CITY IN CRISIS Fort Worth should not have to tolerate a DA who puts politics above justice. BY STATIC Cody Lynn Boyd With his single out Friday, the folk-rock singer-songwriter looks to cement his place at or near the top of the local echelon. BY ANTHONY MARIANI STATIC “In God We Trucks.” BY ANTHONY MARIANI EATS & DRINKS Get your pickleball on while gettin’ your brunch on at Courtside Kitchen (but not at the same time, please). BY CHRISTINA BERGER BUCK U Maybe look to TCU’s bro-in-chief when trying to make Big 12 football matter nationally. BY JOHN ANDREW WILLIS August 24-30, 2022 FREE

WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202224-30,AUGUST fwweekly.com2 INSIDE AnthonySTAFFMariani, Editor Lee Newquist, Publisher Bob Niehoff, General Manager Ryan Burger, Art Director Jim Erickson, Circulation Director Edward Brown, Staff Writer Emmy Smith, Proofreader Michael Newquist, Regional Sales Director Jennifer Bovee, Marketing Director Stacey Hammons, Senior Account Executive Julie Strehl, Account Executive Tony Diaz, Account Executive Wyatt Newquist, Digital Coordinator Clintastic, Brand Ambassador Volume 18 Nu mber 19 A ugust 24-30, 2022 CONTRIBUTORS Megan Ables, Christina Berger, E.R. Bills, Jason Brimmer, Sue Chefington, Buck D. Elliott, Juan R. Govea, Patrick Higgins, Bo Jacksboro, Laurie James, Kristian Lin, Vishal Malhotra,BergerChristina17 10235 Whether you’re playing a gig, going to a concert or just streaming songs on your headphones, saving time and money by ridesharing on Trinity Metro ZIPZONE is music to everybody’s ears! Get your first two rides free at RIDE TRINITYMETRO .or g/ ZIPZONE TALENTEDTRINITYMUSICIANSMETRO TEXRail | Bus | TREZIPZONE Oath Keepers Judges not signing sworn documents may throw hundreds of cases in doubt. By Static Pickled Anyone?Pickleball, Courtside Kitchen is serving up more than life-size ping-pong. By Christina Berger The 12 Days of Football Maybe TCU can show the conference how it’s done — from the office suites. By John Andrew Willis “Feels the Same” Electric folk-rock singer-songwriter Cody Lynn Boyd is back with another single. By Anthony Mariani

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If Brett Yormark can successfully wade through the muck that is university administrative red tape, modernize the conference, and keep the TV eyeballs and dollars com ing, he’ll be remembered as a transformative commissioner. If Yormark needs some advice along the way, Boschini’s of fice is just a 40-minute drive from Irving. l
Making the Big 12 a viable College Football Playoff contender is Job 1 for the new commish.
BY JOHN ANDREW WILLIS Brett Yormark ain’t in New York anymore, but he will be in Kansas shortly. And Lubbock and Stillwater and even the Fort. The incoming Big 12 commissioner — an outsidethe-box hire having worked for NASCAR, the Brooklyn Nets, and Jay-Z’s Roc Nation — was probably hoping for a stealthy migration south of the Mason-Dixon Line to Big 12 headquarters in Irving. Yormark, announced as commis sioner earlier this summer, was set to start with the Big 12 officially on Aug. 1. Any hope of a calm summer of transi tion was shattered like historic Texas heat records the day after his announcement when news broke that USC and UCLA pulled a Texas and Oklahoma of yesteryear, literal ly jetting out of the Pac-12 for the Big Ten’s much, much greenerThepa$tures.multimillion-dollar question, of course, is if the college athletics novice will successfully position the Big 12 to remain a power conference with a legitimate chance to play in the College Football Playoff every year. Equally im portant — not because it should be important but because of how colleges actually operate — is convincing TV networks and streaming entities that the 10 a.m. Tech/Central Florida game is going to be so widely viewed that someone should give the Big 12 millions and millions of dollars. Victor Boschini is another Big 12 stakeholder who knows something about transitioning from a vastly differ ent American geography and culture to North Texas. He was also mentioned as a qualified but atypical candidate for Big 12 commissioner during the recent search. TCU’s 10th chancellor, Boschini arrived at TCU in 2003. The Gary Pat terson era was in its infancy, TCU was in Conference USA, and Amon Carter Stadium desperately needed a facelift if TCU were to be considered a “big time” program.
The new Big 12 commissioner needs Victor Boschini results to be successful.
In what is either a small-world coincidence or college athletics predestination, both Yormark and Boschini were students at Indiana University in the late ’80s, when fiery Bobby Knight was coaching Hoosiers hoops. Yormark today faces the same question Boschini did in 2003: How do I reimagine my institution to excel in the modern era? They each have a calm, unimposing but sharp demeanor that earns respect through showing it. Yormark oversaw a $750 million sponsorship deal between Nextel and NASCAR and moved the NBA Nets from New Jersey to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Boschini navigated TCU from Conference USA to the Mountain West to a layover in the Big East and finally to the Big 12. He’s also overseen a re modeling or new construction of basically every building at TCU that you’ve heard of. Google “TCU campus” circa 2003 if you don’t believe me.
Boschini once told a TCU class about his time as an undergrad at Mount Union College interning for the pres ident. A lightbulb was out in the office, and Boschini was following the physical plant procedure of filling out a work order on six-layer carbon paper. Observing the profound in efficiency and growing impatient, Boschini’s boss grabbed the custodian closet keys from the receptionist’s desk. He retrieved a lightbulb, stood on a chair, changed the bulb, got down, grabbed the work order, tore it to pieces, and ex claimed, “There! That’s how you change a lightbulb!”

WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202224-30,AUGUST fwweekly.com6
Although their mandate is to serve the public selflessly, many district attorneys falsely believe they’re above the law. One example is disgraced Ellis County DA Patrick Wilson, who left office in early 2020 after announcing he would not seek reelection. In a 2018 lawsuit seeking to re move him from office, attorney Dan Gus alleged that the DA abused his position by spying on and retaliating against a politi cal opponent. The lawsuit was dismissed.
In late June, Tarrant County District Judge David Hagerman faced backlash from several defense attorneys for his alleged short temper in court and bias against Bob Gill. The attorney is rep resenting Dean, the former Fort Worth police officer awaiting trial for allegedly murdering Atatiana Jefferson in 2019 by shooting her through a back window of the home she shared with her mother.
As part of their formal argument to re move Hagerman from the case, Gill’s team assembled a list of witnesses that included Craig Driskell, executive chief deputy of operations at the Tarrant County Sher iff’s Office. During the late June recusal hearing, Driskell said that DA Wilson re cently called him. Under oath, Driskell told Gill’s team that Wilson, knowing that Driskell was scheduled to testify, had ad vised the chief deputy to “quit talking,” based on reporting by the Star-Telegram
The reporter of the story failed to remind readers that Wilson’s alleged directive, even under the guise of advice, constitutes witnessJackeetampering.Cox,a local attorney with 30 years of experience in family, civil, and civil rights law, said no DA should ever tell a witness what they can and can’t say.
“It’s certainly frustrating when you make credible, serious allegations of felo ny conduct by the district attorney’s office and a judge rules without explanation and without any hearing,” said Gus, who filed the suit on behalf of Mike Jones, an Ellis County constable and the alleged victim. “It was dismissed out of hand with no ex planation and no hearing.”
“Prosecutors do not make the law,” Wilson said in the public statement. “We followTheit.”DAs in Dallas and Travis coun ties have publicly stated that they will not prosecute abortions following the over
DA Sharen Wilson was all too eager to join the Republican-led effort to use Roe’s overturning to criminalize female bodily autonomy.
In Tarrant County, the name Tim Curry looms as large as ever. Based on off-the-record comments by associates, this severely irks Tarrant County DA Sha ren Wilson. Curry, the longtime Tarrant County DA who died in 2009, is the name sake of the downtown justice center where Wilson and her administration have of fices. She lost her chance to oversee con struction of a Sharen Wilson Justice Cen ter when voters rejected a proposed $116 million bond program last fall. With her legacy in tatters, Wilson soon after an nounced she would not seek reelection in November.Shewill be leaving a district attor ney’s office that has lost the public’s con fidence.During her tenure, she has proven she is beholden only to white Christian Nationalists. Last year, she maliciously prosecuted two school board members in Southlake as what could be seen as a per sonal favor to county judge candidate Tim O’Hare, the far-right Southlaker credited with leveraging the paranoia over Critical Race Theory to further his political ambi tions.More recently, DA Wilson has drawn public backlash for the long-delayed mur der trial of Aaron Dean and for her vocal support for prosecuting doctors who per form once constitutionally protected abor tions.These and many other egregious be trayals of the public trust serve as a re minder that justice is never blind when administered by a tyrant.
Criminalizing Bodily Autonomy District attorneys and prosecutors have wide discretion when deciding which laws to prosecute or not. This fact was appar ently lost on Wilson when she publicly stated that her office plans to prosecute abortion providers and possibly the preg nant women who seek the once constitu tionally protected procedure.
“The value of a witness depends on a witness reciting accurately what they saw and heard, not somebody else’s version of what they might have seen,” Cox said. “If someone tells you what to say or not to say, they are testifying for you and using you as a puppet.”Wilson has not publicly commented on her phone call to Driskell.
FacebookCourtesy continued on page 7
CountyTyrant Rather than seeking justice, the DA’s office serves its head, her powerful friends, and other Nationalists.Christian
Possible Witness Tampering Witness testimony is often used as key evidence in courtroom proceedings. For public statements under oath to be ad missible, there is an assumption that the witness is not speaking under duress from a powerful or well-connected figure. For that reason, state and federal laws prohibit witness tampering, and offenders can end up with a felony conviction and spend up to 10 years in prison.

