Nordic Steel & Mining Review 2017 01

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Content page photo: Loading steel scrap to the furnace, Carpenter Powder Products Torshälla Nyby. Photo by Pia Nordlander, Jernkontoret.

Content 04

They have the future in their sights How do you stop single atoms to escape from helium-filled pipes in CERN?


Locally produced minerals for a flourishing industry and export Taking care of business and the environment at the same time – limestone is the key


The drill bit which crowns them all They said no to switching drill bits after 15 centimeters (six inches) – a new product was born


Why India buys a CLU converter for FeMn from Sweden Temperature control without alloy dilution, and super-heated steam that acts as coolant


60 ton AOD goes to Far East Asia Real-time process control for new steel plant


Swedish base industries lay the foundations for a sustainable society Sweden in the front line internationally when it comes to environmental work


SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall form joint venture company for fossil-free steel They seek to develop a steelmaking process that emits water instead of carbon dioxide


Don’t touch that chrusher! How to restore the entire crushing system to its original glory instead of replacing it


Want a real-time view of your underground mining operations? Combine modules,, build up the required functionality and optimize your mining operations

Cover photo: A crane lifts an ingot heated in a pit furnace, Hofors, Gästrikland, 2015. Thanks to Ovako Sweden! Photo by Pia & Hans Nordlander, bildN.

Founded in 1817 as Jernkontorets Annaler, Bergsmannen JkA is one of the oldest technical periodicals in the world.

Today it is the leading magazine for the Nordic steel and mining industries and for the metal and mineral

engineering field in general. In addition to our ordinary circulation (six issues per year) this special issue (in

Volume 201

Managing editor and Art Director Lars Winterstrand

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Circulation (TS controlled) 4,600 copies (2015) Publishing company Format Publishing

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Lars Taflin, Per-Anders Lundh, Per Ingo.

The Higgs boson has also been called “God’s Particle” – and Carpenter’s metals definitely played a part in the discovery.

They have the future in their sights When Peter Higgs was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013, it was because he had discovered the Higgs boson. A particle that creates the Higgs field, that permeates the universe and means that both the Higgs boson itself and other particles have mass. It is a particle that, to put it mildly, does not weigh much at all, in fact almost nothing. Without the CERN’s particle accelerator in Geneva its existence could not be proven. And so here I am, somewhat in awe, reflecting on something which forms the very end-piece of the particle accelerator. In awe? Not for nothing has the Higgs boson been called “God’s particle”. But I’m not on Route de Mehrin 385 in Geneva, I am at Nybyggen in Torshälla just outside Eskilstuna.




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#1 2017

An iron works was founded here in torshälla in 1829, and every time steel manufacturing methods were developed in the world, you could be certain that the new production principles would soon be introduced and used at the nyby works. the production of steel has a long history here – but it is a history that has always – regardless of the owner –strived to be at the forefront of development. so it’s not so strange that in one part of the old works you can find the carpenter plant and, in the main entrance, one of the endlocks of cern’s particle accelerator. so, what is carpenter, a world-leading company when it comes to the production of metal powder, doing in torshälla?

MATERIAL ENGINEERED FOR DEMANDING APPLICATIONS Carpenter’s diverse materials portfolio of more than 300 grades of specialty alloys, superalloys, stainless and duplex steels, titanium, and metal powders make it possible for their customers in these processing industries to produce an end product under safer, more efficient conditions. Carpenter Technology’s expert metallurgists continue to make advancements in high-quality iron-, nickel-, cobalt-, and titanium-based specialty alloy engineering. Combined with comprehensive melting, remelting, forging, hot rolling, cold rolling, and heat treating capabilities, their customers benefit from materials that are able to withstand extreme corrosion, pressure, thermal variation, and stress.

