Programme European Forum Alpbach 2013

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European Forum Alpbach 2013 Experiences and Values 12. – 31.08.2013

European Forum Alpbach 2013 Experiences and Values 12. – 31.08.2013

Contents Page Editorial 1 Interview 2 Europe 4 History 6 Cultural Programme 8 ART Seminar Week 10 SEM Health Symposium 14 MED Summer Schools 19 SCH Alpbach Media Academy 20 Tyrol Day 22 TYR Perspectives 24 PER Universities of Applied Sciences Forum 29 UAS University Forum 31 UNI Alpbach in Motion 34 Technology Forum 36 TEC Decision Making in the EU 42 EUR Political Symposium 44 POL Re:think Europe 48 Legal Symposium 50 LAW Economic Symposium 54 ECN Digital World 60 Financial Market Symposium 62 FIN Built Environment Symposium 64 BLT Interreligious Meditation 66 REL Closing Event 69 CLS Associates Network 70 Further Information 72

Cross-Cutting Topics Culture Digital World


















































SEM 19.08.












































































































































ART Cultural Programme This year, we aim to achieve a stronger integration of arts and culture in the conference programme. The events which are strongly linked to the individual Symposia are listed as CULTURE under the respective abbreviation (i.e. SEM). The others are listed as ART.


The European Forum Alpbach 2013 will deal with the general topic “Experiences and Values”. The relationship between these two concepts is fraught with tensions. While the experience of two World Wars had increasingly called traditional values into question in the first half of the 20th century, it became possible to enshrine human dignity in constitutions and to promote European integration based on a comprehensive charter of fundamental rights in the past century’s second half, so that a new war between the former European rivals has become virtually impossible. The question we need to answer now is how much influence experiences and/or values are to have on decisions regarding our future. These days, individual and collective experiences are not consistent and open to different interpretations. In all fields of life, our society is determined by an increasing diversity of partly conflicting values. Ever more pronounced social imbalances clearly show that the values our society is based on may not be sustainable. The tensions between social developments, our values and expectations will, however, continue to be the most important driving forces behind our decisions and actions. In Alpbach, we want to find out how a democratic Europe will deal with these tensions in the future and what a future determined by these tensions may look like.



Old Revolutionary Traditions Franz Fischler and Philippe Narval about the present and future of the European Forum Alpbach. By Michael Fleischhacker, Head of the Alpbach Media Academy

If the October Revolution in 1917 had not taken place in Russia but in Austria, we would probably not be talking about a ‘revolution’ today, but about continuing an old tradition. Austrians do not like to break with traditions. Franz Fischler, the President of the European Forum Alpbach, and Philippe Narval, the Managing Director, also follow this idea. They are planning and going to change a lot while retaining certain traditions. Philippe Narval believes that genuine departures from tradition are best achieved by ‘small interventions’, anything else would just be a ‘show’. This, of course, does not mean that the Forum’s President and Managing Director have lowered their ambitions: ‘We want the Forum to become an avant-garde venue for developing new ideas,’ says Franz Fischler. Alpbach is not intended to become ‘an event where only the bosses meet’, like the WEF in Davos, but a venue for addressing ‘the issues of our times’ in a serious way. Fischler

and Narval both think that in order to do this an interdisciplinary approach is required. Today’s most crucial issues ‘cannot be tackled by experts only’. We need ‘creative minds’ who might not be affiliated to any of the traditional disciplines. This is why artists will be involved in the discussions to a greater extent, in addition to providing an inspiring cultural programme. Fischler and Narval emphasise that the Forum should not ‘only deal with the mainstream positions’ on current issues. To achieve this aim, there will be fewer sessions with lenghty presentations, making it possible to have more interactive breakout sessions. Apart from that, Fischler and Narval want to use more controversial ‘one-on-one’ formats, for example during this year’s Economic Symposium. These formats are intended to allow for an in-depth examination of different positions. The President and the Managing Director hope for the audience’s acceptance of these new for2

mats. They do not take this for granted since, as they point out, ‘Austrians do not like to break with traditions’. One of these departures from tradition is concealed in 2013’s general topic ‘Experiences and Values’, which may sound rather broad at first glance. Seen from a rather traditional point of view, society is not conceivable without values, neither is letting ‘things happen the way they happen’. Do we want to continue trying to adapt our constantly changing reality to obsolete

value systems, or should we rather try to accept the unpredictability of developments and define suitable contemporary values? Raising this question may indeed be potentially revolutionary. The potential of bringing together contrasting and contradictory positions plays a vital role in Franz Fischler’s plans for the future of the European Forum Alpbach. One of the organisation’s most interesting new projects is the newly launched political innovation lab ‘Re:think’

which took place for the first time in the early summer of 2013 in Linz and involved a very diverse group of political stakeholders, with affiliations ranging from the (political) far left to the far right, from NGOs to those of major corporations. Philippe Narval stresses that the annual Forum in Alpbach will, of course, remain the central event: ‘After all, there is no other gathering in Europe where such a high number of young people can come in direct contact with elite decision-makers’. Moreover, 3

according to Narval, the sponsoring partners from the business community increasingly see the young people whose participation they support as a resource for new ideas and fresh thinking. This approach will not be limited to the three weeks in August: The year-round programme will be expanded by activties such as the ‘Re:think’ project. To this end, EFA has recently established a cooperation with the Laxenburg based IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis).


Like a Phoenix from the Ashes? How to Rescue Europe’s Unity from the Crisis By Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Vice President of the European Forum Alpbach

between member states persisting and growing after twenty years of constructing the monetary union; the detrimental consequences of austerity for growth and employment; the soaring income divide between and within member states; the decline of relative power of the Union in the world and the concomitant belief of some members to be better off if they went alone; and finally, the erosion of democratic standards at EU and national levels in the process of solving the crisis. Tackling all these issues at once is a daunting task. There is a lack of leadership. EU institutions, such as the Commission or the Parliament, are sidelined or even paralysed, while the intergovernmental mode of governance only produces solutions in fits and starts, and even if any solutions are reached, they may then still be challenged by national parliaments, courts and constituencies. Germany is defined as the “reluctant hegemon” (The Economist), the Franco-German tandem has virtually fallen apart, the UK is indulging in eccentricity, and other Northerners in silence, while other member states are struggling to cope with asymmetric shocks. Only the ECB seems to levitate above this conundrum, promising to do “whatever it takes” to save the Euro.

European integration is no longer being portrayed as a success story. In particular enthusiasm about the Euro as a central project of Europe’s unification process has waned, whereas further political deepening is highly contested, leadership is lacking, negotiations are cumbersome and their outcomes are precarious. The financial and fiscal crisis has unleashed a flurry regarding policies and new institutions inside and outside EU law, which increase the complexity and opaqueness. The promises of democracy and better governance enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon are being broken and the citizens’ confidence in the EU is diminishing. The divide between creditors and debtors is growing, and euro-sceptic protest parties are on the rise on both sides. Is this gloomy picture to persist or even deteriorate? Will it be possible to keep up the European values of democracy and prosperity, to maintain freedom and the European way of life in the face of the experiences we are currently going through? How can the European Union, which is often depicted as a normative power, promote its values on a global scale if it is unable to resolve its internal problems? The European Forum Alpbach is an ideal setting for discussing the above questions without any prejudices and taboos. Resolutions depend on realism about past failures and future options. We also need to make up our minds about whether we want to preserve Europe’s unity. If unity is the goal, we need to devise appropriate strategies. Any strategic thinking has to start from the questions “What went wrong?” and “Why?”. We do know some fundamentals such as the unsustainability of the peculiar imbalances between monetary and economic union, the former being highly centralised and the latter being by and large decentralised; or the pronounced economic asymmetries

While the ECB may be in a position to alleviate the aggression of global financial markets, it neither has a mandate to create growth, nor to reduce structural imbalances. Solidarity – a much used term in the Treaty of Lisbon – has to come from the member states. Solidarity is not altruism but emerges from a common definition of problems and common efforts to overcome them. Thus, the key questions are whether Europeans perceive the current problems as common to all and finding solutions as a collective task and whether political elites indulge in catering only to their national 4


shocks. Enhancing surveillance and punishment as through the Fiscal Pact alone will not do it. Strict rules are important, but will not lead to growth and employment, let alone socio-economic convergence. Genuine fiscal federalism, including conditional transfers, constitutes a possible solution, as demonstrated by other integration projects such as the US in the 19th and 20th centuries. It would, however, entail completion of contracts and a reopening of the constitutional debate. There is no guarantee, but if the EU is to rise from the ashes resulting from the blast caused by the financial crisis and the ensuing sovereign debt crisis, finding a new “constitutional moment” is worthwhile trying.

electorates or whether they perceive themselves as representatives of Europe as a whole. If they decide to take the latter stance, distribution from the haves to the have-nots is compelling – not as an altruistic gesture, but in the name of preserving unity while accommodating diverging interests. Only if the needs of all the member states can be satisfied by being part of the Union will it be possible for the European enterprise to succeed. This implies that member states have to comply with the rules they have agreed upon voluntarily. The integrity of the Union as a whole much depends on completing the “incomplete contracts” set up with the Euro and the Stability and Growth Pact. They are incomplete owing to the blindness of contracting parties regarding the destabilising impacts of the common currency in case of asymmetric 5


– H istory –

Research Project on the History of the European Forum Alpbach Launched By Maria Wirth, historian and researcher on the Alpbach History Project

Over the years, the European Forum Alpbach became a forum of interdisciplinary dialogue with topics ranging from science, art and culture to politics, economy and financial matters, and later also including technology, health and architecture. Europe was always afforded a special place in its cultural, political and economic discourse. Many people of international renown as well as Austrian scientists and artists who had had to emigrate in the 1930s and 1940s were regular guests in Alpbach. With its decidedly international outlook, the European Forum Alpbach not only became a counterpoint to the mostly inwardoriented Austrian post-war society, but also made important contributions to the development of European thinking.

In 2015, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the European Forum Alpbach. For this occasion, the Forum has asked the Department of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna chaired by Professor Oliver Rathkolb to conduct a study on its history. This critical historical examination focuses not only on the institutional and organisational development of the Forum and on the people who shaped it, but also on the Forum’s contributions to the renewal of intellectual and scientific life in post-war Europe. The European Forum Alpbach was founded in 1945 under the name “Internationale Hochschulwochen” (International Summer Seminars) and was one of the first international intellectual events to be held in Europe after the Second World War had left it in ruins. Two of the founders were the student Otto Molden (1918-2002), who had been part of the middle-class resistance against the National Socialist regime, and junior professor of philosophy Simon Moser (1901-1988). Their aim was to contribute to a “reconstruction of intellectual life” after National Socialism and the Second World War, and to initiate a dialogue between old adversaries. What was planned as a one-time event was continued the very next year and has been held every year since. In 1949, “European Forum Alpbach” was added to the name (although “Internationale Hochschulwochen” remained part of the title until 1970).

The Alpbach History Project, which is supported by the Future Fund of the Republic of Austria, will analyse how the relationships between the different scientific disciplines in Alpbach developed, which trends of the time were reflected upon in Alpbach, and which schools of thought (e.g. in the domain of philosophy due to Karl Popper’s influence) became particularly important for the European Forum Alpbach. The project will also examine how Alpbach stimulated scientific and intellectual development after World War II: Hans Albert, Theodor W. Adorno, Paul Feyerabend, Friedrich August von Hayek, Arthur Koestler, Lise Meitner, Karl Popper and Erwin Schrödinger are but a few of the many intellectuals and scientists who were regular guests in Alpbach. 7



Looking at the topics of the European Forum Alpbach also from a cultural and artistic perspective is essential for us. This year, we aim to achieve a stronger integration of arts and culture in the conference programme by connecting certain cultural highlights to the respective topics of the Symposia. In this programme you will find those events marked in yellow. In addition, the cultural programme offers a great variety of events, ranging from classical to modern music concerts, from theatre improvisations to cabaret, from film screenings to readings, and from exhibitions of the fine arts to highly innovative formats.



