Final Report City of Fort Myers, Florida
Independent Environmental Engineers, Scientists and Consultants
CITY OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................ ES-1 1.0
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Previous Water System Planning Efforts................................................. 1-3 1.3 Planning Area........................................................................................... 1-3
FORT MYERS WATER SYSTEM ................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Production Facilities ................................................................................ 2-1 2.1.1 City-Owned Wells ....................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Treatment Facility.................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.1 General......................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.2 Treatment Capacity...................................................................... 2-2 2.2.3 Treatment Process........................................................................ 2-3 2.2.4 Onsite Finished Storage ............................................................... 2-3 2.2.5 Water Distribution ....................................................................... 2-3 2.2.6 Security ........................................................................................ 2-5 2.2.7 Emergency Power ........................................................................ 2-5 2.3 Distribution System Storage .................................................................... 2-6 2.3.1 Elevated Tank .............................................................................. 2-6 2.3.2 Winkler Pump Station.................................................................. 2-6 2.4 Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well ........................................................ 2-7 2.5 Distribution System Piping ...................................................................... 2-8 2.6 Interconnects ............................................................................................ 2-9
REGULATORY FRAMEWORK .................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Federal Requirements .............................................................................. 3-1 3.2 State Requirements .................................................................................. 3-4 3.2.1 South Florida Water Management District .................................. 3-5 3.2.2 Florida Department of Environmental Protection........................ 3-6 3.2.3 Lee County Health Department ................................................... 3-9 3.3 City of Fort Myers Requirements .......................................................... 3-10 3.3.1 Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan........................... 3-10 3.3.2 Local Water Interconnection Requirements .............................. 3-12
HISTORIC WATER DEMANDS .................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Historic Water Demand .......................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 Water Demand by Type of Connection ....................................... 4-1
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4.2 4.3
4.1.2 Maximum Day and Peak Hour Demand Factors ......................... 4-2 Diurnal Flow Patterns .............................................................................. 4-2 Non-Revenue Producing Water ............................................................... 4-3 4.3.1 Treatment Loss............................................................................. 4-3 4.3.2 Unbilled Water Use...................................................................... 4-4 Historic Fire Flow Demand ..................................................................... 4-5
EVALUATION OF EXISTING SYSTEM...................................................... 5-1 5.1 Distribution System Hydraulic Model ..................................................... 5-1 5.2 System Performance Criteria ................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Existing System Production, Storage and Pumping Capacities............... 5-2 5.3.1 Production Requirements............................................................. 5-2 5.3.2 System Storage Requirements ..................................................... 5-2 5.3.3 Booster Pumping Requirements .................................................. 5-3 5.4 Existing Distribution System Model........................................................ 5-3 5.4.1 Demand Allocation ...................................................................... 5-4 5.4.2 Calibration Flow Patterns ............................................................ 5-6 5.4.3 Model Calibration ........................................................................ 5-8 5.5 Identification of Existing System Deficiencies...................................... 5-15 5.5.1 System Evaluation Demand Patterns ......................................... 5-15 5.5.2 Peak Hour Water System Demand ............................................ 5-18 5.5.3 Fire Flow Requirements............................................................. 5-18
PROJECTED WATER DEMANDS ................................................................ 6-1 6.1 Water Planning Areas .............................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 Palm Beach Service Area .............................................................. 6-3 6.1.2 Downtown Service Area ............................................................... 6-3 6.1.3 McGregor Service Area................................................................. 6-4 6.1.4 Fowler Service Area...................................................................... 6-5 6.1.5 Martin Luther King Service Area.................................................. 6-5 6.1.6 Belle Vue-Dunbar Annexation Service Area ................................ 6-6 6.1.7 Winkler Service Area .................................................................... 6-7 6.1.8 East Service Area ......................................................................... 6-8 6.1.9 Southeast Service Area.................................................................. 6-5 6.1.10 Colonial South Service Area ........................................................ 6-9 6.2 Water Demand Projections .................................................................... 6-10 6.2.1 Population Projections ............................................................... 6-11 6.2.2 Distribution System Demand Projection Methodology............. 6-16 6.2.3 Interconnection Demands .......................................................... 6-21 6.2.4 Projected Demands .................................................................... 6-21
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UTILIZATION OF AVAILABLE WATER RESOURCES ......................... 7-1 7.1 Existing Water Resources ........................................................................ 7-1 7.2 Future Water Resource Strategies............................................................ 7-2 7.2.1 Wellfield ...................................................................................... 7-2 7.2.2 Treatment Plant Capacity............................................................. 7-2 7.2.3 Reduction of Non-Revenue Water............................................... 7-4 7.2.4 Reclaimed Water.......................................................................... 7-7 7.2.5 Interconnections........................................................................... 7-8 7.3 Water Supply Reliability Considerations................................................. 7-8 7.3.1 Wellfield Capacity ....................................................................... 7-9 7.3.2 ASR.............................................................................................. 7-9 7.3.3 Interconnections......................................................................... 7-10 7.3.4 Additional Water Treatment Facilities....................................... 7-10 7.3.5 Distribution System Storage ...................................................... 7-11 7.4 Water Quality Considerations................................................................ 7-12 7.4.1 Historical Water Quality ............................................................ 7-12 7.4.2 Corrosion.................................................................................... 7-12 7.4.3 Pump Stations ............................................................................ 7-14 7.4.4 Distribution System Flushing .................................................... 7-15 7.5 Future Regulatory Issues........................................................................ 7-15 7.5.1 Additional Supply Permitting .................................................... 7-15 7.5.2 Water Treatment Plant Expansion Permitting ........................... 7-16 7.5.3 Reclaimed Water Requirements ................................................ 7-16 7.5.4 Stage 2 Disinfection Byproduct Rule ........................................ 7-18 7.5.5 ASR Well ................................................................................... 7-19 7.5.6 Concentrate Injection Well ........................................................ 7-19 7.5.7 Cross Connection Control.......................................................... 7-20
POTABLE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ...................................... 8-1 8.1 Piping for Watermain Replacement Phases............................................. 8-1 8.2 Piping for Improved Fire Flow ................................................................ 8-3 8.3 Piping for System Reinforcement............................................................ 8-4 8.4 Piping for Southeast and Eastern Service Areas...................................... 8-6 8.4.1 Large Diameter Dead End Option ............................................... 8-7 8.4.2 Looped Option ............................................................................. 8-8 8.4.3 Additional Storage and Pump Station Option.............................. 8-9 8.5 Pump Stations and Distribution Storage .................................................. 8-9 8.5.1 Winkler Pump Station Operation............................................... 8-10 8.5.2 Elevated Tank Replacement ...................................................... 8-10 8.5.3 East Pump Station Operation ..................................................... 8-10
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EVALUATION OF PROPOSED FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS ................. 9-1 9.1 General Model Parameters....................................................................... 9-2 9.2 2009 Model .............................................................................................. 9-2 9.2.1 Demands ...................................................................................... 9-3 9.2.2 Piping ........................................................................................... 9-3 9.2.3 Peak Flow Results........................................................................ 9-5 9.2.4 Fire Flow Results ......................................................................... 9-5 9.3 2014 Model .............................................................................................. 9-6 9.3.1 Demands ...................................................................................... 9-6 9.3.2 Piping ........................................................................................... 9-7 9.3.3 Peak Flow Results........................................................................ 9-8 9.3.4 Fire Flow Results ......................................................................... 9-8 9.4 2024 Model .............................................................................................. 9-8 9.4.1 Demands ...................................................................................... 9-8 9.4.2 Piping ........................................................................................... 9-9 9.4.3 Peak Flow Results........................................................................ 9-9 9.4.4 Fire Flow Results ......................................................................... 9-9 9.5 Southeast Service Area Options............................................................. 9-10 9.5.1 Alternative Piping ...................................................................... 9-10 9.5.2 Peak Hour Fire Flow Analysis................................................... 9-11 9.6 Treatment Plant Shutdown Utilizing an Interconnection with the City of Cape Coral ......................................................................................... 9-12
COSTS ESTIMATE OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ........................ 10-1 10.1 Existing CIP Budgeted Improvements................................................... 10-1 10.2 Additional Proposed Improvements ...................................................... 10-4 10.2.1 Water Treatment and Additional Operational Improvements ... 10-5 10.2.2 Distribution Storage and Pump Stations .................................... 10-6 10.2.3 Piping Improvements ................................................................. 10-6 10.2.4 Enhancements to the Model..................................................... 10-13 10.3 Comparison of Alternatives for the Piping in the Southeast Service Area......................................................................................... 10-14
SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............ 11-1 11.1 Findings and Conclusions ...................................................................... 11-1
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11.2 11.3
11.1.1 Regulatory.................................................................................. 11-1 11.1.2 Existing Water System Deficiencies.......................................... 11-3 11.1.3 Historic and Projected Water Demands..................................... 11-3 11.1.4 Water Resources Considerations ............................................... 11-4 Selection of Preferred Master Plan Strategy.......................................... 11-6 Recommendations.................................................................................. 11-7 11.3.1 Distribution System Modeling Recommendations ................... 11-7 11.3.2 Planning Considerations ........................................................... 11-8 11.3.3 Water System Capital Improvements ....................................... 11-8
LIST OF TABLES Table No. Description ES.1 ES.2 ES.3 ES.4 ES.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 4.1 4.2
Following/On Page
Demand Projections ...........................................................................................ES-1 Existing Utility Maintenance CIP Items ............................................................ES-3 Existing Potable Water Construction CIP Items................................................ES-4 Existing Water Treatment Plant CIP Items........................................................ES-5 Summary of Additional Capital Improvement Costs.........................................ES-6 Floridan Aquifer Supply Wells............................................................................ 2-2 Potable Water Distribution Pipe .......................................................................... 2-9 Interconnections with the Lee County Distribution System .............................. 2-10 Primary Standards................................................................................................ 3-1 Secondary Standards............................................................................................ 3-4 Allowable SFWMD CUP Permitted Withdrawals .............................................. 3-5 Supply Reporting Requirements .......................................................................... 3-5 State Primary Water Quality Monitoring Standards............................................ 3-6 New Requirements of 62-555 as per August 2003 Amendment ......................... 3-8 Water Quality Monitoring Standard Frequency and Location Requirements ..... 3-9 Meter Sizes and Corresponding Capacities ....................................................... 3-10 Fire Flow for New One-and Two-Family Subdivisions .................................... 3-11 Fire Flow for Commercial Occupancies ............................................................ 3-11 Billing Demand Information by Customer Type ................................................. 4-1 Historical Distribution System Demands............................................................. 4-2
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LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table No. Description 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18
Following/On Page
Summary of Flow and Pressure Values Recorded by Water Treatment Plant SCADA........................................................................... 4-2 Summary of Treatment Losses ............................................................................ 4-4 Summary of Reported Unaccounted for Distribution Water ............................... 4-5 Recent Fire Flow Test Results ............................................................................. 4-6 Model Performance Criteria ............................................................................... 5-1 Distribution System Tank Information ................................................................ 5-2 Distribution System Pump Information ............................................................... 5-3 Distribution System Flow Patterns for Weekly Sub-Periods............................... 5-6 Initial Roughness Coefficient C-Values ............................................................ 5-11 Adjusted Roughness Coefficient C-Values ....................................................... 5-11 Calculation of the Simulated Peak Day Demand Pattern from the Historical Average Day Demand Pattern ........................................................................... 5-16 Water Mains with High Peak Velocity .............................................................. 5-18 Fire Flow Used for the Distribution System Hydraulic Model.......................... 5-19 Locations of Insufficient Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Hour Demand ............................................................................................ 5-19 Demand Assumptions for New Developments.................................................... 6-2 Demand from Future Developments in the Southeast Service Area ................... 6-3 Proposed Developments in the Downtown Service Area .................................... 6-4 Proposed Developments in the McGregor Service Area ..................................... 6-5 Proposed Developments in the Fowler Service Area .......................................... 6-5 Demand from Future Developments in the Southeast Service Area ................... 6-6 Demand for Connections in the Belle Vue-Dunbar Service Area ....................... 6-6 Proposed Developments in the Winkler Service Area......................................... 6-7 Demand From Future Developments in the East Service Area ........................... 6-8 Demand From Future Developments in the Southeast Service Area .................. 6-9 Proposed Developments in the Colonial South Service Area............................ 6-10 UDAP Growth Trends from the CDD Projections ............................................ 6-13 Population Growth from New Residential Developments................................. 6-14 Population Growth from Belle Vue-Dunbar Area ............................................. 6-16 Projected Population Growth............................................................................. 6-17 Additional Demands for New Developments and the Belle Vue-Dunbar Annexation......................................................................................................... 6-19 Projected Demands by UDAP Area................................................................... 6-20 Projected Demands by Service Area.................................................................. 6-21
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LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table No. Description 6.19 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.1
Following/On Page
Summary of Projected Water Demands............................................................. 6-22 Projected Concentrate Produced from Reverse Osmosis Treatment ................... 7-2 Projected Concentrate Produced from Reverse Osmosis Treatment ................... 7-4 Chemical Feed Rates of Corrosion Reducing Chemicals .................................. 7-13 Finished Water LI and CCPP Calculation ......................................................... 7-13 Tank Turnover Parameters................................................................................. 7-14 Completion Schedule for the Remaining Water Main Replacement Project Phases ...................................................................................................... 8-1 New Water Mains Installed as Part of the Phase IIIC Water Main Improvement Project .................................................................................................................. 8-2 New Water Mains Installed as Part of the Phase VII Water Main Improvements Projects................................................................................................................. 8-2 New Water Mains Installed as Part of the Phase IV Water Main Improvement Project .................................................................................................................. 8-3 Proposed Locations for New Water Mains to Provide Additional Fire Flow..... 8-4 Average and Peak Demand Factors and Percentages .......................................... 9-2 Model 2009 Average and Peak Demands............................................................ 9-3 New Model 2009 Pipes........................................................................................ 9-3 Locations of Insufficient Residual Pressure for Fire Flow for the 2009 Model .. 9-6 2014 Model Average and Peak Demands............................................................ 9-6 New Model 2014 Pipes........................................................................................ 9-7 2024 Model Average and Peak Demands............................................................ 9-9 New Model 2024 Pipes........................................................................................ 9-9 Pipe Diameter Comparison for the Southeast Service Area Piping Options ..... 9-11 Storage and Flow Capacity for the Interconnection Model ............................... 9-12 Interconnection Model Flow Output.................................................................. 9-13 Existing Utility Maintenance CIP Items ............................................................ 10-1 Existing Potable Water Utility Construction CIP Items .................................... 10-2 Existing Water Treatment Plant CIP Items........................................................ 10-3 Cost Estimate for Treatment and Operational Improvements ........................... 10-5 Cost Estimate for Distribution Storage and Pump Station Improvements ........ 10-6 Cost Estimate for Piping and Distribution Improvements................................. 10-7 Cost Estimate for Other Distribution Projects ................................................. 10-13 Cost Estimate for Modeling Improvements..................................................... 10-13 Cost Comparison for the Southeast Service Area Piping Options................... 10-15 Summary of Population Projections .................................................................. 11-4
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LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table No. Description
Following/On Page
11.2 Summary of Water Demand Projections ........................................................... 11-4 11.3 Summary of Additional Capital Improvement Costs......................................... 11-9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Description ES.1 ES.2 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10
Following/On Page
New Development Locations.............................................................................ES-1 Proposed Distribution System Improvements ...................................................ES-1 Potable Water Distribution Piping Network and City Limits.............................. 1-3 Supply Well Location Pump................................................................................ 2-1 Water Treatment Plant Organizational Chart ...................................................... 2-2 Membrane Treatment Process Schematic............................................................ 2-4 Aerial Photograph of Ground Storage Tanks....................................................... 2-5 Elevated Tank at the Imaginarium....................................................................... 2-6 Aerial Photograph of the Winkler Pump Station ................................................. 2-6 Photograph of Storage Tank and Valves ............................................................. 2-6 ASR Well at the Winkler Pump Station .............................................................. 2-7 Water Main Replacement Project ........................................................................ 2-8 Cast Iron Pipe Sections Replaced ....................................................................... 2-8 City of Fort Myers-Lee County Interconnects..................................................... 2-9 Average Daily Flow Patterns at the Water Treatment Plant................................ 4-3 Recent Fire Flow Hydrant Test Locations ........................................................... 4-6 Land Parcel Node Allocation............................................................................... 5-5 Weekend Flow Patterns ....................................................................................... 5-6 Monday – Friday Flow Patterns........................................................................... 5-7 Friday Flow Patterns ............................................................................................ 5-7 Telog Hydrant Pressure Recorder........................................................................ 5-8 System Pressures Recorded by the Distribution System Data Loggers During Calibration Period.................................................................................... 5-9 Pressures Recorded at Pump Stations During Calibration Period ..................... 5-10 Calibration Data at Marsh Avenue and Palm Beach Boulevard........................ 5-12 Calibration Data at Bramen Avenue and McGregor Boulevard........................ 5-13 Calibration Data at Colonial Boulevard and McGregor Boulevard................... 5-13
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CITY OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure No. Description 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13
Following/On Page
Calibration Data at Colonial Boulevard and Omni Boulevard .......................... 5-14 Calibration Data at Winkler Pump Station ........................................................ 5-14 Historical Average Day and Simulated Peak Day Demand Patterns................. 5-17 Distribution System Hourly Demand Factors.................................................... 5-17 Existing Model- 9:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand ............................... 5-18 Existing Model- 1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand ................................. 5-18 Existing Model- 11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand .......... 5-18 Existing System – Fire Flow Demands.............................................................. 5-19 Existing Model- Fire Flow Demands................................................................. 5-19 Service Areas ....................................................................................................... 6-1 New Development Locations............................................................................... 6-1 Belleview and Dunbar Annexation Area Aerial Photograph............................... 6-6 Fort Myers UDAP Neighborhoods .................................................................... 6-11 Projected Population Growth............................................................................. 6-18 Projected Raw Water Demand........................................................................... 6-23 Projected Finished Water Demand .................................................................... 6-24 Projected Revenue Producing Water Demand................................................... 6-25 Projected Peak Day Raw Water Demand and Required Water Treatment Plant Capacity ............................................................................................................... 7-2 Projected Peak Day Finished Water Demand and Water Treatment Plant Finished Water Capacity..................................................................................................... 7-5 Permitted and Projected Wellfield Demands..................................................... 7-17 Proposed Distribution System Improvements ..................................................... 8-1 2009 Model Proposed Piping............................................................................... 9-3 2009 Model 8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand........................................ 9-5 2009 Model 1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand.......................................... 9-5 2009 Model 11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand................... 9-5 2009 Model Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Hour Demand.................. 9-5 2014 Model Proposed Piping............................................................................... 9-7 2014 Model 8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand........................................ 9-8 2014 Model 1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand.......................................... 9-8 2014 Model 11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand................... 9-8 2014 Model Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Hour Demand.................. 9-8 2024 Model Proposed Piping............................................................................... 9-9 2024 Model 8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand...................................... 9-10 2024 Model 1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand........................................ 9-10
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CITY OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure No. Description 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22
Following/On Page
2024 Model 11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand................. 9-10 2024 Model Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Day Demand ................. 9-10 Large Diameter Dead End Option 8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand... 9-10 Pump Station Option 8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand ....................... 9-11 Large Diameter Dead End Option Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Day Demand.............................................................................................. 9-11 Pump Station Option Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Day Demand ... 9-11 Interconnection Model 16-Inch Diameter Interconnection................................ 9-13 Interconnection Model 20-Inch Diameter Interconnection................................ 9-13 Interconnection Model 24-Inch Diameter Interconnection................................ 9-13
Description 1993 Master Plan Recommended Improvements Community Development Department Population Projections FAC 62-555.314 - .365 Historical Water Quality Sampling Results Water and Sewer Infrastructure Design Recommendations for: Colonial Country Club, Sun City Center, Arborwood, Palomino Estates and Parker Daniels
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The City of Fort Myers (City) is located in southwest Florida on the southern bank of the Caloosahatchee River. Fort Myers is the county seat of Lee County (County) and is a popular winter home and retirement location. The City is home to approximately 65,000 residents that currently consume approximately 6.5 million gallons of potable water per day. The City’s reverse osmosis water treatment plant treats brackish water from the City’s well field. Residential, industrial and commercial customers are served by approximately 15,000 active metered connections. Malcolm Pirnie was retained by the City to provide professional engineering services for master planning of the City’s potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water systems. This master plan for the potable water system is based on an independent evaluation of the existing potable water treatment and distribution system facilities, and provides the City with a plan to prepare for the additional demands on these facilities through 2024. This plan has been prepared by working closely with the City’s staff from the following departments: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1.1
Community Development Distribution System Maintenance Engineering and Stormwater Fire Geographic Information Systems Public Works Utility Billing Water Treatment Plant
Malcolm Pirnie has completed this master plan to assist the City in planning for changes that may occur in the future due to population growth and aging of the potable water production and distribution components. Growth and increased tourism are sure to occur in the Fort Myers area. Water quality standards are becoming more stringent while easily treatable water resources are becoming more scarce. Implementing projects to
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address new security concerns, combined with advanced treatment processes, continue to result in the higher cost of potable water, challenging the City’s ability to provide service without significantly increasing costs to customers on fixed incomes. The City must have a comprehensive plan that addresses all of these issues. This Potable Water System Master Plan was completed specifically to: ¾
Re-evaluate prior recommendations that have been implemented, and identify the need and potential for expansion of the water supply and treatment system based on growth and population projections provided by the City.
Complete the construction and calibration of a hydraulic distribution model for all large diameter water mains sufficient for evaluating future capacity and fire flow requirements.
Identify and prioritize the need for improvements to the existing water distribution system, as part of an overall Water System Capital Improvement Program.
A key component of this master planning effort is the development of an interactive GIS model of the City’s potable water distribution system. Malcolm Pirnie constructed a GIS database for each City land parcel and a water distribution model using H2OMAP software by compiling the following data: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Potable water metering and billing information City and County GIS data Existing infrastructure CAD drawings As-built construction drawings Population growth projections Future planned development data Historical Demand Data Water Treatment Plant pressure and flow data recorded from the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system Elevation data Pump manufacturer information Fire flow test data Field collected pressure data
The model was used to analyze future demands associated with system growth for 5-year, 10-year and 20-year milestones. Malcolm Pirnie worked with City planning and growth staff to determine applicable criteria for future modeling scenarios, such as location of City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 1: Introduction
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future customers, peaking factors, and fire flow conditions.
The model will be turned
over to the City at the end of the Master Planning effort. Malcolm Pirnie will also provide training to City staff for their use of the modeling software.
The last full scale master plan was the Water System Master Plan completed in May 1993, by Boyle Engineering.
The report included population and demand
projections, and distribution system modeling, based on the assumption that the population served would increase to 150,000 persons by 2010. The newly constructed shallow well field and softening membrane plant were described in detail. Recommendations from that report lead to the design and construction of several pipeline projects. The tables provided in Appendix A list the improvements recommended and updates the status of those recommendations. This master plan re-evaluates the need for the recommended improvements that were not implemented from the 1993 Master Plan report. Since the completion of the Water System Master Plan from 1993, the City has planned and implemented several other projects for the potable water treatment and distribution system including: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 1.3
Construction of new Floridan aquifer water supply wells Conversion to a reverse osmosis water treatment plant Vulnerability assessment Several phases of the system-wide water main replacement projects (ongoing) Construction of an ASR well (ongoing) Construction of a public access reuse distribution system (ongoing)
The existing City limits and potable water distribution pipe network are shown in Figure 1.1. Approximately 80 percent of the population is currently served by the City’s
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Legend Water_Pipes Diameter 0.6 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42
Parcels City Fort Myers City Limits Other Lee County
Scale: 1:100,000 1
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City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Potable Water Distribution Piping Network and City Limits
Figure 1.1
distribution system, while the rest are served by the Lee County distribution system or private wells. The potable water demand within this planning area is expected to double by 2009, due to residential growth within the city limits, new commercial and industrial users, and the addition of potable water service areas previously served by the County.
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PRODUCTION FACILITIES The City is permitted by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
to withdraw water from a pump station at the Caloosahatchee River (also known as Canal C-43), shallow water table wells, and Floridan aquifer wells within the City’s wellfield. The City has discontinued the use of the Caloosahatchee River pump station and sold the facility to the County.
The shallow water table wells have all been plugged and
abandoned. The Floridan aquifer supply wells are the only supply source that the City currently uses or plans to use in the future.
City-Owned Wells
The City’s wellfield is located on 500 acres on the southwest corner of State Road 82 and Ortiz Avenue. Twelve Floridan aquifer wells have been constructed in the wellfield. The City’s wellfield and the locations of the supply wells are shown in Figure 2.1. Table 2.1 lists the diameter, depth, casing depth, pump depth and pump capacity of the wells. In the future, a residential community and an expansion of the Eastwood golf course are being designed and will be constructed on the wellfield property. Table 2.1: Floridan Aquifer Supply Wells SFWMD Well ID Name P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12
Diameter (in) 24 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 2: Fort Myers Water System
Well Depth (ft) 775 775 775 775 775 800 775 775 775 775 775 775
Case Depth (ft) 462 465 465 465 465 475 465 465 465 465 465 465
Pump Depth (ft) -81 -81 -81 -81 -81 -81 -81 -81 -81 -81 -81 -81
Pump Capacity (gpm) 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 2-1
TREATMENT FACILITY The Water Treatment Plant that supplies potable water for the City is located
adjacent to the wellfield on Jacksonville Street. The plant was originally used nanofiltration to remove color and organics to treat water from the shallow wells that were under the influence of surface water. When the supply source changed to the deeper Floridan aquifer wells, the treatment process was modified to provide reverse osmosis membrane technology, for removal of total dissolved solids (TDS), and aeration to remove sulfides. These plant modifications were completed in 2002.
The Water Treatment Plant has sixteen full-time staff members to operate the plant 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The Organization Chart in Figure 2.2 shows the staffing allocation at the Water Treatment Plant.
Figure 2.2: Water Treatment Plant Organizational Chart
Water Plant Superintendent
Water Plant Supervisor
10 Plant Operators
Maintenance Supervisor
Service Worker I
Treatment Capacity
In 2004, additional membrane capacity was added to increase the treatment capacity from 12 mgd to 16 mgd. The total finished water plant capacity varies with the treatment efficiency of the limited-life membrane filters. The facility was designed with extra space and connections for additional trains of membranes to increase treatment City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 2: Fort Myers Water System
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capacity to 20 mgd. The current permitted average daily and maximum daily withdrawal from the wellfield is 16.14 mgd, per the City’s SFWMD Consumptive Use Permit.
2.2.3 Treatment Process Water from the wellfield is processed through a total of 1,184 cartridge filters to remove larger filterable material. Water is then treated through 2,688 membrane filters to remove the smaller impurities and TDS from the water. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is removed through a packed air stripping tower. Finally, caustic (NaOH) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are added to adjust pH and alkalinity, hydrofluorosilicic acid is added to provide fluoride and sodium hypochlorite (NaHOCl) is added for disinfection. The finished water is pumped to on-site ground storage tanks. Reject water from the membranes is injected into the ground through a Class I injection well at a depth of 2,300 ft. Figure 2.3 shows a basic diagram of the membrane treatment process.
Onsite Finished Storage
The Water Treatment Plant includes three 5-MG ground storage tanks, for a total of 15 MG of finished storage. Figure 2.4 shows an aerial photograph of the three tanks at the Water Treatment Plant. The membrane filtration process feeds the tanks at a uniform, continuous production rate. The water elevation in the tanks varies with the daily demand fluctuations. Each tank has a diameter of 160 feet and the maximum water elevation in the tanks is 33 feet above the grade slabs.
Water Distribution
Water is pumped from the on-site finished storage tanks to the distribution system using high service pumps. Three 350-horsepower, 8,000-gpm pumps are powered by variable frequency drives, which vary the pump impeller revolutions per minute and flow to maintain a constant discharge pressure. The pumps are controlled by a pressure set point. Typically, the distribution system pressure at the water treatment plant is 57 pounds per square inch (psi) at night and 62 psi during the day. The SCADA system monitors and records ground storage tank levels, distribution pressure, flow, pH and disinfectant concentration of the water leaving the plant. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 2: Fort Myers Water System
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Figure 2.3: Membrane Treatment Process Schematic
Deep Well Injection
Cartridge Filtration
10 Floridan Aquifer wells (2 more wells proposed)
1,184 Cartridge Filters
Reject Water
Membrane Filtration 2,688 Membrane Cylinders
2,300 feet below the surface
H2S Removal Stripping Tower
Corrosion Inhibitor
Alkalinity Adjustment
Sodium Hypochlorite
CO2 and Caustic
Finished Storage
Hydrofluorosilicic Acid
3, 5-MG ground storage tanks
High Service Pumps
To Distribution 15,000 Metered Connections
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 2: Fort Myers Water System
3 – 8,000 gpm pumps controlled by VFD’s
Flow & Pressure Measurement Venturi flow meter
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Figure 2.4: Aerial Photograph of Ground Storage Tanks
Security is a high priority at the water treatment plant. The site is surrounded by a perimeter fence and the entrance is gated.
In addition to 24-hour staffing, video
surveillance cameras allow the operations staff to monitor four locations. Additional cameras will be added at the plant and at the offsite storage locations in accordance with the implementation of the additional measures recommended in the Vulnerability Assessment (completed by others in 2003). The water treatment plant changed from gas chlorine to liquid sodium hypochlorite in 2002 to eliminate the risk to plant staff and the community from the exposure to gas from a chlorine cylinder leak. Also, the discontinuation of the use of surface water from the Caloosahatchee River and the water table wells reduced the possibility of source contamination.
Emergency Power
Two 1100-kW generators are available to provide power to the Water Treatment Plant in the event of a power outage. The plant generators also can provide power to Well P-1. Wells P-2, P-3, P-4, P-9, and P-11 have individual power generators.
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Elevated Tank
The City owns a 250,000-gallon elevated storage tank at the location the Imaginarium Hands-On Museum, at
Figure 2.5: Elevated Tank at the Imaginarium
Cranford Avenue. This tank provides additional storage to the downtown area for peak demand and fire flow. The reduction of distribution pressure to 57 psi at night is sufficient to withdraw a significant volume from the tank and reduce stagnant water conditions within the tank.
The tank will
overflow if water pressure in the distribution system at the tank location is higher than 65 psi. A picture of the tank is shown in Figure 2.5.
Winkler Pump Station
A 2.5-MG storage tank and booster pumping station (Winkler Pump Station) is located on Princeton Street just south of Winkler Avenue. An aerial photograph of the 1.5 acre site and a photograph of the storage tank are shown below in Figures 2.6 and 2.7. Figure 2.6: Aerial photograph of the Winkler Pump Station
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 2: Fort Myers Water System
Figure 2.7: Photograph of Storage Tank and Valves
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A 16-inch water main from the Water Treatment Plant supplies the Winkler Pump Station. A flow control valve allows the flow into the tank to be operated remotely from the Water Treatment Plant. The valve allows a continuous amount of flow into the tank at an average rate of 15 gpm. The valve can also be opened to allow the tank to fill at a faster rate. Two pumps (2 mgd and 3 mgd) can be remotely operated from the Water Treatment Plant to pump water from the Winkler tank to the distribution system to boost pressure for peak demand or fire flow. The pump station is not presently operated to boost pressure in the distribution system at a specific pressure set point. These pumps and tank inlet valve are operated at least twice per week to provide flow for sampling events, and to keep the tank from overfilling.
An aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well was installed in 2002 at the Winkler Pump Station. The 1-mgd capacity, 12-inch diameter well is cased to a depth of 455 feet and screened to a depth 553 feet. A photograph of the ASR well is shown below in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8: ASR Well at the Winkler Pump Station
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The well has been permitted and constructed, but the operational testing has not been completed.
The City has delayed start-up on the ASR well until the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection completes the rule making process for the arsenic standard and the potable water ASR operation protocol. Operational testing will resume when the arsenic standard has been finalized.
The water distribution system includes piping that dates back to the early 1900’s. The piping network supplies homes, businesses, irrigation meters and fire hydrants throughout the distribution system. Most of the older piping is either lined or unlined cast iron, cement asbestos or galvanized steel pipe. The newer pipe is ductile iron and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Table 2.2 shows the total length of the distribution network piping classified by diameter and material. The City is completing a phased water main replacement program to replace the older water and sewer pipes. Figure 2.9 shows the Water Main replacement phases. Several sections have already been rehabilitated, and all work should be completed by the end of 2010. Many of the older cast iron water mains have become tuberculated due to long term pipe corrosion and water quality changes. The photos in Figure 2.10 show cast iron pipe sections removed during one of the water main replacement projects. Figure 2.10: Cast Iron Pipe Sections Replaced
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Pipe Diameter (in) 0.6 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 Unknown Total
PVC 448 607 850 23,244 1,231 9,630 189,226 375,123 23,968 150,886 1,464 20,236 714 5,604 19,858 3,060 195 314 20,585 826,656
Table 2.2: Potable Water Distribution Pipe Length(ft) Pipe Material Galvanized Cast Iron Ductile Iron Steel 67 15,661
34,234 159,542 68,575 2,990 43,674
1,091 13,392 32,257 7,738 66,492
10,456 34,821 2,343 11,363 9,350 59 215,829
1,864 644 115,251 1,748 755 123
Cement Asbestos
163 593 52,552 48,294 1,875 1,392
Total 448 2,538 1,494 154,752 1,824 99,256 410,455 478,585 34,819 262,445 1,464 63,379 714 16,060 54,679 5,402 11,558 9,664 20,644 1,609,538
INTERCONNECTS The City’s distribution system is currently interconnected with the Lee County
distribution system at four locations listed in Table 2.3 and shown in Figure 2.11. The City and County systems are separated by double a flow measurement device with isolation valves on each end. The interconnections are not used on a regular basis. The Lee County distribution system uses chloramine as a disinfectant rather than free chlorine. Chloraminated water can be harmful to kidney dialysis patients and tropical fish owners, without appropriate modifications to individual treatment systems. When the City uses chloraminated water from the interconnection with the Lee County distribution, the public must be notified. The combination of chlorinated and chloraminated water can also result in taste and odor problems caused by the formation di- and tri-chloramines. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 2: Fort Myers Water System
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Legend Water_Pipes Diameter 0.6 1 1.5 2 3 4 6
Prospect Avenue and Armeda Avenue
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42
Parcels City Fort Myers City Limits Other Lee County City-County Interconnect Existing County Transmission Mains
S.R. 82 and Ortiz Avenue
Collin Street and Evans Avenue
Metro Parkway and Colonial Boulevard
Malcolm Pirnie
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan City of Fort Myers-Lee County Interconnects
Figure 2.11
Table 2.3 Interconnections with the Lee County Distribution System Location (Roadway Intersection Corner) S.R. 82 and Ortiz Avenue Metro Parkway and Colonial Boulevard Collins Street and Evans Avenue Prospect Avenue and Armeda Avenue
Pipe Diameter (in) 16 12
Double Butterfly Valve isolation with flow measurement device Double Butterfly Valve isolation with flow measurement device
16 8
Double Butterfly Valve isolation with flow measurement device Double Butterfly Valve isolation with flow measurement device
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 2: Fort Myers Water System
Interconnection Status
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3.0 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK The City’s Water Treatment Plant and potable water distribution system are subject to the regulatory requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Lee County Health Department (LCHD). The distribution system must comply with standards set by the State and the City’s Code of Ordinances including providing adequate flow and pressure to meet fire flow demands. 3.1
The national drinking water regulations are established by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the principal law governing drinking water safety in the United States. The Act authorized the USEPA to establish National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs) shown in Table 3.1 below. They are legally enforceable standards that protect public health by limiting the levels of contaminants in drinking water. Table 3.1: Primary Standards Contaminant Group
MCL (mg/L)
Disinfection By- Chlorite Halo acetic acids (HAA5) Products Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) Chloramines (as Cl2) Residual Disinfectants Chlorine (as Cl2) Chlorine Dioxide (as ClO2)
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 3: Regulatory Framework
0.060 0.080 4.0 4.0 0.8
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Table 3.1: Primary Standards (continued) Contaminant Group
Inorganic Compounds
Organic Compounds
Contaminant Antimony Arsenic* Asbestos Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide (as free Cyanide) Fluoride Lead Mercury Nitrate (as N) Nitrite (as N) Selenium Thallium
MCL (mg/L) 0.006 0.010 7 MFL** 2 0.004 0.005 0.1 1.3 0.2 4 0.015 0.002 10 1 0.05 0.002
Acrylamide Alachlor Atrazine Benzene Benzo(a)pyrene (PAHs) Carbofuran Carbon tetrachloride*** Chlordane Chlorobenzene 2,4-D Dalapon 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) o-Dichlorobenzene p-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene trans-1,2-Dichlorotheylene Dichloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Dinoseb
TT+ 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.0002 0.04 0.005 0.002 0.1 0.07 0.2
Dioxin (2,3,7,8 TCDD) Diquat
3 X 10-8 0.02
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 3: Regulatory Framework
0.0002 0.6 0.075 0.005 0.007 0.07 0.1 0.005 0.005 0.4 0.006 0.007
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Table 3.1: Primary Standards (continued) Contaminant Group
Contaminant Endothall Endrin
MCL (mg/L) 0.1 0.002
TT+ 0.7 0.00005 0.7 0.0004 0.0002 0.001 0.05 0.0002 Organic 0.04 Compounds 0.2 (Continued) 0.0005 0.001 0.5 0.004 0.1 0.005 1 0.003 0.05 0.07 0.2 0.005 0.005 0.002 10 15 picocuries per Liter Alpha particles (pCi/L) Radionuclides Beta particles and photon emitters 4 millirems per year Radium 226/228 5 pCi/L Epichlorohydrin Ethylbenzene Ethylene Dibromide *** Glyphosphate Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Lindane Methoxychlor Oxamyl (Vydate) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Pentachlorophenol Picloram Simazine Styrene Tetrachloroethylene Toluene Toxaphene 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroehtane Trichloroethylene*** Vinyl Chloride*** Xylenes
30 mg/L++
* as of 1/23/06 ** MFL = million fibers per liter *** Florida required MCL is lower + Each water system must certify, in writing, to the State that when acrylamide and epichlorohydrin are used in drinking water systems, the combination of dose level does not exceed the levels specified, as follows: - acrylamide = 0.05% dosed at 1 mg/L (or equivalent) - epichlorohydrin = 0.01% dosed at 20 mg/L (or equivalent) ++
as of 12/08/03
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The National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWR’s) included below as Table 3.2, are based on aesthetic rather than health considerations and are not enforceable. Table 3.2: Secondary Standards Contaminant Aluminum Color Chloride Copper Corrosivity Fluoride Foaming Agents Iron Manganese Odor pH Silver Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Zinc
MCL (mg/L) 0.05 - 0.2 15 250 1.0 2 2 0.5 0.3 0.05 3 threshold odor number 6.5 - 8.5 0.1 250 500 5
This section discusses the various regulations set forth by FDEP, SFWMD, and the LCHD. SFWMD is responsible for permitting water supply while the LCHD is responsible for construction permitting and monitoring water quality reporting requirements. The following sections of the Florida Administrative Code (FAC) apply to the supply, treatment and distribution of potable water. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
40E-2 Regulation of Consumptive Uses of Water 62-520 Ground Water Classes, Standards, and Exemptions 62-521 Wellhead Protection 62-522 Groundwater Permitting and Monitoring 62-528 Underground Injection Control 62-550 Drinking Water Standards, Monitoring, and Reporting 62-555 Permitting, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Public Water Systems
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他 他
62-602 Drinking Water and Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator 62-699 Treatment Plant Classification and Staffing
3.2.1 South Florida Water Management District A permit for water withdrawal was granted by the SFWMD on March 9, 2000. This Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) expires on March 9, 2020. The allowable permitted withdrawals are listed in Table 3.3 and the supply reporting requirements are shown in Table 3.4.
Table 3.3: Allowable SFWMD CUP Permitted Withdrawals Location
Maximum Withdrawals
Annual (MG) Water Table Aquifer* 3718 Caloosahatchee River* 4043 Floridian Aquifer 4363 Maximum Allocation 4363 * no longer in use by the City
Daily (MG) 12.73 15.72 16.14 16.14
Table 3.4: Supply Reporting Requirements
Reporting Frequency
Monthly pump withdrawals
Maximum daily withdrawals for each month
Production well chloride concentration measurements
The Water Use Permit also requires the City to complete: 他
An Emergency Water Supply Preparedness Study that includes analysis of demand management measures, potential pumpage shifting, and the feasibility of emergency interconnections for the purpose of supplying water on a short-term, emergency basis to adjoining utilities.
A Wellfield Operating Program detailing primary, secondary, stand-by wells, and other aspects of wellfield management.
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The City is required by their Consumptive Use Permit to submit a report that includes unaccounted for water to the SFWMD each year. SFWMD encourages public water supply systems to have no more than 10 percent unaccounted-for water losses. The implementation of leak detection programs by utilities with unaccounted-for water losses greater than 10 percent is required. The leak detection program must include water auditing procedures, and in-field leak detection and repair efforts.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
The state water quality standards listed in FAC 62-550.500 are the same as those issued by the USEPA under the SDWA, except for the higher standard of 0.05 mg/L for arsenic and the lower State MCL’s for the organic contaminants listed in Table 3.5.
Table 3.5: State Primary Water Quality Monitoring Standards
State MCL (mg/L)
Federal MCL (mg/L)
Carbon Tetrachloride
0.001 0.00002
0.002 0.00005
Vinyl Chloride Ethylene Dibromide
The Water Treatment Plant injects concentrate from the reverse osmosis process 2,300 ft below ground through a Class I injection well. This deep injection well is regulated by the FDEP under Section 62-528 of the FAC. The concentrate injected must be monitored continuously for flow and pressure. The maximum injection rate is 2820 gpm (4.06 mgd) and the maximum pressure at the wellhead cannot exceed 76 psi. A temporary operational testing permit was issued on July 5, 2002. Monthly reports submitted include monitoring results for the following testing conditions: ž
Daily maximum, minimum, and average values for: injection pressure, flow rate and annular pressure, annular fluid and annular pressure added/removed, and total volume of WTP concentrate injected
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Monthly sample results for: TKN, pH, specific conductivity, chloride, sulfate, field temperature, TDS, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, carbonate, bicarbonate, gross alpha, and radium 226 and 228
Daily maximum, minimum and average values for water level and pressure of the monitor well DZMW-1
Weekly sample results at monitor well DZMW-1 for: TKN, pH, specific conductivity, chloride, sulfate, field temperature, TDS, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, carbonate, bicarbonate, gross alpha, and radium 226 and 228.
The City has constructed an ASR well at the Winkler Pump station to provide additional long term storage and supply water for the potable water distribution system. The ASR well has a testing permit, and must pass certification testing and final permitting before being placed into operation. During the acceptance testing, the water withdrawn to recover the target storage volume must not exceed the Primary and Secondary quality standards to be used for potable water distribution including iron, manganese, fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, sulfate, chloride and arsenic. ASR systems are required to provide a minimum treatment of aeration to remove sulfides. The most recent amendments to FAC 62-555 completed in August 2003 include several new requirements for potable water treatment plant and distribution system. A copy of FAC 62-555.314 -.365 is provided as Appendix C, and a summary of the applicable changes for the City is summarized in Table 3.6.
Several of these
requirements will require additional work by City operations, maintenance and distribution maintenance staff. As per these new regulations, all hydrants will have to be exercised annually and dead end mains will have to be exercised quarterly. All storage tanks will have to be cleaned and evaluated by a professional engineer every 5 years. The regulation also requires that an Emergency Preparedness Plan be prepared including response plans for: ¾ Vandalism or sabatoge ¾ Drought ¾ Hurricane
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 3: Regulatory Framework
¾ Structure or forest fire ¾ Flood ¾ Hazardous Material Release
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Table 3.6: New Requirements of 62-555 as per August 2003 Amendment Code Section 62-555.314
New Requirement New horizontal and vertical separation distances from storm sewer, reclaimed mains and vacuum gravity and pressure sanitary sewer mains.
Samples of total sulfide are necessary for construction permits connecting new or altered wells. Aeration must be provided if sulfides are greater than 0.3 mg/l. Treatment must achieve a 4-log inactivation/removal of viruses. Standby power is to be provided for all operating facilities to meet primary and secondary standards at a rate greater than or equal to the average daily demand. Mains transporting raw or partially treated water must adhere to specified design and color requirements. A source/treatment/storage capacity analysis report is to be submitted depending on the estimated time until maximum-day demand exceeds permitted maximum-day operating capacity. Utilities must clean and have the structural integrity of all finished water and distribution system storage inspected at least once every 5 years. Dead-end water mains must be flushed out quarterly or in accordance with the utilities flushing program. Water suppliers are required to call the State Warning Point (SWP) immediately after any discovery of a security breach or suspicious activity. Utilities are to contact the LCHD and affected customers before any operating adjustments in which water quality may be affected. O & M manuals must be provided at all treatment plants by the utilities. An updated map of the water distribution system is required.
