Spring 2011

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Fordham University Press


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Dear Readers,

Table of Contents 2011 o u r b o o k s We are very excited to be working

fordham university press is proud to announce t h at st a r t i n g i n j a n u a r y will be sold and distributed by oxford universi ty p re s s .

with Oxford to give our books a broader reach. Empire State Editions continues to soar. This season three books are publishing under the imprint— As Bad as They Say? Three Decades of Teaching in the Bronx, a moving account of a dedicated teacher’s perseverance to help her troubled students to survive and thrive despite deplorable educational conditions; Angels of Mercy: White Women and the History of New York’s Colored Orphan Asylum, a long-overdue history of New York City’s first orphanage dedicated to black children; and The Rat That Got Away: A Bronx Memoir, a riveting story of one man’s journey from heroin addict to basketball star. I am thrilled to be working again with the Bronx Museum of the Arts to co-publish a handy guide to demystifying the process of being an artist in the marketplace—Taking AIM! The Business of Being an Artist Today. Fordham University Press is delighted to be publishing The Catholic Studies Reader, the first title in our newly launched Catholic Practice in North America series, devoted to the historical and cultural study of Catholicism. It wouldn’t be a Fordham list without a strong showing of philosophy and religion books, and we haven’t let you down this season. We continue to be Jean-Luc Nancy’s publisher for English translation. This spring we will publish God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues. These talks provide a lucid introduction to the thinking of a major philosopher in terms a popular audience can understand. Hits: Philosophy in the Jukebox explores why certain songs get stuck in your head and what kind of relation between them and you it implies. In Writings on Medicine, France’s pioneering historian and philosopher of science Georges Canguilhem offers the basic philosophical and epistemological questions underlying the medical profession. Peruse the catalog and continue to find us on Facebook for updates, follow us on Twitter, and visit our blog at FordhamImPRESSions.com.

General Inte r e st_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Academ ic Tra d e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 History _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 Religion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 Philos o phy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 9 Literary Stu di e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 4 Art_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25 Internationa l St u di e s _ _ _ _ 2 6 Backl ist _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 7 Index_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 1 O rder Form _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 2 sales information _ _ _ inside back cover

C over Art:




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ge n e r a l i n t e r e s t

taking aim! the business of being an artist today is a practical, a f f o rd ab l e re s o u rc e g u i de f i l l e d w i t h i nv a l u ab l e a dv i c e f o r t h e

e m e r g i n g a r t i s t . The book is specially designed to aid visual artists in furthering their careers through unfiltered information about the business practices and idiosyncrasies of the contemporary art world. It demystifies often daunting and opaque practices through first-hand testimonials, interviews, and commentary from leading artists, curators, gallerists, collectors, critics, art consultants, arts administrators, art fair directors, auction house experts, and other art world luminaries. Published in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Artist in the Marketplace (AIM)—the pioneering career development program at the Bronx Museum of the Arts—Taking AIM! The Business of Being an Artist Today mirrors the structure and topics featured in the AIM program’s weekly workshops and discussions. Each chapter focuses on the specific perspective of an “art world insider”—from the artist to the public art program director to the blogger. Multiple viewpoints from a range of art professionals provide emerging artists with candid, uncensored information and tools to help them better understand this complex field and develop strategies for building and sustaining successful careers as professional artists. The book ends with an annotated chronology of the past three decades in the contemporary art field and a bibliography of publications, magazine articles, online sources, funding sources, residency programs, and other useful information for emerging artists.

Taking AIM!

The Business of Being an Artist Today edited by Marys ol Nieves 200 pages • 100 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3414-1 • Paper • $22.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3413-4 • Cloth • $90.00 (06) Ju n e art | business Copublished with The Bronx Museum of the Arts

Contributors: Bill Aguado, Polly Apfelbaum, Rocio Aranda, Pamela Auchincloss, Anne Barlow, Regine Basha, Tairon Bastien, Jackie Battenfield, Sergio Bessa, Holly Block, Maggie Boepple, Fritzie Brown, Amanda Cruz, Amy Cutler, Kianga Ellis, Monica Espinel, Yvonne Force-Villareal, Kate Fowle, Lea Fried, Lia Gangitano, Miki Garcia, Paul Ha, Allison Hawkins, Eleanor Heartney, Pablo Helguera, Betti Sue Hertz, Cary Leibowitz, Ruby Lerner, Melissa Levin, Omar Lopez-Chaoud, Kerry McCarthy, Jennifer McGregor, Marysol Nieves, Gabby Palmieri, Anne Pasternak, Melissa Rachleff, Steven Rand, Rodney Reid, Sara Reisman, Doreen Remen, Raphael Rubinstein, Barry Schwabsky, Allan Schwartzman, Katy Siegel, Brian Sholis, Ana Sokoloff, Kay Takeda, Barbara Toll, Anton Vidokle, Simon Watson, Candace Worth, John Yau, Lydia Yee Marysol Nieves is a New York–based independent curator and art consultant with more than 20 years’ museum and corporate art experience, specializing in contemporary and Latin American art.

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ge n e r a l i n t e r e s t

“Allen Jones’ journey from the Patterson projects to the upper tiers of European banking is unforgettable, and this book is a shot from way beyond the three-point line that comes up nothing but net.” —William Jelani Cobb, author of To the Break of Dawn: A Freestyle on the Hip Hop Aesthetic

new in


“The writing style of The Rat That Got Away drew me into the book from the first chapter. Allen Jones and Mark Naison paint a vivid portrait, leaving nothing to the imagination. This book allows you to journey into the street life from the safety of your own home. This is a must-read for any fan of urban literature. Real people in real-life situations. It don’t get no realer than this.” —Shannon Holme s, author of Never Go Home Again

“The memoir paints an earthy picture of the neighborhood in the 1950s, when the projects were home to working-class black and Latino families who pushed their children to excel, through the 1970s.” —Th e New York Times allen jones grew up in a public housing project in the south bronx at a time—the

1950s— w h e n

that neighborhood was a place of optimism

and hope for upwardly mobile black and latino families.

The Rat That Got Away A Bronx Memoir

A llen Jo n es, with Mark Nais o n 224 pages • 11 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3103-4 • Paper • $16.95 (03) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-3102-7} Apr i l

New York | Biography |

African American Studies


Brought up in a two-parent household, with many neighborhood mentors, Jones led an almost charmed life as a budding basketball star until his teen years, when his once-peaceful neighborhood was torn by job losses, white flight, and a crippling drug epidemic. Drawn into the heroin trade, first as a user, then as a dealer, Jones spent four months on Rikers Island, where he experienced a crisis of conscience and a determination to turn his life around. Sent to a New England prep school upon his release, Jones used his basketball skills and street smarts to forge a life outside the Bronx, first as a college athlete in the South, then as a professional basketball player, radio personality, and banker in Europe. A brilliant storyteller with a gift for dialogue, Jones brings Bronx streets and housing projects to life as places of possibility as well as tragedy, where racism and economic hardship never completely suppressed the resilient spirit of their residents. This book will change the way people view the South Bronx.

Allen Jones ,

born in the Bronx, is a manager for foreign currency exchange at Dexia Banque Internationale in Luxembourg. Mark Naison is Professor of African American Studies and History at Fordham University, where he also directs the Bronx African American History Project. He is the author of three books, including White Boy: A Memoir.

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“Janet Mayer’s book is a page-turner about real life in urban classrooms today.” —Diane Ravitch, New York University, author of The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education

“Janet Mayer’s As Bad As They Say? is a brilliant and badly needed answer to business-minded ‘educational reformers’ who think that nothing good happened in American education before they took over. The story of a teacher who spent forty years of her life in Bronx public schools, it shows that the love of teachers for their students is the true transformative force in American education, not mindless imposition of standardized tests. Mayer turns her Bronx students, who learn under the most daunting conditions, into heroes, but in the process she reminds us that great teachers are motivated by compassion as well as by a love of learning. Significantly, the book ends with a powerful, carefully documented attack on ‘No Child Left Behind,’ a piece of legislation that seeks to render great teachers like Mayer irrelevant and invisible.” — Ma rk N ai son, author of White Boy: A Memoir rundown, vermin-infested buildings. rigid, slow-to-react bureau-

cratic systems.

As Bad as They Say?

Three Decades of Teaching in the Bronx Ja n et Grossbach Mayer 150 pages • 5 1 /2 × 8 1 /2 978-0-8232-3417-2 • Paper • $16.95 (03) 978-0-8232-3416-5 • Cloth • $75.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3418-9 • eBook • $12.00 Apri l

New York | Education

Children from broken homes and declining communities. How can a teacher succeed? How does a student not only survive but also come to thrive? It can happen, and As Bad as They Say? tells the heroic stories of Janet Mayer’s students during her 33-year tenure as a Bronx high school teacher. In 1995, Janet Mayer’s students began a pen-pal exchange with South African teenagers who, under apartheid, had been denied an education; almost uniformly, the South Africans asked, “Is the Bronx as bad as they say?” This dedicated teacher promised those students and all future ones that she would write a book to help change the stereotypical image of Bronx students and show that, in spite of overwhelming obstacles, they are outstanding young people, capable of the highest achievements. She walks the reader through the decrepit school building, describing in graphic detail the deplorable physical conditions that students and faculty navigate daily. Then, in eight chapters we meet eight amazing young people, a small sample of the more than 14,000 students the writer has felt honored to teach. She describes her own Bronx roots and the powerful influences that made her such a determined teacher. Finally, the veteran teacher sounds the alarm to stop the corruption and degradation of public education in the guise of what are euphemistically labeled “reforms” (No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top). She also expresses optimism that public education and our democracy can still be saved, urgently calling on all to become involved and help save our schools. Janet grossbach Mayer has just completed her 50th year as an award-winning

high school teacher of English and reading. For 45 years, she taught in NYC schools, 33 of them in the Bronx, and for the past 5 years she has been a home instructor for Port Jervis, N.Y., schools. She has no plans to retire.