12.08.2013 20.08.2013 17:15 - 17:30 CONCERT Opening Concert Part I: Premiere of “The Light of Experience”

19:00 - 19:30 CONCERT Opening Concert Part II

21:00 - 21:15 EXHIBITION OPENING Marco Szedenik “World and Spirit – The Philosophers’ Cycle (First Part)”


18:00 - 19:30 DISCUSSION Authors in Conversation: The Revolt Against the West and Its Values

20:00 - 21:30 CONCERT Radix Chamber Ensemble: “Worth the Experience: Dynamics”

26. 08. 2013 19:00-21:00 SPEAKING COMPETITION Speakers’ Night

21. 08. 2013

18:30-20:00 DISCUSSION Vienna Lectures: “Maintaining and Shaping Relationships – between Respect, Politeness, Correctness and Solidarity”

16.08.2013 13. 08. 2013

18:30 - 19:00 EXHIBITION OPENING Bodily Experiences – Günter Brus. Photographs from Actions

20:00-22:00 PERFORMANCES International Evening

20:05-20:15 THEATRE PERFORMANCE The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art Introduces Itself

14. 08. 2013

18:00 - 19:30 READING & DISCUSSION Remembering Arthur Koestler

17:15 - 18:00 EXHIBITION OPENING “Back to the Future”

21:00-23:00 FILM SCREENING “Alphabet” by Erwin Wagenhofer


24. 08. 2013

20:00 - 21:30 CABARET Lüder Wohlenberg: “Spontaneous Recovery”

20:00-21:30 THEATRE PERFORMANCE Royal Academy of Dramatic Art: “Alpbach on Stage”


25. 08. 2013

18:45 - 20:00 EXHIBITION OPENING Markus Lüpertz: “Unruhe auf dem Olymp”

11:00-13:00 FILM SCREENING “The Priest‘s Children” by Vinko Brešan

20:00 - 22:00 FILM SCREENING “Foreign” by Miriam Fassbender

20:30-21:30 PERFORMANCE Slavic Summer. Eastern European Weather. (Literature, Jokes and Music)

19:30-21:00 CINE SCIENCE “Crime and Persecution on US TV-Shows as Value Discourse”

27. 08. 2013

20:30-21:30 MUSIC PERFORMANCE Miha Pogačnik: “What Businesses Can Learn from Music”

29. 08. 2013

18:00-19:00 READING “Rasende Ruinen: Wie Detroit sich neu erfindet” by Katja Kullmann

30. 08. 2013

19:30-21:00 CONCERT Franui: “Fresh Merchandise”

31. 08. 2013

10:15-10:30 CONCERT Quartet of the Vienna Philharmonic (only for participants of the Closing Event)


– A lpbach S eminar W eek –

Alpbach Seminar Week At the very heart of the European Forum Alpbach is the Seminar Week, which takes place in the village’s secondary school (Hauptschule) during the Forum’s first week. Up to sixteen seminars are offered, dedicated to various scientific disciplines, covering subjects that are at the forefront of scientific research. The tradition of these seminars goes back to the beginning of the Forum, when in August 1945, after the end of World War II, a small number of students and professors came together in Alpbach to discuss scientific issues of general interest. An interdisciplinary body of eminent scholars, chaired by Peter C. Aichelburg, is responsible for the programming of the Seminar

Week. The topics of the seminars range from biology, chemistry and medicine to political science, sociology and economics as well as literature and art history. Current issues are analysed theoretically, and theories are elucidated through practical examples. Each seminar is taught by two renowned experts who present cutting-edge science while keeping the lectures and discussions accessible to everyone. This way, physicists may discover their enthusiasm for English literature, economists can take on anthropology etc. However, the learning experience does not end in the classroom. Following the Alpbach tradition in which any place can become home to an intellectual debate, spontaneous

discussions frequently spring up: during a morning hike, a lunchtime picnic or an evening at the local village inn. This year, under the general topic “Experiences and Values”, the seminars will cover a wide range of subjects reaching from the problematic issue of democratic interventions, human rights and the role of the European Court of Human Rights, to highly topical questions concerning open data and cyberspace. Furthermore, they will debate the “value of science”, inquire about the conflicting aspects and ethics of the use of natural resources, and discuss the technical and political aspects of “exploring the universe”.


Seminar Week 12. – 18. August 2013 Experiences and Values The seminar week is the scientific centrepiece of the European Forum Alpbach. 16 interdisciplinary one-week seminars approach the general topic from different scientific perspectives. Each seminar is accompanied by two renowned experts. They introduce the participants to the latest findings from theory and practice in their respective fields of expertise and create room for interdisciplinary exchange and intensive discussion, outside the established research institutions. The seminars are organised by the EFA’s Scientific Advisory Board which is chaired by Peter C. Aichelburg.


– S eminar W ee k –

Plenary Sessions

Seminars 13.-18.08.2013 Morning

12.08.2013 17:00-17:15

Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2013

01 New Approaches to Security – Cooperation, Concentration and Integration

Peter C. Aichelburg Franz Fischler

Bastian Giegerich, Olivier Ruchet

12.08.2013 17:15-17:30

Opening Concert Part I: Premiere of “The Light of Experience” As a sign of appreciation for and support of contemporary art, the European Forum Alpbach continues to commission the composition of a new piece of music every year, which premieres at the opening of the Forum. This year’s composition bears the signature of the Tyrolean composer, conductor and musician Hermann Pallhuber. The International Symphonic Brass Ensemble will bring the piece to life.

12.08.2013 17:30-18:30

13.-18.08.2013 Afternoon

09 The Role of the European Court of Human Rights in Protecting and Developing an Open Society Christoph Grabenwarter, Elisabeth Sándor-Szalay

10 Power and Cyberspace 02 Open Data, Open Government, Open Society?

Alexander Klimburg, Catherine Lotrionte, Milton Mueller

Carl-Christian Buhr, Rufus Pollock

11 What Kind of Foreign Policy – Value-Based or Realpolitik? 03 Democratic Interventionism or Responsibility to Protect? Reinhard Merkel, Véronique Zanetti

04 Motivation – A Biological and Social Base Birgit Derntl, Christian Windischberger

05 Values in Science

Julian Braithwaite, Thomas MayrHarting, Alexander Marschik, Bruno Stagno Ugarte

12 Human Appropriation of Natural Resources – Challenges, Constraints and Ethical Aspects Josef Schmidhuber, Francesco N. Tubiello

Günther Bonn, David Mirelman

06 Exploring the Universe: Competition or Cooperation?

13 Synthetic Biology: Social and Ethical Implications Mark Bedau, Jamie Davies

Peter Hulsroj, Shuang Nan Zhang

Opening Speeches 14 Roots of European Values Bo Stråth Lola Young

12.08.2013 19:00-19:30

07 Between Faith and Atheism – Values and the Variety of Spiritual Experiences Carool Kersten, Clemens Sedmak, Michael von Brück

Opening Concert Part II 08 The Evil in Art 12.08.2013 19:30-21:00

Rajeev Bhargava, Walter Reese-Schäfer

15 Irrational Behaviour of Individuals: Implications for Economic Policy Hartmut Kliemt, Martin Kocher

Natalie Lettner, Michael Schulz

Presentation of the Seminars The seminar chairs will present every seminar briefly.

14.08.2013 19:00-24:00

Klaus Poier

BarCamp: Transformations

16 Experiences in Migration and Integration: A Cultural Approach Wiebke Sievers, Werner Sollors



Health Symposium 16. – 19. August 2013 Who Decides Health? Decision-making processes relating to issues of health and illness are complex and require the involvement of all stakeholders. It is often the case that decisions have to be taken without being able to predict their consequences with any degree of certainty. This year’s Health Symposium will focus on the question “Who decides health?” To which extent do social determinants influence our health? Which priorities do we have to set, and how? Can evidence-based medicine help us to take the right decisions? What are the guidelines for medical research and treatment? How is the legal and political framework defined? How can patients be equipped with health competence?



Armin Fidler Verena Gangl Jan Oliver Huber Hedwig J. Kaiser Werner Kerschbaum Marcus Müllner Sigrid Pilz Josef Probst Pamela Rendi-Wagner Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth Artur Wechselberger Johannes Zschocke

– H ealth S ymposium –

Plenary Sessions 16.08.2013 13:00-13:15

Opening Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth Robin Rumler

16.08.2013 13:15-14:30

Fair Society, Healthy Lives How can social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, grow up, live, work and age, lead to health inequalities? How can we reduce these inequalities? What factors contribute to achieve an equitable and healthy society and what are the greatest obstacles? Michael Marmot Giulio Superti-Furga

16.08.2013 17:00-18:00

19.08.2013 11:00-12:30

Indroduction to the Main Topics

Responsibility for Setting the Agenda for Health Care Policy In this session we will discuss the challenges of the Austrian health system with the political decisionmakers. The results from the working groups will form the basis for this political discussion.

Maria M. Hofmarcher Reinhold Glehr Sigrid Pilz Jochen Taupitz Richard Hübner

17.08.2013 20:00-21:30

“Spontaneous Recovery” Lüder Wohlenberg, a German medical doctor and cabaret artist, has the ability to skillfully link medicine and politics in his second solo programme “Spontaneous Recovery”. On stage, he surprises the audience with his precise ability of perfectly capturing the current state of affairs.

How Reliable is Evidence in Medicine? Is evidence-based medicine (EBM) more valid than clinical experience? What are the limitations of scientific evidence? How can gaps between clinical research and practice be closed? John Ioannidis Giulio Superti-Furga

19.08.2013 12:30-12:45

Closing Remarks Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth

Lüder Wohlenberg

18.08.2013 16:30-18:00

Presentation of the Working Group Results 16.08.2013 15:00-16:30

Alois Stöger Rudolf Hundstorfer Robin Rumler Hans Jörg Schelling Artur Wechselberger Petra Stuiber

Richard Hübner

19.08.2013 09:00-10:30

Putting Evidence into Policy Practice – Learning from the Best Why are some governments more successful than others in implementing reforms? How do decision makers in health systems link evidence and policy practice? What are the current reform trends in European health care systems? Nick Fahy Fredrik Lennartsson Martin McKee Vesna-Kerstin Petrič Pamela Rendi-Wagner Lise Rochaix* 15

– H ealth S ymposium –

Breakout Sessions

17.08.2013 21:30-23:00

Student Lounge hosted by PHARMIG – Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry


17.08.2013 09:30-13:00

01 Creating Knowledge: Which Freedoms Should Clinical Research Have? Giulio Superti-Furga, Jochen Taupitz, Markus Starecek

02 Sharing Knowledge: Communication in Medicine Reinhold Glehr, Jörg Haslbeck, Wolf Langewitz, Michael Karsten Schulze

Partner Programme 16.-19.08.2013

Austrian Charta of Prevention Three-day event with working groups hosted by AUVA – Austrian Workers’ Compensation Board 17.08.2013 13:30-15:00

03 Applying Knowledge: Who Is to Take Decisions? Who Is to Set Priorities? Gerhard Luf, Otmar Pachinger, Sigrid Pilz, Tanja Dobart

04 Implementing Knowledge: What is the Value of Health? Maria M. Hofmarcher, Pamela RendiWagner, Kurt Völkl, Richard Hübner

Social Programme 17.08.2013 05:00-08:00

Sunrise Hike with Peter Habeler supported by BILLA


Who Makes the Decision on Health at the Supermarket? Discussion on health issues followed by a healthy lunch organised by BILLA 18.08.2013 20:30-23:30

Reception hosted by PHARMIG – Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry, by invitation only 19.08.2013 16:30-20:30

The Future of the Healthcare Reform 2013 – 2018. Requirements for a Successful Implementation Talk and working groups organised by FOPI – Association of the Research and Development based Pharmaceutical Industry in Austria

17.08.2013 16:30-18:30

Reception on the Hill supported by PHARMIG – Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry 16

all day

Summer School on European Health Care and Social Systems Since 2008, the European Forum Alpbach has organised the English-language Summer School ‘Health Care and Social Systems’. This summer school addresses the current issue of organising and financing a health and social system, the influences and trends that have to be taken into account as well as ways of building a sustainable model for the future. Through lectures by eminent international scholars and numerous case studies, participants will build scenarios for the healthcare systems in their home countries. Volker Amelung Victoria Höss Thomas Kostera Oksana Lemishka Axel Mühlbacher Marcus Müllner Anita Rieder Katharina Viktoria Stein Ilse Simma-Boyd Stefanie Werinos

Especially in the medical device industry, the employees’ know how provides the basis for a successful business. It allows professional service and advice, both crucial for a well-established client relationship. Fully-trained staff ensures safety and reliability for the patient as well as for the prescribing doctors and donors alike. Eventually, this is a determinate factor for the positive reputation of products as well as companies. One of AUSTROMED´s main goals is to provide high-level educational support for our members´ employees and interested third parties. Through the AUSTROMED Academy, AUSTROMED combines all relevant activities. Its seminars (standard seminars and in house trainings according to individual requirements), trainings sessions and workshops provide a valuable foundation or supplement for companies´ internal training and education activities. STANDARD TOPICS • Basic medical knowledge • Laws and regulations for medical devices • European laws concerning medical devices • Public procurement law • Professional conduct in the operating room • Preparations for the medical device trade qualification examination Further information regarding seminars focusing on different topics can be found at: AUSTROMED is the leading Austrian representation for all companies engaged in the development, production, processing and distribution of medical devices in Austria. Around 9,000 employees are working in AUSTROMED´s member companies generating a direct output of 3,4 billion Euro in the Austrian economy per year.

