philosophy & religion
2019 PhilosophyReligion 2019.indd 1
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The Supermarket of the Visible
This work provides the first systematic discussion of the Bodhisattva path and its importance for constructive Christian theology. Crucified Wisdom examines specific Buddhist traditions, texts and practices not as phenomena whose existence requires an apologetic justification, but as wells of tested wisdom that invite theological insight. Crucified Wisdom focuses on questions of reconciliation and atonement in Christian theology, and explores the varying interpretations of the crucifixion of Jesus in Buddhist-Christian discussion. The Bodhisattva path is central for major contemporary Buddhist voices such as the Dalai Lama and Thich Nat Hanh, who figure prominently as conversation partners in the text. This work will be of particular value for those interested in “dual belonging” in connection to these traditions.
“A gifted writer with real pedagogical talent, Szendy knows just the appropriate dosage of theoretical fine points (which he makes with surgical precision) and shifts register as needed to quite accessible discussions of popular films and television.” —Suzanne Guerlac, University of California, Berkeley Images saturate our world now more than ever, constituting the visibility in which we live. The Supermarket of the Visible analyzes this space and the icons that populate it as the culmination of a history of the circulation and general commodification of images and gazes. From the first elevators and escalators, to cinema, all the way down to contemporary eye-tracking techniques that monitor the slightest saccades of our eyes, Szendy offers an entirely novel theory of the intersection of the image and economics.
344 PAGES 9780823281237, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions D E CE MB E R 201 8
Sacred Shelter
Messy Eating: Conversations on Animals as Food
Living in a metropolis like New York, homelessness can blend into the urban landscape. For editor Susan Greenfield, however, New York is the place where a community of resilient, remarkable individuals are yearning for a voice. Sacred Shelter follows the lives of thirteen formerly homeless people, all of whom have graduated from the life skills empowerment program, an interfaith life skills program for homeless and formerly homeless individuals in New York. Through frank, honest interviews, these individuals share traumas from their youth, their experience with homelessness, and the healing they have discovered through community and faith. By listening to their stories, we are urged to confront our own woundedness and uncover our desire for human connection, a sacred shelter on the other side of suffering.
Literature on the ethics and politics of food and that on animal-human relationships have infrequently converged. Representing an initial step towards bridging this divide, Messy Eating features interviews with thirteen prominent and emerging scholars about the connections between their academic work and their approach to consuming animals as food. The collection explores how authors working across a range of perspectives—postcolonial, Indigenous, Black, queer, trans, feminist, disability, poststructuralist, posthumanist, and multispecies—weave their theoretical and political orientations with daily, intimate, and visceral practices of food consumption, preparation, and ingestion.
Theological Reflection on Christ and the Bodhisattva S. MARK HEIM
Thirteen Journeys of Homelessness and Healing Edited by Susan Celia Greenfield
Toward a General Economy of Images PETER SZENDY,Translated by Jan Plug
Samantha King, R. Scott Carey, Isabel Macquarie, Victoria Millious, and Elaine Power, Editors
The Blind Man: A Phantasmography ROBERT DESJARLAIS
“Desjarlais’s fierce masterpiece reawakens anthropology’s sense of wonder with the affective, spectral nature of worldly encounters. A transformational book.”—João Biehl The Blind Man: A Phantasmography examines the complicated forces of perception, imagination, and phantasms of encounter in the contemporary world. In considering photographs he took while he was traveling in France, Desjarlais reflects on a few pictures that show the features of a man, apparently blind, who begs for money at a religious site in Paris. Composed of an intricate weave of text and image, The Blind Man attends to pressing issues in contemporary life: facing others; the politics of looking; media images of violence and abjection; and the nature of fantasy and imaginative construal. 232 PAGES, 64 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823281114, PAPERBACK, $29.95, £22.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Thinking from Elsewhere NOV E MB E R 2 01 8
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HIGHLIGHTS IN PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION When God Was a Bird: Christianity, Animism,
Reoccupy Earth: Notes toward an Other Beginning
“Seldom do I read a book with such verve and audacity as When God Was a Bird. Mark Wallace has given us a treasure, almost in the form of a parable, because if God is manifest in a bird—the Holy Spirit as dove—where else might God be found? And what might that radical, even creation-wide incarnation of God mean for us today? Highly recommended.”—Brian D. McLaren, author of The Great Spiritual Migration In the face of Christian theology’s frequent complicity with ecological devastation through its neglect of this-worldly concerns, Mark Wallace reminds us of a different Christianity. This beautifully and accessibly written book Wallace shows that Christianity also entails Earth-loving spirituality grounded in the ancient image of an animal God who signals the presence of spirit in everything, human and more-than-human alike.
