Fall 2014 newsletter

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Autumn Events in Forest Heights p. 12

Clean Up Your Yard—Fall Landscaping Tips p. 15

Forest Heights View Feedback needed p.4

pinnacle press Quarterly Newsletter for the Owners of the Forest Heights Homeowners Association


Looking west from valley Formerly known as “Lot 265”

October 2014 Sun



Wed Thu 1


Fri 3

Sat 4

CALENDAR OF EVENTS OCTOBER 6: Safety, Streetscape & Transportation Committee Meeting 11:30-12:30PM






















6: Community Engagement Committee Meeting 6-7PM 9: ARC Committee Meeting 9-11AM 11: Shred It Day—10-1PM 14: Board of Directors Meeting 6:30-8:30PM 20: Budget & Finance Meeting 6-7PM 22: Parks & Rec Committee Meeting 6-7:30 PM







23: ARC Committee Meeting 9-11AM Kid Craft Day 4-5:30 PM

November 2014 Sun



Wed Thu


Sat 1

31: Halloween at the Village Center 5-7PM

NOVEMBER 3: Safety, Streetscape & Transportation Committee Meeting 11:30-12:30 3: Community Engagement Committee Meeting 6-7PM








5: Go Green Committee Meeting 3-4:30 PM 6: ARC Committee Meeting 9-11AM















11: Board of Directors Meeting 6:30-8PM 13: Kid Craft Day 4—5:30 PM 17: Budget & Finance Committee Meeting 6-7PM








20: ARC Committee Meeting 9-11AM 27: Thanksgiving OFFICE CLOSED



December 2014 Sun



Wed Thu





Fri 5

Sat 6

DECEMBER 1: Safety, Streetscape & Transportation Committee Meeting 11:30-12:30 1: Committee Engagement Committee Meeting 6-7PM 3: Go Green Committee Meeting 3-4:30PM 4: ARC Committee Meeting 9-11AM


























9: Board of Directors Meeting 6:30-8PM 15: Budget & Finance Committee Meeting 6-7PM 18: ARC Committee Meeting 9-11AM 24 & 25: OFFICE CLOSED

Page 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE...  From the Board of Directors– View Policy Feedback


 From the Manager’s Desk—What Do Your Dues Cover? 5  From The Front Office

Forest Heights Homeowners Association


 Tree Removal Process Revision


 Safety Corner


 Transportation Corner (EcoShuttle Schedule, etc.)


2033 NW Miller Road Portland, Oregon 97229 Phone: 503.297.9400 Fax: 503.297.9408 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm Email: contactus@fhhoa.com

Vision Statement  Community Engagement & Events


 International Festival Highlights


To create and foster excellence in community, environment and quality of life.

Board of Directors 2014-2015  Fall Landscaping Basics


 Park Rules & Provisions


 Classifieds


Don Bielen—President Stuart Roberts—Secretary Jamie O’Hollaren-Treasurer Greg Maletic Heather Gaitan Kyle Abraham Pamela Morris

Association Staff Jennifer Callaghan General Manager jcallaghan@fhhoa.com


Carissa Shoemaker office@fhhoa.com Brittinie Harper Community Engagement Coordinator communityrelations@fhhoa.com

One source of strength of the FHHOA lies in the active involvement and participation of its’ residents serving on various Association committees.  Budget & Finance—meets every 3rd Monday at 6PM  Community Engagement—meets every 1st Monday at 6PM  Go Green—meets every 1st Wednesday at 6PM  Parks & Recreation—meets every 4th Wednesday at 6PM  Safety, Streetscape & Transportation—meets every 2nd Monday at 11:30AM

Richard Metzger Maintenance Supervisor Juan Guerrero Maintenance Team

For more information visit fhhoa.com/committees/ Page 3

VIEW POLICY FEEDBACK NEEDED A survey will be sent to owners to seek input regarding their perspective on the protection of views and removal or trimming of trees that impact views. We hope you participate because the resulting policy could affect you. We are blessed to live in a neighborhood with many trees. But, for some people, some of these trees are a problem; they block their views of the Tualatin Valley and the Coast range.


