Not even a full game of pro ball — that’s all Cowboys fans get this year.
Whatever MASS’s closing means, it’s probably not good for local music.
Starting Monday, the event will bring together many of the region’s most fabulous designers.

New South Main winery Soma specializes in cozy sophistication.
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Concerned homeowners wonder when the ceaseless influx of new bars will top out.
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By Patrick Higgins
Lee Newquist, Publisher
Megan Ables, Christina Berger, E.R. Bills, Jason Brimmer, Sue Chefington, Buck D. Elliott, Juan R. Govea, Patrick Higgins, Bo Jacksboro, Laurie James, Kristian Lin, Vishal Malhotra, Cody Neathery, Wyatt Newquist, Linda Blackwell Simmons, Madison Simmons, Teri Webster, Ken WheatcroftPardue, Cole Williams
By Static WantsEverybodySoma!!
Edward Brown, Staff Writer
Did a county entity pay a law firm to help build affordable housing with state money?
Volume 18 Nu mber 22 Sep tember 14-20, 2022
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Through study and self-reflection, rapper Sagemode Wrex has expand ed his mind, and with his latest LP, listeners can do the same.

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Cerebro Bro
By Christina Berger
AnthonySTAFFMariani, Editor
Anthony Mariani, Edward Brown, Emmy Smith
INSIDE 4 Metro City in Crisis . . . . . . . . . . 4 Inside West 7th 5 6 Feature 10 Buck U 11 Buck U 2 12 Night & Day Big Ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
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This classy charmSouthmicro-winerylittleonMainhastospare.
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It’s weird, rooting for a former TCU football icon now at UT. But. We have to get used to it.
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Oct. 11, 2018, to award nearly $18 million to the then-proposed Sansom Bluff Apart ments, a $32 million project in northwest Fort Worth. Brayden also voted on Nov. 8, 2018, to award just over $16 million in tax credits and a $3,600,000 direct loan to the Sphinx at Sierra Vista Senior Villas, a $42 million development on the South Side.
To Housethe
appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott to the de partment’s seven-member board in 2017 and recently stepped down following the DMN’s reporting.Although state ethics laws require gov ernment officials to disclose potential con flicts of interest, Brayden never publicly acknowledged the fees that his firm earned from his votes on the board during the five years that he and other board members ap proved or rejected TDHCA funding for af fordable housing projects across the state.
A spokesperson for Norton Rose Ful bright told us in an email that the firm pro vides “bond counsel services” to groups that issue affordable housing bonds like Tarrant County’s housing finance corporation but did not comment on whether contracts with Norton Rose Fulbright came with the expec tation of favorable votes by Brayden. The law firm publicly said it believes Brayden never acted unethically while serving on the state housing board.
That’s about to change. The timing of nearly half a million dollars in payments from Tarrant County to a Dallas law firm without a really good explanation reeks of good ol’ boy dealings. Recently released government records and new reporting by the Dallas Morning News indicate that offi cials with the Tarrant County Housing Fi nance Corporation, which works to provide safe and affordable housing here, may have bought the influence of a board member at the Texas Department of Housing and Com munity Affairs (TDHCA) who voted to ap prove more than $30 million in public funds for two Tarrant County housing finance projects as recently as three years ago.
Tarrant County’s population grew near ly 17% between 2010 and 2020, based on U.S. Census data, to just over 2 million. Tara Pe rez, the director of Directions Home, a city program devoted to addressing local home lessness, recently told the Fort Worth Report that the city needs at least 24,000 affordable housing units to meet demands for the lower third of wage earners here.
The minutes of a state housing board meeting document that Brayden voted on
Still, the timing of state funds being awarded to the two local projects after state board member Brayden voted to approve them raises questions about whether local taxpayer funds were misused to address a se rious affordable housing shortage.

At issue are two county invoices dat ed Nov. 29, 2018, and May 15, 2019, that show payments to Norton Rose Fulbright of $282,200 and $217,000 for “legal services” tied to the financing of the two construction projects. The firm’s influence at TDHCA until recently lay with Brayden, who was
A county spokesperson ignored our multiple requests for comment, which is a shame because local taxpayers deserve to know if their hard-earned dollars bought undue influence at a state department.
With rampant instances of malfeasance char acterizing business as usual at the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD), Tarrant County family courts, and pretty much every large county government group, affordable hous ing projects have admittedly avoided scruti ny by our magazine and many others.
Norton Rose Fulbright apparently knows to get paid for services rendered once tens of millions in funding has changed hands. Several months after the Sphinx was funded by the state, Norton Rose Fulbright invoiced Tarrant County’s housing finance corporation $217,000 for “delivering con struction costs” to the county which amount ed to roughly half the Sphinx’s building ex penses. The firm also invoiced Tarrant Coun ty’s housing finance corporation $282,200 a few months after helping the state partly fund the Sansom Bluff Apartments.
This story is part of City in Crisis, an ongo ing series of reports on unethical behavior and worse by local public leaders, featuring original reporting.
Whether the board member, Paul Brayden, actively swayed votes from fellow board members remains unclear, but the name and influence of the national Norton Rose Fulbright law firm for which Brayden works as an attorney appear to be enough to have earned the firm $2 million in legal fees from various sources over the past several years in Texas alone.
Following the money is difficult be cause Tarrant County does not disclose the names of contractors in ledgers of con struction costs. One ledger released by the county through open records requests lists “construction lender fees” ($460,537), “con struction lender counsel” ($172,500), “de veloper fee” ($1,045,442), and “soft costs” ($1,184,264), among others.
Neither the county nor the law firm would comment on whether there are any current or upcoming agreements between Tarrant County’s housing finance corpora tion and Norton Rose Fulbright, so we re quested copies of any new or recent contracts between the two entities. If any are found, we will update our readers accordingly. l

WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER fwweekly.com4
Paying a Dallas law firm may have bought influence for Tarrant County at a state agency that partly funded two Fort Worth public housing projects.
When the West 7th development idea “was born in the early 2000s, it was thought it would be a mixed-use neighborhood,” Fre er said. “The vision was for a walkable design with a high-quality mix of residential, office, retail, and entertainment. Over the years, with the variances and unforeseen consequences of zoning, we have large concentrations of single uses like large apartment blocks with little re tail, and we have a concentration of bars. It did not turn out as Neighborhoodplanned.”Alliance vice president Margaret DeMoss, who lives in a Montgomery Plaza loft, said her community began to take a dive around 2018, and the city’s revamping of streets in and around Crockett Row has done little to fix parking shortages and publicly in toxicated pedestrians who flood Crockett Row and nearby bars on weekday evenings.
learn from West 7th’s missteps. Districts like the Foundry District, River East, and else where should consider zoning options care fully to ensure that developments maintain an even mix of residential, retail, office, and enter tainment. Freer said her group is working with city officials to prevent the overcrowding of bars in any Fort Worth entertainment district.

How Many Bars Are Too Many?
“The trash is ridiculous,” Arena contin ued. “We are paying our landscaping crews to clean up this mess. [West 7th bar customers] are coming to our neighborhood drunk. I used to be able to walk out the back gate and do it safely.”
West 7th homeowners say developmentunderregulatedremains a threat to livability in the bustling corridor.
bers are calling for a moratorium on approvals of additional bars along the streets to the north, east, and south of Crockett Row. Members are also calling for the city to develop an overlay that would regulate where future bars could open in the mixed-use corridor. The third pro posal is for the establishment of a task force of West 7th community stakeholders that would examine the extensive problems facing the West 7th corridor and make recommendations to Fort Worth City Council to resolve the is sues. The last proposal is to spotlight bars that are the main source of overserving alcohol and not being good stewards of the area.
When Robin Arena moved to the eastern edge of the West 7th corridor 11 years ago, she found a community that seemingly offered every thing she wanted within walking distance. Her Parkside So7 Urban Apartments townhome placed her within minutes of the retail stores and white tablecloth restaurants on Crockett Street. Arena said she always felt safe walking to and from her home, even late into the eve ning.A few years after her move into the mixeduse development is when Arena says her quali ty of life and that of her neighbors began taking a precipitous drop. The proliferation of bars along the streets just south of Crockett Row brought drunken revelers who would stumble into her residential neighborhood and make a ruckus at night. Illegally parked cars, an in crease in panhandling, and excessive litter have become constant problems as well.
This story is part of Inside West 7th, an ongo ing series of reports on the past, present, and future of the area. Have news tips or ideas for us? Email Editor Anthony Mariani at Antho

To stem the influx of bars that the res idents believe to be the underlying cause of West 7th’s problems, alliance members have drafted a four-part plan that would require support from city officials. The alliance mem
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER fwweekly.com5
homeowners said other devel oping neighborhoods in Fort Worth could
“The city did not regulate these bars,” DeMoss said. “The bar owners would take a small warehouse and add patios and a second story. Some of those buildings accommodate thousands of patrons. Where are they going to park? The city continues to pour money into the neighborhood by policing us more instead of ad dressing the root cause, which is too many bars in too small a location. This is a zoning problem. By right, these bars are able to move in there.”
BrownEdward INSIDE West
“It was a bright, shiny object,” to them, she said. “I don’t think there was an under standing of the underlying instruction needed or the attention that needed to be paid along the way. The [West 7th community] has made a lot of money for the city. When you keep peel ing back the layers, you see it’s not as bright and shiny as you thought it would be.” l
Arena said developers and city officials were likely enamored with the profitability of Crockett Row and the bars and restaurants that opened nearby more than a decade ago.

