The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

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The Ford School at Michigan

“UN reports sharp increase in refugees as civil wars cripple nations” The New York Times, June 20, 2014

 Alum announces new UN Refugee Agency strategy for fuel, energy

“Detroit files largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history” The Washington Post, July 18, 2013

 Bohnett Public Service Fellows fill vital role in City of Detroit Mayor’s Office


reventable illnesses take the lives of

But while the problems we face are daunting, the

far too many. Unemployment rates

Ford School is an ideal place to engage with them.

remain unreasonably high in struggling

Ours is a small, dynamic community—a community

communities. Schools fail our nation’s most vul-

passionate about resolving our world’s toughest

nerable children. The list of problems is long; the

challenges, and taking advantage of our most

problems themselves are urgent and complex.

promising opportunities.

“Safety effort in Bangladesh falling short” International Herald Tribune, July 3, 2013

 Student influential in U-M decision to support Bangladesh factory safety accord

“Debt crisis crushes college dream” Boston Globe, June 20, 2014

 Senators promote bipartisan student loan legislation, Dynarski’s “answer on a postcard”




or master’s students who are eager to lead—eager to find solutions—the Ford School offers a rigorous, interdisciplinary, applied professional education.

We are America’s first graduate public service training

program—excited to be embarking on our second century. And we’re among its most prominent—respected for the excellence of our faculty, our grounding in social science research and quantitative analysis, the real-world policy issues woven throughout our curriculum, and the careers of leadership and impact forged by our alumni. Situated at one of America’s great public universities but with just around 110 master’s students matriculating each year, the Ford School is large enough to satisfy diverse intellectual and political interests, but small enough to offer a warm, collegial educational community. Our faculty make game-changing discoveries, and contribute actionable solutions. Our alumni network is active, impressive, and growing. And through engagement in student organizations, internships, applied policy courses, and other activities, our students have an opportunity to make a real and lasting difference in the world. In 1999 we took the name of the University of Michigan’s favorite son, U.S. President Gerald R. Ford. We’re proud to keep alive his legacy of integrity and service. I welcome your interest in the Ford School.

Sus a n M . C o l l in s Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy Board Member, Detroit Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; President, Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA); Nonresident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution; Senior Staff Economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisers (1989–90).


Prepared to and lead

The Ford School at Michigan

Students who choose the Ford School are active and engaged, creative and passionate. They’re interested in big-picture solutions to complex challenges in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.

act, serve,

The Ford School at Michigan

Rigor: our curriculum


ur master’s curriculum emphasizes research, analytic, and management skills that are highly transferable across sectors, issue areas, and geographical regions—all offered with an applied approach to policy training, providing hands-on learning around real-world problems. Students move as a cohort through a carefully sequenced set of core courses, acquiring foundational skills including significant quantitative training in data analysis and program evaluation. Students then have tremendous flexibility in choosing from advanced courses in social policy, international trade, education, national security, human rights, politics, and more.





One-year, mid-career

Two-year master’s of

Dual-master’s with other U-M schools

master’s of public ad-

public policy degree

and departments including law, business, and education

ministration degree


Core credits



Varies, based on program

Elective credits



Varies, based on program

Total credits



Varies, based on program


Not required

Required, between

Required, summer following first year

1st and 2nd years

of MPP core coursework

Core MPP courses* Politics of Public Policy (PubPol 510) Univ er s i t y o f M ic h ig a n e l e c tiv e s Low administrative barriers between schools and units give students the flexibility to combine their policy courses with electives offered by the University of Michigan’s outstanding professional schools— including law, business, education and urban planning—and top-ranked social science departments.

For d Sc ho ol el e c tiv e s Ford School electives vary from year to year, but include courses like the history and future of Detroit, the economics of developing countries, sustainable energy systems, thinking about crime, poverty and inequality, international peacebuilding, the economics of education, and more.

Calculus (PubPol 513) Statistics (PubPol 529) Microeconomics A (PubPol 555) and Microeconomics B (PubPol 558) Values, Ethics, and Public Policy (PubPol 580) Public Management (PubPol 587) Quantitative Methods of Program Evaluation (PubPol 639) or Applied Econometrics (PubPol 571) 10-week Summer Internship Integrated Policy Exercise (PubPol 638) * Students with sufficient knowledge may place out of calculus, statistics, or microeconomics A based on orientation test results.