There are conflicting social values regarding trees that affect us all. The City of Portland, for example, has enacted a new ordinance which will change the requirements for removing some trees as part of an effort to preserve and enhance the urban tree canopy. On the other hand, the FHHOA has a number of policies that are designed to protect scenic views, unobstructed by neighbors’ trees. The interaction of these values could have real costs for Forest Height’s residents.

but with the condition that they had to be kept appropriately trimmed. While trimming may be possible with some deciduous trees, many evergreens are difficult or inappropriate to trim. Other trees may have been approved without any maintenance requirements other than the general CC&R requirement that each owner “keep all shrubs, trees, grass and plantings of every kind on such Owner’s Residential Lot neatly trimmed, properly cultivated and free of trash, weeds and other unsightly material.” Many homeowners will have bought their homes with mature trees and will have no idea whether those trees were approved or maintained as approved.

The Association has authority to enforce ARC approved plans, including any requirements for trimming trees or to require the removal of unapproved trees. The Board is faced with the following choices: Should the Association retain, with some updates, the current guidelines that allow the Association to require a homeowner to remove a tree in some circumstances if that Over the last several tree is blocking the view of months, the Forest Are trees starting to block your view? another homeowner or should Heights Board has been the guidelines be rewritten to remove wrestling with crafting an appropriate policy on the maintenance of views in Forest or minimize the Association’s role in these disputes, Heights. To assist in formulating this policy and the leaving them to neighbors to negotiate independently? related enforcement, the association will soon send a This is a very significant issue as it could subject survey to all homeowners to ascertain their experiences homeowners whose property violates an Association and opinions with regard to scenic views. The resulting requirement to a significant financial burden or it could policy may affect even those homeowners who do not meaningfully reduce the value of a view property. enjoy a scenic view, either because their property interferes with another property owner’s view or because If the current guidelines are left largely intact, the Board lack of clear and consistent policies and processes could is interested in knowing the residents’ views on who should be required to pay for the removal or trimming of subject the FHHOA to legal action. a tree that blocks another property owner’s view if the This matter has arisen because some homeowners who Board requires such action. Is it the responsibility of the purchased properties with views of the Tualatin Valley owner of the tree or the owner who wants a view and/or Coast Range have found that those views have restored? been impeded by their neighbors’ trees. When these homeowners purchased their home, they likely paid a Finally, it is important to note that on January 1, 2015, premium for their view, and they believe that the loss of Portland’s new tree law will take effect. Under the new that view will diminish their home’s value. Therefore, they City ordinance, homeowners must first obtain a permit would like the Association to take an active role in from the City before they will be allowed to remove a tree restoring their view by requiring that offending trees be on private property . Given the city’s stated interest in trimmed or felled, as necessary. They point to language preserving the tree canopy, there is no assurance that in the Forest Heights CC&Rs and architectural guidelines such permits will be granted for the sole purpose of that refer to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), in preserving a view. All homeowners should be aware that its discretion, giving consideration to the maintenance of even today the CC&Rs require that any tree whose trunk views and to language on the Forest Heights homepage is more than 6 inches in diameter at a height of 6 feet that also refers to the neighborhood offering beautiful have ARC approval before it is removed. Western views. Please take the time to respond to the coming survey. On the other side of the issue are those homeowners The Board would like to create a policy that is clear and whose trees, planted with ARC approval, now shade their fair. We recognize, however, that not everyone will be homes and offer privacy. In some cases, ARC happy with the result. documentation will show that the trees were approved ~Regards, your Forest Heights Board of Directors Page 4


By Jennifer Callaghan, MBA, PCAM, AMS, CMCA, CAMP General Manager of Forest Heights Photo by Payton Widup, Fall Photo Contest 2013