Pre- and after-partying near several West 7th bars has led to a “horrendous trash problem,” according to one resident. 7th
Freer said many locally owned West 7th bars want to solve the problems vexing her and other alliance members. The alliance president said the chain businesses, managed either from Dallas or out of state and responsible for most of the issues, appear less concerned about the problems. The three alliance members said they keep in close contact with several bar owners who also want to see improvements in the corridor.Thethree
To address parking woes, litter, and public safety concerns, among other issues, members of the West 7th Neighborhood Alliance are en gaging City Councilmember Elizabeth Beck, city staff, and area business owners to develop and implement a strategic plan to improve liv ability for all residents in and around the West 7th corridor. Arena recently joined three mem bers of the neighborhood alliance on a Zoom call to describe their efforts.
Neighborhood Alliance president Jill Fre er said she is concerned about the quality of life near her Linwood neighborhood just west of Montgomery Plaza.
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER fwweekly.com6

“Deny, deflect, and blame. That’s the unofficial motto of Carroll ISD.”
Howeve, “this deny, deflect, blame-theparents thing really took hold in 2016” with Elise’s death, Schutter said. “When people looked the other way on that, corruption in the district has grown every year since.”
Crying for Help
“Carroll school district administrators have proven time and again that they will go to any length possible to twist narratives to inflict the maximum pain upon any family that stands up for their child,” said Diana Dorman, whose son suffered a spinal cord injury at Carrol High School in 2018 and faced the same hurdles as Schutter.
needs student PJ Schutter was walking to middle school class in Southlake’s Carroll school district last September when he accidentally smashed his left hand between his walker and a metal door, breaking two bones.
“Deny, deflect, and blame,” Schutter told me. “That’s the unofficial motto of Car roll
While there is nothing exceptional about a child injuring themselves at school, the unusual part is the administration’s re action.When PJ’s mother, Dr. Jennifer Schut ter, saw the condition of her son’s hand after school and called for more information — as PJ could not fully articulate what had hap pened to him due to his profound Autism — she said she was allegedly told by the former principal that the injury “happened before he came to school.”
camera footage by the School Resource Of ficer. SRO Kim Smith — an employee of Southlake police, not Carroll ISD — said that nine minutes after PJ struck a met al door frame with his left hand, he began showing “signs of distress” and by 10:15 a.m. was flailing and screaming. Despite be ing assigned one-on-one support through out his school day, PJ had no assistance be fore he broke the bones in his hand.
trict has become an endless point of con tention in the tony community northeast of Fort Worth, this despite the fact that fund ing for Carroll outstrips every other nearby schoolBaseddistrict.onpublished reports and debates at many school board meetings, parents in Southlake are furious that this is not the first time video footage of a child’s injury has allegedly been hidden. It started in 2016 with the death of 13-year-old Elise Cerami.
far right the city has moved politically over the past few years. Many SPED mothers are worried their children are being forced into the darkest corners of Southlake schools by administrators kowtowing to the conserva tive leaders dictating the city’s — and the school board’s — discourse.
“Carroll school district administrators have proven time and again that they will go to any length possible to twist narratives to inflict the maximum pain upon any family that stands up for their child.”
Financial help for special education (SPED) students in the Carroll school dis

continued on page 7
The real story about PJ’s accident was revealed when Schutter received the official report from the Southlake police depart ment. Filed two days after the incident, the document includes a review of the hallway
official motto is “Protect the Tradition,” which could be seen as code for “Protect the Old, White, Straight, Chris tian, Abled Way of Life,” considering how
While most “nonMAGAs” are fleeing Southlake, a few special-ed moms are staying to fight.
“There wasn’t so much a problem with the curriculum that needed to be fixed,” she said. “The problem with the special educa tion curriculum in Carroll ISD was that it didn’tMossexist.”shared her findings with the con sulting group the district hired to perform the audit. Gibson and Associates’ reaction gave her hope that reform was on the way. Later that day, she was terminated by an as sociate at Gibson.
Presented by
continued on page 8 Feature continued from page 6 “Our kids have always been the last served in our community.”
“The problem with the special education curriculum in Carroll ISD was that it didn’t exist.”
Schutter in response to the coverup of PJ’s injury. Her Level 1 and Level 2 grievances had both been allegedly ignored by the for mer special education executive director.
Due to the documented levels of hate, the district was about to adopt a cultural awareness plan to make minority students in the district feel safe. Carroll’s white, con servative majority on the school board shut it down.But the news that children may not be safe in Southlake schools comes as no shock to Carroll SPED parents, who have known about the district’s questionable condition for
Dr. Kirran Moss accepted the position of executive director of the federal audit last year and soon became another doctor who spoke out and came up against opposition in improving SPED standards in Carroll. An expert in the field of curriculum manage ment with a doctorate in educational leader ship, she was brought in to help reform the district’s SPED curriculum. What she found was shocking.
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Somehow, the Carroll school district kept local police from viewing the video footage of Elise’s drowning for almost a year. When Southlake detectives finally obtained a warrant for the tape, they believe they saw the coach allegedly leaving the children in the pool unsupervised for more than 10 minutes while Elise drowned. The coach received probation and is now coaching in Florida.Five years later, news of student abuse at the hands of administrators and other students in the district has become almost predictable.Through NBC’s Southlake podcast and in-depth reporting by the Weekly, a new face of the town has been revealed. Images and stories of white cheerleaders chanting the n-word, nooses hanging in the yards of openly LGBTQ+ students, and swastikas painted on lockers have gone viral over the last five years. Most schools across the coun try deal with racism and intolerance but per haps not to the level of the learning institu tions in Carroll ISD.
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WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER fwweekly.com7
The audit did eventually lead to the hir ing of a new SPED director, Stacey Bonner, but Carroll parents remain skeptical about one individual’s ability to restructure an entire de partment, as nearly all of the district’s SPED staff have left since the audit began last year.
have always been the last served in our community,” said SPED parent Marris sa Mahon at a recent school board meeting. She, Schutter, and Dorman have been vocal champions of Southlake’s SPED stu dents for years and started speaking out most vehemently after the pandemic revealed a lack of a SPED curriculum throughout the

mothers said they first noticed a problem during the start of the pandemic, when their children were sent home lesson plans that involved watching YouTube vid eos and visiting local museums. Not long after that is when the mothers started speak ing out at Carroll school board meetings.
In April 2021, the federal government demanded an audit of Carroll’s SPED pro gram after a Level 3 grievance was filed by
“It is clear with teachers and staff fleeing the district en masse that [Carroll ISD is] going to be struggling even more to provide the bare minimum of services this school year.”

But she prefers to stay and fight. l
provide the bare minimum of services this school year,” Dorman said.
Carroll’s school board is trying to make up for the recent loss of so many teachers, SPED and otherwise, by offering $2,000 signing bonuses. Since that amount is not even enough for one month’s rent in South lake, the district’s incentive was left echoing in many empty classrooms on the first day of school this year.
Quality SPED teachers aren’t the only ones in high demand. Carroll High School started out with only 60% of the teachers needed for the year. In a newsletter sent home the first week of school, the district asked parents to contact their schools if their children end up in a class “they don’t have the prerequisites for” or if they have “an open block” on their schedule, meaning a class period with nowhere to go.
Schutter is not hopeful that the truth will prevail. “We are a long way from put ting the cult in its place. Most non-MAGAs are leaving town.”
Feature continued from page 7 SEPT17 Member of the North Central Texas Farmers Market Corporation CUSTOMERAPPRECIATIONFESTIVAL 12PM8AM @cowtownfarmersmkt cowtown_farmers_market OPEN 8 A.M. — NOON Every Saturday throughout the year HaveaLone StarCard? Buy $1, Get$1 NEW LOCATION! Veteran’s Park - Grand Pavilion 8901 Clifford St. White Settlement 76108 Join us for a special day of fun. Let us thank you for being fantastic customers! SAMPLING · GIVEAWAYS · FARM-FRESH PRODUCE ARTISAN GOODS · GARDENING INFORMATION KIDS’ ACTIVITIES · GUEST VENDORS · LIVE MUSIC

“It is clear with teachers and staff flee ing the district en masse that [Carroll ISD is] going to be struggling even more to
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER fwweekly.com8
“What can I say, we are the victims of our own delusions here in Southlake,” Schutter said. “We are the best at everything, but it’s because we hide everything, from failing test scores to the abuse of SPED kids.”
In response to so many parents and professionals speaking out, it seems the Carroll school board has begun seeking al ternative means to silence the conversation.
PowerSecure, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168071, which would authorize installation of an electric generation facility located at 301 Carroll Street, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76107. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper.
PowerSecure, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168093, which would authorize construction of a generator at Target Store 1765 located at 8000 Denton Hwy, Watauga, Tarrant County, Texas 76148. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper.
PowerSecure, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168092, which would authorize construction of a generator at Target Store 1766 located at 1400 Precinct Line Rd, Hurst, Tarrant County, Texas 76053. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper.
PowerSecure, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168069, which would authorize construction of two generators at Target Store 1770 located at 5700 Overton Ridge Boulevard, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76132. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper.
PowerSecure, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168072, which would authorize installation of an electric generation facility located at 5270 South Highway 360, Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, Texas 75052. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper.
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER fwweekly.com9
PowerSecure, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168081, which would authorize construction of a generator at Target Store 2754 located at 8917 Tehama Ridge Parkway, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76177. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper.
Pay for Play
Duggan exploded for a career perfor mance in the Frogs’ first home game, throw ing for just shy of 400 yards. Mad Max ran a few times — something he’s well above av erage at — but passing was his top priority. Duggan located four different receivers for a combined five touchdowns and missed the mark on only six total passes out of 29. The senior just seems to have better touch on his ball as an upperclassman. No one can ques tion the arm strength — he has zip to spare — but his passes before seemed so hot, Frog receivers were unable to pull them in, and, at least on Saturday, that issue seemed long in the past. His short- and mid-range throws were strong but catchable and his deep balls pinpointFifteenaccurate.Frogs caught a pass against the Texans, highlighting what should be the

opponents. Baylor, who was considered by many during the preseason to be the best in the Big 12, fell in double overtime to one of the only squads more pious than they: BYU. The Red Raiders also needed extra time but were victorious over the 25th-ranked Hous ton Cougars in what should be considered a solid victory for Tech’s first-year head coach. Texas, of course, is essentially claiming vic tory after a one-point loss against top-ranked Alabama in Austin after the Crimson Tide played one of their worst games in years, and the somehow 8th-ranked Fighting Irish fell to Marshall and have started the season on a losing streak, as well as threatening their cinematic legacy by losing to a team who also had a very inspiring film produced about