62-555.320 62-555.320
62-555.350 62-555.350
62-555.350 62-555.350 62-555.350 62-555.360
A written emergency preparedness/response plan is required. All fire hydrants must be exercised annually. All isolation valves must be exercised at least once every 2 years Cross connection control
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 3: Regulatory Framework
Relevance to the City New pipelines can be installed in locations that were previously not allowed. Pipeline line review and approval standards can be updated. City may need to provide aeration or other appropriate treatment at ASR location to remove sulfides. Additional sampling and disinfection modifications may be required. City should evaluate power consumption to determine if generator capacity can support plant operations at average day demand Mains must be painted appropriate colors based on the treatment level of the water they are conveying. City should track demand and capacity to determine when they need to complete this requirement. This analysis is covered later in this report. City should schedule staff and shutdowns necessary to complete inspections, or should include provisions in their CIP to hire a consultant to complete the evaluation. Requires dead-end identification, staffing for flushing and may cause additional unaccounted water loss if not metered. This requirement and contact information must be added to standard operating procedure. Notification must be done before planned uses of the interconnect. Water Treatment Plant needs an O&M Manual. City will need to regularly update and incorporate all new mains from asbuilts and new developments. City must prepare an Emergency Preparedness Plan. This will require extra planning, staffing and effort. This will require extra planning, staffing and effort. City should update the cross connection control procedures
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The Emergency Preparedness plans should be prepared in accordance with Chapter 5 of AWWA Manual 19.
Lee County Health Department
The City is required to submit their monitoring results to LCHD. Disinfectant residual and total coliforms are sampled every day from one of the following three locations: ¾ ¾ ¾
Southwest distribution system - Winkler Pump Station Northwest distribution system - Poinciana Avenue at Lift Station #2 Northeast distribution system - Fairview Court at Lift Station #11
The City must monitor for the primary and secondary water quality standards listed in Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 as per the schedule and locations listed in Table 3.7. A disinfectant residual of 0.2 mg/L free chlorine must be maintained throughout the distribution system.
Table 3.7: Water Quality Monitoring Standard Frequency and Location Requirements Constituent
Monitoring Frequency
Monitoring Location
Every nine years
At the tap after asbestos cement lined pipe and at entry point to the distribution system
Secondary standards Radionuclides Inorganics other than Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrate Nitrite Organics
Every three years Every three years Every three years
At the entry point to the distribution system At the entry point to the distribution system At the entry point to the distribution system
Annually Annually Once per year in the first quarter, quarterly every 3 years Quarterly
Disinfectant residual
Multiple times per month
Total Coliforms
Multiple times per month
At the entry point to the distribution system At the entry point to the distribution system At the entry point to the distribution system for all samples, at each well only in the first quarter of each year Distribution system location of longest residence time Distribution system location of longest residence time Distribution system same locations and times as coliform sampling Distribution system same locations and times as disinfectant residual sampling
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The Water Treatment Plant is classified as a Category II, Class A facility requiring 24 hour per day, seven days per week operation, as per FAC 62-699. Operators must be Class C or higher, and the chief operator must have Class A certification.
Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan
The City of Fort Myers Code of Ordinances provides several rules that pertain to potable water use and distribution.
Chapter 26 states the methodology used for
calculating the projected developmental potable demand, potable water meter sizes, and fire flow requirements. These parameters are used to determine the projected potable water demand to assure that water mains are adequately sized. Chapter 26-306 requires that new developments us a level of service of 150 gallons per capita per day and assume 2.4 persons per household. As per Chapter 26-38, the various flow rates corresponding to each meter size for commercial/industrial use are given in Table 3.9 below:
Table 3.8: Meter Sizes and Corresponding Capacities Meter Size (inches)
Meter Capacity (gpm)
3/4 x 5/8 1 1 1/2 2 3 4 6 8
15 40 80 120 250 350 700 1,200
Fire flow requirements for new construction, changes in occupancy, or any physical enlargement of existing buildings are included as Table 3.10. All previously constructed one- and two-family dwellings are exempt from these requirements except new subdivisions. Subdivisions that are not able to deliver the required fire flow must
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provide automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (#13, 1987 Edition).
Table 3.9: Fire Flow for New One- and Two-Family Subdivisions Distance Between Buildings (feet) Greater than 100 20 – 100 11 – 30 Less than or equal to 10
Needed Fire Flow (gpm) 500 750 1,000 1,500
The fire flow requirements for all other buildings are based on the degree of hazard and any credit given for sprinkler protection. The hazard classifications and corresponding fire flows are given in Table 3.11 below. Buildings with automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with all applicable codes are allowed a fifty percent reduction in the final fire flow.
Table 3.10: Fire Flow for Commercial Occupancies Hazard
Needed Fire Flow (gpm)
Light Ordinary High
2,500 3,500 4,000
If buildings are constructed with the furthest point of the structure 150 feet or more from a public street, private mains and hydrants must be put in place in order to meet the required fire flow. Additionally the City’s Comprehensive Plan lists the following additional requirements for water mains: ¾
Minimum system size (not service lines) should be 6-inch for single family development and 8-inch for multi-family commercial, business and industrial. Minimum fire flow rates shall be maintained in the Land Development Regulations
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Dead-end pipes shall be limited to 8-inch minimum size; 1,000 foot maximum length, with a hydrant or 4-inch blow-off at each end, provided adequate fire flow is available for the area type.
A maximum length of 2-inch pipe of 1 block or 1,500 feet, whichever is shorter, between parallel 6-inch or larger lines, may be considered adequate for infill single-family use in existing subdivisions.
Local Water Interconnection Requirements
In cases of extreme emergencies, the City of Fort Myers and Lee County have incorporated interconnections into their water distribution systems so that one utility can supply water to the other. The City uses free chlorine for disinfection, while the County uses chloramination. As noted previously in Section 2.6, chloraminated water can be harmful to kidney dialysis patients and tropical fish owners. Chloraminated water requires different treatment techniques than chlorinated water in order to remove the chlorine for those applications. Also, the combination of chlorinated and chloraminated water can result in taste and odor problems caused by the formation of di- and trichloramines. In the event that the City or County utilizes the interconnection, the Lee County Health Department and affected water customers must be notified by no later than the previous business day for a planned use of the interconnection, according to section 62555.350 of the FAC. Previous notification is not required before unplanned temporary conversions from chloramines to free chlorine to protect public health during emergency operating conditions such as source water contamination, water main breaks, or backflow incidents.
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Several aspects of water demand in the City’s distribution system have been evaluated for the Water Master Plan, including demand by connection, average annual, peak day and peak hour demands. The following data were compiled and analyzed to determine historical potable water demand: ¾
Customer billing data from May 2002 through April 2003
Daily finished water production data from January 1998 through September 2003
15-minute pressure and flow data from May 15, 2003 to September 26, 2003
Water Demand By Type of Connection
The customer billing data included the address and monthly gallons consumed at each location.
A total of 15,678 billing meters were assigned to one of the nine
categories. A summary of the average daily demand from the billing data is shown in Table 4.1. The addresses of the billing meters associated with the “Unknown” category, include all of the commercial and industrial customers within the City. Table 4.1: Billing Demand Information by Customer Type
Meter Type Residential Duplex Apartment Complex Mobile Home Mobile Home Park Motel Hotel Irrigation Unknown (Commercial and Industrial) City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 4: Historic Water Demands
Total Number of Total Annual Active Demand Connections (million gallons)
Average Daily Demand Per Connection (gpd)
11,336 168 404 314 7 28 8 564
653 13 521 6 16 39 15 145
158 213 3,531 53 6,366 3,833 5,094 706
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Maximum Day And Peak Hour Demand Factors
The maximum peak day and peak hour factor from the analysis of the available data listed above are 1.27 and 1.57 respectively. Table 4.2 provides a summary of annual distribution system demands. Table 4.2: Historical Distribution System Demands Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003*
Annual Average Demand (mgd) 6.24 6.32 6.77 6.31 6.68 6.49
Maximum Monthly Demand (mgd) 6.47 6.76 7.44 6.96 7.31 6.76
Maximum Daily Demand (mgd) 7.59 7.63 8.58 7.80 8.13 7.62
* Through September 2003
Values for flow and pressure leaving the Water Treatment Plant were recorded from May 15, 2003 to September 26, 2003 by the SCADA system, at 15 minute intervals. A Summary of the demand and pressure values over this time period is provided below in Table 4.3. Table 4.3: Summary of Flow and Pressure Values Recorded by Water Treatment Plant SCADA (May 15, 2003 – September 26, 2003) Average Daily Demand 6.36 mgd Maximum Daily Demand 7.13 mgd Maximum Hourly Demand 10.00 mgd Average Recorded Pressure 61.6 psi Maximum Recorded Pressure 66.2 psi Minimum Recorded Pressure 51.9 psi
The flow data from May 15, 2003 to September 26, 2003 were divided into 24hour days by the day of the week. The average diurnal flow pattern of water pumped to distribution varies from a low flow of 4.4 mgd to a peak flow of 7.4 mgd. Figure 4.1 shows the average daily diurnal flow pattern at the Water Treatment Plant.
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Figure 4.1: Average Daily Flow Patterns at the Water Treatment Plant 8
Demnad (mgd)
0 1:00 AM
4:00 AM
7:00 AM
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
4:00 PM
7:00 PM
10:00 PM
Time of Day
For the prpose of this report, non-revenue producing water will be defined as the difference between water that is pumped as raw water from the wellfield and potable water that is sold by the City to customers. This difference is made up of treatment losses and water that is lost due to leaks and unbilled use.
Treatment Loss
The actual potable water pumped to the distribution system is less than the amount of water that is supplied as raw water by the City’s wellfield. The concentrate waste from the reverse osmosis treatment process is injected back into the ground using the deep injection well. This injected concentrate water is characterized as treatment loss. Treatment losses must be considered as an additional demand when evaluating long City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 4: Historic Water Demands
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term supply needs. Table 4.4 summarized the treatment losses for the fiscal year 2003. A of treatment loss of 20% is typical for a reverse osmosis treatment process used for water from brackish wells. Table 4.4: Summary of Treatment Losses 2003 Fiscal Year (October – September) Total Water Supplied to the WTP (gallons) 2,972,083,000 Total Water Supplied to Distribution (gallons) 2,391,154,000 Treatment Losses (gallons) 580,929,000 % Treatment Loss 20%
Unbilled Water Use
The difference between metered billing water quantities and measured flow for water leaving the Water Treatment Plant is another source of non-revenue producing water. These differences can be characterized as real losses such as when water never reaches an end user, or apparent losses, when the end user is either not billed, or is billed incorrectly. Some examples of real and apparent losses are: ¾
Real losses o Pipe leaks o Main breaks o Tank overflows o Fire flow o Watermain flushing o Hydrant pressure/flow tests
Apparent losses o Non-metered use at construction sites o Other non-metered users o Unmeasured flow through a metered interconnection with another distribution system o Inaccurate meters at user connections o Inaccurate flow meter at the Water Treatment Plant o Billing meter reading error
Table 4.5 shows a summary of the unbilled water based upon the difference between total water supplied to distribution and the total metered water use for the same time period for the last seven years. The total unaccounted for water for 2003 was 10 percent.
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The average unaccounted for water from 1997-2003 was approximately 700,000 gpd, or 11 percent. Table 4.5: Summary of Reported Unaccounted for Distribution Water
Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total Water Supplied to Distribution (gallons) 2,253,801,000 2,275,609,000 2,300,320,000 2,432,106,000 2,369,523,000 2,403,179,000 2,391,154,000
Total Metered Use (gallons) 1,992,551,000 2,034,297,583 2,161,979,799 2,153,097,928 2,098,736,824 2,039,767,980 2,149,261,153
Estimated Hydrant Flushing Usage (gallons)
Total Unaccounted for Water (gallons) 261,250,000 241,311,417 138,340,201 279,008,072 270,786,176 363,411,020 238,571,627
Unaccounted for Water (%) 12% 11% 6% 11% 11% 15% 10%
The City submits an annual report of unaccounted for water to SFWMD. The water management district requires that the unaccounted for water be less than 10% or the City must implement a leak detection program that includes a water audit, and in-field leak detection and repair efforts. Additional discussion on reducing non-revenue water is provided in Section 6.2.
According to the City of Fort Myers code of ordinances Section 26-238, any new or remodeled structure shall perform a fire flow test to determine if required fire flow as discussed in Section 3, can be achieved. Failure to meet these requirements is a basis for the City to refuse to issue building permits. The Fire Department provided data for the tests performed from December 10, 2001 to April 2, 2003. These tests were performed at the locations listed in Table 4.6 and shown in Figure 4.2. The data shows that the required fire flow was achieved at most of the tested locations. However, at the intersection of US 41-S and North Airport Road, and at Laredo Avenue, fire flow requirements of 2500 gpm were not met.
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Table 4.6: Recent Fire Flow Test Results Location Colonial Boulevard and Treeline Avenue 1770 Benchmark Avenue 1880 Colonial Boulevard Summerlin Commons Way 10500 Metro Parkway Colonial Boulevard Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 2797 First St/2825 Palm Beach Boulevard 4191-4199 Palm Beach Boulevard Ben C. Pratt Boulevard and Winkler Avenue North of Pep Boys on US 41-South of North Airport Road 4400 Evans Avenue Haley Lane & Red Cedar Drive 5172 Mason Corbin Court (Between Barkley & Red Cedar Drive) 3112 Cleveland Avenue Summit Ready Mix 2115 Second Street 2403 Cleveland Avenue Winkler Avenue/ Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard Summerlin Road/Hawk's Landing Summerlin Road/Treeline Avenue Utility Extension Evans Avenue Barkley Circle Northeast corner of Mead Avenue & Colonial Boulevard 1515 Colonial Boulevard Ford Street and Kernel Circle South side of Colonial Boulevard east of Interstate 75 4180 Canal Street 10411 Wine Palm Lane/10508 Washington Palm Way Colonial Boulevard & Hill Drive 2320 Colonial Boulevard 2825 & 2839 Palm Beach Boulevard 4301 Executive Court Solomon Boulevard and East Mall Drive 4150 Cleveland Avenue Bernwood Place Drive 10700 Ravenna Way 4840 Laredo Avenue 5220 Summerlin Commons Boulevard 4321 Winkler Avenue Extension City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 4: Historic Water Demands
Pitot Flow (gpm)
Static Pressure (psi)
Residual Pressure (psi)
-1,804 1,922 1,216 1,960 1,608 1,676 1,488 1,804
49 60 61 60 60 60 58 53 62
44 55 54 50 58 52 50 42 54
Flow @ 20 psi (gpm) 4,387 5,545 4,992 2,571 9,881 3,835 3,888 2,693 4,417
1,676 1,608
60 60
Required Flow (gpm)
Required Flow Achieved
2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
52 44
3,997 2,637
2,500 1,500
1,676 1,824 1,488 1,488
52 61 58 60
50 54 52 54
7,490 4,738 4,032 4,145
2,500 2,500 3,500 2,500
1,488 1,676
50 64
46 58
4,417 5,357
2,500 1,500
1,824 1,216
61 60
56 58
5,682 6,130
2,500 1,500
1,538 1,608 1,216 1,782 1,216 1,386 1,386 1,274 1,386 1,676 1,922
60 60 62 52 50 54 56 54 50 60 62
53 50 55 48 44 47 44 34 32 48 58
3,942 3,399 3,200 5,477 2,900 3,254 2,508 1,697 1,826 3,211 6,842
2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,500 2,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 4-6
5.0 5.1
Modeling of the City’s potable water distribution system was completed using H2OMAP software by MWH Soft. The H2OMAP software simulates hydraulic behavior of the water system by controlling various elements based on time of day, tank water levels, system pressure, node demands, pipe size, roughness and minor losses. The software also allows for complete fire flow analysis. The GIS-based, calibrated model was used to evaluate the existing system for average and peak flow and fire flow conditions.
The performance criteria for the distribution system hydraulic modeling are summarized below in Table 5.1. The existing distribution system model and the future model scenarios will be evaluated with these performance criteria.
Table 5.1: Model Performance Criteria Daytime Pressure leaving the plant Nighttime Pressure leaving the plant Peak Day Demand Factor Peak Hour Demand Residential Factor Irrigation Commercial Overall Minimum acceptable system pressure Fire Flow Single Family Residential High Density Residential Commercial High Density Commercial and Industrial
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
62 psi 57 psi 1.5 2.5 @ 9:00 AM 4.0 @ 1:00 AM 3.0 @ 11:00 AM 2.0 @ 9:00 AM 35 psi 750 gpm 1,500 gpm 2,500 gpm 3,500 gpm
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The peak factors of 1.27 for peak day and 1.57 for peak hour discussed previously in Section 4.1.2 were determined from available historical data. More conservative values of 1.5 for peak day and 2.0 for peak hour will be used to evaluate the existing and future distribution system hydraulic models.
EXISTING SYSTEM PRODUCTION, STORAGE AND PUMPING CAPACITIES The distribution system hydraulic model was constructed to include the Water
Treatment Plant, finished water storage, the high service pump station, the Winkler Pump Station and the elevated storage tank. The model also includes all 10-inch and larger distribution system piping network and customer demands, as allocated by billing address. 5.3.1
Production Requirements
The City’s Water Treatment Plant has been designed to treat 16 mgd of raw water. The amount of finished water produced is approximately 80% of the raw water that is treated, which would be 12.8 mgd. The current upgrade from 12 mgd to 16 mgd had not yet been completed for the existing model calibration period. Therefore for the existing model the plant treatment capacity is 12 mgd with 9.6 maximum finished water capacity. The Water Treatment Plant finished water capacity should be greater than the max day capacity. Using the peak day factor of 1.5 listed above in Table 5.1 and the existing average day demand of 6.34 mgd, and a peak day demand of 9.51 mgd.
System Storage Requirements
The City’s distribution system includes three, 5 MG ground storage reservoirs at the Water Treatment Plant, the 2.5 MG Winkler storage tank and the 0.2 MG elevated tank at the Imaginarium, for a total storage volume of 17.7 million gallons. The information provided below in Table 5.2 was used for the simulating these tanks in the model.
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Table 5.2: Distribution System Tank Information Distribution Storage Tanks
Number of Tanks
Water Treatment Plant Ground Storage Tanks Winkler Pump Station Ground Storage Tank Imaginarium Elevated Tank
Volume (gallons)
Diameter (feet)
Bottom Elevation (feet)
Overflow Elevation (feet)
Booster Pumping Requirements
Three high service pumps are located at the Water Treatment Plant, and two additional pumps are located at the Winkler Pump Station. The characteristics in Table 5.3 below were used for simulating the pumps in the distribution system model. Table 5.3: Distribution System Pump Information Location
Number of Pumps
Design Head (feet)
Max Head (feet)
Design Flow (gpm)
Water Treatment Plant Pumps Winkler Pump Station Pumps
Variable frequency drives are used to operate the pumps at the Water Treatment Plant at a constant pressure set point with varying flow. This was simulated in the model by inserting a pressure reducing valve downstream of the pumps.
The distribution system model includes all mains 10 inches in diameter or larger. Many additional 6-inch and 8-inch diameter mains were also included. The location, size, and material of the pipes were identified from the WTR.DWG AutoCAD drawing and additional as-built drawings provided by the City. The pipe roughness coefficients were assigned based upon pipe material, and elevations were derived from additional AutoCAD drawings. Customer demands were added at the pipe nodes based on the City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
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billing data provided by the City’s Billing Department, as further described in Section 5.4.1. The goal of the model construction and calibration was to develop a model that accurately represents distribution system performance under various demand conditions. The model was calibrated for 168 one-hour time steps during a one week period. The calibration was completed comparing model output to data collected from the Water Treatment Plant, the Winkler Pump Station and various pressure points throughout the distribution system. An hourly pressure pattern was assigned to the pressure reducing valve at the Water Treatment Plant to simulate the pressure of the water pumped from the plant during the model calibration. Hourly flow patterns were also assigned to the flow control valve and pump at the Winkler Pump Station to simulate the flow that occurred into and out of the storage tank. The initial assumptions for roughness coefficients were adjusted to apply additional head loss across pipes to simulate the recorded calibration data.
5.4.1 Demand Allocation Distribution system demands were simulated using monthly customer billing data from the City’s billing department. The billing data included the address, meter size, and monthly consumption, and included the following eight customer designations: • • • • • • • •
Apartment Duplex Hotel Irrigation Mobile Home/Mobile Home Park Motel Single Family Unknown
The City’s billing information database was queried for the most recent 12-months of data at every historical billing location. The annual sum and average daily demand for each billing location were calculated from the data. The total average daily distribution system demand from the billing data was 5.77 mgd, which is lower than the historical metered flow from the water treatment plant. The unbilled usage could be from fire flow, City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
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leaky pipes, loss at interconnections, inaccurate billing meters, and lower than average usage during the 7-day calibration period. The average demands at each node were increased uniformly (by a multiplier of 1.09) to total 6.3 mgd entering the distribution system during the calibration period. A land parcel GIS file was obtained from the Lee County Property Appraiser and overlain with the model piping and node network. Land parcels were assigned to the closest model nodes, as shown below in Figure 5.1. The billing locations were then assigned to the closest node based on their address location. Sums of the average daily demands for each model node were then calculated by customer type for each node. These demands for the eight customer types at each node were then input into the model demand allocation. Figure 5.1: Land Parcel Node Allocation
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Calibration Flow Patterns
Three generalized flow patterns can be discerned from the demands of the eight customer types at each node. The following table outlines these patterns. Table 5.4 and Figures 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 show the hourly flow factors for the three flow patterns during the weekly sub-periods. Table 5.4: Distribution System Flow Patterns for Weekly Sub-Periods
Weekly Sub-Periods MondayWeekend Friday Thursday
Flow Patterns
Customer Types
Apartment, Duplex, Hotel, Mobile Home, Motel, Single Family
Commercial / Industrial
Figure 5.2: Weekend Flow Patterns 2.5
Flow Factor
0 1
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
Hour Irrigation
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Figure 5.3: Monday – Thursday Flow Patterns 2.5
Flow Factor
0 1
Hour Irrigation
Figure 5.4: Friday Flow Patterns 2.5
Flow Factor
0 1
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
Hour Irrigation
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Model Calibration
Data collection for model calibration was conducted from May 15, 2003 to May 23, 2003. Distribution system pressure data were recorded from hydrants near the following intersections: • • • •
Marsh Avenue and Palm Beach Boulevard Bramen Avenue and McGregor Boulevard Colonial Boulevard and McGregor Boulevard Colonial Boulevard and Omni Boulevard
Figure 5.5 shows a photograph of one of the hydrant pressure data logging devices. Pressures, flows and tank levels were also recorded at the Water Treatment Plant and Winkler Pump Station through the SCADA system for the same time period. Figures 5.6 and 5.7 show the pressure data collected during the calibration period at the data logger locations and at the Water Treatment Plant and Winkler Pump Station.
Figure 5.5: Telog Hydrant Pressure Recorder.
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Figure 5.6: System Pressures Recorded by the Distribution System Data Loggers During Calibration Period
65 63 61
Pressure (psi)
59 57 55 53 51 49 47 5/16/03
Date Braman Ave & McGregor Blvd Omni Blvd & Colonial Blvd
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
Colonial Blvd & McGregor Blvd Palm Beach Blvd & Marsh Ave
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Figure 5.7: Pressures Recorded at Pump Stations During Calibration Period 65
Pressure (psi)
47 5/16/03
Date Winkler Pump Station
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
Water Treatment Plant High Service Pump Station
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The model was built in H2OMAP using the City’s CAD-based drawings. All pipes in the model were redrawn as polylines and shifted to the NAD 83 coordinate system to be compatible with other City GIS applications. The drawing was then imported into H2OMAP and converted to model pipes and nodes. Pipe diameters were entered for each pipe, based on the text indications in the CAD-based drawings. Table 5.5 lists roughness coefficients that were initially assigned based on pipe type. Table 5.5: Initial Roughness Coefficient C-Values Material Cast Iron Ductile Iron PVC Asbestos Cement
C-Value 90 120 130 130
Minor losses for bends and valves were also calculated for each pipe and input for each pipe into the model. The model pipe node elevations were determined by subtracting 3 feet from the nearest surface elevation contour on the elevation CAD drawing provided by the City. This was done in order to account for the 3 feet minimum pipe cover depth required by the City. As noted above, the model was calibrated by adjusting the roughness coefficient C-values. While some piping is relatively new, other piping has been in operation for 60 years or longer. C-values for pipes typically declines due to pipe age, calcification and tuberculation of the piping. After several model runs, the following C-values in Table 5.6 were determined to bring the model into calibration. Table 5.6: Adjusted Roughness Coefficient C-Values Material Cast Iron Ductile Iron PVC Cement Asbestos
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
C-Value 80 110 120 120
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Figures 5.8 through 5.12 show the final comparison of the model output to the calibration data. The largest difference between model simulated pressures and field collected pressures was 2.57 psi.
The average of the pressures for the 168-hour
simulation were within 1 psi of the collected calibration data at all locations. Therefore, the model calibration was determined to be acceptable and suitable for the intended purposes.
Figure 5.8: Calibration Data at Marsh Avenue and Palm Beach Boulevard 65.00
Pressure (psi)
50.00 0
Time (hours) Collected
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Figure 5.9: Calibration Data at Bramen Avenue and McGregor Boulevard 65.00
Pressure (psi)
50.00 0
Time (hours) Collected
Figure 5.10: Calibration Data at Colonial Boulevard and McGregor Boulevard 65.00
Pressure (psi)
50.00 0
Time (hours) Collected
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Figure 5.11: Calibration Data at Colonial Boulevard and Omni Boulevard 65.00
Pressure (psi)
50.00 0
Time (hours) Collected
Figure 5.12: Calibration Data at Winkler Pump Station 65.00
Pressure (psi)
50.00 0
Time (hours) Collected
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The existing distribution system was evaluated using the calibrated model and the peak day and hour values listed above in Table 5.1. The distribution system was also evaluated for fire flow at all model locations at peak hour flow conditions.
System Evaluation Demand Patterns
The average hourly diurnal flow pattern at the Water Treatment Plant was used to create peak day and peak hour demand patterns for residential irrigation and commercial customers using the following steps: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6:
Divide hourly flows by average flows to determine flow factors for each hour to calculate average day demand pattern Subtract 1 from flow factors Divide flow factors by the highest remaining value (0.16) Multiply flow factors by 0.5 Add 1 to flow factors to calculate augmented average day demand pattern with peak hour factor of 1.5 Add 0.5 to flow factors to calculate the peak day demand factors having an overall average demand factor of 1.5 and a peak hour demand factor of 2.0
Table 5.7 and Figure 5.13 show the demand patterns calculated as described above. The residential, irrigation and commercial demand factor patterns were then created from the peak day demand factors, to be similar to the patterns used for the calibration. All demand factors were greater than zero and were calculated based on the portion of the distribution system demand that was associated with each type of demand (residential 61%, irrigation 7% and commercial 32%). Figure 5.14 shows the peak day hourly demand factors calculated by the method described above.
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Table 5.7: Calculation of the Simulated Peak Day Demand Pattern from the Historical Average Day Demand Pattern
Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Average
Average Hourly Demand (mgd) 5.05 4.66 4.47 4.41 4.60 4.98 5.81 6.77 7.09 7.28 7.41 7.41 7.35 7.35 7.28 7.16 7.16 7.22 7.22 6.97 6.84 6.71 6.39 5.75 6.39
Step 1 Divide by Average Demand 0.79 0.73 0.70 0.69 0.72 0.78 0.91 1.06 1.11 1.14 1.16 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.00 0.90 1.00
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Subtract 1 -0.21 -0.27 -0.30 -0.31 -0.28 -0.22 -0.09 0.06 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.00 -0.10 0.00
Multiply by 0.5 -0.11 -0.14 -0.15 -0.16 -0.14 -0.11 -0.05 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.00 -0.05 0.00
Divide by 0.16 -0.66 -0.84 -0.94 -0.97 -0.88 -0.69 -0.28 0.19 0.34 0.44 0.50 0.50 0.47 0.47 0.44 0.38 0.38 0.41 0.41 0.28 0.22 0.16 0.00 -0.31 0.00
Add 1 0.34 0.16 0.06 0.03 0.13 0.31 0.72 1.19 1.34 1.44 1.50 1.50 1.47 1.47 1.44 1.38 1.38 1.41 1.41 1.28 1.22 1.16 1.00 0.69 1.00
Add 0.5 0.84 0.66 0.56 0.53 0.63 0.81 1.22 1.69 1.84 1.94 2.00 2.00 1.97 1.97 1.94 1.88 1.88 1.91 1.91 1.78 1.72 1.66 1.50 1.19 1.50
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Figure 5.13: Historical Average Day and Simulated Peak Day Demand Patterns 2.5
Demand Factor
0.0 1
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hour Average Demand Pattern
Peak Day Demand Pattern
Figure 5.14: Distribution System Hourly Demand Factors 4.5 4.0
Demand Factor
3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hour Peak Day Demand
Residential Demand
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
Irrigation Demand
Commercial Demand
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Peak Hour Water System Demand
The existing distribution system model was run for a peak day scenario, with the hourly flow factors shown previously in Figure 5.14. Figures 5.15, 5.16 and 5.17 show the model results for pressure at the model nodes and velocity in the pipes at the peak hour residential, irrigation and commercial demands. At peak hour demand for each demand type, all pressurized model nodes maintained pressure above 49.3 psi which exceeds the minimum system pressure criteria of 35 psi. The distribution system is limited by the number water mains that convey flow to the West and East sections of the distribution system. Table 5.8 lists the routing location, diameters and peak velocities experienced in these mains.
Table 5.8: Water Mains with Highest Peak Velocity Routing Location Winkler Avenue From Colonial Boulevard to Metro Parkway Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Rockfill Road to Downtown Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Rockfill Road to Downtown (parallel) Ballard Road Nuna Avenue to Marsh Avenue Edison Avenue Rockfill Road to Cleveland Avenue
Diameter (in) 24
Peak Velocity (ft/s) 2.65
The distribution system is very vulnerable to the loss of service of any of these mains.
Additional east-west mains should be added to reduce the dependency and
velocities along these mains. One additional 16-inch diameter water main has been constructed along the Michigan Martin Luther King Link, since the model calibration data has been completed.
Fire Flow Requirements
Table 5.9 lists the required fire flow requirements used in the model. These fire flow requirements are a simplified version of the requirements discussed in Section 3.3.
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Existing Model
9:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 5.15
Existing Model
1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 5.16
Existing Model
11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 5.17
Table 5.9: Fire Flow Used for the Distribution System Hydraulic Model Property Type Single Unit Residential High Density Residential Light Commercial/Industrial Heavy Commercial/ Industrial
Needed Fire Flow (gpm) 750 1,500 2,500 3,500
Figure 5.18 shows the needed fire flow at each node in the model. The fire flow requirements throughout the City were assumed based on proximity to major commercial roads, and lower density residential areas. Actual fire flow requirements may vary from these assumed values. Figure 5.19 shows the model output for the residual pressure remaining at each node during fire flow at peak day demand. The system criteria outlined previously in Table 5.1 requires that the residual pressure be 20 psi. The locations in the model where fire flow requirements were not met are summarized below in Table 5.10 Table 5.10: Locations of Insufficient Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Hour Demand Location Required Existing Watermain Flow Diameter (gpm) (in) Alpha Drive and Priscilla Lane 750 6 (dead ends) Broadway south of Carrell Road 1500 6 (dead end) Cleveland Avenue south of Colonial 2500 8 (dead end) Evans Avenue 2500 8 Between Winkler and Hanson Downtown 3500 8 Between 1st Street, Royal Palm Avenue, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Monroe Street Fowler Avenue 2500 0–8 Between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Winkler Avenue Hanson Street 2500 8 (dead end) East of Metro Parkway Lee County Resource Recovery Facility 3500 12 (dead end) Michigan Montessori School 2500 6 (dead end) Ortiz Avenue 2500 6 Between Colonial Boulevard and State Road 82 Sable Palm Boulevard 750 8 (dead end) Palm Beach Boulevard east of Prospect Avenue 2500 8 (dead end) Park Windsor Drive 1500 8 (dead end) Pauldo Street 750 6 (dead end) north of Edison Avenue South Street 750 6 (dead end) City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 5: Evaluation of Existing System
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Existing Model
Fire Flow Demands
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 5.18
Existing Model
Fire Flow Demands
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 5.19
The City should confirm that the fire flow requirements can be met by completing fire flow tests at hydrants at each of the locations listed above. Locations that are not able to meet the required fire flow should have larger diameter mains installed or should have additional piping installed to loop the dead end mains back to existing distribution mains if possible. The model does not include all distribution pipes. Therefore, the locations listed in Table 5.10 may not be all the locations in the distribution system where achieving the required fire flow may be a problem.
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The projections of future demand were calculated by applying population growth trends to the existing distribution system demands. Additional water demands were calculated for new development that will be constructed, areas that are not currently served by the City, and for future interconnections with Lehigh Acres and Lee County. These demands were estimated for the future 5-year, 10-year and 20-year scenarios. 6.1
For the purpose of this report, the following service area names will be used in reference to areas within the distribution system as described below and shown in Figure 6.1. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Palm Beach Downtown McGregor Fowler Martin Luther King Belle Vue-Dunbar Winkler East Southeast Colonial South
The User Defined Area Program (UDAP) areas designated by the City’s Community Development Department are also included in the description of each service area. The existing average demands for each service area are listed in the descriptions. Additional demands for new approved developments are also included in the description of each service area. Figure 6.2 shows the locations of these new developments. The new demands were calculated based on the assumptions are listed in Table 6.1.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Legend Parcels Service Fort Myer City Limits Other Lee County Southeast Service Area South Colonial Service Area East Service Area Winkler-Shoemaker Service Area Bellview-Dunbar Service Area McGregor Service Area Jackson-Canal Service Area Downtown Service Area Fowler-Carrell Service Area
Scale 1:100,000 0
0.45 0.9
Malcolm Pirnie
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Service Areas
Figure 6.1
Âľ Legend Parcels City of Fort Myers
High-Rise Developments Edison Square First River Condos High Point Place Sullivan The Vue by Throgmartin Co. Hotel Monaco Cypress Club St. Tropez and San Raphael Beau Rivage Alta Mar
Malcolm Pirnie
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Location of Downtown High-Rise Developments
Figure 6.2
Table 6.1: Demand Assumptions for New Developments Demand Type
Single Family Residential
Multi Family Residential
These demands have been modified from the required demands in the City’s Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan. As discussed in Section 3.3.1 the City’s Code requires that new residential developments calculate new water resource demands based on 150 gallons per capita per day assuming 2.4 persons per single family residence unit per day, resulting in 360 gpd for a single family residential demand. The demand projections completed for the modeling for this report were reduced to 83.33 gallons per capita per day (single family 200 gallons/unit/day and multi-family 166.67 gallons/unit/day). This reduction from the 150 gallons/capita/day value (single family 360 gallons/unit/day and multi-family 300 gallons/unit/day) in the City’s Code of Ordinances is justified for the following reasons: •
The average single family residential usage from the City’s billing data was 158 gallons/unit/day (65.83 gallons/capita/day).
The 150 gallons/capita/day value in the City Code of Ordinances was intended for determining the effect of the new development on the required raw water supply capacity needs for the Water Treatment Plant. The required raw water capacity can be calculated from the unit use by multiplying the 83.33 gallons/capita/day potable water usage with a 1.27 factor for peak day usage and dividing by 80% for water loss due to treatment. An AWWARF study titled Residential End Uses of Water lists the average water use per single family residential unit as 220 gallons/unit/day for Tampa, FL.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Palm Beach Service Area
The Palm Beach Service Area is bordered to the north by the Caloosahatchee River, the south and west by Hickey’s Creek and the east by the eastern City limit. This are is not expected to experience significant growth. This area includes UDAP areas 001, 018, 501, 502. Table 6.2 lists the new developments that have been approved for the Palm Beach service area. Table 6.2: Demand from Future Developments in the Southeast Service Area UDAP 001 018
Development Name Alta-Mar Yacht Club Billy's Creek Condos Casa La Linda
% Complete by 2009 50% 50% 50% 50% Total
Demand (gpd) 2009 2014 21,000 42,000 89,917 179,833 14,667 29,333 9,600 19,200 135,183 270,367
Downtown Service Area
The City will be completing a redevelopment project to bring new growth and development downtown. As part of the redevelopment efforts, the streets and sidewalks will be excavated and completely replaced with new streetscaping and beautification. This area is also designated as Phase VII of the water main replacement project. The schedule of Phase VII has been expedited for completion in conjunction with the rest of the downtown redevelopment project. DRMP Inc. and TKW Consulting Engineers Inc. have estimated in the Downtown Redevelopment Master Plan Capacity Analysis Report prepared July 2003 that potable water demand is expected to triple downtown by the time the area has reached full build out. The redevelopment will include the construction of the proposed condominium listed in Table 6.3. UDAP area 002 represents the downtown area. The City’s population projections by the Community Development Department show that this area will experience rapid population growth for the next 20 years.
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Table 6.3: Proposed Developments in the Downtown Service Area UDAP
Development Name Beau Rivage Cypress Club First River Condos Edison Ford Plaza High Point Place Hotel Monaco Lofton Island Prima Luce Rivieria (St. Tropez) The Vue West First St. - Sullivan
% Complete by 2009 50% 100% 90% 50% 90% 100% 50% 50% 90% 100% 90% Total
Demand (gpd) 2009 2014 10,167 20,333 49,404 49,404 75,310 83,678 41,967 83,933 40,950 45,500 22,746 22,746 7,000 14,000 7,833 15,667 52,891 58,767 32,238 32,238 56,100 62,333 396,606 488,601
McGregor Service Area
The area west of Cleveland Avenue and south of downtown is referred to as the McGregor service area. Parts of Phases I, and III and all of Phase II of the water main replacement project have been completed within the McGregor service area. Phase IV of the water main replacement project is located north of Winkler Avenue, south of Linwood Avenue and west of Cleveland. Phase IV is currently in preliminary design by Hole Montes, Inc. and is scheduled to be completed by December 2008. Demand in this area is not expected to increase significantly in the future, however the developments listed in Table 6.4 have been approved for construction. The McGregor service area is represented by UDAP areas 003, 004, 005, 007, 507 and 511.
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Table 6.4 Proposed Developments in the McGregor Service Area UDAP 004 005
% Complete by 2009 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Total
Development Name Ekonomu Lennar Homes McGregor Oaks Townhomes Hawk's Landing Walmart at Page Field
Demand (gpd) 2009 2014 3,333 6,667 8,629 17,258 56,667 113,333 17,000 34,000 5,954 11,909 91,584 183,167
Fowler Service Area
The Fowler service area is located east of the McGregor Service area and south of Downtown service area. and east of Cleveland Avenue (US 41). This area includes UDAP 006, 008, 009 and 010, and is not expected to have significantly increased demands in the future. Table 6.5 lists the developments that have been approved for construction in the Fowler service area. Table 6.5 Proposed Developments in the Fowler Service Area UDAP 006
Development Name Mariners Landing Palmer Pre-School Residence at Edison Mall
% Complete by 2009 50% 50% 50% Total
Demand (gpd) 2009 2014 9,333 18,667 237 475 16,000 32,000 25,571 51,141
This area includes Phase IIIC of the water main replacement project, which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2006. Design is being completed by Johnson Engineering, Inc. Construction for the first section of the project began in December 2003. This area also includes Phase VI of the water main replacement project, which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2010. 6.1.5
Martin Luther King Service Area
The includes the UDAP areas 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 523 and 524 that border Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. This area boarders the Belle Vue-Dunbar Service area in several locations. The developments listed in Table 6.6 have been approved for the Martin Luther King service area. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Table 6.6: Demand from Future Developments in the Southeast Service Area UDAP 014 015 523 524
Development Name Carbonell Michigan Marsh Plaza Hibiscus Isles JJ Taylor Laredo Lakes Majorca Lakes
% Complete by 2009 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 100% Total
Demand (gpd) 2009 2014 179 359 391 782 22,667 45,333 2,110 4,220 50,967 101,933 25,000 25,000 101,314 177,627
Belle Vue-Dunbar Annexation Service Area
On March 4, 2003, City Council voted to annex the Dunbar and Belle Vue areas into the City limits. The annexation became effective on October 1, 2003. Figure 6.3 shows an aerial photograph of the annexation area and the County watermain that provides water service to the area. The City and County will negotiate to determine when the potable water service for the area will be turned over to the City, and what work will need to be completed. The annexation area is represented by parts of UDAP areas 015, 016, 502, 523, 524 and 602. The population in the annexation area is not expected to grow significantly, but the annexation will add approximately 859 connections to the City’s potable distribution system. Table 6.7 shows the estimated number of connections in each UDAP area, and the demand projections, assuming 200 gpd per residential connection and 1000 gpd per commercial/industrial connection. For this master plan, we will assume that half of the connections will be completed by 2009 and the remainder will be completed by 2014. Table 6.7: Demand for Connections in the Belle Vue-Dunbar Service Area
UDAP 015 016 502 523 524 602
Connections Commercial Industrial Residential 0 4 23 63 7 0 263 17 66 0 344 72 Total Demand (gpd)
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
Total Demand (gpd) 3,650 67,771 1,460 69,596 13,262 140,652 296,392
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Part of the Belle Vue-Dunbar annexation service area is scheduled to be part of Phase V of the water main replacement project, which is scheduled to be completed by 2010.
Winkler Service Area
The Winkler-Shoemaker service area is located south of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, north of Colonial Boulevard, east of Metro Parkway, and west of Interstate 75. This area is expected to have rapid growth for the next 10 years. This area is represented by the remainder of UDAP 016 that is not part of the Belle Vue-Dunbar Service Area. Table 6.8 lists the new developments that have been approved for this service area.
Table 6.8: Proposed Developments in the Winkler Service Area
Development Name Berkshire Colonial Properties DRI Cove at Metro Eastwood Development Forest Lakes International College Province Park Southern Homes - Main Tranquility
% Complete by 2009 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Total
Demand (gpd) 2009 152,433 93,855 25,667 96,800 20,667 3,702 51,833 33,456 338 478,751
2014 304,867 278,532 51,333 193,600 41,333 7,404 103,667 66,912 676 1,048,323
The Colonial Properties DRI includes several planned developments including the Village at Colonial Park, the Cancer Specialist, Sun Sport Cycle, Bellawalk, Colonial Apartments, and Monte Carlo-Cobblestone. The demands for the Colonial Properties DRI area were 25% in 2003, and the demands listed above are in addition to those demands. Many water mains have already been installed to supply the future growth in this area, including a 16-inch diameter water main along Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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East Service Area
The East service area is located east of Interstate 75 and north of Colonial Boulevard. Potable water utilities presently provide water to a gas station, an apartment complex and the Lee County Resource Recovery Center. Several residential and commercial developments are being planned in the east service area including the Forum, a Home Depot shopping center and the Heritage Palms Estates development. Table 6.9 shows the potable water demand assumptions for the future developments in the East Service Area. This area is represented by the north part of UDAP 017.
Table 6.9: Demand from Future Developments in the East Service Area UDAP
Development Name CVS Drug Store Colonial Plaza Forum DRI Heritate Lakes Lee Blvd. 130/Olympia Lee Boulevard Plaza Orchard/Randy Henderson Development
% Complete by 2009 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Total
Demand (gpd) 2009 2014 417 834 68,245 136,490 200,523 401,047 178,003 356,006 51,078 102,157 13,038 26,075 30,000 541,304
60,000 1,082,608
Southeast Service Area
The Southeast service area is east of Ben C. Pratt Parkway and south of Colonial Boulevard. More than 13,000 single and multi-family residential homes and associated commercial development are planned to be built in this area by 2024 as part of the Crossroads Shopping Center, Sherwood, Colonial Country Club, Pelican Preserve (Sun City Center), Arborwood, Parker Daniels and Palomino Estates developments. This service area is represented by the south part of UDAP 017 and the additional land annexations for the Arborwood development and Airport Woods commercial office park. Table 6.10 shows the potable water demand assumptions for the future developments in the Southeast Service Area.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Table 6.10: Demand from Future Developments in the Southeast Service Area UDAP
Development Name Airport Woods Apex Arborwood Colonial Golf & Country Club Lowes Parker - Paseo Palomino - Reflection Isles Sherwood Pelican Preserve Waterman Airside Plaza Watermen - Daniels Annex. Watermen Development Zemel
% Complete by 2009 100% 50% 60% 80% 100% 100% 100% 80% 50% 100% 100% 50% 50% Total
Demand (gpd) 2009 2014 40,174 40,174 3,444 6,887 597,914 996,523 281,413 351,767 9,343 9,343 198,633 198,633 117,067 117,067 39,200 49,000 226,667 453,333 91,472 91,472 133,333 133,333 22,667 45,333 22,000 44,000 1,783,326 2,536,866
6.1.10 Colonial South Service Area This area is located south of Colonial Boulevard, East of Metro Parkway and west of Ben C. Pratt Parkway.