In Forest Heights, our core priorities are three-fold: 1. Common Area Maintenance. The primary responsibility is to maintain the areas within the community that are owned by the Forest Heights Homeowners Association. This includes the trails, parks, formal landscaped areas at our entrances, private streets, and native areas. 1. Architectural Control & Compliance. This other key responsibility helps ensure that privately owned properties meet a standard that exceeds those enforced by the City of Portland. 1. Transportation for commuters. Per our governing Future Insurance Repairs, , $11.76 Special $55.92 Projects, Admin, $4.05 $83.91

Shuttle, $84.58

documents, the Forest Heights Homeowners Association is required to provide transportation services to commuters during peak rush-hour times. To illustrate this further, please see the pie chart on this page that details the allocation of your $594 per year assessment. As you can see, over half of your assessment provides for the maintenance and future repairs of the 220 acres of property owned by the association. 14% is for our shuttle, and 9% is attributed to our ARC/Compliance function, leaving less than 25% toward administration, legally required insurance, and events (note: this is only 5% of our budget). To keep this in perspective, it is interesting to note that two of our neighboring communities that do not offer transportation or have significant common areas to maintain pay $546/$554 respectively. If you have any questions about this topic or to offer comment, please feel free to reach out to me directly at manager@fhhoa.com.

Events, $31.93 Comp/ ARC, $54.90

Common Areas, $261.00

Page 5


Have you ever wondered what the purpose of Forest Heights really is? People who move to homeowners associations often believe that the HOA is a duplication of municipal services (such as policing, or plowing, etc). However, unless the community is private (as in private streets), this is not the case. While we compliment city services, our core purpose is actually much different.

Meet Our Newest Team Member! Carissa

December 2



Screen Door


Farmers Market

Ice Cream

Please welcome the newest member of our team—Carissa Shoemaker. Her current roll with us is a bit of everything— she works on everything from compliance patrol to bookkeeping.



A QUESTION ABOUT FOREST HEIGHTS? Are you curious about things going on in our community? Do you have questions about issues that impact Forest Heights? If you are wondering about something, chances are others in our community are curious about the same thing, so do us all a favor and send in your questions. Email your questions to contactus@fhhoa.com.




Questions received by the 10th of each month will be answered in the next month’s newsletter.

Page 6

Facebook is one of the best ways to stay current on latest events and alerts in the community.

Send your Fall photos our way, we would love to see them! Email to office@fhhoa.com

Check out what our crew is up to... As we enter the fall, our maintenance crew takes advantage of the nice weather to repaint our park lamp posts. Once this work is done, they will focus on invasive removal, planting native trees and plants in our common areas, and various other maintenance items. They do ask, however, that as you clean up your properties, please do not push leaves and debris into the streets. This tends to clog our storm drains once the rains come and can create serious flooding throughout the community.

Juan and Miguel meticulously repainting the

FALL & WINTER ARE FLU SEASON KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THESE SYMPTOMS THIS YEAR! Over the years, flu has become almost a generic term many people use when someone is tired with a fever or has an upset stomach. However, influenza is actually a contagious disease that can infect the nose, throat and lungs. Approximately 200,000 people are hospitalized in the U.S. every year with the flu. Symptoms include:

 Fever* or feeling feverish/chills  Cough  Sore Throat  Runny or Stuffy Nose  Muscle or Body Aches  Headaches  Fatigue (Very tired) Legacy Medical Group—Forest Heights at 2127 NW Miller Road offers primary care for all ages. Services include minor procedures and basic primary care treatments such as phlebotomy, nebulizer treatments, medication administration and procedures such as EKGs and dressing changes. Legacy Medical Group—Forest Heights also offers pediatric care backed by the expertise of Randall Children’s Hospital. Call 503-415-4060 to make an appointment.

Page 7


light poles at Mill Pond Park.



