Fort Worth Weekly // November 9-15, 2022

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A Fort Worth mother believes local police left her daughter to die in an abusive relationship.


A drought and bird flu are why turkeys cost more and weigh less this holiday season.


The Frogs may be 9-0, but they’re dogs in Austin against the burnt orange this weekend.


After five years of live jams, Stem Afternoon makes a full-length of ominous instrumentals that mirror the anxieties of the times.

November 9-15, 2022 FREE
“The Eyes of Benjamin Franklin” is one of many works at his retrospective at William Campbell Gallery.

Country Unplugged


Featuring Aaron Lacombe, Dana Deatherage, Chris Moreau, Hayden Hilliard, Maddie Rose, Garth LaGrone, Erick Fayard, Monty Dawson and Jason Custer!

Country Showdown


Featuring Cody Cresswell, Coston Cross, Nate Burnham, Chris Breaux & Six String Rodeo, Southern Oak Band, Billy Jo, Landon Heights and Matthew Shane Band! Special performance featuring Will Carter | 6-7:30PM

Christian Country Concert


Featuring Justin Todd Herod!

Texas Country Music Awards Show


Featuring Roger Creager, Terry McBride & The Ride, Bailey Rae and many more!

Billy Bob’s Texas | TICKETS FROM $35

FORT WORTH WEEKLY NOVEMBER 9-15, 2022 2 JOB #: FWS-18509 TCMA AD COLOR INFO: CMYK PUBLICATION: FW WEEKLY SIZE: 10” x 11.25” BLEED: NO @FWSYSTATION @COWTOWNCOLISEUM W T CKY N B2 OVER 30 ARTISTS, AWARDS SHOW & MORE! The Texas Country music Event Of The Year! FOR MORE INFORMATION AND A FULL SCHEDULE OF EVENTS, PLEASE VISIT FORTWORTHSTOCKYARDS.COM SPONSORED BY Country Unplugged FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 | 3-8PM Featuring Aaron Lacombe, Dana Deatherage, Chris Moreau, Hayden Hilliard, Maddie Rose, Garth LaGrone, Erick Fayard, Monty Dawson and Jason Custer! Country Showdown SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 | 11AM-5PM Featuring Cody Cresswell, Coston Cross, Nate Burnham, Chris Breaux & Six String Rodeo, Southern Oak Band, Billy Jo, Landon Heights and Matthew Shane Band Special performance featuring Will Carter | 6-7:30PM Christian Country Concert SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 | 12-1PM Featuring Justin Todd Herod! Texas Country Music Awards Show SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 | 6PM Featuring Roger Creager, Terry McBride & The Ride, Bailey Rae Billy Bob’s Texas | TICKETS FROM
Texas Country music Event Of The Year! FOR


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Mercy, Mercy

By Static

Wakanda Forever

By Kristian Lin

11 4

INSIDE 4 Metro 1 6 Metro 2 8 Metro 3 10 Buck U

Cover image courtesy the artist Courtesy Marvel Studios 11 Screen 13 N&D 15 Eats & Drinks 19 Music

Cold Turkey

By Laurie James

Hazy Daze

By Steve Steward

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Anthony Mariani, Edward Brown, Emmy Smith
The charismatic Northside church is now training politicians.

Cult Lite?

Our advice: Don’t drink the punch at Mercy Culture Church’s new Candidate University.

Yep, still blocked. Our Instagram account made one too many (read: maybe a couple dozen by now) posts about Pastor Landon Schott’s charismatic church run by Realtors who coerce congregants to “expand territory” by buying property they can’t afford through one of Mercy Culture’s elders. Uh, grift much?

No publication has taken a deeper dive into the inner workings of this growing and dangerous church than yours truly, and we do it not just from a sense of journalistic duty but a sincere concern that Schott and his QAnon-quoting quacks represent a clear and present danger to democracy and human de cency. Our reporters have spoken to current and former church members; human traffick ing victims who allege emotional and spiritual abuse by Mercy Culture elders and pastors; area residents frankly terrified that a law en forcement raid on the compound is likely if not inevitable; and students at nearby Mercy Prep who allege child abuse is condoned by school administrators.

Yet no matter how many victims flee Mercy Culture to recount horror stories from within the Northside compound, its plague continues to spread like gay-bashing locusts across Fort Worth. The newest Mercy Culture installment is possibly its most troubling yet.

Candidate University is one of Mercy Culture’s “housed visions” that openly invites political candidates to “stand for righteous ness,” which, based on Schott’s Instagram sto ries that are regularly #ScreenSchotted by our loyal readers, means they stand for anything Fox Nation’s red-faced pundits spew to other presumably red-faced viewers who tremble at the idea that love could somehow be defined outside the straight, white, evangelical para digm.


The $100 eight-week course is dedicat ed to “raising up Godly activists, campaign team members, and candidates,” based on one Instagram post from Candidate University organizers. “The time is now to mobilize the church with truth in the face of cancel culture by equipping them with training and strategy to fight for righteousness in government. This is how we wake up our city.”

Fort Worth has already woken up to the dangers posed by Mercy Culture’s toxic blend of far-right bigotry and convoluted misinter pretations of Christianity. The cancel culture quip is pretty hilarious given Schott’s thinskinned reputation for blocking anyone who posts a snarky comment to his Instagram sto ries or his posts.

That’s something Schott and Republican county judge Tim O’Hare share in common — intolerance of anything resembling criticism. Missing from O’Hare’s candidate Facebook page are negative comments. He must be per fect.

By the time this paper hits stands across Tarrant County, the race between Democrat county judge candidate Deborah Peoples and CRT conspiracy loving O’Hare will likely have been settled. Despite federal laws that ban churches from endorsing candidates, O’Hare has attended Mercy Culture church services where Schott openly called on congregants to vote for him.

Last month, O’Hare, this time joined by Republican DA candidate Phil Sorrells, attended a Mercy Culture sermon in which Schott blasted anyone who didn’t buy into his warped trans-bashing, conspiracy-loving worldview as wicked.

“But the moment you start stepping out side the four walls of the church and expand ing territory, and taking back territory, wicked people don’t like it,” Schott said.

The list of local Republicans in bed with the Christian Nationalism movement is shock ing but not surprising. Disgraced outgoing DA Sharen Wilson endorsed O’Hare early this year, even as the Southlaker openly spewed baseless lies about his Republican primary opponent at the time. Betsy Price, based on O’Hare’s bullshit press releases, is a riot-loving Marxist. The idea that a pathological liar like O’Hare could become the county’s highest elected official is terrifying and a damning re flection of how Cult 45 has brainwashed much of this country into believing the Big Lie, that largely peaceful protests somehow equal riots, and that transgender kids are a threat to any one.

There is little that can be said to be merci ful or Christian about Mercy Culture Church and its growing movement to push their Fox Nation views on Fort Worthians under the guise of faith. Any future with Candidate University graduates in power would be dark. Based on our extensive conversations with

former church members and Schott’s public statements, Catholics are not Christians in the eyes of Mercy Culture leaders. Neither are Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, or any other denomination. The only true Christians, according to Schott, are fellow nondenomina tional charismatic churchgoers who believe God gives certain disciples superpowers.

