Alpbach Moments 2016

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Alpbach Moments 2016

European Forum Alpbach Growing Ideas for the Europe of Tomorrow.



Dear Reader,
















2016 marked a milestone in our history with the opening of the enlarged Congress Centre Alpbach. But it also featured two other waymarkers: firstly, the new appointments to our advisory board, enabling us to guarantee the high quality of our future programming and, secondly, the revitalisation of our charitable foundation in order to extend our scholarship programme.




Whether the subjects are political ideas, revolutionary technologies, or pioneering research findings, it is the mission of our organisation to connect global citizens in a constructive dialogue with each other.











































At the European Forum Alpbach, we aim to promote an open, diverse and participatory environment where innovative ideas can flourish. It is our firm belief that what society needs most at the present moment are fresh, new insights to tackle its most pressing problems. At the same time, our cherished cause is to involve young people and nurture their enthusiasm for the idea of a shared Europe.














Impact Structure








































The strong need for exchanging arguments, knowledge and experiences can be seen, for example, in our Network Meetings for Mayors: hundreds of municipal leaders took part in it. The result is a handbook on the integration of refugees which is used by local authorities all over Europe. The European Forum Alpbach and its scholarship programme wouldn’t be viable without strong sponsors and supporting institutions. We would therefore like to express the same gratitude to our supporters and cooperation partners as we owe to the voluntary advisors, the organising team, the volunteers and all participants. The following pages offer a glimpse into what many call, the “Spirit of Alpbach”. Care to experience it for yourself? We invite you to join in!


Our Activities 2016 A U G U S T 1 7 T O S E P T E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 6 / A L P B A C H ( T Y R O L ) / 5 , 3 74 PA R T I C I PA N T S

European Forum Alpbach | New Enlightenment Alpbach Symposia The main programme consists of two- to threeday conferences on the future of the built environment, higher education, financial markets, health, politics, law, technology and the economy. The Forum also comprises shorter events such as the Tyrol Days. Artists engage intensively in the conference proceedings. Alpbach Seminar Week and Scholarships More than 700 young people are able to come to Alpbach thanks to a scholarship. 16 academic seminars form the agenda. Alpbach Campus The accompanying programme, “Alpbach Campus”, offers you the chance to acquire practical new knowledge for your own professional development. The range includes the “Entrepreneurship” and “Service Design” Summer Schools, the Professional Programmes “the Art of Hosting”, “European Health Care and Social Systems in Transition”, “EU Decision-Making and Negotiation” and “Strategies of Influence” as well as the “European Law” University Course.

Alpbach in Motion – Summit of Emerging Leaders Around 40 European young leaders come to Alpbach every year to discuss the economic future of Europe in an interactive setting. The newly obtained insights flow into the Alpbach Economic Symposium. Alpbach Media Academy For three weeks, young journalists from all over Europe write multi-media and critical reports about the conference under the direction of media experts. Alpbach-Laxenburg Group Renowned experts from science, politics, economics and civil society have joined forces to develop concepts and formulas to address current challenges, including climate change and educational poverty. The Alpbach-Laxenburg Group is part of a partnership with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) located in Laxenburg.

The European Forum Alpbach 2016 in Numbers People who attended the European Forum Alpbach 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5,374 Speakers who shared their knowledge in Alpbach in 2016 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������992 Proportion of women among all speakers in Alpbach 2016 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33% Countries that participants travelled from to come to Alpbach in 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������102 People who followed the European Forum Alpbach 2016 via webstream ���������������������������������������������������� 9,318 Number of partners from science, business and society ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������160 Number of national and international media reports on the European Forum Alpbach 2016 �������~1,200

J A N U A R Y 1 8 , W I E S E L B U R G ( L O W E R A U S T R I A ) / J A N U A R Y 2 2 , M A R K T H A R T M A N N S D O R F ( S T Y R I A ) / J A N U A R Y 2 7, Z I R L ( T Y R O L ) / S E P T E M B E R 2 , A L P B A C H ( T Y R O L ) / 3 5 0 PA R T I C I PA N T S

Network Meetings for Mayors In January 2016, more than 250 Austrian mayors began exchanging their knowledge and experiences on the integration of asylum seekers in the Austrian federal states of Lower Austria, Styria and Tyrol. During these networking meetings, the mayors produced a hand book designed to help other local authorities create housing for asylum seekers. The last meeting of the year took place at the conclusion of the European Forum Alpbach and focused on long-term integration of refugees.

M AY 1 7 / B O L Z A N O ( S O U T H T Y R O L ) / 2 5 0 PA R T I C I PA N T S

Second Alpine Region Energy Forum The Alpine region offers ideal topographic conditions for the use of renewable energy and the achievement of the European energy and climate targets. 250 experts from the Alpine region paved the way for a shared Alpine energy strategy.


Re:think Austria Around 70 Austrian decision-makers from politics and civil society spent two days in participatory discussions on “Digitisation & Politics” in the Innovation Lab “Re:think Austria”.


J A N UA RY 12 / FE B R UA RY 2 / FE B R UA R 24 / J U N E 2 2 / D E C E M B E R 13 / V I E N N A / 3 0 0 PA R T I C I PA N T S E A C H

ORF DialogForum Alpbach Special

Alpbach Talks At a variety of locations, experts discuss socio-political challenges with the audience – in cooperation with the Wiener Zeitung.

In cooperation with the Austrian broadcaster ORF, media experts and their audience discussed the consequences of digitalization for journalism and democracy.

J U N E 14 TO 16 / V I E N N A / G E N -S U M M I T M E D I A CO N FE R E N C E

Media Academy on Tour The Alpbach Media Academy was a guest of the “Global Editors Network” Summit, a conference for media creators from all over the world, and reported on the conference on behalf of its organisers.