Interessensvertretung der Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen

AUSTROMED Association of medical device companies Bossigasse 24/7, 1130 Vienna, AUSTRIA Tel.: +43 1 877 70 12, Fax: +43 1 877 70 12 20 E-Mail: 17

Der Hausverstand sagt:

»Wer Österreich genießt, liegt immer richtig.«



Alpbach Summer Schools 13. – 30. August 2013

The Alpbach Summer Schools are one- or two-week training courses. Under the guidance of renowned experts, participants have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the fields of ‘European Law and Integration’ and ‘European Health and Social Systems’.


all day

Alpbach Summer School on European Integration Every year since 1992, the Alpbach Summer School on European Integration has offered a compact yet comprehensive course on the law and policies of the European Community (EC) and of the European Union (EU). The Alpbach Summer School on European Integration welcomes students from Austria and from other countries. Together they enjoy the challenge of an intensive two weeks’ learning experience. This summer school, the only one of its kind in Austria, is run in parallel English and German language classes. It is designed to assist students in acquiring a basic understanding of the workings of the EC-EU, to equip them with the skills required to analyse socio-economic and legal issues of European integration and, more generally, to introduce them to a culture and practice of animated debate of contemporary problems facing European integration. Waldemar Hummer Michael Schweitzer Friedl Weiss


all day

Alpbach Advanced Course on European Integration The Alpbach Advanced Course on European Integration addresses advanced students and young graduates with degrees either in Law or in Business Law. Further target groups are people dealing with European Union Law in their professional lives (lawyers, civil servants at local, regional and state level, executive officers, government employees, employees of interest groups, teachers, and lecturers of adult education institutions). The course teachers focus on the main features of international business law (WTO/GATT) and offer an extensive introduction into European Union Law.

all day

Alpbach Excellence Course for European Law The Alpbach Excellence Course for European Law addresses lawyers, civil servants at local, regional and national level, executive officers, employees of interest groups, teachers, lecturers at adult education institutions. It also aims at those who have advanced 19

Waldemar Hummer Walter Obwexer Michael Schweitzer


all day

Summer School on European Health Care and Social Systems See page 16.

Waldemar Hummer Michael Schweitzer Theodor Taurer


knowledge in European Union Law and intend to broaden and update their expertise. The course teachers focus on current developments across European Union law in the areas of of law-making, jurisdiction and training. In order to integrate a practical approach in the curriculum of the Excellence Course and to further connect it to current questions of legal practice, it will deal with the main topics and speakers of the Alpbach Legal Symposium for the first time in 2013.


– A lpbach M edia A cademy –

Alpbach Media Academy Twelve young journalists from all across Europe have joined our newly founded Media Academy this year. They were nominated as top of their class by centres of excellence from all across the continent. The journalists will report from the European Forum Alpbach using various forms of media, engaging with our community, our seminars and the most relevant speakers and debates. With the Alpbach Media Academy, we contribute to the hands-on training of these young journalists. In special sessions, academy members

will work with renowned international colleagues, experts and mentors. At the same time, the academy will bring the best content of the Forum – critically reviewed and analysed – to a global audience. The articles, video clips, pictures and social media contributions by academy journalists can be found on our official website. Special issue dossiers will be made available after the Forum and will cover focus areas such as European Integration, Technology and Innovation, and


Cyberspace in depth. The Alpbach Media Academy is led by the Austrian journalist Michael Fleischhacker, former editor-in-chief of the Austrian broadsheet paper Die Presse. Marianne Peters, former President of the European Journalism Training Association, functions as its strategic advisor.

Alpbach Media Academy is supported by


Tyrol Day 17. – 18. August 2013 Euroregion Tyrol – Value Creation through Innovation Innovations are an important driving force in mature economies. They guarantee competitiveness and allow us to maintain our high level of prosperity, also in the Euroregion Tyrol. Innovation is often only considered in economic and technological terms. The Tyrol Day 2013 will highlight that innovation has to be considered in a more comprehensive way and is required in all sectors of society.



Martin Ausserdorfer Konrad Bergmeister Matthias Fink Franz Fischler Stefan Garbislander Harald Gohm Herbert Lochs Tilmann Märk Luca Nogler Birgit Oberkofler Sabine Schindler Werner Stuflesser

– T yrol D ay –

Plenary Sessions

Breakout Sessions

18.08.2013 09:00-10:00

17.08.2013 14:00-17:30

Holy Mass Franz Bachmaier Raimund Schreier

Working Group of Young Researchers

18.08.2013 10:00-10:30

Lucia Busatta, Daniele Castello, Matteo D’Antoni, Andreas Eisendle, Peter Willeit, Katharina Winkler, Julia Osl, Kathrin Maria Rudolf

Opening Ceremony of the European Forum Alpbach Markus Bischofer Luis Durnwalder Franz Fischler Alberto Pacher Günther Platter

18.08.2013 11:30-12:00

Jury of the Working Group of Young Researchers Ferdinand Karlhofer, Herbert Lochs, Kurt Matzler, Günther Rautz, Johann Willeit, Enrico Zaninotto, Konrad Bergmeister

Presentation of the Euregio Young Researchers’ Award 2013

Social Programme

18.08.2013 12:00-13:20

18.08.2013 05:00-08:00

Euroregion Tyrol – Value Creation through Innovation

Hiking Tour to the Wiedersberger Horn

Sara Matt-Leubner Francesco Palermo Johann Willeit Enrico Zaninotto Susanne Barta

Andy Holzer

18.08.2013 10:30-11:30

Snack 18.08.2013 13:20-14:30

18.08.2013 14:30-15:30

Debate – For an Innovative Euroregion Tyrol

Tyrolian Lunch Reception

Luis Durnwalder Alberto Pacher Günther Platter Karlheinz Töchterle Franz Fischler 23


Perspectives 19. – 21. August 2013 European Union: With or Without You? Despite current problems and controversial decisions, we believe that European integration is necessary and essential if Europe wants to continue to play an important role in a globalised world. The Alpbach Perspectives 2013 will therefore deal with the development of a sustainable European social and economic model. The plenary and breakout sessions will discuss topics such as European values, youth unemployment, the future of the welfare state, education, innovation, as well as the difficult balancing act between democracy and efficiency and the tensions between austerity programmes and the promotion of growth.



Kurt Bayer Elisabeth Freytag Elisabeth Hagen Andreas Henkel Stephan Henseler Michael Losch Sonja Puntscher Riekmann Klemens Riegler-Picker Matija Rutar Andreas Wörgötter

– P erspectives –

Plenary Sessions 19.08.2013 14:30-14:45

Opening Franz Fischler Christoph Leitl

19.08.2013 14:45-16:30

European Values: Acquis or Cheap Talk? Do our multicultural societies­ actually have common European values? Are these values necessary and worth fighting for? Do we maybe even need stronger values or some kind of European identity? What does solidarity mean nowadays? Jacques Attali Phillip Blond Lykke Friis Ruth Wodak Peter Woodward

19.08.2013 17:00-18:30

The European Union’s Future Role in a Global Economy How is the European Union’s economic policy perceived in the world? Which underlying values do we want to represent? What is “fair” competition? Which role do protectionism and subsidies play?

19.08.2013 20:00-22:00

21.08.2013 10:00-10:30

“Foreign” by Miriam Fassbender The documentary film “Foreign” follows the journey of young Mali Mohamed to Europe, on his way to escape poverty. This movie seeks to unveil the reasons behind his migration and uncover his daily struggles. His attempt to escape poverty brings him on one of the oldest routes ‘to a better life’ running from Western Africa through Algeria and Morocco to Spain. This film bears witness to a longtime journey and the hardships of surviving in the unknown.

Europe: A Phoenix from the Ashes? European integration is no longer portrayed as a success story. The divide between creditors and debtors is growing, and euro-sceptic protest parties are on the rise. Is this gloomy picture to persist? Will it still be possible to keep up the European values of democracy and prosperity, to maintain freedom and the European way of life?

Miriam Fassbender Corinna Milborn

21.08.2013 10:30-12:30

20.08.2013 09:00-10:30

Europe in the Media Is it still true that the so-called yellow press is keen to hype scandals and hence to nurture populism and euroscepticism, while other media tend to cultivate an elite discourse or ignore the matter altogether? Has the financial and ensuing sovereign debt crisis changed the situation? How would the media respond to the need for a new European constitutional perspective? Susanne Glass Lisbeth Kirk Thomas Mayer Corinna Milborn Andre Wilkens Sonja Puntscher Riekmann

Cinzia Alcidi Alexander A. Dynkin* Robert Z. Lawrence* Yongding Yu Susanne Glass

Sonja Puntscher Riekmann

The Future of Europe: A Grassroots Perspective How can we cope with problems such as youth unemployment and the apparent rise of nationalistic sentiments all across Europe? How can we promote political participation and progress? Which framework conditions and individual attitudes are necessary? Niki Berlakovich Maria Fekter Monika Frech Rudolf Hundstorfer Christoph Leitl Michael Printzos Theodora Toli Peter Woodward

21.08.2013 12:30-12:35

Closing Sonja Puntscher Riekmann


– P erspectives –

Breakout Sessions

05 What Role for Social Partners in the European Union 2.0 of the Future? Supported by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

04b Is there a Future for the European Welfare State?

20.08.2013 11:00-13:00

Patrick Itschert, Winfried Kluth, Christoph Leitl, Fabiana Pierini, Markus Stock

09 A New Culture for Investment and Innovation Supported by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

01a The European Union – With or Without Me? Supported by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and EEB – Environmental Bureau Austria

06 Coordinating Economic Policies within the EU European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth

Philippe Cayla, Gerald Häfner, Christine Quittkat, Margareta Stubenrauch, Peter Woodward

02 Europe after the Crisis – “More Europes” or “More Europe”? European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with WIFO – Austrian Institute of Economic Research Fritz Breuss, Georg M. Busch, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann

03a Higher Vocational Education and Training in Europe: Which Way Forward? Supported by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

Claude Cheruy, Claudia Dörr-Voss, Christian Kirchner, Marco Peronaci, Michael Losch

07 The Financial Crisis as Litmus-Test: The Union between Austerity and Growth European Forum Alpbach Barbara Kauffmann, Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger, Kurt Bayer

08 Perspectives on the Economic Crisis: Greek and Spanish Youth Unemployment European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with EFA Associates Network Zoe Lefkofridi, Ioanna V. Lougari, Lorena Ramírez Pereda, Caspar Einem

Heinz K. Becker, Jean-Pascal Lüthi, Thomas Mayr, Nicole Thurn 20.08.2013 14:00-16:00

04a Is there a Future for the European Welfare State? Supported by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Julius Raab Stiftung and Ecosocial Forum Phillip Blond, Jürgen Kröger, Harald Mahrer, Werner Wutscher, Henning Vom Stein

01b The European Union – With or Without me?

Continuation of the morning session.

Bernd Ebersberger, Marion Poetz, Markus Roth, Werner Wutscher, Sandra Baierl

10 The EU’s Role in Global Governance: Working With Strategic Partners European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with CEPS – The Centre for European Policy Studies Lisbeth Kirk, Pierre Vimont, Jakub Wiśniewski, Richard Youngs, Hrant Kostanyan

11 Changing Values – Focus on Incentives Supported by SVA Maria M. Hofmarcher, Peter McDonald, Adam Oliver, Gerald Pruckner, Karin Strobl

12 Coordinating European Pension Policies – A Bridge so Near? European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with EcoAustria, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research and IHS – Institute for Advanced Studies Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, Elsa Fornero, Robert Holzmann, Christian Keuschnigg, Ulrich Schuh*

Continuation of the morning session.

03b Higher Vocational Education and Training in Europe: Which Way Forward? Anna Maria Hochhauser, Friedrich Poppmeier, Helmut Scheidl, Karlheinz Töchterle, Nicole Thurn


13 Horizon 2020: The Ambitious Goals of the EU Innovation Policy European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with EIB-European Investment Bank Martin Koch, Matthias Kollatz-Ahnen, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Bruno Van Pottelsberghe, Hubert Cottogni

Travelling in a new dimension. 10,000HP and zero fuel consumption. 27

Intelligente Datenanalyse – das Nervensystem eines smarten Planeten. Es wird immer deutlicher, dass ein neues Kapitel begonnen hat. Und dieses Kapitel heisst Big Data: 2,5 Trillionen Bytes werden jeden Tag von Privatpersonen, Unternehmen und digital vernetzten Geräten produziert. Die Analyse dieser Datenmengen ist nicht nur der Schlüssel für die Zukunftsfähigkeit der Unternehmen, sondern kann auch entscheidende Wettbewerbsvorteile bieten. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Unternehmen ihre Mitbewerber überflügeln, ist 2,2-mal höher, wenn sie Analyselösungen nutzen. Das hat eine Studie des «MIT Sloan Management Review Magazine» und IBM gezeigt. Aber nicht alle Analyseansätze sind gleichermassen smart. Intelligente Datenanalyse bezieht alle Unternehmensdaten mit ein – nicht nur die strukturierten aus Datenbanken oder Anwendungen.