The Ford School at Michigan

Relevance: an applied approach


he Ford School emphasizes an applied approach to policy education, providing students with a wide range of opportunities to use what they’ve learned in the classroom through hands-on, practical policy experiences.

At w o rk i n th e w o rld A required policy-relevant summer internship allows MPP students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to a significant problem in their policy area of interest. With support from the school’s wellresourced Graduate Career Services and Alumni Relations Office, students secure internships with an impressive range of domestic and international employers. Because we recognize that many of the best internship opportunities are unpaid or require costly travel, the Ford School offers Established and fully-funded partnerships give Ford School students direct access to highly selective internships in key organizations. Our 2014 internship partnerships included the United Nations Refugee Agency in Geneva, Switzerland; the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC; the National Association of State Legislatures in Denver, Colorado; and many more.


generous summer internship stipends to students who need them.

Enga ged l ea rni ng Other for-credit opportunities to actively engage with real-world policy issues include an annual China study trip and the International Economic Development Program (IEDP). The IEDP allows students to study

Real wor l d c o n s u l tin g The Ford School’s applied policy seminar is a three-credit course, offered each semester, that gives students an opportunity to complete a commissioned policy project for a public sector client under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Teams of three to six students work with the client to develop a project work plan, collect relevant materials and information, conduct research and analysis, prepare a written report, and present findings and recommendations.

the policy challenges faced by a particular developing economy, and then take a study trip there to meet with policymakers, members of civil society, foreign development agencies, and university students. Since 2000, the International Economic Development Program has offered students opportunities to learn about development issues relevant to emerging economies. Recent destinations have included the Philippines (2010), Grenada (2011), Colombia (2012), Cape Verde (2013), Myanmar (2014), and Brazil (2015).

For Andrew Schroeder (MPP ’07) of Direct Relief—a nonprofit that provides medical assistance to communities impacted by poverty, natural disasters, and civil unrest—Ford School students organized large-scale public health datasets from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and conducted population modeling and data analysis to predict variation in key health indicators at the local level.


The Ford School at Michigan

Prepared to make an immediate impact The Ford School environment and curriculum give students the professional capabilities needed for a successful policy career: • Analytic skills: The Ford School is a nationally rec-

diversity—in race and ethnicity, in political view-

ognized leader in quantitative analysis. In addition,

points, in life experiences, in professional interests,

a core class teaches strategies for understanding

in socioeconomic status, and more. Faculty foster

and dealing effectively within complex political orga-

a collaborative spirit among students, emphasizing

nizations. Another core course explores the ethical

team-based projects and challenging students to

dimensions of policy analysis and management.

examine, share, and articulate their views. The goal:

• Communication: Writing and communication skills are an essential component of a public policy educa-

graduates who are equipped to lead in an increasingly diverse world.

tion. The Ford School provides a well-staffed writing

• Leadership and management: A core class focuses

center that offers one-on-one tutorials and policy-

on the management and negotiation skills needed

writing modules designed to help students articulate

for effective public sector leadership. Students play

public policy knowledge in writing that is accurate,

an active role in the school, leading student organiza-

logical, and concise. Presentation and oral communi-

tions, serving on school-wide committees, reaching

cation skills are woven into our curriculum.

out to prospective students, and organizing public

• Collaboration, teamwork, diversity: In a world

service activities like our annual charity auction.

often stymied by partisanship and gridlock, the Ford School emphasizes collaboration and civil, reasoned debate. Students at the Ford School represent great


fter 35 years in public service, I consider career-related mentoring and advising of students to be one of the most

important benefits I bring to the Ford School…and I spend many hours doing this in class, in office hours, and in my work with Graduate Career Services.” Ambassador Melvyn Levitsky (retired), Professor of International Policy and Practice



s a student I interned with the Gates Foundation, thanks to incredible support from Graduate Career Services. From preparing

my resume to aligning the internship with my career goals, the staff worked side by side with me. Now, I’m part of an alumni community that is committed to staying engaged with current students.” Annie Maxwell (MPP ’02), President, Skoll Global Threats Fund

Information. Connections. Strategy. Support.

