Alpbach Moments 2015

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Alpbach Moments 2015

Book Recommendation: “Ein Fenster zur Welt”, Maria Wirth, Studienverlag 2015, 256 Pages, ISBN 978-3-7065-5481-7, Eur 34.90 (written in German) Available in all good bookstores or by email to

With her book “A Window into the World”, the historian Maria Wirth is bringing the first academic monograph about the European Forum Alpbach into the bookshops. You can download an English abstract at

Film Recommendation: “My Europe – a Village”, Director Kurt Langbein, 54 Minutes Available as a stream at or on DVD (orders by email to

Armed with his camera, director Kurt Langbein goes hot on the heels of the “Spirit of Alpbach”. In his resulting film documentary, you can get to know the people who have influenced, supported and developed the European Forum Alpbach.

Cover picture taken at the European Forum Alpbach 2015: A group of participants philosophises with US economist Jeffrey D. Sachs above the Congress Centre Alpbach on tomorrow’s economy. Imprint (November 2015) Publisher: Europäisches Forum Alpbach gemeinnütziger Verein / Franz-Josefs-Kai 13/10, 1010 Vienna / Tel.: +43 1 718 17 11 / / / Printing: Druckerei Hans Jentzsch & Co GmbH, Vienna / Pictures EFA 2015: Philipp Naderer, Luiza Puiu, Matthias Silveri-IIASA, Michael Steindorfer / Other pictures: Peter Mayr, Simon Rainsborough, Forum Alpbach Network / Editor: Stefan Kranewitter / Production: Franz Mailer

Dear Reader, 70 years ago, Otto Molden and Simon Moser brought to life an idea which continues to thrill people today. They founded the European Forum Alpbach with the aim of increasing knowledge and prospects for a peaceful, shared Europe.

can be found in the minds of those who take the lead in academia, politics, business, culture and society, those who research, learn and teach, who decide, lead and create, who demonstrate in theory and practice what a liveable future could look like.

Now more than ever, we feel a strong sense of duty to fulfil this vision. That is why we create inter- and transdisciplinary meeting spaces in and outside of Alpbach where ideas and insights can unfold.

The European Forum Alpbach has a bond with these people. Our aim is to bring them together, so that their abilities, their ideas and their sense of responsibility can have a greater impact. We would like to thank all participants for their countless contributions which took us a step closer to these answers.

The passion for dialogue, the curiosity to think outside the box and the awareness of the bigger picture – these are the very foundations of our events. We are dealing with nothing less than the future of our continent, of democracy, human rights and sustainable development.

On the following pages, we have put together a collection of special Alpbach Moments for you. This represents an effort to capture the “Spirit of Alpbach” visually – and at the same time, it is an invitation to become part of it yourself.

Viable answers to the questions raised by our complex present times are a rare good. They



Our Activities 2015 A U G U S T 1 9 T O S E P T E M B E R 4 , 2 0 1 5 / A L P B A C H ( T Y R O L ) / 5 , 2 3 6 PA R T I C I PA N T S

European Forum Alpbach | InEquality Alpbach Symposia The main programme consists of two- to threeday conferences on the future of the built environment, education, financial markets, health, politics, law, technology and the economy. The Forum also comprises shorter events such as the Tyrol Days and an interactive simulation game concerning the decision-making processes in the EU. Artists engage intensively in the conference proceedings. Alpbach Seminar Week and Scholarships More than 700 young people are able to come to Alpbach thanks to a scholarship. 16 academic seminars form the agenda. Alpbach Summer Schools Together with the University of Cambridge and the International Entrepreneurship Centre Tirol – Hermann Hauser the “Summer School on Entrepreneurship” took place for the first time. The “Summer School on Facilitation and Participatory Leadership”, together with the Summer School “Changemaker Lab – from Vision to Action” organised by Teach for Austria, were also new on the agenda. Add to this the three “classical” Summer Schools: “European Law”, “European Integration” and “European Health Care and Social Systems in Transition”.

Alpbach in Motion – The Alpbach Summit of Emerging Leaders Around 40 European young leaders come to Alpbach every year to discuss the economic future of Europe in an interactive setting. The newly obtained insights flow into the Alpbach Economic Symposium. Alpbach Media Academy For three weeks, young journalists from all over Europe write multi-media and critical reports about the conference under the direction of media experts. Alpbach-Laxenburg Group Renowned experts from science, politics, economics and civil society have joined forces to develop concepts and formulas to address current challenges, including climate change and educational poverty. The Alpbach-Laxenburg Group is part of a partnership with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) located in Laxenburg. Mayors Meeting in Alpbach At a networking meeting, 120 Austrian mayors searched for paths out of the asylum accommodation crisis.

J U N E 11 TO 13, 2015 / HAIBACH (U PPER AUS TRIA) 7 0 PA R T I C I PA N T S

JA N UA RY 26 / FEB RUA RY 16 / M A RCH 19 / M AY 6 / O C TO B ER 1 30 0 PA R TI CIPA N T S E ACH

Re:think Austria

Alpbach Talks

For two days, around 70 Austrian decision makers from politics and civil society tackled the topic of “Generational Justice” in an interactive setting.

At a variety of locations, experts discuss socio-political challenges with the audience (in cooperation with the Wiener Zeitung).

N O V E M B E R 1 8 T O 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 / I N N S B R U C K / 3 5 0 PA R T I C I PA N T S

Conference “Culture & Economy” The three-day “Culture and Economy” conference series was organised by the European Forum Alpbach and the Peter Kaiser (1793-1864) Memorial Foundation and dealt with the productive area of tension between cultural and economic players. 2


People who attended the European Forum Alpbach 2015...............................................................................................................5,236 Speakers who shared their knowlege in Alpbach in 2015....................................................................................................................948 Proportion of women among all speakers in Alpbach 2015............................................................................................................... 39% Countries that participants travelled from to come to Alpbach in 2015........................................................................................... 92 People who followed the European Forum Alpbach 2015 via webstream.................................................................................... 7,370 Number of partners from science, business and society.................................................................................................................... 160 Number of national and international media reports on the European Forum Alpbach 2015.............................................~1,200

Our Conclusions: 3

A L P B A C H TA L K S , C O O P E R AT I O N W I T H W I E N E R Z E I T U N G , F I V E E V E N T S D U R I N G T H E Y E A R

Alpbach on tour The European Forum Alpbach lasts for exactly 17 days. In order not to permit the longing for discourse and debate to go unfulfilled for the remaining 348 days of the year, interesting guests at the Alpbach Talks pick up topics discussed over the summer. Exchanging the mountain world for the big city jungle, the European Forum Alpbach in cooperation

with the Wiener Zeitung plays some of the most beautiful discussion rooms in the capital. Whether it’s in the Albertina, Belvedere or the Odeon Theatre, renowned experts discuss current issues such as education reform, diversity in culture and business as well as the economic phenomenon of China. More at


7.1 0 P. M . , A P R I L 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 , M A K V I E N N A – C E L E B R AT I O N “ 7 0 Y E A R S E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H ”

Congratulations! With a speech about the power of the European idea, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker congratulated the European Forum Alpbach on its 70th anniversary. Shalini Randeria, Director of the Institute for Human Sciences, pointed to the new role Europe plays in the world. With anecdotes, stories and many conversations, 400 prominent guests from politics, business, academia 5

and civil society looked back into the past as well as forward into the future of the Forum. To another 70 years! Upper photo, left-to-right: Claus J. Raidl, Franz Fischler, Jean-Claude Juncker, Shalini Randeria, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Sebastian Kurz, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Caspar Einem


1 0 .1 6 A . M . , J U N E 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 , H A I B A C H ( U P P E R A U S T R I A ) – I N N O VAT I O N L A B “ R E :T H I N K A U S T R I A”

Everyone’s Equal before the Marker The setting promises high-dosage brainstorming: stakeholders from politics, business, academia, culture and civil society develop new solutions to key political questions in a participative process. Input from speakers and the innovative communication concept play a central role; ideological 7

barriers lose their significance. How volatile is demographic change in Austria? How fragile is the generational contract? At the end, ten ideas for projects to take new steps in politics were on the table. The report is available online at


6 . 3 6 P. M . , A U G U S T 1 9, 2 0 1 5 , E R W I N - S C H R Ö D I N G E R - S A A L – O P E N I N G C E R E M O N Y, E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H

“I Feel that People are Treated Unequally” Centre for Disability and Development reminded us that people with disabilities are still far from receiving equal opportunities across the world.