Auch schwer erfassbare Daten ausserhalb des Unternehmens – von der Wetterlage über wirtschaftliche Trends bis hin zu Tweets – fliessen ein. Und das ist nicht nur Theorie: Topunternehmen nutzen Datenanalyse nicht länger, sie leben sie. In den letzten drei Jahren hat IBM bei mehr als 20 000 Projekten gemeinsam mit den unterschiedlichsten Unternehmen intelligente Analyselösungen umgesetzt. Diese umfassende Erfahrung hilft, Parallelen zwischen verschiedenen Branchen zu erkennen – und dieses einzigartige Wissen wiederum bei neuen Projekten einzubringen. Auf einem smarten Planeten sind die Möglichkeiten so gross wie die Datenmengen: Let’s Build A Smarter Planet.



IBM, das IBM Logo, und das Planet Icon sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der International Business Machines Corporation in den Vereinigten Staaten und/oder anderen Ländern. Eine aktuelle Liste der IBM Marken ist auf der Internetsite unter «Copyright und Trademark Informationen» abrufbar. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2013. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


Universities of Applied Sciences Forum 21. August 2013 Blackout: Opportunities and Their Impact on People and Society This year’s Universities of Applied Sciences Forum will focus on this question: What is the importance of information in our (working) lives and for society? Transportation, energy supply, opinion-forming, banking transactions and many other areas are based on information processing and provision. But how important is information to modern society? Can we still imagine and manage our lives without information? What are the threats to such data, and how can these threats be reduced? A high-level panel will discuss these questions. The Universities of Applied Sciences Forum addresses all stakeholders in the field of higher education, researchers, industry partners, media representatives as well as students.

Plenary Sessions 21.08.2013 10:00-10:15

21.08.2013 10:35-10:55

21.08.2013 11:35-12:25

When Machines Communicate with Each Other and Learn from Each Other

What Is the Importance of Information in Our (Working) Lives and for Society?

René Mayrhofer

Martin Kugler

21.08.2013 10:55-11:15

21.08.2013 12:25-12:30

Addicts in Our Information and Success-Driven Society

Closing Remarks

Opening Franz Fischler Helmut Holzinger Karlheinz Töchterle

Franz Fischler Michael Musalek 21.08.2013 10:15-10:35

Intercultural Aspects and Diversity Management

21.08.2013 11:15-11:35

Technology and Security: How Vulnerable Are Our Systems?

Beatrice Achaleke Walter Unger



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University Forum 21. August 2013 Markets and Morals The University Forum will provide food for thought for reassessing the role of the markets and their moral limits in our everyday lives. The lectures will in particular touch on questions concerning the role, the development and the erosion of morals in the markets. A wide range of markets – ranging from markets in medicine to traditional financial markets – and moral aspects relating to these markets will be addressed in the context of related scientific fields. We will also focus on the role of the markets in democratic societies, shedding light on the relevant norms for marketing social activities and a fair access to goods.

Plenary Sessions 21.08.2013 13:00-13:15

Peter Moser Gabriele Kotsis

Lukas Meyer Linda Pelzmann Sabine Schindler

21.08.2013 14:15-15:15

Changing Technologies and Values

Opening Franz Fischler Heinrich Schmidinger Karlheinz Töchterle

Matthias Beck Jens S. Dangschat Raimund Margreiter Sabine Schindler

21.08.2013 13:15-14:15

21.08.2013 15:45-16:45

Corporate Social Responsibi­ lity and Business Ethics

Social Competence and Global Responsibility

Michael Kirchler André Martinuzzi

Nicolaus Berlin Eva Jonas


21.08.2013 16:45-17:45

The Art Market and Universities of Art Gunter Damisch Eva Kernbauer Andrea van der Straeten Andrea Braidt

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– A lpbach in M otion –

Alpbach in Motion We believe that a new generation of committed young European leaders can come up with new perspectives and fresh ideas for Europe’s current challenges. This is why we have created Alpbach in Motion (AIM) – The Summit of Emerging Leaders: forty selected leaders between 30 and 40 years of age with diverse backgrounds in business, start-ups, social business, the creative industries and the arts will gather at this year’s Forum in Alpbach to spend two intense days elaborating ideas and specific solutions to a highly topical issue. The 2013 AIM summit will tackle one of the most fundamental challenges posed by the financial and economic crises,

the question of “The Future of Our Economic Model”. The economic model of the Western world seems neither stable nor future-proof. Can capitalism (or any form of it) still show us the way forward, and is unlimited growth possible? Is the current model consistent with the values of our society? What could an adapted model look like, and which conditions would be necessary to foster change? What are the implications for leadership and political responsibility, and what will be the most important trends in society? Alpbach in Motion will take place between August 25 and 27, 2013 under the chairmanship of Manfred Reichl, long-term managing partner of Roland Berger A/CEE


and one of Austria’s leading investors. Inspiring mentors will share their ideas, encourage the group to think ‘out of the box’ and to approach the central issue, the future of our economic model, from different angles. After the summit, its participants will contribute actively to the plenary discussions of the Economic Symposium and present the ideas developed jointly in one of the breakout sessions on August 28: Rethinking Capitalism: The Future of our Economic Model.


Technology Forum 22. – 24. August 2013 Future Innovation: Conditions – Experiences – Values Technological innovations are the motor of our digital societies. New concepts and ideas like “open innovation” will be necessary to provide a sustainable link between value added and the benefit for societies. The Alpbach Technology Forum is the largest platform for a research- and technologyrelated debate in Austria. Due to its international focus it has become an indicator for new trends, setting benchmarks for technological developments. “Junior Alpbach” and the “OE1 Children’s University“ show new ways of natural science-education for future generations.



Martin Bernhofer Günter Hillebrand Michael Hlava

ADVISOR nominated by the European Forum Alpbach

Caspar Einem

– T echnology F orum –

Plenary Sessions 22.08.2013 13:00-13:10

Opening of the Alpbach Technology Forum 2013

22.08.2013 15:40-16:40

Graphene – A Great Hope of Future Technologies? A wafer-thin layer of pure carbon proves to be extremely strong. Graphene, the “magic stuff”, promises superlatives in many fields and was designated a European “flagship” project. What applications can we expect?

Franz Fischler Konstantin Novoselov Helga Nowotny 22.08.2013 13:10-13:45

Innovation and Policy The Alpbach Technology Forum is the summit meeting of Austria’s research, technology and innovation community. At the start of the meeting the top-level representatives of the involved ministries, the Federation of Austrian Industries and the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development will talk about Austria’s way to become an innovation leader. Hannes Androsch Doris Bures Karlheinz Töchterle Gerald Gross

22.08.2013 13:45-15:15

Future Innovation – International Perspectives In the age of knowledge economy the integration of new ideas and capacities for product innovations will become a decisive competitive factor. How can current approaches in theory and practice of innovation be connected in order to be successful on a global scale? Yves L. Doz Jeff Hoffman Lothar Stein Rainer Nowak

22.08.2013 16:40-18:00

From Research to Economic Success Plenary session in cooperation with the European Research Council Knowledge as a production factor is becoming more and more important in the global race for resources, heightening the pressure to enhance the commercial exploitation of current research results. How will the role of top-level research change in the future innovation system? Edward Astle Nicole Grobert Davide Iannuzzi Helga Nowotny

22.08.2013 20:00-21:45

Our Place in the Universe Plenary session in cooperation with the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers The question if extraterrestrial life exists is as old as mankind itself. New technologies that are being applied in astrophysics can answer some of these questions today. Human spaceflight will also play an important role to explain various phenomena.


Lisa Kaltenegger Thomas Reiter Tilman Spohn Jürgen Mlynek

23.08.2013 16:00-17:30

i-Learning – The Future of Learning in the Digital World The latest research on how children’s brains think enable us to design more effective learning processes. How can we usefully connect them with interactive digital media? Martin Korte Christiane Spiel Joachim Treusch

23.08.2013 17:45-20:00

Challenges for Biomedical Research Biomedical research is a requirement to analyse inner molecular structures and their interactions. However, each new insight enhances the complexity of the causes and the opportunities for healing processes. In this plenary session we will discuss which new therapeutic procedures may give us hope. Julius Fabian Brennecke Kurt Wüthrich Johannes Zuber Wolfgang Knoll

– T echnology F orum –

24.08.2013 09:30-10:15

24.08.2013 13:15-13:30

Planning Innovation: At the Crossroads The basic factors of success for innovations have been explored in various disciplines for quite some time. However, how can this complex knowledge be implemented sustainably in the planning of new technologies?

Closing Statement of the Alpbach Technology Forum

Luc Soete Joachim Treusch

Caspar Einem

Breakout Sessions 23.08.2013 09:00-15:00

24.08.2013 10:15-12:00

Cybercrime and Cybersecurity The fight against cybercrime will become a key question of the digital information society. How can more effective methods of prevention and international cooperation limit the damage? Ian Brown Peter Gridling Volker Kozok Alexander Klimburg

24.08.2013 12:15-13:15

The Wonderful World of Quantum Mechanics Most people are unaware of how much our daily life depends on quantum mechanics. In a very entertaining way, using a lot of examples also from the world of fiction, this almost “math free” lecture will introduce us to the principles of a science that determines our world. James Kakalios Joachim Treusch

05 The Potential of the Alps: Focus on the Sustainable Use of Resources Karlheinz Töchterle, Astrid Björnsen Gurung, Georg Grabherr, Christian Hoffmann, Pavel Kabat, Nike Krajnc, Alfred Teischinger, Axel Borsdorf, Karolina Begusch-Pfefferkorn

06 The Potential of ICT Tools in Open Innovation Processes Nikolaus Franke, Michael Heiss, Gertraud Leimüller, Manfred Moormann, Eveline Pupeter-Fellner, Maria Bendl, Klaus PuchbauerSchnabel, Jürgen Rattenberger

01 The Value Chains of the Future Sabine Herlitschka, Kurt Gruber, Christian Kesberg, Markus Klein, Hermann Mattanovich, Lars Mönch, Birgit Murr, Christa Simon, Martin Kugler, Günther Wellenzohn

02 To Develop the Future – Tomorrow’s Innovation as Exemplified by International Leading Enterprises Gerhard Riemer, Anton Mayer, Wolfgang Pell, Pierre Schlosser, Peter Schwab, Monika Sturm, Erwin Toplak, Giovanni Franco, Marlis Baurecht

07 Web Attack! The Fight against Hackers and Data Loss Petra Bohuslav, Ian Brown, Adrian Dabrowski, Johann Haag, Leopold Löschl, Hartmut Müller, Ruchna Nigam, Ireen Christine Winter, Walter Seböck, Claus Zeppelzauer

08 Industry 4.0 – Impact on the Future of Working Lives Doris Hummer, Michael Strugl, Alan Christie, Franz Hammelmüller, Klaus Huttelmaier, Martin Kuhlmann, Jochen Schlick, Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, Gerhard Klein, Anke Merkl-Rachbauer

03 Smart City – Pathways to Future Urban Mobility Bernhard Engleder, Andreas Knie, Gerald Murauer, Gabriele Payr, Martin Russ, Paul Verhoef, Paul Tesarek, Veronika Haunold

04 “Frontrunner”, a New Approach in RTI Policy Thomas Heimer, Norbert Mühlburger, Andreas Schibany, Klara Sekanina, Heinz Seyringer, Michael Binder, Rupert Pichler, Mario Steyer


09 Green Tech: Visions and Business of Eco-Mobility Jost Bernasch, Walter Böhme, Martin Faulstich, Leopold Neuhold, Wolfgang Steiger, Ursula Zechner, Johann Fank, Sonja Kranz, Aldo Ofenheimer

10 Identity 2.0: Digital Man Ivona Brandic, Stefan Bumerl, Thomas Corsten, Sebastian Eschenbach, Friedrich Faulhammer, Gerald Ganzger, Franz Lang, Gerald Gross, Christian Klobucsar

– T echnology F orum –

11 Intellectual Property Management – Conditions for Prosperity and Success Jürgen Antonitsch, Bernhard Dachs, Christoph Ernst, Sonja Hammerschmid, Bernhard Henhapel, Edeltraud Stiftinger, Friedrich Rödler, Eveline Ronge