Gr ad ua t e Ca r eer S e r v ic e s

Our dedicated Graduate Career Services team understands the Ford School difference, helping students market their skills and land their dream jobs. They’re joined by our

faculty and our engaged alumni base, all collaborating to

prepare, support, and launch students toward successful, high-impact careers.

Resume and cover letter reviews, professional development grants, networking training, information sessions with recruiters, career conversations with successful alumni, mock interviews, career exploration trips,

alumni-in-residence programs, internship partnerships,

active outreach and partnership with the top employers in the field: the list of services goes on.


Prominent, acc Shobita Parthasarathy, Associate Professor of Public Policy

The Ford School at Michigan

Poverty and economic development. Health and human security. Energy and the environment. Alongside their critical work as teachers and mentors, Ford School faculty members are nationally and internationally recognized experts in vitally important policy areas. They are deeply committed to strengthening the connections between rigorous academic research, real-world policy issues, and the student experience.

essible faculty

The Ford School at Michigan

Our faculty


ur faculty’s broad and interdisciplinary research interests are demonstrated by the wide range of units with which they hold joint appointments— including economics, political science, sociology, history, math, business,

social work, education, natural resources, information, and urban planning.

Access i bl e a n d e n g a g e d

Anmol Chadda,

While our faculty members are

Assistant Professor

world-class scholars, they are also

of Public Policy

enthusiastic teachers and mentors who prize the school’s close-knit, nurturing community. Our studentfaculty ratio is 8:1, and our faculty actively participate in student-organized events and activities like our annual charity auction.

Di sti ncti o n While the Ford School is a small school within the much larger University of Michigan, our faculty hold a disproportionate number of awards and honors. Two of our faculty members hold the highest appointment at the University of Michigan, that of Distinguished University Professor. Thirteen of our faculty members hold named professorships. Others have been recognized for outstanding mentor-


ing, distinguished research, and exceptional teaching. P o l i cy Ta l ks @ th e F o rd Sch o o l The Ford School makes Ann Arbor a destination for distinguished policymakers from around the world. These leaders give public lectures and meet with small groups of students to discuss substantive policy issues or offer career advice. Dozens of speakers visit the school each year, including 2014 speakers like (clockwise, from upper left) Paul Rusesabagina, the hotel manager who inspired Hotel Rwanda; U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME); U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI); and Carrie Hessler-Radelet, director of the U.S. Peace Corps.

Game- c ha n gi n g re s e a r c h , catal y s t s f o r c h a n g e

To w sl ey F o u nda ti o n P o l i cy ma ker i n Resi dence P ro gra m

Our faculty members make transformational discoveries—

The Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence

identifying new methods for fostering cooperation in the

Program brings individuals with significant

midst of intractable conflicts, slowing the spread of life-threat-

national and international policymaking

ening diseases, and designing low-cost methods to reduce

experience to campus to interact with

poverty in developing nations. And they’re deeply engaged

students and faculty. Policymakers in

in the world of practice. They include senior government

Residence teach graduate-level courses

advisors, current and former members of the Council of

ranging in length from six weeks to a

Economic Advisers, a U-M provost, the chief medical officer

full semester, deliver public lectures,

for the State of Michigan, and more.

and advise and mentor students on projects, papers, and career plans.

Ambassador Richard Boucher

State D ep a r t m en t D ip l o m a t in R e s id e nce The U-M is one of a very small group of U.S. colleges selected by the State Department to host a Diplomat in Residence (DIR)—a foreign service officer who spends one to two years on site, here at the Ford School. These career diplomats work individually with students, connecting them with professional opportunities available in the foreign service.

The U.S. Department of State: • Is the Ford School’s #1 summer internship employer • Currently employs more Ford School alumni than any other federal agency 13

The Ford School at Michigan

Faculty focus Mi c r of i na n c e to o l s

Acc e ss to edu ca ti o n

Mi ch i ga n’ s to p do ctor

To test the impact of microfinance

Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN)

Dr. Matt Davis is not your typical

innovations, Dean Yang employs

and Michael Bennet (D-CO) recently

physician. Sure, he attended medical

what some are calling today’s gold

proposed bipartisan legislation to

school and completed a residency,

standard in economic research—

dramatically simplify the college

just like his peers. But Davis also

randomized controlled trials (RCT)

financial aid form, announcing their

earned a master’s degree in public

that are very similar in design to the

proposal in their New York Times

policy. Now, he’s serving as chief

clinical trials used in medicine. RCTs

op-ed, “An Answer on a Postcard.”

