An MPP/MPA degree at Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

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The Ford School at Michigan

“White House budget to include paid family leave, but may face trouble in Congress” CNN, May 22, 2017

 Stevenson coauthors bipartisan compromise plan for paid family leave

“Student loan complaints skyrocket 325 percent” Forbes, June 23, 2017

 Dynarski-inspired “Go Blue Guarantee”—U-M offers free tuition for in-state students with need


reventable illnesses take the lives of far

But while the problems we face are daunting,

too many. Unemployment rates remain

the Ford School offers the preparation students

high in struggling communities. Schools

need to make an impact. Ours is a small, dynamic

fail our nation’s most vulnerable children.

community—a community passionate about

The list of problems is long; the problems

resolving our world’s toughest challenges.

themselves are urgent and complex.

“Trump on Paris accord: “We’re getting out”” CNN, June 1, 2017

 In climate policy, Americans across the political spectrum want states to pick up federal slack, says Rabe

“The problem isn’t food stamps, it’s poverty” New York Times, May 27, 2017

 U-M announces new initiative to work with community partners to tackle poverty




ager to lead, to advocate, to forge creative

community where all

solutions, and to make a big impact on

can thrive. And with

public policy? At the University of Michigan’s

just around 110

Ford School of Public Policy, you’ll find the engaged

master’s students

coursework and internships, mentoring and

matriculating each

connections, and inspiration that will launch

year, the Ford School itself offers a collegial,

your exceptional career.

close-knit educational program in which every

Our master’s programs are known for the excellence of our faculty, our grounding in interdisciplinary social science research and rigorous quantitative analysis, the real-world policy issues woven throughout our curriculum, and the careers of leadership forged by our powerful and deeply

student matters. Founded over 100 years ago in the Progressive Era, Michigan’s policy program has long been at the forefront of social change. In 1999, we named the school to honor President Gerald R. Ford, a man remembered for a lifetime of service, integrity,

engaged alumni base.

commitment to diversity, and civility. President Ford

We’re housed within one of the world’s great public

lives and communities. We’re proud to keep his

universities—giving students the opportunity to

legacy alive, preparing the leaders our world needs.

hone their skills with leading scholars in top

I welcome your interest in the Ford School.

believed in the power of public policy to improve

departments. The Ford School and the University have long made a strong and sustained commitment to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive

MI CH A EL S. BA RR Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy Frank Murphy Collegiate Professor of Public Policy Roy F. and Jean Humphrey Proffitt Professor of Law Faculty director of the Center on Finance, Law, and Policy; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, U.S. Department of the Treasury (2009–2010); a key architect of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.


Prepared to and lead

The Ford School at Michigan

Students who choose the Ford School are active and engaged, creative and passionate. They’re interested in finding collaborative solutions to complex challenges in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.

act, serve,

The Ford School at Michigan

A rigorous curriculum


ur master’s curriculum emphasizes research, analytic, and management skills that are highly transferable across sectors, issue areas, and geographical regions—all offered with an applied approach that emphasizes hands-on learning around real-world problems. Students move as a cohort through a carefully sequenced set of core courses, acquiring foundational skills including significant quantitative training in data analysis and program evaluation. Students then have tremendous flexibility in choosing from advanced courses in social policy, international trade, education, national security, human rights, politics, and more.





One-year, mid-career

Two-year master’s of

Dual-master’s with other U-M schools

master’s of public

public policy degree

and departments including law, business, and education

administration degree


Core credits



Varies, based on program

Elective credits



Varies, based on program

Total credits



Varies, based on program


Not required

Required, between

Required, summer following first year

1st and 2nd years

of MPP core coursework

Core MPP courses* Politics of Public Policy (PubPol 510) Universi t y of M ichi g a n electi v es Students have tremendous flexibility to combine their policy courses with the thousands of electives offered by the University of Michigan’s outstanding professional schools—including law, business, education, and urban planning—and top-ranked social science departments.

Ford Scho ol electi v es Ford School electives vary from year to year, but include courses like the history and future of Detroit, the economics of developing countries, the psychology of climate change, thinking about crime, poverty and inequality, facilitating dialogue across faultlines, the economics of education, and more.