The Colonial South service area is represented by UDAP 525,
which is expected to see rapid growth for the next 20 years. The developments listed in Table 6.11 have been approved for construction in this area. The Heritage Palms and Heritage Palms Estates Developments were 25% and 20 % complete in 2003 and will be fully complete by 2009. The demands shown in the Table below are in addition to the demands in 2003.
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Table 6.11 Proposed Developments in the Colonial South Service Area
Development Name Bernwood Apartments Bernwood Commercial (Lakeside) Shoppes Challenger 32 Challenger 33 Colonial Plantation Colonial Center Subd. Cove at Six Mile Cypress Palms Cypress Point Commercial Cypress Woods Golden Corral Heritage Palms Heritage Palms Estates Metro Annexation Metro Blaseno Metro Business Park O'Brien Dealership Proposed Residential at Metro & Colonial Walmart at Colonial Winkler 39
% Complete by 2009 50%
2009 25,333
2014 50,667
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% 50%
1,726 20,833 18,250 64,424 3,989 16,333 49,167 3,508 14,000 596 209,275 45,950 58,333 1,090 4,178 1,377
3,452 41,667 36,500 128,849 7,978 32,667 98,333 7,016 28,000 596 209,275 45,950 116,667 2,181 8,356 2,755
50% 100% 100% Total
39,167 12,339 51,941 641,811
78,333 12,339 51,941 963,520
Demand (gpd)
Water demand projections have been prepared for 5-year, 10-year and 20-year planning milestones. The wellfield demands will be used to plan for possible wellfield and water treatment expansion. The distribution demands will be used to evaluate the distribution system piping network and high service pump capacity and storage requirements.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Population Projections
The Community Development Department (CDD) has completed the population projections for the existing urban reserve of the City. A short report of this information is included as Appendix B titled Future Resident/Seasonal Population Projections and Allocation of Populations into Service Subareas for the City of Fort Myers, Florida Including a Description of Methodology. The CDD has divided the urban reserve of the City into 29 subareas called UDAP’s. Figure 6.4 shows the UDAP areas from the CDD report. Each is assigned a growth trend that can be multiplied by the existing population to return a projected population in 10 years, as shown in the following equation: Population in (n) years = (Existing Population) * (Growth Trend)^(n/10)
These numbers are based on previous U.S. Census estimates, maximum build out densities, and additional information that the CDD receives from new development applications. The final projected growth trend values in the spreadsheet containing SubArea Population Forecasts: Adjusted Maximum Density are listed below in Table 6.12.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Figure 6.4: Fort Myers UDAP Neighborhoods
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan DRAFT Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Table 6.12: UDAP Growth Trends from the CDD Projections UDAP
Growth Trend 2010-2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 501 502 503 505 506 507 511 523 524 525 602
0.98 2.25 1.01 1.06 1.13 0.91 0.87 1.03 0.81 0.89 0.79 0.69 0.89 1.18 0.86 2.25 2.26 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.01 0.77 0.97 0.94 0.97 1.06 0.95 2.25 0.85
0.98 2.25 1.01 1.06 1.13 0.91 0.87 1.03 0.81 0.89 0.79 0.69 0.89 1.17 0.86 1.01 2.25 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.01 0.77 0.97 0.94 0.97 1.06 0.95 2.25 0.85
0.98 1.50 1.01 1.06 1.13 0.91 0.87 1.03 0.81 0.89 0.79 0.69 0.89 1.18 0.86 1.01 2.25 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.01 0.77 0.97 0.94 0.97 1.06 0.95 2.25 0.85
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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In addition to the growth trends listed for the UDAP areas as listed above, the City provided additional information for the specific developments that have been approved for construction, and the number of residential units that will be added in the Belle Vue-Dunbar area. The population growth associated with the new developments and Belle Vue-Dunbar annexation were calculated assuming 2.4 persons per single family residential unit, and 2.0 persons per multi family residential unit, and a 12% vacancy rate. Tables 6.13 and 6.14 lists the residential units and associated population increase for 2009, 2014 and 2024 rate for the new developments and the Belle VueDunbar area, respectively. Table 6.13: Population Growth from New Residential Developments UDAP 1
4 5 6
Residential Development Alta-Mar Yacht Club Beau Rivage Cypress Club Edison Ford Plaza First River Condos High Point Place Lofton Island Prima Luce Rivieria (St. Tropez) Vue West First St. - Sullivan Ekonomu Lennar Homes McGregor Oaks Townhomes Hawk's Landing Mariners Landing Residence at Edison mall Berkshire Colonial Properties DRI Cove at Metro Eastwood Development Forest Lakes Province Park Southern Homes - Main
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
Residential Units Single Multi Family Family 252 1,079 122 292 464 500 273 84 94 350 180 374 40 102 680 204 112 192 836 826 1,795 308 543 510 248 10 610 395
Additional Population 2009
222 950 107 514 408 792 432 74 83 554 317 592 35 90 598 180 99 169 1,610 803 271 1,022 218 547 348
444 1,899 215 514 817 880 480 148 165 616 317 658 70 180 1,197 359 197 338 3,219 2,382 542 2,044 436 1,095 695
444 1,899 215 514 817 880 480 148 165 616 317 658 70 180 1,197 359 197 338 3,219 2,382 542 2,044 436 1,095 695
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Table 6.13: Population Growth from New Residential Developments (Continued) UDAP
18 523 524
Residential Development Arborwood Colonial Golf & Country Club Colonial Plaza Forum DRI Heritate Lakes Lee Blvd. 130 Orchard/Randy Henderson Development Palomino - Reflection Isle Parker - Paseo Sherwood Sun City (built 827) Watermen - Daniels Annex. Watermen Development Zemel Billy's Creek Condos Casa La Linda Hibiscus Isles Laredo Lakes Majorca Lakes Bernwood Apartments Challenger 32 Challenger 33 Colonial Plantation Cove at Six Mile Cypress Palms Heritage Palms Heritage Palms Estates (194 SF built) Metro Annexation Proposed Residential at Metro & Colonial Winkler 39 Totals
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
Residential Units Single Multi Family Family 2,678 2,707 1,058 841 800 430 826 830 1,066 200 354
Year 2009
6,252 2,972 704 1,181 1,815 523
10,420 3,715 1,408 2,362 3,629 1,045
10,420 3,715 1,408 2,362 3,629 1,045
300 422 369 245 1,100 220 96 143 1,400
196 749 1,400 800 272 176 272 440 150 304 250 219 765 196 590 -
317 1,236 2,098 414 2,394 1,408 239 232 155 101 239 538 264 268 220 193 673 172 519 2,210
634 1,236 2,098 517 4,787 1,408 479 465 310 203 479 1,076 264 535 440 385 1,346 345 1,038 2,210
634 1,236 2,098 517 4,787 1,408 479 465 310 203 479 1,076 264 535 440 385 1,346 345 1,038 2,210
287 -
485 616
485 1,232
485 1,232
470 309 24,938
414 544 40,430
827 544 65,831
827 544 65,831
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Table 6.14: Population Growth from BelleVue-Dunbar Area UDAP 15 16 502 523 524 602 Totals
Single Family Residential Units 0 23 7 263 66 344 703
Additional Population 0 48 15 555 140 727 1485
Table 6.15 lists the projected population based on the growth trends, new developments and Belle Vue-Dunbar Annexation. The growth trends were lowered or adjusted to 1.00 for the UDAP areas where the population growth from the new developments was greater than the growth projected from the UDAP growth trends. Figure 6.5 shows the projected population growth graphically. The projected annual growth rates are 5.7% from 2000-2009, 4.7% from 2009-2014, and 0.45% from 20142024.
Distribution System Demand Projection Methodology
The existing water use for each UDAP neighborhood was estimated from the billing information from May 2002 through April 2003, as discussed previously in Section 5.4.1. These demands were multiplied by the growth trends for the UDAP areas to calculate the future demands. Additional adjustments were made to account for the specific increases in water demands from the new approved developments and the additional Belle Vue-Dunbar demands discussed previously by service area. All of the new demands are included in the 2014, and 2024 models, and a percentage of the demands is assumed to be completed for the 2009 model, based on the development build out date. Table 6.16 Summarizes the estimated new development demands and the Belle-Vue-Dunbar demand additions.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Table 6.15: Projected Population Growth UDAP
Projected Population 2009 2014
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 501 502 503 505 506 507 511 523 524 525 602
3,753 2,439 1,891 2,553 6,296 3,825 3,904 3,178 2,412 370 1,870 468 1,604 564 2,279 4,367 129 5,509 1,255 2,089 1,909 536 378 1,203 1,224 1,759 2,128 1,304 1,998
4,924 6,423 1,908 3,276 7,208 4,093 3,444 3,264 1,995 333 1,513 335 1,444 655 2,279 9,233 21,913 5,765 1,221 2,048 1,926 424 368 1,138 1,191 2,553 3,070 7,618 2,453
6,096 9,035 1,918 4,000 7,830 4,360 3,212 3,312 1,796 314 1,344 278 1,363 709 2,279 14,829 34,332 6,022 1,203 2,017 1,936 372 362 1,103 1,173 2,793 3,608 10,692 2,319
6,021 14,549 1,937 4,153 8,801 4,016 2,795 3,412 1,455 280 1,062 192 1,213 832 1,960 14,873 34,493 5,911 1,167 1,957 1,955 286 351 1,037 1,138 2,898 3,502 12,322 2,080
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Figure 6.5 Projected Population Growth
160,000 140,000 120,000
100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 2000
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Table 6.16: Additional Demands for New Developments and the Belle Vue-Dunbar Annexation UDAP 2009 1 2 4 5 6 14 15 16 17 18 502 523 524 525 602 Total
Additional Demands (gpd) New Development Belle Vue-Dunbar Annexation 2014 2024 2009 2014 2024
110,917 396,606 68,629 22,954 25,571 179 391 478,751 2,324,630 24,267 22,667 78,077 641,811 4,195,448
221,833 488,601 137,258 45,909 51,141 359 782 1,048,323 3,619,474 48,533 45,333 131,153 963,520 6,802,220
221,833 488,601 137,258 45,909 51,141 359 782 1,048,323 3,619,474 48,533 45,333 131,153 963,520 6,802,220
1,825 35,686
3,650 71,372
3,650 71,372
1,314 55,823 11,936
2,628 111,646 23,872
2,628 111,646 23,872
97,872 204,457
195,745 408,913
195,745 408,913
Table 6.17 shows the projected water demands calculated by multiplying the existing water use for each UDAP neighborhood by the corresponding growth trends, and adding the new development and Belle Vue-Dunbar flows. The new demands listed above exceeded the growth calculated via the growth trends for most of the UDAP areas. The growth trends for the UDAP areas where the new development demands were added were changed to 1.00, or reduced, through the year 2014, so that the projected demands with the addition of the new development flows equaled or exceeded the projected demands without the addition of the new development flows. Table 6.18 summarized the existing and future demands for the service areas, as delineated previously in this section.
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Table 6.17: Projected Demands by UDAP Area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 501 502 507 511 523 524 525 602
Revised Growth Trend Applied to Existing Demands 20002010201420202010 2014 2020 2030 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.98 1.05 3.52 3.06 1.50 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.06 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.00 1.00 0.91 0.91 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.18 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.86 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 2.25 2.25 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.06 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 2.25 2.25 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Total
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
Existing Demand (mgd)
Projected Demands (mgd)
0.379 0.665 0.182 0.317 0.689 0.746 0.581 0.306 0.277 0.154 0.132 0.033 0.176 0.029 0.226 0.550 0.097 0.356 0.002 0.008 0.057 0.017 0.104 0.007 0.221 0.025
0.490 1.082 0.184 0.386 0.765 0.772 0.535 0.312 0.245 0.144 0.114 0.026 0.164 0.032 0.228 1.063 2.421 0.380 0.002 0.009 0.055 0.017 0.162 0.092 0.863 0.093 10.63
0.601 1.624 0.184 0.454 0.834 0.797 0.499 0.316 0.220 0.136 0.102 0.022 0.155 0.035 0.230 1.666 3.716 0.404 0.002 0.009 0.054 0.017 0.219 0.152 1.185 0.162 13.79
0.593 3.107 0.186 0.473 0.937 0.730 0.434 0.326 0.178 0.121 0.080 0.015 0.138 0.041 0.199 1.672 3.837 0.397 0.002 0.009 0.050 0.016 0.226 0.151 1.461 0.159 15.54
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Table 6.18 Projected Demands by Service Area
Service Area Downtown McGregor Fowler Belle Vue-Dunbar Winkler Colonial South East and Southeast Martin Luther King Palm Beach Total
Existing Average Day Demands (mgd) 2003 0.665 1.844 1.484 0.025 0.550 0.221 0.097 0.745 0.707 6.34
Future Average Day Demands (mgd) 2009 2014 2024 1.082 1.624 3.107 1.940 2.042 2.097 1.471 1.469 1.355 0.171 0.317 0.314 1.029 1.598 1.604 0.893 1.245 1.521 2.391 3.656 3.777 0.880 1.015 1.000 0.776 0.828 0.763 10.63 13.79 15.54
Interconnection Demands
In addition to the demands from the City’s distribution system, these demand projections will also account for an average daily demand of 1.0 mgd from Lee County, and 0.5 mgd from Lehigh Acres. The Lehigh Acres interconnection demand will only be projected through the year 2009.
Projected Demands
The raw water supplied to the Water Treatment Plant should be 20 percent greater than the finished water supplied to the distribution system, and additional 10 percent of the water pumped to distribution will be assumed as non-revenue producing water, as discussed in Section 5.3.1. Table 6.19 lists the projected average annual, peak day and peak hour water demands as applicable for raw supply, finished distribution, and revenue producing water. Figures 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 provide graphical view of these projected demands. The peak day and peak hour demands were calculated using the 1.27 and 1.57 factors, respectively, identified previously in Section 4.1.2.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
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Table 6.19: Summary of Projected Water Demands 2003 2009 2014 Average Annual Daily Demands (mgd) Revenue producing water 5.7 10.9 13.3 Finished water pumped to distribution 6.3 12.1 14.8 Raw water supplied by the Wellfield 7.9 15.2 18.5 Peak Day Demands (mgd) Finished water pumped to distribution 8.0 15.4 18.8 Raw water supplied by the wellfield 10.1 19.3 23.5 Peak Hour Demands (mgd) Finished water pumped to distribution 10.0 19.0 23.2
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
2024 14.9 16.5 20.7 21.0 26.3 26.0
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Figure 6.6: Projected Raw Water Demand
Demand (mgd)
0.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year Average Day
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
Peak Day
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Figure 6.7: Projected Finished Water Demand
Demand (mgd)
0.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year Average Day
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 6: Projected Water Demands
Peak Day
Peak Hour
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Figure 6.8: Projected Revenue Producing Water Demand
Demand (mgd)
0.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year Average Day
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This section discusses the water resources that are available for potable water supply and distribution, and the upgrades that will be needed to supply potable water to the City’s customers in the future. The use of ASR, construction of a second water treatment plant, and the construction of an interconnection with the City of Cape Coral are discussed as possible ways to increase the reliability and redundancy within the distribution system.
Water quality, corrosion, and the reduction of non-revenue
producing water are also discussed in this section.
The twelve existing Floridan aquifer wells each have pumping capacity of 1,400 gpm (2.0 mgd) for a maximum supply capability of 16,800 gpm (24 mgd), or 15,400 gpm (22 mgd) with one well out of service. Four wells must be functioning at all times to supply a continuous amount of water to the Water Treatment Plant. The 775 foot deep Floridan aquifer wells provide water with relatively consistent brackish water quality. The 15 MG of storage at the Water Treatment Plant and 1.7 MG of storage in the distribution system also provide the ability to take the plant out of service for two days for emergency or maintenance purposes, at the current average distribution demand of 6.3 mgd. Use of supply from Lee County via the existing interconnections is undesirable due to the increased health risk to kidney dialysis patients and tropical fish owners due to the County’s use of chloramines disinfection as described in Sections 2.6 and 3.3.2.
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The City will need to make several improvements and additions with raw water supply wellfield, treatment plant, storage and interconnection supply system, to meet the future supply needs. The strategies to meet these needs are discussed below.
The twelve wells have a capacity of 16,800 gpm (24 mgd), or 15,400 gpm (22 mgd) with one well out of service. The peak day raw water demand is projected to exceed the permitted peak day withdrawal capacity of 16.14 mgd by 2009. The City will need to apply for additional supply capacity with SFWMD. The raw water projections were discussed previously in Section 6.2.3, which are listed in Table 6.19 and shown in Figure 6.6. The peak day demand and is projected to exceed the physical pumping capacity limit of 24 mgd by the year 2016. The peak day raw water demand is projected to be 26.3 mgd in the year 2024. By the year 2016, additional raw water supply will need to be developed by modifying the pumping capacity in the existing wells, adding additional wells at the existing Wellfield, or constructing a new wellfield at an alternate location.
7.2.2 Treatment Plant Capacity The reverse osmosis Water Treatment Plant must have the treatment capacity to treat the peak day raw water demand. As shown in Figure 7.1, the peak day raw water demand is projected to exceed the existing treatment capacity of 16 mgd by 2007, and the buildout treatment capacity of 20 mgd by 2010. Assuming additional treatment capacity will continue to be added in 4.0 mgd capacity modules, the raw water treatment capacity will need to be expanded to 24.0 mgd by the year 2010, and 28.0 mgd by the year 2016.
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Figure 7.1: Projected Peak Day Raw Water Demand and Required Water Treatment Plant Capacity
Demand (mgd)
0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year Required Water Treatment Plant Capacity
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Peak Day Raw Water Demand
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In Table 7.1, the projected peak day raw water demands are listed as well as the required dates for plant expansion. The projections show that an additional 8.0 mgd of treatment capacity will be needed, for a total of 28.0 mgd. The expanded treatment capacity of 28.0 mgd will supply the City’s projected potable water needs through the year 2024. The existing deep injection well will serve the build-out treatment capacity of the Water Treatment Plant of 20.0 mgd. The city will need an additional 8 mgd of treatment capacity to meet the future 2024 needs. The City will need to obtain additional injection capacity by increasing the permitted capacity of their existing well, or adding an additional well. The additional well could be added at the existing Water Treatment Facility, or at a new Water Treatment Facility, depending on where the new treatment capacity is constructed. Supply water should continue to be monitored for TDS and chlorides to make sure it is within the design parameters of the membranes.
Table 7.1: Projected Concentrate Produced from Reverse Osmosis Treatment Year
Projected Peak Day Raw Water Demand (mgd)
2.0 2.5 3.0
3.9 4.8 5.8
4.7 5.9 7.0
5.3 6.6 7.9
Projected Concentrate (mgd)
20% 25% 30%
Reduction of Non-Revenue Water
As noted in Section 5.4.1, the City is losing approximately 700,000 gallons per day of water based upon a comparison of readings from the final meter at the Water Treatment Plant with the sum of gallons billed to customers. At a water billing rate of $3.10 per 1,000 gallons, the City loses $2,170 per day or nearly $800,000 per year from lost water.
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Figure 7.2: Projected Peak Day Finished Water Demand and Water Treatment Plant Finished Water Capacity
9.0 8.0
Deepwell Injection Concentrate (mgd)
7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year 20% Treatment Loss
25% Treatment Loss
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30% Treatment Loss
Permitted Max Day Injection Capacity
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SFWMD requires the City to track their unaccounted for water loss annually. Water loss greater than 10% is considered excessive, and requires additional reporting requirements. There are several things the City can do to reduce the real and apparent losses of revenue water. The City should regularly check and calibrate the finished water flow meter at the Water Treatment Plant to assure that accurate flow readings are being obtained. The interconnections with the County should also be checked for leaks and meter accuracy. There are several ways water can be lost in the distribution system. To reduce loss from leakage, maintenance staff can conduct regular leakage surveys of all water main fittings and connections. The City can purchase leak noise detectors to assist maintenance staff with leak detection. The City could prioritize timely repair when a major leak is identified. A review of billing information could be completed to make sure that meters are properly sized for use. Performance tests can also be completed on billing meters. Malfunctioning meters should be replaced. The Water Treatment Plant can reduce pressures during evening hours to reduce leakage that could occur through pipe leaks during low flow conditions. Pressures are currently reduced from 62 to 57 psi in the evening. Additional pressure reduction could be considered, but should be limited based on ability to continue to provide adequate fire flow. There are several locations within the distribution system where the City and County both provide service. Some of the users in these areas may be using City water without being billed for the usage. Service to the Belle Vue/Dunbar area will be converted from the County to the City, eliminating much of the overlap area. The City could launch a media awareness campaign about unauthorized water use. The billing department and utility maintenance staff could create system wide map of all billing connections to verify that each address that is not currently serviced by the City is either serviced by private well or by the County. Fines could be imposed on all unauthorized users that are detected, and correct billing meters could be installed. The use of potable water for fire flow, hydrant flushing and testing will continue to be a loss of revenue producing water. Table 5.6 listed 39 hydrant flow tests that were performed between December 10, 2001 and April 2, 2003. Assuming the each hydrant test lasted five minutes, the total water lost during that period from hydrant tests was City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 7: Utilization of Available Water Resources
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more than 600,000 gallons. A fire event lasting for 2 hours using water at 2,500 gpm uses 300,000 gallons of water. An estimate of the volume of water used to provide flushing and fire flow was not available from the Fire Department. As per the new regulation FAC 62-555.350, as discussed previously in Section 3.2.2, all dead end water mains must be flushed quarterly, which will increase the distribution system water loss.
Construction of new dead end mains should be
minimized, and existing mains should be looped with other sections of the distribution system. The Fire Department should provide the Utility Department with estimates of water used for hydrant testing, flushing and fire flow. The Utility Department will then include this information as part of the Unaccounted for Water Report that must be submitted to the SFWMD annually. The reported hydrant flushing/testing and fire flow would reduce the percentage of unaccounted for water that is reported.
7.2.4 Reclaimed Water The City is aggressively expanding the capacity and distribution capability of the reclaimed water distribution network.
The distribution system currently provides
approximately 1.0 mgd of reclaimed water to industrial and commercial irrigation users. The City plans to expand the reclaimed water production facility at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant to produce 6 mgd by the end of 2005, and construct a 9-mgd reclaimed water production facility at the South Wastewater Treatment Plant.
additional facility may also be constructed in the East part of the City. The production and use of reclaimed water will produce a potable water offset at locations where potable water is being replaced by reclaimed water. The benefit of this potable water offset has not been included in the projections in this report. Much of the reclaimed capacity will go to golf courses that currently use private wells, therefore providing very little potable water offset. Many of the new developments in the east and southeast service areas have plans to install separate piping systems for irrigation that will also use water from private wells, and could be hooked up to reclaimed water when it becomes available. Reclaimed water will also be implemented at all City Parks that currently use potable water for irrigation.
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In the future, the City May have interconnections with Cape Coral and Lehigh Acres, in addition to the existing interconnection locations with Lee County. The existing interconnections with Lee County should only be utilized to send water to Lee County, due to the water quality concerns of allowing chloraminated water into the City’s chlorinated distribution system.
The City plans to supply Lee County regularly with an
average of 1.0 mgd of potable water. A temporary interconnection with Lehigh Acres is planned at a location on Lee Boulevard, just east of the City Limit. Lehigh Acres has requested an average flow of 0.5 mgd. The construction of this interconnection should be complete in 2006 and will be utilized until their water supply expansion is complete in the year 2009. Lehigh Acres also uses chloramines for disinfection, so the water should only be sent in their direction. The City is considering an interconnection with the City of Cape Coral, which uses the same source water, treatment method and chlorination method. This pipeline would either have to be installed by boring and jacking, directionally drilling the pipeline under the river, or installing the pipeline along the Midpoint Bridge. This Interconnection could be Utilized by both Cities. The possible capacity of water received by the City at this location is modeled in Section 9 of this report.
WATER SUPPLY RELIABILITY CONSIDERATIONS The reliability of the City’s potable water supply is limited by the ability of a
single plant to maintain a constant supply. In the event of a main break after of the plant finished water storage, the 2.25 MGs of storage in the distribution system would provide service to customers for less than half of a day.
This provides very little time to
publically request reduced use, activate the existing interconnections with the County distribution system and provide proper notification to customers of the introduction of chloraminated supply into the distribution system. The City plans to investigate the use of ASR, the creation of an interconnection with the City of Cape Coral, the addition of supply and treatment capacity at alternate
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locations, add more storage in the distribution system, and to improve the redundancy and reliability of the potable water supply.
Wellfield Capacity
The wellfield should have capacity to meet the peak day demand and the average day demand with the largest well out of service, according to the Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board (Ten States) Recommended Standards for Water Works. The wellfield (twelve wells total) has a combined pumping capacity of approximately 24 mgd, or 22 mgd with one well out of service. This supply capacity will be exceeded in the year 2016 and is not projected to be adequate through the year 2024. The existing use of a single wellfield location leaves the system vulnerable to a raw water main break between the wellfield and the Water Treatment Plant. The City could consider obtaining their additional Wellfield capacity at a separate location to provide redundant supply locations. Emergency power generators have been constructed at wells 1,2,3,4 9 and 11. The City should monitor their raw water demands and the frequency of wells being out of service to determine if additional supply wells will be needed sooner, or if additional emergency power should be implemented at additional wells.
7.3.2 ASR The ASR well that has been constructed is intended to provide additional distribution system storage and supply redundancy.
The operational testing will
determine if additional treatment will be needed to remove arsenic or any other impurities that the water may contain when recovered from the ASR well. If the well proves to be unfit for potable water use, it could be considered for reclaimed use. Should the ASR well function beneficially for potable use, disinfection and additional treatment for arsenic, sulfides and other water quality parameters will be needed as per FAC 62555.315. This treatment could be provided by a new treatment facility at the Winkler pump station, or the water will need to be pumped back to the Water Treatment Plant via separate water main as per FAC 62-555.320.
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The City cannot rely on interconnections with Lee County and Lehigh Acres to provide supply unless there is an emergency due to the water quality concerns of introducing chloraminated water in to a chlorinated distribution system. The City of Cape Coral produces finished water using the same aquifer for source water, treatment process and disinfection method as the City’s Water Treatment Plant. The City plans to investigate the feasibility of installing an interconnection with the Cape Coral system across the Caloosahatchee River, at the Midpoint Bridge. The completion of this interconnection between these two utilities would improve redundancy and reliability for both distribution systems.
Additional Water Treatment Facilities
The existing Water Treatment Plant was constructed with a modular design to expand treatment capacity to 20 mgd. As discussed previously, treatment capacity beyond 20 mgd will be needed by 2010. The additional capacity could be completed at the existing plant location, or at a separate location. If the City were to construct an additional water treatment facility, the future supply burden would not rest solely on the existing Water Treatment Plant. Constructing additional treatment capacity at the existing site would have the operational benefit of staffing and controlling a single, central operation location. Permitting of construction on a site that is already owned by the City and used for that purpose would also be easier. The existing supply is vulnerable to failure of the raw water main connecting the wells to the Water Treatment Plant. All of the wells within the City’s wellfield are located within one mile of the Water Treatment Plant. Constructing a new facility at a separate location would have several potential benefits. A second plant could provide distribution pressure from a second location. It also provide redundant supply and allow the existing plant to be taken out of service for planned maintenance activities or due to a natural disaster such as a tornado or hurricane. Additional water treatment could occur at the following locations: •
At the Winkler Pump Station a 2-MG ground storage reservoir already exists with room for a second 2-MG ground storage reservoir. Providing
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treatment capacity at the Winkler Pump Station location would reduce the additional piping needed to return the ASR water to the existing Water Treatment Plant for re-treatment. •
The old water treatment plant located at the intersection of Cranford Street and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard has space available for additional storage and treatment of water from the City’s wellfield. The site is currently the location of the Imaginarium Hands-On Museum, but the majority of the property remains in the same condition as when operation ceased. There is also existing piping from the wellfield to the old water treatment plant location.
An additional plant could be constructed east of Interstate 75 to provide service to the east and southeast service areas. This plant would need a separate wellfield supply.
Distribution System Storage
At current production rates, the 15-MGs of storage at the Water Treatment Plant will provide supply for up to two days, to allow time for any repairs to damage in the wellfield or plant shutdowns. The projected peak day finished water demand is 21.0 mgd for the year 2024. This storage at the plant will provide adequate storage to provide 24hours of supply for peak day demand through the year 2009, as per the finished water demand projections. To continue to provide one day of storage for peak day demands, the City could add additional storage at the Water Treatment plant, or in the distribution system. If the City constructs a second treatment facility, additional finished water storage could be located there. The elevated storage tank located at the Imaginarium will either have an altitude valve installed, or will be taken out of service, because it currently overflows if pressures are above 65 psi. Additional storage should be developed at location of the elevated tank to provide storage and boost pressures for the growing downtown area. The existing pumps, piping and two ground storage reservoirs (1.2-MG) could be used if they are in good condition. These tanks and equipment would have to be evaluated and rehabilitated, if necessary. There is room to add an additional 2.5-MG tank at the Winkler Pump Station. The pump station is currently activated when distribution system pressure falls below a set point of 45 psi. This pressure set point should be changed to a higher pressure set point City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 7: Utilization of Available Water Resources
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to be operated more frequently and achieve a faster turnover of water, especially if additional storage volume is added there. This would better serve the McGregor service area for fire flow and to boost pressure. The City should also consider installing storage east of Interstate 75 to accommodate the growing population in the east and southeast service areas. A 5 MG tank would provide storage for one day of peak demand for the East and Southeast service areas for the projected 20-year planning period.
The City’s Water Treatment Plant produces high quality potable water from the reverse osmosis treatment process. The water quality can degrade in the distribution system due to pipe corrosion and long residence time in the pipes. Water quality can also degrade in distribution storage tanks if the storage volume is not turned over often enough. In addition, the use of water from the interconnection with Lee County may result in reduced water quality.
Historical Water Quality
The results of the water quality sampling completed between 1998 and 2002 are provided as Attachment D. All parameters from the water sampling were below the State MCL’s except one sample for lead in 2002. The LCHD also confirmed that the Water Treatment Facility and distribution system were in full compliance with their monitoring and reporting requirements.
The reverse osmosis process can produce water that is corrosive to the internal surface of some water distribution system piping, due to the reduction of alkalinity and during the treatment process. The Water Treatment Plant adds caustic soda and carbon dioxide to adjust the alkalinity, and zinc orthophosphate corrosion inhibitor to reduce corrosivity before pumping the finished water to distribution.
These chemicals are
applied at the dosage and percent solution shown in Table 7.2. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 7: Utilization of Available Water Resources
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Table 7.3: Chemical Feed Rates of Corrosion Reducing Chemicals
Chemical Caustic Carbon Dioxide Zinc Orthophosphate
% Solution 50% 99% 36%
Dosage 34 ppm 20 -35 ppm 3 ppm
The pictures of the heavily tuberculated pipes shown in Figure 2.10 indicate that corrosion has occurred in the distribution system over time. The quality of water in the distribution system can be affected by reactions with piping in the distribution system. These reactions can dissolve the protective liner from lined cast iron and ductile iron and galvanized steel pipes, resulting in pitting and tuberculation of the piping, and the formation of aesthetically unpleasant red water. Asbestos cement pipes can also be affected by corrosive water, resulting in the release of asbestos fibers, an increase of pH in the water, pipe surface roughening, pipe wall strength reduction and possibly pipe failure. As per Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-555, distribution systems with asbestos cement piping must be sampled at the customers tap every 9 years, to assure that the public is not exposed to asbestos. Corrosion can also occur in copper and lead piping at customer locations, resulting in leaky pipes and possible ingestion of lead and copper. The corrosivity of water can be measured by the Langlier Index (LI) or the Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential (CCPP), which can be calculated from concentrations of calcium hardness, pH, chlorides, sulfates, alkalinity, and temperature. Finished water is considered to be less corrosive if the LI is positive, while the preferred CCPP range is between 4 and 10 mg/L. The finished water LI and CCPP for August 13, 2003 and March 28, 2004 are shown below in Table 7.3. Table 7.3: Finished Water LI and CCPP Calculation August 13, 2003 March 28, 2004 TDS (mg/L) 325 381 o Temperature ( C) 28.9 24.9 pH 8.08 7.82 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) 37 41 City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 7: Utilization of Available Water Resources
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Table 7.3: Finished Water LI and CCPP Calculation (Continued) August 13, 2003 March 28, 2004 Calcium Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) 44 35 Chloride Concentration (mg/L) 135 178 Sulfate Concentration (mg/L) 0 0 Calculated LI -0.36 -0.74 Calculated CCPP (mg/L) -1.63 -3.61
The LI and CCPP of the finished plant water for the two dates above both indicate a potential for corrosion. Even with the addition of a corrosion inhibitor, the finished water can cause corrosion problems in distribution pipes and at user connections. The corrosivity of the water can be adjusted by increasing the finished water pH, calcium hardness and alkalinity. The City is exploring the option of increasing their finished water pH. The City should also investigate adjusting their carbon dioxide and caustic dosages to increase the LI and CCPP.
7.4.3 Pump Stations The operational protocol at the Winkler Pump Station should be changed to have a quicker turnover rate in the storage tank. The current average residence time of the water in the tank is 35 days, based on an analysis of plant data and an investigation of Winkler Tank levels throughout a 124-day period (from May 15, 2003 through September 25, 2003). The water height in the tank was 26.7 feet and fluctuated between 22 feet and 28 feet. The average volume of water stored in the tank was divided by the average volume of water leaving the tank per day, resulting in the turnover rate. The values used in the calculations described above are shown in Table 7.4. Table 7.4: Tank Turnover Parameters Total Days in Data Collection Period 124 days Total Volume Pumped Out of Tank Volume Pumped Out / Total No. of Days Tank Diameter Average Water Height Average Volume of Tank Turnover Time
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6,738,841 gal 54,345 gpd 110 feet 26.7 feet 1,897,965 gal 35 days
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The average water age in distribution storage should be limited to 3 days if possible. Failure to limit water age can result in degradation of disinfection residual, resulting in possible elevated bacterial counts, increased disinfection byproduct formation, taste odor and discoloration of the water. The City will also be required to clean and have the structural integrity of all finished water and distribution system storage inspected at least once every 5 years, as per FAC 62-555.350.
7.4.4 Distribution System Flushing There are several locations within the City’s distribution system where there are dead end water mains. The City will have to flush these dead end locations quarterly as per FAC 62-555.350.
Over the next 20 years, the City will have several regulatory and permitting tasks to complete. The City will be required to complete permitting for the expansion of water treatment capacity with the Lee County Health Department and additional permitted consumptive use of the Floridan Aquifer Wellfield with SFWMD. The City will also need to complete the acceptance testing for the ASR well and the concentrate injection well and finalize their permit with FDEP. The FDEP and SFWMD have required the implementation of 100 percent reclaimed usage, which has not yet been implemented. The City will continue to sample and report water quality to the Lee County Health Department, and water usage to SFWMD. The Stage 2 Disinfection Byproduct and arsenic rules will change the existing water quality monitoring criteria. The City should also update the Code of Ordinance requirement for Cross Connection Control.
Additional Supply Permitting
The City is currently permitted for 16.14 mgd average and maximum day daily withdrawal of water from the Floridan aquifer wellfield. The twelve wells will be capable of supplying the City with a combined pumping capacity of approximately 24 mgd, or 22 mgd with one well out of service, which will satisfy the projected raw water City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 7: Utilization of Available Water Resources
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demands through the year 2015. The City will be limited by the Consumptive User Permit (CUP) with SFWMD that expires March 9, 2020. The demand projections shown previously in Section 6.2.3 indicate that the average annual wellfield demands will exceed the permitted capacity by 2011 and the peak day wellfield demands will exceed the permitted amount in the year 2007. Figure 7.4 shows the projected average annual and peak day demands from the wellfield, and the existing permitted maximum capacity. The City will need an average annual permitted supply of 20.7 mgd, and a peak day permitted supply of 26.3 mgd to satisfy the projected raw water supply demands through the year 2024. Additional Wellfield supply will need to be permitted through SFWMD.
Water Treatment Plant Expansion Permitting
The existing plant has been designed with space available for additional membranes to expand to a total capacity of 20 mgd. The plant expansion from 16 mgd to 20 mgd will be needed by 2006. The peak day demands will exceed the 20 mgd treatment capacity by 2010. At that time, either additional treatment facilities will need to be constructed at the Water Treatment Plant, or a separate facility will need to be constructed. An additional 8 mgd of treatment capacity to meet the City’s projected treatment needs through 2024. This could be completed at the existing Water Treatment Plant or at an alternate location. The construction of additional treatment capacity will need to be permitted through the Lee County Health Department.
Reclaimed Water Requirements
The CUP also requires the City to utilize 100 percent of the wastewater effluent produced within the Fort Myers service area by March 2005.
The City must also
participate in the design of a regional reclaimed water distribution system as described in the SFWMD documents Lower West Coast Regional Water Supply Plan (2000) and the Master Plan for the Regional Irrigation Distribution System (RIDS) for the Lower West Coast Region Project C-12368. The City has failed to meet this deadline, but is in the process of constructing a treatment and distribution system with 15 mgd of capacity.
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Figure 7.4: Permitted and Projected Wellfield Demands
Demand (mgd)
0.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year Averge Day Wellfield Demand
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Peak Day Wellfield Demand
Permitted Wellfield Maximum Capacity
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Additional discussion on the implementation of expanded reclaimed water capacity is provided in the Reclaimed Water Master Plan that Malcolm Pirnie is completing concurrently with this Potable Water Master Plan.
Stage 2 Disinfection Byproduct Rule
The Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 2 DBPR) is currently in rule promulgation at the USEPA. The new regulation will change the compliance monitoring concentration and monitoring location requirements that are currently in effect as per the Stage 1 DBPR. Instead of using the running annual average (RAA) of an entire system, compliance will be determined using a locational running annual average (LRAA) of trihalomethanes (TTHM) and five haloacetic acids (HAA5) concentrations at a given location. It is anticipated this rule will be promulgated by late 2005. The Stage 2 DBPR will be implemented in two stages, Stage 2A and 2B. Under Stage 2A, each Stage 1 DBPR compliance monitoring site must not exceed maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) of TTHM/HAA5 of 120/100 micrograms per liter (μg/L), measured as LRAAs, in addition to compliance with Stage 1 DBPR MCLs of 80/60 μg/L, measured as RAAs. Stage 2B states systems must comply with MCLs of 80/60 μg/L, measured as LRAAs. The City must comply with Stage 2A three years after the rule is promulgated. The City will be required to comply with Stage 2B within six years after rule promulgation. The state will be able to grant a 2-year extension if a system needs improvement to comply with the new MCLs of each stage. The City will be required to report monitoring results every 90 days for two distribution system sites, one for highest TTHM and one for highest HAA5. To determine the locations representing the highest levels of TTHM and HAA5, the City is required to conduct an Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) of their distribution system and to submit a report containing their findings. The IDSE are studies that are used to determine the Stage 2 DBPR compliance monitoring locations. The City has two options on how to perform their IDSE: a standard monitoring program
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(SMP) or a system-specific study (SSS). Once these studies have been conducted the City is then required to submit their IDSE report after two years of rule promulgation. The SMP monitors the distribution system for one year to determine the areas representing high DBP concentrations. The SSS determines compliance monitoring sites by using historical data of the distribution system, distribution system models, tracer studies, or other analyses.
This study must provide “equivalent or superior data�,
compared to selection of sites resulting from an SMP, for the selection of the monitoring sites to ensure the locations are characterized to the degree required for the IDSE. An SSS may be completed with the distribution system model used for this master plan.
ASR Well
The ASR well has not yet passed acceptance testing. The arsenic standard for Florida will change to the Federal Standard of 0.01 mg/L as of January 1, 2005. The reverse osmosis process is very effective at removing arsenic from the raw water treated at the Water Treatment Plant, so the new standard should not affect the treatment operation. This new standard will affect the acceptance testing of the ASR well, due to natural background levels of arsenic in the aquifer. Water withdrawn from the ASR well will require a minimum treatment of aeration to remove sulfides, and may require additional treatment to remove arsenic.
The ASR well permitting and construction
additional treatment will need to be permitted with the Lee County Health Department.
Concentrate Injection Well
According to the existing injection permit, operation of the injection well will be discontinued on July 5, 2004 unless FDEP issues a statement of intent to issue an operation permit. If this is not forthcoming, a renewal application for the construction permit will need to be submitted. Additional injection well capacity will also be needed in the future based on demand projections. At the current treatment loss 20 percent of peak day flow, the permitted concentrate injection rate of 4.06 mgd will be exceeded for peak day flow before the year 2013. Either an additional injection well will be required, or additional injection capacity at the existing well will need to be permitted.
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Cross Connection Control
The increased use of reclaimed water requires more stringent cross connection control. The City’s existing Code of Ordinances Chapter 26-211 states that: The reclaimed water distribution system shall include special considerations to avoid cross-connections with the potable water system. The following features shall be included in reclaimed water systems to protect the public health: (1)
Reclaimed water distribution systems shall be constructed with brown PVC pipe or purple with yellow block letters color-taped ductile iron pipe.
Square valve box covers painted brown to distinguish from round potable water system valve boxes.
Brown strip on street curb to identify reclaimed water customer.
Backflow preventers installed on potable water service connection.
Reclaimed water meters color coded with tape to distinguish from potable water meters (where applicable). Meters, covers and meter box covers should be cast to indicate reclaimed water.
Chapter 26 Article X Cross Connection Control Standards does not specifically address reclaimed water concerns, and should be updated with similar language. Also, additional standards should be developed to have double check valves, or reduced pressure backflow prevention devices should be installed at industrial locations that have high risks for cross connections. The City should develop a schedule to periodically inspect reclaimed water services to assure that the cross connection requirements are being followed.
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Several improvements will be made in the distribution system in the future including the remaining phases of the water main replacement project, the installation of additional mains for improved fire flow, additional reinforcement mains to provide redundancy and capacity for growth in the existing distribution system, piping for new developments and improvements to distribution storage and pump stations. Figure 8.1 shows the approximate locations of the additional proposed piping recommended by this report.
As discussed in Section 2 and Section 6 and shown in Figure 2.9, the City is replacing many of the older water mains throughout the distribution system. This should reduce distribution system water loss from leaky mains and head loss from older rougher corroded piping. Many larger diameter mains will be installed to provide service and the required fire flow for the service areas in each phase.
Table 8.1 below shows the
completion schedule for the main replacement phases. Table 8.1 Completion Schedule for the Remaining Water Main Replacement Project Phases Water Main Replacement Phase
Year Scheduled for Completion
Phase IIIC
Phase IV
Phase V
Phase VI
Phase VII
Allen Court
Phase III-C is presently being designed and constructed in the Broadway Canal service area of the City’s distribution system. Table 8.2 lists the 12-inch water mains will be included in the future modeling scenarios. Construction of the improvements for
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Phase III-C will be completed by 2006. Additional mains will also be installed, but will not be included in the modeling effort.
Table 8.2: New Water Mains Installed as Part of the Phase IIIC Water Main Improvements Project Location Broadway Avenue from Edison Avenue to Maple Street
Diameter (in)
Fowler Street from Edison Avenue to Hanson Street
12 12
Jackson Street from Edison Avenue to Linhart Avenue
Phase VII is presently being designed in the Downtown service area of the City’s Distribution system. Table 8.3 lists the new and replacement water mains will be included in the future modeling scenarios. Additional mains will also be installed, but will not be included in the modeling effort.
Table 8.3: New Water Mains Installed as Part of the Phase VII Water Main Improvements Projects Location
Diameter (in)
Bay Street from Edwards Street to Jackson Street
First Street from Fowler to Billy’s Creek
Fowler Avenue From the Railroad crossing to Market Street
Hendry Street from Edwards Drive to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. boulevard
Jackson Street from Edwards Drive to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. boulevard Lee Street from Edwards Drive to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. boulevard Main Street from Monroe Street to Lee Street
Thompson Street from Lee Street to Evans Avenue
12 12
Phase IV is presently being designed in part of the McGregor service area south of Canal Street, west of McGregor Boulevard, and north of Winkler Avenue. A small portion of this area called Allen Court was expedited to be completed in 2004, as shown in Figure 2.9. Table 8.4 lists the new piping that has been included in the model for the Phase IV Improvements.