turning of Roe v. Wade in June by the U.S. Supreme Court. Travis County DA José Garza said that he places public safety over partisanship.“Republican leadership in the state of Texas, and nationally, has demonstrated time and time again that they are willing to play politics with our public safety and that there is no length to which they will not go to score political points,” Garza said.One so-called 2021 trigger law already in effect in Texas makes nearly all abor tions in the state felony crimes. Doctors could face life in prison and fines of up to $100,000 if indicted for the offense. Never in the history of the United States has a constitutionally protected right become the target of criminal indictments. With the U.S. Supreme Court staunchly con trolled by religious zealots, there is little relief in sight from the potential prosecu tion of teens and women seeking autono my over their bodies. Local reproductive justice advocate Jen Sarduy, a Black woman, said Wil son’s support for criminalizing abortions demonstrates that Black and brown wom en are “worth less” to the DA’s office.
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202224-30,AUGUST fwweekly.com7
DA investigators went digging for anything they could find on Wright and discovered the former JP had failed to update her homestead exemption to the correct address where she lived. Rath er than handling the infraction as a civil matter, DA Wilson sought and obtained a felony indictment for Wright in late 2018. Once the DA’s office realized that Wright had requested emails involving potential penal code violations by John son and his staff, assistant district attor ney Mark Kratovil took steps to hide those communications from the public. Crim inal Court Judge Robb Catalano, under the advice of Kratovil and possibly other ADAs, signed a protective order that ex pressly forbid Wright from ever releasing the county emails.
The emails “obtained by Tarrant County IT were then provided to attor ney Mark Kratovil with the civil division of the Tarrant County District Attorney’s office,” the protective order reads. “Mr. Kratovil has since conducted a review of the materials to ensure that any materials deemed privileged or confidential have been designated as such.” Catalano signed the order on Aug. 5, 2019. A confidential source forwarded a copy of the protective order to one of our reporters, who then requested copies of the county emails through an open records request. The order makes no restriction on releasing copies of the protective order it self to the press, a decision the DA’s office probably regrets overlooking.
In February, the DA’s office initially attempted to block the release of the emails described in the protective order. Johnson was in a heated race against fellow Repub lican Manny Ramirez for the Precinct 4 commissioner position. One of our report ers told the DA’s office that withholding Johnson’s emails to county staffers listed in the protective order during an election could be seen as showing favoritism and elections meddling. The DA’s office re leased several emails. Some of them reveal possible misuse of government property and personnel. According to one publicly released 2018 email, Precinct 4 administrator Nicole Benoit emailed Johnson using her govern ment email during business hours. “How does it look?” she asked the constable.Attached were six pages of Johnson’s 2018 campaign finance report compiled, signed, and notarized by Benoit. When Johnson took office in 2016, he listed Sar ah Hollenstein as his campaign treasurer, but Hollenstein’s name does not appear anywhere on any of Johnson’s finance re ports. Between 2015 and 2022, county em ployee Benoit signed and notarized 11 of 16 of Johnson’s campaign finance reports. “Thank you,” Johnson replied via his county email address 13 minutes later. “They look great.” State and federal laws that govern the actions of public officials are written to prevent government employees from using government resources for personal gain. Violations of Section 39.01 of Texas’ penal code can result in criminal charges that range from misdemeanors to felonies, depending on the value of the misused government resources.
One year later, another email from Benoit to Johnson appears to again show
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Based on data from Guttmacher In stitute, a research and policy nonprofit, Black women in the United States are five times more likely to seek an abortion than white“Wewomen.know that abortion bans and prosecutions of abortions disproportion ately affect Black and brown folks,” Sar duy continued. “We know that most peo ple who have abortions are already parents. When Sharen Wilson makes a choice to prosecute abortions without apology, she is really saying families are not a priority.”
Covering Up Crimes?
The district attorney’s civil division, which handles the releases of government documents, has a solution for keeping in formation about unethical or potentially criminal actions by government officials from reaching the public or media — a mandate that anyone seeking those doc uments sign a court-ordered protective order.At issue are dozens of county emails that detail alleged misuse of county prop erty and personnel for personal use by Constable Jody Johnson. In 2018, Jacque lyn Wright, a former justice of the peace, requested those emails from the county as part of her defense following her 2018 indictment for fraud. Wright had angered Johnson, who worked under both her and his father, Tarrant County Commission er J.D. Johnson, by demanding that Jody Johnson correct and resubmit his botched paperwork.