SPEAKERS OF ALL OUR EVENTS 2016 Zahra Abbas | Bernhard Achitz | Amer Affan | Ovagem Agaidyan | Björn Ahl | Karl Aiginger | Meral Akin-Hecke | Charlotte Alber | Alberto Alemanno | Wieland Alge | Moussa Al-Hassan Diaw | Niko Alm | Aquiles A. Almansi | Omar Al-Rawi | Rabee Alrefai | Rolf Alter | Christian Altmann | Olja Alvir | Gabriele Ambros | Marie-Helene Ametsreiter | Jacob Amidror | Lukas Ammann | Karl Amon | Michaela Anderle | Ruth Anderwald | Franz Androsch | Hannes Androsch | Tamara Anthony | Wolfgang Anzengruber | Petra Apfalter | Kurt Appel | Nilgün Arisan Eralp | Maria Arlamovsky | Hanan Ashrawi | Aleida Assmann | Franz Auer | Boris Augurzky | Christine Ax | Eva-Maria Ayberk | Franz Bachmaier | Franz Bachmaier | Sabrina Badir | Carla Amina Baghajati | Tarafa Baghajati | Ran Balicer | Jules Banning | Albert-László Barabasi | Kamil Barbarski | Lukas Bärfuss | Catherine Barnard | Alan Barrell | Daniel Bartel | Werner Bartens | Davorin David Barudzija | Cornelia Bast | Gerald Bast | Bernd Bäuchler | Christa Bauer | Georg Bauer | Meret Elisabeth Baumann | Thomas Baumgartner | Ulrike Baumgartner-Gabitzer | Jens Beermann | Monica Bello | Maria Bendl | Mathias Benedek | Gloria Benedikt | Tova Benski | Maria Berger | Anna Karin Berglund | Konrad Bergmeister | Klaus Bernhardt | Martin Bernhofer | Peter Bernscher | Dominik Beron | Andreas Bierwirth | Michael Binder | Reinhard Birke | Markus Bischofer | Joachim Bitterlich | Hédinn Svarfdal Björnsson | Isabella Blaha | Kurt Blecha | Harald Bleier | David Alain Bloch | Steven Blockmans | Philipp Blom | Gernot Bock | Alexander Bodmann | Wim Boer | Christian Böhm | Petra Bohuslav | Michael Boltz | Aletta Bonn | Peter Bosek | Dieter Boyer | Andrea Braidt | Andreas Brakonier | Helmut Brandstätter | Mathias Brandstötter | Helmut Brath | Renate Brauner | Joao Breda | Sigrid Brell-Cokcan | Luigi Bressan | Ingrid Brodnig | Peter A. Bruck | Sabine Brunswicker | Isabella Buber-Ennser | Klaus Buchleitner | Simon Buckle | Patricia A. Buckley | Martina Buhl | Michael Bünker | Georg Bürstmayr | Jörg Busch | Peter Bussjäger | Mike Butcher | Ben Butters | Alena Buyx | Karin Buzanich-Sommeregger | David Calas | Joseph A. Cannataci | Matthew Carney | Theresa Carpenter | Baptiste Carriere-Pradal | Phil Cass | Yu-Feng Yvonne Chan | Veronique Charlety | Robin Chase | Valentina Chizzola | Yoon Je Cho | MB Christie | Robert Clark | Jean-Frédéric Clerc | Cathryn Clüver | Brady Collins | Rita Rossi Colwell | Rowan Conway | Stephanie Cox | Alexander Craig | Karl Crailsheim | Gabriel Crean | Carlo Cresto-Dina | Daniel Cronin | Renate Csellich-Ruso | Birgit Dalheimer | Jens S. Dangschat | Florian Daniel | Jan Dannenberg | Claudia Dannhauser | Olivier Dantine | Georges Dassis | Francisco De Paula Coelho | Pieter De Pous | Valerio De Stefano | Joshua Decter | Hana Dellemann | Judith Denkmayr | Heather Dewey-Hagborg | Freddy Dezeure | Jana Diesner | Alessandra Diodati | Stephan Doering | Mirjam Dondi | Ewa Dönitz | Margot Dor | Wolfgang Dorda | Christian Dorninger | Victoria Dorrer | E. Ray Dorsey | Jörg Dräger | Gustav Dressler | Christopher Drexler | Gerhard Drexler | Konrad Duelli | Paul Dujardin | Nicholas Dungan | Nikolaus Dürk | Muna Duzdar | Vedran Dzihic | Bernd Ebersberger | Michl Ebner | Isao Echizen | Eva Eckhard | Florian Eckmayr | Hans Eder | Antonia Eggeling | Angelika Eggert | Kari Aina Eik | Caspar Einem | Iris Eisenberger | Paul Ekins | Shani Elitzur | Markus Ellmer | Adolf Engl | Christian Erfurt | Christiane Erharter | Pia Erkinheimo | Daniel Erlacher | Hannes Erler | Peter Ertl | Gerhard Eschelbeck | Gudrun Esser | Laura Estl | Fernand Etgen | Petra Falb | Roland Falb | N‘Goné Fall | Mario Fallast | Helmut Fallmann | Philippe Fargues | Martin Fassl | Heinz Fassmann | Brian D. Fath | Maria Luisa Ferreira | Flora Fessler | Karoline Feyertag | Klaus Fiala | Armin Fidler | Krystian Fikert | Marcel Fink | Sieglinde Fink | Heinz Fischer | Margit Fischer | Doris Fischer-See | Franz Fischler | Angelika Fitz | Angelika Flatz | Marie-Therese Fleischhacker | Erich Foglar | Hans-Peter Folz | Karl Forstner | Fabienne Fortanier | Franz Franchetti | Johann Frank | Verena Franke | Eric Frey | Elisabeth Freytag-Rigler | Karin Frick | Martin Frick | Andrea Fried | Barbara Friesenecker | Michaela Fritz | Ute Lena Fuchs | Verena Fuchsberger | Clemens Fuest | Gerald Füstös | Sebastian Gaede | Pauline Gagnon | Petra Gajar | Maria Grazia Galantino | Bronagh Gallagher | Emilio Galli-Zugaro | Renée Gallo-Daniel | Gabriela Gandel | Gerald Ganzger | Andrä Gärber | Gerald Gartlehner | Stephanie Gasche | Klaus Gasteiger | Karl Gaulhofer | David Gee | Michael Gehbauer | Hans Geisslinger | Shiqi Geng | Martin Giesswein | Birgit Ginzler | Eduardo Giordanelli | Michael Girardi | Alexander Glätzle | Lasha Goguadze | Katherine Govier | Sandro Gozi | Heather Grabbe | Samuel Greber | Thomas Grill | Fuad Ramadan Gritli | Tina Groll | Leonhard Grond | Gerald Gross | Stefan Gross | Peter Grünenfelder | Maria Gstättner | Ulrike Guerot | Cengiz Günay | Kenan Güngör | Bernhard Güntert | Detlef Günther | Barbara Guwak | Dimitri Gvindadze | Markus Gwiggner | Peter Habeler | John Hagel Iii | Michael Hagler | Albin Hahn | Gerald Hainzl | Eszter Hajdú | Thomas Haller | Tarja Halonen | Walter Hämmerle | Gerhard Hammerschmid | Sonja Hammerschmid | Nina Hampl | Martina Handler | Charles Handy | Elizabeth Handy | Hansi Hansmann | Kristin Hanusch-Linser | Eugen Hartmann | Gerhard Hartmann | René Haumer | Gerhard Hausberger | Peter Hausberger | Hermann Hauser | John-Dylan Haynes | Ryan Heath | Diego Heatherman | Juha Heikkilä | Nicolaus Heinen | Joachim Heinzl | Piet Heirbaut | Michael Heiss | Dirk Helbing | Barbara Helige | Holger Heller | Christian Helmenstein | Wilhelm Hemetsberger | Oliver Henhapel | Frank Hensel | Susanne Herbek | Sabine Herlitschka | Slav W. Hermanowicz | Laurin Hertl | Günter Herzig | Alexander Herzog | Karin Herzog | Lisa Herzog | Cesar A. Hidalgo | Stefan Hiendlmeier | Ursula Hillbrand | Gerhard Hirczi | Julia Hobsbawm | Eva Maria Hochhauser | Michael Hofbaur | Frederic Hofmann | Daniel Högger | Valerie Hohenberg | Christine Hohenbüchler | Oliver Holle | Martin Hollinetz | Leroy Hood | Daniel Horak | Gerald B. Hörhan | Katja Hoyer | Yvonne Hrobath | Silvia Hruska-Frank | Christoph Huber | Georg Huber | Michaela Huber | Eugen B. Hug | Jeffrey M. Hunger | Fatimah Husein | Manfred Husty | Thomas Hutle | Gudrun Ilg | Christoph Irmscher | Walter Ischia | Andreas Ittner | Karim Jafarmadar | Elisabeth Jama | Robert Jandl | Odette Jankowitsch | Teppo Järvinen | Christopher Jeckl | Mirjam Jenny | Milorad Jevremovic | Carsten Johnson | Ian Johnson | Dejan Jovanovic | Tobias Judmaier | Jean-Claude Juncker | Bernhard Jungwirth | Pavel Kabat | Stefan Kaegi | Arno Kahl | Hedwig-Josefine Kaiser | Patricia Sophie Kaiser | Dipak Kalra | Eugene Kandel | Markus Kanerva | Sandro Kapeller | Mariana Karepova | Sophie Karmasin | Ulrich Karock | Susanne Kaser | Rudi Kaske | Florian Kasseroler | Linda Kaszubski | Ulrich Kater | Harald Katzmair | Peter Kayatz | Ashura Kayupayupa | Yuri Albert Kyrill Kazepov | John Keane | Andrew Keen | Daniel Kehne | Hans Mathias Kepplinger | Werner Kerschbaum | Christian Keuschnigg | Pinar Kilickiran | Patrick Kim | Erich Kirchler | Andreas R. Kirchschläger | Marcus Klamert | Bernadette Klapper | Alexander Klauser | Friedrich Kleinhapl | Kilian Kleinschmidt | Pavlo Klimkin | Christoph Klinger-Lohr | Hugo Klingler | Jochen Klöpper | Hans-Jürgen Klösch | Joseph Kloska | Hubert Klumpner | Anny Knapp | Karin Kneissl | Bettina Knoetzl | Wolfgang Knoll | Rainer Knyrim | Dimitry Kochenov | Martin Kocher | Daniel Kofahl | Kurt Kofler | Debbie Kohner | Jana Kolar | Michaela Kollau | Arno Kompatscher | Ewald König | Peter Alexander Kopciak | Georg Kopetz | Johannes Kopf | Alexander Koppel | Robert Körbler | Peter Koren | Berndt Körner | Markus Koschuh | Matthias Koslik | Thomas Kostera | Adam Kostyal | Maksym Kovalenko | Thomas Kralik | Ivan Krastev | Kay Kratky | Günther Kräuter | Michal Wiktor Krawczyk | *Michael Kraxner | Michael Kraxner | Jürgen Kremp | Winfried Kretschmer | Martin Kreutner | Jan Krims | Alina Krischkowsky | Ralf Kronberger | Rudolf Krska | Sylvia Kuba | Stefan Kubicek | Michael Kubiciel | Mario Kubista | Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer | Andreas Kugi | Peter Kühnberger | Axel Kühner | Katja Kullmann | Klaus Kumpfmüller | Alena Kupchyna | Isa Kurz | Sebastian Kurz | Nina Kusturica | Michael Kutschera | Georg Kuttner | Ivan Kuzev | Franz Lackner | Sabine Ladstätter | Miroslav Lajcak | Pascal Lamy | Angus Lapsley | Fabrice Larat | Bettina Larl | Izak Lattu | Gerhard Lauer | Lana Lauren | Christoph Lauscher | Ewan Lawson | Philippe Le Guen | Monika Lechleitner | Johann Lefenda | Wolfgang Lehofer | Kai Leichsenring | Lotte Leicht | Jörg Leichtfried | Franz Leidenmühler | Gertraud Leimüller | Elisabeth Leiner | Franz Leitgeb | Christoph Leitl | Koen Lenaerts | Günter Lepperdinger | Hans Leser | Alan I. Leshner | Christopher Lettl | Robert Lichtner | Michael Liehr | Konrad Paul Liessmann | Berit Lilienthal Heitmann | Feng Lin | Justin Yifu Lin | Esther Lind | Susanne Lindberg Elmgren | Christopher Lindinger | Stefanie Lindstaedt | Silvia Lindtner | Sina Lipp | Kathryn List | Wolfram Littich | Elke Löffler | Michael Losch | Bernd Lucke | Paul Luiki | Ulrike Lunacek | Jan Lundqvist | Yingtai Lung | Pishtar Lutfiu | Kathleen Lynch | Rosa Lyon | Sabine Maasen | Robert Machtlinger | Calum Mackellar | Arvind Madhavan | Harald Mahrer | Andreas Mailath-Pokorny | Marcus Malek | Christian Mandl | Constantinos Manolopoulos | Stefano Manservisi | Arnon Mantver | Gerlinde Manz-Christ | Oliver Marchart | Sepp Margreiter | Karl Mark | Christian Markl | Christian Marte | Markus Marterbauer | Philipp Marxgut | Alberto Masetti-Zannini | Paul Mason | Bernadette Matiz | Andreas Matthä | Björn Matthias | Karoline Mätzler | Sandra Mauler | Roland Maurmair | Martin Maxl | Viktor Mayer-Schönberger | Thomas Mayr-Harting | Lisa Mayr-Sinnreich | Nina Mazar | Mariana Mazzucato | Makane Moïse Mbengue | Severin Meister | Arno Melitopulos | Isabella MeranWaldstein | Anke Merkl-Rachbauer | Peter Merschitz | Nuray Mert | Sándor Károly Mester | Mimmo Miccolis | Quentin Michel | Diana Miglioretti | Mona Mijthab | Natasa Milicevic | Georg Miribung | Pankaj Mishra | Inge Missmahl | Herbert Mittelberger | Reinhold Mitterlehner | Esther Mitterstieler | Tomas Mjörnheden | Jürgen Mlynek | Toke Paludan Moeller | Lokke Moerel | Hanna Molden | Philipp Moll | Alfonso Lara Montero | Markus Mooslechner | Simon Mordue | Peter Moser | Ingrid Mühlhauser | Martin Mühlmann | Leonhard Muigg | Günter Müller | Martin Müller | Rudolf Müller | Ruth Müller | Ralph Müller-Eiselt | Anke Müller-Jacobsen | Richard Münch | Martin Munte | Olga Muravjova | Martin Murer | Zainab Murtazabi | Ludwig Muxel | Yupar Myint | Tobias Naef | Robert Nagele | Philippe Narval | Katharina Natter | Gerald Nestler | Nicole Neuberger | Lina Neumann | Maria Neumann | Christoph Neumayer | Markus Neuwirth | Fiona Nielsen | Jan Hein Nielsen | Susanne Nies | Simon Niggli | Christophe Nijdam | Monica Nissen | John Nolan | Silvia Nossek | Kristina Notz | Rainer Nowak | Ewald Nowotny | Helga Nowotny | David Nussbaum | Christoph Obererlacher | Felix Obermair | Harald Oberrauch | Sylvia Obersamer | Christoph Obmascher | Walter Obwexer | Günther H. Oettinger | Michael O‘flaherty | Josef Ostermayer | Jeffrey P. Owens | Christof Pabinger | Claudia Paganini | Anthony Painter | Wolfgang Palaver | Brigitta Pallauf | Mladen Panov | Lucy Y. Pao | Nikos Passas | Karoly Pataki | Guido Pauss | Eleonore Pauwels | Andreas Pecar | Michael Pecnik | Andreas Peham | Jacques Pelkmans | Chemi Peres | Michael Perkinson | Stefan Perkmann-Berger | Harald Perl | Diane Perrons | Paula Peters | Georg Pfeifer | Ulrike Pfeiffenberger | Karl Peter Pfeiffer | Stefan Pichler | Yussi Pick | Jeannine Pilloud | Irene Pilshofer | Sigrid Pilz | Wolfgang Pinner | Christoph Pinter | Haris Piplas | Peter Pirklbauer | Alejandro Plater | Günther Platter | Anke Plättner | Thomas Plötzeneder | Gerlinde Pöchhacker-Tröscher | Eric Poettschacher | Marion Poetz | Sabine Pohoryles-Drexel | Ruth Freedom Pojman | Lucanus Polagnoli | Klemen Polak | Stefan Poledna | Karen Polizzi | Kambiz Poostchi | Gordana Popovic | Niki Popper | Bernhard Pörksen | Dieter Posch | Reinhard Posch | Willibald Posch | Wolfgang Pospischil | Georg Pöstinger | Andreas Postner | Nina Poxleitner | Johann Prammer | Christoph Prantner | Bart Preneel | Johannes Pressl | Cornelia Primosch | Cornelia Primosch | Wolfram Proksch | Robert Prosser | Gerald Pruckner | Franz Karl Prüller | Jana Puglierin | Sonja Puntscher Riekmann | Peter Purgathofer | Heinz Purkhart | Christian Purrer | Peter Püspök | Susanne Rabady | Doron Rabinovici | Ulrike Rabmer-Koller | Johanna Rachinger | Ernest Radal | Fides Johanna Raffel | Claus J. Raidl | Manuela Raidl | Paul Rajakovics | Reinhold Ramoner | Oliver Rathkolb | Eckart Ratz | Georg Regal | Martin Reishofer | Ralph Reisinger | Thomas Reisinger | Markus Reiterer | Michael Reiterer | Pamela Rendi-Wagner | Jakob Rhyner | Christoph Richter | Julian Richter | Anita Rieder | Christoph Riedl | *Wolfgang Riedler | Wolfgang Riedler | Gerold Riedmann | Johannes Riegl | Frank M. Rinderknecht | Marie Ringler | Dragan Ristic | Thomas Ritt | Angela Rittig | Dorothee Ritz | Ferdinand Rochas | Thorsten Rohde | Anton Rose | Jonathan F.P. Rose | Orna Rosenfeld | Ugo Rossi | Jürgen Roth | Michael Roth | Gabriele Rothemann | Martin Rothgangel | Walter L. Rothschild | Paul G. Rübig | Franz Rudorfer | Flavio Ruffini | Andrea Rukschcio-Wilhelm | Stefan Rüping | Andrä Rupprechter | Adam Sachs | Martina Salomon | Yulia Sandamirskaya | Ulrich Santa | Saskia Sassen | Martin Schagerl | Heinrich Schaller | Thomas Schaufler | Katja Schechtner | Reto Schegg | Sebastian Scheler | Franz Schellhorn | Sepp Schellhorn | Agnes Schick-Chen | Klaus Schierhackl | Harald Schitnig | Alois K. Schlarb | Stefan P. Schleicher | Philipp Schmid | Stefanie Schmid | Heinrich Schmidinger | Gottfried Schmidt | Iris Schmidt | Nina Schmidt | Paul Schmidt | Tom Schmidt | Verena Schmidt | Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth | Gerhard Schmitt | Simon Schmitz | Christina Schmölz | Rita K. Schmutzler | Sonja Schneeweiss | Hannes Schneider | Jürgen Schneider | Florian Scholochow | Georg Schön | Volker Schörghofer | Martina Schorn | Christian Schrack | Margarete Schramböck | Martin Schrems | Renée Schroeder | Werner Schroeder | Thomas Schuhböck | Martha Schultz | Tobias Schumacher | Gerhard Schuster | Martin Schuster | Winfried Schwab | Alois Schwarz | Zilia Schwarz | Richard Schwarzenauer | Daniela Schwarzer | Angelika Schwarzmann | Michael Schweitzer | Joachim Schwendenwein | Rita Seeböck | Rainer Seele | Eva-Maria Segur-Cabanac | Sabine Seidler | Adam Seitchik | Angelika SeryFroschauer | Hanno Settele | Nadja Shah | Vyakarnam Shailendra | Nona Shepphard | Behzad Shirmardi Shaghasemi | Klaus Sickinger | Roland Yves Siegwart | Andrea Sihn-Weber | Siim Sikkut | Dagmar Simon | Roberta Sinatra | Anni Sinnemäki | Marie-Louise Skolud | Peter Small | Robert-Jan Smits | Sabine Soeder | Atle Solberg | Alexandrina Soldatenko | Lisa-Maria Sommer | Monika Sommer-Sieghart | Lisa Charlotte Sonnberger | Gabriela Sonnleitner | Harald Sourij | Richard Soyer | Wolfram Sparber | Nathalie Spencer | Daniel Spichtinger | Christiane Spiel | Thomas Sporer | Ulrike Stadler | Johannes Staeves | Sigrid Stagl | Günter K. Stahl | Eva Stanzl | Elizabeth Stark | Charlotte Steenbergen | Renate Steger | Simon Steidl | Katharina Viktoria Stein | Josef Steiner | Jutta Steiner | Karin Steiner | Thomas Stelzer | Martin Jan Stepanek | Maximilian Stern | Nora Sternfeld | Walter Stevens | Ian Stewart | Stephanie Steyrer | Björn Stigson | Leonhard Stock | Markus Stock | Peter Stockenhuber | Gerfried Stocker | Robert Stocker | Rudolf Stoffner | Joelle Stolz | Danae Stratou | Richard Straub | Matthias Straub-Fischer | Rudolf Streinz | Agnes Streissler-Führer | Rudolf Strohmeier | Michael Strugl | Alexia Stuefer | Monika Sturm | Vladimir Sucha | Clare Sutcliffe | Michael Szell | Mark B. Taubman | Jan Techau | Christin M. Ter Braak-Forstinger | Milo Tesselaar | Mario Thaler | Richard Theiner | Eric Thode | Michael Thompson | Christoph Thun-Hohenstein | Stefan Thurner | Dawn Tilbury | Ida Tin | Julia Tischler | A Min Tjoa | Nathalie Tocci | Hermann Toplak | Annamaria Toth | Elmar Trenkwalder | Hannes Tretter | Ulrich Trog | Verica Trstenjak | Andreas Tschas | Manfred Tscheligi | Eva Maria Tscherner | Radoslav Tsvetkov | Merlijn Twaalfhoven | Thomas Uher | Hans Jörg Ulreich | Walter Unger | Klaus Unterberger | Wolfgang Urbantschitsch | Sonia Valdivia | Tatiana Valovaya | Klaus Vamberszky | Luc Van Den Hove | Adriaan Van Der Meer | Carola Van Rijnsoever | Dirk Vandenberghe | Gracia Maria Vara-Arribas | Yanis Varoufakis | Milos Velickovic | Petra Velten | Lora Vidovic | Pierre Vimont | Oliver Vitouch | Theresia Vogel | Philipp Von Lattorff | Jenny Von Zepelin | Cornelia Vospernik | Thanasis Vratimos | Shailendra Vyakarnam | Michael Wagenhofer | Gottfried Wagner | Markus Wagner | Mirwais Wakil | Siegfried Walch | Elisabeth Waldhart | Roland Waldner | Gerlinde Wallner | Thomas Wallner | Rudiger Wanck | Manfred Wannöffel | Stefan Warbek | Koko Warner | Katharina Warta | David Watkin | Sabine Watzlik | Andreas Weber | Monika Weber-Fahr | Barbara Weber-Kainz | Artur Wechselberger | Elisabeth Wehling | Edgar Weippl | Lara Weisz | Barbara Weitgruber | Max Wellan | Gundi Wentner | Karsten Wenzlaff | Lukas Wernert | Michael Werz | Alexa L. Wesner | Nick Westcott | Miranda Weston-Smith | Aidan White | Michael Wiesmüller | Otmar D. Wiestler | Andreas Wild | David Wilkinson | Lian Willetts | Reinhard Willfort | Howard Williamson | Ekkehard Wimmer | Verena Winiwarter | Renate Winter | Hans Jörg Wippel | Jason Niall Witow | Jörg Wojahn | Stefan Wolf | Ulrike Wolf-Prexler | Johannes Wolfslehner | Ferdinand Wollenschläger | Patrick Wolowicz | Daniel Woodtli | Peter Woodward | Gregor Woschnagg | Andreas Woyke | Daniela Wurhofer | Ismail Yasin | Stecy Yghemonos | Alma Zadic | Robert Zadrazil | Andreas Zakostelsky | Lamberto Zannier | Martin Zauner | Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern | Eva Zeglovits | Gerhard Zeiler | Claus Zeppelzauer | Maria Zesch | Johannes Ziller | Maximilian Zirkowitsch | Thomas Zwiefelhofer