Applied Calculus for Public Policy (PubPol 513) Statistics (PubPol 529) Microeconomics A (PubPol 555) and Microeconomics B (PubPol 558) Values, Ethics, and Public Policy (PubPol 580) Public Management (PubPol 587) Quantitative Methods of Program Evaluation (PubPol 639) or Applied Econometrics (PubPol 571) 10-week Summer Internship Integrated Policy Exercise (PubPol 638) * Students with sufficient knowledge may place out of calculus, statistics, or microeconomics A via waiver exams administered during orientation.


The Ford School at Michigan

Relevance: an applied approach


he Ford School provides students with a wide range of opportunities to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom through hands-on, practical policy experiences. A t w o rk in the w o rld Our required summer internship sends MPP students around the world to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to critical issues in their policy area of interest. We help students find meaningful internships with an impressive range of domestic and international employers and offer generous stipends to students who need them. Established and fully-funded partnerships give Ford School students direct access to highly selective internships in key organizations. Our 2017 partnerships included the United Nations Refugee Agency, The Asia Foundation, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Michigan The Riecker Michigan Delegation Fellowship

Governor’s Office.

sends one competitively selected graduate student to Washington, DC each winter to complete a six-month assignment with a senator or representative from the state of Michigan. Fellows receive a living stipend, to cover their costs in DC, as well as tuition support for the fall semester that follows.

 Visit 6

Engaged lear ning Other for-credit opportunities to actively engage with real-world policy issues include our annual China policy course and trip as well as our International Economic Development Program (IEDP). The IEDP allows students

R eal world c o n sul ti n g The Ford School’s applied policy seminar is a three-credit course, offered each semester, that gives students an opportunity to complete a commissioned policy project for a public sector client under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Teams of three to six students work with the client to develop a project work plan, collect relevant materials and information, conduct research and analysis, prepare a written report, and present findings and recommendations.

to study the policy challenges faced by a particular developing economy, and then take a study trip there to meet with policymakers, members of civil society, foreign development agencies, and university students. Since 2000, the International Economic Development Program has offered students opportunities to learn about development issues relevant to emerging economies. Recent destinations have included Colombia (2012), Cape Verde (2013), Myanmar (2014), Brazil (2015), Cuba (2016), Greece (2017), and Senegal (2018).

With Steve Tobocman (MPP/JD ’97), executive director of Global Detroit, Ford School students led the first-ever economic impact study of refugees in southeastern Michigan—measuring local economic benefits from resettlement activities, refugees’ taxes and spent wages, and refugee-owned businesses in the

Photo: Michigan Municipal League

four counties surrounding Metro Detroit.


The Ford School at Michigan

Prepared for immediate impact The Ford School’s supportive environment and rigorous curriculum give students the professional capabilities needed for a successful policy career: • Policy analysis skills: The Ford School is a nation-

• Leadership and management: A core class focuses

ally recognized leader in quantitative policy analysis.

on the management and negotiation skills needed

Our core curriculum includes courses in calculus,

for effective public sector leadership. Students play

microeconomics, statistics, and quantitative program

an active role in the school, serving on school-wide

evaluation. Other core courses teach strategies

committees, reaching out to prospective students,

for understanding and dealing effectively within

and organizing events and public service initiatives.

complex political organizations, and explore the ethical dimensions and underlying values in public policy design.

• Diversity, collaboration, teamwork: In the classroom and beyond, we emphasize collaboration and civil discourse across differences. Students at

• Communication: The Ford School is deeply

the Ford School represent great diversity—in race

committed to writing instruction. Our Writing

and ethnicity, political viewpoints, life experiences,

Center’s three skilled professional instructors offer

professional interests, socioeconomic status, and

one-on-one tutorials and policy-writing modules

more. Faculty foster a collaborative spirit among

designed to help students articulate public policy

students, emphasizing team-based projects and

knowledge in writing that is accurate, logical, and

challenging students to examine, share, and

concise. Presentation and oral communication

articulate their views. Our graduates are equipped

skills are woven into our curriculum.