12 Secure Society = Secured Future = Security Research Gernot Grimm, Karl-Heinz Dernoscheg, Gi-Eun Kim, Reinhard Kreissl, Helmut Leopold, Helmut Schnitzer, Karin Wey, Karl Blecha, Michael Brugger, Ralph Hammer

Special Event: RTI Internationalisation in Austria – Strategic Recommendations Marcus Bergmann, Ruth Müller, Stefan Riegler, Klaus Schuch, Heribert Buchbauer, Ingolf Schädler, Christian Gollubits, Brigitte Weiss

Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for Kids in cooperation with “Young University” Innsbruck Roland Psenner, Rüdiger Teutsch, Karlheinz Töchterle, Karin A. Koinig, Martin Bernhofer

Social Programme 22.08.2013 10:00-12:30

Technology Brunch hosted by Standortagentur Tirol 22.08.2013 21:45

Evening Reception hosted by Forschung Austria 22.08.2013 21:45

Career Lounge hosted by the Organisers and Siemens AG Österreich 24.08.2013 13:30-14:00

Snack Reception hosted by the Organisers

Partner Programme 23.08.2013 20:00-22:00

Open Dialogue – Smart Mobility for Smart Cities supported by AustriaTech

23.08.2013 09:00-18:00

Junior Alpbach – Science and Technology for Young People in cooperation with the initiative “Safer Internet” Topic: “Cyberbullying” Rüdiger Teutsch, Karlheinz Töchterle, Christiane Spiel, Kathryn List


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Decision Making in the EU 18. and 24. August 2013 Decision Making in the EU We are constantly talking about Europe and the European Union – but do we really know what it is and how it works? Do we have the basic knowledge needed in order to understand the complex decision making processes in the EU? This year, two events will deal with the institutional structure of the EU and tackle the question of what decision making processes in the EU look like. Who has a say? Who is assigned to perform which task? How can the institutions reach a solution together?



Franz Fischler Richard KĂźhnel Christian Mandl Georg Pfeifer Barbara Schennach Paul Schmidt Feri Thierry

– D ecision M a k ing in the E U –

Plenary Sessions

Breakout Sessions

18.08.2013 18:30-19:30

24.08.2013 09:00-17:00

The EU at a Glance How does the European Union work? How do the EU institutions interact? What are their common goals and what are the areas of potential conflict between them? And how can they reach a common decision? Subsequent to the short video “The EU institutions explained by their presidents”, the keynote on the subject will provide further answers to these questions. Franz Fischler Werner Weidenfeld

18.08.2013 19:30-20:30

Let’s Talk About It – Round Table of the EU Institutions Representatives of each EU institution will comment on the previous discussion about decision making processes in the EU as exemplified by their daily work experience in their own institutions and cooperating with other institutions. Heinz K. Becker Willy Kempel Jürgen Kröger Aurelie Valtat

The Simulation Game: “Changing Europe’s Climate” Organised by CAP - Center for Applied Policy Research In a simulation on the topic “Changing Europe’s Climate”, the participants will have the opportunity to experience decision making processes in the European Union from the point of view of the participating actors. The individual steps during this process are illustrated and the chances and obstacles on the way to finding a decision can be experienced first-hand. Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Eva Feldmann-Wojtachnia, Bettina Reiter, Peter Hammer, Simon Kirnberger, Konstantin Leimig, Yulia Marshak, Doerthe Winter-Berke

24.08.2013 17:00-19:00

The Simulation Game: Reality Check Bernd Kleinheyer, Georg Pfeifer, Paul Schmidt, Thomas Seifert, Markus Stock, Paul Verhoef, Eva Feldmann-Wojtachnia

18.08.2013 20:30-21:30

European Get Together Hosted by the Information Office of the European Parliament in Austria



Political Symposium 25. – 27. August 2013 Global Challenges: The Future of the International Order Recent developments remind us how highly the world is interconnected today. Human security, adaption to and mitigation of climate change, or food security are just some of many issues calling for united global action. The focus of economic and political power tends to shift towards the East, while others still see the United States as the leading global player in the future. Europe’s role, however, seems to decline. Based on the experiences of the past years, we want to reflect on whether value-based sustainable solutions are possible on the global level. Which values demand for reconsideration and possible calibration to adapt them to the requirements of the 21st century?



Wolfgang Böhm Erhard Busek Harald Dossi Vedran Dzihic Walter Feichtinger Franz Fischler Jan Kickert Thomas Mayr-Harting Eva Nowotny Sonja Puntscher Riekmann Verena Ringler Sebastian Schublach

– P olitical S ymposium –

Plenary Sessions 25.08.2013 14:30-16:00

Opening Erik Jones Reuben Wong Jan Zielonka Franz Fischler

25.08.2013 16:30-18:00

Approaching Global Challenges: The EU and the US as International Actors Do the EU and US approach questions of global importance? Will there be a “transatlantic alliance” based on a set of common values with the goal to tackle global challenges jointly? What will change with the eventual signing of an EU-US free trade agreement? Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber Zaki Laïdi Mark Leonard Helga Maria Schmid* Thomas Mayr-Harting

25.08.2013 18:30-20:00

How Can Women Change the Arab World’s Future? While women have been actively involved in the social movements associated with the Arab Spring, a conservative backlash has followed. Have the role of women in the public sphere and corresponding values changed? Will women shape the Arab world’s future?

25.08.2013 20:30-21:30

26.08.2013 11:30-13:00

Slavic Summer. Eastern European Weather. (Literature, Jokes and Music) György Dalos and Lojze Wieser take on a cultural journey through time, building a bridge to Eastern Europe. They seek what has been lost and present literary and musical impressions from Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and former Yugoslavia. They will be accompanied by music performed by Irina Karamarkovic and Stefan Heckel.

Green Growth: A New Concept for Sustainable Development? European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with IIASA – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis While there is no universal definition of what a “green economy” is, many definitions focus on “green growth” that is low-carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. What are the implications of the introduction of this new concept? Is it any different from “sustainable development”?

György Dalos Stefan Heckel Irina Karamarkovic Lojze Wieser

26.08.2013 09:30-11:00

Cyber War – Perceptions and Approaches of Major Actors European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports How do cyberspace and cyber war transform our definitions of war and security? How do major global actors define cyber war? What is it actually – a new military phenomenon or just individual attacks? Melissa Hathaway Gerald Klug Christopher Painter Christoph Raab Vladislav P. Sherstyuk Helmut Habermayer

Mona Eltahawy* Farah Halime* Samar Yazbek Kirsten van den Hul 45

Pavel Kabat Jeffrey D. Sachs Leena Srivastava Soogil Young Nisha Pillai 26.08.2013 18:45-20:15

Europe’s Role on the World Stage The EU’s seemingly steady set of values is under dispute at home and abroad. Which European values will continue to matter in tomorrow’s world? And what would a commitment to certain values entail for today’s political practice on the European as well as the global stage? Katrin Kinzelbach Reuben Wong Michael Reiterer

– P olitical S ymposium –

27.08.2013 09:30-11:00

Globalization 3.0: Towards Sustained Prosperity? European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization How can different global actors be inspired to bring their capabilities, their institutions and their interests to bear in a new, cohesive global partnership for sustained prosperity, which could go a long way towards achieving global and local development goals and ensuring the protection of the global commons? Mayi Antillon Guerrero* Yong Li Vo Tri Thanh Jan Wouters Robert Wade

27.08.2013 11:30-12:30

Closing Keynote Franz Fischler

Breakout Sessions 26.08.2013 15:00-18:00

01 EU-US Relations in 3D: Perspectives on Defence, Diplomacy and Development European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States of America in Vienna Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber, Christopher Dell, Kevin J. Mullally, Eva Nowotny, Michael Reiterer, Barbara J. Sotirin, Charles E. Ritterband

04 The EU’s Performance on the Global Stage: Which Values Will Matter Tomorrow? European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs Estefanía Almenta Lopez, Hakan Altinay, Martin Eichtinger, Katrin Kinzelbach, Oliver Rathkolb, Martin Mayer, Verena Ringler

05 Are Values the Key to Managing Challenges in a Diverse Society? European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the Austrian Integration Fund Michael Adams*, Lisa Christiane Fellhofer, Daniel Haun, Katerina Kratzmann, Sebastian Kurz

02 Dealing with the Complexities of Development: Why are Integrated Approaches Essential? European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with IIASA – Inter­ national Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

06 Hunger – Values – Politics European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | Centre for Development Research

Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Michael Obersteiner, Roberto SanchezRodriguez, Changhua Wu, Nisha Pillai

Alexandre De Faria, Boitshepo Bibi Giyose, Erik Millstone, Vo Tri Thanh, Michael Hauser

03 The Dawn of Cyber War – Consequences for States, Societies and Individuals European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports

07 Global City Systems: How a ‘Global Systems Science’ can Help Cope with Urbanisation European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with DG CONNECT and HLRS – High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart

Melissa Hathaway, Nemanja Malisevic, Taimar Peterkop, Walter Unger, Katharina Ziolkowski, Helmut Habermayer


Lisa Amini, Volker Buscher, Colin Harrison, Ralph Dum

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– R e :thin k E urope –

Re:think Europe – Hosting Innovative Dialogue throughout the Year The association European Forum Alpbach, which is based in Vienna, is not only responsible for designing the programme of the annual Forum in Tyrol, but serves as a platform for dialogue across all sectors of society throughout the year. In a number of innovative conferences and events we try to get people actively involved and aim to contribute towards establishing a united, democratic and sustainable Europe.

initiated Austria’s first ever political innovation lab, which took place between June 13 and June 15, 2013. The event was organised in collaboration with the consultancies Freims and Kovar & Partners in Linz. Re:think Austria convened young Austrian political leaders with very different political backgrounds to engage in an open dialogue with representatives from civil society, the arts and the business community.

Our Re:think project is one example of the work we do in addition to organising the Forum in the summer. Under this label we

The fifty hand-picked participants were provided with a unique space to scout for new ideas and perspectives for


structural change in Austria’s political system. The 1.5-day event focused on issues relating to political accountability, and its format allowed for a real dialogue among stakeholders who usually stand on opposite sides in the public debate. Participants succeeded in discovering common ground and were able to develop innovative solutions, some of which will be presented to the public by the European Forum Alpbach in the coming months.


Legal Symposium 26. – 27. August 2013 Experiencing Law – The Public as a Value? Legal systems act as stabilising factors in our pluralistic societies and enable us to establish binding agreements. Only in a critical discourse about our legal systems can we develop new approaches for further improvements. Under the title “Experiencing Law – the Public as a Value?” we will tackle the following questions: Does the law reach the citizens? To what extent does a public arena for European legislation exist? Which problems and solutions are there in the field of internet governance? How much transparency is possible when defining and applying norms? And which are the goals of media and public relations in the legal sphere?



Walter Berka Caspar Einem Christoph Grabenwarter Johannes Heinrich Brigitta Lurger Manfred Matzka Roland Miklau Walter Obwexer Johannes Pichler Klaus Poier Thomas Schützenhöfer Richard Soyer Eva Maria Tscherner

– L egal S ymposium –

Plenary Sessions 26.08.2013 13:30-13:45

Opening Caspar Einem Beatrix Karl

Which measures can and should be taken to establish and preserve the citizens’ confidence in European law? Maria Berger Peter Michael Huber Tatjana Josipovic Raimund Löw Christiane C. Wendehorst

26.08.2013 18:15-19:15 26.08.2013 13:45-15:45

We, the People... The Citizen and the Law The citizens and their wishes are the legitimate sources of the law. But how can the law be communicated to them? Do citizens understand the law, and if so, what is their understanding of it? Which steps can decision-makers in the legal field take to establish better communication with the citizens? The German Federal Minister of Justice will comment on the previous discussion and present the perspective of the Federal Republic of Germany. Karin Cvrtila Franzobel Peter Paczolay Manfred Prisching Benedikt Kommenda Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger

26.08.2013 16:15-17:45

European Law – Developed behind Closed Doors and Kept Inside? The people constitutes the legitimate basis of the legislative process. Do European legislative processes lack a ‘European people’ legitimising them and acting as the necessary public?