Schott believes he has supernatural pow ers. His visions somehow predict “housed vi

sions” that position Mercy Culture Church to gain more power and more money. Because, ya know, Jesus was all about the grift. l

This column reflects the opinions of the ed itorial board and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit a column, please email Editor An thony Mariani at He will gently edit it for factuality, clarity, and concision.

Courtesy Twitter Courtesy Instagram
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Promotional support provided by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Two Women at a Window, c. 1655–60, oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Widener Collection, 1942.9.46 This exhibition is organized by the Kimbell Art Museum. The Kimbell Art Museum is supported in part by Arts Fort Worth, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.

Unanswered Cries

A Fort Worth mother blames inaction by local law enforcement for her daughter’s suicide.

In a March report, Fort Worth police de scribe frantic attempts to save the life of Sierra Roundtree. An unnamed resident of Cameron Creek Apartments in southwest Fort Worth saw the young mother hang ing by the neck from a private third-floor balcony. After yelling, “Don’t do it!,” the resident ran inside to call 911.

The report indicates that police and first responders made multiple attempts to enter the apartment forcibly to save Sierra before her husband, Cory Osborne, let the officers inside.

“Cory said that Sierra was intoxicated and told her she could sleep in the bed room,” the report reads. She “fell asleep in the living room,” next to the balcony.

Sierra’s mother, Jen Roundtree, learned of her daughter’s suicide attempt, then frantically spoke to police and coun ty officials about establishing a protective order to keep Osborne from the 2-year-old daughter he shared with Sierra in their apartment.

The mother alleges that Osborne rou tinely abused Sierra and their daughter. Jen believes his alleged history of violence — along with inaction by local law enforce ment — led to Sierra’s decision to end her

life. Sierra struggled with depression and bipolar disorder, Jen said, but she was nev er suicidal.

Doctors at John Peter Smith Hospital took Sierra off life support 11 days after her attempt. She was 25.

Based on records from the Texas De partment of Public Safety, Osborne was ar rested in mid-2019 for assaulting and stran gulating Sierra. The Class A misdemeanor was lowered by Dallas County prosecutors to a Class C offense — the lowest level in Texas. The day after Sierra died, Jen emailed the Dallas district attorney’s office to vent her anger at the prosecutors who al legedly failed to take the offense seriously.

“I would really like to know who was responsible for pleading this case down to a simple assault,” Jen wrote. “The victim, my daughter, is now dead. The police had been out to her house several times and still no one arrested this monster. He sat in the apartment for TEN MINUTES while neighbors, police, and EMTs were beating on the door. Do you know where my beau tiful daughter was? Hanging by her neck from the back porch.”

The Dallas district attorney’s office did not return my requests for comment, and when I called Osborne, he hung up on me after I mentioned I was working on a story about Sierra Roundtree.

Intimate partner violence will affect one in three women in Tarrant County at some point in their lives, according to the local district attorney’s office. The pandem ic saw a spike in the number of deaths tied to domestic violence, based on findings by the Texas Council on Domestic Violence, a nonprofit coalition dedicated to creating safer communities.

Sierra’s friend, Jim Kavanagh, told me that Sierra called him several times over the course of their five-year friendship to recount interactions with police.

“A couple of months before she died, [Osborne] strangled her so hard that she passed out,” Kavanagh alleges. She added that Osborne would “wait for her to pass out and strangle her again.”

Jen began investigating Osborne’s interactions with law enforcement in the weeks after her daughter’s death. Over the past two years, police in Fort Worth and Weatherford, two areas where Sierra lived, reported several incidents of alleged do mestic abuse by Osborne against Sierra but

never arrested him. Jen said Fort Worth police have taken no responsibility for fail ing to protect her daughter. Jen shared with me a recent email exchange she had with a Parker County sheriff’s department officer who, rather than address her concerns, re plied with a boilerplate description of how to file a complaint.

The grandmother now fears for her granddaughter’s life.

“I’m scared to death,” she told me. “I’m concerned for my grandbaby.”

The warning signs erupted in January. That’s when a 911 call alerted law enforce ment of possible domestic abuse at Sierra’s Cameron Creek residence.

“Fort Worth police department,” the operator answers. “What’s the address you’re calling from?”

The caller, a neighbor, then tells the operator that Sierra and Osborne are argu ing.

“He is saying he is going to hit her,” the caller says. “She was yelling for help. I think he slammed her against the wall. They have a little girl, and I can hear her crying.”

A Fort Worth police incident report confirms that three officers — listed by last names only as Davachi, Johnson, and Jorgensen — arrived on scene shortly after,

on page 7
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Sierra Roundtree was full of life and kind, her mother Jen Roundtree said.

but no details of the interactions between law enforcement and Osborne and Sier ra were recorded. Jen provided me with a screenshot of Sierra’s text message conver sation the following day with her younger sister, who will remain anonymous to pro tect her privacy.

Sierra: The cops showed up at my house.

Sister: What. Why?

Sierra: I guess a neighbor heard Cory beating me.

Sister: Did they arrest him?

Sierra: No.

Referring to the above incident, a Fort Worth police spokesperson said in an email that officers spoke with Sierra at length and gathered information about the alleged as sault.

“Officers explained to Mrs. Roundtree that the main priority for officers is to en sure the safety of herself and her child,” the spokesperson said. “All occupants of the apartment then exited the apartment and walked into the breezeway. Officers were able to observe Mrs. Roundtree, Cory, and the young child. Officers did not observe any injuries on either party, nor did Mrs. Roundtree inform anyone that a physical altercation may have occurred. Officers did verify that Mrs. Roundtree felt safe with Cory remaining at the apartment.”

Kavanagh said Sierra would call him after every police interaction, which he said totaled more than a handful. He believes that having an alleged abuser in her home likely made her reluctant to make an outcry to police, especially after she had seen po lice let her husband off repeatedly.

Parker County law enforcement docu mented two possible incidents of domestic abuse by Osborne against Sierra that did not result in arrests. On April 18, 2019, unnamed Weatherford police officers were dispatched to a Weatherford RaceTrac to re spond to a 911 call by Sierra. Based on the report, Sierra said her nails were broken from defending herself from Osborne and that Osborne had punched and choked her shortly before she fled to the convenience store. The officers noted marks on Sierra and busted nails but, for reasons that are unclear from the report, declined to arrest Osborne.

Kavanagh witnessed the officers’ in teractions with Osborne and Sierra at the RaceTrac. Kavanagh said Osborne played up his short stint in the Navy while de scribing his wife as an alcoholic with men tal health problems.

The officers “were so against her,” Ka vanagh said. “They told me, ‘Why are you interfering with this situation?’ I said, ‘The girl is getting abused. Shouldn’t you be fo cused on that?’ ”

Ten days later, Parker County sheriff deputies responded to a domestic distur

bance at a Weatherford apartment where Sierra lived at the time.

“Sergeant Barnes and I arrived on scene and made contact with the complainant, Si erra Roundtree,” the report reads. “I asked Sierra what happened, and she told me that she and [Osborne] were arguing. He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall. Roundtree said she got her phone and called 911 and left the scene. I saw in the living room broken glass.”

Osborne told the officers that Sierra had been drinking.

“Due to conflicting stories and lack of evidence, no arrests were made,” the report concludes.

The Parker County sheriff’s depart ment did not respond to my requests for comment.