to lead in an increasingly diverse world.


fter 35 years in public service, I consider career-related mentoring and advising of students to be one of the most

important benefits I bring to the Ford School…and I spend many hours doing this in class, in office hours, and in my work with Graduate Career Services.” Ambassad or Melvyn Levitsky (retired), Professor of International Policy and Practice



s a student I interned with the Gates Foundation, thanks to incredible support from Graduate Career Services. From preparing

my resume to aligning the internship with my career goals, the staff worked side by side with me. Now, I’m part of an alumni community that is committed to staying engaged with current students.” Annie Maxwell (MPP ’02), President, Skoll Global Threats Fund

» Individualized career coaching Gradua t e Career S er v ices Our well-staffed, strategic Graduate Career Services and Alumni Relations team helps students identify their strengths, explore options, market their skills, negotiate with savvy, and build careers of impact. We continually evaluate and respond to the ever-changing landscape for policy professionals. We keep doing what works—which includes cultivating our many established employer relationships both within and outside of our highly-engaged alumni body. And each year we grow our employer base to respond to changes in student interests and shifting workforce trends in the many sectors for which our curriculum prepares students.

Writing Center team: (l-r) Beth Chimera, David Morse, Alex Ralph

» Resume and cover letter reviews » Professional development grants » Networking training » Information sessions with recruiters » Career conversations and office hours with alumni » Mock interviews » DC and Detroit career exploration trips » Online career portal » Internship funding support » Active outreach with the top employers in many fields 9

Prominent, acc Shobita Parthasarathy, Associate Professor of Public Policy Director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program

The Ford School at Michigan

Poverty and economic development. Health and human security. Energy and the environment. Alongside their critical work as teachers and mentors, Ford School faculty members are nationally and internationally recognized experts in vitally important policy areas. They are deeply committed to strengthening the connections between rigorous academic research, real-world policy issues, and the student experience.

essible faculty

The Ford School at Michigan

Our faculty


ur faculty’s broad and interdisciplinary research interests are demonstrated by the wide range of units with which they hold joint appointments— including economics, political science, sociology, history, math, business,

social work, education, natural resources, information, and urban planning.

A ccessible a n d e n g a g ed

Brian Jacob, Walter H. Annenberg

While our faculty members are

Professor of Education Policy;

world-class scholars, they are also

Co-Director, Youth Policy Lab

enthusiastic teachers and mentors who prize the school’s close-knit, nurturing community. Our studentfaculty ratio is 8:1, and our faculty actively participate in student-organized events and activities like our annual charity auction.

Dis tinctio n While the Ford School is a small school within the much larger University of Michigan, our faculty hold a disproportionate number of awards and honors. Two of our faculty members hold the highest appointment at the University of Michigan, that of Distinguished University Professor. Twelve of our faculty members hold named professorships. Others have been recognized for outstanding mentor-


ing, distinguished research, and exceptional teaching.

P o licy Talks @ the F o rd Scho o l The Ford School makes Ann Arbor a destination for distinguished policymakers from around the world. These leaders give public lectures and meet with small groups of students to discuss substantive policy issues or offer career advice. Dozens of speakers visit the school each year, including recent speakers like (clockwise, from upper left) Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen; Reverend Jesse Jackson; U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME); U.S. Labor Secretary Tom Perez; U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI); and Sister Simone Campbell.

Game- chan gi n g research , catal y s t s f o r cha n g e

To w sle y F o unda tio n P o licy ma ker in Reside nce

Our faculty members make transformational discoveries—

The Towsley Foundation Policymaker in

identifying new methods for fostering cooperation in the

Residence program brings individuals

midst of intractable conflicts, slowing the spread of life-threat-

with significant national and interna-

ening diseases, and designing low-cost methods to reduce

tional policymaking experience to

poverty in developing nations. And they’re deeply engaged

campus to interact with students and

in the world of practice. They include senior government

faculty. Policymakers in Residence

advisors, current and former members of the Council of

teach graduate-level courses ranging

Economic Advisers, leaders of international nonprofits,

in length from six weeks to a full

and more.

semester, deliver public lectures, and advise and mentor students on projects, papers, and career plans.