We’re finished with Week 2, and we’re lack ing a stockpile of evidence to extrapolate how dominant Version ’22 of the Frogs is — yet. But. A win is a win. The most no table question mark when hosting another local(-ish) purple team last Saturday was how Head Coach Sonny Dykes would assign quarterback duties. Max Duggan (#15) was the old man among the trio of slingers all in contention to be crowned starters for the fall. He was passed over, but after Chandler Morris (#2) suffered a knee sprain against Colorado, Duggan became the de facto field general, and the Tarleton matchup was a scrimmage for the Horned faithful to dis sect how ready he is to be The Man moving forward. The results — albeit against muted competition — are reassuring.
strongest group in Dykes’ air raid-type of fense. Veterans like Taye Barber (#4), Quen tin Johnston (#1), who is on the Walter Camp award watchlist, and Derius “Dude with a capital D” Davis (#11) will undoubt edly serve larger roles against tougher oppo nents, but the addition of Jordan Hudson (#7), one of Dykes’ top recruits from the Garland Owls, and former Longhorn tight end Jared Wiley (#19) means the offense has weapons to spare and formations aplenty.
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TCU stays afloat on gentle waves in a sea of losers.
The Frogs are off this week, an ill-timed break when none is needed. TCU’s next op ponent will be a homecoming of sorts for the King Frog as Sonny Dykes returns to Dallas facing a crowd that couldn’t be more hostile, save for someone developing a center for the homeless near campus. We’ll dive into SMU and the battle for the Iron Skillet next week after the Ponies face their first major-confer ence opponent in Maryland this weekend. For the time being, don’t forget to remind everyone you meet who the only undefeated power-five teams in the great state of Texas are: Tech and TCU. l
Ultimately, it was a great week to be playing a nobody, as seven teams in the Top 25 lost to lower or completely unranked
them. Let’s be honest, though. Matthew Mc Conaughey is a thousand times cooler than Sean Astin, alright, alright, alright.
Granted, this 59-17 crime scene (which covered a lofty 39.5-point spread) was against an FCS team that only recently moved up to even play at that lower level, but the practice of paying a lower division team to come and have their asses whipped is standard among the power five teams that — if they survive their conference slate — build a resume play ing whomever they’re required to. TCU, as a member of the Big 12, has always dominated their paid prey. At least the Texans took home a check for a tidy $550K on their drive back to Stephenville. Things could be worse. You could be in College Station, where Appala chian State flew back to North Carolina with $1.5 million as well as a win over the former ly 6th-ranked Aggies. This isn’t the first time the Mountaineers have left a name-brand op ponent lying bloody, bruised, and penniless in an alleyway. The plucky team from a place called Boone famously beat the Michigan Wolverines in the Big House at the beginning of the 2017 season when App State was the premier squad of the FCS. The Aggie loss is especially egregious coming from a team that was the highest ranked in Texas, netted the top recruiting class in the nation, and whose head coach, Jimbo Fisher, is the highest paid in a state where football is literally religion.
Defensively, TCU looked fine. The big three up front continued to be disruptive in the backfield, and the corners primarily de fended in single-man coverage with varying degrees of success. Concerningly, the defen sive backs showed a proclivity for getting boxed out against bigger receivers late in the game, but I expect coverages to become more complex as the season progresses and better opponents are faced. Overall, Joe Gillespie’s defense surrendered a field goal and two touchdowns, one of which was on a complete ly blown coverage, but his 3-3-5 alignment should evolve the longer he’s on staff.
Max Duggan and Derius Davis could be the matches to set Dykes’ air-raid offense on fire this season.
Through the super-sucky late-Mack Brown years and after, Patterson’s Frogs beat UT two-thirds of the time. Year in and out, the geniuses in sports media would in sist Patterson was going to leave TCU for the head job at UT. Speaking of, you gotta give it to Texas AD Chris Del Conte. Depending on how you spin it, he’s either the slyest dog or slimiest snake in all of this. The former TCU AD kept Patterson happy in purple for years when GP was on a lot of quality head coaching-search lists. And then, Del Conte dropped Fort Worth like first-period calculus for the 40 Acres of underwhelming football and gluten-free, lab-meat breakfast tacos with nut cheese on top.
— and job — should not bother us (much).

From purple to now burnt orange, the former TCU coach’s new wardrobe
l InstagramCourtesy
I was chuckling at the excessive hype and wondering how many touchdowns Bama would put up by halftime. Texas had recently renovated their scoreboard, and I figured they’d need another redo after all the points Bryce Young and company would hang on it. Then a weird thing happened. UT was moving the ball — well — and mak ing Nick Saban’s offensive bunch go three and out repeatedly.
After seeing all the puke-inducing im ages on Twitter of GP splattered in burnt orange next to recruits, Horned Frogs have cringed often over the last few months of this awkward transition.

Also, kind of like if your kid goes to college at your alma mater’s rival. Yeah, you attend the parents’ weekend game — and, yeah, you wear an overpriced Nike polo from the bookstore — but, damnit, you don’t have to like it. In this case, Gary lived in TCU’s house even longer than 18 years.

A couple of years go by, and he’s dragged his school and the Sooners out of the Big 12 to the SEC like a Navy SEAL op: planned for months in secret but made public only once the mission was complete. CDC didn’t bother telling his family friend, protégé, and TCU AD successor, Donati, what he was up
For TCU fans watching Gary Patterson-in fluenced Texas host Alabama last Saturday, the emotions were more complicated than Middle Eastern geopolitics.
to. A few years later, Del Conte ropes Pat terson into a coaching stint in the People’s Republic of Austin, and they damn near take down Alabama. You can say a lot of things about Del Conte, but “underachiever” isn’t one ofLikethem.anoffice lunch catering order, every TCU fan has a slightly different take on the series of events from Patterson’s midseason firing in 2021 to today. Some say he should have seen it coming. Some say he walked on purple water and Donati was wrong for fir ing him. Others insist he lost control of his program but never stopped being an absolute defensive genius — it was time to go, but he still had his mojo working. I showed up in Fort Worth as a freshman in 2007 and attri bute many a good time to ol’ GP.
College GameDay’s visit to Austin came and went Saturday morning with only the guest picker, UT alum Glen “Hangman” Powell, saying publicly and with a straight face that he believed the Horns would beat the No. 1 college team in the land.
50 Shades of Gary
If the Longhorns actually have a shot, I thought, this changes things. Despising Tex as is an integral part of being a Frog fan, but the Crimson Tide— the New York Yankees of college football — are even worse. Not to mention, Patterson with some of the best teams TCU ever fielded earned a shot at Sa ban once many moons ago. Oh, hell. Hook ’em, AsHorns!mymood shifted from burnt-orange pity to a “I got this T-shirt at the grocery story” bandwagon fandom, the UT defense continued to impress with twists, stunts, and blitzes. The commentators pointed out
Watching, I began to reflect more on the House that Gary Built in Fort Worth. Den nis Franchione put up the scaffolding in the late 1990s from which GP crafted the St. Pe ter’s Basilica of North Texas college football like Michelangelo.Afterthe2011 Rose Bowl victory, TCU fans just assumed Patterson would coach the Frogs longer than Bill Snyder stayed at Kansas State. TCU athletic director Jer emiah Donati once said, “Gary can coach here as long as he wants,” which must have made firing the guy midseason last year all the more dramatic. I figured Patterson would still be loafing around the Carter in the 2090s with a staff like Gandalf, doing his mad scientist defensive football wizard ry thing. At least he’s always got the bronze statue to fall back on.
the ever-animated and perma-sweaty Gary Patterson on the sideline and talked about his influence on the gameplan. Did they even mention Texas’ defensive coordinator? Do they have one? Does he have a name or just an empty office that Gary sits in now like an 800-pound silverback?
Were it not for his time at TCU, we wouldn’t have been left out of the last three rounds of conference realignment, because we never would have been in the conversa tion at all. The Campus Commons would likely still be a parking lot. Enrollment might be 40% lower, and TCU might have been lucky to survive the uncertainty of COVID at all. Last weekend’s Tarleton game could have been a marque conference game instead of the polite, forbeversation.FrogstelsagainsthisGaryfulandwith.confusing,lenniumforseasonTCUwinningwhippinghere’s-your-fat-check-for-your-troublesjust-down-the-road,buttthatitwas.That’sthedifferencefootballmakesandironicallywhyfelttheurgencytofirePattersonmid—thelosingseasonswerepilingup.ThethoughtofGMFPswappingpurpleburntorangewasunfathomablethismil—untilithappened.It’sweirdandbutthisiswhatwehavetodealWithUTonthewayoutoftheBig12unlikelytofaceTCUmorethanahandmoretimesthisdecade,I’mhappyfortokeepdialingupblitzesandretyingshoesaslongashedesires—especiallytheteamsthattheBCSandCFPcarkeptTCUfromfacingintheyearsthemorethanbelongedinthenattyconHornedFrogNationshouldjustgladGaryPattersoncoachedintheFortaslongashedid.
By Jennifer Bovee
With September being Big Brothers Big Sisters Month, Blackland Distillery (2616 Weisenberger St, 682-2685333) is hosting Whiskey & Wings to raise funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tarrant County. This youth empowerment organization “enables life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and promise of youth in our community.” Tickets include a dozen wings and two Blackland drinks of your choice. Cheer on your favorite teams as they compete for the Wing Man Award, presented to the two-person team who consumes the most ghost pepper hot wings in 30 minutes. Tickets are $50. Just search “whiskey and wings” on Facebook.
Named after the most suc cessful Broadway musical and movie from the late 1930s and ’40s, Hellzapop pin Circus Sideshow Revue brings its vaude ville-style rock ’n’ roll freakshow to Rail Club DFW (3101 Joyce Dr, 817-386-4309) at 7pm. Expect to see live stunts like acrobatics, fire breathing, foot archery, hand balancing, and sword swallowing, plus human curiosities, similar to AMC’s Freakshow. Tickets start at $20 at