In March, Precinct 4 Republican vot ers chose Ramirez as their nominee for November’s commissioners court race. Ramirez is widely expected to win the midterm election against Democrat op ponent Cedric Kanyinda and assume his first elected office Jan. 1, 2023. Backing the Blue?
him conducting personal campaign work during government business hours.
CRT does not seek to blame individuals or groups for this country’s history of racism but rather to understand how institutions and domestic systems of law may have been influenced by bias toward one group or race.In a public statement to two NBC News reporters in 2021, Rufo said his goal was to turn CRT into a “national brand that gave American conservatives a new frame for understanding what is happen ing around O’Hare,them.”theformer Farmers Branch mayor known for forcing landlords to check the citizenship status of tenants, began alleging without evidence that CRT was being taught in Southlake. O’Hare and his right-wing supporters began tar geting school board members, alleging they were part of a cabal to force guilt on white children.
“We have a report due in 14 days,” Benoit wrote to Johnson in early 2019. “Do you mind if I start getting our ducks in a row and working on it? I might have questions, and I will need to access the [campaign] bank account. Is that OK?”
By fall 2020, the DA’s office autho rized an investigation into something that has never been prosecuted in Tarrant County — violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act. By allegedly texting each other about ways to address racism in the Southlake school district, board members Todd Carl ton and Michelle Moore were charged by Wilson with allegedly breaking the state law that mandates that public officials can discuss certain matters only in public fo rums.The vast majority of criminal cases ac cepted by the DA are submitted by law en forcement, but a Southlake police spokes person told us his department had no in volvement in the DA’s investigation that led to two misdemeanor charges against Carlton and Moore in April 2021, just weeks ahead of a contentious school board election that brought two hard right-wing ers — Cameron Bryan and Hannah Smith — to the district’s seven-member board. The indictments were a political win for O’Hare and his supporters, who have since solidified power in the suburb while seeking to expand their well-funded efforts to turn back the clock on progress in this country. In February, DA Wilson endorsed O’Hare for county judge, just weeks ahead of O’Hare’s primary win against former Fort Worth mayor Betsy Price. l This story is part of City in Crisis, an on going series of reports on unethical be havior and worse by local public leaders, featuring original reporting.
The June announcement that the mur derer of Fort Worth police officer Gar rett Hull was sentenced to life in prison made for good headlines. For anyone who followed the case, there was one glaring problem.Defendant Timothy Huff did not shoot and kill Hull. Huff, Dacion Steptoe, and Samuel Mayfield were under surveillance for al legedly committing a string of robberies in 2018, according to new coverage of Hull’s death. Police officers observed the three entering Los Vaqueros Sports Bar on the South Side on Sep. 14 and attempt ed to arrest the men as they left. The trio began shooting at police, and Steptoe shot and killed Hull before police returned gunfire and killed Steptoe. In a public statement, the DA’s office said, “Texas law allows a person to be crimi nally responsible for the actions of someone else when there was a conspiracy to commit one crime and another felony occurs.” Following the DA’s Facebook post on the trial verdict, dozens of online comments called her out for pouring pub lic resources into a case that benefited the Thin Blue Line. “The system jumps right into it when it’s the other way around, and that’s not fair,” one Black woman commented. “Ata tiana’s killer, who is an officer, is still run ning around free.”
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The Christian Nationalism Altar Although supporters of the powerful and well-funded Christian Nationalism move ment would disagree, the United States is not a theocracy but rather a secular democ racy that favors no religion or sect over an other. The base of power of this Christian Nationalism threat to our freedoms and civil rights is Southlake, and DA Wilson’s office has empowered and emboldened Christian Nationalists and shameless op portunists like county judge candidate O’Hare, a man who will peddle any lie if it furthers his self-serving political interests. In late 2020, Southlake was facing a moral crisis. Parents and students were speaking out against years of racist and homophobic statements by parents and students in Carroll school district, which serves the wealthy and largely white sub urb in Northeast Tarrant County. To help the community heal, and with direct input and help from local parents and students, Carroll’s school board drafted and pre pared to adopt the Cultural Competency ActionUnprecedentedPlan.
Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality that sum mer led Republican operative Christopher Rufo to mischaracterize the academic and legal set of theories known as Critical Race Theory as an attempt by Marxist leftists to indoctrinate children across the country.

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BY EDWARD BROWN As the presiding judge for the North Texas region, David Evans oversees a wide range of tasks that allow the civil, family, and criminal courts across 13 counties to function. Responding to public requests for court documents, en suring visiting retired judges are qualified for their assign ments, and coordinating time off for judges are some of the more common duties fulfilled by a regional presiding judge, and Evans has served as head of North Texas’ judicial region sinceFor2014.the past four months, Evans has been the focus of continuous investigation and reporting by the Weekly. In March, our research found that Evans assigned a visiting retired judge to more than 200 criminal cases between 2015 and 2022 as a senior judge even though the retired judge was never bestowed that important title by Texas Chief Justice NathanTheHecht.newest problems facing Evans are tied to his ap parent failure to file his Oath of Office with the Secretary of State’s office (SOS) following his recent reassignment as head of the Eighth Administrative Judicial Region, an area that encompasses North Texas. Following an election or ap pointment, all judges in Texas must file the Oath of Office before setting upon the duties of their office. Oaths are only valid once they are filed with the state, county, or city, de pending on which type of officeholder is filing.
Missing from Judge David Evans’ 2018 Oath of Office is the stamp that signifies that it was filed, as required by law, with the Secretary of State.
If Evans failed to take his oath properly on time and file it with the SOS, that misstep could jeopardize Aaron Dean’s upcoming trial. The former Fort Worth police officer stands charged with the 2019 murder of a young Black woman, Ata tiana Jefferson, in 2019. In late June, Evans, following his recent reappointment, assigned visiting retired Justice Lee Gabriel to preside over the recusal of Judge David Hager man from Dean’s case. The defendant’s lawyers successfully argued that Hagerman was biased against and hostile toward them. The validity of Evans’ assignment of Gabriel is now in question as is the authority of Gabriel to recuse Hagerman because the justice also failed to file her oaths at the begin ning of her late June assignment, based on SOS findings.
“A diligent search of the records of this office found no documents responsive to your request,” the SOS spokesper son responded.Therulings and orders of judges who did not meet the constitutional requirement to take and file the Statement of Officer/anti-bribery oath and Oath of Office can and have been overturned. Article 16 of the Texas Constitution is clear: “All elected and appointed officers, before they enter upon the duties of their offices, shall take the following Oath.”
Under Chapter 75 of Texas Government Code, visiting retired judges must attain senior judge status before rul ing on cases as a visiting retired judge, but longtime mis demeanor judge Daryl Coffey, based on our findings, never sought or was given that title from Chief Justice Hecht (“No Authority,” June 22). Publicly, Evans disclosed Coffey’s true title by listing him as a non-senior visiting retired judge on several annual public disclosures, but Evans privately be stowed Coffey with the false title of senior judge on rarely seen forms called Order of Assignment that are accessible only by judges like Coffey and administrative judges.
Two weeks ago, a confidential source sent us copies of government documents that showed Evans did not file the required oaths following his June reappointment by Gov. Greg Abbott. In an email, a spokesperson for Evans rebutted the accusation.“Following the recent appointment, a Statement of Of ficer and an Oath of Office were filed with the Secretary of State, and the region has filed marked copies of the same,” the spokesperson wrote without providing proof.
Through a request for records known as Rule 12, I sought copies of the original oaths that Evans must retain at his downtown office. My request to the Eighth Administra tive Judicial Region was answered with copies of the recent Statement of Officer/anti-bribery oath and Oath of Office but no explanation why the SOS does not have those oaths on file, and the SOS has not returned my repeated requests for an explanation of the discrepancy.
Unconstitutional Missing oaths at the highest levels in Tarrant County’s justice system may undermine Aaron Dean’s murder trial and dozens of local court cases.
The Court of Criminal Appeals’ 1978 ruling reads, “We hold that without the taking of the oath prescribed by the Constitution of this State, one cannot become [a lawful judge], and his acts as such are void.”
A separate open records release from the SOS shows that Evans failed to file the Statement of Officer/anti-brib ery oath, which must be filed before the Oath of Office, at the beginning of his previous appointment as head of North Texas’ judicial region. Evans’ 2018 appointment may be void due to that error and because the one oath he did take, the Oath of Office, is missing the SOS stamp that signifies it was properly filed with the state.
As a matter of policy, the State Commission on Judicial Conduct does not confirm or comment on investigations, but a confidential source (not the one previously mentioned) sent me a copy of a recent sworn complaint filed by a former justice of the peace to the commission. It’s by Jacqueline Wright, alleges Evans falsified more than 200 government documents as a means of allowing a constitutionally unqual ified judge to preside over misdemeanor and felony cases in Evans’ absence between 2015 and early this year.
Numerous rulings by the Texas Court of Criminal Ap peals and opinions by the State Attorney General have con sistently upheld that rulings and actions by judges who have failed to take the Oath of Office are void. One oft-cited Court of Criminal Appeals case, French v. State, overturned the rul ings of a temporarily appointed municipal judge in Hurst, Judge R.A. Hargrave, because he failed to take his Oath of Office before ruling over cases following his appointment.
Bestowing a false title on Coffey using the Order of As signment forms gave the appearance that Coffey was consti tutionally qualified for those cases.
After I requested copies of the oaths in question — the Statement of Officer, also known as the anti-bribery oath, and Oath of Office, both of which must be signed and filed — I was told by a SOS spokesperson that Evans did not file any oaths following his reappointment.
The falsified forms may have allowed Coffey to earn siz able money fraudulently from the county since senior judges are paid around $500 a day while on assignment. Coffey may not be the only non-senior judge to be un lawfully assigned by Evans. A recent Rule 12 request reveals 127 Order of Assignment forms — filed between January and July of this year — for local visiting retired judges listed as non-senior on the Eight Administrative Judicial Region’s website, meaning Evans may have unlawfully assigned other non-senior judges as senior judges to criminal cases.
Evans has taken no steps to rectify Coffey’s constitu tionally void assignments and has ignored our requests for comment.Evans is far from the only Tarrant County judge aware of Coffey’s failure to seek senior judge status. Internal emails from the Tarrant County District Attorney’s office show that DA Sharen Wilson was informed about Coffey’s false title of senior judge on several occasions by DA staffers who have read our extensive reporting. This article, reads a May 13 email addressed to DA Wil son, “is about Daryl Coffey and whether he legally presid ed over cases, including one against [former Justice of the Peace] Jacqueline Wright.”
Dozens of criminal court judges who requested Coffey to fill in for them during vacancies between 2015 and 2022 would reasonably have known from annually published lists of visiting retired judges eligible for assignment that Coffey was not a senior judge. l

