As strategic problem-solvers and visual communicators of the world, graphic designers need to recognize the pivotal role they can play in using their talent and skill as catalysts for change. Though the topic of social responsibility is nothing new to designers, there has been a void in supplying a means to support the cause. The Living Principles is a valuable resource that gives designers some tools to manifest and employ better work ethics today and in the future. There isn’t a clear cut way to do this but here we try and outline some basic principles for us to live by, to make the future better for our kids and their kids. This book is by no means a light to show designers the way to be socially responsible, but rather, invites designers to S.E.E.C ( seek ) the way.
All the content for the book was derived from the AIGA Living Principles website. The designer of this book does not own rights to the content, except for the illustrations and use of layout throughout the publication