2019 Business Awards of Macau 澳門商務大獎

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let your success light you up
























The Scout Association of Macau was established in 1994 and currently has about 60 members. After long-term rigorous training, it is now able to give various forms of performances, including indoor performances, square performances, ceremonies, parade performances and fancy walks. It is a very comprehensive concert band with more than 30 public performances each year. Among them are the Parade of Feast of the God Tam Kong, the Coloane car racing, the Grand Prix, Walk for a Million, the Fisherman’s Wharf Easter Carnival, the Macau Band Fair, the Mazu Cultural Festival, the Macau Food Festival, and the Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar, Chinese New Year Parade and the Scouting Association’s annual reunion show. These important performances have won recognition from society. In addition, the band has also been invited to perform in Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Panyu, Jiangmen, Beijing, Shanghai, Inner Mongolia and other places. It is tremendously popular with audiences from Macau and abroad.



人。經過長期嚴謹的訓練,現能作各種形式的演奏: 包括室內表演,廣場演奏,典禮儀式,巡遊演奏及花 式 步 操 等,是 一 支 極 為 全 面 的 管 樂 隊,每 年 公 開 演 出 超 過 三 十 場,當 中 包 括 路 環 光 輝 四 月 八、路 環 小

型賽車,格蘭披治大賽車、公益金百萬行、漁人碼頭 復活節嘉年華、澳門管樂節、媽祖文化節、澳門美食 節、明 愛 慈 善 園 遊 會、新 春 花 車 巡 遊、童 軍 總 會 週

年 大 匯 操 等 重 要 演 出,其 卓 越 成 就 獲 社 會 之 肯 定。 另外,樂團也曾受邀到過珠海、中山、番禺、江門、北



Celebrating 2019’s Greatest Achievements In Macau

This year, it is our great honor to have the most respectful and prestigious guests in Macau, to share their comments on the Business Awards of Macau.

Names listed in no particular order 排名不分先後


一 同 見 證 201 9 最傑出的澳門成就

今 年,大 會 非 常 榮 幸 邀 請 到 澳 門 最 得 高 望 重 的 嘉 賓 陣 容,分 享 對 澳 門 商 務 大 獎 的 評 價,並 為

「大 獎」題 辭。

DEDICATION 獻詞 2019澳門商務大獎誌慶

Macau, inscribed:


Social Affairs and Culture of


Dr. Alexis Tam, the Secretary for


Awards of Macau 2019,


To celebrate the Business

“The Business Awards of Macau strives to revitalize goodwill and encourages entrepreneurs to develop new strategies together.”



To celebrate the Business Awards of Macau 2019, Dr. Tai Kin Ip, Director of Macao Economic Bureau, inscribed:

“Business Awards of Macau gathers distinguished entrepreneurs. May its reputation spread further and internationally.”




賢商卓駿 傲績彰彰 澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局局長 文綺華 二零一九年十月

To celebrate the Business Awards of Macau 2019, Dra. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of Macau Government Tourist Office, inscribed:

“The Business Awards of Macau recognizes virtuous entrepreneurs and their remarkable achievements.”



陳 達 二 零 一 九 年 十 月 廿 四 日

To celebrate the Business Awards of Macau 2019, Dr. Paulo Martins Chan, Director of Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau of Macau inscribed:

“Creativity bloom vitality, Innovation lead to future success.”


夫 致 意

澳 門 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 博 彩 監 察 協 調 局 局 長

創 新 成 就 未 來

創 意 綻 放 活 力

賀 二 零 一 九 澳 門 商 務 大 獎 頒 獎 禮


To celebrate the Business Awards of Macau 2019, Mr. Wu Zhiliang, President of the Administrative Committee of Macao Foundation inscribed:

“The Business Awards of Macau cultivates the city’s economy and the community’s livelihood.”



To celebrate the Business Awards of Macau 2019, Dra. Paula Ling, deputy to the National People’s Congress in Macau, inscribed:

“Society rewards the awardees of the Business Awards of Macau for their diligence.”



劉 永 誠 敬 賀

湖 北 省 政 協 及 澳 門 建 築 置 業 商 會

拓 濠 鏡 新 機

滙 蓮 城 菁 英

⼆ 零 ⼀ 九 年 澳 門 商 務 ⼤ 獎

監 事 長

To celebrate the Business Awards of Macau 2019, Mr. Lau Veng Seng, member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Hubei Province and President of Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers, inscribed:

“The Business Awards of Macau gathers Macau’s elites and creates new opportunities for the city’s development.”


DEDICATION 獻詞 賀 二 零 一 九 澳 門 商 務 大 獎

澳 門 工 商 聯 會 會 長

To celebrate the Business Awards of Macau 2019, Mr. Ho King Lun, Director of the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau, inscribed:

“The Business Awards of Macau gathers extraordinary business talents to benefit the community’s livelihood.”


敬 賀


Daisy Ho

Chairman of the Board of Directors Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A.


董事局主席 澳門博彩股份有限公司

“SJM considers the Business Awards of Macau 「澳 門 商 務 大 獎 旨 於 表 揚 對 推 動 澳 門 經 濟 及 民 生 發 program to be extremely important in giving 展 有 傑 出 貢 獻 的 企 業 及 人 士,澳 博 對 此 深 表 認 同。 recognition to the organizations and individu商 務 大 獎 的 價 值 不 止 在 於 表 揚 得 獎 者,同 時 鼓 勵 其 als that have made extraordinary contributions 他 企 業 及 行 業 翹 楚 與 獲 選 的 人 士 攜 手 為 澳 門 創 造 to Macau’s economy and society. The value of 更美好的明天。」 the program goes beyond recognition of the winners, as it serves to motivate other companies and individual leaders to join the select group that is named.”



Paulo A. Azevedo Chairman of Business Awards of Macau


Stronger United Here we are, seven years in a row, going stronger with the biggest award merit program from and to Macau’s civil society. Exposure of this event was never this big; now with videos in buses and fancy outdoors, thanks to the partnerships with our partners, Mome and JC Decaux. International recognition as well, with the Business Awards being the only Awards in Macau recognized by International Awards List. And some of our sponsors are now with us and giving their place to others. They know they would for sure be a finalist and a stronger candidate for the Gold Award but prefer not to run. And for this, we honor them with their names on one of the awards.It’s a team spirit; we’re here for others and we, the organizers, are here to show to everyone the commitment of our partners to the local society, giving more opportunities to others to shine, to be recognized, to strive, as Macau did the same for us.


As we were confirmed to be a full house one month before the gala, having to say no to countless requests, we’re confident the next edition will be even bigger. It’s a great problem to face, actually. It says a lot about this evening and its main purpose: To recognize individuals, entities, and corporations that, while striving, are also examples. And don’t forget to be humble enough to give a helping hand to others that are starting or deserve fair recognition. Thank you for joining, thank you for daring, thank you for helping.



澳門商務大獎籌委會 主席


讓社會更團結 7年以來,澳門商務大獎不斷努力發展壯大,以成為 這是一種團結合作精神,我們在這𥚃是為他人服務。 澳門民間社會最大型及最具認受性的獎勵計劃之一。 作 為 主 辦 單 位,我 們 要 向 所 有 人 展 示 合 作 夥 伴 對 本 地 社 會 的 承 諾。就 像 澳 門 給 予 我 們 的 一 樣,我 們 要 感 謝 合 作 夥 伴 澳 動 傳 科 和 德 高 集 團 的 幫 助,令 商 務 將更多被認可的機會給予社會上正在奮鬥的人士。 大 獎 更 為 人 所 認 識。現 在,在 巴 士 和 戶 外 的 精 美 視 此外,晚宴在開始前一個月就已滿座,因此,我們有 頻 都 可 以 見 這 次 活 動 的 資 訊,在 合 作 夥 伴 協 助 下, 信心將下一屆的規模擴大。這場晚宴的意義,不僅在 今年我們的宣傳也是歷年最盛大。 於 認 同 一 些 值 得 成 為 榜 樣 的 個 人、團 體 和 公 司 的 成 就,還在於不忘初心,緊記保持謙遜,鼓勵和幫助剛 澳 門 商 務 大 獎 今 年 更 成 為 全 澳 門 唯 一 被 列 入 起步及值得認可的同業。 international awards List(國際大獎行列)的 本地獎項,其國際認可度也隨之提高。 感謝您的加入,感謝您的大膽嘗試,感謝您的幫助。 站在我們之中的部分贊助商,他們絕對有能力入圍決 賽,並肯定會是金獎的角力者,但他們卻選擇站在背 後支持,將這一榮譽頒給他人。為此,我們將他們的 商標刻在獎座之上,藉以向他們表示敬意。



Victoria Man

Director of Business A wards of Macau

We connect to let success shine in Macau Our team has spent seven years to build the “Business Awards of Macau” project, and it has been one of the most challenging projects in our lives so far. In the beginning, not so many local people understood the value of branding and participating in the awards event. We had to spread the concept and explain the meaning of Business Awards as something new in a traditional market. To make this change possible, we strived to connect different communities and industries through the Awards, we connected gaming and social responsibility, young talents and innovation, and many more. We also connected 30 renowned public figures from different nations and backgrounds in our judging panel. To make Macau believe in fair competition, real business strength, and contribution to society, we did everything we could to connect these different market players.


Seven years after, we are recognized by the international community and by the Macau society that we have achieved this. I hereby express my heartfelt appreciation to our committee, our judging panel, our amazing organizing team, wonderful design team, production team, livestream team and everyone who supported and supports the Awards. I also wanted to remark the important role our sponsors and partners had in the event. Without their trust and support, this project would have never been possible. In the end, it is our great honor and privilege to thank everyone who contributed with their meaningful and encouraging inscriptions in support of the Business Awards. “Let your success light you up!” Thank you!



澳門商務大獎 總監


我們聯繫在一起,讓成功照亮澳門 我們的團隊用了7年的時間去建立和發展“澳門商務 大獎”這個項目,這是我們迄今統籌活動項目生涯中 最具挑戰性的項目之一。起初,在澳門本地,能理解 品 牌 建 立 和 參 賽 價 值 的 人 寥 寥 無 幾。但 我 們 有 義 務 在 這 個 傳 統 的 市 場 中 傳 播 這 一 概 念,並 向 大 眾 解 釋 澳門商務大獎背後的意義。

七 年 後,我 們 成 功 獲 得 國 際 和 澳 門 社 會 的 認 同。在 此,我衷心感謝「大獎」委員會、評審團、我們出色的 策劃團隊、非凡的設計、製作及直播團隊,以及所有 支持過和支持著「大獎」的人。我還想特別感謝我們 的贊助商和合作夥伴在這次活動中所起的重要作 用。沒 有 他 們 的 支 持 和 信 任,我 們 絕 不 可 能 成 功 舉 辦到這一盛典。最後,我們非常榮幸並且特別感謝為 本「大獎」作出意義非凡且鼓舞人心的支持,為場刊 題詞的每一位嘉賓。

為了使這個創新成為事實,我們致力通過「大獎」將 不同的社區和行業聯繫起來,例如,我們將博彩和社 會責任;將青年企業家與創新等聯繫起來。我們還將 評審團中來自不同國家和背景的30名知名公眾人士 “讓你的成功照亮你!” 聯繫起來。為了使澳門相信公平競爭、真正的商業實 力、對社會的貢獻,我們竭盡所能把這些不同的市場 衷心感謝! 參與者聯繫起來。


Honour Commission Members Kevin Ho King Lun Is a Macau entrepreneur, and the Director of Tai Fung Bank Company Limited, Managing Director of Valeo Strategic Investments Company Limited, and Chairman of Anzac Group Company Limited since June 2009. He is also Director of the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau and member of many social committees in Macau and Mainland China.

Paula Ling She was a member of the Preparatory Committee for the Macau Special Administrative Region. She also has been the chairman of the Macau Lawyers Superior Council and member of the Macau Lawyers Association’s committee; member of the People’s Congress of China; member of the Committee for the Basic Law of the Macao S.A.R. under the Standing Committee of the same Congress and a member of the Election Committee of the Chief Executive of the Macao S.A.R..

Terry Sio A Macau-born entrepreneur, is the president and founder of Rainbow Group. Over the past 39 years, Terry has nurtured Rainbow Group from a single store in Macau to one of the leading European luxury brand retail networks in China and Macau, with over 150 points of sale in more than 20 cities in China.

Paul Tse The Executive Director of Golden Crown Development Limited. He is also President of The Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers, and Honorary President of The Asian Association of Management Organizations. Chairman of The American Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director of The Macao Chamber of Commerce, and member of several Macau SAR Government Commissions.

Vong Kok Seng Vong Kok Seng is involved in a variety of service and industry business. He is currently Vice-President of Macau Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors, and General Council member of ICC – World Chamber Federation (WCF). He participates actively in Government Committees and was conferred with the medal for Industrial and Commercial Merit.

Rutger Verschuren A Dutch national, is Area Vice President – Macau Operations for Artyzen Hospitality Group, a subsidiary of Shun Tak Holdings. He was Chief Operating Officer - Hospitality for Shun Tak Holdings Ltd from 2010 till 2014, when Artyzen took over the management of two celebrated Macau hotels. Previously, Mr. Verschuren was Managing Director of Sheraton Macao Hotel, and Vice President Operations of Dusit International. He is since 2014 Chairman of the French Macau Chamber of Commerce (formerly FMBA) and President of the General Assembly of Macau European Chamber of Commerce.


