Explorers Club Lesson Plan Theme: Safety Day Activity
Developmental Skill Literacy
Materials Needed
Story Time
5 min.
Song Time Stop Drop And Roll Activity/Crossing the street. Learn to dial 911
5 min. 10 min.
Literacy Gross Motor
Attached Song Sheet None
10 min
CognitiveMath/Fine Motor
Handout of a phone with buttons. Crayons.
Fire Cup Puppy
20 min
Fine Motor
Small Paper Plate Red and black foam or construction paper Red string Wiggly eyes Glue
Make a fire rescue puppy to take home.
Take home
Fine and Gross Motor
Have children take home a checklist of things to check with the parents in the home, such as smoke alarms, fire extinguishers as well as a route for safety and a safe place during a storm.
Read the story (I Can Be Safe by Pat Thomas) to the children and ask/answer questions.
Sing attached songs Have the children practice stop, drop and roll in a circle. Then the children will go into the hall to practice looking left and right before crossing the street. Have children color in 911 on the phone then practice dialing the number and writing their telephone number.
Twinkle, twinkle traffic light Standing on the corner bright When it's green it's time to go When it's red, it's stop you know Twinkle, twinkle traffic light
I’m A Fire Man Sung to the tune of I’m A Little Tea Pot.
Safety Day Songs!!!
Always listen to your mommy and daddy! Safety Belts Safety belts, safety belts, wear them all the way Every time you're in the car, every night and day, oh Safety belts, safety belts, wear them round your lap Then before you start to ride, everybody snap!
I am a fireman dressed in red. With my fire hat on my head. I can drive the fire truck, fight fire too, And help make things safe for you.