October2013 newsletter

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An important message from Board President Don Bielen

NEWS FROM THE MANAGER Monthly update from the General Manager’s Desk

EVENT RECAP Highlights and photos from our International Festival

pinnacle press Monthly Newsletter for the Residents of the Forest Heights Homeowners Association


fall photo contest page 2

Forest Heights Homeowners Association 2033 NW Miller Road Portland, Oregon 97229 Phone: 503.297.9400 Fax: 503.297.9408 Office Hours: Monday—Friday Photo Credit: George Wu

9:00 am—5:00 pm Email: contactus@fhhoa.com

fall colors

Vision Statement To create and foster excellence in community, environment and quality of life. Board of Directors | 2012-2013 Don Bielen—President Stuart Roberts—Secretary Greg Maletic Heather Gaitan Kyle Abraham Pamela Morris Jamie O’Halloren

Association Staff Jennifer Callaghan—General Manager email: jcallaghan@fhhoa.com Judith Souers—Office Administrator email: jsouers@fhhoa.com Kimberly Monaco—Marketing, Communications & Event Coordinator email: kmonaco@fhhoa.com Wes Hansen—Compliance Coordinator email: compliance@fhhoa.com Richard Metzger—Maintenance Supervisor


forest heights fall photo contest


s the warmth of summer fades and the first hints of autumn begin to emerge, the scenery in Forest Heights undergoes a dramatic transformation. Our once green foliage becomes combination of vibrant yellow, orange and red and the neighborhood takes on an entirely new persona. To help celebrate this colorful time of year, the homeowners association announces our second Annual Forest Heights Fall Photo contest. How it works: Submit your best photo of the Forest Heights fall landscape to the HOA by midnight, October 28th.

Heights newsletter, and all entries will be published on the association’s website. To enter the contest, simply visit www.fhhoa.com and click the Forest Heights Fall Photo Contest link. Fill out the online form and upload your photo. All photos should be 300 dpi and scaled to 550 x 400 pixels. If your photo is chosen as our winning photo, we will contact you via email. All ages can enter the contest, but please make certain that the photo you submit is your own, and be sure to tell us where in Forest Heights you found your inspiration. Questions? Send them to kmonaco@fhhoa.com.

Each contestant will be entered for the chance to have their photograph published on the front page of the November issue of the Forest

Juan Guerrero—Maintenance Team Cover Photo Credit: George Wu, Forest Heights resident and winner of last year’s fall photo contest 3

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Please join us for our Annual Halloween Party at the Village Center Calling all Forest Heights goblins and ghosties! Please join us for our annual Halloween Party at the Village Center where we will be hosting another great party for Forest Heights families, complete with our favorite DJ and his pal Frankenstein. Village Center merchants will be hosting a variety of events including: a photo booth, raffles, games, crafts, mazes, trick or treating and much, much more. Information about this year’s event will be posted on our website as soon as we wrap up our party plans, so be sure to check us out at: www.fhhoa.com.

Halloween at the Village Center Date: Thursday, October 31st Time: 5:30 to 7:30 pm Location: Village Center Special thanks to the owners of the Forest Heights Village Center for their generous sponsorship of this annual event

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PRESERVING AND PROTE CTING OUR COMMUNITY’S PROPERTY Let’s work together to uphold our community values


ince our founding in 1989, Forest Heights has grown into essentially a small “town”. Our small town has approximately 5,000 residents, 601 acres, a business center, parks, a transportation system and centralized governance. Believe it or not, we are larger than 64% of the towns and cities in the state of Oregon. Forest Heights has become one of the most sought after neighborhoods in the Portland region with its beautiful homes, trail system, lush landscaping, and centralized location. However, like Bill Gates once said, “With great wealth comes great responsibility”. Therefore, as residents, we have the responsibility to preserve and protect the “wealth” of our community.

signs, damaged bridges and trails and torn up areas in our parks all of which consume thousands of dollars of our valuable resources. According to security and police reports, area youth have been identified as the primary culprits of the vandalism. Early this summer management modified our security services to target the higher frequency areas such as Mill Pond Park and the business center and have become noticeably more visible. Unfortunately, the security personnel have shared that area youth have at times been quite disrespectful and outright racist. This type of behavior is not only disheartening but is inconsistent with our Forest Heights values of integrity, accountability and respect.