榮譽委員 何敬麟

企業家,現任大豐銀行有限公司董事、凱澳策略投資有限 公司董事總經理,及自2009年起擔任安世集團有限公司 之董事長;同時擔任澳門工商聯會會長等多項國內及澳 門社會職務。并於2014年獲得澳門特別行政區授予工商 功績勛章。


1993年於澳門開始了她的私營律師生涯;1997年獲澳門 政府委任為私人公證員。 曾任澳門特別行政區籌備委員 會及澳門特別行政區第一屆政府推選委員會的成員;並 曾任澳門律師業高等委員會主席與澳門律師公會理事會 理事;現為中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會代表及該 會常務委員會 - 澳門特別行政區基本法委員會委員、澳 門特別行政區行政長官選舉委員會委員。


出生於澳門的企業家,是彩虹集團的總裁及始創人。 過去 三十九年,蕭婉儀逐步將彩虹集團從澳門一間店鋪培育成 為中國和澳門領先的歐洲奢侈品品牌零售網絡之一,在中 國超過二十個城市設有愈一百五十個銷售點。


金山發展有限公司執行董事,為澳門建築置業商會主席、 亞洲管理專業組織聯會名譽會長、澳門美國商會主席及澳 門中華總商會理事,同時亦是澳門特區政府多個咨詢委員 會的成員。


活躍於各領域的商務活動,現為澳門中華總商會副理事 長、國際商會下的世界商會聯合會董事會及總理事會成 員。積極參與澳門特區政府各委員會,並曾獲澳門特區政 府頒授工商功績勳章。


荷蘭籍,自2010年起擔任信德集團有限公司酒店及休閒 營運總監,並於信德集團附屬公司-雅辰酒店管理集團負 責管理澳門區酒店物業。他曾擔任澳門喜來登酒店執行董 事及杜斯特國際酒店集團營運副總裁。現時他同時擔任法 國澳門商會會長及澳門歐洲商會副主席。

Advisory Board

Paulo A. Azevedo The CEO of Project Asia Corp., a media holding that includes De Ficção - Multimedia Projects, the publisher of Macau Business, Business Intelligence and Macau News Agency. His group includes as well Global Asia Media, that publishes the magazine Essential Macau, and the companies Signature Events, MBSK Events and the creative agency Goldfish.

Lau Pak Hung The CEO of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) in Macau. He is also the Vice-Chairman of The Macau Association of Banks and a council member of the Macau Management Association. Joined HSBC in 1986, he held various management positions including a number of overseas assignments over the past 29 years.

Albano Martins Is economist and entrepreneur, former head of the training center of the Monetary Authority of Macau, Financial Director of Nam Van Development Company, columnist of Jornal Tribuna de Macau (JTM), Vice-Chairman of Macau Management Association (MMA) and President of Anima - Society for the Protection of Animals.

Paul Tse The Executive Director of Golden Crown Development Limited. He is also President of The Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers, and Honorary President of The Asian Association of Management Organizations. Chairman of The American Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director of The Macao Chamber of Commerce, and member of several Macau SAR Government Commissions.

Filipe Cunha Santos Arrived Macau in 1982, and worked as Executive Director of CTM Macau, and Asia Pacific Director of Portugal Telecom. In 2007 became Chairman of the InMedia Asia Group of Companies. Member of Macau Economic Council and Director of the Portuguese Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as President of the Macau Wine Society.

Vong Kok Seng Vong Kok Seng is involved in a variety of service and industry business. He is currently Vice-President of Macau Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors, and General Council member of ICC – World Chamber Federation (WCF). He participates actively in Government Committees and was conferred with the medal for Industrial and Commercial Merit.

Alfred Liu

As the Chairman of Transportes Urbanos de Macau S.A.R.L. and Macau Pass S.A., he introduced the Macau Pass Card in 2007, since then it has become Macao’s most established contactless smartcard and e-payment system. Moreover, his team pioneered the Macao’s first mobile payment platform “MPay” and many other innovative products.

顧問委員 雅士度

Project Asia Corp.,的行政總裁,集團旗下的 De Ficção - Multimedia Projects為一獨立出版機構,出版多份 覆蓋經濟及商業領域的刊物,如《澳門商業》 、 《商訊》 、 《MNA澳門通訊社》等。其集團業務涉及亞洲以至全球 媒體,包括發行雜誌《澳門精華》 、負責為集團策劃組織活 動的Signature Events ,MBSK Events,以及負責品 牌宣傳推廣。


於1986年加入香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司,任職廿九 年間曾擔任多個管理職務,現為匯豐澳門區行政總裁,同 時亦為澳門銀行公會副主席、澳門管理專業協會理事會 成員。


是經濟學者和企業家,前澳門金融管理局培訓中心領導、 南灣發展有限公司財務總監與《澳門論壇報》專欄作家, 並擔任澳門管理專業協會副理事長及澳門愛護動物協會 主席。


金山發展有限公司執行董事,為澳門建築置業商會主席、 亞洲管理專業組織聯會名譽會長、澳門美國商會主席及澳 門中華總商會理事,同時亦是澳門特區政府多個咨詢委員 會的成員。


於1982年來澳擔任澳門電訊執行董事,亦為葡萄牙電訊 亞太區總監;後於2007年成為中亞傳媒有限公司董事 長。為澳門經濟發展委員會會員,並同時身兼葡萄牙華人 總商會及澳門洋酒協會會長。


活躍於各領域的商務活動,現為澳門中華總商會副理事 長、國際商會下的世界商會聯合會董事會及總理事會成 員。積極參與澳門特區政府各委員會,並曾獲澳門特區政 府頒授工商功績勳章。


現為澳門新福利公共汽車有限公司及澳門通股份有限公 司主席發行了澳門通卡成為全澳最普及的電子貨幣儲值 卡及支付系統。他的團隊更陸續推出了本澳首個移動支付 平台MPay、手機移動充值卡、智能電動車充電咪表等嶄 新產品。


Judging Panel Members Manuela António Her experience was centered at the Ministry of Financeof Portugal, prior to being appointed Chief of the Taxation and Excise Services in Macau. Resuming a passion that dates back to 1975, in 1986 she left to open her private practice as a lawyer and private notary, which continues to this day to stand as reference in the Macau SAR.

Bruno Ascenção


在 被 委 任 為 澳 門 財 政 局 局 長 之 前,安 文 娜 之 經 驗 主 要 聚 焦 於 葡 萄 牙 財 政 部。為 繼 續 其 自 1 9 7 5 的 理 想,於 1 9 8 6 年 她 離 職 後,開 始 獨 立 執 業 為 大 律 師 及 私 人 公 證 員,至 今 仍 然 在 澳 門 特 別 行 政 區 作 為 參考。

Bruno Ascenção

Is a Portuguese Bar Association registered lawyer since 2002 and has been practicing in Macau since 2005. He holds a law degree from the University of Lisbon School of Law and post graduations in taxation and financial markets. His private practice mainly covers litigation, as well as gaming and corporate law.

2002年成為葡萄牙律師協會註冊律師,2005年起於 澳門執業。擁有里斯本法律大學法律學位和稅務法和金 融市場畢業證書。其主要專業研究領域為訴訟法、博彩法 及企業法。

Paulo A. Azevedo


The CEO of Project Asia Corp., a media holding that includes De Ficção - Multimedia Projects, the publisher of Macau Business, Business Intelligence and Macau News Agency. His group includes as well Global Asia Media, that publishes the magazine Essential Macau, and the companies Signature Events, MBSK Events and the creative agency Goldfish.

James Chu Cheok Son Was born in Macau. He is Director of Shidu Art Consultants, Chairman of Macau Designers Association, member of Committee of Cultural Industries, in the Government of Macau S.A.R. Famous designer, artist and curator.

Project Asia Corp.,的行政總裁,集團旗下的 De Ficção - Multimedia Projects為一獨立出版機構,出版多份 覆蓋經濟及商業領域的刊物,如《澳門商業》 、 《商訊》 、 《MNA澳門通訊社》等。其集團業務涉及亞洲以至全球 媒體,包括發行雜誌《澳門精華》 、負責為集團策劃組織活 動的Signature Events ,MBSK Events,以及負責品 牌宣傳推廣。


澳門出生的著名設計師、藝術家及展覽策劃人,現擔任澳 門十度藝術事務所總監、澳門設計師協會會長及澳門特別 行政區政府文化產業委員會委員。

Alfred Liu




As the Chairman of Transportes Urbanos de Macau S.A.R.L. and Macau Pass S.A., he introduced the Macau Pass Card in 2007, since then it has become Macao’s most established contactless smartcard and e-payment system. Moreover, his team pioneered the Macao’s first mobile payment platform “MPay” and many other innovative products.

77, Lawyer in Macau for 37 years, Senior Partner of “C&C Advogados” and Private Notary. 29 years as Legal Consultant of STDM and Dr. Stanley Ho, partner and Member of Social Bodies of several companies and Associations. Founder and Chairman of “Rui Cunha Foundation,” for cultural, educational, research and philanthropic activities.

José I. Duarte

現為澳門新福利公共汽車有限公司及澳門通股份有限公 司主席發行了澳門通卡成為全澳最普及的電子貨幣儲值 卡及支付系統。他的團隊更陸續推出了本澳首個移動支付 平台MPay、手機移動充值卡、智能電動車充電咪表等嶄 新產品。

77歲,於澳門當了律師37年,為「C&C 公正律師事務所」 高級合夥人及公證員。 曾擔任澳博及何鴻燊博士司法顧 問,以及多家企業及協會的董事會成員29年。 現為 「官樂怡基金會」創始人兼主席,發展文化、教育、研究和 慈善活動。

José I. Duarte

A university lecturer in Economics, while also writing regularly in the local press on economic and social issues. He graduated in Economics at the University of Coimbra and holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Economics by the University of London, UK.

畢業於葡萄牙科英布拉大學經濟系,並取得英國倫敦大學 環境經濟學碩士學位。大學經濟學講師,定期為本澳報章 撰寫有關經濟及社會議題文章。

Charles M. Choy


Charles is the Chairman Emeritus of The American Chamber of Commerce in Macau. He is a founding member of the Chamber and has served as Chairman for two terms. He is the Executive Director and Deputy Director-General of the Strategy Research Committee of the Macao Chamber of Commerce and Director of Tung Sin Tong.



蔡先生是澳門美國商會的榮譽主席,在美國商會擔任過 兩屆主席,也是該會的創始會員之一。其他社會職務包 括澳門中華總商會的常務理事和策略研究委員會的副主 任,澳門同善堂席理等。蔡先生是現任四川省政協常委及 四川省政府委任的經濟顧問。

Judging Panel Members Kevin Ho King Lun Is a Macau entrepreneur, and the Director of Tai Fung Bank Company Limited, Managing Director of Valeo Strategic Investments Company Limited, and Chairman of Anzac Group Company Limited since June 2009. He is also Director of the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau and member of many social committees in Macau and Mainland China.

Mary Ho Moved to Macau in 1983 and has been a Director of McMac Co. Ltd. (McDonald’s Macau) since its formation in 1985. She also served on the Executive Committee of the International Ladies Club of Macau (ILCM) from 1987-1990. She is a long time supporter of Ronald McDonald House and Half the Sky organisations.

Anges Lam A Macau local born scholar, writer, and lawmaker. She is the author of ten books, and among those, six of them are the collections of her creative writings. Agnes was a TV journalist in the earlier 1990’s. She is now Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Macau. She is the president of “Macao Civic Power,” and was elected as the Legislator of Assembly in 2017.

Lau Pak Hung The CEO of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) in Macau. He is also the Vice-Chairman of The Macau Association of Banks and a council member of the Macau Management Association. Joined HSBC in 1986, he held various management positions including a number of overseas assignments over the past 29 years.

Tommy Lau A Macao registered contractor and civil engineer who works as Managing Director of Hou Lin Construction and Real Estate Investment Company. He has also served as a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Hubei Province and of the standing committee of directors of the Macao Chamber of Commerce.

Melina Leong A Macao native, has over 30 years of extensive public relations and community affairs experience. She was formerly Chief Operating Officer of Cotai Ferry Co. Ltd. and Senior Vice President of Public Relations and Community Affairs of Sands China Ltd. Ms Leong is currently serving as a member of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee of Shaanxi Province and Director of Macao Chamber of Commerce.

Albano Martins Albano Martins is economist and entrepreneur, former head of the training center of the Monetary Authority of Macau, Financial Director of Nam Van Development Company, columnist of Jornal Tribuna de Macau (JTM), Vice-Chairman of Macau Management Association (MMA) and President of Anima - Society for the Protection of Animals.

Paula Ling She was a member of the Preparatory Committee for the Macau Special Administrative Region. Has been the chairman of the Macau Lawyers Superior Council and member of the Macau Lawyers Association’s committee; member of the People’s Congress of China; member of the Committee for the Basic Law of the Macao S.A.R. under the Standing Committee of the same Congress and a member of the Election Committee of the Chief Executive of the Macao S.A.R..

