June 2013 Newsletter

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Nature Quest

Miracle League

2013 marks the 4th year for Nature Quest. The program is a week long summer camp where 30 boys and 30 girls 5th-6th grade from inner-city Lawton get the opportunity to join the refuge in a “quest to experience nature.” This year Nature Quest will be held June 10-15. The program originally started through conversations with Fit Kids and from there a number of organizations have pitched in each year to provide resources where needed. Organizations such as Cameron University, Lawton YMCA, Memorial Hospital, Comanche County Health Dept., OSU Extension, Friends of the Wichitas, Job Corp and Lawton Public Schools. While support is still offered by community organizations, the refuge has taken on responsibility and looks forward to engaging with youth each year. As we all know, budget cuts are always a concern with government agencies and we are fortunate to have refuge staff that lobby and push for this opportunity for youth each year, but it is our job as Fit Kids members to support their efforts and pull together the necessary resources to make this event one that youth can enjoy each and every year. Our kids and youth need to experience nature and understand conservation in order to preserve it for generations to come and develop an environmental ethic and sense of well being they will carry with them the rest of their lives.

Have you been out to Elmer Thomas Park lately? Over the past couple of years there has been tremendous ongoing efforts to establish a miracle league field for physically disabled children to play baseball. Elmer Thomas Park now hosts the first of its kind in Lawton. The season began this spring and is free for all participants. Click on the pic to learn more

If you see anyone from the refuge please thank them for their passion to get others outdoors, active and in nature.

Cache Farmers’ Market

Click on the picture to learn more

Cache has started a farmer’s market! This season the Cache City Park will host a farmers market on Wednesday and Saturdays 8 am—12 pm. They will have fresh fruits and veggies, farm fresh eggs, tilapia and catfish. Selection is limited. What a great start for their market and providing the citizens of Cache with fresh products! A big thanks to Cache Community Improvement Association for stepping up and making Cache a healthier place to live.

June 2013




June 27, 2013


Weight of the Nation Kids

The next Fit Kids meeting will be June 27 in the Maple Conf. Room from 12pm to 1pm at Comanche Co. Memorial Hospital. Lunch is provided via the lunch line; just make sure they know you are with Fit Kids.

Wed-Fri: 11am-7pm Sat & Sun: 9am-7pm Lawton Farmers’ Market Saturdays 8am-1pm, Comanche County Fairgrounds. Wednesdays starting June 19. Cache Farmers’ Market Wednesdays and Saturdays 8am12pm. Cache City Park Diamond Brigade Run Saturday June 8, 8 am Fort Sill Post Chapel. Fitnessinactionseries.com Tour of the Wichitas Bike Ride Saturday June 22, 8 am Fort Sill Polo Club. Tourofthewichitas.com Relay for Life June 14-15, 7 pm-7 am. Ron Stephens Stadium. Register at relatyforlife.org/comancheok or call 917-9727.

Above and Below: Ride start, Tour of the Wichitas 2012. Bike Ride will be held June 22, 2013 starting at Fort Sill. Fitnessinactionseries.com for more.

Lawton Youth Triathlon Scheduled June 1st—CANCELED

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Fit Kids Fitness in Action Series: June Event

June 2013

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