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Greatest losers are healthiest winners
MWR Sports, Fitness & Aquatics and Warrior Zone hosted a virtual challenge — Quarantine’s Greatest Loser — at fb.com/ JBLMmwr and JBLMmwr. com April 15–July 14. This fun weight-loss competition challenged our community to make the best of quarantine by adapting a healthier lifestyle.
The scoring was based on highest body-weight loss, and prizes included a Peloton stationary bike and one-year membership for first place, Apple Watch Series 5 for second place and a Fitbit Versa 2 smartwatch for third place.
We had so many success stories! Here are a few from our winners and our spokesperson, Alex Demitras. Carly Mueller wins first place
After Carly was informed that she won first place for the Quarantine’s Greatest Loser contest, she was elated.
She writes,”I’m so grateful for everyone at MWR for putting on the Quarantine’s Greatest Loser Competition. In March, I was furloughed from my job, and my son’s school switched to virtual education due to COVID-19.
“I took a chance and decided to sign up for the Quarantine’s Greatest Loser Competition. It was a great time for me to focus on myself and my health while the world around me seemed to slow to a halt.
“I’ve made several sustainable changes to my diet and lifestyle throughout and beyond the duration of this competition, and it has had a profoundly positive impact on me and my family’s lives!
“We make healthy meals together and take family walks together every day. My kids even follow along while I do yoga in the mornings and the Facebook “Workout of the Day” in the afternoons.
The workout each day, along with other MWR activities, such as the Virtual Trivia Nights, gave me something to actually look forward to every single day during quarantine — at a time that could easily have been a negative time of uncertainty, anxiety and dread. It turned into one of the greatest years of my life!
“I’m eternally grateful to Alex and everybody at MWR for the Continued on page 28.
Right: Carly Mueller starts her fitness routine after she entered Quarantine’s Greatest Loser contest through MWR.

Below: Alex Demitras presents Carly with her first-place prize — a Peloton stationary bike with a one-year membership.
amazing programs and opportunities you have provided to JBLM community families to make the best of these uncertain times. I simply cannot thank you enough!”
Alex Demitras, contest spokesperson, wrote to Carly, expressing his pride in announcing her first-place win. He wrote, “We couldn’t be happier to see such an awesome prize go to someone who has worked so hard toward healthier living. You’re the prime example of what all of us strive to be!”
Philisa Campbell wins second place
After Philisa Campbell was informed that she won second place, she wrote, “My weight-loss journey began nine months ago (November 2019). I was 293 pounds.
“Though I began to lose weight prior to the challenge, it helped me to find the motivation to surpass my plateau. Now my mindset is renewed toward achieving my endeavors.
“Thank you, JBLM MWR, for contributing to my journey toward a better life.” Alex wrote to Philisa, “We’re so happy to see this awesome prize for both life and fitness go to someone who has been so dedicated to achieving their goals.”
Lester Mungro wins third place
Lester Mungro achieved third place among so many other contestants competing for prizes.
Alex wrote his congratulations, stating, “I personally want to reach out to you — your story is similar to when I had my first child. I was 241 pounds, and man, was I feeling it!
“Over time I was able to work down to 203 pounds and it changed my life. My kid got lighter, my spouse was happier and over all, life was good.
“I know the challenges you had to overcome as healthy living takes work and dedication. A testament to your character and will power. Great job!
“You’ve gone above and beyond to achieve your goals of healthier living. Kudos to you for balancing it all!”
Alex’s sentiments reflect much of what all the contestants felt — an achievement all its own that reverberates into everyday life.
Congratulations to all who took part in this challenge — keep on challenging yourselves to stay on the healthy course for life!
Courtesy photos

Above: Philisa Campbell before she began the Quarantine’s Greatest Loser challenge. Right: Philisa with her husband after her second-place win.