Kavanagh said he often wonders if he could have saved Sierra’s life by inter vening in some way. A few days before the attempted suicide that ultimately led to her death, he said they argued. Kavanagh voiced his frustration over Sierra’s refusal to leave Osborne. Kavanagh said if he had known that was the last time he would see his friend, he would have been more concil iatory toward her.

Although Sierra was critical of her ability to mother her 2-year-old, she loved her daughter deeply, Kavanagh said.

He scrolled through several videos of the mother and daughter together. In one clip, her daughter giddily laughs as she feeds a flock of ducks. Kavanagh said he hopes to one day see the little girl so he can tell her what a loving, kind, and talented mother she had.

Osborne “should have been found to be a habitual offender and put in jail for a long time,” Kavanagh said, his anguish turning to anger. “There were so many in cidents before this that the police did not take seriously.”

Kavanagh recounted a conversation he had with Sierra in which she wondered how many women are out there who live in abusive relationships that no one knows about.

Jen said she cannot have closure un til she knows the details of her daughter’s death, information that necessarily in cludes why law enforcement didn’t help her. Based on open records requests Jen shared with me, the Parker County sher iff’s department recently blocked her re quest for bodycam footage tied to the April 2019 RaceTrac incident. The mother said Fort Worth police never took the possibil ity that Osborne played a role in Sierra’s death seriously.

The Fort Worth police spokesperson said his department has zero tolerance for domestic violence or abuse and treats every domestic violence situation with great im portance. Officers frequently refer victims to One Safe Place (1100 Hemphill St, 817916-4323), where they receive immediate aid and resources.

As an organ donor, Sierra was able to save at least three lives, Jen said.

“Her heart went to someone in Califor nia,” the mother said. “I just hope that per son can feel the kindness that Sierra always carried with her in her heart.” l

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Aerospace Coatings,
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Metro continued from page 6
applied to
Texas Commission on Environmental
No. 99974, which would authorize
operation of an Aircraft Painting Facility located at 4601 North Main Street, Hanger 39N, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76106. Additional information concerning this application is contained in the public notice section of this newspaper.


Running Amok

“There is so much money backing Be navides, she thinks she’s above the law,” said a concerned parent who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation.

Most of Benavides’ backing comes from the far-right Patriot Mobile Action Com mittee, whose stated mission is to financial ly back conservative candidates running for school board in North Texas to “save Ameri ca” from “woke politics,” whatever they are.

“If [Benavides] can violently attack someone and remain seated as a representa tive of our school district, what message does that send to our kids?” the parent continued.


by a conservative majority, Mansfield ISD can openly ignore a racist viral photo and an assault charge against a trustee.

A disturbing image began circulating social media among Mansfield residents over the weekend.

In the photo, a young white male holds a noose around the neck of a young Black male on his knees next to the sign, “Healthy [racial slur] for sale. If interest ed, visit Summit baseball team,” referring to Summit High School in the Mansfield school district.

The image took off shortly after a school board trustee was arrested for assault and Mansfield ISD sent parents a letter saying that despite being jailed[,] Bianca Benavides Anderson would remain on the school board for another three years.

“I just don’t understand how someone with an assault charge on their record isn’t allowed to help with school activities or go on field trips with their children, yet this woman who was just incarcerated for assault last week will remain a trustee on our school board.”

A few days before the image went vi ral, a student told me she was frustrated with the board’s apathy toward a violent offender in a leadership position. “I’m wor ried about what might happen if the board looks the other way on this because that could send a message to students that as long as someone in Mansfield has enough money and privilege, they can pretty much do whatever they want.”

Many parents I talked to are also wor ried that if Mansfield ISD leadership can also ignore a racist viral image, there may be no end to the violence that leadership is inciting against non-whites and non-Christians.

The student’s parents, who also wished to remain anonymous, agreed with her, say ing, “We were shocked at the indifference the district is showing about an elected of ficial being allowed to assault someone and continue making decisions that will have a significant impact on the safety and welfare of our kids for at least three more years.”

Courtesy Mansfield ISD continued on page 9
Mansfield trustee Benavides still sits on the school board despite an assault charge against her.

Benavides did not return my request for comment.

Another parent who requested anonym ity brought up a mailer sent out by Bena vides’ campaign claiming that “woke poli tics” were to blame for the school shooting at Timberview High School in Mansfield last December, when a student and teacher were hospitalized. The parent thought it “shame ful” that a school district leader would use a gun attack in a country overrunning with them as campaign fodder, especially when one of Patriot Mobile’s foremost goals is to fight against common sense gun control.

“We are not coming at the issue of Trust ee Benavides’ assault charge from a place of anger,” the parent said. “We are coming from a place of healing and respect for our district standards. The students know about this, so if we just sweep it under the rug, it’s like we’re promoting ignorance, and isn’t that the opposite of what schools should be doing?”

Patriot Mobile Action more than came through on its promise to flood targeted school boards in North Texas with conser vative majorities through obscene cam paign donations never before seen in school board races. Patriot Mobile Action says it “launched its focus on four Tarrant Coun ty independent school districts (Southlake, Grapevine-Colleyville, Keller, and Mans

field). This advocacy resulted in 11 wins in four ISDs. That means over 100,000 North Texas students now have conservative lead ership majorities on their boards. That was just the beginning.”

Indeed, Patriot Mobile Action targeted Mansfield in February, and all four candi dates — Benavides, Keziah Valdes Farrar, Craig Tipping, and Courtney Lackey Wilson won. Now the district is controlled by a conservative majority.

The PAC is backed by Christian cell phone company Patriot Mobile, which has put more than $500,000 into supporting conservative candidates across North Texas since January. In addition to the hundreds of thousands in funding, Patriot Mobile boasts the services of Leigh Wambsganss, who has

over 30 years of experience managing polit ical campaigns.

Parents are wondering what a political expert formerly contracted by presidential campaigns is doing mobilizing parents in their district to ban books on gay pornogra phy — that don’t exist — and reject Critical Race Theory, a concept taught only in col leges. Many political experts argue that these newly trumpeted issues are merely distrac tions to beat back the progress made by Dem ocrats in education over the last few decades. Meanwhile, Democrats are focused on regain ing what was lost in education during the pandemic and the real crisis: a severe teacher shortage due to educators fed up with the po litical tensions and fleeing public schools for private or online teaching positions. l

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Reality Check

what they aren’t. I’m not dragging in garbage sacks of doom and gloom, but I want my read ership to be the most eloquent and educated, as well as realistic, of college football fanatics. Homers just spout on about how great their teams are, and there are plenty out there. We Frog fans can be better than that.

Most obviously, TCU is a team of vet erans who find ways to win games. Quentin Johnston (#1), our beloved deep threat, saw limited action against the Mountaineers and didn’t play any meaningful snaps against Tech. Johnston’s absence was significant, and Tech’s large defensive backs did an admirable job of holding Max Duggan (#15) and compa ny in check for the majority of the game. Still, TCU is one of the most explosive units in the country and has been able to score quickly, regardless of personnel, against everyone they’ve played. Dykes has turbocharged this group that is Top 5 in both scoring and yards per game. The Frogs also have more 50-plus yard plays than anyone in the country.

