Luc Nancy in dialogue, allowing unique access to his thought. The book is particularly concerned with the possibility of inhabiting the world—a world that has become an object of calculation and mastery. For Nancy, such a habitus entails an ethos, or an ‘ethics of the world’ that involves the re-creation of the world. In the context of his thinking of such an ethical habitus, Nancy continues, throughout the book, his inventive engagement with Heidegger’s thought as well as his ongoing debate with Derrida. This new book is an important contribution to Nancy’s rethinking of the world and sense.” —David Pettigrew, Southern Connecticut State University 152 PAGES 978-0-8232-7541-0 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7540-3 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE AU G UST 201 7

The Banality of Heidegger

JEAN-LUC NANCY, Translated by Jeff Fort

“A relentlessly powerful probe, masterfully cast, soundly translated. Rezoning Arendt’s sense of banality, the work commits itself to handling the disturbingly blithe crudeness of anti-Semitism in philosophical headquarters. One of the greatest philosophers of our time, Jean-Luc Nancy tracks Heidegger’s descent, addressing the scandalous incompatibility of racist outburst and the question of Being.”—Avital Ronell, New York University

Conversations with Dan Arbib JEAN-LUC MARION AND DAN ARBIB Translated by Christina M. Gschwandtner Foreword by David Tracy

In these conversations with the French Descartes and Levinas scholar Dan Arbib, Jean-Luc Marion reconstructs the path of his oeuvre in history of philosophy, theology, and phenomenology. “This beautiful dialogue, led by student-come-philosopher Dan Arbib, affords readers a new opportunity to acquaint themselves with a brilliant mind.”—La Croix 232 PAGES 978-0-8232-7576-2 PAPER, $32.00, £25.99 978-0-8232-7575-5 CLOTH, $115.00, £95.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE AU GU ST 2 01 7

Imagine No Religion

How Modern Abstractions Hide Ancient Realities CARLIN A. BARTON AND DANIEL BOYARIN

“A timely contribution to a growing and important conversation about the inadequacy of our common category ‘religion’ for the understanding of many practices, attitudes, emotions, and beliefs—especially of peoples in other times and contexts.”—Wayne A. Meeks, Yale University 328 PAGES 978-0-8232-7120-7 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7119-1 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 Simultaneous Electronic Edition Available

96 PAGES 978-0-8232-7593-9 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7592-2 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE M AR C H 201 7 rd h a m p re ss .co m

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PH ILOS OPHY Decreation and the Ethical Bind

Simone Weil and the Claim of the Other YOON SOOK CHA

“Cha’s book is elegant and eloquent, guiding the reader to think with the author, and with Weil, in a tour of complex theoretical terrain that addresses some of the most profound philosophical questions: How are we to live? Who are we? How do we relate to each other? The book brings Weil into conversations in contemporary continental ethics and invites future scholars to take Weil seriously.”—Vincent William Lloyd, Villanova University 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-7525-0 CLOTH, $45.00, £37.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Modern Language Initiative J U N E 201 6

Levinas and the Night of Being

A Guide to Totality and Infinity RAOUL MOATI, Translated by Daniel Wyche, Foreword by Jocelyn Benoist

“What Moati shows is that Levinas’s masterpiece, Totality and Infinity, offers an ontology that is also fully an ethics. Moati makes us read Levinas differently: Thanks to him, we understand that Totality and Infinity, far from being simply a ‘Jewish’ rewriting of Heidegger’s Being and Time, finds its proper place near Spinoza’s Ethics. Levinas and the Night of Being is a remarkable feat of philosophical exegesis doubling as the consistent re-creation of a whole conceptual universe.”—Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania 240 PAGES 978-0-8232-7320-1 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7319-5 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE


JEAN-LUC NANCY WITH ADÈLE VAN REETH Translated by Charlotte Mandell

“A stimulating analysis, Nancy’s Coming shows sex and sexuality to be crucial understanding central aspects of his work. Moving from the prurient to the profound, Coming is a scintillating read for anyone interested in the limits of desire, the loneliness that pervades much of contemporary culture, or what love means today.”—Peter Gratton, Memorial University of Newfoundland 152 PAGES 978-0-8232-7347-8 PAPER, $22.00, £17.99 978-0-8232-7346-1 CLOTH, $75.00, £62.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