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION AND FEATURE ALLOYS Carpenter Technology specialty alloys, superalloys, stainless and duplex steels, titanium, and metal powders cover a wide variety industrial and chemical processing applications, including: • High Corrosion, Heat, and Pressure Resistance • Fine and Heavy Chemical Production and Use • Acidic Production and Use • HVAC Systems and Tubulars • Petrochemical Refining • Valves and Fittings • Pharmaceutical and Clean Rooms • Pulp and Paper Mills • Food Grade Production • Water Treatment Systems • Fasteners, Bolts, Wire, and Rods 




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when i say carpenter, you might think of John Carpenter – the horror movie director … or the pop group The Carpenters. But it’s reasonable to imagine that you have come into contact with carpenter technology corporation’s products quite oen – though you have not been aware of it. it may have happened when you were flying, playing golf – or perhaps you’ve had a titanium screw operated into your body somewhere? it’s not impossible that your car has engine parts manufactured with the help carpenter’s products or that your electricity, such a natural part of your existence, has been produced and distributed in part using products from carpenter. since it was founded in 1889, the American company has quite simply been a natural part in the building of the world we see around us today. when the car industry started to grow significantly in the early 1900’s, carpenter steel was a self-evident supplier. when the wright brothers flew for the very first time in 1903, special steels from carpenter were used in the manufacture of the engine. And when charles lindberg crossed the Atlantic in the “spirit of st louis” a large part of the aircra was built of steel made by … exactly, carpenter. But when we enter the carpenter facility in torshälla, we are not visiting a small, subordinate branch of the American giant. torshälla is the group’s largest production facility outside the United states, and has been engaged in the gas atomization of metal powder used in the manufacture of high-quality iron-, nickel- and cobalt-alloys that can not only handle impacts, stresses and material wear, but also be be light in weight, flexible, resistant to corrosion or characterized by it’s extremely tightness … or perhaps, all the above at the same time – like that end-lock of the particle accelerator which must be made of such steel that there is not the smallest, smallest possibility of an atom in the helium-filled pipes to escaping. “certainly, our contribution to the cern accelerator was a prestige project …” explains Lars Taflin, who is responsible for sales and marketing at carpenter. “… and we worked with it from the late 1990’s before it was ready.” Anyone who wants to be in frontline of technology and production does not get there by being lucky. Knowledge is needed to see where the lines will be in five, ten, fieen or twenty years – which is perhaps why so much of my conversation with lars and managing director Per-Anders Lundh is centred on the future. those who think about it today, and the challenges it involves here and now, will be in a strong position when tomorrow’s products are created. And, of course, it’s hard not to be fascinated when they describe the work involved in developing powders that can be used in ‘additive manufacturing’ or as it is also called; 3d printing. in the more complex and professional solutions that are now being established, a laser or electron beam allows you to melt metal powder which is applied layer upon layer, extremely thinly, precisely following the cAd drawings for the piece. when Per-Anders and lars describe the potential fields of application they see for 3d printing and thereby the possible applications

Seen as a solution to storing spent nuclear fuel rods, alternative powder alloys provide shielding for thermal neutron radiation. Many nuclear power plants have used specially designed storage racks and containers or casks made from boron-containing stainless steel as a shielding material to control the flow of thermal neutrons in the spent nuclear fuel bundles, or rods. These racks or casks are designed to hold 40 to 60 rods.

Borated stainless steels have a stable microstructure and mechanical properties under exposure to long-term thermal neutron irradiation. The boron contained in borated stainless steels is usually natural boron, which contains two isotopes, nominally 18.4 weight percent 10B, a boron isotope that absorbs thermal neutrons, and nominally 81.6 weight percent 11B, a boron isotope that does not absorb neutrons.

INDUSTRY’S FIRST HIGHSTRENGTH, LOW-OXYGEN TITANIUM POWDER At the end of June Carpenter Technology Corporation announced the production of CARTECH PURIS 5+, the market’s first high-strength, low-oxygen titanium powder solution.