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Table 8.4: New Water Mains Installed as Part of the Phase IV Water Main Improvements Projects Location Barcelona Avenue from McGregor Boulevard to Valencia Way Between Alcazar Avenue and Alhambra Drive from Valencia Way to Cortez Boulevard Canelo Drive from Marvilla Avenue to Moreno Avenue Cortez Boulevard from Lynwood Avenue to Moreno Avenue Hanson Street from Cortez Boulevard to US 41 Hill Avenue from McGregor to US 41 Jefferson Avenue from McGregor Boulevard to US 41 Kelly Street from Jefferson Avenue to Collier Avenue Marvilla Avenue from Canelo Drive to US 41 Moreno Avenue from Canelo Drive to US 41 Plumosa Drive from Riverside Drive to Via Torcida Sunset Road and Halgrim Avenue Sunset Road from Linhart Avenue to Sunset Place Valencia Way from Barcelona Avenue to Alahmbra Drive Winkler Avenue from McGregor Boulevard to US 41
Diameter (in) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12
The design for phases V and VI has not yet been started. For the future 10-year and 20-year modeling scenarios, the C-factors of the cast iron piping will be changed to the C-factor for ductile iron pipe.
Table 8.5 lists the proposed locations and map number from Figure 8.1 for piping improvements. These piping additions address the needs for increased fire flow capacity due to existing fire flow test results or the model results for fire flow capacity. The proposed mains will either serve areas that are currently not served, replace existing smaller diameter mains or will connect dead end piping. As noted in Section 5.5.3, the City should confirm that locations that are not able to meet the required fire flow by conducting fire flow tests. The results of the fire flow tests could also help to prioritize the schedule of the new main implementation. The scope of work for the model completion required the inclusion of distribution pipes that were 10 inches in diameter and larger. However some smaller mains were included. The addition of all distribution mains into the model may improve model flow City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 8: Potable Water System Improvements
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fire flow, but may also reveal more locations where residual fire flow can not be achieved. Table 8.5: Proposed Locations for New Water Mains to Provide Additional Fire Flow Model Year Included
Map Number
Lee Boulevard from SR 82 to Leonard Boulevard Buckingham Road to Leonard Boulevard Connection US 41 south of North Airport Road Fowler Avenue from Hanson Street to Carrell Road Fowler Avenue from Market Street to Edison Avenue South Palmdale Court from Sable Palm Boulevard to existing water main on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Laredo Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Ortiz Avenue from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Colonial Boulevard Evans Avenue from Colonial Boulevard to Carrell Road Broadway north of Collier Avenue Collier Avenue from Seago Lane to Cleveland Avenue Ballard Road from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Charlotte Road Demeny Circle to Ballard Road From Laredo Drive to Marsh Avenue
901 902 903 904 905 906 907 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407
Several mains are being proposed to improve the overall distribution system reliability. These new mains will provide additional flow capacity to existing areas within the distribution system and reduce the dependency on the mains listed previously in Table 8.5. These mains will provide increased overall system pressures and improved overall fire flow capacity. The new water mains that will be required to connect the Belle Vue-Dunbar service area to the City’s distribution system. A new 16-inch diameter watermain has been installed since the model calibration period along the Michigan-Martin Luther King Link, which will be included in the future modeling scenarios. Table 8.6 lists the locations and map number from Figure 8.1 of several additional mains that will be included in the future modeling scenarios.
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Table 8.6: Proposed Locations for New Water Mains to Provide System Reinforcement Model Year Included
Map Number 908 909 910
Heritage Palm Estates from Omni Boulevard Carrell from Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension to Tampa Street Hanson Street from Metro Parkway to Tampa Street
Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension from Hanson to Shoemaker Lane
Jackson Street from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue Broadway from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Hanson Street
912 913 914
Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard from Michigan Avenue to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Ortiz Avenue from Ballard Road to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Ballard Road from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Ortiz Avenue from Nottingham Drive to Ballard Road Nottingham Drive from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Metro Parkway from Colonial Boulevard to Idlewild Street Colonial Boulevard from Metro Parkway to Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard Colonial Boulevard from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Challenger Boulevard Carrell Road from Metro Parkway to Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension Metro Parkway from Sivan Road to Hanson Street Ford Street from South Street to Hanson Street Nuna Avenue from north of Nottingham Drive to Billy's Creek Connection from the corner of Prospect and Woodside Avenue to Nuna Avenue Heritage Palm Estates to Buckingham Road SR 82 from Buckingham Road to Colonial Boulevard Treeline Avenue from SR 82 to Colonial Boulevard Treeline Avenue midway between SR 82 and Colonial Boulevard, southeast to Colonial Boulevard Hanson Street Extension from Metro Parkway to Ortiz Avenue Edison Avenue Extension from Jacksonville Street to Ortiz Avenue
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 8: Potable Water System Improvements
915 916 917 918 919 920 921 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405
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Many new housing and commercial developments will be completed in the southeastern and eastern service areas. The calibrated model included the demands of the Lee County Resource Recovery Facility, an apartment complex and a few other small commercial and housing connections in the Eastern service area. The future developments of the Forum, Heritage Palms Estates and the development along the northern extension of Treeline Avenue will increase demands in this area in the future. Additional piping will be needed in the eastern service area for the 20-year planning scenario. The southeast service area currently includes the Pelican Preserve (formerly called Sun City Center) and Colonial Country Club residential developments.
additional residential developments of Sherwood, Arborwood, Palomino Estates, and Parker Daniels will also be included with associated commercial demands. The Airport Woods Industrial Park will also be connected to the City’s distribution system in the future. The southeast service area can only receive water from the Water Treatment Plant via two 24-inch mains that cross Interstate 75 along Colonial Boulevard and State Road 82. Malcolm Pirnie prepared a September 2003 report that addressed providing adequate water and sewer infrastructure to five of the new developments in the southeast service area. The report was titled “Water and Sewer Infrastructure Design Recommendations for: Colonial Country Club, Sun City Center, Arborwood, Palomino Estates, and Parker Daniels.” The report included three options for providing adequate pressure and fire flow to these developments. The three options evaluated in the report are to have a dead end distribution system at the Arborwood and Parker Daniels developments with large diameter pipes, having a looped connection from Parker Daniels across the Six Mile Cypress Slough to connect to the existing distribution system, or having a booster pump station in the vicinity of the intersection of Treeline Avenue and Colonial Boulevard. The three alternatives will be evaluated using the 2024 future scenario demand data and the peak flow and fire flow conditions. The resulting pipe sizes from the worst
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case scenarios in the previously completed report were completed with the following assumptions: • • •
Peak hour flow factor = 3.0 Fire Flow = 1500 gpm at peak hour flow Existing demands in the rest of the distribution system
Therefore, the model results in this Master Plan Report are different than the results from the previous report.
Large Diameter Dead End Option
If the water mains supplying the east and southeast developments are not looped, dead ends will occur in the Parker Daniels, Pelican Preserve and Arborwood developments. For this large diameter dead end option, a new pipeline would be installed south from the end of the existing 24-inch water main along Treeline Avenue. A new water main would extend south to the Arborwood development and another water main would be routed west across Interstate 75 to the Palomino Estates development. A water main then would be routed south along I-75 and extend west to the Parker Daniels development. Because the piping for this option will result in dead ends, and storage and a pump station are not provided, the diameters of the piping will need to be larger than the other two options listed below to provide the pressure for peak demand and fire flow requirements. Table 8.7 lists the locations and Map Number from Figure 8.1 of the water mains described above. These mains would need to be installed by the date that the developments begin serving residents, which spans from 2006 – 2009 for the developments.
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Table 8.7: Proposed Locations for Water Mains in Eastern and Southeastern Service Area for the Dead End Option Model Year Location Map Included Number
Treeline Avenue from Pelican Preserve to the Arborwood development Treeline Avenue through the Arborwood development to Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods to Watermen Developments Paseo development to Reflection Isles development Reflection Isles Development to I-75 I-75 Crossing Parallel to the canal between Arborwood and Colonial Country Club developments from I-75 toTreeline Avenue
922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929
Looped Option
The looped option includes additional piping to minimize the dead ends at Colonial Country Club, Pelican Preserve, Arborwood, and Parker Daniels developments. A looped system would be formed by installing a new water main routed south along Ben C. Pratt Parkway from the existing 20-inch and 12-inch distribution mains at Winkler Road Extension. The water main would cross the Six Mile Cypress slough across from the entrance to the Heritage Palms Development to the Parker Daniels Development. Another loop would be installed by connecting the piping at the south end of the Pelican Preserve development back to the main along Treeline Avenue to supply the Arborwood development.
A loop would be completed by installing piping along Interstate 75
through the south end of the Colonial Country Club development to the location where the main would cross Interstate 75 to the Reflection Isles development. A fourth loop would be created in the Arborwood development by installing piping south along Interstate 75 to the Airport Woods Industrial Park. Table 8.8 lists the water mains and Map Number from Figure 8.1 the would be needed in addition to the mains in Table 8.7 that would be included in the evaluation of the looped option.
These mains were
modeled in the 2024 Model, however if the looped option is chosen, the mains would need to be installed by the build-out date for each development, which ranges from 20092014.
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Table 8.8: Proposed Locations for Additional Water Mains in Eastern and Southeastern Service Area for the Looped Option Model Year Location Map Included Number Six Mile Cypress Parkway from Winkler Avenue Extension to Heritage Palms Entrance Six Mile Cypress Crossing 2024 Looped Option
2406 2407
Connection through the Paseo development
Colonial Country Club along East side of I-75 South Side of Pelican Preserve Development to Arborwood Development Arborwood Along East side of I-75 Arborwood to Watermen developments
2409 2410 2411 2412
Additional Storage and Pump Station Option
Additional distribution storage and a pump station could be installed in the east service area to provide pressure boosting capability for peak demand and fire flow conditions.
A 5-MG ground storage tank with three high service pumps could be
installed in the vicinity of the Colonial Boulevard and Treeline Avenue intersection. The tank and pumps would be able to pump water beginning at the north end of Treeline Avenue at a constant pressure of approximately 65 psi, increasing the system pressures at all of the developments south of Colonial Boulevard on Treeline Avenue. The piping for this option would include all of the mains described in Table 8.7, but with smaller diameters.
The future modeling scenarios will include modifications to the elevated storage tank and the Winkler Pump Station. The additional storage and pump station located east of Interstate 75 is only included in the model scenario described above in Section 8.4.3.
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Winkler Pump Station Operation
For the future scenarios, the Winkler Pump Station will be operated automatically based on pressure settings in the southwest portion of the distribution system and the water level in the storage tank at that location. The influent valve will be set to fill slower as the water level gets higher and stop filling when the water level has reached its maximum height.
Elevated Tank Replacement
The elevated tank provides distribution system storage for the downtown service area. The water demands in the downtown service are projected to be much higher in the future, due to the downtown redevelopment project and increased residential growth due to high rise developments.
The 0.25-MG elevated tank may not provide sufficient
storage for fire flow and peak demand in this area in the future. The 10-year and 20-year modeling scenarios show the elevated tank being replaced by a 3.0-MG ground storage reservoir and pump station. This storage capacity could be constructed from an existing tank that is rehabilitated or a newly constructed tank.
East Pump Station Operation
The East Pump Station will provide boosted pressures at a constant rate of 65 psi the force main which provides service to the portion of the Southeast Service Area that is south of Colonial Boulevard and east of the Six Mile Cypress Slough. The filling of the East Pump Station will be similar to the Winkler Pump Station, based with the water level in the storage tank at set to fill slower as the water level gets higher, and stop filling when the water level has reached its maximum height.
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The results of the future modeling scenarios are described in this section.
capabilities of the H2OMAP software to model future scenarios are limitless. Many other scenarios in addition to the models outlined in this section could be created. The modeling completed for this master plan focuses on providing sufficient reliability to meet future peak demand and fire flow conditions. The 5-year, 10-year and 20-year future model scenarios were constructed by modifying the existing scenario model to reflect the new
potable water demands
discussed in Section 6, the supply and treatment improvements discussed in Section 7 and the new distribution improvements described in Section 8. The resulting diameters and lengths of the new water mains that were suggested for fire flow, system reinforcement and new development in Section 8 were determined to satisfy the distribution system performance criteria in Section 5. The looped option for providing service to the southeast service area was used to complete the model scenarios in Sections 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4, because it was recommended in the previously completed report titled “Water and Sewer Infrastructure Design Recommendations for: Colonial Country Club, Sun City Center, Arborwood, Palomino Estates, and Parker Daniels.� The results of the updated modeling for the dead end and the storage and pump station options are discussed in Section 9.5. This section also includes the results of a model scenario that includes an interconnection with the City of Cape Coral. The objective of this scenario is to maintain distribution system pressures for average day demands during a shutdown of the Water Treatment Plant for 24 hours. During this scenario, the distribution system will be supplied by the finished storage at the Water Treatment Plant, the distribution system storage and pumping facilities and the Cape Coral Interconnection.
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Future average day, peak day and peak hour factors are listed below in Table 9.1. These percentages were calculated using the projected average annual demands in Table 6.19, and the model peak factors outlined previously in Table 5.1. Table 9.1 Average and Peak Demand Factors and Percentages Percentage of Total Demand Demand Type
Overall Distribution System Residential Irrigation CommercialIndustrial Interconnections
Average Day Demand Factor (mgd)
Peak Day Demand Factor (mgd)
Peak Hour Demand Factor (mgd)
61% 7%
65% 4%
77% 4%
73% 4%
1 1
1.5 1.5
2.5 4
Future demand was allocated to the distribution nodes using the growth trends for the UDAP neighborhoods provided in Table 6.17, the additional development annexation demands listed in Tables 6.16 and interconnection demands for Lehigh Acres and Lee County.
2009 MODEL
The future 5-year model (2009 model) includes the projected demands listed in Section 6, and the piping installed for the Water Main Replacement Project Phases IIIC, Allen Court, Phase VII and Phase IV. The 2009 model also includes the additional water mains described in Section 8. The capacity of the Water Treatment Plant as been increased to 20 mgd.
The Winkler Pump Station operation parameters have been
changed to maintain a turnover rate of less than 3 days. No additional changes have been made to Elevated Tank modeling parameters in the model for the existing distribution system. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
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The average, peak day and peak peak distribution system demands for the 2009 Model are as summarized in Table 9.2 for the overall system and for the different demand types. Interconnection demands of 0.5mgd for Lehigh Acres and 1.0 mgd for Lee County are included. As shown in Figure 5.14, the peak hour demand factor for each customer type dose not occur at the same time of day. Therefore the overall distribution peak hour demand will not equal the sum of the peak hour demands for the three demand types. Table 9.2: Model 2009 Average and Peak Demands Demand Type Overall Distribution System Residential Irrigation Commercial-Industrial Interconnections
Average Daily Demand (mgd) 12.1 7.87 0.44 2.32 1.5
Peak Day Demand (mgd) 18.2 11.8 0.66 3.48 2.25
Peak hour Demand (mgd) 24.2 19.7 1.76 6.96 3.0
The 2009 model piping is shown in Figure 9.1 with the new piping highlighted in blue and the existing piping highlighted in red. Table 9.3 lists the new pipes included that are not part of the Water Main Replacement Project.
Map Number 901 902 903 904
Fire Flow
905 906 907 908
Table 9.3: New Model 2009 Pipes Location Diameter (in) Lee Boulevard from Immokalee 16 Road to Leonard Boulevard Buckingham Road to Leonard 16 Boulevard 8 US 41 south of North Airport Road Fowler Avenue from Hanson Street 12 to Carrell Road Fowler Avenue from Market Street 12 to Edison Avenue South Palmdale Court from Sable Palm Boulevard to existing water 8 main 16 Laredo Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Heritage Palm Estates from Omni 12 Boulevard
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
Length (ft)
Model Pipe Number
2477, 2479
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 9-3
2009 Model
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Proposed Piping
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.1
Map Number 909 910 911 912 913
System Reinforcement
915 916 917 918 919 920 921
923 Development
924 925 926
Location Carrell from Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension to Tampa Street Hanson Street from Metro Parkway to Tampa Street Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension from Hanson to Shoemaker Lane Jackson Street from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue Broadway from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Hanson Street Veronica S. Shoemake Boulevard from Michigan Avenue to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Ortiz Avenue from Ballard Road to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Ballard Road from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Ortiz Avenue from Nottingham Drive to Ballard Road Nottingham Drive from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Metro Parkway from Colonial Boulevard to Idlewild Street Colonial Boulevard from Metro Parkway to Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard Treeline Avenue from Pelican Preserve to the Arborwood development Treeline Avenue through the Arborwood development to Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods to Watermen Developments Paseo development to Reflection Isles development
Model Pipe Number 2429, 2431, 2433
Diameter (in)
Length (ft)
2455, 2453
2463, 2559
2467, 2471
2881, 2879
2515, 2517
2519, 2705
2417, 2419, 16 10400 2421 Reflection Isles Development to I-75 928 16 700 2415 I-75 Crossing Parallel to the canal between Arborwood and Colonial Country 929 16* 4300 2413 Club developments from I-75 toTreeline Avenue * Required diameters for these mains are subject to change depending on the option chosen for the southeast development piping 927
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Peak Flow Results
The model results for pressure at the model nodes and velocity in the pipes at the peak hour residential, irrigation and commercial demands are shown in Figures 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4. At peak hour demand the minimum simulated pressure exceeds the minimum system pressure criteria of 35 psi. The lowest distribution system pressure of 38 psi was recorded in the Pelican Preserve development subdivision. The addition of the 16-inch diameter water mains along Michigan Link and Hanson Street reduces the velocity in the east-west water mains along Ballard Road, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Edison Avenue, and Winkler Avenue. This improves system reliability and pressures.
Fire Flow Results
The residual pressure results for the fire flow simulation at each node are shown in Figure 9.5. Locations that did not achieve the required fire flow modeling test for 2009 Model are listed in Table 9.4. These locations were determined to be problem locations in the existing model as well, but the necessary piping modifications were included in the 2014 model. Actual fire flow tests in the locations identified by the fire flow simulation should be completed to confirm and prioritize the need for new mains to improve fire flow.
Table 9.4: Locations of Insufficient Residual Pressure for Fire Flow for the 2009 Model Location Required Flow Diameter (gpm) (in) Alpha Drive and Priscilla Lane 750 6 (dead ends) Broadway south of Carrell Road 1500 6 (dead end) Michigan Montessori School 2500 6 (dead end) Ortiz Avenue 2500 6 Between Colonial Boulevard and State Road 82 Park Windsor Drive 1500 8 (dead end) South Street 750 6 (dead end)
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2009 Model
8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.2
2009 Model
1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.3
2009 Model
11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.4
2009 Model
Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Hour Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.5
2014 MODEL
The future 10-year model (2014 model) includes the projected demands, the piping installed for the Water Main Replacement Project Phases V and VI. The 2014 model also includes the additional water mains in the locations described in Section 8. The treatment capacity of the Water Treatment Plant has been expanded to 24 mgd. The elevated tank has been replaced with a 2-MG ground storage tank and pump station.
The average and peak distribution system demands for the future 2014 model are as listed in Table 9.5.
Table 9.5: 2014 Model Average and Peak Demands Demand Type Overall Residential Irrigation Commercial-Industrial Interconnection
Average Daily Demand (mgd) 14.8 10.6 0.49 2.71 1.0
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
Peak Day Demand (mgd) 22.2 15.9 0.74 4.07 1.5
Peak hour Demand (mgd) 29.6 26.5 1.96 8.14 2.0
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The 2014 model piping with the new piping highlighted in blue and the existing piping highlighted in red are shown in Figure 9.6. Table 9.6 lists the new pipes that are included in the 2014 Model that are not part of the water main replacement project or the 2009 Model.
Table 9.6: New Model 2014 Pipes Requirement
Map Number
Length (ft)
Model Pipe Number 2551, 2553 , 2555
Ortiz Avenue from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Colonial Boulevard
Evans Avenue from Colonial Boulevard to Carrell Road
2657, 2659, 2649, 2651, 2653, 2655 2543
1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410
System Reinforcement
Diameter (in)
1403 Fire Flow
1411 1412 1413 1414
Broadway north of Collier Avenue Collier Avenue from Seago Lane to Cleveland Avenue Ballard Road from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Charlotte Road Demeny Circle to Ballard Road From Laredo Drive to Marsh Avenue Colonial Boulevard from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Challenger Boulevard Carrell from Metro to Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension Metro Parkway from Sivan Road to Hanson Street Ford Street from South Street to Hanson Street Nuna Avenue from north of Nottingham Drive to Billy's Creek Connection from Corner of Prospect and Woodside Avenue to Nuna Avenue Heritage Palm Estates to Buckingham Road
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
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2014 Model
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Proposed Piping
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.6
Peak Flow Results
The model results for pressure at the model nodes and velocity in the pipes at the peak hour residential, irrigation and commercial demands, as shown in Figures 9.7, 9.8 and 9.9. At peak hour demand for each demand type, all pressurized model nodes maintained pressure above the minimum system pressure criteria of 35 psi, excepts the nodes for the Arborwood, Paseo, Reflection Isles and Watermen Developments and the Airport Woods and Airside Plaza industrial/commercial locations. Completion of the piping for one of the three options listed in Section 9.5 will provide adequate peak demand pressure for these nodes.
Fire Flow Results
Residual pressure for fire flow at peak day demand are shown in Figure 9.10. All of the 2014 model nodes show residual fire flow pressures above 20 psi, except the nodes at the paseo development, the Airport Woods industrial park and Watermen developments in the southeast service area. Completion of the piping for one of the three options listed in Section 9.5 will provide adequate fire flow for these nodes.
2024 MODEL
The future 20-year model (2024 model) includes the projected demands listed in Section 6 and the additional water mains in the locations described in the Tables in Section 8. The treatment capacity of the Water Treatment Plant has been expanded to 20 mgd. This model implements the looped option described in Section 8.4.2.
The average and peak distribution system demands for the future 2024 model are listed in Table 9.7.
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2014 Model
8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.7
2014 Model
1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.8
2014 Model
11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.9
2014 Model
Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Hour Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.10
Table 9.7: 2024 Model Average and Peak Demands Demand Type Overall Residential Irrigation Commercial-Industrial Interconnection
Average Daily Demand (mgd) 16.5 11.3 0.66 3.55 1.0
Peak Day Demand (mgd) 24.8 17.0 1.00 5.32 1.5
Peak hour Demand (mgd) 33.1 28.3 2.66 10.6 2.0
The 2024 model piping with the new piping highlighted in blue and the existing piping highlighted in red Figure 9.11. The new pipes that are included in the 2024 model that are not part of the water main replacement project or the 2014 model as listed in Table 9.8.
Peak Flow Results
Model results for pressure at the model nodes and velocity in the pipes at the peak hour residential, irrigation and commercial demands are shown in Figures 9.12, 9.13 and 9.14, respectively. At peak hour demand for each demand type, all pressurized model nodes maintained pressure above the minimum system pressure criteria of 35 psi.
Fire Flow Results
Residual pressure for fire flows at peak day demand for the 2024 looped model are shown in Figure 9.15. Residual pressures are greater than 20 psi for the fire flow demands.
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2024 Model (Looped Option)
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Proposed Piping
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.11
Table 9.8 New Model 2024 Pipes Requirement
Map Number 2401 2402
System Reinforcement
2403 2404 2405
2406 2407
Location SR 82 from Buckingham Road to Colonial Boulevard Treeline Avenue fro SR 82 to Colonial Boulevard Treeline Avenue midway between SR 82 and Colonial Boulevard, southeast to Colonial Boulevard Hanson Street Extension from Metro Parkway to Ortiz Avenue Edison Avenue Extension from Jacksonville Street to Ortiz Avenue Six Mile Cypress Parkway from Winkler Avenue Extension to Heritage Palms Entrance Six Mile Cypress Crossing
Connection through the Paseo development Colonial Country Club along East Development 2409 side of I-75 South Side of Pelican Preserve 2410 Development to Arborwood Development Arborwood Along East side of I2411 75 Arborwood to Watermen 2412 developments * Development piping is included for the looped option only 2408
Diameter (in)
Length (ft)
Model Pipe Number
2445, 2491, 2885
2495, 2497
2423, 2425
2483, 2833
The looped option was used in the 2024 model evaluation discussed above. The results of the large diameter dead end option and the storage and pump station option are compared with the looped option below.
Alternative Piping
The resulting pipe diameters from the modeling of the three different options are summarized in Table 9.9. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 9-10
2024 Model (Looped Option)
8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.12
2024 Model (Looped Option)
1:00 AM Peak Hour Irrigation Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.13
2024 Model (Looped Option)
11:00 AM Peak Hour Commercial/Industrial Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.14
2024 Model (Looped Option)
Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Day Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.15
Table 9.9: Pipe Diameter Comparison for the Southeast Service Area Piping Options
Figure Number
Length (feet)
Pipe Diameter (inches) Large Diameter Dead Pump End Station Looped
Location Treeline Avenue from Sun City to the Arborwood development Treeline Avenue through the Arborwood development to Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods to Watermen Developments Paseo development to Reflection Isles development Reflection Isles Development to I-75 I-75 Crossing Parallel to the canal between Arborwood and Colonial Country Club developments from I75 toTreeline Avenue Six Mile Cypress Parkway from Winkler Avenue Extension to Heritage Palms Entrance Six Mile Cypress Crossing
Connection through the Paseo development
Colonial Country Club along East side of I-75 South Side of Pelican Preserve Development to Arborwood Development Arborwood Along East side of I-75 Arborwood to Watermen developments
8,800 17,500
12 16
922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 2406
2410 2411 2412
3,300 7,600
12 20
12 20
12 16
5,600 700
16 16
16 16
16 16
9.5.2 Peak Hour Demand and Fire Flow Analysis These pipe diameters provided sufficient capacity to meet peak hour flow and fire flow conditions. At peak hour residential demand, pressure is maintained above 35 psi and 42 psi for the large diameter dead end and pumps station options. Node pressures and pipe velocities for the dead end and pump station options at Peak Hour Residential Demand as shown in Figures 9.16 and 9.17. Residual pressures for fire flow at peak day demand in the southeast service area for the dead end and pump station options, as shown in Figures 9.18 and 9.19.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
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Large Diameter Dead End Option
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.16
Pump Station Option
8:00 PM Peak Hour Residential Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.17
Large Diameter Dead End Option
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Day Demand
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.18
Pump Station Option
Residual Pressure for Fire Flow at Peak Day Demand
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Date: Figure 9.19
TREATMENT PLANT SHUTDOWN UTILIZING AN INTERCONNECTION WITH THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL The City would like to investigate an interconnection with the City of Cape Coral
distribution system to improve the emergency supply capacity for both utilities. An interconnection with the Cape Coral system would be preferable to the existing interconnection with the Lee County distribution system, because the water quality and disinfection methods for the supply are the same. A scenario (Interconnection Model) was completed to simulate the distribution system response to a plant shutdown while utilizing an interconnection with the City of Cape Coral at the Midpoint Bridge location. This model includes the 2024 East Pump Station option piping and pump station. Table 9.10 lists the storage and capacity in the 2024 Model for the Distribution System.
Table 9.10: Storage and Flow Capacity for the Interconnection Model Storage Location Finished storage at the Water Treatment Plant Winkler Pump Station Pump Station at the old plant Optional pump station to be installed east of Interstate 75
Storage Volume 15 MG 2 MG 3 MG 5 MG
Pumping Capacity 24 mgd 5 mgd 3 mgd 5 mgd
The interconnection was modeled to have a constant pressure of 65 psi on the Cape Coral side of the Midpoint Bridge, and to maintain system pressures at 35 psi at all locations in the distribution system. The interconnection piping is routed across the bridge and continues east on Colonial Boulevard, connecting with an existing 24-inch diameter water main at De Leon Street. The flow that can be received from the interconnection varies with the diameter of the interconnection piping. Table 9.11 lists the model output for the maximum flow that could be received by the City’s distribution system for a 16-inch, 20-inch and 24-inch diameter interconnection.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
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Table 9.11: Interconnection Model Flow Output Cape Coral Interconnection Piping Diameter 16-inch 20-inch 24-inch
Maximum Interconnection Flow 4.2 mgd 6.0 mgd 9.2 mgd
Maximum Simulated Shutdown Duration 33 hours 40 hours 48 hours
Figure 9.20, 9.21 and 9.22 show the distribution system pressures and pipe velocities during for the 16-inch, 20-inch and 24-inch interconnections, respectively.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 9: Evaluation of Proposed Improvements
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Interconnection Model
16-inch Diameter Interconnection
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 9.20
Interconnection Model
20-inch Diameter Interconnection
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 9.21
Interconnection Model
24-inch Diameter Interconnection
Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan
Figure 9.22
10.0 COST ESTIMATE OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS This section discusses the costs associated with the proposed improvements. Comparisons are also provided for different options for piping in the southeast service area, and the interconnection with the City of Cape Coral.
The City completes annual updates to their Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The line items in the CIP include a brief description of the item, projected costs for the next 5 fiscal years individually and the following five years collectively, the funding source, division and contact person. All projects that are not completed, or do not receive funding, are carried over to the next year. Tables 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 summarize the improvements and costs from the Utility Department CIP. The City has included several maintenance, construction and Water Treatment Plant projects in their CIP based on the recommendations of the draft version of this report.
Table 10.1: Existing Utility Maintenance CIP Items CIP Project Description
Year Scheduled for Completion Citywide Water Meter Replacement Program 2011 Replace Water Mains and Service Lines Citywide 2014 Total Budgeted Costs for Utility Maintenance CIP Items
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Total Cost $ 2,070,934 $ 821,578 $ 2,892,512
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-1
Table 10.2: Existing Potable Water Utility Construction CIP Items CIP Project Description
Year Scheduled for Completion 2006 2007 2006 2009 2009 2007 2008 2009 2008 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2014 2006 2010 2011 2010 2008 2014 2014
Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIIIC Area 1 & 1A Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIII Area 2 Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIII Area 3 Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIII Area 4 Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIII Area 5 Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIII Area 6 Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIII Area 7 Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIII Area 8 Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIV Area A Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIV Area B Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIV Area C Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhV Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhVI Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhVII Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhVIII Citywide Watermain Repl.Prog. PhIX US 41 Water Main Replacement - Vict-Winkler Downtown Redev Water/Sewer PH I Downtown Redev Water/Sewer PH II, III Potable Water System Master Plan Update SR739 Metro Pkwy/Winkler-Hansen Utility Relocation Waterline Interconnect Evans Ave Potable Water Transmission Main Utility Replacement SR80/Fowler-Seaboard Edison Ave Extension/Jacksonville-Ortiz Utilities Hansen St. Extension/Metro-Buckingham Utilities Parker Annexation Water/Sewer Transmission Line and Looping 2006 Parker Annexation Extraordinary Utility Cost Reimb/Water Line Looping 2010 Palomino Estates Water/Sewer Transmission Line 2006 Palomino Estates Extraordinary Utility Cost/Provide Water/Sewer Services 2011 WSMP Water System Piping/Distribution Impr 2014 Brookhill Subdivision Water/Sewer Replacement 2007 Total Budgeted Costs Utility Construction CIP Items
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
2,430,335 2,259,125 1,247,832 400,750 802,302 794,287 477,465 389,300 4,841,863 3,935,000 4,800,000 3,350,000 4,510,000 3,780,000 535,300 555,500 2,432,056 51,523,896 2,520,000 117,370 1,407,921 2,050,000 1,484,261 6,104,000 1,933,176 6,574,000
$ 1,401,330 $ 1,650,422 $ 3,341,168 $ 2,409,146 $ 6,504,785 $ 1,500,000 $128,062,590 Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-2
Table 10.3: Existing Water Treatment Plant CIP Items CIP Project Description Rep & Maint FM Priority #3 FY04-05 Gate Repairs Gasification Plant Clean Up High Service Pump Drive Replacement Aquifer Storage & Recovery Process Modifications Raw Water Meter Wellfield Capacity Enhancement Membrane Flush System Replacement Membrane & Associated Equipment Replacement Upgrade Computer Software MIS Water Treatment Plant/Wellfield Exp (6200) Water Treatment Plant/Wellfield Exp (6200) Water Treatment Plant/Wellfield Exp (6300) Water Treatment Plant/Wellfield Exp (6300) Storage Tank Pump Station at Imaginarium FM-Cape Coral Interconnect Implementation of Security Study Injection Well (Backup) subj to DEP decision Winkler Generator Winkler Pump Replacement Re-roof Water Plant Administration Building Re-roof Winkler Pump Station Scrubber Station Resurface Water Plant Roads Feed Pump #3 & #4 Replacement Degasifier #1 and #2 Replacement Corrosion Inhibitor Bulk Storage Tank Addition Clearwell Transfer Pump # 4 Repaint Ground Storage Tanks High Service Pump Rebuild Wellfield and Water Plant Generator Well Pump and Motor Bulk and Day Storage Tank Replacement Storage Tank Pump Station in SE Area
Year Scheduled for Completion 2006 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 2006, 2011 2006 2006, 2010, 2014 2006, 2014 2006 2012 2006 2014 2006 2012 2006, 2014 2012 2009 2007 2009 2009 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2009 2009, 2014 2011 2010 2014 2011 2009
Total Budgeted Costs for Water Treatment Plant CIP Items
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
6,000 102,240 85,461 710,896 249,256 92,730 412,606 171,564 2,073,780 850,000 211,717 4,206,400 1,953,489 4,375,000 360,380 810,000 228,975 3,735,000 55,000 250,000 25,000 25,000 825,000 126,720 420,900 486,480 115,000 95,000 300,000 261,300 500,000 280,000 75,000 1,425,000
$ 25,900,894
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-3
The CIP Projects highlighted in yellow above were identified as needed previously in this report. Several of the pipeline construction projects listed in the CIP was also determined to be deficient in the distribution model. Other CIP projects are part of the watermain replacement program or are relocations of existing mains.
potentially leaking water mains along with the large meter replacement program should help to reduce some of the non-revenue producing water that is lost in the distribution system. The existing CIP includes several items for the funding for wellfield and water treatment plant expansion. The projections show that this will need to be completed by 2007, which is sooner than budgeted in the CIP. The installation of a second backup injection well is also scheduled on the CIP. The short term security improvements identified by the Vulnerability Assessment are scheduled to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2005/2006. The line items for the storage tank and pump station at the Imaginarium and the generator at the Winkler Pump Station are already included in the City’s 5-year CIP. Funding for Completion of the ASR testing is provided through 2007. The CIP items for the Waterline Interconnect in Table 10.2 and the FM-Cape Coral Interconnect in Table 10.3 may not cover the estimated $2,000,000-$4,000,000 cost for design and construction of the proposed interconnect. The cost for directional drilling and for hanging the pipe from the Midpoint Bridge is estimated at $200 to $350 dollars per foot, depending on pipe diameter and construction methods. The other items listed in Table 10.3 are for routine maintenance of the City’s equipment and facilities.
In addition to the items currently listed on the City’s 10-year CIP forecast, City should include several other improvements in their future planning efforts. This section provides rough cost estimates of the additional improvements proposed in this report. All costs are estimated in 2004 dollars. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-4
10.2.1 Water Treatment and Additional Operational Improvements In addition to the existing budgeted costs for treatment and operational improvements summarized above in Table 10.1, Table 10.4 lists additional treatment and operational improvements and their suggested completion dates.
Table 10.4: Cost Estimate for Treatment and Operational Improvements Proposed Project Second Water Treatment Plant Feasibility Study Second Water Treatment Plant and supply development (constructed as 2 4 mgd modules) Corrosivity Water Quality and Process Modification Study Additional operations and maintenance staff for plant expansion and/or new plant staffing Installation of arsenic removal treatment, sulfide removal and/or disinfection capability at the Winkler Pump Station to be used with the ASR well.
Year Suggested for Completion 2006 2010, 2016 2006 2009 and then annually 2009
Estimated Cost $ $ - $ $ $ - $
100,000 20,000,000 50,000,000 200,000 100,000 300,000
$ - $
1,000,000 5,000,000
The projected demands identify the need to complete a plant expansion from 16 to 20 mgd by the year 2007, which is sooner than these improvements are budgeted in the CIP.
The City will need additional treatment capacity beyond 20 mgd by 2010 which
could be completed by constructing a second Water treatment plant at either the Winkler Pump Station, the old water treatment plant, east of Interstate 75, or at another location to be determined. This plant will need additional funding for operations and maintenance staffing. The cost of that facility could vary depending on location, water quality of the supply source, treatment technology, capacity, and how far in the future the facility is completed. The City should consider completing a water quality study on the corrosive affect of the low alkalinity water on the distribution piping network. Based on the water quality results from the ASR testing, further treatment to remove arsenic and sulfides and provide disinfection may need to be constructed at the Winkler Pump Station location.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-5
10.2.2 Distribution Storage and Pump Stations The existing CIP items listed above in Table 10.3 include proposed improvements to add a storage tank and pump station at the Imaginarium, construction of storage and pump station east of I-75 and improvements to the pumps at the Winkler Pump Station. The storage volume for the downtown and southeast service areas should be 3.0 and 5.0 million gallons to provide 1 day of storage for those areas. The Table 10.5 lists other improvements to improve the storage and pump stations for the potable water distribution system. Table 10.5: Cost Estimate for Distribution Storage and Pump Station Improvements Proposed Project Elevated Tank Demolition Winkler second 2-MG storage tank Tank cleaning and inspection every 5 years
Year Suggested for Completion 2014 2014 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020
Estimated Cost $ 50,000 $ 1,000,000 $
The Winkler Pump Station is configured for connection to an additional storage tank to be constructed. However, Winkler Pump Station currently has a problem with poor water turnover rate. Therefore, it is not recommended that additional storage be provided until the turnover rate for the existing storage is improved. All storage tanks will need to be cleaned and inspected every 5 years as per FAC 62-555.350.
10.2.3 Piping Improvements Piping modifications proposed in Section 8 and modeled for Section 9 of this report with the hydraulic model are summarized below in Table 10.6. The costs for the items shaded in yellow are covered by the CIP items budgeted in Table 10.2. The costs were prepared by using $4 per inch diameter per foot length, with additional costs for bends and valves, 10 percent for design and 20 percent for contingency and rounded up to the nearest $5,000. The costs are calculated in 2004 dollars.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-6
Table 10.6 Cost Estimate for Piping Improvements Map Number
901 902
Location Lee Boulevard from Immokalee Road to Leonard Boulevard Buckingham Road to Leonard Boulevard
Diameter (in)
16 16
US 41 south of North Airport Road
Fowler Avenue from Hanson Street to Carrell Road
Fowler Avenue from Market Street to Edison Avenue
South Palmdale Court from Sable Palm Boulevard to existing water main
Laredo Avenue to Ortiz Avenue
Heritage Palm Estates from Omni Boulevard
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Approxima Estimated Cost te Length (2004 Dollars) Requirement (ft) Suggested for Completion by 2009 3,100 2,400 100 4,000 1,200
Provides 3,500 gpm of fire flow capacity to the Lee County Resource Recovery Facility Provides 2,500 gpm of fire flow for the commercial properties along Cleveland Avenue, check location with hydrant flow tests
Fire Flow
Provides 2,500 gpm of fire flow for the commercial properties along Fowler Avenue, check location with hydrant flow tests This neighborhood is served by a dead end main and should be looped back to the 12-inch diameter main on Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. Boulevard Hydrant flow test indicated that this dead end location could not provide 2500 gpm of fire flow This development will need a 12-inch diameter trunk main. This main should be looped back to SR 82 and Buckingham Road by the development build out.
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-7
Table 10.6 Cost Estimate for Piping Improvements (Continued) Map Number
Location Carrell from Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension to Tampa Street
Diameter Approximate Estimated Cost Requirement (in) Length (ft) (2004 Dollars) Suggested for Completion by 2009 (Continued) 16
Additional east/west main from the plant.
Hanson Street from Metro Parkway to Tampa Street
Provides additional east/west main from the plant. Wetland issues may increase cost. Included as part of in Hanson St Extension/Metro-Buckingham Utilities for $6,574,000 to be completed by 2008 in Table 10.2
Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension from Hanson to Shoemaker Lane
Designed to be completed in 2004.
Jackson Street from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue
913 914
915 916
Broadway from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Hanson Street Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard from Michigan Avenue to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Ortiz Avenue from Ballard Road to Old Immokalee Road
Designed as 16-inch diameter to be completed in 2004. 12
Ballard Road from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue
Ortiz Avenue from Nottingham Drive to Ballard Road
Nottingham Drive from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
System Reinforcement
Connects improved portions from Phase IIIC and Phase VII of the Water Main Replacement Project
Provides service to the Belle Vue/Dunbar service area
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-8
Table 10.6 Cost Estimate for Piping Improvements (Continued) Map Number 920 921
Location Metro Parkway from Colonial Boulevard to Idlewild Street Colonial Boulevard from Metro Parkway to Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard Treeline Avenue from Pelican Preserve to the Arborwood development Treeline Avenue through the Arborwood development to Airport Woods Industrial Park
Diameter Approximate Estimated Cost Requirement (in) Length (ft) (2004 Dollars) Suggested for Completion by 2009 (Continued) 12
Airport Woods Industrial Park
Airport Woods to Watermen Developments
926 927 928 929
Paseo development to Reflection Isles development Reflection Isles Development to I75 I-75 Crossing Parallel to the canal between Arborwood and Colonial Country Club developments from I-75 toTreeline Avenue
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Serves new commercial and residential customers near Metro and Colonial
Extension of existing 24-inch diameter main. May need to be 24-inch main through Arborwood if sufficient looping is not provided.
Minimum 12-inch diameter piping should be installed to provide 3500 gpm of fire flow capacity Minimum 16-inch diameter piping should be installed to provide 3500 gpm of fire flow capacity Includes extra cost to jack and bore under Interstate 75. Costs are included in Parker Annexation Water/Sewer Transmission Line and Looping and Palomino Estates Water/Sewer Transmission Line for $1,401,330 and $3,341,168, to be completed by 2006 listed in Table 10.2
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-9
Table 10.6 Cost Estimate for Piping Improvements (Continued) Map Number
Location Ortiz Avenue from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Colonial
Diameter (in)
Approximate Estimated Cost Requirement Length (ft) (2004 Dollars) Suggested for Completion by 2014 8,900
Evans Avenue from Colonial Boulevard to Carrell Road
Broadway north of Collier Avenue
Collier Avenue from Seago Lane to Cleveland Avenue
1405 1406 1407 1408 1409
Ballard Road from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Charlotte Road Demeny Circle to Ballard Road From Laredo Drive to Marsh Avenue Colonial from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Challenger Boulevard Carrell from Metro to Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Provides improved fire flow for commercial development along Ortiz Avenue
Fire Flow
Provides improved fire flow of 2500 gpm for commercial properties along Evans Avenue. Part of CIP item Evans Ave Potable Water Transmission Main listed for $1,484,261 included in Table 10.2 Connects dead end piping and provide 2500 gpm of fire flow for commercial properties on Broadway Connects dead end piping and provide 2500 gpm of fire flow for commercial properties on Collier Avenue
Provides improved fire flow and connect dead end piping
System Reinforcement
Provides additional east/west main from the plant.
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-10
Table 10.6 Cost Estimate for Piping Improvements (Continued) Map Number
Diameter Approximate Estimated Cost Requirement (in) Length (ft) (2004 Dollars) Suggested for Completion by 2014 (Continued)
Metro parkway from Sivan Road to Hanson Street
Ford Street from South Street to Hanson Street
1412 1413 1414
Nuna Avenue from north of Nottingham Drive to Billy's Creek Connection from the Corner of Prospect and Woodside Avenue to Nuna Avenue Heritage Palm Estates to Buckingham Road
Comments Part of SR739 Metro Pkwy/Winkler-Hansen Utility Relocation in Table 10.2 for $1,407,912 to be completed by 2010. Connects other 16-inch diameter sections along this road. Provides system enhancement
System Reinforcement Provides additional flow redundancy and improve fire flow in the northeast distribution system New large housing development will need 12-inch main
Suggested for Completion by 2024 2401
SR 82 from Buckingham Road to Colonial Boulevard
System Reinforcement
Treeline Avenue fro SR 82 to Colonial Boulevard
System Reinforcement
Treeline Avenue midway between SR 82 and Colonial Boulevard, southeast to Colonial Boulevard
System Reinforcement
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Provides additional service mains for system reinforcement east of I-75
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-11
Table 10.6 Cost Estimate for Piping Improvements (Continued) Map Number
Hanson Street Extension from Tampa Street to Ortiz Avenue
Diameter Approximate Estimated Cost Requirement (in) Length (ft) (2004 Dollars) Suggested for Completion by 2024 (Continued)
355,000 System Reinforcement
Edison Avenue Extension from Jacksonville Street to Ortiz Avenue
Six Mile Cypress Parkway from Winkler Avenue Extension to Heritage Palms Entrance
Six Mile Cypress Crossing
2408 2409 2410 2411 2412
Connection through the Paseo development Colonial Country Club along East side of I-75 South Side of Pelican Preserve Development to Arborwood Development Arborwood Along East side of I-75 Arborwood to Watermen developments
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Comments Provides additional east/west main from the plant. Wetland issues may increase cost. Included as part of in Hanson St Extension/Metro-Buckingham Utilities for $6,574,000 to be completed by 2008 in Table 10.2 Provides additional east/west main from the plant. Included as part of Edison Ave ExtJacksonville to Ortiz - Utilities for $1,933,176 to be completed by 2014 listed above in Table 10.2 Costs are included in Palomino Estates Annexation Extraordinary Utility Cost Provide Water Sewer Services and Parker Annexation Extraordinary Utility Cost Reimb/Water Line Looping improvement listed in Table 10.2 above for $2,409,146 and $1,650,422 to be completed by 2010. Requires additional cost to directional drilling across the Cypress Slough. This piping provides adequate looping.