Santa Chaos came bombing down the College Football Playoff selection committee’s chim ney on Saturday. Clemson was shellacked by an average Notre Dame squad that doesn’t re ally have a passing attack. LSU’s Chip Kelly solidified his procreation sacks as some of the biggest in the country by going for two in the first overtime to beat Alabama, and Tennes see looked absolutely pedestrian at Georgia as the reigning champs made Rocky Top’s previously prolific offense seem like a scout team of walk-ons. Almost every positive but terfly effect in the college football universe fluttered in favor of the Frogs on Saturday, and now our boys are ranked fourth in the AP after graduating with a degree in besting Tech by beating them for the fourth con secutive time, thanks to 21 fourth-quarter points from Sonny Dykes’ offense, which just couldn’t seem to gain traction until then.

Now that TCU is among just four un beaten outfits in the country, it’s time for a reality check about what the Frogs are and

Conversely, this offense is poor in the red zone and can’t always be trusted to con vert short-yardage plays. The Frogs failed all three fourth-down conversions against the Red Raiders, who also failed on three of their six attempts on Saturday. Despite the purple O’s shortcomings, they’re excellent, border ing on elite, based on how fast they can score and how quickly they can pivot from out of rhythm to trotting into the end zone from midfield.

Also, maybe obviously, Joe Gillespie’s defense isn’t great. While improved from last season, TCU’s D ranks at the bottom half of almost every meaningful statistic with the ex ception of interceptions and passes defended. The puzzling phenomenon is that the Froggie defense is much better after halftime, when they’ve given up 102 total second half points through nine games, just slightly more than 11 per. For context, SMU and Kansas scored 56 of them, so clamping down against confer ence opponents late hasn’t been an issue. Yet, and rightfully so, the dichotomy of the purple offense and defense is what keeps the Haterade flowing regarding the purple and white being serious playoff contenders, which is fair. Both Michigan and Ohio State are Top 10 in both

scoring offense and defense, and Georgia (the other unbeaten) is close.

All the aforementioned considered, TCU’s only play is to continue winning in the most balanced conference in the coun try, and that means facing Texas and our own founding father, Gary “MFing” Patterson, in Austin for both teams’ second appearance on College Gameday this season. TCU, who has lost only once against the spread this year, is a seven-point road underdog despite facing a team with three actual losses, two against teams the Frogs have already beaten. Patter son-coached Frogs beat UT in seven of the last nine meetings, and the last three games — the most recent of which when Jerry Kill was coaching was won by the burnt orange — have been decided by a combined 17 points. Sta tistically, the Longhorns are a more balanced squad than TCU, with their offense leading the way and their decent defense trying to de fend leads. However, this MO hasn’t proved successful, as the capital dwellers have be come one of the best in the nation at blowing double-digit advantages. Come to think of it,

TCU might be the best team in the country at clawing themselves out of an early hole. How ever, it would be in Dykes’ and every purple fan’s interest if the Frogs played four complete quarters. Their performances in Morgantown and against Tech probably won’t cut it against the Longhorns. Patterson, naturally, will be looking to show the TCU athletic adminis tration they made a mistake by ousting him before he was ready, though beating Dykes is something he’s yet to be able to do.

Johnston’s availability — even if only limited — could be a huge factor. Also, Dee Winters (#13), TCU’s best linebacker, will have to sit out for the first half because of a second-half targeting call against a Tech re ceiver. The Frogs have the advantage of pos sessing the only elite unit on the field, but can their overpowering offense, combined with a below-average defense, beat Texas’ good offense and average defense? These squads tend to play close games, but I’d bet on the experience of the undefeated squad and their quarterback who has already beaten UT twice during his career. l

It’s time for fans to make peace with the realistic identity of the 9-0 heart-attack Frogs.
Kendre Miller eclipsed 1,000 yards for the season on Saturday as the junior collected his 12th rushing score this year.
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Courtesy TCU Athletics


Throw Up the X

The king is dead. Long live the queen.

When I reviewed Black Panther, I said that we hadn’t seen the limits of what Ryan Coogler could do. Surely Black Panther: Wakanda For ever represents the sternest challenges to his considerable powers. Lead actor Chadwick Boseman died in the summer of 2020 still be lieving that he was going to survive to film the sequel, and so he never informed Coogler about his cancer. After considering and thankfully re jecting the idea of early retirement, Coogler had some rewrites to do. The resulting movie seeks to pay tribute to the late actor’s memory while also delivering the thrills we expect from a Mar vel superhero movie, and the two objectives do not sit easily alongside each other.

Will anyone care, though? The audience needs both things, and the film’s execution of

both things is reasonably good. It’ll be up to wearisome nerds like me to point out the se quel’s shortcomings, but I’ll also say the mov ie helps us grieve the actor and the character both taken from us too soon. Don’t underesti mate what that means.

After a striking montage depicting King T’Challa’s funeral rites, the story begins in ear nest a year afterward, when Ramonda (Angela Bassett) has assumed the throne and Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o) has absconded to Haiti to run a school. There is no Black Panther pro tecting Wakanda now, and vultures are cir cling the country’s resources. A French raid on vibranium supplies is swiftly repelled, but the Americans manage something worse when they search for the metal on the ocean floor. They instead awaken Talokan, a civilization of water-breathing merfolk led by the flying Mayan serpent god K’uk’ulkan, a.k.a. Nam or (Tenoch Huerta), who holds vast undersea

storages of vibranium and is willing to destroy Wakanda and other land-based countries to protect those. Namor spirits Shuri (Letitia Wright) to his ocean kingdom, and she’s angry enough at the world over her brother’s death that she just might join him.

The women take center stage after the king’s death, especially when Shuri and Okoye (Danai Gurira) recruit MIT student Riri Wil liams (Dominique Thorne), who’s targeted by Namor because she invented a vibranium de tector as part of a class project and inadvertently started all this. The highly amusing scene where they meet provides some comic counterweight to the remembrances of T’Challa. Wright has the heaviest emotional scenes, and she’s up to the challenge of portraying someone who has thrown herself into her work to avoid dealing with her grief. Meanwhile, Winston Duke’s M’Baku continues to show uncommon politi cal finesse for a large guy who swings a club on

the battlefield, and Bassett receives perhaps her best showcase since What’s Love Got to Do With It? almost 30 years ago. Ramonda roars like a lioness as she comes down on her general for losing her one surviving child.

Still, the film lags a bit when Shuri has her first look at Talokan — the original film’s Afrofuturist aesthetic made it feel spine-tin glingly new, and this movie’s pre-Columbian city with advanced technology doesn’t make the same impact. The same goes when Namor floods Wakanda’s capital city, though the cli mactic battle at sea gives us an intriguing look at Wakandan shipbuilding techniques. It’s worth making the point that Black Africans aren’t the only people dealing with the legacy of European colonization, but the metaphor here isn’t as resonant as it was in Black Pan ther, and Namor isn’t as memorable a villain as Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger.

