2016 The IX Riudebitlles Art Biennial - Artwork On Paper

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1. The Town Hall of Sant Pere de Riudebitlles announces the IX Riudebitlles Art Biennial 2016, open to all the artsts without any distncton of natonality, residence, age or any other aspect. 2. The organizaton relates to the Managements Commissions of the Biennial, chaired by the Hall Town’s Mayor with the collaboraton of Molí Paperer (“Paper Mill”) from Capellades. 3. The aim of this IX editon is the same one that the creaton of the contest in 2000; to get closer to contemporary art and artstc creatvity for the Riudebitlles residents. It is for this reason that the artworks selected are going to be displayed at the houses’ doorways of the old town, called “Barri Vell”, which has medieval origins. Aferwards, they will be displayed at the Paper Museum in Capellades. 4. Due to the paper traditon in Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, at this Biennial editon, like the other editons, is going to focus on artworks created on paper; either the paper is used in the artwork or the paper is used as a raw material for paints, sculptures, or either pictures or videos, etc. The techniques to be used are free and open. In case of photography or another new technology, the paper must have an important role, either as a support or as a subject matter of the artwork. 5. The maximum sizes of the artwork should be 200cm x 200cm. 6. Each partcipant can submit a maximum of one own artwork. In the case that the piece has any complexity or difculty to set it up, we will require a sketch to mount it and the help’s artst will be needed as well. 7. The artwork should be submitted with the following info: o Details of the artst: Name and Surnames – Address – Mobile number – Email address – Nickname (which the artst is known) – Brief artstc curriculum – copy of I.D./Passport You can download the questonnary at the Town Hall website www.santpereriudebitlles.cat or request it by email at biennalriudebitles@gmail.com o

Details of the artwork: Create a PDF document with the following informaton: Pag 1. Name of the artwork Digital image of the artwork which will be presented at the contest Sizes of the artwork (weight x height in cm) Technique used

The IX Riudebitlles Art Biennial – Artwork on paper


Date of creaton Price Pag 2 – 5. 4 images of other recent artworks (one per page) Pag 6. Sworn statement of novelty of the artwork submitted If it’s an audio-visual artwork, please specify the techniques requirements which should be displayed and also specify additonal informaton that can help to understand the artwork (minimum two images). The organizaton is not responsible of the technical setng up ot the audio-visual artwork, neither the rent of the required euipments. The organizaton guarantees the confidentality of the data. 8. The tming to receive the documentaton is between the 2 nd of June and the 12th of July of 2016, both included. 9. The winner award will be announced through the media which will give the maximum difuse and partcipaton, such as the Town Hall web site, press, radio, TV, advertsements, posters, internet, etc. 10. All the documentaton needs to be sent to: Att. Marta Alarcón Subject: IX Riudebitlles Art Biennial @: biennalriudebitlles@gmail.com For further informaton, please contact to: Escoles Velles, Casal de Cultura Carrer Nou, 84 08776 Sant Pere de Riudebitlles Barcelona, Catalonia Tel. +34 93 899 54 94 @: biennalriudebitlles@gmail.com www.facebook.com/biennalartriudebitlles 11. The jury will do a first selecton of the artworks which could be accepted to the contest. This will be announced by the 12th of September by email to each of the artsts presented, either their work is accepted or not. Along with this announcement, the instructons (address and tmings) will follow to deliver the artworks and their subsequent withdrawal. 12. The jury is composed by 5 people related to art world. 13. The jury reserves the right to declare void any of the prizes awarded. The IX Riudebitlles Art Biennial – Artwork on paper


14. The following prizes will be awarded: 1st Award, valued for 2.500€, granted by the Town Hall of Sant Pere de Riudebitlles Commended menton 1, valued for 600€ Commended menton 2, valued for 600€ Three honorable menton for outstanding artworks 15. The first three awarded artworks will become property of the artwork sponsors. The awards ceremony will be held the 28th of October at 20:00h, which is the inauguraton’s day of the IX Biennial, at the Plaça de l’Església de Sant Pere de Riudebitlles. At this moment the winner artsts will have to sign a sworn statement which indicates that they are not incurring in prohibitons in receiving grants and they are aware of their tributes and Seguretat Social obligatons. The awarded and other selected artworks will be displayed at diferent doorways and entrance of the old town’s houses during 28 th, 29th and 30th of October. A map will show the itnerary in order to do the whole visit. Once the Biennial is finished, the selected artworks will be displayed at the “Paper Mill Museum” (Museu del Molí Paperer) from Capellades, from November to January. 16. The artworks not selected could be collected once the Biennial is finished not afer 6 months of its finish, which means not afer the 30th of April 2017. Once the tming is over, it means that the author refuses to the property of his artwork and it then become Town Hall’s property of Sant Pere de Riudebitlles. Each artst will collect his/hers own artworks, personally or by an authorized company or person. 17. The artworks selected and the winner artworks will become part of a special portfolio for this contest which will be created for the Biennial, which means that the Town Hall of Sant Pere de Riudebitlles reserves the right to use the images of these artworks for any purpose, consequently give the owners their rights to the images provided by this publicaton. 18. The Management Commission of the Biennial will put the maximum efort in the conservaton and looking afer the artworks presented. 19. The partcipaton at the IX Riudebitlles Art Biennial implies acceptance of the total content of these rules. The organizaton reserves the right to make any changes to the schedule and the rest of the points mentoned above, when considered necessary by unexpected causes, and could take any decision on all matters not mentoned in these conditons.

Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, April 2016

The Hall Town’s Major

The IX Riudebitlles Art Biennial – Artwork on paper


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