Provides adequate looped piping. If the looped option is chosen, this piping should be completed by the build out date of the developments that are being served, which will be before 2014.
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-12
The additional estimated costs to perform the hydrant and valve exercising and dead end water main flushing, and the cost to install the interconnection with the City of Cape Coral are provided in Table 10.7. Table 10.7: Cost Estimate for Other Distribution Projects Proposed Project Annual fire hydrant exercising, isolation valve exercising every 2 years, and quarterly dead end main flushing, as per FAC 62-555.320. Will require additional staffing and equipment
Year Suggested for Completion
Estimated Cost
$ 250,000
10.2.4 Enhancements to the Model The items listed below in Table 10.8 are estimated costs to complete, update and use the GIS-based model. The existing model that has been completed for City includes piping that is ten inches and larger in diameter. City staff will be trained on the usage of the model software so that all distribution system pipes can be included in the model. The model can also be updated with all new piping in the future as it is installed for existing distribution system modeling peak demand and fire flow scenarios.
similar analysis of the distribution system billing data could be completed each year to update the potable water demands within the distribution system. Modeling software service agreement and updates are renewed annually for $1000.
This cost is only shown annually until 2009 because the software may be
outdated by that time. The new software should be chosen so that the maximum data can be easily imported. Table 10.8: Cost Estimate for Modeling Improvements Proposed Project Modeling Service Agreement Purchase additional pipes to add all pipes to the model at $1000 per 1000 pipes. Input all Model Pipes Billing Data Demand Analysis and Model Allocation Staff person trained and dedicated Ÿ to ½ time to maintaining/updating the model and using it to approve proposed development piping City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Year Suggested for Completion Annually until 2009
Estimated Cost $
2006 Annually
$ $
20,000 10,000
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-13
COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES FOR THE PIPING IN THE SOUTHEAST SERVICE AREA Distribution piping options for the Southeast service area included a large
diameter piping option, a new pump station option with dead end piping and a looped distribution option. These options were discussed in Section 8.4 and Section 9.5. The costs for these three options are shown below in Table 10.9. Diameters of the pipelines were listed in Table 9.8. The least expensive option is the large diameter piping option, and the most expensive option is the looped piping option. The large diameter dead end option would provide large pipes that would not be completely utilized until the developments are at completion. Smaller diameter mains could be installed with larger supplemental mains installed at a later date. However, the developers would prefer to have to construct new pipelines up front and not have the construction of new mains at a later date. The looped option is preferable to the dead end piping options, because a main break in any location would minimize interruption of service to any of the Southeast service area. The smaller diameter mains of the looped and pump station option would also be easier to install, especially for the jack and bore under Interstate 75. The pump station option would also include O&M costs, but would provide the added benefit of distribution storage for all of the area east of Interstate 75.
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
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Table 10.9 Cost Comparison for the Southeast Service Area Piping Options Cost (2005 Dollars) Map Number --922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929
2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412
Pump Station East of Interstate 75 Treeline Avenue from Pelican Preserve to the Arborwood development Treeline Avenue through the Arborwood development to Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods to Watermen Developments Paseo development to Reflection Isles development Reflection Isles Development to I-75 I-75 Crossing Parallel to the canal between Arborwood and Colonial Country Club developments from I-75 toTreeline Avenue Six Mile Cypress Parkway from Winkler Avenue Extension to Heritage Palms Entrance Six Mile Cypress Crossing Connection through the Paseo development Colonial Country Club along East side of I-75 South Side of Pelican Preserve Development to Arborwood Development Arborwood Along East side of I-75 Arborwood to Watermen developments Total Cost
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 10: Phasing of System Improvements
Large Diameter Dead End ---
Pump Station
$ 430,000
$ 210,000
$ 795,000
$ 175,000
$485,000 $210,000
$ 485,000 $ 210,000
$485,000 $210,000
$ 365,000
$550,000 $1,475,000
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10-15
11.0 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section provides a summary of the findings and conclusions of this Master Plan Report. The recommended Master Plan strategy and recommendations are also summarized with the final cost estimate for the recommended improvements.
11.1.1 Regulatory This Master Plan explored the existing and future regulatory requirements that the City will to provide safe and reliable potable water service to customers. Existing regulations and permitting requirements were reviewed for water supply, injection wells, ASR, unaccounted for water reporting and the implementation requirements for reclaimed water. Future regulations including the new arsenic and DBP requirements were also reviewed. The City’s demands are projected to exceed the permitted Wellfield capacity by the year 2007. The City will need to permit the use of additional raw water resources through the SFWMD. The 12 wells installed in the Wellfield already have physical capacity beyond the permitted capacity. Additional wells will need to be permitted and installed by the year 2016. The Water Treatment Capacity of 16 mgd will need to be expanded to 20 mgd by 2007, to 24 mgd by 2010 and 28 mgd by 2016, which will need to be permitted through the Lee County Health Department. The reverse osmosis reject water is projected to exceed the capacity of the injection well by 2010. Additional injection capacity will need to be permitted through FDEP and constructed. There is an average difference of 700,000 gpd (roughly 11 percent) between the amount of water that leaves the Water Treatment Plant and is billed to customers.
losses mainly occur from leaks in the piping network, unauthorized users, malfunctioned meters, fire flow and hydrant flushing. The SFWMD requires the City to report this
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 11: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
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difference as unaccounted for water and requires that action be taken to reduce these losses if the amount is greater than 10 percent. The recent amendments to FAC 62-555 include many new requirements for potable water utilities, including watermain separation and color requirements, sulfide removal, back up power, tank cleaning, flushing, hydrant and valve exercising, security, public notification of water quality, O&M manuals, distribution mapping, and cross connection control requirements. The DEP and the SFWMD require municipalities, through their water supply and wastewater plant operations permits, to achieve 100 percent reclaimed water usage. The City currently produces approximately 1.0 mgd of reclaimed water and plans to expand reclaimed water production to 15.0 mgd from their combined City/County Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants. Reclaimed water use will be implemented for irrigation in City parks, golf courses and new developments. The City will also be required to participate in designing a regional reclaimed water distribution system. Due to the increased use of reclaimed water, cross connection control is an important issue to ensure the protection of public health. The Code of Ordinances Chapter 26-211, address the type and color of reclaimed water pipes, the type of reclaimed water valves, and the identification of reclaimed water meters. To further protect the potable water system, additional standards should be developed concerning the use of double check valves or the installation of pressure backflow prevention devices. The state of Florida has adopted the lower Federal arsenic standard of 0.01 mg/L. The acceptance testing of the ASR well will be affected by this new regulation. The natural background levels of arsenic may require additional treatment capability at the Winkler Pump Station. The Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 2 DDBPR) will change water quality compliance monitoring concentrations and monitoring location requirements. This regulation will be implemented in two stages. In the future, the City will be required to report monitoring results every 90 days for two distribution system sites, one for highest TTHM and one for highest HAA5.
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11.1.2 Existing Water System Deficiencies The existing potable water supply treatment and distribution system has deficiencies related to treatment and pipeline redundancy, corrosive water, the ability to provide adequate fire flow in some locations, and water loss in excess of 10 percent in the distribution system. The treatment process also produces water that has a negative Langlier Index and requires a corrosion inhibitor. Less corrosive water should be produced by providing more alkalinity adjustment. The distribution system has limited redundancy of supply, as there is currently only one treatment plant and limited storage in the distribution system. This provides a small timeframe to activate interconnections with the Lee County distribution system and to notify customers of the chloraminated water supply in the system in the event of an emergency. The City should consider an interconnect with the City of Cape Coral’s chlorinated distribution system. This interconnection would provide similar quality water that will not create the water quality hazards and notification requirements that receiving chloraminated supply from the County would cause. The existing ASR well may need additional treatment at the Winkler Pump Station to remove arsenic and sulfides. In addition, disinfection capabilities will be required for the ASR well. Water loss in the distribution system between the final flow meter at the Water Treatment plant and the customer billing locations is greater than 10 percent. To reduce the amount of water loss the City could replace known leaky pipes, and inaccurate billing meters, improve the tracking of fire flow and hydrant flushing activities and impose fines on unauthorized users.
11.1.3 Historic and Projected Water Demands As the number of residential and commercial developments increase in the area, the demand for water increases. The projected population based on information for new developments and UDAP growth are shown below in Tables 11.1.
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Table 11.1: Summary of Population Projections Year Projected Populaiton
The values listed above were be used to determine the water treatment plant expansion deadlines, and to evaluate of the piping system, the pump capacity and the storage requirements for this Master Plan. The existing and projected water demands for 2003, 2009, 2014, and 2024 are shown below in Tables 11.2. Table 11.2: Summary of Water Demand Projections
Average Annual Daily Demands (mgd) Revenue producing water Finished water pumped to distribution Raw water supplied by the Wellfield Peak Day Demands (mgd) Finished water pumped to distribution Raw water supplied by the wellfield Peak Hour Demands (mgd) Finished water pumped to distribution
5.7 6.3 7.9
10.9 12.1 15.2
13.3 14.8 18.5
14.9 16.5 20.7
8.0 10.1
15.4 19.3
18.8 23.5
21.0 26.3
11.1.4 Water Resources Considerations Water resource improvements including wellfield expansion, ASR, distribution system storage and a future interconnection with the City of Cape Coral were discussed. The City will need to expand the wellfield capacity to 26.3 mgd by 2024 to meet projected peak day water needs. The City could also consider developing a separate wellfield to provide additional supply redundancy for another treatment plant. Salinity and groundwater quality should be considered when evaluating possible alternatives. The Water Treatment Plant is designed to treat 16 mgd to treat water pumped from deep Floridan aquifer wells by reverse osmosis membrane technology. The actual capacity of the plant is limited by the efficiency of the membranes, which decreases over time. The Water Treatment Capacity of 16 mgd will need to be expanded to have a treatment capacity of 20 mgd by 2007, to 24 mgd by 2010 and 28 mgd by 2016. Operational testing will determine the condition of the water withdrawn from the ASR well. Additional treatment may be required to remove arsenic, sulfides and other City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 11: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
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contaminants in the well water. Modifications to the Winkler Storage Tank and the Pump Station will also be necessary to operate with the ASR well. If the water recovered is unsuitable for potable water use, the City should consider using the well for reclaimed water. The ability of the ASR well to provide long term seasonal storage of a large volume of water may be better served for reclaimed water. Also, the additional treatment of the ASR water would probably not be needed. The City of Cape Coral potable water treatment system uses the same aquifer, treatment technology and disinfection methods as the City of Fort Myers Water Treatment Plant. An interconnection with the City of Cape Coral would provide a backup source of treated potable water for both utilities. A water main approximately 2 miles long in the vicinity of the Midpoint Bridge could be constructed across the Caloosahatchee River to complete the interconnection between the two distribution systems. The river crossing could be completed by directional drilling under the river or possibly attaching the pipeline to the bridge. Further study will be needed to determine the available supply from each utility, the hydraulics, and main sizing for the interconnection. The City should construct additional potable water storage in the distribution system to provide a total storage capacity of 21,000,000 gallons by 2024.
In the
downtown area, the current 250,000 gallons of elevated storage will not be adequate to supply the growing downtown population. Approximately 3,000,000 gallons should be provided here in the future. Additional storage to the area could be provided by building new larger storage or utilizing the existing ground storage tanks, pumps and piping, depending on their condition. The City should also consider installing 5,000,000 gallons of storage east of Interstate 75 in the East and Southeast Service Areas. There is room available to install an additional 2,000,000 tank at the Winkler Pump Station, however the demand in the McGregor Area does not warrant additional storage, and turnover rate has been a problem there.
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This section provides an overall summary of the future strategy for the City’s Potable Water System. The rapid growth that is projected will also cause a rapid increase in potable water demand. The finished water from the plant has a somewhat negative Langlier Index and requires the addition of a corrosion inhibitor. An independent review of the treatment process should be completed to determine the best way to regain the design capacity and reduce the corrosivity of the finished water. Reduced corrositivity of the water will protect the structural integrity of the piping system and reduce the risk of lead and copper problems. The raw water demand projections show a need to develop other wellfield supplies by the year 2016. Salt water intrusion and proximity to landfill and other possible contamination sources should be considered when locating supply wellfields. The City should plan to expand the Water Treatment Plant to 20 mgd by 2007 to maintain the ability to produce peak day water demand.
Additional treatment capacity
beyond the 20.0 mgd buildout capacity of the Water Treatment is projected to be needed by 2010.
The City should explore the option of constructing an additional Water
Treatment Plant at another location, which would provide redundancy and reduce the dependence on the existing Water Treatment Plant. Distribution water loss can be reduced by eliminating leaky mains and inaccurate meters. The City should continue the current water main replacement project to replace older and undersized mains. The new mains will provide better water quality to the City’s customers, improve fire flow and reduce distribution system head loss and water loss. Looped piping should be installed whenever possible and dead end piping should be minimized. The new developments in the southeast distribution system should have looped piping installed to connect all adjacent developments, as well as piping crossing the Cypress Slough and Interstate 75. Many of the locations identified by the modeling as having difficulty providing fire flow are also dead ends, and should be looped. The City should also consider adding a pump station in the east or southeast service area. The pumps station could be expanded in the future to become a second treatment plant. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 11: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
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11.3.1 Distribution System Modeling Recommendations The H2OMAP distribution is a powerful and useful tool. Staff from the City will be trained in how to update and use the model. The distribution system pipes smaller than 10 inches in diameter are not currently part of the model. These pipes should be added to the model. The current model is limited to 2,000 pipes. To complete these tasks, the City will have to purchase additional pipe capability from MWH Soft, Inc. and add the piping into the model. The model was completed using billing data to determine demand allocation. This should be updated annually. The billing department could include a model node number and running annual average consumption in their billing data to make this process easier. The fire flow demands were estimated in the model. These demands should be confirmed and updated by the Fire Department for locations throughout the distribution system.
The demands should be applied to the fire hydrant nodes rather than the
intersection nodes, as they are in the current model. Intersection nodes can give higher than actual fire flow model results because they are connected to four pipes rather than two. Inadequate available fire flow at the hydrant locations with all of the pipes in the model should be verified by field fire flow testing. The H2OMAP software has additional capability to model: • • • • • • The
Disinfection residual Contact time Water age Energy management Pipe cost calculations Security evaluation City could use these model feature in the futures to simulate water quality,
improve energy efficiency, estimate piping costs, and evaluate security concerns in the distribution system.
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11.3.4 Planning Considerations The City should continue to track annual demands and compare them to the predictions in this report. If growth occurs faster or slower the recommended rate, the implementation of the proposed improvements should be adjusted accordingly. The City should expand the plant before the peak day demands exceed the plant capacity. Our projections show that the peak day demand will be exceeded in the year 2007. Although the design for the additional plant expansions were completed when the existing plant was designed, it may not reflect the best technology available today. Technical advancements could provide more efficient treatment technologies.
expansion design should be independently reviewed and updated before being finalized and constructed. The future population projections from the City’s Community Development Department did not include many of the demand increases for the new developments in their population projections.
They should complete an update to their demand
projections to include the proposed development in this area. If the demands five years in the future are more than 5% higher or lower than the demand predictions included in this report, the City should consider updating the Potable Water Master Plan in 2009.
11.3.5 Water System Capital Improvements The City should provide funding for additional improvements for supply and treatment
improvements, distribution piping improvements and modeling enhancements.
Summary of additional recommended costs that are not included in the City’s existing CIP are listed below in a Table 11.3. The costs for the piping that should be installed by 2009 are averaged over the Fiscal Year (FY) 04-05 through FY 08-09. If additional funds are available in the budget, the water mains that should be installed before 2014 and 2024 should be constructed earlier.
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Table 11.3: Summary of Additional Capital Improvement Costs
Proposed Project
FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 Treatment and Operations $ 100,000
Second Water Treatment Plant Feasibility Study Second 8 mgd Water Treatment Plant and supply development Corrosivity Water Quality and Process Modification Study Additional operations and maintenance staff for plant expansion and/or new plant staffing Installation of arsenic removal treatment, sulfide removal and/or disinfection capability at the Winkler Pump Station to be used with the ASR well. Treatment and Operations Subtotal
FY 07-08
FY 08-09
FY 09-10 through FY 13-14
FY 14-15 through FY 23-24
$ 1,000,000
$ 2,000,000
$16,000,000 $
$22,000,000 46,300,000
$ 50,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 200,000 $1,250,000 $
$ 400,000 $ 400,000 1,850,000
$ 200,000
$ 300,000
$1,500,000 $ 1,500,000
$1,500,000 $ 6,500,000
Storage and Pump Stations Elevated Tank Demolition Winkler second 2 mgd storage tank Tank cleaning and inspection every 5 years Storage and pump Stations Subtotal
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 11: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
$ 200,000 $ 200,000
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Table 11.3: Summary of Additional Capital Improvement Costs (Continued)
Proposed Project
901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 911 912 913
915 916 917
FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 Piping and Distribution System Costs (continued)
Lee Boulevard from Immokalee Road to Leonard Boulevard Buckingham Road to Leonard Boulevard US 41 south of North Airport Road Fowler Avenue from Hanson Street to Carrell Road Fowler Avenue from Market Street to Edison Avenue South Palmdale Court from Sable Palm Boulevard to existing water main Laredo Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Heritage Palm Estates from Omni Boulevard Carrell from Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension to Tampa Street Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension from Hanson to Shoemaker Lane Jackson Street from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue Broadway from Victoria Avenue to Edison Avenue Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Hanson Street Veronica S. Shoemake Boulevard from Michigan Avenue to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Ortiz Avenue from Ballard Road to Old Immokalee Road Ballard Road from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 11: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
$ $ $
260,000 200,000 5,000
$ $ $
25,000 115,000 305,000
FY 08-09
FY 09-10 through FY 13-14
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FY 14-15 through FY 23-24
Table 11.3: Summary of Additional Capital Improvement Costs (Continued)
Proposed Project
918 919 920 921 922
923 924 925 1401 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408
FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 Piping and Distribution System Costs (continued)
Ortiz Avenue from Nottingham Drive to Ballard Road Nottingham Drive from Nuna Avenue to Ortiz Avenue Metro Parkway from Colonial Boulevard to Idlewild Street Colonial Boulevard from Metro Parkway to Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard Treeline Avenue from Pelican Preserve to the Arborwood development Treeline Avenue through the Arborwood development to Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods Industrial Park Airport Woods to Watermen Developments Ortiz Avenue from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to Colonial Broadway north of Collier Avenue Collier Avenue from Seago Lane to Cleveland Avenue Ballard Road from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Charlotte Road Demeny Circle to Ballard Road From Laredo Drive to Marsh Avenue Colonial from Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard to Challenger Boulevard
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 11: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
$ $ $
925,000 210,000 635,000
FY 08-09
FY 09-10 through FY 13-14
$ 745,000 $ 25,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 45,000 $ 65,000 $ 255,000
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FY 14-15 through FY 23-24
Table 11.3: Summary of Additional Capital Improvement Costs (Continued)
Proposed Project
1409 1411 1412 1413 1414 2401 2402
2403 2409 2410 2411 2412
FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 Piping and Distribution System Costs (continued)
FY 09-10 through FY 13-14
FY 08-09
Carrell from Metro to Veronica S. Shoemaker Extension Ford Street from South Street to Hanson Street Nuna Avenue from north of Nottingham Drive to Billy's Creek Connection from the Corner of Prospect and Woodside Avenue to Nuna Avenue Heritage Palm Estates to Buckingham Road SR 82 from Buckingham Road to Colonial Boulevard Treeline Avenue fro SR 82 to Colonial Boulevard Treeline Avenue midway between SR 82 and Colonial Boulevard, southeast to Colonial Boulevard Colonial Country Club along East side of I75 South Side of Pelican Preserve Development to Arborwood Development Arborwood Along East side of I-75 Arborwood to Watermen developments
FY 14-15 through FY 23-24
$ 330,000 $ 225,000 $ 105,000 $ 85,000 $ 330,000 $ 425,000 $ 145,000
$ 335,000 $ 275,000 $ 100,000 $ 550,000 $ 1,475,000 Other Distribution Projects
Annual fire hydrant exercising, isolation valve exercising every 2 years, and quarterly dead end main flushing, as per FAC 62-555.320. Will require additional staffing and equipment Piping and Distribution System Costs Subtotal
$ 552,000
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Section 11: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
$ 250,000 $ 802,000
$ 250,000 $ 802,000
$ 250,000 $ 802,000
$ 250,000 $ 802,000
$ 1,250,000 $ 5,930,000
$ 2,500,000 $ 3,405,000 $ 13,095,000
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Table 11.3: Summary of Additional Capital Improvement Costs (Continued)
Proposed Project Modeling Service Agreement Purchase additional pipes to add all pipes to the model at $1000 per 1000 pipes. Input all Model Pipes Billing Data Demand Analysis and Model Allocation Staff person trained and dedicated ½ to Ÿ time to modeling GIS Distribution System Modeling Costs Subtotal Recommended Improvements Totals
FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 GIS Distribution System Modeling Costs $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000
FY 09-10 through FY 13-14
FY 08-09 $
FY 14-15 through FY 23-24
$ 2,000 $ 20,000 $ 10,000
$ 10,000
$ 10,000
$ 10,000
$ 10,000
$ 50,000
$ 100,000
$ 20,000 $ 53,000
$ 20,000 $ 31,000
$ 20,000 $ 31,000
$ 20,000 $ 31,000
$ 20,000 $ 31,000
$ 100,000 $ 150,000 $
$ 200,000 $ 300,000 627,000
$ 605,000
$ 1,333,000
$ 833,000
$ 2,333,000
$ 7,333,000
$26,105,000 $ 61,872,000
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Table A.1: Recommended Supply and WTP Enhancements from Previous Master Plan 1992-1997
Estimated Cost
Rec. Completion Date
Upgrade River Pumping Station (Olga area)
Construct Raw Water Booster Pump Station
Modify Recharge Canal System
Completion / Notes
Not Completed - Use of the Caloosahatchee Pump River station has been discontinued as of April 17, 2002
Not Completed - New Floridan aquifer well have been constructed Wellfield Augmentation Program
Construct Fence Around Wellfield
Not Completed - Not Needed - Land will be sold for development
Perform Potential Pollution Source Survey
Not Completed - Not Needed - New wells extended to 800 ft and are no longer under the influence of surface water
Install Emergeny Power in Wellfield
Two diesel generators with a capicty of 1100 kW purchased for well P1
Monitor and Maintain Wetland Mitigation Program
$22,000 $27,000 $27,000 $12,000
1994 1995 1996 1997
Perform Wetland Jurisdictional Survey
Not Completed - Not Needed - Wellfield property will be sold for development
Wellfield Capacity Enhancement
Installed seven 800 ft. deep Floridan aquifer supply wells and five more wells will be constructed by 200?
City staff perform annual removal of invasive exotic species
All costs in 1992 dollars
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix A: 1993 Master Plan Recommended Improvements
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Table A.2: Recommended Distribution System Improvements from Previous Master Plan Requirement
App. L. ft Dia. In
Sched. Complete
Cost (1)
Completion / Notes
System Reinforcement
Prospect; Woodside Extension Nuna;
Not Completed
Ortiz from Billy's Creek to Benchmark; Nuna to Ortiz
Not Completed
System Reinforcement
Michigan Link to MLK Drive
System Reinforcement
Palmetto from Marion to Michigan
Not Completed - Design scheduled to be completed by January 2006
System Reinforcement
Ford from MLK Drive to Edison
Not Completed
Ford from Edison to Hanson
Not Completed
Palmetto Extension from MLK Drive to Edison
Not Completed - Designed-Bid-Construction Complete by December 2004
Palmetto Extensionension from Edison to Hanson
Not Completed- Designed-Bid-Construction Complete by December 2004
Palmetto Extension from Hanson to Carrell
Not Completed - Designed-Bid-Construction Complete by December 2004
Metro Extension N. from Hanson
Not Completed - No Right-of-way available
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix A: 1993 Master Plan Recommended Improvements
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App. L. ft Dia. In
Sched. Complete
Cost (1)
Completion / Notes
System Reinforcement
Hanson from Central to Evans
System Reinforcement
Hanson from Evans to Metro
Hanson from Metro to Tampa Wellfield
Not Completed - Under Design - Wetland Issues Portion constructed to 200' E of Metro
Metro from Carrell to Hanson
Not Completed - County service area negotiate service provider by 2008
System Reinforcement
Broadway from Carrell to Solomon
System Reinforcement
Collier from Broadway to US 41
Not Completed - Needed - Check Model
System Reinforcement
Evans from Colonial to Carrell
Not Completed - Needed - Check Model
Carrell from Metro to Tampa
Not Completed - Needed - 200' portion completed by Province Park Development
Colonial from Ford Extension to Challenger Boulevard
Not Completed - Needed - Check Model
Ortiz from MLK Drive to Colonial
Completed - Needed - Priority - Check Model
SR 82 from OMNI Boulevard to Treeline Avenue
Completed - Extended to Buckingham as 16" reduces to 12" to WTE Facility
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix A: 1993 Master Plan Recommended Improvements
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App. L. ft Dia. In
Sched. Complete
Cost (1)
Completion / Notes Completed - Installed as a 24" to Treeline, 16" to Colonial 12" to Crossroads Publix
Colonial Extension from OMNI Boulevard to Treeline Avenue
Treeline Area
$293,000 Not Completed - Needs to complete check switching 16" and 12"
Development 7,700
Treeline Area
Six Mile Cypress S. of Colonial to Colonial E. of Ortiz
Not Completed
System Reinforcement
McGregor Boulevard
Completed - Extends to Johnson Street
Hanson N to Rockfill and Edison
Not Completed
All costs in 1992 dollars
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PREPARED BY: CITY OF FORT MYERS PLANNING DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 1987 UPDATED: JANUARY 1995 UPDATED WITH TAZ COMPARISON: MAY, 1997 UPDATED: DECEMBER 2003 "Preparation of this Document was aided through financial assistance received from the State of Florida under the Local Government Evaluation and Appraisal Report Assistance Program authorized by Chapter 93-206, Laws of Florida, and administered by the Florida Department of Community Affairs."
A DESCRIPTION OF METHODOLOGY CITY OF FORT MYERS URBAN RESERVE In accordance with Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, the City of Fort Myers is required to base its comprehensive plan on resident and seasonal population estimates and projections. As no state data is available for the City to use other than the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) estimates, this document represents the City of Fort Myers' description of its methodology used to generate the forecasts as well as estimates comparable to those generated by the BEBR. The City's methodology is defined in "Population Estimation and Projection Techniques" (Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Bureau of Local Resource Planning, December 1, 1986) as a "Ratio Methodology." The document also states that this method relies on a "parent" population and trend for comparative purpose. The advantage for the City in using this general method is that the State publishes County projections and recognizes medium range projections as the official forecasts. Another advantage for the City is that, with the immigration component and the ever changing boundaries for the City, the County statistics represent the most reliable historical data available from which to base forecasts. In order to define the ratio, or proportion, of County population growth the City will capture to the year 2030, the City has adopted an urban reserve area. This area includes the City limits and proposed future annexations which would both render its boundaries logical and provide the most efficient services to those areas. Historical trends were established using census data from 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 to determine both overall proportion and growth ratios for this urban reserve area. These trend lines were then fitted to the medium range BEBR projections for Lee County. The model used in preparing the trend lines is taken from Local Population and Employment Projection Techniques - Model 3 (1978, Center for Urban Policy Research, New Brunswich, New Jersey) by Michael Greenberg, Donald Krueckerberg, and Connie Michaelson. Their ratio trend technique assumes that the relationship of the minor entity (City of Fort Myers) will prevail in the future. The model first determines the last decade for which projections for the County have been input into the model. Growth rates are then calculated for the City and a mean found for the City from historical trends. The notation for the following equations are: C = county population t = base time period r = growth ratio for series k = city C* = unadjusted county population
The equations are as follows:
i = state i d = last time period r = average growth ratio for a state or county for each growth series
j = county j g = growth series (h=high, m=medium) M = city population M* = unadjusted city population
Step One: To determine the last decade for which projections have been input, growth rates over each 10 year period, and a mean for future 10 year growth:
Step Two: To project to the year 2030 unadjusted projections for the City is computed as: ijk* Mt
ijk rt
ijk = Mt
ijk = r
jk ( M ), t = (d + 1, ....10) t-1
t = (2, .....d)
ijk M
k = (1, .....h) t-1
ijk r
ijk drt t=2 d-1
Step Three: The projections are then adjusted as follows: m ij* Ct
= ijkg
ijk* Mt k = 1
, t = (6, .... 10)
ijg ijk* =Ct x Mt i j* Ct
The projections assume that the growth trend will continue at a moderate rate with a slight decline in regards to proportion to Lee County. This scenario assumes the unincorporated reserve area and the vacant areas outside the 1960 boundary will grow independent of the core City growth. A disadvantage of this method is that only net population growth is observed. There may be no reason to assume that factors currently affecting the components of population will produce the pattern of net growth exhibited by the parent population. Another disadvantage is that the historic trends may not reflect future trends, and that the length of the historic trend affects the future growth trend. The vast supply of vacant land in the southern and eastern portions of the reserve area illustrate this potential hazard. The annexed lands will not develop at the same rate as the developed lands. Yet, with infrastructure in place and the area targeted for urban development, the land will eventually become part of the City pattern with regards to high density and commerce and the area's growth will be much faster than the developed portions.
City (1960)
Unincorp Reserve (1960)
Subtotal (1960 City & Unc Res)
Unincorp County
Lee County 54,539 105,216 205,266 335,113 440,888 Source: U.S. Census, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000; projections are from BEBR medium range projections for Lee County, February, 1994. R VALUES 1960/1970
r (1960/2000)
M1 (1A & 1B)
C* 1.71 Note: M1A - City (1960 Boundaries) M1B - Remainder of City Urban Reserve M2 - Remainder of Lee County (other than Urban Reserve) C* - Lee County as summed by its counterparts
ADJUSTED PROJECTIONS (as previously described, adjustments were made to the unadjusted linear trends by fitting the figures proportionately to medium range BEBR projections - as according to the model) 2000
M1A + M1B
Sub-Area Housing Forecasts: Maximum Density
1 2** 3* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14* 15 16*^ 17*** 18 501 502 503 505 506 507 511 523 524 525^ 602
1,635 2,191 788 1,121 2,725 2,241 2,259 1,241 1,352 183 1,008 266 718 188 912 353 0 2,040 498 766 832 285 167 588 647 610 739 77 857
1,601 1,565 799 1,188 3,080 2,031 1,956 1,277 1,093 163 798 184 636 221 780 1,944 71 2,003 484 746 838 220 162 553 630 648 705 490 732 27,598
2,123 10,187 799 1,828 3,681 2,791 2,283 1,493 1,243 371 994 599 889 314 1,065 5,396 30,665 3,811 539 832 927 782 477 595 652 1,331 1,760 8,932 1,763 89,122
1,911 9,168 719 1,645 3,313 2,512 2,055 1,344 1,119 334 895 539 800 283 959 4,856 27,599 3,430 485 749 834 704 429 536 587 1,198 1,584 8,039 1,587 80,210
Growth Trend 19902000 0.98 2.25 1.01 1.06 1.13 0.91 0.87 1.03 0.81 0.89 0.79 0.69 0.89 1.18 0.86 2.25 2.25 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.01 0.77 0.97 0.94 0.97 1.06 0.95 2.25 0.85 1.12
Total Housing Unit Forecast 2010
1,568 3,521 799 1,259 3,481 1,841 1,694 1,314 884 145 632 127 563 260 667 4,374 160 1,967 470 727 846 170 157 520 613 688 673 1,103 625 31,848
1,535 7,923 799 1,334 3,516 1,668 1,466 1,353 714 129 500 88 499 305 571 5,396 359 1,931 457 708 855 131 152 489 597 731 642 2,481 534 37,866
1,503 10,187 799 1,414 3,551 1,512 1,270 1,367 577 115 396 61 442 314 488 5,396 809 1,896 444 689 863 101 148 460 582 777 612 5,581 456 42,811
Shaded area have reached 90% capacity; therefore the growth trend used afterward is 1.01 * If projected number exceeded maximum housing units, maximum housing units was used. ** The Downtown Redevelopment Plan encourages residential development. *** Neighborhood 017 had no housing units prior to the 2000 census; therefore, the growth trend for neighborhood 016 (a neighborhood with similar characteristics) was used. ^ When the growth rate exceeded 5, than a rate of 2.25 was used.
SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSING AND POPULATION SUB-AREA DISTRIBUTIONS Previously population projections have been compiled for the City of Fort Myers Urban Reserve Area. To distribute housing and the population of the City and Urban Reserve Area into the above defined neighborhoods, or service areas, a maximum density allowable model was developed as follows: MAXIMUM DENSITY MODEL This model was developed so areas in early phases of growth where no growth trends have been established can be projected more efficiently. After buildout figures are obtained, a ten year growth trend for housing units in each UDAP area is determined. The source for this data is the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The formula follows: 2000 HOUSING UNITS
The growth trend is applied to each base year, starting with 2000, until the year 2030. For those UDAP areas that have reached 90% buildout or which 90% of the maximum number of housing units have been developed, the growth rate is re-established at 1.01 (1 unit gain per hundred). Once the maximum number of units is developed, that number is held constant. An example follows: 2000 BASE YEAR HOUSING UNITS
The housing units are then converted to population using the following method: Household sizes (persons per household PPH) are derived from the U.S. Bureau of the Census for current UDAP areas. The vacancy rate is held at a rate of 12% (the average City rate). The formula follows: HOUSING UNITS FOR GIVEN YEAR
Once unadjusted population projections are obtained, they are adjusted to fit the total population projections conducted for the Urban Reserve Area.
ADDITIONAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR HOUSING GROWTH In order to apply housing growth trends, standards and assumptions have been addressed. For the City UDAP areas, it is assumed that growth in the past 10 years is representative of the future growth expected through the year 2030. As stated previously, once a UDAP is 90% developed, then a 1.01 growth rate is substituted for the subarea growth rate. Also, certain areas designated for redevelopment were assumed to be built out by 2030 and the acreage was adjusted to provide for the increase or decrease in dwelling units expected. Approved Planned Unit Developments (PUD's) were inserted as additional dwelling units with no regard to acreage.
Sub-Area Population Forecasts: Unadjusted Maximum Density Forecasts: UDAP
2000 Housing Units
12% Vacancy Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 501 502 503 505 506 507 511 523 524 525 602 Total
1,601 1,565 836 1,188 3,080 2,031 1,956 1,277 1,093 163 798 184 636 221 780 1,944 71 2,003 484 746 838 220 162 553 630 648 705 490 732 27,635
1,409 1,377 736 1,045 2,710 1,787 1,721 1,124 962 143 702 162 560 194 686 1,711 62 1,763 426 656 737 194 143 487 554 570 620 431 644 24,319
2000 2000 Persons Population per Household 3,753 2,439 1,891 2,553 6,296 3,825 3,904 3,178 2,412 370 1,870 468 1,604 564 2,279 4,367 129 5,509 1,255 2,089 1,909 536 378 1,203 1,224 1,759 2,128 1,304 1,998 65,351
2.66 1.77 2.57 2.44 2.32 2.14 2.27 2.83 2.51 2.58 2.66 2.89 2.87 2.90 3.32 2.55 2.07 3.13 2.95 3.18 2.59 2.77 2.65 2.47 2.21 3.09 3.43 3.02 3.10 2.69
Maximum Housing Units 2,123 10,187 799 1,828 3,681 2,791 2,283 1,493 1,243 371 994 599 889 314 1,065 5,396 30,665 3,811 539 832 927 782 477 595 652 1,331 1,760 8,932 1,763 89,122
Growth Trend 0.98 2.25 1.01 1.06 1.13 0.91 0.87 1.03 0.81 0.89 0.79 0.69 0.89 1.18 0.86 2.25 2.25 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.01 0.77 0.97 0.94 0.97 1.06 0.95 2.25 0.85 1.12
3,675 3,598 3,524 5,487 12,346 27,777 1,917 1,944 1,971 2,706 2,868 3,039 7,117 8,044 9,092 3,466 3,142 2,847 3,380 2,927 2,534 3,270 3,365 3,463 1,950 1,576 1,274 329 293 261 1,480 1,172 928 324 224 155 1,421 1,258 1,115 663 779 916 1,949 1,667 1,426 9,825 22,106 49,738 291 655 1,473 5,409 5,311 5,214 1,219 1,185 1,152 2,034 1,981 1,929 1,923 1,937 1,951 414 319 246 366 356 345 1,131 1,064 1,001 1,192 1,160 1,130 1,869 1,985 2,109 2,030 1,937 1,848 2,934 6,602 14,855 1,707 1,458 1,245 73,489 93,259 144,559
Sub-Area Population Forecasts: Adjusted Maximum Density Forecasts: UDAP
2000 Housing Units
12% Vacancy Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 501 502 503 505 506 507 511 523 524 525 602 Total
1,601 1,565 836 1,188 3,080 2,031 1,956 1,277 1,093 163 798 184 636 221 780 1,944 71 2,003 484 746 838 220 162 553 630 648 705 490 732 27,635
1,409 1,377 736 1,045 2,710 1,787 1,721 1,124 962 143 702 162 560 194 686 1,711 62 1,763 426 656 737 194 143 487 554 570 620 431 644 24,319
2000 2000 Persons Population per Household 3,753 2,439 1,891 2,553 6,296 3,825 3,904 3,178 2,412 370 1,870 468 1,604 564 2,279 4,367 129 5,509 1,255 2,089 1,909 536 378 1,203 1,224 1,759 2,128 1,304 1,998 65,351
2.66 1.77 2.57 2.44 2.32 2.14 2.27 2.83 2.51 2.58 2.66 2.89 2.87 2.90 3.32 2.55 2.07 3.13 2.95 3.18 2.59 2.77 2.65 2.47 2.21 3.09 3.43 3.02 3.10 2.69
Maximum Housing Units 2,123 10,187 799 1,828 3,681 2,791 2,283 1,493 1,243 371 994 599 889 314 1,065 5,396 30,665 3,811 539 832 927 782 477 595 652 1,331 1,760 8,932 1,763 89,122
Growth Trend 0.98 2.25 1.01 1.06 1.13 0.91 0.87 1.03 0.81 0.89 0.79 0.69 0.89 1.18 0.86 2.25 2.25 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.01 0.77 0.97 0.94 0.97 1.06 0.95 2.25 0.85 1.12
3,675 3,598 3,524 5,487 12,346 18,518 1,917 1,944 1,971 2,706 2,868 3,039 7,117 8,044 9,092 3,466 3,142 2,847 3,380 2,927 2,534 3,270 3,365 3,463 1,950 1,576 1,274 329 293 261 1,480 1,172 928 324 224 155 1,421 1,258 1,115 663 779 916 1,949 1,667 1,426 9,825 9,923 10,022 291 655 1,473 5,409 5,311 5,214 1,219 1,185 1,152 2,034 1,981 1,929 1,923 1,937 1,951 414 319 246 366 356 345 1,131 1,064 1,001 1,192 1,160 1,130 1,869 1,985 2,109 2,030 1,937 1,848 2,934 6,602 14,855 1,707 1,458 1,245 73,489 81,076 95,583
(6) The Department or the appropriate water management district or delegated permitting authority shall approve a decrease in the standard well setback distances described in subsections (1) through (4) above if justified by any of the following: the presence, thickness, and extent of natural barriers such as impermeable geological strata; the design and construction of the well, including the depth of the well; the drinking water treatment provided; or the use of alternative means to reduce public health risks, such as the use of encasement or restrained joints to eliminate or minimize leakage from a pipeline that is a sanitary hazard or the use of additional drinking water monitoring. However, water management districts and delegated permitting authorities shall obtain the Department’s concurrence before decreasing well setback distances because of either the type of drinking water treatment provided or the use of alternative means to reduce public health risks. Specific Authority 373.309(1), 373.337, 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 373.309(1), 403.852(12) FS. History–Formerly 17-22.615(2), Amended 1-18-89, 5-7-90, Formerly 17-555.312, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.314 Location of Public Water System Mains. For the purpose of this section, the phrase “water mains” shall mean mains, including treatment plant process piping, conveying either raw, partially treated, or finished drinking water; fire hydrant leads; and service lines that are under the control of a public water system and that have an inside diameter of three inches or greater. (1) Horizontal Separation Between Underground Water Mains and Sanitary or Storm Sewers, Wastewater or Stormwater Force Mains, Reclaimed Water Pipelines, and On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems. (a) New or relocated, underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least three feet between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed storm sewer, stormwater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. (b) New or relocated, underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least three feet, and preferably ten feet, between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed vacuum-type sanitary sewer. (c) New or relocated, underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least six feet, and preferably ten feet, between the outside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed gravity- or pressure-type sanitary sewer, wastewater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. The minimum horizontal separation distance between water mains and gravity-type sanitary sewers shall be reduced to three feet where the bottom of the water main is laid at least six inches above the top of the sewer. (d) New or relocated, underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least ten feet between the outside of the water main and all parts of any existing or proposed “on-site sewage treatment and disposal system” as defined in Section 381.0065(2), F.S., and Rule 64E-6.002, F.A.C. (2) Vertical Separation Between Underground Water Mains and Sanitary or Storm Sewers, Wastewater or Stormwater Force Mains, and Reclaimed Water Pipelines. (a) New or relocated, underground water mains crossing any existing or proposed gravity- or vacuum-type sanitary sewer or storm sewer shall be laid so the outside of the water main is at least six inches, and preferably 12 inches, above or at least 12 inches below the outside of the other pipeline. However, it is preferable to lay the water main above the other pipeline. (b) New or relocated, underground water mains crossing any existing or proposed pressure-type sanitary sewer, wastewater or stormwater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water shall be laid so the outside of the water main is at least 12 inches above or below the outside of the other pipeline. However, it is preferable to lay the water main above the other pipeline. (c) At the utility crossings described in paragraphs (a) and (b) above, one full length of water main pipe shall be centered above or below the other pipeline so the water main joints will be as far as possible from the other pipeline. Alternatively, at such crossings, the pipes shall be arranged so that all water main joints are at least three feet from all joints in vacuum-type sanitary sewers, storm sewers, stormwater force mains, or pipelines conveying reclaimed water regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C., and at least six feet from all joints in gravity- or pressure-type sanitary sewers, wastewater force mains, or pipelines conveying reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. (3) Separation Between Water Mains and Sanitary or Storm Sewer Manholes. (a) No water main shall pass through, or come into contact with, any part of a sanitary sewer manhole. (b) Effective August 28, 2003, water mains shall not be constructed or altered to pass through, or come into contact with, any part of a storm sewer manhole or inlet structure. Where it is not technically feasible or economically sensible to comply with this requirement (i.e., where there is a conflict in the routing of a water main and a storm sewer and where alternative routing of the water main or the storm sewer is not technically feasible or is not economically sensible), the Department shall allow exceptions to this requirement (i.e., the Department shall allow construction of conflict manholes), but suppliers of water or persons proposing to construct conflict manholes must first obtain a specific permit from the Department in accordance with Part V of this chapter and must provide in the preliminary design report or drawings, specifications, and design data accompanying their permit application the following information: 1. Technical or economic justification for each conflict manhole. 2. A statement identifying the party responsible for maintaining each conflict manhole. 3. Assurance of compliance with the design and construction requirements in sub-subparagraphs a. through d. below.