Even so, Coogler and co-writer Joe Robert Cole give us some solid nuggets of entertain ment, such as Okoye’s car chase with Boston police followed by a spear fight with Talokan soldiers. Shuri journeys to the ancestral plane and finds someone completely unexpected waiting for her there, and the justice she dis penses when she defeats Namor strikes me as a wise compromise. The post-credit sequence provides one last bit of closure about T’Challa, and it should send fans of the Black Panther out of the theater satisfied. Maybe that was the hardest task facing this imperfect sequel. It gets that part right. l

Donning traditional African funeral attire, Letitia Wright is angry enough at T’Challa’s death to join the other side in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Courtesy Marvel Studios Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Starring Letitia Wright and Lupita Nyong’o. Directed by Ryan Coogler. Written by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole. Rated PG-13.
FORT WORTH WEEKLY NOVEMBER 9-15, 2022 12 What causes self-doubt? Find out. BUY AND READ DIANETICS The Modern Science of Mental Health BY L. RON HUBBARD Price: $25.00 Available in bookstores in Fort Worth, TX ®

Fort Worth’s newest live mu sic venue, Tannahill’s Tavern & Music Hall (122 E Ex change St, Ste 200, Tannahills. com) hosts its first benefit. At 7pm, attend the Adoption Rocks Concert & Dinner, featur ing Americana/roots rock artist Ryan Bingham with proceeds benefiting the Gladney Center for Adoption. Along with the concert, tickets include a three-course meal and an open bar. Tickets are $500 per person at

Fort Worth’s first Veterans Day celebration was in 1919 when an armistice procession came through downtown in honor of those who had fought in World War I, and we’ve had an annual parade ever since. This year’s Tarrant County Veterans Day Parade is a salute to Buffalo Soldiers, African Americans who mainly served on the Western Front following the Civil War. At 11am, the parade will begin in the park ing lot of Panther Island Pavilion (395 Purcey St, 817-698-0700) and proceed down North Forest Park Boulevard along the Clearfork of the Trinity River and back. There is no cost to attend. For more info, visit

them IRL? We thought so. Join us in District 90 at Lola’s Fort Worth (2000 W Berry St, Lolas and Smokestack 1948 (2836 Stanley Av, 817-201-4709) for a free Music Showcase 5pm-11pm, featuring nominees Royal Sons, Arenda Light, Squeezebox Bandits, Celestial L’amour, 88 Killa, Novakain, Sagemode Wrex, Chasing Ren, and Darrin Kobetich. Set times will be announced soon, so keep an eye on Face

If last night’s showcase left you wanting something harder than straight-up rock ’n’ roll, Rub ber Gloves (411 E Sycamore St, Denton, 940-594-22007) has the show for you. Grindcore Monday starts at 7pm and fea tures hardcore/thrash legends Napalm Death with labelmates Frozen Soul of North Texas (founded in Fort Worth, currently from Dallas), deathgrind outfit Brujeria from Mexico, and the notoriously left-leaning hardcore punk band MDC. (I’ll just let you google that acronym yourself.) Tickets are $25 at

Hosted by two-time Academy of Country Music award win ner Jack Ingram, the national ly syndicated TV series The Texas Music Scene features both new artists and legendary performers in Americana, folk, roots, singer-songwriter, and Texas country and can be seen in North Texas on KTXA-TV INDY 5pm5:30pm every Saturday. At 6pm today, you can be a part of the live audience at the TMS Live Taping at Billy Bob’s Texas (2520 Rodeo Plz, 817-624-7117), featuring performances by Wil liam Beckmann, Jamie Lin Wilson, and The Wilder Blue. The cover is $5, and parking is free.

Thru Sat, Nov 19, see Koda chrome by Adam Szymko wicz at Circle Theatre (230 W 4th St, 817-877-3040) at 7:30pm Thu, 8pm Fri, and 3pm or 8pm Sat. In the small town of Colchester, where everybody knows one another, town photographer Suzanne lets us peek into her neighbors’ lives to catch glimpses of romance in all its stages of develop ment. Kodachrome is a play about “love, nostal gia, the seasons, and how we learn to say good bye.” Tickets start at $35 at

As you know by now, we’ve brought back our Music Awards for 2022. During the voting phase of Best Of 2022, our readers were invited to write in their favorite local musicians in a few select categories, and the top five of each became the Music Awards nominees. Voting is open thru Sun, Nov 27, at, and you can find links to check out the bands online in last week’s Music feature. But wouldn’t you like to hear some of

Attend a screening of Pray Away and join the conversation about “conversion therapy” at Stage West Wednesday.

At 6:30pm, come to Stage West Theatre (821 W Vickery Blvd, 817-784-9378) for a free screening of the 2021 Netflix documentary Pray Away by Multitude Films and a panel discussion with survivors of the “conversion therapy” movement, faith leaders from Broadway Baptist Church, and LGBTQ advocates and mental health experts from The HELP Center for LGBT Health & Wellness.

See small-town life and love through the lens of a hometown photographer in Kodachrome at Circle
thru Sat, Nov 19. Courtesy Taystan
Friday 11 Thursday 10 NIGHT & DAY
Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 Monday 14 Sunday 13 Saturday 12
Courtesy Multitude Films
By Jennifer Bovee
FORT WORTH WEEKLY NOVEMBER 9-15, 2022 14 In Sundance Square Garage #3: 325 W Third Street Weekdays – 2.5 hours of FREE self-parking (with sales receipt) for Sundance customers 6A to 6P Weeknights – FREE self-parking 6P to 3A (M-Thurs) Weekends – Free self-parking Fri 6P to Sun 3A At Squoze we want to bring the magic of our cold pressed organic juice philosophy to our beloved Fort Worth community. Made in Fort Worth for Fort Worth Cooking classes, afternoon teas and private events. Located inside the 3rd Street Market. Husband- Wife foodie duo: Trent Shaskan (Icon Bread) & Dena Peterson Shaskan (formerly Café Modern Chef). The sourdough bread bar offers fresh baked breads, soups, salads and sandwiches. Also, featuring rotating coffee selections, fresh pressed juices, wine and beer. Great place to watch artisan bread in the making, relax and visit. FREE PARKING IN SUNDANCE SQUARE 425 W. 3RD ST. | 817-310-1000 | MON-SAT 9A-7P NOW OPEN

EATS & drinks

Holiday Heartburn

If last year’s supply chain madness wasn’t bad enough, this year’s bird flu might Scrooge your holiday table.

As you prepare your menu for your Thanks giving feast, brace for sticker shock. This year, drought in most of the Midwest led to higher costs for feed and water for turkey farmers, and a highly lethal avian flu reduced the turkey pop ulation substantially. The resulting twin-demic led to a 70% increase in prices this fall. Accord ing to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, turkey flocks in 42 states, including Texas, are

affected. The bug hit small growers harder than commercial flocks. Turkey breast meat is up to $6.50 per pound, more than $2 per pound over the cost during the COVID pandemic in 2020.

It’s not just the big factory-to-frozen turkey enterprises –– local producers have felt the pinch, too. Prairie Oasis Farms (1020 Fox Rd, Milsap, 817-550-7022) has provided pasture-raised poultry and meat for over two decades to local consumers and through the Cowtown Farmers Market.

“We didn’t have a problem getting our turkey chicks in, but the drought hurt us,” said owner Kim Boone.

As for your Christmas holiday rib roast or your Hanukkah brisket, you’ll feel the impact with the prices of beef as well. The price of brisket has jumped along with the cost of everything else — this trend has been ongoing since 2019. Part of the increased in cost is due to drought conditions that have lingered for a third year. Brisket prices are currently up between 30 and 40%.