With a plea for respect and value for all human beings, blind human rights activist Yetnebersh Nigussie opened the European Forum Alpbach 2015. In her speech, the head of the Ethiopian 9


3 . 2 6 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 , H O T E L B Ö G L E R H O F – H E A LT H S Y M P O S I U M

Learning from Pioneers One of them is American Phil Cass, who turned the tables in the local healthcare system in his hometown of Columbus (Ohio). Today, the citizens get a say in improving health for everyone.

Getting there first and daring to do something new – this drive characterises pioneers. 50 of these innovators recounted in Alpbach how to remove social obstacles.


6 . 2 1 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 , B E R G H O F A L P B A C H – S E M I N A R W E E K

From Havana to Alpbach Half a century of frozen relations doesn’t end in a day. Nobody knows better than Jeffrey DeLaurentis (centre, seated) how difficult the diplomacy of peace can be. The handshake between Barack Obama and Raúl Castro represents its

greatest achievement. As the newly appointed Chargé d’Affaires at the Embassy of the United States in Cuba he revealed in Alpbach what really matters in the craft of diplomacy: patience, respect and thinking free of ideology.




8 .1 5 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 , E R W I N - S C H R Ö D I N G E R - S A A L – C U LT U R A L P R O G R A M M E

Eight in Harmony played 60 years ago in Alpbach and formed the musical starting point for three new compositions premiered in Alpbach. The evening was one of the high points of the densest cultural programme in the history of the Forum.

Tap tap – you could have heard a pin drop in the packed auditorium as Michael Wendeberg raised his baton, tapped on the music stand and gave the musicians of the renowned Klangforum Wien the upbeat to Gottfried von Einem’s “Alpbacher Tanzserenade”. The piece was first 15

9.1 3 A . M . , A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 , E R W I N - S C H R Ö D I N G E R - S A A L – H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N S Y M P O S I U M

Art and Discourse Every leap, every turn and every glance was perfect. The choreographer and dancer Eva Müller took on the general topic “InEquality” in a gripping performance and inspired deep reflection in the auditorium at the start of the Higher Education Symposium. She demonstrated

that the messages of artistic offerings penetrate into areas of perception deeper than conscious understanding. The striking picture in the background was part of the exhibition “InEquality” by students of the Linz University of Applied Arts. 16



2 . 5 6 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 , H A U P T S C H U L E A L P B A C H – H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N S Y M P O S I U M

Tabling Ideas Café”, with further 27 idea generators formed the centrepiece of the Higher Education Symposium. You can find the summary report with ideas for reducing inequality in higher education online at

Lena Esser (foreground right) built up one of the largest mentoring projects in Germany. Thanks to her initiative, thousands of students are coaching secondary school leavers entering higher education and the world of work. The “World 19


2 . 4 5 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 , H A U P T S C H U L E A L P B A C H – T E C H N O L O G Y S Y M P O S I U M

An Eye for the Innovative ration, described how businesses can manage to remain flexible and innovative. In Alpbach, they searched together for answers to the challenges of tomorrow – and judging by the looks on their faces they did not leave empty-handed. You can find more reports on the sessions at

Digitalisation and technical advances are revolutionising the market. How should we react? In a breakout session, Werner Wutscher, successful businessman, Wolfgang Anzengruber, Chairman of the Board of the largest Austrian electricity producer, and Wilfried Steffen, Head of Business Innovation of a German car corpo-


9.1 2 P. M . , A U G U S T 2 9, 2 0 1 5 , B A C K S TA G E , E R W I N - S C H R Ö D I N G E R - S A A L – S P E A K E R S ’ N I G H T

The Magical Powers of a Great Speech In the packed Erwin-Schrödinger-Saal, the audience waits with baited breath for the judges’ decision. Which speech was the most moving? Who was the most exciting under the spotlight? Who set sparks flying? In the backstage chamber, politics professionals such as Kristalina

Georgieva, Vice-President of the European Commission and Guy Cecil, successful campaign manager for the US Democrats, discussed who would moments later receive the prize for the best speech at the traditional Speakers’ Night.




4 . 4 8 P. M . , A U G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 , R O S S M O O S A L M – A L P B A C H - L A X E N B U R G G R O U P

Give Your Thoughts Free Rein You’ve been to conference rooms across the world and you come to Alpbach because you know one thing: no room provides more inspiration for mind and soul than the sun-bathed Alpbach valley. The participants of the Alpbach-Laxenburg Group, all renowned academics, intellectuals and 25

entrepreneurs, put their heads together in an open-air session to solve global problems such as climate change and educational disadvantage in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Read more at


7. 3 2 P. M . , A U G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 , C O N G R E S S C E N T R E A L P B A C H – P O L I T I C A L S Y M P O S I U M

Nobel Prize Winners of Tomorrow Alpbach wants to light a spark for democracy, human rights and creative drive. In conversation with Nobel Peace Prize laureate JosĂŠ Ramos-Horta, the chances are good that the flame will be passed on. Nowhere else is it as easy as in Alpbach to 27

exchange thoughts and arguments with renowned politicians, academics and artists. All information about the scholarship programme and the application process is available at


Alpbach Reading Material What a unique editorial team: the 15 young journalists of the Alpbach Media Academy come from 14 different countries. They check their facts, look behind the scenes and continue the conference

debates in magazines, newsletters and online in social networks. The magazines can be read online at


3 . 2 2 P. M . , S E P T E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 5 , O N T H E W AY T O Z I R M A L M – A L P B A C H I N M O T I O N , S U M M I T O F E M E R G I N G L E A D E R S

Tracking down the Future Encounters with experienced entrepreneurs in mountain huts and open-air working sessions have become fixtures on the programme. Always at hand: flipcharts for recording good ideas. Read more at:

40 young business leaders wandered through field and forest during the three-day mentoring programme “Alpbach in Motion” to work out which competences the business world of tomorrow will depend on.



1 2 . 2 5 P. M . , S E P T E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 5 , A L P B A C H S W I M M I N G P O O L – E C O N O M I C S Y M P O S I U M

Symbiosis of Great and Small how these partnerships can benefit both sides was revealed in the disused swimming pool – probably the most creative location in Alpbach. This year, catering entrepreneur Tobias Judmaier transformed the empty building into a pop-up bar with a discussion podium.

