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February Clubs & Events
Clubs & Societies
Alresford Art Society
Learn to paint or re-visit an old hobby by joining the Alresford Art Society's classes. Choose daytime or evening. Mixed ability and beginners are available. Call Sue Gentry on 01962 773185 or email: sue. gentry@gentrypublicity.co.uk for more details
Alresford Ladies Group
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7.30 p.m. in the John Pearson Hall, Alresford. Alresford Rotary Club Talk on February 10th by Jonathan Read. Enquiries to Beverly Terrill, 01962 733112.
Alresford and District Horticultural Society
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in St Gregory’s Hall, Grange Road, Alresford. The next meeting will be on 10 November and the speaker will be Rosemary le Grande who will talk about Gardens of South Africa. As the speaker has a health condition, masks will be obligatory for this meeting. For further information contact Mr Stephen Morley on 01962 733524 or hortic@allthemorleys.co.uk
Cheriton Singers
We are a small, friendly choir who meet each Tuesday evening in term time in Cheriton.
The Alresford Community Centre Badminton Club
A small friendly social group ,meeting every Monday evening 7pm - 9.30pm In the upstairs hall at the centre ! Phone: 01962 733812
Arle Reading Group
We meet in Alresford Library from 2pm till 3pm on the third Monday of most months, to share our views about a book we have chosen to read, and which Hampshire CC Library Service supply. The group widens the range of books we read, lets us hear other opinions, and is a sociable meeting in the town centre. We have space for two new members: please speak to one of the Librarians, or call Sue on 734 886 (there is a call minder, so be ready to give your name and press #) or David on 734 319 for more information
Dairy Dates
February & March (Whole Month)
National Garden Scheme - Open Garden The Down House, Itchen Abbas, SO21 1AX Groups of 6 plus. Admission: £10 children free. Refreshments: Home-made teas. To make arrangements: Contact the owners Mark and Jackie Porter. 07814 958810: markstephenporter@gmail.com https://ngs.org.uk/view-garden/21395
February 5th
Cheriton Singers invite you to a “Come and Sing” Evensong In St Michael’s Church, Cheriton. The rehearsal will start at 10.30 am and the service will be at 3 pm. Please bring your own lunch. Admission £10 for adults. Children free. Tickets available from www.ticketsource.co.uk, from www. cheritonsingers.com, from Cheriton Village Stores, and on the door.
February 9th
Alresford and District Horticultural Society Meeting. Held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in St Gregory’s Hall, Grange Road, Alresford. The next meeting will be the AGM on 9 February and the speaker will be Geoff Pilliner from Alresford Country Market.. For further information contact Mr Stephen Morley on 01962 733524 or hortic@ allthemorleys.co.uk
February 13th & 14th , 20th & 21st
National Garden Scheme - Open Garden Little Court, Crawley, Winchester, SO21 2PU From 2pm to 5pm. By Arrangement visits February to August. Admission: £5.00 children free. Refreshments: Home-made teas. Contact Patricia Elkington on 01962 776365 OR elkslc@ btinternet.com. https://ngs.org.uk/view-garden/8167
February 25th
Alresford Art Society: a demonstration by Jake Winkle entitled 'Wildlife in watercolours' At 2.30 pm in Bishop's Sutton Village Hall, Alresford Road (B3047), Alresford SO24 0AH (Covid regulations allowing). Nonmembers welcome - admission £3. For further information please contact Richard Cox on 01962 732043 or visit www. artsociety.alresford.org
February 25th
Martyr Worthy Lecture Series 2022
Martyr Worthy Lecture Series 2022
The Martyr Worthy Lecture Series 2021/22 got off to a cracking start in November with Rear Admiral John Lang giving a wonderful talk on Venice and the Sea : An Odyssey to a live audience and this lecture was repeated the following week on zoom. Both occasions were very well supported. There will be two further lectures in the Series – Saturday 29th January 2022 when Tracey Sheppard, a highly respected glass engraver will be speaking on Glass and Eye Too and on Friday 25th February 2022 when Kim Wilkie, Strategic & Conceptual Landscape Architect, will be speaking on Towards a Sustainable Landscape. The lectures will again be held in Itchen Abbas & Avington Village Hall in aid of the four churches of the Itchen Valley Parish, starting at 7.15pm and ticket prices are £25 each to include a complimentary glass of wine and canapes beforehand from 6.30pm. Please apply for tickets via the website www. itchenvalleychurches.org/martyr-worthylectures - Enquiries : Verity Coleman: 01962 882800 or Gilly Greenwood: 01962 779540