Restaurateur Jill Bergus grew up as part of barbecue royalty. Her grandfather purchased the legendary Kreuz Market, which has operat ed in Lockhart for close to 150 years, just after World War II. Her cousin Keith Schmidt is the third generation of the family to own the restau rant and smokehouse. Bergus and husband Jeff Bergus opened Lockhart Smokehouse 11 years ago, with the first location in the Bishop Arts District in Oak Cliff. The second location, in Arlington at Texas Live! (1650 E Randol Mill Rd, 817-769-1747), opened just before the COVID shutdown. The supply line shortages post-pandemic have been well-documented, but Bergus says that this year, right after things seemed to be getting back on track, she noticed a marked difference in the quality of the brisket

she was receiving from her supplier.

“The cattle supply in the summer, people were slaughtering early, and maybe the meat hadn’t been finished,” she said. “And getting quality workers who know what they’re look ing at, with the tightening of the labor market, has been a challenge.”

It’s odd to think that here in Texas, where we produce a lot of beef, there would be any kind of shortage of meat, but according to Ber gus, most of the beef comes from the Midwest, where the drought has been particularly un kind to ranchers.

“A lot of the cattle in Texas is specialty, and it’s already spoken for,” she said. “It comes down to food sustainability. As we keep deal ing with climate change, it’s kind of Whac-AMole as to what’s going to be available.”

For restaurateurs or home ’cuers, brisket is a bit of a challenge. There are only two cuts

per animal, and they’re incredibly marbled, so you’re buying a lot of what you don’t eat.

“There’s an incredible amount of shrink on it,” Bergus said. “It’s nearly 50%, and I don’t get a discount on what shrinks away.”

In addition to a tight market, a drought, and increased demand, one fast food chain co-opted brisket for burgers. While most fastfood places have taken turkey off the menu due to supply, brisket is being used in ways it perhaps shouldn’t be.

“Arby’s did drive up the price of brisket during that promotion” of the Smokehouse Brisket Sandwich, Bergus said.

As far as turkey goes, Bergus says Lock hart Smokehouse has been without turkey breast for close to two months.

“We started experimenting with chicken quarters,” she said. “They’re a little easier to smoke, and people seem to like them.”

Turkey is back on their menu now, and the restaurant has a supply of turkeys, which they’ll sell pre-smoked for pickup.

Lockhart Smokehouse is joined by Hurta do Barbecue, which opened a third location, in Fort Worth last month. Owner Brandon Hur tado also felt the pinch of the poultry shortage, but at the time of this writing, you can still order a smoked 12- to 14-pound turkey, whole brisket, or glazed ham, along with the Mexicue sides like elote, brisket beans, or cheddar grits, for pickup on Nov 23 at the Arlington location only (205 E Front St, 682-990-3266).

Due to the scarcity, stalwart Local Foods Kitchen (4548 Hartwood Dr, 817-238-6464), which usually offers a pickup turkey option, opt ed not to even attempt turkey this year. A message on their website reads, “Due to a bad outbreak of continued on page 17

Courtesy Hurtado BBQ
Whole smoked turkeys will be available for preorder only along with the Mexi-cue sides at Hurtado BBQ.
FORT WORTH WEEKLY NOVEMBER 9-15, 2022 16 Oyster Bar The Original FTW Going on 50 years Fort Worth | 612 University COME ON IN! Same Great Food Retail Location OPENING SOON In River East! find out why we’re the best! ORDER ONLINE FOR IN-STORE PICKUP WWW. B IG K AT B URGERS.COM 903-363-5723 806-448-8810 NEW PERMANENT LOCATION 200 BRYAN AV NEAR SOUTHSIDE FWTX A TASTE OF VIETNAM in Near Southside FW BEST VIETNAMESE FOOD WINNER 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 "NEW MENU COMING SOON!" 2524 White Settlement Road Fort Worth • 817-265-3973 Small wares, pots & pans, and all kitchen essentials available to the public. Come see our showrooms! MON-FRI 8am-5:30pm Hot Deals At Cool Prices Stock your Kitchen at Mission!

avian flu this year, turkey suppliers are raising prices and delivering fewer birds to restaurants. … The market is very tight, so we have made the decision not to offer turkey or gravy.”

If it’s absolutely important to you to have a whole turkey on your Thanksgiving table, plan to buy ASAP and plan to be happy with a frozen bird that’s smaller and more expensive than last year’s. Waiting until Thanksgiving week to grab your bird is going to be a no-go.

“Lock in your orders early,” Bergus said. The advertised price for frozen Butterball turkey at most chain supermarkets is $1.99 a pound. At Central Market, fresh organic tur key (14-20 pounds) will run you $4.49. Whole Foods Market’s price for frozen turkeys is $2.49 a pound. Aldi Supermarkets was the winner at $1.09 a pound, with limits on how many you can purchase. In comparison, turkey costs last year ran about $1.15 per pound, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Here’s the catch: If you want anything larger than 14-16 pounds, you’re going to have to research and travel. My neighborhood Aldi had an endcap freezer full of Butterball frozen turkeys but none of them was over 15.5 pounds.

Cowtown Farmers Market (8901 Clifford St, White Settlement, 8am-noon Sat) has sev eral producers who may be able to help with organic, farm-raised meat, but if you were hop ing to order a bird locally for Thanksgiving, you may already be out of luck. Kim Boone of Prairie Oasis Farms said they opened their holiday turkey orders Oct 1, and the preorders were sold out the next day.

In truth, the pilgrims didn’t specifically have a heavy-breasted 20-pound turkey on their tables. According to source documents at the Smithsonian Institution, leaner wild fowl (possibly turkey, maybe duck), corn (in the form of bread and porridge), fish and shellfish, and maybe pumpkin were plentiful. White po tatoes (from South America), sweet potatoes and sugar (from the Caribbean), and grain weren’t introduced until years later.

For this Thanksgiving, you’re likely go ing to have a smaller turkey. Consider filling in the rest of the table with roasted winter-friend ly squash and root vegetables. The Cowtown Farmers Market is a good source of inspiration for a meatless or plant-forward meal, and Bec ca Knutson, manager and farmer at the mar ket, has provided one of her favorite plant-for ward recipes with products you can grab from the market, along with a few pantry staples.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Cinnamon But ternut Squash with Pecans and Cranberries “This roasted dish is one of my favorites to make during the winter holidays but is perfect for this chilly weather we’re having now! It uses several seasonal items that can be found at our market weekly.” From


Roasted Brussels Sprouts

3 cups Brussels sprouts ends trimmed, yel low leaves removed 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 teaspoon salt to taste

Roasted Butternut Squash

1 1/2 lb butternut squash peeled, seeded,

and cubed into 1-inch cubes (yields about 4 cups of uncooked cubed butternut squash)

2 tablespoons olive oil

3 tablespoons maple syrup

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 cups pecan halves

1 cup dried cranberries


How to Roast Brussels Sprouts

- Preheat oven to 400 F.

- Lightly grease the foil-lined baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

- Trim ends of Brussels sprouts and remove yellow leaves.

- Then slice all Brussels sprouts in half.

- In a medium bowl, combine halved Brus sels sprouts, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt (to taste), and toss to combine.

- Place onto a foil-lined baking sheet, cut side down, and roast in the oven at 400 F for about 20-25 minutes.

- During the last 5-10 minutes of roasting, turn them over for even browning. The cut sides should be nicely and partially charred but not blackened.

How to Roast Butternut Squash

- Preheat oven to 400 F.