Habit rules our lives. And yet climate change and the catastrophic future it portends, makes it clear that we cannot go on like this. Philosophy is about emancipation—from illusions, myths, and oppression. In Reoccupy Earth, David Wood shows how an approach to philosophy attuned to our ecological existence can suspend the taken-for-granted and open up alternative forms of earthly dwelling. Sharing the earth, raises fundamental questions about space and time, place and history, territory and embodiment—questions that philosophy cannot directly answer but can help us to frame and to work out for ourselves. Bringing an uncommon lucidity, directness, and even practicality to sophisticated philosophical questions, Wood plots experiential pathways that disrupt our habitual existence and challenge our everyday complacency.
and the Re-Enchantment of the World MARK I. WALLACE
224 PAGES, 6 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823281312, PAPERBACK, $29.95, £22.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology N OVE MB E R 201 8
Decolonial Love: Salvation in Colonial Modernity JOSEPH DREXLER-DREIS
Bringing together theologies of liberation and decolonial thought, Decolonial Love interrogates colonial frameworks that shape Christian thought and legitimize structures of oppression and violence within Western modernity. In response to the historical situation of colonial modernity, the book offers a decolonial mode of theological reflection and names a historical instance of salvation that stands in conflict with Western modernity. Decolonial Love offers to theologians a foothold within the modern/colonial context from which to commit to the sacred and, from a historical encounter with the divine mystery, face up to and take responsibility for the legacies of colonial domination and violence within a struggle to transform reality. 224 PAGES 9780823281879, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £18.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE D E CE MB E R 201 8
Deep Time, Dark Times
On Being Geologically Human DAVID WOOD
“A timely and transformative challenge to confront our responsibilities in the face of climate disaster and the Anthropocene, Deep Time, Dark Times draws insights from Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida to inform our emerging geological consciousness. Playful while serious, sophisticated yet disarmingly genuine, Wood leads us through the conceptual brambles of our planetary plight and raises the stakes for what it means to think philosophically in our time. His lessons on thinking and living geohistorically will be essential reading for environmental humanists, philosophers, and anyone interested in avoiding the worst of our possible futures.”—Ted Toadvine, University of Oregon 176 PAGES 9780823281350, PAPERBACK, $19.95, £14.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Thinking Out Loud D E CE MB E R 201 8 rd h a m p re ss .co m
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240 PAGES 9780823283538, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £20.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology AP RIL 2 01 9
The Unconstructable Earth: An Ecology of Separation FRÉDÉRIC NEYRAT Translated by Drew S. Burk
“A vitally important book that stakes out a new position in the environmental humanities.”—Steven Shaviro The Anthropocene announces a post-natural planet that can be remade at will through the prowess of geoengineering. With it, a new kind of power, geopower, takes the entire Earth—social, biological and geophysical—as an object of governmentality. Theorists of the constructivist turn have likewise called into question the divide between nature and culture. Against both camps, this book confronts the unconstructable Earth, proposing an “ecology of separation” that acknowledges the wild, subtractive capacity of nature. Neyrat shows what it means to appreciate Earth as an unsubstitutable becoming that always escapes the hubris of those who would remake and master it. 256 PAGES, 3 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823282579, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £22.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Meaning Systems
Killing Times
The Temporal Technology of the Death Penalty DAVID WILLS
“Killing Times makes an enormous contribution to understanding the logic of capital punishment in its disparate practices, laws, and customs. For the first time we see that capital punishment is not only about retribution through state-imposed death, but it is also and above all about the absolute mastery of time through the creation of a kind of negative prosthesis—technology—that impossibly supplements and completes the human by subtracting and destroying it. This is scholarship and theoretical analysis at the highest level: thorough, wide-ranging, and convincing.”—Allan Stoekl, Pennsylvania State University 288 PAGES 9780823283491, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE MARC H 2 01 9
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L I T E R AT U R E Maurice Blanchot: A Critical Biography CHRISTOPHE BIDENT Translated by John McKeane
“An essential addition to the library of anyone seriously interested in Maurice Blanchot and the evolutions of literary and philosophical thinking in twentieth-century France.” —Lydia Davis “An event of the first magnitude, illuminating the life and writing of perhaps the most compelling, unsettling, and wondrously enigmatic author of the last century.” —Tom Conley, Harvard University Maurice Blanchot has long inspired writers, artists, and philosophers with some of the most incisive statements of what it meant to experience the traumas and turmoils of the twentieth century. Bident’s magisterial biography provides the first fulllength account of Blanchot’s itinerary, drawing on unpublished letters and interviews with the writer’s close friends, while also providing a sophisticated genealogy of his thought. 632 PAGES 9780823281756, PAPERBACK, $40.00, £32.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE N OVE MB E R 201 8