A L P B A C H TA L K S , C O O P E R AT I O N W I T H W I E N E R Z E I T U N G , F I V E E V E N T S D U R I N G T H E Y E A R

Alpbach Talks Odeon Theatre to provide her view of this hottest of all socio-political topics. In addition to integration, the subjects of education and digitisation dominated the talks’ agenda (in cooperation with the newspaper Wiener Zeitung).

Yesterday on the run; today in the director’s chair: filmmaker Nina Kusturica (above centre) knows what it means to have to leave your homeland and what it takes to start all over again. Together with Kilian Kleinschmidt, a UN refugee expert with years of experience, (above right), she took to the stage of the


M AY 1 7, 2 0 1 6 , B O L Z A N O ( S O U T H T Y R O L ) – S E C O N D A L P I N E R E G I O N E N E R G Y F O R U M

8 . 2 2 A . M . , J U N E 1 7, 2 0 1 6 , A C A D E M Y O F S C I E N C E S , V I E N N A – A L P B A C H M E D I A A C A D E M Y AT T H E G E N - S U M M I T C O N F E R E N C E

Moving Mountains

Cameras Running

The Alpine region offers ideal topographic conditions for the use of clean energy and the achievement of the European energy and climate targets. It is high time that this potential was unlocked. A suitable strategy to begin unlocking this potential is it being the focus of the expert talks.

The last conference was in Munich in spring 2014, with this year’s follow-up on the other side of the Alps in Bolzano, Italy. The findings and an insight into the discussions can be found in a paper at


When hundreds of media makers from all over the world gather at the summit of the industry in Vienna, you can bet that the alumni of our Media Academy were among them. Among them Briton Conor McMahon (rear left), interviewing Gérard Biard, editor-in-chief of the satire magazine Charlie Hebdo.