State D epart me n t D ipl o mat i n R eside nce The U-M is one of a very small group of U.S. colleges selected by the State Department to host a Diplomat in Residence (DIR)—a foreign service officer who spends one to two years on site, here at the Ford School. These career diplomats work individually with students, connecting them with professional

Towsley Policymaker in Residence Hardy Vieux (MPP/JD ’97);

Legal Director, Human Rights First

opportunities available in the foreign service.


The Ford School at Michigan

Faculty focus Micr ofi na n ce to o ls

A ccess to educa tio n


To test the impact of microfinance

The University of Michigan’s recently

Barry Rabe is a nationally recognized

innovations, Dean Yang employs

announced Go Blue Guarantee,

scholar who has won the respect of

what some are calling today’s gold

which offers free tuition to in-state

policy leaders across the ideological

standard in economic research—

undergraduates with demonstrated

spectrum. He is regularly tapped to

randomized controlled trials (RCT)

financial need, made headlines across

serve on national committees work-

that are very similar in design to the

the nation. One of the key inspira-

ing to resolve environmental policy

clinical trials used in medicine. RCTs

tions behind the scholarship was a

challenges. Rabe currently chairs an

require substantially more funding

pilot study led by Susan Dynarski of

Environmental Protection Agency-

and up-front work than the traditional

the Ford School. As a first-generation

assembled committee charged with

econometric evaluations conducted

college student from a working-class

breaking a decades-long stalemate

by most development economists,

family, Dynarski is acutely aware

over the devolution of water per-

but they make it possible to clearly

of how difficult it is for low-income

mitting authority from the federal

and precisely identify the impact of

students to get to college, and to suc-

government to individual states.

a microfinance innovation that could

ceed once there. Her research helps

To do so, Rabe is working with two-

be offered more broadly, and convey

low-income students access higher

dozen diverse stakeholders, including

that data to policymakers and practi-

education and the transformational

state and tribal governments, with

tioners who can act on it.

benefits it offers.

a broad range of views on the issue. His influential book, Statehouse and Greenhouse: The Emerging Politics of American Climate Change Policy, was recently honored with the American Political Science Association’s Martha Derthick Best Book Award.


Ya n g D y n ars k i



L as ti n g , lo cal change


Paula Lantz, who has dedicated much

When the Governor of Michigan

Twenty years ago, Susan Waltz was

of her career to enhancing population

invested $10 million to create 1,000

serving as international chair of the

health, believes that increasing invest-

sustainable jobs for the long-term

Nobel-prize winning organization

ments in the social determinants of

unemployed, the Michigan Economic

Amnesty International when the

health holds great promise in diminish-

Development Corporation tapped

President of Costa Rica convened a

ing social disparities in health. Currently,

distinguished political scientist

small group of Nobel Laureates to

Lantz is conducting research on an

Elisabeth Gerber to measure the

discuss a shared vision: “A world where

emerging policy tool—Pay for Success—

outcomes. And when metro Detroit

weapons no longer flowed freely across

which is a public-private partnership

launched efforts to develop a more

borders, fueling conflict and claiming

approach to funding prevention

cohesive and accessible public transit

countless lives.” Together, they discussed

programs. “Most governments don’t

system, the Regional Transit Authority

the devastating impact of irresponsible

have the bandwidth to invest in

board chose Elisabeth Gerber for a

arms transfers and drafted a formal code

prevention efforts right now that

leadership role. At the Ford School,

of conduct, outlining standards for the

will only have a payoff in the future,”

Gerber oversees teams of graduate

ethical transfer of arms across interna-

she says, “but with the Pay for Success

students who complete commissioned

tional borders. For more than a decade,

model, private investors bear the

consulting assignments for policy

Waltz remained dedicated to that vision

risk and are reimbursed only if the

organizations while helping local

as an expert in human rights law and as

interventions they finance are

and regional leaders better serve

a vocal advocate for the ethical transfer

demonstrated to provide value to

their citizens.

of arms. In 2013, the United Nations

the public sector.”

approved the Small Arms Trade Treaty Waltz helped map, making the world a safer place for the citizens of conflictridden countries. la n t z

Wal t z



Consider the

The Ford School at Michigan

Whether you see yourself managing refugee programs at the United Nations or leading the City of Detroit’s riverfront redevelopment efforts, the Ford School should be your first stop. The policy interests of Ford School students and alumni are diverse— they’re local and global, corporate and notfor-profit, educational and economic. What will you do with your Ford School degree?