Death Now: Chronicles of Intellectual Life, 1944 MAURICE BLANCHOT Translated by Michael Holland
“The time has come to attend to Blanchot’s early literary and political journalism (his missteps included) which, surprisingly, the first generation of his postwar admirers barely noteds. It reminds us that this major theoretician of literary modernity has never been associated with academia: the newspaper was the site of his first critical exercise. Death Now provides a rich overview of the French literary atmosphere during the fateful final period of the Occupation. It is also unmistakably haunted by the ghost of a Blanchot to come.”—Denis Hollier, New York University 176 PAGES 9780823281794, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE
Unknowing Fanaticism
Reformation Literatures of Self-Annihilation ROSS LERNER
“Lerner presents a thoughtful and penetrating study of how England’s major seventeenth-century writers came to terms with a tradition of prophecy, messianism, and divine grace that can be utopian and critical, but also militant and destructive. In gesturing toward twenty-first century politics Lerner never chains his analyses to the contemporary situation but instead gives us tools to think about jihadism, right wing terror, fundamentalism, and liberation theology.” —Julia Reinhard Lupton, University of California, Irvine The term fanatic, from the European Reformation to today, has never been a stable one. Unknowing Fanaticism rejects the simplified binary of fanatical religion and rational politics, turning to Renaissance literature to demonstrate that fanaticism was integral to how both modern politics and poetics developed. 224 PAGES 9780823283866, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £22.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE A P R IL 201 9
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Literature and the Remains of the Death Penalty PEGGY KAMUF
“A capstone book. Kamuf ’s scholarship is careful and honest, and the book is a delight to read.”—Diane Rubenstein, Cornell University “This is a superb book, with rich readings of essential texts that offer a fresh start to an urgent but often ignored question of justice. Without moralizing, Kamuf takes a strong position against the death penalty, directly confronting the actual legal, political, ethical, social, and philosophical questions it raises. In one blow, she overhauls the debate and makes us look at what really matters in it. The book will find a wide, hungry, and receptive audience across a range of fields and disciplines.”—Thomas Keenan, Bard College 176 PAGES 9780823282296, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £18.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory
Extraction in the Humanist Anthropocene PHILLIP JOHN USHER
“For anyone who might be suffering from Anthropocene fatigue, this is a book to jolt you from your slumbers. What happens to the globe when we shift attention from the outward projection of emissions to extraction? The Earth we thought we knew, and were already mourning, takes on a stunning new critical light.”—Claire Colebrook, Pennsylvania State University Exterranean concerns the extraction of stuff from the Earth. Through a rich archive of nonmodern texts and images from across Europe, Usher offers a bracing riposte to several critical trends in ecological thought. Shifting emphasis from emission to extraction, the book reorients our perspective away from Earthrise-like globes and shows what is gained by opening the planet to depths within. 240 PAGES 34 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823284214, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Meaning Systems MARC H 2 01 9
Systems of Life: Biopolitics, Economics,
and Literature on the Cusp of Modernity Richard A. Barney and Warren Montag, Editors
Systems of Life offers a wide-ranging revaluation of the emergence of biopolitics in Europe from the mid–eighteenth to the mid–nineteenth century. In staging an encounter among literature, political economy, and the still emergent sciences of life in that historical moment, the essays collected here reopen the question of how concepts of animal, vegetable, and human life, among other biological registers, had an impact on the Enlightenment project of thinking politics and economics as a joint enterprise. The volume’s contributors consider politics, economics, and the biological as distinct, semi-autonomous spheres whose various combinations required inventive, sometimes incomplete, acts of conceptual mediation, philosophical negotiation, disciplinary intervention, or aesthetic representation. 280 PAGES, 22 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823281718, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Forms of Living NOV E MB E R 2 01 8 rdham m
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RELIGION Remembering Wolsey
A History of Commemorations and Representations J. PATRICK HORNBECK II
Remembering Wolsey seeks to contribute to our understanding of historical memory and memorialization by examining in detail the commemoration and representation of the life of Thomas Wolsey, the sixteenth-century cardinal, papal legate, and lord chancellor of England. Hornbeck surveys a wide range of representations of Cardinal Wolsey, from those contemporary with his death to recent mass-market appearances on television and historical fiction to go beyond previous scholarship that has only examined Wolsey in an early modern context. 320 PAGES, 13 COLOR AND 4 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823282180, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE F E BR UA RY 201 9
Roman Catholicism in the United States
A Thematic History Margaret M. McGuinness and James T. Fisher, Editors