Law then gave false testimony before the Texas Senate Select Committee on Prop erty Tax Reform on April 27, 2016. During the testimony, Law was grilled by the com mittee members about reported problems with Aumentum software and the handling of taxpayer complaints. Through his testi mony before the committee, Law blamed delays in accessing sales data as an excuse for the software problems that deprived school mass appraise properties and homes never functioned and continues to have perfor mance issues. TAD made a final payment to the Aumentum vendor in 2021 due to the ad dition of a working special software feature called NCD (Need, Change, Delete) that allows TAD to send account information to the office of Tarrant County Tax Asses sor-Collector Wendy Burgess, meaning the software required eight years of upgrades to reach some semblance of functionality.
Supporters of a Realtor under attack by TAD waited in line for hours for a meeting and weren’t allowed to use the restrooms during that time.
Letters to the Editor
King of TAD We are concerned about the tenure of Jeff Law, chief appraiser of the Tarrant Apprais al District (TAD), and the harm he has done to the citizenry of the State of Texas with the support of powerful public officials like former Mayor Betsy Price, District Attorney Sharen Wilson, the Tarrant County Commis sioners Court, county administrator G.K. Maenius, Fort Worth school superintendent Kent Scribner, the Arlington school board, and TCC board member Kenneth Barr. The recent decision by TAD’s board to place Law on leave without pay for two weeks for his mishandling of retaliatory attacks against Realtor Chandler Crouch amounts to a slap on the wrist. Tarrant County taxpayers should be made aware of Law’s long history of missteps and alleged misdealings since taking office in 2008. In 2010, Mr. Law was successful in changing TAD policy, allowing himself and a first cousin to be co-workers. He has made promises he cannot keep by saying he could manage the legacy system conversion to a new software-based apprais al system even though cautioned by Robert Mott, the attorney responsible for crafting the contract between the software supplier and TAD. Law shut down and dismantled the Legacy System without a proven work ing software system. Data was lost and cor rupted when the new Aumentum software came online in fall 2014. In 2015, the State Comptroller’s ratio study found that TAD’s estimates were inac curate, thus depriving every Tarrant County school district’s state funding of tens of mil lions of dollars, but Law will crow and say, “No district did not get its funding.”
BrownEdward continued on page 12 Visit one of our four adoption locations: • Chuck & Brenda Silcox Animal Care and Adoption Center • Fort Worth North Animal Campus • PetSmart Hulen Adoption Center • PetSmart Alliance Adoption Center Visit our website for adoptable Help us clear the shelters, adopt a new pet today! *All pets are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped.

VI NTAG E TE XA S WinesTexas and wineriesguestfrom SicilySonomaandValley AMONO C A O N A S ONOMA L YLCANRO T Y SIC Y ALY C L YA PARG V TEXAS G A EV N AXE Presented by Proceeds benefit historic preservation projects in Grapevine 121 Purchase your festival tickets now at Book a Grapevine hotel room at SEPTEMBER 15, 16, 17 & 18 | GRAPEVINE, TEXAS Letters continued from page 11
Law’s 2016 testimony to the committee was furthest from the truth. Without ap proval from TAD’s board of directors and input from former TAD board members, Law hired a private software contractor to supplement Aumentum software failures from 2015 to December 2021 at a cost in ex cess of $120,000 a year. Law, based on one recent whistleblow er account, did not inform the board that TAD’s system was allegedly hacked twice in three days in spring 2021, and he unilater ally approved a pay increase for an in-house attorney who earns $32,370 a month. Man agers at TAD earn around 20% more than their state counterparts, based on TAD’s own in-house market salary study, while nonmanagers earn significantly less than their state counterparts. Through our own experiences, Law has never sought to im prove pay parity for his staff. When TAD staff misleads the public, Law has a history of covering for those actions. Law, along with then-board chair Mike O’Donnell (candidate for Arlington school board and the City of Arlington), allegedly tried to hide an April 2020 letter from State Sen. Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound), who asked for an audit of the Aumentum soft ware and raised valid concerns about the high number of property-owner protests that TAD was fielding at the time. When elected officials offered to volunteer their time to audit and remedy TAD’s software problems, Law rebuffed those efforts. He also allegedly tried to hide a 26-page whistleblower letter (not the one tied to the 2021 TAD server hacking) from TAD’s board in 2018. Law apparently has a disregard for active and retired members of our mili tary, who are required under 41.66 j-2 of the property tax code to be scheduled first during protest hearings, and for the first 12 years of his tenure, Law made no effort to have TAD board meetings begin with the Pledge of Allegiance. This changed in 2020 with the election of Richard DeOtte and Gary Losada to the board. When Law runs into legal trouble, he expects taxpayers to foot the bill for his de fense. He has a history of not following Tex as Public Information Act laws that mandate the prompt release of certain government documents and communications. Law also allegedly altered released information as demonstrated by a criminal complaint filed with the DA’s office by a TAD watchdog in reference to the 2015 TAD board election. This complaint revealed the existence of two similar documents with the same date but two completely different sets of figures, though the request for this same document occurred three months apart. One was in black and white and the other in color. We further allege that Law allows TAD staffers to run side gigs as real estate agents. Double dipping is common at TAD, we believe, and those conflicts of interest give TAD employees an unfair advantage over non-TAD staffers, who do not have access to a government database and other insider information.
The Open Meetings Act is a moving tar get to Law. His disregard increased during the COVID emergency. For years, TAD’s board meetings were only accessible by at tending in person or through poor audio recordings that were not always discernible. The latest example is the June 30 meeting on TAD’s website. Video and clear audio are nonexistent.Thelatest June emergency board meet ing tied to Realtor Chandler Crouch’s con cerns that he was targeted by TAD leaders because he volunteered his time to help locals protest their property valuations was just the latest example of Law’s failure to follow the Open Meetings Act. No accom modations for the hundreds of taxpayers who came to show support for Crouch were made. Instead, those men and women were made to stand out in the heat for several hours.No accommodations were made for dis abled individuals, which constitutes viola tions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. TAD staff refused to allow anyone to use the restroom.Before that meeting, there was a stand ing offer to hold the board meeting at a much larger HEB school district facility. Law ignored the offer. Law easily could have requested a recess of that meeting to accommodate the public and move the re cessed meeting to the HEB school district. DeOtte was the lone board member to make a motion to fire Law. That motion failed to garner a second motion, thus it failed. The TAD Board acted as a rubber stamp until DeOtte and Losada (who is no longer on the board) were elected to the board in 2020. Only by changing the election of TAD’s board can we expect change. Currently, the taxing entities and the directors whom they represent appear to want to let Jeff Law be King of ASigned,TAD.groupof concerned taxpayers This letter reflects the opinions of the authors and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit a letter, please email Editor Anthony Mariani at He will gently edit them for clarity and concision.