評審團 何敬麟

企業家,現任大豐銀行有限公司董事、凱澳策略投資有限 公司董事總經理,及自2009年起擔任安世集團有限公司 之董事長;同時擔任澳門工商聯會會長等多項國內及澳 門社會職務。并於2014年獲得澳門特別行政區授予工商 功績勛章。


在1983年移居澳門;從1985年麥澳有限公司(澳門麥當勞) 成立至今,她一直擔任董事一職。她在1987-1990年期間, 為澳門國際婦女會(ILCM)的執行委員會服務。她更是麥當 勞叔叔之家及半邊天基金會的長期支持者。


本澳土生土長的學者、作家及立法會議員。她是十本書的 作者,其中六本是她的創作著作集。在90年代初期擔任電 視記者,於1997年開始了她的學術生涯。她現在是澳門大 學傳播系助理教授,同時是“澳門公民力量”理事長,並於 2017年當選為立法會議員。


於1986年加入香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司,任職廿九 年間曾擔任多個管理職務,現為匯豐澳門區行政總裁,同 時亦為澳門銀行公會副主席、澳門管理專業協會理事會 成員。


澳門註冊建築商及土木工程師,現為豪年建築置業有限 公司董事經理。更是湖北省政協、中總常務理事兼總務部 部長、澳門建築置業商會監事長、澳門鏡湖慈善會理事 長、澳門管理專業協會理事長及土木工程實驗室董事。他 除擔任多個社會公職外,更於2004年獲澳門特區政府頒 授“工商功績勳章” 。


擁有超過三十年的公共關係工作經驗,早於90年代開設 自家的公關及活動管理公司,為此業界在澳門的先驅。曾 任金光渡輪有限公司營運總裁及金沙中國有限公司公共 關係及社會事務高級副總裁。現為中國人民協商會議陝 西省第十二屆委員會委員及澳門中華總商會會董,並同 時積極參與澳門社區事務。


是經濟學者和企業家,前澳門金融管理局培訓中心領導、 南灣發展有限公司財務總監與《澳門論壇報》專欄作家, 並擔任澳門管理專業協會副理事長及澳門愛護動物協會 主席。


1993年於澳門開始了她的私營律師生涯;1997年獲澳門 政府委任為私人公證員。 曾任澳門特別行政區籌備委員 會及澳門特別行政區第一屆政府推選委員會的成員;並 曾任澳門律師業高等委員會主席與澳門律師公會理事會 理事;現為中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會代表及該 會常務委員會 - 澳門特別行政區基本法委員會委員、澳 門特別行政區行政長官選舉委員會委員。


Judging Panel Members Carlos Marreiros A registered architect, chairman and founder of MAA – Marreiros Architectural Atelier Ltd and President of Albergue SCM – ALBcreativeLAB. He was bestowed with honorif ic decorations by Macau SAR Government’s Chief Executive (2002), by two former Governors of Macau (1987, 1999) and by the President of the Republic of Portugal (1999).

João Francisco Pinto Served as chairperson of the Portuguese and English Press Association of Macau, an organization set to uphold the basic principles of freedom of the press and freedom of speech in Macau. His career spans more than 25 years, during which time he has worked as a newspaper, radio and TV journalist. Currently João Francisco Pinto is the News Controller at TDM, Macau’s public broadcaster.

Alice Costa Was born in Macau in 1969. She graduated in Law in 1994 and was nominated by the Macau Government as a judge for the First Instance Court in 1997 where she is working until now.

Filipe Cunha Santos Arrived Macau in 1982, and worked as Executive Director of CTM Macau, and Asia Pacific Director of Portugal Telecom. In 2007 became Chairman of the InMedia Asia Group of Companies. Member of Macau Economic Council and Director of the Portuguese Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as President of the Macau Wine Society.

Terry Sio A Macau-born entrepreneur, is the president and founder of Rainbow Group. Over the past 39 years, Terry has nurtured Rainbow Group from a single store in Macau to one of the leading European luxury brand retail networks in China and Macau, with over 150 points of sale in more than 20 cities in China.

Jack So Yuk-Chow The dean and Chair Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macau. He is also Co-Director of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management and Executive Director of the Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance, and board member of the Global Finance Journal, Journal of International Business, and several organizations.

Larry So Man Yum Retired from Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) last year but took up part time teaching after retirement. He taught social work in IPM and worked in this field in Hong Kong, Canada and USA. He is concerned about Macau’s social and economic development and its impact on the local community. He has thus advocated policy addressing the issues such as betterment of social welfare, poverty and pathological gambling, from the Government.

Paul Tse The Executive Director of Golden Crown Development Limited. He is also President of The Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers, and Honorary President of The Asian Association of Management Organizations. Chairman of The American Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director of The Macao Chamber of Commerce, and member of several Macau SAR Government Commissions.


評審團 馬若龍

為註冊建築師,MAA馬若龍建築師事務所有限公司 主席及創辦人,並任婆仔屋文創空間主席。曾獲中國 澳門特別行政區政府(2002)、前兩任之澳葡政府 (1987、1999)及葡萄牙共和國總統頒授(1999)之榮 譽勳章。


擔任澳門葡語及英語新聞協會理事長,該協會宗旨是維 護澳門新聞自由和言語自由。彭祖匡於新聞界超過二十 五年經驗,曾於報紙、電台及電視台任職。他現任澳門 廣播電視股份有限公司葡文頻道新聞及節目總監。


1969年出生於澳門。她1994年從法律系畢業 。自從 1997年被澳門政府提名為一審法院法官後, 她一直在 那裡工作。


於1982年來澳擔任澳門電訊執行董事,亦為葡萄牙電訊 亞太區總監;後於2007年成為中亞傳媒有限公司董事 長。為澳門經濟發展委員會會員,並同時身兼葡萄牙華人 總商會及澳門洋酒協會會長。


出生於澳門的企業家,是彩虹集團的總裁及始創人。過去 三十九年,蕭婉儀逐步將彩虹集團從澳門一間店鋪培育成 為中國和澳門領先的歐洲奢侈品品牌零售網絡之一,在中 國超過二十個城市設有愈一百五十個銷售點。


澳門大學工商管理學院院長及講座教授,亦是亞太學 經濟與管理研究所所長,美國創業融學會常務董事。 亦是《環球金融雜誌》、Journal of International of Business,和一些組織的董事會成員。二○一四年獲邀 到國際貨幣基金組織亞太部擔任訪問學者。同年獲頒“ 教育領袖獎” (Education Leadership Award),成為 澳門首位獲此獎項的人士。


於澳門理工學院任教社工系,於香港、加拿大及美國等地 工作。關注澳門的社會和經濟發展以及其對社會的影響, 建議政府從政策方面解決貧窮及病態賭博等問題。


金山發展有限公司執行董事,為澳門建築置業商會主席、 亞洲管理專業組織聯會名譽會長、澳門美國商會主席及澳 門中華總商會理事,同時亦是澳門特區政府多個咨詢委員 會的成員。

Judging Panel Members Rutger Verschuren A Dutch national, is Area Vice President – Macau Operations for Artyzen Hospitality Group, a subsidiary of Shun Tak Holdings. Previously, Mr. Verschuren was Managing Director of Sheraton Macao Hotel, and Vice President Operations of Dusit International. He is since 2014 Chairman of the French Macau Chamber of Commerce (formerly FMBA) and President of the General Assembly of Macau European Chamber of Commerce.

Vong Kok Seng Vong Kok Seng is involved in a variety of service and industry business. He is currently Vice-President of Macau Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors, and General Council member of ICC – World Chamber Federation (WCF). He participates actively in Government Committees and was conferred with the medal for Industrial and Commercial Merit.

Alan Tam KC He is currently the Managing Director of Macau Interpay Data Services Company Limited. At the same time, he served as the chairman of the Smart City Alliance Association of Macau and the vice chairman of the Macau Chamber Of Commerce Young committee, the Secretary-general of the Macau Youth Entrepreneur Association. He also serves as the president or vice president of many chambers of commerce in China and Macau.

Miguel de Senna Fernandes He was appointed legislative assembly lawmaker by Macau’s former Governor Vasco Rocha Vieira from 1997 to 1999.He is the longest-standing member of the Macao SAR Government Consumer Council still on active duty. The Macanese Association, a local organisation advocating Macanese identity, which he chairs.In 2015, he took over the presidency of the Association for Macanese Education (APIM).

Sunny Ip Mr. Ip’s family has its origins in Shunde, Guangdong Province. He is a Macau entrepreneur and was awarded a Macau SAR Government Medal of Merit – Industry and Commerce in 2018. His business mainly involves trading, retail and catering industries. Mr. Ip is the Chairman of Vang Kei Hong Ltd., Vang Kei Hong Supermarket, F&B chains: Chu Kei Noodle House and Taipa Fishing Village Restaurant.

Carlos Lam Director of Board of Parafuturo de Macau Investimento e Desenvolvimento lta.; CEO of Macao Young Entrepreneur Incubation Centre; Executive Vice Chairman of Macau Youth Entrepreneur Association, actively involved in promoting youth innovation and enterpreneurship in Macau.

評審團 溫誠睿

荷蘭籍,自2010年起擔任信德集團有限公司酒店及休閒 營運總監,並於信德集團附屬公司-雅辰酒店管理集團 負責管理澳門區酒店物業。他曾擔任澳門喜來登酒店執 行董事及杜斯特國際酒店集團營運副總裁。現時他同時 擔任法國澳門商會會長及澳門歐洲商會副主席。


活躍於各領域的商務活動,現為澳門中華總商會副理事 長、國際商會下的世界商會聯合會董事會及總理事會成 員。積極參與澳門特區政府各委員會,並曾獲澳門特區 政府頒授工商功績勳章


擁有多年的公共社會工作經驗,為澳門發展做出卓越貢獻 的公司及個人領導才能, 現任澳門融合數據服務有限公司 董事總經理,同時擔任澳門智慧城市聯盟協會會長,澳門 中華總商會青年委員會副主任,澳門青年企業家協會秘 書長等澳門及內地多項商會會長或副會長職務,曾獲聘 為多個商會名誉會長 。


澳門土生葡人,律師、編劇,曾任澳葡政府時代立法會 議員,澳門土生教育協進會主席、土生土語話劇團團 長、澳門土生國際聯誼會諮詢委員會副主席。


獲2018特區政府授勳—工商功績勳章,本澳企業家, 業務主要涉及出入口貿易、零售業,以及飲食業,出任 企業包括:宏基行有限公司、宏基超級市場有限公司、 鳳城珠記麵家及氹仔漁村之董事長職務。熱心及關愛各 項社會事務,分別擔任澳門供應商聯合會、中國致公協 會、澳門出版產業商會、澳門順德工商業聯合會。


澳中致遠投資發展有限公司董事,澳門青年創業孵化中 心行政總裁,澳門青年企業家協會常務副理事長,近年 積極推動青年創新創業工作。


The Eleven Award Categories

The Business Awards of Macau is a programme to reward excellence in business, great contributions to society, while also discovering new talents in the city. Find below the eleven awards categories:

Leading by Example


To acknowledge individuals/ companies/ organisations who

To distinguish individuals or companies, which have intro-

have truly embodied values like commitment to giving back

duced significantly new products or processes, contribut-

to the community or companies demonstrating examples

ing to an increase in productivity or improved workplace

of strong leadership in the market, which have helped to

safety. This award recognises the significance of innovation

create new opportunities, or inspired others to establish

as a strategy to influence ongoing business development.

new ventures that have widened the scope for economic and social development.


Corporate Social Responsibility To distinguish companies that have made significant contributions to the community and the welfare of their work-

To acknowledge individuals who have demonstrated nota-

ers. This award celebrates businesses that have conscien-

ble entrepreneurial skills and initiative in taking new ideas

tiously implemented and evolved these practices.

to market and making the right decisions to make those ideas profitable through business ventures.

Young Entrepreneur

Environmental Performance To distinguish companies that have significantly minimised the environmental impact of their operations, or that have

To acknowledge the achievement of entrepreneurs, young-

introduced environmentally friendly products or services

er than 40 years of age, who have shown outstanding en-

significantly in the market.

trepreneurial spirit.

New Talent

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) To recognize SME’s with less than 100 employees that have

To acknowledge individuals who have natural skills or abil-

made significant contributions to the diversification of the

ities for achieving success at a particular duty or area of re-

economy or achieved outstanding performance in their

sponsibility within an organisation. Through this category,


the Business Awards has opened up an opportunity for organisation founders and/or top executives to recognise talented individuals within their staff.

Most Valuable Brand This award will go to an outstanding brand that has brought significant profit and business growth to a company during the previous financial year. The brand can have been created locally, or it can be an international franchise with local partners or an international company developing business locally.

Non-Profit Organisation To recognise the contribution of non-profit organisations to the general welfare of the community.

Grand Merit Award This award takes into account all the Business Awards categories and is awarded to an institution, a corporation or an individual, that through their tireless efforts and dedication, have made a real difference in the community, and have revealed higher achievements in all aspects. The single winner of this award is designated by the Business Awards selection board.