A custom composition of Ti6AI-4V that meets all Grade 5 specifications, CARTECH PURIS 5+ signals a breakthrough in additive manufacturers’ ability to better control oxygen content inherent to their processes without compromising powder strength. “Balancing oxygen levels with desired strength properties is a challenge in additive manufacturing. CARTECH PURIS 5+ provides the simultaneous optimization of powder recyclability and strength, alleviating concerns about using low oxygen powder (to maximize powder reuse) while still exceeding standard strength requirements,” explains Michael Murtagh, Carpenter’s Chief Technology Officer. “CARTECH PURIS 5+ makes this balance easier, more efficient, and more effective from the start and throughout the titanium powder lifecycle.” CARTECH PURIS 5+ is Carpenter Technology’s first major powder product introduction since its acquisition of Puris, LLC earlier this year.

Some spent nuclear storage rack system producers have found that the use of conventional borated stainless steels necessitated a long, complicated manufacturing process to make their products have been considering certain alternative materials. Included in these alternatives are powder metal alloys such as Micro-Melt NeutroSorb alloys produced by the Carpenter Powder Products division of Carpenter Technology Corp., Wyomissing, PA. The reasoning is that Micro-Melt NeutroSorb alloys are considerably more ductile than conventionally cast borated stainless ingot. Not only could Micro-Melt NeutroSorb alloys be easier for them to use, but it could also be a more economical solution for the manufacture of spent nuclear storage rack systems and certain other nuclear power plant applications. Micro-Melt NeutroSorb alloys are a family of high boron specialty stainless steel produced using pre-alloyed, gas atomized powder metallurgy

technology. It is similar to conventional Type 304 stainless steel except for its boron addition, which imparts a much higher thermal neutron absorption cross section than standard austenitic stainless steels. In addition to being used for spent fuel rod storage racks, it has also been used in the nuclear industry for burnable poison rods and shielding. Micro-Melt NeutroSorb borated stainless is produced by hot isostatically pressing gas atomized pre-alloyed powder to 100 percent density followed by hot and cold working to produce finished plate, sheet, and strip products. This process produces a uniform distribution of small boride particles throughout the finished product. Conventionally produced cast/wrought borated stainless steel products, usually made by air melting and refining followed by casting into ingots and hot and cold working, contain much larger and significantly less uniformly distributed particles. nordic


“The future of aerospace hinges on advancing additive manufacturing technology,” adds Tony R. Thene, Carpenter’s Chief Executive Officer. “It’s an exciting, yet complex process with enormous potential, and it requires extensive metallurgical expertise, in addition to quality powder products.”






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for their metal powders, it actually becomes a description of the areas in which carpenter is already the market leader today; flying, medicine (various forms of implants), tools … but aer a while, lars stops counting the areas and just says: “But … really you should not limit yourself – because there are no limitations on the uses of the technology.” Per-Anders goes on to explain: “we are only at the beginning of developments in this area. when engineers learn to use 3d technology during their education, then we will see a revolution. it will not be a matter of doing the same things with new technology; it will be a matter of doing the same things but in a totally new way.” As we discuss the technical solutions of the future, we also talk about neutrosorb, making borated stainless steel that is well suited for absorbing neutrons, while allowing for the production of thinner sheets; the result being a metal that is perfect for use in nuclear power plants. calculations indicate that the use of the thinner plates in the nuclear storage racks may reduce the volume of stored used radioactive plates by a third – while still being a completely safe alternative to the solutions available today. As we walk around the plant and continue the discussion of all the fields of application where carpenter metal powder is used for alloys, i understand that it is precisely the strong position here and now, and in a number of industries too, that means that, in some way you are involved today in the development work of the metals and alloys of the future. And it surely makes things easier if you belong to a large group with strong results. it’s not just a signal of doing things right today – it’s also a signal that you can afford to invest in the future. K ▶ BORIS BENULIC ◀

Always at the front line The brothers Orvill and Wilbur Wright made the first controlled, sustained flight of a powered, heavier-than-air aircraft on December 17, 1903, four miles south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Of course, some of the aircrafts vital parts were constructed with steel from Carpenter.