The Future Life of Trauma

All Ears: The Aesthetics of Espionage

PETER SZENDY, Translated by Roland Végs

“Spying and surveilling—what Szendy himself expansively translates as ‘overhearing’—are the rudiments of an old profession, ‘perhaps the second oldest.’ Hence the necessity of patiently patrolling the inner and outer corridors of power, of walking the wild and labyrinthine sides of ‘our ears,’ the history of which Szendy has again been proved a masterful and exemplary listener. In this topical and gripping book, which records and samples from the best and the unexpected among spy stories (Sophocles, Kafka), theories (Sun Tzu, Bentham, Adorno, Derrida), operas (Monteverdi, Mozart, Berg), and films (Coppola, De Palma), Szendy urgently reaches for a new listening post, and flawlessly delivers.”—Gil Anidjar, Columbia University 176 PAGES 978-0-8232-7396-6 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7395-9 CLOTH, $95.00, £79.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE


From Plato to William of Ockham CLAUDE PANACCIO, Translated by Joshua P. Hochschild and Meredith K. Ziebart

“Mental language was no twentieth-century philosophical invention, and Claude Panaccio’s book, Mental Language: From Plato to William of Ockham, first published in French in 1999, remains the best guide to the many theories that were formulated in antiquity and the Middle Ages. There is no more complete or authoritative work on the subject. The book is philosophically astute and sophisticated, but eminently readable. A postscript brings the work completely up to date, with an exhaustive discussion of the copious literature that has appeared on the topic in the past fifteen years.”—Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame 432 PAGES 978-0-8232-7260-0 CLOTH, $75.00, £62.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE F E B RUARY 2 01 7


Partitions, Borders, Repetition JENNIFER YUSIN

The Decolonial Abyss

The Future Life of Trauma elaborates a transformation in the concepts of trauma and event by situating a groundbreaking encounter between psychoanalytic and postcolonial discourse. It unfolds a new materialism that asserts the coincidence between the symbolic and empirical domains of life. The result is the formation of a form of life that elaborates a new relation to destruction and finitude by asserting its innate power to transform itself.

“The abyss provides a fascinating lens through which to politicize the mystical on the one hand and theologize the post- and decolonial on the other. Each of these is a worthy project on its own and even more compelling in relation to the other. . . . A sophisticated, readable, and important book.”—Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Wesleyan University

208 PAGES 978-0-8232-7546-5 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7545-8 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Modern Language Initiative J U N E 201 7



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Mysticism and Cosmopolitics from the Ruins AN YOUNTAE

200 PAGES 978-0-8232-7308-9 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7307-2 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Modern Language Initiative rdham m

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PERSPECTIVES IN CONT IN E N TA L PHILOSOPHY Resistance of the Sensible World

The Wedding Feast of the Lamb

“This challenging yet engaging work is part and parcel of a vanguard of creative new scholarship that carries forward Merleau-Ponty’s late thought so as to address contemporary philosophical concerns. What it challenges specifically is the ‘ideology of transparence’ that, deeply rooted in Western thought, continues subtly to inform one’s understanding of embodiment, perception, language, art, and ontology. Alloa stresses not only an awareness of pervasive opacity, resistance, and the inalienable residue of absence within presencing itself that negate this ideology, but he also creatively explores the new ontological dimensions of diaphaneity, ‘transappearing’ and ‘co-belonging,’ in quest of a transformation of the fundamental parameters of ontology.”—Veronique Foti, Pennsylvania State University

“Animality, embodiedness, and eros: such, for Emmanuel Falque, are the grounds for our hope as we kneel before the altar and await the words of consecration in the Eucharist and behold not only what nourishes us here but also an intimacy promised to us hereafter. Here, as a complement to theologies of the Eucharist, is a phenomenology of the sacred liturgy: perhaps the most capacious account of our desire for Christ in the Sacrament offered to us by a contemporary.”—Kevin Hart, The University of Virginia

144 PAGES 978-0-8232-7568-7 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7567-0 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE M AY 201 7

Selected Writings JEAN WAHL Edited by Alan D. Schrift and Ian Alexander Moore

An Introduction to Merleau-Ponty EMMANUEL ALLOA, Translated by Jane Marie Todd, Foreword by Renaud Barbaras