- Lightly grease the foil-lined baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

- In a medium bowl, combine cubed but ternut squash (peeled and seeded), 1 table spoon of olive oil, maple syrup, and cinna mon, and toss to mix.

- Place butternut squash in a single layer on the baking sheet.

- Bake for 20-25 minutes, turning once half

way through baking, until softened.

- Toast pecans in the oven at 350 F.

- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

- Toast the pecans for about 5 minutes (may be a bit longer) until they get darker in color.

- In a large bowl, combine Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, pecans, and cranberries.

Radish Apple Relish

“Radishes are a great cool season crop here in North Texas. You can find them at the Cow town Farmers Market from October through April. One of my favorite recipes to make with radishes is this Radish Apple Relish from Me lissa’s Everyday Cooking with Organic Pro duce. It is a beautiful and delicious recipe. It is perfect for family and friend gatherings.”


6 radishes, diced

1/4 cup red onion, diced

1 red apple, finely diced

1 1/2 tablespoons fresh mint, minced

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice salt and pepper to taste

2/3 cup pecans, coarsely chopped

Pita bread or crackers and soft cheese, for serving


- Combine radishes, onion, apple, mint, oil, and juice in a medium bowl.

- Season with salt and pepper and toss to combine.

- Serve with wedges or pita bread or crack ers and a soft spreadable cheese (like yogurt cheese, burrata, or mascarpone) l

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A Stem Afternoon

The dub collective’s Bandit from Beyond neatly captures the anxiety of the times.

After seven years of shows, Stem Afternoon finally has a studio recording. Currently composed of Mykyl Garcia on drums and trumpet, James Velasco on guitar, DJ FTdub on turntables and sampler, and producer Clint Niosi on keyboards, the long-run ning dub collective’s new album Bandit from Beyond sounded like the appropriate soundtrack for a lengthy cruise in my car

during a moment of national anxiety. I was headed to interview the band at Niosi’s Or ange Otter studios, found in a converted Tuff Shed in a residential neighborhood south of Seminary Drive, and to give the recording its due, I waited until I’d crossed the West 7th/Camp Bowie/University Clusterfuck before I pressed play. Once I’d cleared that minor circle of hell, Stem Afternoon’s new LP (available on Bandcamp and Spotify) proved to be as cinematic as I’d hoped, a spa cious, minor-key accompaniment to what I will always think of as the Weekend Before the Fascists Took Over Congress. The sev en-song release, tracked live in-studio and mixed and mastered by Niosi, matched my sense of impending dread. I’m a Democrat. I’m writing this before Election Day. You can probably guess how I was feeling at the moment, and Stem Afternoon’s record, a foreboding soundscape of jangly Spaghetti Western-inspired guitars, splashy cymbals, and murmuring, psych-slurred samples was the sonic manifestation of my anxiety.

I’m projecting, of course. If you get emails from Marjorie Taylor Greene and then send her money, you are probably as anxious as I am. I do not want to ascribe any of my own political beliefs to Stem After noon, because the vibe of this collection of songs is edgy no matter where you fall on the right-to-left spectrum — if you’re conserva tive and biting your nails about the future direction of this country, this record is just as applicable to your worries as it is to mine. But as I fret about how election deniers and

continued on page 21

Art by Mykyl Garcia, courtesy the artist

anti-abortionists will fare in the aftermath of Tuesday, well, these seven tracks kind of say what I’m thinking, even if the only lyrics are gauzy samples obscured beneath layers of filters and effects. Again, I don’t want to project my own beliefs on this band, but, damn, if they don’t make a good soundtrack for pervasive unease.

Stem Afternoon came about in 2015, following the dissolution of a couple bands that multi-instrumentalist Garcia had been a part of.

“I played in a couple instrumental bands OK James, Drift Era — and it was good times, but they [dissolved] from creative dif ferences,” he said. “We just stopped doing it, but with this one, I told myself, ‘Man, I’m gonna keep going.’ It became a ‘dub collec tive.’ That’s the best way to put it.”

Along with Garcia and Velasco, the outfit included bassist Mercedes Gloria and drummer Santiago Ryan. Their first show was at the short-lived house venue House of the Rising Thumb.

“And from there, it kind of spiraled up,” Garcia said. “We played a lot.”

After performances at Fortress Fest, the Sam Gallery, and MASS, Garcia said they “started off wanting to be kind of a trip-hop instrumental thing.”

For a while, Stem Afternoon played shows that were often 45 minutes of jam ming, a testament to the participants’ de votion to the Cosmic Nod. They went with what sounded good within the inspirational blueprint of bands like Mogwai, Portishead, and Massive Attack. They recorded jams at their rehearsal space and uploaded them to

YouTube. Their first shows were kind of a big deal, then COVID hit, and the collec tive’s rhythm team went their separate ways, leaving just Garcia and Velasco.

“We were just kind of figuring out what direction we wanted to take it,” Gar cia said, “so I moved to drums and trumpet. I had bought [Niosi’s] record “Panorama Avenue,” and I had known him for a while. The B-side to that record was all synth and drone, and I thought, ‘Man, that would be cool to get him to play with us.’ ”

Stem Afternoon booked time with Nio si, and the songwriter/producer’s noir-esque aesthetic was a perfect match for the moody, cinematic ideas that Garcia and Velasco made happen with their vibey percussion and angsty, reverb-y guitar.

What struck me about the recording was how big it sounded. The space between the drums and the guitars sounds like a hundred empty miles stretched across a desert landscape, very much in line with Niosi’s ambient solo material and that of wife Claire Hecko’s Frosty project. Seeing that that sound was achieved in a Tuff Shed in a backyard — and tracked live with a bare minimum of overdubs — was kind of mind-blowing in itself. Garcia and Velasco’s collective is rooted in live improvisation, yet their album sounds very much intention al, and in that regard, the recording is that much more impressive.

Velasco’s song titles, however, are play ful puns that reclaim the seriousness of existing art, so as sinister as his and Gar cia’s compositions end up sounding, they are not without a sense of humor. But even when you hear a song with a title that pokes fun at Ted Nugent, well, the music is still made for these times. If you had to make a movie about life in 2022, Stem Afternoon’s Bandit from Beyond is as good as you could hope for. l



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Companies Offering

Travel Accommodations: According to the New York Times, the following companies have said they would cover travel expenses for employees who need abortions: Airbnb, DoorDash, JP Morgan Chase, Levi Strauss & Co, Netflix, Patagonia, Reddit, Starbucks, Tesla, and Yelp. Additionally, NowThis has listed the following companies also offering the same assistance to employees: Amazon, Apple, BuzzFeed, Citigroup, Comcast, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Lyft, Mastercard, Meta, Microsoft, Paramount, Sony, Tesla, Walt Disney Co, Vox Media, and Zillow. (JMB, FWW)


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Texas Commission on environmenTal QualiTy



APPLICATION. International Aerospace Coatings, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for renewal of Air Quality Permit Number 99974, which would authorize continued operation of an Aircraft Painting Facility located at 4601 North Main Street, Hanger 39N, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76106. AVISO DE IDIOMA ALTERNATIVO. El aviso de idioma alternativo en espanol está disponible en newsourcereview/airpermits-pendingpermit-apps. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. http://www. The existing facility is authorized to emit the following air contaminants: exempt solvents, hazardous air pollutants, organic compounds and particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less.