When we engage in one of the discussions about different metal powders, it is easy to be caught by the enthusiasm of those who participate – here at Carpenter in Torshälla it is not only the ovens that have fire in them. (From left to right): Lars Taflin, Director Sales & Marketing; Björn-Olof Bengtsson, Technical Manager, Per-Anders Lund, Managing Director and Per Ingo, Production Manager.

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Carpenter Technology Corporation has entered into a supply relationship with Burlington, Massachusetts-based Desktop Metal, Inc., utilizing more than 20 CarTech alloy grades to be used in Desktop Metal’s end-to-end metal 3D printing systems. The powders will be used in premium materials cartridges. The new partnership reinforces Carpenter’s position as a leading global producer of specialty wire and powder metals for additive manufacturing. “As we develop technology for next generation manufacturing solutions, it is essential to collaborate with innovative partners,” says tony r. thene, Carpenter Technology’s Chief Executive Officer. “Leveraging the combined capabilities of Desktop Metals and Carpenter Technology, we will undoubtedly bring enhanced value to this rapidly growing market”.




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Locally produced minerals for a flourishing industry and export In order to meet increasingly global competition, Sweden’s industry needs to be developed. We need to see investments in research, competence development of employees, better transports and secure access to energy and raw materials.

the importance of industry and foreign trade for the swedish welfare can hardly be overestimated. sweden has a significantly larger export share than the eU and oecd average. industry accounts for the majority, largely due to the strong base industry. only the base industry’s products – forest, chemical, mining, mineral, Eva Feldt, Communication Manager, Nordkalk. steel and metal industries – account for about 30 percent of swedish exports. trades of which all depend on limestone for its production. THE STEEL INDUSTRY IS PART OF ONE OF THE STRONGEST VALUE CHAINS WE HAVE in an international perspective, this industry is effective from an energy and climate point of view. Producing in sweden therefore contributes to a lower carbon footprint than if production had been placed in another continent. High quality limestone is an important raw material for the steel industry. there are about 0–90 kg 10




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of quick lime per ton of produced steel, depending on steel quality. without lime – no steel. LIME CLEANS, NEUTRALIZES, FILLS AND STABILIZES lime is used in the production chain, the production of iron ore pellets and sinter, to remove sulfur and other harmful components from pig iron and steel, recycling and treatment of waste water and landfills. lime raises the pH to a level process requires. But it is not just the steel industry that needs lime. this raw material is needed in most of the base industries’ business areas. MINING OF NEW LIMESTONE IS REQUIRED FOR INDUSTRY PROCESSES today there are no alternatives to replacing lime within the industry processes fully. the purifying effects of the high-quality limestone can’t be achieved with recycled materials. Production methods provide great quality and productivity benefits. even if the proportion of lime is reduced, the lime raw material would need to be replaced with another resource to achieve the same result, with its advantages and disadvantages. LIME IS IMPORTANT FOR THE RECYCLING IN SOCIETY As environmental requirements increase, more and more advanced technology, treatment of different emissions to air and water, and recycling of everything from waste to metals are needed. metals and minerals are recycled through collection and digestion into new products, but in the recycling process, lime is important to meet the requirements for purification. LOCALLY PRODUCED LIMESTONE OFFERS SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS TO THE ENVIRONMENT even with all possible recycling, we can’t escape the need for virgin production and the use of finite resources. However, limestone should

To produce a ton of steel, 50–90 kg of quick lime is required depending on steel quality.

be produced as locally as possible based on current quality requirements, in order to reduce the environmental impact of long transports. the high quality limestone with properties especially suited for production of quality steel, is found in sweden on gotland. with its central location in the Baltic sea, it provides a good raw material supply to the entire nordic base industry with short and environmentally good logistic. EFFICIENT USE OF OUR MINERAL RESOURCES in a sustainable society, we need to use our mineral resources efficiently, reuse and recycle what goes, but we also need to improve the environmental performance of industrial processes and products in society. And here the limestone fulfills an important function. nordkalk continues to push for creating favorable conditions to meet the industry’s different needs for limestone, and thereby contributing to the base industry’s continued development in a sustainable society. K