With any small town there are always a few “bad apples” and unfortunately we are no exception. The good news is that on average the crime rate in Forest Heights is 31% lower than the national average and 42% below average for the state of Oregon. To protect our stellar reputation and property, we will spend over $22,000 (2% of the annual budget) on security services in 2014. This is a small amount relative to other communities of similar size, but is still meaningful.

As one who cares deeply about the reputation and resources in our community, I believe the first step is to increase the awareness of these issues with the residents in order to promote a grass roots effort to address the problems. Security services can only do so much and are limited by their ability to monitor and enforce the rules. As community members, we can proactively prevent these types of destructive behaviors and mitigate the underlying root cause with our youth. To quote an old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”, therefore, I believe we can do more to monitor and mentor the youth in our community. We can be increasingly more cognizant of the activities in our respective

The security services have been effective in reducing the severity and frequency of vandalism and criminal conduct in our neighborhood. However, over the past year, vandals have defaced and destroyed multiple

neighborhoods and diligently report suspicious activity to FH management and police. This community focused approach will not only drive home that this type of behavior is unacceptable but also hold those that don’t respect the assets in our community accountable for their actions. As we know, Forest Heights is one of the safest and most desirable communities in the area. Let’s do everything within our control to promote personal responsibility to protect our property. I think we can all agree that is important to preserve and protect what we have worked so hard to create over the past 25 years ~ Don Bielen, FHHOA Board President ~

New Board Member Named Please help us welcome Jamie O’Halloren to the Forest Heights Board of Directors. Jamie has lived in Forest Heights for six years and holds a Masters degree in counseling psychology and will be completing her PhD in health psychology this fall.

Upcoming Board Meeting Tuesday, October 8th 6:30 pm @ the HOA office All homeowners are welcome to attend.

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International Walk to School Day Set for October 9th It’s that time of year again! This year’s International Walk-to-School Day will be held on Wednesday, October 9th, so please be extra careful of students and parents walking to school that day.

What: International Walk-to-School Day When: Wednesday, October 9th Time: 7:15 am—8:00 am Where: Forest Heights Neighborhood

NOTE: Crossing guards will be located at NW Miller and NW Thompson Road and throughout various locations throughout the neighborhood

Did you know? Did you know that Forest Park Elementary students participate in a monthly Walk-to-School event? “Waste-Free-Walk-Wednesdays” occur on the first Wednesday of the month during the school year.

Forest Heights? Are you curious about things going on in our community?

Photo Credit: Kenneth Dixon, Forest Heights Resident

FROM THE MANAGERS DESK Have you got a question about


uring any given year, the Forest Heights Homeowners Association tackles a number of projects that either preserve, maintain or improve our community. While many of these projects are highly visible, our administrative tasks are usually undertaken without a lot of fanfare. Those administrative tasks, however, are integral in setting the agenda for next year’s larger, communitywide projects. If you’ve ever wondered how projects and schedules get assigned, I encourage you to learn more about the

various committees we have here in Forest Heights. These committees are made up of community volunteers who work with HOA management, staff and our Board of Directors to study, recommend and implement projects and events that impact the entire neighborhood. From safety issues to community outreach, you’ll find a committee dedicated to improving the quality of life here in the neighborhood. Here is a snapshot HOA projects undertaken this year:

Do you have questions about



Tract R

Anticipated completion 11/30

Waterfall Repair at Chapin

Starts 10/1, anticipated completion 10/28

Crosswalk at Hazeltine & Miller

Starts fall 2013

others in our community are

Copper Sign Refinishing

Anticipated completion 10/28

curious about the same thing,

Private Street Light LED Retrofit

20 completed, balance in 2014 (budget pending)

so do us all a favor and send in

Miller Chapin Arch Replacement

Completed summer 2013

your questions. Email your ques-

Monument & Shelter Painting

Completed summer 2013

tions to contactus@fhhoa.com

Rebuild Silver Ridge Staircase

Completed spring 2013

Questions received by the 10th

Unmarked Entrances

Anticipated winter project

of each month will be answered

Split Rail Fence Line

Anticipated winter project

issues that impact Forest Heights? If you are wondering about something, chances are

in the next month’s newsletter.

continued on page 11  Page 6

FROM THE MANAGERS DESK continued from page 11

Administrative projects underway:

default effect is that we, the association, can become isolated in our decisions as well.