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a. Each water main passing through a conflict manhole shall have a flexible, watertight joint on each side of the manhole to accommodate differential settling between the main and the manhole. b. Within each conflict manhole, the water main passing through the manhole shall be installed in a watertight casing pipe having high impact strength (i.e., having an impact strength at least equal to that of 0.25-inch-thick ductile iron pipe). c. Each conflict manhole shall have an access opening, and shall be sized, to allow for easy cleaning of the manhole. d. Gratings shall be installed at all storm sewer inlets upstream of each conflict manhole to prevent large objects from entering the manhole. (4) Separation Between Fire Hydrant Drains and Sanitary or Storm Sewers, Wastewater or Stormwater Force Mains, Reclaimed Water Pipelines, and On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems. New or relocated fire hydrants with underground drains shall be located so that the drains are at least three feet from any existing or proposed storm sewer, stormwater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C.; at least three feet, and preferably ten feet, from any existing or proposed vacuum-type sanitary sewer; at least six feet, and preferably ten feet, from any existing or proposed gravity- or pressure-type sanitary sewer, wastewater force main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C.; and at least ten feet from any existing or proposed “on-site sewage treatment and disposal system” as defined in Section 381.0065(2), F.S., and Rule 64E-6.002, F.A.C. (5) Exceptions. Where it is not technically feasible or economically sensible to comply with the requirements in subsection (1) or (2) above, the Department shall allow exceptions to these requirements if suppliers of water or construction permit applicants provide technical or economic justification for each exception and provide alternative construction features that afford a similar level of reliability and public health protection. Acceptable alternative construction features include the following: (a) Where an underground water main is being laid less than the required minimum horizontal distance from another pipeline and where an underground water main is crossing another pipeline and joints in the water main are being located less than the required minimum distance from joints in the other pipeline: 1. Use of pressure-rated pipe conforming to the American Water Works Association standards incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., for the other pipeline if it is a gravity- or vacuum-type pipeline; 2. Use of welded, fused, or otherwise restrained joints for either the water main or the other pipeline; or 3. Use of watertight casing pipe or concrete encasement at least four inches thick for either the water main or the other pipeline. (b) Where an underground water main is being laid less than three feet horizontally from another pipeline and where an underground water main is crossing another pipeline and is being laid less than the required minimum vertical distance from the other pipeline: 1. Use of pipe, or casing pipe, having high impact strength (i.e., having an impact strength at least equal to that of 0.25-inch-thick ductile iron pipe) or concrete encasement at least four inches thick for the water main; and 2. Use of pipe, or casing pipe, having high impact strength (i.e., having an impact strength at least equal to that of 0.25-inch-thick ductile iron pipe) or concrete encasement at least four inches thick for the other pipeline if it is new and is conveying wastewater or reclaimed water. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.853(3), 403.861(12) FS. History–New 1-1-93, Formerly 17-555.314, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.315 Public Water System Wells - Security; Number; Capacity; Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water; Control of Copper Pipe Corrosion and Black Water; and Disinfection and Bacteriological Surveys and Evaluations. In addition to the rules set forth in Chapters 62-524 and 62-532, F.A.C., the requirements of this section apply to public water system wells. (1) Well Security. Wellheads shall be enclosed by fences with lockable access gates, housed in lockable buildings or enclosures, or otherwise protected against tampering, vandalism, and sabotage. (2) Number of Wells. A minimum of two wells shall be connected to each community water system that is using only ground water and that is serving, or is designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections. (3) Well Capacity. The total well capacity connected to a water system using only ground water shall equal at least the system’s design maximum-day water demand (including design fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided). In addition, if the water system is a community system serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the total well capacity with the largest producing well out of operation shall equal at least the design average daily water demand, and preferably the design maximum-day water demand, for the system. If a community water system interconnects with another community water system to meet the requirements in subsection (2) above regarding number of wells, the total well capacity for the combined systems shall equal at least the total design maximum-day water demand for the combined systems and, with the largest producing well out of operation for the combined systems, shall equal at least the design average daily water demand, and preferably the design maximum-day water demand, for the combined systems. (4) Wells Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water. Ground water from some wells, especially shallow wells and radial horizontal collector wells, and ground water from springs or infiltration galleries may be under the direct influence of surface water. The Department shall determine whether ground water is under the direct influence of surface water by using the procedures
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described in subsection 62-550.517(2), F.A.C., and subparagraph 62-550.817(2)(a)1., F.A.C. Suppliers of water using ground water that is determined by the Department to be under the direct influence of surface water shall comply with applicable requirements under Rule 62-550.817, F.A.C. (5) Control of Copper Pipe Corrosion and Black Water. Applicants for a construction permit to connect a new or altered well to a community water system, except those applicants who have submitted a complete application to the Department before August 28, 2003, shall include in the preliminary design report or design data accompanying their permit application the results of measurements for alkalinity, dissolved iron, dissolved oxygen, pH, total sulfide, and turbidity in a minimum of one sample of raw water from the new or altered well. These measurements may be performed by any authorized representative of the supplier of water or applicant; but field measurements for dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity shall be performed following the appropriate procedures in the Department of Environmental Protection Standard Operating Procedures for Field Activities, DEP-SOP-001/01, as incorporated into Rule 62-160.800, F.A.C., and all other measurements shall be performed using an appropriate method referenced in subsection 62-550.550(1), F.A.C., or in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. If the result for total sulfide equals or exceeds 0.3 mg/L, the applicant shall do the following: (a) Provide aeration or other appropriate treatment of the water from the new or altered well to remove total sulfide as necessary. Recommended types of aeration treatment for different water quality ranges are listed in the table below, which is incorporated herein as guidance and not as a requirement. Direct chlorination shall not be used to remove (i.e., oxidize) 0.3 mg/L or more of total sulfide unless the elemental sulfur formed during chlorination is removed. POTENTIAL FOR IMPACTS WITHOUT TOTAL SULFIDE REMOVAL Low Moderate
Total Sulfide < 0.3 mg/L Dissolved Iron < 0.1 mg/L1 0.3 mg/L d Total Sulfide d 0.6 mg/L @ pH d 7.2 or 0.3 mg/L d Total Sulfide d 0.6 mg/L @ pH > 7.2
Direct Chlorination2
0.6 mg/L < Total Sulfide d 3.0 mg/L @ pH d 7.2 or 0.6 mg/L < Total Sulfide d 3.0 mg/L @ pH > 7.2
Very Significant
Total Sulfide > 3.0 mg/L
Conventional Aeration3 (maximum removal efficiency | 40-50%) or Conventional Aeration with pH Adjustment4,5 (maximum removal efficiency | 40-50%) Forced Draft Aeration3 (maximum removal efficiency | 90%) or Forced Draft Aeration with pH Adjustment4,5 (maximum removal efficiency | 90%) Packed Tower Aeration with pH Adjustment4,5 (maximum removal efficiency > 90%)
High iron content raises concern if chlorination alone is used and significant dissolved oxygen exists in the source water. Filtration may be required to remove particulate iron prior to water distribution. 2
Direct chlorination of sulfide in water in the pH range normally found in potable sources produces elemental sulfur and increased turbidity. Finished-water turbidity should not be more than two nephelometric turbidity units greater than raw-water turbidity. 3Increased
dissolved oxygen entrained during aeration may increase corrosivity.
Reduction of alkalinity during pH adjustment and high dissolved oxygen entrained during aeration may increase corrosivity. Corrosion control treatment such as pH adjustment, alkalinity recovery, or use of inhibitors may be required. 5
High alkalinity will make pH adjustment more costly, and use of other treatment may be in order. Treatment that preserves the natural alkalinity of the source water may enhance the stability of finished water.
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(b) Provide in the preliminary design report or design data accompanying the applicant’s permit application a water quality and treatment evaluation affirmatively demonstrating that the secondary maximum contaminant levels for color and odor will not be exceeded in the water supplier’s drinking water distribution system or in water customers’ potable water systems. (6) Disinfection of Wells and Bacteriological Surveys and Evaluations of Wells. Wells shall be disinfected to inactivate any microbiological contaminant that may have been introduced into the wells during construction, repair, or maintenance and to allow the true microbiological character of well water to be determined through a bacteriological survey. (a) Before new or altered wells, wells out of operation for more than six months, wells in which new pumping equipment has been installed, and wells taken out of operation for maintenance that might have contaminated the well are placed into, or returned to, operation, they shall be disinfected in accordance with Sections 1. through 4. and Section 5.2 of American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C654 as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. In Section 5.2 of the aforementioned AWWA standard, references to Section 5.1 shall be interpreted to mean paragraph 62-555.315(6)(b) or (c), F.A.C., as appropriate. This paragraph does not apply to, and disinfection is not required for, wells that officially have been determined to be under the direct influence of surface water per subsection 62-550.517(2), F.A.C., and subparagraph 62-550.817(2)(a)1., F.A.C., and that are pumping to treatment plants with filtration and disinfection facilities meeting all applicable requirements in Rule 62-550.817, F.A.C. (b) Following disinfection of a new or altered well or a well that has been out of operation for more than six months, a bacteriological survey of the well shall be conducted as set forth in subparagraphs 1. through 3. below unless the well is already considered microbially contaminated or susceptible to microbial contamination per subparagraph 2. below or paragraph (f) below. The total residual chlorine measurements required under subparagraph 1. may be performed by any authorized representative of the supplier of water or person constructing or altering the well but shall be performed following the appropriate procedures in the Department of Environmental Protection Standard Operating Procedures for Field Activities, DEP-SOP-001/01 as incorporated into Rule 62-160.800, F.A.C. The total coliform or E. coli analyses required under subparagraph 1. shall be performed by a laboratory of the Department of Health (DOH) or a laboratory certified by the DOH to perform bacteriological analyses of drinking water and shall be performed using an appropriate method referenced in subsection 62-550.550(1), F.A.C. 1. A total of at least 20 samples – each taken on a separate but consecutive workday and taken at least six hours apart from the other samples – shall be collected after first pumping the well to waste to remove all residual chlorine and then pumping the well to waste at a rate approximately equal to that of the permanent well pump for at least 15 minutes before each sample is collected, and the samples shall be analyzed for the presence of total residual chlorine, total coliform, and E. coli. Upon a showing by the supplier of water, or a determination by the Department, that historical records or other circumstances warrant it, the Department shall allow the required number of samples or the sample collection interval to be modified. Under no circumstances shall the Department allow fewer than ten samples to be collected, and under no circumstances shall the Department allow more than two samples to be collected per day. If the Department allows collection of two samples per day, the samples shall be collected at least six hours apart, and the well shall be pumped to waste for at least 15 minutes before each sample is collected. 2. If any sample shows the presence of free or combined chlorine, the sample shall be considered invalid. If any sample shows the presence of E. coli, the well shall be considered microbially contaminated unless the Department invalidates the sample or the supplier of water determines and eliminates the source of the E. coli, in which case the well shall be redisinfected in accordance with paragraph (a) above and resampled in accordance with subparagraph 1. above. If more than ten percent of the total number of samples collected show the presence of total coliform or if either of the last two samples collected shows the presence of total coliform, the well shall be redisinfected as necessary in accordance with paragraph (a) above and resampled in accordance with subparagraph 1. above or shall be considered susceptible to microbial contamination. If a well is considered microbially contaminated or susceptible to microbial contamination, the supplier of water shall provide treatment that reliably achieves at least four-log inactivation or removal of viruses in accordance with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(b), F.A.C. Additionally, the supplier of water shall conduct physical characteristics monitoring in accordance with subsection 62-550.517(2), F.A.C., when notified in writing by the Department to do so. 3. Bacteriological test results shall be considered unacceptable if the tests were completed more than 60 days before the Department received the results. (c) Following disinfection of a well in which new pumping equipment has been installed or a well taken out of operation for maintenance that might have contaminated the well, a bacteriological evaluation of the well shall be conducted as set forth in subparagraphs 1. through 3. below unless the well is already considered microbially contaminated or susceptible to microbial contamination per subparagraph 62-555.315(6)(b)2., F.A.C., or paragraph (f) below. The total residual chlorine measurements required under subparagraph 1. may be performed by any authorized representative of the supplier of water but shall be performed following the appropriate procedures in the Department of Environmental Protection Standard Operating Procedures for Field Activities, DEP-SOP-001/01 as incorporated into Rule 62-160.800, F.A.C. The total coliform analyses required under subparagraph 1. shall be performed by a laboratory of the Department of Health (DOH) or a laboratory certified by the DOH to perform bacteriological analyses of drinking water and shall be performed using an appropriate method referenced in subsection 62-550.550(1), F.A.C. 1. After pumping the well to waste for at least 15 minutes with zero chlorine residual, a total of at least two samples – each taken on a separate day and taken at least six hours apart from the other sample(s) – shall be collected, and the samples shall be analyzed for the presence of total residual chlorine and total coliform.
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2. If any sample shows the presence of free or combined chlorine, the sample shall be considered invalid. If any sample shows the presence of total coliform, the well shall be redisinfected as necessary in accordance with paragraph (a) above and resampled in accordance with subparagraph 1. above until two consecutive samples show the absence of total coliform. 3. Bacteriological test results shall be considered unacceptable if the tests were completed more than 60 days before the Department received the results. (d) Except as allowed under paragraph (e) below and except as allowed under any special construction permit condition established in accordance with subsection 62-555.533(2)(f), F.A.C., no disinfected well shall be placed into, or returned to, operation until a bacteriological survey or evaluation has been completed if required by paragraph (b) or (c) above, results of the survey or evaluation have been submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) District Office or Approved County Health Department (ACHD) if a survey or evaluation is required, and said DEP District Office or ACHD has approved the well for operation. (e) When installing new well pumping equipment for which a public water system construction permit is not required per subsection 62-555.520(1), F.A.C., or when taking a well out of operation for maintenance that might contaminate the well, the well may be returned to operation without the Departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval after completion of disinfection and after satisfactory completion of a bacteriological evaluation if such an evaluation is required under paragraph (c) above. If a bacteriological evaluation is required, the results of the evaluation shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department along with the next monthly operation report(s) required under paragraph 62-555.350(12)(b), F.A.C., or if no monthly operation report is required under paragraph 62-555.350(12)(b), F.A.C., within ten days after the end of the month during which the evaluation was completed. (f) All public water systems using ground water not under the direct influence of surface water are required by subsections 62-550.518(2), (3), and (10), F.A.C., to periodically sample the raw ground water for microbiological contamination. In the event a raw water sample is positive for E. coli, the relevant well(s) shall be considered microbially contaminated unless the Department invalidates the sample or the supplier of water determines and eliminates the source of the E. coli, after which the supplier of water shall disinfect and bacteriologically survey the well(s) in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. If a raw water sample is positive for total coliform bacteria and if the relevant well(s) are not already considered microbially contaminated or susceptible to microbial contamination, the supplier of water shall disinfect and bacteriologically survey the well(s) in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above when notified in writing by the Department to do so. Specific Authority 373.309, 373.337, 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 373.309, 403.861(12), (17) FS. Historyâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.615, Amended 1-18-89, 5-7-90, 1-1-93, Formerly 17-555.315, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.320 Design and Construction of Public Water Systems. Public water systems shall be designed and constructed to provide sufficient drinking water of a quality that will meet all applicable standards in Chapters 62-550, F.A.C., and requirements in this chapter. This section addresses the design and construction of all public water system components other than wells (but including well pumping equipment and appurtenances). Public water system wells are addressed in Chapters 62-524 and 62-532, F.A.C., and Rule 62-555.315, F.A.C. (1) Sound Engineering Practice. New or altered public water system components shall be designed in accordance with sound engineering practice. Engineering references are listed in Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. (2) Innovative or Alternative Processes and Equipment. The Department encourages the development of new treatment processes and equipment. However, construction permits for innovative or alternative treatment processes or equipment (i.e., treatment processes or equipment not covered in the engineering references listed in Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C.) shall not be issued unless construction permit applicants include in the preliminary design report or design data accompanying their permit application supporting information demonstrating to the Department that the process or equipment is capable of consistently and reliably producing drinking water meeting applicable standards in Chapter 62-550, F.A.C., and requirements in this chapter. Supporting information shall include the following: (a) The manaufacturerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s technical information; (b) Data and reports from full-scale or pilot-plant installations that are operated under conditions comparable to those for which the process or equipment is being proposed and that are operated for a sufficient time to verify satisfactory performance of the process or equipment; and (c) Operation and maintenance requirements and availability of technical support. (3) Direct or Indirect Drinking Water Additives. (a) Drinking water additives and treatment chemicals, including chemicals used to regenerate ion-exchange resins or generate disinfectants on site at treatment plants, shall conform to one of the following: 1. NSF International Standard 60 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C.; 2. The standards in Water Chemicals Codex as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C.; or 3. The standards in Food Chemicals Codex as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. (b) Newly installed or constructed public water system (PWS) components that come into contact with drinking water or drinking water treatment chemicals shall conform to the applicable standards, regulations, or requirements referenced in subparagraphs 1. through 3. below. Fire hydrants are not covered by this paragraph; and mechanical devices that were previously
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installed in a PWS and then are removed, repaired or refurbished, and reinstalled in the same PWS are not covered by this paragraph. In addition, this paragraph does not apply to PWS components that either come into contact with drinking water prior to its treatment by reverse osmosis or come into contact with drinking water treatment chemicals and that are installed or constructed under a construction permit for which the Department received a complete application before August 28, 2003. 1. Except for ion-exchange resins, precast or cast-in-place concrete structures, and cement mortar, which are addressed in subparagraphs 2. and 3. below, newly installed or constructed PWS components that come into contact with drinking water or drinking water treatment chemicals shall conform to one of the following: a. NSF International Standard 61 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C.; b. NSF International Standard 42, 44, 53, 55, 58, or 62 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C.; c. Section 6 of NSF International Standard 14 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C.; or d. The Food and Drug Administration’s regulations for indirect food additives as contained in the April 1, 2002, revision of 21 CFR Parts 174 through 189, which are incorporated herein by reference. 2. Newly installed ion-exchange resins that come into contact with drinking water shall be part of an ion-exchange water softener that conforms to NSF International Standard 44 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C., or shall conform to one of the following: a. NSF International Standard 61 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C.; or b. The Food and Drug Administration’s regulations for secondary direct food additives from ion-exchange resins as contained in the April 1, 2002, revision of 21 CFR 173.25, which is incorporated herein by reference. 3. Any newly installed or constructed precast or cast-in-place concrete structure or newly installed cement mortar that is not coated by a barrier material meeting the requirements of subparagraph 1 above and that comes into contact with drinking water or drinking water treatment chemicals shall meet the following requirements: a. All cement, admixtures, form release agents, curing compounds, and sealers used in or on the concrete or mortar shall conform to NSF International Standard 61 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. b. Aggregate used in the concrete or mortar shall be clean (i.e., free of excess clay, silt, mica, organic matter, chemical salts, and coated grains) and shall be essentially free of those metals and radionuclides regulated under applicable primary drinking water standards. c. Water used in the concrete or mortar shall meet applicable primary drinking water standards for inorganics, organics, and radionuclides. (c) To determine or document whether drinking water additives or treatment chemicals or public water system components conform to the standards, regulations, or requirements listed in paragraph (a) or (b) above, suppliers of water or construction permit applicants may conduct their own evaluations or may rely upon third-party or manufacturer certifications. (d) The Department shall allow exceptions to the requirements in paragraph (b) above if suppliers of water or construction permit applicants provide the following: 1. Documentation that components conforming to the applicable standards, regulations, or requirements in paragraph (b) are not readily available; and 2. Assurance that the components being provided will not impart into drinking water or drinking water treatment chemicals any contaminant in an amount that could cause adverse human health effects. (4) Flood Protection. Community water systems (CWSs) shall be designed and constructed so that structures, and electrical or mechanical equipment, used to treat, pump, or store drinking water, apply drinking water treatment chemicals, or handle drinking water treatment residuals are protected from physical damage by the 100-year flood and, in coastal areas subject to flooding by wave action, from physical damage by the 100-year wave action. Additionally, CWSs shall be designed and constructed so that the aforementioned structures and equipment remain fully operational and accessible during the 25-year flood and, in coastal areas subject to flooding by wave action, the 25-year wave action; a lesser flood or wave action may be used if suppliers of water or construction permit applicants provide justification for using a lesser flood or wave action, but in no case shall less than the ten-year flood or wave action be used. (5) Security. Drinking water treatment or pumping facilities shall be enclosed by fences with lockable access gates, housed in lockable buildings or enclosures, or otherwise protected to prevent tampering, vandalism, and sabotage. Finished-drinking-water storage facilities shall be enclosed by fences with lockable access gates, shall have lockable access openings and lockable cages or enclosures obstructing access to ladders, or shall be otherwise protected to prevent tampering, vandalism, and sabotage. (6) Capacity of Drinking Water Source and Treatment Facilities. The total capacity of all water source and treatment facilities connected to a water system shall at least equal the water system’s design maximum-day water demand (including design fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided). Applicants for a permit to construct or alter a drinking water treatment plant’s source water or treatment facilities shall establish in the preliminary design report or drawings, specifications, and design data accompanying their permit application the design maximum-day capacity of the plant’s source water facilities and the plant’s treatment facilities and, if the plant is being designed to meet peak water demand or to supplement finished-drinking-water storage facilities in meeting peak water demand, the design peak capacity of the plant’s source water facilities and the plant’s treatment facilities. In turn, the Department shall specify in its construction permit for the plant’s new or altered source water or treatment facilities the permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the plant and, if the plant is being designed to meet peak water demand or to supplement finished-water storage facilities in meeting peak water demand, the permitted peak operating capacity of the plant.
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The Department shall not specify a permitted plant operating capacity greater than the design capacity of the plant’s treatment facilities as established by the applicant. However, the Department shall specify a permitted plant operating capacity less than the design capacity of the plant’s treatment facilities if the actual design capacity of the plant’s source water facilities, regardless of any water use permit limitations set by the water management district, is less than the design capacity of the plant’s treatment facilities; in such a case: (a) The construction permit for the plant’s new or altered source water or treatment facilities shall indicate the design capacity of the plant’s treatment facilities, shall state that permitted plant operating capacity is being limited because of the actual design capacity of the plant’s source water facilities, and shall specify a permitted plant operating capacity equal to the actual design capacity of the plant’s source water facilities. (b) Each subsequent construction permit for new or altered source water facilities for the plant shall update the permitted plant operating capacity as appropriate. (7) Raw Surface Water Pumping Stations. At each raw surface water pumping station that is constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is connected to a community water system (CWS) serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of water shall provide an installed or uninstalled standby pump of sufficient capacity to replace the largest pump. However, for CWSs that have multiple pumping stations subject to this requirement, the supplier of water may provide one uninstalled standby pump for each size of raw surface water pump installed in the water system instead of providing a standby pump on site at each raw surface water pumping station; and for CWSs that have only one pumping station subject to this requirement and that are designed to serve 10,000 or fewer persons, as many as three water systems located in the same county, or within 50 miles of one another, may enter into a mutual aid agreement to share one appropriately sized, uninstalled standby pump instead of providing a standby pump on site at each water system’s raw surface water pumping station. (8) Well Pump Housing, Well Pump Discharge Piping, and Well Pump Appurtenances. (a) Housing of Well Pumps. 1. Well pumps shall be housed in a weatherproof building, room, or pit unless the pumps are submersible or completely weatherproof, in which case the pumps need only be protected against tampering, vandalism, and sabotage in accordance with subsection (5) above. 2. Well pumphouses (i.e., buildings or rooms) for which the Department receives a complete construction permit application on or after August 28, 2003, shall have a concrete floor that is elevated above the adjacent finished ground surface and that is sloped to drain away from wells and well pumps. In addition, such well pumphouses shall have an access opening or removable roof or walls as necessary to provide full access for servicing wells and well pumps. 3. Well pump pits are allowed only where the finished ground surface is above the 100-year flood elevation and, in coastal areas subject to flooding by wave action, the 100-year wave-action elevation. All pump pit access openings shall have watertight covers or shall be flanged upward and provided with overlapping covers, and all pump pits shall be drained by gravity or by dual sump pumps with an alarm system that is activated in the event either sump pump fails. Sump pump alarm systems shall include an audio-visual alarm near the pump pit, and if the pump pit is not at a site staffed 24 hours per day and seven days per week, the alarm also shall be telemetered to a place staffed 24 hours per day and seven days per week, or shall trigger an automatic telephone dialing or paging device, to enable notification of an authorized representative of the supplier of water. Pump pits for which the Department receives a complete construction permit application on or after August 28, 2003, shall have an opening as necessary to provide full access for servicing wells and well pumps and shall have a concrete floor sloped to drain away from wells and well pumps. (b) Well Pump Discharge Piping. 1. New or altered discharge piping shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., except that a check valve is not required in the discharge piping from a jet pump and except that the required smooth-nosed sampling tap shall be located as specified in subparagraph 2. below. 2. The discharge piping from each well pump shall include a smooth-nosed tap for sampling raw well water. All such sampling taps shall be located upstream of the check valve in the discharge piping if possible and upstream of all treatment facilities and chemical application points; shall be located at least 12 inches above the finished floor, pad, or ground surface below the tap; and shall be conveniently accessible and downward-opening. Raw well water sampling taps installed on or after August 28, 2003, except those installed under a construction permit for which the Department received a complete application before August 28, 2003, shall have no interior or exterior threads. (c) Well Vents. Well pumps installed on or after August 28, 2003, except those installed under a construction permit for which the Department received a complete application before August 28, 2003, shall pump from a well that is vented to the atmosphere unless the well pump is a packer-type jet pump, the well casing also serves as well pump suction piping, the well is a flowing artesian well, there is no appreciable drawdown in the well, or the supplier of water provides justification for not venting the well to the atmosphere. All well vents shall terminate at least 12 inches above the 100-year flood elevation and, in coastal areas subject to flooding by wave action, at least 12 inches above the 100-year wave-action elevation. New or altered well vents shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C.
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(9) Odor Control at Drinking Water Treatment Plants. Drinking water treatment plants shall comply with the objectionable odor prohibition under subsection 62-296.320(2), F.A.C. (“Objectionable odor” is defined in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C.) Applicants for a permit to construct or alter drinking water treatment facilities, except those applicants who have submitted a complete application to the Department before August 28, 2003, shall provide in the preliminary design report or drawings, specifications, and design data accompanying their permit application assurance of compliance with subsection 62-296.320(2), F.A.C. Assurance of compliance may be based upon water quality data; use of appropriate water treatment processes and chemicals; proper treatment of vented gases; use of mitigative measures such as buffer zones owned or under the control of the supplier of water; etc. (10) Color Coding of Piping at Drinking Water Treatment Plants. All new or altered, aboveground piping at drinking water treatment plants shall be color coded and labeled as recommended in Section 2.14 of Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. In addition, all underground water main pipe that is installed at drinking water treatment plants on or after August 28, 2003, and that is conveying finished drinking water shall be color coded as required under subparagraph 62-555.320(21)(b)3., F.A.C. This subsection does not apply to drinking water treatment plant piping installed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department received a complete application before August 28, 2003. (11) Alarms for Nitrate/Nitrite Removal Equipment. An alarm system shall be provided for any drinking water treatment plant equipment that is installed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is necessary to achieve compliance with the primary drinking water standard for nitrate or nitrite. The alarm system shall be activated in the event of equipment failure and shall include an audio-visual alarm at the plant. If the plant is not staffed during all hours the plant is in operation, the alarm also shall be telemetered to a place staffed during all hours the plant is in operation, or shall trigger an automatic telephone dialing or paging device, to enable notification of an appropriately licensed water treatment plant operator. (12) Disinfection of Drinking Water. All suppliers of water shall provide continuous disinfection of the drinking water they distribute. The necessary equipment and tanks shall be designed to comply with the applicable requirements in paragraphs (a) through (d) below and subsections 62-555.350(5) and (6), F.A.C. Applicants for a permit to construct or alter disinfection facilities at a drinking water treatment plant where the requirements in paragraph (a) or (b) below apply shall establish in the preliminary design report or drawings, specifications, and design data accompanying their permit application the following: the design level of Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia, or virus inactivation to be achieved by disinfection; if chemical disinfection is being used to achieve Giardia lamblia or virus inactivation, the design minimum residual disinfectant concentration (C) before or at the first customer and the corresponding design minimum disinfectant contact time (T); and if ultraviolet disinfection is being used to achieve Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia, or virus inactivation, the design minimum ultraviolet dose. (a) Suppliers of water using surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water shall comply with applicable requirements under Rule 62-550.817, F.A.C. (b) Suppliers of water using ground water that is not under the direct influence of surface water but that is from a well considered microbially contaminated or susceptible to microbial contamination per paragraph 62-555.315(6)(b) or (f), F.A.C., shall provide treatment that reliably achieves at least four-log (99.99 percent) inactivation or removal of viruses before or at the first customer at all flow rates. Additionally, by no later than December 31, 2005, suppliers of water using ground water that is not under the direct influence of surface water but that is exposed during treatment to the open atmosphere and possible microbial contamination shall provide treatment that reliably achieves at least four-log inactivation or removal of viruses before or at the first customer at all flow rates. For the purpose of this paragraph, aerators and other facilities that are protected against contamination from birds, insects, wind-borne debris, rainfall, and drainage are not considered to be exposing water to the open atmosphere and possible microbial contamination. Direct filtration and diatomaceous-earth filtration are considered to be achieving one-log (90 percent) removal of viruses when properly operated, and conventional filtration treatment and slow sand filtration are considered to be achieving two-log (99 percent) removal of viruses when properly operated. Chemical disinfection using free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, or ozone and chemical disinfection using chloramines with chlorine added prior to ammonia are considered to be achieving two-log, three-log (99.9 percent), or four-log inactivation of viruses when meeting the applicable CT value listed in Appendix E of the Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. (c) Disinfectant contact time shall be calculated or determined as described in the definition of “disinfectant contact time” under Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C. (d) All suppliers of water shall maintain a minimum free chlorine residual of 0.2 milligram per liter, or a minimum combined chlorine residual of 0.6 milligram per liter or an equivalent chlorine dioxide residual, throughout their drinking water distribution system at all times. (13) Chlorination Facilities for Disinfection of Drinking Water. (a) Gas Chlorination Facilities. 1. New chlorinators shall be the vacuum-operated, solution-feed type. 2. Chlorinator capacity shall be such that any applicable minimum CT value and the minimum residual disinfectant level specified in paragraph 62-555.320(12)(d), F.A.C., and subsection 62-555.350(6), F.A.C., can be maintained when maximum chlorine demand coincides with maximum flow rate at the point of chlorine application.
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3. At each drinking water treatment plant that is using gas chlorination facilities to achieve Giardia lamblia or virus inactivation in accordance with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(a) or (b), F.A.C.; at each treatment plant that is using gas chlorination facilities for disinfection and that is connected to a community water system (CWS) having an actual or design average daily chlorine consumption equaling or exceeding ten pounds per day; and at each treatment plant that has gas chlorine disinfection facilities constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is connected to a CWS serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of water shall provide installed or uninstalled standby gas chlorination equipment (i.e., a standby chlorinator, including a standby vacuum regulator and a standby eductor, which is also referred to as an injector or ejector; a standby booster pump where booster pumps are used; and a standby evaporator where evaporators are used) of sufficient capacity to replace the largest equipment. However, for water systems that have multiple interconnected plants subject to this requirement, the supplier of water may provide one uninstalled standby for each type and size of gas chlorination equipment installed in the water system instead of providing standby gas chlorination equipment on site at each plant; and for water systems that have only one plant subject to this requirement and that are designed to serve 10,000 or fewer persons, as many as three water systems located in the same county, or within 50 miles of one another, may enter into a mutual aid agreement to share appropriately sized, uninstalled standby gas chlorination equipment instead of providing standby gas chlorination equipment on site at each water systemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plant. 4. At each drinking water treatment plant that is using gas chlorination facilities to achieve Giardia lamblia or virus inactivation in accordance with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(a) or (b), F.A.C.; at each treatment plant that is using gas chlorination facilities for disinfection and that is connected to a community water system (CWS) having an actual or design average daily chlorine consumption equaling or exceeding ten pounds per day; and at each treatment plant that has gas chlorine disinfection facilities constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is connected to a CWS serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of water shall provide devices for automatic switch-over of chlorine cylinders or containers. 5. Chlorine shall be fed into drinking water proportional to flow. Where the flow rate is reasonably constant, this may be accomplished by electrically interconnecting gas chlorination equipment with well or service pumps or by otherwise designing gas chlorination equipment to operate only when well or service pumps operate. Automatic flow proportioning control of chlorinators shall be provided where the flow rate fluctuates significantly. Furthermore, automatic residual control of chlorinators shall be provided where the chlorine demand fluctuates significantly, and automatic compound-loop control of chlorinators shall be provided where both the flow rate and the chlorine demand fluctuate significantly. 6. Scales shall be provided to accurately weigh chlorine cylinders or containers in use. 7. Chlorine shall be rapidly and thoroughly mixed with all drinking water being treated. 8. Chlorine storage and feed facilities shall be located in a room or area separate from other operating areas. If chlorine storage or feed facilities are enclosed in a room, the room shall be located at ground level and shall be provided with floor-level ventilation. New or altered chlorine rooms shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section 5.4.1 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. If chlorine storage or feed facilities are not enclosed in a room, they shall be shielded from direct sunlight and rain and shall be located at ground level in an area that either has adequate natural ventilation or is equipped with a mechanical ventilation system. For the purpose of this subparagraph, an area is considered to have adequate natural ventilation if walls are not completely obstructing more than one side of the perimeter of the area. New or altered mechanical ventilation systems for chlorine storage or feed areas shall meet applicable requirements in Section 5.4.1.c of Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. 9. At each drinking water treatment plant that is using gas chlorination facilities to achieve Giardia lamblia or virus inactivation in accordance with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(a) or (b), F.A.C., and at each treatment plant that is using gas chlorination facilities for disinfection and that is connected to a community water system serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of water shall provide an audio-visual alarm system that is activated by high- and low-vacuum switches, a continuous chlorine residual analyzer, or a continuous oxidation-reduction potential meter to indicate loss of chlorination capability or chlorine residual. If the plant is not staffed during all hours the plant is in operation, the alarm also shall be telemetered to a place staffed during all hours the plant is in operation, or shall trigger an automatic telephone dialing or paging device, to enable notification of an appropriately licensed water treatment plant operator. 10. Suppliers of water shall provide the following safety or protective equipment at drinking water treatment plants with gas chlorination facilities. a. At each treatment plant with gas chlorination facilities, the supplier of water shall provide in a convenient location, but not inside any room where chlorine is stored or handled, a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) meeting the requirements of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. However, for water systems that have multiple interconnected plants withdrawing chlorine from only 150-pound or smaller cylinders, the supplier of water may provide an SCBA in each vehicle used by plant operators instead of providing an SCBA at each plant withdrawing chlorine from only 150-pound or smaller cylinders. b. At each treatment plant with gas chlorination facilities, the supplier of water shall provide appropriate protective equipment in accordance with Table 15.5 in Water Treatment Plant Design as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., except that the supplier of water shall provide a self-contained breathing apparatus in accordance with sub-subparagraph a. above instead of providing a gas mask in accordance with this sub-subparagraph and Table 15.5.
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c. At each treatment plant withdrawing chlorine from ton containers or tank cars or trucks, the supplier of water shall provide continuous chlorine leak detection equipment that is connected to an alarm system. The alarm system shall include an audio-visual alarm at the plant, and if the plant is not staffed 24 hours per day and seven days per week, the alarm also shall be telemetered to a place staffed 24 hours per day and seven days per week, or shall trigger an automatic telephone dialing or paging device, to enable notification of an authorized representative of the supplier of water. d. At each treatment plant withdrawing chlorine from ton containers or tank cars or trucks, the supplier of water shall provide an emergency chlorine leak repair kit meeting the requirements of the Chlorine Institute. (b) Hypochlorination Facilities. 1. New hypochlorinators shall be positive displacement metering pumps or accurate vacuum-operated dosers. 2. Hypochlorinator capacity shall be such that any applicable minimum CT value and the minimum residual disinfectant level specified in paragraph 62-555.320(12)(d), F.A.C., and subsection 62-555.350(6), F.A.C., can be maintained when maximum chlorine demand coincides with maximum flow rate at the point of hypochlorite application. 3. At each drinking water treatment plant that is using hypochlorination facilities to achieve Giardia lamblia or virus inactivation in accordance with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(a) or (b), F.A.C.; at each treatment plant that is using hypochlorination facilities for disinfection and that is connected to a community water system (CWS) having an actual or design average daily chlorine consumption equaling or exceeding ten pounds per day; and at each treatment plant that has hypochlorite disinfection facilities constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is connected to a CWS serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of water shall provide installed or uninstalled standby hypochlorination equipment (i.e., a standby electrolytic generator and brine pump where sodium hypochlorite is generated on site; a standby metering pump where metering pumps are used; a standby doser, including a standby vacuum regulator and a standby eductor, which is also referred to as an injector or ejector, where vacuum-operated dosers are used; and a standby booster pump where booster pumps are used) of sufficient capacity to replace the largest equipment. However, for water systems that have multiple interconnected plants subject to this requirement, the supplier of water may provide one uninstalled standby for each type and size of hypochlorination equipment installed in the water system instead of providing standby hypochlorination equipment on site at each plant; and for water systems that have only one plant subject to this requirement and that are designed to serve 10,000 or fewer persons, as many as three water systems located in the same county, or within 50 miles of one another, may enter into a mutual aid agreement to share appropriately sized, uninstalled standby hypochlorination equipment instead of providing standby hypochlorination equipment on site at each water systemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plant. 4. Hypochlorite shall be fed into drinking water proportional to flow. Where the flow rate is reasonably constant, this may be accomplished by electrically interconnecting hypochlorination equipment with well or service pumps or by otherwise designing hypochlorination equipment to operate only when well or service pumps operate. Automatic flow proportioning control of hypochlorinators shall be provided where the flow rate fluctuates significantly. Furthermore, automatic residual control of hypochlorinators shall be provided where the chlorine demand fluctuates significantly, and automatic compound-loop control of hypochlorinators shall be provided where both the flow and the chlorine demand fluctuate significantly. 5. Hypochlorite metering pumps shall have antisiphon protection. For new or altered hypochlorination facilities, the antisiphon protection for metering pumps shall be in accordance with Section 5.1.5 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. 6. For sodium hypochlorite facilities that are constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that include a metering pump: a. The pump shall be located as close as possible to, and lower than, the hypochlorite source with the pump suction line sloping upward from the pump to the hypochlorite source; or b. The hypochlorite facilities shall be otherwise designed to prevent gas binding of the pump. 7. For hypochlorination facilities constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003: a. Hypochlorinator suction lines shall be located with the intake above the bottom of the hypochlorite container or shall be equipped with a strainer; or b. The hypochlorination facilities shall be otherwise designed to avoid feeding sediment into the drinking water. 8. Sodium hypochlorite shall not be stored or handled together with any acid or any ammonia or organic compound, and calcium hypochlorite shall not be stored or handled together with any acid or any combustible, organic, or oxidizable material. The storage of sodium hypochlorite shall be carefully managed to limit degradation of the hypochlorite and to limit formation of chlorate; alternative approaches for managing sodium hypochlorite storage are discussed on page 243 in Water Treatment Plant Design as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. Tanks for bulk storage of sodium hypochlorite shall have a liquid-level indicator, a vent, and an overflow discharging to a basin capable of containing accidental spills or overflows without uncontrolled discharge. Where bulk storage of sodium hypochlorite is provided, a day tank also shall be provided unless there is an alternative means for accurately measuring the daily amount of hypochlorite fed and there are alternative safeguards (e.g., continuous chlorine residual monitoring; audio-visual alarms activated by high chlorine residual levels; and staffing at the water treatment plant, or at a monitoring and control center for the plant, during all hours the plant is in operation) that maintain a similar level of protection against overfeeding of hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite bulk storage tanks that are installed on or after August 28, 2003, and that
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cannot be completely drained to a day tank shall be equipped with a valved drain to allow for complete drainage and periodic cleaning of the bulk storage tank; however, this requirement does not apply to bulk storage tanks installed under a construction permit for which the Department received a complete application before August 28, 2003. 9. Hypochlorite solution or day tanks shall have a lid or cover, shall have a valved drain, and shall be scale-mounted or have a means for measuring the liquid level in the tank. For new or altered hypochlorination facilities, solution or day tanks shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Sections 5.1.10 and 5.1.11 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. 10. Hypochlorite shall be rapidly and thoroughly mixed with all drinking water being treated. 11. Housing for new or altered hypochlorite storage or feed facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section 5.1.14 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. Waste hydrogen from on-site sodium hypochlorite generation systems constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, shall be vented directly to the outside atmosphere using a dilution air blower as necessary to ensure the concentration of hydrogen always will be below the explosion level. 12. At each drinking water treatment plant that is using hypochlorination facilities to achieve Giardia lamblia or virus inactivation in accordance with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(a) or (b), F.A.C., and at each treatment plant that has hypochlorite disinfection facilities constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is connected to a CWS serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of water shall provide an audio-visual alarm system that is activated by high- and low-pressure switches, a low-flow switch or flow meter, high- and low-vacuum switches, a continuous chlorine residual analyzer, or a continuous oxidation-reduction potential meter to indicate loss of hypochlorination capability or chlorine residual. If the plant is not staffed during all hours the plant is in operation, the alarm also shall be telemetered to a place staffed during all hours the plant is in operation, or shall trigger an automatic telephone dialing or paging device, to enable notification of an appropriately licensed water treatment plant operator. 13. At each drinking water treatment plant with hypochlorination facilities, the supplier of water shall provide appropriate safety or protective equipment in accordance with Table 15.5 in Water Treatment Plant Design as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. (14) Standby Power. (a) By no later than December 31, 2005, each community water system (CWS) serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections shall provide standby power for operation of that portion of the systemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s water source, treatment, and pumping facilities necessary to deliver drinking water meeting all applicable primary or secondary standards at a rate at least equal to the average daily water demand for the system. If a CWS interconnects with another CWS to meet this requirement, the portion of the combined systemsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; components provided with standby power shall be sufficient to deliver water at a rate at least equal to the average daily water demand for the combined systems. (b) Where standby power is required under paragraph (a) above, it shall be provided through: 1. Connection to at least two independent power feeds from separate substations; or 2. One or more auxiliary power sources (i.e., generators or engines). (c) Where standby power is required under paragraph (a) above and is provided through connection to independent power feeds from separate substations, the power feeds shall not be located in the same conduit or supported from the same utility pole and, if overhead power feeds are used, shall not cross or be located in an area where a single plausible occurrence (e.g., a fallen tree) could disrupt both power feeds. (d) Where standby power is required under paragraph (a) above and is provided through an auxiliary power source, an in-place auxiliary power source is preferred. A portable auxiliary power source may be provided only if all of the following conditions are met: 1. A system to automatically start up the auxiliary power source and transfer electrical loads is not required under paragraph (e) below. 2. The supplier of water demonstrates that the water system has first priority for use of the portable auxiliary power source. 3. The supplier of water demonstrates that the portable auxiliary power source will at all times be in reasonably close proximity to (i.e., within 25 miles of) the water system components for which standby power is required. (e) Where standby power is required under paragraph (a) above and the time delay required to manually transfer electrical loads from one power source to another could result in failure to maintain the minimum water distribution system pressure required under subsection 62-555.350(7), F.A.C., the supplier of water shall provide a system to automatically start up the auxiliary power source if an auxiliary power source is provided and to automatically transfer electrical loads. (f) At each site where standby power is required under paragraph (a) above, the supplier of water shall provide by December 31, 2005, an audio-visual alarm system that is activated in the event any power source fails. If the site is not staffed during all hours the standby-powered water system components are in operation, the alarm also shall be telemetered to a place staffed during all hours the standby-powered water system components are in operation, or shall trigger an automatic telephone dialing or paging device, to enable notification of an authorized representative of the supplier of water. (15) High-Service or Booster Pumps. For purposes of this subsection, well pump installations shall be considered high-service pumping stations if the well pumps serve as high-service pumps.