Christian Kern manages 40,000 employees. Together with 40 creative people, Ali Mahlodji launched a start-up from nothing. Markus Noga works together with 75,000 colleagues. What established business leaders can learn from aspiring entrepreneurs (and vice versa) and 31


6 . 0 8 P. M . , S E P T E M B E R 3 , 2 0 1 5 , C O N G R E S S C E N T R E A L P B A C H – F I N A N C I A L M A R K E T S Y M P O S I U M

Rising Star Tian Guoli moves billions of yen. Financial market experts from all over the world scrutinise his deals, investments and decisions. The Governor of the Bank of China is one of the pioneers for 33

the unstoppable rise of China to become the number one global economic power. In Alpbach, he took part in a discussion with the audience and answered critical questions from journalists.


2 . 2 3 P. M . S E P T E M B E R 4 , 2 0 1 5 , H A U P T S C H U L E A L P B A C H – M AYO R S N E T W O R K M E E T I N G

Architects of Solidarity surrounding the acceptance of refugees into their communities. The result is a 60-page handbook, which you can read at

At the conclusion of the European Forum Alpbach 2015, 120 Austrian mayors searched for solutions to the asylum accommodation crisis. In a participative, moderated process, they exchanged know-how and experiences 35

N O V E M B E R 1 8 T O 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 , L E O P O L D - F R A N Z E N S - U N I V E R S I T Y I N N S B R U C K – C O N F E R E N C E “ C U LT U R E & E C O N O M Y ” I N C O O P E R AT I O N W I T H “ G E D Ä C H T N I S S T I F T U N G P E T E R K A I S E R ( 1 7 9 3 – 1 8 6 4) ”

Typically Europe! The European Forum Alpbach gathers committed people from different areas around one table. This is why our “table conversations” (lower picture) have become a fixture of the conference series “Culture and Economy”. In the 15th and last of the series, the experts placed the potential of a crisis-shaken

Europe under the microscope. What makes Europe unique? Questions such as this were on the agenda in the Innsbruck Town Hall, where the participants, who had previously not known one another, sat together at a table after the plenary discussion and looked into the future of Europe together.


Scholarships Foundation Forum Alpbach Network Speakers Association & Boards Partners Facts & Figures Pages 38 – 39

Pages 40 – 41

Pages 42 – 43

Page 44

Page 47

Pages 48 – 49


Pages 45 – 46


Nothing for Pessimists nities for making new contacts. And they return home with a more acute awareness of Europe’s diversity and cultural sensitivity. All information on how to apply for a scholarship can be found online at

Cultural pessimists and cynics think that the youth of today are a waste of space. In Alpbach 700 young people from all over the world prove otherwise. They travel to Alpbach to immerse themselves in an environment bursting with novel ideas, new ways of thinking and opportu-


N O N - P R O F I T F O U N D AT I O N O F T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H

Create Meaning and Encourage Young People The scholarship programme of the non-profit private foundation of the European Forum Alpbach enables young people from across the world to come to Alpbach and to participate in the Forum. Here they find an intellectual environment in which they can extensively tackle socio-political key questions. The international exchange, the constructive dialogue and the substantive debates with renowned academics and thinkers influence and connect the scholarship holders far beyond Alpbach. Thus the non-profit foundation of the European Forum Alpbach makes a sustainable contribution towards European integration and intercultural understanding.

The comprehensive scholarship programme would be inconceivable without the support of national and international partners. In total, 740 participants took part in the European Forum 2015. The foundation was able to finance 394 scholarships through its own funds and the support of sponsors; the initiative groups and clubs financed the participation of 346 people. The foundation was established by the association “European Forum Alpbach� as a non-profit private foundation of the same name in 2005. All operative costs arising from the organisation of the scholarship programme are carried by the association. Detailed information about the scholarship programme, cost structure and how you can support it can be found at

During the seminar week, scholarship holders of all disciplines endeavour to answer socio-political questions together with renowned academics.


The scholarship holders listen spellbound to John Filling, philosopher at the University of Cambridge, who put the dilemma of inequality and freedom under the microscope in Alpbach.

In total, 740 young people from around 63 countries could take part in the European Forum Alpbach 2015 thanks to the support of numerous partners. S U P P O R T E R S O F T H E N O N - P R O F I T F O U N D AT I O N O F T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H

Austrian Development Agency – ADA | Billa AG | Bohmann Druck & Verlag GmbH & Co. KG | Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie | Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft | Diözese Graz-Seckau – Katholische Kirche in der Steiermark | ERSTE Foundation | Erste Group Bank AG | Generali Holding Vienna AG | Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7) | Lions Club Wieselburg | McKinsey & Company, Inc. Austria | Notar-treuhandbank AG | Österreichische Hagelversicherung VVaG | Österreichischer Integrationsfonds | Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz | Peri Consulting GmbH | Philip Morris Austria GmbH | PORR AG | Stiftung Propter Homines | Raiffeisen Bank International AG | Rotary Club Salzburg-Nord | Samsung Electronics Austria GmbH | Santander Consumer Bank GmbH | VTB Bank (Austria) AG | Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Bundessparte Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft | YPO Danube-WPO Vienna


4 .1 3 P. M . , J U N E 1 9, 2 0 1 5 , F L O AT I N G B O AT C O N F E R E N C E O N T H E D A N U B E B E T W E E N B U C H A R E S T A N D B E L G R A D E

30 Initiatives to Pull together “IG” stands for “Initiative Group” in the world of the “Forum Alpbach Network”, and the members of the alumni associations have more than met the requirement of using their “initiative”, as is evident from the events they have organised themselves. Current examples include the

“Austrian-Macedonian Days” in Skopje or the “Floating Boat Conference” on the Danube between Bucharest and Belgrade. More information on the work and projects of the “Forum Alpbach Network” is provided at



Committed throughout Europe Visible proof of this connection can be seen in the development of 30 alumni associations from 19 different countries, which have also organised highly successful scholarship programmes.

Despite their wide variety of experiences, specialisms and ways of life, the members of the alumni associations have one thing in common – a great passion for critical and interdisciplinary thinking. Their time together at the European Forum Alpbach connects former scholarship holders from across many years and national borders.


Katharina Posch, Johannes Purtscher, Milena Sredojevic, Hannah Wilhelmer (until 09/2015)

Florian Altendorfer, Jutta Grabenhofer, Johanna Grames, Sophie Kandlbauer, Nihada Prnjavorac, Johannes Purtscher (since 09/2015)


– Initiative Group Alpbach Albania (AL) – Initiative Group Alpbach Armenia (ARM) – Club Alpbach Belgrade (SRB) – Club Alpbach Bulgaria (BG) – Club Alpbach Burgenland (A) – Club Alpbach Croatia (HR) – Club Alpbach Germany (D) – Club Alpbach Greece (GR) – Initiative Group Alpbach Kosovo (KS) – Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Club Alpbach Liechtenstein (LI) – Club Alpbach London (GB) – Lviv Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Club Alpbach Macedonia (MK) – Club Alpbach Niederösterreich (A)

– Club Alpbach Oberösterreich (A) – Initiative Group Alpbach Podgorica (MNE) – Initiative Group Alpbach Romania (R) – Club Alpbach Russia (RUS) – Club Alpbach Salzburg (A) – Initiative Group Alpbach Sarajevo (BIH) – Club Alpbach Senza Confini (A/SLO/I) – Club Alpbach Steiermark (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Graz (A) – Club Alpbach Südtirol Alto Adige (I) – Initiative Group Alpbach Team Europe (B) – Club Alpbach Tirol (A) – Club Alpbach Trentino (I) – Club Alpbach Vorarlberg (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Wien (A)