十一項 澳門商務大獎獎項 澳門商務大獎除了旨在嘉許商界精英、各單位對社會的非凡貢獻,同時亦致力發掘本澳新人才。 以下為本届十一項大獎獎項:


表彰真正體現了回饋社會或企業的奉獻精神,並在市場上樹立了 領導典範的個人/企業/組織,他們創造新機遇、啟發他人創立了 為本地經濟及社會多元發展作出貢獻的新業務。


表彰投身市場踐行新理念,在商業活動中作出正確決定,讓新理 念實現盈利,在此營運過程中展現出優秀企業領導決策才能及主 創精神的傑出人才。


表彰40歲以下的青年企業家所取得的成就,及其個人的 創業精神。


表彰在機構內某一特定職責或行動中,展現出成功所需天賦或能 力之個人。商務大獎的此獎項為機構創始人及/或高級管理人員 創造機會,發掘及嘉許員工中的傑出人才。


表彰於上一個財政年度,為企業帶來豐厚利潤及業務增長的傑出 品牌。大獎歡迎本土品牌、與本地合夥人合作的國際連鎖品牌, 或在本地發展業務的國際企業品牌競逐。


對於為社群以及員工福祉作出了重大貢獻, 以及認真實施並改進相關措施的企業,本獎實至名歸。


嘉獎成功地大幅降低自身營運對環境的影響,或向市場大力推動 環保產品或服務之企業。


表彰為經濟多元化作出重大貢獻,員工數目在100人以下的中小 企,又或是於所在行業及領域取得傑出成就的企業。




此獎項集合前十個商務大獎類別的特點,表彰通過不懈努力和奉 獻,對社群產生重要影響、並在所有領域都取得更高成就的機構、 企業或個人。此獎項只設唯一獲獎者,由商務大獎委員會挑選出。


嘉獎帶來重要新產品或推行新工作流程的個人或企業,其貢獻能 夠提升生產力或工作場所安全。創新能夠影響業務的持續發展, 而本獎項旨在突顯創新的重要策略地位 。


Finalists for 2019 Business Awards of Macau

Gold Awards and Excellence Awards

In its seventh year, the Business Awards of Macau is proud to present 2019’s Excellence and Gold winners that have made exceptional contributions towards the development and growth of Macau’s economy. The response from the different business sectors, has been extremely optimistic and encouraging, and proves how much business culture and entrepreneurship are developing in a city that is considered one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Business Awards of Macau congratulate all candidates, not only for their expertise and achievement, but also for their enthusiasm in accepting this exceptional challenge and opportunity to be recognised publicly as leaders and pioneers in their different business areas.


The members of the Judging Panel selected 48 candidates for their performance and achievements throughout eleven different categories. All the shortlisted candidates are already winners. In the exceptional evening of the awards ceremony, we celebrated the very best ones chosen for Excellence Awards in the final round of judging. We also celebrate the Gold winners in each category – the very highest examples of leadership and entrepreneurship that this event is looking for in order to celebrate Macau’s developing business culture.

2019 澳門商務大獎

金 獎 及 優 秀 獎 入圍者名單







門,本澳的商業文化及創業精神得到極大弘揚和發展。 澳門商務大獎祝賀全部入圍者,歡慶他們的專業精神和 卓越成就,以及恭賀他們熱情參與這一充滿挑戰和機遇

的大獎活動,作為各自所在商業領域的領袖和先鋒接受 大獎的公開嘉賞。


獎典禮當晚,我們共同見證評選出來的優秀獎 得主,及十一位各獎項的金獎得主⸺他們是 大獎評選出來的最傑出業界領袖和企業家典

範,體現了大獎活動弘揚發展澳門商業文化的 精神。


Environmental Performance

“Caring for the Environment” is one of 「 關 愛 環 境 」是 澳 電 核 心 價 值 之 一,通 過 I S O


CEM’s core values. CEM adopts the ISO

14001 (Environmental Management Sys-

澳門電力股份 有限公司

tem) and ISO 14064-1 (Greenhouse Gases Management System) certifications for effective environmental management. It was the first utility company in Macau and the first electricity company in Hong Kong and Macau to obtain the ISO 14064 certification. CEM has been sparing no efforts in developing green power generation to reduce the air pollutant emissions and the greenhouse gas emissions which levels are significantly lower than the legal limits. CEM also actively supports the green commute policy of the Macau SAR Government by installing EV charging stations across the

Company Website

公司 網站



環境 績效大獎

city and launches various initiatives in the community to promote energy saving and eco-friendly lifestyle.

14001 (環境管理系統) 及ISO 14064-1 (溫室

氣體管理系統) 國際標準認證推行有效的環境管

理,為首間澳門的公用事業機構及港澳的電力公 司獲授ISO 14064認證。澳電一直不遺餘力發展

綠色發電以減少空氣污染物和溫室氣體排放,排 放水平均大幅低於法定要求。澳電亦積極支持澳 門特區政府的綠色出行政策,於各區設置電動車 充電站,並舉辦各樣的社區活動以推廣節能環保 生活方式。

環境 績效大獎

Environmental Performance CROWNE PLAZA MACAU 澳門 皇冠假日酒店

“Crowne Plaza Macau” is the only ho-

Macao Green Hotel Award for 3 con-

tel situated in the Northern Macau,

secutive years. Saving the environment

10-minutes away f rom Hong Kong-Zhu-

is everyone’s responsibility and hope

hai-Macau Bridge. Over the 4 years, they

every business could take part in it.

strongly participated in“Green Engage-

ment”Environmental Friendly Scheme, 「 澳 門 皇 冠 假 日 酒 店 」是 唯 一 位 於 澳 門 北 區 的 encouraging staff and guests to participate in GREEN efforts on a daily basis. By taking green actions, Crowne Plaza Macau continuously reduces consumption of carbon, energy and waste. Actions such as encouraging guests request for linens changing, kitchen food waste




purchase on paper straws and copy machine toner recycle, using zero dis-





耗。加強鼓勵賓客減少更換床單、管理廚餘及廢 棄物,更採購紙吸管、複印機墨粉盒回收及零排 放 空 調 等。這 些 措 施 均 有 助 於 減 少 碳 排 放 及 能 源 消 耗。澳 門 皇 冠 假 日 酒 店 的 努 力 不 懈 已 連 續

3年榮獲澳門環保局認可。保護環境是每個人的 責任,並希望每個企業都可以參與其中。

charge water-cooled cooling air cooler Company Website

公司 網站


etc. All actions help to reduce carbon, energy


waste signif icantly.



Crowne Plaza Ma-

cau’s efforts have been awarded and recognized by DSAP Macao for winning


In an industry not traditionally known for

steadfast commitment to creating a better

sustainability, Melco Resorts & Entertain-

world for future generations.

ment’s vision is to pioneer a more responsible way operating. Chairman & CEO Mr. Lawrence Ho leads Melco’s 21,000 individuals in the Company’s quest to continue developing some of the world’s most innovative and luxurious integrated resorts. Melco is charged with a consistently differentiated approach to ethical operations, responsible gaming, charitable community giving, and environmental stewardship. With the launch of its Above & Beyond sustainability strategy earlier this year, bold and ambitious requirements have been set for the future. Above and Beyond will ensure Melco achieves carbon neutrality and zero

Company Website

公司 網站


waste across all its global resorts by 2030. The Company’s goals demand innovation and reach deep into the heart of purchasing

身處一個傳統上並不著重可持續性的行業,新濠 的 願 景 是 開 創 先 河 並 引 領 業 界 以 更 負 責 任的形


帶領新濠旗下21,000名員工,共同實踐公司的使 命,持續地發展世界級最創新及奢華的綜合度假 村。

新濠一直在營商道德、負責任博彩、回饋社會及 環境管理方面,採用別樹一格的發展方針。早前

公司發布可持續發展策略「超越界限」 ,為日後的 可持續發展工作訂立了明確而進取的目標。 「超

越界限」亦確認了新濠的承諾,務求於2030年前 在其全球旗下度假村達致碳中和及零廢棄。

公 司 的 可 持 續 發 展 目 標 同 時 亦 要 求 創 新 思維深

入至採購決策的核心,以促進整個供應鏈的正向 變革,從而印證新濠致力為下一代創造更美好世 界的堅定承諾。

decisions to catalyze positive change across the entire supply chain, reflecting Melco’s


Environmental Performance

環境 績效大獎



Energy Solutions (Macau) Limited

oneCHARGE, a Hong Kong and Macau based start-up company founded in 2017, is here to accelerate the development of EV inf rastructure and dedicat-

即充能源方案 (澳門) 有限公司

ed to developing innovative hardware and software technology that gives EV owners, property owners and developers, government, charging network operators, car manufacturer and fleet operator total control of EV chargers and charging stations through their smartphones and browser. Their EV chargers, combined with the oneCHARGE APP for iOS and Android, comprise users unparalleled levels of control and information over their charging experience, all delivered with reasonable pricing, and easy-

Company Website www.onechar.ge


公司 網站

to-use package experience.


其 創 辦 人 具 前 瞻 性 的 定 位 及 概 念,成 功 獲 得 香

港數碼港的支持開發出初代的電動車充電站及 營 運 平 台,為 自 動 化 及 無 人 化 電 動 車 充 電 站 踏 出第一步。

在 開 發 出 初 代 的 產 品 後,o n e C H A R G E 創 辦 人 決 意 回 到 澳 門,為 本 澳 的 科 研 發 展 作 出 貢

獻。在 2 0 1 8 年 7 月,即 充 能 源 方 案 ( 澳 門 ) 有 限 公 司 正 式 成 立,是 決 意 回 澳 的 第 一 步。為 實 現 oneCHARGE的願景,公司成立之初即已參加

由澳中致遠所管理的澳門青年創業孵化中心,並 隨行參與由貿促局舉辦的多個展覽,並接受多家 電視台及電台的採訪,讓市民大眾、政府及企業 了解oneCHARGE的構思,為城市未來發展作 出承擔。

領導楷模 大獎

Leading by Example KEITH JOHN BUCKLEY

Keith Buckley is a British based in Macau, graduated in 1971 from Civil Engineering at


the University of Surrey in the UK. He has

Director of BCA (Macau) Limited & Chairman of the Lighthouse Club Macau

neering and building projects.

BCA(澳門)有限公司董事及 明建會主席

worked in many countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, managing civil engiMr. Buckley has based in Macau for the past 16 years and has been responsible for the construction management of Sands China Limited’s integrated resort projects in Macau and Cotai and thereby contributing to

紀 百 利 先 生 是 植 根 澳 門 的 英 國 人。於 1 9 7 1 年 畢

業於英國薩里大學土木工程系。他曾在歐洲、中 東 和 亞 洲 的 許 多 國 家 工 作,負 責 管 理 土 木 工 程


中國有限公司之路氹金光大道的綜合度假勝地 項 目 擔 任 建 築 管 理 角 色,為 澳 門 的 發 展 作 出 了 貢獻。紀百利先生是BCA(Macau)Limited的

共同創辦人,為建築業提供專業服務。紀百利先 生一直支持澳門的慈善和商會活動。他既是慈善 組織明建會的主席,也是澳門英國商會的主席。

the development of Macau. He co-founded BCA (Macau) Limited offering professional services to the construction industry. He also supported charity and business activities in Macau. He is the Chairman of the Lighthouse Club Macau, a construction charity and also Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Macau.


領導楷模 大獎

Leading by Example LAI PAK KEONG 黎栢強

Lai pak keong, born and raised in Macau, he is very enthusiastic of science. He had founded the Macau Amateur Astronomical Society in 1983, and co-founded a non-profit

黎栢強,一位於非常熱衷科普工作的澳門人。他 繼1983年成立了澳門業餘天文學會,奠定了本澳 天文活動的基石後,毅然在2004年帶領創立非


President Macao Innovation and Invention Association

association as founding president -the Ma-

會長 澳門創新發明協會

(MIIA) in 2004.


During 15 years of his diligent leading of the


cau Innovation and Invention Association

MIIA, he has organized the team to partic-



ipate in competitions aboard for years. The competition results were fruitful, making the association contributes to the popular science in Macau as one of the most popular science organizations in the city.


A doctoral researcher from the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST). He is in the last year of his Ph.D. research and working on computer-aided drug design methods, which includes the Artificial Intelligence in drug discovery and identification of drug target. So far, Faraz

博士 澳門大學

has published 14 research papers in international journals and his latest research in Ebola drug discovery was recognized by the global community. He has discovered two




學 科 學 技 術 學 院 的 博 士 研 究 員。他 在 博 士 學 位

的最後一年致力於研究計算機輔助藥物設計 方 法,其 中 包 括 將 人 工 智 能 運 用 於 藥 物 發 現 和 靶 點 識 別。迄 今 為 止,他 已 在 國 際 期 刊 上 發 表

了 1 4 篇 研 究 論 文,而 他 對 伊 波 拉 病 毒 藥 物 發 現 方 面 的 最 新 研 究 得 到 了 國 際 社 會 認 可。他 發 現 了 兩 種 抑 制 伊 波 拉 感 染 的 候 選 藥 物,這 一 突 破

性發現經英國牛津大學專家進行生物學驗證 後,引 起 國 際 關 注 。 Shaikh更 被 美 國 戈 登 會

議(G R C)授 予 卡 爾 • 斯 托 姆 國 際 多 樣 性 研 究 金

Ebola virus drug candidates. The ground- (C S I D Aw a r d) ,獲 邀 赴 美 國 參 發 表 成 果,助 breaking discovery has been validated by collaborators from the University of Oxford, UK through biological experiments, attracting international attention. Shaikh was awarded the Carl Storm International DiverWebsite



sity Fellowship from the Gordon Research Conference (GRC), United States and he was invited as a speaker to present his findings, in order to help the medical industry to develop anti-Ebola drugs.



