February 2022 - Fort Bend Focus Magazine - People • Places • Happenings

Page 13


Mayor Zimmerman Seeks Re-Election

Joe R. Zimmerman, Mayor of Sugar Land, ing in neighborhoods to protect homeowners’ infiled for re-election in January, seeking a fourth vestments and quality of life). He has worked with and final term. Mayor Zimmerman was elected community partners to put health first through the the tenth Mayor of Sugar Land in 2016, won pandemic while bolstering businesses and supre-election in 2018, and was unopposed in his porting the economy. 2020 re-election bid. He and his wife Nancy filed Through Zimmerman’s terms as Mayor, he has the official paperwork for his last term as Mayor worked with City Council and staff to address due to term limits. “It is an honor to serve the ciflooding from a number of events, including Hurtizens of Sugar Land. This city is our home, and ricane Harvey, addressed service shortfalls in waI look forward to representing all of our residents ter and trash resulting from Winter Storm Uri, and in this fourth term,” said Mayor Zimmerman. partnered with Fort Bend County to provide locaAs Mayor, Zimmerman continues to keep tions for COVID testing and vaccinations. Sugar Sugar Land the best place to live, work, play, Mayor Joe R. Zimmerman. Land also welcomed the Houston Astros and Trishop, and raise a family. Under his leadership, ple-A baseball and oversaw implementation of the Sugar Land has been ranked in the top five of the Best Small ~$91M in G.O. voter-approved bonds reserved for drainage, Cities to Live in America, recognized as the second safest midpublic safety, and infrastructure projects. size Cities in America, recipient of the “Leading the Way Award” Zimmerman is looking forward to continuing to represent all - Top Ranking in Residential Satisfaction with City Services, of Sugar Land. He and his wife of almost 46 years, Nancy, have and received Best Suburb honors. In addition, Zimmerman will made Sugar Land their home since 1990 and are active memcontinue to work on improvements to public safety, infrastrucbers of Second Baptist Church. Their daughter, Allison, her ture (drainage, streets, water and wastewater), maintaining the husband Chris Wallace, granddaughter Emmy, and grandson transparency and financial strength of the city, economic deCampbell live in Houston. velopment (attracting new businesses and continuing to help The City’s General Election is May 7th, 2022. For more inforthose affected by the pandemic) and redevelopment (investmation, visit www.joezimmermanformayor.com.



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