Mohamed Shahabar Abdul Kareem | Ernst Achleitner | Susanna Achleitner | Kerry Agiasotis | Dirk Ahner | Peter C. Aichelburg | Karl Aiginger | Manuel Albaladejo | Karolina Albrecht | José Maria Albuquerque | Suleiman Jasir Al-Herbish | Gunilla Almgren | Madawi Al-Rasheed | Mischa Oliver Altmann | Ayse Güzin Altunbay | Gabriele Ambros | Volker Amelung | Marie-Helene Ametsreiter | Martina Amler | Karl Amon | László Andor | Hannes Androsch | Elisabeth Anker | Helmut Antrekowitsch | Wolfgang Anzengruber | Carmela Aprea | Diana Arjoca | Leo Arpa | Mary-Alice Arthur | Robert Artwohl | Anton Aschwanden | Seyran Ates | Clemens Martin Auer | Franz Auer | Brigitte Aulenbacher | Harry Axmann | Brigitte Bach | Margit Bacher | Gerald Bachinger | Franz Bachmaier | Carla Amina Baghajati | Tarafa Baghajati | Wolfgang Baier | Sandra Baierl | Anette Baldauf | Peter Bale | David Barron | José Manuel Barroso | Gerald Bast | Bernd Bäuchler | Kurt Bayer | Petra Bayr | Florian Becke | Gloria Benedikt | Tim Benton | Harry Bergmann | Konrad Bergmeister | Martin Bernhofer | Teresa Berninger | Maria Bertel | Luc Besancon | Susanne Bethge | Claudia Beyer | Andreas Bierwirth | Jack Birner | Markus Bischofer | Sven Biscop | Joachim Bitterlich | Anja Bittner | Ludwig Bittner | Hédinn Svarfdal Björnsson | Boris Blazevic | Alexander Bodmann | Werner Bogendorfer | Dieter Böhmdorfer | Walter Böhme | Petra Bohuslav | Karlheinz Boiger | Ulrike Böker | Klaus Bonhoff | Harro Borowski | Peter Bosek | Jean-Pierre Bourguignon | Adrian Bradshaw | Andrea Vincenzo Braga | Andrea Braidt | Peter Brandauer | Helmut Brandstätter | Manuela Brandstetter | Wolfgang Brandstetter | Rudolf Bretschneider | Christine Brown | Michael Bruckner | Detlev Buchholz | Daphne Büllesbach | Rajna Buncic | Michael Bünker | Matti Bunzl | Christian Burgsmüller | Mathew J. Burrows | Erhard Busek | David Calas | Anthony F. Camilleri | Luigi Caputo | Phil Cass | Guy Cecil | Willibald Cernko | Mario Cervantes | Michael Chalupka | Veronique Charlety | Vladimir Chizhov | Robert Clark | Guy Clausse | Dick Clomen | Cara Coenen | Juliette Coin | Francesca Colombo | Lu Corfield | Giacomo Corneo | James Cote | Clémentine Cottineau | Stephanie Cox | Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma | Mira Czutka | Anya Dahmani | Erich Dallhammer | Cornelia Daniel | Hannelore Daniel | Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber | Olivier Dantine | Marcy Darnovsky | Rafael Daum | Oceane Dayer | Anna De Carlo | Aart Jan De Geus | Boris De Ruyter | Robert De Souza | Jeffrey Delaurentis | Dora Deliyska | Gregor Demblin | Steven Denbaars | Berhanu Ashagrie Deribew | Friedemann Derschmidt | Nele Derynck | Markus Deuter | Hans-Liudger Dienel | Carole Dieschbourg | Jeroen Dijsselbloem | Tanja Domej | Mirjam Dondi | Marianne Donven | Christian Dorninger | Dominique Döttling | Lorelei Dowling | Gustav Dressler | Petr Drulak | Paul Dujardin | Nicholas Dungan | Wolfgang Dür | Hubert Dürrstein | Lisa Dyk | Vedran Dzihic | Walter Ebm | Michl Ebner | Georg Eckert | Philipp Eder | Brigitte Ederer | Pascale Ehrenfreund | Caspar Einem | Susanne Ursula Elsen | Stefan Empter | Dana Engel | Heinz W. Engl | Beth English | Alexis Eremia | Hikmet Ersek | Andreas Esche | Emily Escobar | Bruce Eshaya-Chauvin | Lena-Carolina Esser | Rainer Esser | Ottmar Ette | Helmut Ettl | Andreas Exenberger | Nick Fahy | Markus Faiszt | Giovanni Faleg | Anton Falkeis | Helmut Fallmann | Peter Faross | Martin Fassl | Lukas Faymann | Walter E. Feichtinger | Simone Feiner | Gabriel Felbermayr | Wolfgang Fenkart-Fröschl | Alois Ferscha | Armin Fidler | Krystian Fikert | John Filling | Heinz Fischer | Franz Fischler | Heiner Flassbeck | Michael Fleischhacker | Alexandra Föderl-Schmid | Hans-Peter Folz | Michael Förster | Hilde Frafjord Johnson | Johann Frank | Liesl Frankl | Lieve Fransen | Andrea Fraundorfer | Christoph Frei | Elisabeth Freytag-Rigler | Andrea Fried | Michaela Fritz | Ursula Frohner | Heinz Fronek | Klaus Fronius | Verena Fuchsberger | Bettina Fuhrmann | Rostyslav Fuk | Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz | Gerald Füstös | Michael Gaebel | Fernando M. Galan Palomares | Robert Gander | Chris Gary | Ludovit Garzik | Ille C. Gebeshuber | Michael Gehbauer | Christian Gehrer | Eva Geiblinger | Ernst Gelegs | Nina George | Kristalina Georgieva | Michael Gerber | Markus Gerschberger | Martin H. Gerzabek | Alberto Gianera | Moritz Gieselmann | Mauro Gilmozzi | Enrico Giovannini | Susanne Glass | Bettina Glatz-Kremsner | Robin Gleeson | Heidemarie Glück | Bettina Gneisz-AlAni | Brigitte Göbbels-Dreyling | Christian Göbel | Ingrid Gogolin | Juan José Gomez Camacho | Katya Gorchinskaya | Ingrid Angela Gössinger | Bernd Gottinger | James Gow | Roland Gozzi | Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic | Richard Grasl | Evelinde Grassegger | Benedikt Grawe | Scott L. Greer | Renald Gregoire | Julia Grill | Nikolaus Griller | Jürgen Grimm | Marc Groenewoud | Michael Groiss | Boris Gröndahl | Marianne Gronemeyer | Petra Grosinic | Gerald Gross | Stefan Gross | Radu Grosu | Marianne Gruber | Roland Gruber | Harald Gründl | Beate Gsell | Maria Gstättner | Ulrike Guerot | Georg Günsberg | Bernhard Güntert | Detlef Günther | Barbara Guwak | Peter Habeler | Lutz Hachmeister | Julian M. Hadschieff | John Hagel Iii | Christa Hainz | Tarja Halonen | Brenda Hambleton | Ingrid Hamm | Walter Hämmerle | Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Martina Handler | Anna Handschuh | Chang-Chieh Hang | Dietmar Harhoff | Paul Hartmann | Faris Hasan | Hermann Hauser | Fritz Hausjell | Diego Heatherman | Lois Hechenblaikner | Corinne Heckmann | Gerlinde Heil | Michael Heinisch | Bernhard Heinzlmaier | Piet Heirbaut | Cecilia Heiss | Manfred Hellrigl | Christian Helmenstein | Christine Henry-Huthmacher | Frank Hensel | Robert Hepach | Sabine Herlitschka | Peter Hermann | Vincent-Immanuel Herr | Valerie Herzberg | Günter Herzig | Gerhard Hetfleisch | Nikki-Kate Heyes | Friso D. Heyt | Michael Hilbert | Marc Hill | Ursula Hillbrand | Christoph Hinterlechner | Petra Hirschler | Paulus Hochgatterer | Anna Maria Hochhauser | Andrea-Rosalinde Hofer | Johannes Hoff | Claudia Hoffmann | Reiner Hoffmann | Sabine Hoffmann | Birgit Hofreiter | Yvonne Hofstetter | Claudia Höller | Valerie Höllinger | Helmut Holzinger | Kristina Höök | Irene