Tree Removal Process Changed At their August 12th Board of Directors Meeting, the tree removal review process was modified. Going forward, if an owner wishes to remove a tree that is over 6 inches in diameter (measured at 6 feet above the ground), the key elements to the process are as follows:  Contact the Department of Urban Forestry (503-823-4489) to confirm or obtain the necessary City of Portland permit.*  Once City approval is obtained (if needed), submit an application to the Architectural Review Committee (with a $100 review fee), along with a plan describing what will be done with the area that the tree was in. Ideally, a proposal to replant vegetation or trees is preferred, but these will be reviewed on a case-bycase basis.  If an arborist report is included (substantiating the need for removal) or a City of Portland permit is necessary and obtained, the $100 review fee will be waived. Please note that trees smaller than 6 inches in diameter (again, measured at 6 feet above the ground), or you are trimming a tree, no ARC approval is necessary, but City of Portland approval may still be necessary per below. As always, please feel free to contact the Forest Heights office for questions or concerns on the tree removal process. *City of Portland has special requirements for tree maintenance (including trimming) and removal on private property that are a) in the right-of-way (also known as street trees); b) in environmental protection areas, which includes many of the properties in Forest Heights; and c) those that are larger than 12 inches in diameter. This is contrary to the popular belief that trees on private property are not regulated, so please contact the Department of Urban Forestry to request a review of your proposal.

Forest Heights Mailbox Update! As you may know, last year the Board of Directors voted and decided upon uniformity in regards to the mailboxes within Forest Heights. Since then, FHHOA has sent a total of approximately 2,331 reminder notices to over 900 homes for mailbox replacements and/or post repairs. As of the end of September, only 5% are not within compliance. A big thank you from FHHOA to those who have

helped in the effort to help keep Forest Heights the premiere community in Portland!

Page 8

LHS Cardinal Dance Team Clinic Monday and Tuesday November 10 & 11 (PPS Days off). K-8, at West Sylvan Middle School: 9-4. Fundraiser cost: $100.00. Contact Vicki Crow: Crow184@comcast.net for registration and information.



Northwest Heights/Forest Heights Disaster Preparedness Workshops Wednesday, October 29 * 6:30-8:00 PM * Learn about natural disasters we are prone to Wednesday, November 19 * 6:30-8:00 PM * Preparing your home & family Wednesday, December 10th * 6:30-8:00PM * Preparing as a community “Community Resilience/Community Preparedness”

When to Call 911 EMERGENCY—9-1-1 Call 9-1-1 when it is an emergency which requires immediate response from the police, fire or ambulance. Call this number for potential or current criminal activity. NON-EMERGENCY—503-823-3333 This 24-hour number contacts the police for nonemergency. This is the number you would call to report a crime that has already occurred. If you are uncertain, call 911! CITY OF PORTLAND— 503-823-4000

The City of Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM Neighborhood Watch is a program designed to increase the safety and sense of community in neighborhoods by organizing and involving individuals and families in a united crime prevention effort. Neighborhood Watch participants learn how to:

• Communicate regularly with their neighbors using tools specific to Neighborhood Watch

• Recognize and report suspicious and criminal activity

• Increase home and vehicle security • Increase personal safety of residents • Make neighborhoods less attractive to criminals For more information or to start your own Neighborhood Watch, visit www.portlandoregon.gov/oni.cp

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Depart Miller & Thompson

Sunset TC

No start at FH

2:30 p.m.

2:45 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

3:15 p.m.

3:30 p.m.

3:45 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

MORNING ROUTE Depart Miller & Thompson

Sunset TC

6:15 a.m.

6:30 a.m.

4:15 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

6:45 a.m.

7:00 a.m.

4:45 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

7:15 a.m.

7:30 a.m.

5:15 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

7:45 a.m.

8:00 a.m.

5:45 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

8:15 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

6:15 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

8:45 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

6:45 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

9:15 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

7:15 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

9:45 a.m.

No return

No return


Attention Residents: We NEED your help


As you know, Trimet does NOT currently serve our community. Once they start, we will be able to eliminate the shuttle service from our budget. Please take the survey below to help encourage them to come this way!