The Ford School at Michigan

From here to there, and points between


ord School alumni are managing multi-million dollar support programs for farmers in Afghanistan. They’re crafting market regulations at the Federal Reserve Bank. They’re directing successful political campaigns.

They’re improving health policy in East Africa. And they’re leading national land and water conservation efforts for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So, whether your policy interests lie in Detroit—described by some as one of the great urban renewal opportunities in the world—in Beijing, or some point between, at the Ford School you’ll gain the real-world policy experience and the professional skills needed to make an immediate impact. R esearch Centers The Ford School is home to a growing number of active research centers. Here are just a few of them—each of which helps students engage in policy issues close to home and farther afield: The Center for Local, State, and

helps nonprofit and government

Urban Policy (CLOSUP) provides

agencies that serve Michigan youth

local government leaders with

answer questions about the clients

trusted, nonpartisan research that

they serve, the problems they

helps them discover and adopt

address, and the effectiveness

innovative policy solutions.

of their programs.

The Education Policy Initiative

The Poverty Solutions Initiative—

(EPI) engages in rigorous, applied

a University center housed at

policy research designed to reduce

the Ford School—tests strategies

educational disparities and improve

designed to change the trajectory of

student success.

poverty in a meaningful and lasting

The International Policy Center (IPC) fosters interdisciplinary faculty Associate Professor John Ciorciari,

research, informs policymakers and

Director, International Policy Center

the press, and engages policy stu-

action-based research partnerships with communities, policymakers, and stakeholders.

dents through study trips abroad,

The Center on Finance, Law,

an international speaker series,

and Policy works on a broad range

internships, and other activities.

of research projects focused on

The Youth Policy Lab, a partnership with the Institute for Social Research,


way by focusing on collaborative,

creating a financial system that is safer, fairer, and better harnessed to the real economy.

S ummer i n t er n ships The required internship between the first and second year of study allows our students to explore their policy interests. We have established internship partnerships with CARE; Human Rights First; the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO); the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation; the Center for Community Progress; and many other local, state, and national organizations.

Internships by Location ● Washington, DC 29% ● New York 5% ● Michigan 23% ● Illinois 7% ● California 7% ● Other U.S. 9% ● International 20%

Many of our students gain practical international experience through their required summer internship. Around 20 percent intern outside of the U.S. each year in organizations such as the World Trade Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, the World Bank, and Innovations

Internships by Sector ● Federal Government 17% ● State Government 7% ● Local Government 9%

for Poverty Action; another 20 percent intern with U.S.based organizations that deal with international issues.

● International Orgs 6% ● NFP/NGO 49% ● Private Sector 8% ● Consulting 4%

Five-year average (2012–2016)


detroit, Michigan

Lansing, Michi gan

New York, new york

Stephanie Chang (MPP/MSW ‘14) Michigan State Representative

Brandy Johnson (MPP ’09) Executive Director, Michigan College Access Network

Dudley Benoit (PPIA, MPP ’95) Director of Community Development Investments, Santander Bank, N.A.

Where in the World? Ford School graduates obtain skills that allow them to pursue their passions, whether close to home or far afield. Our alumni work all across the globe, addressing policy challenges in education, urban revitalization, economic development, foreign affairs, human rights, and many other fields.