Words Fail

Theology, Poetry, and the Challenge of Representation COLBY DICKINSON

“Colby Dickinson provides us with a compelling meditation on the complex relationship between poetry, philosophy, and religion. He not only illuminates Derrida and Agamben’s engagement with poetry but allows poetry to talk back to philosophy—and invites the reader to reconsider what is at stake every time we sit down to write.”—Adam Kotsko, Shimer College 136 PAGES, 73 COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7284-6 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7283-9 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Questions of Phenomenology

Language, Alterity, Temporality, Finitude FRANÇOISE DASTUR Translated by Robert Vallier

“In Questions of Phenomenology, Françoise Dastur displays remarkable erudition and originality. The erudition can be seen in the wide range of phenomenological figures that Questions of Phenomenology covers, figures such as Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, of course, but also Levinas, Ricœur, Gadamer, Patocka, and Fink and even lesser known figures such as Lotze, Medard Boss, and Dilthey. The originality can be seen in the unifying idea of the essays: originary finitude. Finitude is not a weakness, for Dastur, but a resource. Appropriating a phrase of Merleau-Ponty, Dastur shows that the problem of death places phenomenology at its limits. Dastur remains one of our greatest scholars of phenomenology and one of our greatest phenomenological thinkers.”—Leonard Lawlor, Pennsylvania State University 264 PAGES 978-0-8232-3374-8 PAPER, $32.00, £25.99 978-0-8232-3373-1 CLOTH, $115.00, £95.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE J U N E 201 7 rd h a m p re ss .co m

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Eros, the Body, and the Eucharist EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by George Hughes

336 PAGES 978-0-8232-7041-5 PAPER, $36.00, £29.99 978-0-8232-7040-8 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Transcendence and the Concrete

Contributors: Bruce Baugh, Scott Davidson, Russell Ford, Anna Johnson, Leonard Lawlor, Simone Rowen

“Emmanuel Levinas likened the thought of Jean Wahl to ‘a child’s question coming from the lips of the wisest of philosophers,’ with the potential to disrupt and reorient thanks to its unexpected combination of innocence and intelligence. One of the most interesting and original thinkers of his time, Wahl helped invent existentialism and exerted influence on a host of canonical French philosophers of the twentieth century. Thanks to the marvelous editorial work of Ian Moore and Alan Schrift, this collection of Wahl’s writings recovers him for a new generation of readers.”—Samuel Moyn, Harvard University, author of Origins of the Other: Emmanuel Levinas between Revelation and Ethics 272 PAGES 978-0-8232-7302-7 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7301-0 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE

Phenomenologies of Scripture Edited by Adam Y. Wells

Contributors: Jeffrey Bloechl, Walter Breuggemann, Jean-Louis Chretien, Kevin Hart, Robyn Horner, Emmanuel Housset, JeanYves Lacoste, Jean-Luc Marion, Dale Martin, Robert Sokolowski

“Phenomenologies of Scripture draws the reader into the biblical text through close readings that often reveal sparkling new insights and open up depths previously unplumbed. One does not have to be a trained phenomenologist to benefit from these riches. Time spent with this volume will be amply repaid.”—Bruce Ellis Benson, Wheaton College “A strong collection of essays, featuring some of the best scholars of contemporary phenomenology of religion along with responses from two important biblical scholars.” —Clayton Crockett, University of Central Arkansas 216 PAGES, 1 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7556-4 PAPER, $32.00, £25.99 978-0-8232-7555-7 CLOTH, $115.00, £95.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE MAY 2 01 7



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A Critical Lexicon Edited by J. M. Bernstein, Adi Ophir, and Ann Laura Stoler

Political Concepts: A Critical Lexicon seeks to revive our common political vocabulary, both everyday and academic, and to do so critically. Its entries take the form of essays in which the volume’s contributors present their own original reflection on the question what is that concept and thereby what sort of work a rethinking of that concept can do for us now. The concepts collected in this first volume of Political Concepts are “Arche” (Stathis Gourgouris), “Authority” (Avital Ronell), “Blood” (Gil Anidjar), “Colony” (Ann Stoler), “Concept” (Adi Ophir), “Constituent Power” (Andreas Kalyvas), “Development” (Gayatri Spivak), “Exploitation” (Etienne Balibar), “Federation” (Jean Cohen), “Identity” (Akeel Bilgrami), “Rule of Law” (Jay Bernstein), “Sexual Difference” (Joan Copjec), “Translation,” Jacques Lezra. 288 PAGES 978-0-8232-7669-1 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7668-4 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE AU G UST 201 7