A few weeks after their away game in the metropolis, the young journalists changed back to their regular seats at the news desk of the Congress Centre Alpbach. You can read their reports on what happened at the conference at:

4 . 0 2 P. M . , J U N E 1 7, 2 0 1 6 , L I N Z ( U P P E R A U S T R I A ) – I N N O VAT I O N L A B “ R E :T H I N K A U S T R I A�

Out of the Silo, Get Set, Go! The setting promises high-dosage brainstorming: stakeholders from politics, business, academia, culture and civil society develop new solutions to key political questions in a participative process. Input from speakers and the innovative communication concept play a central role; ideological 10


barriers lose their significance. How should we organise politics in a digital world? What steps must political organisations take in order to maintain their ability to act independently in the future? You can read seven recommendations here:

4 . 2 3 P. M . , A U G U S T 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 , H A U P T S C H U L E A L P B A C H – S E M I N A R W E E K

Pure (World) Class The hundreds of young people in Alpbach are an impressive testament to the eager demand for a robust and scholarly investigation of the contradictions of the present day.

Can we overcome violence with violence? In the Seminar Week, sociologist Maria Grazia Galantino from Rome’s Unitelma Sapienza University goes systematically in search of organised violence in the 21st century. 12


4 .1 7 P. M . , A U G U S T 1 9, 2 0 1 6 , A B O V E T H E C O N G R E S S C E N T R U M A L P B A C H – P R O F E S S I O N A L P R O G R A M M E “A R T O F H O S T I N G ”

Participative Leadership The future of Switzerland’s oldest university is dear to the heart of Hedwig Kaiser (left). As Vice Rector of the Basel University she is rejigging internal projects and processes using participative methods. In Alpbach she discusses the right tools and methods to make participative leadership 14


especially successful. “Wiser action” is the credo on her poster, but this is just one lesson of many that the participants in the “Art of Hosting” training can take with them into their everyday professional life:

5 . 3 1 P. M . , A U G U S T 1 9, 2 0 1 6 , H A U P T S C H U L E A L P B A C H – S E M I N A R W E E K

Probably the Most Beautiful Gesture in the World If you open your hand, you make dialogue possible. Actors like Katie Buchholz (front left) and Michael Balogun (front right) from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts London are experts in bold gestures. And they put this knowledge on stage not just in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream but also in the seminar rooms. 16


Alpbach’s goal is to overcome the boundaries between different subjects and disciplines – including art and culture. Alpbach’s first theatre workshop offers the opportunity to engage in-depth with body language, gesture and mime and to extend your own repertoire


Where Ideas Can Grow The idea of a shared Europe is in danger of losing its charm. This insight prompts JeanClaude Juncker to make a passionate plea for the strengths of the European family. His words resonate and put the European Forum Alpbach into international headlines.

The president of the EU Commission chose his venue well. The new congress building, a joint project of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino, demonstrates the constructive power of cross-border cooperation. It’s a place where good ideas for a united Europe can grow.



3 . 2 0 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 1 , 2 0 1 6 , K U N S T- F OY E R – T Y R O L D AY S / O P E N I N G C E R E M O N Y O F T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H

The Sound of Europe A colourful pot pourri of sounds, notes and melodies pervades the foyer. In the thick of it, the Cypriot soloist Özge Özerbek (left), prepares herself and her violin for Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 1. A few minutes later she and her

120 colleagues from the European Union Youth Orchestra take to the stage in the new ElisabethHerz-Kremenak-Hall to inaugurate the new congress building in front of more than a thousand ceremony guests. 20


7.1 2 A . M . , A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 6 , G R AT L S P I T Z – M O R N I N G H I K E , H E A LT H S YM P O S I U M

When the Sun Tickles Your Face A picture-book adventurer: extreme mountaineer Peter Habeler (if you look closely you can see him to the right of Franz Fischler) was the first person to climb Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen. On the narrow path to the Gratlspitz,

he tells his fellow early risers of his experiences. This peak may not be the highest place on earth, but it’s still a jewel of the Alps – especially when the rising sun bathes the Alpbach valley in the warm light of dawn.



6 . 3 2 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 1 6 , H O T E L B Ö G L E R H O F – H E A LT H S YM P O S I U M

From Big to Small and Back Participants in the Health Symposium examined the challenges of healthcare in small groups as well as on a larger scale. The photo shows the participants in the breakout session discussing new role models in medicine. The conference programme challenged stakeholders from all

areas of the healthcare system to change positions several times in more than one sense of the word. Especially for a subject as complex as this, there must be debates in many formats that enable close-up views without losing sight of the bigger picture.



8 . 0 9 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 1 , 2 0 1 6 , E R W I N - S C H R Ö D I N G E R - S A A L — T Y R O L D AY S


High-level Controversy

Doing it Themselves

Mariana Mazzucato (front) teaches economics at the University of Sussex. Hermann Hauser (rear) helps start-ups in Silicon Valley and Cambridge to achieve success. While her aim is to strengthen the assets and abilities of the state, his emphasis is on

entrepreneurs’ capacity for innovation. Moderator Shailendra Vyakarnam (centre) from Cranfield University expertly juggles a debate between two quick-witted speakers who share few specific opinions but a great passion for discussion.


Tinkering with solutions, experimenting with prototypes and crafting their own models: young people get hands-on in both the 24-hour Innovation Marathon (above) and the “Fab Lab” in Alpbach’s swimming pool.


As we all know, there’s no set recipe for innovation. Alpbach offers free space to simply make new things yourself. Creative souls can find an environment to sate their curiosity for science and technology.

7. 3 8 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 1 6 , R O O F O F T H E C O N G R E S S C E N T R E A L PA C H – T E C H N O L O G Y S Y M P O S I U M

Roof Terrace with a View The impressive natural backdrop of the Alpbach valley plays its part in the relaxed atmosphere. There’s nowhere else where it’s so easy to exchange thoughts and arguments with politicians, scientists or artists.

You won’t find them on the programme, but they’re brimming with the famous “Spirit of Alpbach”: the spontaneous discussions with extraordinary people that we call Fireside Talks. The speakers expand on their conference themes, mostly off the record and in detail. 28


6 . 2 8 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 1 6 , E L I S A B E T H - H E R Z- K R E M E N A K- S A A L – P O L I T I C A L S Y M P O S I U M / L E G A L S Y M P O S I U M

Reality Check for Europe In the team of EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Federica Mogherini, Nathalie Tocci (right) designed the future EU strategy for international and security policy. That’s the paper intended to describe all the major challenges facing Europe and to offer solutions.

In Alpbach she subjects the strategy proposal to a public reality check. At the same time, she and the Austrian Foreign Ministry use the European Forum Alpbach for a conclave with the European External Action Service and leading thinktanks.



9.1 2 A . M . , A U G U S T 2 9, 2 0 1 6 , H O T E L P O S T – A L P B A C H I N M O T I O N , S U M M I T O F E M E R G I N G L E A D E R S

Summit of the Generations Lana Lauren (centre), a company founder, or Tibor von Merey (right), a project leader in a major management consultancy firm. It’s the intensive dialogue at eye level that brings all participants new perspectives as well as visible enjoyment. Find out more at

For the economist, Charles Handy (left) is a guru, one of the leading thinkers in contemporary management theory. Normally he packs out the biggest halls – but in Alpbach the best-selling author takes the time to discuss the business model of the future with young leaders such as 32


A U G U S T 2 9, 2 0 1 6 , E L I S A B E T H - H E R Z- K R E M E N A K- S A A L – P O L I T I C A L S Y M P O S I U M / L E G A L S Y M P O S I U M

A U G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 , E L I S A B E T H - H E R Z- K R E M E N A K- S A A L / H I K E – A L P B A C H - L A X E N B U R G G R O U P

A Look behind the Political Headlines

A Thinktank Pointing the Way to Sustainability

Nuray Mert (at right of podium) works as a political scientist and journalist in Istanbul. From this vantage point she pays close attention to developments in her country. Despite all the political turbulence, she takes part in the European Forum Alpbach

and enriches the debate on the tense relationship between the EU and accession candidate Turkey. Incisive socio-political observers such as Nuray Mert and her valuable arguments make global politics tangible in Alpbach.


board. In the middle of the action are also cultural figures such as dancer Gloria Benedikt (above): “Courage” is the name of the piece she and Mimmo Micolis brought along for its world premiere. In her performance, the borders between science, politics, economics and culture disappear on the large stage of the Congress Centre Alpbach.

