Formula Monthly - September Newsletter 2013

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MONTHLY NEWSLETTER - SEPTEMBER 2013 CAD Model of the season 2014 car

The month of September was filled with excitement of completing the final assembly of the car and the horror of college exams at the same time. The team has successfully completed the final assembly of the car (photograph above), without its bodywork after making design changes as per the comments and feedbacks from the judges at the events. After a small break for college exams, the team came back strong by organizing an orientation for second and third year students, the first step in their recruitment for the next team. Read on further to know more about the happenings in the Formula Manipal Workshop!


STRUCTURE Assembly and checking of components on prototype chassis was done by the Structure Team. The team completed the designing of the final chassis after scrutiny of the assembly. All the materials required for the manufacturing of the final chassis were sourced.

VEHICLE DYNAMICS The manufacturability of the designed parts was checked and the final assembly was done on CAD. The new smaller brake lines were sourced and will be tested on the FMX3 to check its durability. In order to validate the calculations associated with the suspension, steering and brakes, the team worked upon analysis of acquired data from different sensors.

ENGINE The Engine Team finalized the oil pan design and is proceeding for the manufacturing of the expansion tank. The team is also looking forward to the manufacturing of the exhaust primaries by using CNC pipe bending, along with repacking of the muffler.

TRANSMISSION The designing of the sprocket has been completed. Transmission assembly was done on the new chassis and the team is working on gear position sensor which has already been sourced. Furthermore, the theoretical design and calculations for electro-pneumatic actuation of clutch (actuation of clutch using pneumatics) has been done and sourcing of the components is in progress.

ELECTRONICS The team successfully calibrated the fuel level sensor and obtained the values. Furthermore, the final draft of wiring harness for 2014 car was also made. The team assembled the entire electronic wiring harness on CATIA and mounting of various components like batteries and cRIO was finalized. The team also ran codes with interrupts in freeRTOS on LPC1769.

TEAM M.O.M. Vakul Joshi (Engine Subsystem), a second year Mechanical Engineering student is the team member of the month (Team M.O.M.). He has worked hard for the completion of the engine assembly particularly the air intake and the 4-2-1 exhaust system for the season 2014 car. The most disciplined guy in the workshop, Vakul’s favorite, rather only pass time is to study. After all, isn't it evident from his C.G.P.A. of 9.66, the highest amongst the team members!


CC OWNERS OF THE MONTH The following are the CC owners of the month: 1. Mr. A. Srinivasan 2. Mr. Ashok 3. Mr. Ananta Krishnan 4. Mr. Madhavan We are thankful to them for their help and support in our initiative to carry forward the legacy of Formula Manipal. Driven Sprocket for the season 2014 car

ORIENTATION The orientation for the recruitment of second and third year students for the 2015 team was conducted on the 30th of September, 2013. The turn up for the event was quite overwhelming. The interested candidates were briefed about the project and the various subsystems. The team leader and the team manager of the 2013 season were also present to motivate the candidates. Our Faculty Advisor, Dr. N. Yagnesh Sharma, who has been associated with the project for three seasons now also attended the event. He discussed the benefits of being a part of the project along with his experience so far. Mr. V. R. Pai, our sponsor from FlamePack Manipal, who along with the team and the FMX3 visited FS Germany this year, and who also has been associated with the project since its inception shared with the audience what the project has to offer to students pursuing their bachelors degree.

Mr. V. R. Pai and Dr. N. Yagnesh Sharma adressing the gathering,

WHAT’S NEXT ? The team is all set to start the manufacturing of the final chassis for the season 2014 car. The team will also start the manufacturing of the components for the car and ordering of the other components. Meanwhile, the FMX3 which is already on Indian soil is expected to reach the workshop early next month. Also the recruitments of freshers and the second round for recruitment of the seniors will be in full swing next month. Stay tuned for more updates for the next action filled month.



P. M. Kathariya & Co.



â‚š1000 or $20 is all it takes to be a part of the Formula Manipal Family!

CONTACT US: Tanmay Bohra Team Manager +91-97403-57167


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