Roman Catholicism in the United States: A Thematic History takes the reader beyond the traditional ways scholars have viewed and recounted the story of the Catholic Church in America. The collection covers unfamiliar topics such as anti-Catholicism, rural Catholicism, Latino Catholics, and issues related to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the U.S. Government. The book continues with fascinating discussions on popular culture, women religious, and the work of U.S. missionaries in other countries. The final section of the book is devoted to Catholic social teaching, tackling challenging and sometimes controversial subjects such as the relationship between African American Catholics and the Communist Party, Catholics in the civil rights movement, the abortion debate, and issues of war and peace. 348 PAGES, 7 X 10 9780823282777, PAPERBACK, $40.00, £32.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Catholic Practice in North America F E BR UA RY 201 9
Colonizing Christianity
Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade GEORGE E. DEMACOPOULOS
Colonizing Christianity employs postcolonial critique to analyze the transformations of Greek and Latin religious identity in the wake of the Fourth Crusade. It argues that the experience of colonization splintered the Greek community, which could not agree how best to respond to the Latin other. By offering a close reading of a handful of texts from the era of the Fourth Crusade and subsequent Latin Empire of Byzantium, this book illuminates mechanisms by which Western Christians authorized and exploited the Christian East and, concurrently, the ways in which Eastern Christians understood and responded to the dramatic shift in their political and religious fortunes. 272 PAGES 9780823284436, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought M AR C H 201 9 rd h a m p re ss .co m
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American Parishes: Remaking Local Catholicism Gary J. Adler Jr., Tricia C. Bruce, and Brian Starks, editors
Parishes are the missing middle in studies of American Catholicism. Between individual Catholics and a global institution, the thousands of local parishes are where Catholicism gets remade. American Parishes showcases what social forces shape parishes, what parishes do, how they do it, and what this says about the future of Catholicism in the United States. Expounding an embedded field approach, this book displays the numerous forces currently reshaping American parishes. It draws from sociology of religion, culture, organizations and race to illuminate basic parish processes—like leadership and education—and ongoing parish struggles—like conflict and multiculturalism. 224 PAGES 9780823284344, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £22.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Catholic Practice in North America JU LY 2 01 9
JEWISH STUDIES Jewish Studies as Counterlife A Report to the Academy ADAM ZACHARY NEWTON
“Jewish Studies needs Adam Zachary Newton’s book. Newton enacts interdisciplinarity as a powerful form of critique for and in Jewish Studies, rather than the conservative mode of appropriation-as-retrenchment that it has so frequently become in the post-Theory academy.”—Benjamin Schreier, Pennsylvania State University Jewish Studies offers a unique perspective on the academic humanities because it has spanned disciplinary locations and configurations, from nineteenth-century philology to the emancipatory politics of the Enlightenment, from postwar ethnic pluralism to interdisciplinary cultural studies. Newton harnesses the possibilities offered this evolving collection of forces in order to open, refashion, and exemplify possibilities for a humanities to come. 256 PAGES, 1 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATION 9780823283941, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE JU NE 2 01 9
Jews and the Ends of Theory Shai Ginsburg, Martin Land, and Jonathan Boyarin, Editors
Theory has often been coded as “Jewish”—not merely because Jewish intellectuals have been central participants, but also because certain problematics of modern Jewishness enrich theoretical questions across the humanities. In the range of violence and agency that can attend the appellation “Jew,” Jewishness is revealed as a rhetorical and not just social fact, one tied to profound questions of power, subjectivity, identity, figuration, language, and relation that are also central to modern theory and modern politics. Contributors: Svetlana Boym, Andrew Bush, Sergey Dolgopolski, Jay Geller, Sarah Hammerschlag, Hannan Hever, Martin Land, Martin Jay, James I. Porter, Yehouda Shenhav, Elliot R. Wolfson 336 PAGES 9780823281992, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE NOV E MB E R 2 01 8
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THEOLOGY A Theology of Failure
Karl Barth and Comparative Theology
“This is the best work I have ever read on Žižek in relation to theology, maybe the best such work possible. Rose’s prose style is clear and engaging, and her project significantly advances our understanding of Christian apophaticism, of Žižek’s project, and of the potential future stakes of theology for a secular world.”—Adam Kotsko, author of Zizek and Theology Everyone agrees that theology has failed; but the question of how to respond to this failure is contested. Against both radical orthodoxy and deconstructive theology, Rose proposes that Christian identity is constituted by, not despite, failure. Rose shows how the influential work of Slavoj Žižek repeats the original move of Christian mysticism differently, yoking language, desire, and transcendence to a materialist rather than a Neoplatonist account of the world. Tracing these themes through the Dionysius, Derrida, and contemporary debates about the gift, violence, and revolution, Rose’s critical theological engagement with Žižek helps makes possible a materialist reading of Christianity.