All are invited to celebrate Otsukimi, the annual Japanese festival that honors the autumn moon and the season ahead, in recognition of the rich heritage of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth’s architect, Tadao Ando.
Purchase Tickets: Become a Modern member to receive discounted tickets! Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth 3200 Darnell Street Fort Worth, Texas 76107 817.738.9215
7 pm Doors Open Women Painting Women exhibition galleries open 7:30–8 pm Lantern Launch in the Reflecting PerformancePondby Dondoko Taiko Japanese Drumming 7:30–8:30Group pm Entertainment by Boyblk 8–9 pm Entertainment by Rizkilla 9–10 pm Performance by Cabus
All are invited to celebrate Otsukimi, the annual Japanese festival that honors the autumn moon and the season ahead, in recognition of the rich heritage of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth’s architect, Tadao Ando.
Purchase Tickets: Become a Modern member to receive discounted tickets! Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth 3200 Darnell Street Fort Worth, Texas 76107 817.738.9215
Trust in God Guns?or Trucks?Or
WOMEN PAINTING WOMEN on view through 9/25
Trust in God is definitely not what we have in Texas right now. In our sad, embarrassing state, the par ty of freedumb is forcing public schools to display “In God We Trucks” signs if they’ve been donated, and they’re being donated en masse by glorified snake handlers who claim they’re Christian but don’t know the first thing about Jesus’ others-first, all-arewelcome ethos. The snake handlers’ publi cized goal is to spread the word of God. Or something. Their unspoken mission is to make non-Christian children feel unwel come for not being Christian, essentially peer-pressuring them into joining a cult. Sorry, a “religion.” Which I guess that’s what it is if you’re a Jesus Christian, not a Republican Christian. They’re two wildly different things. One says love everyone no matter what, turn the other cheek, and help the downtrodden — and his words alone are worth devoting your life to — while the other is trying to grift its way into ulti mate power to remain wealthy and protect WhiteyAnd. grifting kids makes sense. Churches, especially evangelical ones like Mercy Culture in Fort Worth and so many others it’s nauseating, have begun politicizing from the pulpit, which goes against their “tax-exempt” status. Means nothing. Absolutely zero. As Mercy has proven by inviting hard-right politicians to its stage, churches can effectively lobby for whichev er candidate they want without fear of pun ishment or backlash. To keep campaigning for Dylan “F-150” Jones, Cole “Redneck” Daniels, or whatever other whitebread racist is running as a Republican across this poor excuse for a country, the church es — and it’s all of them except the Black ones — require a healthy influx of new members. Enter: kids peer-pressured into hating others and punishing women and other minorities to get into heaven. The churches are smart. They know that kids, even most teenagers, don’t have any money. The grift begins with “fundraisers.” Hey, little kiddos, the church says. Why don’t you pass this tin can around your baseball team? You get to keep two whole dollars of every five you raise for us. And then the grift becomes the $16 mil lion fleeced from true believers by “pros perity gospel” preacher Ephren Taylor at Lakewood Church in Houston. Wasn’t it Jesus who overturned the moneychangers’ tables? Guess Taylor, Mercy, and their anti-Jesus ilk forgot about that little story. #convenient While the tin-can money, as far as we know, doesn’t go directly toward any pol itician’s campaign, it does end up fueling the churches, who offer their stages to par ticular candidates for them to build their brands, a.k.a. attract voters, and as the past 50-plus years have proven, Republicans do not give one single, solitary fuck about helping anyone but the 1%, so unless you’re in that lucky? grifted? probably inherited? stratosphere, you should know that a vote for a Republican politician is a vote against your best interests and those of most of your family, friends, and neighbors, who, oddly, are probably also Republican, be cause we live in this Medieval Times version of a state and pretty much everyone here is Holdracist.on.
WOMEN PAINTING WOMEN on view through 9/25
7 pm Doors Open Women Painting Women exhibition galleries open 7:30–8 pm Lantern Launch in the Reflecting PerformancePondby Dondoko Taiko Japanese Drumming 7:30–8:30Group pm Entertainment by Boyblk 8–9 pm Entertainment by Rizkilla 9–10 pm Performance by Cabus CABUS
URGENT email coming in hot. OK. Seems that Chuck, Nancy, and the rest of the circular-firing-squad gang want me to send them more money for them to cower in a corner to protect themselves from mean tweets and alienating swing vot ers. Roger that, guys. An appropriate $0.01 coming your way. Godspeed. Even evangelicals have to admit this slogan nonsense is nothing but a grift. That’s it. And for them, I have only one question. If the lack of God in schools is to blame for all of our shootings, what ex plains the lack of school shootings in every other, non-Christian country? Japan and Denmark also don’t have any “God” in their schools, and they’ve been doing just fine. Maybe the party of “God and guns” is wrong. *clutches pearls* Could it be? Could it be that people who get their news only from one warped televised “news” source have become blind to reality? I can’t even. — Anthony Mariani This column reflects the opinions of the editorial board and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit a column, please email Editor Anthony Mariani at Anthony@ He will gently edit them for factuality, clarity, and concision. SEPTEMBERMOONLIGHTBY17•7–10

Thursdays to Sundays thru Sun, Sep 4, Theatre Ar lington (305 W Main St, 817-275-7661) will present Biloxi Blues. Set in 1943 at a bootcamp during World War II, Neil Si mon’s award-winning play follows young Army recruit Eugene Jerome as he learns about life and love during basic training. See Biloxi Blues at 7:30pm Thu-Sat or 2pm Sun. As there is strong language and adult sub ject matter, this production is appropriate for ages 15 and up. Tickets are $29 at The Stage West (821 W Vickery Blvd, 817-7849378). Tickets start at $40 at With the temperatures fall ing just a bit, thoughts turn to Halloween activities. To jump-start the season, the Dr Pepper Museum (300 S 5th St, Waco, 254-757-1025) is hosting a Paranormal Tour from 8pm to 10pm. The museum is housed in the historic Dr Pep per bottling plant built in 1906, and, for years, the staff and some paranormal in vestigators have seen apparitions, floating Saturday 25
27 NIGHT&DAY Thursday
Don’t break a nail battling tra c! Rideshare the easy, inexpensive and enjoyable way with Trinity Metro ZIPZONE. Download the ZIPZONE app now for iPhone or Android, and get your two rides free at RIDE TRINITYMETRO .org/ ZIPZONE

While I enjoyed a bit of hiking on my vacation this summer, I was far away from the Texas heat. Now that we’ve had a “cold front,” it might be time to try it in North Texas.
@happy_the_jack_russell_terrier DOG DAY KIMBELL Friday, August 26, 5:30–7:30 pm REGISTERTODAY DETAILS AND REGISTRATION AT KIMBELLART.ORG/CALENDAR.
Cre ated with future quinceañeras in mind, Quinceañera Expo noon-5pm at Esports Stadium (1200 Ballpark Way, Arlington, 817-459-5000) will showcase all the resourc es needed to plan an entire quince under one roof. Tickets are $12 at or $15 at the door. Just in time for back-toschool season, the Movie Mutant (@MovieMutant) is hosting Troma Movie Monday with a screening of the 1986 film Class of Nuke ’Em High at Studio Movie Grill (425 Lincoln Sq, Ar lington, 682-267-9465). Students at a high school next to a nuclear power plant buy bad drugs from a plant worker — what can go wrong? This R-rated movie starts at 9pm, but arrive early for free Troma swag and to check out the vendors. Tickets are $10.50 at wants to #EndO verdose. In honor of International Overdose Aware ness Day, free events are happening at two locations.
The UNT Substance Use Resource and Ed ucation Program (@UNTSUREprogram) at the University of North Texas hosts a Resource Fair 11am-2pm at Union South Lawn (1155 Union Cir, 940-565-2000). Learn how to reduce the stigma around an overdose, how to prevent an overdose, and how to respond. Then from 6pm to 8pm, head to the lawn of the Denton County Courthouse on the Square (110 W Hicko ry St, 940-349-2850) for North Texas Over dose Awareness Day. Hosted by the non profit group Reacting to Opioid Overdose, this memorial event will include a resource table, speakers, and food. For more informa tion or to register, visit
Ev ery Wednesday from 8am to 10am, the staff at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center (3310 Collins Rd, Denton, 940-349-8230) hosts a guided hike called We Hike Wednes days. The adventure starts with a brief dig ital tutorial — you’ll need to download the AllTrails or iNaturalist app. Then the hike is about 1.5 hours on various staff-selected routes. Wear comfortable, weather-appro priate clothes and shoes, and bring bug spray, sunscreen, and a water bottle. All ages are welcome, but an adult must accompa ny those under 15. Tickets are $5 at ClearCreekHikes. By Jennifer Bovee
Take a hike in Denton on Wednesday mornings. Tuesday 30 Wednesday 31 Monday 29 Night & Day continued from page 14
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202224-30,AUGUST her 15th birthday, is one of the most an ticipated events for teenage Latinas.