Special Lecture on “Internet Governance” The World Wide Web is structured in a decentralised and non-hierarchical way. Yet, to which extent is governance in the web required and permissible? Who might be responsible for this kind of governance? Which problems arise in the field of “internet governance” and what are possible solutions? Jeff Moss Alexander Klimburg

26.08.2013 19:30-21:00

CineScience: Crime and Persecution on US TV-Shows as Value Discourse Which conceptions of right and wrong, legality and legitimacy, normality and deviance are conveyed by US American TV-shows about law and order? Using selected examples, the social scientist Sebastian Wessels invites the audience to approach these questions in a discussion about the perception of law through TV programmes. Sebastian Wessels


27.08.2013 09:00-10:30

Strictly Confidential – What Are Citizens Allowed to Know? How transparent can and should legal administrative actions be? What are the legitimate and necessary boundaries of transparency? Do citizens have a right to transparency and data protection? What are citizens allowed to know, and what is kept from them? Who is responsible for informing the citizens? Georg Bürstmayr Claudia Fuchs Peter Pilz Werner Wutscher Corinna Milborn

27.08.2013 11:00-12:30

Shaping Opinions, Winning Trials? Public Relations at the Bar and on the Bench What are the aims of litigation PR and PR in general in the justice system? What are the aims of media in the legal field? Who is supposed to be responsible for litigation PR, and to which extent is it justified? Walter Berka Gerald Ganzger Florian Klenk Christian Pilnacek Irmgard Griss

27.08.2013 12:30-12:40

Closing Remarks Franz Fischler

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Economic Symposium 27. – 29. August 2013 The Real Economy and Finance: A Conflicted Relationship? The relationship between the real economy and finance has noticeably changed in the last decades. Finance seems to have become an end in itself, reducing its ties to the real economy to a minimum. At the same time, the two areas are still strongly linked to one another. What could an ideal relationship between the real economy and finance look like? How can Europe find its way back to sustainable growth? Next to the plenary sessions 20 interactive breakout sessions will deal with these issues in depth.



Christian Friesl Erhard FĂźrst Gottfried Haber Martin Kocher Mark Mitterhuber Peter Mooslechner Philippe Narval Manfred Prisching Claus J. Raidl Margit SchratzenstallerAltzinger

– E conomic S ymposium –

Plenary Sessions 27.08.2013 14:00-14:20

Opening and Introduction Claus J. Raidl Georg Kapsch

27.08.2013 14:20-15:30

Finance and the Real Eco­ nomy: Together or Apart? Have parts of the financial sector become separated from the other sectors of the economy and do, thus, no longer meet the requirements of the real economy? Which role do regulatory deficits and excessive public debt play in this development? How can we ensure that similar crises will not arise again in the future? Sandra Navidi Thierry Philipponnat Rainer Nowak

27.08.2013 15:30-15:50

Political Corner In this talk two high-ranking representatives of Austrian politics will be interviewed on their reactions to the issues raised in the previous plenary session and their views on the topic.

27.08.2013 16:50-18:30

28.08.2013 09:00-10:10

Making Finance Meet the Real Economy’s Requirements What is the stakeholders’ and external observers’ view on the relationship between the real economy and finance? Are codes of ethics and corporate responsi­ bility enough to reduce excessive risk appetite and moral hazard? How can we prevent the creation of bubbles on asset markets?

The Future of Corporate Funding What is the future role of banks (“house banks”), shadow banks, capital markets and crowd funding in corporate funding? Which other financial services does the real economy require? Is it reasonable to impose a stock market monopoly when minimising hedge risks?

Wolfgang Eder Ingrid Hengster Robert Misik Theodor Waigel Christoph Takacs

John Kay Alexis Crow Brigitte Ederer Dirk Müller Peter A. Fischer

27.08.2013 20:30-21:30

28.08.2013 10:10-10:30

Miha Pogačnik: What Businesses Can Learn from Music The violinist Miha Pogačnik knows how to connect his powerful violin playing with a profound analysis of musical structures which unveil similarities in both music and entrepreneurship. His inspiring presentations lead to a novel understanding of music and a competence increase in areas that are essential for business leaders. After his performance the artist will discuss these dynamics with Willibald Cernko, Member of the Board of UniCredit Bank Austria AG.

Political Corner In this talk two high-ranking representatives of Austrian politics will be interviewed on their reactions to the issues raised in the previous plenary session and their views on the topic.

Miha Pogačnik Willibald Cernko

Reinhold Mitterlehner Andreas Schieder Michael Fleischhacker


Maria Fekter Werner Kogler Michael Fleischhacker

– E conomic S ymposium –

28.08.2013 18:00-19:30

29.08.2013 10:45-12:20

Peter Drucker Special Lecture: Leadership and Values in a Complex World Which kind of knowledge and experience do managers need in a world that is becoming ever more complex and volatile? Value-based leadership is perceived as an alternative to traditional hierarchy. This kind of leadership requires a culture of trust. Are we anywhere near this ideal?

New Growth in Europe? Is Europe facing a longer period of stagnation? Is the European social and economic system still perceived as a model system? Do we need to adapt the EU’s institutional framework to generate sustainable growth and employment? Do we have to redefine the concepts of “growth” and “welfare”?

Richard Straub Adrian Wooldridge Helmut Bernkopf Andreas Bierwirth Christian Kern Tatjana Oppitz Rainer Nowak Cornelia Vospernik

Olli Rehn Karl Aiginger Maria Jepsen Christoph Neumayer Tomáš Sedláček John Peet

29.08.2013 12:20-12:30

Closing 29.08.2013 09:15-10:15

The New Role of Central Banks in Crisis-Management What are the advantages and disadvantages of the unconventional approaches taken by the ECB and other central banks (UK, USA, Japan) when it comes to growth, inflation and budget discipline? Which challenges arise for the ECB from the efforts towards a banking union? Has the ECB reached the limits of its constitution? Gustav A. Horn Manfred J. M. Neumann Ewald Nowotny Peter A. Fischer

Claus J. Raidl

03 What Happens to Our Values if Computers Learn how to Think? Supported by IBM Austria Sophie Karmasin, Rudi Klausnitzer, Andreas Klein, Marie Ringler, Michael Schramm, Ernst Sittinger

04 Touch the Future – Security and Identity in a Digital World Supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Austria and the Austrian State Printing House Christian Klezl, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Lukas Praml, Martin Schallbruch, Wilhelm Sandrisser

05 Living with Risk and Speculation Supported by the Federation of Austrian Industries Peter Brandner, Brigitte Ederer, Claus J. Raidl, Stephan Schulmeister, Clemens Wallner

Breakout Sessions 28.08.2013 11:00-13:30

01 The Real Economy and Finance in the “Network of Responsibility” Supported by Bertelsmann Stiftung and Julius Raab Stiftung Stefan Empter, Peter Haubner, Harald Katzmair, Harald Mahrer, Herta Stockbauer, Helga Hackenberg

02 Business, Society and Politics: Assigning Responsibility for Results Supported by Kovar & Partners Corinna Fehr, Gottfried Haber, Peter Hajek, Klaus Weissmann 56

06 The Pension System as a Ponzi Scheme? Supported by the Federation of Austrian Industries Willibald Cernko, Gerald B. Hörhan, Rudolf Hundstorfer, Monika Queisser, Veit Schmid-Schmidsfelden, Sandra Baierl

07 Workforce Diversity: Living with and Managing Demo­g raphic Change Supported by Hewlett-Packard and Familie & Beruf Management GmbH Jochen Borenich, Michaela Novak-Chaid, Helmut Schneider, Claudia Witzemann, Katrin Prähauser

08 Implementing the New World of Work, a Progress Report Supported by Microsoft Austria Joachim Burger, Hanns-Thomas Kopf, Sandra Micko, Heinz Wittenbrink, Nikolaus Koller

– E conomic S ymposium –

09 Design Thinking as a Tool for Innovation Supported by Brainds Larry Leifer, Oliver Heiss

10 New Energies for Europe – Between Cooperation and Competition Supported by Siemens Reinhold Mitterlehner, Gerhard Roiss, Michael Suess, Patricia Pawlicki

Franz Fischler, Manfred Reichl, Steve Chaid

Social and Partner Programme

16 Alternative Sustainable Economic Concepts Supported by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

27.08.2013 21:30-22:30

Brigitte Kratzwald, Hannes Offen­bacher, Jules Peck, Martina Schuster, Cordelia König-Teufelberger

28.08.2013 08:00-08:45

17 From Goodwill to Financial Company Value Supported by respACT – austrian business council for sustainable development

28.08.2013 08:00-08:45

15 Rethinking Capitalism: The Future of Our Economic Model

28.08.2013 14:30-17:00

11 Connected Learning, Connected Schools Supported by T-Mobile Christoph Derndorfer, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Paul Kral, Heidrun Strohmeyer, Barbara Zuliani, Helmut Spudich

Kitrhona Cerri, Thomas Pirktl, Ursula Simacek, Ulrich Thielemann, Werner Wutscher, Gabriele Faber-Wiener

Smart Blue Hour hosted by IBM

management club Business Breakfast “Integrationsfall Europa”

Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Book Presentation on the Business Model of the Future 28.08.2013 21:30

get2gether hosted by T-Mobile 12 Financial Literacy, DecisionMaking in Complex Situations Supported by Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich, promitto organisationsberatung and Three Coins Katharina Norden, Goran Omar, Claus J. Raidl, Heinrich Schaller, Barbara Guwak

18 Back to the Real Economy – Towards a New Industrial Policy for Europe Supported by the Federation of Austrian Industries Karsten Benz, Wolfgang Eder, Alfred Gusenbauer, Herta Stockbauer, Peter Koren

13 Our Life After the Digital Revolution Supported by SAP

19 Industrial Production in the City of the Future Supported by the Federation of Austrian Industries

Wolfgang Anzengruber, Anitra Eggler, Werner Gruber, Klaus Sickinger, Sandra Baierl

Melanie Bähr, Renate Brauner, Wolfgang Hesoun, Dieter Läpple, Agnes Streissler-Führer

14 Prosperity for All? Austria’s Top Managers in Dialogue with Ludwig Erhard Supported by REWE Group

20 Rating Agencies Between Governments and Businesses Supported by the Federation of Austrian Industries

Willibald Cernko, Frank Hensel, Christian Kern, Christian Gehrer

Björn Griesbach, Torsten Hinrichs, Franz Schellhorn, Harald Waiglein, Esther Mitterstieler


29.08.2013 08:30-09:00

“Kater” Breakfast supported by DekaBank, by invitation only 29.08.2013 16:45-20:00

Generali 3 Banken Business Dialogue “Experiences and Values” by invitation only

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Die Energiekonferenz von VERBUND 18. bis 20. September 2013 Schloss Fuschl / Hof bei Salzburg

Setzt die Energiewende Europa unter Strom?

Die diesjährige VERBUND-Energiekonferenz wird sich mit den politischen, ökologischen, technischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekten befassen, die für ein zukunftsfähiges Energiesystem von Bedeutung sind. Gewonnene Erkenntnisse, umgesetzte Projekte und anregende Diskussionen sollen Wege zum neuen Energiesystem und dessen Ausgestaltungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen. Die Vortragenden werden den Austausch zwischen Vertreterinnen und Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Politik und weiteren Gesellschaftsbereichen forcieren und Lösungsansätze für die dringlichsten Herausforderungen zur Diskussion stellen. VERBUND, Österreichs führendes Stromunternehmen, schafft mit energy2050 heuer bereits zum sechsten

Mal eine internationale Diskussionsplattform, die von hochrangigen Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträgern sowie Fachleuten aus dem Energiebereich zum Informations- und Meinungsaustausch genutzt wird. Versäumen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam mit renommierten Expertinnen und Experten einen Blick in unser aller Energiezukunft zu werfen! Weitere Informationen unter


– F ocus on the D igital W orld –

Focus on the Digital World By Julian Ausserhofer, former scholarhip holder and organiser of the Alpbach BarCamp and Caspar Einem, Vice President of the European Forum Alpbach

“The future is digital”, “Generation Facebook” or “Revolution 2.0”: Today’s discourse about the impact of the internet on society does not lack platitudes and pathos. But what is really behind these off-the-shelf phrases? We cannot ignore the fact that the internet has been shaping our lives over the last two decades to a similar extent as industrialisation changed the society of the 19th century. Today, all spheres of society, from politics, culture and science to the economy, are facing great challenges and are undergoing fundamental changes – also due to network technologies. Because traditional practices and products become increasingly digitised and the speed and scope of communication are being transformed in fundamental ways, we all feel that there is some truth behind the phrases of politicians and technology evangelists mentioned above. The European Forum Alpbach has always been a laboratory where the facts behind common

thought patterns are investigated. It has been a gathering where the perspectives supporting and opposing common views are discussed. This year we will do this focusing on the heterogeneous sphere of the “digital”. If a topic like the “digital” is already this dominant in so many aspects of our lives, why emphasise it even more by promoting it to a cross-cutting issue? The reason is that the internetdriven reorganisation of our society has just started. If we want to shape the so-called digital society, we will have to discuss its effects and its future now. It is of utter importance that not only committed young people but also today’s decisionmakers from all sectors of society orient their strategies towards the digital domain and critically question new developments. For these reasons, this year’s programme in Alpbach features a number of events that focus on this topic. Two one-week seminars in the beginning – one on 61

opening up government databases to citizens and businesses, the other on power in cyberspace – and talks, breakout sessions and panel discussions at the Alpbach Symposia form the first thematic part of addressing this cross-cutting issue. The second part concerns the introduction of digital methods to Alpbach: At a so-called BarCamp, a Web-supported ad-hoc conference, everyone is invited to present and discuss their ideas and research agendas. The Alpbach Media Academy will report via different digital channels and live contributions in social media will be included in the events where possible. The insights gained on the topic ‘Digital Worlds’ in the different sessions will be compiled and made available online at the end of the Forum.