This application was submitted to the TCEQ on October 12, 2022. The application will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and the Tarrant County Clerk's Office, 100 West Weatherford Street, Room B30, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review in the Dallas/Fort Worth regional office of the TCEQ.

The executive director has determined the application is administratively complete and will conduct a technical review of the application. Information in the application indicates that this permit renewal would not result in an increase in allowable emissions and would not result in the emission of an air contaminant not previously emitted. The TCEQ may act on this application without seeking further public comment or providing an opportunity for a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met.

PUBLIC COMMENT. You may submit public comments to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. The TCEQ will consider all public comments in developing a final decision on the application and the executive director will prepare a response those comments. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the TCEQ’s jurisdiction to address in the permit process.

OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. You may request a contested case hearing if you are a person who may be affected by emissions of air contaminants from the facility. If requesting a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number; (2) applicant’s name and permit number; (3) the statement “[I/we] request a contested case hearing;” (4) a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the application and air emissions from the facility in a way not common to the general public; (5) the location and distance of your property relative to the facility; (6) a description of how you use the property which may be impacted by the facility; and (7) a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period. If the request is made by a group or association, one or more members who have standing to request a hearing must be identified by name and physical address. The interests the group or association seeks to protect must also be identified. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the application/permit which would satisfy your concerns.

The deadline to submit a request for a contested case hearing is 15 days after newspaper notice is published. If a request is timely filed, the deadline for requesting a contested case hearing will be extended to 30 days after mailing of the response to comments.

If any requests for a contested case hearing are timely filed, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for a contested case hearing to the Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. Unless the application is directly referred to a contested case hearing, the executive director will mail the response to comments along with notification of Commission meeting to everyone who submitted comments or is on the mailing list for this application. The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material air quality concerns submitted during the comment period. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the Commission’s jurisdiction to address in this proceeding.

MAILING LIST. In addition to submitting public comments, you may ask to be placed on a mailing list for this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. Those on the mailing list will receive copies of future public notices (if any) mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk for this application.

AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.

Further information may also be obtained from International Aerospace Coatings, Inc., 4601 North Main Street, Hanger 39n, Fort Worth, Texas 76106-2417 or by calling Mr. Herbert Leon Curtis, Vice President - Operations at (337) 842-0685.

Notice Issuance Date: October 20, 2022

FORT WORTH WEEKLY NOVEMBER 9-15, 2022 22 CLASSIFIEDS bulletin board / employment / public notices
CLASSIFIEDS bulletin board

Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice: All rights reserved re common-law copyright of trade-name/trade-mark, ROBERT WALTER© -as well as any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of said trade- name/trade-mark-Common Law Copyright © 1988 by Robert Walter Bonner ©. Said common-law trade- name/trade-mark, ROBERT WALTER BONNER©, may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgement of Robert Walter Bonner© as signified by the red-ink signature of Robert Walter Bonner©, hereinafter "Secured Party." With the intent of being contractually bound, any juristic person, as well as the agent of said juristic person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said juristic person, nor the agent of said juristic person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the common-law trade-name/trade-mark ROBERT WALTER BONNER©, nor the common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, ROBERT WALTER BONNER© without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Secured Party, as signified by Secured Party's signature in red ink. Secured Party neither grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of ROBERT WALTER BONNER©, and all such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Secured Party is not now, nor has Secured Party ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the purported debtor, i.e. "ROBERT WALTER BONNER ," nor for any derivative of, nor for any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person, and is so-indemnified and held harmless by Debtor, i.e. "ROBERT WALTER BONNER, " in Hold-harmless and Indemnity Agreement No. RWB-060970-HHIA dated the Ninth Day of the Sixth Month in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-eight against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by Debtor for any and every reason·, purpose, and cause whatsoever. Self-executing Contract/ Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: By this Copyright Notice, both the juristic person and the agent of said juristic person, hereinafter jointly and severally "User," consent and agree that any use of ROBERT WALTER BONNER © other than authorized use as set forth above constitutes unauthorized use, counterfeiting, of Secured Party's common-law copyrighted property, contractually binds User, renders this Copyright Notice a Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Robert Walter© is Secured Party, and signifies that User: (1) grants Secured Party a security interest in all of User's assets, land, and personal property, and all of User's interest in assets, land, and personal property, in the sum certain amount of $500,000.00 per each occurrence of use of the common-law-copyrighted trade- name/trade-mark ROBERT WALTER BONNER©, as well as for each and every occurrence of use of any and all derivatives of, and variations in the spelling of, ROBERT WALTER BONNER©, plus costs, plus triple damages; e(2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Robert Walter Bonner© is Secured Party, and wherein User pledges all of User's assets, land, consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial tort claims, letters of credit, letter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts, accounts, documents, and general intangibles, and all User's interest in all such foregoing property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing User's contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party for User's unauthorized use of Secured Party's common-law-copyrighted property; (3) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of a UCC Financing Statement in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county recorder's office, wherein User is debtor and Robert Walter Bonner© is Secured Party; (4) consents and agrees that said U C C Financing Statement described above in paragraph "(3)" is is a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any continuation statement necessary for maintaining Secured Party's perfected security interest in all of User's property an interest in property, pledged as collateral in this Security Agreement and described above in paragraph "(2)," until User's contractual obligation theretofore incurred has been fully satisfied; (5) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as described above in paragraphs "(3)" and "(4)," as well as the filing of any Security Agreement, as described above in paragraph "(2)," in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county recorder's office; (6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings described in paragraphs "(4)" and "(5)" above are not, and may not be considered, bogus, and that User will not claim that any such filing is bogus; (7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default re User's contractual obligations in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under "Payment Terms" and "Default Terms," granting Secured Party full authorization and power for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default, is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest. User further consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms of Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: Payment Terms: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of ROBERT WALTER BONNER© as set forth above, User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees in full within ten (10) days of the date User is sent Secured Party's invoice, hereinafter "Invoice," itemizing said fees. Default Terms: In event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten (10) days of date Invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and; (a) all of User's property and property pledged as collateral by User, as set forth in above in paragraph "(2)," immediately becomes, i.e. is, property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User's Authorized Representative as set forth above in paragraph "(8)"; and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Party may take possession of, as well as otherwise dispose of in any manner that Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction, at any time following User's default, and without further notice, any and all of User's property and interest, described above in paragraph "(2)," formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, in respect of this "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use," that Secured Party, again in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate. Terms for Curing Default: Upon event of default, as set forth above under "Default Terms," irrespective of any and all of User's former property and interest in property, described above in paragraph "(2)," in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under "Default Terms," User may cure User's default only re the remainder of User's said former property and interest property, formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of date of User's default only by payment in full. Terms of Strict Foreclosure: User's nonpayment in full of all unauthorized-use fees itemized in Invoice within said twenty- (20) day period for curing default as set forth above under "Terms for Curing Default" authorizes Secured Party's immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which is not in the, possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration of said twenty- (20) day default-curing period. Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC Financing Statement and Security Agreement filed with the UCC filing office. Record Owner: Robert Walter Bonner© Autograph Common Law Copyright © 1988. Unauthorized use of "Robert Walter Bonner " incurs same unauthorized-use fees as those associated with ROBERT WALTER BONNER©, as set forth above in paragraph "(1)" under "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use."

employment / public notices
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