Paddle in one hand, cocktail in the other?
Courtside Kitchen, 1615 Rogers Rd, FW. 682-2555751. 7am-10pm Sun-Thu, 7am-10:30pm Fri-Sat.
Eat LovePlay
Experience level and seriousness of play at Courtside seemed to vary, but it appeared most were there simply to have a good time.
Must be Courtside Kitchen, a restaurant/ pickleball concept that’s changing the game.
“I think I won brunch.” I may have been a tad braggadocious in my declaration as I neatly sliced into my Funkytown Hot Chicken & French Toast, fighting the urge to unleash my inner beast and messily devour the deep-fried fowl slath ered in hot sauce and pools of melting butter. Who would have thought this particular ly scrumptious variation on the brunch classic that is chicken and waffles could be found at CourtsideTuckedKitchen?behind University Park Village on Rogers Road, the restaurant and pickleball concept has taken up residence in the spot that was once MOPAC Event Center. The transformed space, especially the exterior, now features nine covered pickleball courts and an outdoor patio complete with a fountain. Traces of the event center are still detectable, with its tall ceilings, exposed brick, and entire wall of retractable garage doors that allow for a sunny view of the courts beyond. When I rolled up to Courtside Kitchen on a Saturday morning in what I considered a semi-sporty getup, I was greeted in the parking lot by a trio of little old ladies in cutesy tennis skirts and visors. Right off the paddle, I knew they had come to play — and I was nowhere near their level. As I approached the outdoor courts, following the thwacking sound of pad dles colliding with plastic wiffle-like balls, I saw that the place was already packed with people in legit workout attire, some already mid-game and others spectating or waiting for a court to open up. One thing became clear. My slip-on Chuck Taylors weren’t gonna cut it. Courtside Kitchen is an honest, on-thenose name, and they’re not playin’ around. If you’re searching for a pickleball venue that doesn’t require a gym membership and comes with the added benefit of food and alcohol, Courtside Kitchen is for you. You can enjoy a few games with friends, take a clinic based on your skill level, plan a party with a large group, or join a Thetournament.pickleballcourts are open from dawn ’til well past dusk. We’re talking 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. most days. You can reserve a court for up to four people in hour-long slots at $5 per per son, or there’s open play from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays for the same price. If you’re a se rious baller, you likely bring your own equip ment or have already signed up to be a Priority Member for those added benefits. No sweat if you’re a one-time baller, though. Courtside rents out paddles for $2.50 a pop. After some observation, I concluded that pickleball is essentially ping-pong on a court or off-the-table tennis with paddles. Expe rience level and seriousness of play at Court side seemed to vary, but it appeared most were there simply to have a good time. Some treated the game lazily, lobbing the ball like you would in badminton. Others volleyed (or “rallied,” for true enthusiasts) like ping-pong champs. I even witnessed a few slams here and there after some lackadaisical back-and-forth had lulled an opponent into a false sense of security.Since Courtside is open virtually all day, the restaurant accommodates most meals, from coffee and pastries before the kitchen opens for brunch to lunch/dinner offerings and a full bar. That also means you can essen tially pickleball ’til you fall — which, for me continued on page 18 Since Courtside is open virtually all day, the restaurant accommodates most meals, from coffee and pastries before the kitchen opens for brunch to lunch/dinner offerings and a full bar.
BergerChristina BESTWINNERRAMEN - Fort Worth Weekly Best Of 2021

If you’re searching for a pickleball venue that doesn’t require a gym membership and comes with the added benefit of food and alcohol, Courtside Kitchen is for you.
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202224-30,AUGUST and my clumsy limbs, means early and often. The restaurant was mostly empty at the stroke of brunchtime (10:30 a.m.), but by noon, the courts had thinned out as people called time out in favor of lunch indoors. My friends and I sat at a large booth, situated like royalty in a period piece at opposite ends of a table the length of a football field. While our table was in actuality only maybe a couple yards long, the size felt excessive for our party of four wannabe adults and a sweet newborn fighting sleep in his stroller. Brunch might as well be synonymous with booze, amirite?! Not in the mood for a regular ol’ mimosa and not quite ready for a full-on cocktail, I ventured off-menu and re quested an Irish coffee of sorts — an iced oat milk latte with bourbon cream. Instead, a shot of straight bourbon accompanied my iced brew, and, because I’m an absolute girlboss who courageously asks for precisely what she wants, no matter how it makes anyone else feel, I did what any boss bitch in my position would and said … nothing. My latte was de cidedly bourbon-forward but enjoyable. Most of my party struck out with their drinks. The new mama in the group wasn’t impressed with the drip coffee, and her hubby wasn’t keen about spending $8 on the mimosa that he described as “not worth it.” We should have taken a page from our other friend’s play book, because her frozen skinny margarita was apparently “delicious with a hearty citrus flavor.” Note to self: Don’t go off-menu, and stick to Mymargs.brunch expectations were somewhat low for Courtside Kitchen, which is arguably primarily a place for pickleball. For the most part, my expectations were met, but I’ll con cede to a notable exception or two. Our table’s “first serve,” a shared plate of biscuits and sausage gravy, was one of them. The gravy, though thinner than what I’m used to, was still flavorful with a distinct aftertaste. After some debate, we agreed that it savored of something akin to Old Bay seasoning, and not in a bad way. 8/10 would recommend. My “second serve” was paddles down the best out of everyone’s — an ace, if you will. Against the toasted breakfast bacon sandwich, roasted pork carnitas hash with poblano, and melty four-cheese grilled cheese, all ordered by my cronies, my fried chicken and French toast took the first-place ribbon. The hot sauce accented the dish without overwhelming the senses, and the spongy French toast was just the right touch of sweet, perfectly comple menting the crunchy skin of the tender fried chicken. Pluck me, was it good! If I regret anything, it’s not taking full ad vantage of Courtside’s cocktail selection. Ser vice was slightly slow that morning, and, per usual, I got wrapped up in conversation and people-watching. On my next visit, I’m deter mined to keep my eye on the ball, as it were, pick up a paddle, and maybe even experience the patio in the evening when the strung lights are aglow and live music’s a-rockin’. Game on, y’all — Courtside’s now in session. l Eats & Drinks continued from page 17 Courtside Kitchen Biscuits w/sausage gravy $7 Funkytown Hot Chicken & French Toast .... $13 Breakfast bacon sandwich $12 Roasted pork carnitas hash ........................ $14 Four-cheese grilled cheese $11 Frozen skinny margarita $11 Irish coffee .................................................... 10
The author had to fight the urge to unleash her inner beast and messily devour the deepfried fowl slathered in hot sauce and pools of melting butter.

