Discover Bowland Itineraries
Explore a collection of five destination itineraries and make the most of your time in Bowland. Each focuses on a different area of the AONB highlighting adventures, activities, hidden gems and food & drink.
From the heather-clad moorlands and peat bogs, to the deeply incised wooded valleys and picturesque villages, all these make up the unique look and feel of Bowland. These characteristics are part of a Sense of Place – elements that make that place special: l A Place to Enjoy and Keep Special Highlighting the importance of the area for people’s livelihoods and enjoyment with its value as a unique and protected landscape. l Delicious Local Food and Drink Without food production our countryside would look very different! There are many excellent eateries across the area to sample the best, local and seasonal produce. l A Landscape Rich in Heritage During the medieval period the royal hunting forests were established - the title ‘forest’ refers to hunting rights, and not to a large expanse of woodland, as we interpret it today.
l Wild Open Spaces The fells are covered with peat, blanket bog, acid grassland and heather moor. The highest point is at Wards Stone (560m) - almost a mountain!
l A Living Landscape The landscape has been formed out a of close relationship between people and nature and we all have a part to play in planning for a sustainable future.
l A Special Place for Wildlife The moors in particular are an important breeding ground for upland birds. There are also notable wildflower meadows, woodlands and geological features.