HellzapoppinCourtesy Saturday 17 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 Friday 16 Thursday 15 Sunday 18 Monday 19
to midnight WedSat, head to BlackBox 215 (215 E Front St, Arlington, @Blackbox215) for the sec ond annual International Pop Overthrow Every evening, IPO features artists from Ar lington and beyond, including this evening’s lineup of John Dufilho of The Deathray Da vies, Ju Ju Beans, Of the Roses, The Pozers, and more. Admission to each show is $5 at the door. For the complete list of artists, visit
Willow Lauren and other circus acts will perform at Hellzapoppin at Rail Club DFW Wed, Sep 21.

from 10am to 3pm, time slots are avail able to attend the Wedg wood Parade of Homes 2022 presented by the Wedgwood Historical Association. Experience the mid-century ar chitecture, automobiles, clothing styles, and furniture of the 1950s and 1960s as you tour four homes in this historic neighborhood in southwest Fort Worth. Tickets are $20 at

Pub Theology series at The Bearded Monk (122 E McKinney St, Denton, 940-999-7238) begins at 8pm. On the third Monday of the month thru Mon, Dec 19, drink beer and contemplate theological quandaries with mas ter-in-divinity scholar Jenny Bates and Pastor Laura Byrd who like “asking the hard ques tions with no Sunday school answers.”
Bill Bates Ultimate Tailgating 11:55am-3:25pm at Boiling Tails Co. (816 N Collins, Arlington, 817-2615798) for a good ol’ fashioned tailgate party for the Bengals/Cowboys game. The admis sion cost includes a barbecue meal from Ed die Deen’s, an open bar with beer, margari

tas, mixed drinks, and wine, and — for those who buy a book or photo — a meet-and-greet with Bill Bates. Tables and chairs are provid ed, and security and restrooms are on-site. Tickets are $74.99 at theWorship(@OpenDTX),firstinstallmentofthefall
In celebration of National Literacy Month, the annual Trinity River Book Festival kicks off with a $15 screen ing of The Woman King starring Viola Davis at 7:30pm at Movie Tavern West 7th (2872 Crockett St, 682-503-8101). Then at 9am-4pm on Sat, Sep 17, head to Trinity River Pavilion 1 (2300 W 7th St, 817-668-6122) for the free Trinity River Book Fest, starting with a fun run at 8am, followed by the festival at 9am, featuring author panels and presentations, children’s activities, a literacy marketplace, poetry readings, a vendor village, and more. For movie tickets or more information, go to
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER Don’t break a nail battling tra c! Rideshare the easy, inexpensive and enjoyable way with Trinity Metro ZIPZONE. Download the ZIPZONE app now for iPhone or Android, and get your first two rides free at RIDE TRINITYMETRO .org/ ZIPZONE . TRINITYMANICURISTSTALENTEDMETROTEXRail|TRE|BusZIPZONE Promotional support provided by September 18, 2022–January 29, 2023 Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Two Women at a Window, c. 1655–60, oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Widener Collection, 1942.9.46 This exhibition is organized by the Kimbell Art TheMuseum.KimbellArt Museum is supported in part by Arts Fort Worth, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.

The brainchild of local fashion designer Phil lip Maximilian, Fort Worth Fashion Week de buted in February to showcase up-and-com ing designers in the area. The spring event was so successful that Round 2 is already here for fall.
the Label is using its fashion week runway show slot 5pm-9pm Wed, Sep 21, to premiere its Spring/Summer 2023 Collec tion at William Campbell Gallery. “This col lection showcases three storytelling chapters inspired by Frida Kahlo and Mexico City.”
Fort Worth Fashion Week: Season 2 in cludes daily fashion shows from Monday thru Sun, Sep 25. More than 30 businesses and brands will come together for the festivities, and there are many free events for all ages.
There is also an art exhibition, post-show re ception, and a designers meet and greet. Tick ets are $53 at

On Tuesday, there is a Fashion Recep tion 4pm-5pm at Neiman Marcus (5200 Mo nahans Av, 817-738-3581), featuring live mu sic, a champagne reception, and an informal gander at Neiman’s new looks for fall. Then, The Shops at Clearfork Fashion Show is 5pm-7pm outdoors at The Plaza (5188 Mo nahans Av, 817-985-3773), hosted by Erin Wilde from 92.1 Hank FM and CBS 11/Fort Worth Today. This event features styles from the center’s retailers, including Apricot Lane, BETTE’s, Climate, Collins+Conley, Ever eve, Francesca’s, Johnny Was, Kendra Scott, Mizzen+Main, Monkee’s Q Clothier, Rye 51, Tommy Bahama, and Untuckit. There is no cost to attend either event. RSVP at FWFash

For opening night, William Campbell Gallery (217 Foch St, 817-737-9566) and Kir be Schnoor from KirbAppeal are hosting The Big Bend Collection Fashion Runway Show by City Boots 5pm-9pm Mon. Inspired by Big Bend National Park, the event includes an art exhibit, designers meet and greet, a post-show reception, and a special appearance from sing er Koe Wetzel. Tickets are $53 at FWFashion

beverages, light bites, live music, and small fashion shows. Participating boutiques in clude Esther Penn, Hale House, Hemline, Iris Rain, Keeping Up with the Joneses, LoveLyss, Move Athleisure, Prippie, Shop Birdie, Stu dio 74 Vintage, and You Are Here. Then from 7pm to 10pm, join the closing celebration at Winslow’s Wine Cellar (1601 Clover Ln, 682730-1099) wearing your finds from Fashion Row. The entire day is free to attend, but you’ll want to RSVP for the closing party at FW’s The Debut.
By Jennifer Bovee
Art Tooth, the Fort Worth Fashion/Art Exhi bition featuring student designs is 5pm-7pm in The Art South Container at the South Main Micro Park (125 S Main St, 817-923-1649). Then, head to Tinie’s Cocina & Bar (113 S Main St, 682-255-5425) for the after-party 7pm-10pm. There is no cost to attend either event. RSVP at
Fort WeekFashionWorthIsBack
Those not too hungover should head to the Camp Bowie Historic District and the Cultural District for Fashion Row: Season 2 on Fri, Sep 23, from noon to 7pm. During this self-guided tour, you can shop the district’s locally owned clothing boutiques for new ar rivals and special promotions while enjoying
Mener Grand Train Co. presents “allur ing couture with a Western charm and Fort Worth flair by Phillip Maximilian.” The De but Spring/Summer 2023 Couture Collection Fashion Runway Show is 5pm-9pm Sat, Sep 24, at William Campbell Gallery, hosted by Erin Wilde. Tickets are $53 at FWFashionWeek. com. Enjoy an art exhibit and a post-show re ception, then meet designer Maximilian, the creative director of Fort Worth Fashion Week.
Finish your fashion week at the Studio 74 Vintage Fashion Show 2pm-5pm Sun, Sep 25, at Fort Brewery & Pizza (2737 Tillar St, 817-923-8000). This show will “highlight the many iconic decades throughout fashion his tory,” notably the 1950s thru the ’90s. Those dressed in their favorite decade will be entered into a Best Dressed contest for prizes from the brewery. There is no cost to attend. RSVP at a daily dose of fashion all seven days, VIP all-access passes are $460 at
OCTOBERSATURDAY, 15 Individuals ... Groups ... Organizations KFWB provides all volunteers with gloves and trash bags. FREE T-shirts to the first 1,500 volunteer registrations REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN

Be seen at Fort Worth Fashion Week, starting Monday.

With school back, Thu, Sep 22, is the day that the TCU Fashion Merchandising Depart ment will shine. In collaboration with Fort Worth Fashion Week and the local nonprofit

WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER free familyfriendly festival! THIS WEEKEND!

