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FORMAVISION / Interview With Sebastien Agneessens copyright © Formavision

H.P:www.formavision.info Interview by arata sasaki

Hitspaper:Could you tell us formavision's history? Sebastien:Formavision is basically a studio I created for the projects I curate. I moved to New York in 1999, after business studies in France and Italy, and a few years working for Armani in Spain. Moving to New York was a big change for me, especially in 1999, in the frenetic rhythm of the Internet boom. There used to be something new everyday, and it convinced me to stay in New York. I managed to find a job for Chanel in store design, and simultaneously opened a gallery located in the Lower East Side with two friends of mine - a Swiss painter and a French architect. I was working for Chanel in the day, and for the gallery at night. Slowly but surely, my nightlife became more busy than my day life, so I decide to focus on it.

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