Hopfgartner | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | Dagmar Höppel | Christian Hörl | Christian Hörl | Manuel Hörl | Volker Hornsteiner | Mohammad Hosseini | Katja Hoyer | Eva-Katharina Huber | Werner Huber | Marion Huber-Humer | Miriam Hübl | Ulrike Huemer | Lukas Maximilian Hüller | Doris Hummer | Waldemar Hummer | Rudolf Hundstorfer | Therese Hurch | Agnes Husslein-Arco | Sebastian Huter | Thomas Hutle | Raimund Hüttenbrenner | Hans-Peter Hutter | Karoline Iber | Hadeel Ibrahim | John Ikenberry | Christof Isopp | Philipp Jagschitz | Harold James | Odette Jankowitsch | Markus Jäntti | Lukasz Jarzabek | Gabriele Jauck | Markus Jeschaunig | Nikolaus Jilch | Tobias Judmaier | Pavel Kabat | Arno Kahl | Gregor Kainz | Alexander Kaiser | Monika Kalcsics | Angela Kane | Reinhard Kannonier | Stefan Kapferer | Georg Kapsch | Nicole C. Karafyllis | Othmar Karas | Helene Karmasin | Sophie Karmasin | Leo Kaserer | Rudi Kaske | Ulrich Kater | Harald Katzmair | Inge Kaul | Karin Keglevich-Lauringer | Ronja Kempin | Judit Keri | Christian Kern | Christian Kern | Werner Kerschbaum | Hussein Khaddour | Bashir Khordahji | Jan Kickert | Manfred Kienpointner | Franz Kiesl | Gi-Eun Kim | Richard King | Monika Kircher | Asli Kislal | Renate-Melanie Kiszkiel | Mari Kiviniemi | Lea Kleinenkuhnen | Friedrich Kleinhapl | Kilian Kleinschmidt | Daniela Kleinschmit | Maria Kletecka-Pulker | Hugo Klingler | Gerald Klug | Paul Knox-Clarke | Mathias Koch | Angelika Kofler | Traude Kogoj | Gwendolyn Christin Kohlhaupt | Jana Kolar | Heinz Kölbl | Peter F. Kollmann | Barbara Kolm | Arno Kompatscher | Alexandra Koncar | Bernhard König | Robert Koopman | Georg Kopetz | Johannes Kopf | Angela Köppl | Peter Koren | Andreas Körner | Jacqueline Kornmüller | Barbara Korte | Brigitte Kössner-Skoff | Thomas Kostera | Sabine Theresia Köszegi | Hans-Helmut Kotz | Harald Kraft | Wolfgang Krajic | Margherita Kramer | Ivan Krastev | Reinhard Kreissl | Angelika Kresch | Jan Krims | Gerd Krizek | Ralf Kronberger | Andreas Kronthaler | Michael Kuhn | Mariana Kühnel | Axel Kühner | Pratap Kumar | Bistra Kumbaroska | Gerbert Kunst | Sebastian Kurz | Ivi Kussmaul | Nina Kusturica | Luka Kusztrich | Ferdinand Lacina | Franz Lackner | Giancarlo Lamonaca | Daniel Landau | Matteo Landi | Kurt Langbein | Margrieta Langins | Hans Peter Lankes | Erard Le Beau De Hemricourt | Elke Ledl | Burton Lee | Andrea Lehky | Anna Lehmann | Julian Lehmann | Wolfgang Lehofer | Franz Leidenmühler | Christoph Leitl | Adam Lent | Hannes Leo | Cesy Leonard | Leo Lewis | Julia Libiseller | Kornelia Lienhart | Mikael Lindahl | Günther Lindenlaub | Claudia Lingner | Johannes F. Linn | Maximilian Linser | Claudia Lintner | Volker Lipp | Isabell Lisberg-Haag | Laura Lischinski | Kathryn List | Walter A. Lorenz | Alejandra Loreto | Michael Losch | Christine Lötscher | Edward Carmichael Luck | Fyodor Lukyanov | Ulrike Lunacek | Tamara Lunger | Markus Lust | Rosa Lyon | Robert Madelin | Christoph Mader | Arvind Madhavan | Mathieu Maes | Bérangère Magarinos-Ruchat | Jose Magnaye | Piotr Magnuszewski | Ali Mahlodji | Harald Mahrer | Andreas Mailath-Pokorny | Johanna Mair | Jussi Manninen | Ila Manuj | Georg Margreiter | Roland Mariacher | Dalia Marin | Christian Markl | Josef Marko | Maria Marksteiner | Michael Marmot | Alexander Marschik | Markus Marterbauer | Diana Adela Martin | Ian Martin | Sophie Martinetz-Stühlinger | Axel Marx | Sergii Masyk | Josef Mathis | Simon Mathis | Jana Matischok | Clemens Matzer | Manfred Matzka | Kurt Matzler | Christoph Matznetter | Antonia Mauersberg | Herbert Maurer | Mary E. Maxon | Martin Mayer | Thomas Mayr-Harting | Christine Mayrhuber | Jacopo Mazzonelli | Louise Mccosker | Reinhard Mechler | Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel | Wolfgang Meixner | Arno Melitopulos | Heike Mensi-Klarbach | Friederike Menz | Isabella Meran-Waldstein | Mark Meredith | Anke Merkl-Rachbauer | Roman H. Mesicek | Mathilde Mesnard | Manuela Luisa Meusburger | Quentin Michel | Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz | Corinna Milborn | Natasa Milicevic | Alexandra Millonig | Tanja Mimmo | Apollonia Miola | Georg Miribung | Katerina Mishchenko | Konstantin Mitgutsch | Isidora Mitic | Karoline Mitterer | Reinhold Mitterlehner | Corinna Mittlbach | Anush Mkrtchyan | Jürgen Mlynek | Toke Paludan Moeller | Amina J. Mohammed | Hanna Molden | Wilhelm Molterer | Pradeep Monga | Benoit Montreuil | Andrew Moravcsik | Adelheid Moretti | Ingrid Moritz | Walter Mösenbacher | Andreas Moser | Johannes Moser | Johannes Moser | Katharina Moser | Axel Mühlbacher | Werner Muhm | Eva Müller | David Mum | Rainer Münz | Martin Murer | Florian Mussner | Yupar Myint | Erna Nairz-Wirth | Nebojsa Nakicenovic | Philippe Narval | Ursula Naue | Frank Neher | Heinrich Neisser | Lita Nelsen | Martin Netzer | Wolfgang Neubauer | Christoph Neumayer | Kerstin Neumayer | Stefan Neuner | Mathilde Niehaus | Yetnebersh Nigussie | Christophe Nijdam | Monica Nissen | Franziska Nittinger | Markus Noga | Ellen Nolte | Thomas Norgaard | Charles Normand | Manfred Nowak | Rainer Nowak | Ewald Nowotny | Helga Nowotny | Verena Nowotny | Eva Inés Obergfell | Sabine Oberhauser | Hermann Obermair | Stephen O’Brien | Walter Obwexer | Julia S. O’Connor | Hedda Oehlberger-Femundsenden | Raffaela Ortner | Maja Osojnik | Josef Ostermayer | June O’Sullivan-Halse | Silke Ötsch | Borut Pahor | Anthony Painter | József Palinkas | George J. Pappas | Gunter Pauli | Kamila Pawlowska | Jan Pazourek | Alice Pechriggl | Gracy Pelacani | Heidemarie Penker | Josef Perner | Piotr Peszat | Marianne Peters | Ernst Petri | Oleh Petryshyn | Georg Pfeifer | Elmar Pichl | Sigrid Pilz | Alex Pinter | Sybille Pirklbauer | Nathan Plante | Janneke Plantenga | Günther Platter | Anke Plättner | Michael Ploder | Wilfried Pohl | Klaus Poier | Karin Pollack | Paolo Pombeni | Bartosz Poniatowski | Colin Porlezza | Peter Post | Nina Poxleitner | Christine Prantauer | Andreas Prenn | Rudy Priem | Markus Priller | Cornelia Primosch | Attila Primus | Thomas Primus | Robert Prosser | Franz Karl Prüller | Ruslan Prystupa | Wojciech Przybylski | Klaus Pseiner | Sonja Puntscher Riekmann | Johannes M. Purtscher | Nihad Qoja | Christina Raab | Heikki Raappana | Filip Radunovic | Claus J. Raidl | Christine Rainer | Jose Ramos-Horta | Shalini Randeria | Philipp