Building on recent engagements with Barth in the area of theologies of religion, Karl Barth and Comparative Theology inaugurates a new conversation between Barth’s theology and comparative theology. Each essay brings Barth into conversation with theological claims from other religious traditions for the purpose of modeling deep learning across religious borders from a Barthian perspective. For each tradition, two Barth-influenced theologians offer focused engagements of Barth with the tradition’s respective themes and figures, and a response from a theologian from that tradition then follows. With these surprising and stirringly creative exchanges, Karl Barth and Comparative Theology promises to open up new trajectories for comparative theology.
Žižek against Christian Innocence MARIKA ROSE
Edited by Martha L. Moore-Keish and Christian T. Collins Winn
288 PAGES 9780823284603, HARDBACK, $75.00, £60.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions AU GU ST 2 01 9
240 PAGES 9780823284061, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Perspectives in Continental Philosophy M AY 201 9
The Guide to Gethsemane Anxiety, Suffering, Death EMMANUEL FALQUE Translated by George Hughes
“In this dramatic opening to his triptych on Christ’s passion, Emmanuel Falque demonstrates—once again—his complete refusal to rest with easy answers. One can hardly read this book without being deeply moved.”—Bruce Ellis Benson, author of Liturgy as a Way of Life Already widely debated upon its publication in French, this book offers a provocative account of Christ’s Passion in terms not of faith, but of a “credible Christianity” that can remain meaningful to nonbelievers. For Falque, anxiety, suffering and death are not simply the “ills” of our society, but the essential horizon of what we confront as humans. Doubtful of Heidegger’s famous statement that the notion of salvation renders Christians unable authentically to experience anxiety in the face of death, Falque explores the Passion with a radical emphasis on the physicality and corporeality of Christ’s suffering and death, and on continuities with the mortality of our bodies. Written in the wake of a friend’s death, Falques’s study is theologically rigorous, yet engagingly written and deeply humane. 200 PAGES, 8 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823281954, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Perspectives in Continental Philosophy N OVE MB E R 201 8
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M E D I E VA L S T U D I E S Revelation 1-3 in Christian Arabic Commentary John’s First Vision and the Letters to the Seven Churches Edited by Stephen J. Davis, T.C. Schmidt, and Shawqi Talia
The first publication in a new series—Christian Arabic Texts in Translation, edited by Stephen Davis—presents Englishlanguage excerpts from thirteenth-century commentaries on the Apocalypse of John by two Egyptian authors, Būlus al-Būshī and Ibn Kātib Accompanied by scholarly introductions and critical annotations, this edition will provide a valuable entry-point to important but understudied theological work taking place at the at the meeting-points of the medieval Christian and Muslim worlds. 192 PAGES 9780823281831, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £18.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Christian Arabic Texts in Translation JA N UA RY 201 9
Spiritual Grammar
Genre and the Saintly Subject in Islam and Christianity F. DOMINIC LONGO
“Longo engages in an intriguing comparative inquiry into spiritual grammar in medieval Arabic and Latin treatises.Delineating and crossing boundaries and genres, he explores a new confusing yet delightful subfield in the genre of comparative theological Islamo-Christian studies.” —Pim Valkenberg, The Catholic University of America “Dominic Longo helps us to understand Islam and Christianity in deeper ways through the genre of ‘spiritual grammar’. This is an extraordinary book that will benefit scholars of Islam, Christianity, and Comparative Theology.” —Amir Hussain, Loyola Marymount University
Words, Images, and What Persists JONATHAN GOLDBERG
“Saint Marks finds and forges material connections among things, images, and words. In these connections, Goldberg persuades us, the biographical subject exceeds his or her own life, living through matter. The book concerns Venice and its patron saint—what it means to construct the identity of each and then identify the one with the other, as well as the natural, historical, pictorial, and literary forces that undo such constructions. With chapters titled ‘atmospherics,’ ‘gravity,’ ‘stones,’ and ‘secrets,’ the book is a magisterial shift of the biographical and historical into the geographical that will appeal to a broad readership across art history and literary studies.”—Amy Knight Powell, University of California, Irvine This major interdisciplinary study by one of our most astute cultural critics invokes and pluralizes the figure of Mark in order to explore painting, writing, and other kinds of material life that outlive the human subject. 212 PAGES, 24 COLOR AND 4 B/W ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823282074, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE DE C E MB E R 2 01 8
256 PAGES 9780823283699, PAPERBACK, $25.00, £18.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions J U N E 201 9
Ecstasy in the Classroom
Trance, Self, and the Academic Profession in Medieval Paris AYELET EVEN-EZRA