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“The first work that examines the Colored Orphan Asylum and the women who were responsible for its existence. . . . Seraile’s examination of this group of elite white women broadens our understanding of the freedom struggle in New York.” —Cla r ence Tay lor , Baruch College william seraile uncovers the history of the colored orphan asylum,

1836 a s t h e n a t i o n ’ s f i r s t o r p h a n a g e f o r It is a remarkable institution that is still in the forefront aiding children. Although no longer an orphanage, in its current incarnation as Harlem-Dowling West Side Center for Children and Family Services it maintains the principles of the women who organized it nearly 200 years ago. The agency weathered three wars, two major financial panics, a devastating fire during the 1863 Draft Riots, several epidemics, waves of racial prejudice, and severe financial difficulties to care for orphaned, neglected, and delinquent children. Eventually financial support would come from some of New York’s finest families, including the Jays, Murrays, Roosevelts, Macys, and Astors. While the white female managers and their male advisers were dedicated to uplifting these black children, the evangelical, mainly Quaker founding managers also exhibited the extreme paternalistic views endemic at the time, accepting the advice or support of the African American community only grudgingly. It was frank criticism in 1913 from W. E. B. Du Bois that highlighted the conflict between the orphanage and the community it served, and it wasn’t until 1939 that it hired the first black trustee. More than 15,000 children were raised in the orphanage, and throughout its history letters and visits have revealed that hundreds if not thousands of “old boys and girls” looked back with admiration and respect at the home that nurtured them throughout their formative years. Weaving together African American history with a unique history of New York City, this is not only a painstaking study of a previously unsung institution of black history but a unique window onto complex racial dynamics during a period when many failed to recognize equality among all citizens as a worthy purpose. founded in new york city in

african american children.

Angels of Mercy

White Women and the History of New York’s Colored Orphan Asylum W illia m Seraile

Willia m Seraile is a professor emeritus at Lehman College, City University of New York, where he taught African American history for 36 years. His most recent books are New York’s Black Regiments During the Civil War and Bruce Grit: The Black Nationalist Writings of John Edward Bruce.

220 pages • 12 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3419-6 • Cloth • $27.95 (02) 978-0-8232-3421-9 • eBook • $20.00 Ju n e

New York | African American Studies


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academic trade

“A helpful and necessary step in establishing a set of scholarship to further the discussion which also displays the lack of consensus among scholars and disciplines about what constitutes ‘Catholic Studies.’” —Pau la M. Kane, University of Pittsburgh the catholic studies reader is a rare book in an emerging field that has neither a documented history nor a consensus as to what

s h o u l d b e a n o r m a t i v e m e t h o d o l o g y.

Dividing this volume into five interrelated themes central to the practice and theory of Catholic Studies—“Sources and Contexts,” “Traditions and Methods,” “Pedagogy and Practice,” “Ethnicity, Race, and Catholic Studies,” and “The Catholic Imagination”—the editors provide readers with the opportunity to understand the great diversity within this area of study. Readers will find informative essays on the Catholic intellectual tradition and Catholic social teaching, as well as reflections on the arts and literature. This provocative and enriching collection is valuable not only for scholars but also for lay and religious Catholics working in Catholic education in universities, high schools, and parish schools.

The Catholic Studies Reader edited by Ja m es T. Fisher and M argaret M. McG ui nness 350 pages 978-0-8232-3411-0 • Paper • $30.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3410-3 • Cloth • $99.00 (06) Catholic Practice in North America Apri l Religion

Contributors: Una M. Cadegan; Debra Campbell; Kathleen Sprows Cummings; Thomas J. Ferraro; James T. Fisher; Jeannine Hill Fletcher; Diana Hayes; Linh Hoang, O.F.M.; Richard M. Liddy; Margaret M. McGuinness; Kristy Nabhan-Warren; David O’Brien; Maureen H. O’Connell; Angela O’Donnell; Mary Ellen O’Donnell; Catherine Osborne; Ann Taves; Sandra Yocum

is Professor of Theology and American Studies at Fordham University. His most recent books are Communion of Immigrants: A History of Catholics in America and On the Irish Waterfront: The Crusader, the Movie, and the Soul of the Port of New York.

Ja mes T. Fisher

Margaret M. McG uinness is Professor of Religion at La Salle University, Philadelphia, and co-editor of American Catholic Studies.

Announcing a new series!

Catholic Practice in North America Series Co- Editors:

Ang e l a O ’ D o nn e l l , Associate Director of the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, and J ohn C. S eitz, Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Fordham University

This series aims to contribute to the growing field of Catholic Studies through the publication of books devoted to the historical and cultural study of Catholic practice in North America from the colonial period to the present. The series springs from a pressing need in the study of American Catholicism for empirical investigations and creative explorations and analyses of the contours of Catholic experience.

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academic trade

“ . . . [The reader] will learn much about how a great thinker tries, without any technical jargon or presupposed set of common references, to approach subjects as significant and challenging as the nature of justice, love, and beauty.” — Michael N aas, DePaul University the four talks collected here transcribe lectures delivered to an

a u d i e n c e o f c h i l d re n b e twe e n t h e a ge s o f t e n a n d f o u r t e e n , u n de r the auspices of the


d i a l o g u e s ” s e r i e s a t t h e m o n t r e u i l ’s

center for the dramatic arts.

God, Justice, Love, Beauty Four Little Dialogues J ea n-Luc Nancy translated by Sarah C l i f t

Modeled on Walter Benjamin’s “Aufklärung für Kinder” radio talks, this series aims to awaken its young audience to pressing philosophical concerns. Each talk in God, Justice, Love, Beauty explores what is at stake in these topics as essential moments in human experience. (Indeed, the book argues that they are constitutive of human experience.) Following each, Nancy’s audience is given a chance to engage with him in a process of philosophical questioning; the texts of these touching and probing exchanges are included in the volume. Despite the fact that these lectures were delivered to an audience of children, the intellectual level they achieve—while remaining easily comprehensible—is astounding. No attempt is made to simplify Nancy’s positions or to resolve the complexities that arise in the course of the talks or the question periods that follow. The work of opening performed here is fully in keeping with the strategy of Nancy’s philosophy as a whole. Thus, for readers unfamiliar with his work, God, Justice, Love, Beauty will function as an excellent introduction to Nancy’s larger corpus. As varied as the individual talks are, they share the motif of incalculability or the immeasurable. Broadly speaking, one could say that the various ways in which Nancy approaches this motif exemplify his deconstructive approach to think of human existence. As well, those treatments exemplify his conviction that the task of thinking is to develop original ways of communicating the incalculable. God, Justice, Love, Beauty is thus a skillful reminder that philosophy is important to all of us. The book is also a model of intellectual generosity and openness. Seamlessly moving from Schwarzenegger to Plato, from Kant, Roland Barthes, and Caravaggio to Caillou, Harry Potter, and the pages of Gala magazine, Nancy’s wide-ranging references bear witness to his commitment to think of “culture” in its broadest sense. is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg. Among the most recent of his many books to be published in English are Corpus; The Ground of the Image; Listening; Dis-Enclosure: The Deconstruction of Christianity; Noli me tangere: On the Raising of the Body; On the Commerce of Thinking: Of Books and Bookstores; and The Truth of Democracy (all Fordham).

Jean- Luc Nan cy 150 pages • 5 1 /2 × 8 1 /2 978-0-8232-3426-4 • Paper • $18.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3425-7 • Cloth • $70.00 (06) May Art | Religion | Philosophy

Sarah Cli ft teaches in the Contemporary Studies Department at the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is the translator of Nancy’s Noli me tangere: On the Raising of the Body (Fordham).


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academic trade

“A writer of exquisite sensitivity and wit, as well as of impeccable clarity. . . . A fascinating and thoroughly unique contribution to the study of popular culture, music, and more.” —Gil Ani dja r, Columbia University hits: philosophy in the jukebox is an extraordinary foray into what

“ t h e s o u n d t r a c k o f o u r l i v e s .” How does music come to inhabit us, to possess and haunt us? What does it mean that a piece of music can insert itself—Szendy’s term for this, borrowed from German, is the earworm—into our ears and minds? In this book, Peter Szendy probes the ever-growing and ever more global phenomenon of the hit song. Hits is the culmination of years of singular attentiveness to the unheard, the unheard-of, and the overheard, as well as of listening as it occurs when one pays anything but attention. Szendy takes us through our musical bodies, by way of members and instruments, playing and governing apparatuses, psychic and cinematic doublings, political and economic musings. The hit song, Szendy concludes, functions like a myth, a force of repetition that grows by force of repetition. In the repetition generated by the song’s relation to itself, Szendy locates its production as a fetishized commodity, a self-producing structure, and a self-desiring machine. Like a Deleuzian machine, then, the hit song is a technology of the self, or better, a technology of rule, a bio-melo-technology. After reading this book, one can no longer avoid realizing that music is more than a soundtrack: It is the condition of our lives. We are all melomaniacs, Szendy tells us in his unique style of writing and of thought. We are melo-obsessive subjects, not so much driven to a frenzy by a music we hardly have time to listen to as governed and ruled by it.

ap p l e h a s c o nv i n c e d u s i s


Philosophy in the Jukebox P eter Sze ndy translated by Will Bi s h o p 192 pages • 5 1 /2 × 8 1 /2 978-0-8232-3438-7 • Paper • $26.00 (01)

Peter Szendy teaches aesthetics in the Philosophy Department of the University of Nanterre. He is also adviser for the Cité de la musique in Paris. In English, he has recently published Listen: A History of Our Ears and Prophecies of Leviathan: Reading Past Melville (both Fordham). Will B ishop received his doctorate in French Literature from the University of California, Berkeley. He lives in Paris, where he teaches and translates.