領導楷模 大獎

Leading by Example UNG CHOI KUN 吳在權

Born into a grassroots family in Macao, Mr Ung Choi Kun discontinued his education due to poverty in the family, but he was fond of reading at leisure time, especially books

Founding President The Macao Wisdom Humanities Encourage Political Association 創會會長 澳門智慧人文勵政會

and papers on traditional Chinese culture. Mr Ung has strived for improving his livelihood and planning for his life, which started to become successful, thanks to the city

‘s economic boom. Yet he has not forgotten his original aspiration, and is still patri-

otic and ardent in the common good. He and Mrs Kwong Ying has contributed for 13

吳 在 權,生 於 澳 門 草 根,幼 時 因 家 貧 而 輟 學,但 閒 時 不 忘 閱 讀,尤 其 一 些 相 關 中 華 傳 統 文 化 的

書 報,故 自 年 青 時,便 懂 孝 親 愛 家,尊 長 敬 老 育 幼 扶 青 的 思 想。為 了 改 善 生 活 及 規 劃 人 生 不 斷

努力自強。幸承澳門經濟發展之東風業有初成。 且不忘初心,關愛家國熱心公益,與妻子鄺英回 鄉 舉 辦“ 健 康 成 長 伴 我 行 ”送 光 明 活 動,持 續 1 3 年免費為 8000 多名學童驗眼配鏡。 更感青年

人 是 未 來 社 會 之 棟 樑,故 積 極 團 結 凝 聚 各 界 青 年,為青年構建學習平 臺而組成”澳門智慧人文 勵政會”邦助青年提升家國情懷。

consecutive years in the“ Growing Healthy

Together “ campaign, to support 3, 000 children in his hometown to undergo visual checks and get glasses . Believing the youth

are society‘ s future, Mr Ung has actively gathered young people in various sectors,

and formed the“ Macao Wisdom Human-

ities Encourage Political Association as a learning platform for the youth by raising their passion for the nation.


中國工商銀行(澳門) 股份有限公司

Being ranked as the largest of all locally registered banks, ICBC (Macau) has always aimed to offer innovative f inancial technologies and provide more diversif ied f inancial services. Especially, ICBC (Macau) takes advantages of technology to satisfy clients’needs on both online and offline payment channels. In recent years, ICBC (Macau) adheres to the“Outline Development Plan for the

作為澳門最大本地註冊銀行,工銀澳門多年來不 斷 推 陳 出 新,滿 足 客 戶 多 元 化 需 求 , 積 極 發 展 科

技金融服務,為澳門社會提供更多元的金融服務, 尤其在線上線下支付方面,發揮科技優勢,滿足客


要》 ,依託中國工商銀行強大的網路,加強內外聯

動,創造多個領先澳門地區同業跨境金融服務, 打造具有工銀澳門特色的大灣區金融生態圈,踐 行「札根澳門,建設灣區」的服務宗旨。

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”with the support of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. This strengthens internal and external linkages and offers leading cross-border f inancial services among competitors in the local industry. This builds a f inanCompany Website www.icbc.com.mo

公司 網站

cial ecosystem with the characteristics of ICBC (Macau) in the Greater Bay Area and fully implements the principle of

“rooted in Macau, integrated into the Greater Bay Area”.




Mr. Matthew Chao, as the founder of BoardWare Information System Limited, with his keen market sense and innovative ideas. Leading the company to transform from a

Chairman BoardWare Information System Limited 董事主席 博維資訊系統有限公司

traditional IT system integrator to be a total solution provider. Built up the first Macao Local Security Operation Center and the Redefined Data Center. He aims to provide a secure and high-quality business environment to Macau enterprise by leveraging the technology experience from his team.

傑出企業家 大獎

從事資訊科技事業十多年, 現為博維資訊有限公

司董事總經理,負責制定公司長遠發展策略,並 開 發 公 司 海 外 市 場,於 中 國 及 香 港 設 立 分 公 司 ;

對推動澳門資訊科技及培育澳門科技人材不遺 餘力,近年於博維資訊成立了澳門首個全面由本 地營運的資安監控營運中心 (Security Opera-

tions Centre, SOC) 以及於本澳複雜的市場環境 下提供了新一代數據中心架構轉型服務(Rede-

fined Data Center, RDC) ,務求在技術領域上


望藉此令澳門的相關畢業生及年青人構建創業 及研發平台; 贊助及出任澳門教育發展研究學會


培訓計劃。在社會職務方面,積極推動會務發展, 參與社會工作及公益事務。

Company Website

公司 網站





Mr. Rui Barbosa is a Portuguese entrepreneur based in Macau, founded KPM Project Management Limited from scratch in

CEO and Partner KPM Project Management Limited, Gold Lótus Limitada and Portugal Property Investment 常務董事 KPM - 計劃管理有限公司

2010. Under the leadership of Mr. Barbosa, KPM continues running as a growing company. With his Commercial, Design, Project Management and Engineering multi-background and the know-how in a challenging market, he succeed constantly improve and diversify the company approach and services provided. KPM also expanded branches in different cities such as KPM Hengqin, Gold Lótus Limitada (Portugal) and Portugal Property Investment (Portu-

傑出企業家 大獎 巴 博 薩 是 植 根 澳 門 的 一 名 葡 萄 牙 企 業 家,他 於 2010年創立KPM項目管理有限公司。他憑藉自


以及在充滿挑戰的市場中所獲得的經驗和知識, 使KPM成為一家不斷成長的公司。他堅持自己

的經營理念,同時不斷改善業務,使其變得多樣 化。業 務 多 樣 化 使 他 在 各 地 建 立 了 公 司 和 部 門 網絡,如KPM



Limitada(葡萄牙)和Portugal Property In-

vestment(葡萄牙和澳門) ,以便為客戶提供各


展新項目和新構想,以使他的公司團隊成為在澳 門獨一無二的品牌。

gal & Macau) to allow numerous and possible services to the clients, also to expand their clients portfolio. Rui keeps developing Company Website

公司 網站

new projects and ideas to make his Companies Group a unique offer in Macau.



Chief Executive Officer Macau Expo Group Limited 董事局主席 澳門博覽集團有限公司

Alan Ho (Haiming) is a new generation

Gastronomy” and has made outstand-

practitioner of the convention & exhibi-

ing contributions in actively promoting

tion industry after China’s reform and

regional exchanges and development.

opening up. Mr. Ho is currently the President of the Macao Convention and Exhibition Association; CEO of Macao Expo Group Ltd.; Adviser of the Committee for the Development of Economy of Macao SAR Government; Deputy Coordinator of the Tourism Development Committee of Macao SAR Government; Deputy Director of the Dynamic Macao Promotion Week Organizing Committee; President

何海明先生是中國改革開放後新一代會展業從 業人,現任澳門會議展覽業協會理事長、澳門博

覽集團董事局主席、澳門政府經濟發展委員會顧 問、旅遊發展委員會委員、活力澳門推廣周組委 會副主任、澳門餅食手信業商會理事長、山西省

政協委員。他從事會展業三十年,是澳門「美食之 都」提 議 者、踐 行 者,為 積 極 推 動 區 域 交 流 與 發 展,作出了突出的貢獻。

of the Macao Bakery Food & Souvenirs Trade Association and also a member of Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Company Website

公司 網站


Conference (CPPCC). Having been engaged in the convention & exhibition industry for 30 years, Ho is the advocate and practitioner in proposing Macao to

become the UNESCO “Creative City of


Young Entrepreneur

青年企業家 大獎


Mr Choi, the founder of the Ying Hai Group

蔡 偉 振 先 生「 ( 蔡 先 生」) 為 瀛 海 集 團 控 股 有 限 公

Group”), led the company to be successful-



Holdings Company Limited “Ying ( Hai

ly listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Ying Hai Group Holdings Company Limited

the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Septem-

集團主席、行政總裁及執行董事 瀛海集團控股有限公司

be listed in Hong Kong. Since 2009, Mr Choi

ber 2019, and Ying Hai Group became the first company engaging in Macau travel to has started an F&B business in Macau and accumulated experience in the consumer market in Macau. In 2014, in view of the development potential of the travel business in Macau, Mr Choi established Ying Hai Tourism Company Limited and entered the tourism industry. In addition, Mr Choi established Ying Hai Rent-A-Car Service Company Limited, Ying Hai Interurban Passenger Road Transport Company Limited and C U

Company Website

公司 網站


Macau Tourism Company Limited in Macau to promote Macau’s leisure tourism and entertainment businesses and actively participate in social charity activities.


司(「 瀛海集團」)之創辦人,於二零一九年九月帶

為 第 一 間 在 澳 門 從 事 旅 遊 業 務 的 上 市 公 司。自 2009 年,蔡先生開始在澳門從事餐飲行業,積累 澳門消費市場方面的經驗;在 2014 年,著眼於澳 門旅遊業的發展潛力,蔡先生創立了瀛海旅遊有


了瀛海汽車租賃服務有限公司、瀛海陸路跨境客 運股份有限公司、去澳門旅遊有限公司,致力於推 廣澳門休閒旅遊娛樂事業,同時積極參與社會公 益慈善活動。

青年企業家 大獎

Young Entrepreneur FRANKY HO 何浚銘

Mr. Franky Ho, a young Macao entrepreneur born in the 80s, founded San Chun Computer Software Ltd. in 2011. In 2018, he expand-

Managing Director San Chun Computer Software Ltd 董事總經理 新浚電腦軟件有限公司

ed his business to Chan Ltd., SC CAR Service Center. His business philosophy is to establish business which is helpful for the vulnerable community, because he understands the needs of this community. Mr. Ho is also keen on social activities. He is now serving as the Vice President of the Macao-Heilong-




的每一間公司的目標就是可以幫助弱小社群因 為他明白到弱小社群需要些什麼,展望將來能有

更大的能力去開設更多能為大眾服務所需的公 司,幫助更多中下階層市民。何先生目前亦是澳

門黑龍江青年協會副理事長,澳門清遠市青年委 員會副理事長,澳門青年企業家協會會員。

jiang Youth Association, the Vice President of Macao Qingyuan Youth Committee, and a member of the Macao Youth Entrepreneurs Association.

Company Website

公司 網站



Jeff Choi graduated f rom a Bachelor of Architecture of Tsinghua University in 2005. Having been engaged in architec-

Chief Executive Officer Registered Architect of Macao GTL International Group Ltd. 行政總裁 澳門註冊建築師 盛世蓮華國際集團有限公司

tural design for 14 years, he was trained by the renowned architects Mr. Eddie Wong and Mr. Nuno Jorge. He founded GTL International Group in 2009. The company is mainly engaged in architectural design, commercial license consulting,



decoration engineering and construc-

蔡強,2005年畢業於清華大學建築系,後師承著 名建築師黃如楷、左立基先生,在澳從事建築設 計工作十四年。2009年成立盛世蓮華國際集團


裝修工程、建築工程。秉承“以客為先,優質服務” 宗旨 。

蔡先生樂於社會服務,是澳門文化創意產業管理 學會及青年領袖議會創會會長,並擔任粵港澳大 灣區青商聯盟聯席會長。

tion engineering. Adhering to the ten-

et of “Customer First, Quality Service”, he serves as the founding president of

Macao Cultural and Creative Industry Management Association and the president of Youth Leadership Council, also Company Website www.gtlgrupo.com

公司 網站

having been appointed as joint Chairman of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, Bay Area Youth Business Alliance.


Young Entrepreneur

青年企業家 大獎


何 潤 發 畢 業 於 澳 門 理 工 學 院 藝 術 高 等 學 校,曾

Graduated from Macao Polytechnic Insti-


tute, Ken had worked in the Macao Museum of Art, Shenzhen Sense-Team and MO-De-

Founder and Art Director Meet Culture Ltd. 共同創辦人及設計總監 遇見文化有限公司

sign, where he’s been involved in product development and exhibition projects. During his career in the creative industry, Ken participated in various design projects and exhibitions across various regions and received awards locally and internationally; they include the Italian Poster Biennial, ADC NY Young Guns, Tokyo TDC, GDC Graphic Design in China, Taipei International Design Award, Golden Pin Design Award, Greater China Illustration Awards, and Macao De-

工作於澳門藝術博物館、深圳Sense -Team及 MO-Design,協助產品開發及展覽項目。曾參

與過不同地區的設計展覽及項目交流活動,並於 2015年入選台灣國際YoungGun展暨華人新銳

設計獎,作品獲多個本地及國際設計獎項:如意 大利海報年展、日本東京字體指導協會、GDC平

面設計在中國、臺北設計獎、台灣金點設計獎、中 華區插畫獎、澳門設計雙年展等。

2016年與許美恩共同創立遇見文化,期望透過品 牌「遊覓 MEEET」的多元特式產品,以創意和美 感呈現澳門的文化和城市形象。

sign Biennale. He established Meet Culture Ltd. with Company Website

公司 網站


Miquelina Hoi in 2016; Ken looks forward to present Macau’s culture and image in a way that fulfills creativity and aesthetics through MEEET Souvenir’s diversified and innovative product collections.


After graduation from Shih Chien University of Fashion Design, Miquelina continued her studies in Australia and interned at Jason Wu Studio in New York before returning to

Founder and Commercial Director Meet Culture Ltd.

Macau. With her strong and unique sense of trends and fashion Miquelina served as fashion buyer and brand manager for a number

創辦人及商務總監 遇見文化有限公司

買手及品牌營運管理,擁有敏銳時尚觸角和豐富 零售管理經驗。


Macau through creativity and promote local designs to the world.



Grounded in her excellent retail manage-

in 2016, aiming to celebrate the culture of


國紐約 Jason Wu Studio 實習工作。回澳後致

2016 年與何潤發共同創立遇見文化,目標透過

co-founded Meet Culture Ltd. with Ken Ho

公司 網站


of renowned high-end fashion brands.

ment experience and visions, Miquelina

Company Website


品牌「遊覓 MEEET」傳承澳門文化及將本地設


傑出人才 大獎

New Talent CHAN LEI 陳莉

“Ms. Chan Lei, Lily has been working at Grand Lapa since 2017. When she commenced working in the hotel, she was amazed by the program – Art of Service. She has participated passionately in migrating the program into the hotel culture over the last 2 years. Through her endeavor, over 50% of employees have participated in the program and gained the knowledge of our Macau local background. In addition, she initiated a new guest service program which enhanced the guest service culture across the Company. She deeply believes that through understanding the local culture and history, employees will be able to deliver exceptional customer experience to the guests. As the Area Learning and Development Manager, Lily continuously shares her wealth of knowledge and experience of hotel operations with colleagues. She understands and anticipates the needs of Nominated by

Mr. Chow Man Kit Area Director of Human Resources

Grand Lapa Macau



Area Learning and Development Manager Grand Lapa Macau

Director Form C Architectural Consultant Co. Ltd.

