2 minute read
Greg Pollock
CFP, M.Ed., L.L.M., C.Dir. President and CEO, Advocis
In 2022, the preparations we had undertaken to emerge from the pandemic as a Stronger and Better association began to take shape. As we solidified a significant overhaul of our internal staffing and systems to improve member service while also growing into an entirely new kind of role through our work with FSRA to support the first steps of title protection in Ontario, it has been a year of remarkable change.
In our comprehensive regulatory work throughout 2022, title protection was at the forefront but was far from the only place in which we made an impact. Our voice was also heard on issues relating to the fair treatment of customers, total cost reporting for advisors, and more. We continue to represent a viewpoint that strikes a balance between the public interest and the ability of financial advisors to work towards it.
We were also incredibly pleased to hold the 14th Annual Regulatory Affairs Symposium once again in person. This is an event I believe is critical to building relationships between the many facets of our industry, and the possibility it presents for face-to-face communication is not one that can ever reach its full potential in a virtual setting. This is equally true of the live events that took place with the help of our Chapter Relations staff, particularly the outstanding 2022 Chapter Leadership Conference which we were pleased to host in St. John’s alongside our Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter.
And while in person events return to prominence for our national staff as well – especially through the efforts of our Business Development team, who attended multiple events this year while establishing several new corporate partnerships – a great deal of work has gone on behind the scenes as well. Our Learning and Development department has engaged not only in consultation and redevelopment of our existing educational initiatives but are equally looking towards the future through innovative programs such as the Life Insurance Professional Certificate (LIPC).
Marketing and Communications is also growing the public-facing profile of our organization through efforts such as our annual campaign for Financial Literacy Month – a campaign which this year won bronze in the annual FCS Portfolio Awards.
The work of Advocis Broker Services in 2022 was also commendable, with their organization now fully up to speed with a modernized digital system that offers excellent ease of use and convenience for customers. Powerful online solutions such as these will continue to increase in importance throughout our industry, and through our own efforts to find the cutting edge as our members also pursue it through the guidance of groups such as our Technology and Innovation Committee, I am confident that we will continue to reach towards our strategic vision, and our desire to create an Advocis that will serve the future of the profession.
As we continue into 2023, we look forward to facing both the challenges and possibilities of that future with you.