978-0-8232-3437-0 • Cloth • $80.00 (06) July

Music | Philosophy

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academic trade

“Ascoli reflects rigorously and consistently on the interdependence/disjunction between history and literature, on the link between New historicism and New criticism. In his pragmatic sense of the act of reading, he opposes viscerally all abstract theoretical constructions, and he resists, in a steady show of superb analytical writing, all complacent generalized ‘solutions,’ politically engaged writing, and rigid moralizations, and de facto he reproposes close reading as the abiding model for the future of the profession.” —Gi usepp e Mazzotta, Yale University

“Combining uncommon erudition with a rigorous commitment to critical theory, Albert Ascoli masterfully illuminates the cultural interlacing of power and knowledge—of ‘cesare’ and ‘poeta’—in early modern Italy. Whether showing how Petrarch uses his letters to define the place of the man of letters in relation to those in power; examining the literary dimension of Machiavelli’s anti-literary treatise, The Prince; or considering the construction of masculinity in Ariosto’s Orlando furioso, Ascoli’s essays in this elegant collection meditate on the the twin problems of historicizing literature and writing literary history.” —T eo dolin da B ar olini, Columbia University focusing on major authors and problems from the italian fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, from petrarch and boccaccio to

m a c h i ave l l i , a r i o s t o a n d t a s s o,

A Local Habitation and a Name Imagining Histories in the Italian Renaissance

A lbert Russell As coli 384 pages 978-0-8232-3429-5 • Paper • $35.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3428-8 • Cloth • $99.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3430-1 • eBook • $25.00 July Literary Studies


A Local Habitation and a Name examines the unstable dialectic of “reality” and “imagination,” as well as of “history” and “literature.” Albert Ascoli identifies and interprets the ways in which literary texts are shaped by and serve the purposes of multiple, intertwined historical discourses and circumstances, and he equally probes the function of such texts in constructing, interpreting, critiquing, and effacing the histories in which they are embedded. Throughout, he poses the theoretical and methodological question of how formal analysis and literary forms can at once resist and further the historicist enterprise. Along the way Ascoli interrogates the mechanisms of historical periodization that have governed for so long our study of what is sometimes called the “Renaissance,” sometimes the early modern period. He also addresses the period’s own unstable version of the literature/history opposition, the place of gendered discourse in the construction of historical narratives (and vice versa), the elaborate formal strategies by which poets and intellectuals negotiate their relations to power, and, finally, the way in which proper names (of authors, works, and exemplary characters) serve as points of negotiation between individual identity and social order in the Renaissance. The book brings to culmination two decades of a major scholar’s thinking about some of the most important figures and questions that shaped the Renaissance, with emphasis on the question of history, both the historical context of literature and the writing of literary history. is Terrill Distinguished Professor of Italian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He has recently published Dante and the Making of a Modern Author. Albert Russell Ascoli

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academic trade

“An important intellectual event. . . . Gasché develops a distinctive theory of literature or way to read literary works.” —J. H illi s M iller , University of California, Irvine

“An important moment for the field of comparative literature.” — Br anka Ars ić, University of Albany, SUNY this book seeks to develop a novel approach to literature beyond

t h e c o n v e n t i o n a l d i v i d e b e t w e e n r e a l i s m /f o r m a l i s m a n d h i s t o r y /


The Stelliferous Fold Toward a Virtual Law of Literature’s Self-Formation Ro d olphe G as ché

It accomplishes this not only through a radical reassessment of the specificity of literature in distinction from one of its others—namely, philosophy—but above all by taking critical issue with the venerable concept of the “text” and its association with the artisanal techniques of weaving and interlacing. This conception of the text as an artisanal fabric is, the author holds, the unreflected presupposition of both realist, or historicist, and reflective, or “deconstructive,” criticism. Gasché argues that “the scenes of production” within literary works, created by their authors yet independent of those authors’ intentions, stage a work’s own production in virtual fashion and thus accomplish for those works a certain ideal ontological status that allows for both historical endurance and creative interpretation. In Gasché’s construction of these scenes, in which literary works render visible within their own fabric the invisible conditions of their autonomous existence, certain images prevail: the fold, the star, the veil. By showing that these literary images are not simply the opposites of concepts, he not only puts into question the common opposition between literature and philosophy but shows that literary works perform a way of “argumentation” that, in spite of all its difference from philosophical conceptuality, is on a par with it. The argument progresses through close readings of literary works by Lautréamont, Nerval, de l’Isle Adam, Huysman, Flaubert, Artaud, Blanchot, Defoe, and Melville.

Rodolphe Gasché is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Eugenio Donato Professor of Comparative Literature at SUNY, Buffalo. The most recent of his books are The Honor of Thinking: Critique, Theory, Philosophy and Europe, or the Infinite Task: A Study of a Philosophical Concept.

464 pages 978-0-8232-3435-6 • Paper • $35.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3434-9 • Cloth • $125.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3436-3 • eBook • $25.00 Ju n e

Literary Studies | Philosophy

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academic trade

“A thought-provoking, innovative study that combines pioneering scholarship to produce a novel vision of nineteenth-century culture and contemporary philosophy.” — Mitchell G reenbe rg, Cornell University

“Strauss examines the role played by a medical field that had recently gained considerable prestige, and the variety of discourses that accompanied the nineteenth century’s obsessive interest in the dead, testifying to an ‘inadmissible desire for the abject.’ This is an important and dazzling work.” — Ma rie- Hélène Hu et, Princeton University the living and the dead cohabited paris until the late eighteenth

c e n t u r y, w h e n , i n t h e n a m e o f p u b l i c h e a l t h , m e a s u r e s w e r e t a k e n

Human Remains

Medicine, Death, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Paris

t o d r i v e t h e l a t t e r f r o m t h e c i t y . Cemeteries were removed from urban space, and corpses started to be viewed as terrifyingly noxious substances. The dead had fallen victim to a sustained new reflection on the notions of life and death that emerged from the two new medical fields of biology and hygiene. In large part, the Paris of the nineteenth century—the Paris of modernity—arose, both theoretically and physically, out of this concern over the relations between the animate and the inanimate. As the dead became a source of pervasive and intense anxiousness, they also became an object of fascination that at once exceeded and guided the medical imagination attempting to control them. Human Remains examines that exuberant anxiety to discover the irrational, indeed erotic, forces motivating the medicalization of death. Working across a broad range of disciplines, including history, literature, the visual arts, philosophy, and psychoanalysis, the book seeks to understand the meaning of the dead and their role in creating one of the most important cities of the contemporary world.

is Professor of French at Miami University. He is the author of Subjects of Terror: Nerval, Hegel, and the Modern Self.

Jonathan Strauss

J onatha n Strauss 304 pages • 6 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3380-9 • Paper • $28.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3379-3 • Cloth • $60.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3381-6 • eBook • $20.00 Forms of Living Aug u st

Literary Studies | Science | History


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academic trade

“The beauty of Canguilhem’s definition of health—of normality—is that it includes the animate and inanimate environment, as well as the physical, mental, and social dimensions of human life. It puts the individual patient, not the doctor, in a position of self-determining authority to define his or her health needs. The doctor becomes a partner in delivering those needs. Canguilhem’s definition also allows us to respond to disease globally, taking account of the context of conditions in a particular place, as well as time.” —Th e L anc et†

“Celebrated as historian of the life sciences and epistemologist of the normal and the pathological, Georges Canguilhem, in this series of little-known essays, proves also to be a critical observer of medicine and a reflexive analyst of the concept of health.” —Di dier Fassin, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris at the time of his death in


ge o r ge s c a n g u i l h e m w a s a h i g h l y

respected historian of science and medicine,

Writings on Medicine Georges Ca nguilhe m Translated with an Introduction by Stefano s Gerou l a n os and To d d M ey e rs 128 pages • 5 1 /2 × 8 1 /2 978-0-8232-3432-5 • Paper • $18.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3431-8 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) Forms of Living Aug u st

Science | Philosophy

whose engagement with questions of normality, the ideologization of scientific thought, and the conceptual history of biology had marked the thought of philosophers such as Michel Foucault, Louis Althusser, Pierre Bourdieu, and Gilles Deleuze. This collection of short, incisive, and highly accessible essays on the major concepts of modern medicine shows Canguilhem at the peak of his use of historical practice for philosophical engagement. In order to elaborate a philosophy of medicine, Canguilhem examines paramount problems such as the definition and uses of health, the decline of the Hippocratic understanding of nature, the experience of disease, the limits of psychology in medicine, myths and realities of therapeutic practices, the difference between cure and healing, the organism’s self-regulation, and medical metaphors linking the organism to society. Writings on Medicine is at once an excellent introduction to Canguilhem’s work and a forceful, insightful, and accessible engagement with elemental concepts in medicine. The book is certain to leave its imprint on anthropology, history, philosophy, bioethics, and the social studies of medicine. Trained in philosophy and medicine, G eorges Canguilhe m (1904–95) remains one of France’s most influential philosophers of science.

Stefanos Geroulanos is Assistant Professor of Modern European Intellectual History at New York University. He is the author of An Atheism That Is Not Humanist Emerges in French Thought and the co-translator of Georges Canguilhem’s Knowledge of Life (Fordham). Todd Meyers is Assistant Professor of Medical Anthropology at Wayne State University and the co-editor of Georges Canguilhem’s Knowledge of Life (Fordham). † Reprinted from The Lancet, Vol. 373, No. 9666, What is health? The ability to adapt, Page 781, Copyright ©2009, with permission from Elsevier.