TriMet wants your input to help plan improvements to transit service in Northwest Portland. Please weigh in by taking a brief, 5-minute survey about transit routes, stops, and frequencies at www.trimet.org/future/survey. Take the survey by October 24, 2014, and you can enter to win 10 TriMet Adult 1-Day Passes worth $50! If you would like a paper copy of the survey, please call 503962-2137.

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Forest Heights Running Club Your Pace or Mine?


Are you a avid runner? Are you wanting to conquer the hills of Forest Heights with someone from your neighborhood? If you are a avid runner who would like to meet up and run with others in community please contact us today to learn more!

Date: Saturday, October 11 Time: 10:00—1:00 p.m. Location: Village Center

Learn new running tips, meet new people and keep up your running regimen .


If interested please contact the Forest Heights office at 503-297-9400 or email communityrelations@fhhoa.com

Date: Friday, October 31 Time: 5:00—7:00 p.m. Location: Village Center

TREE LIGHTING Date: Saturday, December 6 Time: TBD Location: Village Center


Village Center

Halloween at the Village Center

The Community Activities Committee is looking for new members! If you have a passion for planning large or small community events or fund-raising, please think about joining the committee! Our next meeting is Monday, November 3rd -6:00 pm at the HOA office. Stop by and learn more about this committee.

Friday, October 31, 2014 5 to 7 PM Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss Game—Mystery Box Game Coloring Station—Cookies, Candy...and FUN! Page 12

Tree Lighting Saturday, December 6 Time: TBD Carolers, Hot Chocolate and Winter Wonderland of FUN!


Craft Days with FHHOA! Bring the kiddos and help us decorate our office for the season! This holiday season, Forest Heights will be adopting 5 needy families from the Portland area. Please join us in purchasing a gift or two (wish lists will be available in the office).

Ages 4-10 welcome! Light snacks provided. 4:00—5:30 PM FHHOA Office

“Fall Fun”

Please deliver gifts to the office no later than December 15th. If you would like to help deliver to families, please let us know!

October 23— Decorative leaves

(Gift cards to local grocery stores are also welcome)

“Winter Wonderland”

If you would like to adopt-a-family on your own, visit www.christmasfamilyadoption.com for more information!

November 13—Snowflakes Galore

For questions, please contact FHHOA at office@fhhoa.com

To save your spot, register at www.fhhoa.com/event/ fallfun/

Page 13


What a day! First off, we want to thank all of the volunteers and the CEC Committee for planning this wonderful event! Thank you to all of the residents who utilized our new RSVP system. Because of your RSVPs, we were able to enjoy more entertainment! Judging from our record-breaking attendance—around 1,800 of you attended—we are convinced that the International Festival is a wonderful way to bring the community together and celebrate the unique cultures that are represented here in Forest Heights. Thanks to all who attended!

Page 14

FALL LANDSCAPING BASICS Fall is officially here and is the perfect time of year to tidy up

Monthly Fall & Winter

your lawn! As beautiful as this

Clean Up Tips

time of year can be, it is a crucial time to prepare your lawn for the upcoming winter. Utilize these tips to create beautiful and lush landscaping! • Fall is the best time of year to sow seed for a new lawn. Make sure to overseed before the first frost to establish your new lawn. • Resist the urge to prune after early fall. You don’t want to encourage healthy plants to grow during a cold season, as they should remain dormant. • Make sure to remove dead or dying foliage. Clean up fallen leaves (NOT in the street or in a neighbor’s yard!). • Fall is the best time to fertilize your lawn. A light application in early fall and again in late fall is best. • Make sure to aerate in the fall if you didn’t have a chance to in spring. It helps your lawn thrive! • Continue mowing even as temperatures cool.

OCTOBER • Pull annuals when they’ve finished blooming and cut back perennial weeds. (Try to get this done before rains begin). • Prune dead branches on trees and shrubs NOVEMBER • Feel free to tuck in springflowering bulbs into your yard, as long as the soil remains workable.