THE IMPORTANCE OF LIMESTONE IN SOCIETY IS EXTENSIVE Limestone is used in the production of sugar, steel, fiberglass, fertilizers, plastic and paint. It is used as raw material in building materials, brick, filler and cement. Limestone is used for ground stabilization when constructing roads and is an important ingredient in asphalt. Lime cleans our drinking water, sewage, acidified lakes and streams. Lime improves soil on farms and in gardens and is an important part in fodder for hens and livestock. Lime is used for flue gas purification in power stations and district heating plants that are fired with household waste. nordic



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#1 2017


The raised front is the key in the design of Sandvik’s new top center drill bit (the two standing drill bits). The horizontal drill bit is a dierent model.





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#1 2017

The drill bit which crowns them all There are a number of standard stories that are often used when a company is going to launch a new product. The stories usually sounds like this: “We received a signal from the market that they needed a product which (_____________ fill in what you want) and our R&D department set to work immediately. And the result was (_____________ fill in again as desired).” It sounds so easy. But what actually happens when a new product is developed and produced? It can’t be quite that simple? So we went to Sandvik Rock Tools to find out more about their latest Top Center drill bit.




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when you enter sandvik’s industrial area in sandviken, it is like going back in time. to one of those sizeable, well-managed mill communities that were so common in earlier years – and it really feels that we are visiting a small town when the guard explains to us that we should proceed in the direction of the water tower and when we get there, aer a one-kilometre walk, we should then turn le and walk for another 00 meters. But this is what happens when you visit sweden’s second largest industrial site aer volvo in gothenburg. so, what is it that is so remarkable with the new top center drill bit? well, i’ve done my homework and know that it can be used on much harder material than was previously the case. Aer Christer Lundberg, Product manager top Hammer at rock tools has told me its history, i begin to understand how this is so. “one day, a customer called and said they were having problems with their drilling. they could drill 1 centimeters … but that was all.” Bear in mind that a drill bit is normally able to drill 0 to ,000 meters. And now … 1 centimeters. the customer wanted a product with a life span of at least four meters. of course, christer went up to the north of sweden where the drilling was taking place to see this phenomenon for himself, and i get the feeling that without actually saying so, he actually questioned the reports a little – ‘1 miserable centimeters’. this he wanted to see with his own eyes. Because the reports were proved to be correct, development work began immediately. You can still hear the eagerness in christer’s voice as he is talking; and it’s easy to get the feeling that he started thinking about the problem already on his way home. not only because it concerned a big and important customer, but also because if you can develop a product that solves a problem – or as in this case – penetrates the problem – then you have a product capable of solving other companies’ problems too – even if those cases are easier to solve. Probably there is one more factor as well – the idea of discovering a new solution that is found in every good engineer – in combination with a competitive streak. it took two years to develop and design top center, which is characterised by its raised front and the use of sandvik’s newly-developed cemented carbide grade, the gc80. now, top center is included in sandvik’s standard range. mission solved – and it was actually a signal from the market which kick-started the process. However,this is not unique to sandvik – most companies get signals from the market – but the important thing is how they receive and deal with these signals. there are companies who believe that their products are already as good as they can be. there are companies that avoid getting involved in the problems their customers want solving because they do not know how to solve them. Quite simply, there must be some so values within the process; responsiveness, curiosity and of course … knowledge. “one might say that we are in constant contact with the market”, explains christer. “we are also constantly receiving suggestions on how to develop our products, for example, from those who operate the drilling machines.” when describing the development process, you quickly realize how many variables there are to take into account. it’s not just a matter of different types of rock – there are also such things as traditions and culture when it comes to drilling; factors that may differ from country to country. 1




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Ida Berglund works today as a guide in the plant, and is an example of the development routes to be found at Sandvik. She first went to Göranssonskolan, a technical high school that is adjacent to an industrial area and which also cooperates closely with Sandvik. She then worked for Sandvik as an operator and her knowledge is highly apparent as she shows us around.