• Mailbox enforcement • Compliance/ARC streamlining • Operational policies • Communication plan • Shuttle non-resident versus resident analysis/review • Community engagement strategy implementation • Disaster preparedness, Neighborhood Emergency Team development As I have reported in previous articles, the association has developed a comprehensive community engagement plan to help create and identify opportunities to improve the overall sense of community in Forest Heights. As I manage the day-to-day operations of the association, I am reminded more and more how important it is to continually improve this vital link between the association and the people that live here. The benefits of having an approachable community provides not only the obvious “good neighbor” feeling, but having a strong connection with our homeowners aids the association in making decisions that are in line with the needs and desires of the community. When owners are isolated, the

Ambassador Project One of the many approaches we are developing in our community engagement plan is to create a neighborhood ambassador program. We are looking for outgoing residents throughout the various parts of the Forest Heights community to help us develop this program. Preliminary thoughts are that each neighborhood (Mill Ridge, Caxton, Edgewood, Forest Heights Estates, etc.) would have volunteer neighborhood ambassadors who provide an introduction to new owners, consider coordinating block parties, and to help with general outreach with their immediate surrounding neighbors. I suspect many of the pockets in the Forest Heights community already have small groups that reach out to one another. It is my hope that we can work with these groups to improve our goals as a community as well. Please let me know if you would be interested in getting this project off the ground: jcallaghan@fhhoa.com. ~Jennifer Callaghan, FHHOA General Manager ~

Oh, Pioneers!


ave you lived in Forest Heights for more than ten years? More than twenty? Been here from the start? If so, we consider you a “Pioneer of Forest Heights” and we need your help preparing for our 25th anniversary. To help preserve all that is unique about our community, we’re asking all our resident “pioneers” to consider sharing your Forest Heights memories by participating in the Forest Heights History project. The association is looking for old photographs, newspaper clippings, realtor spec sheets, maps and original housing and marketing materials from the past 10 to 25 years. Nothing is too small to contribute and all items are welcome. We are especially interested in hearing stories from our residents, past or present. Tell us what it was like to raise your kids, or retire, in Forest Heights. What kinds of changes have you seen in the neighborhood, how has the association changed over the years, what projects have had the greatest impact on your property values? All submissions to the history project will be on display in the HOA office starting in the spring of 2014. To participate, please email Kim Monaco: kmonaco@fhhoa.com to arrange an interview and/or to submit your materials. Thank you for helping the association celebrate our milestone anniversary! Page 7

Upcoming Community Events Walk and Bike to School Date: Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 Time: 7:15 am to 8:00 am Location: Forest Heights Neighborhood

Forest Heights Book Club Date: Wednesday, October 17th, 2013 Time: 7:00 to 8:30 pm Contact Patti at Forest Heights Starbucks for location: p.prenger@gmail.com

Wine and Real Estate Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2013 Time: 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm Location: Kaer Property Group

Halloween Party Date: Thursday, October 31st, 2013 Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: TBD

Forest Heights Book Club Meets October 17th This month’s title: Life After Life What if you could live again and again, until you got it right? On a cold and snowy night in 1910, Ursula Todd is born to an English banker and his wife. She dies before she can draw her first breath. On that same cold and snowy night, Ursula Todd is born, lets out a lusty wail, and embarks upon a life that will be, to say the least, unusual. For as she grows, she also dies, repeatedly, in a variety of ways, while the young century marches on towards its second cataclysmic world war. Does Ursula's apparently infinite number of lives give her the power to save the world from its inevitable destiny? And if she can, will she? ~ With thanks to amazon.com ~

About the October book club This month’s meeting will be held in a private home just outside of Forest Heights. Please contact Patti Prenger for the location: p.prenger@gmail.com

Date: Wednesday, October 17th, 7:00 to 8:30 pm

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Lost & Found: Are you missing your Kindle?

Changes coming to the FHHOA newsletter

Did you recently forget your Kindle on the EcoShuttle? If so, we have it here at the HOA office. The Kindle is password protected so we are unable to retrieve your information to contact you, so please contact us!