The Dak injury is a blow that the Cowboys’ season is unlikely to recover from, but in the context of this one game, it was far down on the list of reasons they lost. The offense, with or without Dak, is in absolute sham bles. In the three and a half quarters Prescott did play, he was absolutely dreadful. His stat line reads a cringeworthy 14 of 29 for 134 yards and a pick. He was constantly over-throwing or throwing behind receivers. The one pick could have easily been three or four if the Bucs’ defenders had better hands. The performance was one of the worst of his career. Somehow Cooper Rush was worse in relief.The offensive line, already dangerously thin with the departure of La’el Collins and the (predictable) loss of Tyron Smith to in jury just before the season began, lost new starting left guard Connor McGovern on the first drive of the game. In the process, his backup, second-year lineman Matt Farniok seeing his first NFL action, allowed two sacks, nine pressures, and four QB hits on the night. The injury to Dak came up the middle right past Farniok.
Dallas wasted a gutsy defen sive effort — holding one of the league’s top scoring offenses from a year ago to under 20 — by countering it with an embarrassingly inefficient offense that managed just a lone field goal on their first drive, then bupkis for the rest of the night. Don’t get me wrong.
through free agency and the draft, from OTAs and training camp, to enduring the unwatchable preseason games — once we get actual, meaningful football, the tension and excitement have built to the point of nu clear reactor-meltdown level.
The NFL offseason is long. Even with the league’s year-round grip on sports media attention — in which now even the draft is a primetime network TV affair — actual games are jammed into little over a fourmonth span. Nearly the entire insufferable 182-game MLB regular season (including spring training) takes place between the clock reading zero at the previous Super Bowl and the opening kick of Week 1. After all the time spent over the last eight months microdosing Dallas Cowboys content —
Looks like we won’t be seeing Dak again until well after Election Day.
A confounding offseason strategy by the Cowboys’ front office set up a doomsday scenario that’s played out as if from a script. The 2022 season was really over before it began.

tilt. The receivers behind Lamb fared little better, with heretofore blocking-only wide out Noah Brown leading all pass catchers with five for 68. Rookie third rounder Jalen Tolbert wasn’t any help because he couldn’t even make the game day roster, being beaten out by undrafted free agent Dennis Hous ton.
The Jones family hubris has struck again. When asked in an interview recently why they didn’t do more to bolster the of fense in the offseason, Jerry Jones himself said, “I have to believe one and one makes three,” meaning his eternal optimism will carry the day. Well, he may believe it, but as Mr. Incredible said in Incredibles 2, “Math is math,” and no amount of assurance that you’re the smartest guy in the room will change the numbers. Jerruh also famous ly said, “Did you enjoy those three Super Bowls? I hope you did. I hope you did very much.” And I hope you did, too, because they’re the last you’ll ever see in this town as long as the Joneses are running the show. And they always will. l
season, folks. It would be completely heart breaking if it weren’t also so incredibly pre dictable. Literally anyone with a passing un derstanding could see the potential dangers the Joneses were lining up with their roster moves. The most frustrating thing is that the damage was wholly self-inflicted. The personnel decisions were conscious and un provoked by any external forces. The front office owns the outcomes.
Such a long buildup makes the pain of all that joyous anticipation evaporating al most instantaneously hurt all the more. And vanish instantaneously for Cowboys fans, it did. Not only did Dallas open the season on Sunday with a 19-3 loss to TB12 and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, but quarterback Dak Prescott has likely thrown his last pass until after Election Day. Under siege by Tampa’s stout defensive front and working behind a patchwork O-line all night long, Prescott broke his throwing hand after smashing it into the forearm of a rushing Shaq Barrett on the follow-through of a pass in the fourth quarter. The injury required surgery, and No. 4 will reportedly be sidelined for six to eight
Newly vaulted WR1 CeeDee Lamb managed just two catches for 29 yards in the
So, that’s it. Three and a half quarters of frustrating football, and that’s your 2022
Who EveryoneIt?PredictedHaveCouldOnly

IfOof.only there were something that could have been done to avoid all this offensive in eptitude.Alas, the financially destitute Jones family had to make some tough business decisions in the offseason, which you could say led directly to this inevitable and tragic outcome. Sadly, they had no choice but to cripple 2021’s top offense by flipping their No. 1 wide receiver (Amari Cooper) for a ball bag and a roll of athletic tape and to put a former All-Pro right tackle (Collins) on the street because … reasons. Jerry and son Stephen absolutely had their hands tied by a challenging salary cap situation, you un derstand. They needed Cooper’s money to keep Michael Gallup, a fairly unproven and injury-prone wideout who might actually be able to play at some point in October. They needed Collins’ money to, well, sit in a pile with the rest of the unused $29M the team had left in cap space. It simply couldn’t be helped. You wouldn’t understand, not hav ing the football genius that — along with a stilted, inexplicably redneck vocal cadence — only all Joneses possess.
Dak is a good quarterback, not a great one, but a good one. He needs help. With out decent targets to throw to, he gets pan icky and inaccurate, especially when he has limited time to throw because defenders are constantly in his face due to bad offensive line play. This offense was set up for failure from the jump, not to mention bad O-lines get quarterbacks hurt.


Slay: Artemisia Gentileschi and Kehinde Wiley is organized by the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, the North Carolina Museum of Art, the Kimbell Art Museum, and The Museum Box. The Kimbell Art Museum is supported in part by Arts Fort Worth, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Promotional support provided by: is free.


Slay Halfpage Print Ad - FWW Magazine.indd 2 9/2/22 9:18 AM October 1, 2022 3pm-9pm | VIP Entry 1pm Mayor Vera Calvin Plaza | 141 W Renfro St THANKS to our SPONSORSFOOD UseTICKETS:codeFWWEEKfora$5Discount! 7 PM MUSIC 3 PM 4 PM 6 PM PARTICIPATING BREWERIES

Artemisia Gentileschi (Rome 1593–Naples c. 1653), Judith and Holofernes (detail), c. 1612–1617. Oil on canvas, 159 x 126 cm, inv. Q 378, Napoli, Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte; Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977), Judith and Holofernes (detail), 2012, oil on linen, purchased with funds from Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hanes in honor of Dr. Emily Farnham, by exchange, and with funds from Peggy Guggenheim, by exchange, and from the North Carolina State Art Society (Robert F. Phifer Bequest), 2012. ©️ Kehinde Wiley.


Courtesy of the North Carolina Museum of Art and Sean Kelly, New York

JULY 2022

Soma Like It Hot
Girls just wanna have fun.
The newest wine bar on South Main Street played its part in that liver lashing, namely where it all began. As the burgeon ing district bustled all around, Soma’s front door on the corner of East Daggett hung wide open, beckoning us inside for happy hour.
Truer words have never been spoken, er, sung. However, I would amend Cyndi Lauper’s iconic lyrics to “Girls know how to have fun.” Well, the wild bunch who gath ered at Soma Winery with me one toasty af ternoon undoubtedly do.
I could have easily stuck to one side — Team Dry Red all day, baby! — but it’s al ways good to try new things, no? To be fair, I’ve dabbled in a dry white or two, even a sweet moscato on occasion, so I circled Fat Bastard Chardonnay on my flight card. Short descriptions are included under each option, graciously taking some of the guess work out of the decision-making process.
4630 SW Loop 820 | Fort Worth• 817-731-0455 order online for pickup Thai Kitchen & Bar SPICE 411 W. Magnolia Ave Fort Worth • 817-984-1800 order online for pickup at“Best Thai Food”“Best Thai Food” – FW readersCriticsWeeklyChoice2016–FWWeeklyChoice2017,2019,2020&2021– FW ChoiceCriticsWeekly2015,2017&2019 THE BEST THAI IN FORT WORTH INRESTAURANTSTHAIAPPROVEDZONESBLUEFIRSTFW!

The current wine selection is displayed in neat rows on the bar counter, with the red on one side and white, sparkling, and rosé on the other. Thanks to my overactive imag ination, I envisioned the entirety of West

Side Story playing out, where the wine of a different vine foment (or should I say “fer ment”?) discord and “bottle” it out on the streets through song and dance, but my ver sion has a much less tragic end, in which the only “blood” shed is delightfully potable.
What was meant to be a brief adventure in day-drinking turned into more of an epic with lots of top-notch wine, then dinner and barhopping across Magnolia Ave until that time of night meant for Semisonic’s
anthem. As someone who was unfortunate ly feeling her age, I must admit that closing time was a welcome respite.
continued on page 20 &EATSdrinks
The current wine selection is displayed in neat rows on the bar counter, with the red on one side and white, sparkling, and rosé on the other.

With exposed brick peeking out in splotches from behind white stucco, as if someone had torn through it like paper to reveal what lay hidden beneath, the interi
The newest wine bar on South Main Street serves its top-notch vino paired with a lot of class.

The author’s “cru” claimed the loveseats and indulged in several flights and bites while a few couples crooned at the date-night tables.
Though I recall savoring the Fat Bas tard’s cool crispness, I genuinely couldn’t describe much else about it, because the dry
Soma Winery, 201 S Main St, FW. 682-703-1515. 11am-10pm Tue-Thu, 11am-11pm Fri-Sat.
After we’d mostly recovered the follow ing day, we bevy of Betties exchanged the customary “We must do that again!” texts. One response neatly summarized our shared experience: “Just not so hard next time lol. Seriously, I felt it in my liver.”
or walls betray the building’s age while the decor elevates the style to a more modern, polished industrial. Large street-facing win dows and high ceilings make the micro-win ery feel bigger, more open.
Intimate tables line one side of the airy space closest to a gallery of modern art. In the center of the room, two forest green vel vet divans in a midcentury modern style face each other atop a fancy oriental rug for more of an upscale living room feel. My “cru” claimed the loveseats and indulged in several flights and bites while a few couples crooned at the date-night tables.
WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER find out why we’re the best! ORDER ONLINE FOR IN-STORE PICKUP WWW. B IG K AT B URGERS.COM 903-363-5723806-448-8810200BRYANAV NEAR SOUTHSIDEFWTX BESTWINNERRAMEN - Fort Worth Weekly Best Of 2021Oyster Bar The Original FTW Going on 50 years Fort Worth | 612 University COME ON IN! Same Great Food