Christer Lundberg: “We are also constantly receiving suggestions on how to develop our products, for example, from those who operate the drilling machines.�




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“… and safety, of course, is an important factor when we develop products – they will be used in environments that present dangers and strains on both machines and people.” the top center drill bit significantly increases the life of the tool, but it is not always enough that a product has superior qualities – it can still take time before it has an impact on the market. when sandvik developed sandvik Alpha, it took ten years before they sold more Alpha than r32, despite it being a much better product. so it can take up to ten years before a product gets its breakthrough – and you may have to overcome traditions and old habits as well as low-priced products, but as christer says in his calm voice: “in the long run, quality always wins.” certainly, traditions can hold back development – but, as we walk around the production halls, i am reminded of another tradition –

Efficient production not only requires the efficient use of technology and machinery – it also requires well-trained staff where experience and knowledge are present in the brain, hands and eyes.





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continuous industrial development. it is self-evident to all that we never stop thinking about what can be further improved. And that the knowledge that exists in the hands and the blood of every skilled professional worker continues even though automation and robots are taking more space in production. this knowledge can be used when programming robots or adjusting different paths of cnc machines or, of course … during the manual procedures that still remain. All development is based on a solid foundation of tradition and experience. As we walk out through the factory doors, i think it was just like a mill community – but not one from the past, but like one which belongs to the future. K ▶ BORIS BENULIC ◀

The entry of robots into production is far from being just a question of economics. The automation of production also means better quality – and better working conditions.




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#1 2017


UHT starts CLU converter for FeMn at Hira, India In December, 2016 UHT commissioned a CLU converter with the capacity of 12 tonnes at Hira Power & Steel in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. The CLU converter will be used for refining HC FeMn to MC and LC FeMn to meet the increasing market demand for a superior product.

UHt’s scope of supply includes a complete converter package comprising vessels, trunnion ring, hydraulic converter drive (Hcd), gas mixing station, level 1 Plc and level 2 real-time UtcAs Process control system as well as process design and engineering of auxiliaries. the clU process is cost-effective and ideal for mc and lc Femn production due to the excellent temperature control without alloy dilution. super-heated steam, which is utilized as one of the process gases, acts as coolant by controlling the temperature in the metal bath through the endothermic reaction that occurs when the steam is split into oxygen and hydrogen aer injection. thus, by balancing the temperature, the need for cooling material decreases and the mn yield is enhanced. K

CLU converter has been started at Hira for FeMn refining. 20




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UHT delivers 60 ton AOD for Far East Asia UHT will deliver an AOD to A customer in Far East Asia as a sub-supplier to INTECO, Austria.

the Aod is part of the order for a new speciality steel plant placed with inteco. the 0-ton capacity Aod converter plant is complete with features as Hydraulic converter drive (Hcd) and UtcAs level 2 realtime process control. the new steel plant will come into operation in 2018. K





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#1 2017


Swedish base industries lay the foundations for a sustainable society Many environmentally-conscious activists have been watching the mining and steel industry for many years. There are still reasons for them to do so going forward – but now because companies in these industries in Sweden are among those in the front line internationally when it comes to environmental work.

there is a well-established network for mining, iron and steel companies in sweden, with one of the aims being to cooperate on sustainability issues. this provides companies with the opportunity to exchange their experiences gained in their environmental work in the different sectors over the years. the network is coordinated jointly by Jernkontoret (the swedish steel Producers’ Association), svemin (the swedish Association of mines, mineral and metal Producers) and industriarbetsgivarna (the swedish Association of industrial employers). the network is a place for the exchange of experience; an arena where the overall level of knowledge can be increased and world-wide awareness improved, as well as being a vehicle for national and international lobbying activities.

it is also a matter of the mental, social and physical work environment and the conditions under which people live and work. therefore, sustainability reports also work on several other standards and codes of conduct which companies follow, and address key areas such as human rights and anti-corruption. sustainability has clearly shied from simply reporting to having a more strategic role in business development. At many of the steel companies, the way in which sustainability work is organized is under development. By producing climate-smart products and developing environmentally-advanced technology, the swedish steel and mining industry can contribute to a more sustainable world. this happens partly by creating examples that inspire and promote further efforts, and partly because swedish development creates products, goods and services that are sustainable, and which, when exported, contribute to a world that is moving towards increased sustainability.