The Forest Heights HOA will be making some new and exciting changes to this newsletter starting in January 2014. Instead of a monthly newsletter, we will be switching to a quarterly publication that will include in-depth articles on issues impacting the community, project and committee updates, HOA financials and compliance related information.

If you’ve found an item, please drop it off at the HOA office. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm and if that doesn’t work for you, we have a mail slot in our door. If the item fits the 2 “ x 11” slot, just put it through with a brief description of where you found the item. And if you’ve lost an item, please send an email to contactus@fhhoa.com describing what you’ve lost.

To ensure that our homeowners are receiving the most up-to-date information from the HOA, we will continue to send email communications on a bi-monthly (or as needed) basis. These emails will be brief in nature and will cover the latest news “at-a-glance”. As always, the HOA’s website is your best source for all the news, information and resources you need in order to be an informed member of the Forest Heights community.

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD? Come find out what’s selling in Forest Heights at our Wine & Real Estate Event! Date:

Thursday, October 17th 2013


Drop in anytime from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM Refreshments served


Kaer Property Group Office Across from Starbucks at the Village Center 2029 NW Miller Rd | Portland, OR 97229



Call (503) 699-3980 Contact us for a complimentary market analysis of your neighborhood and your home


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hat a difference a year makes. After taking last year off due to the dredging of Mill Pond, the Forest Heights International Festival was (literally) back in full swing last month. Not only did we have the perfect weather for our event, we also had some of the best food vendors to date. Judging from our record-breaking attendance—nearly 2,000 of you showed up—we are convinced that the International

Festival is a wonderful way to bring the community together and celebrate the unique cultures that are represented here in Forest Heights. Please take a moment to enjoy these photos from this year’s festival, and if would like to participate in next year’s festival as an event sponsor, performer, food vendor or event volunteer, please contact Kim Monaco at 503-297-9400 or by email: kmonaco@fhhoa.com.

The Kleinstadtler’s from Mt. Angel Oregon brought their unique German punk infused folk dancing. All photo credits: Connor Limbocker

Japanese ensemble drumming from Portland Taiko

Triple J Dance Troupe bringing down the house

Sam Keator Irish Dancers

Urban German’s freshly grilled sausage

Forest Heights residents enjoying great food

From our vendor’s view

Triple J having some serious fun! Led by Forest Heights Starbucks barista Jullian Johnson

ViVoce singing traditional European folk songs

Ernesto’s Italian and their delicious ravioli

Nearly 2,000 residents enjoying the festival

The Kleinstadtler’s take the stage

Chef Nakano cooking fresh yakisoba noodles


NEW PHYSICIAN JOINS THE LEGACY FOREST HEIGHTS CLINIC Legacy Medical Group Forest Heights is pleased to announce the arrival of their newest physician Dr. Shikha Arun, who will be starting her practice on Monday, October 21st. Dr. Arun will have evening hours on Mondays and Wednesdays, plus she will have Saturday hours every other week. "My philosophy is to care for my patients just as I would for my friends and family," says Dr. Arun. "To do that, spending time with my patients to establish trust and understand their needs is important." Dr. Arun believes in practicing evidence-based medicine and sees herself as an educator and coach of sorts, helping her patients get and understand all the information they need to make well-informed health care decisions in the complex healthcare environment of today.

She fully appreciates the importance of good communication, especially when one is at their most vulnerable. "My goal is to remain current with the science while being thorough, diligent, and deeply emphatic to my patient's needs." Dr. Arun believes it is important to have a balanced life. "I love medicine and I love my outside interests as well," she says. Those interests include spending time with her family and friends, listening to music, reading fiction, going to the movies, and international travel, enjoying different cultures. She recently started learning to play the piano, and is enjoying learning how to learn. Dr. Arun earned her medical degree at King Georges Medical College in India. She completed her internship as well as residency at Providence

St. Vincent Medical Center. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine and has been a part of the Portland medical community for over 15 years. Her clinical interests include diabetes, endocrine, heart disease, immigrant medical issues and gender transition issues. Dr. Arun speaks English and Hindi. Please contact Legacy Medical Group Forest Heights to learn more about Dr. Arun or to schedule an appointment.