Rank | Narasimha Rao | Josef Raschhofer | Margret Rasfeld | Elisabeth Rathgeb | Oliver Rathkolb | Brigitte Ratzer | Helmut Rauch | Manfried Rauchensteiner | Harald Raupenstrauch | Gilles Reckinger | Viviane Reding | Christian Redl | Martin Rees | Georg Regal | Norbert Regitnig-Tillian | Evelyn Regner | Manfred Reichl | Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze | Gerald Reischl | Matthias Reisinger | Sabine Reisinger | Erwin Reisner | Michael Reiterer | Wolfgang Renner | Jana Revedin | Christoph Richter | Julian Richter | Anita Rieder | Amber Riedl | Raphael Alois Riedler | Wolfgang Riedler | Andreas Riepl | Susanne Ring-Dimitriou | Marie Ringler | Verena Ringler | Alexander Rinke | Edgars Rinkevics | Johann Rinnhofer | John E. Roemer | Albert Rohan | Herbert Rohrmair-Lewis | Michael Roth | Walter L. Rothschild | Walter Ruck | Andreas Rudigier | Franz Rudorfer | Barbara Ruhsmann | Gerhard Ruiss | Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente | Andrea Rukschcio-Wilhelm | Robin Rumler | Dirk Rupnow | Andrä Rupprechter | Bert Rürup | Michael Friedrich Russold | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Saiedeh Saghafi | Stefan Sagl | Amin Saikal | Adelheid Sailer-Schuster | Ramazan Salman | Martina Salomon | Werner Salzburger | Peter Sandbichler | Thilo Sarrazin | Thomas Sattelberger | Bernd Satzinger | Sara Savastano | Anna Scalfi Eghenter | Robert Schabus | Ingolf Schädler | Roland Schaffler | Heinrich Schaller | Elisabeth Scharang | Gaby Schaunig | Heidi Schelhowe | Franz Schellhorn | Hans Jörg Schelling | Stefani Scherer | Manfred Scheuer | Matthias Scheutz | Dagmar Schiek | Georg Schima | Christa Schlager | Eva Schlegel | Gernot Schleich | Sophia Schlette | Eva Schmid | Heinrich Schmidinger | Salome Schmid-Isler | Gottfried Schmidt | Paul Schmidt | Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth | Simone Schmiedtbauer | Susanne Schnabl | Alyssa Schneebaum | Hedwig Schneid | Carola Schneider | Gabriele Schneider-Fuchs | Laura Schoch | Markus Scholz | Christoph Schönborn | Harald Schöning | Ulrich Schoof | Volker Schörghofer | Daniel Schraad-Tischler | Michael Schrage | Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger | Ann-Katrin Schröder-Kralemann | Renée Schroeder | Werner Schroeder | Leo Schrottenbach | Helene Schuberth | Ulrich Schuh | Martha Schultz | Marianne Schulze | Ulrich Schurr | Winfried Schwab | Alois Schwarz | Dominik Schwarz | Richard Schwarzenauer | Michael Schweitzer | Judith Schwentner | Klaus Schwertner | Rebecca Scroggs | Walter Seebacher | Susen Seidel | Sabine Seidler | Hans-Ulrich Seidt | Johann Seif | Thomas Seifert | Klara Sekanina | Angelika Sery-Froschauer | Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller | Faiza Shaheen | Dan Shechtman | Nona Shepphard | Marat Shterin | Sam Loni Siamak | Dieter Siegel | Robert Siegel | Roland Yves Siegwart | Lorenz Sigl | Judit Simon | Otto J. Simon | Marie-Louise Skolud | Peter Small | Christian Smoliner | Marie So | Bettina Sobkowiak | Alexandrina Soldatenko | Johann Sollgruber | Dieter Soltmann | Bihter Somersan | Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger | Monika Sommer-Sieghart | Monika Sommer-Sieghart | Thorkil Sonne | Martin Speer | Gernot Spiegelberg | Sarah Spiekermann | Roland Spitzlinger | Thomas Sporer | Michael Stabenow | Franz Staberhofer | Clarissa Stadler | Valentin Stalf | Guy Standing | Reinhard A. Stauber | Charlotte Steenbergen | Wilfried Steffen | Jutta Steidl | Anna Steiger | Katharina Viktoria Stein | Michael Steiner | Gabriele Steinhauser | Unni Merete Steinsmo | Daniel Stelter | Peter Stephens | Sonja Stessl | Mario Steyer | Anna-Luise Stille | Johann Stixenberger | Markus Stock | Marlene Stocker | Alois Stöger | Richard Straub | Marlene Streeruwitz | Rudolf Streinz | Agnes Streissler-Führer | Jürgen Streitner | Hansjörg Strohmeyer | Heidrun Strohmeyer | Ernst Strouhal | Michael Strugl | Nino Struska | Margareta Stubenrauch | Maria Elisabeth Stubits-Weidinger | Anna Stuhlpfarrer | Richard Sturn | Irene Suchy | Marc Szepan | Martin Taborsky | Stefan Tasch | Christoph Tauber | Karin Tausz | Herbert Tempsch | Charlie Thomas | Christoph ThunHohenstein | Guoli Tian | Werner Tiki Küstenmacher | Bernhard Tilg | Nathalie Tocci | Karlheinz Töchterle | Doris Tomanek | Yvonne Toncic-Sorinj | Elisabeth Totzauer | Mariam Traore Chazalnoel | Ferdinand Trauttmansdorff | Lisa Trockner | Ulrich Trog | Valentine Troi | Verica Trstenjak | Vincent Tschaikner | Manfred Tscheligi | Eva Maria Tscherner | Gertrude TumpelGugerell | Mary Tupan-Wenno | Herwig Turk | Katharina Turnauer | Thomas Uhr | Farooq Ullah | Paulina Unfried | Martin Unger | Klaus Unterberger | Natacha Valla | Willem Van Der Vlugt | Maarten Van Ham | Jordi Vaquer | Melinda Varfi | Christiane Varga | Klaus Vavrik | Roland Verwiebe | Ewa Vesely | Giorgos Vichas | Theresia Vogel | Johannes Voggenhuber | Sebastian Vollmer | Helga Von Aufschnaiter | Christina Von Braun | Joachim Von Braun | Ernst Ulrich Von Weizsäcker | Erich Vranes | Shailendra Vyakarnam | Christoph Walder | Anna-Maria Wallner | Jürgen Wallner | Margot Wallström | Thomas Wally | Othmar Walser | Florian Wandruszka | Anna Wanitschek | Yukiko Watanabe | Andreas Weber | Gerlind Weber | Viktoria Weber | Artur Wechselberger | Valentin Wedl | Johannes Wegerbauer | Elisabeth Wehling | Sonja Wehsely | Peter Weiermair | Barbara Weitgruber | Lars Wellm | Michael Wendeberg | Maria Wendler | Stefanie Werinos | Vivienne Westwood | Michael Wheeler | Senem Wicki | Gert Wiegele | Marcus Wiemann | Barbara Wiesinger | Wolfgang Wiesmayr | Andreas Wild | Kajsa Wilhelmsson | Edu Willemse | Howard Williamson | Klaus Winkler | Hans Jörg Wippel | Maria Wirth | Verena Wisthaler | Nick Witney | Ingolf Wittmann | Andreas Wögerbauer | Anna Wohlesser | Peter Ulrich Wolf | Johannes Wolfslehner | Peter Woodward | Wolfgang Wosolsobe | Alexander Wrabetz | Alexander Wunsch | Werner Wutscher | Sitao Xu | Bernhard Zachhuber | Emanuela Pepkola Zaimi | Renata Zanin | Peter Zanker | Susanna Zapreva | Mario Zenhäusern | Volker Zepf | Claus Zeppelzauer | Gabriele Zgubic-Engleder | Li Zhang | Shuguang Zhang | Anita Zielina | Karolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska | Theodor Zillner | Astrid Zimmermann | Reinhard Zmölnig | Heinz Zourek | Detlef Zühlke | Gabriele Zuna-Kratky | Thomas Zwiefelhofer