Right from its beginnings, the Alpbach-Laxenburg Group saw itself as an ideas factory with a special emphasis on cross-disciplinary work. Renowned scientists, intellectuals and entrepreneurs from all continents translate the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals into action plans for politics. For the first time this year, young entrepreneurs from the Global Impact Hub were on 35

2 . 5 8 P. M . , A U G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 , E L I S A B E T H - H E R Z- K R E M E N A K- S A A L – E C O N O M I C S Y M P O S I U M

New Paradigms for the Economy Don’t own, use: the American entrepreneur Robin Chase (right) is a pioneer of the global sharing economy. With her car-sharing company she turned sharing into a profitable business principle and changed the mobility practices of millions of consumers.

The agenda of the Economic Symposium is based on what established companies can – or rather must – learn from her success story and other new business forms. The new Elisabeth-HerzKremenak-Hall offers the perfect setting for the search for a new enlightenment in the economy.



3 . 3 4 P. M . , A U G U S T 3 1 , 2 0 1 6 , H A U P T S C H U L E A L P B A C H – E C O N O M I C S Y M P O S I U M

How Responsibility Leads to Success Stephan Doering peers into the human psyche; Michaela Huber designs a corporate group’s communications; Gundi Wentner advises top executives and Marie Ringler does the same for young social entrepreneurs (left to right). They bring different experiences to bear on the

question of how values and a sense of responsibility can be embedded in a company. This diversity of backgrounds, entry points and specialist knowledge, which became apparent in the 22 breakout sessions, demonstrates the appeal of this programme format.



5 .1 8 P. M . , S E P T E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 6 , E L I S A B E T H - H E R Z- K R E M E N A K- S A A L – F I N A N C I A L M A R K E T S Y M P O S I U M

S E P T E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 6 , H O T E L A L P B A C H E R H O F/ B I S C H O F E R A L M – F I N A N C I A L M A R K E T S Y M P O S I U M

Disagreement Wanted

Variable in Format, Consistent in Dialogue

Get up and get involved: Ludmila Bogdan (below), scholarship holder from Moldova, takes the microphone in the plenary session and confronts Yanis Varoufakis (above right), the former Greek finance minister, with her view of the European economy. What new approaches does the market economy

need? Must the Eurozone be rethought? Does politics need more or less room for manoeuvre? In Alpbach, positions and perspectives from all parts of Europe are communicated, whether from established speakers or young scholarship recipients at the start of their careers.


e­ xpanding on his thoughts on a walk through Alpine meadows (below, second from right). Formats such as breakfast clubs and hikes break up conventional conference rituals and show a more versatile side of renowned speakers.

When it comes to enabling the most direct and straightforward dialogue between participants and speakers, the programme organisers pull out all the stops. For example, the pioneering British investment thinker, Adam Seitchik, is already taking questions at breakfast (above left), and then


1 . 5 6 P. M . , S E P T E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 6 , C O N G R E S S C E N T R U M A L P B A C H – M AYO R S N E T W O R K M E E T I N G

Managing Integration Numerous experts, including Johannes Kopf (first row, third from left), head of Austria’s public employment service AMS, mix with municipal leaders at the fifth Network Meeting for Mayors. In a participative and moderated process, the 42


local government representatives exchanged know-how about long-term integration of refugees.The result is a 100-page handbook you can access at

Scholarships & Foundation Pages 46 to 49

Forum Alpbach Network Page 50

Association & Boards Pages 51 to 52

Partners N O V E M B E R 3 , 2 0 1 6 , R A D I O K U LT U R H A U S V I E N N A – O R F D I A L O G F O R U M A L P B A C H S P E C I A L

The Quality Journalism of Tomorrow Digital technologies and increasing commercialisation are just two factors that are changing journalism from the ground up. As digital corporations enter the market, the old interplay between media and democracy is up for renegotiation. Together with ORF, the European Forum Alpbach addresses

this theme with its dramatic implications for democratic politics, in the form of a public, televised debate with academics and media makers, and attempts to outline new roadmaps for the quality journalism of tomorrow.

Page 53

Facts & Figures Congress Centre Alpbach Pages 54 to 55

Page 56




Nothing for Pessimists Cultural pessimists and cynics think that the youth of today are a waste of space. In Alpbach 700 young people from all over the world prove otherwise. They travel to Alpbach to immerse themselves in an environment bursting with novel ideas, new ways of thinking and opportunities

for making new contacts. And they return home with a more acute awareness of Europe’s diversity and cultural sensitivity. All information on how to apply for a scholarship can be found online at


N O N - P R O F I T F O U N D AT I O N O F T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H

Create Meaning and Encourage Young People The scholarship programme of the non-profit private foundation of the European Forum Alpbach enables young people from across the world to come to Alpbach and to participate in the Forum. Here they find an intellectual environment in which they can extensively tackle socio-political key questions. The international exchange, the constructive dialogue and the substantive debates with renowned academics, managers and thinkers influence and connect the scholarship holders far beyond Alpbach. Thus the non-profit foundation of the European Forum Alpbach makes a sustainable contribution towards European integration and intercultural understanding.

Without the support of national and international partners, the extensive scholarship programme wouldn’t be possible. A total of 700 scholarship holders took part in the European Forum Alpbach 2016. This was made possible by sponsors, the international Forum Alpbach Network and the foundation’s own funds. The foundation was established by the association “European Forum Alpbach” as a non-profit private foundation of the same name in 2005. All operative costs arising from the organisation of the scholarship programme are carried by the association. Detailed information about the scholarship programme, cost structure and how you can support it can be found at Alpbach scholarship holders engage in a passionate discussion during the European Forum Alpbach with the human rights activist Hanan Ashrawi (centre) about the perspectives of the younger generation in the Middle East.

Werner Wutscher, entrepreneur and investor, Franz Fischler, president of the European Forum Alpbach and Ingrid Hamm, charity funding expert and formerly director of the Robert Bosch Foundation, make up the newly appointed management board of the charitable foundation of the European Forum Alpbach. The foundation’s aim is to bring young people to Alpbach and nurture their enthusiasm for the idea of a shared and peaceful Europe.

A total of 700 young people from 72 nations were able to take part in the 2016 European Forum Alpbach thanks to support from numerous partners. Together with famous academics they spend the seminar week getting to grips with the great social questions of the future.

S U P P O R T E R S O F T H E N O N - P R O F I T F O U N D AT I O N O F T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H

Austrian Development Agency – ADA | Billa AG | Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie | Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft | Erste Group Bank AG | ERSTE Stiftung | Generali Holding Vienna AG | Kiwanis-Club Bozen | Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7) | Notartreuhandbank AG | Österreichischer Integrationsfonds | Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz | Károly Pataki | Philip Morris Austria GmbH | PORR AG | Stiftung Propter Homines | PwC Österreich GmbH | Raiffeisen Bank International AG | Samsung Electronics Austria GmbH | Swarovski AG | Trenkwalder International AG | VTB Bank (Austria) AG | Wien Holding GmbH | Wiener Zeitung GmbH | Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Bundessparte Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft 48



European Forum Alpbach The first European Forum Alpbach took place in 1945, initially called “International College Weeks”. Founded in 1948 as a non-profit association based in Vienna, it acts independently of any ideology, religion or political party. The association only functions thanks to the vast number of people who,

with the exception of the organisation team, all give their time to the Forum Alpbach voluntarily. They have contributed to making the European Forum Alpbach one of the most important European interdisciplinary dialogue platforms for science, politics, economics and culture today.