DECEMBER • If a frost warning is issued, be sure to water plants before temperatures drop. If you don’t catch them in time, start to water after plants have begun to thaw. • Spruce up those winter pots, empty gardens and flowerbeds with a few cheerful annuals. Pansies, snapdragons, calendulas and violas will flower all winter long. • Add a touch of cheer inside by filling a windowsill with green, potted herbs. Double win! • This is an ideal month to plant dormant trees and shrubs (ARC approved).

MULLED CIDER… PERFECT ALL SEASON LONG! 4 to 5 cups Apple Juice 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon 1/4 tsp. Nutmeg OPTIONAL, FOR ADULTS ONLY: 3 oz. Spiced Rum Cinnamon Sticks and Apple Slices for Garnish In a small pot heat the apple juice, spices and rum (if using) over low/medium heat. Stir often while the mixture is heating so the spices will blend into the juice (you don't want any spice clumps). Once it's hot pour into two mugs and garnish with apple slices and cinnamon sticks. Serve warm. Read more recipes at: http://www.abeautifulmess.com/2011/10/spiced-apple-cider-recipe.html

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• All animals must be on leash. • All pets must be with someone able to control pet and must be picked up after.

• Firearms, weapons and personal fireworks are prohibited.

• No abusive or foul language will be tolerated. • No destruction, vandalism, or defacing of struc-

USE Mill Pond Park and Common Areas located at Forest Heights are to be used for the exclusive and private use of the residents, members and authorized guests of the Forest Heights Homeowner’s Association (“FHHOA”). The rules listed below apply to all green spaces, parks, the amphitheater feature, landscaping, and sidewalks owned and managed by the FHHOA. The intent of these rules is to allow Forest Heights residents/owners and their guests the ability and option to utilize and rent Mill Pond Park and open space areas for their own enjoyment and activities. This will also assist other owners by still preserving each resident/owner’s right of the enjoyment of his or her home. It is the desire of the FHHOA board of directors that each resident will adhere to these rules and policies, thereby preserving the accessibility of Mill Pond Park and open spaces for all residents/owners in a relaxed and casual environment. Thank you in advance for careful review of the following rules. Please do not hesitate to contact the Association staff should you have any questions and/or wish to discuss any of the rules. Park Rules

• Mill Pond Park and Common Areas are for the use of Forest Heights HOA residents, owners, and their invited guests only. Guests must be accompanied by their resident hosts, or they will be considered trespassing and may be asked to leave.

• Illegal activities will not be tolerated and will be reported to the City of Portland Police Bureau by FHHOA staff or homeowners.

• No smoking is allowed on the trails or in the parks. • No littering is allowed – please put all trash in trash

tures, playground equipment, trees, or landscaping is permitted.

Reckless usage of roller blades, bicycles, and skateboards are prohibited on trails, specifically the path around Mill Pond. FHHOA retained security may use bicycles to patrol the park.

• No motorized vehicles are allowed in or on the park space, green spaces, landscaping, trails, or sidewalks without prior authorization from the General Manager. Vehicles used by landscape and park maintenance personnel or delivery vehicles attending park events permitted by the special event permit procedure in the performance of their duties are the only exception.

• No ground fires or camping is permitted unless permitted by the FHHOA.

• If glass containers are used then special care must be taken to avoid breakage. All broken glass must be removed from the park by the family responsible for the breakage.

• The City of Portland noise ordinance applies to the FHHOA Common Areas. Therefore, the maximum decibels generated cannot exceed 55db for the adjacent homeowners unless properly permitted by the FHHOA.

• Use of special equipment (tents, inflatable play structures, moon bouncers, etc.) must receive prior approval from the FHHOA.

• Use of golf balls in the park and open space is prohibited.