At a time when environmental awareness is increasing, it would be easy to use words that have become ‘empty’ on content and become mere phrases. this could, for example, apply to the word “sustainability”. who is not ‘for’ sustainability? For this reason, it is important that enA nice piece of iron ore. vironmental work is precise and thorough – something that we see in the sustainability reports drawn up by many of the As far as the mining and mineral industry is conmajor mining and steel companies. operations carried out by cerned, not only the importance of producing clisteel companies such as ssAB, Boliden and outokumpu are repormate-efficient products is emphasised, but also whether all the ted according to gri (global reporting initiative) – and are excompany’s business activities, both large and small, should contriamined externally. the same applies to mining companies like bute towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions. lKAB and Boliden. the greatest impact on the climate from mining itself comes “sustainability” however is far from just being a matter of a comthrough the use of fossil fuels in transport. therefore, it is imporpany’s work to reduce the environmental impact of its own business – tant to switch to biofuels or electrification. K 2




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SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall form joint venture company for fossil-free steel SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall announced 28 june that they have formed a joint venture company to continue to drive the HYBRIT initiative. The three companies will each own one third of the company, which will seek to develop a steelmaking process that emits water instead of carbon dioxide.

“HYBrit is a very important initiative for ssAB and a fossil-free sweden by 20. A joint venture company will enable us to work together effectively to eliminate the root cause of carbon dioxide emissions in the steel industry,” said Martin Lindqvist, President and ceo of ssAB. “our establishment of a joint venture to develop HYBrit indicates our conviction that it is possible to develop a fossil-free production chain all the way from the mine to the steelworks. if we’re successful, this will be a technology breakthrough that can make a global contribution to significantly limiting climate change,” said Jan Moström, President and ceo of lKAB. “By taking this step, we are making clear our activities and determination to find solutions to the climate issue. vattenfall can see that electrification of the industry and climate-smart hydrogen gas have an important role to play,” says Magnus Hall, President and ceo of vattenfall.

last spring, ssAB, lKAB and vattenfall launched an initiative to solve the carbon dioxide issue in the swedish steel industry. By replacing today’s blast furnace process that uses coal and coke with a process based on hydrogen gas, the aim is to develop a process that emits water rather than carbon dioxide. since its launch, the initiative has received various support from the swedish energy Agency, including funding towards a four-year research project. this initiative is divided into three phases: a preliminary study up to the end of 2017, followed by research and pilot plant trials up to 202. Finally, up to 203 the plan is to perform trials in a fullscale demonstration facility. sweden is uniquely qualified to undertake this initiative. it has a specialized and innovative steel industry, access to climate-smart and renewable electrical power, and the best-quality iron ore in europe. K nordic



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#1 2017


Sandvik introduces costeffective cone crusher system rebuild solution Depending on the application, a crusher is either at the heart of the process or is a vital part of the process. It simply cannot be removed for extended periods of time without affecting the productivity. If major components start to fail and the crusher begins nearing the end of its life, Sandvik can replace it and restore the entire crushing system to its original glory.





