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New Alresford Town Council News

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New Alresford Town Council

Local councillors are the champions of their community, investing time in local projects and issues to the benefit of residents and the neighbourhood, making decisions on local services and collaborating with district and borough councils. A town councillor can be involved in creating Neighbourhood Plans, establishing youth projects, managing playgrounds, allotments and open spaces, maintaining footpaths, public seating, and litter bins amongst much more. If you think that you may be interested in being a local councillor and standing for election, please contact townclerk@newalresford-tc.gov.uk for further details.


Who is Responsible for Trees & Hedges Overhanging Pavements & Footpaths? Overhanging vegetation can be hedges, trees, shrubs, bushes, or any other type of plant that grows out from within your property’s boundary onto a footway or carriageway (including footpaths or roads to the front, rear, or side) in a way that obstructs or endangers highway users, for example:

• it may obstruct the footpath so pedestrians, including those with a disability, must walk into the road • it may prevent pushchairs or wheelchairs from getting past • it may obstruct sight lines for vehicle users • it can obstruct street furniture such as streetlamps

Under the Highways Act 1980 Section 154, residents are responsible for maintaining trees, hedges and shrubs within their property that adjoin the public highway and therefore they must make sure that any vegetation does not overhang the pavement, public footpath or road that would cause any obstruction.

Report a tree or hedge problem | Hampshire County Council https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/ roadmaintenance/roadproblems/treehedge

NPAG - The Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group Are holding a Business Community Event at Alresford Recreation Centre on Monday 9th January. All those that took part in the New Alresford Business survey will be able to interact, discuss issues and opportunities relating to how the future economy of the town can be shaped. See NATC website for future details.

Alresford Recreation Centre Those of you who have visited Alrebury Park will have seen that the new roof on the building has been completed and CCTV has been installed to monitor the areas surrounding the building. We are just awaiting newly refurbished entry gates to the car park.

Alresford Town Council, Alresford Recreation Centre, The Avenue, SO24 9EP Call us: 01962 732079 E-mail: townclerk@newalresford-tc.gov.uk

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