FOREST HEIGHTS STORAGE UNITS FOR LEASE Store your overflow items close to home! For pricing and options, call Caroline Karl:


TRAIL MAINTENANCE REPORT NOW ONLINE Did you know that there are nearly 10 miles of walking trails throughout the Forest Heights community? These trails are maintained by the homeowners association and while our maintenance staff does an excellent job of keeping the trails safe and clean, their daily maintenance schedule does not afford them the time to walk the trail system each day. This is where you come in. If you walk the trails on a regular basis and notice any kind of maintenance issue, be it a diseased tree, a fallen limb, overgrown shrubs or debris on the trails or in the common areas, we need to hear from you. To aid in the reporting of trail maintenance issues, we’ve created this online trail maintenance report. Your reports will greatly assist our crew in their ongoing efforts to keep our trails safe and enjoyable for all who enjoy this wonderful feature of the community. Thank you in advance for keeping an eye out for trail issues!

>> Report trail issue ~FHHOA Staff ~

BABYSITTING BABYSITTER Responsible 12 year old girl available for babysitting in the Forest Heights Neighborhood. I am Red Cross-certified and love kids! Call Abby at 503-292-7744. BABYSITTING SERVICE Hello! My name is Jarrett Gold, I am 16, and a sophomore at Lincoln High School. I am Red Cross certified and can take care of any age group of children. I can also take care of any pets or other things needed. I am very responsible and I have had past experience taking care of children and feel very confident in doing so. I was a counselor at outdoor school and took care of children for a week. I had a lot of fun and built leadership skills. I can also help tutor children with their schooling if needed. I can babysit children during the week or weekends. With summer coming up, I am free anytime, and am willing to take any time slots. I enjoy children and I am eager to help take care of them. You can contact me at 503-922-9900. Thank you! BABYSITTING SERVICE My name is Kendall and am 13 years old. I live in Forest Heights and an Red Cross CPR certified. My parents will drive me to residences in the neighborhood. I can be reached at 503-780-1890/503-706-0348, and charge $5.00/hr. Babysitter, Petsitter and/or House-sitter for Hire! Hello! My name is Jamie Huggins and I have been a resident of Forest Heights for over 15 years. I have about 5 years of baby and petsitting experience, including nannying. I currently live with my family which consists of my dad, stepmom, 4 younger siblings (who are all in high school), 3 cats and a dog. I am 21 years old, can drive and have own car. I can handle all ages and all kinds of pets ranging from rodents to horses (etc.)! I am currently working at two restaurants in Bethany Village and attending PCC Rock Creek studying business administration. My rates vary based on different needs and situations. I have great references that can be provided upon request. I am honest, fun, outgoing, stern but kind. I love both kids and animals more than you can imagine! The best way to contact me is through e-mail: jamiehuggins@hotmail.com. I am a very punctual person, and usually respond within the hour. Hope to hear from you soon! BABYSITTER/NANNY/PET SITTING AVAILABLE Hello, my name is Michaela. I am 17 years old and I live in the neighborhood. I am offering babysitting, nanny services, pet sitting and as needed jobs. I have a reliable car and a good driving record. I have experience as a nanny and with animal sitting. Give me a call at 503.737.4845. I am available most of the summer of 2013. Responsible, Fun, and Experienced Babysitter Available Hi, I'm Katherine. I'm a freshman at Lincoln High School. If you're looking for a reliable, redcross certified, fun babysitter, look no further. I've been babysitting and being a mothershelper since age ten, and have great references. I love kids of all ages (as well as pets), and I can cook, clean up, and help kids with their homework too. My rate is $6/hour for one kid; additional rates available upon request. I'm usually free, especially over the summer and on weekends. Contact me at katherine.m.renner@gmail.com or 503-291-1249. Babysitter--Certified, Reliable, Fun! Hi! I'm Julia Renner, a junior at St. Mary's Academy, and I have 6 years' experience babysitting as well as working with kids at camp. I am Red Cross CPR/First Aid certified and excellent with all ages as well as families with pets, and am also able to do housework/chores. Flexible rates; outstanding references available upon request. Call (503) 291-1249 or email juliarenner@comcast.net. Babysitter Hunting? Got one or more 1-6 year olds? Look no further! My name is Claire Jackson, I’m a sophomore at Lincoln High School, and I am here to tell you your kids are safe in my hands. But there’s no reason for you to trust me on the spot, so don’t be shy to call me at the phone number indicated at the bottom of the advertisement. Living in Forest Heights makes for easy access to any one of your homes, so don’t be shy to call me last minute late Saturday night, as long as you call I will do my best to make it over to your house just in time to make it to that movie you were dying to see. Yours truly, Claire Jackson (503) 803-7881 BABYSITTING Tess Pauken, babysitting, age 13, Red Cross certified, $5.00/hr., Responsible & reliable. Contact:503-297-4007 or email: camoritz26@gmail.com CERTIFIED BABYSITTER I'm Jaclyn and I am a responsible 13 year old. I have been certified through the Red Cross Babysitting Class. I am capable of helping kids with homework as well. I am available on the weekends and Holiday Breaks. I am also very good with dogs and cats. My rate is $5/hour. Contact me at my mom's cell 602-809-0917 or email: flood.noreen@gmail.com EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER Searching for a reliable, experienced, and fun-loving babysitter? My name is Annika Hansteen Izora and I’m 17 years old. I’ve been babysitting for four years, and with four younger siblings; I know how to take on any handful. I’m certified in Red Cross First Aid, CPR, and AED, with experience in caring for children of all ages. Above all, I love kids and I understand what it means to keep them safe and happy. Please contact me and we can have a chance to get to know each other. Call 503-705-6481, weekends only Need a babysitter? Contact Grace Sullivan at 503-686-8805 or at graciesull@gmail.com. CPR certified, 16 years old, previous childcare experience. Reliable and responsible. Babysitter for Hire Hello, my name is April Mallery. I am 11 and going into 6th grade at East Sylvan. I love little kids (3 and older). I love cats and dogs, too. I am very creative and watchful. I am Red Cross class certified. Call or text me on my cell. My number is: 503-577-2682.