Can ecstatic experiences be studied with the academic instruments of rational investigation? What kinds of religious illumination are experienced by academically minded people? And what is the specific nature of the knowledge of God that university theologians of the Middle Ages enjoyed compared with other modes of knowing God, such as rapture, prophecy, the beatific vision, or simple faith? Ecstasy in the Classroom explores the interface between academic theology and ecstatic experience in the first half of the thirteenth century, formative years in the history of the University of Paris, medieval Europe’s “fountain of knowledge.” 312 PAGES 9780823281916, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Fordham Series in Medieval Studies D E CE MB E R 201 8 rd h a m p re ss .co m
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PHILOSOPHY The Singular Voice of Being
Thinking with Adorno
The Singular Voice of Being reconsiders John Duns Scotus’s well-covered theory of the univocity of being in light of his less explored discussions of ultimate difference. Ultimate difference is a notion introduced by Aristotle and known by the Aristotelian tradition, but one that, the book argues, Scotus radically retrofits to buttress his doctrine of univocity. Ultimate difference for Aristotle meant the last difference in a line of specific differences whereby all the preceding differences would be united into a single substance rather than remain a heapish multiplicity. LaZella argues that Scotus both broadens and deepens the term such that, in the end, it comes to resemble its Aristotelian ancestor more in name than in substance.
“The chapters of this book are among the finest I have ever read on Adorno.”—Daniel Purdy, Pennsylvania State University What Theodor W. Adorno says cannot be separated from how he says it, and what he thinks cannot be isolated from how he thinks it. Richter’s book teaches us to think with Adorno—both alongside him and in relation to his diverse contexts and constellations, from aesthetic theory to political critique, from the problem of judgment to the question of how to lead a right life within a wrong one.
John Duns Scotus and Ultimate Difference ANDREW LAZELLA
304 PAGES 9780823284573, HARDBACK, $65.00, £52.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies M AY 201 9
German Perspectives John J. Drummond, and Otfried Höffe, Editors
“This book offers a corrective to the trend to present Husserl’s thought through critical departures from it, such of those as Heidegger, Derrida, and Dummett, instead approaching, and sometimes criticizing, Husserl’s thought on its own terms. The volume offers an important contribution to contemporary philosophy in both the continental and analytic traditions.”—Burt Hopkins, University of Lille Includes essays by Rudolf Bernet, Klaus Held, Ludwig Landgrebe, Dieter Lohmar, Verena Mayer and Christopher Erhard, Ullrich Melle, Karl Mertens, Ernst Wolfgang Orth, Jan Patočka, Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl, Karl Schuhmann, and Elisabeth Ströker. 320 PAGES 9780823284467, HARDBACK, $75.00, £60.00 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE J U N E 201 9
Poetics of History
Rousseau and the Theater of Originary Mimesis PHILIPPE LACOUE-LABARTHE Translated by Jeff Fort
“Now available in Jeff Fort’s impeccable translation, The Poetics of History is the culmination of Philippe LacoueLabarthe’s lifetime work on the question of mimesis in Rousseau—a question of crucial importance that had never before been posed or answered in this form. Identifying in Rousseau an onto-technology so radical that it challenges his supposed anti-theatricality, The Poetics of History redefines both poetics and history even as it offers a new way of understanding the French reception of Heidegger.” —Andrew Parker, Rutgers University 176 PAGES, 5 X 7 ½ 9780823282333, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £20.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE JA N UA RY 201 9
The Uncoercive Gaze GERHARD RICHTER
240 PAGES 9780823284023, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory JU LY 2 01 9
Murderous Consent
On the Accommodation of Violent Death MARC CRÉPON Translated by Michael Loriaux and Jacob Levi Foreword by James Martel
“Murderous Consent is a bold and principled argument against the strategic rationality that governs violence in our times. Crépon asks us to consider the myriad ways that consent and complicity sustain murderous acts and policies, arguing that we cannot understand violence without taking into account the consent to violence. This book provocatively helps us to rethink settled forms of ethical reasoning that directly or indirectly license violence and lets us imagine a world in which complicit realism gives way to much needed affirmation of non-violence. An all too timely meeting of ethics and politics.”—Judith Butler 224 PAGES 9780823283743, PAPERBACK, $32.00, £24.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Perspectives in Continental Philosophy MAY 2 01 9
The Mathematical Imagination
On the Origins and Promise of Critical Theory MATTHEW HANDELMAN