Honorary Presidents


Scientific Advisory Board since 10/2016

Erhard Busek, Heinrich Pfusterschmid-Hardtenstein

Peter C. Aichelburg, Martin Bernhofer, Jürgen Busch, Verena Ehold, Friedrich Gleissner, Erich Gornik, Ivo Greiter, Wolfgang Habermayer, Michael Haider, Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Günter Hillebrand, Herwig Hösele, Michael Ikrath, Wolfgang Knoll, Georg Kopetz, Friedrich Korkisch, Richard Kruspel, Franz Leitgeb, Kathryn List, Christian Macek, Bernhard Marckhgott, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Patricia Mussi-Mailer, Dieter Natlacen, Michael Neider, Ewald Nowotny, Johannes Ortner, Klaus Poier, Filip Radunovic, Reingard Rauch, Pamela Rendi-Wagner, Wolfgang Renner, Verena Ringler, Walter Rothensteiner, Peter M. Schmidhuber, Christoph Schneider, Rainer Schrems, Matthias Strolz, Alexandra Terzic-Auer

Caspar Einem (Head), Brigitte Bach, Gerald Bast, Walter E. Feichtinger, Ulrike Felt, Fatima Ferreira-Briza, Eva Flicker, Elisabeth Freismuth, Martin H. Gerzabek, Markus Hengstschläger, Martin Kocher, Sabine Ladstätter, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Wolfgang Lutz, Irmgard Marboe, Tilmann Märk, Gerd Müller, Christa Neuper, Manfred Nowak, Helga Nowotny, Peter Purgathofer, Shalini Randeria, Mariam Rehm, Kirsten Rüther, Christoph Schneider, Margit SchratzenstallerAltzinger, Renée Schroeder, Franz Schuh, Stefan Thurner, Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik



Committed throughout Europe Despite their wide variety of experiences, specialisms and ways of life, the members of the alumni associations have one thing in common – a great passion for critical and interdisciplinary thinking. Their time together at the European Forum Alpbach connects former scholarship holders from across many years and national borders. Above all, former scholarship holders are active as

“FAN Ambassadors” in numerous countries. Visible proof of this connection can be seen in the development of 30 alumni associations from 19 different countries, which have also organised highly successful scholarship programmes. More information on the work and projects of the “Forum Alpbach Network” is provided at

C O O R D I N AT I O N T E A M O F T H E F O R U M A L P B A C H N E T W O R K S I N C E 0 9/ 2 0 1 6

Florian Altendorfer, Olha Latikaynen, Benjamin Monsorno, Lisa Charlotte Sonnberger (Speaker), Raphael Wurm FORUM ALPBACH NET WORK MEMBERS

– Initiative Group Alpbach Albania (AL) – Initiative Group Alpbach Armenia (ARM) – Club Alpbach Belgrade (SRB) – Club Alpbach Brussels (B) – Club Alpbach Bulgaria (BG) – Club Alpbach Burgenland (A) – Club Alpbach Croatia (HR) – Club Alpbach Georgia (GE) – Club Alpbach Germany (D) – Club Alpbach Greece (GR) – Initiative Group Alpbach Kosovo (KS) – Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Club Alpbach Liechtenstein (LI) – Club Alpbach London (GB) – Lviv Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Club Alpbach Macedonia (MK)

– Club Alpbach Montenegro (MNE) – Club Alpbach Niederösterreich (A) – Club Alpbach Oberösterreich (A) – Initiative Group Alpbach Romania (R) – Club Alpbach Russia (RUS) – Club Alpbach Salzburg (A) – Initiative Group Alpbach Sarajevo (BIH) – Club Alpbach Senza Confini (A/SLO/I) – Club Alpbach Steiermark (A) – Club Alpbach Südtirol Alto Adige (I) – Club Alpbach Tirol (A) – Club Alpbach Trentino (I) – Club Alpbach Turkey (TUR) – Club Alpbach Vorarlberg (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Wien (A)

Other Members of the Board Manfred Url (Finanzreferent), Günther Schrems, Max Kothbauer (Rechnungsprüfer) Arbitration Board Friedrich Gleissner, Waldemar Hummer, Michael Neider, Katharina Scherke Board Präsidium, Benjamin Monsorno, Lisa Charlotte Sonnberger, Manfred Url Managing Director of the Association Philippe Narval Board of the Foundation Franz Fischler, Ingrid Hamm, Werner Wutscher Managing Director of the Foundation Sonja Jöchtl



Corresponding Members of the ­Scientific Advisory Board since 10/2016 Peter Bojanic, Paul Dujardin, Pascale Ehrenfreund, Irene Giner-Reichl, Hermann Hauser, John-Dylan Haynes, Sabine Junginger, Hedwig-Josefine Kaiser, Lisa Kaltenegger, Jan Kickert, Burton Lee, Konrad Paul Liessmann, Nathalie Loiseau, Dominik Markl, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Jürgen Mlynek, Berthold Molden, Patrizia Isabelle Nanz, Friedrich B. Prinz, Michael Reiterer, David Rejesky, Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Nona Shepphard, Elisabeth Wehling, Howard Williamson, Ruth Wodak, Klaus Zeyringer

S P O N S O R S A N D PA R T N E R S O F T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H 2 0 1 6

Organising Team

Principal Partners

Philippe Narval (Managing Director), Martina Albrecht, Verena Gruber, Ruth Heinisch, Stefan Kranewitter, Franz Mailer, Katharina Okulski, Magdalena Rostkowska-Müllner (on leave), Christiane Schwaiger, Monika SommerSieghart, Floria Springer, Charlotte Steenbergen, Annamária Tóth, Lara Weisz, Franziska Werkner

BMW | Fabasoft | Land Tirol | Österreichische Lotterien | Swarovski Co-Organisers

Main Partners

Cooperation Partners

AIT | AK | Europaregion Tirol – Südtirol – Trentino | ORF Radio Ö1 | Pharmig | WKÖ

A1 | Generali Holding | Stiftung Mercator | T-Mobile | WVG Bauträger

BM für Bildung und Frauen | BM für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie | BM für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft | FHK | uniko

Scientific Partners

ENA – Ecole Nationale d’Administration | Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren | I.E.C.T | IFIC – International Foundation for Integrated Care | IIASA – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis I Universität Cambridge | WU Wien Event Partners APA | Austrian Airlines | Gemeinde Alpbach | Lenzing Papier | NEC | ÖBB-Postbus | ORF Ö1 Club | Samsung | Xerox Austria Supporting Partners

A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E S S I N C E 1 0/ 2 0 1 6

Austrian Power Grid AG | Atos IT Solutions and Services | AUSTROMED | AVL | Bertelsmann Stiftung | Billa | BMEIA | BMF | BMFJ | BMGF | BMJ | BMI | BMLFUW | BMLVS | Bundessparte Bank und Versicherung der WKÖ | Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH | Deloitte Audit Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH | ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH | ERSTE Stiftung | Europäisches Parlament (Informationsbüro in Österreich) | Europäische Kommission (Vertretung Österreich) | Familie & Beruf Management GmbH | Familienwohnbau gemeinnützige Bau- und Siedlungsgesellschaft m.b.H. | FHWien der WKW | Forschung Austria | Gesundheitsfond Steiermark | Group M | Handelskammer Bozen | Handelskammer Trient | Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger | Horváth & Partners Management Consulting GmbH | IV – Industriellenvereinigung | IOI – International Ombudsman Institute | JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH | Land Niederösterreich | Limited | | Klima- und Energiefonds | Microsoft | ÖBB | Oesterreichische Nationalbank | Österreichische Ärztekammer | Österreichische Diabetesgesellschaft | Österreichische Notariatskammer | Österreichischer Integrationsfonds – Fonds zur Integration von Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen (ÖIF) | Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag | Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz | ÖSTU-STETTIN Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH | Philips Austria GmbH | PORR AG | PwC Österreich | Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG | REWE Group | Santander Consumer Bank GmbH | SAP Österreich GmbH | Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft | Stadt Wien | STRABAG AG | TINA Vienna GmbH | Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse | TU Austria | Ulreich Bauträger GmbH | UniCredit Bank Austria AG | Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien | VERBUND AG | Verein zur Förderung von Forschung und Innovation | Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG | Wirtschaftskammer Tirol | Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte gemeinnützige GmbH

Health Symposium

Tyrol Days

Political Symposium

Clemens Auer, Alena Buyx, Amin El-Heliebi, Julian Hadschieff, Jan Oliver Huber, Hedwig Kaiser, Michael Landau, Philippe Narval, Sigrid Pilz, Josef Probst, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Viktoria Stein, Johannes Steinhart, Christa Wirthumer-Hoche, Johannes Zschocke

Andreas Altmann, Konrad Bergmeister, Adriano Cataldo, Andreas Eisendle, Matthias Fink, Franz Fischler, Helga Fritsch, Martin Kubat, Walter Lorenz, Christina Maymone, Tilmann Märk, Julia Osl, Julia Sandrini, Sabine Schindler, Werner Stuflesser