medical executive for the state of

require substantially more funding

The senators heavily cite

Michigan—working with the Michigan

and up-front work than the traditional

Susan Dynarski’s research and policy

legislature to address one of the

econometric evaluations conducted

recommendations; Dynarski first

Affordable Care Act’s larger goals,

by most development economists,

introduced the idea of a two-question

eliminating socioeconomic health

but they make it possible to clearly

financial aid application in 2007.

disparities. Public policy engagement

and precisely identify the impact of

In addition to her work on FAFSA sim-

is vitally important to Ford School

a microfinance innovation that could

plification, Dynarski is active on many

faculty members like Davis, whose

be offered more broadly, and convey

policy issues designed to enhance

teaching and research are enhanced

that data to policymakers and practi-

educational equity and opportunity

through their experiences with

tioners who can act on it.

in the U.S. and abroad.

policymakers and practitioners.





Foster i n g c oop e r a tio n

L a s tin g , l o ca l ch a nge

A po w erfu l pu bl i c service

In 1984, when Robert Axelrod published

When the Governor of Michigan

Scholarly CVs are long, there’s no

The Evolution of Cooperation, The Wall

invested $10 million to create 1,000

denying it, so it’s not surprising that

Street Journal wrote “copies should be

sustainable jobs for the long-term

Paul N. Courant’s CV stretches a good

marked ‘urgent’ and sent to our strategic

unemployed, the Michigan Economic

twelve feet from end to end. What is

arms negotiators, to all businessmen,

Development Corporation tapped

surprising is that what is likely to be

to all lawyers and to anyone who has

distinguished political scientist

Courant’s single greatest contribution

to deal with anyone else—which is

Elisabeth Gerber to measure the

to scholarship isn’t mentioned in his CV

everyone.” Axelrod was recognized with

outcomes. And when metro Detroit

at all: development of the largest digital

a MacArthur Prize Fellowship and was

launched efforts to develop a more

library in the world, the HathiTrust.

inducted into the National Academy of

cohesive and accessible public transit

Thirty-five percent of the 11.4 million

Sciences (the youngest political scientist

system, the Regional Transit Author-

volumes in the HathiTrust are in the

ever to receive that honor). Thirty years

ity board chose Elisabeth Gerber for

public domain—accessible to anyone

later, Axelrod’s work has been honored

a leadership role. At the Ford School,

with an internet connection, anywhere

with the Skytte Prize and The Evolution

Gerber oversees teams of graduate

in the world. Each weekday, some

of Cooperation has been translated

students who complete commissioned

50,000 users access the library’s

into twelve languages and cited tens

consulting assignments for policy

collections, free of charge.

of thousands of times; it continues to


influence policymakers, diplomats, and scholars all around the world.





Consider the

The Ford School at Michigan

Whether you see yourself managing refugee programs at the United Nations or leading the City of Detroit’s riverfront redevelopment efforts, the Ford School should be your first stop. The policy interests of Ford School students and alumni are diverse— they’re local and global, corporate and notfor-profit, educational and economic. What will you do with your Ford School degree?


The Ford School at Michigan

From here to there, and points between


ord School alumni are managing multi-million dollar support programs for farmers in Afghanistan. They’re crafting market regulations at the Federal Reserve Bank. They’re directing successful gubernatorial political campaigns.

They’re improving health policy in East Africa. And they’re leading national land and water conservation efforts for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So, whether your policy interests lie in Detroit—described by some as one of the great urban renewal testing grounds in the world—in Beijing, or some point between, at the Ford School you’ll gain the real-world policy experience and the professional skills needed to make an immediate impact.

Resea rch Centers The Ford School is home to a growing number of active research centers. Here are just three of them—each of which helps students engage in policy issues close to home and farther afield: Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP): CLOSUP provides local government leaders with trusted, nonpartisan research that helps them discover and adopt innovative policy solutions. Each year, the center engages hundreds of policy students in its work through events, work-study employment, and internships. Education Policy Initiative (EPI): The central mission of the initiative is to engage in applied education policy research. The initiative brings together nationally-recognized education policy scholars to generate and disseminate policy-relevant education research. In 2014, the EPI sponsored four summer internships for our MPP students with the Michigan Department of Education. International Policy Center (IPC): The IPC fosters interdisciplinary faculty research in international affairs, informs policymakers and the press, and engages policy students through its international speaker series, policy debate series, international policy courses, international internships, and other activities.