European Forum Alpbach The first European Forum Alpbach took place in 1945, initially called “International College Weeks”. Founded in 1948 as a non-profit association based in Vienna, it acts independently of any ideology, religion or political party. The association only functions thanks to the vast number of people who,

with the exception of the organisation team, all give their time to the Forum Alpbach voluntarily. They have contributed to making the European Forum Alpbach one of the most important European interdisciplinary dialogue platforms for science, politics, economics and culture today.





Honorary Presidents


Scientific Advisory Board

Erhard Busek, Heinrich Pfusterschmid-Hardtenstein

Peter C. Aichelburg, Martin Bernhofer, Jürgen Busch, Verena Ehold, Friedrich Gleissner, Erich Gornik, Ivo Greiter, Wolfgang Habermayer, Michael Haider, Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Günter Hillebrand, Herwig Hösele, Michael Ikrath, Wolfgang Knoll, Georg Kopetz, Friedrich Korkisch, Richard Kruspel, Franz Leitgeb, Kathryn List, Christian Macek, Bernhard Marckhgott, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Patricia Mussi-Mailer, Dieter Natlacen, Michael Neider, Ewald Nowotny, Johannes Ortner, Klaus Poier, Werner Plunger, Filip Radunovic, Reingard Rauch, Pamela RendiWagner, Wolfgang Renner, Verena Ringler, Walter Rothensteiner, Peter M. Schmidhuber, Christoph Schneider, Rainer Schrems, Matthias Strolz, Alexandra Terzic-Auer

Caspar Einem (Head since 09/2015), Peter C. Aichelburg (Head until 08/2015), Gerald Bast, Petar Bojanic, Andrea Braidt, Rudolf Burger, Helmut Denk, Heinz W. Engl, Walter E. Feichtinger, Martin Gerzabek, Erich Gornik, Markus Hengstschläger, Waldemar Hummer, Pavel Kabat, Harald Katzmair, Martin Kocher, Reinhart Kögerler, Tilmann Märk, Peter Markl, Hanspeter Mössenböck, Gerd Müller, Jozef Niewiadomski, Eva Nowotny, Gordana Popovic, Wolf Rauch, Anita Rieder, Miriam Rehm, Katharina Scherke, Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger, Renée Schröder, Wilfried Stadler, Hans Sünkel, Gottfried Wagner, Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Ruth Wodak, Waldemar Zacharasiewicz

Other Members of the Board Manfred Url (Finanzreferent), Günther Schrems, Max Kothbauer (Rechnungsprüfer) Arbitration Board Friedrich Gleissner, Waldemar Hummer, Michael Neider, Katharina Scherke Board Präsidium, Johannes Purtscher, Nihada Prnjavorac, Manfred Url



Corresponding members of the Scientific Advisory Board Hans Albert, Emil Brix, Hubert Christian Ehalt, Hans Flohr, Franz Gruber, Ivo Hajnal, Friso D. Heyt, Klemens Hofmeister, Michael Holoubek, Ernest König, Ingrid Kurz, Jean-Marie Lehn, Konrad Paul Liessmann, Irmgard Marboe, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Berthold Molden, Helga Nowotny, Renate Rathmayr, Nikolaus Rottenberger, Gerhard Sabathil, Peter M. Schmidhuber, Heinrich Schmidinger, Christoph Schneider, Kurt Scholz, Christine Stix-Hackl, Werner Teufelsbauer, Hans Tuppy, Manfred Wagner, Georg Winckler

Organising Team (by 12/2015) Philippe Narval (Managing Director), Martina Albrecht, Verena Gruber, Ruth Heinisch, Veronika Hopfgartner (on leave), Stefan Kranewitter, Franz Mailer, Katharina Okulski, Magdalena Rostkowska-Müllner, Margarita Schuster, Christiane Schwaiger, Monika Sommer-Sieghart, Floria Springer (on leave), Charlotte Steenbergen, Annamária Tóth, Lara Weisz, Franziska Werkner


Health Symposium

Tyrol Day

Political Symposium

Armin Fidler, Amin El-Heliebi, Jan Oliver Huber, Hedwig J. Kaiser, Werner Kerschbaum, Marcus Müllner, Sigrid Pilz, Josef Probst, Pamela RendiWagner, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Artur Wechselberger, Johannes Zschocke

Andreas Altmann, Konrad Bergmeister, Lara Bertolli, Andreas Eisendle, Matthias Fink, Franz Fischler, Helga Fritsch, Harald Gohm, Martin Kubat, Tilmann Märk, Luca Nogler, Birgit Oberkofler, Sabine Schindler, Werner Stuflesser