Almina Besic, Erhard Busek, Vedran Dzihic, Walter E. Feichtinger, Franz Fischler, Ulrike Guérot, Kilian Kleinschmidt, Gerald Knaus, Alexander Marschik, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Pavel Kabat, Emilia Pasquier, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Shalini Randeria, Verena Ringler, Bernhard Wrabetz

Legal Symposium

Economic Symposium

Financial Market Symposium

As well as

Sonja Barnreiter, Maria Berger, Ludwig Bittner, Tamara Ehs, Caspar Einem, Michael Enzinger, Michael Holoubek, Martin Kreutner, Brigitee Loderbauer, Klaus Poier, Richard Soyer, Eva Tscherner, Alma Zadic, Carl Baudenbacher, Alexander Somek, Christine Stix-Hackl, Verica Trstenjak

Christoph Badelt, Claus J. Raidl, Wolfgang Eichert, Anna Handschuh, Martin Kocher, Georg Kopetz, Markus Marterbauer, Emanuel Riccabona, Franz Schellhorn, Christoph Schneider, Agnes Streissler-Führer

Willi Hemetsberger, Günther Lindenlaub, Jeffrey Owens, Claus J. Raidl, Franz Rudofer, Agnes StreisslerFührer, Christoph Schmidinger, Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell

Alpbacher Bergbahnen | Autonome Provinz Bozen Südtirol | Autonome Provinz Trient | Bodern BaugesmbH & Co KG | BOZAR – Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles | Bundesjugendvertretung | Bundeskanzleramt Österreich | CEPS – Centre for European Policy Studies | Coca-Cola | Falling Walls Foundation | Fundamental Rights Agency | Global Impact Hub Network | Global Logistic Cluster | Google | Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft | Hutchison Drei Austria | European Investment Bank Institute | foraus – Forum Aussenpolitik | Hertie School of Governance | IACA – International Anti-Corruption Academy | Italian Civil Protection Department | JRC – Joint Research Centre der EU-Kommission | Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft | Österreichisches Patentamt | promitto | RSA – Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce | Siemens | Standortagentur Tirol | Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft | UN – OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | UNU – United Nations University

Built Environment Symposium

Contributions in Kind

Christoph M. Achammer, Brian Cody, Caspar Einem, Heinz Fassmann, Angelika Fitz, Daniel Glaser, Sina Lipp, Sylke Nissen, Margit Noll, Johannes Paar, Barbara Ruhsmann, Claudia Schönegger, Hans Jörg Wippel, Haris Piplas

Bäckerei Ruetz | Brau Union Österreich AG | Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH | ErlebnisSennerei Zillertal | FHWien der WKW | HANDL TYROL GmbH | Ja! Natürlich Naturprodukte GmbH | LENZING PAPIER GMBH | Morandell International GmbH | Privatquelle Gruber GmbH & Co KG Media Partners Forbes Austria | | Die Presse | ORF Radio Ö1 | POLITICO | Der Standard | Terra Mater | Trend | Wiener Zeitung Sponsors and Partners of the Innovation Lab Re:think Austria 2016 Kovar & Partners | freims: contemporary consulting | Gebrüder Weiss Sponsors and Partners of the Alpine Region Energy Forum EURAC research | Alperia | Verbund AG | Energie AG | Pöyry Energy GmbH | TIWAG Tiroler Wasserkraft AG 52



T U R N O V E R 2 0 1 5 : € 2 , 6 9 7, 9 5 5

Our Work so Far The European Forum Alpbach has operated as a non-profit association since 1948. The association is headed by an honorary executive board. The organisation team in Vienna consists of 15 employees. Over 100 volunteers support the Forum. We also act as a platform for socio-political discourse and innovation and support the young people of Europe.

Other Income € 31,509 (1,3%)

Public Funds € 245,216 (9%)

Thanks to countless supporters, sponsors and solid revenue from participation fees, the European Forum Alpbach was able to continue non-profit projects such as the Media Academy, the Innovation Lab “Re:think Austria” and the Networking Meetings for Mayors. In 2015, the organisation ran a balanced budget.

Participation Fees € 1,194,935 (44,3%)

Sponsoring € 1,212,920 (44,9%)


Open & Reliable The European Forum Alpbach’s annual financial statements are audited each year by Sedelmayer & Klier Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer GmbH. The accounts constitute a record of use of the sponsorship money and donations entrusted to us. The audit for the 2015 financial year was completed on March 17, 2016, and was accepted unanimously by the General Assembly on Mai 31, 2016: “According to our assessment, the (...) present accounting system is a transparent and comprehensive reflection of the course of business.

Membership Fees € 13,375 (0,5%)

The association’s financial situation is in order.” The financial statements were submitted to the association committee for statutory use and were judged as orderly, and the allocation of funds was deemed to be in accordance with the statutes by honorary auditors Günter Schrems (Head of Organisation Sales Processes; Erste Bank) and Max Kothbauer (Vice President of the National Bank of Austria).

C O S T S 2 0 1 5 : € 2 , 6 9 7, 9 5 5

Operating Expenses € 274,884 (11%)

Staff Expenses € 809,153 (30%)

Organisation European Forum Alpbach (incl.Special Events & Campus 1,613,918 (59%)

PA R T I C I PAT I O N S AT T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H 2 0 1 6 Seminar Week 834 Persons Tyrol days 433 Persons Health Symposium 704 Persons Higher Education Symposium 1,130 Persons Technology Symposium 1,622 Persons Legal Symposium 536 Persons Political Symposium 1,490 Persons Economic Symposium 1,839 Persons Financial Market Symposium 681 Persons Built Environment Symposium 519 Persons


Note: The chart indicates the number of persons who have attented different symposia (incl. multiple participations). 55

Conflict and Cooperation Konflikt und Kooperation European Forum Alpbach 2017 16.8. – 1.9.2017 | #efa17 Seminar Week Tyrol Days Health Symposium Higher Education Symposium Technology Symposium Political Symposium Legal Symposium Economic Symposium Built Environment Symposium Financial Market Symposium

August 16 to 22 August 19 to 20 August 20 to 22 August 23 August 24 to 26 August 27 to 29 August 27 to 29 August 29 to 31 August 31 to September 1 August 31 to September 1



Curtain Up for the New Congress Centre More space, more comfort, more possibilities – with the expanded Congress Centre Alpbach, the European region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino now possesses a conference venue of world class. The generous space makes it possible to combine even more talks than at present. In 2016, for example, the Legal Symposium took place in parallel to the

Political Symposium for the first time. The building is characterised by a smart, sustainable architecture, with the hall featuring a unique 3D acoustics. Thanks to the unobtrusive way it’s embedded into the mountain, the Alpbach townscape remains completely untouched. Cover Picture: A paper rocket rises into the sky over Alpbach. The model was built in a “Maker” workshop organised by the Forum Alpbach Network Standing Committee, the TU Space Team, bmwfw and Happylab, during the European Forum Alpbach 2016.

S U S TA I N A B L E C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H “G R E E N M E E T I N G ” C E R T I F I C AT I O N F I N A N C E PA R T N E R S : S TAT E O F T Y R O L , E U R O P E A N R E G I O N T Y R O L- S O U T H T Y R O L-T R E N T I N O , M U N I C I PA L I T Y O F A L P B A C H , T V B A L P B A C H TA L & T I R O L E R S E E N L A N D , E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H , B M L F U W A R C H I T E C T: M A R K U S P R A C K W I E S E R – T E A M D I N A 4 A R C H I T E K T U R Z T G M B H OPENING IN SUMMER 2016


Imprint (December 2016): Publisher: Europäisches Forum Alpbach gemeinnütziger Verein | Franz-Josefs-Kai 13/10, 1010 Vienna | Tel.: +43 1 718 17 11 | Pictures EFA 2016: Philipp Naderer, Maria Noisternig, Sebastian Philipp, Andrei Pungovschi, Matthias Silveri | Other Pictures: Peter Mayr, Luiza Puiu, Simon Rainsborough, Matthias Sedlak, Alex Schöller | Editor: Stefan Kranewitter | Production: Franz Mailer | Printing: Druckerei Hans Jentzsch & Co GmbH, Vienna @forumalpbach /forumalpbach

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