• Use of the barbeque grills and picnic tables is permitted on a first come first served basis—No Reserved signs are allowed. Use of portable barbeque grills is prohibited.

receptacles. No dumping of chemicals or other hazardous materials inside the pond or on any FHHOA Page 17

Page 18

TUTOR/LESSONS Excellent Tutor: Math, French, English, SAT/ACT prep and college essays. Fully certified teacher with her own business in Forest Heights. She gets results! Highly recommended by your neighbors. Www.sarahwannell.com, sarahwannell@hotmail.com OR 503-313-1216. I travel to you! Fun Piano Teacher! First lesson half price! I teach piano to children and adults of all abilities. I emphasize the enjoyment of music and encourage people to play the music they want to. It doesn’t have to be classical if that isn’t your thing. Prefer the Beatles, Taylor Swift, Star Wars an d Phantom? Scales? Only if you want them! You still get all the technical expertise and learning, but it’s fun, engaging, and positive. Experienced piano teacher with own business in Forest Heights. I travel to you! Sarahwannell.com, 503 -313-1216 or sarahwannell@hotmail.com

PET CARE & SERVICES One Dogs, Two Dogs, Old Dogs, New Dogs. Do you work long hours? Have you recently had surgery and can’t walk your dog? Is your dog at home, bored and lonely? That’s why I am here. I’ll help you have peace of mind knowing your dog is getting exercise. I provide occasional and/or daily dog walking, pet sitting, overnight vacation pet sitting, as well as hotel service. I strive to be your dog’s best friend! Call or email me today for your FREE

Want to run a classified ad? Email your ad submissions to newsletter@fhhoa.com by the 15th of the month for your ad to appear in that next issue.

our new hours of operation are: monday-thursday 3-9pm friday-saturday 3-10pm sunday brunch from 10-2pm open from 3-10pm happy hour every day from 3-5:30pm

We are under new management!! Todd Moore has taken over as our new General manger! He comes to us from the Holiday Inn Airport Way where he was the assistant general manager of the hotel as well as director of food and beverage. Before that he was the director of food and beverage as well as the director of catering for the Benson Hotel where he oversaw operations including the London Grill. He also had a 4 year stint at El Gaucho starting as the captain and moving up to general manager. We are excited to have Todd join our team and evolve our concept further. We will be running a special for the rest of football season.! Anyone watching football at the bar can order our seasonal IPA for $4, $5 mimosas, and also our kobe burger for $8. During Sunday football brunch we will offer our Man Meal : Grilled steak, sausage, eggs, potatoes and bacon for $15. Page 19

LUXURY NAILS AND FOOT MASSAGE Nail Service for Ladies and Gentlemen

Tel: 503-292-1295


Appointment & Walk-ins Welcome Gift Certificates Available 2053 NW Miller Road Portland, Oregon 97229

We are new owners and need your help to support our business to be successful in your community. We try the best to satisfy you and your family each time you visit our business.

Our Services: Acrylic:

Deluxe Manicure & Pedicure:

Acrylic New Set $30.00 Solar Set $35.00

Deluxe Manicure Deluxe Pedicure Foot Massage

Shellac (Gel) Nails: Shellac Manicure COLOR $25.00 Shellac Manicure FRENCH $30.00 Shellac Color Change $15.00 Shellac Color Change French $20.00

Manicure & Pedicure: Manicure Regular $15.00 Manicure (Children under 10)$12.00 Pedicure Regular $25.00 Pedicure (Children under 10) $15.00 Regular Color Change Hand $7.00 Regular Color Change Feet $10.00 French Color Change Hand $10.00 French Color Change Feet $12.00 Designed Flower (2 Designs) $5.00

High School Student Pedicure $2.00 OFF High School Student Manicure & Pedicure $5.00 OFF

Page 20

$20.00 $35.00 $25.00

Smooth Body Waxing: Eyebrow Wax Upper Lip Wax Chin Wax Full Face Under Arm Wax Half Arm Wax Full Arm Wax Half Leg Wax Full Leg Wax Chest or Back Bikini

$10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $25.00 $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $25.00 $45.00 $30.00 $25.00

Solar Nails: Pink & White Full Set $40.00 Fill $20.00 Pink & White Fill $30.00

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