區域學習及發展經理 金麗華酒店

總監 形滙建築顧問有限公司

guests and colleagues while planning and conducting training. She is committed to creating an environment where colleagues feel valued and able to achieve their personal and career goals.” 「陳莉小姐自2017年加入金 麗華酒店,當她加入金麗華酒 店後,她對酒店的其中一項培 訓計劃“服務之藝術”非常感 興趣。陳莉小姐在過去兩年積 極推動此計劃,經過她的努力 下,酒店超過一半的員工都參 與了這個計劃,並學習到很多 本地文化的背景資訊。除此之 外,陳小姐亦開展了一個新的 客戶服務培訓計劃,提昇公司 的服務文化。她深信提供員工 相關的服務知識,配合他們對 澳門文化的認識,他們將能夠 為客人提供超卓的服務體驗。 作為區域學習及發展經理,陳 莉小姐積極與同事分享她對 酒店運作的豐富知識與經驗。 同時在規劃及進行培訓時,她 亦會預期客人和同事的需要 並作出配合。例如她會配合同 事的時間表彈性安排培訓,減 低對酒店日常運作和服務品 質的影響。此外,陳小姐致力 為同事創造一個理想的學習 環境,協助他們達成個人及職 涯目標,並讓他們感受到酒店 對員工培訓的重視。」 由金麗華酒店

區域人力資源部總監 周文傑先生提名

“Meph joined Form C Architectural Consultants Ltd. as an assistant architect in 2011. Since then, he has made significant contributions to the company for the past 8 years and was promoted 3 times. Since becoming the director in 2017, he was determined to transform the company from an in-house architectural / interior design firm to a permit, licensing and architectural consultancy company. Within 2 years, he has established a reputation as an outstanding submission architect and permit and licensing consultant in the market. Consultancy work requires detailed, careful assessments. Meph is able to assess each case accurately and assist his clients in each unique situation. All potential challenges and problems can be converted into satisfactory results for the applicants. His outstanding performance and attitude allowed him to be a leader and enabled Nominated by

Ms. Fina Cheong Chairman and Owner Form C Architectural Consultant Co. Ltd.

the company to take on more challenges for a wider market.” 「Meph2011年加入本公司



獻,獲三度晉升。自2017年開 始任職公司總裁並將公司轉 型成為建築入則及牌照顧問

公司,二年時間內帶領公司小 隊成功將公司轉型,在行內站 穩陣腳及建立口碑,客戶由

大眾化的商品活動以致幾大 博彩企業的建築顧問服務都 能勝任。


築顧問行業,Meph都能靈活, 準確及專業地協助每位申請 人處理不同的建築個案及細

節,把潛在的挑戰及問題轉化 為令申請人滿意的結果。他積 極勤奮上進的工作態度,傑出 的領導能力,令公司上下煥然 一新,開拓更大市場。」

由形滙建築顧問有限公司 主席及持有人


傑出人才 大獎

New Talent VICKY CHAN 陳家欣

Ramachandran Tripunithura Mahadeva

Assistant General Manager – Corporate Sales and Marketing Asia Pioneer Entertainment Holdings Limited (APE)

Systems Director SG Gaming Asia Limited 系統負責人 SG遊戲亞洲股份有限公司

副總經理—企業銷售及市場部 亞洲先鋒娛樂控股有限公司

“Vicky has been working in APE and gaming industry for over 11 years. In the past decade, she paid great efforts on learning new things which helped her become an expert from a very beginner in the gaming industry. As a leader of Corporate Sales and Marketing Team, Vicky has demonstrated her excellent leadership and satisfying service by the collaborative efforts of her team. Moreover, her outstanding ability in strategies decision and market trend forecasts bring tremendous business value for our company, which is a significant contribution to the



在過去的十年間,她努力學習 新事物,使她從博彩行業的新 手蛻變成為行內專業。作為銷 售及市場部主管,陳家欣小姐 通過團隊合作,引證著她傑出 的領導能力以及令人滿意的 服務技巧。此外,她在制定銷 售策略和預測市場動向方面 的出色表現為公司帶來了巨

大的商業價值,並對於亞洲先 鋒娛樂在澳門以及東南亞市

場的發展來說有重大貢獻。未 來,我相信她將會繼續於亞洲 先鋒娛樂中扮演着關鍵的角

色,帶領她的團隊走向更光輝 的未來。」

development in Macau and Southeast Asia market for APE. In the future, I believe she will keep playing a key role in APE, leading her team towards the bright future for the company.”

Nominated by

Mr. Herman Ng Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Asia Pioneer Entertainment Holdings Limited

Ramzy Mahadeva is currently the Systems Director for SG Gaming Asia Limited responsible for Systems Sales, Deployments, Technical Services & Support for Asian clients. Started his career in the gaming industry 12 years ago in Las Vegas, wearing multiple hats for Bally Technologies Las Vegas, Bally Technologies India, Scientific Games India Private Limited. He had the chance to work with clients across regions and global locations such as Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia & New Zealand. Ramzy graduated Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas). Coming from a deep technical background, getting exposure and inspiration with the gaming industry during his University term. Ramzy won several Service Awards within Scientific Games Corporation and previous organizations for his service and customer satisfaction

由亞洲先鋒娛樂控股有限公司 行政總裁及執行董事 吳民豪先生提名

Nominated by

Mr. Ken Jolly VP & Managing Director for Asia

SG Gaming Asia Limited

achievements. He also considered working with these following notable Scientific Games’System products & technology an achievement since these products had served it’s customer’s needs and positively impact revenues and returns. 現任SG遊戲亞洲股份有限公 司的系統負責人,負責亞洲地 區的系統銷售、部署、技術服 務和支援。12年前他在拉斯維 加斯開始他的博彩業生涯, 在Bally Technologies Las Vegas、Bally Technologies India和Scientific Games India Private Limited公司 擔任多個職務。因此,他有機 會與全球各個地區的客戶共 事,譬如北美、歐洲、亞洲、澳 大利亞和紐西蘭等。Ramzy碩 士畢業於內華達大學拉斯維 加斯分校電子與電腦工程。因 來自一所技術氛圍濃厚的學 校,他於在校期間就對博彩業 耳濡目染且深受啟發。因其服 務及在客戶滿意度上取得的 成就,Ramzy在美彩科技和之 前公司獲得了多項服務類獎 項。在他看來,與著名的美彩 科技系統產品和科技合作賦 予他很大的成就感,因為此類 產品能夠滿足客戶的需求並 取得不錯的收益和回報。 由SG遊戲亞洲股份有限公司 亞洲區副總裁及執行董事 喬利肯先生提名


傑出人才 大獎

New Talent WILLY ZHANG 張維理

WINI CHEONG 張芯宜 President Young Skal International Macau

Rooms Division Manager The St. Regis Macao, Cotai Central

Managing Director La Maison de Marriage

房務部經理 澳門瑞吉金沙城中心酒店

ing to be part of sports “Since joining The teams to further demonSt. Regis Macao, Willy strate camaraderie with has demonstrated an his colleagues.” exceptional adeptness at delivering above expectation: exceeding guests’ 「自加入澳門瑞吉酒店以來 highest expectations Willy一直以嫻熟的技巧,在 when it comes to hotel 酒店入住率及客流量持續高 stay experiences, custom企的情況下監督並確保良好 er service and standards 的服務質量,妥善處理各項挑 of accommodation. Willy 戰,為賓客提供細致的服務及 manages the complex 超出預期的住宿體驗。Willy challenges of consistently 是個優秀的酒店經營者,在協 high hotel occupancy, a 助團隊按照財政預算,控制成 high daily guest turnover, 本的同時,能夠令賓客的滿意 as well as overseeing the 度不斷提升並為酒店帶來更 housekeeping function 高利潤。 amidst the pace of a bustling integrated resort. 更重要的是,除了領導酒店的 Willy is a consummate 團隊活動,獎勵及表彰計劃, hotelier and constantly 熱衷運動的Willy亦參與多個 drives guest satisfaction, 員工運動小組,與同事建立友 yet keeps a close eye on 誼並提高團隊的凝聚力,是澳 finances to maximize 門瑞吉酒店團隊中不可或缺 profit, up-selling and 的成員。」 cost control in line with stringent budgetary guidelines. Most importantly, Willy is an integral member of The St Regis Macao associate family, leading team building activities, reward and recognition programs, and as an avid sportsman, is always willNominated by

Mr. Saurabh Bakshi General Manager of Operations

The St. Regis Macao, Cotai Central and Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, Cotai Central


由澳門瑞吉金沙城中心酒店 及澳門喜來登金沙城中心大酒店

營運總經理 鮑守華先生提名

會長 - 澳門國際青年順風會 營運總監 - 囍歡里婚禮策劃

“Wini is a dedicated, motivated, and goal-oriented professional with 10 years of experience in the hospitality industry, while 8 of those years have been in the planning and coordinating of all sorts of events, from corporate conferences and weddings to themed parties, and in the execution of over 600 successful events. She is passionate in her own role as a young entrepreneur and is involved with various social associations. In 2018, she was appointed as the President of Young Skal International Macau, where she had put her best effort to kick



劃師,在酒店行業擁有10年的 經驗,而在策劃公司會議,婚 禮到主題派對的各種活動方

面,則有8年的經驗,累積至今 已執行了600多場成功的活



參與社會各個活動社團工作, 在2018年更受委任為澳門國

際青年順風會會長,她竭盡全 力啟動了由澳門國際順風會

會員擔任導師的第一個《導師 計劃》 ,澳門國際順風會一直

希望培養未來的年輕領導者, 培育新一代,並繼續積極地為 其團隊帶來正面的影響。」

off the first Mentorship programme with Skal members as mentors. This was considered a success, as Skal International Macau’s mission has always been to nurture future young leaders and cultivate the new generation. Wini continues to positively impact her team.”

Nominated by

Mr. João Manuel Costa Antunes President of Skal International Macau

由澳門國際順風會 會長


Most Valuable Brand

最具價值 品牌大獎

Powered by 贊助由


Bank of China Macau Branch was estab-

中國銀行 澳門分行

business tenet of“Rooted in Macao, Stead-

lished in Macao in 1950, became the ninth overseas branch of BOC Group. In the past seventy years, the branch practices the

fast in Serving”, supports Macao’s economic development, maintains the economic and financial stability of Macao SAR, and

中國銀行澳門分行於1950年創立,成為中國銀 行 第 九 家 海 外 分 行。近 七 十 年 來,澳 門 分 行 秉

承“根植澳門,服務澳門”的經營宗旨,支持澳門 經濟建設,維護特區金融穩定,發展成為本地市 場份額超過四成的主流銀行。展望未來,澳門分 行將按照激發活力、敏捷反應、重點突破的戰略 要求,加快建設成為新時代全球一流銀行。

has made up of 40% of the market share in Macao for a long time and being in the leading position in the market. In the future, Bank of China Macau Branch will advance with the times, stimulate new vitality, foster new drivers, achieve new breakthroughs, and accelerate the construction of building a world-class bank in the new era.

Company Website

公司 網站



最具價值 品牌大獎

Most Valuable Brand CHOI HEONG YUEN BAKERY, MACAU 咀香園餅家

Since 1935, Choi Heong Yuen Bakery has been applying a unique charcoal method of baking almond cake. Their classic charcoal-baked almond cakes have gained a good reputation worldwide and are considered the best souvenir from Macau. It is their belief and philosophy to select only the highest quality natural ingredients, all

啟業於一九三五年的澳門咀香園餅家,是澳門特產 的總匯。

首創遠近馳名之炭燒杏仁餅,各式杏仁餅皆以古法 炭燒慢火焙烤,甘香細膩,滋味雋永。其他暢銷產品 包括中秋月餅,紫菜肉鬆鳳凰卷,老婆餅,千層杏仁 酥,合桃酥,花生糖,鮮烤肉乾等。

meticulously prepared with their generations-old recipes.

Choi Heong Yuen also

creates a wide range of homemade Chinese pastries, including Chinese moon cakes, phoenix egg rolls, beef jerky, walnut cookies, peanut candies, almond pastries, etc.

Company Website

公司 網站



CSI Group has been rooted in Macau for nearly 20 years. The group covers a wide range of services, including public projects, construction, real estate, interior design, en-

CSI集團 有限公司

tertainment production, concert planning, marketing, and wine wholesale and retail. In 2017, CSI Group reached a new level that saw it get the operation rights of the new Taipa Ferry Terminal by Macao SAR. CSI Group took upon itself the responsibility of serving the residents of Macao and visitors from all over the world. Members of CSI Group include CSI Catering Management Limited, Chong San Interior Design & Construction, Kenneth International Entertainment, Hou Tin In-

Company Website

公司 網站



ternational Port Management, Chong Zok Management Consultants, and Kenneth Wine Cellar.