As cork after cork was popped, the troupe did a little traveling, all from the comfort of the couches. The Grand Tour of Europe charcuterie treated our taste buds to English cheddar, Spanish manchego, and Dutch gouda along with salami and crack ers, not to mention the box of scrumptious chocolate truffles we scarfed.
baked fig, and black pepper, but I truly have not the words to convey what my mouth ex perienced. In my notes, I was clearly manic for it: “the best!!!”
white paled in comparison to the others. My notes from the excursion amount to the rantings and ravings of a burgundy boozecrazed lunatic. Despite my lapse, I assume the description of “Kaweah peach, vanilla, toasted oak” must be accurate.
Thanks to the fine wines and charming atmosphere curated by Soma Winery, I have no regrets about my state the next morn ing, nor my soon-to-be-permanently clar et-stained teeth. I’m tellin’ ya — girls know how to have fun. Here’s to feelin’ it in your liver.
In addition to the light bites, Soma will soon be rollin’ out some new menu items, specifically panini. The woman working the bar even brought our group mini squares of the yummy caprese panino with tomato, mozzarella, and pesto and invited us back soon. She must have loved us … or maybe the scads of vino and vittles we ordered.
I generally (read: compulsively) pro ceed down a flight from left to right. This time, though, the group kept fawning over one in particular, so I deviated. The Corte Fiore Montepulciano possessed a buttery full-bodied quality, with just a slight sharp ness and hint of fizz. The flight card told me I should have detected notes of wild cherry,
A sucker for a dryer-than-the-desert malbec, I jumped back to the Tall Dark Stranger. You wouldn’t guess that it mainly contains fruit (black cherry, raspberry, and blueberry) from how decidedly unsweet and deeply dry the final product is, but I’d take that stranger any day. Even The Storyteller Cabernet Sauvignon with baked plum, blue berry, and dark chocolate, though with a sweeter bouquet than the rest, tasted just as smooth and robust as the others. If this were a dance-off set to Stephen Sondheim’s score, the reds would have dominated.

Eats & Drinks
as if
Soma Winery

Flight of four wines $18 Grand Tour of Europe charcuterie ................. $25 Chocolate truffles (singles $4, flight $16)
Large street-facing windows and high ceilings make the micro-winery feel bigger, more open.

continued from page 18 Wayne Toups & squeezebox bandiTs FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 AT 6PM JAMBALAYA JAM LIVEwithMUSIC Wayne Toups & squeezebox bandiTs 2000 W BERRY ST, FORT WORTH See p.25 for our upcoming events! WITHCAJUNFOOD BROUGHTTOYOUBY

Exposed brick peeks out in splotches from behind white stucco, someone had torn through like paper reveal what lay hidden beneath.

WEEKLYWORTHFORT 202214-20,SEPTEMBER 21fwweekly.comSaturday Door11am-12am9/17Prizes,CrazyMenu,SpecialtyBeer&AWORLDofFunGiveaways! 300 S MAIN ST, FWTX 76104 9 YEAR ANNIVERSARY 9-YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY! d GreatCottonHotdogs,Nachos,Popcorn,Candymadefresh,daily!selectionofCraftandLocalBeers&HardCider! 5620 Denton Hwy (On 377, Behind Braums) Haltom City 817-300-1404 | Play Yo u r Favorite Classic Ar c ade Games! FWW Best Of WINNER2021 ITALIAN KITCHEN GIOVANNI’S 5733 crowley rd • fort worth tx 76134 817.551.3713 | GIOVANNISFW.COM Have You Tried The BestFood?Italian Visit Us Today! 117 S Main St • Fort Worth Dollar Off Beers | $8 Drink of the Day Mondays and Tuesdays Monday - Thursday H appy H our M on - F ri 10% o FF T o -G o C oCkTails ! W eekniGHT s peCials $2 oFF every Tues OFDRINKTHEMonth A CLASSIC NEGRONI WITH A TOUCH OF PINEAPPLE AND BANANA.

Taste CleburneDowntownof
Expect a mouthwatering meatloaf sandwich and more chef-driving excellence from Jimmie’s at Taste of Downtown Cleburne Sat, Sep 24.
This walking event takes place across His toric Downtown Cleburne, so I’d head to the Johnson County Courthouse (2 N Main St, 817-933-4836) and look for the signs. Participants receive a flavor passport to be stamped at each location, a walking map, and a commemorative swag bag. Tickets are $50 at Tickets.

Burger Bar 1949 is a featured stop at the second annual Taste of Downtown Cleburne Sat, Sep 24.
1.) Burger Bar 1949 (109 N Anglin St, 817645-9031) has a simple explanation for what they do. “Started selling burgers around 1949. Still do.” In March, 1949 launched a new menu with burgers starting at $6.50 which can be seen at gerBar49. While burgers and fries, chips, or onion rings are typical Americana food items, this joint does it so well that it made the Texas Bucket List.
and The Garden of Eating (205 S Main St, 817-774-2078) are right across the parking lot from each other and will both partici pate in Taste of Downtown Cleburne this year. All the food is made from scratch. The Garden is a full-service lunch spot, featur ing salads, hot sandwiches, soups, and qui noa bowls, while its offshoot, Chica Blanca, is an order-at-the-counter-style cafe with a Mexi-Cali flair.
2.) Don’t miss your chance to sample food by Chef Cheyenne — Cheyenne Spivey, formerly of Spiral Diner in Fort Worth. The Cleburne na tive has made her way back home and is now a personal chef specializing in board/graze tables, charcuterie boxes, party bites, and chef-crafted cocktail mixers. To learn more about this Texas Le Cordon Bleu grad or to book her services, visit
Get in the bun! If you make it to Loaf’n Dogs, take a selfie at this mural by Jack Fleming.

3.) Sister restaurants Chica Blanca Fresh Cafe & Patio (115 S Main St, 817-774-2058)

Along with bites from Trovato Street (106 E Henderson St, 682-317-1898) — the root beer bar I mentioned in our recent getaway story “From C to Shining C” — noshes from a dozen-plus eateries will be yours for the sampling at the second annual Taste of Downtown Cleburne 3pm-8pm Sat, Sep 24. Here is a preview of eight of them.

By Jennifer Bovee
Jimmie’s Fresh Kitchen (114 E Cham bers St, 682-317-1208) is a chef-owned restaurant with an eclectic menu that in cludes traditional American steakhouse items and Cajun/Creole dishes. See the main menu at Menu, but keep an eye on his main feed for glorious daily specials like the meatloaf sandwich pictured in this column. Yum!
7.) Now, for dogs of a different kind. Loaf’n Dog (208 E Chambers St, Ste E, 817-5561040) serves gourmet hotdogs, beer, and wine, does catering, hosts events, and has live music. The top-selling dogs are The Casey (Vienna Beef Frank with chili, nacho cheese, onions, and mustard) and the Flamin’ Woody (Vienna Beef Fire Dog Frank with the Casey fixins plus Flamin’ Hot Cheetos). Try the other top seller if you’re not in the mood for a weiner. The Chicago-Style Ital ian Beef Loaf is a split-loaf sandwich with Vienna Beef, grilled veggies, and “da sauce.”

4.) The newly constructed Gelati’s Ice Cream Parlor (204 S Main St, GelatisIce is not quite open for business but will serve samples next weekend. The place specializes in small-batch ice cream made fresh on-site. “Our premium ice cream is perfectly churned to maximize flavor and
density.” The menu will also include Ital ian ice, which is dairy-free, and mini Bundt cakes. For store-opening updates, follow
8.) Let’s not forget #DearOldMom. Mom’s Kitchen (114 E Chambers St, 682-317-1863) is a small-batch bakery where “the two most important ingredients are love and butter.” Not unlike our efforts here in Tarrant Coun ty, the Cleburne Times Review has an annual best-of edition called Best of the Best, and to give you an idea of Mom’s popularity among the locals, the place has been voted Best Desserts two years in a row by Times readers.
6.) Lindy’s Treats & Treasures (206 E Chambers St, 817-506-1290) is a locally owned bakery serving diner food, like sand wiches and soups, plus sweet and savory treats. As for the treasures, shop at the instore boutique for gifts, jewelry, and home decor. Lindy’s most recent addition is the “Lindy’s Treats fur Pets” line in its “Haute Dog Shoppe and Barkery.” Woof!


minds inside them) of smoky, hazed hip-hop fans of all philosophies. Through tracks like “Early Morning Meditations,” “Like Water,” and “Elevated,” the self-described “hippie rap per” waxes on personal and spiritual growth, a goal toward which he’s always tried to main tain focus and an endeavor that became more intense during the pandemic.

In the X-Men comic book series, the wheel chair-bound leader of the band of super-pow ered mutants, Professor Charles Xavier, uses a device called Cerebro to communicate with his team and potentially all mutants across the globe. Using his powers of telepathy, Professor X can go through Cerebro to connect direct ly into the minds of the heroes and read and implant thoughts. This powerful piece of tech became the inspiration behind philosophical rapper Sagemode Wrex’s latest album. Very loosely, as he “doesn’t make references to the X-Men lyrically,” he said, his goal was to “sound like I was talking to myself and every one else telepathically. [Professor X] is one of my favorite [comic book] characters.”
Professor Wrex is the first new music by Wrex since his celebrated collaboration with fellow local rapper Dru B Shinin’, Bruce Lee roy, nearly four years ago. Part of the delay,
a better version of himself, and he has the album to prove it.

“Obviously,” he said, “the pandemic ru ined a lot of people’s lives, and I’m not trying to say anything [derogatory] about that, but, for me personally, before it happened, I was just begging for the world to slow down at some point. I felt like, prior to it, life was just coming too fast, and I never had time to focus on who I was, so when it happened, I did. I was just reading all the time. I was at the house all the time, just hanging with my daughter, my
beyond the pandemic, was in the rapper inten tionally stepping away from the game to keep growing as an individual.
Rapper Sagemode Wrex came out of the pandemic
On the appropriately titled Professor Wrex, which comes out Friday, the scholar ly MC offers a 10-song lesson plan produced by the likes of Fostepco, 4D Tha OG, and Kofi Cooks to bob the heads (and expand the
“No,” he deadpanned. “I mean, nobody continued on page 25

Ever the student, Sagemode Wrex has now become the teacher on his latest LP.