S ummer i n t er n s hi ps The required internship between the first and second year of study allows our students to explore their policy interests. We have established internship partnerships with the Detroit Mayor’s Office; the Michigan Governor’s Office; the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and many other local, state, and national organizations.

Internships by Location

Many of our students gain

● Washington, DC 33%

practical international experience

● New York 5%

through their required summer

● Michigan 18%

internship. Around 25 percent

● Illinois 8%

intern outside of the U.S. each

● California 6%

year in organizations such as the

● Other U.S. 7%

International Organization for

● International 23%

Migration, U.S. State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development, the World Bank,

Internships by Sector

and Innovations for Poverty

● Federal Government 23%

Action; another 20 percent intern

● State Government 5%

with U.S.-based organizations that

● Local Government 7%

deal with international issues.

● Government, non-U.S. 1% ● International Orgs 6% ● NFP/NGO 47% ● Private Sector 11% Five-year average (2010–2014)


Diana Flora (MPP/MUP ’13)

Brandy Johnson (MPP ’09)

Dudley Benoit (MPP ’95)

Detroit Revitalization Fellow Data Driven Detroit Detroit, MI

Executive Director Michigan College Access Network Lansing, MI

Senior Vice President, Commercial Term Lending J.P. Morgan Chase New York, NY

Where in the World? Ford School graduates obtain skills that allow them to pursue their passions, whether close to home or far afield. Our alumni work all across the globe, addressing policy challenges in education, urban revitalization, economic development, foreign affairs, human rights, and many other fields.


Eric Lopez (MPP ’06)

Matthew Johnson (MPP ’10)

Silvana Kostenbaum (MPP/MUP ’04)

Tidelands Capital Improvement Program Officer City of Long Beach Long Beach, CA

Deputy Director, Global Security Contingency Fund U.S. Department of Defense Washington, DC

Public Governance and Economic Development Consultant; InterAmerican Development Bank, World Bank, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Andreas Hatzigeorgiou (MPP ’08)

Walter Braunohler (MPP ’02)

International Trade Economist, Advisor to the Minister for Trade Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stockholm, Sweden

Foreign Service Officer U.S. Department of State Krakow, Poland

Carly Farver (MPP ’14)

Benjamin Reames (MPP ’96)

Senior Project Associate Innovations for Poverty Action Lilongwe, Malawi

Regional Borders Coordinator U.S. Department of State Kabul, Afghanistan

Tannistha Datta (MPP ’09) Child Protection Specialist United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) New Delhi, India

Michael Chapnick (MPA ’00) Director of Communications and Public Affairs Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat, Singapore


Interns: home and abroad The Ford School at Michigan


ith a travel and living stipend from the Ford School’s Neil Staebler endowment, Paula Osborn interned with the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, serving as the active officer on environment, science, technology, and health issues while the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service officer was on leave. The experience, she says, opened her eyes to the issues and hurdles developing countries face and formalized her interest in international policy and the democratization of post-Soviet countries.

P aula Os born (MPP/MREES ’1 5 ) I n t e r ns h i p :

U.S. Embassy Kiev, Ukraine 22


rian Garcia came to the Ford School after serving as a community development team leader for the U.S. Armed Forces. In that role he planned community and economic development projects in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. He was awarded the David Bohnett Foundation Leadership and Public Service Fellowship in 2013. Each year, the fellowship is given to three incoming graduate students, providing two years’ of in-state tuition support and a funded internship in the City of Detroit mayor’s office or the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation.

Brian Garcia (M PP / MBA ’ 16) I n t e r ns h i p :

Office of the Mayor Detroit, Michigan 23

A world-class

The Ford School at Michigan

university The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy is a top-ranked policy school located within one of the world’s premier research universities—in one of America’s best college towns. Ford School students have ready access to the intellectual, cultural, and social resources of the University of Michigan. And when they graduate, they join the largest living alumni body in the world.