CuisineMexicanPaco’sCourtesy 4630 SW Loop 820 | Fort Worth• 817-731-0455 order online for pickup Thai Kitchen & Bar SPICE 411 W. Magnolia Ave Fort Worth • 817-984-1800 order online for pickup at“Best Thai Food”“Best Thai Food” – FW readersCriticsWeeklyChoice2016–FWWeeklyChoice2017,2019,2020&2021– FW ChoiceCriticsWeekly2015,2017&2019 THE BEST THAI IN FORT WORTH INRESTAURANTSTHAIAPPROVEDZONESBLUEFIRSTFW!
With its second brickand-mortar, this one in Sundance Square, the popular Mexican restaurant offers a cozy upscale experience. Paco’s Mexican Cuisine Sundance Square, 156 W 4th St, FW. 682-224-6368. 11am-3pm Sun, 11am9pm Mon-Wed, 11am-11pm Thu-Sat.
The torta, served with a side of shoe string fries, was about the size of a deflat ed football. Though the bottom half of the large telera baguette was over-toasted and a bit hard, the sammy burst with flavor and a wide variety of textures, thanks to delicious cuts of soft fajita beef, ripe avocado wedges, crispy red onions, gooey queso fresco, and fiery sliced jalapeños. The birria taco fad shows no sign of waning. Paco’s largely sticks to the winning formula that launched this Jalisco tradi tion’s fame in the states. Three thin crim son tacos filled with strings of juicy beef and mild Oaxaca cheese arrived alongside fluffy Spanish rice and refried beans. A side of rich consommé allowed for flavor-enhanc ing taco dunking. Only drawback: I was a continued on page 20
Simple furnishings with a few splashy paintings welcome diners to the new downtown location.
BY EDWARD BROWN Seems like a little of that Near Southside magic is making its way downtown. Along with Melt Ice Creams and the studio/gallery Dang Good Candy, Paco’s Mexican Cuisine now has a Sundance Square address.
The restaurant has earned a reputation for serving high-quality authentic Mexican fare since opening on West Magnolia Ave nue six years ago. Paco’s second location was recently va cated by Revolver Taco Lounge and before that Taco Diner. The new, mostly naturally lit space is chic with kind of a shotgun-bar layout, tastefully and sparsely decorated with vibrant paintings, and furnished with minimalist wood chairs and tables. After a sweat-inducing walk across Sun dance Square from my parking spot to my lunch destination, I cooled off with a tam arindo agua fresca. Mildly sweet, it tasted a little like pear juice but without the typical tartness associated with tamarind drinks and candies.Thecalamari came out first. Hefty and plentiful, the rings of fried squid were per fect — not too soft or dense — and the man go dipping sauce was muy picante.

little disappointed I couldn’t sub for the tra ditional goat meat. The tlacoyos were new to me. The base of the entree was a bed of ground corn with the flavor and consistency of tamale masa. Over that chewy goodness sat a mound of diced onions, cilantro, queso fresco, avocado chunks, and drizzles of a thick and decadent tomatillo sauce. The waiter recommended adding a protein, so I sprung for the light ly seasoned, juicy chicken. The hefty dish would have worked fine without the meat. Lightly breaded and smothered with dense queso blanco, the chile relleno, bathed in a rich, chunky roasted tomato sauce, was a real winner, and the large, plump, and fla vorful shrimp on top were no afterthought. After those savory experiences, the tres leches was a welcome end to an enjoy able lunch. The cake soaked in sweetened condensed milk was topped with a light whipped cream, making for a pleasant re spite before another sweaty trek back across Sundance Square in Texas in the summer. l
Eats & Drinks continued from page 19 Saturday Door11am-12am9/17Prizes,CrazyMenu,SpecialtyBeer&AWORLDofFunGiveaways! 300 S MAIN ST, FWTX 76104 9 YEAR ANNIVERSARY 9-YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY! Paco’s Mexican Cuisine Sundance Square Calamari $11 Torta ........................................................... $12 Birria tacos $16 Tlacoyos $17 Chile relleno .............................................. $16 Tamarindo agua fresca $4 Tres leches ................................................. $3.75 The belt-busting torta won’t leave you hungry. CuisineMexicanPaco’sCourtesy Though missing goat meat, the birria tacos are otherwise similar to the Jalisco favorite. CuisineMexicanPaco’sCourtesy The former home of Revolver Taco Lounge and Taco Diner offers a great view of Sundance Square Plaza. CuisineMexicanPaco’sCourtesy FreeBYOBDelivery Limited Area & Minimum $20 3431 W 7th St • Fort Worth, TX 76107 817.332.3339 $10 Lunch Special M–F 11am–2pm Tuk Tuk Thai Thai Street Food Food to go & Catering find out why we’re the best! ORDER ONLINE FOR IN-STORE PICKUP WWW. B IG K AT B URGERS.COM 903-363-5723806-448-8810200BRYANAV NEAR SOUTHSIDEFWTX

FacebookCourtesy 117 S Main St • Fort Worth Dollar Off Beers | $8 Drink of the Day Mondays and Tuesdays Monday - Thursday H appy H our M on - F ri 10% o FF T o -G o C oCkTails ! W eekniGHT s peCials $2 oFF every Tues I Pink I Like You OFDRINKTHEMonth A REFRESHING BLEND OF STRAWBERRY, COCONUT, BANANA, PINEAPPLE, LEMON & RUM. CREATED BY OUR BARTENDER MADELEINE ADAM! Great selection of Craft and Local Beers & HardBeersCandyCider!Hotdogs,Nachos,Popcorn,Cottonmadefresh,daily!GreatselectionofCraftandLocal&HardCider! 5620 Denton Hwy (On 377, Behind Braums) Haltom City 817-300-1404 | Play Yo u r Favorite Classic Ar c ade Games! FWW Best Of WINNER2021
Home Plate Restaurant & Patio at Texas Ranger Golf Club (701 Brown Blvd, Arling ton, 817-575-8299) is offering a three-course dinner thru Thu, Sep 8, for $39 per person. Starters include your choice of roasted beet and tomato salad, prosciutto and goat cheese flatbread, or coconut shrimp. Main course continued on page 22 Week visit to Bacchus Kitchen + Bar Sun.
Twice a year, area restaurants band togeth er and not only give diners a chance to try gourmet meals at a discount but also help an area nonprofit. For each meal purchased at a participating restaurant, 20% will be do nated to Lena Pope, a Fort Worth nonprof it providing early intervention services for children and families. Here are some North Texas restaurants with offers extended thru early September in some cases.
1.) Bacchus Kitchen + Bar inside Hotel Vin (215 E Dallas Rd, Grapevine, 817-2513040) is offering a three-course dinner thru Sun for $49 per person. First-course choic es include gazpacho, lentil soup, or sum mer salad. For your second course, choose from burrata, meatballs, or tuna tartar. For your third course, enjoy cannelloni, chicken breast, or salmon. There is also a two-course lunch menu for $24 per person. For more information, visit
2.) The Classic Café at Roanoke (504 N Oak St, 817-430-8185) is offering a threecourse dinner thru Sat, Sep 3, for $49 per person. First-course selections include a classic Caesar salad, cream of tomato soup, or a house salad. For your second course, choose from Asian marinated salmon, panseared breast of duck, or Pork Jägerschnit zel. For dessert, enjoy blueberry buttermilk pie or Texas sheet cake. For details and bo nus add-on options, visit
Try the meatballs during your Restaurant
Fitzgerald (6115 Camp Bowie Blvd, Ste 104, 817-349-9245) is offering a three-course dinner Friday thru Sun, Sep 4, for $49 per person. The first-course options are a chilled sweet corn and blue crab soup, house wedge salad, or tuna tartare. For your second course, choose blackened redfish, Pork Del monico, or seared ahi tuna. For your third course, choose flourless chocolate cake, buttermilk pie, or Banana Foster’s banana pudding. There is also a $24 lunch menu available. For more info, visit EatatFitz. 4.)com/Menus.