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academic trade

“Outstanding scholarship that is at once comprehensive, relevant, provocative, and necessary.” —Steven Wexle r, California State University, Northridge

“Through a dense and layered study which seamlessly connects sustained philosophical readings of Plato, Kant, Heidegger, Derrida, Jameson, and Negri with a critical analysis of some of the changes resulting from technological innovation and globalization, and incisive interpretations of some of the icons of digital culture, including the iPod, post-cyber/nano-punk and films like The Matrix, Wilkie offers in his book a cutting-edge theorization of digital culture that will instantly establish him as one of the most exciting new voices working in critical and cultural theory today.” —Pete r M cLa ren, University of California, Los Angeles t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n i n s c i e n c e , t e c h n o l o g y, c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a n d p r o -

duction that began in the second half of the twentieth century—

The Digital Condition Class and Culture in the Information Network Rob Wilkie 272 pages 978-0-8232-3423-3 • Paper • $25.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3422-6 • Cloth • $85.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3424-0 • eBook • $18.00 Aug u st

Media Studies | Cultural Studies | Sociology


developments which make up the concept of the “digital”—has brought us to what might be the most contradictory moment in human history. The digital revolution has made it possible not only to imagine but to actually realize a world in which social inequality and poverty are vanquished. But instead these developments have led to an unprecedented level of accumulation of private profits. Rather than the end of social inequality we are witness to its global expansion. Recent cultural theory tends to focus on the intricate surface effects of the emerging digital realities, proposing that technological advances effect greater cultural freedom for all, ignoring the underpinning social context. But beneath the surfaces of digital culture are complex social and historical relations that can be understood only from the perspective of a class analysis which explains why the new realities of the “digital condition" are conditioned by the actualities of global class inequalities. It is no longer the case that "technology" can take on the appearance of a simple or neutral aspect of human society. It is time for a critique of the digital times. In The Digital Condition, Rob Wilkie advances a groundbreaking analysis of digital culture which argues that the digital geist—which has its genealogy in such concepts as the “body without organs,” “spectrality,” and “différance”—has obscured the implications of class difference with the phantom of a digital divide. Engaging the writings of Hardt and Negri, Poster, Deleuze and Guattari, Derrida, Haraway, Latour, and Castells, the literature and cinema of cyberpunk, and digital commodities like the iPod, Wilkie initiates a new direction within the field of digital cultural studies by foregrounding the continuing importance of class in shaping the contemporary. Rob Wilkie is Assistant Professor of Cultural and Digital Studies at the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse. His essays have appeared in such journals as JAC, Nature, Society and Thought, Textual Practice, and Postmodern Culture. This is his first book.

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literary studies

“Original and provocative essays that contribute significantly to the field of zombie studies.” —Aviva Briefel, Bowdoin College the zombie is ubiquitous in popular culture: from comic books to

video games, to internet applications and homemade films, zombies

are all around us.

Better Off Dead

The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human

Investigating the zombie from an interdisciplinary perspective, with an emphasis on deep analytical engagement with diverse kinds of texts, Better Off Dead addresses some of the more unlikely venues where zombies are found while providing the reader with a classic overview of the zombie’s folkloric and cinematic history. What has the zombie metaphor meant in the past? Why does it continue to be so prevalent in our culture? Where others have looked at the zombie as an allegory for humanity’s inner machinations or claimed the zombie as capitalist critique, this collection seeks to provide an archaeology of the zombie—tracing its lineage from Haiti, mapping its various cultural transformations, and suggesting the post-humanist direction in which the zombie is ultimately heading. Approaching the zombie from many different points of view, the contributors look across history and across media. Though they represent various theoretical perspectives, the whole makes a cohesive argument: The zombie has not just evolved within narratives; it has evolved in a way that transforms narrative. This collection announces a new post-zombie, even before the boundaries of this rich and mysterious myth have been completely charted. Contributors: Elson Bond, Kevin Boon, Deborah Christie, Margo Collins, Franck Degoul, Peter Dendle, Sorcha Ní Fhlainn, Richard Hand, Chera Kee, Sarah Juliet Lauro, Kevin Meaux, Nick Muntean, Bernice Murphy, Lynn Pifer, Steven Zani Deborah Christie

is an Assistant Professor at Colorado Technical University.

Sarah Juliet Lauro is a Ph.D. candidate in English at the University of California,


edited by Deb orah Christie and S arah Juliet Lauro 256 pages 978-0-8232-3447-9 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3446-2 • Cloth • $70.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3448-6 • eBook • $18.00 Ju n e literary Studies

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Deserter Country

Civil War Opposition in the Pennsylvania Appalachians R o b e rt M. Sand ow

new in


288 pages • 24 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3052-5 • Paper • $25.00 (01) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-3051-8} 978-0-8232-3053-2 • eBook • $18.00 The North’s Civil War May

“Sandow deftly references a limited historical record, augmenting often-suspect personal letters and diaries with newspapers, official census and court records, as well as a variety of other state and local government documents to present a balanced, compelling interpretation of why the geographic, economic, social, and political conditions that predominated in Pennsylvania’s Appalachian region provided ‘fertile ground for Civil War opposition.’” — C i v il War Times

“In colorful and engaging prose, Sandow describes several instances of violent draft resistance and federal intervention in the Pennsylvania mountains in 1864.” — H - C ivWa r di scussion net wor k

“Well grounded in government documents, census materials, partisan newspapers, and relevant secondary sources, the book challenges traditional interpretations and offers better understanding of the complex reasons people actively resisted the U.S. Civil War.” —Ch oi ce “. . . Offers a valuable corrective to previous portraits of wartime dissent and proves once again that community studies, far from being myopic and tangential, can offer substantive interpretations with broad implications.” —A m e rican Historical R eview

R obert M. Sandow is Associate Professor of History at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania.


The Civil War Confiscation Acts Failing to Reconstruct the South J o h n Syrett

t h e c o n f i s c at i o n a c t s we re de s i g n e d t o s a n c t i o n s l ave h o l d i n g s t at e s b y

and grant freedom to slaves who fought with or worked for the Confederate military. In the first full account in more than twenty years of them, John Syrett examines the political contexts of the Acts, especially the debates in Congress, and demonstrates how the failure of the Confiscation Acts during the war presaged the political and structural shortcomings of Reconstruction after the war.

a ut h o r i z i n g t h e f e de ra l gove r n m e nt t o s e i z e re b e l p ro p e r t i e s

new in


John Syrett

is Professor of History Emeritus at Trent University.

296 pages • 6 1 /4 × 9 1 /4 978-0-8232-2490-6 • Paper • $25.00 (01) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-2489-0} Reconstructing America Apr i l


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| biography

“The essays in this book prove that the well of Lincoln research has not run dry. Crucial themes in the sixteenth president’s career are explored here with new insights: politics, military command, religion, slavery and emancipation, foreign policy, and the assassination. We are indebted to the Lincoln Forum for making these papers available to a wide reading audience.” —Jame s M . M cPhe rson, author of This Mighty Scourge: Perspectives on the Civil War and Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era

“Lincoln Revisited . . .draws together some of the best and brightest Abraham Lincoln scholars around. . . . It is a well-written biography that can stand alongside some of the best of its predecessors.” — The Jo ur nal o f Ameri can History

new in


Lincoln Revisited

“. . . An interesting analysis of the often-contentious relationship between Lincoln and his naval commanders. These and the other essays make a valuable contribution.” —Book list

Contributors: Jean Baker, Daniel Mark Epstein, Joseph R. Fornieri, William C. Harris, Harold Holzer, John F. Marszalek, William Lee Miller, Lucas E. Morel, Geoffrey Perret, Matthew Pinsker, Jean Edward Smith, John Y. Simon, Edward Steers Jr., Craig L. Symonds, Dawn Vogel, Michael Vorenberg, Ronald C. White Jr., Frank J. Williams, and Garry Wills. John Y. Simon

is Professor of History at Southern Illinois University.

Harold Holzer , Senior Vice President for External Affairs at The Metropolitan

Museum of Art, is one of the nation’s leading authorities on Lincoln and the political culture of the Civil War era. He served as co-chairman of the U.S. Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission and has written, co-written, or edited 35 books. Dawn Vogel

is an editor of The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant.

New Insights from the Lincoln Forum edited by Joh n Y. S imo n, H arol d Holzer, and Dawn Vogel 384 pages • 17 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-2737-2 • Paper • $25.00 (01) {Cloth available: 978-0-8232-22736-5} 978-0-8232-2738-9 • eBook • $18.00 May Copublished with the Lincoln Forum

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| jewish


“A welcome contribution to an already established discourse of Jewish-Christian understanding of the relationship between God and humanity. A must-have volume.” —C reston Davi s, Rollins College freedom and law offers a provocative new view of the relationship

b e twe e n h u m a n de s i re, t h e p ro d u c t i o n o f k n ow l e d ge, a n d c o n c e p -

Freedom and Law

A Jewish-Christian Apologetics Ra nd i R ashkover 288 pages 978-0-8232-3453-0 • Paper • $28.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3452-3 • Cloth • $75.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3454-7 • eBook • $20.00 Ju n e

t i o n s o f p o w e r b y d e v e l o p i n g a n o n p o l e m i c a l a c c o u n t o f d i v i n e l a w. Where recent trends in political theology have insisted upon the antagonistic nature of the law, this book presents the paradigm-altering power of a discourse in the nexus between law and freedom. It demonstrates how this nexus catapults religious thought into a free and powerful engagement with nonreligious political, ethical, and social positions. Freedom and Law challenges a contemporary wave of scholarship, including the work of Jacob Taubes, Giorgio Agamben, and Slavoj Žižek, that identifies Jewish law as the originary soucre of polemic between nations and therefore as historically responsible for the exceptionalism that undergirds contemporary conflict. By contrast, Freedom and Law argues that only in an account of revelatory law can divine freedom and human freedom be thought of without contradiction. The first part analyzes the logic of exceptionalism. In the second part, the author argues that one cannot invoke a doctrine of election without rigorous scrutiny of texts that portray an electing God and an elected people. Once we scrutinize these texts, the character of freedom and law within the divine–human relationship shows itself to be different from that found in exceptionalist logics. The third and final part examines the impact of the logic of the law on JewishChristian apologetics. Rather than require that one defend one’s position to a nonbeliever, this logic situates all epistemological justification within the order or freedom of God. If the condition of the possibility of my claim is the reality of divine freedom, such freedom also justifies the possibility of another’s claim. In a significant contribution to the post-ecclesiastical reengagement between religion, critical theory, and the political, Freedom and Law introduces new categories of knowledge and action into Jewish and Christian thinking, unbound by the dialectics of desire that has dominated the discourse of both traditions for centuries. It shows how thinking of law and freedom together may now enable Judaism and Christianity to engage in a historically self-conscious and nonrelativistic relation to each other and to nonbelievers.