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(a) Unless elevated finished-drinking-water storage is provided, the total capacity of all high-service pumping stations connected to a water system, or the capacity of a booster pumping station, shall be sufficient to: 1. Meet at least the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, peak-hour water demand (and if fire protection is being provided, meet at least the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, design fire-flow rate plus a background water demand equivalent to the maximum-day demand other than fire-flow demand); and 2. Maintain a minimum gauge pressure of 20 pounds per square inch throughout the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, distribution system up to each customer’s point of connection to the distribution system. (b) Where elevated finished-drinking-water storage is provided, the total capacity of all high-service pumping stations connected to a water system, or the capacity of a booster pumping station, shall be sufficient to at least meet the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, maximum-day water demand (including design fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) and to maintain distribution system pressure as specified in subparagraph 62-555.320(15)(a)2., F.A.C. In addition, the total capacity of the high-service pumping stations, or the capacity of the booster pumping station, combined with the useful elevated finished-water storage capacity shall be sufficient to meet the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, peak-hour water demand for at least four consecutive hours (and if fire protection is being provided, shall be sufficient to meet the water system’s, or the booster station service area’s, design fire-flow rate plus a background water demand equivalent to the maximum-day demand other than fire-flow demand for the design fire-flow duration). (c) At each high-service or booster pumping station that is constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, and that is connected to a community water system (CWS) serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections, the supplier of water shall provide an installed or uninstalled standby pump of sufficient capacity to replace the largest pump. However, for CWSs that have multiple interconnected pumping stations subject to this requirement, the supplier of water may provide one uninstalled standby pump for each size of high-service or booster pump installed in the water system instead of providing a standby pump on site at each high-service or booster pumping station; and for water systems that have only one pumping station subject to this requirement and that are designed to serve 10,000 or fewer persons, as many as three water systems located in the same county, or within 50 miles of one another, may enter into a mutual aid agreement to share one appropriately sized, uninstalled standby pump instead of providing a standby pump on site at each water system’s high-service or booster pumping station. (16) Finished-Drinking-Water Meters. All water treatment plants that are connected to a community water system and water treatment plants that are connected to a non-community water system and that are constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, shall be equipped with a totalizing flow meter to measure the net quantity of finished drinking water, excluding any filter backwash water, produced at the plant each day. All other drinking water treatment plants shall be equipped with at least elapsed time meters that can be used in conjunction with calibrated pumps to measure the net quantity of finished drinking water produced at the plant each day. (17) Finished-Drinking-Water Sampling Taps. A conveniently accessible sampling tap shall be provided at each entry point to a drinking water distribution system (i.e., at each point where drinking water source and treatment facilities discharge to a drinking water distribution system) so that samples of finished drinking water may be taken in accordance with subsection 62-550.500(5), F.A.C. Each such sampling tap shall be located downstream from all water treatment processes at a point where all treatment chemicals have been thoroughly mixed with the water and shall be located upstream from all water customers. If a water system draws water from more than one source and combines the sources before distribution, a single finished-water sampling tap may be provided downstream from where all of the sources are combined at a point where all of the sources have been thoroughly mixed together. (18) Pump Suction Piping. All pump suction piping that is conveying raw, partially treated, or finished drinking water shall be protected against infiltration. Pump suction piping that is conveying raw, partially treated, or finished drinking water and that is constructed or altered under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, must be located aboveground or, if located underground, must be constantly under positive gauge pressure. (19) Finished-Drinking-Water Storage Capacity. This subsection addresses finished-water storage capacity necessary for operational equalization to meet peak water demand. (If fire protection is being provided, additional finished-water storage capacity shall be provided as necessary to meet the design fire-flow rate for the design fire-flow duration.) The finished-water storage capacity necessary to meet the peak water demand for a consecutive system may be provided by the consecutive system or by a wholesale system delivering water to the consecutive system. (a) Except as noted in paragraph (b) below, the total useful finished-water storage capacity (excluding any storage capacity for fire protection) connected to a water system shall at least equal 25 percent of the system’s maximum-day water demand, excluding any design fire-flow demand. (b) A total useful finished-water storage capacity less than that specified in paragraph (a) above is acceptable if the supplier of water or construction permit applicant makes one of the following demonstrations: 1. A demonstration consistent with Section 10.6.3 in Water Distribution Systems Handbook as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., showing that the water system’s total useful finished-water storage capacity (excluding any storage capacity for fire protection) is sufficient for operational equalization.
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2. A demonstration showing that, in conjunction with the capacity of the water system’s source, treatment, and finished-water pumping facilities, the water system’s total useful finished-water storage capacity (excluding any storage capacity for fire protection) is sufficient to meet the water system’s peak-hour water demand for at least four consecutive hours. For small water systems with hydropneumatic tanks that are installed under a construction permit for which the Department receives a complete application on or after August 28, 2003, the supplier of water or construction permit applicant also shall demonstrate that, in conjunction with the capacity of the water system’s source, treatment, and finished-water pumping facilities, the water system’s total useful finished-water storage capacity (i.e., the water system’s total effective hydropneumatic tank volume) is sufficient to meet the water system’s peak instantaneous water demand for at least 20 consecutive minutes. (20) Hydropneumatic Tanks. New hydropneumatic tanks, including bladder- or diaphragm-type tanks, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section 7.2 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., except that: (a) The tanks need not be housed. (b) Tanks installed on or after August 28, 2003, except those installed under a construction permit for which the Department received a complete application before August 28, 2003, shall have an automatic air or pressure relief valve. (c) Bladder- or diaphragm-type tanks need not have an access manhole, water sight glass, or means for adding air other than a recharging valve. (21) Drinking Water Piping and Appurtenances. (a) All new or altered mains, including treatment plant process piping, and appurtenances conveying raw or partially treated drinking water shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Sections 8.0, 8.4, 8.5, and 8.7 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., except that: 1. Asbestos-cement water mains shall be pressure and leakage tested in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C603 as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., and polyvinyl chloride water mains shall be pressure and leakage tested in accordance with AWWA Standard C605 as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., while all other types of water mains shall be pressure and leakage tested in accordance with AWWA Standard C600 as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. 2. Water mains and appurtenances that normally convey surface water, or ground water under the direct influence of surface water, and that are located upstream of all filtration and disinfection treatment facilities need not be disinfected. 3. All water mains and appurtenances other than those described in subparagraph 2. above shall be disinfected and bacteriologically evaluated in accordance with Rule 62-555.340, F.A.C. (b) All new or altered piping, including treatment plant process piping, and appurtenances conveying finished drinking water shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Sections 8.0 through 8.5 and 8.7 through 8.11 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., except that: 1. Asbestos-cement water mains shall be pressure and leakage tested in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C603 as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., and polyvinyl chloride water mains shall be pressure and leakage tested in accordance with AWWA Standard C605 as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., while all other types of water mains shall be pressure and leakage tested in accordance with AWWA Standard C600 as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. 2. All water mains and appurtenances shall be disinfected and bacteriologically evaluated in accordance with Rule 62-555.340, F.A.C. 3. All water main pipe, including fittings, installed on or after August 28, 2003, except pipe installed under a construction permit for which the Department received a complete application before August 28, 2003, shall be color coded or marked using blue as a predominant color to differentiate drinking water from reclaimed or other water. Underground plastic pipe shall be solid-wall blue pipe, shall have a co-extruded blue external skin, or shall be white or black pipe with blue stripes incorporated into, or applied to, the pipe wall; and underground metal or concrete pipe shall have blue stripes applied to the pipe wall. Pipe striped during manufacturing of the pipe shall have continuous stripes that run parallel to the axis of the pipe, that are located at no greater than 90-degree intervals around the pipe, and that will remain intact during and after installation of the pipe. If tape or paint is used to stripe pipe during installation of the pipe, the tape or paint shall be applied in a continuous line that runs parallel to the axis of the pipe and that is located along the top of the pipe; for pipes with an internal diameter of 24 inches or greater, tape or paint shall be applied in continuous lines along each side of the pipe as well as along the top of the pipe. Aboveground pipe at drinking water treatment plants shall be color coded and labeled in accordance with subsection 62-555.320(10), F.A.C., and all other aboveground pipe shall be painted blue or shall be color coded or marked like underground pipe. (c) The Department shall allow the use of pipe and appurtenances that do not conform to applicable American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., only if suppliers of water or construction permit applicants provide documentation showing that the alternate pipe and appurtenances provide strength, durability, reliability, and public health protection at least equal to that provided by pipe and appurtenances that conform to applicable AWWA standards. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.861(7) FS. History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.620, Amended 1-18-89, 5-7-90, 1-1-93, 3-8-94, Formerly 17-555.320, Amended 8-28-03.
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62-555.322 Prohibition on Use of Lead Pipe, Solder, and Flux. (1) As of January 18, 1989, any pipe, pipe fitting, solder, and flux that is used in the construction, alteration, or repair of any public water system shall be lead free as defined in subsection (2) below, and as of August 28, 2003, any plumbing fitting or fixture that is intended to dispense water for human consumption and that is used in the construction, alteration, or repair of any public water system shall be lead free as defined in subsection (2) below. This subsection shall not apply to leaded joints necessary for the repair of cast iron pipes. (2) The phrase “lead free” shall mean: (a) When used with respect to solder and flux, solder and flux containing not more than 0.2 percent lead; (b) When used with respect to pipe and pipe fittings, pipe and pipe fittings containing not more than 8.0 percent lead; and (c) When used with respect to plumbing fittings and fixtures intended to dispense water for human consumption, plumbing fittings and fixtures in compliance with Section 9 of NSF International Standard 61 as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.853(1) FS. History–New 1-18-89, Formerly 17-555.322, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.325 Fluoridation. (1) Fluoride levels in drinking water shall not exceed the primary maximum contaminant level under Rule 62-550.310, F.A.C., or the secondary maximum contaminant level under Rule 62-550.320, F.A.C. The recommended optimal fluoride concentration for fluoridated community water systems is 0.8 milligram per liter. The recommended fluoride control range for fluoridated community water systems is 0.7 to 1.3 milligrams per liter. (2) Equipment and Installation. (a) Fluoride chemicals shall be fed into drinking water proportional to flow. Where the flow rate is reasonably constant, this may be accomplished by electrically interconnecting fluoride metering pumps with well or service pumps or by otherwise designing fluoride metering pumps to operate only when well or service pumps operate. Automatic flow proportioning control of fluoride metering pumps shall be provided where the flow rate varies significantly (i.e., where the flow rate varies by more than 20 percent). (b) Fluoride metering pumps shall have antisiphon protection. (c) Tanks and containers holding fluorosilicic acid shall be vented only to the outside atmosphere. (d) Scales, loss-of-weight recorders, liquid-level indicators, or flow meters, as appropriate, shall be provided to accurately measure quantities of fluoride chemicals used. (e) At each drinking water treatment plant with fluoridation facilities, the supplier of water shall provide appropriate safety or protective equipment in accordance with Table 15.5 in Water Treatment Plant Design as incorporated into Rule 62-550.330, F.A.C. (f) Suppliers of water who fluoridate their water shall provide analytical equipment that uses the colorimetric or ion electrode method to measure the fluoride concentration in the treated water. (g) New or altered fluoridation facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section 4.7 and Part 5 in Recommended Standards for Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., and in accordance with Water Fluoridation: A Manual for Engineers and Technicians as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. (3) Quality Assurance and Reporting. (a) For each drinking water treatment plant fluoridating water, the supplier of water shall measure and record daily the quantity of fluoride chemical used, calculate and record daily the fluoride dose, and measure and record daily the fluoride concentration in the finished drinking water at the entry to the drinking water distribution system. The daily measurements of fluoride concentration in finished water may be performed by any authorized representative of the supplier of water but shall be performed using an appropriate method referenced in subsection 62-550.550(1), F.A.C. If the daily measurements of fluoride concentration in finished water are not performed by a laboratory certified by the Department of Health to perform fluoride analyses of drinking water, the supplier of water shall collect check samples and have them analyzed in accordance with paragraph (b) below. (b) For each public water system (PWS) fluoridating water and not using a certified laboratory to perform all daily measurements of fluoride concentration in the finished drinking water from each of the PWS’s treatment plants, the supplier of water shall collect two check samples per month from the PWS’s distribution system. Each check sample shall be “split” into two samples, one which shall be analyzed by an authorized representative of the supplier of water and one which shall be analyzed by a laboratory of the Department of Health or a laboratory certified by the Department of Health to perform fluoride analyses of drinking water. (c) For each drinking water treatment plant fluoridating water, the supplier of water shall report the information required under paragraph (a) above and, if applicable, the results of the analyses required under paragraph (b) above to the Department of Health’s Bureau of Dental Health within ten days after each month of operation using Form 62-555.900(5), Monthly Operation Report for PWSs Fluoridating Water, hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, effective August 28, 2003. Copies of this form are available from the Department of Environmental Protection, Drinking Water Section, M.S. 3520, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. (4) The Department of Health’s Bureau of Dental Health is authorized to conduct inspections of fluoridation facilities at public water systems.
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Specific Authority 403.853(3), 403.861(6), (9), 403.862(1) FS. Law Implemented 403.852(12), (13), 403.853(3), (5) FS. History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.625, Amended 1-18-89, 1-3-91, Formerly 17-555.325, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.330 Engineering References for Public Water Systems. In addition to the requirements of this chapter, the requirements and standards contained in the following technical publications are hereby incorporated by reference and shall be applied in determining whether permits to construct or alter public water system components, excluding wells (but including well pumping equipment and appurtenances), shall be issued or denied. Each of these publications is available from the publisher or source listed for the publication. The specific requirements contained in this chapter supersede the requirements and standards contained in these publications. Where there are conflicts between these publications, suppliers of water and construction permit applicants shall comply with any one of the publications. Where there are multiple options or alternatives in these publications, suppliers of water and construction permit applicants shall comply with any one of the options or alternatives. The Department shall allow exceptions to the requirements and standards in these publications if suppliers of water or construction permit applicants provide justification for each exception and provide alternative design and construction features that achieve the same purpose and that afford a similar level of strength, durability, reliability, and public health protection. (1) Water Quality and Treatment: A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Fifth Edition, 1999, American Water Works Association. Published by McGraw-Hill, Post Office Box 182604, Columbus, OH 43218-2605. (2) Water Treatment Plant Design, Third Edition, 1997, American Society of Civil Engineers and American Water Works Association. Published by McGraw-Hill, Post Office Box 182604, Columbus, OH 43218-2605. (3) Recommended Standards for Water Works, 1997 Edition, Great Lakes – Upper Mississippi River Board of State Public Health and Environmental Managers. Published by Health Research, Inc., Health Education Services Division, P. O. Box 7126, Albany, NY 12224. (4) Standards of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) in effect on January 1, 2003. Published by the AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235. (5) Water Fluoridation: A Manual for Engineers and Technicians, September 1986, Thomas G. Reeves, P.E. Published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Dental Disease Prevention Activity, Atlanta, GA 30333. (6) Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control, AWWA Manual M14, Second Edition, 1990, American Water Works Association (AWWA). Published by the AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235. (7) Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse, December 2000, National Water Research Institute (NWRI) and American Water Works Association Research Foundation. Published by the NWRI, P.O. Box 20865, Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0865. (8) Water Distribution Systems Handbook, 1999, Larry W. Mays, Editor in Chief. Published by McGraw-Hill, Post Office Box 182604, Columbus, OH 43218-2605. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.861(7) FS. History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.630, Amended 1-18-89, 1-3-91, 1-1-93, Formerly 17-555.330, Amended 9-22-99, 8-28-03.
62-555.335 Guidance Documents for Public Water Systems. The following publications are adopted as financial, managerial, and technical guidance to assist suppliers of water in achieving compliance with Chapters 62-550, 62-555, and 62-560, F.A.C. Each of these publications is available from the publisher or source listed for the publication. Specific portions of these publications may be referenced as enforceable requirements in Chapters 62-550, 62-555, and 62-560, F.A.C. But otherwise, these publications are to be used only as guidance, and the specific requirements contained in Chapters 62-550, 62-555, and 62-560, F.A.C., shall supersede the guidance in these publications. (1) Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources, March 1991 Edition, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the following sources: (a) USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (b) Educational Resources Information Center, Clearinghouse for Sciences, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1080. (c) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (2) Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual, Volume I: Monitoring, September 1991, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (3) Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual, Volume II: Corrosion Control Treatment, September 1992, U.S., Environmental Protection Agency. Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (4) Lead and Copper Monitoring and Reporting Guidance for Public Water Systems, February 2002, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the following sources:
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(a) USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (b) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (5) Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual, April 1999, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the following sources: (a) USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (b) Educational Resources Information Center, Clearinghouse for Sciences, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1080. (c) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (6) Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule: Turbidity Provisions, April 1999, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the following sources: (a) USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (b) Educational Resources Information Center, Clearinghouse for Sciences, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1080. (c) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (7) Enhanced Coagulation and Enhanced Precipitative Softening Guidance Manual, May 1999, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the following sources: (a) USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (b) Educational Resources Information Center, Clearinghouse for Sciences, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1080. (c) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (8) Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Guidance Manual, August 1999, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the following sources: (a) USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (b) Educational Resources Information Center, Clearinghouse for Sciences, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1080. (c) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (9) Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Rules Simultaneous Compliance Manual, August 1999, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the following sources: (a) USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (b) Educational Resources Information Center, Clearinghouse for Sciences, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1080. (c) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (10) NSF International (NSF) Standard 14-2003, Plastics Piping System Components and Related Materials; NSF Standard 42-2002, Drinking Water Treatment Units – Aesthetic Effects; NSF Standard 44-2002, Residential Cation Exchange Water Softeners; NSF Standard 53-2002, Drinking Water Treatment Units – Health Effects; NSF Standard 55-2002, Ultraviolet Microbiological Water Treatment Systems; NSF Standard 58-2002, Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems; NSF Standard 60-2002, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals – Health Effects; NSF Standard 61-2002, Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects; and NSF Standard 62-1999, Drinking Water Distillation Systems. Available from Techstreet, 1327 Jones Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. (11) Water Chemicals Codex, 1982, National Research Council. Published by the National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055. (12) Food Chemicals Codex; Fourth Edition, 1996; First Supplement to the Fourth Edition, 1997; Second Supplement to the Fourth Edition, 2000; and Third Supplement to the Fourth Edition, 2001; Institute of Medicine. Published by the National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055. (13) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition, 1998, American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association, and Water Environment Federation. Published by the APHA, 800 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. (14) Emergency Planning for Water Utilities, AWWA Manual M19, Fourth Edition, 2001, American Water Works Association (AWWA). Published by the AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235. (15) Manual of Small Public Water Supply Systems, May 1991, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (16) Design and Construction of Small Water Systems, An AWWA Small Systems Resource Book, Second Edition, 1999, American Water Works Association (AWWA). Published by the AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235.
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(17) Design of Small Water Systems; Engineer Manual 1110-2-503; February 27, 1999; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. (18) “Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary Boil Water Notices;” August 26, 1999; Florida Department of Health (FDOH). Available from the FDOH, Bureau of Water Programs, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A08, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1709. (19) Sources of Technical and Financial Assistance for Small Drinking Water Systems, July 2002, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (20) System Partnership Solutions to Improve Public Health Protection, September 2002, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Available from the USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460-0003. (21) New Water System Capacity Development Planning Manual, April 2003, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Available from the FDEP, Drinking Water Section, 2600 Blair Stone Road, M.S. 3520, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. (22) Uniform System of Accounts for Class A Water Utilities, 1996; Uniform System of Accounts for Class B Water Utilities, 1996; Uniform System of Accounts for Class C Water Utilities, 1996; National Association of Regulatory and Utility Commissioners (NARUC). Published by the NARUC, 1101 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.861(7), 403.8615 FS. History–New 1-3-91, Amended 1-1-93, Formerly 17-555.335, Amended 9-22-99, 8-28-03.
62-555.340 Disinfection and Bacteriological Evaluation of Public Water System Components. This section addresses disinfection and bacteriological evaluation of the following public water system (PWS) components: treatment or storage facilities and water mains. These PWS components shall be disinfected to inactivate any microbiological contaminant that might have been introduced into the facilities or mains during construction, alteration, repair, or maintenance. For the purpose of this section, the phrase “water mains” shall mean mains, including treatment plant process piping, conveying either raw, partially treated, or finished drinking water; fire hydrant leads; and service lines that are under the control of a PWS and that have an inside diameter of three inches or greater. Disinfection of public water system wells and bacteriological surveys and evaluations of such wells are addressed in subsection 62-555.315(6), F.A.C. (1) Before new or altered treatment or storage facilities, new or altered water mains, and treatment or storage facilities and water mains taken out of operation for repair or maintenance that might lead to contamination of water are placed into, or returned to, operation, they shall be properly disinfected in accordance with the applicable American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard (i.e., AWWA Standard C651, C652, or C653) as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C., except that bacteriological evaluations to verify proper disinfection shall be conducted in accordance with subsection (2) below. This subsection does not apply to, and disinfection and bacteriological evaluations are not required for, the following treatment or storage facilities and water mains: (a) Treatment or storage facilities and water mains that normally are treating, storing, or conveying surface water, or ground water under the direct influence of surface water, and that are located upstream of all filtration and disinfection treatment facilities; (b) Disinfectant storage, feed, or application facilities; (c) Treatment facilities handling residuals that are not recycled to the drinking water treatment train; and (d) Water mains that are repaired with clamping devices while remaining full of pressurized water. (2) Bacteriological evaluations to verify proper disinfection of treatment or storage facilities and water mains shall be conducted as set forth in paragraphs (a) through (c) below. The total residual chlorine measurements required under paragraph (a) may be performed by any authorized representative of the supplier of water or person constructing or altering the treatment or storage facilities or water mains but shall be performed following the appropriate procedures in the Department of Environmental Protection Standard Operating Procedures for Field Activities, DEP-SOP-001/01, as incorporated into Rule 62-160.800, F.A.C. The total coliform analyses required under paragraph (a) shall be performed by a laboratory of the Department of Health (DOH) or a laboratory certified by the DOH to perform bacteriological analyses of drinking water and shall be performed using an appropriate method referenced in subsection 62-550.550(1), F.A.C. (a) After reducing the total chlorine residual in the facilities or mains to no more than four milligrams per liter, a total of at least two samples – each taken on a separate day and taken at least six hours apart from the other sample(s) – shall be collected at each of the locations indicated in the applicable AWWA standard referenced in subsection (1) above, and the samples shall be analyzed for total residual chlorine and for the presence of total coliform. (b) If any sample contains more than four milligrams per liter of total chlorine, the sample shall be considered invalid. If any sample shows the presence of total coliform, the facilities or mains shall be redisinfected as necessary in accordance with subsection (1) above and resampled in accordance with paragraph (a) above until two consecutive samples at each sampling location show the absence of total coliform.
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(c) Bacteriological test results shall be considered unacceptable if the tests were completed more than 60 days before the Department received the results. (3) Except as allowed under subsections (4) and (5) below and except as allowed under special construction permit conditions established in accordance with paragraph 62-555.533(2)(f), F.A.C., no disinfected treatment or storage facilities or water mains shall be placed into, or returned to, operation until a bacteriological evaluation has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with subsection (2) above, results of the evaluation have been submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) District Office or Approved County Health Department (ACHD), and said DEP District Office or ACHD has approved the facilities or mains for operation. (4) When constructing or altering treatment or storage facilities, or water mains, for which a public water system construction permit is not required per subsection 62-555.520(1), F.A.C., and when taking treatment or storage facilities or water mains out of operation for repair or maintenance that might lead to contamination of water, the facilities or mains may be placed into, or returned to, operation without the Department’s approval after disinfection and satisfactory completion of a bacteriological evaluation in accordance with subsection (2) above. The results of the bacteriological evaluation shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department along with the next monthly operation report(s) required under paragraph 62-555.350(12)(b), F.A.C., or if no monthly operation report is required under paragraph 62-555.350(12)(b), F.A.C., within ten days after the end of the month during which the bacteriological evaluation was completed. (5) When taking water mains out of operation for repair or rehabilitation that might lead to contamination of water, the mains may be returned to operation without the Department’s approval after disinfection and before completion of a bacteriological evaluation in order to minimize the time customers are without water. An advisory or a precautionary “boil water” notice shall be issued if deemed necessary by the supplier of water or if recommended in the Department of Health’s “Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary Boil Water Notices” as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. A bacteriological evaluation still must be satisfactorily completed in accordance with subsection (2) above after the mains are returned to operation. If any bacteriological sample shows the presence of total coliform, the supplier of water shall telephone, and speak directly to a person at, the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) District Office or Approved County Health Department (ACHD) as soon as possible, but never later than noon of the next business day. Otherwise, the results of the bacteriological evaluation shall be submitted to the appropriate DEP District Office or ACHD along with the next monthly operation report(s) required under paragraph 62-555.350(12)(b), F.A.C., or if no monthly operation report is required under paragraph 62-555.350(12)(b), F.A.C., within ten days after the end of the month during which the bacteriological evaluation was completed. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.852(12), (13), 403.853(1), (3) FS. History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.640, Amended 1-18-89, Formerly 17-555.340, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.345 Certification of Construction Completion and Clearance for Public Water System Components. Except as allowed under subsection 62-555.340(5), F.A.C., or by special permit condition established in accordance with paragraph 62-555.533(2)(f), F.A.C., no public water system (PWS) components constructed or altered under a permit granted by the Department shall be placed into permanent operation without prior Department approval, or clearance, as described below. (1) Upon completing, or substantially completing, the construction of new or altered PWS components, and before placing the components into operation for any purpose other than disinfection, testing for leaks, or testing equipment operation, the permittee shall submit to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) District Office or Approved County Health Department one copy of a completed certification of construction completion using Form 62-555.900(9), Certification of Construction Completion and Request for Clearance to Place Permitted PWS Components into Operation, hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, effective August 28, 2003. Copies of this form are available from the Department of Environmental Protection, Drinking Water Section, M.S. 3520, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. This certification shall be accompanied by one copy of the following information: (a) The portion of record drawings showing deviations from the DEP construction permit, including the approved preliminary design report or drawings and specifications, if there are any deviations from said permit. (Note that it is necessary to submit a copy of only the portion of record drawings showing deviations and not a complete set of record drawings.) (b) Bacteriological test results, including a sketch or description of all bacteriological sampling locations, demonstrating compliance with subsection 62-555.315(6), F.A.C., or Rule 62-555.340, F.A.C., if any of the new or altered PWS components must be disinfected and bacteriologically surveyed or evaluated per said subsection or said rule. (c) Analytical test results demonstrating compliance with Part III of Chapter 62-550, F.A.C., or subsection 62-524.650(2), F.A.C., if any of the new or altered PWS components are necessary to achieve, or affect, compliance with said part or said subsection. (d) A completed Form 62-555.900(20), New Water System Capacity Development Financial and Managerial Operations Plan, as incorporated into Rule 62-555.357, F.A.C., if the new or altered PWS components were constructed under a permit issued by the Department before the effective date of Rule 62-555.525, F.A.C., (9-22-99) and create a “new system” as described under subsection 62-555.525(1), F.A.C. (e) Any other information required by conditions in the DEP construction permit.
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(2) Within 14 days after receiving a certification of construction completion for PWS components constructed or altered under a general permit, the Department shall review the certification. If the Department finds anything that will prevent the new or altered components from functioning in compliance with Chapters 62-550 and 62-555, F.A.C., or if the Department finds that the new or altered components will cause, or contribute to, a PWS’s noncompliance with Chapter 62-550 or 62-555, F.A.C., the Department shall issue to the permittee, within the aforementioned 14-day review period, a written request for corrective action and for resubmittal of the certification after the corrective action is completed. (3) Within 30 days after receiving a certification of construction completion for PWS components constructed or altered under a specific permit, the Department shall review the certification and, if the new or altered components create a “new system” as described under subsection 62-555.525(1), F.A.C., shall inspect the “new system.” If the Department finds anything that will prevent the new or altered components from functioning in compliance with Chapters 62-550 and 62-555, F.A.C., if the Department finds anything that will prevent a “new system” from functioning in compliance with Chapters 62-550, 62-555, 62-560, and 62-699, F.A.C., or if the Department finds that the new or altered components will cause, or contribute to, an existing PWS’s noncompliance with Chapter 62-550 or 62-555, F.A.C., the Department shall issue to the permittee, within the aforementioned 30-day review/inspection period, a written request for corrective action and for resubmittal of the certification after the corrective action is completed. (4) Within 14 days after receiving a satisfactory certification of construction completion for PWS components constructed or altered under a general permit and within 30 days after receiving a satisfactory certification of construction completion for PWS components constructed or altered under a specific permit, the Department shall issue written approval, or clearance, to place the new or altered components into permanent operation. The Department shall issue the clearance to the permittee and shall provide a copy of the clearance to the PWS supplying water to the new or altered components if said PWS is not the permittee. (5) Suppliers of water shall ensure that permittees have obtained written clearance from the Department before suppliers of water turn on water service to permittees. Specific Authority 403.853(3), 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.0877, 403.853(1), (3), 403.861(10), 403.8615 FS. History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.645, Amended 1-18-89, 5-7-90, 1-3-91, 1-1-93, Formerly 17-555.345, Amended 9-22-99, 8-28-03.
62-555.348 Planning for Expansion of Public Water System Source, Treatment, or Storage Facilities. This section applies to all community water systems serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections. (1) Suppliers of water shall provide for the timely planning, design, permitting, and construction of necessary public water system source, treatment, or storage facilities. (2) Suppliers of water shall routinely compare the total net quantity of finished drinking water produced each day by their treatment plant(s) with the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of their plant(s). The permitted maximum-day operating capacity of each plant shall be as specified in the latest Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) construction permit concerning source water or treatment facilities for the plant. In cases where no permitted maximum-day operating capacity has been specified in the latest DEP construction permit concerning source water or treatment facilities for a plant, the Department shall establish the permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the plant based upon information that is included in or with pertinent permit applications or that is provided by the supplier of water and based upon design requirements in Part III of this chapter, including design requirements in the engineering references listed in Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. (3) When the total maximum-day quantity of finished water produced by all treatment plants connected to a water system, including water produced to meet any fire-flow demand but excluding water produced to meet any demand that the supplier of water documents to be highly unusual and nonrecurring, exceeds 75 percent of the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the plants, the supplier of water shall submit source/treatment/storage capacity analysis reports to the Department according to the schedule described in paragraphs (a) and (b) below; however, in no case shall it be necessary to submit more than one report annually. The reports shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department. (a) The initial report shall be submitted within six months after the month in which the total maximum-day quantity of finished water produced by the treatment plant(s) first exceeds 75 percent of the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the plant(s) or by August 28, 2004, whichever occurs later. (b) Updated reports shall be submitted as follows: 1. If the initial report or the latest updated report indicates that maximum-day water demand (including fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) at build-out will not exceed the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the treatment plant(s) and that finished-water storage need (including fire storage if fire protection is being provided) at build-out will not exceed the existing total useful finished-water storage capacity, no additional report is required. 2. If the initial report or the latest updated report indicates that maximum-day water demand (including fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) will not exceed the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the treatment plant(s) for at least ten years and that finished-water storage need (including fire storage if fire protection is being provided) will not exceed the existing total useful finished-water storage capacity for at least ten years, the next updated report shall be submitted within five years after submittal of the previous report.
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3. If the initial report or the latest updated report indicates that maximum-day water demand (including fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) will exceed the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the treatment plant(s) in less than ten years but greater than or equal to five years or that finished-water storage need (including fire storage if fire protection is being provided) will exceed the existing total useful finished-water storage capacity in less than ten years but greater than or equal to five years, the next updated report shall be submitted within two years after submittal of the previous report. 4. If the initial report or the latest updated report indicates that maximum-day water demand (including fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) will exceed the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the treatment plant(s) in less than five years or that finished-water storage need (including fire storage if fire protection is being provided) will exceed the existing total useful finished-water storage capacity in less than five years, the next updated report shall be submitted within one year after submittal of the previous report. (4) Each initial or updated source/treatment/storage capacity analysis report shall evaluate the capacity of all source, treatment, or storage facilities connected to a water system and shall contain the following information: (a) The capacity of each water treatment plant’s source water facilities and treatment facilities; the permitted maximum-day operating capacity and, if applicable, permitted peak operating capacity of each plant; and the useful capacity of each finished-water storage facility; (b) The maximum-day and annual average daily quantities of finished water produced by each plant during each of the past ten years or during each of the years the plant has been in operation, whichever is less; (c) Projected total water demands – total annual average daily demand and total maximum-day demand (including fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) – for at least the next ten years and projected total finished-water storage need (including fire storage if fire protection is being provided) for at least the next ten years; (d) An estimate of the time required for maximum-day water demand (including fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) to exceed the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the plant(s) and an estimate of the time required for finished-water storage need (including fire storage if fire protection is being provided) to exceed the existing total useful finished-water storage capacity; (e) Recommendations for new or expanded source, treatment, or storage facilities; and (f) A recommended schedule showing dates for design, permitting, and construction of recommended new or expanded source, treatment, or storage facilities. (5) Each initial or updated source/treatment/storage capacity analysis report shall be prepared under the responsible charge of one or more professional engineers licensed in Florida and shall be signed, sealed, and dated by the professional engineer(s) in responsible charge. (6) If an initial or updated source/treatment/storage capacity analysis report indicates that maximum-day water demand (including fire-flow demand if fire protection is being provided) will exceed the total permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the water treatment plant(s) in less than five years or that finished-water storage need (including fire storage if fire protection is being provided) will exceed the existing total useful finished-water storage capacity in less than five years, documentation of timely design, permitting, and construction of recommended new or expanded source, treatment, or storage facilities shall be submitted with the report. The documentation shall consist of a written statement that is signed by an authorized representative of the supplier of water and that certifies the supplier is meeting, and intends to meet, the report’s recommended schedule for design, permitting, and construction of recommended new or expanded source, treatment, or storage facilities. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.861(17) FS. History–New 8-28-03.
62-555.350 Operation and Maintenance of Public Water Systems. (1) Suppliers of water shall operate and maintain their public water systems so as to comply with applicable standards in Chapter 62-550, F.A.C., and requirements in this chapter. (2) Suppliers of water shall keep all necessary public water system components in operation and shall maintain such components in good operating condition so the components function as intended. Preventive maintenance on electrical or mechanical equipment – including exercising of auxiliary power sources, checking the calibration of finished-drinking-water meters at treatment plants, testing of air or pressure relief valves for hydropneumatic tanks, and exercising of isolation valves – shall be performed in accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations or in accordance with a written preventive maintenance program established by the supplier of water; however, in no case shall auxiliary power sources be run under load less frequently than monthly. Accumulated sludge and biogrowths shall be cleaned routinely (i.e., at least annually) from all treatment facilities that are in contact with raw, partially treated, or finished drinking water and that are not specifically designed to collect sludge or support a biogrowth; and blistering, chipped, or cracked coatings and linings on treatment or storage facilities in contact with raw, partially treated, or finished drinking water shall be rehabilitated or repaired. Finished-drinking-water storage tanks, including conventional hydropneumatic tanks with an access manhole but excluding bladder- or diaphragm-type hydropneumatic tanks without an access manhole, shall be checked at least annually to ensure that hatches are closed and screens are in place; shall be cleaned at least once every five years to remove biogrowths, calcium or iron/manganese deposits, and sludge from inside the tanks; and shall be inspected for structural and coating integrity at least once every five years by personnel under the responsible
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charge of a professional engineer licensed in Florida. Dead-end water mains conveying finished drinking water shall be flushed quarterly or in accordance with a written flushing program established by the supplier of water; additionally, dead-end or other water mains conveying finished water shall be flushed as necessary whenever legitimate water quality complaints are received. (3) Suppliers of water shall ensure that drinking water treatment chemicals conform to the standards referenced in paragraph 62-555.320(3)(a), F.A.C., and shall have their lead/chief water treatment plant operators certify in writing on the monthly operation reports required under subsection (12) below that drinking water treatment chemicals conform to the standards referenced in paragraph 62-555.320(3)(a), F.A.C. Lead/chief water treatment plant operators may base their certifications upon evaluations conducted by the supplier of water or upon third-party or manufacturer certifications. (4) No supplier of water shall operate any drinking water treatment plant at a capacity greater than the plant’s permitted operating capacity except with the Department’s prior approval, which shall be given when such operation will not cause a violation of a maximum contaminant level, a treatment technique requirement, or other operating requirements and is for no more than three months, or under circumstances that the supplier of water documents as highly unusual and nonrecurring. The permitted operating capacity of each plant shall be as specified in the latest Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) construction permit concerning source water or treatment facilities for the plant. In cases where no permitted operating capacity has been specified in the latest DEP construction permit concerning source water or treatment facilities for a plant, the Department shall establish the permitted maximum-day operating capacity of the plant and, if the plant is designed to meet peak water demand or to supplement finished-water storage facilities in meeting peak water demand, the permitted peak operating capacity of the plant based upon information that is included in or with pertinent permit applications or that is provided by the supplier of water and based upon design requirements in Part III of this chapter, including design requirements in the engineering references listed in Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. Each day that a supplier of water is required under Chapter 62-699, F.A.C., to have a licensed operator staff or visit a plant, the supplier of water shall measure and record in the logs and reports required under subsection (12) below the net quantity of finished drinking water, excluding any filter backwash water, produced by the plant. (5) Suppliers of water who are using ground water not under the direct influence of surface water and who are required to provide treatment to reliably achieve at least four-log inactivation or removal of viruses in accordance with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(b), F.A.C., shall monitor, record, and maintain the effectiveness and reliability of disinfection treatment as described in paragraphs (a) through (c) below. The residual disinfectant, temperature, or pH measurements required under paragraph (a) or (b) may be performed by any authorized representative of the supplier of water; but field measurements of residual chlorine, temperature, and pH shall be performed following the appropriate procedures in the Department of Environmental Protection Standard Operating Procedures for Field Activities, DEP-SOP-001/01, as incorporated into Rule 62-160.800, F.A.C., and all other measurements shall be performed using an appropriate method referenced in subsection 62-550.550(1), F.A.C., or in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. (a) For each day a supplier of water serving 3,300 or more persons serves water to the public from a drinking water treatment plant that includes chemical disinfection for virus inactivation, the supplier of water shall continuously monitor the residual disinfectant concentration (C) before or at the first customer and shall record in the logs and reports required under subsection (12) below the lowest C measured before or at the first customer during peak flow, the corresponding disinfectant contact time (T) at the C monitoring point during peak flow, and the resulting lowest CT provided before or at the first customer during peak flow. In addition, at least once for each day the supplier of water serves water to the public from the plant, the supplier of water shall measure and record the temperature of the water at the point where C is monitored; shall measure and record the pH of the water at the point where C is monitored if free chlorine is being used for virus inactivation; and with this temperature and pH information, shall determine and record the minimum CT required to comply with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(b), F.A.C. If there is a failure of equipment used to continuously monitor C, the supplier of water may temporarily monitor C by taking grab samples every four hours but may do so for no more than one week following the equipment failure. If at any time the “CT provided” falls below the minimum CT required, the supplier of water shall increase the disinfectant dose until the “CT provided” is at least equal to the minimum CT required and shall notify the Department in accordance with subsection (10) below. (b) For each day a supplier of water serving less than 3,300 persons serves water to the public from a drinking water treatment plant that includes chemical disinfection for virus inactivation, the supplier of water shall monitor the residual disinfectant concentration (C) before or at the first customer by taking at least one grab sample during peak flow and shall record in the logs and reports required under subsection (12) below the lowest C measured before or at the first customer during peak flow, the corresponding disinfectant contact time (T) at the C monitoring point during peak flow, and the resulting CT provided before or at the first customer during peak flow. In addition, at least once for each day the supplier of water serves water to the public from the plant, the supplier of water shall measure and record the temperature of the water at the point where C is monitored; shall measure and record the pH of the water at the point where C is monitored if free chlorine is being used for virus inactivation; and with this temperature and pH information, shall determine and record the minimum CT required to comply with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(b), F.A.C. If any measurement of the “CT provided” falls below the minimum CT required, the supplier of water shall increase the disinfectant dose and take follow-up grab samples at least every four hours until the “CT provided” is at least equal to the minimum CT required and shall notify the Department in accordance with subsection (10) below. (c) For each day a supplier of water serves water to the public from a drinking water treatment plant that includes ultraviolet (UV) disinfection for virus inactivation, the supplier of water shall continuously monitor the operating UV dose and shall record in the logs and reports required under subsection (12) below the lowest operating UV dose measured. If at any time the operating UV
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dose falls below the minimum UV dose required to comply with paragraph 62-555.320(12)(b), F.A.C., the supplier of water shall clean the UV lamp sleeves or replace the UV lamps to restore the operating UV dose to a level at least equal to the required minimum UV dose and shall notify the Department in accordance with subsection (10) below. (6) Suppliers of water shall maintain a minimum free chlorine residual of 0.2 milligram per liter, or a minimum combined chlorine residual of 0.6 milligram per liter or an equivalent chlorine dioxide residual, throughout their drinking water distribution system at all times. If at any time the residual disinfectant concentration in any portion of a distribution system falls below the required minimum level, the supplier of water shall increase the disinfectant dose as necessary and flush said portion of the distribution system until the residual disinfectant concentration is restored to the required minimum level. Suppliers of water shall monitor and record the residual disinfectant concentration in their distribution system as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) below. The residual disinfectant measurements required under paragraph (a) or (b) may be performed by any authorized representative of the supplier of water; but field measurements of chlorine residual shall be performed following the appropriate procedures in the Department of Environmental Protection Standard Operating Procedures for Field Activities, DEP-SOP-001/01, as incorporated into Rule 62-160.800, F.A.C., and all other measurements shall be performed using an appropriate method referenced in subsection 62-550.550(1), F.A.C. (a) Each supplier of water serving 3,300 or more persons shall take at least one grab sample each day the supplier serves water to the public or at least five days per week, whichever is less, at a point in the water supplier’s distribution system reflecting maximum residence time after disinfectant addition, shall measure the residual disinfectant concentration, and shall record the residual disinfectant concentration in the logs and reports required under subsection (12) below. (b) Each supplier of water serving less than 3,300 persons shall take at least one grab sample each day the supplier serves water to the public or at least two days per week, whichever is less, at a point in the water supplier’s distribution system reflecting maximum residence time after disinfectant addition, shall measure the residual disinfectant concentration, and shall record the residual disinfectant concentration in the logs and reports required under subsection (12) below. (7) Except when a water main breaks or treatment or pumping equipment fails and except under circumstances that the supplier of water documents to be highly unusual and nonrecurring, suppliers of water shall maintain a minimum gauge pressure of 20 pounds per square inch throughout their drinking water distribution system up to each customer’s point of connection to the water supplier’s distribution system. (8) Suppliers of water shall employ licensed operation personnel in accordance with Chapters 62-602 and 62-699, F.A.C., for all public water systems except transient non-community water systems using only ground water and serving only businesses other than public food service establishments as defined in, and regulated under, Chapter 361, 500, or 509, F.S. (9) No supplier of water shall alter or replace underground portions of, or abandon, any public water system well without first obtaining a permit from the appropriate water management district or delegated permitting authority if such a permit is required under Chapter 62-532, F.A.C. In addition, no supplier of water shall introduce a new source of water into any public water system; alter, or discontinue use of, any public water system components other than wells (but including well pumping equipment and appurtenances); or alter the type of chemicals being used to treat drinking water without first obtaining a construction permit or written approval from the Department if such a permit or such approval is required under subsection 62-555.520(1), F.A.C., or first submitting written notification to the Department if such notification is required under subsection 62-555.520(1), F.A.C. (10) Suppliers of water shall notify the State Warning Point (SWP), the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) District Office or Approved County Health Department (ACHD), and water customers in accordance with the following procedures in the event of the following circumstances. (a) Suppliers of water shall telephone the SWP at 1(800)320-0519 immediately (i.e., within two hours) after discovery of any actual or suspected sabotage or security breach, or any suspicious incident, involving a public water system. (b) Suppliers of water shall telephone, and speak directly to a person at, the appropriate DEP District Office or ACHD as soon as possible, but never later than noon of the next business day, in the event of any of the following emergency or abnormal operating conditions: 1. The occurrence of any abnormal color, odor, or taste in a public water system’s raw or finished water; 2. The failure of a public water system to comply with applicable disinfection requirements; or 3. The breakdown of any water treatment or pumping facilities, or the break of any water main, in a public water system if the breakdown or break is expected to adversely affect finished-water quality, interrupt water service to 150 or more service connections or 350 or more people, interrupt water service to any one service connection for more than eight hours, or necessitate the issuance of a precautionary “boil water” notice in accordance with the Department of Health’s “Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary Boil Water Notices” as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. (c) Suppliers of water shall notify the appropriate DEP District Office or ACHD and affected water customers by no later than the previous business day before initiating any planned permanent or temporary conversion from free chlorine to chloramines or vice versa for disinfection. Notices to the appropriate DEP District Office or ACHD shall be delivered by telephoning, and speaking directly to a person at, the DEP District Office or ACHD, and notices to affected water customers shall be delivered in writing or via telephone, newspaper, radio, or television. A single notice may be provided to cover both a planned temporary conversion from chloramines to free chlorine and the planned subsequent conversion back to chloramines. Notification is not required before unplanned temporary conversions from chloramines to free chlorine to protect public health during emergency operating conditions caused by circumstances such as source water contamination, water main breaks, or backflow incidents.