CSI集團扎根澳門近20年,業務橫跨公共事業、公 共工程、房地產發展、室內設計、娛樂製作、演唱會


域。2017年,澳門特別行政區正式將全新氹仔客運 碼頭營運經營權批給CSI集團,為集團業務推上更

高的新台階,同時亦肩負起服務澳門廣大市民及 來自世界各地來澳旅客的重要使命。

CSI集團旗下擁有多家附屬公司,包括CSI飲食管 理有限公司、創新設計工程有限公司、肯尼思國際

娛樂有限公司、灝天國際港口管理有限公司、創作 管理顧問有限公司、肯尼思酒窖有限公司等。


GATHERING 長鑫有限公司 –


GATHERING was founded in 2016 by William Si, who has more than 10 years of experience in the beverage industry. With extraordinary technology and a unique method, William Si expects to create an international beverage brand with a Macau twist.

最具價值 品牌大獎 GATHERING佳得利/薈真集於2012年創立,創辦

人施非凡先生,過去擁有十年以上的茶飲經驗,對 相關行業也十分了解與熟悉,憑著嶄新的技術與獨


得利/薈真集』 ,期盼打造出一個極具澳門特色的國 際飲品品牌。

The brand name“GATHERING”is a symbol

品牌名稱『GATHERING薈真集』 ,象徵著希望以澳

things in the world to Macau and creating


of the goal, which is bringing all the best a catering group with a specialty in Macau.

Furthermore, the brand aims to improve

門作為根基,將世界上最好的東西都「聚」集到澳門 上國際的舞台,揚名海外,成為澳門之光。

the international image of Macau. Current- 『GATHERING佳得利/薈真集』目前在澳門共有 ly, GATHERING has 11 stores in Macau, and 2

stores in Zhuhai, China; so far, all the stores


are corporate stores.

Company Website

公司 網站



As a pioneer in gastronomy, SJM was the

天巢法國 餐廳

city’s very first restaurant to receive three

first to introduce the Robuchon brand at Hotel Lisboa. Robuchon à Galera was the Michelin star honors, which successfully lifted Macau gastronomy onto the world stage. To this day, Robuchon remains as the only Michelin 3-star French restaurant in Macau, now under the name Robuchon au Dôme at SJM’s Grand Lisboa Hotel. As a result of

作為美食界的先驅,澳博早於2001年開設澳門 首家高級法國餐廳,引入Robuchon 品牌進駐 葡京酒店。Robuchon à Galera 亦是全澳第 一 家 獲 得 三 星 米 芝 蓮 榮 譽 的 餐 廳,成 功 地將澳

門美食推向了世界舞台。時至今日,現址位於澳 博 新 葡 京 酒 店 的 天 巢 法 國 餐 廳,亦 是 澳 門唯一 榮 獲 米 芝 蓮 三 星 的 法 國 餐 廳。隨 著 澳 博 多年來

不斷發展與努力,Robuchon已融入澳門,成為 蜚聲國際的高端餐飲品牌。

SJM’s efforts, Robuchon has successfully become a brand synonymous with Macau.

Company Website

公司 網站

www.grandlisboahotels.com/en/ dining/robuchon-au-dome





Chaired Logic Solutions Limited has de-

CLS方案 一人有限公司

by chiropractor Dr David France, the chairs

signed a range of chairs specifically to provide a better way to maintain the spine when sitting at work or at home. Designed aim to resolve the chronic problem of back pain and poor posture in our community. The unique saddle shape and rotating backrest give two quite different sitting positions in the one chair. This is a world first and has been patented accordingly in the US, Asia, Australia and the EU.

Through extensive

scientific testing, the Workhorse Saddle Chair breaks the outdated concept of the chair with a revolutionary new design and plans to change the way the world sits and rid people of the scourge of back pain, poor Company Website

公司 網站



health and poor posture.

由Chaired Logic Solutions Limited設計 的 一 系 列 保 䕶 脊 椎 的 座 椅,能 夠 在 工 作 或 在 家

中更好地保護脊椎。所有座椅均由脊醫David France 博士設計,主要解決長期不正確姿勢所

造成的背痛問題。 Chaired Logic Solutions

的䕶脊椅獨有的馬鞍坐位及旋轉靠背提供了兩 種 不 同 的 坐 姿,使 腰 椎 時 刻 保 持 挺 拔,這 是 全


利。通過昂貴的科學測試,Workhorse 馬鞍型 護 脊 椅 以 其 革 新 的 設 計 打 破 陳 舊 的 觀 念,準 備

改變人們坐姿並幫助其擺脫由姿勢不良的引起 的健康不佳和背痛困擾。




“GameSource” – developed by Interna- 「GameSource tional Alliance Systems Limited (IAS) from

Macau – is a certified and approved, cloud


based innovative solution which changes the entire digital gaming industry, leading the industry into a major change on game management, streamline operation processes, and allowing a game experience across electronic and physical table games


有限公司於澳門研發,是一個已獲得專利認證, 以創新雲技術為解決方案,改變傳統娛樂遊戲業 的運營模式,集中將遊戲及運營管理簡單化,更 可在一個平台上體驗下注現實桌面及角子機遊

戲的一個娛樂遊戲平台。 「GameSource 聚遊」 希望可以將嶄新科技革新傳統老虎機行業,開創 娛樂遊戲產業發展的新紀元。

under one platform. The vision of the launch of the first ever cloud-based gaming plat-

form for land-based casino“GameSource” is to revolute the traditional slot machine operation with innovation and new technology, and to open up a new era of evolution in the gaming industry.

Company Website

公司 網站



Guardforce has been the leading operator

elderly care institutes, as a result of its suc-


on Cash-in-Transit, Electronic Security and

cessful implementation and its support of

Guarding services in Macau for 30 years and

Macau elderly care services.

衛安 (澳門) 有限公司

is trusted by clients. Following the mission of “Securing the Present, Innovating the

衛安澳門作為本地專業現金解款 電子安防及護

service enrichment and enhancement, the


Future”, its AI solutions aim for product and automatic Facial Recognition Anti-Wandering system being acknowledged as an efficient solution to support nursing house operations so that their staff can focus more on elderly care and protection. This system has already been deployed at 16 nursing institutions in Hong Kong, and Guardforce has also already conducted on-site demonstrations at 6 scaled nursing institutions in Macau and received positive evaluations.

Company Website

公司 網站


Guardforce believes that in the near future its Facial Recognition anti-wandering sys-

衛 等 全 面 安 保 服 務 的 領 先 營 運 者,立 根 澳 門 3 0

理念去經營業務。近年衛安更藉智能解決方案去 豐富及強化服務, 其中透過自動化人面識別防遊

走系統去支援護老院舍員工,助其更專注於照護 院友之餘,亦可加強對遊走院友的保護,現時已

有十六所香港護養機構設置了相關防遊走系統, 同時,



老院舍作現場實務演示並獲正面評價,亦已根據 各院舍的需求上交了項目計劃書,相信在不久將 來,人面識別防遊走系統有望在本澳護養服務機 構投入應用,為本澳護老安老服務出一份力。

tem will be deployed in Macau nursing and





世博酒店科技 方案有限公司

SABA Hospitality Technology Solutions Company Limited develops proprietary technology that elevates the quest experience, improves operational efficiency, and grows revenue for both hotel and casino operators. Leveraging artificial intelligence driven technology, SABAGuest is a virtual guest service agent that automates communication throughout the entire guest journey, allowing guests to make requests, ask questions, provide feedback, order food & beverage and access recommendations, directly via their mobile devices, in their own native language. With clients in

世博酒店科技方案有限公司開發的專有技術可 助酒店和博彩營運商提升探索體驗,提高營運效 率,並增加營收。

SABAGuest是一個虛擬客戶服務助理,利用人 工智能驅動的技術,於整個訪客旅程中進行自動



飲下單和獲取建議。SABAGuest以打破語言障 礙,並提供可於任何規模的酒店集團中擴展的完

整360度訪客交流的工具,與來自澳門、歐洲、新 加坡、馬來西亞、杜拜、越南和北美的客戶合作而 建立了一定的國際聲譽。

Macau, Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Vietnam and North America, SABAGuest has been internationally recognized for its Company Website

公司 網站



ability to break down language barriers and provide a complete 360 degree guest communication tool that is scalable across hotel groups of any size.

“WISOO Digital” specialized in AloT do-

「 鏗.數 位 營 銷 」主 力 從 事 人 工 智 慧 物 聯 網

ment of diversified digital applications for


main, focus on the design and developbusiness clients to enhance customers’experience.


Through all the collaboration with the col-

展 多 個 創 科 項 目。未 來 我 們 將 借 助 澳 門 獨特之

lege at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and various Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the past three years, WISOO team always take“Made in

Macau” as the concept of development, strive to provide brand new experiences, hopefully can make the best use of Macau’s position as a city with rich tourist resources.

Company Website www.facebook.com/ wisoodigital/


公司 網站


過去三年持續與大灣區學院及創新公司協作發 人 口 及 旅 客 結 構 優 勢,作 為 各 新 創 項 目 之落地 試點。

Corporate Social Responsibility

企業社會 責任大獎



As one of Asia’s leading integrated resort


and entertainment corporations, Galaxy En-

tertainment Group “GEG” ( ) is committed to

being a responsible and proactive member of the community. Upholding their philoso-

銀河娛樂 集團

phy of“what is taken from the community is to be used for the good of the community”, GEG believes in“making a difference by


回饋社區。銀娛秉承「取諸社會,用諸社會」理念, 深信「心繫澳門 堅守承 諾」 ,助力特區政府培育

人才,為團隊成員提供晉升機會,推廣負責任博 彩,促進社會和諧,推動經濟適度多元及可持續 發展,助澳門鞏固「世界旅遊休閒中心」的定位。

making a commitment”. GEG supports the Macau SAR Government in nurturing Macau’s future talent, providing opportunities for team members to attain upward mobility, promoting responsible gaming, fostering social harmony and positioning Macau as a

“World Centre of Tourism and Leisure”by contributing to the diversification and sus-

tainable development of Macau’s economy. Company Website

公司 網站


By proactively fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities, GEG hopes to create a sustainable Macau for our future generation.



中國工商銀行(澳門) 股份有限公司

ICBC (Macau) has embedded the concept of devoting to the society into its corporate responsibility philosophy. Aiming to cultivate Macau students’ability, ICBC (Macau) not only offers scholarships to local universities, but also sets up Financial Literacy Courses

企業社會 責任大獎 工銀澳門致力履行企業社會責任,為澳門培養優 秀人才,除了每年為本地大學提供獎學金外,近

年在中學舉辦金融課程,加強學生對金融銀行業 的興趣,並在今年7月正式啟動「工銀澳門社會教



at secondary schools to enhance students’ 將投放更多資源、加大社會責任工作,保持工銀 interest in banking and finance. Moreover,

ICBC (Macau) announced to initiate“ICBC


(Macau) Social Education Fund”this July in

order to cultivate a talent marketplace. Also,

it launched the“ICBC (Macau) Charity Run” which helps fundraising for several consec-

utive years. In the future, ICBC (Macau) will devote more resources to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities in order to maintain its local position as an influential brand in Company Website

公司 網站

social responsibility.



Kwan On Chemical Enterprise Co., Ltd.,

environment, gained customer trust and

have a subsidiary company Kwan On Envi-

have become a full service company.

ronmental Engineering Co., Ltd., with the

Currently, they are marketing a new treat-

均安化工股份 有限公司

parent company having been established

ment technology for sewage treatment

in Macau since 1995. They offer diversified

and reuse.

services including, but not limited to, environmental engineering projects, environmental management consultancy, environmental protection, waste management and recycling, water treatment projects, plumbing and drainage system maintenance services, etc. In 2006, the Macau government approved the company to build an 80,000 sqft Kwan On Environmental building as their head office in order to provide diversified envi-

Company Website www.kwanon.com


公司 網站

ronmental services to Macau businesses. The company has continuously improved their quality of service, created a friendly


有 限 公 司,1 9 9 5 年 在 澳 門 註 冊 成 立。公 司 提 供 包 括 環 保 工 程 及 咨 詢、廢 品 回 收 和 再 利 用、水

處 理 工 程、酒 店 清 潔 及 維 修 保 養 工 程 等 多 種 服

務。2006年獲得特區政府批地興建80,000平 方尺的均安環保大廈作為公司的總辦公室,扎根

澳門為澳門的工商業提供多元化的環保綜合服 務。持續改善提供客戶滿意的服務品質,創造對


客戶推介生活污水處理及回用一體化處理器的 新處理技術。


天網資訊科技(澳門) 有限公司

Rooted in Macao, NetCraft has enjoyed more than 20 years of sincere cooperation with the local community. It has always been adhering to the concept of giving back to society. It actively participates in charity events and encourages employees to volunteer. Corporate social responsibility has become part of the enterprise’s mission. It believes that the care and contribution

企業社會 責任大獎 植根澳門,天網創業二十多載真誠相伴本地社區 共同成長,一直秉承回饋社會的理念,認真積極

参與建設澳門社會和投身公益事業以推動本地 社區和諧發展,以主動方式貢獻社會。企業社會

責任已成為天網使命的一部分。天網鼓勵員工自 願參與慈善工作,並致力與非牟利團體合辦慈善 活動,相信對社區的關懷和貢獻可以發揮基礎性 作用,並賦予青年一個光明的未來。

to the community can play a fundamental role therein and inspire young people for a brighter future.