“I just needed time away from trying to be recognized or trying to get attention from mu sic,” he said. “I made about 40 to 50 songs over that time, but I didn’t really intend for anyone to hear them. I just wasn’t playing the game, y’know, ‘Listen to this. It’s my new song, new video, or whatever.’ I just needed some time to myself while I was growing as a man. I was focusing on rebuilding the mind, body, and spirit. I was just doing life stuff.”
When asked if, through this project, he feels obligated to share some of his “enlighten ment” with his audience, he’s fairly definitive.
family, with time to work on myself and watch the world and look back on the last 30 years of my life.”One of the books he read during that time was The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential by Dr. David R. Hawkins, an au thority in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. Through the book, Wrex learned about the scale of human emotions, which were positive and negative forces, and he gained a motivation for always pushing to ward “a higher self, a better self, being aware of energy and trying to keep it on a higher level.”
cares.” He laughed. “I may share it with my family or people who are next to me all of the time, but I made peace with it a long time ago that if I feel a certain way about something, it doesn’t mean it’ll work the same way for any body
Sagemode Wrex Album Release 8pm Fri w/The Deep End, OG Tropicana, Slug DLo, Dank817, Ghoulsby, and D-Flo at Lola’s Fort Worth, 2000 W Berry St, FW. $10. 817759-9100.
“I just say it,” he said. “I feel like it’s my job to be honest. It’s going to reach who it’s supposed to, and if it doesn’t reach anybody, that’s real, too. I’m just trying to be as good and to be as honest and focused as I can and just spread goodness and be what I think ‘God,’ or whatever that is, wants me to be.” l
“I made all those songs back in the day, in my 20s, where maybe I was coming from a place like that,” he said, “like I used to feel like I figured out the formula to life or something, but since turning 30, it’s like my whole con sciousness has changed. That’s all ego shit. Ev eryone has their own idea of spirituality. For me, it’s always about returning to some con nection with that, whether I do that through nature, through disciplining myself, or just getting back to a higher standard of myself.
Wrexelse.”admits that, at one time, he might have, yet with the maturity that comes with age, he’s realized his target audience has really always been himself.

Some people do it for ‘God,’ or they do it for the universe, or they do it for whatever reli gion they practice. For me, it’s always about coming back to a place to be a better version of myself.”Whether his intention is to educate his listeners, or just to simply keep his own spiri tual and emotional states ever expanding, Pro fessor Wrex offers hook-friendly lessons with which hip-hop heads can do the same. He hopes the thoughts find someone, but he’s also just fine if they don’t land.

A major bummer befell the Fort Worth music scene on Friday when MASS an nounced that after five years of hosting mostly indie-rock bands, DJ nights, standup comedy, art shows, and even Pastor Jay Bakker, the Near Southside venue would shut its doors for good on Sep 23. Its own ers did not say why they’re closing, but since their club managed to weather the lockdown, their decision must have been heartbreaking.Tobehonest,

HearSay continued on page 27
Funeral MASS
I’m kind of scrambled about what to say. There are staff who are now without a job. There are bands that are now without bookings. Dreamy Life Records, the label’s store that moved into the room that originally housed the pool ta ble, no longer has a home. And all of those things are disheartening enough, but on top of that, MASS’s closing is yet another dom ino of yesteryear, toppled from the force of whatever this city is turning into. Should I blame gentrification and the precipitous climb of market rent? Or is it something else? Is it the downward trend in local drinking habits, or is it because kids don’t care about guitars anymore? I don’t have the answer. I’m just sad.

potential we saw for the club’s role in the neighborhood’s development was excit ing. At the time, there were three (or was it four?) recording studios within a mile’s radius. There was another venue nearby and bars that could also double as venues. It seemed to me that MASS could have helped turn the South Main Village and the Near Southside in general into a veritable incu bator of musical talent or maybe even the
Should we blame gentrification and the precipitous climb of market rent for MASS’s closure? Is it the downward trend in local drinking habits, or is it because kids don’t care about guitars anymore?
I was one of MASS’s original inves tors when it opened in April 2017, and the
filing is bogus;(7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User’s default re User’s contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under “Payment Terms” and “Default Terms,” granting Secured Party full authorization and power for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party’s sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User effective upon User’s default, is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest. User further consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms of Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: Payment Terms: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of AARON EUGENE HILL© as set forth above, User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees in full withing ten(10) days of the date User is sent Secured Party’s invoice, hereinafter “Invoice” itemizing said fees Default Terms: in event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten(10) days of date Invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and: (a) all of User’s property and property pledged as collateral by User, as set forth in above in
“Take me right out back and call me ‘Ol’ Yeller,’ ” he sings as his studio band kicks into gear. “Tell me, ‘Everything’s al right, lil’ feller.’ ”


And from there, it goes into the kind of discontented musing that drives the nar rative in particularly doleful Tom Petty songs, dragged into the light of day via the raspy resentment in Carvajal’s voice.

With the intent of being contractually bond, any juristic person, as well as the agent of said juristic person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said juristic person nor the agent of said juristic person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner the common-law trade-name/trade- mark AARON EUGENE HILL© nor the common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivative of any variation in the spelling of AARON EUGENE HILL© without the prior, express written consent and acknowledgment of the Secured Party, as signified by Secured Party’s signature in red ink Secured Party neither grants nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of AARON EUGENE HILL© and all such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited, Secured Party is not now nor has ever been an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the purported debtor, i.e. “AARON EUGENE HILL,” nor for any derivative of, nor for any variation in the spelling of said name nor for any other juristic person, and is so indemnified and held harmless by Debtor, i.e., “AARON EUGENE HILL” in Hold-Harmless Indemnity Agreement No. AEH-062097-HHIA dated the Twentieth Day of the Sixth Month in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Seven against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, cost, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interest, and expenses whatsoever both absolute and contingent as are due and as might become due now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on and incurred by Debtor for any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever. 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Terms for Curing Default Upon event of default, as set forth above under “Default Terms,” irrespective of any and all of User’s former property and interest in property, described above in paragraph “(2)” in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under “Default Terms,” User may cure User’s default only re the remainder of User’s said former property and interest property, formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of date of User’s default only by payment in full. Terms of Strict Foreclosure: User’s non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees itemized in invoice within said twenty- (20) day period for curing default as set forth above under “Terms for Curing Default” authorizes Secured Party’s immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining former property and interest in property, formerly
Americana singer-songwriter Christian Carlos Carvajal’s “Dead End Street” comes out on streaming services Friday.
guitar. The three of them give the track a dose of rock ’n’ roll heft that paves the way for Martin’s blistering Nels Cline-ish solo, and as a preview for Carvajal’s upcoming EP, the song should have you following him online for that and for his upcoming gig schedule. — S.S.
Produced, mixed, and drummed on by engineer Reese Murphy at his Eastside stu dio, “Dead End Street” also features Grady Spencer & The Work’s Johnny Hatcher on bass and keys and Tyler Martin on electric
“(2),” immediately becomes I.e. is, property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User’s Authorized Representative as set forth above in paragraph “(8)”;
Christian EndCarvajal’sCarlos“DeadStreet”
Copyright Notice: All rights reserved re common-law copyright of trade-name/trade-mark, AARON EUGENE HILL© as well as any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of said trade-name/trade- mark, Common Law Copyright©1997 by Aaron Eugene Hill©. Said common-law trade-, name/trade- mark, AARON EUGENE HILL© may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgement of Aaron Eugene Hill© as signified by the red-link signature of Aaron Eugene Hill©, hereinafter “Secured Party.”
— Steve Steward
home of a week-long music festival and conference, an event that could — one day, maybe — even rival the one that fills the state capital with trash and digital market ers every March.
Contact HearSay at