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(d) Suppliers of water shall notify affected water customers in writing or via telephone, newspaper, radio, or television by no later than the previous business day before taking public water system (PWS) components out of operation for planned maintenance or repair work if the work is expected to adversely affect finished-water quality or interrupt water service to any service connection. Additionally, suppliers of water shall telephone, and speak directly to a person at, the appropriate DEP District Office or ACHD by no later than the previous business day before taking PWS components out of operation for planned maintenance or repair work if the work is expected to adversely affect finished-water quality, interrupt water service to 150 or more service connections or 350 or more people, interrupt water service to any one service connection for more than eight hours, or necessitate the issuance of a precautionary “boil water” notice in accordance with the Department of Health’s “Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary Boil Water Notices” as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. (e) Suppliers of water shall describe in the monthly operation reports required under subsection (12) below all emergency or abnormal operating conditions and all maintenance or repair work that involves taking out of operation public water system components other than water service lines. (11) Suppliers of water shall issue precautionary “boil water” notices as required or recommended in the Department of Health’s “Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary Boil Water Notices” as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C. (12) Suppliers of water shall keep and submit operation and maintenance logs, reports, and records as described below. (a) All suppliers of water shall keep operation and maintenance logs at their drinking water treatment plants. For plants that are part of a transient non-community water system using only ground water and serving only businesses other than public food service establishments, the operation and maintenance logs shall contain a minimum of three months of data at all times and shall contain the date and type of all maintenance performed and the date and results of all sampling and analyses performed unless the sampling or analyses are documented on a laboratory sheet. For all other plants, the operation and maintenance logs shall contain the information listed in, and shall be maintained as described in, subsection 62-602.650(4), F.A.C. (b) For all public water systems except transient non-community water systems using only ground water and serving only businesses other than public food service establishments, suppliers of water shall submit monthly operation reports to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department within ten days after each month of operation per paragraph 62-550.730(1)(d), F.A.C., and shall do so using the following forms as applicable: Form 62-555.900(2), Monthly Operation Report for Subpart H Systems as incorporated into paragraph 62-550.817(11)(a), F.A.C.; Form 62-555.900(3), Monthly Operation Report for PWSs Treating Raw Ground Water or Purchased Finished Water, hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, effective August 28, 2003; Form 62-555.900(4), Monthly Operation Report for Consecutive Systems that Do Not Treat Water, hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, effective August 28, 2003; Form 62-555.900(6), Monthly Operation Report for Consecutive Systems that Receive Purchased Finished Water from a Subpart H System as incorporated into paragraph 62-550.817(11)(b), F.A.C.; Form 62-555.900(11), Monthly Operation Report for Summation of Finished-Water Production by CWSs that Have Multiple Treatment Plants, hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, effective August 28, 2003. Copies of these forms are available from the Department of Environmental Protection Drinking Water Section, M.S. 3520, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. Suppliers of water shall keep copies of monthly operation reports, together with any additional operation records required by the monthly operation reports, for at least ten years in accordance with subsection 62-550.720(5), F.A.C. (c) All suppliers of water shall keep records documenting that their finished-drinking-water storage tanks, including conventional hydropneumatic tanks with an access manhole but excluding bladder- or diaphragm-type hydropneumatic tanks without an access manhole, have been cleaned and inspected during the past five years in accordance with subsection 62-555.350(2), F.A.C. In addition, all suppliers of water shall keep records documenting that their isolation valves are being exercised, and their water mains conveying finished drinking water are being flushed, in accordance with subsection 62-555.350(2), F.A.C. (13) Suppliers of water shall provide an operation and maintenance manual for each of their drinking water treatment plants by no later than December 31, 2005, and shall update the manual thereafter as necessary to reflect plant alterations and additions. The manual shall contain operation and control procedures, and preventive maintenance and repair procedures, for all plant equipment and shall be made available for reference at the plant or at a convenient location near the plant. Bound and indexed equipment manufacturer manuals shall be considered sufficient to meet the requirements of this subsection. (14) By December 31, 2005, suppliers of water who own or operate a community water system serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections shall have, and thereafter maintain, an up-to-date map of their drinking water distribution system. Such a map shall show the location and size of water mains if known; the location of valves and fire hydrants; and the location of any pressure zone boundaries, pumping facilities, storage tanks, and interconnections with other public water systems. (15) Suppliers of water who own or operate a community water system serving, or designed to serve, 350 or more persons or 150 or more service connections shall develop a written emergency preparedness/response plan in accordance with Emergency Planning for Water Utilities, AWWA Manual M19, as adopted in Rule 62-555.335, F.A.C., by no later than December 31, 2004, and shall update and implement the plan as necessary thereafter. Said suppliers of water shall coordinate with their Local Emergency Planning Committee and their Florida Department of Law Enforcement Regional Security Task Force when developing their emergency plan and shall include in their plan all of the information in paragraphs (a) through (e) below. (a) A communication chart as described in Chapter 5 of AWWA Manual M19.
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(b) Written agreements with other agencies, utilities, or response organizations. (c) A disaster-specific preparedness/response plan as described in Chapter 5 of AWWA Manual M19 for each of the following disasters: vandalism or sabotage; a drought; a hurricane; a structure fire; and if applicable, a flood, a forest or brush fire, and a hazardous material release. Each disaster-specific preparedness/response plan shall incorporate the results of a vulnerability assessment; shall include actions and procedures, and identify equipment, that can obviate or lessen the impact of such a disaster; and shall include plans and procedures that can be implemented, and identify equipment that can be utilized, in the event of such a disaster. (d) Details about how the water system meets the standby power requirements under subsection 62-555.320(14), F.A.C., and, if applicable, recommendations regarding the amount of fuel to maintain on site, and the amount of fuel to hold in reserve under contracts with fuel suppliers, for operation of auxiliary power sources. (e) If applicable, recommendations regarding the amount of drinking water treatment chemicals, including chemicals used for regeneration of ion-exchange resins or for onsite generation of disinfectants, to maintain in inventory at treatment plants. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.852(12), 403.853(6), 403.861(17) FS. History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.650, Amended 1-18-89, 1-1-93, Formerly 17-555.350, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.357 New Water System Capacity Development Financial and Managerial Operations Plans. A New Water System Capacity Development Financial and Managerial Operations Plan consists of a completed Form 62-555.900(20), hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, effective August 28, 2003, including all supporting attachments. Copies of this form are available from the Department of Environmental Protection, Drinking Water Section, M.S. 3520, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. (1) For each water system that is considered a “new system” per subsection 62-555.525(1), F.A.C., but for which a construction permit is not required, the supplier of water shall submit a New Water System Capacity Development Financial and Managerial Operations Plan to the Department within 90 days after commencing operations as a community or non-transient non-community water system. The plan shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department. (2) For each water system that is considered a “new system” per subsection 62-555.525(1), F.A.C., the supplier of water shall submit an updated New Water System Capacity Development Financial and Managerial Operations Plan to the Department within 90 days after the third anniversary of the system commencing operations as a community or non-transient non-community water system. The updated plan shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department. (3) For each water system that is considered a “new system” per subsection 62-555.525(1), F.A.C., and that changes ownership on or after August 28, 2003, the supplier of water acquiring ownership of the system shall submit an updated New Water System Capacity Development Financial and Managerial Operations Plan to the Department within 90 days after acquiring ownership of the system. The updated plan shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department. (4) Within 30 days after the Department receives a New Water System Capacity Development Financial and Managerial Operations Plan required under subsection (1), (2), or (3) above, the Department shall review the plan. If the Department finds anything that will prevent the “new system” from functioning in compliance with Chapters 62-550, 62-555, 62-560, and 62-699, F.A.C., the Department shall issue to the supplier of water, within the aforementioned 30-day review period, a written request for changes to the plan and for resubmittal of the plan after the changes are made. Within 30 days after receiving a satisfactory plan (i.e., a plan that is complete and that indicates the “new system” has the capacity to function in compliance with Chapters 62-550, 62-555, 62-560, and 62-699, F.A.C.), the Department shall issue to the supplier of water written approval of the plan. Specific Authority 403.861(9), 403.8615(1) FS. Law Implemented 403.8615 FS. History–New 9-22-99, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.360 Cross-Connection Control for Public Water Systems. (1) Cross-connection, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., is prohibited. However, a person who owns or manages a public water system may interconnect to another public water system if that system is operated and maintained in accordance with this chapter. (2) Community water systems, and all public water systems that have service areas also served by reclaimed water systems regulated under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C., shall establish and implement a routine cross-connection control program to detect and control cross-connections and prevent backflow of contaminants into the water system. This program shall include a written plan that is developed using recommended practices of the American Water Works Association set forth in Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control, AWWA Manual M14, as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. (3) Upon discovery of a prohibited cross-connection, public water systems shall either eliminate the cross-connection by installation of an appropriate backflow prevention device acceptable to the Department or shall discontinue service until the contaminant source is eliminated.
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(4) Only the following are considered to be backflow prevention devices. They shall be installed in agreement with and under the supervision of the supplier of water or his designated representative (plumbing inspector, etc.) at the consumer’s meter, at the property line of the consumer when a meter is not used, or at a location designated by the supplier of water or the Department. The devices are: (a) Air gap separation – A physical separation between the free-flowing discharge end of a potable water supply pipeline and an open or non-pressure receiving vessel. An “approved airgap separation” shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the top of the rim of the vessel. In no case shall it be less than 1 inch. (b) Reduced pressure backflow preventer – A device containing within its structure a minimum of two independently acting approved check valves, together with an automatically operating pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. The first check valve reduces the supply pressure a predetermined amount so that during normal flow and at cessation of normal flow the pressure between the checks shall be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve, by discharging to the atmosphere, shall operate to maintain the pressure between the checks less than the supply pressure. The unit shall include tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the device, and each device shall be fitted with properly located test cocks. (c) Atmospheric vacuum breaker – A backflow prevention device which is operated by atmospheric pressure in combination with the force of gravity. The unit is designed to work on a vertical plane only. The one moving part consists of a poppet valve which must be carefully sized to slide in a guided chamber and effectively shut off the reverse flow of water when a negative pressure exists. (d) Pressure vacuum breaker – A pressure vacuum breaker is similar to an atmospheric vacuum breaker except that the checking unit poppet valve is activated by a spring. This type of vacuum breaker does not require a negative pressure to react and can be used on the pressure side of a valve. (e) Double check valve assembly – An assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve. A check valve is a valve that is drip-tight in the normal direction of flow when the inlet pressure is one psi and the outlet pressure is zero. The check valve shall permit no leakage in a direction reverse to the normal flow. The closure element (e.g., clapper) shall be internally weighted or otherwise internally loaded to promote rapid and positive closure. (f) Residential Dual Check – A compact unit manufactured with two independent spring actuated check valves. The residential dual check is acceptable only as added back-flow prevention in areas served by reuse systems defined in Chapter 62-610, Part III, F.A.C., when the cross connection control program identifies activities specific to paragraphs (5)(a) and (5)(b) of this section. (5) Cross connection control programs specific to reuse systems defined in Chapter 62-610, Part III, F.A.C., shall consider the following: (a) Enhanced public education efforts towards prevention of cross connections. (b) Enhanced inspection programs for portions of the distribution system in areas of reuse for detection and elimination of cross connections. (c) Dual check valves shall be considered acceptable for reducing risks from back-flow only at residential properties served by reclaimed water unless: 1. Local codes, ordinances, or regulations require greater levels of back-flow prevention. 2. Other hazards exist on the property that require a greater level of back-flow prevention. Specific Authority 403.086(8), 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.086(8), 403.855(3) FS. History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.660, Amended 1-18-89, 1-3-91, 1-1-93, Formerly 17-555.360, Amended 8-28-03.
62-555.365 Changes in Ownership of Public Water Systems. At least 30 days before the proposed sale, or legal transfer of ownership, of a public water system, the current owner of the system and the proposed owner of the system shall jointly notify the Department in writing of the proposed change in ownership of the system. The notification shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection District Office or Approved County Health Department and shall include the following information: the public water system name and identification number; the name of the current owner of the system; the name of the proposed owner of the system and the name, title, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of a designated responsible official of the proposed owner; and the proposed date for the change in ownership of the system. Specific Authority 403.861(9) FS. Law Implemented 403.861(14) FS. History–New 8-28-03.
PART IV PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 62-555.401 General Permit for Construction of Lead or Copper Corrosion Control, or Iron or Manganese Sequestration, Treatment Facilities for Small or Medium Public Water Systems. (1) A general permit is hereby granted to any small or medium system, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., for the construction of lead or copper corrosion control treatment facilities, provided that the facilities are designed in accordance with Part III of this chapter and provided that:
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Water and Sewer Infrastructure Design Recommendations for: Colonial Country Club Sun City Center Arborwood Palomino Estates Parker Daniels Prepared for: City of Fort Myers By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
September 5, 2003
Table of Contents Section Page # ________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Executive Summary Introduction Existing Potable Water Distribution System Components Existing Wastewater System Components New Service Area Water Delivery Options Wastewater Collection Options Recommendations
1 2 2 3 3 5 9 12
Tables Page # ________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.1 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 6.1 Table 6.2 Table 6.3 Table 6.4 Table 7.1 Table 7.2 Table 7.3
Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Residential Utility Demands per Unit Residential Demands Non-Residential Utility Demands Water Pipeline Pressure Analysis Distribution System Pressure of Option 3 if Pipe Breaks Occur Construction Cost Estimates for the Water Options Advantages and Disadvantages for the Water Options Peak Sewer Flows Construction Cost Estimates for the Sewer Options Advantages and Disadvantages for the Sewer Options
3 3 4 4 7 7 8 8 10 11 11
Figures ________________________________________________________________________ 2.0
Additional Service Area
Appendicies ________________________________________________________________________ Appendix A – Water Option Figures Appendix B – Water Modeling Assumptions Appendix C – Water Cost Estimates Appendix D – Sewer Option Figures Appendix E – Sewer Option Calculations Appendix F – Sewer Cost Estimates
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
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Water and Sewer Infrastructure Design Recommendations City of Fort Myers
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This report has been prepared for the City of Fort Myers to evaluate several options to provide water and sewer services for the following five new developments:
Colonial Country Club Sun City Center Arborwood Palomino Estates Parker Daniels
We recommend that the City and the developers implement a looped potable distribution system by installing new 24-inch diameter piping south along Winkler Road Extension from Colonial Boulevard south to Six Mile Cypress Parkway, across the cypress slough wetland area to the Parker Daniels development, and then across Interstate 75 to connect to a 24-inch pipe from Arborwood and extend north to connect to the existing 24-inch water main on Treeline Avenue. For the sewer system we recommend that sewage be pumped from Parker Daniels to Palomino Estates though a 10-inch diameter force main, across Interstate 75 through a 12-inch force main, where it would combine with sewage pumped through a 16-inch force main from Arborwood and be conveyed north through a new 20-inch force main to the existing 16-inch force main that routes flow to the South Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. Before the existing 16-inch force main reaches maximum flow capacity, a new master pump station and 24-inch main would be constructed to convey the remainder of the flow to the Central Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant collection system.
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The City of Fort Myers (City) will be providing water and sewer utilities for five new housing developments located south of Colonial Boulevard, west of the Gateway development, east of Six Mile Cypress Parkway and north of Daniels Parkway, as shown outlined in red in Figure 2.0. These areas are either presently within the City limits or will be annexed in the near future. The developments will utilize the City’s existing unused water and wastewater capacity. This report evaluates several preliminary options for the required infrastructure to provide water and sewer services to the new developments. The developments should be evaluated as a whole to assure that the water and sewer mains are sized correctly before any additional infrastructure is designed and implemented.
The City’s existing water supply system was permitted (March 9, 2000) for a maximum annual capacity of 12 million gallons per day (mgd) and a maximum daily capacity of 16 mgd. Source water is pumped from the City’s wellfield and can also be drawn from the Caloosahatchee River. The water treatment plant uses reverse osmosis and will soon have a maximum treatment capacity of 12 mgd. Additional filtration skids can be added for a maximum of 20 mgd capacity. There is 15 million gallons of finished storage at the water treatment plant. Three high service pumps supply the distribution system. There is also an additional 2 million gallons of storage and a repump facility in the southwest quadrant of the distribution system. The current average potable water use is approximately 6.5 mgd, leaving 5.5 mgd available permitted capacity for average annual future demand. The maximum daily demand of 8.5 mgd (December 2000) leaves 7.5 mgd of permitted supply capacity for a maximum demand day.
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The City of Fort Myers maintains two wastewater treatment plants. The Central Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (CAWWTP), on Raleigh Street and the South Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (SAWWTP) on South Street. The treatment plants receive wastewater flow from areas within the city limits and from contiguous areas of Lee County (County). The City has reserved capacity at each of the plants by an interlocal agreement with the County. Table 4.1 below summarizes the annual average capacities available to the City at each Plant:
Table 4.1 Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Plant Permitted AADF (mgd) %AADF allocated to the City AADF allocated to the City (mgd) Existing Average City Use (mgd) Surplus City Capacity (mgd)
SAWWTP 12 42% 5.0 2.94 2.06
CAWWTP 11 59% 6.5 3.48 3.02
The City of Fort Myers plans to provide water and wastewater service to the new developments shown in Figure 2.0. The water and sewer mains in this development area will be sized to support residential demands based on the Cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Code of Ordinances Section 26-38(a) and Section 26-92, summarized below in Table 5.1:
Table 5.1 Residential Utility Demands per Unit Single Family Multi Family
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
Water (gpd per unit) 300 257.1
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Sewer (gpd per unit) 250 214.25
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These demands were used to calculate average residential water and sewer estimates in Table 5.2 below:
Table 5.2 Residential Demands Development Name
Colonial Country Club Sun City Center Arborwood Palomino Estates Parker Daniels Total
Number of permitted housing units* Single Multi Family Family Units Units 896 648 1100 1850 3550 2450 296 322 400 932 12444 units
Water (gpd)
Sewer (gpd)
435,401 805,635 1,694,895 171,586 359,617 3,467,134
362,834 671,362 1,412,412 142,988 299,681 2,889,278
* Unit numbers provided by John Asher of Worthington Communities.
Although the new developments are mostly residential, water and sewer service will also be provided for some retail office and motel demands. Using the assumed demands of 0.15 gallons per square foot per day for office and retail space, 50 gallons per day per room for water demands and a 0.833 multiplier for sewer demands. The non-residential water and sewer demands are calculated in Table 5.3:
Table 5.3 Non-Residential Utility Demands Development Name Colonial Country Club Sun City Center Arborwood Total
Retail/Off ice (sq ft) 142,000 545,000 170,000
Motel (rooms) 300
Water (gpd)
Sewer (gpd)
21,300 96,750 25,500 143,550
17,750 80,625 21,250 119,625
Water and sewer main sizes will be based on peak hour flows. A peak hour factor of 3 is used for the water demand and 2.5 for the sewer flows. These peak hour factors are a conservative estimate and no determinations of these estimates are included in this report. The determination of more appropriate peak hour factors is beyond the limitations of this brief analysis. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
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This report has been completed with the assumption that the average water and sewer usage would not be reduced due to separately permitted reclaimed/irrigation water usage at the developments. Each development has applied for a separate additional irrigation/reclaimed water permit from the South Florida Water Management District. Water and wastewater service are already being provided to Sun City Center and Colonial Country Club. Build-out of all housing developments listed above is expected by the end of 2010.
A large wetland area called the Six Mile Cypress Preserve (cypress slough) separates the City’s water treatment plant and the 5 new developments. There are presently only two water mains that cross this cypress slough: a 24-inch water main is routed east along Colonial Boulevard and a 12-inch water main routed east along State Road 82. The modeling completed for this report assumes that the following planned water mains on the east side of the cypress slough have also been completed before the five new developments reach build out: 16-inch main along the proposed Treeline Avenue Extension from and Colonial to State Road 82 16-inch main along Colonial Boulevard from Treeline Avenue to State Road 82 12-inch main along State Road 82 from Colonial Boulevard to Buckingham Road Presently, a 12-inch water main supplies Colonial Country Club from the 24-inch main along Colonial Boulevard. A 24-inch water main extends south along Treeline Avenue to the entrance of Sun City Center and continues south to a planned 10-inch main connection to Colonial Country Club. A 16-inch water main supplies Sun City Center. On the west side of the cypress slough, a 20-inch water main is routed south along Six Mile Cypress Parkway to the Winkler Road Extension. The City has several options of varying piping configurations and costs to provide potable water to the new developments. The three options evaluated in this report are described below and shown in Figures A.1, A.2 and A.3 in Appendix A Option 1 – Service from the existing 24-inch main along Colonial Boulevard Existing 24-inch piping along Colonial Boulevard that extends south along Treeline Avenue supplies all 5 developments. A new 24-inch pipeline would be installed south from the end of the existing 24-inch water main along Treeline Avenue. A 24-inch water main extends south to Arborwood and another 24-inch water main would be routed west across Interstate 75 to Palomino Estates. A 20City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
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inch water main then would be routed south along I-75 and a 16-inch water main extended west to Parker Daniels. Option 2 – A Booster Pump Station and Storage Facility A 5 million-gallon ground storage tank with three 100 horsepower pumps are added to Option 1 in the area of the Colonial Boulevard and Treeline Avenue intersection. The tank and pumps would be able to pump water beginning at the north end of Treeline Avenue at a constant pressure of approximately 65 psi, increasing the system pressures at all of the developments. This option assumes that a check valve would need to be installed on the existing 12-inch water main that enters Colonial Country Club. A new 24-inch pipeline is installed south from the end of the existing 24-inch water main along Treeline Avenue. A 24-inch water main extends south to Arborwood and another 16-inch water main is routed west across Interstate 75 to Palomino Estates. A 12-inch water main then is routed south along I-75 and is extended west to Parker Daniels. Option 3 – Looped System A looped system is formed by installing a 24-inch water main south from the end of the existing 24-inch water main along Treeline Avenue. A 24-inch water main extends south to Arborwood and a 24-inch water main is also routed west under Interstate 75 to Palomino Estates. A 24-inch water main then is routed south along I-75 and is extended west to Parker Daniels. A 24-inch water main then is routed across Parker Daniels and across the cypress slough and then routed north along Six Mile Cypress Parkway to the Winkler Road Extension. The piping is connected to the existing 20-inch and 12-inch distribution mains along Six Mile Cypress Parkway and the Winkler Road Extension, respectively. A new 24-inch main is then routed north to the intersection of Winkler Road and Colonial Boulevard to connect to the existing 30-inch water main. The above three options would provide sufficient system pressure for the worst-case scenario of a fire event occurring during a peak hour flow. The model contains all the City’s distribution system piping greater than 10 inches in diameter and other 8 and 6 inch diameter piping, as well as the water treatment plant and finished storage. Table B.1 provided in Appendix B outlines the assumptions used in the water modeling. A simulation was run for a 24-hour time period having a peak hour of 3 times the average daily flow. The model was run again to simulate a 1-hour fire event at 1500 gallons per minute corresponding with the peak hour. The residual pressure for each fire event was calculated independently, so as to only have one fire event at a time for the new development area. A summary of the pressures modeled at each development provided below in Table 6.1.
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Table 6.1 Water Pipeline Pressure Analysis Residential Development
Option 1
Option 2 Pressure (psi)
Scenario 1: Peak Hour Demand Colonial CC 44 51 Sun City Center 44 56 Arborwood 37 48 Palomino Estates 40 50 Parker Daniels 40 49 Scenario 2: Peak Hour Demand Plus 1 Fire Flow Event Colonial CC 34 38 Sun City Center 35 51 Arborwood 23 38 Palomino Estates 30 36 Parker Daniels 23 26
Option 3
54 53 50 54 56 46 48 42 51 53
Options 1 and 2 are dependent upon the existing 24-inch main along Colonial Boulevard and 12-inch main along State Road 82 to supply all five new developments. The developments would be very vulnerable to a main break at any location east of the cypress slough. Option 3 has an additional main crossing the cypress slough across from Heritage Palms. This would provide a looped system could provide service from either direction in the event of a main break at one of the other two cypress slough crossings, or at any location between them. Table 6.2 shows the pressures at the developments during peak flow plus one fire event for Option 3, if a main break occurs at either 24-inch diameter cypress slough crossing.
Table 6.2 Distribution System Pressures for Option 3 if Pipe Breaks Occur Residential Development Colonial Country Club Sun City Center Arborwood Palomino Estates Parker Daniels City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
Pressure (psi) at peak hour flow with 1 fire event Break at Colonial Break Across from Boulevard Heritage Palms 23 34 26 35 22 24 35 30 43 29
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Tables C.1, C.2, C.3 and C.4 provided in Appendix C, are preliminary opinions of construction costs for the each piping option. A summary of the costs is provided in Table 6.3 below:
Table 6.3 Construction Cost Estimates for the Water Options Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
The cost estimates do not include the additional costs for operation and maintenance of the proposed storage and pump facility in Option 2. All options include the cost to jack and bore under Interstate 75. Option 2 includes the cost of a 5 million gallon ground storage tank and pump station. Option 3 includes the cost of directional drilling under the cypress slough. Table 6.4 reviews the advantages and disadvantages of each option:
Table 6.4 Advantages and Disadvantages for the Water Options Option Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Advantage ¾ Lowest capital cost alternative ¾ Does not require directional drilling across the cypress slough ¾ Provides good system pressures under peak flow conditions ¾ Does not require directional drilling across the cypress slough ¾ Provides additional distribution system storage. ¾ Provides best system pressures under peak flow conditions. ¾ Provides a looped distribution system that can be serviced from either direction in the event of a main break at either of the two critical crossings of the cypress slough
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Disadvantage ¾ Lowest system pressures ¾ Not a looped system ¾ Not a looped system ¾ Requires the City to maintain another facility with pumps and a storage tank ¾ Requires a new 24inch water main along Winkler Extension ¾ Requires directional drilling across the cypress slough ¾ Highest capital cost alternative
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An existing 16-inch force main conveys wastewater from the developments to the SAWWTP along Colonial Boulevard. The SAWWTP does not have enough available capacity to receive all of the wastewater from the new developments at completion. Also, the City’s utility staff has indicated that the existing 16-inch force main does not have much capacity remaining. The City could implement one of the five options described below to provide sewer collection. (All pipe conveys are conceptual in nature. The design engineer prior to the preparation of construction plans must determine the viability of any pipe route or pump station location). Figures D.1, D.2, D.3, D.4 and D.5 in Appendix D show the development areas and proposed piping identifications that are described in the options below Option 1 – Flow to the SAWWTP and CAWWTP The Colonial Country Club and Sun City Center Developments would continue pump flow to the existing 16-inch force main along Colonial Boulevard to the SAWWTP collection system. Arborwood would convey flow via a 16-inch force main to a new master pumping station. A new 20-inch force main from the new pump station crosses Interstate 75 and is routed to Palomino Estates and Parker Daniels. A new 24-inch main would then be installed by directional drilling under the cypress slough to a new master pump station near Heritage Palms on Six Mile Cypress Parkway. A new 24-inch force main would be routed north from the pump station along Ortiz Avenue to connect to the CAWWTP collection system. Option 2 - Flow to CAWWTP Similar to Option 1 but 24-inch pipe from the pump station at Six Mile Cypress would end at Colonial Boulevard where it would connect to the existing 16-inch force main from the Colonial Country Club and Sun City Center Developments. The 16-inch force main would be disconnected from the SAWWTP collection system at Ortiz Avenue and Colonial Boulevard, and would be connected connect to a new 30-inch force main routed north along Ortiz Avenue to the to the CAWWTP collection system. Option 3 - Phased Flow to the SAWWTP then CAWWTP Phase 1 – All developments would pump flow via new 10, 12, 16 and 20-inch force mains to the existing 16-inch force main on Treeline Avenue that conveys flow to the SAWWTP. Phase 2 – when the existing 16-inch line reaches capacity flow would be directed to a new pump station constructed near Sun City Boulevard and Treeline Avenue. A new 24-inch force main from the new pump station would route flow west along Colonial Boulevard and north along Omni City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
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Boulevard to State Road 82. An alternate route could be north along the Treeline Avenue Extension and west along State Road 82. The 24-inch force main would continue north along Ortiz Avenue to Ballard Road to connect to the CAWWTP collection system. Flow could then be pumped to both the SAWWTP collection system and the CAWWTP from the new master pump station. Option 4 – Flow to SAWWTP and Gateway WWTP The Colonial Country Club, Sun City Center, Palomino Estates, and Parker Daniels Developments would pump flow through new 10, 12 and 16-inch force mains to a new pump station at Treeline Avenue and Sun City Boulevard. Flow would then be routed via an existing 16-inch force main on Colonial Boulevard to the SAWWTP collection system. Flow from Arborwood would be routed by a new force main to an existing County plant in the Gateway Development to the East. The County Gateway Plant would need to be upgraded to treat the increased flows. Option 5 - Phased flow to SAWWTP and then a New WWTP Phase 1 – All developments would pump flow via new 10, 12, 16 and 20-inch force mains to the existing 16-inch force main that conveys the flow to the SAWWTP collection system. Phase 2 – when the existing 16-inch force main reaches capacity flow can be routed to a newly constructed AWWTP east of Treeline Avenue. A new pump station near Sun City Boulevard and Treeline Avenue would be constructed to collect the flow from all of the developments. Flow could then be pumped to the SAWWTP collection system via the existing 16-inch force main and to the new AWWTP via a new 24-inch force main. The design calculations in Appendix E show the calculations for the head loss and required piping diameter for each of the option force mains. A peaking factor of 2.5 was used for peak hour calculations. The pipes were sized to keep the velocity in the force mains below 4 feet per second (ft/s). Table 7.1 shows the peak flow rates that were used to size the pipes.
Table 7.1 Peak Sewer Flows Residential Development Colonial Country Club Sun City Center Arborwood Palomino Estates Parker Daniels City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
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Peak Flow (gpm) 660 1,306 2,486 250 521
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Tables F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4 and F.5 provided in Appendix F are preliminary opinions of construction costs for the construction needed for each piping option. A summary of the construction costs is provided in Table 7.2 below:
Table 7.2 Construction Cost Estimates for the Sewer Options Option 1 $ 6,840,000
Option 2 $ 7,280,000
Option 3 $ 5,820,000
Option 4 Option 5 $ 10,500,000 $ 22,200,000
The additional costs associated with operation and maintenance at the pump stations and treatment plants are not included in this cost analysis. Costs resulting from negotiations with the County on the use of pump stations and gravity mains are not included. Cost estimates include pump station costs, the cost to jack and bore under Interstate 75 and the cost of directional drilling under the cypress slough where applicable. The advantages and disadvantages of each sewer option are summarized in Table 7.3 below:
Table 7.3 Advantages and Disadvantages for the Sewer Options Option Option 1
Advantage ¾ Directs flow to the CAWWTP and SAWWTP
Disadvantage ¾ Requires directional drilling across the cypress slough
Option 2
¾ Directs all flow to the CAWWTP
¾ Requires directional drilling across the cypress slough
Option 3
¾ Provides flexibility: delivery to CAWWTP and SAWWTP ¾ Lowest cost option ¾ Does not require directional drilling across Cypress slough
¾ May Require directional drilling across the cypress slough at Colonial Boulevard ¾ City must upgrade capacity in the Gateway plant ¾ Second highest cost option ¾ No flow is directed to the CAWWTP ¾ Requires operation and maintenance of a new plant ¾ Highest cost option ¾ No flow is directed to the CAWWTP
Option 4
Option 5
¾ Does not require directional drilling across Cypress slough ¾ New plant can reduce flow to the existing plants and can be sized for other growth in the eastern part of the City
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Water Distribution System Malcolm Pirnie recommends that the City and the developers implement Option 3 for the new development areas. The system pressures are adequate even during the worst-case scenario of peak hourly flow with a fire. It is preferable that the distribution system be constructed as a looped system, with the ability to continue to feed all areas in the event of a system disturbance. When the new developments are finished they may represent up to 36% of the distribution system demand. Appropriate reliability of service for such a large part of the distribution system should be provided through a looped distribution system. Option 3 involves the installation of a new 24-inch piping along Winkler Road Extension from Colonial Boulevard south to Six Mile Cypress Parkway, across the cypress slough to the Parker Daniels and Palomino Estates developments, A 24-inch main is routed north and across Interstate 75 to join with 24-inch piping from Arborwood. A 24-inch main would then extend north to connect to the existing 24-inch water main on Treeline Avenue. Directional drilling under the cypress slough is expected to be a difficult construction effort, and a publicly controversial issue. It is critical that the piping used for this crossing is not undersized, resulting in the need supplement this pipeline at a later date. Malcolm Pirnie recommends that the water main, therefore, be sized as a 24-inch water main with a 36-inch diameter casing. If directional drilling under the cypress slough were prohibited, Option 2 would be recommended. Wastewater Collection System Malcolm Pirnie recommends that Wastewater Option 3 be implemented for the new development areas. Option 3 is the lowest cost option and is advantageous from an operational and utility planning perspective. This route would utilize unused capacity in the Cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two existing wastewater treatment plants, without having to rely on other new or existing plants, and would avoid the controversial directional drilling under the cypress slough at the location across from Heritage Palms. This option provides flexibility by allowing wastewater flow to be directed to the SAWWTP via the existing 16-inch force main until it reaches capacity. A new pump station and 24-inch main would then convey the remainder of the flow to the CAWWTP collection system. Directional drilling may be needed to cross the cypress slough at Colonial Boulevard, but this location is less controversial, as a roadway crossing has already disturbed it. An alternate route along the proposed Treeline Avenue Extension to State Road 82 would cross the northern edge of the cypress slough, further reducing cost and environmental risk. City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
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The City may need to consider Option 5 to construct a new wastewater treatment plant in the future if growth in other areas of the City reduces the available capacity at the two existing wastewater treatment plants. This option may also be necessary if a substantial number of additional service connections in addition to these five developments will be added in the eastern service area.
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Appendix A
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Appendix B
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Table B.1: Modeling Assumptions Required fire flow 1500 gpm 2.16 mgd Fire flow duration 1 hour Peak hour factor = 3 The calculations are based on the Hazen Williams Equation with a C-Value of 120 for Ductile Iron Pipe Daniels and Colonial Country Club fire locations, respectively. The distribution system is relatively flat. The pressure leaving the WTP is 65 psi. The pressure leaving the pump station for Option 2 is 65 psi Fires would occur in only one development during the peak hour flow. Pressure values recorded for each development assume that the fire is located there. Figures A1, A2 and A3 do not show all of the model pipes. Model demand data for the existing distribution system was acquired from city billing records. The existing distribution system demands remain at 6.5 mgd (annual average). The model includes all existing pipes 10" and larger, and many of the 6" and 8" pipes. Planned piping will be completed along the northern Treeline Ave Extension, along State road 82, and along Colonial Boulevard, and through Colonial Country Club.
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Appendix C
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Table C.1: Water Distribution Option 1 Cost Estimate Item Description Ductile Iron Piping Parker Daniels to I-75 North to Palomino Estates Palomino Estates east to Arborwood South along Treeline Avenue Arborwood
Dia. (in)
Unit Price
18 18 24 24 24
L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F.
$72 $72 $96 $96 $96
3500 3000 5000 3500 9000
$252,000 $216,000 $480,000 $336,000 $864,000
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring
Using a multiplier of 4 $/in. dia/L.F
$2,148,000 36"
Subtotal Jacking and Boring
Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
$2,283,000 $685,000 $2,970,000
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Table C.2: Water Distribution Option 2 Cost Estimate Item Description Ductile Iron Piping Parker Daniels to I-75 North to Palomino Estates Palomino Estates east to Arborwood South along Treeline Avenue Arborwood Check Valve on R
Dia. (in.)
Unit Price
12 12 16 24 24 12
L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. Ea
$48 $48 $64 $96 $96 $15,000
3500 3000 5000 3500 9000 1
$168,000 $144,000 $320,000 $336,000 $864,000 $15,000
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring
$2,500,000 $2,500,000
EA. L.S. L.S.
$14,000 $10,500 $10,500
3 1 1
$42,000 $10,500 $10,500
Subtotal Pumping
Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
$4,545,000 $1,364,000 $5,910,000
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
4 $/in. dia/L.F
Subtotal Tankage Pumps - 100hp Installation Instrumentation and Controls
Using a multiplier of
Subtotal Jacking and Boring Storage Tank
Page 25
From American Marsh Pumps
Table C.3: Water Distribution Option 3 Cost Estimate Item Description Ductile Iron Piping Winkler from Colonial to Six Mile Cypress Six Mile Cypress from Winkler to Heritage Palms Crossing Cypress Slough Through Parker Daniels Parker Daniels to I-75 North to Palomino Estates Palomino Estates east to Arborwood South along Treeline Avenue Arborwood
Dia. (in)
Unit Price
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F.
$96 $96 $96 $96 $96 $96 $96 $96 $96
7000 3000 2000 4000 3500 3000 5000 3500 9000
$672,000 $288,000 $192,000 $384,000 $336,000 $288,000 $480,000 $336,000 $864,000
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring
4 $/in. dia/L.F
$135,000 36"
Subtotal Directional Drilling
$825,000 $825,000
Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
Using a multiplier of
Subtotal Jacking and Boring Directional Drilling
$4,800,000 $1,440,000 $6,240,000
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Laney International
Appendix D
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Appendix E
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Appendix E Sewer Pipe Sizing Calculations
Area # 1 2 3 4 5
Development Name Colonial Country Club Sun City Center Arborwood Palomino Estates Parker Daniels
Sewer Flow (mgd) 0.380 0.752 1.432 0.144 0.300
Peak Sewer Flow (mgd) 0.95 1.88 3.58 0.36 0.75
Peak Sewer Flow (gpm) 660 1,306 2,486 250 521
Option 1 Pipe Line A B C D E F Existing Main Friction "Ch" Length (ft) Flowrate (MGD) Flowrate (gpm)
Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Head loss (ft)
Areas Served 3 3 3,4 3,4 3,4,5 3,4,5 1,2
Flow (MGD) 3.58 3.58 3.94 3.94 4.69 4.69 2.83
130 4000 3.58 2,486 16 4.0 14.0
130 4000 3.58 2,486 20 2.5 4.7
130 5000 3.94 2,736 20 2.8 7.0
130 4000 3.94 2,736 20 2.8 5.6
130 6000 4.69 3,257 24 2.3 4.8
130 25000 4.69 3,257 24 2.3 20.0
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Option 2 Pipe Line A B C D E F G Existing Main Friction "Ch" Length (ft) Flowrate (MGD) Flowrate (gpm)
Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Head loss (ft)
Areas Served 3 3 3,4 3,4 3,4,5 3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2
Flow (MGD) 3.58 3.58 3.94 3.94 4.69 4.69 7.52 2.83
130 4000 3.58 2,486 16 4.0 14.0
130 4000 3.58 2,486 20 2.5 4.7
130 5000 3.94 2,736 20 2.8 7.0
130 4000 3.94 2,736 20 2.8 5.6
130 6000 4.69 3,257 24 2.3 4.8
130 11000 4.69 3,257 24 2.3 8.8
130 14000 7.52 5,222 30 2.4 9.1
Areas Served 3 4,5 5 5 3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 -
Flow (MGD) 3.58 1.11 0.75 0.75 4.69 7.52 0.00
130 4000 3.58 2,486 16 4.0 14.0
130 4000 1.11 771 12 2.2 6.5
130 5000 0.75 521 10 2.1 9.5
130 4000 0.75 521 10 2.1 7.6
130 6000 4.69 3,257 20 3.3 11.7
130 22000 7.52 5,222 24 3.7 42.2
Option 3 Pipe Line A B C D E F Existing Main Friction "Ch" Length (ft) Flowrate (MGD) Flowrate (gpm)
Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Head loss (ft)
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Option 4 Pipe Line A B C D Existing Main Friction "Ch" Length (ft) Flowrate (MGD) Flowrate (gpm)
Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Head loss (ft)
Areas Served 3 4,5 5 5 -
Flow (MGD) 3.58 1.11 0.75 0.75 0.00
130 8000 3.58 2,486 16 4.0 27.9
130 10000 1.11 771 12 2.2 16.2
130 5000 0.75 521 10 2.1 9.5
130 4000 0.75 521 10 2.1 7.6
Areas Served 3 4,5 5 5 3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 -
Flow (MGD) 3.58 1.11 0.75 0.75 4.69 7.52 0.00
130 4000 3.58 2,486 16 4.0 14.0
130 4000 1.11 771 12 2.2 6.5
130 5000 0.75 521 10 2.1 9.5
130 4000 0.75 521 10 2.1 7.6
130 6000 4.69 3,257 20 3.3 11.7
130 16000 7.52 5,222 24 3.7 30.7
Option 5 Pipe Line A B C D E F Existing Main Friction "Ch" Length (ft) Flowrate (MGD) Flowrate (gpm)
Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Head loss (ft)
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Appendix F
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Table F.1: Option 1 Wastewater Cost Estimate
Item Description
Dia. (in)
Unit Price
Ductile Iron Piping A B C D E F
16 20 20 20 24 24
L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F.
$64 $80 $80 $80 $96 $96
4000 4000 5000 4000 6000 25000
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring
Subtotal Jacking and Boring Directional Drilling
Subtotal Directional Drilling Pump Stations Pump Station Upgrade
$50,000 $15,000
2 1
Subtotal Pump Stations Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
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$ $ $ $ $ $
256,000 320,000 Using a multiplier of 400,000 4 $/in. dia/L.F 320,000 576,000 2,400,000
135,000 RSMEANS
825,000 Laney International
$ $
100,000 15,000
$ $ $ $
115,000 5,347,000 1,605,000 6,960,000
Table F.2: Option 2 Wastewater Cost Estimate
Item Description
Dia. (in)
Unit Price
Ductile Iron Piping A B C D E F G 16" Tie-In
16 20 20 20 24 24 30 16
L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. LS
$64 $80 $80 $80 $96 $96 $120 $5,000
4000 4000 5000 4000 6000 11000 14000 1
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring
Subtotal Jacking and Boring Directional Drilling
Subtotal Directional Drilling Pump Stations Pump Station Upgrade
$50,000 $15,000
2 1
Subtotal Pump Stations Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
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$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
256,000 320,000 Using a multiplier of 400,000 4 $/in. dia/L.F 320,000 576,000 1,056,000 1,680,000 5,000
135,000 RSMEANS
825,000 Laney International
$ $
100,000 15,000
$ $ $ $
115,000 5,688,000 1,707,000 7,400,000
Table F.3: Option 3 Wastewater Cost Estimate
Item Description
Dia. (in)
Unit Price
Ductile Iron Piping A B C D E F 16" Tie-In
16 12 10 10 20 24 16
L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. LS
$64 $48 $40 $40 $80 $96 $5,000
4000 4000 5000 4000 6000 22000 1
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring At SR 82 From Palomino Estates
$ 256,000 $ 192,000 Using a multiplier of $ 200,000 4 $/in. dia/L.F $ 160,000 $ 480,000 $ 2,112,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,405,000
30" 24"
L.F. L.F.
$225 $198
600 600
Subtotal Jacking and Boring Directional Drilling
Subtotal Directional Drilling Master Pump Station Resize Pumpstation Pumps and Pipe Connections Pump Station Upgrade
135,000 119,000 RSMEANS
687,500 Laney International
$10,000 $15,000
1 1
$ $
10,000 15,000
Subtotal Pump Stations Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
$ $
$ 125,000 $ 4,471,500 $ 1,342,000 $ 5,820,000
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Table F.4: Option 4 Wastewater Cost Estimate
Item Description
Dia. (in)
Unit Price
Ductile Iron Piping A B C D
16 12 10 10
L.F L.F. L.F. L.F.
$64 $48 $40 $40
14000 10000 5000 4000
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring
Master Pump Station Resize Pumpstation Pumps and Pipe Connections Pump Station Upgrade
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
$ $ $ $ $
Subtotal Jacking and Boring
Subtotal Pump Stations Waste Water Plant Cost Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
896,000 480,000 Using a multiplier of 200,000 4 $/in. dia/L.F 160,000 1,736,000
119,000 RSMEANS
$10,000 $15,000
1 1
$ $
10,000 15,000
Page 41
$ 125,000 $ 6,055,000 $ 8,035,000 $ 2,411,000 $ 10,500,000
Table F.5: Option 5 Wastewater Cost Estimate Item Description Ductile Iron Piping A B C D E F 16" Tie-In
Dia. (in)
Unit Price
16 12 10 10 20 24 16
L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. LS
$64 $48 $40 $40 $80 $96 $5,000
4000 4000 5000 4000 6000 16000 1
Subtotal Piping Jacking and Boring
Subtotal Jacking and Boring Master Pump Station Resize Pumpstation Pumps and Pipe Connections Pump Station Upgrade Subtotal Pump Stations Waste Water Plant Cost Total 30% Contingency Grand Total
City of Fort Myers Water Master Plan Appendix E
Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $
256,000 192,000 Using a multiplier of 200,000 4 $/in. dia/L.F 160,000 480,000 1,536,000 5,000
119,000 RSMEANS
$ 100,000
$10,000 $15,000
1 1
$ $
10,000 15,000
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$ 125,000 $ 14,000,000 $ 17,073,000 $ 5,122,000 $ 22,200,000