Randi Rashkover is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at George Mason University. She is the author of Revelation and Theopolitics: Barth, Rosenzweig and the Politics of Praise and co-editor of Liturgy, Time and the Politics of Redemption.


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| jewish


| literary


“A fascinating book about Jewish embodiment and the complex relationship between the Jewish body and German–Jewish modernity.” —To dd P r esner , University of California, Los Angeles cultures, responded to the narcissistic threat posed by the continued persistence of Judentum (Judaism, Jewry, Jewishness) by representing “the Jew”’s body—or rather parts of that body and the techniques performed upon them. Such fetish-producing practices reveal the question of German-identified modernity to be inseparable from the Jewish Question. But Jewish-identified individuals, immersed in the phantasmagoria of such figurations—in the gutter and garret salon, medical treatise and dirty joke, tabloid caricature and literary depiction, church façade and bric-a-brac souvenir—had their own question, another Jewish Question. They also had other answers, for these physiognomic fragments not only identified “the Jew” but also became for some Jewish-identified individuals the building blocks for working through their particular situations and relaying their diverse responses. The Other Jewish Question maps the dissemination of and interrelationships among these corporeal signifiers in Germanophone cultures between the Enlightenment and the Shoah. Its analyses of ascribed Jewish physiognomy include tracing the gendered trajectory of the reception of Benedict Spinoza’s correlation of Jewish persistence, anti-Semitism, and circumcision; the role of Zopf (“braid”) in mediating German Gentile–Jewish relations; the skin(ny) on the association of Jews and syphilis in Arthur Dinter’s antisemitic bestseller Sin against the Blood and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf; as well as the role of Jewish corporeality in the works of such Jewish-identified authors as Rahel Levin Varnhagen, Heinrich Heine, Karl Marx, Max Nordau, Franz Kafka, and Walter Benjamin, as well as such “Jew”-identifying writers as Ludwig Feuerbach and Daniel Paul Schreber. The Other Jewish Question portrays how Jewish-identified individuals moved beyond introjection and disavowal to appropriate and transform this epidemic of signification to make sense of their worlds and our modernity. this





ge r m a n - s p e a k i n g

u n de r go i n g t h e i r ow n p ro c e s s e s o f i de nt i f i c at i o n ,

The Other Jewish Question

Identifying the Jew and Making Sense of Modernity

Jay G eller is Associate Professor of Modern Jewish Culture in the Divinity School

at Vanderbilt University. His On Freud’s Jewish Body: Mitigating Circumcisions was published by Fordham.

Jay G eller 448 pages • 9 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3362-5 • Paper • $32.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3361-8 • Cloth • $99.00 (06) Ju ne

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| political


| african

american studies

“Compellingly argues for an understanding of whiteness as a dynamic racial category of becoming, rather than a static category of being, and convincingly challenges the politics of purity in both traditional and anti-racist understandings of race and racism.” —Shannon S u llivan, Pennsylvania State University

“A careful and original philosophical study of race and the challenges it offers for the understanding of whiteness, white normativity, and racism.” — Lew is Go rdon, Temple University how does our understanding of the reality


lack thereof ) of

ra c e a s a c at e go r y o f b e i n g a f f e c t o u r u n de r s t a n d i n g o f ra c i s m a s

a s o c i a l p h e n o m e n o n , a n d v i c e v e r s a?

The Creolizing Subject

Race, Reason, and the Politics of Purity M ichael J. Mo naha n 256 pages 978-0-8232-3450-9 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3449-3 • Cloth • $75.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3451-6 • eBook • $18.00 Just Ideas Apr i l


How should we envision the aims and methods of our struggles against racism? Traditionally, the Western political and philosophical tradition held that true social justice points toward a raceless future—that racial categories are themselves inherently racist, and a sincere advocacy for social justice requires a commitment to the elimination or abolition of race altogether. This book focuses on the underlying assumptions that inform this view of race and racism, arguing that it is ultimately bound up in a “politics of purity”—an understanding of human agency, and reality itself, as requiring all-or-nothing categories with clear and unambiguous boundaries. Racism, being organized around a conception of whiteness as the purest manifestation of the human, thus demands a constant policing of the boundaries among racial categories. Drawing upon a close engagement with historical treatments of the development of racial categories and identities, the book argues that races should be understood not as clear and distinct categories of being but rather as ambiguous and indeterminate (yet importantly real) processes of social negotiation. As one of its central examples, it lays out the case of the Irish in seventeenth-century Barbados, who occasionally united with black slaves to fight white supremacy—and did so as white people, not as nonwhites who later became white when they capitulated to white supremacy. Against the politics of purity, Monahan calls for the emergence of a “creolizing subjectivity” that would place such ambiguity at the center of our understanding of race. The Creolizing Subject takes seriously the way in which racial categories, in all of their variety and ambiguity, situate and condition our identity, while emphasizing our capacity, as agents, to engage in the ongoing contestation and negotiation of the meaning and significance of those very categories. Michael J. Monahan


is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Marquette

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| literary


“Seductive in tone and style. It offers a seemingly simple yet powerful meditation on the larger role played by the animal kingdom.” — Mila dus Do u eihi, University of Glasgow

“A reflection—part philosophical, part poetic—on mankind’s shared existence with animal life. A truly breathtaking piece of writing.” —John T. H amilton, Harvard University the animal side is a manifesto on the importance of animals for

h u m a n t h o u g h t . It attempts to characterize the importance, for human beings, of the fact that animals exist. Adopting a philosophical and poetic approach, the book seeks to show that animals’ ways of inhabiting the earth are, for human consciousness, an expansion and an exploration of what philosophers and poets have tried to name by speaking of the Open. Beginning with the story of an encounter with a deer on a road at night, the book proceeds by showing that, beyond the diversity of animal life and the ways animals differ from human beings, there is a “layer of the perceptible” on which we all draw, humans and animals alike, in our own ways. At present, however, this layer itself is at risk. Thus the book can also be read as a defense and illustration of animals’ modes of being, and as a plea for their survival.

Bailly is Associate Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage, in Blois, France. His most recent book is The Instant and Its Shadow.

Jean-Christo phe

The Animal Side

is Professor Emerita, SUNY College at Cortland; a former president of the Modern Language Association; and a renowned translator of French philosophy and theory.

Catherine Porter

J ea n- Christophe B ailly Translated by Cathe r i n e P o rt e r 112 pages • 4 b/w illustrations • 5 1 /2 × 8 1 /2 978-0-8232-3444-8 • Paper • $18.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3443-1 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) July

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Phenomenologies of the Stranger Between Hostility and Hospitality

edited by Ric har d Kear ney and Kas cha Se monovitc h w h a t i s s t r a n ge?

Or better, who is strange? When do we encounter the strange? This volume takes the question of hosting the Stranger to the deeper level of embodied imagination and the senses. It asks: How does the embodied imagination relate to the Stranger in terms of hospitality or hostility (given the common root of hostis as both host and enemy)? How do humans “sense” the dimension of the strange and alien in different religions, arts, and cultures? How do the five physical senses relate to the spiritual senses, especially the famous “sixth” sense, as portals to an encounter with the Other? Is there a carnal perception of alterity, which would operate at an affective, prereflective, preconscious level? What exactly do “embodied imaginaries” of hospitality and hostility entail? And what, finally, are the topical implications of these questions for an ethics and practice of tolerance and peace? 256 pages 978-0-8232-3462-2 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3461-5 • Cloth • $70.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3463-9 • eBook • $18.00 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Aug u st

Contributors: Jeffrey Bloechl, John D. Caputo, Edward S. Casey, Simon Critchley, Jean Greisch, Richard Kearney, John Manoussakis, Karmen MacKendrick, Kelly Oliver, William J. Richardson, Vanessa Rumble, Kascha Semonovitch, Kalpana Rahita Seshadri, William H. Smith, Anthony J. Steinbock, Brian Treanor, David Wood, Christopher Yates R i c hard Kearney holds the Charles B. Seelig Chair in Philosophy at Boston College and is Visiting Professor at University College Dublin. Ka s c h a S e m o n ov i tc h

is Lecturer in Philosophy at Seattle University.


Castoriadis’s Ontology Being and Creation Su z i Adams

“Suzi Adams is the first to examine and evaluate Castoriadis’s ontological and, broadly speaking, anthropological thinking in the full complexity of its splendor. Hers is a gesture of Ariadne, because she makes the self-ascribed labyrinthine architecture of Castoriadis’s thought meaningfully tangible. Such precise and yet expansive interrogation is nowadays altogether rare.” —Stathi s Go urg o ur is, Columbia University t h i s b o o k i s t h e f i r s t s y s t e m a t i c r e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f c a s t o r i a d i s ’s p h i l o s o p h i -

c a l t r a j e c t o r y.

Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

It critically interprets the shifts in his ontology by reconsidering the ancient problematic of “human institution” (nomos) and “nature” (physis), on the one hand, and the question of “being” and “creation,” on the other. Unlike the order of physis, the order of nomos has played no substantial role in the development of Western thought. The first part of the book suggests that Castoriadis sought to remedy this by elucidating the social-historical as the region of being that eludes the determinist imaginary of inherited philosophy. This ontological turn was announced in his 1975 magnum opus, The Imaginary Institution of Society. With the aid of archival sources, the second half of the book reconstructs a second ontological shift in Castoriadis’s thought that occurred during the 1980s. The author argues that Castoriadis extends his notion of “ontological creation” beyond the human realm and into nature. This move has implications for his overall ontology and signals a shift toward a general ontology of creative physis.

Ju n e

S uzi Ada ms

224 pages 978-0-8232-3459-2 • Paper • $25.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3458-5 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3460-8 • eBook • $18.00


is Lecturer in Social Theory and Sociology at Flinders University, Adelaide.

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“Features some of Nancy’s clearest, most succinct formulations of his approach to the question of Christianity. A comprehensive and splendidly timely account of a debate of immense importance.” — Ma rtin C r ow ley, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge one of the most complicated and ambiguous tendencies in contempo-

“turn In philosophy, one of the most original thinkers critically questioning this “turn” is Jean-Luc Nancy. Re-treating Religion is the first volume to analyze his long-term project “The Deconstruction of Christianity,” especially his major statement of it in Dis-Enclosure. Nancy conceives monotheistic religion and secularization not as opposite worldviews that succeed each other in time but rather as springing from the same history. This history consists in a paradoxical tendency to contest one’s own foundations— whether God, truth, origin, humanity, or rationality—as well as to found itself on the void of this contestation. Nancy calls this unique combination of self-contestation and self-foundation the “self-deconstruction” of the Western world. The book includes discussion with Nancy himself, who contributes a substantial “Preamble” and a concluding dialogue with the volume editors. The contributions follow Nancy in tracing the complexities of Western culture back to the persistent legacy of monotheism, in order to illuminate the tensions and uncertainties we face in the twenty-first century. rary western societies is the phenomenon referred to as the t o r e l i g i o n .”

Re-treating Religion Deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc Nancy

edited by Ale na A lexandrova, I g naas Devis ch, Laure ns te n Kate, and Aukje va n Roode n; Preamble by Jea n- Luc Nancy 320 pages 978-0-8232-3465-3 • Paper • $28.00 (01)

Contributors: Alena Alexandrova, Daniela Calabrò, Ignaas Devisch, Federico Ferrari, Ian James, Marc De Kesel, Michel Lisse, Donald Loose, Boyan Manchev, JeanLuc Nancy, Anne O’Byrne, François Raffoul, Frans van Peperstraten, Laurens ten Kate, Aukje van Rooden, Kathleen Vandeputte, Hent de Vries, Theo de Wit A lexandrova teaches at The Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem, the Netherlands, and at Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Ignaas Devis ch is Professor in Social Philosophy, Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine at University College Arteveldehogeschool and Ghent University, Belgium. Laurens ten Kate is Associate Professor in the Philosophy of Religion, Religious Studies and Theology at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht, the Netherlands. He is the co-editor of Flight of the Gods: Philosophical Perspectives on Negative Theology (Fordham). Aukj e van Rooden

is a research associate at the University of Utrecht.

is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg. His most recent book to be published in English is The Truth of Democracy (Fordham).

Jean- Luc Nan cy

978-0-8232-3464-6 • Cloth • $85.00 (06) Perspectives in Continental Philosophy May

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The Logic of the Trinity Augustine to Ockham Pau l T hom

this book recounts the remarkable history of efforts by significant medieval

192 pages 978-0-8232-3476-9 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3478-3 • eBook • $46.00 Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies Aug u st

t h i n k e r s to accommodate the ontology of the Trinity within the framework of Aristotelian logic and ontology. These efforts pushed creatively beyond the boundaries of existing thought while trying to strike a balance between the Church’s traditional teachings and theoretical rigor in a context of institutional politics. In some cases, good theology, good philosophy, and good politics turned out to be three different things. The principal thinkers discussed are Augustine, Boethius, Abélard, Gilbert of Poitiers, Bonaventure, Aquinas, Scotus, and Ockham. The aspects of Trinitarian doctrine dealt with are primarily internal ontological questions about the Trinity. The approach draws on history of theology and philosophy, as well as on the modern formal disciplines of set-theoretic semantics and formal ontology. All these accounts of the Trinity are evaluated relative to the constraints under which they were formed, bearing in mind that the constraints on philosophical theorizing are not limited to internal consistency but also take note of explanatory power. Besides analyzing individual accounts of the Trinity, the book provides a novel framework for comparing different theories.

Paul Tho m is Honorary Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and a recipient of the Centenary of Federation Medal for service to Australian society and the humanities in the study of philosophy of the arts. His most recent book is Logic and Ontology in the Syllogistic of Robert Kilwardby.



women's studies

The Interval

Relation and Becoming in Irigaray, Aristotle, and Bergson R e b ecca Hill

the interval offers the first sustained analysis of the concept grounding

i r i g a r a y ’ s t h o u g h t : the constitutive yet incalculable interval of sexual difference. In an extension of Irigaray’s project, Hill takes up her formulation of the interval as a way of rereading Aristotle’s concept of topos and Bergson’s concept of duration. Hill diagnoses a sexed hierarchy at the heart of Aristotle’s and Bergson’s presentations. Yet beyond that phallocentrism, she points out how Aristotle’s theory of topos as a sensible relation between two bodies that differ in being and Bergson’s intuition of duration as an incalculable threshold of becoming are indispensable to the feminist effort to think about sexual difference. Reading Irigaray with Aristotle and Bergson, Hill argues that the interval cannot be grasped as a space between two identities; it must be characterized as the sensible threshold of becoming, constitutive of the very identity of beings. The interval is the place of the possibility of sexed subjectivity and intersubjectivity; the interval is also a threshold of the becoming of sexed forces.

192 pages 978-0-8232-3724-1 • Cloth • $55.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3726-5 • eBook • $39.00

R ebecca Hill is Lecturer in Communication in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University, Melbourne.

Aug u st


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Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups edited by Naoko Saito and Paul Sta nd ish

what could it mean to speak of philosophy as “the education of grownups”? This book takes Cavell’s enigmatic phrase as a provocation to explore the themes of education that run throughout his work—from his response to Wittgenstein, Austin, and ordinary-language philosophy, to his readings of Thoreau and of the moral perfectionism he identifies with Emerson, to his discussions of literature and film. Hilary Putnam has described Cavell as not only one of the most creative thinkers of today but as one of the few contemporary philosophers to explore philosophy as education. Cavell’s sustained examination of the nature of philosophy cannot be separated from his preoccupation with what it is to teach and to learn. This is the first book to address the importance of education in Cavell’s work and its essays are framed by two new pieces by Cavell himself. Together these texts combine to show what it means to read Cavell, and simultaneously what it means to read philosophically, in itself a part of our education as grownups.

288 pages 978-0-8232-3474-5 • Paper • $28.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3473-8 • Cloth • $80.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3475-2 • eBook • $20.00 American Philosophy May

Contributors: René Arcilla, Gordon C.F. Bearn, Stanley Cavell, Vincent Colapietro, Russell Goodman, Steve Odin, Hilary W. Putnam, Naoko Saito, Paul Standish Naoko Saito is Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Education, University of Kyoto. She is the author of The Gleam of Light: Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson. Paul Standish is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the Institute of Education, University of London. He is the author of Beyond the Self: Wittgenstein, Heidegger and the Limits of Language.



american studies

Faith in Life

John Dewey’s Early Philosophy D ona l d J. Morse

“A significant contribution to Dewey scholarship that adds an important element to our understanding of late-nineteenth-century philosophy in America, makes a contribution to the literature on American idealism, and provides a starting point for new scholarship in the implications of Dewey’s work for contemporary philosophy.” — S cott L. P ratt, University of Oregon

“A fascinating study. This work is a genuinely creative and novel reinterpretation of Dewey.” — K e n neth Stikke rs , Southern Illinois University of Carbondale t h i s i s t h e f i r s t b o o k t o c o n s i d e r j o h n d e w e y ’s e a r l y p h i l o s o p h y o n i t s o w n

288 pages 978-0-8232-3470-7 • Cloth • $55.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3472-1 • eBook • $39.00 American Philosophy May

t e r m s and to explicate its key ideas. It does so through the fullest treatment to date of his youthful masterwork, the Psychology. The book also provides a new assessment of Dewey’s relationship to his teacher George Sylvester Morris and to other important idealists of the day, giving us a fresh picture of John Dewey, the man and the philosopher, in the early years of his career. Readers will find a wide range of topics discussed, from Dewey’s early reflections on Kant and Hegel to the nature of beauty, courage, sympathy, hatred, love, and even death and despair. This is a book for anyone interested in the thought of John Dewey, American pragmatism, Continental philosophy, or a new idealism. The book should be of interest to philosophers, social scientists, political theorists, educators, and others who draw on Dewey’s ideas.

D onald J. Morse is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Philosophy at Webster University in St. Louis. f o r d h a m p r e ss .co m

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literary studies

Apocalyptic Futures Marked Bodies and the Violence of the Text in Kafka, Conrad, and Coetzee Ru s s e l l Sa molsky

i n t h i s b o o k , t h e a ut h o r a r g u e s t h at c e r t a i n m o de r n l i t e ra r y t e x t s h ave a p o c -

alyptic futures.