The Ford School at Michigan

Go Blue



university ranked among the best in the world. A city ranked among America’s best college towns. A diverse, dynamic, and friendly

Ac a demi c reso u rces The University of Michigan is home to nineteen graduate schools and colleges; 250 degree programs; 6,700 faculty members;

community to call your own. 1,400 student clubs and

and dozens of world-class academic depart-

organizations, bringing vitality and energy to campus.

schools make it easy for students to register

ments. Remarkably low barriers between

And the University of Michigan’s 547,000 living alumni,

for courses in any department, accessing

transforming communities across the globe.

intellectual, cultural, and social resources.

the full range of the University of Michigan’s

6 4 15 #

Best Values in Public Colleges


Top Public School



U.S. News & World Report

University by Worldwide Reputation Times Higher Ed. 2014 Resea rch centers In addition to the vibrant research centers housed at the Ford School, students have access to the faculty, events, and courses hosted by hundreds of University of Michigan research centers including the Institute for

Dual-d egr ees About 30 percent of Ford School master’s students pursue dual-degrees while on campus, including fourteen formal dual-degree programs with business, law, public health, and area studies, as well as dozens of individualized dual-degrees with

Social Research, the nation’s longest-standing laboratory for interdisciplinary research in the social sciences; the Center for the Study of Complex Systems; the William Davidson Institute; the Erb Institute for Sustainability, and many more.

social work, urban planning, natural resources and environment, and more. Not sure whether a dual degree is in your future? No need to decide before coming to Michigan; our students can apply to other schools after enrollment at the Ford School. The application process is straightforward and our academic advisors are here to help.


The Ford School at Michigan

Cer t i f i c a t e s

Interdi sci pl i na ry stu di es

The U-M hosts a wide variety of non-degree certificate

For those students who choose not to pursue

programs that allow students to specialize in an

a dual-degree or certificate, fully one-quarter

area of interest without pursuing a full dual degree.

of Ford School credits can be taken outside

Ford School students may be interested in certificates

of the school.

in regional studies; science, technology, and public policy (an innovative STPP program is housed at the Ford School); survey methodology, complex systems, spatial analysis, and more.

5 12 #

100 Best Value Colleges


LGBTQ-Friendly Campus

Princeton Review, 2014

Huffington Post, 2014


Graduate Programs in the Top 10


U.S. News & World Report

Akan Arabic Armenian Bambara Hebrew Hindi Indonesian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Sanskrit Swahili Swedish Thai Tibetan Turkish Ukranian Urdu Uzbek Wolof Yiddish

Gl o ba l Mi ch i ga n African Studies Center, Center for European Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies . . . . The University of Michigan hosts seventeen area studies centers and programs, which provide classes, research opportunities, and events focused on specific regions of the world.

More than 65 languages are taught at the University of Michigan, including an impressive array of less-commonly taught languages; full-time Ford School students can take undergraduate language classes without charge. 29

Join a powerful

The Ford School at Michigan

From the day you set foot on campus, you’re part of a great community— close-knit, engaged, and active while in school, and well-connected, involved, and committed long after graduation.


The Ford School at Michigan Our student body is diverse across a broad spectrum of dimensions. On average, 25 percent of our graduate student body comes from abroad and 30 percent of our domestic students come from groups historically underrepresented in policymaking.

Student life Students who choose the Ford School are passionately

2014 MPP/MPA Class Profile

interested in public affairs. They want to help shape the public decisions that affect their neighborhoods, their countries, and people around the globe. Student-led organizations are an integral part of Ford School community life. Groups like the Domestic Policy Corps, the International Policy Students Association, and the Charity Auction Committee join students with shared interests, lead school-wide public service initiatives, host speakers, and provide numerous opportunities for students to act, serve, and lead.


110 27 21-41 27% 30% 48% 52% 4.5 14

Incoming class size Average age Age range Non-U.S. Students of color (U.S. only) Female Male Years of work experience Countries of origin

Ann A r bor Ann Arbor is nationally ranked as one

Downtown, you’ll find museums, restau-

Ann Arbor is within an hour

of the most livable communities in the

rants, music venues and independent

United States. Energetic and intellectual,

bookstores, as well as record stores, comic

drive of Detroit and about

attracting students from all over the

shops and movie theaters. Just beyond

country and the world, the city features

downtown, students find recreation

outdoor concert series, farmer’s markets,

options on the beautiful Huron River,

and schools that have won national

along with dozens of miles of running

recognition for their excellence.

trails in the Nichols Arboretum and in

five hours from Chicago and Toronto. New York City, Boston, and Washington D.C. are ninety minutes away by plane.

the city’s enormous park system.