 Visit


Long Beach, California

Washington, DC

Santiago, Chile

Eric Lopez (PPIA, MPP ’06) Tidelands Capital Improvement Program Officer, City of Long Beach

Farouk Ophaso (PPIA, MPP ’06) Minority Staff Budget Review Professional, U.S. House Committee on the Budget

Salvador Maturana Rogers (MPP ’12) Advisor, Office of the President

New Delhi, India

Andreas Hatzigeorgiou (MPP ’08) Chief Economist, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

Steven Corliss (MPP/JD ’88) Director of Programme Support and Evaluation, United Nations Refugee Agency

Tannistha Datta (MPP ’09) Child Protection Specialist, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Lilongwe, Malawi

Kabul, Afghanis tan


Carly Farver (MPP ’14) Research Manager/Country Representative, Innovations for Poverty Action

Ahmad Javid Ahmadi (MPA ’12) Team Leader, UKAID

Michael Chapnick (MPA ’00) Director of Communications and Public Affairs, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat


christophe_cerisier, Singapore: prangthip_K, India: hadynyah, Switzerland: richochet64, Malawi: alexerich, Chile: tifonimages

Geneva, Switzerland

Photos: Detroit, Lansing, New York, washington, DC: Mike savitski. other photos istock: stockholm: scanrall, Afghanistan:

Stockholm, Sweden

Interns: home and abroad The Ford School at Michigan

Tarlie Townse nd (MPP ’1 8 ) Internship :

United Nations Population Fund, Vietnam


s an intern with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Vietnam, Tarlie Townsend developed a proposal for a series of new programs designed to mitigate the social impacts of climate change. “UNFPA Vietnam has never worked on climate change issues, and yet climate change—already taking a toll on Vietnam’s Mekong Delta and long coastline—will heavily impact the vulnerable populations the agency serves,” she says.



rian Garcia came to the Ford School after serving as a community development team leader for the U.S. Armed Forces. In that role he planned community and economic development projects in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. He was awarded the David Bohnett Foundation Leadership and Public Service Fellowship in 2013. Each year, the fellowship is given to three incoming graduate students, providing two years’ of in-state tuition support and a funded internship in the City of Detroit mayor’s office or the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation.

Bria n Garcia (M PP / MBA ’ 16) Internship:

Office of the Mayor Detroit, Michigan 23

A world-class

The Ford School at Michigan

university The Ford School is a top-ranked policy school located within one of the world’s premier research universities—in one of America’s best college towns. Ford School students have ready access to the intellectual, cultural, and social resources of the University of Michigan. And when they graduate, they join the largest living alumni body in the world.

The Ford School at Michigan

Go Blue


university ranked among the best in the

A cademic reso urces

world. A city ranked among America’s best

The University of Michigan is home to nineteen graduate schools and colleges;

college towns. A diverse, dynamic, and friendly

250 degree programs; 6,700 faculty members;

community to call your own. 1,400 student clubs and

and dozens of world-class academic depart-

organizations, bringing vitality and energy to campus.

ments. Remarkably low barriers between

And the University of Michigan’s 547,000 living alumni,

for courses in any department, accessing

schools make it easy for students to register the full range of the University of Michigan’s

transforming communities across the globe.

intellectual, cultural, and social resources.

A leader in di versity , eq uity, and inclusio n In 2016, the University of Michigan launched a five-year strategic plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion. This collective vision for change was created through a campus-wide, grassroots process, and it was based on the conviction that excellence is not possible without diversity in the broadest sense of the word. The goal? An inclusive campus in which every individual has the opportunity to be heard, to contribute, and to excel. The University’s strategic plan serves as an umbrella over 49 unit plans—from all 19 schools and colleges, administrative units, student life, athletics and the health system. The Ford School developed and launched its own five-year plan with tremendous enthusiasm and with pride in the school’s longstanding strength in this area. The strategic priority


Photo: Michigan Photography

areas of the Ford School’s plan include promoting an equitable and inclusive environment, and further diversifying who we are, what and how we teach, and our research and policy engagement activities.

