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The various tools and views in BID’s Universal Console allow operators to control equipment remotely and easily

New Universal Console: Remote Control of Equipment Made Easy


Sometimes, the manual remote control of transfers, conveyors, and other equipment in a mill can be a guessing game because you need to know the exact name or ID number of the equipment to solve an incident. With a traditional console, there is also a risk of selecting the wrong motor which can cause equipment breakage or product damage, not to mention downtime. That’s why BID Group developed a unique, operatorfriendly console for the remote control of equipment in your mill.

The new Universal Console is connected to several cameras that allow you to monitor a critical mill area, find the cause of a problem on the line and control the equipment easily with joysticks and visual cues displayed in the camera view. The cameras allow you to see things a human could not see on the line due to access constraints and they also facilitate operator maneuvers for the control of equipment.

You can monitor a partial section or a complete area where a console is required to move pieces, logs, or residues. It is also possible to dedicate a camera to monitor the state of motors or photocells.

The Universal Console can be installed and used anywhere in the mill because it doesn’t require much space and the cameras allow you to have a complete overview or a detailed view of the area without physical proximity.

One of the major advantages is that the operators don’t need to know the equipment names or ID numbers anymore. They can simply identify and select the equipment visually in the camera view or the layout displayed in the software user interface.

All these operator-friendly features reduce the time required to train new operators. Therefore, operator replacement during breaks, lunchtime, and vacations is much easier.

Simple Operation with Joysticks, Cameras and Augmented Reality

When a problem arises or when the line stops in the monitored area, the operator can easily identify the cause of the problem with the camera views. For example, a piece of wood fallen from the conveyor. The operator can simply click on the applicable equipment displayed on the monitor. The camera view will automatically zoom in on the equipment and its surrounding and provide a view with Augmented Reality. In the monitor display, the selected

Top left corner: The cross pattern on the console with joysticks. Top right corner: The section layout with the selected equipment as displayed in the software user interface. Bottom section: Augmented reality as shown in the camera view. The combination of these views facilitates operator maneuvers considerably

equipment is identified with a transparent shape to confirm selection.

Other visual cues are also displayed to facilitate the manual remote control. For instance, the colors of the console cross are visible in transparency on the camera display. In each colored square, the console cross symbol is shown. It serves as a visual reference for the joystick movements, and it also highlights the current joystick position. The equipment ID number is also displayed as well as an arrow to indicate the direction of the flow.

The operator can then take control of the equipment with confidence using a joystick on the console while viewing his actions on a monitor. This facilitates the operation considerably and helps to solve problems faster.

For example, it is possible to use several joysticks simultaneously so you can move a bundle from one equipment to another. Once the bundle is in the proper position, you can simply restart the automatic operation.

If for some reason the cameras are disabled, you can refer to the area layout displayed in the software user interface. Even without cameras, it is easier to control equipment with joysticks than with a traditional console.

Installation and Camera Locations

The installation and configuration of the Universal Console is done according to your needs. This is an add-on, so line interruption is not required for the installation. However, you must determine the location and number of cameras required for the overview and detailed view of the selected area.

Prior to installation, it is possible to find the best camera locations using a 3D virtual layout of the mill area. This allows you to see in advance the camera’s view. The catwalks and building structures are identified in the layout so this avoids surprises at the installation phase.

The hardware for the Universal Console stand-up desk consists of approximately fifteen cameras, one or two monitors to display the camera views, the console with joysticks, a computer, and a local network video recorder (NVR). Virtual Desktop Version

A complete virtual desktop version of the Universal Console is also available. In this version, there is no physical console. The console cross is displayed in the software user interface and instead of using joysticks, the equipment control is done using keyboard keys. There is also a pane that displays the overview and detailed view of the area with the transparent overlay of console cross color pattern. In this version, it is possible to add virtual buttons as required. The virtual console can be installed easily in an office or a conference room. This enables a supervisor or a qualified operator to assist other operators remotely.

BID Group’s objective is to meet the client’s current and future needs in an outstanding manner with its brand portfolio and offer a return on investment unparalleled by competition. All of this is supported by its renowned 24/7 service.

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