L I TERAT U RE Writing of the Formless

Jose Lezama Lima and the End of Time JAIME RODRÍGUEZ MATOS

“Deep and dazzling. The Writing of the Formless dismantles or powerfully threatens the very basis of much of what today wants to present itself as ‘properly leftist’ thought but also the equally paralyzing liberal-democratic administration of things: both ideologies are anchored in disavowed understandings of temporality. This is a groundbreaking, extraordinary book that will mark a before and after in Latinamericanism.”—Alberto Moreiras, Texas A&M University 248 PAGES 978-0-8232-7408-6 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7407-9 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Lit Z Modern Language Initiative D E CE MB E R 201 6

LIT E R AT U R E Kant on the Frontier

Philosophy, Politics, and the Ends of the Earth GEOFFREY BENNINGTON

Frontier: the border between two countries; the limits of civilization; the bounds of established knowledge; a new field of activity. Following what Kant himself would call this “guiding thread” first in the “political” writings and then in the still little-read “Critique of teleological judgment,” Bennington tries to bring out a complex, abyssal, fractal structure, which always leaves a residue of nature—violence—in every frontier (including conceptual frontiers), and which complicates Kant’s most explicit, most rational arguments by adding to them an element of reticence or interruption. Neither a critique of Kant nor a return to Kant, this book also proposes a new reflection on philosophical reading, for which thinking the frontier is both an essential resource and the recurrent, fruitful, interruption. 288 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7598-4 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7597-7 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Lit Z MAY 2 01 7


Hospitality in the Flesh LOWELL GALLAGHER

Sodomscapes: Hospitality in the Flesh presents a fresh understanding of Lot’s wife in the reception history of the Sodom story. The sudden mutation of Lot’s wife in the flight from Sodom exemplifies the antiscopic bias that late modern critical thought inherited from premodern legacies of prohibited gazing. The book’s cumulative perspective identifies Lot’s wife as the resilient figure of vigilant dwelling between the substantialist dream of resemblance and the mutating dynamism of otherness. The radical in-betweenness of the figure discloses counter-intuitive ways of understanding what counts as a life in the context of divergent claims of being-with and being-for. 336 PAGES, 10 COLOR AND 16 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7521-2 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7520-5 CLOTH, $95.00, £79.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE JU NE 2 01 7

Prophecies of Language

The Confusion of Tongues in German Romanticism KRISTINA MENDICINO

“Prophecies of Language offers strikingly original insights into some of the most complex dimensions of Idealist and Romantic thought. Mendicino’s ingenious analyses help us rethink the singular challenges of these canonical texts in innovative ways.”—Jan Mieszkowski, Reed College 296 PAGES 978-0-8232-7402-4 PAPER, $32.00, £25.99 978-0-8232-7401-7 CLOTH, $115.00, £95.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Lit Z Modern Language Initiative DE C E MB E R 2 01 6



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Members of His Body

The Insistence of Art

“Writing from a historical moment in which gay marriage has refocused debates around religion, citizenship, and sexuality, Will Stockton astutely explores how the concept of “shared embodiment” at the heart of early modern marriage theology manifests in Shakespeare’s plays. If Christians marry in order to join the body of Christ, Stockton proposes, then marriage produces not a bounded couple but a queerly plural, embodied community. From this insight Stockton produces supple, surprising readings of some familiar Shakespearean texts, readings that are wonderfully alive to the perversely non-monogamous marriages that result when we restore God to the shared life of Shakespeare’s husbands and wives.”—Mario DiGangi, Lehman College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Contributors: Anthony J. Cascardi, J. M. Bernstein, Lydia Goehr, Paul A. Kottman, Andrew Cutrofello, Victoria Kahn, Maarten Delbeke, Jon R. Snyder, Rachel Eisendrath, Kristin Gjesdal

Shakespeare, Paul, and a Theology of Nonmonogamy WILL STOCKTON

192 PAGES 978-0-8232-7551-9 PAPER, $25.00, £20.99 978-0-8232-7550-2 CLOTH, $90.00, £74.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE M AY 201 7