The Ford School at Michigan

Well-connected and engaged


s a graduate of the Ford School—the nation’s first public administration graduate program and one of its most prominent—you’ll join a powerful and growing network of alumni engaged in public service

and leadership positions around the world.

Ford School alumni are deeply involved with the school as volunteers, helping current students define their career interests and build their professional networks.


Knowing that Ford School alumni are some of the best resources available to students for real world career information, leads on internships and jobs, and mentoring advice, our well-resourced Office of Graduate Career Services and Alumni Relations coordinates dozens of professional development activities each year: • Our Alumni in Residence program brings

• Fordies Under 40 serves a similar function, but

accomplished alumni back to campus to spend

is led by student organizations, who invite back

one or two days holding office hours and

alumni based on particular policy areas of interest.

supporting students through resume reviews, mock interviews, and career conversations.

• We organize a number of opportunities for students to network with alumni in more social settings, including annual career exploration trips to DC and Chicago and Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day, where alums host events in cities around the globe.


The Ford School at Michigan

Which advanced degree should you pursue? The MPP program prepares graduates for professional careers in policy advocacy and public affairs, program implementation, analysis and research, and evaluation in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. The MPA degree is a one-year degree designed to enhance the analytic abilities and management skills of experienced professionals who have at least five years of work experience. Our highly competitive PhD program prepares graduates for careers as faculty members in a social science department or professional school or senior research analysts in think tanks, government or intergovernmental agencies. More at www.

Adm i ssi o ns o vervi ew The Ford School seeks MPP/MPA applicants from a diversity of academic and professional backgrounds. We emphasize the applicant’s academic performance as an undergraduate, demonstrated commitment to public policy, potential for graduate studies, statement of purpose, relevant work experience, range of courses taken, and faculty and employer evaluations.

Spea k w i th u s We welcome your questions. Please find us at a graduate fair, come to Ann Arbor for a graduate information session, call, or write. Details:

Appl i ca ti o n dea dl i nes January 15 for MPP and MPA programs


C o s t (per academic year, based on 2016 figures)

In-state Out-of-state

Tuition and fees



Housing and food



Books and supplies



Personal and miscellaneous



Total cost



Fe l l ows hi ps a n d f in a n c ia l a id The Ford School offers financial assistance through merit-based fellowships. These fellowships—available to both domestic and international applicants—are awarded with admission. In previous years, about 60 percent of each entering class received some level of fellowship support. In addition, Ford School students have been successful seeking university fellowships, graduate student instructor (GSI) positions (teaching assistantships), and graduate student research assistantships. Dozens of our students receive Ford School GSI positions each year. (University of Michigan GSI packages are very generous, including not only tuition, but also a living stipend and health insurance coverage.) The University of Michigan also provides need-based financial support in the form of subsidized loans and work-study funding. Please speak with a Ford School advisor for more information.


The Ford School at Michigan

“There may be no greater honor than to have a school bear your name. Such recognition means all the more when it comes from an institution that you love, and when it is dedicated—not to me personally—but to the cause of public service to which I have devoted most of my life.” Geral d R . Fo r d 1913–2006 On the occasion of the dedication of Joan and Sanford Weill Hall, October 13, 2006 38th President of the United States; AB ’35 and HLLD ’74, University of Michigan

C onta c t i n f o Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan Joan and Sanford Weill Hall 735 South State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091 734 764 3490 734 763 9181 fax

Student and Academic Services: 734-764-0453 Graduate Career Services: 734-615-9557 Development: 734-615-3892 Alumni Relations: 734-615-5760 Communications and Outreach: 734-615-9691

Regents of the University of Michigan Michael J. Behm, Grand Blanc Mark J. Bernstein, Ann Arbor Laurence B. Deitch, Bloomfield Hills Shauna Ryder Diggs, Grosse Pointe Denise Ilitch, Bingham Farms Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor Andrew C. Richner, Grosse Pointe Park Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor Mark S. Schlissel (ex officio) © 2016 The Regents of the University of Michigan A Non-discriminatory, Affirmative Action Employer

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