PET/PLANT CARE Professional Pet Sitter/Dog Walker Professional pet care when you cannot be there. Insured and bonded, pet first aid certified. Administer meds, give shots and lots of love. When you hire me, I am the only one who does the job. I do not contract out any work. I also do overnights. Call Candis at 503-246-7559 or email me at candisc@comcast.net. For more information about me, my rates, and policies, check out my website: http://www.noplacelikehomeforpets.com/ PET CARE Responsible 12 year old girl who loves to care for your pets. I am available to walk, play with, feed or care for while you are at work or away. All types of animals, birds or fish are acceptable. Please call to schedule your pet care. Manoy 503-203-1787 PET CARE / PLANT WATERING Responsible 13 and 16 year old brothers provide excellent nurture for your pets and plants. In the last five years we have cared for numerous neighborhood pets, watered an abundance of vegetation and provided many dogs a daily walk. References. Call Reid or Trent at: 503-203-1491 Experienced and Reliable Pet Sitting and Plant Watering I'm very responsible, have over six years of experience, and also have outstanding references. I can water plants, and feed, water, walk, play with, clean up after, and care for your pets. I've lived with cats, dogs, hamsters, and fish, and have experience sitting for cats, dogs, guinea pigs, birds, fish, and snails. I'll show your pets and plants lots of love and care. My rates are low and flexible, and I'm almost always free, especially over the summer and on weekends. Contact me at katherine.m.renner@gmail.com or 503-291-1249. PET CARETAKER Hello, my name is Emily Wu! I'm a Junior at Lincoln High School, extremely fond of animals. I would love to care for your pet (or that precious hydrangea!) while you are away. I have two dogs myself, and a lot of experiences with pets. I charge low rates, and will shower your animal with lots of loving. Call me at (503-490-9543) or email me at emilywui@gmail.com.

MUSIC GUITAR LESSONS Classically trained guitarist now accepting new students; can teach any style of guitar Friendly, enthusiastic and easy going Forest Heights resident.. Open to teaching theory to non-guitarists. Music reading taught to every student, any age and skill welcome. Rates available upon request. Rory Kenner (360) 510-0096 rory.kenner@gmail.com LOOKING TO LIVEN UP YOUR NEXT DINNER OR COCKTAIL PARTY? Pianist available to play background music for your next event. Genre of music can be discussed. Has had 11+ years of piano experience. References available upon request. $50/hr. Christina Seung 503.320.4296 Email: christinabean13@gmail.com PIANO LESSONS Children and adult lessons available. All levels and ages are welcome. Start a new hobby or pick up where you left off as a child. I travel to you. Well-established local business with outstanding Forest Heights' references. Contact Sarah at 503 313 1216; sarahwannell@hotmail.com PIANO LESSONS Concert pianist teaches your child the art and technique of the piano. Over 10 years of teaching experience. My home or yours. Contact Lydia: 503/292 6868 or by email:lydiabg@hotmail.com GUITAR LESSONS Hi my name is Michaela and I am 17 years old and have lived in Forest Heights most of my life. I am looking for work with pet-sitting, house sitting, babysitting, dog walking or driving children to appointments/sports. I can also assist with grocery shopping, errands, etc. I have a reliable car and good driving record. $12.00 an hour, can negotiate for house and pet sitting. For caring reliable help call me at 503 737 4845 or e-mail me at Michaelalhs@gmail.com.