ADW continued from page 21 Oyster Bar The Original FTW Going on 50 years Fort Worth | 612 University COME ON IN! Same Great Food 2524 White Settlement Road Fort Worth • 817-265-3973 Small wares, pots & pans, and all kitchen essentials available to the public. Come see our showrooms! MON-FRI 8am-5:30pm Hot Deals At Cool Prices Stock your Kitchen at Mission! Retail OPENINGLocationSOONInRiverEast!
Sfereco in Flower Mound (4120 River Walk Dr, 469-993-1201) and Lewisville (233 W Church St, 469-312-3009) is offering a three-course meal thru Sun, Sep 4, for $39 per person at dinner or $24 per person at lunch. Prima choices include caprese skew ers, Italian pizza puffs, or traditional meat balls. For seconda, choose Chicky Chicky Parm Parm, chop salad, rigatoni, roasted salmon, or traditional beef lasagna. For dolces, enjoy seasonal bombolini or tiramisu. Read the full descriptions at 8.)Restaurant-Week.
Kirby’s Prime Steakhouse (3305 E Hwy 114, Grapevine, 817-410-2221) is offering a three-course dinner thru Sat, Sep 3, for $49 per person. First-course options include ar tichoke and portobello cake, buffalo fried shrimp, Moroccan lamb, and spinach salad. For your second course, choose filet mi gnon, linguini ratatouille, redfish picatta, or Tuscan chicken. For dessert, enjoy chocolate tres leches or lemon blueberry creme bru lee. For details and available add-ons,
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202224-30,AUGUST choices include grilled Mahi-Mahi, short rib, roasted chicken, or mushroom fettu cine. For dessert, enjoy strawberry crème brûlée or berry chocolate glaze cheesecake. For more information and details on the $24 lunch options, see the drop-down menu at 5.)
Primo’s MX Kitchen & Lounge (4120 River Walk Dr, Flower Mound, 469-4515019) is offering a three-course meal thru Sun, Sep 4, for $39 per person at dinner or $24 per person at lunch. Choices for the prim ero course include carne asada fries, chicken flautas, nachos, or stuffed jalapeno. The se gundo choices include carne asada, jalapeno snapper, mesquite chicken, MX combo, a smothered burrito, or traditional taco salad, Then, enjoy fried ice cream or tres leches for postres. For descriptions and more info,
By Jennifer Bovee
Wicked Butcher (512 Main St, 817-60146210) is offering a three-course dinner Fri day thru Sun, Sep 4, for $49 per person. For your first course, there are four choices: cau liflower soup, steak tartare, Wicked Wedge, or hamachi crudo. Second-course options include herb-roasted chicken, asparagus risotto, ginger miso Chilean sea bass, Berk shire pork chops, and an 8-ounce center-cut filet. For dessert, enjoy olive oil cake, choc olate tart, or black cherry cheesecake. For more info, visit Reservations are being accepted now and via OpenTable or by calling the restaurants directly. Full descriptions of each dish can be found at tWeek. For info on participating restaurants in Fort Worth, visit and look for the ATE DAY8 A WEEK from Wed, Aug 3, in our Calendar drop-down menu.

One of the brightest singer-songwriters in North Texas, Cody Lynn Boyd has some new music coming out this week. “Feels the Same” will hit all streaming services Friday along with a video. Boyd describes the track as kind of a “family song,” with Southern gothicism and religious imagery mix ing allSinger-songwriters?together.
“I would say being introduced to Disney musicals growing up like Mary Poppins and Robin Hood and the oldcontinued on page 24 Boyd: “I feel if I released an album, a lot of songs might be forgotten or not be listened to all the way through.”
The people from the ’00s who threw their money at Ryan Adams and Bright Eyes need to give Boyd a listen. And KXT and Fortress Festival and every other tastemaker in North Texas needs to Boyd up #boydup (it’s a thing now) (no, it’s not) if they haven’t already. Boyd was born in Fort Worth but spent his childhood in Galveston. Hurricane Rita brought him and his family back to the Fort in 2005 when he was 12 years old, which was around when he started writing his own music.
Cody Lynn Boyd
With his single out Friday, the folk-rock singer-songwriter looks to cement his place at or near the top of the local echelon.
Fort Worth is full of them. What separates Boyd is not only his prolificacy — he pumps out singles at an alarmingly steady (for a musician) clip — but his niche retro sensibility. We are all aware of his mod look — bowl cut, black turtleneck, the whole deal. The thing is, he can match his obvious influences and even transcend them. Basically, Boyd can get away with dressing like an extra from The Thomas Crown Affair because his music is that good. While the form of his tunes ranges from bare-bones folk to blistering rock, it’s all united by his knack for catchiness.

Music continued
page 23
school classics that have music incorporated with their stories — those were always fun as a kid,” Boyd said. “I got a lot older, and I liked Grease a lot, and when I was about 15 or 16, I got into Bright Eyes and Bob Dylan and soon after Tom Waits, and that’s when I wanted to write my own songs and release them.”His sensibilities reveal themselves in his music — the pop from Poppins, the car nivalesque “Eighteen Tons” from Tom, and “Clocks crumble before our eyes / A haunted harmony for a lullaby” from ol’ Bob. Boyd’s body of work stretches back to 2016-ish, when he released his debut al bum. Recorded with and produced by Mat West, The Late Recordings is a delightful and — dare we say? — Beatles-esque trip through retro rock as seen through a con temporary lens. While the instrumentation is sparse — just Boyd on acoustic and West on electric, drums, and keybs — the result is full-bodied, a “Lucy in the Sky with Cubic Zirconia.” But it works. Listenability is a solid 10 out of 10. Boyd followed up his album with the haunting, epic, band effort, “I Played with Fire,” in 2017, and over the years while working with engineers/producers like Taylor Tatsch (Maren Morris, Cut Throat Finches, Little Black Dress) and Clint Ni osi (see: HearSay), Boyd has begun focusing almost exclusively on singles. He’s released 14 to“Everdate. since I released ‘I Played with Fire,’ I kind of just stuck with singles,” Boyd said. “I think since I’m not a big artist or anything, it kind of worked in my favor to some degree. I feel if I released an album, a lot of songs might be forgotten or not be listened to all the way through, so I’d rather spread out my song discography and every few months release a new tune instead of 10 songs at once. For now, I like putting singles out.”
l Juan R. Govea contributed reporting to this story. from

An agile guitarist and composer with an ear for cinematic flourishes and sound scapes, Niosi has created an oeuvre that runs from wintry, finger-picked folk to dark, Nick Cave-ish rock ’n’ roll, and he even delves into Dick Dale territory with the Chrome Mags, a live band whose reverb-drenched renditions of ’60s surf rock make you feel like you’ve walked into a pulpy detective movie. “Toward the Sun” is certainly closer to “Pink Moon” than “Pipeline,” but in the way that the Chantays’ classic brings to mind a specific situation (surfing or pre tending you’re in a Tarantino movie), Nio si’s new single reminds you of what is now and what is to come.
“Toward the Sun” On Friday, prolific Americana singer-song writer Clint Niosi will release a new single, and while it still bears the moodiness that defines most of his catalog in noirish tones, it is not all gloom and atmosphere. “Toward the Sun” is a meditation on the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, which, if you think about it, is a hopeful sentiment to hear in the wake of the past six years’ collective, global turmoil and trauma. This is Niosi’s first release since his fifth album, Panorama Avenue, in Decem ber 2020. The song’s subject matter, which Niosi described as being “about moving through darkness to reach something bright er,” is a welcome reminder that despite life’s constant onslaught of fear and despair, there is always a respite waiting for you if you only persevere to the next day. That Niosi would write such a song seems to indicate a lot of soul-searching after tough times. No matter what side you sit on in the theater of American political and cultural dis course, the ongoing struggles against COVID and the persistent toxicity of the Donald J. Trump administration have left some scars. The past couple of years have led a lot of us to reevaluate our priorities. Niosi has, too. After releasing Panorama Avenue, he left a longtime job to focus on his music full time, honing his recording techniques at his home studio, Orange Otter Audio. There, he tracked and mixed “Toward the Sun” with longtime collaborators Eddie Dunlap (Rage Out Ark estra) on drums, Matt Hansen (The Boozy Moods) on bass, and Claire Hecko (Frosty) on viola. Jerry Tubb of Terry Nova Mastering put the final touches on the song, and local artist Andrew Hammond Kendall has created a sur real stop-motion video for the song, which will be available on YouTube in the coming weeks.
Clint Niosi Goes
“It is my hope that every dark night of the soul precedes a brighter morning,” he said.At the very least, “Toward the Sun” will remind you that the sun always comes up no matter what. — Steve Steward Contact HearSay at

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