“Against the familiar lament that the inappropriate application of mathematical reasoning abets social reification and instrumental rationality, Matthew Handelman rescues forgotten attempts to argue otherwise. This search for a ‘negative mathematics’ that has critical potential has foreshadowed ways in which the yawning gap between the humanities and STEM fields may be overcome in our digital age.”—Martin Jay, University of California, Berkeley As Horkheimer and Adorno first conceived of it, critical theory steadfastly opposed the mathematization of thought. Yet drawn to the austerity and muteness of mathematics, friends and forerunners of the Frankfurt School found in mathematical negativity strategies to capture the marginalized experiences and perspectives of Jews in Germany. Handelman shows now a more capacious vision of the critical project can help us navigate our digital and increasingly mathematical present. 256 PAGES, 6 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823283828, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £20.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE MARC H 2 01 9
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P S Y C H O A N A LY S I S For the Love of Psychoanalysis
The Play of Chance in Freud and Derrida ELIZABETH ROTTENBERG
“This brilliant, pathbreaking, witty, and lucidly argued book will undoubtedly become a major point of reference—if not the major point of reference—for anyone interested in psychoanalysis and deconstruction for years to come” —Elissa Marder, Emory University “A tour de force of critical writing. Rottenberg has a unique, lively, and witty philosophical voice. She stands out as one of the most interesting scholars working at the intersection of deconstruction and psychoanalysis”—Rebecca Comay, University of Toronto For the Love of Psychoanalysis is a book about what exceeds or resists calculation—in life and in death. Rottenberg examines what emerges from the difference between psychoanalysis and philosophy. 272 PAGES 9780823284108, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE J U N E 201 9
The Reproduction of Life Death Derrida’s La vie la mort DAWNE McCANCE
“This is a superbly researched, written, and argued book on two of the most important though neglected aspects of Derrida’s work: his reading of biology and his closely related work on academic institutions. It is a work that anyone who is serious about Derrida will want to read and will have to take into account.”—Michael Naas, DePaul University Based on archival translations of a soon-to-be-published seminar by Jacques Derrida, The Reproduction of Life Death offers an unprecedented study of Derrida’s engagement with molecular biology and genetics. McCance shows how Derrida ties biological accounts of reproduction to the reproductive program of teaching, challenging an auto-reproductive notion of pedagogy, while also reinterpreting the work of psychoanalysis. 224 PAGES, 4 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823283903, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £20.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE J U LY 201 9
Dynamis of Healing: Patristic Theology and the Psyche PIA SOPHIA CHAUDHARI
This book explores how traces of the energies and dynamics of Orthodox Christian theology and anthropology may be observed in the clinical work of depth psychology. Looking to theology to express its own religious truths and to psychology to see whether these truth claims show up in healing modalities, the author creatively engages both disciplines in order to highlight the possibilities for healing contained therein. Dynamis of Healing elucidates how theology and psychology are by no means fundamentally at odds with each other, but rather can work together in a beautiful and powerful synergia to address both the deepest needs and deepest desires of the human person for healing and flourishing.
L AW Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places Justice Beyond and Between Marianne Constable, Leti Volpp, and Bryan Wagner, Editors
“This extraordinary collection is a veritable lost and found of law’s traces. Moving across disciplines, it offers rich and surprising refractions of law’s ephemera: What do we learn about the opacity of governance when we look for justice beyond its expected ‘place’ in the confines of textual or rhetorical jurisprudence? What is revealed when the legal inhabits the sacred, informs the literary, performs geography, polices time, seeps through the agora, regenerates itself within bodies? This indispensable book excavates how seemingly robust juridical processes may teeter in concert with more fragile norms for mobility, status, and human affinity.” —Patricia J. Williams, Columbia Law School For many, the right place to look for law is in constitutions, statutes, and judicial opinions. This book looks for law in the “wrong places”—sites and spaces where no formal law appears. Contributors: Kathryn Abrams, Daniel Boyarin, Wendy Brown, Marianne Constable, Samera Esmeir, Daniel Fisher, Sara Ludin, Saba Mahmood, Rebecca McLennan, Ramona Naddaff, Beth Piatote, Sarah Song, Christopher Tomlins, Leti Volpp, Bryan Wagner 272 PAGES, 28 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823283705, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £20.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Berkeley Forum in the Humanities MARC H 2 01 9
Administering Interpretation
Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law Peter Goodrich and Michel Rosenfeld, Editors
“Peter Goodrich and Michel Rosenfeld underline to important effect the woeful marginality of critical jurisprudence and critical legal interpretation in the contemporary U.S. legal academy, in contrast to transoceanic points of comparison. The collection itself is an effective advertisement for the absurdity of that marginality.”—Christopher Tomlins, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law Contributors: Giovanna Borradori, Marinos Diamantides, Allen Feldman, Stanley Fish, Pierre Legrand, Bernadette Meyler, Michel Rosenfeld, Bernhard Schlink, Jeanne Schroeder, Laurent de Sutter, Katrin Trüstedt, Marco Wan 352 PAGES, 15 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823283781, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Just Ideas MAY 2 01 9