192 pages 978-0-8232-3480-6 • Paper • $24.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3479-0 • Cloth • $65.00 (06) 978-0-8232-3481-3 • eBook • $17.00 Aug u st

Rather than claim that great writers have clairvoyant powers, he examines the ways in which a text incorporates an apocalyptic event into its future reception. He is thus concerned with the way in which apocalyptic works solicit their future receptions. Apocalyptic Futures also sets out to articulate a new theory and textual practice of the relation between literary reception and embodiment. Deploying the double register of “marks” to show how a text both codes and targets mutilated bodies, the author focuses on how these bodies are incorporated into texts by Kafka, Conrad, and Coetzee. Situating “In the Penal Colony” in relation to the Holocaust, Heart of Darkness to the Rwandan genocide, and Waiting for the Barbarians to the revelations of torture in apartheid South Africa and contemporary Iraq, the author argues for the ethical and political importance of reading these literary works’ “apocalyptic futures” in our own urgent and perilous situations. R ussell Samolsky


is Associate Professor of English at the University of California, Santa

literary studies


political theory

Standing by the Ruins

Elegiac Humanism in Wartime and Postwar Lebanon Ke n Se i gneurie

“Fascinating, eloquent, and tightly argued, Standing by the Ruins offers a distinctive perspective on relations between cultural productions and politics in times of extreme duress. Across a range of fascinating examples, Seigneurie shows the ways in which novelists and filmmakers offer alternative visions in a collapsing world that can set the stage for new ways of imagining the future.” —Davi d Dam rosch, Harvard University s i n c e t h e m i d - 1 970 s , l e b a n o n h a s b e e n a t t h e c e n t e r o f t h e w o r l d w i d e r i s e i n

224 pages 978-0-8232-3483-7 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3482-0 • Cloth • $80.00 (06) July


s e c t a r i a n e x t r e m i s m . Its cultural output has both mediated and resisted this rise. Standing by the Ruins reviews the role of culture in supporting sectarianism yet argues for the emergence of a distinctive aesthetic of resistance to it. Focusing on contemporary Lebanese fiction, film, and popular culture, this book shows how artists reappropriated the twin legacies of commitment literature and the ancient topos of “standing by the ruins” to form a new “elegiac humanism” during the tumultuous period of 1975 to 2005. It redirects attention to the critical role of culture in conditioning attitudes throughout society and is therefore relevant to other societies facing sectarian extremism. Modern Arabic novels, feature films, and popular culture, far from being simply cultural imports, are hybrid forms deployed to respond to the challenges of contemporary Arab society. As such, they are cultural products that travel and intervene in the world.

Ken S eigneurie is Associate Professor of World Literature and Director of the Program in World Literature at Simon Fraser University, Surrey, British Columbia. He spent the first thirteen years of his scholarly career in Lebanon, where he edited Crisis and Memory: The Representation of Space in Modern Levantine Narrative.

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literary studies



“A concise and highly readable volume that considers an enormously important constellation of matters within Italian culture of the late Renaissance, touching on a broad range of matters artistic, literary, and social.” — Leona rd B ar kan, Princeton University

“Ruffini lays the groundwork for better understanding the background for confusion behind claims to authorship in our own post-Enlightenment age. He also makes it possible for us to accommodate into the humanities the sort of corporate authorship and publishing collaborations that were common in the sixteenth century but are practiced routinely today only in the sciences. He does this through an elegant, scholarly, and even gripping discussion of the academic project of producing Vasari’s Lives, and the functions that Michelangelo’s art and persona have performed in art and literary history.” — Evelyn Lin coln, Brown University why is the history of art so often construed as a history of artists, w h e n i t s a l l e ge d f o c u s i s a r t?

Art Without an Author Vasari’s Lives and Michelangelo’s Death M ar c o Ru ffini 208 pages • 46 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3456-1 • Paper • $26.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3455-4 • Cloth • $80.00 (06) July

This book responds to this question by examining Giorgio Vasari’s Lives and the artist it features most centrally, Michelangelo. Printed in Florence in 1550 and republished in a substantially enlarged form in 1568, the Lives is a compendium of biographies of the most noteworthy artists, from the late Middle Ages to Vasari’s time. Perhaps no other text has exerted such a formidable influence on the discipline of art history, shaping its historical and conceptual categories—principally as an effect of its biographical format and the biological model it follows, charting artistic development from birth through decline. More than any other artist in the Lives, Michelangelo exemplifies art as an expression of the individual. Yet at the same time, as this book aims to show, the Lives fashions Michelangelo as the founder of a new academic era in which art develops collectively as a discipline. Paradoxically, Vasari’s celebration of Michelangelo mobilizes a conception of art as teachable and transmissible that is antithetical to Michelangelo’s aesthetic ideals and unique style. Each of the five chapters of this book examines the notion of “art without an author,” whereby art is teachable and not the inimitable product of a genius, or a corporate rather than an individualistic venture. By tracing Vasari’s transformation of Michelangelo from an artist into a figure who legitimates a new age in art, the book bridges a longstanding dichotomy in our understanding not only of Vasari but also of Renaissance culture and art. The claims Art Without an Author makes are integrally supported by art historical research and textual/philological analysis. By way of close study, this book reaches entirely new conclusions about Michelangelo, the production and significance of Vasari’s Lives, and the role “authorial” values play in Italian Renaissance culture. Marco Ruff ini is Assistant Professor of Italian Studies and Art History at Northwestern University.

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international studies

Sudan at the Brink Self-Determination and National Unity F r a nci s Ma d ing De ng foreword by Kevi n M. Cahill, M.D.

‘‘This book is a timely reminder of Francis Deng’s lifelong efforts to advance peace and cooperation among Sudanese. It provides a strong basis for dialogue on the future of Sudan and insight on how the country’s most challenging questions can be answered.’’ — for mer P r esident Jimm y Ca rte r, Nobel Peace Laureate

Fran cis Mading Deng is the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide and also served as Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons; as Sudan’s Ambassador to the Nordic countries, Canada, and the United States of America; and as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Sudan.

71 pages 978-0-8232-3441-7 • Paper • $9.99 (06)

K evin M. Cahill, M. D. , is University Professor and Director of Fordham University’s Institute for International Humanitarian Affairs and President of The Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation in New York City. He has also served as Chief Adviser for Humanitarian and Public Health issues for successive Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly.

978-0-8232-3442-4 • eBook • $6.99 (01) International Humanitarian Affairs now ava i l a b l e


Rockhurst University

The First 100 Years Sh i r l Kasper

for a century rockhurst university has stood for excellence in learning,

l e a d e r s h i p , a n d s e r v i c e . Rockhurst University: The First 100 Years documents the struggles and triumphs of Rockhurst, from its modest beginnings in 1910 to its current status as a comprehensive university. The 416-page book features almost 400 color and black-and-white photographs, illustrations, historical documents, and sidebars, in addition to a complete index of people, places, and events. It is ideal for alumni, friends of Rockhurst, or anyone interested in the history of Kansas City and Catholic beginnings in the region.

For ten years, Shirl Kasper was a feature writer/editor with The Kansas City Standard and the winner of numerous journalism awards. Kasper is the author of Annie Oakley: The Peerless Wing and Rifle Shot and co-author of Kansas City: An American Story. She is currently a historian for the National Park Service in Lakewood, Colorado.

416 pages 200 color & 200 b/w illustrations 978-1-886761-31-5 • Cloth • $50.00 (06) May


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recent and best-selling backlist

Brooklyn Is


Jam e s Ag e e preface by J o nat h an L et he m

Harry B erger, Jr.

Southeast of the Island: Travel Notes

Reflections on Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still Life Painting

64 pages

142 pages • 9 color & 7 b/w illustrations

978-0-8232-2492-0 • Cloth • $16.95 (02)

978-0-8232-3313-7 • Cloth • $35.00 (06)

NWSA Gloria E. Anzaldúa Book Prize

American Woman, Italian Style


Illness and Body Politics in Chicana Feminist Literature

Italian Americana's Best Writings on Women

edited by Ca r o l B o no mo A lbright and C h r i st in e Pa l a mi d essi Moore 304 pages • 8 b/w illustrations

Suza nn e B ost


978-0-8232-3176-8 • Paper • $26.00 (01)

256 pages • 12 color and 4 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3085-3 • Paper • $26.00 (01)

978-0-8232-3177-5 • eBook • $18.00

All Around the Town Amazing Manhattan Facts and Curiosities, Second Edition

Henri Atlan Selected Writings

Patri ck Bu n ya n

He n r i At l a n edited and with an introduction by St efano s G e r o u l ano s and To dd M ey e r s

368 pages • 100 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3174-4 • Paper • $24.95 (03)

368 pages 978-0-8232-3182-9 • Paper • $35.00 (01)

Giving an Account of Oneself

Forms of Living

Ju dith P. Butler

Fifth Avenue Famous

160 pages

The Extraordinary Story of Music at St. Patrick's Cathedral

978-0-8232-2504-0 • Paper • $20.00 (01) 978-0-8232-2505-7 • eBook • $13.00

S a lvato r e B a s i l e foreword by M o st R ev e r end T im ot h y M . D o l an, A r c h b i s h o p of N ew Yo rk

2010 PEN USA Literary Award in Poetry


288 pages • 36 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3187-4 • Cloth • $29.95 (02) 978-0-8232-3189-8 • eBook • $21.00


Am y Cata nza no foreword by Mi chael Pal mer 88 pages 978-0-8232-3007-5 • Paper • $18.95 (03) Poets Out Loud

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27 10/28/10 3:36 PM

recent and best-selling backlist

Things That No Longer Delight Me L e s l i e C. C h ang foreword by C o r n e l i u s E a dy 64 pages 978-0-8232-3200-0 • Paper • $19.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3201-7 • eBook • $13.00

Chouboli & Other Stories, Vol I & II

V ijay da n Detha translated by Christi A. Merrill, with Kailash Kabi r 184 pages • 12 b/w illustrations Vol I: 978-0-8232-3401-1 • Paper • $19.00 (01)

Poets Out Loud

Vol II: 978-0-8232-3404-2 • Paper • $19.00 (01)

Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity

The Search for Major Plagge

Cultural and Racial Reconfigurations of Critical Theory D ruc i l l a C o r n e l l and K e nn et h M ic h a e l Panf ilio 176 pages 978-0-8232-3251-2 • Paper • $24.00 (01)

The Nazi Who Saved Jews, Expanded Edition Mi chael G ood

288 pages • 30 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-2441-8 • Paper • $21.00 (01) 978-0-8232-2442-5 • eBook • $14.00

978-0-8232-3252-9 • eBook • $17.00 Just Ideas


An Intensive Course

Box Boats

Har dy Ha nse n and G eral d M. Qui nn

Br i an J. C u da h y

848 pages

How Container Ships Changed the World

978-0-8232-1663-5 • Paper • $40.00 (01)

352 pages • 50 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-2569-9 • Paper • $25.00 (01)

Athens, Still Remains

The Photographs of Jean-François Bonhomme Jac q u e s D e r r ida translated by Pa s ca l e -Anne B rault and M ic h a e l Na a s 88 pages • 34 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3206-2 • Paper • $17.00 (01)


The Lincoln Assassination Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory A Lincoln Forum Book edited by Harol d H olzer, Craig L. Sy m ond s, and Fra n k J. Willia m s

256 pages • 56 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3226-0 • Cloth • $27.95 (02) 978-0-8232-3228-4 • eBook • $20.00 The North's Civil War

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recent and best-selling backlist

Hart Crane's 'The Bridge' Annotated Edition

edited by L aw r enc e K r a m er 128 pages • 10 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3307-6 • Cloth • $30.00 (06)

Miracle on High Street The Rise, Fall and Resurrection of St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, N.J. T hom as A . McCabe

256 pages • 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3310-6 • Cloth • $29.95 (02) 978-0-8232-3312-0 • eBook • $21.00

Ordinary Ethics

Anthropology, Language, and Action edited by M i c h a e l L a mb e k 400 pages 978-0-8232-3317-5 • Paper • $30.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3318-2 • eBook • $21.00

A Short and Remarkable History of New York City Ja n e Mushabac and Angela Wiga n

158 pages • 186 b/w illustrations

Wild Materialism

The Ethic of Terror and the Modern Republic Jac q u e s L e z r a 288 pages 978-0-8232-3236-9 • Paper • $28.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3237-6 • eBook • $20.00

What Should We Do with Our Brain?

Cat h e r in e M a l a b o u translated by Se b a st i an R and, introduction by M a rc J e annero d 120 pages 978-0-8232-2953-6 • Paper • $18.00 (01) 978-0-8232-2954-3 • eBook • $13.00 Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

978-0-8232-1985-8 • Paper • $19.95 (03)

On the Commerce of Thinking Of Books and Bookstores

Jea n-Luc Na ncy translated by Davi d Wills 84 pages 978-0-8232-3037-2 • Paper • $16.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3038-9 • eBook • $11.00


Jea n-Luc Na ncy translated by R ichar d A . Rand 208 pages 978-0-8232-2962-8 • Paper • $21.00 (06) 978-0-8232-2963-5 • eBook • $15.00 (01) Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

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29 10/28/10 3:36 PM

recent and best-selling backlist

The Truth of Democracy

J e an- Luc Nanc y translated by Pa s ca l e -Anne Brault, and M ic h a e l Na a s 72 pages 978-0-8232-3245-1 • Paper • $16.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3246-8 • eBook • $11.00

Black Robes and Buckskin

A Selection from the Jesuit Relations Cathari ne Ra ndall

240 pages • 25 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3262-8 • Cloth • $35.00 (06)

Just Ideas

Dutch New York

The Roots of Hudson Valley Culture edited by R o g e r Pan et ta foreword by Ru s s e l l S h o rto

450 pages • 70 color & 200 b/w illustrations

The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress Ray m ond A . Schroth, S.J.

300 pages • 23 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3304-5 • Cloth • $32.95 (02)

978-0-8232-3040-2 • Paper • $29.95 (03)

978-0-8232-3306-9 • eBook • $23.00

MLA Prize in United States Latina and Latino and Chicana and Chicano Literary and Cultural Studies

Objects and Objections of Ethnography

An Ethics of Betrayal

The Politics of Otherness in Emergent U.S. Literatures and Culture C rysta l Pa r i k h


Bob Drinan

Ja m es T. S iegel

272 pages • 20 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3275-8 • Paper • $25.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3276-5 • eBook • $18.00

256 pages 978-0-8232-3043-3 • Paper • $24.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3044-0 • eBook • $13.00 American Literatures Initiative

Around the Book Systems and Literacy He nry Suss m an


288 pages • 20 b/w illustrations

edited by Su s anna h R ad ston e and Bi l l Sc h wa r z

978-0-8232-3285-7 • eBook • $20.00

Histories, Theories, Debates

978-0-8232-3284-0 • Paper • $28.00 (01)

500 pages • 7 b/w illustrations 978-0-8232-3260-4 • Paper • $35.00 (01) 978-0-8232-3261-1 • eBook • $25.00


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Adams, Suzi 20 Agee, James 27 Albright, Carol Bonomo 27 Alexandrova, Alena 21 All Around the Town 27 American Woman, Italian Style 27 Angels of Mercy 4 Animal Side, The 19 Apocalyptic Futures 24 Around the Book 30 Art Without an Author 25 As Bad as They Say? 3 Ascoli, Albert Russell 8 Athens, Still Remains 28 Atlan, Henri 27


Bailly, Jean-Christophe 19 Basile, Salvatore 27 Berger, Harry Jr. 27 Better Off Dead 13 Bishop, Will 7 Black Robes and Buckskin 30 Bob Drinan 30 Bost, Suzanne 27 Box Boats 28 Brault, Pascale-Anne 28, 30 Brooklyn Is 27 Bunyan, Patrick 27 Butler, Judith P. 27


Canguilhem, Georges 11 Castoriadis’s Ontology 20 Catanzano, Amy 27 Caterpillage 27 Catholic Studies Reader, The 5 Chang, Leslie C. 28 Chouboli & Other Stories Vol I & II 28 Christie, Deborah 13 Civil War Confiscation Acts, The 14 Clift, Sarah 6 Cornell, Drucilla 28 Corpus 29 Creolizing Subject, The 18 Cudahy, Brian J. 28


Deng, Francis Mading 26

Derrida, Jacques 28 Deserter Country 14 Detha, Vijaydan 28 Devisch, Ignaas 21 Digital Condition, The 12 Dutch New York 30


Eady, Cornelius 28 Encarnación 27 Ethics of Betrayal, An 30


Faith in Life 23 Fifth Avenue Famous 27 Fisher, James T. 5 Freedom and Law 16


Gasché, Rodolphe 9 Geller, Jay 17 Geroulanos, Stefanos 11, 27 Giving an Account of Oneself 27 God, Justice, Love, Beauty 6 Good, Michael 28 Greek 28


Hansen, Hardy 28 Hart Crane’s “The Bridge” 29 Henri Atlan 27 Hill, Rebecca 22 Hits 7 Holzer, Harold 15, 28 Human Remains 10


Interval, The 22


Jeannerod, Marc 29 Jones, Allen 2


Kabir, Kailash 28 Kasper, Shirl 26 Kate, Laurens ten 21 Kearney, Richard 20 Kramer, Lawrence 29


Lambek, Michael 29

Lauro, Sarah Juliet 13 Lethem, Jonathan 27 Lezra, Jacques 29 Lincoln Assassination, The 28 Lincoln Revisited 15 Local Habitation and a Name, A 8 Logic of the Trinity, The 22


Malabou, Catherine 29 Mayer, Janet Grossbach 3 McCabe, Thomas A. 29 McGuinness, Margaret M. 5 Merrill, Christi A. 28 Memory 30 Meyers, Todd 11, 27 Miracle on High Street 29 Monahan, Michael J. 18 Morse, Donald J. 23 Multiversal 27 Mushabac, Jane 29


Naas, Michael 28, 29 Naison, Mark 2 Nancy, Jean-Luc 6, 21, 29, 30 Nieves, Marysol 1


Objects and Objections of Ethnography 30 On the Commerce of Thinking 29 Ordinary Ethics 29 Other Jewish Question, The 17


Palamidessi Moore, Christine 27 Panetta, Roger 30 Panfilio, Kenneth Michael 28 Parikh, Crystal 30 Phenomenologies of the Stranger 20


Quinn, Gerald M. 28


Radstone, Susannah 30 Rand, Richard A. 29 Rand, Sebastian 29 Randall, Catharine 30 Rashkover, Randi 16

Rat That Got Away, The 2 Re-treating Religion 21 Rockhurst University 26 Rooden, Aukje van 21 Ruffini, Marco 25


Saito, Naoko 23 Samolsky, Russell 24 Sandow, Robert M. 14 Schroth, Raymond A., S.J. 30 Schwarz, Bill 30 Search for Major Plagge, The 28 Seigneurie, Ken 24 Semonovitch, Kascha 20 Seraile, William 4 Short and Remarkable History of New York City, A 29 Siegel, James T. 30 Simon, John Y. 15 Standing by the Ruins 24 Standish, Paul 23 Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups 23 Stelliferous Fold, The 9 Strauss, Jonathan 10 Sudan at the Brink 26 Sussman, Henry 30 Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity 28 Symonds, Craig L. 28 Syrett, John 14 Szendy, Peter 7


Taking AIM! 1 Things That No Longer Delight Me 28 Thom, Paul 22 Truth of Democracy, The 30


Vogel, Dawn 15


What Should We Do with Our Brain? 29 Wigan, Angela 29 Wild Materialism 29 Wilkie, Rob 12 Wills, David 29 Williams, Frank J. 28 Writings on Medicine 11

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