Financial Market Symposium 29. – 30. August 2013 Finance at the Crossroads Ever since the beginning of the financial, economic and debt crisis in 2008, the financial industry has been going through radical changes. Emergency nationalisations and government loans led states to inquire about the future role of financial actors and their regulation. At the same time, the consequences of the crisis place a heavy burden on the financial industry. Europe, however, will always need strong partners in order to finance the real economy of the future. Together with the Alpbach audience, the Financial Market Symposium will examine the current changes in the financial industry from different perspectives.



Kurt Bayer Manuel Hörl Christian Keuschnigg Rainer Münz Claus J. Raidl Franz Rudorfer Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell

– F inancial M ar k et S ymposium –

Plenary Sessions 29.08.2013 14:00-14:30

Opening Yves Mersch Franz Fischler Rainer Münz

29.08.2013 14:30-16:00

Who Will Finance Growth: Banks or Capital Markets? Growth needs financing by banks, stock and bond markets. Are capital requirements and regulatory constraints appropriate to restrict systemic risks? Will this lead to an increase of credit costs? How can financing by capital markets be facilitated? Heinrich Schaller György Surányi Jörg Zeuner Rainer Münz

29.08.2013 16:30-18:00

Banking Union: An Interim Report The Banking Union aims at centralising banking supervision and control. How should the recapitalisation of profitable banks and the resolution of insolvent banks be financed? How should current problems be dealt with? Is a common deposit insurance scheme needed? How can redistribution be avoided? Thorsten Beck Howard Davies* Horst von Buttlar*

30.08.2013 09:00-10:30

Profitability of Banks Before and After the Crisis How profitable are banks? Does the recapitalisation of structurally insolvent banks distort competition? What are the lessons banks and hedge funds have learned from the crisis? How much deleveraging do European banks need? Which models are sustainable? Marco G. Mazzucchelli Willibald Cernko Vladimir Dlouhy Andreas Ittner Agnes Streissler-Führer

30.08.2013 11:00-12:30

Financial Markets Between Nationalisation and Europeanisation National regulation may not be adequate to deal with suprana­ tional consequences. The crisis has limited the expansion of banks to other countries. Will the banking union and access to ESM funds revive the integration of capital markets? Will the free movement of services be impaired? Mario Nava Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell Thomas Uher Nicolas Veron Kurt Bayer

30.08.2013 14:00-15:30

Financial Markets and the Real Economy – Friends or Foes? Following on the global economic and financial crisis, the role of financial markets has been questioned increasingly. Does speculation create liquid markets? Should those transactions that are beneficial to the real economy be 63

separated from those that are speculative bargains? How can the transparency of markets be enhanced? Franz Schellhorn Stephan Schulmeister Andrea Rexer

30.08.2013 16:00-17:30

Regulatory Reforms Between Ambitions and Reality What are the potential benefits of liquidity and regulatory capital requirements as well as bank insolvency law? Are there any new possibilities of tackling banking risks? How can the shadow banking sector be regulated? What are the costs of regulations and are there ways to simplify them? Kern Alexander Andreas Dombret Franz Rudorfer Karl Sevelda Ieke van den Burg Eric Frey

30.08.2013 17:30-17:45

Closing Remarks Rainer Münz Claus J. Raidl

Social Programme 30.08.2013 21:00

Reception hosted by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank


Built Environment Symposium 29. – 30. August 2013 Growing and Shrinking Cities – Experiences and Challenges Cities are the centres of modern people’s lives. The phenomenon of shrinking cities and the question of how to deal with the space, the infrastructure and the people there are becoming more relevant. Based on European and US examples, we will discuss the two phenomena of growing and shrinking cities: What are their risks and opportunities? Which framework is necessary for the development of a city and its surroundings? Who is entitled to use the (regained) public space, how do we deal with historical cities and which instruments do politics require in order to meet the needs of growing and shrinking cities?



Caspar Einem Wolfgang Förster Norbert Kettner Hermann Knoflacher Sylke Nissen Haris Piplas Albert Wimmer Hans Jörg Wippel

– B uilt E nvironment S ymposium –

Plenary Sessions 29.08.2013 12:30-13:15

Opening How have urban and rural areas in Europe and North America developed? What impact do these developments have on our cities, and how have they changed our way of living? Caspar Einem Hans Jörg Wippel Carl Fingerhuth

29.08.2013 15:15-16:45

30.08.2013 09:30-11:00

Limit(less): The Perforated Region What impact does the decomposition of cities have on their inhabitants and urban infrastructure? What does it mean for building and living in this region? Which conditions can be established by regional planning policies and what impact do different models of company taxation have on settlement development?

Space Lab City: The Use of Public Space What determines the quality of public space? Who is responsible for it? What are the developments regarding the acquisition of public space by private users? And what impact does traffic have on urban and rural areas?

Pierre Belanger Dirk Löhr Karl Schumacher Christine Weiske Anita Zielina

30.08.2013 11:30-13:00

29.08.2013 13:15-14:15

Growing or Shrinking Cities: Does Size Really Matter? What are the problems and challenges that growing and shrinking cities have to face? What are the reasons for growth or shrinkage? Which measures should be introduced in that regard? Lulzim Xhelal Basha Anne Power Angelika Fitz

29.08.2013 18:00-19:00

“Rasende Ruinen: Wie Detroit sich neu erfindet” Reading by Katja Kullmann In this report, the German author describes the run-down car company metropolis in the north of the US and illustrates how entrepreneurs want to transform Detroit into the “Berlin of the US” and what difficulties they face. Katja Kullmann

29.08.2013 14:15-14:45

30.08.2013 09:00-09:30

Video Presentation of “The Grand Rapids LipDub” When the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, US was referred to as “a shrinking city” in the media, its citizens decided to take action. In this short film they impressively prove what their city is capable of.

New Ideas for a Fair Globalization: The Challenges of Post2015 Urban Development According to UN estimates, about 70 per cent of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. This poses social, political and environmental risks especially in the poorest, developing countries. What tools are there to tackle these challenges?

Wolfgang Förster Rob Bliss

Frauke Gerstenberg Cathy Lang Ho Andreas Knie Anita Zielina

Caspar Einem Amina J. Mohammed 65

Sightseeing in the Historical City: What Does Tourism Ask for? What are the risks and opportunities of city tourism? What is it that makes a city interesting for tourists? What about the functionality of tourism? Which cultural and historical aspects are important for tourism in this respect? Norbert Kettner Yvette Masson-Zanussi Gabriele Sailer Angelika Fitz

– B uilt E nvironment S ymposium –

30.08.2013 15:00-17:00

30.08.2013 17:30-18:30

Science Slam on “Sustainable Cities” Supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research. The finalists of our call for contributions dealing with the topic of “sustainable cities” will be competing on stage: Which participant will give the most creative, inspirational presentation and share their knowledge in a particularly vivid way? It will be down to the audience to decide!

Politicians’ Wish List Political representatives from one growing and one shrinking city will draw up their “wish list”: which political, legal and economic instruments do they require to be able to rise to the current challenges?

Sofie Bouteligier Tobias Brown Georg Drennig Stefan Gruber Alexander Iscenco Peraphan Jittrapirom Johannes Paar Doris Schütt Bernhard Weingartner

30.08.2013 18:30-18:45


Matthias Konrad Michael Ludwig Caspar Einem

Wrap Up

Partner Programme 29.-31.08.2013

all day

Interactive Virtual Environments for Room Planning and Decision Making European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with DG CONNECT and HLRS – High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart Participation at the virtual environments is subject to registration. See for details.

Caspar Einem Haris Piplas

Interreligious Meditation 13. – 31. August 2013

Every morning from August 13 to 31, the Alpbach rectory organises a spiritual morning reflection, to which all participants of the European Forum Alpbach and everyone interested are kindly invited. The meditations are intended as a spiritual impulse for the day and should offer the possibility of a joint reflection on fundamental values of the JudeoChristian tradition of the West. Contributions from Judaism, Islam and Buddhism are included in the programme. Admission is free. The morning meditations are all held in the auditorium of the Community Centre Alpbach, on the upper floor of the fire station at the village entrance. On Sunday, August 18, the Meditation will be replaced by a Holy Mass; on August 25, by an Ecumenical service, both held in the Alpbach Church. The Interreligious Meditation is coordinated by Franz Bachmaier and Friso D. Heyt. Supported by Archdiocese Salzburg, Raiffeisenbank Alpbach, Cultural Committee of Alpbach


Franz Auer Franz Bachmaier Tarafa Baghajati Michael Bünker Olivier Dantine Wolfgang Gall Ernst Jäger Hugo Klingler Elisabeth Rathgeb Manfred Scheuer Raimund Schreier Helmut Schüller Alois Schwarz Richard Schwarzenauer Gerhard Weißgrab Hanna Molden and Gabriele Schneider-Fuchs guide the participants through the programme

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Closing Event 30. – 31. August 2013

Plenary Sessions 30.08.2013 09:00-09:30

New Ideas for a Fair Globalization: The Challenges of Post2015 Urban Development According to UN estimates, about 70 per cent of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. This poses social, political and environmental risks especially in the poorest, developing countries. What tools are there to tackle these challenges? Caspar Einem Amina J. Mohammed

New Ideas for a Fair Globalization Globalization has drastically changed our world in the past few decades, leading to a degree of interconnectedness we have not seen before. In an unprecedented effort to tackle the challenges posed by global inequalities in eight areas, the Millenium Development Goals set an agenda to help the world’s poorest by 2015. Despite all efforts to promote global equity, however, inequalities persist. It is therefore time to reflect about a post-2015 development agenda addressing current challenges ranging from climate change and sustainable energy to the question of hunger as well as education and youth. The European Forum Alpbach offers a forum of discussion for distinguished key actors from governments, the private sector, civil society and international organisations in its Closing Event 2013. Reflecting about the post-2015 agenda, we will ask what the global community can do to achieve a fair globalization.

31.08.2013 08:45-10:00

31.08.2013 10:15-10:30

New Ideas for a Fair Globalization: What Should Entrepreneurs Do? While globalization has increased the wealth of many, it has also brought to the fore global inequalities and poverty. What can and should entrepreneurs as central actors in a globalized economy do in order to overcome these inequalities? How can they bring in their know-how to find ways for sustainable and equitable prosperity for all?

Quartet of the Vienna Philharmonic The Vienna Philharmonic orchestra is a goodwill ambassador for the work of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), strategic partner of the European Forum Alpbach.

Habib Haddad Rajendra Kumar Pachauri Jeffrey D. Sachs Kandeh K. Yumkella Pavel Kabat

31.08.2013 10:30-11:45

New Ideas for a Fair Globalization: The Role of Politics What is the role of the international community in re-defining development goals after 2015 in areas such as climate change, food and nutrition security, education and youth? How can they initiate concrete action? Which new ways are there for closer collaboration between the United Nations and the European Union? Ban Ki-moon José Manuel Barroso Heinz Fischer Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete* Franz Fischler



– A ssociates networ k –

The Next Generation in Alpbach The European Forum Alpbach was founded by students and young scholars. Today, Alpbach is still inconceivable without its student participants. They embody the critical spirit and open-mindedness that are so unique to the conference. Most of all, though, the young participants represent the next generation that is already actively shaping the Europe of tomorrow. A special scholarship programme by the European Forum Alpbach Foundation enables students from all over the world to come to Alpbach. Thanks go to the individuals, companies and organisations who have commit-

ted to supporting the programme this year. To date, former scholarship holders have founded alumni groups, which run their own successful scholarship programmes, in more than 25 countries. All in all, more than 700 scholarship holders from more than 40 countries come to Alpbach every year. Our alumni groups form an active network, the so-called EFA Associates Network, which aims to foster mutual understanding and further European Integration. The alumni groups organise events and activities in their home countries, exercising an important impact there. Their

elected speakers are also represented in the governing and advisory boards of the European Forum Alpbach. During the European Forum Alpbach in the summer, the Initiative Groups and Clubs form the so-called Standing Committee. The Standing Committee serves as the central point of contact and coordination for the participating scholarship holders at the Forum and organises a uniquely diverse programme of side events for all participants, including an International Evening, the traditional Speakers’ Night, clubbings and art exhibitions.