5 4 14 #



Best Values in Public Colleges Kiplinger’s 2017

Top Public School U.S. News & World Report

University by Worldwide Reputation Times Higher Ed. 2016 Research centers In addition to the vibrant research centers housed at the Ford School, students have access to the faculty, events, and courses hosted by hundreds of University of Michigan

Dual-de grees About 30 percent of Ford School master’s students pursue dual-degrees while on campus, including fourteen formal dual-degree programs with business, law, public health, and area studies, as well as dozens of individualized dual-degrees with social work, urban planning,

research centers including the Institute for Social Research, the nation’s longest-standing laboratory for interdisciplinary research in the social sciences; the Center for the Study of Complex Systems; the William Davidson Institute; the Erb Institute for Sustainability, and many more.

environment and sustainability, and more. Not sure whether a dual degree is in your future? No need to decide before coming to Michigan; our students can apply to other schools after enrollment at the Ford School. The application process is straightforward and our academic advisors are here to help.


The Ford School at Michigan

Cer t ifica t es

I nterdiscipli nar y studies

The U-M hosts a wide variety of non-degree certificate

For those students who choose not to pursue

programs that allow students to specialize in an

a dual-degree or certificate, fully one-quarter

area of interest without pursuing a full dual degree.

of Ford School credits can be taken outside

Ford School students may be interested in certificates

of the school.

in regional studies; science, technology, and public policy (an innovative STPP program is housed at the Ford School); survey methodology, complex systems, spatial analysis, and more.

2 6


Best Colleges overall, #1 in public universities and colleges Money Magazine, 2016


Best Colleges and Universities for LGBTQ Folks College Choice, 2017


Graduate Programs in the Top 10


U.S. News & World Report, 2016

Akan Arabic Armenian Bambara Hebrew Hindi Indonesian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Sanskrit Swahili Swedish Thai Tibetan Turkish Ukranian Urdu Uzbek Wolof Yiddish Zulu

Gl o bal Michigan African Studies Center, Center for European Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies . . . . The University of Michigan hosts seventeen area studies centers and programs, which provide classes, research opportunities, and events focused on specific regions of the world.

More than 65 languages are taught at the University of Michigan, including an impressive array of less-commonly taught languages; full-time Ford School students can take undergraduate language classes without charge. 29

Join a powerful

The Ford School at Michigan

From the day you set foot on campus, you’re part of a great community— close-knit, engaged, and active while in school, and well-connected, involved, and committed long after graduation.


The Ford School at Michigan

Students who choose the Ford School are passionately interested in public affairs.

They want to help shape the public decisions that affect their neighborhoods, their countries, and people around the globe.

Student life Our student body is diverse across a broad spectrum

2017 MPP/MPA Class Profile

of dimensions. On average, 25 percent of our graduate student body comes from abroad and 30 percent of our domestic students come from groups historically underrepresented in policymaking. Student-led organizations are an integral part of Ford School community life. Groups like the International Policy Students Association, Out in Public, Students of Color in Public Policy, and the Charity Auction Committee join students with shared interests, lead school-wide public service initiatives, host speakers, and provide numerous opportunities for students to act, serve, and lead.


110 27 21-38 18% 28% 56% 44% 4.1 14

Incoming class size Average age Age range Non-U.S. Students of color (U.S. only) Female Male Years of work experience Countries of origin

Ann A rbor Ann Arbor is nationally ranked as one

Downtown, you’ll find museums, restau-

Ann Arbor is within an hour

of the most livable communities in the

rants, music venues and independent

United States. Energetic and intellectual,

bookstores, as well as record stores, comic

drive of Detroit and less than

attracting students from all over the

shops and movie theaters. Just beyond

country and the world, the city features

downtown, students find recreation

outdoor concert series, farmer’s markets,

options on the beautiful Huron River,

and schools that have won national

along with dozens of miles of running

recognition for their excellence.

trails in the Nichols Arboretum and in

five hours from Chicago and Toronto. New York City, Boston, and Washington D.C. are ninety minutes away by plane.

the city’s enormous park system.


The Ford School at Michigan

Well-connected and engaged


s a graduate of the Ford School—the nation’s first public administration graduate program and one of its most prominent—you’ll join a powerful and growing network of alumni engaged in public service

and leadership positions around the world.

Ford School alumni are deeply involved with the school as volunteers, helping current students define their career interests and build their professional networks.