Company Website

公司 網站



Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)

中小企 大獎

Powered by 贊助由


Ambiente Properties is a Macau-based

landscape in Macau.Ambiente is proud to

company offering real estate-related ser-

have represented Macau on the interna-

vices; leasing, sales, purchase and man-

tional property stage having been recipi-

agement in all sectors. Their consultancy

ents of the International Property Awards’

services include market rent assessment,

Best Real Estate Agency in Macau for 2018

marketing strategy and broker opinion val-

and 2019.

uation reports. Ambiente’s clients are local and international investors, real estate and investment firms, hotel-casino operators, relocation companies and expatriates moving to Macau. In support of Macau’s diversification efforts and for the interest of those within the business, investor and gaming operator community wishing to get a progress report on Hengqin’s development, Ambiente con-

Company Website www.ambiente.mo


公司 網站

ducts investor tours to show firsthand how Hengqin is about to change the business


物業租賃、銷售、購買及管理。他們亦提供諮詢服 務,包括市場租金評估、營銷策略和中介人意見


資者、房地產和投資公司、酒店賭場運營商、搬遷 公司及移居澳門的外籍人士。

為了支持澳門的多元化業務發展,並希望協助投 資者、博彩業和旅遊業人士取得橫琴發展進度報 告,奧比安物業舉辦投資考察團,以親身展示橫 琴如何改變澳門的商業格局。

奧比安物業很榮幸能夠代表澳門於2018和2019 年獲得國際房地產大獎澳門最佳房地產代理獎。

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) BLUBASKET COMPANY LIMITED

bluBasket is an online ecommerce platform, which helps consumers to handle their monthly grocery needs. The bluBasket idea was created because its founders know that most people visit supermarkets at least

藍籃有限 公司

twice a month to get their household grocery necessities. But with the busy lifestyle in Macau, not all people enjoy doing it, especially when it comes to dealing with those heavy and bulky grocery items like toilet paper rolls and detergent. At bluBasket, clients can organize their purchases and order

中小企 大獎 bluBasket是一個線上的電子商務平臺,它可以 協助客人方便處理他們每月的雜貨需求。

因為了解到大多數市民每月至少去超市兩次以 購得他們的家庭雜貨必需品。但由於澳門繁忙的 生活模式,並非所有人都喜歡這種購物方式,特 別是去購買如衛生紙和洗滌劑等笨重的物品。

現在bluBasket將通過APP協助客戶,只需輕 鬆點擊便能完成購物。在約3個小時內,配送團隊 便會將訂單商品運送到客戶手上。

by simply clicking into the bluBasket apps store. Within approximately 3 hours, the delivery team will send the order directly to the client’s doorstep. bluBasket believes in simplicity as well as in making life easier Company Website

公司 網站


for everyone. Its business philosophy is all about providing the most convenient way for clients to shop, including user-friendly design and a simple interface layout.


Established in 2003, BoardWare Information System Limited is one of the leading companies in Macau for providing products and services with systems integration, which include configuration of hardware and software systems, network consolidation and structure cabling, IT security and consulting services, and the maintenance

博維資訊系統有限公司成立於 2003 年,是澳 門 著 名 和 領 先 的 科 技 公 司 之 一,提 供 產 品和服

務以及系統集成,包括硬件和軟件系統的配置, 網絡整合和結構佈線,科技安全和諮詢服務。客 戶 服 務 團 隊 對 資 訊 科 技 有 廣 泛 認 識,一 直以高 效、可 靠 的 資 訊 科 技 方 案 為 澳 門 各 行 各 業提供 最優秀的服務。

and support of hardware and software. They provide high-quality products and services, and they also design bespoke IT solutions for their customers.

Company Website

公司 網站



Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) MC SPORTSWEAR & UNIFORM LTD

The rigid printing and design regulations in the past had limited choices of clothing materials. MC Sportswear & Uniform LTD. is a clothing supplier that combines tradi-

澳設制服及體育服 有限公司

tional and innovative printing technologies. Furthermore, MC offers packaging design services that help clients to create their own apparel. For the sake of society, MC actively supports

中小企 大獎 澳設體育服及制服有限公司成立4年至今,是一 間結合新舊傳統印刷技術的服裝供應商, 相對以

往服裝供應商種種硬性印刷和設計規定,還有衣 服材質的少量可選性。MC還有為客戶設計包裝 服務,務求幫客戶打做出自己的衣服。

在 經 營 過 程 中,一 直 致 力 支 持 本 地 體 育 事 業 發

展,積極地回饋社會。經常贊助和支持各非牟利 團體舉辦活動,並支持各項運動員的發展。

local sports development, supports local athletes, and frequently sponsors different kinds of non-profit events.

Company Website

公司 網站



A Manor House was built in the 1930s and

竹灣精品酒店 和餐廳

accommodates events and provides a fine

transitioned into a hotel in the mid-1970s. It officially started to operate as a beach hotel in the year 1977. The boutique hotel has 28 rooms, a swimming pool, an authentic Portuguese Restaurant and a terrace that dining experience. Pousada de Coloane is located on CheocVan Beach in the southern bay of Macau. The hotel is surrounded by greenery and a breath-taking sea view. Apart from its distinguished facilities, it treasures a space of tranquility and serenity, allowing every guest to have a relaxing and peaceful stay.

Company Website

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位於澳門南部海灣的竹灣海灘, 竹灣精品酒店受 綠蔭環繞和擁有無敵海景,


合優美的大自然環境,讓每位客人都能享受輕鬆 而寧靜的住宿環境。

酒店前身為私人莊園,莊園建於20世紀30年代, 在20世紀70年代中期改建成酒店,1977年正式 開始以海灘酒店運營。


葡萄牙餐廳和可容納各種活動和美食體驗的露 天平台。

非牟利 組織大獎

Non-Profit Organisation


AIPIM - Macau Portuguese and English Press Association has been in forefront of protecting and standing for freedom of the press right to information and access to sources. The association has been holding a number of talks, debates and round-tables focusing on journalism, press freedom, fun-

澳門葡英 傳媒協會

damental rights, ethical matters and issues of public interest concerning Macau’s political, social and economic development. AIPIM has also been committed to developing self-regulation tools. A number of steps have been taken in that direction such as the adoption of Code of Ethics, Journalist

澳門葡萄牙語和英語新聞協會(AIPIM)致力維護和 捍衛新聞自由和獲取信息等權利。協會舉辦一系列

有關澳門政治、社會和經濟發展的討論、辯論和圓 桌會議,主題圍繞新聞、新聞自由、基本權利、道德 問題和公共利益問題等。


過了《道德守則》 、 《新聞工作者規約》和建立了記者 證認證委員會。


建立夥伴關係。 AIPIM是國際新聞工作者聯合會和 葡萄牙語國家新聞工作者聯合會的會員。

Statute and the establishment of a Press Card Accreditation Committee. AIPIM has also been developing partnerCompany Website www.aipim.org.mo

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ships and ties with the local society and institutions as well as with overseas bodies. AIPIM is an affiliate member of the International Federation of Journalists and the Portuguese Speaking Journalists Federation.


非牟利 組織大獎


Founded in 2007, CGM, also known as the

tural values intrinsic to the region also plays

Macanese Gastronomic Brotherhood in En-

a very important role in the education of the

glish, is a non-profit association in Macao

world the uniqueness of Macanese cuisine

that encourages the dissemination of Maca-

and gastronomic traditions and the effort to

土生葡人 美食聯誼會

nese gastronomic heritage through recipes,

maintain it.

traditional cooking techniques, research of old food houses, famous chefs, and evolution of dishes that affirm the aspiration of authenticity. CGM joined the European Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods Council (CEUCO) in 2007 and become an active member in all its congresses and annual meetings since then. It received the Best European Oenogastronomic Award in the XII International Congress of CEUCO held in 2014 in the city

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of Liège, Belgium. The publication of articles and books of an


一個非牟利協會。其旨在通過研究食譜,傳統烹 飪技術和菜式演變來進行澳門美食傳承。

協會於2007年加入CEUCO-歐洲美食聯誼 會,自 此 成 為 大 會 與 年 度 會 議 的 活 躍 成 員,並

於2014年在比利時列日市舉辦的第十二屆 CEUCO國際會議上獲得最佳美食獎項。

其發佈的文章和書籍傳播了土生葡人的習俗,豐 富了澳門固有的文化價值。同時,在維持澳門美

食獨特性和傳統起著非常重要的教育和貢獻作 用。

international character disseminating Macanese customs and the enrichment of cul-

MASDWAW Macao Association for Stray Dogs and Animal Welfare

澳門流浪狗暨 動物安康協會

MASDAW is a small non-profit organization established on the 8th of November 2014 by Macau residents of various nationalities. It aims to contribute to the welfare and care of unprotected animals.

and public and private organizations in activities related to animal protection and var-

MASDAW’s main objective is to promote the rescue, sterilization and adoption of stray and abandoned dogs, as well as the provision of health care and assistance to all animals in need.

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www.facebook.com/pages/ Masdaw/611542598955444



動物的福利和照顧作出貢獻。協會與政府、公眾 及私人組織合作,開展動物保護活動。

MASDAW旨在促進對流浪狗和被遺棄狗隻的 The association cooperates with authorities

ious related causes.

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The association’s commitment is to also involve the community as a whole in its project of reducing the stray animal population in a responsible manner.


供醫療保健和援助。協會的其中一個目標是推動 整個社區一同參與,以負責任的方式減少流浪動 物的數量。

非牟利 組織大獎

Non-Profit Organisation ORBIS

Orbis is a leading global non-governmental organization that has been a pioneer in the prevention and treatment of blindness for


over 35 years, and is working harder than ever to change the way the world sees. Orbis transforms lives through the prevention and treatment of blindness. Along with their network of partners, Orbis mentors, trains

奧比斯是一個領導全球防盲救盲的國際非牟利 機構,協會牽頭防治失明問題超過35年,並正努


野。奧比斯團結夥伴力量,領導、培訓和啟發各地 眼科團隊,讓他們全力在社區中救盲,推展的項

目包括全球唯一的眼科飛機醫院和獲獎的網上 教學平台Cybersight。

and inspires local eye health teams so they can save sight in their local communities. Orbis provides hands-on ophthalmology training, strengthens healthcare infrastructure and advocates for the prioritization of eye health on public health agendas. Orbis operates several groundbreaking programs, including the world’s only Flying Eye Hospital and Cybersight. Company Website

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Over the past fourteen years LCM has sup-

which was registered in October 2005. As

ported 60 cases in Macau and has made

a non-profit organization, the purpose of

donations of almost MOP2 million to the

LCM is to support the construction industry

dependents of families of workers involved

in Macau through the promotion of good

in construction related accidents.

fellowship among its members within the construction industry and to provide charitable assistance to the dependents of people involved in a construction related a fatal accident or serious injury. LCM is a branch of a larger organization known as Lighthouse Club International which has an active presence in Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In addition there are

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branches in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

澳 門 明 建 會 是 一 個 澳 門 建 築 界 的 慈 善 組 織, 於2005年10月成立。作為一個非牟利組織,明建

會的致力通過以建築界成員之間的合作及夥伴 關係來支持本澳建築界,並為因工業意外而受到 嚴重傷害或死亡的工人及其家屬提供慈善援助。

明 建 會 是 一 個 很 龐 大 的 國 際 性 組 織,在 澳 大 利

亞、柬埔寨、香港、澳門、馬來西亞、缅甸、菲律賓、 新加坡、泰國和越南等都有活動。此外,在英國、 荷蘭、迪拜和阿布扎比都設有分支機構。

在過去的十四年間,明建會於澳門已向60個個案 提供了慈善援助,並對建築工業意外之死傷者及 其家屬捐款約澳門幣200萬。



Grand Merit Award

Macau Grand Prix

With a history of 66 years, the Macau Grand

澳門格蘭披治 大賽車

where the event is held, is considered one of

Prix is the most renowned international sporting event in Macao. The Guia Circuit, the most challenging racing circuits in the world as well as being the only street circuit that simultaneously hosts car and motorcycle races. Every year the Macau Grand Prix

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attracts many elite drivers and riders from all over the world to test their skills and to compete for tops honours in the races.

卓越優異 大獎

澳門格蘭披治大賽車舉辦至今有六十六年歷史, 是澳門最具代表性的國際體壇盛事。賽事舉行地

點東望洋跑道被喻為國際賽車壇上最具挑戰性 的跑道之一,亦是全球唯一同時舉行汽車及電單 車賽事的街道賽場地,每年吸引世界各地眾多的 賽車好手在東望洋跑道上馳騁,爭奪冠軍殊榮。


At Scientific Games, we are REIMAGINING PLAY. Through artistry and science, we are committed to innovating and creating unique gaming experiences for our players and partners, who are at the heart of everything we do.

ScientificGames.com/asia The look and feel of the games and their individual components and displays are trade dress of Scientific Games Corp. and its Subsidiaries. TM and Š 2019 Scientific Games Corp. and its Subsidiaries. All rights reserved.


O Jornal Tribuna de Macau, tem como principal objectivo assegurar a continuidade da publicação em Macau de um jornal em língua portuguesa, possibilitando que os falantes de Língua Portuguesa no Território tenham acesso a informação útil, contribuindo para que se mantenham vivas as ligações entre Portugal e da RAEM, divulgando os eventos locais pelos milhões de falantes portugueses, incluindo as comunidades de macaenses espalhadas pelo mundo. Jornal Tribuna de Macau’s main goal is to assure the continuity of the publication in Macau of a newspaper in Portuguese Language, allowing Portuguese Language speakers in the territory to access relevant information, contributing to keeping alive the ties between Portugal and Macau SAR, divulging local events through millions of Portuguese speakers, including the Macanese communities spread around the world. MBA 2.indd 1



a ligar Macauao Mundo Português to the



connecting Macau

Portuguese World

10/10/2019 11:35 PM





12:18 PM


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