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#1 2017

the sandvik reborn solution rebuilds a crusher system by exchanging the existing crusher for a new one, and reutilizing existing crusher auxiliaries. this cost-effective solution is up to 0 percent cheaper than replacing the entire crusher system, and is fully compatible with existing plant infrastructure. it also minimizes the risk of unplanned downtime that can come with a major overhaul. “our sandvik reborn solution is a quick and cost-effective way to replace a customer’s worn out crusher with a new one and reuse all of the existing infrastructure,” says Andreas Christoffersson, Product manager – rebuilds and Upgrades, sandvik mining and rock technology. “the new crusher is also backed by our three-year extended warranty, and includes on-site services to help customers maximize productivity.” if the auxiliaries meet preconditions for durability and quality, sandvik can provide a solution to replace the customers’ existing sandvik crusher. reutilizing existing crusher auxiliaries usually includes the motor, lubrication and hydraulic tank, hoses, coolers, automation system, sub-frame, electrical cabinets and wiring. As part of the program, the customer will trade in their old crusher. the footprint of the new crusher is identical to the old one, so there is no need to redo any civil or electrical engineering work or

alter the feeder and conveyor arrangements. sandvik reborn is an efficient “plug and play” installation that minimizes disruption and maximizes productivity. A certified sandvik technician will be on site to supervise the installation of the new crusher to guarantee it is done quickly, thoroughly and efficiently. the customer also gets training in how to best use and maintain the new crusher, as well as condition inspections aer the installation that offer maintenance recommendations and alerts about worn-down parts they need to order. sandvik reborn crusher package: • new factory-tested crusher covered by a three-year extended warranty. • crusher equipped with all model-specific upgrades that improve reliability. • expert installation supervision. • Periodic condition inspections and reports based on annual operating hours. • comprehensive on-site training covering crusher operation and maintenance. • Available for sandvik cone crushers cH20, cH30, cH0, cH0 and cH870. K




m i n i n g r e v i e w,

#1 2017


Sandvik OptiMine visualizes the mining process Sandvik OptiMine is a modular information management solution that offers a real-time view of your underground mining operations. Suitable for all mining applications and the entire mobile fleet, including equipment supplied by other OEMs, the solution is designed to provide real-time tracking and production management tools for controlling both manual and automatic mining operations. Sandvik OptiMine modules can be combined as needed to build up the required functionality and to optimize your mining operations. With open interfaces, the solution can also be integrated to other mine IT systems.

the two latest modules in the offering are: 3D MINE VISUALIZER Based on the 3d scanning results, Sandvik OptiMine 3D Mine Visualizer brings a three-dimensional model of your mine layout directly to your office. 3d mine visualization significantly enhances comprehension of large mining environments. one of the key benefits of 3d mine visualization is how it enables users to more effectively communicate and interpret data around the current situation and future plans for the mining environment. situational awareness is improved, as information about the mine can easily be studied and understood at a glance. 3d mine visualization is a valuable tool in operations planning, analyzing problematic areas and tracking mine development over time.

The MC350 continuous miner.





DRILL PLAN VISUALIZER Sandvik OptiMine Drill Plan Visualizer is an easy to use visualization tool for production and rock support drilling. m i n i n g r e v i e w,

#1 2017

in the sandvik optimine drill Plan visualizer, drill plans and drilling results are visualized in a user-friendly and informative way, giving you the tools you need to compare drilling results to production drilling and bolting plans. drilling plans and bolting scenarios can be easily created, modified and edited for the most optimal results. with a web-based user interface, information on the planned and actual drilling is available anywhere, anytime and with virtually any connected device. drill plans are transferred to the drill automatically and actual, realtime drilling data is immediately available in the production control system. And, as per other sandvik optimine modules, drill Plan visualizer data is available for other mine it systems. For production drilling, sandvik optimine drill Plan visualizer shows existing plans and actual drilling results in a 3d format, including measurement-while-drilling (mwd) data, when available. mwd data is also available in 2d graphs for more detailed, alternative analysis of the drilling results. the tool’s intuitive user interface ensures that the creation and editing of new drilling plans is convenient and quick. these two new modules complement the current offering of Sandvik OptiMine Monitoring and Reporting, Scheduler and Task Management and Location Tracking, which are used in mines in Australia, north and south America, Africa and europe. K




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#1 2017






m i n i n g r e v i e w,

#1 2017

General Manager of EIT RawMaterials Co-Location Centre North in LuleĂĽ In this recruitment we work together with Cesab Executive Search. For more information and application please visit




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#1 2017


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