224 PAGES 9780823284641, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £22.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought AU G UST 201 9 rd h a m p re ss .co m
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SCIENCE Levels of Organic Life and the Human
An Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology HELMUTH PLESSNER Translated by Millay Hyatt Introduction by J. M. Bernstein
Practicing Caste
On Touching and Not Touching ANIKET JAAWARE Foreword by Anupama Rao
“A remarkable exercise in showing what is possible when we attend to caste as if we were confronting it for the first time. . . . In posing caste as a problem for ethics, Jaaware returns to that fundamental question of what it means to be-with-others in a startlingly new manner.” —Anupama Rao, from the Foreword Practicing Caste attempts a fundamental break from the historicist and sociological tradition of caste studies. Engaging with the resources phenomenology, structuralism, and poststructuralism offer to our thinking of the body, Jaaware helps to illuminate the ethical relations that caste entails, especially around its injunctions concerning touching. The resulting insights offer new ways of thinking about sociality that are pertinent not only to India but also to thinking the common on a planetary basis. 256 PAGES 9780823282258, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Commonalities D E CE MB E R 201 8
Under Representation
The Racial Regime of Aesthetics DAVID LLOYD
“The rigorous care with which David Lloyd examines and challenges the entanglement of race, representation and the aesthetic is irresistible and indispensable. Under Representation is a major, and singular, achievement.” —Fred Moten, New York University Under Representation shows how the founding texts of aesthetic philosophy ground the racial order of the modern world in our concepts of universality, freedom, and humanity. Late Enlightenment discourse on aesthetic experience proposes a decisive account of the conditions of possibility for universal human subjecthood. The aesthetic forges a powerful “racial regime of representation” whose genealogy runs from Enlightenment thinkers like Kant and Schiller to late Modernist critics like Adorno and Benjamin. Both a genealogy and an account of our present, Under Representation ultimately helps show how a political reading of aesthetics can help us build a racial politics adequate for the problems we face today, one that stakes claims more radical than multicultural demands for representation. 240 PAGES 9780823282371, PAPERBACK, $28.00, £20.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE N OVE MB E R 201 8
“This twentieth-century work was a pioneering effort to articulate an alternative to mechanistic-reductive accounts of life. Neglected for too long, it is now available to a wider audience in a new climate, where it will have its full impact.”—Charles Taylor, Author of A Secular Age “Among twentieth century philosophers Helmuth Plessner stands apart, anticipating key ideas in theoretical biology and cognitive science.”—Evan Thompson, author of Waking, Dreaming, Being This key work by a titan of modern thought draws on phenomenological, biological, and social scientific sources in a systematic account of nature, life, and human existence, including social existence. Initially obscured by the ascent of Heidegger and by the author’s persecution by the Nazis, Plessner’s vision has once again become appreciated by scholars concerned with animality, human dignity, materialism, and the philosophy of cognition, technology, and nature. A powerful and sophisticated account of embodiment, the Levels helps us approach philosophy and social theory together with science, without reducing the former to the latter. 448 PAGES, 4 BLACK AND WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS 9780823283989, PAPERBACK, $35.00, £26.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Forms of Living JU LY 2 01 9
Being Brains
“Being Brains is a model of how to do intellectual history, argued carefully, precisely, and close to the evidence while at the same time making bold claims that decisively upend conventional understandings of relations between science and the contexts in which it is practiced. . . . A model of engaged scholarship—and a pleasure to read.” —Elizabeth Lunbeck, Harvard University “Being Brains offers a terrifically thoughtful and thorough examination of the ‘neuro-’ turn in various disciplines. On the basis of solid research and subtle analysis, Vidal and Ortega give readers conceptual and critical tools to make sense of widespread claims that studying the ‘neural correlates’ of various activities—art and religion, for instance—will transform or even replace other ways of making sense of what humans` do. The book will be a major touchstone in cross-disciplinary discussions about the implications of our contemporary fascination with brains.” —John Tresch, University of Pennsylvania 304 PAGES 9780823283682, PAPERBACK, $30.00, £22.99 SIMULTANEOUS ELECTRONIC EDITION AVAILABLE Forms of Living JU LY 2 01 9
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