Associate Member Network The Associate Member Network consists of the so-called Clubs and Initiative Groups. These are independent organisations of scholarship holders and former participants who work to foster the values and aims of the European Forum Alpbach. – Initiative Group Alpbach Albania (AL) – Initiative Group Alpbach Armenia (ARM) – Club Alpbach Belgrade (SRB) – Club Alpbach Bulgaria (BG) – Club Alpbach Burgenland (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Burgenland (A) – Club Alpbach Hrvatska/Croatia (HR) – Club Alpbach Egypt (ET) – Initiative Group Alpbach France (F) – Kiev Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Initiative Group Alpbach Kosovo (KS) – Lemberg Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Club Alpbach Liechtenstein (FL) – Initiative Group Alpbach London (GB) – Initiative Group Alpbach Moscow (RUS) – Club Alpbach Niederösterreich (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Niederösterreich (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Oberösterreich (A)

– Initiative Group Alpbach Podgorica (MNE) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Rhein-Main-Donau (D) – Initiative Group Alpbach Romania (R) – Club Alpbach Salzburg (A) – Initiative Group Alpbach Sarajevo (BIH) – Initiative Group Alpbach Senza Confini (A/SLO/I) – Initiative Group Alpbach Skopje (MK) – Initiative Group Alpbach Slovenia (SLO) – Club Alpbach Steiermark (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Graz (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Leoben (A) – Club Alpbach Südtirol/Alto Adige (I) – Initiative Group Alpbach Team Europe (B) – Club Alpbach Tirol (A) – Club Alpbach Turkey (TR) – Club Alpbach Vorarlberg (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Wien (A)


Further Information Access Badge

Internet Access

The access badge received upon registration entitles you to participate in the events of the European Forum Alpbach 2013 during the indicated period. The badge has to be carried visibly and is not transferable. Please return the badge to the registration desk upon your departure, so that we can ensure its environmental-friendly re-use.

We offer free internet access at the internet café, which can be found on the ground floor of the Primary School building (Volksschule). It is equipped with 20 computers (web access) and printers. Opening hours: 9am – 8pm. In addition, free W-LAN is available in the Congress Centre Alpbach, the Primary School (Volksschule) and the Secondary School (Hauptschule).

Childcare Social Media #EFA13

As in previous years, we offer professional childcare for children from the age of 2 whose parents are registered participants in the European Forum Alpbach. This service is kindly supported by the Familie & Beruf Management GmbH. Opening Hours: From August 18 to 30, 9am to 7pm and August 31, 9am to 1pm Venue: Kindergarden (in the Volksschule Alpbach) Contact: Kristina Mandl, Simone Martin: +43 699 111 85 266, On August 23, special additional activities for children and teenagers (aged between 7 and 17) are offered as part of the official programme of Ö1-Kinderuni and Junior-Alpbach.

We invite you to use your social networks to share your impressions about the European Forum Alpbach. Please follow us on Twitter: @forumalpbach, #EFA13; Facebook: @European Forum Alpbach; Vimeo: European Forum Alpbach; Flickr: Forum Alpbach. For some of our events your tweets will be included in the discussions via a Twitter-wall. The respective hashtag can be found in the detailed programme and on our website. Venues and Translation The plenary sessions take place in the Congress Centre Alpbach. The breakout sessions are held in the Alpbach Secondary School (Hauptschule) and in different hotels. For further information regarding the venues, please observe the current programmes mentioned above. The plenary sessions taking place in the Erwin-SchrödingerSaal and the Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal are translated simultaneously into English and German. Earphones and receivers can be obtained at the door – please hand them back after the plenary session. Our special thanks go to the interpreters who are kindly volunteering their service. Information about the language of each plenary session can be found online, in our App and in the printed conference programme.

Current Programme and App This programme provides you with an overview of all the events taking place during this year’s European Forum Alpbach. The speakers appear in alphabetic order, unless they hold a keynote speech or give an introduction. Chairs are mentioned last. Speakers marked with an asterisk (*) are not yet confirmed. Small changes can still occur after the editorial deadline. The updated and detailed programmes of each Symposium and other events are available in the daily programme on the notice boards in the Alpbach Congress Centre and the main hotels, on our website at as well as in the printed conference programme of the respective Symposium. Also, as of this year, the European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with Superevent offers a programme-app for smartphones (Android and iPhone) which allows you to receive all programme information and updates on your mobile phone.

Contact The Conference Office is located next to the registration desk at the Congress Centre Alpbach. Congress Centre Alpbach A-6263 Alpbach, 246 Tel.: +43 5336 600-500, Fax: +43 5336 600-501



For further information regarding your stay in Alpbach, please see

European Forum Alpbach As of: 22.07.2013 Design: Brainds Photos: Peter Mayr, Wolfgang Pfaundler, Markus Prantl, Luiza Puiu Print: Druckerei Hans Jentzsch & co. GmbH, Vienna Paper: Desistar (Der blaue engel, nordic swan) Publisher / Organiser: European Forum Alpbach, Non-profit association, Franz-Josefs-Kai 13/10, A-1010 Vienna

Green Meeting Alpbach 2013 Green Meeting Alpbach is a project initiated by the European Forum Alpbach and the Congress Centre Alpbach, in order to make our events more sustainable and ecologically responsible. As a result of this commitment, the European Forum Alpbach was the first conference organiser ever to be awarded the Austrian ecolabel for Green Meetings. Please help us make our event more environment-friendly. 72

Principal Partners

Every year high-profile experts, decision-makers and pioneers from the fields of science, business, politics and culture come together in the Tyrolean mountain village of Alpbach. It is a great pleasure for us to be able to contribute to the success of this renowned event as one of the EFA’s principal partners.

It is our mission to make our planet and our society more intelligent by enabling them to use smart technologies. This requires access to the global knowledge network. The European Forum Alpbach has been granting access to this knowledge network since 1945, and can thus be rightly referred to as a think tank of international importance.

Supporting science and research is part of the sociopolitical responsibility of the Austrian Lotteries. As one of the EFA’s principal partners we have made it possible that there will be a live stream to follow the plenary sessions on the EFA’s homepage. We are pleased that we were able to make a contribution to the future-oriented development of this event.

For almost seventy years, the European Forum Alpbach has been serving as a platform for discussions, education and networking in Austria and beyond. We are proud to host such a renowned event which has become an integral part of each year’s summer.

Team BODIES OF THE EUROPEAN FORUM ALPBACH ASSOCIATION Executive Board President: Franz Fischler Vice Presidents: Caspar Einem, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Claus J. Raidl, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth Honorary Presidents: Erhard Busek, Heinrich Pfusterschmid-Hardtenstein Financial Officer: Manfred Url Auditors: Günther Schrems, Max Kothbauer Arbitration Board: Friedrich Gleissner, Waldemar Hummer, Fritz P. Molden, Michael Neider, Katharina Scherke Steering Committee Peter C. Aichelburg, Franz Mailer, Philippe Narval, Klaus Poier, Filip Radunovic, David Rudari Advisory Board Peter C. Aichelburg, Gerald Bast, Petar Bojanic, Andrea Braidt, Rudolf Burger, Helmut Denk, Heinz W. Engl, Walter E. Feichtinger, Christian Friesl, Martin Gerzabek, Erich Gornik,

Markus Hengstschläger, Waldemar Hummer, Pavel Kabat, Harald Katzmair, Martin Kocher, Reinhart Kögerler, Tilmann Märk, Peter Markl, Hanspeter Mössenböck, Gerd Müller, Jozef Niewiadomski, Eva Nowotny, Gordana Popovic, Wolf Rauch, Anita Rieder, Katharina Scherke, Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger, Renée Schröder, Wilfried Stadler, Hans Sünkel, Gottfried Wagner, Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Ruth Wodak, Waldemar Zacharasiewicz Corresponding Members of the Advisory Board Hans Albert, Emil Brix, Hubert Christian Ehalt, Hans Flohr, Franz Gruber, Ivo Hajnal, Friso D. Heyt, Michael Holoubek, Ernest König, Ingrid Kurz, Jean-Marie Lehn, Konrad Paul Liessmann, Irmgard Marboe, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Berthold Molden, Helga Nowotny, Renate Rathmayr, Nikolaus Rottenberger, Gerhard Sabathil, Peter M. Schmidhuber, Heinrich Schmidinger, Christoph Schneider,

Kurt Scholz, Christine Stix-Hackl, Werner Teufelsbauer, Hans Tuppy, Manfred Wagner, Georg Winckler Council Martin Bernhofer, Jürgen Busch, Verena Ehold, Edmund Entacher, Christian Friesl, Friedrich Gleissner, Erich Gornik, Günther Graf, Ivo Greiter, Andreas Grünbichler, Hilke Habermann, Wolfgang Habermayer, Michael Haider, Günter Hillebrand, Herwig Hösele, Michael Ikrath, Franz Jenewein, Friedrich Korkisch, Richard Kruspel, Kathryn List, Christian Macek, Bernhard Marckhgott, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Fritz P. Molden, Patricia Mussi, Dieter Natlacen, Michael Neider, Ewald Nowotny, Johannes Ortner, Alfred Payrleitner, Heinrich Pfusterschmid-Hardtenstein, Werner Plunger, Reingard Rauch, Wolfgang Renner, Walter Rothensteiner, Peter M. Schmidhuber, Christoph Schneider, Rainer Schrems, Matthias Strolz, Alexandra Terzic-Auer

STAFF Permanent Office

Technical Office


Philippe Narval (Managing Director), Martina Albrecht, Luise Fischer, Benedikt Grawe, Ruth Heinisch, Veronika Hopfgartner, Franz Mailer, Katharina Mewald, Katharina Moser, Magdalena Rostkowska-Müllner, Margarita Anna Schuster, Oliver Laurent Peter Schuster (Intern), Oana Scutea (Intern), Christiane Schwaiger, Annamária Tóth

Franz Mailer (Head), Philipp Berger, Manuel Brandner, Matthias Briefer, Florian Brinda, Benedikt Grawe, David Gschösser, Clara Maria Hollomey, Hannes Margreiter, Daniel Reiterlehner, Roland Spitzlinger, Christian Steinbrecher, Paul Stolberg, Thomas Zechner, Thomas Zellner

Philipp Naderer, Luiza-Lucia Puiu

Conference Office

Michael Fleischhacker (Head), Marianne Peters (Strategic Advisor), Matteo Colombo, Christian Jensen, Conor McMahon, Habib Msallem, Katrin Nussmayr, Florian Peschl, Georg Renner, Sarah Katharina Schmidt, Peter Techet, Tatiana Tilly, Milos Tomic, Willem Van Der Vlugt, Katerina Vaskovska, Lukas David Wagner

Anja Ederer, Eva-Maria Fasching, Barbara Sophie Huber, Stephan Lahodynsky, Christina Moser, Constanze Prasek, Elisabeth Rabanser, Katharina Rabanser, Anna-Sophie Tschannett

Alpbach Media Academy

Interpreters Ingrid Kurz (Head), Elisabeth FrankGrossebner, Stefanie Göstl, Elisabeth Hambrusch, Elisabeth Holub, Julia Oslansky, Gerhard Reinagel, Sylvi Rennert, Laura Scheifinger, Marianne Schlögl, Birgit Sienkiewicz, Karlheinz Spitzl, Verena Tomasik, Ulrike Vetter, Susanne Watzek, Alexander Zigo Drivers Georg Fischler, Harald Herka, Alois Moser, Stefan Starzer

Executive Board

FRANZ FISCHLER PRESIDENT Between 1995 and 2004, Franz Fischler served as the first Austrian EU Commissioner. He is a former Federal Minister for Agriculture in Austria. Today, he consults widely on green growth and the concepts of an eco-social market economy.

CASPAR EINEM VICE PRESIDENT Caspar Einem is a former Austrian Federal Minister; currently, he also serves as President of the Austrian Society for International Affairs.

SONJA PUNTSCHER RIEKMANN VICE PRESIDENT Sonja Puntscher Riekmann is Professor of Political Theory and European Policy at the University of Salzburg and Director of the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies.

CLAUS J. RAIDL VICE PRESIDENT Claus J. Raidl is President of the Austrian National Bank. Before he was appointed to this position, he successfully managed the multinational speciality steel producer Böhler-Uddeholm as CEO.

URSULA SCHMIDT-ERFURTH VICE PRESIDENT Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth is Professor at and Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Medical University of Vienna, one of the largest ophthalmology units in Europe.

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