Muslims, France, and the Sexualization of National Culture MEHAMMED AMADEUS MACK

In contemporary France, particularly in the banlieues of Paris, the figure of the young, virile, hypermasculine Muslim looms large. So large, in fact, it often supersedes liberal secular society’s understanding of gender and sexuality altogether. Engaging the nexus of race, gender, nation, and sexuality, Sexagon studies the broad politicization of Franco-Arab identity in the context of French culture and its assumptions about appropriate modes of sexual and gender expression, both gay and straight. 272 PAGES, 15 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7461-1 PAPER, $27.00, £21.99 978-0-8232-7460-4 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Modern Language Initiative JA N UA RY 201 7

ART Breaking Resemblance

The Role of Religious Motifs in Contemporary Art ALENA ALEXANDROVA

“Breaking Resemblance is a consistently thoughtful, wellinformed, original examination of modern art and some of its principal debts to the visuality of Christianity.”—David Morgan, Duke University 280 PAGES, 23 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7447-5 CLOTH, $70.00, £58.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE M AY 201 7

Aesthetic Philosophy after Early Modernity Edited by Paul A. Kottman

“A superb and timely collection—rigorous wide-ranging essays demonstrating some of the most compelling trends in their respective fields. It’s the sort of collection that gives substance and urgency to interdisciplinary thinking.”— Christopher Pye, Williams College 320 PAGES, 26 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7580-9 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7573-1 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE AP RIL 2 01 7

POLIT IC S Artifacts of Thinking

Reading Hannah Arendt’s Denktagebuch Edited by Roger Berkowitz and Ian Storey Contributors: Roger Berkowitz, Jeffrey Champlin, Wout Cornelissen, Ursula Ludz, Anne O’Byrne, Ian Storey, Tracy Strong, Tatjana Noemi Tömmel, Thomas Wild

“Artifacts of Thinking contributes new and important work to scholarship on Hannah Arendt’s thinking. The essays included in the volume take up familiar topics in Arendt’s thought but informed by her private ‘thought diary’ take up these topics in unusual and provocative ways. The book also introduces German scholars of Arendt to English-only readers of Arendt and the inclusion of their voices in the conversion opens up exciting horizons for research and study.”—Jennifer Culbert, Johns Hopkins University 224 PAGES 978-0-8232-7218-1 PAPER, $32.00, £25.99 978-0-8232-7217-4 CLOTH, $110.00, £91.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE F E B RUARY 2 01 7

GR OU N DWOR KS Wilderness in America

Philosophical Writings HENRY BUGBEE Edited by David W. Rodick

“Essential for anyone interested in wilderness, revelation, and calling. Henry Bugbee is a philosophical voice of the first order.”—Edward F. Mooney, Syracuse University “Wilderness in America is an impressive introduction to the life and work of an original (and far-too-long neglected) figure in American philosophy. David Rodick has performed a valuable service to students and scholars of American arts and letters.”—Daniel Conway, Texas A&M University 216 PAGES, 2 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7536-6 PAPER, $32.00, £25.99 978-0-8232-7535-9 CLOTH, $110.00, £91.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology JU NE 2 01 7 rd h a m p re ss .co m

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PH ILOS OPHY The Techne of Giving

Cinema and the Generous Form of Life TIMOTHY C. CAMPBELL

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The Disavowed Community JEAN-LUC NANCY Translated by Philip Armstrong

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The Origin of the Political

Hannah Arendt or Simone Weil? ROBERTO ESPOSITO Translated by Vincenzo Binetti and Gareth Williams

“Esposito shows how, in the Western tradition of realist political thought, the conflict between power and interests has always resulted in the suppression, on the side of power, of conflict itself. Arendt and Weil, in inverted ways, were able to replace a thought of conflict at the site of its symbolic mediation or suppression, liberating the terrain for a fresh, genealogical look at political ontology. For Esposito, thought does not just fight—it is the fight itself. Esposito moves on the basis of a fundamental ontology of war, which marks what a previous tradition would have called “the unity of being.” The Origin of the Political elaborates implications of this, not only through its masterful conceptual analysis and through its insights into the two thinkers it studies and critiques, but also because, as it makes explicit the stakes of the impolitical approach, it also ruins so many of the foundations of modern political thought and prepares the way for its fundamental renewal.”—Alberto Moreiras, Texas A&M University 112 PAGES 978-0-8232-7627-1 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7626-4 CLOTH, $100.00, £83.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE AP RIL 2 01 7