TUTORING & ART LESSONS TUTORING/COLLEGE ESSAY HELP Tutoring, all ages, Math, English, French, SAT/ACT prep. College application essays help. Creation and editing. Terrific, experienced certified teacher. I travel to you. Excellent Forest Heights references. Please contact Sarah at sarahwannell@hotmail.com or 503 313 1216 CERTIFIED READING THERAPIST Private sessions to improve your child's reading skills. Call for information or to schedule an evaluation. Caren 503-327-8046 or cbcohen@hotmail.com Learn To Paint in Oils. Forest Heights resident artist is looking for a couple teens between the ages of 11 and 15 who love art, like to draw and want to learn to oil paint. Email Vicki Cole at veebar@aol.com Reasonably priced classes.

FOR RENT Forest Heights Condominium For Rent Two-bedroom, 2 bath upscale condo in Forest Heights with all upgrades from granite to hardwood floors. $1895.00 month. Pets ok up to 25 lbs. For more information, contact: sarah.trevizo@providence.org Shop Space for Rent Shop in Cedar Mill available for boat, car or trailer storage. Maximum height 6 feet 9 inches. For pricing and information, call Marlene at: 503-260-6129

Spooky Witches’ Fingers INGREDIENTS: 1 cup butter, softened 1 cup confectioners' sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup whole almonds 1 (.75 ounce) tube red decorating gel DIRECTIONS: 1. Combine the butter, sugar, egg, almond extract, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl. Beat together with an electric mixer; gradually add the flour, baking powder, and salt, continually beating; refrigerate 20 to 30 minutes. 2. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Lightly grease baking sheets. 3. Remove dough from refrigerator in small amounts. Scoop 1 heaping teaspoon at a time onto a piece of waxed paper. Use the waxed paper to roll the dough into a thin finger-shaped cookie. Press one almond into one end of each cookie to give the appearance of a long fingernail. Squeeze cookie near the tip and again near the center of each to give the impression of knuckles. You can also cut into the dough with a sharp knife at the same points to help give a more finger-like appearance. Arrange the shaped cookies on the baking sheets. 4. Bake in the preheated oven until the cookies are slightly golden in color, 20 to 25 minutes. 5. Remove the almond from the end of each cookie; squeeze a small amount of red decorating gel into the cavity; replace the almond to cause the gel to ooze out around the tip of the cookie. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Š 2013 Allrecipes.com

Printed from Allrecipes.com 10/1/2013

Want to advertise in the Forest Heights Newsletter? When you advertise in the FHHOA newsletter, your ad will appear monthly during your ad contract period. In addition to your ad, we provide links to your website from the newsletter, a monthly email blast and the homepage of our website.

Happy Halloween Forest Heights!

For ad rates, submission deadlines and general information, please contact Kim Monaco by email at: kmonaco@fhhoa.com or by phone 503.297.9400.

Here’s a snapshot of FHHOA activities and meetings for the month of October. Print and keep


this calendar in a handy spot so you’ll have access to what’s happening in your community.

 Sunday





2 Go Green Committee 6:00 pm







9 10 International Architectural Walk-to-School Review Committee 7:15 to 8:00 am 9:00 am









7 Safety, Streetscape and Transportation 11:30 am

8 Board of Directors 6:30 pm


14 Community Relations Committee 6:00 pm



21 Budget & Finance Committee 6:00 pm



24 Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am





31 Halloween Party at the Village Center 6:00 to 8:00 pm


Wine & Real Estate 5:00 to 7:30pm Kaer Property

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