Knowing that Ford School alumni are some of the best resources available to students for real world career information, leads, internship and jobs mentoring advice, our well-resourced Office of Graduate Career Services and Alumni Relations coordinates dozens of professional development activities each year: • Our Alumni in Residence program brings

• We organize annual career exploration trips to

accomplished alumni back to campus to

DC and Detroit, where alumni host panels at their

spend a day holding office hours and

workplaces to offer career context and advice.

supporting students through resume reviews, mock interviews, and career conversations.

• There are also a number of opportunities for students to network with alumni in more social settings, too. On Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day, alums and students gather in cities around the globe.


The Ford School at Michigan

Which advanced degree should you pursue? The MPP program prepares graduates for professional careers in policy advocacy and public affairs, program implementation, analysis and research, and evaluation in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. The MPA degree is a one-year degree designed to enhance the analytic abilities and management skills of experienced professionals who have at least five years of work experience. Our highly competitive PhD program prepares graduates for careers as faculty members in a social science department or professional school or senior research analysts in think tanks, government or intergovernmental agencies. More at www.

A dmissio ns o vervie w The Ford School seeks MPP/MPA applicants from a diversity of academic and professional backgrounds. We emphasize the applicant’s academic performance as an undergraduate, demonstrated commitment to public policy, potential for graduate studies, statement of purpose, relevant work experience, range of courses taken, and faculty and employer evaluations.

Speak w ith us We welcome your questions. Please find us at a graduate fair, come to Ann Arbor for a graduate information session, call, or write. Details:

A pplicatio n deadlines January 15 for MPP and MPA programs


C o s t (per academic year, based on 2017 figures)

In-state Out-of-state

Tuition and fees



Housing and food



Books and supplies



Personal and miscellaneous



Total cost



Fellowships a n d fi n a n cial aid The Ford School offers financial assistance through merit-based fellowships. These fellowships—available to both domestic and international applicants—are awarded with admission. In previous years, about 60 percent of each entering class received some level of fellowship support. In addition, Ford School students have been successful seeking university fellowships, graduate student instructor (GSI) positions (teaching assistantships), and graduate student research assistantships. Dozens of our students receive Ford School GSI positions each year. (University of Michigan GSI packages are very generous, including not only tuition, but also a living stipend and health insurance coverage.) The University of Michigan also provides need-based financial support in the form of subsidized loans and work-study funding. You are welcome to contact a Ford School advisor for more information.

We have a lot to talk about. Please join the conversation! @fordschool


The Ford School at Michigan

“There may be no greater honor than to have a school bear your name. Such recognition means all the more when it comes from an institution that you love, and when it is dedicated—not B I LA L BA YD OUN (BA ‘12, MPP ‘17) earned the school’s first Gerald R. Ford Presidential Fellowship—a full graduate

to me personally—but to the cause of

fellowship offered to the most exceptional Ford School applicants.

public service to which I have devoted

Baydoun is a first-generation college student from a working-

most of my life.”

class family in Dearborn, Michigan. At the Ford School, Baydoun focused on social policy, with an emphasis on inequality and barriers to upward mobility. His long-term career goal: “To use policy as a tool to make it easier for people to navigate [social, economic, and political] barriers,” he says, “so that everyone has an opportunity to succeed.”

Gerald R. F o rd 1913–2006 On the occasion of the dedication of Joan and Sanford Weill Hall, October 13, 2006 38th President of the United States; AB ’35 and HLLD ’74, University of Michigan

C ontac t i n f o Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan Joan and Sanford Weill Hall 735 South State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091 734 764 3490 734 763 9181 fax

Student and Academic Services: 734-764-0453 Graduate Career Services: 734-615-9557 Development: 734-615-3892 Alumni Relations: 734-615-5760 Communications and Outreach: 734-615-9691

Regents of the University of Michigan Michael J. Behm, Grand Blanc Mark J. Bernstein, Ann Arbor Shauna Ryder Diggs, Grosse Pointe Denise Ilitch, Bingham Farms Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor Andrew C. Richner, Grosse Pointe Park Ron Weiser, Ann Arbor Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor Mark S. Schlissel (ex officio) © 2017 The Regents of the University of Michigan A Non-discriminatory, Affirmative Action Employer

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