JE WISH ST U D IE S Bestiarium Judaicum

Unnatural Histories of the Jews JAY GELLER

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THEOLOGY The Weight of Love


Affect, Ecstasy, and Union in the Theology of Bonaventure ROBERT GLENN DAVIS

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Comparing Faithfully

Insights for Systematic Theological Reflection Edited by Michelle Voss Roberts Contributors: Sharon V. Betcher, Bede Benjamin Bidlack, Wendy Farley, Holly Hillgardner, Amir Hussain, Kristin Kiblinger, Jeffery D. Long, Marianne Moyaert, Hugh Nicholson, Elaine Padilla, Joshua Ralston, Shelly Rambo, Klaus von Stosch, Jon Paul Sydnor, Tracy Sayuki Tiemeier

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Spiritual Grammar

Genre and the Saintly Subject in Islam and Christianity F. DOMINIC LONGO

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Entangled Worlds

Religion, Science, and New Materialisms Edited by Catherine Keller and Mary-Jane Rubenstein Contributors: Catherine Keller, Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Loriliai Biernacki, Philip Clayton, Jacob J. Erickson, Jane Bennett, Terra S. Rowe, Beatrice Marovich, Elias Ortega-Aponte, Carol Wayne White, Karen Barad, Elizabeth Singleton, Theodore Walker, Manuel Vasquez

The “new materialisms” currently coursing through cultural, feminist, political, and queer theories seek to displace human privilege by attending to the agency of matter itself. Far from being passive or inert, they show us that matter acts, creates, destroys, and transforms—and as such, is more of a process than a thing. This collection examines the intersections of religion and new and old materialisms. 320 PAGES 978-0-8232-7622-6 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7621-9 CLOTH, $110.00, £91.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia AP RIL 2 01 7

R E LIGION Black Lives and Sacred Humanity

Toward an African American Religious Naturalism CAROL WAYNE WHITE

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C ATHOLIC STU DIES Paul Hanly Furfey

Priest, Scientist, Social Reformer NICK RADEMACHER

Meticulously researched and clearly written, this book sheds new light on Monsignor Paul Hanly Furfey’s life by drawing on Furfey’s copious published material and substantial archival deposit. Paul Hanly Furfey (1896–1992) is one of U.S. Catholicism’s greatest champions of peace and social justice. He and his colleagues at The Catholic University of America offered a revolutionary view of the university as a center for social transformation, not only in training students to be agents for social change but also in establishing structures which would empower and transform the communities that surrounded the university. In part a response to the Great Depression, their social settlement model drew on the latest social scientific research and technique while at the same time incorporating principles they learned from radical Catholics like Dorothy Day and Catherine de Hueck Doherty. 352 PAGES 978-0-8232-7677-6 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7676-9 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Catholic Practice in North America J U LY 201 7

E D U C AT ION Undocumented and in College

Students and Institutions in a Climate of National Hostility Edited by Terry-Ann Jones and Laura Nichols

Cutting across the fields of U.S. immigration policy, theory, and history, religion, law, and education, this book first delineates the historical and then present-day contexts of immigration including the role of religious institutions, and then presents findings of research on the current experiences of undocumented students as they navigate the processes of entering and then thriving in private, religiously-based colleges. The book is a crucial resource for those working with immigrant students in high school and the college context. Contributors: Michael M. Canaris, Maria Guzman, Katherine Kaufka Walts, Suzanna Klaf, Melissa M. Quan, Kurt Schlichting, Ana Siscar, Sahng-An Yoo 192 PAGES, 10 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 978-0-8232-7617-2 PAPER, $28.00, £22.99 978-0-8232-7616-5 CLOTH, $98.00, £81.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE AU GU ST 2 01 7

ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY AND CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine Edited by George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou

“Many of us in the field of political theology are poorer for the lack of conversation most of us experience between Eastern and Western political theologies. Even if we are open and sympathetic to one another—and historically that is a big ‘if ’—the traditions are so distinct from one another that few can claim expertise in both, and so we continue to focus narrowly on our own traditions. This volume represents a welcome change to this pattern, opening a conversation between theologians across Eastern and Western traditions on the timely topics of church and state, democracy, and liberalism.”—Elizabeth Phillips, Tutor in Theology and Ethics, Westcott House, Cambridge 272 PAGES 978-0-8232-7420-8 PAPER, $35.00, £28.99 978-0-8232-7419-2 CLOTH, $125.00, £103.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE



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