We all know how things have gone, however, and I and plenty of others involved in the local music scene have our own sto ries and opinions about the difference be tween then and now and all the hypothet icals and causes and effects. But whatever speculation suggests has happened, my fan tasy of a non-Stockyards “Music Row” in this city never really came to pass.
pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which is not in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration of said twenty- (20) day default-curing period. Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC Financing Statement and Security Agreement filed with the UCC filing office. Record Owner: Aaron Eugene Hill©,Autograph Common Law Copyright ©1997. Unauthorized use of “Aaron Eugene Hill” incurs same unauthorized-use fees as those associated with AARON EUGENE HILL©, as set forth above in paragraph “(1)” under “Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use.” RIDGLEA ROOM RIDGLEA LOUNGE SAT 9/17 DR. SCOTTIE “MUDBONE” JONES PLUS TONI BRAXTON AND GLORIA ESTEFAN TRIBUTE SHOW FRI 10/7 CHRISTIAN SHIELDS, BEYOND DESTINY, KIMES, BROTHERS BECKHAM SAT 11/5 ANTHONY GARCIA MUSIC RIDGLEA THEATER 9/16FRI HERETIC KLICK & GUESTS 9/18SUN SCHOOL OF ROCK FORT WORTH SEASON SHOWCASE 9/23FRI THE FALL KICK-OFF 10/1SAT TAKERS LEAVERS SAT 10/1 ATTILA WED 11/2 LORNA SHORE SAT 10/29 ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW WITH LIVE SHADOW CAST LOS BASTARDOS W/SPECIAL GUESTS CATCH YOUR BREATH & TALLAH FT. SORRY, NO REFUNDS, DREADLAND & MORE! AND LIGHT THE FIRE
It’s not for lack of effort. MASS was great. It offered fun shows, both from locals and touring acts. Designed by musicians to avoid the frustrations we typically face at most venues, it was an enjoyable place to play — there were more than enough power outlets to go around, for example — and when the room was packed, the energy between crowd and performer was unlike any other around. So, it sucks to see it go. But in the way that Lola’s move from 6th Street to Berry felt like the end of an era, so does MASS’s closure. Five years is a long time to do anything, and whatever it is that ends after such a time, when the proverbial lights go out and the padlocks go on, it just leaves you feeling empty and bereft for a lot of things that are no longer the way they were
“You’re such a waste of time / You’re like a dead-end street / Leading to nowhere / ’cause your love ain’t sweet / And you’re love ain’t kind / It’s an atom bomb / In my mind.”So opens “Dead End Street,” the plaintive new single from Americana sing er-songwriter Christian Carlos Carvajal The track, which comes out on streaming services Friday, is about frustration with a person who drags out a relationship despite their unwillingness to move forward, and the chords and melody are as melancholy and wintry as you’d expect. But when he gets to the chorus, Carvajal’s tone becomes caustic in a bitingly funny way.
Hearsay continued from page 26
public notices
Welders have a four day work week! They fit and weld natural gas delivery products built from raw materials according to blue print specifications in accordance with API 1104 certification standards and procedures.
Our Shipping and Receiving team is responsible for verifying and keeping records on incoming and outgoing shipments and preparing items for shipment.
Quality Testers pressurize metal pipe stations administering air/nitrogen or hydrostatic testing depending on blueprint specifications, duration, and test pressure, using hand tools and impacts to cap off openings logging all passes and rejecting all fail
At ISCO, we put high value on appreciation and respect, and provide you with an opportunity to really make a difference. ISCO is a family owned and operated company born and raised in Louisville, KY that is focused on our team members’ growth. In addition to a standard benefits package of medical/dental/vision, ISCO offers a 6% match on retirement! ISCO Industries is an end-to-end piping solutions provider that specializes in HDPE, working with leading edge technology that makes us a market leader.

Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities For
Please take notice that this matter will come on for preliminary, adjudication and/or termination of parental rights of the above listed parties and any unknown putative fathers or any other appropriate relief before the Honorable Christopher D. Chiles, Judge of the Circuit Court of Cabell County, West Virginia, on the 7th day of November, 2022 at 9:00 a.m., at which time and place you may be present to protect your interests, if you so desire. You are further advised that the minor child(ren) and respondents in this proceeding shall have the right to counsel at this hearing and every stage of proceeding; if you cannot pay for the services of counsel, the Court shall appoint counsel for you; and said proceeding can result in permanent termination of parental rights. You are further advised that if an answer or appearance is not made by you at said hearing, thereafter, judgment upon proper hearing and trial may be taken against you for the relief demanded in the petition, i.e. permanent termination of parental, custodial, or guardianship rights. An original and copies of the petition has been filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Cabell County, West Virginia, at the Cabell County Courthouse, and a copy of said petition is available for each respondent at the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office upon request. You may also contact the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to obtain the name of the attorney appointed to represent you.
CLASSIFIEDS employment, public notices, services
Fabricators are responsible for fabricating and assembling polyethylene pipe to create a variety of customized structures such as: fittings, valves, T's, Y's, elbows, aqua shields, geothermal vaults, manholes, dual containment units, pumps, gas aeration lines and similar structures.

WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEATH AND HUMAN RESOURCES By Counsel, Kent L. Bryson, State Bar No. 7274 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Cabell County, West Virginia Counsel for Petitioner more information on these positions or to apply go to:
IN THE INTEREST OF THE MINOR CHILDREN: Waylon Lee, DOB: 03/27/2012; 22-JA-74 Warren Lee, DOB: 02/27/2015; 22-JA-75
Our Shipping and Receiving team is responsible for verifying and keeping records on incoming and outgoing shipments and preparing items for shipment.
The Painter must be proficient in surface cleaning, preparation and pressure pot paint gun painting in order to accomplish assigned tasks, producing work of a high standard in accordance with Company’s policies and procedures. Painters have a four day work week.
JENNIFER POLK, respondent mother; DANNY LEE, respondent father; LORIE POLK, respondent legal guardian; WAYLON LEE, WARREN LEE, and any unknown putative father of WAYLON LEE and WARREN LEE,
Texas Commission on environmenTal QualiTy
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. PowerSecure, Inc., 4068 Stirrup Creek Drive, Durham, North Carolina 27703-9000, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168069, which would authorize construction of two generators at Target Store 1770 located at 5700 Overton Ridge Boulevard, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76132. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on February 25, 2022. The proposed facility will emit the following contaminants: carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, sulfur dioxide, and sulfuric acid mist.
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. PowerSecure, Inc., 4068 Stirrup Creek Dr, Durham, NC 27703-9000, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168092, which would authorize construction of a generator at Target Store 1766 located at 1400 Precinct Line Road, Hurst, Tarrant County, Texas 76053. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on February 25, 2022. The proposed facility will emit the following contaminants: carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid mist.
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. html?lat=32.678611&lng=-97.413055&zoom=13&type=r.
MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID).
MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at the Hurst Public Library, 901 Precinct Line Road, Hurst, Tarrant County, Texas beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Dr, Fort Worth, Texas.
Further information may also be obtained from PowerSecure, Inc. at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Rachel Henn, Consulting Engineer at (281) 201-1244.
PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. html?lat=32.836666&lng=-97.183888&zoom=13&type=r.
Notice Issuance Date: August 24, 2022
Notice Issuance Date: August 25, 2022
Texas Commission on environmenTal QualiTy

The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at the Riverside Public Library, 2913 Yucca Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/ Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas.
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID).
Further information may also be obtained from PowerSecure, Inc. at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Rachel Henn, Consulting Engineer at (281) 201-1244.
CLASSIFIEDS public notices,
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
Notice Issuance Date: August 26, 2022
employment, public notices, services
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. html?lat=32.7525&lng=-97.35306&zoom=13&type=r.
Notice Issuance Date: August 26, 2022
PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. html?lat=32.643333&lng=-97.060555&zoom=13&type=r.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
Further information may also be obtained from PowerSecure, Inc. at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Rachel Henn, Consulting Engineer at (281) 201-1244.
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID).
The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at the Fort Worth Public Library, 500 West Third Street, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas.
PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. PowerSecure, Inc., 4068 Stirrup Creek Drive, Durham, North Carolina 27703-9000, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168071, which would authorize installation of an electric generation facility located at 301 Carroll Street, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76107. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on February 25, 2022. The proposed facility will emit the following contaminants: carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid mist.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at the (Southeast) Judith J. Carrier Library, 2100 Southeast Parkway, Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas.
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. PowerSecure, Inc., 4068 Stirrup Creek Drive, Durham, North Carolina 27703-9000, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168072, which would authorize installation of an electric generation facility located at 5270 South Highway 360, Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, Texas 75052. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on February 25, 2022. The proposed facility will emit the following contaminants: carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid mist.
Texas Commission on environmenTal QualiTy
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID).
MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
Further information may also be obtained from PowerSecure, Inc. at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Rachel Henn, Consulting Engineer at (281) 201-1244.
Texas Commission on environmenTal QualiTy

MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.

Texas Commission on environmenTal QualiTy
The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at Fort Worth Public Library - Summerglen, 4205 Basswood Boulevard, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas.
Texas Commission on environmenTal QualiTy

INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. html?lat=32.889722&lng=-97.256944&zoom=13&type=
The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at Watauga Public Library, 7109 Whitley Rd, Watauga, Tarrant County, Texas beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Dr, Fort Worth, Texas.
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID).
Notice Issuance Date: August 18, 2022
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. PowerSecure, Inc., 4068 Stirrup Creek Dr, Durham, NC 27703-9000, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168093, which would authorize construction of a generator at Target Store 1765 located at 8000 Denton Hwy, Watauga, Tarrant County, Texas 76148. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on February 25, 2022. The proposed facility will emit the following contaminants: carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid mist.
MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
MAILING LIST. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
Further information may also be obtained from PowerSecure, Inc. at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Rachel Henn, Consulting Engineer at (281) 201-1244.
Notice Issuance Date: August 25, 2022
APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. PowerSecure, Inc., 4068 Stirrup Creek Drive, Durham, North Carolina 27703-9000, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 168081, which would authorize construction of a generator at Target Store 2754 located at 8917 Tehama Ridge Parkway, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76177. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on February 25, 2022. The proposed facility will emit the following contaminants: carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid mist.
PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.
Further information may also be obtained from PowerSecure, Inc. at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Rachel Henn, Consulting Engineer at (281) 201-1244.
INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application will be accessible through the Commission’s Web site at Once you have access to the CID using the above link, enter the permit number for this application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. html?lat=32.901388&lng=-97.323611&zoom=13&type=r.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.
employment, public
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material or significant public comments. Because no timely hearing requests have been received, after preparing the response to comments, the executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director’s decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID).
PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting about this application. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.
Property sale to satisfy landlord’s lien. Sale to be held at Mansfield Boat and RV at 1945 FM 157, Mansfield TX 76063 on September 14th at 12:00 PM. Cleanup deposit is required. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale. Unit items sold as-is to highest bidder. Property includes the contents of spaces of the following tenant – Keith Roe: appliance parts and misc stuff.
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ExteNet Systems, Inc is proposing to replace 1 streetlight with a new streetlight in order to accommodate small cell equipment at San Frando Dr, Arlington, Tarrant County, TX. Public comments regarding potential effects from this project on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to: BEC, 8300 Douglas Ave, Ste 800, Dallas, TX 75225, 214-8886965, or Please refer to the address and 8843-22 when submitting comments.
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