Wolfgang Böhm, Erhard Busek, Harald Dossi, Vedran Dzihic, Walter Feichtinger, Franz Fischler, Martin Frick, Jan Kickert, Thomas MayrHarting, Eva Nowotny, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Verena Ringler

Legal Symposium

Economic Symposium

Financial Market Symposium

Walter Berka, Caspar Einem, Christoph Grabenwarter, Johannes Heinrich, Brigitta Lurger, Manfred Matzka, Roland Miklau, Walter Obwexer, Johannes Pichler, Klaus Poier, Thomas Schützenhöfer, Michael Somlyay, Richard Soyer, Eva Maria Tscherner, Alma Zadic

Gottfried Haber, Martin Kocher, Markus Marterbauer, Peter Mooslechner, Philippe Narval, Claus J. Raidl, Anna Rauch-Kopetz, Christoph Schneider, Margit SchratzenstallerAltzinger, Agnes Streissler-Führer, Werner Wutscher

Kurt Bayer, Christian Keuschnigg, Rainer Münz, Claus J. Raidl, Franz Rudorfer, Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell, Florian Wandruszka

Built Environment Symposium Caspar Einem, Wolfgang Förster, Norbert Kettner, Hermann Knoflacher, Arnold Klotz, Sina Lipp, Sylke Nissen, Haris Piplas, Albert Wimmer, Hans Jörg Wippel


S P O N S O R S A N D PA R T N E R S O F T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H 2 0 1 5

Principal Partners BMW | Fabasoft | Land Tirol | Österreichische Lotterien Co-Organisers

Main Partners

Cooperation Partners

AIT | AK | Europaregion Tirol - Südtirol Trentino | ORF Radio Ö1 | Pharmig | WKÖ

A1 | Generali Holding | Stiftung Mercator | T-Mobile | UniCredit Bank Austria AG | WVG Bauträger

BM für Bildung und Frauen | BM für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie | BM für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft | FHK | uniko

Scientific Partners

Ecole Nationale d’Administration | European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies | European Research Council | Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis | WU Wien Event Partners APA | Austrian Airlines | Gemeinde Alpbach | Lenzing Papier | NEC | ÖBB-Postbus | ORF Ö1 Club | Samsung | Xerox Austria Supporting Partners Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung | Atos IT Solutions and Services | AUSTROMED | Autonome Provinz Bozen Südtirol | Autonome Provinz Trient | Bertelsmann Stiftung | Billa | Bioeconomy Austria | BMEIA | BMF | BMFJ | BMG | BMJ | BMI | BMLFUW | BMLVS | Veronika und Chris Brenninkmeyer | Bundessparte Bank und Versicherung der WKÖ | Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH | Deloitte Audit Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH | ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH | ERSTE Stiftung | | Europäisches Parlament (Informationsbüro in Österreich) | Europäische Kommission (Vertretung Österreich) | Familie & Beruf Management GmbH | Familienwohnbau gemeinnützige Bau- und Siedlungsgesellschaft m.b.H. | FHWien der WKW | Forschung Austria | Government of Louxembourg | Handelskammer Bozen | Handelskammer Trient | Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger | Hernstein Institut für Management und Leadership der Wirtschaftskammer Wien | Horváth & Partners Management Consulting GmbH | JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH | Julius Raab Stiftung | Jupiter Asset Management Limited | | Klima- und Energiefonds | Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7) | Microsoft | ÖBB | Österreichische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit | Oesterreichische Nationalbank | OFID - OPEC Fund for International Development | Österreichische Ärztekammer | Österreichische Notariatskammer | Österreichischer Integrationsfonds – Fonds zur Integration von Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen (ÖIF) | Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag | Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz | ÖSTU-STETTIN Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH | PORR AG | PwC Österreich GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft | Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG | REWE Group | Salzburger Hochschulkonferenz | Santander Consumer Bank GmbH | SAP Österreich GmbH | STRABAG AG | Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse | Trenkwalder Personaldienste GmbH | TU Austria | TU Wien | Ulreich Bauträger GmbH | Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien | Universität Salzburg | VERBUND AG | Verein zur Fürderung von Forschung und Innovation | Vinzenz Gruppe Krankenhausbeteiligungs- und Management GmbH | Western Union | Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG | Wirtschaftskammer Tirol | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien | Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte gemeinnützige GmbH As well as Alpbacher Bergbahnen | BJV | CAS-SEE Centre for Advanced Studies Southeastern Europe | CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies | Coca-Cola | DEZA Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit | Hutchison Drei Austria | European Investment Bank Institute | foraus - Forum Aussenpolitik | Italian Civil Protection Department | JRC Joint Research Centre der EU-Kommission | promitto | RSA Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce | Senat der Wirtschaft | Siemens | Standortagentur Tirol | Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft | UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization | UN-OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affair Contributions in Kind all i need beverage GmbH | Austrian Energy Agency | Bäckerei Ruetz | BENE AG | Brau Union Österreich AG | ErlebnisSennerei Zillertal | FHWien der WKW | HANDL TYROL GmbH | Ja! Natürlich Naturprodukte GmbH | LENZING PAPIER GMBH | MCI Management Center Innsbruck | Morandell International GmbH | Post AG | Privatquelle Gruber GmbH & Co KG Media Partners Forbes Austria | | NZZ | Die Presse | ORF Radio Ö1 | Der Standard | Terra Mater | Trend | Wiener Zeitung Sponsors and Partners of the Conference “Culture and Economy” Gedächtnisstiftung Peter Kaiser (1793-1864) | Universität Innsbruck | Stadt Innsbruck Sponsors and Partners of the Innovation lab “Re:think Austria 2015” Kovar & Partners | freims: contemporary consulting for transformation, innovation and impact | Gebrüder Weiss 47


Our Work so Far The European Forum Alpbach has operated as a non-profit association since 1948. The association is headed by an honorary executive board. The organisation team in Vienna consists of 15 employees. Over 100 volunteers support the Forum. We also act as a platform for socio-political discourse and innovation and support the young people of Europe.

Thanks to countless supporters, sponsors and solid revenue from participation fees, the European Forum Alpbach was able to continue non-profit projects such as the Media Academy and the Innovation Lab “Re:think Austria”, as well as establishing a new format in the form of the networking meeting on the asylum accommodation crisis. In 2014, the organisation ran a balanced budget.


Open & Reliable The European Forum Alpbach’s annual financial statements are audited each year by Sedelmayer & Klier Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer GmbH. The accounts constitute a record of use of the sponsorship money and donations entrusted to us. The audit for the 2014 financial year was completed on March 18, 2015, and was accepted unanimously by the General Assembly: “According to our assessment, the (...) present accounting system is a transparent and comprehensive reflection of the course of business.

The association’s financial situation is in order.” The financial statements were submitted to the association committee for statutory use and were judged as orderly, and the allocation of funds was deemed to be in accordance with the statutes by honorary auditors Günter Schrems (Head of Organisation Sales Processes; Erste Bank) and Max Kothbauer (Vice President of the National Bank of Austria).


T U R N O V E R 2 0 1 4 : â‚Ź 2 , 6 0 7, 8 5 1

C O S T S 2 0 1 4 : â‚Ź 2 , 6 0 7, 8 5 1

PA R T I C I PAT I O N S AT T H E E U R O P E A N F O R U M A L P B A C H 2 0 1 5

Note: The chart indicates the number of persons who have attented different symposia (incl. multiple participations). 49 @forumalpbach /forumalpbach

Since 1945.

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